HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-02 - Orange Coast Pilot• .· .· .. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1988 25 CE Death knen:sounds. for--Meadowlark Huntington councilapproves plans for hom~s, shopping c nter at 65-acre site By ROBERt BARKER °' .............. fvteadowlark Aarpon apparently received a dc<1th sentence Monday when Huntiniton Beach City Council members approved construcuon of homes. apanments and a shopping center at the 65-as:~ site. Nation Attorney General Meese says he can't recall read-, ing about payoff plan In m emo./A4 .coast · Costa Mesa allows beer sales' at gas station-mini markets./ A2 Californi~ State Supreme Court al- lows use of Miranda-ex- cluded confessions against suspects who take witness stand./ AS Entertainment ·'Marry Me a Little'· is a tasty but unfilllng musical appetizer at South Coast Repertory./ A 11 Index Approval of a zoning change. which will phase out the longttme haven for weekend pilotsand turn the la nd over to as many as 600 homes and apartments and a 15-acre shop- pintccnter. came on a straight "pany line vote. Pro-grov.t h ad vocates J o hn Erskine. Jack Kelly. Wes Bannister Activists. say dogs atUCI abused By PAUL ARCHIPLEY °' ................. An anonymous caller cla1m1ng to represent animal ngh1s ac11 v1sts who stoic I J. beag.les from a UCI research laboratol) ~1d Monda)' that a 'eter- inal) checkup sho"ed the dogs had · been.m1st!eated Campus oflic1als. ho"-e\t~r. denied the charge and announced that a S5.000 rev.a rd v.as ofTc.-red 1n connec- 11on w11h the return of the animals. A uni H.:rSJt) spokeswoman ~1d Dr. Roben Phalen. who O\ crsav. the dog npenments, ofTereJ the monc.-) from ~1s own poc-ket B1ll 8rov.nell. n e-1..ull\e director of thl' Wc.--Ttp cnmc.--lighttng organiza- tion. said an add1t1onal S23500 1s a\atlable to an~one v.ho provides mfo.rmalJon lending 10 an arr~t 1n the ca\e Thnnone~. he said. is pan ofa statc.-v. 1de fund put up b~ the gov- C'rnor's oflice and other sources· to hl'lp light arson-related cnl]les and 'andaltsm of 1h1s nature \'Cl spokc~woman Ltnda Grancll said authOrttte\ at lhl' schoof were.- ha\ mg lmlc lu<lc 1n finding the beagles. which the anonymous caller told the. Oatl> Pilot were . placed in homes Monda) after being stokn 0 ' c.-r the v.cc.-1>.end · ·rhe callcr .... 1a1med 10 repre~n1 1hc: .\n1mal L1ber:111o n Front -1he group that took l red11 for aturda~ s thc.-fl -and said a 'etennanan checked each of the dngs and found them to be 1n ooor condition (Pleue .ee BEAGLES/A2) and Tum Ma)S \Otcd for the project. It "3)al\al ked b) rrs1dents. howe ver. "ho fear 11 will bnng traflic conges- tion and burden 1he-Jtrca's sewer S)stcm ·Grace Winchell . Peter Green and Ruth Ftnlc) -'•C"-t'd as the coun- cil's c.-n' ironml'ntal faction -voted aga1m1 the propo\al The airpon . which has served pilots of )mall airplanes ~nee 1949, has ta~rn Oak o' c.-r the years from rcs1dcnts v.ho mo,ed into homes built on the outsk1ns of the runv.ay. But II has been staunch!) supported b) pilots who sa) the} now "'111 ha' e 10 go out of Orange ( ount) to ba~ their plant.s Officials stipulated \fonda) that the aarpon will close 60 da~s after the first building permits are approved Dick Neno. a spoke\man for the famll > that has ownrd the a1rpon at Warner A\enue and Bolsu Chica Street sine<.' 1952. said he e)(pec-ts 10 take plans to the ctl\ later 1h1~ 'ear for the shopping center' which 1\ slatcd to be butll first Raindrops keep fall i n' ., Laura Cable of Coeta Mesa doean 't need to call anyone for a •e.ather forecut. 111e-ratn falltq on ber at Oran1e Coaat Colle&e thl• momt.nc wt•pert of a etorm that dropped about one·tlltrd of an inch of rain o•emtcht. with another one-half lncb expected today. The forecut call• for thandenbowen a• the atorm movea Inland. Chct}le Brov.n1ng. an ad,ocate for retatntn& lo" dem11~ toning for lhl· propeny. clai med there: ha\ bttn d "S))temat1c change lor higher and h1gherdc:ns1I)" in the e ll\ ··.\re: thc: dollar '>1gn'> 1n )Our e\tS so la rge lhat the) cc1n·1 '>t'C' tl'tt c1i11l'.'n\ that )ou're \{'f\ 1ng., ... Bro"ru.ng. as~cd. "How man\ dl'Cl\loo' not in la, or of. thr di'.'' c:h>per> hii' l' )OU madl· latch ., .. Gen On ega 'it~· prn1den1 "' tht· H unllngton fkal h T omurru" l'O· '1runmenta l organ11a11on . said today 1ha1 the: proJC:CI "-Ill mean "n1aht- mc111\h0 w nd 111on'> for rEs1dents. ··rh • ., v.J~ 1he1r <(it) Council) l hanlt 10 pro' e that the) art for 'untrulltd grov.1h 's pro-.growih .\nd not 1111c: of them gave a aood . rl'd'>on w Jvubk.Jhc.-denstt~ ... satd ( >1 tl'g;i. "h11 ~1d she· fa vors rt'111nifti 'urrt"nl 1on1ng I hat v.ould allow 350 ~•nglt fJmal ~ n:\1dcncc's C 11unulmJn l\ifa)s said today the 11101nl! l h.snge re0cC1ed ··a aood JPlea9e ett AIRPORT/A2) Sexual assault suspect linked to·f ourth victim · FV businessma n facing 14 countsof attacks on women By JOl"'ATHA~ VOL.Z KE OfliiitO.., ........ ..\ Fountain \'alle\ hu'>tnC''>\ma,, fating 1-1 ~\ual J\\4Ult l harge' m,I\ ha'C' auad..ed a v.oman v.ho .tppltl'<l to v.or~ for him a) carh a) IQ <, and authon11cs ..aid Munda' the' ""'ould be \urpn~J" 11 .sddt1111nal \ ll't1 m' fa 1kd tu COml' fof""ard Thomas J Pantt ha'> 'I '' dt·cuS<'~ of a1t.lt l..1ni thrct." "omen 1n June :-..o,ember and JJnual"\ ...a1J h1un- 1a in \ alk~ Poltle gt l.Hn Gns"old .\her dt~ 1,1ss1ng IX-''"•hk oh'> lur lh~ "lYm~rrat hl'> lCf1trlar tt'ltp n('. tompan' PanithJ\ alit-gtdh .11- la\.l..ed 1v.o 0 1 the v.omen JI h1'> bUSll)C'>'> \\ estC'rn ( llmrll'\Jnll'lll •n\ O..·\l·lupmt·nt ( 11rp .ind J thmhn an I n inc motl'I room I he ( n\l.1 ~lc'>J man v.a~ ,1rTL..,tt'J at his h11mt• J.tn :r. "1thou1 tn\ldC'nt b} 1n\csttga10r\ .arm('(! v.1th a v.ar- rant thC' sc-rgcJnl s.a1d (1m 1A.old Yid l'J~h ol thl' .tlleged 'll llm\ -'"" I ·H·ar-<1ld'> J nd J ::. \\'Jr .. ilJ -rcpun,·J th' nl1Jcnh l<• ,iu:hm t1" l'>ul •I,. l IJ' fr m •hr 0 1\l01d .\llornt'\' ,1ff1lC r1111.il' dn. rnn.l 111 fik l h.1rgl'i. Jga tn~t Pan ll h.1' Thl'' l ltcd J lal ~of e\ 1denll'.' J\ the n:a,un f"r thrir Jt'\ ,,..,,n a deput' 1n thr vllill' \.ltd In 1nr Pt1l lt tn\t"Sttgator Larry \fontguma) -..i1J c1 uthont1es havt' rC.-\.l't'ed 1n lurma11on about a po~- 1hk I •un i· all't.'"ged rape v1ct1m. but the 111ilt'r dn lincd 10 release detatls 111 lht .n,1Jl·nt \t •ntpomc:f' and' Deput\ Dt tnct .\I •Intl \t.;r;.1n \lern \LRO IS pros- eC f.JllO~ th( l d-.C \.ltd the' e11pect JJJ11111n;11 '•t lt m\ It.I come t'o rv.ard ·1 "'ould tlc.-.1b\4.1lu1eh surpn scd 11 thnt· JIC nol more \ 1ct1ms " \lt onl· gomt·n w ad Hr .tppears to ha ' e hl'.'-t.•n pr( 11 • J, 1 't lor more than a 't.Jr Jnd P<•"1bf\ Nd. w I "l'5. · ll ll•0\1,1nJ 111 Jll ll l thr charge~. PJnll hJ' ~· t:Jld rnr1,·r ii ma\tmum '><'ntcn\.c ul t-'C'3'1 tn pn\On ( •r \\l.ulJ \JIJ RJ 1l ...... , inll1Jtl• ·'<l at S2tlUJOO a'1er PJn '''J' .trrc,1 but thr bo}'ld ~ "'J' nll'-J\lJ 1 s:-;, )OO he't"aus.e Pan , hJ' "'J\ _.r pr >hillto n tor p&SI tr:tu<h ti'! "'"'~ ••\ltt-r ~AC-\~ tn v.!':11• h ht ... J' ,, 1hn1 Jt.tordtng \O .. 11un •1·~ u'l t .,,, In I "tit l'.sr '' h.s'> pJeaded guilt' to t11n11 .id1n~ • •n'>t.ill telephone and \Jtl 'lrtr 1, t\l\ton \\\!Cm\ 1n a (US· 1 1m ~u1l1 '~~ pon-Bc1tch · homt .\lth11u~h ht .n.tcpted S l CX)() and bc.'gan thl.' .. r~ thl' Jl'b'allegedh wu n .. 1 fin1 \hed He al\(1 dtd not ha-..e a ,or1·.1, 11n~ 1,cn\C" .it thr tame ac- orJinl 11 , ur d >l umenl'> l'Jnh hJ' "'J' rdr•i.-d to rrpa' the 'll tim' and rla <"J .in thfl:'t' ''a" rr11liJll in Im ti-it'' 111lat1on~ In \ll'o~ hl' "'41\ r la,t•J n •nc }<"a~· proli3tll>O tw ".rtt ng J SI :tW' ched.. "'llh ti\' 1tft,,·n1lunJ'>1n 1hc bani.. (Pleue ett SEX /A~) Advice and Games Bullettn Board Business Clas.sifted A 12 A3 A8-10 CM hits builders with 'increased fees Comics Death notice Opinion Police log Public notices Sports 84-6 88 86 87 A3 85-6 81-3 By JENNIFER WEBER °' ... ...,_,... ..... Developers plannUlg 10 build on Costa Mc.-sa's nonh \1dr v.111 ha'r rn pa) S97 5 mtllton for traffic 1mprovc.-- ml'nts 10 hc.-lp ea<.c the.-eongest1o'n thc.-1r prOJCCts arc e'<pccted to bring to the area. "'° T hr < 11\ < ounnl 'oted unan1- mou~h \1onda\ night to mcrt>a~ onl'·l1mc "trip end .. Ice.-~ to nonh \1de de' l'lo~r-. w S6M The increased fee-, \\at' ba-.t•d on a prOJCCtt'd figure.- of 145,<1!!0 rar tnps a da~ surrounding the north \ldt' proJl'\'ts fhe fees "-Crt• 1nnt'J\l'J from S95 fhc 1raffit 1nipro,emrnt' planned for thl' north pan of tht· Ctl\ 1ndudc bridge\ •arcel 1A.1den1ng\ on and off ramp., h> lht.' '>a n Dtt•go 1-rtt"a' and traffo "gnc1l\ Somrone ha~ to pa' lor that and ahc ul\ I\ turning to lhl' four maior dt·' cloix·r\ ~ Sal m l a farms .\mC'I N ·ew traffic initiative proposed Supervisor Vasquez annouces plan just I week before deadline of riva l m easu(e 111.111\l\ "'"ulJ Jl\O rl·qu1re trallil 1mpro' eml·nt' twforc.-deHlopment and "'ould rt•qu1 rl' rounty official' 111 t.'nfurfl• l'\l\llOll road capac1t) \tan- By BOB VAN £YKEN °' ................ One week before the quahf)tng deadline for the coun1yw1de growth and traffic control ballot in111a11 ve. count) uperv1sor Gadd1 Vasquez announced he has . asked. county planning staff to prepare an alterna- tive 1n1tiat1v<.' that would deal with traffic co ngestion. The new proposal. which VasqueL revealed. M onday_would. rrpon¢<ll> guarantet' that new roads and other tnanspor:tJt1on 1morovements are dJnh f built-.before res1dcn11al and m m-.. I hl' main d1tkrrnte bcl"-cen tht• nt'" in1t1Jlt\l· and the other onr as 11 merctal development . has a hu1IHn funding mtthanism .. ··And 11's broader tn 1b comp<>-said Emtc 'K hnc.-1der director of the nc.-nts than tht cxasllnJ an1t1at1 ve." count) En ' 1ronmt ntal Management ~1d Vasquci, "ln that 11 would deal ~genq . v.h1t h is prrpanng the ~1th otherissues as well. such as parks altcrnat1, C' 1ni11all' e and recrea11on." • hnc1der said the altematt\t' w:n But Vasquez Satd he could not · modeled after the.-F.oothtll C1rcula- d1scuss hts rro I 1n detail. tton Phn\tng Plan. a S235 m1llton "It's stil 1n1 work('d on and program 1n south Orange ( ount5 relined," he 1d. v.h1ch requires de, d opers to pledge The _measure eady tK1J!J road constru 11on ,monc before the~- c1rculated. the so-<allcd Sensible rr«1ve pcrmm for rrsadenual and Growth and Traffic Control In-commt'rcial prOJ«ts \ J~ut·1\ announct"mt•n1 hrnught 1mmt•d1atc.-{ n t1etl.m trom c;pon'M" ol lhl' grov. th 1n1t1a11 \ e "ht)\ hargl·i,I rhe altcmatl\e proposal "a' an attempt 10 drr.11t tht· pc1111on t·ampa1gn "I JU'>I think 11''> rrmarlahle that th1' '" tomtng up a ~et·~ bC'fort" v.e tklt,cr our 1n1ttat1\e ltl thr ~g1.,1r.1r · \dtd Ru~s Burl cllC'. to-author ot the grov.thanJtrafficcontrolmea,ure ·I 1h1nl.. the deep darl.. ~ret '' that th<' dt•, elopers did th1c; ·· .\'asquo. hov.e,er ha\ dc.-n1ed 1ha1 dt·,clopcrs had Jm th1ng 10 J,, v.1lh h1'i propo~I. "Jt wa~ done ndu'"eh at m' d1m :t1on:· ~td \ a!.queL · o\n' board mem l>C'r has tbt' nght to as 'taO to do fCSC'UClt an(f prepare a pr\)poyl for (PleMe eee TRAFFIC/ A2) nt•' l'l,ipmcnt t t• t J ,, a';r 11 ~ ~on'> anJ TrJn\PJl 111 -'' h· hJ , pl.to' !Ill thl• Ol1r1h 'Id I ht SM•l'l lct• hir l' ·" t :•r •ll'd\'J tr. r tnln JnJ out ol tht dt'' t' • •f'llll'nl' ,, In~ than thl S' '•' 11n~1nJ lh propo"t'd O..•t.iu'' 1• ''Jtlrr~ four tl an l'rror 1n the l"n'.i1tJ· 'rroor. GaddfVuqaea In Jppru' rntt tht tntrc~d lcC'\. the '""ri,11 J'" ,rratuj .i rommuntt\ 1;.i, I '"'' 1 ,,.,l, nunh oi thl \an l>1qi • I 'l "J' hc'tv.r('n Harbor Rouln.1r,• J; ,} lh" ....,t."r>on frt"('"a' ThJt , 11ul,l "t 'randrd later 10 Ra~l'I 'lln'I 1h1 ,·, 11 \.ltd (Ple&K aec BUILDERS/Al) 2 -masked men hold teacher, 30pupils I I \< .\ l < w "" .\ .\la I -'\. f>) -T "'"0 gunml·n "l':Jt n~ <.l ma<,~<; tool.. o'er J pn' JI<' "h1 ••I tiutld1ng toda' and hl'IJ .t lt'Jl h,•r ;ird ahout 60 chlldren h11,1:i~c "h1k inf nl tht' men detailed a '<'rtl' l1I ,, n1 J)la1nts ap1n<;t the gt1\ ernm<"nt ,1 1hont1c' \81d 1 he ta~1·· '1 1 ,11 the "-'e" End t hn ,t1Jn .._, h· hc-gan a bout 4(1 -a-m and 1h4 tiiunmcn demanded a m« ling "' th \b~or .\I DuP1)nt., rt"lltl' \f)(ll cvnJn lli' 1d Hantn \ltd P ul'l1nt dtinnl"\l .1 hullct-prnof \-('\! FV'sgoalat3Q: Keeping ·up~ppearance t1nJ met "'1th thl' ni '"' •l't' Du Pont 1t1IJ 111hcr, 11\ ofli u al\ that llnl l•f thC' men "''' .1 \ 1etnam War \C.-tt·ran .,..h1.1 ha~ ·a l('nerah1t'd nm-.::trn .... tth 1hl.' ~o-..emmcnt He fch h(' h d not bcrn in-aird fa1rl..,,. land 1h. ti tht' go,rmment I' rorrupt " :h '\ M\l1n 10 \Ian (1oodv. 1n d1rtt'\Of 111 tht' n1·uh' Indian R1,rr'\ \/tent.al l lt Ith ( C"nlC'r ::-:---=-------, __ City o ertng rants, low-interest loans sttond )Cir to help older rest ences keep tn sfiapc- The mone)'. finanC'td through a &rant to the Ctl) from the federal dcpanmerit of Hou '~I and Urban Dc"clopment, c-an be used for pa1nt- Fountain Valley -known as "TM Cit)' Where Prc)ircs.s hows'" - wants to tum lO without lettana tts ycarubow. ' : Wheft incorporated 1n 19S7, Foun· tain alfey'1 ()OP'alltton wai S79: it now tops SS, 100. Once spencly built, ¥1fh'. all of the ci tf 1 9 1quare ma!H ve.rallcd wi~ buJtneun or the sprftt1 .. Mite ~ PartK. foun'81n.Nal~ bat trown up,~~. city offiaals wut ao kttp 1t rrom .. '""""old. -"Wt~~ at a••~ prcvn11tivc maintenan« 11 the le~ lO kttPeli the ~bofhoods f'tom ~ . . . -... --..,,-,- dctcnorat1nJ." said Cu M•n•r in• or re~ac1nc -.alls and ~•hnas. Jud)' Ket~). "The hOu$CS are acttin1 rcpa1nn1 or ~pla(in& t00f. piuml). to be 20 or .30 )can okL -' 1ni. elcc1n al or he.a ttn' 1mpro"C· . De$1Hk the tonttrnJ. f ountatn mcnt . Jtnd ttrm11r «mtrol Valley it still without a re«ve~ ''Ourp>el be~ 1s to rthabtht.ate the mcnt area 1n a ru1dentJaJ neiah-• homes: •"' Orq Lewin. a cit borhood. Rc<k vck>pment areas are hous1n1 aide. '"That keeps t~ Pf1)P" rommonly uKd by c1tin 1n bhahted cny 'alues up and makes for a mo~ rommun1ucs...1llow1na tht kx'af aov-1t-41bk cn"u·oamdn." ernrnen' 10 "'"'n a poruon oC the l.c•1n said' rnl<kn•• •PIM for a ara's propcn)' lilts for rtnovauna loan orannt throut}l l~Clt)'. and r11 t~ napborhood offi"1a1' ch«k the fam•ty•s tn<'Omt lMMed, Cka&)" as rel 't'-9 OCLloan.I Ad home bdote .Mii\ t~ chtt~ and .,ants 10 low-tn<'OCM m.drnts to The purpow of l.M k>ln mu be encouneie homto••~ IO kttp tMir Cllpl&ined on ~ apphcauOft. ~ hou• an 1hape The P'Rlflrri 1s in its addtd. .. Jou111111 .. Val.Hf Jlae '°9M 0 M ttpatd 11 j11ttt'eft l antcmt and n M fa.-a m~h H $:?0. . The m1n1mum .snnt a~atl- abk lJ S5.i Lt"~tn Kl t..uJ car,. the (lt) handN out ~1 loin ·to about a third ort'h.t PIM•· canll.-~nd 30 v.nts Tlu !tar. the em lw S 140.000 fw L ' • 8f8nl ana s.itd >t for lt\an\ l ("\!, 10 \31d La" )Car. a tot.al ,,fS l 4tl.t\lll "'"' dcd1~tcd to the program Tht' cmpha111\ '" on thr gr:anl\ b«.1u'( the frn-mt,ne) " a1mcJ at Sc.'naor caunn'.I. i nd otht'r (i,c-J 1n ro~ ~dent -. ho ~'t' tn tht tt1} ' tv.o mobile home·~rk\ u~1n \atd lkcaust of the ge neral amueott ()f the nca•hh<lrhood\ 1n F"oun~n \3J le~. man) of the ho me<'wncn d not mttt the 1nrome ~ualtticataon for the: loan mt'an•na add111onal m0nc' all ~ 10 that ram .. QUJd unuwd. Lev.in Yid "If mdM.xh " able to bu' a COO. hom~· ,n Fountain Valk\. th<'} bh mali.t mort than srr. • tar and n affi rd lO kttl') II U4>."' ~In taid 1"°h( broo4t {f'lllK -~Al.UY /AS) I Hamn -..; 1d a rtlat1"e of one of lhc c "pto~"ll~' l-nlertd fM bu1ld1na. bu1 t.hc aunmt.'n\ tdenttt~ -..ercn•t d1' ul ed Poh~ t h1l'I Jcm ulln and .\m• tant <"hiri t\.t'11 ~windd weft tttn out 1dr 1 ~h>e.)r attemptu• to \alll t.k IV.U tUnml'n 1nto \Ui leudenftl, T)w lawmtn C"Ould bc 'ttn openana and· cl '"' the d(lOt they Wked w1\ne ~ 1d ------"""" T~ 1unm<n alto requelled _.. "'' ion t"O' tf'ICt R~ Daa c.a._ ofWBR 0 T\ tn Btrmt ......... • 1'Utk't ~vnt--~,a;w.-~ h rad ~ttt lbc .,....... if -(Pl1111 -WTAG•IAI) . • • 1st'· child star•-. Heather O'Rourke, dies n. ~ 1· ~ ANGELES (AP) -Heather . o•aOUJte. wbo played the aqrhc- .fl looki"S chikt kidnapped by an~ spirits in the movie "Poltcrgcist. ' " died following what was thought to be ~.bout with the nu. her mana,ger said today. She was 12. Tbc child actress. a familiar charac· r on tcl~vision's "Happy Days.." -Webster" and ''Still the Beaver:· icd Monday, said he r manager. ike Meyer. Heather "always looked like "Alice Wonderland' and could memorize 60-pqe script in about an hour, .. rersaid. . .. 'm not clear on tbt cause of th. I was told it was related to 'ckness she suffered d uring ActreMBeatherO"llom'keJn ohergeist Ill.'" he said. ··sunday 1981 pabllclty photOlftpb. ..,...,~ thoupt she had the nu ... eatheflis the second actress from c "Pohe,.eist" movies to die unex- tedly. Dominique Dunne. who ycd a teen-age daughter in the · · nal. was strangled in Octobt'r 2. Dunne, then 22. had tncd to brcall ff her relationship with her yfriend, Los Angeles chef J ohn wecney. Sweeney was convicted of oluntary m a nsl aughter and ntenced in November 1983 to the maximum 6112 yea rs in prison by ·a judge who chided the j ury for not returning a murder verchct. ; Heather died as she was being taken to a hospit~I. but Me er said he was uns ure what h os p i tal. A spokeswoman at MGM. where the "Poltergeist" films were produced. said a statement -.i.ould be issued later toda). In the original ··Poltergeist."' Heather was known for uttennJ the ke) line "'hen the evil spirits amved, declaring ··They're heececrt! .. In the sequel. she said, "They're baaaaack! .. The child star. bom in San Diego on Dec. 27. 1975. fi nished filming "Poltergeist Jll"'" late June. starring as Carol Ann for the third time. Meyer said : · The; ori~nal "Poltergeist'" was a Stevetl Spielberg production and he was ntdittd for tind1n1 Heather. w.r... ~ Hp~ was only S when she was sinina an tht' MG M (OmmissaT)' with her lister. Tammy. he sajd. Spielberg saw her. alked if he could tajk to her and was to&d by her that she didn "t talk to strangers. But she got permission. Meyer said, and ihar talk led to her role in "Poltergeist.·· HOSTAGES ••.. Jl'romAl needed. C'atcs was given a list of questions from one of the men man . with romplaints against the government. G oodwin said the list bad 6S ques- tion$ "that indicated a dis~tisfaction with the government." Hartin said at least a few of the hostage children were aJlowed to leave by their ca ptors. but he d idn't know how many. He said at least 60 children were in the buiJdinJ. Police who spoke on condition the)' no t be named said grades one,. three. four and fi ve in the elem entary division were being held, while chiJ- dren in grade two escaped through an outside door in their classroom when the JU nmen commandeered the building. ,, .......................................................................... ~~ Rain erids tonlght, moves inland A Peollo llCWIR brougM rein to IN loulNm C .. Dll, .. AowlendeendanowtolNlftCIUMaNtod-r • ..._., .. "' """"'°"' trafftc acaldlll1a. • TM torec.t c:alted tor thunderlftower1 In eome.,... M lhe 1t0f'm mov.d lnlwtd today, end the rain WM expect9d to end tonight. gNtng W8Y to pertly doudy lttlee Wednledey . AJona tM Or8f199 C0Mt t'*9 wll be a d'8nCe of lhowet9 ton19ht. ffartty doUdV tonight and w~. 0--nlQht 1ows 43 to 53. Hlgha WedMlday In tM"Upper 50I end lower 80a. U .S. Temps Albuquefque Anctlot• AtlanUI "tlentlc; Cttf' Au9tln lleltlmot• 91rmlnghem lolM loe1on eun.io c.w-ton.SC Ctletlellon. W Ve CNnotte.N C CNcaQo Clnclnnell ~ Columt>ua.ONo ~Ft Worth Deyton Det!vet O..M<>lnft o.trOlt ~ EIPMO Erle felrt>enh Aegsl•" Orend ".,io. Honolulu Houston ~ Jed(eon,MIM JadleonvtMe ""'-~City u.veo- Smog J:teport ......-..... .... . 51-100 ---.... -___ _,.,_...,_ .... iwww ............. .................... ............ 9-dl IO lillmcN1IM .... _ a.42 •••• 7 • Ylllr--·-··-·· ... ._,...........,._, __ . __ 41 -~ Mrpof\..-.... _, 11-42 ~., l :l111u11.. 10;IOp.111. ...... ., 2:61&.111. ·-~ .... ......... 10'.2'Pdll. 0.7 4,0 1.t .. u 4.1 uttte AOCI< Loulevlle Memphis Mlaml BMth ........... Mpl9-$1 Peul NMtNlle : Mesa _ apprbves alcohol sales . 'at~s-sfuti~-m~i~~~e~~~~.~-.~~~~~~~. • By PAUL ARCBIPLEV to dendeappro,alsona case·b)-Case near .schools o r the Pac ific Mesa considers proiect limits _ aM JENNIFER WEB ER basis. th~) said. A!llph1thcatrt' prot?ably would not :J 't !Of ............. Councilman Peter Buffa. who wm approval. he said. amendment being considered at the same time the city's general plan is being revised . .~? ·'' Customers will be allowed to gas up .. strong]) opposed" the measure. cast Sull. some listeners agr~ w11h thl" lone dJssenting 'ote. Buffa that the ordinance should be ., and buy alcoholtc be,·erag~ at Some combinatton gas stat1on-min1 mar- kets under a measure approved • M onday b> the Costa Mesa City Council. By a 4-1 vote. the counc1l approve'd the issuance of cond1t1onal use per- m its tMome operators wishing to sell gasoline and alcoholic be\erages at the same site. The counc1rs decision re,ersed a 1986 cit) proh1b111on o n concurrent ~les. Such proh1b111ons v..ere over~ •rufed 6~ a nev. state law that forb'tds blank.et bans. The dec1s1on 10 require' apph· cauons for cond111onal use permm will give Cit} officials the opponun1t~ '"It 1s perhaps one of the dumbesl rejected. -v.c flex our muscles o n drunk Franklin Cole told the council he dn' ing and then turn around and was concerned about the city's liab- allow the concurrent ~les of alcohol 1ltty in lawsuits for contributory and.gasoline ... Buffa argued. negligence. ··w e have to dra)'' the line some-··1 cannot and do not have an)' "'here." JUStification in m) m ind for why we Buffa also .. strongl> resented" the can sell alcoboJ and gasoline at the state imposing 11s "'1shes on local $3me place," Cole said. go,ernments. Evm those businesses that do wm Planning Comm1ss1 on Chairman approval will be required to adhere to Ju.: Enckson said earlier after the sm ct conditions. including a ban on comm1~1~rcco(llmended apj)(O' al • ~lltng beverage~ outside or in an ice of !he orainance that thev 'NOUld tub. • ~ru11n1ze each apphca11orr io ensure Donald Lamm. development ser- the business v.as compa11ble with the 'ices dutttor. said the city wanted to surrounding an-a discourage sales of individuaJ cans.or Ser. ice station con' t'nience store!> bottles. BUILDERS' FEES BOOSTED IN MESA ... From Al . . Once the dastnct 1s established. thC' district starts selling bonds 10 finance developers v..ould ha't' a choice o f the traffic iroproH·ments. paying the flat fee or ha' mg d1stnc1 \1ost of the pro1ects that builders current!) ha' e on the Cable are for offi ces o r commercial developments. so homeowners v. ould not be affected b~ the increase. B~t if ;r develo~r v.ere to build housing on nonh side propen,, the higher rates probably v.o uld be passed on to t~e home- ov. ncr. taxes spread O\i~r a 30-~car penod On elopers s'rc balking a1 the cost. Settingupad1stnct northofthe an but lit~ ~tafTers sa} the~ 113"e to SC'l Diego Freeway doe not auto mat1· tht• ft'es a1 tht· highest IC''el 1he) thinl-. cally mean th(' de"elopers v.111 be lhl·~-1.qJI need . The~ can reduce the taxed. Cit ) ManagN .\llan R.oeder .. figure in the future. but v..on't be able said. That 11.ould happen after Jhe to ra1M' 11, cit~ offi\.1als said. VALLEY HOPES TO AGE GRA:CEFULL Y •.• From Al q uahfymg for the lodn!> arc usuall) single parents. or 1n a s1tuat1on v.hc:re the) ha'"" a lot ofi..11.h ·· The income quahlicat1ons are set b) tbt" fc:deral 'go' ernment. he said .\ three-member fam 1h can eam no more tharrs~-.000 a· ~~r t<H tualtf'.-' fore he loan v. hlle a fam1I~ ofe1ght o r more can mai..c up to $3~.000 T ht" monc~ repaid on the loan!> goes back to the c11~ to i..eep the pr~am afloat. Lev. in said add1r.g that the cit} doesn't mal-.<: an~ pro fit ··w c·n: losing 11 1f v.c count 1nnat1on a nd look at what v.e could make through other inve'>tmC'n ts.'' he TRAFFIC .•. From Al dealing w11h a problem ... I nit1atn e propont"nts ha\ t" been gathenng signa tures since October Petitioners need at least 60.000 \altd signatures 1n order to quahf~ their measure. Sponsors of the measure an- nounced last v.ed that the\ v.ere still at least 15.000 signatures shon of their goal and v.ere launching a last· ditch effon to gather the needed suppon. The deadline 1 Feb Q Vasquez said his m easure v.ould be ready for public d1scuss1on ··in a fev.. days:· He said the hew traffi c ·proposal might be subm itted to the board for immediate adoptio n. or board mem- bers might elect to place the measure on an electton ballot this )ear ORANGE .... 1111.f COAST .... ,r•I MAIN °''tcE said: homes "'ere-set on larger par~ets-. --t's Lev. in said ncarl> all of the Orange pro'pcrt) 'alucs tn the city increased. ( oa'it n 11es ha' e the lov.-interest loan propcrl) 0 "' ners renovated the area prugram for housing improvements. on their ov. n. Kelse' said. but mQ'i.I also ha\c res1dent1al re-··1nthelas1fi,nears.we've seenso de' elopmcnt areas. too man) of the houses out their rebu11t:· _··our CH) 1s an prcm_g_ood s=ha=.c=.._s_hc .... • .;,..sa~•-d but the loans make a dcfin11e 1m-e omoineaeffi>rts appear ro be pro,cmenl to the home. e\lenor and 11.orl-.1ng. intl'nor .. Le"''" said. Fro m Jul> to December in 198 7. t\.cl!>t.'' said she"s also seen e\ldcnce the latest figures a 'a1lable. the c1t)._Of in Fo uoiain Valle> ofa neighborhood Fountain alle~ issued 220 permits rebuilding 11selfv.11h no help from the for add1t1ons or ahera11ons to ex1s11ng ell\ single-family homes. compared to .~t one time. she said, the Colon111 JUSt 35 permm for new homes. J uarcz section of the cit) was rampant according to the ci t~ building depan- v.1th ganss and crime. One of the men1. older !>CCt1ons ot' Fountain Valle). the '"We're doing O K." Lewm said. SEX ASSAULT CHARGES .•. l"romA ~ \\'hen charged 'A-Ith the sexual assault charges. the bails 1n the pre' 1oos cases -S50.000 and S:!5.000-v..ere automatically added to the-S:!00,000 figure. court offio als said But the documcnt'i 1n the new case also contained several errors. authonue sa1d .... l n~tead of fombk oral St"\ charges. child molcstauon charges v.ere inadvcnentl) filed against the man. Montgomery said \fontgom<:r) said the misfiled charge\. which he said were t)ping errors. would be cOrrc<:.tcd when Pan1chas is .arraigned Feb. 11 in Nc"-'P<>rt Bt-ach. II more "1c11m~ come forward. the add111onal charges also could be filed at that lime. wb1ch will be Pan1ch~s· first court appearance on the molesta· 1 uon charges. authorities said. Pan1chas allegedly met his v1ct1ms dunngJOb tnterv1ev..s. Griswold said. I .\f\cr talking w11 h the girls. he "'ould offer t<>-.Show them around the j Harbor BoDlevard fac1hty and attack them. the scrgcan\ alleged. He alleg~ly raped both 18-ycar- old "'omen a nd forced each to perform othe r SCll acts at the business. He also a lleged!) assaulted the 22- year-old. a Las Yeps woman who had nown to Irvine fora job interview w1th the ~uspect. Griswold said. ----------! Justcall 642-608.6 What dO)OU hke about the Dail) Pdoe? What don't ')OU 1t~e? Call the numbtr abo\le Hd )Our a;:.A1.1"21!~~~~4..1111~iat-.AJlll tit .r«ordtd, 1ran~bfd aftd de·-+..m...-..;::a;....;. "' e tQ the appropnate editor ~ ,,-~--=:--=:~~=::==:;::::::::;:;:::::;-:-::-::-I The same l~hour answmng St"rvt« ml) ht used to record lcucrs to' the cdJLor oo an) topic ContnbutOt'$ to our Letters column muJt include their name and 1elepl1one number fOf "cnftca11on TcOsJi ~hat"\ on \Our mind. In a vote that could clear the way for constructton to resume on the embattled One South Coast Place project. the Costa Mesa CH) Council will consider a general J?lan amend- ment Wednesday setttn~ square- footagc limits on the proposed Home Ra nch development. The counc1r s 'ote follows a unani- mous Planning Commission rec- ommendation of the measure. 1 The proposed amendment would: • Cap square footage at 3.1 million. a 10 percent reductton of an earher hm11. o n the 94-acre site. • Limit bulldirfglmghts from fi ve stones near ancnal streets and neigh- borhoods to 20 stones 1n the center of the propen). • Force the de' eloper. C J Segcrstrom & Sons. to build tmprove- m~nts on nearb) streets and guaran- tee an acceptable traffic level. If traffic does not no" smoothl}. the cit) could refuse to issue an occupanq permit for One outh Coast Place or could block construcuon on other Ho me Ranch pro1ccts. Traflic -spec11icall y the esu- mated 46. 700 car trips the develop- . ment could ultimate!¥ generate -is the source of great concern with nonh side residents opposed to the project. Opponents also object to the The meeung is scheduled to ~n • · at 6:30 p.m Wed nesday at the C tty Council Chambers. 77 Fair Drive. AIRPORT TO CLOSE .•. From Al compromise:· noting tha t the Nerio promise. fam1l} initial!} requested zoning for Erskme said he is disappointed, as man) as 1.200 homes and apart-though, that there are no plans for a ments. .• park in the area. "And sanitation is Mays sau} th'e project will be built gomg to be a problem ... he said. mphaseso,erfi\corstx)ears,easing Pilot Don Dodge. wti o battled to the strain on traffic and sewers that keep the airpon o pen, said flien now are 9.Y.S:.,lQ ~ rt'des1gned. ma~ h.ave to go as far as Banning to get The councilman also said he favors lie-down spaces for small planes. a formula in the arc:i that permits Fulle~on ha~ Lhe only o!1fr mu- onh about 517 homes -mstead of n1c1pal airport 'tn Orange Cou nty a nd-606 -1f np · denstt> bonuses are 1t"s operating at capacity. Oodae said. granted. Finley. thou~ voting aga.insl the Ma)or Erskme also said he be-zone change, said she didn't want the heved the Planning Com m1ss1on, a1rpon to continue because of other v. h1ch appro' ed an 1den11cal plan last dC\ elopments that have been allowed fall. had worked out a fa ir com-to encroach on the fatility. · BEAGLES MISTREATED, CALLER SA Ys.:. From Al The tx~gles had • sores on their heads a nd bod1t"s. rotted teeth. tn· fcqcd gums. collapsed \Ctns and v.ere st<lned. the l'allcr claimed. The dogs had neither food nor water v.hen the) ·'A-ere "liberated'" fro m an outdoor pen at c r s nonh ~ampµs air polfuJ1on research labora- ton. the caller said tio \\e, er. Cl spokeswoman Kath~ Jones said the dogs were fed h1gh-quaht) food. and their coats. teeth and ears were cleaned regularly. .\fter the beagles ,.ere inspected and treated b) the \Cl{'d nanan each v.as placed ma home. S81d the Animal L1bcrat1on Front spokesman l'CI has a' ctennarian on campus. "h1t h conform to pohc) estahhshed b} the Southern Caltforn1a Veterin- arian Medical As oc1at1on. The assoc1at1on approves o f l'e· spons1ble rescar h on ant mats as long f \ as 11 1s within the framl·work of the ve terinarians 1n Sou1hem California Animal Welfare Act of 1966 which set who work surteptitiously with the dov.n guidelines r.equmng humane group. treatment. said executive director ··out 1t brings up a legal point. .. he Richard Holden. said . '"If I'm examining animals I OfficiaJs saJd the um versity labora-know att stolen propcny a nd don't tor) had passed inspection a week ago repon it to the police, I could be an b~ the_ campus Animal R~rch accessory to grand theft. Committee and b) the Food and D d I ··t thtn k any veten nanan who cares rug.\ ministration ast year. about his licenSC' would be reluctant. Dr. Joel Pasco. treasurer of the lt"s an unusual group for sure ... asS0C1at1on and a Costa Mesa veterin-Law enforcement officials blame anan. shad he doubted whett\er many th~ ~ni!l'al L1bt~tion Front for S4 ,·et en na nans wo uld be ~ym1J2iUht1iJ. L..µ1Ullon.lll.J'1.a.lrnage...uu:lo:l~.s..otb~.k....----JL lo the acu' 1sts' cause. .. ins across the country, but the "'eekend tht!\ was the first at UCt. "The Antmal L1bera11o n Front lost the ve1crinaf) community"s re~pect \\hen the} set part of the vetennaf) school (at UC Qav1s) on firt'." Pasco said. '"It wasn't even a research lab. It was a d1agnost1c lab."' Pasco said there may be a couple of University researchers were ex- amining the effects of sm6g o n the lungs of t~ beagles and why some tracheotomies are accompanied by ad\'el"S( effects in the $900,000.per- year study. • OF NEW ENGLAND Alden int roduces its classic · full strap penny and tasse l slip-ons. Elega nt and triml y proportioned in th e finest imported a nil ine calfskins. ' , ·- ..... " Or.,,ge Coat DAILY PILOTIT~y. February 2, 1988 College offering . national forum, HB-V~lley Boys, Girls Clo~ for sale I • career courses .. SaddJebKk Collqe will offer threr counet in its Busincss and Careen propam this week, as well as a forum on national issues. ., ao9DT 8Alt1D Huntinaton Beach. ... .._....... H=on Valley Boys and G1fls Pflkialt have put up a for sale sip on .. Cha~ nt Jay Stout 111d offic1al1 a~ the old two-.iory blue stucco Boyt and &litU\I S~.000 for lM COn ~encd tWO- G irls Club. which has served younptrn story m1htary barracks build1na .fnd from Huntinaton &each and Fountain proptny on the 120 foot by 2'00 foot lot at Valley for more than 20 years. 319 Yorktown Ave. . The club will build new quarters _ Tht sales pncc. aJona wnh money on includina a gymnuium _ It the new hand, will fi!Wl« const~uon of the new McCallcn Pa le a..-: de 1 ......t 48,()()()..squart foot faethty at McCallen r ~1n1 ve Ot"u ~t Parle, Stout said. . Yorktown Avenue and Otlawarc Street 1n Tht Boys and Girls Club will maintain • the part in ~turn for aetun1 the land to build i new facility, he said. i Co ruction 1s slated to btlin 1n xpkmbt and completion " cipected earl~ neat ear. Stout saud. OtMr s and airls club fa(1ht1es arc located at uca t1on Lane 1n Hununaton BcKh at t-4arpcr School 1n Founw n Valley. Conwuction had been expected to stan by Jan. 30 on new fac1hues at Mile Square Park, Stout said. but the organiu- uon had faikd to ra15( enouah money to qualify for tedenil money. A fund-ra.s1n1 dri' r 1s on10 1ng. hr said bou1 1.800 ~ounp~n a rc membc"' o f the ~)'s and 0 1r1s Club. wtuch has an annual operatint budaet o f $48S,OOO. All but .'7.000. "'h1ch is received from the United \\a ). comes from fund·ra1s1n1 efforts. tou1 said Chns h nctder. a rrs1~nt ofFoun&fan Valle). 1s the e>.ccuuve d irector for the o rgan1zauon Ht' was appointed Jan. I, Stout said. The careen classes arc "What Do You Really Love 10 Do." Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Emeritus Community Center 2, "How to St.an a Bed and Breakfast Inn" Saturday. at 9 a.in. in Emeritus Center I. and "St.artina a Business" Saturday at 9 1.m. in Science/Math 313. The National Issues forum will continue Wednesday wilh "The Trade Gap: Rcpinina the Competitive Ectac" at 7'p.m. in Emeritlll Center I. moderated by Profe~r Kenneth WoodW.rd. Call 582-4650 for more information on all pr()l1'ams. Oil, He Ch HeiChy ·-·--·-·-·-- La• school program .et An informational mcctina and admissions fair on law school will be presented Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Amba.ssador Room of the Embassy Suites, 2120 Main St,,, Irvine. The event is free and is being sponsored by a variety of California law schools. - Eatlng dl~rden viewed Several Local mental health professionals. in cooperation with the UCI Eating Disorders Pro- a.ram. arc staning a $Clf·help program for eating disorders, beginnina Thursday at the South County Psychotherapy and Counseling Center. 321 S8 Cam ino Capistrano, Suitce 211. · in San Juan Capistrano. The group will provide information and support to anorexid . bulimics and their families. Call G race Nelson at 831 -6631 for funher infor- matio n. Arthrltls coarse ln HB A new six-week anhntis self-help course for men and women will bea.in Thursday at Humana Hospital in Huntington &ach. sponsored by the hospital and the Southern California chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. Jcnnje Lewis and Judy Bcrendsen will lead the two-hour class. which begins at 6 p.m. Enrollment is limited to 20 a<!,ults and a physician's approval is rcqu~sted. The rec is S25. and registration rnay be made by calling the hospital at 843-S047. Scuba class ln Mesa The Costa Mesa Leisure Services Department will o ffera scubacla ssat the Downtown Communit) Center. 1860 Anahr 1m Avr .. beginning Friday at 6:30 p.m. The class will run for eight weeks at a cost of · S tOO. Rt"gistration information is available at 64 5-2797. Heart dlsea•e lecture promoted by Hodel in ~speech at Irvine By BOB VAN EHEN " .............. Secretary of the lntenor Donald Hodel told Orange County rrs1drnts Mo ndi) that he drr ams of rcstonng to its natural condition a valley that John Muir called "one of naturr"s rarrst and most precious mountain temples." After making his patch for restoratio n of Nonhern California's Hetch Hetch y Val- ley. Hodel s.aid he also supports plan5 to alte r another natural landscape, the Cah- 'forn1a coast. Hodt'I satd fo llowing a luncheon a t l rvinr's Rcgistr) Ho trl that the proposed sale o f leases for 011 exploration off California's coast "'ould not spell disaster for the coastal r n' 1ronmr n1 or seaside tourism. In fact. Hodel s.a1d . bolstenng .. 011 reserves "ith petroleum from Cahfom1a waters could preve nt economic harm from co ming to the st~ coastal rcson s. "The gasoline shortage in the 1970s had• a tre mendous negative d Tect on toun sm . ·· he said ... If. b} companson. )OU look at the Santa Barbara 011 spa.II. people b!cked off from there for about SIX mOflths or a ~ear. and then thr effects disappeared."' And there 1s no ev1dencr . he said. tha t the mere prescncr of 011 demcks dis- courages tounsm ··That argument s1mpl) does not hold walt'r." he said. But Hodel spent most of h~ time Monda~ talking about his Hetch Hetch) proposal Hr began his spc«h to members and guests of the Southern Cahforn1a Water Com mittee" 1th a discussion of thr natural beaul} of the Hetch Hetch) Valle). The only problem with .the valley, located 13 miles from Yosem ite National Pari.... 1s 1hat it's fu ll of water. and plugged up b~ the 360-foot O'Shaughnessy Dam. 1nce 192.l. whrn the dam was com - pleted. Hetch H~tch) Reservoir has been a source of "ater and electric1t) for the city· of 'an Francisco. That detail can be take n care of 1fstudies sho" 1t 1s cconom1cally feas1bl~to tear do" n l hc dam and drain thr rvo1r. Hodel said. • Hodel acknowkdged th-at the idea has bee n ridiculed in thr press. panicular1y in the San Francisco area. . But he said the cm 1c1sm 1s based o n the aroncous no11on that remov1ng·the dam "ould dl.'pmc San Francisco ofa neccss- al) ~ourcc of water and power. . "l behe\e II IS important to point o ut that an Franc1so uses onl) about one th ird of1 he water. and sells thr remainder to 01hcr commun111es:· he said. "The Hetch Hetch) has bt'come a m onr) m alcrr for San Franciso rather tha n an t'S5Cn t1a l sourer of \!o ater and powrr ... The "ater no1.1. trapped b~ the 0' haughneSS) Dam would not bC lost 1f the dam "ere removed . but would flow .... .,'--...... Seeretary ()f tbe Interior Donald Hodel epeelr• with o..a....e C08aty~. _ _. Sape"18or Barrl,U Wieder after a~ the Soathen California Water ~om.mlttee'• meett.ac llonclay ln l.nlDe. down the Tuolom nr R1vr r through thrtt 9 thrr dam a~d reservoir S)Stems and m to the Sancramrntcr.San Joaquin Rn er Delta. Hodel"sa1d. PTehmmal) studies also )ho" that much. 1f not all of the po~r ienerated at o· haughness~ could be recaptured at other locattons. Hodel sa1d. Dr. Mark Miller. -1ncomina president of the Orange Couniy chapter o f the American He,an Association. will speak on cardiovascular disease Thursda> at 1he Carmt'I Retirfment Village 1n Fountain Valle}. Michelle DufT). ''I~ president of the count) chapter. will discuss financial planning for chan - t.able contribuuons. The plrt>hc 1s invited to a ttend. court-martial recommended in Marine copter tampering Educator . EmestCrain of-NB dies Mayors' dlnner ln NB The seve nth annual mayors' dinner sponsored by Speak Up. Newpon will be ht'ld Friday at the Newport Beach Mamou Ho tel. focusing on the year 2006 -Newport's 100\h anniversary. A panel of civic leaders. including Mayor John Cox. Ray Watson. Herb Sutton. Les Steffensen and . former mavor Don Mcinnis will discuss the future of thr city. T ickets are SJO and reservations ma> be made by calling Doroth) Hardeastlc..,at 67).. 7975 or Mary Rr uland at 542-4226. Taesday,Feb.2 • 6 p.m. Lapaa Bead City CeacU. council e,hambers. ro5 Fo rest Ave .. Laguna Beach. By~ Auoclated Press A. hea ring offi cer recommended a special coun-manial fot a hrhcopter ere~ c hief at the Tustin Mann~ Corps .\1r Station ~ho all~edly tampcrcd \lo 1th s~ itches to prove pilots 1gnorr instrument readings 3nd fl) helicopters that shou1d be gro unded. C pl. KHk Hill adm1ttrd dun ng a m1 lital) hearing last month that he tampered with s"1tches on a C H-S3D Sea StaHion befon-an Oct. 26 night flight to sho w pilots would 11 even though they km:" the aircraft "as unsnfc. T he hean ng officer. Manne Capt. t.Thomas Scull ). rccommrnded that El Toro Marinr Corps .\1r tat1o n command - ing officers order a special coun-mart1al for Hill. the corporal'("'' 1llan a ttorne~. Kc' in Mc Dermott. said Monda\. !f ined and con\1cted under proH r.1on.s of a special coun·mamal. Hill faces a ma\1mum se ntence of si x months in Jail Had the relOmmcndallon b«n a morC' se' en: general court·ma n1al. the pc-nalt~ could haH ~n 10 )C'ars 1n pnson ··w e·rr hoping the command tal..es 11 to hean . but thr' ·re not bound b' 11 \\ e thin!.. 1i's a ma1or 'ictol) ... said McDerm ott. Hill faces charges ol willful dirrllcuo n of dul). 1ntcn11onall} tf")1ng 10 damage a . helicopter iand attempting to dC$tro> thf nauo nal defense. Other pefld•nJ charges include using manJuana a nd d1sobe) mg orders b~ placing a foreign substance.into a urine snmple bottle dunng a ~uadron drug s~~p Hill onginall~ "as charged "'th rn- dangering an able vesscl~an aged manta me la~ predall ng the ..\mencan Re' olu11on ~h 1ch l-ames "1th 11 tht' death pcnalt) The charge "'as dro pped ~uSt' 1t applred onl~ to '~~Is that noat. McDermott s:ud ( 3pt Bradle) " Garber prosecutor in the ca se. refused comment Testtmon) at ~r earlier heanng '""- ' r aled that Hill apparent I\ s" nched the plugs go' erning pans of 1hr helicopter's auto m;,11l ll1g)tt controls~ stem. The cross conncn:0n did n't endanger the copter or Crc\\. -\lthough p1lcts" mon11onng instru- mC'nts dct<."Cted the cross<Onn«tton dur- ing a prc-ll1gh1 chcc l... lh.c pilot testified that the ere~ bchr ,c,1 thr am:raft "ould fl~ and the malfunc\1on "asn't .reponed u ntil after a ~5-minutr ll1gh1 . Ernest Crain. a 45-}ear rn1dent of '-'e~ pon Beach and nauonall~ -rccognm"d educator died ThuNia' at his ho mt' He '1'3S .i . Cram "as born 1n I Q04 1n Lawton. 0 1..la -\tter !~aching -at public SC"hook and collC'g~ in l..lahoma.. he sen•ed a' 3 ,;ipta1 n in tbe -\rm~ -\tr Corps dunng \\ orld \\ ar II. g~ mg pre-night instruction to p ilot at anta -\na .\rm' -\ir Base He mo' ed to the '\e"' port 'Hart'OT' area IO I o.i2 and spent mo'"" than n )C31"\ t.t-achtng at RanC"hp Sanuago Cotlrgt" !ormerh a.nta -\na Colk gr .While at th<' colkgl• hc ~e1'-Cd nat1o nal rtt'ogn1t1on from tht' f rec<I'Oin Forindataon at Valle' Forge PJ for ~1' effons to create pubh\ a"an.·nes\ of the 'alu~ of the l Cnnstatuuon and in part1\·u1ar the 8111 of Rights • 7_p.m_ Newport Beac• Parb, BeacHI ud RecreatiN Commlni.e, c<foncil chambers. 3100 Ncwpon Blvd., Newport Beach. · • 8 p.m. FoataJ• Valley City Coucll, council chambers. 10200 Slater Ave .. Founta in Valley. Felando won't run for Lungren' s ~eat ..\ spe-c1al plaque at the coll~e rttogniz~ ( ra.n·.._ \·ontnbu11ons in 'teaching th(' pnnupk~ l'I th~ .\mrncan ·s~stC'lll ot gl" c:rnmt·nt \\1th h1' late v.1fe Minnie. Crain foundfd thc: F1n.t Baptist Church and tht' Harbor Tnnit' Baptm Church m ( ost.a \ks.a, and "3~ '°'ohcd in church :a ll' 1t1~ un11I hJ) death Sf\C RAMENTO CAP)-Asscmblyman kme11an Lungren s111l must lX' confirmed Gerald Felando said Monda~ he has b~ the Legislature to replace the late Jesse the lo" er house since I q'"' ----=:..:....:=:....:::::r,=::..=;...;:;..;:=-.-_.!...::;._::~.:.._:=-----+~r-i·idein-.-A&l-11&--1f\ffi-for-Rep.-Da.rueL l n 01h __ _ Lungrl.'n's co ngressio nal scat this )ear. Felando anno unced last fall that t' • 9:30 a.m . Oraqe C..ty Board of S.~r· vlaon, board hea ring room. Hall of Administration. 1'0 ctvil' CtnttrPtai:r.S.mr Ana:- • 6:30 p.m. Celsa Mesa City Coud.I, council chambers. 77 Fair Dnve. · "I feel 'rl) strong)) that to st'nr in "ould scel Lunsren's .i2nd Congressional Congn:u no"-would put a tremt!nde us. DtStnct scat He strppcd do"'n as Re· strain on m~ fam 1I). hfr." Fdando. R-San public.in caucus chair and "'as replaced b~ Pedro. said at a Cap11ol n~ws col\frrencc. Assembl~ ma n Drnnis Bro " n . R· "I fed that 11's almo~t 1mp1.1~"hk to be a con ressman from ( ahfom1J and not mo ' e ~our amt ~ to asl11n~1on D C:· and ~et his fam1I~ 11 ._c~ 11' 1ni an ( al1iom1a. he said . In Was hington ~mlxrat\ Jre 1n "the ma1ont) and ar" hl eh "' remain so. he $aid. ~,-.,1r .. "" 1Rr pubh\Jn<.l are cloSt' to becom ing a maJOnt' 10 the .\s<.em bl} a nd I think JI "ould be 'C'n n"e 10 be around "hen that hapix·n). ·· h" )31d Crain is SUP t' ed h' h is son Gene 1f Laguna Bea h Jau£,hier. Carol \\ ood .11 JJl'.'l~n \\ '0 fi, e grandchildren and one great-grand h1ld • 6:30 p.m . C"tli Mesa Traffic Comml11loa, first floor conference room. 77 Fair Drive. Lungrrn. a Lo ng Beach Republican Ro!>smoor. 1.1.ho had cens1dcrcd Sttking whose district includes most of Hunt· Lungrcn·s stat but J ec1ded against 1t. 1ngton Beach. was named state treasurer Fel3ndo. 53. said he will run again for his last J'\ovembcr b~ Go\. Geo rge Deu-51 st .\~mbl) D1stnct srat. Hr has been m .. ,... Costa.Mesa d~g p~obe nets 1 O suspects, kilo.of co Caine · . - Hma~n Beacb "-man cla1mC'd that .someone stok a s: coll~ tabk ...,h1lc he was 1n the prottSSofmo,1na11 aromok:11 1n ~6400 blot'lt ofWa~r A "«lilt'.~ man SA.Id he ...,as unload1 na btlon11nas from an cl<'' ator and ...,hen ht rrtumcd to ~ thud Ooor. he found his rofftt table • • • BJ JENNIFER WEBER ............... Cost.a Mesa police confiscated mo re than a kilo of cocaine and arrested 10 peopie in a series of raids that culminated two weeks of in- vcstiption. it was rcponed Monday. Thie'~ u.K'd a Pf) tool 10 enter . lrivesti,pton came up with enough ma11c m ushrooms. LSD. t odeine Clothworld, q()q:? -'dams -\.vc... and uo}e 1nform1lt0n to &rt I~ -warnnt table ts, hash ish Oil. meth· SJ.OJ 1n cash pluschcd:s and to link t~ al~ fk>•'of drup amphetamine and percodan from • • • from the Cost.a Meu k>cations to tht Elden A. H nue rrs1dencr . Thr · ~'cral boyHold rMICknts 1n the POOO Sant.a Ana home. Boylan said. na~t1cs had a total rst1mated strttt bk>d or tciper C'ird e tl\at t~ had bttn I fs I 000 beattn 1t Hope V1CYo School b) Jll't n1ln With the auistantt ot Santa· Ana , .• ue o · · 1llqtdl amwd .... 1th btll ctvbl and u"' Police. officcn arrested a mot~ and At the two Costa Mesa locauons. irons. Funeral St'n l\C'S )'Ill be held at 2 p rr \\ t'dnrsda\ 3t Harbor Tnnll~ Bapt1'1 Chur,h. I~ \l Balrr t . Costa \ky lntcrmrnt "Ill 10110~ al Panfil \I<''-' Memonal f>ar 1n 'e"pon Beach · .. -·-.. Coeta Mesa " Pftl"'lcr "'u rc punC'd 11 ~ :1 am Monda' 1n th<' 1 No.·l. of Sanuq o Road . . . R~1dt'nU 1n the I block of M1ss10n Om c l'Ti'l'nC\1 , 1 t'lurglan at I a m Monda' . . . "pttp1n1 tom "''U ~ponC'd shortl~ aftt'r noon Monda\ 1n th<'~ tloc1. of\"t'laSC'o l..\nc ' tmne TblC\f'S -....uh 1 peon ti1n1for1u1omob1 k t·topsdeanC'd up \tofl<b, ~n ll"'1nt'. ""hnT I 0 Sl"paratc 1n<'ldt'nu o( H oi> theft ~ rql0(1C'd acrord•na 10 poli« l'Tpom TM \arJtl of man) oflhc thcft.s •'as lhe O.uun -· ~ OZ\ 'r'<'rts ~•r T ·tops art wo., h 1ppro\1m11t'h SI 'O''ra.-h Poli« bt'l11 •c the theft~ arr cunnC'('IC'd Armed man quietly robs Irvine bank /. Sat. Tom Boylan cstimaled the cocaine seized Friday niaht It a Santa A 01 home w..s worth more than $200.000 on tbe streets. her mn whom Boylan dc9cribcd as a pohC't a.msled C'osta Mesa rn1dents "fairly hip. rriict-«'=el dealer" in Jo) Lynn Johnsto n. 3 1. on susp1eton ______________________ 111111111 __ _ Sant.a Ana. . of selltna cocaine. Matthr w E. Hen· .\ man armed 1Jo1th a pisaol qu1cH) robbed an In LM bank Monday at trmoon. CSCIPl !'4 "'1th an unk:no•"ll amountof c,ash wh1kbankcustomet1 and rmploycesronducted buunesu u ual. The invcstiption bcpn with tips that kd ofticen to a home in the 2300 block of'Eden A veaue in Costa Mesa. wheft the residents were ~ly deali .. ~·The Pf'* t0 a teeond Costa Mna residence in the 200 block of Monte Viau ~ and thm to a resideoce in the 2200 block of Wat Wibbft A venttt in Sant.a Ana. ., . Police found mort than 1 tilo of dric~s.. ~6. o n.susp1c1on of possns1ng cocaint. five auns _ indudi an cocaine. Thomas R .. Hendncks. 30. nsault riflt .:.... and mort th8n s?rm on s~sp1c1on ofbein11n a plact -.here · sh t the San •---.A.a.. • • cocaine was uS('(i: Stanle ~-in ca • ta nnm .....as. it Houpton. 34. 6n"'susp1Cton of selhng was rcponed. cocatne: and Sfcvcn H _ Vanderpool. Luis Hcmandcz.. 26. and his ?6, on suspK1on of possns1na ~ mother. Maria 0 . Hemandez. 40. cain~. wm boOted on ~ of Pot-Thrte othtt ~ armled ~ IC'Ssi".'J cocaine fof 9*. noc ldtfttifitd. 8orlan sa.td. A susp«1 Polecc said they allo coa6tcaticd idtn&ilkd as Juan Frutos Hema'*2. S2.l00 cash ind smlll amouats of 47. bas aot bttn aPPft.hcnckd. Man booked after allegedly returning to scene of crime . . KnOUS v. hen sht' sav. 4 kntfe and 1un. but \ht 12:40 a.m robbtf> S111\ fai~ and tht man fled. Jo hnson satd When Gama ~turned to the cofftt ~ Mondal.. C'\'mln&. the v.-oman l"CC.'Olftlttd him and ttl po •<"e. Jobmon l&ld. I The maa -as ia, ana u offken amvcct 11 abOu.l UO. p.m_ JO tbie)' ~~ h~m to .tht 1ntenec1t0Ct of Ha,rt,or bk\'ard lftd 8ikCT SrTftt. ~W)~bUll o'-n lftJldt lu car pohtt bind \.ht \naft and pm raa aJk:ledJ utied 1n ihr S.tur*y robbtt ~ anatlpt JollMoll said . honl~ after 3 p.m .• a man waited up to a teller at' Sccu~k Nauonal Bllnk. 18622 ur Bhd. aCld demanded mc>My. ecicord- 1ng m '"''ne pohce rq90ftl. e tM • same umc. the man palled.__ bis J&cket and a llclcdly Q,poaed lft ~ut matte' "' toi tucked • IUt WMM· band . .. The teUef p ve the mu • -. detmn1ntd amount of Calla .._ 1111 ~.Mdtht"*-... 0 ·-OU\ of the ban No OM .. .._. dun "I tht. 1nadeo&. llM ... ....._ tdkn or CUMomert Wlft .... lif'llill r<Albc•>' unttl the "Y1Ctm tells w nouacat that w := ._. ,....... ............... ~.--. nc Jil!ll9ICt " • 11 • • • • • ••• --.-27~,_......... '70- .... widl ...... cWty :Mir .... -.. -. . ..._ .......... ... bhlt_;e-MMI._. ..... ...._ e.cae recalls Iraqi memo, "denies.knowledg~ Of brltie WASHINGTON (AP)-Attomey The 1977 fORip Comapt Pmc· proposed pipeline. Ocncra1 Edwin Mttte Ill ac.knowl-ticn Act trnerally forbids companies "No one said an offer was made or Idles lhat ~ lonatime friend wrqte and individuals from makhw pay-carried out." Peres said. "There's no him about a proPQSed SI billion Iraqi men ts to foreip aovmunedt olneials basis to the reports that anythina was pipeline. but sayi"tle doesn't recall a to 1eeurc help in obtainina or tttain· done." • section of the memo dcscribina a in& business. Under that law. the Meese said that durina his contacts payoff p&aD to protect it from Israeli attorney. ~ral j~ ~hie for with t~ Israeli official, "I ca.n say !hat bombina. -prosecutrna Amencarr cmzens or ·at no lime-was-there 1ny-dt9Cuss1on. ' Meete said Mqnday that he re--rom~ies that try to bribe fOttip hint. or implication oh payment." ce1w:d. but docs not recall rcadi~ offacials. · However, two liberal senators and lbe leCtion of the memo from bas WallKh, a lawyer who was rep-frtquent Meese critics -Patrick ·loqtimc friend E. Robert Wallach in rewntina one of the project's part-Leahy. D-Vt .. and Howard Metzen· micft.198' which refen to a payoff ncn, came to him lookina for advice baum, D-Ohio -called for M~'s plan involvina the Israeli Labor Party in May I 98S. Meese said. resignation. Meesc's repeated appear- of F~ Minister Sbjmon Peres. Meese cliscloeed that in the fall of ances before Jflnd juries a.nd the formerly prirrrc minister. . that yea(, be bad two contacts about several investtptions targeting the Meesc's involvcmen(in the pipe.: -'tlie pipeline with an Israeli official. attorney general arc .. a source of line project is the subject ofl criminal whom sources familiar with the embarrassment to all Americans,'' jnvestiaation by independent counsel .~minaJ probe of M~ have ident· Mettenbaum said. . James McKay. • • 1fied as Pcm. The proJCCt'S backers Meese refused to answer questions Meese-read a five-page statemenuo wanted Israeli assurances that that after read inf his statement and rtporters Mondfy complaining that nation wouldn't bomb \be pipeline. walked out o the room Ha reporter hehasbcentbev1ctimof"acascadeof whic)\ was to be built by San asked bfrn whether he would remain misinformation." Francisco-based Bechtel Corp. as attorney general. He insisted that his invol vement in Peres, speakina on Israel army President Reagan . returning from a the pipeline project "was cxtremelr, radio Monday, said he never was speech to ~ group of rcligi_ous broad· limited. I did not initiate.or promote' offertd a bribe in return fora promise casters. said "I'm not going to talk ii. that Israel· wouJd not bomb the about" Meesc's situation. • Ihdians free paper's hostages • What shadow? Mecham to· te•tlfyon· ownterins PHOENIX ('AP) ... -Gov. Ev~ Mecham is apin promisina to testify before a House panel thlll i1 conaider· ina whether he should be im~ched, and this time it apparently wall be on his terms. • · The Republican aovemor claim.eel victory-in~ ll&Ddoff MQnday wath House leaders who backed down on their insistence that he answer ques- tions from their attorneys as .well' u from lawmakecs on the select com- mittee. Mecham had wanted to answer questions only from lawmakers, and House lcad~rs aarce<f .to let him testify under those tcrms.Wcdne9day. But House leaders weren't happy about the apcement. "Speaker Joe Lane. a Republ.ican, warned that if Mecham balksapin Wednesday. "he can sure kiss the Hpuse &oodbye." Committee Chairman Jim Skelly said he wanted to subpoena Mecham but he w.as outvoted by fellow Republicans. • Before the tua-of-war began. the JOvcrnor made an opening statement in whfch he denied wrongdoing .in failing to report a S3SO,OOO campaign loan·and borrowing $80.000 for his auto dealership from the govcrno·r·s protocol fund. LJ.JMBERTON. N.C. (AP)-Two Hatcher and Jacobs threw out two Hatcher and Jacobs just before they armed American Indians who took a shotguns and a .38-caliber revolver ·surrendered. It i:;alls for a re view pf newspaper staff hostage freed their andrclcasedthelastsevenbostageSof the Indians' allegations. to be-con- caplives after the govcr;nor a~ ~o 17 . ~ople tttey had _held in the . ducted t>} Kfrk: J_im Trotter. general invtstipte charges of corruption 1n build1ns-counsel to Martm; and Joe Dean. local law enforcement agencies. ..T.heir prime concern was that state sccretarv of crime control and Phil. the weather-forecu~ around hot of Pmu- eutawney. Pa .• le lnterriewecl 6"y Jim Ileane. praldent of the Pun.uutawney Ground Bot Club, tbla momma. PhU didn't eee bl• ehadow. which meana a qalck end to Winter. The governor did not• directly address an accusation that he tried to thwart a state investigation of an alleged death threat. instead saying he had not been fully informed about the alleged threat · 6ddie Hatcher, 30. and Timothy 'somebody would shoot them," said public.safety.' Jacbbs. 19. members of the Tuscarora l>aul°Daly. FBlspes:ial agent in charge The agreement calls for investlga- facCion of-ihe Lumbtt Indians. sur· for Nonh-Carolma ... They wanted-to tion oft.he Robeson County shcrifrs renliered to FBI agents Monday be taken into custody in another department. district attorney and na&fit. 10 hours after invading the JUnsdiction." . • · local and district offices of the State Banks lower prlzne rate to 8.5·percent off'ibcs of the Robcson1an. a dail) Gov: Jim. Manto s chief of s~a: Bureau of lnvest1gat1on. It also calls ne-.hpaper in Lumberton.----Phil Kirk, signed an agr«mcnt Wlth fot a· thorough investigation of the NEW YORK (AP) -Several major ~nks l~wcrcd their prime lending rates a quancr percentage point to 8.5 percent toda). reflecting a ,recent overall decline in interest rates. Chase Manhatiin Btnk, Citibank. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. and Bankers Trust Co. ------------------...;.' -----------. death of a black jail inmate and for the transferofTtomber-tndian ftorn the Robeson jail to one in another county. The reductions were the major banks' first changes in the key lending rate this year and the $CCond cut since early November. when the prime was lowe~ to 8.7S percent from 9 ,,ercent. The reduction placed the prime at its lowest since July 1986. . • . . .. • • ~ I , . • • • I I • • • • • • I i : • • • ~ • • .. • • . • , . • s "fhe-euts-;-eff eet1 vdy-i m mediately. were an nou need b) Morgan Guaranty Trust Co .. Chemical Bank. Chicago- based Continental Illinois National Bank .& Trust Co .. ' Reagan in last-ditch plea for Contra aid; opponeqtsconfident concerns about rclcasang the military ponion of the aid package.-. · WASl:llNGTON tAPJ -Con- gressional Democrats are voicing confidence that th ey will defeat -----------------:..-:..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..":..~_. President Reagan's request for S36.2 But House Majority Leader Thomas Folc). D-Wash .. predicted l ' A New, Free Servie~ ... Qualified 'Ihldespeople Just A Phone Call ~way! •IT'S FREE! • IT'S CONVENIENT! • IT'S PERSONALIZED! • IT'S PROFESSIONt\L! t ~ -~ Ta ke the guesswork out of finding com~tent, reliable trades~ople to repair, remodel. decorate or clean . w~.-••HOME •''~•i' IMPROVEMENT :••· Ii REFERRALS IN~. (714) 631-7200 • knO\ate propt>rt) for sak or ttntal •~model or add on .to e-cis1in• slructutt • Brin• buildln•s up to code ror cit) lnsptttlons • Satisfy home if15pt'Clion ttqultt':"ents for doff or~ . • fulfill on1toin1t malnlt'naoce nttch • Enhantt or UpJtrade )OUr oomtt or lncome-propt'rt) , AU mt'mMn •~ Dianne Felton· • Ucensed agf'nl/memher NHCM Board of Rea.Ito~ II )"2~ .• Member Newport llarbor Area Chamber of Commerce • Member o c. Chamber of Commerce • Property management 13 )"1~ • Local 0 C. resident 20 yean • LICENSED • BONDED • PERSOMLD' INfERVIEWED • JOB REFERENCES CllECKED \pphJnc1 Rquir \l'OU,11\ t.t•thll~' \1r <.on111114•1lllll! \\\lllll).t\ \\ph.1i1 \rchlh'< I Rncl.'\\11,-L f\J I h Rt l1101ld in~ K.11h1uti Rd1111,hnl\! f Jf"Jlt'I - · ~.tit'' rrN.tll 1lt.1n - l .ll"J'-'""' Ct'nlt'nl 't:o&"M1 QaJI '1s for qualifit'd tradespeople in these KrVltt areas: <..d'ltf'k'l' < ol1n11•n11ri' ( ht't0l ll~lll/JlKlll ()n \\,Ill f)l.l(t\Jll~ !>1101" -'J.lt" llM.dl lh~ Rt•pJlr I)\'('~ lAIJllO\! flt'\.lrK..1.1 tt'IKll!ji! ·~111(1111! - i1M.tll r('f1111,h f um11urt• Refi111~b1111t f1rt-pl.Kt" - 111,tJll ck.tn l1Jrdt•Ot0).t (,Jr.1.11t· lllw11'\ Op1.•uc•I'\ (iUllt I'\ t,l.L,, \(:lJO(•d hr\ d<'d lit·1wr JJ C11ntr.1t·111r llUtJrut llJnJ\ m.in ll.111hm~ llou.'(·fk• JJllflll llomt· I ~pt' lil1ru. ln,ul.1(1on tnCl•fHlf [)t>\1).tll IJOIHrflJI ~I"\ l(f' 1-JtdMm Rt:modehn~ t..and;;c:-.tpt• l)f"f(O 1 ... ~m11h \hm1r. \ll3tJQI\ \kJ\ Ill~ ~\Ur.IJt\ Om:mwntal I mn -. Plumbm1t l\)ol\ Spi' f'.11n11n1t P.tlNI Ul\\'I' f\>,1 Control Pl.btf>ri'ilit. Stum1 Pl1nt ln1trt11D · R1111flllJl 1 ~rlf\ ~\\l('ffi' '~~lll(hb Mu1ter. ~pr1nkl('fll ' •t' •dronw 8") rttOftlmmdltiCNW fA .,....opk )OU ...., hl\e. ftO'e[ l"PWIJ't."E'T IWUIAl.S, I !"lM'O~ ~1l.1r lnslallmetm Tll(' lh.·t• ltimm1n~ ll>rmtte ln,pcctkrn l phol,ttl') '.ailpaptr ~-- ak" tll\ull. rk>-Ml " indi"' Co\ cr11~ ,,~Ofttfl~ ':1wrPun(1ratN>n.~)'llttm\ lMt •. tc.t H._.,.~ (Chan Hoa.w ....,.,_) Saitt 110. '"""1 "9c'tl. CA ( •1t) 6JI • !00. I ' • 1 . ' mill ion in new aid to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, despite last-minute personal lobbyang by the president and today's plea for support b) Secretary of State George P. Shultz. "Continued progress toward democr(\,cy in Nicaragua and peace in Central America depends critically on U.S: suppon for the Nicaraguan resistance ... Shultz told the House Foreign .\fTairs Committee. He said if Congress turns the administration down. "We can be certa in that no meanangful progress in the direction of moderation and democracy will occur ... Reagan was meeting with about 20 House members today and making a televised sales pitch tonight to press his case. Cable News Network said ll would carry the 5 p.m. PST speech: PBS said the address would be offered to its affiliates: NBC. CBS and ABC all said they would not televise it. As Reagan kept up his lobbying drive. Fitzwater said administration officials continued to seek "some new formula" to address congressional · R_cagan ·s job would be a tough one. "The president has his greatest influence when he speaks in behalf of a posiuon supponed by the Amcncan people." Fok)' said. "The prcsidcnt is not SP,Caking for the American people · on Contra aid. ··11 is my very firm belief that when the House acts on Wednesday. 1t will reJeCt the president's pr9pos.al." he said. And some Republican backers of the S36.2 million aid request were less than sanguine Monday as they looked ahead to Wednesday's showdown on the House floor. whctt .-:it fitces its severest test. The White House con- tinued to search for a sweetener that would attract a few· more needed 'otes. If the House approves the aid package. which incl udes $3.6 millidn for weapons and ammunition. it would go lo the Senate for a vote on Thursday. Both chambers must ap- prove the package for it to become law. ~ ,· Woznan kept znate ·~body 8 years, held la forgery GALESBURG. Ill. (AP) -A woman who pleaded ,guilty to con- ceal ing her husband's death for eight years. tending his corpse as if it were alive. faces forgery charges along with her panner in the deception, authorities said. I Carole Ste vens. 42. of rvral Knox- vi lle and Richard G. Kunce: 56. a fo rmer ·Chicago-area dentist de- scribed as Mrs. Stevens' house guest. pleaded guilty Monday in Knox County Court to charaes of failing to repon the.May 1979 death of Carl L. Stevens. After the hearing. lX>th were bdok· ed into the Knox County Jail on forgery charges. said Sheriff Mark Shearer. Stevens' mummified remains, re· dlm1! ro-wrinkled, leeiMry.tkin and bones, were fo und Friday in the family's home abou( 10 miles east of Galesburg. A relative who had be- come suspicious helped authorities aain entrance to his home. Shearer said. Authorities believe Stevens died nearly nine years aao. but his body was prncrved throu&h a natural dehydration process, Sliea~r s:•nd. "His skin dried like shoe leather. and he just· shriveled up," Shearer said. Authorities belic:ve t.hc body was kept for a lon&-period on a basement lounge chair. • • ~·A1thou&h it was obvious he'd-been dead ci&ht years. the family sinccrcl)' thot.1&ht h"C was fine. the way he was being tr~ated. ' Shearer said ... They changed his clothes and beddina just like he was sick. Thcrc'salsoevidence they moved him around the house, to · difTcrcnuooms ancicbaitl • .:_ ... \ Results of an autopsy arc expccte<r-' \ by mid~cc~. Shearer said. FBI facing ~earings .Pver.,. ~pying 9n Contra f o~s WASHINGTON (AP)-The F,81 low1ns release la.st we.etc of· FBl evickntJy "abandoned" aovmunmt documtnts obtained under the Free. lines fOt cond~illJ domntic dom ofl nformauon Act bythe Cmtn surveillance when it spied on Ameri· for Constitutional Riahts, a New cans oppoted to the R~n adminls.. York-based civil liberties aroup. The tratiotf'1 Central Amma policin. documents ~valed the QiStelK'e of say& tht head of a conpenional th~J,u~u·~ surveillance cam~ip. pentl. The pnncipal \ll'ltt was the Com· Rep. Don Edwards. chainna" of mmee In Solidarity with the Peoplf lhc HOUtt Judiciary aval ........ of EJ Salvador, ot CISPES. but the subcomminct. •id Monday that he FBI documct'ltl indtc.tect that the flans IO bold puMic bearinp on the survcillantt tventually_ u .. nded to F8r1 conduct in ebou• .-., Wlekt.. include more ~ 100 poupa ud ~' In addition. the Se.,.tc lntellilmcc indi"iduah · oPPOted IO ldm1ft1• Commiuec wu &o receive a cloled· tration ~ fn Central America. ~ ~~ftna today ~ die. FIL Edwards Mid that under JUl&icc '"""'•*' ~ thC-.. .... ftt. ~t suidetiMl"Ol lalll..at--=--IOf, Willia~ 5asaoM. . l«UntY, ~tioas. the •FBI 9-10 , The ~I scond~ llCOllU~under tftd an 1nvnt911Uon wheft 111fi ..... 1ncta11nt ~ ~v fol. mmu\al coniluct .. . . • r I .. Orange Coalt DAILY PILOT/Tunday. February 2. 1988 * M .~ . DevefOplil~ntcited·in Court r~les H~gh court ni-es _illegally ~~;~~10~~-~:.::~~~~~i ~?aa;1r~~~~ ~~!~!~~~ .~~1:':~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~i~ western Utah show saans of starva· Michael Coffttn. a non.game RI VERS IDE upremf Court\ ruhng that 11lcplly C'h1ef Jusuce Malcolm Lucas an the Constltuuon an 1971. •• ) tion. according to a study by an b1·01~1·st fior the Utah Division of (AP) -The count} obtained confessions can be u~ in ma1ont) oparnon !. Arizona veterinarian. .d J h , coroner was again bloeked from coun 15 a "•llory for proponents of . .. But the state court, which had The finding comcsamid concern in Wild 1fc Resources~ sa1 arc ow s defrosting and conducting an autopsy Proposauon 8. the I 98l ballo t in· Mondays 4-3 vote b) the new 'oted to recon ader tht" issue after California that the expansion of sti.Jd Y is ·~the most important tortoise on the head of a woman whose son itaatl\'e proj>erly known as the Vic· coo~n atJve court OH'rruled a maJor Chief J usuce Rose Bird and tWO • ~ desert cities is contributing to a report in recent years ... We now have believes Cf}On1c suspension ma)' tims' Ball of.Rights. decision ~f the former coun of ex-colleagues were voted o ut of offacie in 'l decline of up t0-so percent in the a Jllai11 ~ey to th~ pu~zlt about whx someday allo\\ her to be brough back chief JL1s11ce Rose E Bird and said 1986. said Mo nd2y that the pro-,,. tonoisc's numbers m the western we're losing torto1scJ. to life. · fht-court rul!n~ Monday that CVldcnet"'of a defendant's incn91inat· prosecution federal standards ~ 4 Moja ve Desert o f California and The dcscn tortoises in Utah were "This v.as to protect m> mother ~rapped Callfo~1a s ban on 1llegall> mg statements. taken 1n violation of reauan:d an all cases· by Proposition 8 . .,; 'J, Nevada. Lfist week an environmental placed on the fcderial list of en-and th~ others from au tops)." said obtained confessions said tough fed-has nght to see a lav. \Cr could be used The ruling upheld the 19-year *'1• group announced a plan to raise $2 . .S dangered species in 1980 after Saul Kent. whose deceased mother eral standards . fa\onng the pros~ against him if he iook the "'atness prison sentence of Michael Dennis , ,: mllll.on to t"pand a ~ederal pr-·rv• b. 1 . d d 1 1 has been the focus of a R1, erside «utaon in cnmanal casts •re required stand .. 1 d f _ " " .. .-.. 10 og1sts· ocumente a ong-erm C . n r-31 fio ""'"auc .. of th• n t at .. •"' a' .. con' 1cte o raping one wornan .. 1" for the tortoises outside California decline m their numbers. Th1ny-five ount) coroners anquu1 since her 1 '-1 rnia IK".. .... .. 1 1 1 "'" Justice St<yllc' Mosl author of the and assaulting another. an Santa 1.lq City an Kern County. square miles of land in southwestern death · de ca P 1t 311 0 n and That measure included a prO\ISIOn 1976 ruling that v.as o' enurnt~d Barbara an Februaf} 1983. 'u ··1.t 1s .my opi.nion th~t a J?!Olo~ged Utah has been dCs1inatcd as critical "suspension .. an liquid nitrogen last rcquinng state co~ns to admit .. all Monda". said an dissent that the " declane 1t1 nutnent ava1lab1laty, Since habitat for the tortoises. month. relc' ante' 1dcnce. '-'1th a fev. spcca-maJont\ decision misinterprets Ma' v.as con\lcted ofrobbang and . (studies in the' 1940s). is a major • Reasons for the decline in tortoise Supcnor( ounJudgc Victor Maceh fie 1."xccpt1ons. The coun had ruled an Proposition 8 and "pracucall)' in' ites raping :i woman at gunpoint 1n a '"'' cause.. of recent ~rt-tortoise 1-numbers have been debated for years. 0~ Monda) upheld a temporal) 19 5 that 5.tate courts must follov. unlawful conduct .. an cases'" which an ta Barbara condo minium and " de~ths in the Beaver Dam Slope. Some experts have blamed over-'"Junction mued Jan. 14 barring the federa l '>tandard~ an allov.ang the police belie'e thr\ can obtain the assaulung another woman 1n her car , ·l A~1dzona researcHer James L. Jarchow grazing by cattle, whil~_,.,others have ~our~~enr ~e~om~1nd·1stau1rb11hn .. g ~hlecofrroLLel"~ l'\ 111.knlClffrom m~laacl·conseaar~~ .. l'.S. but C\. ldence tht") ~ck onl~ h~ \ 1ola11ng 10 Februal) 1983. • ... fb. sa1 recently. pointed to radioactive f•ilout. collec-" ~ ' "" 1'-no 1n se -1nt.n an 1 c ~ . the Jav. ·· .\her he v.as arrested and"°"" o 11 ,1 The Beaver Dam Slope as a desert tao n of tortoises for pets, disease and Ex1ens1on Foundation. including the ··11 !>t'ems \.Cl) lakel) that Prop-• nght to remain sJlent and t\ave a ~ area which straddles 1he Utah-An-predation b)' coyotes and foxes. head of Dora Kent · os111or. 8 "as crafted for the 'Cl) The state coun ruled such state-la"" )Cr prt·senl. Ma~ said ... Before I .. M1cd1 ~1d tha'>'1ng the se'en purpose. among others. of abrog.a11ng men ts 1nadm1ss1ble under the C ah-ansv.er a thing I v.ant an att~y heads and bod> '" the care of Alcor cac;es v.h1ch had elevated the fom1a Consfatullon an 1976 and here ··But v.11hout callins a lawyer .• ~ v.ould be a .. , 1ola11on of the conc,111u-pr<Xcdliral nghts of the criminal reaffirmed the d~1s1on 1n 19 5 and poliu~ began questioning ham. and he 111 11onal rights of lhe decedents .. tu defl·ndant abo'e 1he level required b) 1987. The U.S. upreme C oun allo'>'-mad!' 1ncnm1na11ng statements. d1spo~orthe1rrema1nsas1he) v.1sh ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rose Bird agrees to take commentator job at KABC Coroner Ra) Camilo had been I refused permission b) A.l\or to exam- ine t'hc head of Mrs Kent. the 8'- year-old woman "ho died last month at the facaht). two da}s after she was transferred from a Buena Park con- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ousted California Chief Justice Rose i ird has tentatively agreed to become a news commentator for Los Angeles television station KABC'. the Herald faam1ner repon ed today. The station ·s general manager. John Sc'enno. refused to confirm that Bird is the one referred to in fou r advertisements run during the Super Bov. I on Sunda) that said. ..Th as week. the most controversial woman an Californ ia joi• 'Eyewitness Nev.s.' ·· The paper. quoun& anonym ous sources close to th: negotia~aons. said Bird is that-worr an. and that the negotiat ions are nurty comp)ete. C'u rnmentancs earned on KABC also ai :-a'ailat.le to sister stauon KGO a n~~ Frc.nc1sco Bird. 51. was removed from the high coun along with. two o ther justices in 1986 by voters unhapp} with the coun's consiste nt reJeCtion of the death penalty and with rulings criticize.d as anti-business. ' ale5.eent home Because the v.oman·~ dfath cenificate indicated she had died from pneumonia an the absence of a do<.tor. the count~ ·s health depan- ment called an the coroner's office to determine the cause of death. aul Kent. 48. said his mother v.anted to be froLen or cr.on1calh suc,pcndcd 1n thl.' hopes that one da; ml·d1cal technolog) v.ould be able to bring her back to life. I Our Commitment We Care for People and Ol R J>HEFEHHELl l 'l.A:'\ OHEH:-;·ym • Luxurv deluxe mini suite!-; •Deluxe emi-pr1vate suite-.; • Beaut~ful emi-private tudio.: Huntington · Beach Convale cent I 11 Florida Ave. Huntington 8each {714)847·8515 Cater to their Lifestyle. 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Officials at al lttihad t cir prescn an t en e · UNITED NA i:ioNS (AP)-The ~ntted ~~~~lost Arab.aood wd! when weapon. Pentqon officials had said for months that rran miaht have obtained Hospital in nearby Nablus identified The settlers said they were protest-it vet~d a. ~unty Co~ncil resoTuuon cnhcllln& Israel s handhn& of a small number of Sti•rs inadvertently when a· shipment mean~ for the wou nded man as Said Yassin. ina. a car fire~~~ina Sunday in ·· P~lest1niannoJingand callrngfor U.N.-sponsoredpeacet1lks,_theAnbl..eque Afahantstan resistance flghten went astray along the.lran-Af&ban-Pakistan The army said it was checking the which an lsraeh c1v1han was severely said. . border. The recovery of a missile from the 1ulrs bottom will now •llow U.S. repon. burned. Tl'ley denied smashing wind-After the I~ I vote Monday. ~viet A~bassador Ale~sa~er _Belonoa<?v authorities to trace the missiles conclusively. the sources said. The Pent.aaon Also today one Jewish settler was shields. rebuk~ the United Stat~ for bl~kmg th~ will of the cou~a( maJonty. He said refused to make any official comment on whether a Stinser missile had been hurt bY' broken glass when Arabs The army said soldiers turned back th~ Unned States was aoang a.gamst the tad~ of world C?P1nton. found on the recovered patrol boat. It acknowledged. however. that the so- stoned his car and shattered the a second gro up of armed civilians as U.~. Ambassador He~t>ert Ok~n said the u.ntted. States vetoed the called Boghammar boat had been raised in early January. windshield outside the Dheishc refu-they tried to enter the Arab village of resolution to ~eep the Secunty Council from 1ntcrfenna with a U.S. attempt to Be hi h h E b d bnng about direct t,alks between Israel and her Arab foes. gsaeeidca mp near t e em. t e army in Ya ru · lsrael and the United St.ates reJect a U.N.-sponsored peace conference as a . Leaders of the Gush Em1Jn1m b · fi d" lk be I I d h A b · · The latest clashes camef after nearly settlement movement announced su sutute ?r irect ta . s tween srae an er ra enemies. eight weelt~ of violence in the tem· they formed a special reaction team to ~rab _diplomats said the veto c~uld backfire. . . . tories Israel captured from ~ypt and respond to Palestinians nots. The'-It_ will furt_her ~rode the effectiveness of th~ United States in the pursuit Jordan in the 1967 Middle &St war. warned they mi&ht not be able t~ -. and its contnbuuon to -peace. We.regret this dcvelop~ent _a areat deal." AccordinJ to United Nations figures. restrain their fullowers if Arabs said Cl?v1s Maksoud. the Arab ~agues SJX?kesman. He S;ald duce~ talk~ arc 41 Palestinians have-been killed-by attacks on settlers continued. 1ml>C?.ss1ble and called lhe veto a low point 1n Ara!>-Amenca~ relauons. Israeli gunfire since the violence The army closed all West Bank It wfll erode a . great d~al of the .. good .will the United States has erupted Dec. 8. schools and four universities today. accumulated recently m the Middle East. he said. ~ Two Arabs were killed Monday one day after violent clashes in voh - after a convoy of lsraclj soldiers and 1ng !:Jdents. The one-day closure Reagan accelerates Mideast truce overtures civilians was trapped in the West affected about 280.000 students who Bank town of Anabta by stone-had returned to classes Monday after throwingprotestcrs. lsraelisgotoutof a two-week break. their vehicles and opened fire. The Among institutjons ordered closed arm) said it was invcstigatina was Vat1can-sP<?nsored BethJehem whether soldiers or civilians fired the Uni versity. which reopened Monday fatal shots. followi ng a three-month closurel m· The deaths were the first from posed after violent demonstrations. gunfire since Jan. 15. The army also imposed curfews on Monday night Jewish settlers viol-the West Bank city ofNablus. and six ated a curfew, drove their cars into the villages and refugee camps. in the center of Anabta and smashed a West Bank and occupied Gaza Strip. number of windows of Palestinian which Israel seized in the 196 7 cars. military sources said toda). Middle East. War. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan administration is stepping up contacts wtth Israel. Jordan and Palestinian Arabs to see if they can agree on a formula for Middle East peace negotiations. Presidential envoy Philip" C. Habib returned" Monday from talks in Jordan with Ktng Hussein. and the White House said his secret mission did not produce a breakthrough. Habib reponed to Secretary of State George P. ShuJtz. who 1s in the midst of evaluating a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir to hold Arab- lsraeh negotiations on Palestinian autonomy. The goal would be to provide the 1.5 mill ion Palest1n1an Arabs who.live o" the Jsraen-held West Bank and Gaza with self-rule under the 1978 Camp Da,•1d agreements but not control over security and foreign affairs. two baSic attnbutes of statehood. Another U.S. diplomat. Wat Clu ve rius JV . moves between Israel and Jordan. keeping in touch on day-to-day problems in beginning negotiations. Gunman slay Frenchman ln Belrut BEIRUT. Let>tanon -Gunmen ina speeding car killed a.Fr:enchman a~ he drove his automobile in a residential neghborhood of Chnst1an east Beirut today, police said. A police spokesman identified the victim as Jacques Moran. 27. He said Moran died "from thrtt bullet wounds in the neck. chest and abdomen." The spokesman. who could not be identified 1n line ~th regulations, said police did riot know Moran's hometown nor occupation. However, the Voice of Lebanon, a radio station based in east Beirut an~ run ~Y the Christian militiamen who control the streets 1n that sector of the ctty. said he worked for the "French (embassy) security" apparatus. Tome splll evacµates 2,000 Russlans MOSCOW -A train carrying a poisonous and flammable liquid derailed m the Volga nver city of Yaroslavl. forcing the e' acuat1on of 2.000 people living nearby and injuring 12 rescue workers, Soviet media said today. Reporu by the Sovictskaya Rossiya newspaper and the official Tass news agency gave a more detailed picture of the Monday morningacc1dept than the acc~unt !ass provid~ Monday. Seven rail cars, three of them ,carrying the unidentified toxic chemical. left the tracks 150 yards from a bridge acr~ss the Volga. So vietskaya Rossiya said. One of the tank cars fell on its side and broke open on imi)act. a'nd the volatile liquid started flowing from a ruptured hatch. the paP.<!r said. It said 2.000 people were evacuated from homes and other buildings within a third ofa mile of the accident site. SPRING APPAREL & ACCESSOHlES '., ' ... . IMAGINE: 25% OFF THE TIC.KETED PRICES OF ·SPRING'S FRESHEST . ;-h4-. • ·-- FASHIONS ... BEFORE THE SEASON . . BEGINS! TOMORROW THROUGH . . • ' I MONDAY, FEBRUA _RY 15TH We're treating women, men and kids to savings on a hand-picked collection ~f current fashions and accessories. Come check out the savings before our regular prices ·go into effect . THE BROADWAY •, "'-----. r .. . . • ~-..;;;---· ·'-----..,.. ). \ . ' '· .-.... ' . -, \ i \ l \... __ _ , MarJbc ' r ro LIGHTS LOW ER ED TAR & NICOTINE ,. Orange Coast DAIL~ PILOT/Tuad1y, February 2. 1988 A.7 • , • • r .... ., .... -. .. .. New Marlboro Li2bts Menthol. Great refreshment in the Flip!lbp box. SURGEON GE NE RAL' S WARNING : Smoking Ca u s es lung Cancer. Heart D j s a.as e. Emphysema. And May Complicate Pregnancy. 1. r r COMPLETE.:NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN8~CTION8, A10 T I ., , .l . . Geneva ·ranKsNo. linmeigers ne GncH CM., a Costa Mesa- headquanercd. international me'ler and acquisition services firm. in- itiated and closed the most mergers. acquisitions and d ivestitures in 1987. accordin& · to Corporate Financing Weck. deals advenised as initiated durio& 1987. Drexel Burnham Lambert 'fin- ished 1987 in founh place with 26 initiated deals and Kidder Peabody rounded out the top fi ve firms with 21 initiated merger and acqu1sitton transactto ns in the 12 months of 1987. protCS$1Qn~ls an4 . SlJ..PPOrt • lllff thro ughout the world dedicated to evaluations. merters. acquisitions and div(stitures of m iddle market businesses." j" ~ll tmnets,,,. l'r:QYidJna .. ~\rQpa, momentum f'or IYl8. In Monday's issue of the weekly financial industr} newsleller tha t tracks merger and 1lCQUiSltLOn act1vi- t), The Geneva Cos. were credited wittr50inrt1at.cd transac11ons in 1981- to lead all firms. Anhur D. Perrone. Jr .. president of Geneva Business Scn,ces. said. .. This rccogmuon as a fimng con- clusion-to l981. ~hich was another r~ord )ear for Geneva and the annivenary of the company's 10th year serving the middle market. •••• In Newpon Beach Spectl'allMMl 18c. reports record sales for its founh quarter ended Dec. 3 1, 1987. Fourth qu~rter sales of $1-9.9 million were S1t. I million higher than the same J>('r od in 1986. and S 1.4 m1lllon higher than the third quancr of t987 Aplin furtha' said that fourth quarter earninp were 13 cents ee! rl.~..,. up from 1 cents in the third c.uarter. before the non-recurrina charte of $3.2 million for the manu- facturins consolidation that was an- no unced by the company in Novem- ber. Run ne r s-up "ere Henr y Ansbacher w11h 36 anauated trans- actions and PaineWebbcr w11h 33 President Rd. Aplin said that founh quaner performance was good Spcetramcd's full year results for 1987 showed sales of S7S.3 million and a net loss ofSJ. 7 million. The net loss was due primarily to the manu- facturing consolidation expense m en- "It's a great tnbute to our .350 (PI-.. ... COllPA1'Y / A9) ' Fewer can afford home as prices rise LOS ANGELES (AP) -Rising house prices a home, which would require a minimum income lastycarmore than offsct adecline an interest rates. ofS26,10 1 to make payme nts ofS6S3 a month. Prices Of lJomes lJSted making it more difficult fo r home buyers to qualify Meantime, the trade group's study showed . for loans. the California Assoc1a11on of Realtors that housing an Orange County movectfrom the--· LOS ANGELES (AP) -The California said Monday. second-costliest 10 the most cos1I~ an the state. Association of Realtors said Monday that only 31 As ofDccembcr. only 31 percent of California dropping 1he an Francisco Bay Area to No. 2 spot. percent-uf California families could afford to families could affl)rd to qualify fo r a loan to buy a The a vs: rage home pnce in Orange Count) qualify for a loan to buy a median-pnced. S 144.392 med ian-priced. S 1.i4.392 home. the trade group rose 15.5 J>('rccnt 10 S177. 900 for the yea r. but 26 home. 'said. A famil)' would need.a minimum income of percent of 1he families earned more than the The following chan shows the na11onw1de. \44,654 and would face payments of S 1.116 a minimum S55.017 a year required 10 quallf) for a California and larger couruy median home pnces. month, presuming a 20 percent down payment mortgaae. the monthly pa) ment and minimum income 10 A year earlier. 33 percent of the population_ Prices an the San Francisco region rose OJlly qualify for a home loan on such properties. and the could have qualified for a loan to buy a median-4.4 percent fo r the year 10 S I 75.064, but onl) 11 percent of-rammcs who qualify. pnced home for S 130.565. necdir1g a minimum percent of the families earned the minimum Place Median Monthly Min. P'cnt income of$41.596 to make the S 1.040 an month I) S 54. I 40 needed to qualify for a mortgage. ' Price Payment Income Q'lfd pa)ments. The Los .\ngeles area remained the third LosAng. $144.829 Sl.120 S44.6S4 28 The ~1a1cw1de median homt.' pnce rose' I 0 6 costliest in thntate. with an average house pnce of Oruge $177,Ht $1,375 $$S,017 H percent for the )Car. more than off~ning the S 144.829. followed b~ San Diego at S-133.833. R 'vrs1de SI 02,093 S 789 $31.573 44 benefits of lo" er mongage interest rates:. The ~iverside-San Bernardino at S 102.Q93 and Sacra-Sac'to S 89.0S8 S 689 S27.S42 s 1 combined a'c.·rage for fi'<ed and adjustable mentoat S89.058. S.Dieso SUS.US $1,135 SU,31t %t mortgages fell to 9 25 percent from 9.65 petcent. In Sacramento. 51 percent of the families San Fran. S 17~.064 S l.3S3 SS4. I 40 17 Nauonw1dc. the a'erage home pnce rose .i.7 could afford 1oquahf) fora home mongagc. m ore Calif.. $144.392 Sl .11 6 S44.6S4 31 percent forthnearto S84.400 from S80.600. Fifi) than an~"herl' else an the sune) A. m1n1mum U.S A'g. S 84.400 S 653 $26.10 1 50 percent ofthena11on'sfam1lacscouldqualaf~ to bu~ income-of $27.5~2 "as needed · ~9 9 9 9 q.rp.9 9 9 ~~ ~ Order Early for... ~ 9 t;~l)~ 9 ~ Full Selection Florist ~ ~ ~ E DELIVER O' VALENTINES o.-., H SU~DA Y fEBRUARY I 4TH ~ y k\(\1\ =~~i·~ y ~ Son Jooqu;n Hals Rood at MocArlh~' Blvd ~ V HRS 9om 9pm 640-5800 V 5o o/o · OFF All Frames FREE PHYSICIAN REFERRAL The Choice Is You rs: .. 0 PREM-. cu~ECKl-NG* .. nos U Tl 1! Off!ll{O FOi" UMmD TIMt Ol'ILY >JjO IS Wlllrl To Cl~t WTTHOVT i'fOT1Ct lATE WIU I E ADJUJT(D I' lo\l.JVICT l>aOf'S IELOW SIO.OOO • C nta"' restrict1nru apply Simple intere'll 011 ha/onces nf $10.000 to $90.000. .. High Earnings Our Premium Checking Account offers the high rate of interest specified above, with total liquidity~oor fuom ~ wi:iie- a check. In the meantime enjoy the comfort of knowing that your funds are ... Insured by an Agency of the Federal Gdvernment FSLIC I ~nee protects your deposits up to $100,000. And, our Premium Checking Account doesn ·1 ~ire a long term commitment like tmn accowu do. More than ·t80 branches in Cafif ornia. Call information or the branch7-nearest you. } ., . ... .. CD RA!! Rf POkl Rates as of Feb. I, 1988 Minimum inveslmcnt: $10.000 Buk1 C.WIOUI. .... American Savinas California Federal Century Federal Cel•mbla Savln11 DowneyS&L First lnterstale Great American Heme Federal Lincoln Savings Prudential-Bache Sec. Security Pacific Wells Fargo MM/UaUd ClaecU.1 • Moat• ... Ra&.e .• .Rase S.2S 7.40 5.2S 7.60 5.1.S 7.30 5.U 7.51 S.2S 7.60 4.07 6.50 5.25 7.SI 5.11 7.50 5.25 7.40 6.77 7.00 4.00 6.65 4.00 6.50 1 Year Rate 7.65 . 7.65 7.90 7.ff 7.80 6.60 7.60 7.M 7.50 7.60 6.85 6.6~ • 6 Year Rate : . 1:60 ~· 7.70 1.9S • ••• 8.60 7.40 7.87 7.t7 8.05 8.20 1.15 8.00 Rates courtesy of John M. Valenzuela. CFP. Prudential-llache Security, Long Beach Marina. For information o n o ther rates. call (714) 827-0813. women cut wage gap t .o .70% of men's pay .- WASHINGTON (AP) -Women cracked the 70 percent barrier in 1987 fM the-first-time on record in narrowing a pay gap between them- seh es and men. the government re pons. data on the wage d11Te renccs by sex and when women earned 62.5 percent of what men made. The median wctkl) earninp of men workin\ full time rose SI! - from $42~10 445-between the end of 1986 and the end oflast year, while those of women climbed S 13 -from S296 to S309, the Labor Department The median amount ~the point at which o ne-half of the population group made more and half made less. For the entire population of full - time "'o rkers. median earnings rose by SI S per week -from S366 to S38 I -in 1987. \_ _Jlut afier taking into acc~unt ll. 4.4 J'Cfeent nse in consumer pnces. their actual bu)ing power declined by $2 a week. That represents a sharp re- veN!I of 1986. when workers' purchasing power increased by $7 a week as a result of only I . I percent anOata on in consumer pnces. said Monda). . In pcrccntagi: terms and averaged O\ er the )Car. the median weekly earnings for women working full ti~ in 198 7 were 70 percent of those cn1oycd b) men. up from 69.2 J>('rcert in 1986. The gap has been steadll) na.-row- ing since I 979. when the Bureau of Labor Stat1sucs first began collecung Blacks also edged' up. from 77 pcr<Ynt to 78 J>('rrenl. in what they make "h~n compared w11h whites. (l!lea11e ee;e PAY/ A9) ll ~:E:m OF ART ANO DESIGN rt•••sts , • ., ,rese101 11 • ., ,,..1111111'1 ft I lllJ Hoiffl& dlW If rtOllf Wl,.I lty BONNY n.,. •• ,, , ... ,..,, 11, 1111 t.oo,. •• 10:00,. Oedtalh ••4 IMn .4'""''' , •• , ...... Ir• ..... .. .... , ...... will ......... ,.., .. f11tr11ry ~ Con~ary. Sootllweel Orlglnels. limited Edftlon, ___ J -Unique A~ Olremica, Scutptur•. ·" • UNle Otwgory, - i..,..., 722-1830 artne.a.c .... .... ~to-Tr- '"' .................. 0...1 ~~~Quite possibly. the most ~•-ir--r.~~'2"4ff, bea uTtf u I co eel 1011 o J J doors in the world. • 100 Doon On Diaplaf Oak, losewood iuk,_Malao•&ll)'-~--~~ • French DoorK (Conventional nnd Slidin.1_ U ni t.~) · Bay Window • Cuttom Window~ INSTALLATIONS (714) 581-0854 MOll·Frl 8-1 Sat. Su 10.6 22722 L,mbt>rt St Suite 1701 1':1 Toro, CA 92ft30 1 Orange Couc DAILY PILOT/Tueldey. F~ 2. 1888 .. ~ ............................................................................................................ ~ ....... -.. lll!ll ... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~.-.-.-.-.-.-~·.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--... -----111!11111111~ ......... • ........ .. ~-eollPANYRBPORT8RECORD SALES ••• PnmA8 purchued btt"-ttn Nov. 20 and Jan. 27 at pncn ranJ1n1 from SS.1660 to $6 SO a sharr PAY GAP NARROWED ••• tioned above. &o the hi&h intcmc npmtn the comP1ny hacf in the fint half of the year pnor to 1t1 initial pubhc ofrmna. and to t~ S 1.2 milhon e•traordinary cbaflt related to its financial rtstructunna rttorded in the sttond quancr of 1987. • • • An investor aroup led by the Bcltbera brothers of Vancpuver, Can· I OTC UPS & DOWNS Ida. hu acqu1ttd a 6.6 percent uakc inC1 1r1wl6tenM&..._.,...l9C. and ma) 1ttk toacQuiRrontrol o(the company. attOrdins to • filint "kh the StturititS and Exchantc Com· mission. The foup mentioned the pon1· b1licy o a mef'ltr deal wuh Coun· trywide Credu. and said that in the meantime 1t may Sttk board rep. NYSE UP s & DowNs -.. .. Pro.AS rc1entat1on. The Belz.t>era aroup acQu1red us stake H an tn\C$lmtnt, which it de5Cnbed 1n tf'le 1ilin1 as ·•auract1ve- in liaht of the ~urrtnt market pncc of Countryw1dc's stock ccordinft to thefihna.thc,roupowns l.OSmi ion Countryw1dt' common shMes. purcha~d for a total of $6. 7 m1lhon. The Bebbera itOUP 11 led by Wilham lklzber:a, chairman. prn1· dent and CEO of Pu W•t Flu8daJ Cerp., a U vsnp and loan hold in& compen)' based in Newport lkach. Far Wtst Savn\as hu aiiet5 of Sl 7 b1lhon and operates 2S branchti 1n Callfomia. Amcncan is involved in In\ est men ts and re.al estatr lo.ans. "(he mcdt~ aros• peychecks for blatb before wand Social Secunty deduc11onJ rOK S l la week to Sl061n 1987. The median increase for full · ume whue worten wasS 11 a Wttk, to $391. · .Black women received the b1ucs1 ra1~s 1n acutal dollan·tn 1987. w11h their ~cekl) earninascllmbma b> S 18 Pa)chtcks ro~ b)' S 11 a Wttk 10 S I Hor white "Omen. b) S 14 LO Sll4 for black mu and by S 17 to ~l for wh11c men For H 11panics -.orluna full-ume, pa)check1 amona the men rote SIS to U 16 a ~eek. But Hispa1uc women u a 1roup suffered pay cuts with their median cam a~ dropp1na from S2SS 11 -.~k :it 1hc end of 1986 to S2S3 About I million oftht' shares were to S283 · • When You Make More, Yoµ Expect More If you·~ like mn~t of toJay·~ wealth maker ..... vou \·c earned the pri,·ilege ·of dealing \\'ith a hank that will mah· vour mom~\· wo"rk as hard a you J o. A bank that • \viii not ju r fulfill vou r e~pect:acions hut e~cL·cJ rhcm. At Thl· Private Bank ac Bankers Tru ... c, \\C h,mJlc l'nh prt\<ltl' ~h · .. encs. So vou 'II n.'Ceivc c he kind of per-0n,1I mtt·nttl m· ,.l 'U Jt·.....:n c. ~or tl' mention a level of expern~ that'... highlv n.1!'1rJcJ am('ng man\·"'' coda\\. mo t demanJing monev maker .. Like m > ... t pht~ricared hank~ wt· pn.)\'tJc .11..Pmpktl' ran)?c nf -.er· vices. Bue at the Pn\-atc Bank.\'( u'll ha,·c Jtrt'l..'.t ~~t l' ... h ' rn.lft,,tnnul~ who cover ~a(h four rvice~. )(.'U rvcn h~v~ <l~"l~" tll mcrdunt bank- ing as well a all the ocher sen•ict.~ c ( Bankl'T' Tru~t . consider The Pn\'arc Bank at &nkcr ... Tru'r . &'....-:au'l' when tt come co making vour mon(.;y work a!> hard a' vou l''fX't. wc'n· relent! If you have invc table fu nds of .. 1 million l )f ml 1n.· .. lnJ woulJ like additional information and our 'G uide ro "n·kc..~~ wnt<.· l 'r Lall: Mr. ·oavid P. U ttrdl, Oirt."Cto r, Bankers Trust C mpnnv l f ( aliforni:r; .A., uth Grand Avenue, Los Angd(.; . ;thfr rnia "~\ 71. Tel. .. I ~162 · 2 ~THE Private Bank ~nkers .~Mt. \\'£ MAKE tONE\' FOR PEOPLE \\'HO MAKE MO i; •• ' •• :· :· Market advance modest NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market posted a ,modest ad va nce Tuesday as a late- aftemoon burst of buying lifted pncts that had drifted at lower levels for mos t of the ~sion. Trading activ iJy was moderate. The market was caught in a cross-current of economic news, as the government reported some new signs of econo mic weakness and several major banks reduced their prime lending rates. Before the market opened. the Commerce Department reported its chief economic fo rc- casti nggaugc fell in Dec.ember for the third straight month. Some analysts say the three-month dechnc in the le:tding indicators may signal a recession or an impending slowdown in economic growth that cou.ld dim the outlook for corporate profits. But other analysts say a slowdown could pave the way for lower interest rates. making r~tums on stocks more competitive with those on bonds. WH AT AMEX DID WH AT NYSE DID NEW YORK tAPl Feb 2 Tu•ldlr Advanced 27 Declined 299 Uncnanoed 2S8 Total issue\ 931 New '1igns 3 New lows S AME X LEADER S PreY. 'ol 239 229 876 • 7 NEW YORK (AP) Feb. 2 Advanced Declined uircnanoed Total Issues New nlohs New lows NYSE LEADER ~ , Dow JoNE S AvERAGES NASDAQ SUMMARY Resession~ared-as economy ~lips.again -~--~----~---~-=---·------- - housing-of\cn is-1hc frrs1 SCC'Tor of tlfe ttono!"'y. to .tu'J" down befort 1 ~•oi:t bq1ns. he believed the ~ad1na indt:x was ~ndina a correct s1anal of an 1mpend1n1 downturn. . ..The lea~ina index is • pretty 1mponant sian. h has tot to aive i>eoPll' l)luse for thoupt, k saicJ. But on four "OCC&Sion1, the indu has flllcn for th~ consecutivt months and no outriaht ~ion <><'Curred. Economic ~wth how· ever. did slow subtcanhafly. ' In fact, the last lime the inckx tell for thrtt months was from June lbf'OUlh Auaust in I 914. No rectllion foll~ ba1 ~IL SIQwed aipiR~ antJy u lr.S: manuOK'tUftft came under i!'~DIC pretlUtt fi'Om foftip CO!ftpttalJOn. F.tonomista .mo are predicUna 1 ....._ ttttlllon in 1918 COftlnld tblt tht . lhodl IO consumer coddeecir from w0tLl9ol-.rin1'0cillliclawas IO Wftft that I df'oo ift c.'Ol!IDitt ....... will topple .... "' into lft'CCW. Marc optimiaic ecGMm• .. IWve IMI COllUnued ............... hi U.S. nporb will be ftMMlli 10 oAlt tM dlcfma in COMUmer IPlldi .. ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOTITuesdey, Febru.ary 2. 1988 Al I 'MarzyMe a L2ttle 'a musical fantasy.appet~zer at SCR Tired of all those romantic m.ssi· cals where the young lovers meet. overcome various and sundry prob- tems and li ve happily ever after'! South Coast Repertory has the anti- dote. It's calkd .. Marry Me a Little.'' a two-character show from the trunk of Craia Lucas and Norman Rene. in which the lovers not only don't end up arm in arm (they do wind up in 1 bed. but not 1n the conve nuonal sense)-: they don't even meet. · Confused? Welcome back to the world. of Lucas (whose surrealistic r~ r: •~ r: t "'-' 11-<f \~t:L f\.~t•. - . 20-60°/o OFF LJoeos for Bed, Bath & fable • 50% OFF Eur~n Terry Robes • (llenllet• • 300 1rweeo oer 1nei. 100% couon' S,_.a •Wool Matlr-.e P.Oa •Duvel C-a • H,oer•Allefoentc P-• Down Pl!low9 • Down Comfonert • 8eO LI•*'• • &aey tied· aing • n>rows • n .. ow P-. • T•tlle LI,_•• r.,..... • e.111 Ac~ etc 2612 E. Cost Hwy , Corona del Mar (1 Blk S. of MacArthur) 640-2929 (714)'644-8808 Fine European and Domestic Clothing fo r Women and Children "Prelude to a Kiss" is pJayina on SCR's main stqt) and Rene. his frequent collaborator. And. not in· cidcntally, to the realm o( Stephen Sondheim, whose sonp comprise tnc only sounds in this 75-minute. inter- mi$.Sionless foray into the world of musiqll fanlasy. Lucas. the Rod Scrl ina of romantic . comedy. and Rene 'bave fashioned a string of Sondheim's sonas into their own story of two single people in a Brooklyn apartment building. He lives one noor above her. but on stage Toi TITUS they share the space as though each were alone. :rhey connect onl) 1n their im· ag1na11o n. using each other 1n roman· p tac fantas1e~. while commun1cat1ng only in Sondheim's score. composed of song$ wr1t1C!l for vanous Broad· wa)' showJ, It's a fascinalioa idea and, under ttfc 1maginl)t1 ve direction of J uks Aaron. 1t very nearly.works. GI\ en the situation. and the gro uhd ruks. there 1s hule q uarrel "1th the unconsummated outcome. Whl're ··Marr) Me a Lmk" leaves the track 1s at abou t m1d-po1n1 in the :>ho" after "e have accepted the cirt umsl3nces and desire more infor- mation about lls charatters. Lillie 14l ) forthcoming. This 1~ hardl) the f~h of per· former~ Robcn Yacko and Sarah T auersall, both of whom tum in splendid portrayals w11h1n thC' s ketetal framt'wo rlt o f the Lucas/Rene plot COO\t rucuon The~ are attraciivc, personable a nd prhumabl) "ould gel along fa mous!) $hould 1he1r paths L"' er cross. Their fan tas) <;eenes together ~usfy the n~d for vane~· in thC' prcknta11on. but do httlC' to alle' iatt.< the gaul~ charat•ter CO\ en ng 0\ l'f each . Musical director Diane K•ng erh nchcs the sho" wi th J1ano accom- paniment JUSt bchin o.· Man~n Dookwaller"s '>Cnm wall se't11ng whert' ~he occas1onalh ·can be ~en busily at "01 ~ . "Mat'T} Mc a Lntle"' 1\ a tasty hors d'ocuvrr of a musical. pleasing 10 n1bbk on but hardh sustai ning. It conunues Tut<Mia"ii through Fndays at 8 30. aturda)S at 3 and 8:30 and Sunda)s at 3 and 8 pm until Feb. 28 on the Second Stage of SC'R. 655 To~' n (enter On''l'. Costa Me~. ("all 9~ ~-4m 1 lor 11r'\..et information. · t>elic_ate balance missed in Seattle ~mphony concert By CHRISTOPHER PALMER 0.., .... c-..... ..... «:"* b) the Sea1tlc S)m phun~. under the sponsorsh ip of the Orange Count ~ Philharmonic Soc1el\. Mixing paint can be a challenge. '\. httlc too much yellow in the blender and yo ur gold leaf starµ IQ 'look lik.e an overripe banana. But much can be said for gold. and most would agree that it 1s wonh the trouble lo get 11 right. The un usual program 1ncludl·d ' P,rokofie, ·s ··Romeo and Juliet:·· wh ic h was followed b} Hanson'\ S)mphon) !'io. 2. After intcrm1Ss1on. we heard what 1 w1IJ call a Wagner symphon): 1n st.<qul.'ncs.-. orche!>tral excerpts from .. Tannhaeuse(' and -ore MeisTersingcr von ."'iurnbcrg." Balancing the sound ofan orcbestra dl'mands similar vigilance. Given JUSt enough of each instrument"s respecti ve noise, the .. eolden" prod- uct resonates. with our inner sense of balance and proportion. Last week at the Orange Count) Pcrformmg Ans Center. Gerard· Schwarz. fo rmerly music director of th e Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. offered an example of fine balance in »mptionic music. 1n a performance It pro ba bl) v.as appropriate for 1h1s o rchestra -"hich 1s clearl) 1n the forefront of modern s~mphon ) or· chestras 1n Its capacll) 10 produce a balanced sound w11h1n and between sections -10 pla ) a .. Wagner symphon).'' give n WJlgner's repu - tation as a master of orchestral.color To some extent 1l worked. Com· .plex te.lltures were mterwoven with skill. and with great anen11on 10 -llLD DEPRESSIOll? The Paychopharmaeok>gy Reaearch Institute needs volunteers with mlld depresak>n. If you feel depf'esaed but are uncertain If It is serious en~h to be oonsi<l«ed for a study, please caJI. Our research staff will perfQrm at~ screening to let you know If your sym&ms are troublesdme enough to qualify for a visit to one of our cl n . Symptoms of clinical depression Include some. or all of the following: 0 Loss of Interest or pleaSure In usually rewarding acttvities 0 Feeling depresaed, sad, blue. or hopeless. 0 Changes In appetite. recent sign~t ~ht loss or weight gain. 0 Excessive fatigue or feeling very slowed down, no enefgy. 0 Olfflculty getting to sleep or staying asleep, or sleeping too much. 0 Feellng gulJty. worthless or useless. 0 lndecilk>n, poor memory, or poor concentration. D !ncreued phY*al problems. To qualify. you must be at least 18 years old. experiencing de- pression for a minimum of one mont._ and be lri good general phyaical oonditton. ; Qualified vol.unteers will reoeive a brief physical exam. EKG .labora- tory tests and ..-1y visit s with a professional-AU. FREE Of CHARGE. Coples of au medical test results wUI be provided lo you or your doctor, upon your request. Your participation mey lead to the use of ·a safe and effective medication •or the treatment of depression. For more Information." or an appointment, ptease call: (714) 1&2-lllO Of (213) &~&-0801 ·-........ ~ (818) 981-2100 ....., .. -,,..., ........ , ... ___ ,M-tnl PSYCHOPHARMACOLOG.Y RESEARCH INSTITUTE LAKEWOOD C.1tnte• lllll\11 UIO f Kwh x S C•.-'-• 70MM Mll n.&<K DOI.If Sntt01!09'" W1UIAMS GClOO MOIHING VllTNAM «•1 "'!I:• J"9 S:lt .... ~ U~, .. DOllY snHOCMR MOONSTIIUCK 1,.1 12'» ,.,. ''" 1 u "" · OOUY snno • lllU'1 11111 lllTlW" .ill ... ntltl MIN AHO A WT !NI ltll J>U •o• 1:11 1•11t OOHY llllto . l#fefNtOlll" l~l'"T,IAW ~ llllt NS._ ... te4S lilt lltU AK .W { c ...... Soutto. ~ !11111,. llt1 h t•lt1 II D" a111e .,._-, .. "'"°'91ll Y <IYftAl .JHllOW MOMMA f.oM TMI TIAIN tel 11'lt 2:U •.:41 ... J t:M 1t:sr- "'" O'TOOU TML WI JMnlOI t,..•>1 -· .. n>• >:AS 7M ll!IS liMlaA 11•1»•' ........... NUTS .., . JATM ATftAC'TION 111 llOUY--Ma fOll KllH ... lll '"'couae ~- LA MIRADA GATEWAY DOI.IT STUIO eoelte ..,.lUNAi 0000 MOINIHG VIETNAM 111 11·lt J:IO I U 1 1S I I ts DOl&Y sntfO'Y<Nll SfUICK Snvt ~llG. flO OAH'°" MH MIN AND A I.All 1~i ll!>O list I It 7 U •U OCM.aY n.\10 CMfl MOONSTRUCK !lOJ 12'lt 1 Ml S·IO 7 >O t:SO CHUCK -·IS llADOOCK: MISSING IN ACTION Ill ,.) ... , ~,,. s u '"' "'" HlN.IU .... Slll ... ANGUISH ~r 12:lt 2>U .t·ll t.U I 10 lits lll lSn M<MKMOl YOU CAN"T MU•IY lOVl 191 12'U JM 9'U,-I J~t1·• •BUD.•-·-TMll -",.,,.. A IMY lNll ..:~.., ~ ...... IHHOCll1 _..... .. ACTION•• .,._Till.,._. 11AH AllUO'l'O'lolAllll IUTTMAU nu COUCH Tltft 1•1 I )0 l U t M I H 10 lJ OOU'I' STtlfOMOllT 11..0W&lO Foa KU'S 1~u1 I IO t II .,>0 It~ 10 0 OOU'I' 1nuo11Yvt• '"tLMllG-' THI lMPlll Of THI SUN f'GI •••.• 7 " 1010 OOUY sn••o atGGUS: ADVINTUllS IN TIM( f'GI I .. l st S;Sf .... I~.. ' OOUT JnetO'WlUINA MUet' HOADCAST NIWS t•l 1• •U 1 •.i_t:1J lllttS'n ...,,.._ CAN'T MUttlY LOV1 MANNIQUlN ~1 IMUU • ........... -..uw • tMaOW ..... flOM '"' T'IAIM ..... . ·access1b1li t' of harmonic: mo,emcnt and shapeliness of phrast> Ho"e'er. the b1tarre la,out of 1tie orchestra caused the sound of the ~o nd "olin section to be ' 1s1ble -··1ook at those l·ould sec tht'. sn:ne~ going ti' al high speed. but couldn·1 fc:el an~ thing unrelated tu the musical Cl\pt."nenC>t' "'ell -shaped phra~s b<."g.a n and rt.<· turned 10 no" here thnlling fur the moment and d1sappt."anng It ·· .\~ thl· Sl".tttle c;, mphon~ 's phrase l'nding!> lh!iapix.·arcd tn lo nowhert'. the loudc'>t sound ont' ('OU Id hear wa!> the ~t.<gt·rstrom Hall (llr rnnd1t1 oning \\~tern ·· bows go" -but not audible. In Sl.'allk. this la}out must be efTectn e. or such ah orchestra as this \.\Ould not tr. 1t. But each ha ll 1s different. and.11 doesn't "ork at lht> l'l·n tt<r°'> <;egl'm rom Hall. The prob-· k m hes 1n plau:mt·nt 1 f~ou place the '>1.'Cond '1ohm to the nght of the ' ~s se' era I oft hi.' ml'' ementHndcd "1th a "'h1spt."r I "a' rern1ndl·d of anothl·r autumob1k Jd\ cn1~ment this one for Roll' Ro} ct' "at M1 mph the· loudest sdund \uu'll hear 1s the: tic king of the clod.· .. I "ould rc"ntl" · Thh concen "'els a· surprise for It\ qu.:.ili 1~ Tht.< program' ming v._as bra'(' Jnd 1nll·rl'Sting d'> "ell though 1t "'ould ha'e been n•l·e to hear tht~ IHl hntra in 11~ local u('.hu 1 perform at ll·a.,t (JOI." v. ork mort· familiar and v. nh a mnr,l' al-Cl"S!li1 blr internal structure. conduc tor. their instruments then ~· ~=~=~~=:~:'~~~~~~:i~~~-r-====:==~=~ fan· the front \.\31l not the audience. I ~..:;:"l':;,ce":" •sJ 25 ~:-5!·::-'::~::-!:::::::~= In some h.tllst the l'Cho off the wan s.-o .. A-tolo T1<ho "'°" ·~ ,, ... Ott-th g,_, .. mu'>I be a n1Ce l'fTect. but not 1n C"osta ~tna. The opening works "ere dazzling fo r their restraint. exqu1s1te intona- ti on: and the earher-menuoned bai- ancrs. I retailed an ad for BMW -I 'VltTMAlll ,., 70~ 12 1 s 2 4S 5 15 7 5o ' 10 ·2 s IPOR KEEPS C.,.._Ul 12 50 2 SS 5 .0S 7 ·109·2S OV~R90ARO (PG) 1210 225 4 55 7 2 S &.9 5S MdSIMG IN ACTIOM IU (a) D ooly t llu1lo n (R I RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. :J IH:N & A BAaY (...0 ' 00 l l 0 s 2 0 7 30 9 4 0 70mm 11£TU ... Of" T .. uv.-OEADUCll. E4d•~ M ur-pny•1 RAW R l :J~ &A BA8Y (PG) "'1"' CO·t11l H ~llo AO ln (PC ) lhltft , ....... Ctttfs ..,,,, 1922 llAHOl ILYI .. COSTA llSA-SU·llSI " ATTaACTIC* (ti) ·12 25 2 40 5 0 0 1 20 .. t 5 NEWPORT BEACH ' NEWPORT ClmlA ........ c..-144-0'710 ........... GOOD MOANING VIETNAM <"> 'Ole! S TU Cll OCUY S rt)(O ~)0 1 00 101~ ...., -.C•* FOA KEEPS ("<l1ll '00 900 104~ LIDOC~ ............... en-aso ..... ,.,., BROADCAST NEWS <">· , ... uo SANTA AMA 9N9TOLC..aiA .....--·--~7-12.oo BARGAIN DAYS TWI I WIO Af STA.'"'10 SCIW:lMS MISSING IN ACTION J U S II ) DEADLY ILLUSION 111 7 00 10 )S BIGGLES «"I uo.100 1~00 COOCH TittP tit 6 l>IO IS OVEABOAAD <"r' llS ANGUISH (ll 6-..Jl.ll'l.S COSTA MESA C-MA~NnR ..... •• . 11'141A.t a .oo ••flGAIN DAYS TU.I a '#10 &T STAlllllO sc•u•s YOU CAWT 'tf HU .. RY LOVE (ll 1 oo too ........... * FOA KEEPS l"<l1JI ' HHOO IO'tt BAADOOCK:MISSINO IN ACTION-PART 3 <•> I • 'tf . DE~Dl Y llLUS:~r~~· ..._ •IGGl.H <"> M ~JO 'lUlG .... A' c ...... .. MOONSTAUCK (l"Ol uo 1 1~ 10 JG HAMOR TWIN ....,.. ..... 1314501 M•ANA•OM-• TIMI a wt:O at IU!!!IO !9!!111111 STEVEN Sf'tEL.HflG"I EMPw.£ M TME SUN ,.,~ ("'l CAIDUI CIOVE J!I lllDll • MlallNO JM AC~ ~ Aln J it t• DtADLY lllualOll U~ltJt I I .. ·BA ~lllu..atOT INCLUDED (PG) ·s 1 o 1 zo a. l 20 6)4 )90' .. t 1, IUOl•llll 9S05 r C11 C1ttr Sh. Cau _,n , .. , SHOWS AT s 10 1 z\ a. ' n GOOO MOR•tlltG ..,....,.,. ... , Stakeoul ,,_, ~ TltAllllS ~OOt~ MUaP'HY .... ,., & AUTGM0all£S l"J s 407·3S9 30 5 30 1 4 5 &. 9 SS TOW.-dENNCk. .:.. ~ .... 7S1~114 ................ GOOO MOflNING VIETNA'M ' <"> '°""' ' ll>C' OOll' S TUlO )ZJll 300 ~JG SOO IOl~ THE LAST EMP£ROi'. 11 4~ t IS 7 lt 10 )0 lf'G1>) Ot lac:.•"' THE PROMISED LAND (Ill) 111\.1 »-4o 1 o6 •a t::\ a. .. MOONSTRUCK (~I 11 0 l 4~00-4 1>fJt.lt..J$ CHARTER CENTRE fHflEE MEN a A IABY (PG} ' )0 I )0 !O JO ~' ltacl 0..1 ~, .... GOOD MORNING VIETNAM ~Je •OC: :o 'O '"' -'-----BROADCAST NEWS 1"1 S 00 'l6 10 IC FOA KEEPS 1"'01Jt HS-l«S 10 0 THE LAST EMPEflOR 7il0 It I\ ll"01JI ~ °" .................. ............... ...... 11;00 ·~A-0-AY-5 Tull • tto AT IT,WW,Q IC!!ll•I GOOD MORNtNG VIETNAM 11 IS lto > )0 I 00 tO lO<"l ANGUfSH Il l lttS..? •s..• 4\ '4~ .. ~ ... FOA KEEP6 «~G1J1 l 00 J 00 ' OC ' 00 t ~ IC 0 a1GOLIS '"'I 11 4S-l ll-ll0 SJ0.7JUll fOliSTAUCK <"GI II «S I U 406 i t S I JO !"' ·~ FOUITAUI VALLEY ·. Q- H . rtt•I ltlOT MCUI090 . .,, ... BARGAIN DAYS 1:t AT STARRED TUES. AND WED. SCREENS BELO ........ __..uo.4_,1 12,00 aAROA* DAYS 'TWI a Wl.0 At ST -""M.O SCM.l•I WALL STREET 1"1 , a' JC MOONSTRUCK (~) 'OC I lO 10 JC . llOIMl oouaAS .-tr FATAL ATTflACTtOflf Cl l ~IP.•10• Ji. BROADCAST NEWS l"l "M ~IS H O IO lll 3 MEN AND * A •ABY I'"°) WI O IO IO 1:'11!1] 1] .J;JI 1Idl:J1!:11 WOOCIAIDGI .. j ......... L .. ~551..., 12.00 BARGAIN DAYS * * * * * . TUlS a ftO AT ST Al!t!EO I C.Ml•S BIGGLES 1"1 \ 10-7 lt t• FOA KEEPS (l"G1>l 6«1 l ot 1100 OVEABOAAD 1_.0 t '10 10 10 BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED aa (f'Ol EMPIAE OF THE SUN • 00 1000 '"°' THREE MEN AND A aAaY CH I 'lOUO·ltll WESTMINSTER C ...... ...., . •• C>.-Vlllilf,.._ ...... ......... ....,: *""1211 12.00 aMGAIN OAYS. T~l a WIO At STA-OK•l•I flldlMj0a4\atfl * WALL STMET (1111 100 ,. _,,_ COUCH TRJP Il l 6-IS-1"5 l-l OVPllOAAO ''" •• .A. 1Ntoiocut wwi c1111 M U O l Jt.ltlO THflEE MEN ANO A aA•Y * 'l~I I~ 10 IS C"l 1-' mca OOlll SftlfO GOODMOANING VtETNAM ("> ........ 1 .. ~ El TORO B.TOROCIWAS ... ...,.. .... 511.9511 12.00 aAflQAIN DAY5 T\111 a Wl.O AT ST AlllM"O SC'M l etS l9Cltlll1 OOUQ lS 'tf FAT AL A TTflACTION Cit ~IP Jt.ltto THREE MEN ANO A •AaY (l"O) UO 'OO"S GOOD MOANtNG VIETNAM S c~ I l ~ I 0 JO C"l ~MPtRE OF THE SUN l"'Gl ~ 0 0 'IS !UC SADDLEBACK PLAZA umaeas•l 't ....................... q IR'f.,..- 12.00 aA .. GAIN DAYS TVfa 6 WIO U 'T Alllll.0 SC:llH :tfS llHA-3 Ill u~ ___ ...__ 1f DUDL Y ILLUSION Ill ..,,._ us-11•• Gl96. Mllml•Dll.. YOU C AN'T HUMY PAI& y ..... _ 11 B rTI 'tf LOVE (1) --~~L:~~-:-:-==~~~.-~~-, A~.-ec BAnUHES NOT MOONITflUCK (~I tf INCLUDED "'' 6 IS..lt I~ ) !li-lf 19 IS OVEA90AM> <"il I u THAEE MEN a A BAiVcPOI COUCH TRIP Ill * I IH lO IUO -tr 611 IOIO .A. FOA KEEPS (~>) Null <ll ltt ~ \ 00 1 oo t 00 fOR KEEH IPClll GOOD MOANING VIETNAM •Jt a •&tJS (It) LACUNA HILLS MALL : ;· , .. ~ .;, ... T' .. c.1cn••• ................. 19-1111 OYIMOAM» t .. l · . I 1 ,. Best adviee for parent$ DEAR READERS: The National Institute of Mental Health asked the following questlon -0f SO parents wbo had raised their children to becorfic well-adjusted, productive adults: Based o n your personal ex- periences. what is the best advict you can · give new pa~nts about raising· children? · Their responses were. in my opinion. the most thoughtful and succinct guidelines I have seen in a long time. Here they are: 1. Love abuhdantlv. The most important l8sk is to love and reall1 care about your child. This gives him or her a se nse of security, belonging and support. It smoothes out the rough edges of society. - 2. Discipline constructively. Give clear directio n and enforce the limits on your child's behavior. Emphasize "Do this," instead of" Don't do that." 3. Whenever possible. spend time with your children. Play with them. talk to ")lem. teach them to develop a family ~int and give them a sense of belo ngiflg. 4. Give the needs of your mate '' · prionty. Ont> parent put it this wav: ... lM1us. apologize when you ·are wrong. Chi!- .. dren who arc treated with rt"spect will then know how to tre..t you and ~thers rtspectfuJly. _ 7. Listen. ReJUy listen. This means giving your children undivided atten- tion, putting aside your beliefs and feeli ngs1 and trying to understand your children's p(>int of view. ·· 8. Offer guidance. Be brief . .P<>n't give speeches. And don't fo rce your "A husband and wife are apt to be opinions on your children. successful parents when they put their 9. Foster independenct:....O radually marriagt first. Don't worry about the allow children more ~om and children getting "second best: Child-control over their lives. One pareot centered households produ\..'t' neither said. "Once yo~r children are old happy man:iages nor happy chil-enaugh. phase yourself out of the drcn... pictur~. but always be near when they 5. Teach your children right from need..y.ou~ wrong. They need to be taught basic 10. Be reahsuc, expect to make values and manners so .that they will mistakes. Be aware that outside get along well in society. Insist that influences such as peer pressure will they treat others with kindness. increase as children mature. One respect and honesty. Set personal . parent said. "Don't exJ?<:Cl th!ngs to exam ples of moral courage and go well all the time. Child reanng has integrity. · · never been eas~. It has its sorrows and 6. Develop mutual resJ)ect. Act in a hean aches. but it also has its rewards respectful way toward your children., -and··j<r5·s. This is what makes it all Say "'please" and "'thank you." and worthwhile.'" . - • Wedaesclayj Februry 3 ARIES (~ 21-April 19): Papers wi ll be signed. bevond the immediate. emphasize fashion. style. design.· and mingle humor with criticism. What had been lost can now be recovered. Gemini. Sagittarius prominenL views will be veri--------------tied. member of op- posite sex will pJay instrumental .role. SYDNEY Young person be: comes vigorous ally. C h e c k m a 1 I": o messages. calls. MARR book reviews. Virgo •••••••••••••• is in volved. • TA URUS (April 20-May 20): Go slow. play waiting game. highlight d1 ploma11c appro~ch. You learn more about ·propen1 yalues. }OU coula acquire an obJt'Ct. Family member talks about plans that incl ude love. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Share knowledge, learn b~ teaching. strive for rapprochement with fa mi ly member. Gourmet dining on tap tonight - enjoy, but remember resolutions concerning diet. nutn uon. SCOJlPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): You may be saying. "This is deja vu~" It will seem as if you've been here before, old flame returns, scene is "very familiar ... SAGITTARIUS (No ... :!2-Dec. 21 ): What had been missing will be rew med. Stress humor. versatilit). •ntellectual cunosit). CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You'll have greater freed ocn of thought, action. Mone) comes from surprise source. You could win contest. ,,.----.,.,. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Obiain hint from Taurus message. Secret meeting involves possibili ty of shon trip. S-Omeone wants to tell you somethi ng and probably 1s family member. Aries. Pisces.'V1rgo prominent. AQ UARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Unonhedox approach brings desired results. incl uding reunion wsth lovt.>d one:- Focus on marital status. public re l;ltions. Complete listings in tile TV Piiot CANCER (June 21 -Jul} 22): You'll face challenge of more responsibiitf}. pressure of.1;kadline and request for .. defi nite commitment." . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your "psychtc" ab1ll11es surge to fore front. Others cannot fool· you. but you could .1 fall victim to self-deception. Be aware. protect self in emotional clinches. Another Pisces plays paramount role. IF FEBRUARY 3 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY. current LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll stn ke chord of universal appeal. People respond to your message. }Our talenJs are apprenated -and rewarded.-- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Displa~ ve~tihty, reach T his ·could include manta! status. renovaflon in connection wnh residence. C}Cle highligh ts signifkaot domestic chaUenge. change. Comi·e str.1·p f4an' s harid tio ty:pe ----------------------..---------------------~-----Party animal in hibernatioq You can't sa} "'the son of peopk whv rl'ad com ic-strips." There 1s no onl' sort. e' 1dent l}. Consider two of the sharpest political minds of this ccntun -Eleanor Roosc,elt and WoodrO\\ Wil~on. Mrs. Rocsrvelt claimed she'd nn t•r lookl·d through a · comic strip in her life. President Wiison. Ph.D .. said he never once missed an episode of the old s!np "'Kr'az~ Kat." l·fs no secn.·t. the older a man gets. the kss of a social a01mal he become~ · There is a bncf penod after ) ou are mamed when be "111 w1lhngly climo into a suit and a lie and accompan> )OU to eH·nts "here he will be quite ci .. 11. This cond1t1on ··peaks" in about t"o "eeks. and then it's a struggle all the \.\1} to get him out of the house. E .. :entualh \Our social life will be somewhere 1'0 the nght ofa lighthouse keeper. At our house. going out for a-n eveni ng an} more has all the drama of a Phil Donahue sho" I stt at the table and m' husband roams through the · k11chen shooung questions at me. "Who's going to be at this pan~., .. "I don't kno" ·· "You don't kno" , .. he admon1\hes. h1se~es w1den tng ... You don·1know1f 1t"s a fe" coupler, 1Jr a mob"" "!"o .. "Is there a plan:' 10 s11 do" n and ta!K or do •H' stand around. "-Btching Duane·5 Ol!ie "'\onh haircut gm" out., .. "There·, no need to be \3rcast1l These arl' 1uq ntCe pe<1 ple .. ·''.;ice pt.·upk ' Ho" "ell do "e kno" them rt:alh' We don't e\t·n knO'-' 1f "~'re going to· ha\t· a good time or not -1.nd "h::it about the food" Is th1!. J dinner m one of those thing!> v.here \~l'l'Jt ha11 nffrrackers for three hours"" .. What d10t•rl·nrt• docs 11 make'' ~ c'll Sl't' \umt· Pl.'Oplc "-l' knov. and .. · '".\ha' I thought )OU 1us1 said \OU ERMA Bo11Ec1 didn't kno" "ho was going 10 there .. be "I don't. but the odds are 1n our fa, or ·· · "What time are "e coming home"" he asks. "What kind of a ques11on is that., ~e ha,en't e'en gone yet and )OU "'ant to knov. "hen we are coming home." <I "I suppose eH'T)one will be in hard shoes .. .. E' eryone except Prof Irwin Cnn:) :· I <.a~ dry I~ -1.ll of 1h1s 1s a preamble. }OU understand. Once he gets to a gather- ing. ) ou wou Id have thought 11 was all h1!> 1dt•a Old Hats and Horns comes ah' e and greases from group to group giving hi s poltt1cal \'lews. his insights into "-Orld affairs and regales them v.1th his stor) of the duck in the bar who ordered two man101s. ~hen I mention leaving, he turns to the group and says. "'I'd better take Mo ther home. She requrres 18 hours of sleep a night. you know. Aller the hors d'oeuvres. she fades fasr." I find 1t ra ther ironic· that men deH·lop a .. nest 1 ng" 1 nst in ct in the1 r matunt' . .\fter vears 1n the market- place. the~ lust. af1:_cr a chair with cushio ns that shape to their contour. a nice light that illuminates the news- paper draped over 1he1r chest. a teln 1s1on tuner that bnngs 10 sound to CO\ er their deep breathing. .f·x get the hean ti .... home is where J hc husQ.ar:~1s. East-West ....deals. vulnerable. WEST + A 10 2 NORTW +Q9864 \: A 7 -: K .l • K 4 3 2 EAST + K J 7 S I 10 9 4 2 South Bears "alk Oat on the soles of their feet You r assignment. 1f}OU wish lo· accept 11. 1s 10 name the other animals CHARLES GOREN S' KQJ8 3 Q 10 6 s • 9 2 bidding. • 8 • 9 7 S After the lead of the king of SOUTH hearts, the more simple-minded + 3 souls won. drew three rounds of ., 6 S trumps and then tried to set up dia- A J 8 7 4 monds with a single ruff-a line that • A Q J 10 6 was distinctly against the odds. The bidding: They ended up losing a trick in each South Wes& North .East plajn suit for down one. I 0 I 9 I + Pass v The better technicians realized 2 + Pass 4 • Pass tl\at they might need two ruffs to set S • Pass Pass Pass up diamonds. So they drew only two Opening lead: King of vi rounds of trumps, then tried to ruff _ -~~!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~H lc..in.QW .aJo.LOLpla}'.C.CS who. go a diamond lqw. Uiifortunately. East shuffling through the streets bare-overt rumped, so t1lls line also result-(714) 581-6 111 Full Service Reriremenr Living .from-IJ~50-H ~----------------------------, 1 \ t ,1 \.Ht llt .1 , I .J ,,. ........ ,i. \ '''"'' I I I l.1!1•J11.r ti I ( ·"'""1\1.t '·' ' I I Pit ....... ~ "' .. ' ~ .,,,,, ' • ,. '"' ' \ 11 •• \,tlt•f;( .... I I ,,,rr ,. I I I I \oJtln··· l I C.111 • lop Phone I I 0, I ~--------------------~-----~-- r-~~----~--~~----i , I T · '~' "0 " 0 "' ·I . I ~ ~ Buv .~m:~: .. ! ••••• I 11521 BrootJhur•t (llfcahurlt a Elts) Fountain Veley cup of y09urt and recetve I anoth.r of equal or IHHr ya lue abt olutcly FllEEI I Ont per cuatomtr T opptn9• not Included Ll..ttSl .11 Explr• 2-8-88 8915 B Atlanta fAtlente & MegflOfJe) Huntington Beach ........................................................ , ...... i.-. ... ,... ., " \ . •• ' ' . ~ foot becau se of the fact that they ed in down one. did not draw trump!. However, Only one declarer made 'his con- tb.ere ace j uS,t as man)'_ who go_ tract, and the defenders could do around unshod as a result of draw-nothing to thwart him. He won the ing trumps too soon. ace of hearts, cashed the king-ace of While minor suits tend to be ne-diamonds and led a third round of glected, several pairs in a duplicate the suit. Instead of ruffing in dum- pair event managed to avoid the my, however, he.discarded a heart. poor three no trump contract in fa-Now there was no way that the de- vor of the good five cl ub game. fenders could stop him from ruffing Nort~ensibte-detisiorrto-j~heart-low-and a-<fjamond-h:igh. four clubs was the prime impetus to That loser-on-loser play allowed that contract. All that remained was him to concede only one spade trick for South to justify his partner's and one diamond. 7.Deevee '7eie11d.1 Country Gifts & Collectibles I • Ths ·~(~''you'll SpeCiaf' • ''[114. ~ ob you." 11I ~e. 'PJ" ... rj.lle a Clbt~ tit ~. . , 1884 Harbor Blvd.(acrom from Courtya.rda) 6&0·8636 that "alk that wa}. Rum was the sea ra11on of 1851. But according to the h1stoncal foot- notes. some sailors preferred milk. Never met one of those. An) how. that's said to be wh) the first Holstein ·co"' "as brought to this count~ that }t·ar. What does your mother-in-law ha"c to ~} about the wa} you're bringing up your young~ers7 If you don·1 kno" what·she has to sa}. 1hat's good. Experts contend the mother-in- la'·'·«; remarks on this one sub1ect are more ltkcl) tha n anything else to create that rnnd1t1on called in-law trouble: People spend the most money nat1onv.1de '"on food. construction and travel." This is reported in a letter from the '' 1fe of a man who pushes about t"o-thtrds of each paycheck across a !a'~·rn har "H t· says he can afford 1t." ~he "-rites. "because he doesn't rnn~trut·t an~ thing and he doesn't tra,cl .. -fMH--~------ ACROSS 1 Not up - - 6 Dull sounds 11 Snow runner 14 Virtue 1S Girt In a song 16 Family 17 Dumbbell 18 Shrink 20 Vocalize 22 Stearln. e.g. 23 Fine fabric 2S Wild 28 Spanish artist 2'.9 --big way 30 Bind (a fracture) 32 Danton's amt 34 Set free 39 Engrave 42 Military man 43 Will maker 4S Bikini, e.g. 46 Quarry yield 49 A Stooge -50 Stupid oJles S4 Carnival SS Educator Horace - S6 At rlgh1 angles: naut S8 -de corps 60 Get atound 63 Garlic's kin 2 3 14 29 32 , 66 Oevoured 67 Suit makmgs 68 Coffee 69 Vi~alize 70 Charger 71 lncendlarism DOWN 1 --o' -shanter 2 Avila gold 3 Seed vessels 4 Recompense S Rupture 6 Shaping tool 7 Grid pass 8 Ump's call 9 Before: pref . 10 Levelheaded 11 Cheap- 12 Bad-eneck writer 13 Lethargic l9 Marine inlts. 21 Frequently 23 Constrict 24 "What's in --?" 26 --In a poke 27 Grease job 30 Strength 3 1 Punitive 33 Finesse 35 Soak hemp 36 Perlumes 37 Claw 38 Ms. Terry 40 Actuate 5 7 "EYIQUS.PUZZL£ SOL.'lED _ 4 1 So4f"d unit 44 Counterblow 47 Took 11 easy 48 High peak SO Eddas S1 Dwindle 52. Lake Ene island 53 ··My Gal -·· SS Small try • 8 9 10 57 Ignore 59 Colosseum site 61 'Old pro 62 Exist 64 Exclamation 6S Thailand river 12 13 .. * llllly Nit-TUESDAY. FEBRlJARY 2. 1988 ·" Dltka, thrH others gain football Hall of Fame. 82. El Toro High football star Bret Johnson picks UCLA. 82. Sunset race heating up.: ov at-Marina °'"" .... --., --........ BW Riddell •uffen throa.ab the Mme peril• u any other coach, with encouragement (left), atrategy and anguiah. Te Winkle coach hits daily dou bJe Riddell's seventh, eighth grade team~go un ~eat~ii- By J EFF SMITH DllllJ .... C.11 ' •• 1 The names aren't familiar. the crowds aren't quite as large and the school's basketball P.rowess is largel) unknown . But 8111 Riddell and his Costa Mesa-based TeW inkle Junior High basketball teams have once again made 11 clear that in this win-at-all-;eost soc1et~. winning requires a pnce but 1t docsn·1 have to pro 'e costl}. TeW1nkle sent three teams to the Newpon- Mcsa School District tournament last wet'k. and two teams -the seventh grade and eighth grade 5-4-and-under ~uad - came away with cham- pionships. And Riddell. 31. coached the teams to a co mbined record of 16-0. But more remarkable than that was the winning attitude. .. It "as the tirst time I had two teams t~ethcr at pracucc:· Riddell said . ·:w e usuall} ha'e three coaches Trlc Y.Ork ethic of those kids at that age 1s great. "I was practicing with 'em e\cr)da) and 10 take t'l'O team s 1s d1fficu!t witho ut the cooperation of the lods. The) all listened 1n1entl) They did what Junior ~1ghers ;ire supposed to not do." T he 5-4-and-under eighth grade team rolled through its seas.on. defeating opponents b)' an \lvcrage m;-rg1n of 10 points. The~ capped 1t off Y.1th a 33-24 Y.ln O'er Costa Mesa Junior High (former!) Da' 1s ). T he ~venth grade squad knocked off Corona del Mar Junior High 39-36 in the d1stnct champ1o nsh1p. v.h1k the eighth grade team. coached by Vice Principal Bob Miller. advanced 10 the semifinals before losing 10 Corona del Mar "They helix-d each other The~ didn't rag o n each o ther:· R1dddl said. "So me of the e1gh<h· graders understood that for the good of the group the) "ould help thl' othas . .\t that agt'. that doesn ·1 happen o ften .. I\ couple Qf those leaders from the 5-4-and- under team "'ere Fred Pa1an10 and Sco11 Bell The re)t of Riddell') !>Quad. which he labeled "deep". consisted o f R4A,Sell King . .\nd~ Rothman. Jon King. Kevin "'estman. Re\ South .... 1ck. Jose Montano. Jason Fenat1 and Paul Hinkle R1ddelJ. an In 1ne resident. IS 1n his founh \Car at the school and teaches Ph}s1cal Education.· He ca ml· to TeW1nkle afta heading up the Opponuni- t) Program at C'osta \lfesa. High. a program that OO"Cr\ 3 last chanCl' tO <.tudents before COntlnUallon school .\s "1th eH'f) 1eam. there are those ~ho nde the bench. But the kids ha' e prett) much taken care o f that problem "We tr) and make the gu)s that don't pla) as mu..-h as the starters feel Just as 1n1ponan1:· Riddell said "E' ef) bod> pulls for o ne another There 1sn ·1 backb111 ng like with soml' of the other teams. E' Cf) single )Car there's been a se'enth-grader .... ho doesn't stan. "ho becoml's a Sta n er as an eighth· grader.. • TeWinkle-feeds into Estancia High. "here ·first·) ear Eagles Coach T im O'Bnt"n has alread) benefittcd from R1ddell's coaching. Mike Cunis. "'ho leads Estancia in scoring "'llh 16 I point" per' game. pla)ed on the Te~ 1nkl e d1s1nct champion "B" tl'am three )ears ago "He (('un1sj came to some of our practtce.., I go to a) man) Estancia games a~ possible .. Riddell said .. To ha'e M ike Cunis come bad: after thn:e }ears and see us prac11cc 1s neat ·· Riddell called his SC\ enih grade ~uad a group of o,erachic't~rs. aid Riddell "We pla)l'd teams much b igger Three of our stancrs v.ere o n the 'olle) ball team that beat< orona del ~1a r "h1eh 1., unheard of on o ur side of the tracks ·· . te'e u1uk1 Jim Faul~ncr and Thuc Do pla)ed 'olle)ball 11i add111on to '>tarting for ·tht• SC\enth-graders Rand) hado .... en and \lat! Juhner also started. "-hlle Jorge \1anine1 Enr Marsh. (had t-..inne'. Tom El<.ton and t-..n 1n Lahan rounded out the .,quad Sea hawks seek 2-ga rri e lead with win Wednesday. By ROGER CARI.SOI'\ Of .. D1111J NM .._ Thret" gamt''> .... 111 \till remain but for all 1n1cn1 and purpo .. t .. tht· \un\t'I League ba'>l etbilll 1.hJmp1on~h1p ,., on tht· l11~: \\ n1ne'><la~ n1gh1 JI \1ann.i High "'hl·re o,t'Jn \ tl'"'' n:surgent ·:ihJ"k\ n'adl' lt'\ 5-1 Ou~an \ l'" Jg.11ns1 \1anna·s ~·2 \ 1k1ng' .; fi'l'·gamt v. inning '>!real.. going Jg.11n .. 1 J t11u1- g.iml' Y.1nn1ng •.trlJl .t\ "'l'll a\ the resumption 111 onl 11! th<' lt-Jgut·' mo)l heatl·J r1' alrit·, Jim Harn .. · ~JhJ"' ".irt , im·nl! off an nplos1' l' arJ t'\l'· ·ix·nin~ ~~-5 non-leagu(' roi..t •>f 1n1.t· "' 1n- ubk \later De1 ~aturda~ r ght and although his plJ~rrs .... ere read' tor .\1ater ()\:1 Hams admits thi: ta1.1 h1) tt'am ta1.ed \,lanna in JU'>I a fe.,.. night\ hdd ht\ Jlh.'nl10n "'The' v.i:rt· mure read' lor \1ater IA·11han I .... J \ .. '>J1d Harr' about his plJ\l."f\ ·· .\lkI the Fountain \ allt"~ g;imt• tlJ'>t Fnda'' Iv.as think ing and tail ing about \lanna and the' had to 1ntt•rrupt mt· \3~1ng ·coach "'hat about \latl'r lx:1 '' ..I t"~ JUSl thJI \l,mna m('Jn\ '>ll fllUl h .. .\ n ()cc.-a n \ •<'" 'll tOf\ send~ the ~ahav. ks 1ntu a \Omma.nding t'l'O- g;ime edge v.11h ust (hree games rt·ma1ning .\ \IJrina "''n pu" th<' \1l ing.., 1ntt• J llt' '••r the lead "Ith th rl'l' Ill go But 11 gOt"s mul h Jeeper \lanna ( oach tt'' e Pot>O' 1ch v.a!> Wedn~,.·· .clledale W•HT ~t:AGUI O~H" V l'• IS I at Maror1a (4·21 Eo1~ 7 • '' wn1m•"•'.,. f1 41 ""'ll BHC" 7 0 ., FC>Un1a111 Vallev ll ·JI SEA VIEW UA~UE Sa OO l'O.C• ~ I •' (O'Olla ~ Ma,• (J·J E~••.,. • 7 4 11 "'""DO" 1>1a r00f I !·SI T·.n.,.. •• 0 a1 Ul\o•f'~11V l·S ~ACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CO\•• ~~ 7 •l •' WOOdO<'<OOe C.·01 Lag._,.,, Bl'•C" •·21 •• L•Ourla Hihl 14·1 'T'l'eOu<O H•• l ?·• 11 0-a"Gl' 10•6) SOUTH COAST LEAGUE Ceo '''•"O v.111ev •·a •' lr••!\e l ·) O•"• .. \ ~ • • ,, M U •O" lfietO ') ) !>.tr C • ......,.,. O·• e• E Toro u ? A ~'"n 1 1 1 JO O - and 1s an out\p<.llt"n crttu: ol Ocean \IC" ·s program. ont" "h1C'h in the p..1s1 hJ~ rd1cd on transfers for it~ bread ·n butler toY.ard success Ul h J Situation no longer e:\.1Sts and neither .oath sa's much about 11 nQ" bul II \then:·_: on both Sides ··1 thin!.. v.e·re read~ to pla) ... said Poptl' ll h "'ho 1s hopeful his team tan reH~~ a first-round 6 "\-60 loss. ..\\'e'H· pla,ed "di the last four gamn· Ckean \ 1t'" had four in do uble1 rigures in 11~ homecoun .... in 0' er \1.mna v. h1lc te 'e Guild (~0) and Da\ld '..1ma1e 11 :1 "ere the onl~ Vikings to "°" e ~an Vie~ ·s dc- fl'nse 1n lermlo or double figure .. \farina I 15-5) v.as staggered t"tee 111 k agur tx·fore ngh11ng the ship · \\hen ~ou n: 0-2 ~ou dig \Ourself a hok ··said Popo' 1C'h. "'hose tt"am has ~n in J bad-to-thc.---".UI s1tuat1on e'er \inle and \\Ill are \1arinJ ·._ la!>t thr~ stan ha'e resuh('d •n '1dof\ margins of ~U 15 and I ~ Ocean\ 1l'v. on the other hand. hai. (Pleue eee StnfSET/82 ) Sitting at th~ crossroads, count on Sliwinski is 3-2 A ·s offer a n ew lease for former OCC s lugge r tFlrst of two puts I By RICHARD DUNN o.lf ,... C4l1 I 0 a I The lease ran o ut w11h the Toronto Blue Ja) s. so Ke' in 11 .... insk1 1s looking to bu) Time has becom e an 1mponant factor no v.. in h1s chmb up th.e minor league ladder. and the convenience ofa gOO<l realtor is getting harder to find. It's baseball now. and time for Sli,....1nski to make an investment pa} off. . • O K. O K . so the Super Bov.I i rabsall thc headlines and C\ef) bod) 'stalking football. Bu t baseball season. belie'e 11 or not. 1s here. J.ocal_college b~se-~I~ ha! alrcad,_ sta.ned __ regular-season pla~. mt.>an1ng spring training for the pros 1s n ght around the comer That's.where 1i..-.insk1. alwaH the hitter. ah' a~'> the battler al"'a~s the · competitor comes in. pnng training lS all hw10sk1 has on his mind these da)s 'He'll be pla~1ng with a 'engeanC'e this spnn&..Out to pro•.i: him elfonct.>again. tugging a long «1th him a fl\ l'·~l·ar mino r league career that's a1 a crossroads .\tv.a)S the prospt>ct in tht.> e)es o f big kague outs. this .... ,11 be his first spnng tra1n1ng v.11h the Oakland .\·s. the team "h1ch acquired him du·nng the December "inter mce11ngs. This v.111 be Sh .... .nsk1's best o p- ponunll) to ascend o ut of the v.oods ot Double-.\ anQ.1nto the Tnple-A rankings More rmportantl~. It could be his final. one-la t ll'g111ma1e craC'k at malmg 11 . It. of course. being the big leagues. where hv.1n!>k1. J former <itandout at Orange Coast C'ollcge. ha) drt'amed o l pla~1ng et er since hl' kne" v.hal holding a bat .... a., T he ne .... -ll'ase-of-life part bl.'gms "hen\ ou rnns1dl'r "hat has happened to \li .... in'>l..1 tht' past three '>t'a\ons \fore specilicall~ la\t ~('ar ,. k v..-hill nickname v.h11e ar OC( m 19 I and I %2 "'hen \hke \la' nt"<i Pirate\ captured ~outh (oa~t C'onkn·nte cham- pionships. became blue last ~ear. He'd prOH'n htm~·lfin 19 5 h1~ lir~t 'ear at lJouble--\ J\.no,,tlk and again tn 14 r-H 1\ mind "as St'l on lx-mg promolt'd to Tnpk-.\ ~ratusc once dunng -;pnng 1rJ1n1ng ,,. JQ r- but the d1sappo1n1men1 of tieing wnt back to Knox' ilk happened again IJ\l '>pnng for J third term He slumped to 256 la'' \t•ar. hut had career highs 1n home run" t 2 'I I lnd RBI t 901 Doubk-.\ tasthalls are not. ii an\ at all much d11Teren1 than h1g league" ia~tbails .\dd a fe.,.. more ''eel..s to the scheduk hkt• the maJM lt·Jgue~. and "ho kno"s v.hat those alrt"ad'· 1mpre'>'>l't.' numbl.'r~ 'ould ha'e bet-n .. Th1Hound hl c an e\l·use:· the t...' l 4). PtlunJ tir.,1-oa«man outfielder said ""h\, ' t''Pt'nmen11ng \.\1th third ba« ··s u1 I had nl' IO'("('ntl\~ l:i-st '~ f t\tJISt rn:tv~ lth~av .. ~td ·11 'Ou \an pla~ m Double-.\ \Ou can ·~la~ 1n tht• h1g ka~ues: .. ,1~ hrst )eJr 11n Double--\ I I ">tru~led anJ hll 2 ~ and in I" 61 had to pn•'<' 11 tl' m,~·lt anJ I hit '1 12 Then last 'car I h.td nt.tth1ng k11 t • prll\(' I didn't· ha't" the 1n1.en11,e t>t-1.au'>t' I ...... :isn't going an~"here 11n lhl' Toronll orµn1Lat1onl ·· In pmte""'l'nal baS<"ball 11·s raft" for J p(a\t'r lo Spt>nJ t0ur \('ars in Douhk-.\ Three h1'1t1rtcalh. I'> atxiut the most ~li"1ns~1. 2 • has a Double--\ H unts' 1lle tl'ntra1. t 1n the ~mt' \outhem League he hai. plJ' l'd in ltn the last th rte 'ears accordin2 to (Ple ... e eee SLIWlJlfSKJ/82) • • v K£V1N SUW1HSKI ·18 Surfers. Can 'Skins repeat? One step· at a tiµie Williams eye Katin c ·b-b-. l soaretheCard1nals" no shock • l S O n y con cern Thl' :"FC has "On the last tour_ b k h P A i s with own divis ion: uix-r Bov.ls b~ 3 composite score ol ac ome ro-. m 165-56 Y.llh I ~ of those 56 points 481eams will vie at Huntington Beach f ors 1 7 .500 purse The I 2th Annual Katin "Mcmonal Pro-Am. the longest running pro- fessional urling event in Cahfom1a , will take place al the Hunungton Beach Pier Thursda) th rough Sun- da}. A total of 48 fo ur-man professional and amateur teams will gun for <tM team ·qown: wo n las\ year by the G o tcha Dominators. a Costa Mes.a: based team. The Body Glove Future Stars of Hermosa Beach wo n the amateur title. Gotcha will fc:ature Martin Potter of Great Bri tain. Michael a nd Derek Ho of Hawa11 and Brad Gerlach o f Encinitas. e world's No. 5 surfer. Po tter is a two-time Katin champion. last winning in 1986. Michael Ho. a 10-timc finisher in the world's1op 16. captured the 1981 ,.Katin, while Gerlach. who went to high school in Huntingto n Beach .... was 1.he 1987 IUtin runner-up to two-time world cham,eion T o m C umn. A Huntingtorl' Beach-based team, Alceda Wetsuits. also brinas a rich tradition into the event. Alttda 's lead man. intcmalional standout Dave Parmenter of Ca) ucos. Calif .. fin- i*d l«Ond to Pottef" two~ llO-AJonpi~ Parmenter •~ 1986 V.S Pro T o ur c hampion Mike C ruickshank of Dana Point and Huntinaton Buch's Craia Comcn. who wu third on the 1987 U.S. Pro Tour. Florida nckt Mau Ktthelc rounds out the team. , l Vua~t Frafttt. fatunna the duo of M ike Llmbttsa and Jim H .. n. lhouJa a so c.la.alltntt ror the ht~. l.ambm;i and Hopn finished 1-2 on the l 987 U.S. Pro Tour. Bit·•a"c itandout Chris Burke of LI Jolla and C"hril Adanu of Cartlb94 compktc t~tam. This year's punt as $17.SOO. WJth CPI••• ... ..,.,...,_, But c h a n ces unlike l y corning on founh-quaner touch-• z h Jo1Ansas1hcNFCtcam was cru1~ing Jn ac ary ·\.\1th a big lead. In fact. the fc ,....est points b~ an) NFC 'upeT Bo"l 1eam o'er that ix· nod .,.. as the 38 scor<.'d b~ an Franc1~·0 1n its 38-16 \ICIOf\ AN DIEGO ( i\P) -Super Bo v..I "'inm·rs don't repeat. So. after the ~ ashington Redslins lost to Nev. York 1n the National Football Con- ference title game a vear ago. Charle Mann was rooting for -the Giants in the Super Bo" I. That wa}. the Redskins would ha'e a C'hance this year. Mann's do uble wish came true unda\ when the Redskins went on a re- cord-bre-a k1 ng binge that in- cluded 35 St,,'C· o nd-quarter points 10 rout thr D en,er Broncos 41-10 Sunda'. bl'· com in·g the fourth strat&h t N FC-team to capture a lopsided Super Bowl victorv. That led RcdskinsCoachJocG1bbs to face the inc' 1table q uestions Mon- da) about the difficult> of repeating as NFL champion. No team this decadt' has won t .. o straight Super Bowls. Gibbs. response: ··1 just want to get through our divisio n first.'' The last t"-O upcr Bowl winners. the Giants and R~skins.. came from the FC East. and Gibb5 said he believes 1t's the \ou&hcst d1V1Sion 1n football. "I thouaht that 1f an}' tutn around could repeat it,..., t~ Giants bcalusc they ~~rt solid at every positio n ... he said oflast ytar's champtons. ~ho ftll ''tCtim to a temble stnke team. injuries and post-Super Bowl malaise. fini h1na last 1n the dl\'ision •1th a 6-9 rtcord. That IJ"CS tht Giants an eas) laSl· placi Khcdulc ncu scason. The)' JCt topla)' Octro1t t-.ttand K.ansasC'uy. while tht" Rc4sk16urt farina the likes of Chicqo and Otvdand. ··1 think tht ow .. a att mad about •bat ~ncd tlus )Ur and will com< roanns beet." Gibbs •Ml .. , tb1nk P'uladtlot\_aa 11 conm11 on. and ' O\ er \1iam1 1n I q • · Gibbs refused to aclno,....ledge rnn- fcren\.·e dom1na11on .. Each of those games are totall~ separate.'' he ~1d. ··1 don't set• 11 as AFC--:"\FC' Each of those teams got ho t for a da' ~hat takes o'er and contributes io a lopsided game 1s difficult to understand ·· Offen l\C tackle \lark ~ta\ said after unda~ 's game tht" Re'dslo..ins were abk to outmuscle the Broncos -~s the Giants did -b«ausc the) arc used to ph)s1cal games ~tthtn tne-+--..,.. di\ ISIOA. Gibb said the same thing ~tonda' "When \OU lOm(' o ut of our dl\ISIOn. 1i' a ph)Sical dl\ISIOn E'en team in there 1s a ph}s1cal football tea m, .. he said ··\\hen )OU pla) Philadelphia. the~ art knod1ng you around. The G iants beat \OU up and the the Cardinals and Dallas can hurt \Ou.'· T hat. of rou~. 1s one hurdle for Washington Therc also 1s e>.pecti!d 10 bt some conten11on for the quanerbad. pot be\v..C!'Cn .26-}ear-old Ja) hroodcr. the incumbent e ntt'nng this S('ason. and 32-ycar-old Doug W illiam "'ho thrc"' for a l"C'Cord 340 yards and four touchdov.ns to be nam~ the,g.ame's M ost \'aluablc Player. T~ 3 'ards. ,)06 of lbcm ll\ lM. Ml baJ (. V--.S Ont' of I 0 Suptr Bo"' I records .SCI b' lb~ Rtdskms. Gibbs said ht" be he'"~ there .... as a lot to be s.1nd for.tntrateam romPft1· tion, the samt lind ht will ha'c at rvnnina t.ck with' ~Tit RoStf'S, Keh·in Br)-ant and Timm) m1th mith. a urpn~ Staner an Rott"n' pbtt. t1t1 anotMr rtee>rd •1th 204 • ~-anb rust.i"lo )"'ft tol~ust a lWfl 'Ote for MVP 10 ~ alhams 10'~. Smith'' rushu-a and W1lha ms' pa$1l"I con1ribu1td to )~t ano ther rm>rd -602 loW yards offt1a11t. •hidl1lto1nd~ l~))vd:sftttt\· ... • - Z.\CH.\R'I La C ~PI -Dc.'US \\ 1lham" might ha' c.-bet"n a tale ntC'd ~-ctmd-tnng ~uanerbal'k hl \Orne but Zachaf\ rt's1dc.-n1 s who 'ital! di.,. pla' mallt-i<1,t·~ dcntt"d d unng his l)r.l\tl.:T da~" .,.."t'Tt' not surpnSc."'d t'I' his four-wu..-hdClv.n assault on '-upcr fk'"' rel"\'rd t'i<xtl~ ·· ~ me l>I them had " nttcn him off 'ea~ agt' .. Y id Jnhn Troth a~"' 1Ct" s1-:1on man.igC'r .,.. ho -v;as one of man~ C\amplc.-" that unda' ·s enthusiasm haJ nCll bttn lo~t in \1onda' ·-; '-ll'rm' that drench<'d the to~n "l'm g.l.id he-.; sho"n tht'm ·· =~----:._ William~ "'ht' won-mosl ,aJUlb1t -~·--· pla' er honor. .,.. h lie leading I he \\a hington Rl·dsl ins to a ~2-10 wm o 'er the Den' er Broncos on unda}. also performed a therapcuuc effect on th1) communtt' ofQ.000 ~pie s.a1d 1m McCehe~: a rt~Gluranr a1nrM'r ov..'ner Man) of lac~~' rt'\1dents lost their JOM 1n r«'<'nt ~~rs follo-.•in• cutbacks 1n <;tatr go,emment offi~ and chemical plant 1n ncarb' Bato n Rouge ..It ga,·c.-f'('llple something to talk - abo ut be"•d<'' the econom :· McGehtt "41d "E'ef)'bod' "a upfor1t l:the game.-and no "' e' er\'bod still talkmg abou\ 1t.'' said lxn lon. another~~ ~Kk-nt • In l to" n v. her'( the tradmona.J foottlan fa\oonte~ art the e~ Or- leans Saint.\, "'ho enckd a 20.)car playoff drou&ht this ~aton. and ~ular powcr'houK Loua 11.na tate. W illiam bt'oU&ht out Redskin chttrs and xnt DCn'-cr rootcn u~ around. resadcnt sald. "The Rcdst1n art probabt> o . I ~ be.av of Ooura... aed Kam LI ttl. a dttsl shop maN111tt. •ns b) Ria ndm. anoth(r m.-ont b} another non-MVP 0.., WWla•e .... belleftn ol maay la kper .... wia. W\Jha.ms• fllher. Robm Wtlbams Sr.. •ho spent m<*. ol Senday lhannt ht• hame wtth a...,. of local rnidNts wt~ a&D but) anSWttlnt _.. t.....,_ Moft. di . I ~ ·-- ~ I ~ L .. / 1 S B -.- Ice melt., •or.:blem,. Dltka, 3 others in Hall of Fame but SIS ••..o gar e Coach Mike D1tka and three NW S1and· • · =t CANTON, Ohio -Ch Bears • leave8 •tadlam crew outsoflhe 1970s-fred Biktnikofr.Jack ·-Ham and Alan ~ -were wkatd today SD .. _ •. •tate of turmoil IS 1988 inductca •.nto the Pro Foocball Hall 9f Fa~e. AU The new class 1ncludet three Pennsylvania natives SAN DIEGO --As football afi- cionados recount the triumphs and trqed.ies of Sunday's game at Jack Murphy Stadium, their Slomacbs and pocketbooks may only just be recovering from what stadium officials described as an onslauaht of appetites. Rcd!k.ln 'lnd Bronco fans excused1ht'mseNcs from the intense action on the field to purchase 1.000 pounds orbcef (in the form of 60,000 hot dots). 18,000 &al Ions of beer ( 110.000 20-oun~ cups). and 11 .000 gallons of various sodas (60,000 individual cups). Coolina down the fans was no easy task. either. The job took approximately 3S tons of ice. supplied by the Union Ice Co .. a Los Angeles-based firm. "With 7S,OOO fans iq,attcndancc. ice consumption avcraaed about I pound per stadium visitor," said Scott Cernansky, manufacturing manager for Union Ice. "Rain or shmc. that's a lot of ice." According to Cernansky. U nion Ice has supplied Jack Murphy Stadium with packqed ict' for more than I 5 years. The ice supplier to tne Rose Bowl. the company also provided ice for last year's Super Bowl pmt'. In addition. Union let' supplies all ice to Dodger Stadium. And, as fa ns left the stadium Sunday with either fond or foul memories of the super event. they left 1he residue of their afternoon fccdjng fTcnzy in the form of trash. According to Jim Love. stadjum custodial site Supl'rv1sor. there were appoximately 35 tons of Super Bowl leftovt'rs. "You can only describe it as a mind-boggling amount of garbage." he emphasized. "But. it's wonh the clean-up effon 10 play host to the Super Bowl i.n 'America's Finest City.'" Quote of the day "As I watched that ballgamt' }CSterfuly. I had to think that a guy hkt' that might havt' made a ft'~ po1ntsd1fft'rcnct' ... Texas T ech football coach J erry Moore. whose team wt'nt 4-7 and 1-5 during a span when Super Bowl ht'ro Timm) Smith was constantll s1dt'lined with anjuncs. UCLA lands Bret J ohnson LOS ANGELES-Bret Johnson. ~ho Ell ledEIToro H1 hSchoolto twostraightCIF t t Southern Con,erence prep championships. II passing for 6.538 }ards and 63 touch- dov. ns. announced Monda, .. he will attend UCLA this fall. --. Ht' plans to redsh1n his frt'shman season 10 JO&n senior quarterbacks Troy Aikman a11d Brendan McCracken and thrt'e top sophomo re Bruin quar- terbacks. The 6-1 . 17 5-pound Johnson made recruiting tnps to Notre Dame. Southern Cal. Penn State and L1CLA "' Johnson's fatherand El Toro'sCoach Bob Johnson v.as a trainer at UCLA Coach Tcrrv Donahue's summer camp when Bret Johnson was' a ju01or. ' "There was no o ne pan1cular reason.·· said his dad. "it v.as a tough choice. . . "Has mother. Debbie. and m}selfwould havt' felt good about an~ of the final four. but we're extreme!~ ha pp~ It' an e'cellent cho1ct' Rt'all~. ht' couldn't ha"e gone ~ rong w1 th any of them "But "'e ct'naml~ suppon him 100 percent ·· He'll maJOr an communica11ons Brumfield wins Woolf award . ARC ADI'\-Don Brumfield. known ~ as the "Kingo f Churchill Downs." has been c.ho~n as the 1988 rt'C'1p1en1 of the George Woolf Memo rial Jocke} '\ward. 11 was announced 01oer the Wt't'kend. Brumfield. 49. will rt'Ct'1ve the award at Santa Anita on aturda). Ft'b. 20 in ceremonies in the paddock walking ring. The track has presented the award annuall~ since 1950. and Brumfield is the 39th rec1p1ent. · Brum tie Id was selected b' members of the Jocke' s' Guild across the nation from a list of five no m inees named b) the oruniz.at1on ·s reiuonal managers. and one who will be inducted in his hometown of. Canton. Ditka is the first Putt ti&ht end ever elttted to the Hall. Bilctnikoff. a widt rcceiver, is the fifth flaider to be inducted. Ham. a linebacker. was the second player from the Pattsburah Steelers' '"Steel Cuna in" years to be honored. following "Mean Joe'' Grttne. ~. a long- time defensive tackle for MinntSOta. btcame the second Viking to m•ke the Hall. joining quarterback Fran Tarkenton. -Qitka. 48, was tht' No. I draft pick of the Bears in 1961 oul of the naversaty of Pittsburah. He was named NFL rookie of the year aftt'r catching 56 pas~s1or t.076 yards and 12 touchdowns. ~hrtt years latt'r, he had 75 catches. a record for ti~t ends that stood for 16 years. B1 letn1koff. who will tum 45 later this month. Spl'nt 14 ~ears catching paSSC$ for the Oakland Raidcrs.,Tht' 6-1 . 190-pound flanker caught 589 pas~s -seventh best all-tame -for 8.974 yards and 76 touchdowns. Petry signs Angel contract Right.hander Dan Pctl') signed a contract Monda) to play with the .\ngels in 1988 for an undisclosed amount. The 29-year-old pitcht'r. acquired by the Angels 1n t'Xchange for outficldt'r Gary Petlls last Dec. 5. compiled a 9-7 record and 5.61 ERA for the Detroit Tigers last year in 30 outings. nine in relief. Catcher Jack F1mple and pitchers Shane Young and Vann· Lo\'elace also agreed 10 undisclosed terms for lhc 1988 season. said general manager Mike Pon: Petr). who undt'.rwent surgel')' June 10. 1986. to remo' e three bone chips 1n his elbow. bctµin last season a) a staner and moved to middle rehevt'r in m1d- <\ugus1. He \.\3S 4.5 w11h a 4.96 ERA before the injuf') and 1·5 ~1th a 4.26 ER<\ after recupl'ration. He posted his I OOth victory on May.20. 1987. w11h a 6-4 dec1s1on at Te\as. ti•s best year was 1n 1984 "hen hC'logged an I -record and 3.24 ERA in 35stans"1th thr Tigers. Young. 26. was acquired from the Ne" York Mets as pan of the John Candelaria 1radc. He staned in 27 games las1 season for Jackson in the Texas League. pos11 ng a 9-10 record ..... White beats Collier at Irvine Mike White of Long Beach. Cahf.. SI "on a unanimous I :!-round dec1s1on o'er c.kfcnding 1a1c champion Dec Collier of -Lo .\ngclcl> an their scht'duled California hc:i' ~"eight champ1onsh1p bout Monda} night at the In inc Mamou Hotel. \\hate. a 7-foot tall. :!90-pounder. was undaunted h' (oilier. who at 6-3 and 226 pounds was unable to c\po~r White to an~ power punches. White was able to trap the former champion into the corner with combana11ons 10 the bo<h and the head. In the sc,cnth round". Collier was given a o nr point deduction for a low blow. howev<.'r. White was nol affc<.·tcd and sull "on 1hc round. Judges Rud} Jordan scored 11 117·1~ f Child; Hassett 117-110.andJohnThomas II -109. \\hilt' boosts his rt'<'Ord to 20:6. 11 b' knock.out. C. ollu:r is no~ 1..i,..i. v.11h fi,c knoc~outs. · Television, radio TELEVISI01' .J 30 p.m -COLLEGE BASKETBALL l\lan land at :--:otrc Dame. WG:" ·5 pm -PRO HOCKEY· '."e" Yorl Rangl'r'> at i\c" 'I ork Islanders. E P'.'i. 5.05 p.m -P RO BASKETBALL: Washing· ton at ;-..;l'" York. TBS . -.30 p.m -PRO BASKETBALL: Chicago at Laker!>. Pnrric T1cl e1. SelecTV. Q p.m. -COLLEGE BASKETBALL. Tulsa at IH'L' (dclaH·JJ. l r ..\. · .. RADIO ... 30 pm -PRO BASKETBALL: Chicago at Lalers. KL..\( (570). 7. 30 pm. -PRO HOCKEY: Kings at \'anrnuH·r. 1\.(,1 L ( 1260). KMNY ( 1600). I 0 p m. -PRO SOCCER: Lazers at Sockcrs (dcla~cd ). lo\.MNY ( 160Q). SLIWINSKI AT THE CROSSROADS ... From Bl O akland ..cou11ng dart'ctor Dick Bogan. But "hen the bats and balls beg1" to go a1 11 in .\nzona a .. u,s .start balllingea<:h other for JOb°!: nOrre of the red taoc matters He "as tradrd to Oakland for p11chef D oug Scherer. a !6-~ear-old right -ha ndcr .. (The 1rndc11\ the greatest 1hing 1n the world for him'." Mavne said of Sli"1nsk1 . "'ho'll "Ork out at occ when he arn'l'S 1n to"n from hie; Kno\' 1lle homr in a few weeks before heading to spnng training. ··1 feel like 11·, a new beg1nn1ng.'' Sh"insk1 ~aid "I do n·1 think the) <Oakland) ha''e any preconceived ideas about me They ha''t' an idea of ~hat I can do. but I ca-n go Lo spring training and change their minds. It's a fresh start and I ha'e to pro'e lhat I can pla) It's time to lay 11 on tht" hnt' and~ what ha ppl'ns .. It g1\C me ne~ hfc. ""1th the Blue J a)S. m} care<.'r was ob' 1ousl~ going no~herc Just felling a chanCt' w11h ano1ber team. 1 the) 're sincert about le tting me pla~ 1n Triple-A. 1ha1•11 t can ask·· After two )ears 1n Class-I'\ ball. Sliw1nsk1 h11 18 home runs with 68 RBI an his first )'Car at Knox' ilk. Has improved batting average U 12) 1n 19ft6 included a lift 1n home run~(21) and RBI (89). a~ well. -'ccord1ng to Bogan. the A's ac- q uired Sliwinski for thal (hilting) alone. "That's what we acquired him for. we needed somcbod) who could hn ... said Bogan. "He'll be gJvcn every opport~nill' to make an) ball club we have ftt11 either be 1n-~IN~ or Tnp~-A. depending upon what kind of spnna he ftas .. ho me run 16:!) and RBI (247) records at Kno'' 11lt'. feels he ~as given the shon end of a point) suck last ~ear "Tht') It'll mt' JUSt before spnng training. not fi 1o·t' months befort' so I could have done n. that aerobics would ha'c helped mt' aro und fir-st base:· said Shwmsk1. whose apparent lack of quickness and speed was the liabil1t} the Blue Jays used against him (Hl not promoting him to S} racuse). "The) sho uld have told me this in the off-season. Why didn't the' tell me after the 1986 season. rather than v.a11 until spnng training· of 1987 ·· A loyal. dcd1ca1t'd company man. Sliwinski felt bctra)ed. ··1f T oronto "'ould have told me. 'You need lo d o this.' It would ha\e been done." he said ... I work m) butt off. Not onl} did thq not do things to promote me. but JUSt helping me along as a pla}er. I nt'ver heard an) complaints until last spnng training. .. And that was after the) told me I was going to Tnpk--\. The) said 1 was going to T riple-A (last spnng). The} SURFERS ••• From81 ~•d. ·0on·t ~orT).J USt get in shapl'." "If the' had wanted me to do something, 11 ~ould have been do ne The} knO\.\•that.·Thc) know I would ha' c done something. The) JU St didn't pro mote me." But Sliwinski. who may or may not ha' c learned toq late about the special off-season exercises that Toronto was plugging into his head. is invoJvcd i.n a rigorous train in$ program. one that includes an exercise to help increa~ h1 !1 speed and qultkncu. Speed. or at least trying to develop more of 1t. 1s something Sliwins'ki worked on this winter. "I'm into some scnous training nght no~:· Sliwinski said. "From "hat (Toronto) told me. spttd is my biggest drawback. I need more Spl't'd and I'll do anything to help my t1mt' to fir~t base. 'Tm going to be ready for spnng training-more ready than any other spnng training." Ma) nc......a. mentor of Shwinski's sinct' he began a.s a freshman in the autumn of 1980. also feels that Slv.lnsk1 dt'scrvcs a cleaner shake. "I think. without soundina bitter. that pro baseball has done him no fa vors:· said Mayne. "He has done absolutely evcrythin.g that a pc'r$0n is the team champion receivina $4.000. capable of doing. And he's been or S 1.000 per rider. while the individ· absolutely denied an opponunity ual utlist will earn $3.000. with the organization he's bttn with. The individual competition will "lfl had to pick a team ofall-stan run through Saturday, Feb. 6. with in all the years I've been he~ at OCC team points bcin.g tallied based on (he's cntenlig his 12th season), he'd heat pcrforman~s. On Sunday. the ht the first guy_l'd pk~-for reasons focus wiU swatch to the lOp eiahl far ~yond abihty. I'd stan the be» teams. wllose surfers wifJ o.betUe each club with him. lfc"d be the number other two-on-tv.o one fUY. over all the players I've bad. Other 1nd1vJduals to watch art t ic' as in man) •-ays my favoritt' Mark Orch1lupo of Au1traha. ShuJi plljt'r." hwmsk1. ob' aously. hopes to be pla) ans at Tnplc-A Tacoma f Pac1 fic C'oa'' L.caaue) this yUr " pin. 1t ~unds hke an C"\Cusc. bu1 11 s ltkc any JOb." hw1nsk1 said of not be1n1 promoted last spnng by 'Toron&O. "If you do wcU and )Ou·rc &ht'rc &o ,rt promoted and )OU don't Fl promo1t'd. ~'Clf ... t "'The•a)' I fttl. J Mid up my pan of barp1n. I had beater yt'an than ) 1housht f would The')' didn'I do an ttuns with me ... Kuuya of Japan and OP Pro n1nner· Shwanska. who owns a house 1n up Sunn) Garcia of Hawau. Top _Knoxville. ""o rksat a health spa an the Cahfom1ans 1ndudc Cost.a Mcsa·s ofT-scason. He ~ct has wtfe. Lisa. Richie Collins and a tno of Hunt-"'hale playing 1n the Florida lnstruc-- ington Beach surfers -Bud U.mas. u o nal Lcaauc a few years aao. Scott Famswonh and Gary Clisby The type of o~n51ve Dla)er he 1 'it Collins won the O'Nf1ll oktwater ~ould be safe to M) \hat Shwinsk1 C'lassic 1n Santa Cruz on Sunday, ~mblcs Jadt Clark -the former do-wn1n1 Man) Tho mu of Hawaii 1n . Giant and Cardinal who sianed th1j the final. • v.11n1.CL.Witb.U...YankttS. On Sunday. a se~es or exhibition ··That's the kind of plai-t:r rm 1oina heats amona surfers of the.-1960s and to bt." hv.-mski said ... , rrt not aoina 1970s will be also be held. to lcal a IOI ofbl~ That's a fact." hw1nskl. -who holds the carttr J, • " . SUNSET SHOWDOWN ••• "'-8 1 been even more impteSSive. bliuina its lasl five O{>PC>ncr"s (includina tM non-kq~ victory ova Makr Dti) by marlins of 24, 19. -22. 11 and 21 points. It's site eanna) vs. quicknas (Ocean View and it's the latter wbkb has carried n View (11·7) into the No. 6 slot on the Oranee County top 10 list. Marina is No. 8. "They're quick and they can shoot well." continued Popovich. a veteran of 13 seasons. ''Todd Norman is a real stabilizina force and the)' have the three-point_ capabilities. Theout5ideshootin1can really neutralize a hciaht advantqe." Marina cnlen lNith a front line of 6-9 freshman Cherokee Parks. 6-7 Dan Floyd and the 6-6 Guild. aJona with Yamate (6-3) and Jim Campbell (6-0). Should the Vikings need to adjust wilh more quickness tht'y have 6-3 Brian Richardson. 6-S Duane Cameron and backup point guard Alf Bayramoglu. · Both squads have shown defensive capabilities. Manna has allowed its last four v1cums an average of 46.5 pl'r game. while Ocean View's last four Sunset opponents have averaged Just 44.2. Each has a number of offensive assets -bu.t a capsulized look sees it. as Ocean View's 1-2 punch of Mike Frohn and Norman ~gainst Marina's Guild. an All·CIF choice a year ago when he was a junior. "Frohn and Norman have been our Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside:· said Hams. Ocean View's only toach in a I 0-year history. "But we've also got Greg Evans and he"s been incredible on defense. Ht''s held e' cry opponen1 to Jess than his seasonal average. although Guild got 20 the last lime." Guild will be Evans' ass1gnmt'nt again. Guild's present seasonal a't'r· age. 19.0. "Guild can score and you're not going to stop him:· said Hams. "but ~e·d hke to at least contain him:· There \\as no containing Frohn on Saturda' when Oct'an V1t'~ blistered Mater Oe1. .. He was on fire ... admill Harrit. Frohn IC'Ottd a career•hilh 33 poinll. A junior. Frohn has held the key to Ocean View's sucttM. He ir\jured his ankle in the first pme at the Tournament of Champions and wound up miuina three 11mes and scorina just 18 in two other pmes whilt tryina to play thf'OUlh the iajury. Al for conlainina Frohn. Norman. Evans. Craia Rice and the rest of the Seahawb. Popovich said, .. We just ha vt to take care of ounelves. •• ln ott:Kr Sunset 11meos Wednetdly. Huntinftton Beach (2 ... ) is at Foun- Lain Va ey and Edison (2-4) travels to Westminster (2-4). In the Sea View Lcaaue: ·Corona del Mar (3-3) holds a onc- pmc cdac over Estancia (2-4) in the race for third place and a berthjn the en=· 3-A playoffs, but must colhend with S-1 Saddleback on the CdM floor. Mcanwhil~ Estancia (2-4) can stay in tht' hunt if it can solve Newport Harbor's homecourt advantaae. Aarbor is 1-5 in leagut' plJy. Estancia deal.L Nt'wpon a 41-33 loss in the fim round. lrt the other game. Tustin (6-0) is at Univt'rsity ( 1-S). In the Pacific Coast Lcagut': There's four games left. but the Warriors ofWoodbridae figure to put another title in the bank. With a two- game edge over Laguna Beach and Laguna Hills. the only question is can anyone knock Laguna Beach and Laguna Hills out of the playoffs? · fn Wednesday's games. Costa Mcsa.(2-4) is at Woodbridge (6-0): Laguna Beach (4-2) travels to Laguna Hills 4-2) and Trabuco Hills (2-4) is at Orange (0-6). "The Laguna Beach- Laguna Hills winner appears to be a shOo-11'1 for t'he 2-A playoffs. In tht' South Coast Lcagut': Irvine's 3-3 Vaqueros host Orange County's top-rated team -18-4 Capistrano Valky. Should Capo Val-le~ win. and Mission ~t'JO (3·3) defeat nsi11ng Dana Hills (2-4). as t'xpected. ~ ma} well still t'volvc into a third-place showdown for Irvine with M 1ss1on V 1ejo Feb. I 0. TbplO .~eCounty ~echool bUketblill . DallJ PUot eeleedou 1. capo Valley (18-4) / 2 . Santa Ana (19-S) , S. Woodbrld&e (14-5) 4 . Tuatin ll8-S) 5.Sad~leback(18·4 i _,... 6 . Ocean View (11-7) 7. Mater Del (14-6) 8. llarlna (15 -5 ) 9 . Sunny HUia (17-2) 10. El Toro (15-~) Trojaris e ·dge Huskies USC's Pendleton s uspe nded ; Georgetown, Bra dley l:lpset 1hen 11eld 'on IQ upset I 3th-ranked Georgetown in a Big East Conference game. · Mark Flan sky scort'd 14 points and Gal)' Massey and Ken Wilson had I 0 each for Villanova. which boosted its record to.15-6 overall and 7-3 in the Big East. F rom Tiie Associated P ress Freshman Ronnie Coleman scored 14 of his 20 points an the second half. including a slam dunk with 16 scronds left. 10 g1v(' use a 6 7-65 viccory 0\ ('f \ 1si11ng Washington in a Pacifi c-I 0 confcr<.'nCt' basketball game Monda~ n1gh1. Mark Tillmon had 24 points and Charlie Smith 15 fo r Georaetown. 14-5 and 4-4. Dake 101,Clemsoa ll: In Durham. N. C.. sophomort' Phil Henderson scored 18 points as No. 4 Dukt' beal Clemson to remain atop the Atlantic Coast Conft'rt'nce standings. The Huski~ led 65-64 when Coleman took an ,inbound~ pas~ from Da\C Wiltz and scored to g1,e the TroJaM. 5-13 0' era II and 3·6·rn conference. their second consecutnt' ~•n. · Wlcll1Ju SU\e 111, Bradley t!: In W1ch1ta. JUOIOr D"'a}ne Pra)IO~ scored a career-high 24 poinls as W1ch11a State upset I 8th-ranked Bradle} in a Missoun olt'man added a free throw "'•th dnc second left to cinch the' 1cton over the Husk ies.~ ho are 6-12 and~-7 Valle' Conft'rence gamt'. - The game ·"as knottt'd 60-60 wath 2:23 left ~hen Coleman hat a Jumper Chris Moore follo~ed ~Ith a slam dunk to g1"c outhcrn Cal a 64-60 lead with 1:47 rrma1nmg. College basketball scores WEST •n11•on /) Off the coun. so phomore reserve guard .\nthon) Pendleton. Southern Cars third-leading scorer. has been handed a thrt'c-game suspension for breaking an und1sclo~d team rule. USC "Coach George Raveling announced Monda\. use 67 WH l\11\\)IQn &S NW Lou S••n• 91 Nt(f'Olfs S• 6S Sen D·~O S• S9 11 .... , SI Nfw Ortu ns 6i, Sa mloro •7 ROCKIES · Snull\ Al•Deme 11 Soul'1 F10t1CS. Ntw Mo .co 60 Cotoreoo s1 l l 11 S U1•'1 86 Nolrt O•me, C•I S9 VM I 61, Tn ·C'1•1t•noo11e 61 EAST V r11•111e n J.c~sonv111t S? Fora,,.,,., 83 Merou•Hf 6J MIDWEST "Plain and simple. Anthony broke a standard team rule," Raveling said. "We have discussed the matter and have agreed that this suspension as appropnatt'. I'm vef') concerned that this 1s not interpreted as something it isn·1. 111\enacnu""\ 60 St Bon•ven· Au\!1n PH Y· 78, Youngstown SI Mt ~ 61 M1em1. Fte 79, Mer"' 76 toll Clnc1n11e1t II. N Illinois 60 Nevv 63 D11l•ware 60 Cltvtleno SI 7• W•s ·GrH n Bev V11tenov• ~. G-i!elOwn SI 61 SOUTH Cre111Mon 60. Mo ·KanlH C•lv •S like something drug-relalcd." · Oul.t 1oi Clemson 63 Dt ••o•• 6S S• Lou!\ S9 Fur men 90 Oe v10\0n eo lovole Ill tll E venw illt ,. Elsewhere in college basketball Monday: Gtor11t M;ison 61 Ve Com· Mocn111an S• 16. O'uo S• ~ monwtelt'1 60 Ve1oere1so 63 E 1Uino1\ S9 Vlllaaova 14 , Geor1etowa SB: In Ph1ladelph1a. Jet~M>"'""' S1 I S Ttnn -Merlin W ,01t1e SI 11&. Breoitv 91 V1llano,a's 7-2 Tom Greis scort'd 21 points as the Wildcats built a 16-point lead earl~· in the se<:ond half. 6• SOUTHWEST LOUoh •IMt 107 V1r111n1• Te<'1 " P1~ Am~rica11 1• 0-al ~o~rts N C c ... r>Ollt IS N C ·W H..,. n PRo HocKEY Blues capture New Jersey puts end 6th straig ht -~ NHL vic tory to 26-game Streak From Tbe AssCK'laled Pre11 St. Louis goals by Mark Hunter. Todd Ewen dnd Doug Gilmour in a 6:48 burst early in the scc·ond pl'nod broke a tic and the Blues held on"to defeat the host Toronto Maple Leafs 5-4 Monda) night for a clul;>-rccord si-..1h consecutive National Hocke} League ,·1ctory . _ Cliff Ronning and Gaston Gingras also scored for St. Louis. which has won eight of llS last nine games to 1mprO\ e 10 24-23-5 and move with an 1hree points of first-pla~ Dctro11 1n From Tlte Associated Press · Buck Williams scored 23 points and Ne" Jersey rallied from an 11 - poi nt deficit 1n the third quant'r to sna~ a 26-game road losing streak daung back to last season. Ne~ Jt rsey. which lost its first I g road games this season and hadn·t won away from home since March 18. 1987, at Dctroit .. g(>t a triple..<fouble performance from guard John Buley who had 19 poin1s. I 0 assists and I 0 rebounds. Mark A1u1m: led host Dallas wi th 32 points. The Mavcncks. -who lead second-1he Norns D11o 1s1on. . place Den er b) four pmt's in the Wt'ndel Clark sco~ twice and Al Midwest Di mon and whose 28-13 St'to rd and Greg Temon onct' eac.h . record is the best 1n franchise history. for T oronto. last an tht' Noms had won 10 of their previous 12 D" 1s1on at 15·:9·9. The M~ple Lc.afs gamt'S and 15 of 11 at home. ha \i~ 1.1.orr onl) nnl.' o r their Im t9 Dillas tooi an I I-point lead in the games. third quant'r when Aauirre hit six The . previous longest wanning strailht shots. But the Nets outscored streak 1n the 21-year history of the the Mavericks J 3-1 over the ne•t Blues was five games. They did lh?t 3:36. ~w1ce -in Februal')· 1969 and ap1n Elsewhere an the NBA Monday: 1n January 1972. Elsewhere Monday: Kla11 t7, Balls H : In Sacramento. Qevll1 ~. F lames •~ In Calgary. Chicaao·s Michael Jordan scored 37 Mark Johnson scored twice 10 hf\ tht' polnl!i but Sacramento's LaSalle New Jersey Devils over the leaauc- leadina CalJ.ary Flames. · Thompson blockt'd his layup with two seconds lefi to preserve the Kings· victor). Reggie Theus led Sacramento with 28 points. including a 17-footjumper with eight seconds left that broke a 95.95 tic. Afier Theus' shot. Jordan attempted 10 tie tht' score again by dn"''ing down the lefi lane but his shot was blockt'<i by Thom~on. Sacra- menlo's center. Ja11 lH, S.perSoalcs lft: In Salt lakt' City. Thur! Bailey scored 32 points and Karl Malont' added 25 to lt'ad Utah. Tbe Jazz. tr:ailca' 52-49 at halfi1mt' but Bailey and John Stock- ton ke)cd a 17-6 run that $Ive Utah a 66-58 lead with 6:58 left an tht' third quancr. Pacers N, WarrtoH H : In In- dia naf>OI is ... die-1 ndiana.P-ac~rs blew a 16-poant third·Pt'riod kad but ht'l~on for a victOI')' over the Golden State Warriors when Vern Flemin1 m two free throws with six Sttonds ft . Pl1teu H , Pl1tee1 U :.lnAichfield. Ohio. Ron Harper 1eored 23 points and the Cleveland Cavaliers made thcar last 11 points from the free throw line to beat the Drtroit Pistons. The ()e, 1ls' victory was their first at the Saddlcdomc since .1981. a period an which tM)' had lost eiaht pmn and tied one. Hermstacl gains:h onOr s · _ 8rwlll1 $, l a.aM•b S: In Oi- caao. lcf\ •ina Randy Bumc:tae had 1wo aoals and two assists to lead the Boston Bruin~ over tht' Ch1caao Black hawks. c...41eet $, Wuaen 4: In Mon- treal. R)an Wahcrscottd a kc> &Oil at 7:S6 of the third period. aeadi"I the Montreal Canadaens toa v1ctoryo\cr the Hanford WhaJen. The 1oal b) WaJttt -his 11th -came afttf Bobb) Smttb slt.ppcd h1m a pau on a 2-on• I lnak. h provided the Canad1cns wtth a S-3 mara1n •nd thc:ir c\t'ntual w1nn1n1 pl. ·Tom Hcrmstad Jr .. a former Gold· en WMt Collcae All-American wau~r polo pla)cr. ""•II be honored 11 a banquet WcdnC$da)' ht'lpina C lkrkt'tcy to tht , dram- p1onship. The banquet honors ath~ttt from hi&h schools. coll~ and dub!. for prCKnt and pHt peiiormancn. Hcrm5tad helped Lona Jkach Wilson H~ to a 1tm1final bcrlh an the CIF l}Offs his wnaor yc-ar '" l98J ""h1 e umma Pft'P ~II-America mcniton and th1rd-tc-am C'IF honon He continued h" cam:r at Golden West under his father and current Golckn West Athletic Dirtttor Tom Hermstad Sf. He helped the Rustlen to the 1984 state championship and n undtfeattd seuon while eam1n.g .\ll&uth Coast and All-menca honors. At ~rkde) lh1s )~ar, ht--•s Kltttt'd All-Plc-10. K"C'Ond team"'"· mmca. All-Tournament Sttond team 1"4 the 1987 UC Bcr\ck) quatl<'"SC'ho&er Ath~. ~ tt ftfttth.- 1n1 tus major in ~·nahropoloS)' and Er\1)1~ and pt.ani to enter ar-duate . M'hool, .. .. \ F ,_I~ ... t Rf dJ ~ ~J ~ - I \ •A WUT9H CC..HIMCI ....... DMIAla W L Pct. l3 I IOS U IS 6U 1S 1' I W 13 21 lU 10 JI 244 t ll 22S Ga 1"• .. ., 19'•) 23 23'"> 'MWwett OMtlen Da11tt1 21 1 l 613 o.nv~ 2• 17 JIS A •• 1 .. ., 10 Houl ton 13 11 S1S uta11 20 n "' S.n A.ntonto 11 12 43' S.cramenro 1 ll 2t 317 IA$TlllN CC)fll'llllNCI IS Allallk Dlv\Mell lk>\lon Plllla<MlPllll Wu111t1o1on New Yori! New Jer~v 31 " i t n 17 1J " 21 10 l2 II 11, " ., 20 l CeftWalDM'*' Allanlt Dtrroo Cl\tcaoo Mllwaukff Clevtlt llO lllCl<tllt ,. '' 1• ·~ 26 11 21 It n 11 21 21 '14 615 ~ S2S Sl2 500 l 3 ,., 1 1 , Mel*V'akwn CleYtlano 94 Dtrro;r 13 tno•&I'• 90 GO!Oen• Sre1e M Ne"' Jtfltv tot, Denn 103 u1a11 IOS SH llle 100 »creme1110 t1 c111caoo ts T...._..,G_ C111caoo t i LHtn, 1 JO Pm Wull11lgton er New Yort.. S om C>e1ro<1 et Mllweui.tt, S 30 o m F'llOtn1• al HOU\lon, S 30 om New Jef\tv II Sen An1or110, S 30 om Allanlt er Portlt lld, 7,JO om ........ .,..~ 1no1a na al lloalon. • 30 o m Golden s1e11 et Pllllao.!Pllla. 4 30 om Cle Ytlt nd el W11111no1on, •JO o m Ot llu t i Denver, 6 30 o m Secremenro al u ren 6 JO o rn NBA IMden SCottMG Jorden. t 111(.eoo lllrd. llo\lon W1Mll11a, Alle111a lltfl<ieY, F'ftlltdtlP<t Aguirre , Della• U ll, Sterrre o ..... Porllt nd Mtion.. Ult ll Ef19fll11. o.nver McOa 11lel Seellle G .. G f'T "9 AY9 42 S19 JS7 1.00 l3 3 )t 442 20S 1121 21 9 lt 421 2SS II It 21 1 lt 3'9 llt I tot lt..4 )t l'6 m ICMI 26.t '3 •Sl I~ 11?1 26 1 'Cl m UJ HMO 26.0 '1 3'S 273 1063 2St '1 ~ I.. 1030 2S I '° '°' 1'7 •n 1• l llEM>UNDtNG 0.lllty, Cll>ctOO c....~ WfAlam ,, New JerHY Olaiuwon, Hou\lon lltrll.lev, PlliltOtlP'llt l.tlm~r, Ot1rol1 M Ma!Ofle, WHlll'IQlon Mtlon9, Ultl'I T arolt v. Oel'" Gm111,1>.i, F'MedtlPhl• G Oft Def ., 163 -'° I" )00 33 IU 20 '° ''° 196 )t ,,. 267 Jt n m '° in 1'1 " "' 196 )t ISi 1'1 '° '°' m Tiit AY9 SSI 13 I ... 12S '°' 12 • '5' II' U3 11 4 411 II t m 11.0 us 109 3'9 101 3'1 ... ASSISTS Jefw!Mft, Ltlttn SIDClll()fl, Utan Porter. Portland JaC.k\On, New Voro. RIY•"· Atlt nle Tl\omt,, Ot 1ro11 H.,otr Ot llH Cheek•. PT111a0t1Pf'1t FIOvd, HOullon MCMIRe n. S.tll1t .c ..... A" TOf' 1' G ..._ A.,._ .. •7t 111 • • '59 11.2 eo u• 10 • 42 473 10 I '1 366 ,, 31 »• .. eo 34S 86 41 l44 •• 3t 311 1 2 4) lSO t I llecwd "" ,..,, I Arizona '" I 10· I 1739 I 1 Ntv•O•·LH Vega, It· I lot• • l llrrona rn Voun9 I IS 0 1009 1 4 Dulle 13·1 1006 S S T ""°" 16· I "9 6 6 Pur-ovt IM 906 1 1 Ol<ltl'IOm• 11· 1 Ill 10 I Norlll Ct ro"nt IS·l 171 l t F'111Wu1gll IS·2 767 II 10 KenluC'v 14 l 611 9 II Mlcl\loan 17·) st? I 17 SY<ICVH IS·S SJ2 17 ll lowe IS·S 3t4 16 14 Georoetown 14 • • 361 IS IS Vt not<0.11 1)·4 19~ 16 lowe Stare 16·S0 211 It 17 l"ll'Ol1 14·6 1'3 13 11 llrt~v 13·2 17• 19 Ftorlot IS·S 161 14 20SI.~ 14·3 I .. Ot11tfs r tctlvl"O YOltl KenH' S111e lClt, Tut\·EI Puo 9S, Mlu our. 11. Wvomloo SI. So.i"1trn Mlu lu lool u , New Me•iCP 31, Ar· llt ll\H 30, 1.ovOle Cahf JO. Vl"enove 21. lncltln~ 10; Norlll Ca roline Slele 17 ao1 .. Slttt 16, SOulll CeroHna 16, R!lodt Isla nd 10. Evenw1t1e I, Georol• Tee.II ~. DtF'eul 6, Norrt O•mt • Vir9inl• Ttcn J, Ar-•MH·Lllllt ltocl>. 7 Au1>urn 2, Mtmotll' Sta l• 2 Wnl Virginia I MAIA TOf' 10 I SI T Aoulll\ NV 1141 1 Ot vd Lo,cmo, T11 1•1 l A VO • Molltoorntrv I 11 • lllott ltecwd "" ""' 2S· I 611 I S William JtwtM, M I 31 6 Wav,,.l11vr9 F't 1 Was110urn Ken I MCKtnotff ID 9 Tra11w1valllt IC ~ tOGeor"low11 Kv 11 Grano Cenvon . .._,,, 17 Cnt rlflton, S C ll Ft Ht vs SI Kan 1' Bria r Cllfl Iowa IS Whc:ons>11·Ee"' C1t11e 16 Hewel1·H1lo 11 Ort90n Ttcn 11 Emoon t SI Ken 19 Ca meron, oi.ia 20 Wl'eonlln·Pleltt vllle COLLEGE MEN UCI U ·4, 10·1) 21·1 S'3 1 11·1 561 ) U ·l SlS l 11·0 S2S S 20-1 '62 1 11·1 •SI I 12·1 317 ' ••·1 319 9 19-l 316 I) 2S·• 796 14 14·) 21' 10 14·3 217 II 71·) , .. 17 .... 114 15 17·• IS9 It 10·4 ISi 17 IS·• 12' 16 IS·J " 20 14·3 n - ~ Nmv 61 " Mtnht llt n '3 .. "'--dil'lt " 1' Jectllonvil1t 76 tt towe 17• '° F'enn " t) ...... Orteens ti 100 UCLA 116 lit llrl(Jltv 1~ 7t UC ·San•• a.~,.· II ti Cal Stett Fullerton• 73 61 Ntvtda ·l.tl VHH" 103 17 u1111 S111t• 11 " s.11 JoM s1a1e· n 17 a l Pectflc' tO 61 11 Frfll!O s1111• 11 to Loni! lffcll Sltle" 100 " Hew Mt~lco s1111· ., Thun. F.ti 4 -UNI. v· lllOmtl Sal F.O 6 -Cal Slt lt F~ton' (heln'W) $11 F.O lJ -er Utall Siert• Cl )0) 1\1\of! Feo 1S -e t San JoM Sra re• T~', F.O 11 -Fr•'no Slt le' (~I $at . F.0 10 -1 Kiflc" (home) • Tllun F.O 2S • a l New Me•ico St11t• C6.l0l ..s.r.; .. eo-t7 -at L-hecfl Stefe.~ Sat . ""-'<" S -11 UC S.nl• a.r11era• W9d •Sat. Mer f.11 -PCAA Tournaf'Nllf ti !tie Forum •danofet PKifk Coa'' Alllltllc Auoclatlon Htne A~ ""'" lllffln 11 7.30 om . Uflfft1 llO!ed SeCal c ..... (4-2. 9·111 &J PvmoN·ltlll~ n L.aVKllt .. Cal Stare San hr-net'CllflO ,. HawelH.oa 16 HaweU·Hllo tl Cflrl1lla11 Htril ... Tt 9'elafldl 106 LOvOll ~rvrnount " Olt'tft'IOftl•kfiOM .. .Ademt ,,.,. 1' e. .. Mi* " CIW'lt"-" Herl! .. n ca1 a.u,1• "Sell ..... ti cal LU!Nren" ,. W..tmoM· n Cfw1•1 c-.. 1rv1o11· 11 Al-flW(rflc• ,. ..... " _,,.... ... Irk. n 17 103 " 13 1' 7t I.cl 11 • " (Oii ., to .. 12 ,, .,. n IS .. Tuet, FfO 1 -"'°"'' L«nt .... .,...... «-nel S.. • F.-' -•' CM 1.~· Tuea, F• 9 -Cel ...... ,. C'*"91 Ttlun, ,.. H -Tiie Metliln I~ Fri~ F.-It -...,_., 1..,,.1 set., ,. IJ ._ M C"'ltl ( .... INM9" ''*"-ira tt -~· c""""J W '-lt -ANM~C....., Tua , ... n -.. ~~ W ~ -• ..... YIN Nlltallillll.,. ... _.. • ..._. ~ ,_.. A!Nlttt C.-. '"'°" ..,. .. ..,..... -"' -! , JI • "'. Wl'llM• ...... .. Cirist Ctleet crriM (f-7, l ·IJ) C.. TKll SI 1' (al ~·lime ~WI( CIW"11t~ C.... ..... ll'ec:'lflc (IWitti.i C..... • '-" J.-.... '°'"" '1 COllCOfdlt of ~tlenel • LIFE aQl!e '6 Wetl Coetl C1Wlalle11 JS OUidafttal t1 1.IFE aitlle •.s Cai 'fadl M Occldefltal 1' CwemonH lf•uCICI 61 FrHl'O PK'it~· 14 Cel lltotlst• 73 Polflt Loma Narar-· n So<Jrf'ltfn Cal Con.et' .. WtSll'l'IOllr 6.S Ctirl•ll111 Htr'lt191 " ca r Lut,,...an• -. " 111 .. '1 .. 17 .. 1• 13 S3 110 • 109 ts • tS '1 n t7 to Tut1 , F.O 2 -Alult•Ptdfk " ChOmtl Fri., Feo s -a l Cal eaollat• Tut$. Feo 9 -Fr•MM> Pacific• CllOmtJ Set , FtO 13 -SOutf'ltfn Cal (Ofte9t• Cl\Omtl T~. F.O " -., F'oint Lome .... ,.,._. Sat., Feo 10 -We•lmonr• lllOmel Tues . F.o 2l -Cel t.utlltren• lllomtl Stl , FtO 27 -et Aiult·Pac:lllc" 'dtAOln Golden Stell Atl'llllk COflltrefKt Gtme COLLEGE WOMEN UCI (5-4, 7-10) 61 SI JoM'\ 64 COioreOo 60 Tues T K " ~ Ttff\Olt 64 .Montelle .. Nortllwt\ll'fn M w-s1e re 5' UCl.A 6' l.Ofi9 lleKll Slt lt' 61 NtYt dt 't.H VH ... 41 Cal s1e1t Futler1on• _ ._ __ _ 4S S.n 01tQO S1a1e• 41 P•elfk ' 12 Hewe;!' 60 UC Sa1111 ll•t Dert' 41 FrHnO S111t• 14 San Jo1e Sratt' ,, 6S 6S ~ 76 ~ '6 •• 91 64 SI 91 so 61 SS S9 S9 Tl'lurL Ft o 4 -Sen OltOO S1a1t• 1nome. SI s.1 . Ft o 6 -·Cal s1111 Fu11tr1on• 1nome . SI Tnu"·· Fto I I -11 1.ono llucn 'S•ere· St~. Feo 13 -t i F'aclllc• CSl ~I . Feo. 20 -t l UC S.nl• llaro.ra• ISi Tnur1 . Feo 2S -Sao Jolt S1a1e• lnomtl Stl . FtO 27 -Frell'O S1111• (l'IOmt) Thurs Maren l -t i NevlOt·ln V"9H • ISi SUI', Maren 6 -Hewel1' lllOmt 2> · Tl'luf\ ·Sal . Maren 10-12 -F'CAA Tour ntmtfll ,, Tne Forum (TllAI 'dt-llOll!'I Ptciflc (Q,H I AllllthC A"OC1t l- game COMMUNITY COLLEG.£ <>ranee CNsf C2·J, 1 s-f'l> SS Soulnwtll ... n 60 Mire (Olll St F'1tom er 6'( • Mt San Ja<•n•o 69 Mora Colla 6'Mt s.in A111ont0 n S.n Olt90 ~• lit Eu r I.A 11 lm ot'>t l Val'tv 70 Ml San AnlO<hO II Ca nto• 61 S.n Jo~ Sl Skvllnt SJ Et Camino 90 Eu r LA 1• Wu~ LA ·~ LA Traot Tt<l1 16 S•" Ooeoo Sl Soulnwu1ern 70 lmotr1at Val"'v 67 X OllSOt ll' I Ariz I 60 Soul"wt '*trn Sl (yor•u• •t lftn<"O S.n1tago• 41 StO<lltoa<•<' 72 Rkl tr,1oe• n (•lru\• S•• Ft o 6 -•I Cvoren' S9 S2 so .. •9 so so n ,, 47 66 " 64 n " 101) n .. 97 SI ,. SJ S2 ~ SI 61 s. w.o Fto 10 -1• Rancno S.111 aoo• Sal FtO I) -StooitOtC•. lt\Omtl weo Feo 11 -a1 R1vtn10t• Sat F.o 10 -C•lru\" lnomtl S.• -weo ·Sal FM> 27 Ma(c71•1 Merell -Soullle•ll Ct l-lorn11 R"9 one!' I TllA Tllur' ·S.I MtrCll 1Cr 11 -!>•••• Tour ntmtlll •' Sanft Ci.rt TBAI .,,_..,,.""'•• '°:>f'•f'"9C E mo ·c co~'C'C ... tC o•m• 171 99 12 10? 61 9(, ,, 16 II 11 II 100 II IOS 91 IOS 11 1• " 69 " 76 ., II Getden We-st U•S, d -11) Fur LA GWC Alymn1 S." O·~ Mesa Pomor1a·P11zer JV F'elomt r Anreto~ Va!1tv COlltoe of Stouo•H Cilru\ " Cvortt' Como1on coneoe 01 '"• Stouo•H Wt\I H1!11 Por1erv1ne Co•lt04!. of ,,.. 0.s•" Lower COlumOlt Snow (Ult lll Comoton• • Ctrr110, • Er c • ..-.,...,· Pt\<10.N' Ml San An1onio• Lono Btacn • Furi.r1on• Comoto"· ·Weo Feb l -Cer"'°'' lllOfllt) Sal J:t0 S -t i E Ct m.tlO" Weo Feo 10 -ar Pauoena· .. 1• ,. 61 70 IS IS to ti IS IS 61 100 ,, IOI IOS '3 91 79 .. .. 1S 1S 91 n S.1 Feo fl -M l S.11 Anr-· lr.omt Wf'd . FtO 11 -t i 1.0llQ lleec11' S.t Ft0 10 -FuJ!erfOf'' C-l "OtnolH Souln COH I COMtr-e o•mt A 1 o•"'fl 0t9:n t i 1 30 om un1t1s noieo MFt. draft W11tr The order of ltl«tlofl for the """ •ouno ol !tie 1911 Netionel FootO.N I.Hout drt fl to t>t ne!O ill Aorf1 24·2S In New Yor- i A1r.n1a. 2 Dttroll, 3 K1nlt1 c 11v. • Tamoa 81Y. S Cinc1M t ll, t. lteieln; 1 Grltfl Bev I NY Jtt\, 9 Hous1or1 !from Ramil. 10 1't"-G1.ta1s 'I Ot ff•s. It SI I.OU••. ll Pllilede!Olllt 14. llems <trom lluffalol, IS S.n 0'"9, 16 Mttml 11 New Enolafld. 11 P11!11>U1'9'I, 19 MIMflolt 10 ~·S.elllt 11. •am• llrom 1noltna001l1>. n Hou"on· 21 c1e .. tttno. 14 c111e.aoo. 2s Hew °''""' 1• San F r111C1.co. 27 0...Yer, 1t We"""'9ton •·used I f'\l·rOUfld IHCll tfl ,..,..Dll"ten'al drt lt lor Br1tt1 llo•wor111. llneelec1I~ o... ........ DAVEY'S LOCK•• (...._,, 9-dll -4 ooars •7 •neter• 57 llOllito, ue roe11 coci. J.J cellc.o t>tu. tot Mncl bau, > llflt eotld, 1 Ce0e10fl, 10 "'"""80. 4 teu191f\ .. EWf'OttT LA ...... -1 DMI. 11 ~ 13 ltnd be». •1 Calleo NO. 6 llOflllo. 1 llelillut, ' lC\llOlll, 1 ~ .... C~ILL CCMW••11eca Catu.ry Eomon1C1<1 Winn P4t9 ""-Vt ncouvt r ~OM.­w L T 3' IS 6 ,. 17 1 n 12 1 11 ll s 16 '° 1 '"'"' DMtltll 0t1ro11 SI Lou" C111caoo M'-'ole Toronto 1• 19 • ~ 101 tn ?• 2l 5 SJ ltl 17' n 11 l 47 111 21• 16 ·•. • .ti) "' 724 IS 2t 9 Jt 1'6 l?l WALES COH,EllEHCI PlloltOtlPf"t W11n11191on NY lllt llCll'f\ Ntw Jtoav P1lhOurg11 NY ltanoer1 MofltrH I &o"on 6ulf tlo Ht rlforo Outo.c ,,_lrld! OMtleft 16 10 6 2• 11 6 74 21 s '1' 24 5 21 t) t 10 1S 6 AOtml OM"9ll 2t IS 10 lO 19 ~ n n 9 11 13 1 21 2S ) ~.,., ktrtt Monlrtel S Kt rll0<d • SI I.Du 1 S f~on10 • a o"on s C11.ca90 l N-Jt <HY s Ct 'llt fY • TeflltM'1 CO.met SI 116 ~ 17' SJ 19S SJ 113 SI 106 " I" 61 m 6S 101 SS 116 SI 160 4S 17S K .... , Vt ncOtJYer 1 JS p m WHll1ngtC1<1 t i F'lll\Durgn 4 l~ o m 6 uHelO •' QueOtc 4 lS o m '" 162 Ito 197 212 It) J! 161 llS Ntw Vora. Rt"°'" 11 New Vorlt. llltnoe.-\ SOS om -w....-r •G-v ancouvt r •' Klntl, 7 .lS o m Montrtal t i Heriford, •.lS o m OelrO'I ., Cn1ea90, s )S 0 m SI Louis et Minnt lOlt . S.lS o m Ca101r" al W1nnloeo, S.JS o m. N•w Je"ev •I Edmonlon. 6 3S om ltll LPGA scMdult Fto 4·1 -Maroa C111s•c. Boe• Re1on. Flt F•O 11· 14 -StralOlt 0.UIC S.rt Mllt F1a Feo 15·17 -><•••·••n Ltoit\ Ootn 0t11u. .... .,. Maren )·6 -lt""1~t Ootfl Kt l.lt • Htwe" Mt•c~ 11 10 -T...c1on Ootfl Marc" 24 11' -Turouoolt Clts!>l<. "'-"" Marc" ll·Ao-1 J -Nt l><KO O>nan Snort M•U IC)lt H.11, CC llanc"O Mirage Aor 1 10 -Sin 0 ~ lnemor• Clt"IC Slortl'R·oot CC .t.or IS 11 -Ct~•·~• a Clau ic Rt N:llO Par• C.C 1.01 ""Gt n A.or, 21·7• S ... ncoasl OH '>< St P•lt•\Ourg Fie Aor•• 19·Ml\I 1 -S1<a Lff Cle n lC NHll· viii• Tenn •• Mev 6·1 -Crt••t r Ctn,1<. Por"mou111 Va Ma • I) IS -Cl'lrv\1tr·P1ymou11'1 Cles\11: M dOltlO w n N J May 19 n -1.F'C.A C11a..-.o.onsn1p, K1ng1 l\Jano Ot1·0 M•• 16 n --Cor11ir1g Cta n •c Corning, N v Junt 2 s -To<too Clan<. T01e0o. On10 Junt · 9· 12 -ltocnultr lnlt•nt llOlltl, P ol· 1\loro N v · Ju11t 17 19 l adv it~,,~ ao... Htr,11t • Pe Junt 13 26 -M<Oon•·<n Cnemo>On'"'D W1lm•n111on Oti Jurt 30-Julv ) -Ou 111\tu• .. r C1anic Coou•llt m Canaoa Jul• 1 10 -Mavttower Ct•n oe lnoitnaPOll\ Ju•v U 17 -8o1•011;: •• CltU<.; Oanvttl Man Ju•v 11·'1• -US Wo,,,_..,' Oot'I Bel• mort A..,g • 7 -Pa• Brao~• '"'t<'"t hone M•o" Po.nl N C Aug 11· 14 -Mt•ltrCaro lnltrnt hOllt Wll•tt F'lt•lt\ N Y AVO 19 21 -At ani.c C·•• C"n< Some<' Po"' N J AuO 1S· 1t -Ne"'t worro C11a m"'°"'" o Ltlo.e l t ntt' i\taro\ C.t Sto• l S -Rt ("'•' •• C en-c SDf•"111 tlO '" Seo• 9· ll -Cfl'<J'a r Or>t ·P1"11 C.olf ("I"'· o onv 110 F'0<tte'IO Or• ~01 IS 18 -Sa •tco C•an c Stt ltlf Sfol 71·2S -!>an•a Ber1>1re ~" Sto• JO Oc1 2 -S.n Jow Cltnoe OcT 71 30 -N°<111re1 Lto'•\ Cu0 U S ·Ja oa11 Teem C11a mo-sn10 ''" TBA Nov •·6 -Jt Dt ll (l•n lC, '"' Tl!IA Dec I 4 -JC Pe<v>tv Clt.ulc Lacoo Flt ..... (el lnr-MMTi.tt H .... I HEAVYWEIGHTS -M1lo.t WM e ll.Cl'IO 6HCl'll Ot'C OH COii• ... IL~ ""9tlell U rouno unt r"mo"' OK•l•on for SltJe !Ille W"''" ' ...,,. ?O 6 COii tr 1 14·41 Mondav's tnn.uction1 &ASE SALL AmtrtCt lll.M- ANGE'l.S-S 911eo Oa~ Pt••v P••Cne• 10 • Of'lt ., •• , CO,.,ff'ttC' A;rffO •o term\ -If\ J•C' F mp t C.9'C"t ' ~"0 S"e nt Young enc Va"Ct l.O•tltc• 0 '<"•" '" one· .... , CCl'llrt C" TEXAS R4NGEll~-Ag•tto •o ••rm,· w.I~ Jett Jlu\\~i o tc .. •r o,.,. a Ofl'• v-~•r con1r1ct Nt~ll.H­ OOOGElltS-S10"t0 .. ·-C.•O\Ofl ou•l•t!Otr to e thrff vtar C~'"'•C' PITT SBURC.11 PllltATES-S•gneo TO"• Cllt "<• oull•t >ot • 10 • Qllt·v•ar cor,,,.c1 SAN FltANCISCO C.tANTS-.t.grtto 10 term • w•'" ·Jost U•Jlt '""'"'too. on • one v•ar contract · 8ASt!.E TllAl.L Nt"-1 Suit .... AsM<letiaft llOS TON C El T tCS-Wi vtO Crl'Q ce<>I•• ,, INOIANA P 4CE RS-Ac• ••'tO Scoff S' 11'\ ouero FOOTaAl.I. ......... , ....... l.Mtut PtTTS8UltG>< SfEEl.ERS--Fe leO 10 °"er t C<lf'l<tel 10 ll•v ~. Off"..,,"" lat:~ i'iil't •1'9 ,.,.m • ftff 4ff~' - ST I.OU•!> C A!fO•NAl.S-Nt~ De<>"'' Tf\urma11 °''""' •t \t<O"Ot'• co.<" HOCKIY CANADIAN OL VMP•C TEAM-Aooeo r ..... w .11.,s °''"'"'"''" t no Merl•" Mt no .. ". !Ofwaro •o ltlt •o,•er --...~t...- NEW VOit~ it•NGE RS--lttct-.0 R<I" OU9\le Y forwero Ito<"' COIO<too o• •lie 1 ... ier· nthOflt l Hoc"' l ta9..t soc cu Mefaf'......, s.cc:er I.Miii' WICHITA WINGS-Named ff"rv N'C"Oi' l'letO COtCI> cou.1G1 SOUTH CAltOl.INA-NtmtO A• G•O" t \1 \ 11111 football C'OIC" Orange Coast DAtLY PILOT /Tu.day, Febroary't;-1"8 + - . Prep ~asketball log ............ _ Ca.cMIA DI L MAii 112·9' 74 SM °"'*"I )t NUWT-.TOll M ACM •I Ly-OOCI Cl•IJI SS MAT'I• HI C .... , SI Ne•-' HertlO< 19 2• ., TilAeUCO ~ lll•t, • $o C.afli0t1W C~1ll .. 11 to C P1em1Mldt 6' Hllflllll9!0ft ~ H n S.n11 .Al\e v ... ., '° S7 0.1\1 H•llt SS 1t '°''' Mftt " n I.CK A~ 61 5' £dl'°" 61 S.S \.._. M11t1 SI SO $olw)re » 60 LO\. Ar.f'flttO\ SI Ii CorClfta di! ,,,., 11 ,.., "'•"° ......... 6.7 T1nhn "El ~· " Lt Qutn1e n TIA!lll .71 El Toro 67 Lono 8etCll W1tton 10 Lo1 Alemlto. ' 61 Softor• " n to 1t 1t .. .. 11 ., ll Le Qwtla JV ,, Lt °""'" SI Sedi9Mlac1' 70 TllOultllCI Oau 11 • 11 .... n. St. a.-tv Hilfl 41 Pt lt\tdt\ 1' LO\ Alt tnllot 63 Mt<>O<'I. OfllO ' '3 Allen11< (11y. N ~ tl Of) SJ 4~ .. SJ 6S SI so 62 0-•flllt Lutl\lfan • Hollvweod 17 Loi At\'1•90\ SS S.1111 Ant '2 Mis~ V- 76 S.nle AM V•lle¥ tO Pomona 5' ,.,_ 12 Volle Parll. '° l Ofl9 atem Jor oan SS 49 Edi'°" SO SI """" 47 " c°''e ~ 6S EsltllC.te ~ 7• S4 .. to .. S• Nicl\olu T C)jt llllllt N Y 13 ll100P MoltlllOmetV" so SI S4 S7 6S 60l11 Gr •ndt )6 E ...... anu '6 WOOd°''°" 64 4S Newoort Harw• 41 6 1 StddltOec k • Tl .ll E \tencJa• c 6S Glendale " MJlli~&I\ fl Wfltmln,ter• so Fou111a1n v e1rev• .. Ocffl\ V.lt•. '° 11 SS Cao1,1re.no V••ie"' t6 SI Berna10• M S1 P•ul' S6 B1\l'IOP Am•!' 4J !lef VJl.9' .. n 70 '3 '3 Dant Hilts t.1 woooor.ooe· 67 Orange• 76 '°''• Melt" SJ Marina' ' 6l EOlton" 41 Tu,tln• 43 S6 un1 ..... ,"v' Sol 49 Newoor1 Her~· 43 n Tl ., 61 ll•\llOP Montoorner • • .. SI Ocean V•t., '1 LAUUOI &Q.CJ'I' 61 1.egune H'"'~ SO WoodO••d9t' Feo >-•• Ore.not" F.O :>-s.oo110tc11 1- FtO S-t t E"anc .. • Feo IO-a1 Tu•11n• Feo l2-Unlver,11v· ll'IOme1 '° Wt\lmltl11er· Fto )-91 F°""lt '" VeJMv• FtO S-tl Octal\ V•-· F.O 10-M.arlnt' 1-) Fto 11-Eoison• 1-1 •VNeE ( ll· 111 43 "O\emttd SI Feo >-.1 S• ll••naro• F fl) S--S1 Peut• 1 PIOmt I Feo .-at Octe11 v .... Feo 11)-e• ll1\f100 Ame•· Fto 12-•t W• 1e·. Feo s-<osra Mtu• <~> Ft O 10-1.eGunt 8ee<:ll" (toomel F "' It-a 1 1.tllUllt Hllls' TUSTIN I ll·ll " l.tGunt 6ttC11 GOUA MISA 0 ·14) 1• Ella"llOWtr 5' Meter Del JV 6) S.1111100 61 Coron• Ml Mer " '"" .... S1 ICtflMOv 5' Man na 6S Eooewooo .. Ot N H1N' St Vt ""<ll 9' El Mooen1 so Mertnt " UntYtf1tlV SS Co"• Mn• 61 Wt\ltrn ~ Long 8ttell w \O'I n S.•tnl\I .. w.trM NEW~T H~R904t 79 Ma•er De 6 1 ~II Mer(O\ '° G....,... et Melt< 0t J./ .. v • "'" 56 E Y40tf>• 5' EKOll0-00 '° s.11 c-·•t .. !>a" o.~ .. •o S7 LU "tot\ Cll·fl SI :n -.. u SS '1 I t IC.elt~• s• we """ eo Hullt 1191<><' e.ecn 6) !>ti" Fr t nc>KD \.JllCC)lrl S1 lttlelle .. Hvl\l111QIOI' Be.ell se Foom. 'I ~•"<"<> A••""'o' $1 I.• St•"t 11 °"' • l'lO 14 Hunt1119ton lleac11 62 l.tOunt Kl~' eo E 11111<1t 4' Newoort Hari:,.., SJ L._• lleacr· 60 WOOdl>r 100t • 41' Eo.'°" SS Cvo-en S9 l.O\ Alt..-.•IOS J 4' ll IOI! 61 61 SI 3' 11 .0 l • le d t0 S..f'\ ~'•"""' K -.i Y. A'ttr S6 EH • &••••s•e~ o• .0 43 4.J .. S7 4~ •7 ~tlfl 10 I.• F'...., •• 6S V·lt Par. •1 Foo1n.1 6' Trt Ou<O H1I"' 60 1.ag.una H•U\" 6S OrtllUt" SS l.aguna BH<"' Fto :>-.1 WoodO-•ooe· Feo S-1• Trellu<o K•lts• FeD l~eoune H•t1•• Feo 11-a 1 Oran~· EDISON I ll·tl SI 1.ono 8Hcn F'o•~ JS l.tllt wood 6S Str,,11e 71 l.01 Altm••Ol '1 C or or\I Otl M,ar )7 o ..... "4111\' 61 Sall Cttmentt• )7 Ceo.llrtno Ve11tv• 67 61 Toro• )9 M n lOn Vteto' SS 0 1nt Hi•s• SI APC>t ve h d LO\ >-,.... Q s • Ort " • 5' (0\'6 Y•~ •I CorO"t :a ,.,..,. n e, •• ,,, •. $' ~" "'t f'\ ,,... SA S•oot!>I<•' Fto >-Ct e><•l•eno v a11ev· F•O S-t l $tA Ciemen1e• Feo 10--•• MtnlO<I v~io· ~ 11 T ""'' ~· • U C:otona o. Mt•· FtO 12-EI Toro• (l'IOtntl LAGUNA aEACH 11-111 SO Tuslin l'eo l-E•'•" ••' •·ome F@o > •t Un ,,.,,,1,"• F eo '0-t• S..oc•eoac • • 76 '" ee 11-T ~\I "" 'IOMt 11 lS )9 .. 4S " i1 6S l7 4t .. E• '<•t' ~ Un•Ytr\11¥" 6t ~·· '3 C0<0t1• ~ Ma r• 31 Newoori Ht rooi" •1 E1••nc1•• Fto )-ti un vtr\••~· F eo S--S.OOltO.C•. I llOmf I SJ ,, Sl • ;;, F et> IC>-Corona -Mar• (llOmtl Feo 11-1• Nt..,oorf Ht f"OOr' UNIVEllSITY (t · 11) 63 M.rt lfl•t 6' Mlltlo.en 40 Fou111a in v aoe v 5' 76 63 S7 .. SI ~ 64 w nmler S6 OeN Hiiis ~ LvnwOOCI s. SI St ., OCEAH VIEW 111·71 ~) S•• Lw•\ Oo \OQ n d )9 '2 ... 11 n .. .. .. eo 10 eCI ~ ., •1 Lt Ou•ntt n 1..a Ou•nta J 1S 1.0~ ll1<11•>tlO\ S7 Ct oillr ano v •lltv •1 Coron. del Mar 74 Ct oi"rano Valley SJ S.nlt A,,. 60 Ktnlll'OY SO E ''•l'<•t 4' l(YtM SS Long 8t1cn W••M>n 41 S.vanna 64 C10.11rano Val,.. (M•sllt n n Mtonot1• 37 Santa Bt<Otr a '3 Carolfl1t1"• 13 5' " 16 6S C•tto SS 6urtOJQ"\ .0 "Ote•OOC .. LO\ A e m •O\ 69 Nt\tC"t\tt• 71 L0"9 6HC" "~ • .., ,.,. ,. "• 64 Laguna Holl\ •1 if'"W•~ S7 P1r1moun1 S6 "''"'°" v-Sf Laouna H• 11 S6 M.e•tnt n Miu .on Y1t.o SO Corona ~ Mar IOI) n 61 S9 41 41 .. " so u S.11 Marc°' '1 Saooltoec• SI Ctn'f<l'I 37 II .. .. SJ 5' SI ., S7 II• 0..11"'0' R •~-O" "' C 16 Ouo• ~'(I' 01 IC! I. . 6tt<r Po , ... c "81'dlt1 A• l I CtnYO" ()el Oro Tu<M>n 6~ T-Ariz 4' l.OllQ lleKll W1IM1n SO MarlN' 64 WHlm1n,1er' ~ Foun1a •n Va• .. •' 41 0cH ll V tw• 69 Hunl•nQICl'I IHt <f'" 66 ~r1na• F.o >-•• wntm.n,,.,. ·o 70 " " .. ... .. Col.It Mell' .. LIOU"I H l'l" 61 Ot'•"Ot' SO Traouco H "' • s2 woooo-:~· ~ co,•• Mew" Fto l-t • Lag~ .. \' Fto s-<>rtt>Qe" ...,...,. 7• SS ... ~1>$'1 . 1/6 ,.,. 6J ,.., ••••• n ....... , no•or S..t •• 61 EolD<'" tJ ,,y,,,.., .,,., •. S7 FO-."'• • lie t •" " Yltft" De "'° >-•· ........... " .. SI ... Sant• AN Valre'f' ~ F'OOll1• S7 Stoo_c.,• ) Tu,1 !'" ~z ,_.e•oor1 Haf"OOt • SO Es""< a· • ~ CMona oe Mt,. .. ~. Feo ~ou1111m Vt lltY" l'IO<'llt) Feo ro-oc"" v.... 1-1 Fto 11)-at Trao...co ,... 111.• Fto 12-at woocsor-· LAGUNA HILLS ( ll·tl Ft o s--.. .,,., ~IO" &«ac,.· l'to :>-Tusl ll"· _, ~ t o 5---Newoort H t f'bO< • llOn'lt I i:eo 10-.• E1te11C•t " F to 17-11 Hunl1'1QIOI' 6ttCP." ESTANCIA 112·10) .. Mtvit lF Sl LO\ Alt rnrlO\ .. !.tocnao.CJI. 10 ao.11 Gr t llM S. l4 )t FuatrtO" 60 49 71 C.t rlltf' G•o•t • t Sf 6S Un • .,, '• ... J:to 11>-t • Eo '°"" F.o 17-a• w'Vtt'"'"''t"" "'•o i-.1 Corona dti Mar' WESTIWNSTEll < ll· 10) Sl M~r, S••.,. o. ~. (forltlll 2 10 Ntt11tPO.,.~ (,.,.,. \t 6n • 0 E Moora lorlt1•) 1 " 64 Gar tv 62 11 SI Ct °'"''"° llt e• 64 " SI Corona ()el ,.,_., SS so I.• Qu•llfl 5' ,.,,.,,..m 60 Wt"ern 73 So c. 10'". ,,,, , .... 4' &ru O"no• ... "·~· .. 0 Buena Pe " tort"!) J 63 Marina 41 Kt nl\l'Ov •1 s.001•0t<" 61 Paramounr ., Ed•MI" 6S Warrtn St l aouna H11" ~ HynllnQIO" BtA("1 S6 (OSlt Mnt S1 !.tn•e Ana Veile• 1' T '°'\1it'I:' 62 SJ Un••t •1••• 57 SI 11 A••t\11 S2 U n c vortu 11 st 71 C.l•noe t Ho<IY•' 6S SO SI E1tenc•t S9 .0 .19 (O\lt ~ 61 SI 61 San C~tnft S4 6S 1l E1 Toro 76 ~ 13 Ora~ve· " 62 St LA9u"t BH<"" '6 .. ~ WOOOll<''()Qt' 60 l3 ~ (Oll• ~· eCI SI 62 Treouco -. •• ,. 61 S6 Ce n"Of' 1>4 S.-• M •ft\ J II 31 E• MoOtn• 31 s ..... , •••• " Melll\I 40 Ce•"f0" J9 ...... "°' . .. • , 00' JS \/Illa Per• .. Sl SI e 1.tg...., ... ,. Trat>ueo ., '· l.I QU<ll 8ttC~' WoodbrldQt' Co,1a Mfll" u 1.ao ... ,,. .. s' 64 M·n -Voe>o .. s. St"'• .... .. 1J .... 1e1ia Sf 70 St••·lt 1' n $tl\IA 4 nt M' 60 '•"-6S 6 "'• ..-. 6t1~ Ge'°'"' Fi• S1 M•••nt 62, 8'E~t 61 '• C •P't n 56 ~ .. .M1t llg•on &teer-• 9l 70 El:l•.on' M ... "1'e··"t' • w n s:-0uf'I••,. "•'llf"" • " Nt .. oor• Haroor• •1 Coror1a ~ Mer" SI Un1vf"\1tv• ll St OO'eOK'I • SI T ""'""' Feo >-•• N••oort Heroor• so 7'I Or •"Of' ... 61 Fto >-L•guna Buen• - 62 Fto So-e< WOOOt>f 09t• "'° 10-t • '°''' ~- F.o )-T•t Ou<O H \' "*""" "•D S-•• !.•"""• &tac"· F~ 10 WOOOO< 09t• _.,., •' OcN~ ,,,_. 6l SI .. l.lr~ ~·CY" Se•c.,_• 60 s;tt l-E..i·~· ~ ~et.~-, ... • -Ft0 r-<orOl'e et• Me<" _.,. Feo 11>-u•"''"•''''•" flOmt F.o 12-<0l•• 'I/Int" -Fto 11-T•eo...co >< ,. non'lt Fto 11-•• ~eoac .. • MAJllNA I IS·Sl . S/4001.E&ACK (17.4) ,. E\t'N\O•tr .0 4 ) o~ SI .. )I Fet: 'C>--a•FO\.l.n•a ,..V•lf'..,• ~tt: :~e• .. v~w· ,..~ FOUNTAIN VAi.LEY I I-M "'°" Vrt.o 6' Corno•on 6S "'100011' Ollt 41. E o '°"' I ll·SI f Oii 11 ~ 4 '° II S' JO\ton S.n•a Ye' t 61 San l.u \ ()o.soo SJ ~ 60 q.gne•r • II ()-1 "9 WH"•r>QIOf' t.l (t D•ll'1lllO 111 t v .. ""..,.Cl" 64 Santa (It •• 16 f 1 To-o 10 Oc••" II tw• 71 H""' !>QICl'I 6ttC"' •' Eo ~· d """'"" ,,.,. "' ~,.,, .. .. 0cH " Vt"'' ~ ~ so ot 6S ~ 13 .. so 6l 7) S6 S7 62 c •O'fl1 11 1\1\UO" V t o() SS ••v"" .. lfg"t'' S1 !.t"'t atrot•a 64 !>a•"• 1\1\~• • 62 E ''•llC • 11 Co\1t ~ n •••na n u,, ,.,i '• 41 S..,O-• ., Ort t>Qt 62 "'"'',..., "''t" n 1.0'IO Bffc• ;o·cu~ 0 EOJS<I"' '° Octa" "···· • q w.,.m.""\'rr• n ,.....,,"'11'"" a.~· S6 J'O.nll " Ya -· 64 Eo1\0l'I" S1 ... so • o• SS so ~ St ~ Se .i •1 '3 ~ so ~ .. SJ 41 .. S• E \1t "C•t SJ Ylt•er 0. •I E .,0<c; '7 CO'::>""'• •1 C•O't n " ... 0000' -•S E ''•"< • ~ c_, .. •2 ~· ... S1 SI"'• C e•t ~ ex-... ..._: S7 , • .,..,,f'.'0\1,,1 V• ~· •• L•ll""* 6UC"' 64 Y~g-• ... u ... v ... , ••• 7l Corona a. v.a·· SI r.,.,1.n• •S N""'oor • Ht •oor' 61 E\•t 1>C1e• 91 U"1Vef'l.Jh • 51 H WOOD.,UOGE I 1'·SI •• E Ooraoo 4 "°""'• ~ 11··- y ••" ... Pa>C •<a l>l ····~ii S.oceoac• .. '-? '~ ,,. s..-·· ·"'· la ¥~~~ Pt ea •·o ~°" s. ,. &a llt"C"'<> ._., v~• S7 "''"'°" " •< !>A (O'O"t dt M t • ., -,•r>v<o ..,. .,. 1 7 (<\'I ~· .0 ... lf~-4.J""• ,... '. Sf :lo-. "9t' • ·o ~•g..n.a Seacn· " ··eo~r ,.. ~· F to 3-t<u"""ll'O~ 6t acn• l'tO S-EOl\Oll" 1- PIOmtl l'tO 11>-Wtt•minlttr' "Omtl l't O 12-a ! Y.ar•na• Fl'O l -OcH il', II .... l~I Feo S-•I Wt\'""•n\11""' Ft O )-el (Qront Ot Mt•" Feo S-t l T _,,,,,,. Ctt )-<;\'ll llt\t\t" "O'"'t I' Ko S-L 6Qunt Ht~\• "O"'lf i:eo 11>-t • "°""'•llQ'<>" &teen• F.o 11-~0·utHt•n 't/a ~·· eom1' S:fb 10-Nt..,oor• "t 'OO' • "O ... t Ft o 17-E,•e"<: 1• •- ~ t D 1C>-e· 0-• .,.,.. """ 12-L.ag.,...1 e..c•· - Santa Anita race entries WU>HaSOAY'S INT'llllS l lOlll .. ti·•• ........... ~) """' -~ ·~ ..._m. F .. ST llACE. 6 turlonQs P\;rM l lS 000 F' t s & ..-..rt\ • •ti'\ OIO & uo Cit"""'9 ori<• \ 11 SOO 10 SOO I s...1.. Grvoerl 2 Giamor s""" llttc• ) !ton<:., ' Ge \It t 'IZut!t Beeu•uc•» ¥.ell Ht\l'I CH ••-I 6 Sueldt<' !>au Ftrll•"°"' 7 Gooo N 11• gflt ~•eve,.,, ~ I B••D. s 6f\I M.tet•.;J • O•Ma9o·O s De• Sntr,,...n 10 Sun wt•r P•"Ct• 11 Pr DO• ~Ot l'I 11 Fr l llCh ()r• I AIM EN-. a 110 Ill a lot 116 117 114 llS • 110 .111 "• llS a 108 I) 4 00YI' Tr.t lftll (l\lenor>·7 11' 14 Surf 4n<J Crt 1'• (()eialleluSUVfl 116 IS T"•ro Marr t i>!! •S•t •tn•· II 116 16 0 11teren1 Peet F'eoroza I Ill i€COJ.fD ltACI t tvrl0"9' l'V1t l 16 000 MtlOen l••·t1 l vu r OiO,, .er eci >ll Ct 1•fnrnlt C1a •m1ng O<<Ct \37 000 2tl 000 I T l''ltl•outtlt I Htwltv l 2 Jtnlt Liiiie E ••rt t()l+ye~ l Htle'\ Gt IS l><"tl • Trt •f'I Wio. \leltnzlitltl S Ol'fllr'I'-• ~r fltlQUlll 6 f •~ \ C. rl Gr"Otf' 7 O.•awere Mt•dt<I 1S1.,,_1 I Cllarm ' Crv•lr 11111<' t • 'Av Andrff (Mtra It 10 lttO«Ct S Secf't l Sol11 I II .t.r·, l.1ll1t l.tG'r 1P.nc:t • I n F'09ar1-v·, ~e "Mt9tl!Oll1 • AIM I[~ I) (t><'ltt' ChO-n !Ori z II I• e ' or lltHt" ~Oztl IS 8o1o Ever Mtte 2t 1• r Emottu Or• i 11 TH•D llACI 1 t I "'~ VI ~ 000 A.llO••~ .... , OICtS a. ... 117 111 111 111 HT • 111 111 117 117 117 111 •110 al U llS 117 • 111 """' F°""T"H ltACE 6 '"''Or>G\ "'~ l It 000 Y.a>Ot" I "fl ) ¥H 0 OIOI 6 •"' " (I 'O<"' I C e ,.... no o<<• U 1 OC»-71 OOC I T ..at 0. l "'°"'\H>I' 2 C" ot<HOOOt F "'' 0"9 l Ce >U" V...... Si"<"t l t """""II Eaot S•e•t '"' s Goootu O' E••·· "'•""~ • ~ >N.r.o 0 "91' &•::• 1 Ct·~s Ft • W 1• I lft.,t E,.. '" ""'°':l:t • ,,. •• i BA ... ·'\' M • .,. ·~ : 10 6''il"'<I" M n <>· r II i::,... OM • .... e·z~•. : 12 Coca ' S<or• G••Ot" ..., .. E ...... ... 1 1 ". 'IT '" "' 1" ;, .. . . •I 1 IJ s:.,.. At T'>t !oat SD • "1 U (6 "0f" 0,. •• Vt 't""'Zv• • ' 1~ IS Ml""I Ml-o "'t""•"°'' 11 ,, c..,.' 1 ... -.... t • • '17 FIFTH lltACE • ' •u•-o\ Purst U S 000 4 "'"' olO\ & uD (<41•"' ng o• Cl' SJ1 000 ti 000 I Nord•Cu\ ~Jt llS 2 O•\"O"Of'eO't G...e't ll•·ts<>utZ llS l S.,ot• 1>.,.,,.. 11aienr....... II~ • lfo••• 6 ue E "" 10-••'" 1 u S lltio G·eno. Tc•o 11• 4 CL Hs °'Kt So-' '1• 7 Dvt •·•~ v ... ,,,~• •'10 I F~•c""tf c~r ,_ •" \~O • 10t ~ 6 rlt'OCY' ~01' llS 10 Go_.-6Hw G•vOt' ? • 107 11 S."900 0. t "OU\llvt! llS 12 Miu 'Ae40C' II IC., i \ AIM£...-. IJ G•ow~ !>al\Out 81tt • 1 I'S 14 ltuler O' l'lft'' >it •.f• 1~ I'S ill'crirr 'f: I 41 Ol 14 ~ l ' 10 MJITH 1tACE ' "'"""'9• P.,'" ' • oac J ,...... o-41 Cit m of\9 rw<e \SO 000 •~ OOC 1 Na" 1 a-ltOf Ct\'t "<>" 1 4r• s 4"9e' Mtit l ir: ... llov MCC~Of' 4 0.-' 8"11 ~ S II .. "'II"' 1v .-..,.,....1 •• II I 'I c-... ,'"IC • S.C"'t • Sf~..,.,,~ O c •\• ... ::> 'f'"' ~ P "1C•v !>a .. , II c • •<41l4uU ·~ .., OiP' .... .r•loO o ~Ol• AIM 0.-. 11 B .. •• .... ., t ~"Oulow. ... -1 • ::: .,.., . • • c ~. •9" 0.-t ">Ou\. \t .... ,. ' "'~~ \ """'8..-..-\> s ~ lt"'Of Sc>< \ I Ill , .. Ill lit '" 11• "' Ill SE VENTH RAct I 16 ""'"" P\1\1 U. 00C & .(l"'e'ICP • •ft' QIO\ ~ WO lttrW')f'..,....-... ~~ "'•e1'z..-... Ce• i:: ,,.. Pe uor ..,\IC•, ~O-w•'X• Ma•tc'• f llNIN: P nc•~ S C rc>t "•e .. O• •P ~Ctr•Ofll ' ,..,..'""'i.' ~'•' •o..-o ' "".. CH •t "Ofl ' £...ol>CI,.~ -~~··, EIGHT .. RACE. 7 •ur'10~ Pvrw ns,ooo ~-·· Yntl $•••11 C.•tOt Ill flH .. ~ 3 .,_ Old' I "'"'"'" E •Bt•~ 111 l C-.11'-o• Cui M<Ct ''°"' 11• ) Goooo•e Ht io VtlHQUl'J l:J • ll••-•u• O...nou'""• 1ti .S ll01<1" 'IA .»I~ HI e "io<• '11\to< Slt•tml 114 7 Tao vour Toes P.1>C1v• 116 I Pe•~ ~ P.oor•u 1Grvoarl llt NtMTH ltACE 1 .., 4 l>urw Sl•,000 • v..> 0001 l ..o 6 • eo .. Calrfor--C•lmlfte wk:!e '•o ooo t C11<1 Ou• 0...!lov•lt~I i COU" ·~ .. ,. GnOt<I ) P •t •t ' llt n'°"" .Mc~r9Uel •MI U T"t G .. n ~I S &....-Cf'<O .-... ...,., f G~ H S......,.,.,, 1 COV\"'O Ey~ a..c' I I.-"' Peo•e za • ._ S. "' P•• Sot ' ID T-.... l'i'oue'e AIM.._. lit al lt H• 11110 "' 11IU 1'16 "' '" "' I I ..,._ C...... ~lftm 1 MantOlll t0.-."Du,W•e1 l Mar••"' IT oro 11• t Cot• P <'f" .__, 11 S ~Sii(' Slli' T1tt II Fel l Tr,......, H•,.., (F'attonl 11• 11 ~""' 0:.. ft:..:r-1:.L.Jl.Ml~Bl.---..lll>-- f Gor II., I"""< ev s llt\t ~ 11..C'' ' a ·Otoeer \ lltt\1 GrvOf' 1 A•c11c ••H • ve.a~-r I 0... G"''"" Sot ' t • 11,tOtl IVe~J ...... a-Out't ll Kraoo<an MCC"'t tr 1nowor"ll'I I.~ t l •' 1 " ~iliSitarii90iii1So&-iii•i· 2i1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~ 114 llS 1110 llS llS 115 llJ•0\.11• Los Alamitos harness racing en tries1 The Dally Piiot r~ ... -._ :-r~ c....._ •<-"-t<llft ~ *-"-"• ll..-• ' --- - ,,. .. I .........,, )•Mf'\ -I(- ,.-~ ._ J ... ·--- ~ ·- )(- ~ . .. \ c ...... . .....,. .....,.,_ ... , ··-,,,_,_ .-no~~ ~· ! ... 'r ,,,. ...... J--, ·--. ,_c-. ~ """ ... _. C I ---• "'!'.~. ' . .. ' ·. r " • , .. ... ~ •· e • , ~ • " ,. • ·'' ,. COLDWeLL BANl(eRO 759-9100 ---~ -. . . . IHlllWIPIMIT1 We'll give you 1h41 down In exchg for a share of own- ership You make tl"le mtl'lly pymts & we share apprec You receive 100% tax 1>enef1ts Mvs1 nave cleal'l credit Agt 497 -875 7 Dys Ev Wknds 12111: Oulci< to crochet cozy afgh~ 1n shefl and rib Stitches. Use three eotofW ~ we.ght tor afghan about 59x67'.ltmalilela gfMtgift • Off-~R 0000 lliAU I> JUNE JO. ,. It , Eed't ,-nll.25 .. • 1100 PIH ..... ............ ..... Clllll .___ c.. PMt N9n'9 AOdrea le> Sile Paftlfn Hurn- -(NYJUJ11111-.- ...... fM) let U1 Ilea, YH Sell Y.. Pr.,.,tyl C• Cla1111W, '42-5671 tor information & surprisingly low cost. • FROM NORTH ORANGE FROM SOUTH ORANGE H••rt Ad(llU\ C•IY St4't~ ~ ARRIC ANO LEA THER FRAMES •UllO i11111c f1a111ii""'"S4 "S m page calal()Q SJ~ 1P•ct111'"0 700 wooowo1~1no illll'I l'lanO•Cftlft OIOtKISI { --4 lines 7 days- Prw••• ~ °"" No AMI • I 0 8 I E••···· eomn.rcw. Auto- • motive, eo.tinO, 0( ~ Wented. associated ... ·. .. .. ., . .. p ''"'·. />; associated "" ,,t, ~· .. ,. '4 t' r)o( .. ,'\ t-'-1lfJiu..•. - ...... . . ....Z• .. j • . • as5 ociated '-... .. , lu Cltatalt 2'71 XttfUcTIVE. ciMn large 2Br. 28a. new cpt1, laun· dry, enci gar S750-Sn5 *'92·1699• Orange Coa1t OAILV PllOTITUl!ldl)'. FebNMY z , .. .. ., ... f --····· ........ ..-............................... , ... .. ..... -. .................. JI? MIPIJMlll ......... *1111J,......toe.-.•t1.1 •ti .. •1 Jll • Ct9 81 ._._el CFFI -.... L IS DU ..... DllWtal No. ae ol .. INfte --_ .,,_.. ............................... "°"" ............. _ .. Qllrtat .,..,,11111•1 ' .. ........ =1•?1#11 ...... ol .. lnlprOUPIFlllllrtdln ........ ol ........ ... ......... • .... ..,.. ....... lft .. praplllMb•••-........ In .. ,.......,_ ............ _... "°"' 111 I Aeftll IO ........... ool9Ctlcl ~ thielr uPon .. .....,. .. ........... oe.tct. ; ,,. ........... .,...,... ... ,...Of , ... not to.oeectW.-.percant (12%)Pet entun .... ~ !llW°',..._11eobe ~111 nwledupon .,. ......... . ,,. .......... tM .-:tlon "*' be In ... torM pceactfMd by ~ 3510I of thew ... Coda of IN S... of CelfoMla. en u. e.aoc. to be uaed et tt1e .e.ctlon, In addition to 8"Y °"* ,,_._. ~ by teuu ttwe lhel be ptlnted aubetan~ the follOwllig; ' I Ol'PICtAL UUOT WVWT •TNCT MO ... OF .W. UNCH WATD DteTNCT INCIAL llOND SUCTION lllARCM1, - .. To vote, ttemP a ~oeie (+)In the~ equare 9fter the word "YES" OI efter the WOtd "NO". All mat't(t oUlenMe made .,.. forbidden. All «*tlngulaNng "'*"' ere forbidden end "*t• the beMot '<I06d. "the uutong1y ~. tMf, or deface um bellot, return It to the Aeglltrer of Voter• end obtaif'l lln<>thar. BOND PAOPOSmON: SNlt the !Mrw"-'dt Waterf>ls1rlct Incur en lndebtedneea end l.aue generel obllgetlon bonds tor lmprowment Dt9trlct No. 2&4 theree>f In the amount of $92,580.000 et• madmum lnter•t rate of twelve ~· (12%) per ennum, to acquire end conatruct work• end fecllltlee tor the colectlon, t,...trnent end dtspoeal of .._. end' the atorage end distribution of redWned weter, lndudlnQ cMma. reeervolrl, ltorage tenb, treetment tecllfU... plpee, pumpng equipment end llll•leCUlry ~I end property !her• tor, ecqUlrlng funds to futftll eontrectuel comtNtment• to eerry out the ~ end pufl)OMe of the t>lttrlct contelned In contrecta. lndudlng convects wtth other egetldee. 1111 In ecc:otdance with t.he Plan of W()(t(a tor lmprO¥ement Olatric:t No. 2&4? YES NO I . a.Iota muet t>e received by 5 00 p.m .. on ~Ion dey, either et the Office of the Registrar of Orenge County, 1300 Souttl Grand Avenue. Sent• Ana. Celltornla. or et P 0 . Bo11 11298, Santa Ana. Calllornl•. 92711. . Seid Improvement Oiatrlct atieJI oonatltut• • single ei.ctlon precinct for the purPQM of holding the llleetlOn. . To be ~lfled u a voter end to be entitled to vo .. et the el«:tlon, a pereon musl be a holder of title, .. deftned In SectlOn 3402e of the Weter Cade of the St.et• of C.llfornla. to lend in t~ lmpr~t Olatrlct. Eec:ti voter Shall neve one ( 1) vote for MCt'I dollw'1 worth ot lend to wf'llCtl he or she holds 1111e. The lelt equelcad -..rnenl ~ ol lhe 011trtct Is conduel¥9 ~of ownership and of the velue of the land eo owned •xcec>t that In the event en u11 1re11t tor the Otstrk:1 an.II not have bMf'I mede and leVled tor the yw In wNch the elee11on II held, the lut ~lelnd .....ament roll of the County of Orenge IS conduatv9 aY!cMI~ ot ~ end ol the veiue of lend so owned. Every _,,er, or tus legal 1'9C)reMnlettve, mey .vote el1her n peraon or by a per-son dJty appointed u his pro11y. "Legel repteeentat!w" muns en otftclel of • corporetlon owning i.nd, and ~• • guerdian, e11eeutor or edmlnitpretor of the •t•te of the holcMr of lltl• to lend wtlo: (a) la appointed under lhe lews of ttll1 State. (bl la entl\ted to pouesalon ot the •tete'1 lend; end (c) 11 euttlotized by the eppclntlng court to Hetclse the partleuler right, privilege or Immunity which he ..-s to exerclae. Before a legal representellve may vote et the ei.ctlon. he must preeent to lhe Board of Election• certified copy ol said authonly. whlCh shell be kepi end flied within the r9tuma of the election. -' No aippointment of a pro11y thell be velld. ecc:epted, or• vote ellowed thereon unless 1t meets ell of the to11owin9 requil'ementa; (•) It la In wrttlng; (b) 11 ls execvted by the person or tegeJ representative of the ~ wtlo, In eceordence with the pr.DY1alon1 of Section 35003 or 35003 1 of the Weter Code of the Stete of Caifornia. la entitled to the vot• for wtlich the proJCY Is given. (c) II is ecilnowiedged or oert1f~ 1n eocordelloe With Section 2015.5 ol the Code of Civil Pr~ure of the State of Cal1lomie: (d) II specifies the llleetlOn et wtllct\ It Is 10 be UMd and Is UMd only et the election spec1fl9d. and (e) rt shell be on a form es epeclfled by the County CleB rnMtlng the abOve requlrementa. Evwy appointment of a proxy la a revoceble at the pleasure of lhe person executint 11 al any ftme before the person eppclnted u proxy ahell heve ce1t • bellot representing lhe votes for wtuch the appointment ••given. If two-thirds {213) of the votei cut et tl'ie elect Ion fevor the Issuance of th,e herein desert bed bonds, said bond• ltl.il be laued and eold tor the purpoae set forth herein .. . Exe.pt• otherwiM prOVided In the Callfornla Water Oiltrle1 Law. OMslon 13 of lhe Water Code of the Stet• of Callfornle. the election Shell be called. held and conducted 1n the manner provided 1n the Uniform 06atrlct EJection L.-w ol the Stele ol Celltornle Thia notice It given pur1tient to e resolution of the Board of Directors ot Irvine Ranch Water 0.sUJCt lld09ted on January 25. 1988 NOTICI e HIM9Y 9IWN .... •-llllllan ._ ._....,.,.. .. M 111111 °" .. t11 -o1 --. .._..,. ...... .,...._1n•m1PnJ--..111111anwtu .. 1f......,to.._,1Mt1.1 ol ... m.allOM Code ol .. IW fl C!ITI -......... 0....., Dll1rtll No. ..... nine ...... •-DllWtal far .. .....,... ol ....,.•to .. vollra Of tM ••wil llalrlal "9 pr1111•1n ol ....._.,,.....,..111•11111n .... ., .. 1n1pro....., D111rt1111t .......... t1.t01.a..,..._ ......... ...., ... ._..,._.....,1n .. pra11n•1 ,.., • .,.. ... ..., ........ ....., ..... ...... .... ,_ ,_..... "°"' ft II I n•:la to be ........ C fllleo'9d ~upon IMde.....,. .. .......... Dellrtat . \ n. belr:dl--............ ,... Of,.. not to 9leieed..,,. perceM (1~) per"""""· .... actual *'*of.,..,.,... .. to bed••• --upon .......... n.....,.. YMd .... .-:tton --be In the torm pi~ by Section 3610I ol tM w .. Code ol ........ of CelfornAa. • On._ bel1ote 10be1-.d M the electtoft, In addlUon to af1Y °"* metter'a required by i. there etwl be printed aubetendally lhe fotlowli 19! ~WJT •TNCT MO. -OP lltw. MNCH WA'8 •TllCT ... cw. llOND .. cno. ~1.- To vo .. , aternp e c:roee (+)In the voting equare...., the word "YES"°' 9fter tfle WO<d "NO", AM menta °"* .... made .,. tortMdden. All dlltlnguWl!ng "'*"' .. fOtbldden end "'*'• the beloC '<I06d. K the wront;/ ~.teer,°' defece ttll8 bal!Qt. return It to the Aegletrer of Vot ... end obteln enother. BONOPAOPOSITION: SMll the lfw. RWldl Wet• Olttrlct 1nc:ur tn- inc*>tedneu end IMUe gener .. obligation ~ tor Improvement • Olttrlct No. 212 ttiereot In the emount of $51, 101,000 et • maximum Int• ... r••• of ~ percent ( 1~> per annum, to acquire and oonatruct worka end facllttlee tor the cotlectlOn, tf'Mtment end diepoul of eewege end the atMage end d191rlbutlon of redelmed water, lnctudtng dama, reeervon. atorage taM•. tteatment 1ec11t•. p1pee, putnpng equipment end ell MC 111 I ry equipment end property that• tor. acqulf1ng funda to futM eontracw.I comrnftm.nta to e.ry out the powers end ~ of the bt.tr1c:t eontelned In contrec:ts, lndudtng contrecta with other agendee . .i 1n accordence with the ,..,.. of WOftla tor lmpfCJYement District No. 212'7 YES NO - ' Bellott muet be recelYed by 5:00 p.m .. on -.C:tlon <Sey, •ttw at the Offloe of the Aegietrer of Orange County, 1300 Souttl Grand Avenue, Sante Ana, Calltomla, ot et P.O. Box 11298, Senta Ane. Celifornie, 92711. . . Said Improvement Olatrle1 ahell c:onetltute a tingle .-C:tlon precinct for the purpoee of holding the .-C:tlon. To be quellfled • • yoter end tq be entitled to vote et the llleetlon, •person mutt be• tl<*Mr of title, • defined In Section 34Q2f of the Wal• Code of the Stete Qf Celttomla, to land In tn, lmc>fO'fefMnl Olatrk:1. Each voter atlall hM one(1)vot• tor MCt'I doller'1 worth of lend towtMch he or the h<Mde tltte. Th9 lut equellad WTent bOok of the '*tric:t la eondual"9 evldela of owneraNp end of the velue of the lend ao owned except ltlet In the ewnt en 111111 rrent tor the Otltrlct .,.... not have beerl m6de end levied for the yeer In which the llleetlon le l'ietd, the lat ~ •1111 •••• rotl of the County of Orenge la conciuaive ~ of OWfWWWp end of the v.iu. of lend eo owned. Every voter, "' Ml 6egel rept.-nletiW. m.-, vote either In pereon or by a pereon duty llC)pC)inteci, .. Ml proxy. "legal repreeentetlve" meena en oftlcW of • eorporetlon owning lend, end means l guerdien. executor or lldmlnlstretor of the •t•I• of the holcMr of title to land wtlo: (•I le appointed under the I.a ot thla St•t•: (b) Is erttltled to po....aion of the ... ate'a lend; end (c) la euthorlled by the' appointing court to exerclM the pertlcular right, prlvllege or Immunity wtilett he ..-e to e1eerclM. Before • legel repr-.ntettve mey vote at the fleetlon. he muat_pr-.nt to the Boerd of Election• certified copy of Mid euthorlty, wtilett ltlell be kepi end flied within the return• of the llleetlOn. a No eppolntment ol e proxy ltlell be valkl, eccepted, or• vote allowed thereon unleu It meet• ell of the following requlrementa: (•) It la In' writing; (b) It la exeooted by the person or legal rept...,..tellve of lhe person Who, In ~d•nce with the provisions of Sectlon-35003 or 35003. t of the Weter Code Of the StJt• of Cellfornl&, 11 erttltled to the vol• for wf'llCtl the proxy la given; (c) It la dnowl1dged or 0«11fted In . eccordenc• with Section 2015.5 of the Code of CMI Procedure of the Stat• of Celtfpmla; (d) It tpecfflee the election at wtlictl II ls to be uMd end la UMd only et the election apedfled; end(•) It lhell be on• form u specified by the Cou.nty CleB meeting the ebove requirement•. Evwy eppolntment of• proxy II• revoceb6e et the ~r• ol the person executing It et eny lime before the PlfSOO appointed u proxy Shell heve cut• batlOt repreaentlng the v.otea tor wtlk:ll.the appointment was given If two-th1rds (213 ) otthe vot• cat at the ektct'°" favor the luuaince ot fhe twtiehi' deKTit>ed ~d1, N6d bonds shell be tssueo and sold lor the purpose Mt forth hef'ein. Except u otherWIM provided In the Cellfornle Wetet Olatrlct Lew. Olvll'°'1 13 of the Weter Code of the Stet• of California. the eeectlon ltlall be Called, held end conducted In the menner provtcted In tt)e tl,nltorm Oistrk:1 Election Lew of the Stet• ol Calffornla. This notice Is given pursuant to a rnolullon -of the Board of OirectOf'S ~f Irvine Rench WatefDiStrlct edopted on JenU9ry 25. 1988 •. .. ........... . ---~ ,. "' .. ·= It' ra: .. =.:.:mr--...=. .. -=:::.. ~ .. ....... _..... ... Dllll-811,,.,,,..., '· •• .., .................... ...... UNllr ... """ WTllO .... Gii w.rtlllr I ,....._, ___ _... ____ _ .. ., .. , Laa Alloft......... __ ,,,. ~ ~CA: ... ,• T .. 1-~r--.;;m;;;m,,.i!!!I"'!~~~~ "°9d. II fOfO, CA: .,... a..-a ..- M"7 C.... ......_,DIM IMEIR IW ftoMC. CA.,,_. llrutzell --.....,.._ • Gii... "ANOWWCSCWT~ ....., ao. "'1 ~ .......... CITY Of MUNTINGTOH --. JolWI H. Mwtlllr ~ A ..... THI .,... o.y 0. n... ,_. ON llACM MU- IM tole ~ to Ml MCWAL COOE IY AMIHO- pel1Nltllp ...... ~ ... INGllCTIONU4,• AHO .................... tlw ADDING MC1lON UdlO per;w.,lfttp, oollct ... ,. MLAllNO TO PUkJC U-cewe•~,.,......IO BA.ARY --CHNIAAL ............. perform •• ~ .. lltlnQ eoftelecta. .,... eol In IYWM: Ofdtnenc• f//ff'/ INIWt9f MCI 111 >; to No. 2t2I lfMIMll tM Hunt• wlr.s Mii ...... of IN lntlOfl lellCfl .. Uftlclpel pet11•1fttp. Code ..... to ... u-~ 0nnee C.. brery 9oetd to -llftno II Into o.ly Piiot FebNlfv 2. 1... COl'lformeno• wMI the olty TON CfMd •Mi Plhell 099'el-1---------Int Po"°Y '°' ecttteory MUC ll)TIC( I lroups -... fofttl In .2. 100.0IO .. ... Hunt- " ~ lnttOfl IMCll Munlclpel II ID I 0.. <:Ode. Seid ordlnelice ,. -tcnAaall ilUlllCIA&.) move• ttl• prevloua NOTICE TO-OEflNOANT: ~ llloWlftg Ubr8'Y (A-Mo e Acueedol CARLOS d ....,..., ..itll tM S A N 0 0 V A L , C I A City Councll't coneent, IO PROOtJCE, ANO' DOES I llt"9 en Qnll'nMd ~ ltWOUQh lt. lnduetwe of terme. YOO ARE BEINO SUED THE FUlL TEXT Of THE BY PlAJNTlff: (A Ud. le•• ON>IHANCE IS AVAILABLI! dlmendendol AVA RUHA IN THI! CITY CLEM'S Of· CORPORATION. dbe FICE MOTHER'S MARKET I AOOPTl!O ~ ttle City KITCHIN Counc1 ol tN Qty ol turt- Y•..,. • CAUM>Nt lngton 8Mdl •en r9QUlar DA'n -----•1 • ~MICIMonder,,,.,_,.. ......... ,.. ..... ety11 ..... byttle~ tJpOoull .... 111' 1111 .. roll celtvoee: ... ...,._ AYES: CouncllrMn; Kelly, A....,•,._. ..... Orffn, Flni.y, .Erallln•. _. ....... ,._ ,._ .,.._ Meys. Wlncl'lell, 8ennlMer ....._,.,,I,_ ........ NOES:~None In ,,..., ..... .._ W ,.. ABSENT: Councilmen: ................. ,..None -. CITY 0. HUN'TltclT091 W ,_ .. _. .. ,._II.ACM, Allele II. '11, lllM -...... ,.. .............. CllJ Clerti .... ... ..... ... ,.. PublleNd Orenge Coell ...... ...., ... ,,. Deily Plot Februery 2, 1MI ..,.., • ...._..... T04t ,_.., ..... ...... .. ----~--~--..... n.r. .......... ,. •u••tl v • ..,.-:.:::: =-=~= CRAIN ,,__, ... _.. NEST CRAIN. age ....,_,,...,.. ..,,,... er 84. passed away at his • ..... * ..._ (IMM "' residence at Newport -:,r.:::. "::'~ ... _. Beach. January 28, =-: ............ tit-1 1988. Mr. Crain was ••=c~: born January 1, 1904. ,.,. ~r•e•"'., .,.. Lawton, Oklahoma. ,. ,, u ut. ...,... • ... After teaching at pub- .-.• .... oerte. be 9Chools and col- 11:';'9 .::'9 ,.! ':-== leges in Oklah~. he ,,. sin all n; • n '" nit served as a CaAirpt.aCoJn an ...-• .....-. ........ the Army rp. c••111Hr ._.. IH ••r· during W .W lL giving ••11.••••e ••t•l•e pre-fliaht instruc-...,,,,,,11 • _......,. •. o ... ... le oette ....-. w tions to the pilou at ..... Santa Ana Army Air 11 _... M ,,_.. w Base. Mr. Crain a rup1111t• ........ ,.... . . ,..., ....... , .. ,_..,. res1den,t o.r Newp<>rt ...., .. ......,w...,. Harbor area· since r ••1•• ••e•• • e• 1942, relJred after a llf1•11 ••• 9"' ..._ .._ leach ing career of .... ,.,,... ........... 1--l ... _._,..._~ 1 rt r rJl9re than 33 years ........ ,.... ... ...., Crom Ranch o San ....,......., • .,...._. Joaqutn CoUeae (for-11 "'1.................... " ece • .,. _. a••• ,_.. merly Santa Ana Col-lhttJ "-Wheelef, S.C:retarr 9-ttf J. Wheelef, hc.fftarJ ....., e.,...,...; •ref-lege) in 1966. Whjle at Publltn.d Or•,.,.. Cout Delly Piiot February 2. 9, 16,. 23. 1988 . T054 PubU-.._,. Or•nna Cout Delly Piiot Febfuery 2. 9, 16. 23. 1988 TOS3 .,...... • '* 1 •1 •11 • • the cottege he re--...-....... -...-_.. ........ _,.... ...... ed . I ----------------..,....----------------.,.-----------------....---~------------+-----------.;;...----..-....;...--------...;...----+-----------------+-----------------c.,.. ~ ..,._..,.. lefe.-ce1v nalJona recog-P\BJC NOTICE P\B.IC NOTICE P\B.IC NOTICE P\B.tC NOTICE • NI.IC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE NI.IC NOTICE PlllJC NOTICE ...._,. nation from the Free-----------------1--------------------------------i C...Ne. dom Foundation of NOTICE Of.ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN theta ~el election has t>eeri called end wtll be held on the 1st day ot Merch 1988 wtiictl electlon anaH be en ellsmelled tMlllof electlOn conducted pursuent to Section 23511 t of the Ei.ctiOns Code of the Stet• of Celllornla. within 1mP<oYemetlt District No t82 of the Irvine Rench Weter Disttk:1 lor the purpoee of SYbmlttlng to the votets of the Improvement 0111r1ct the propos1tt0n of uun.ttw or not generel obllgetlon bond• ol lhe Improvement Oiltrk:1 In the amount of $74,653.000 shell be euthortud end !Aued,"for the purpoM tteted in the ·propotition hereinetter _. fOtttl In this notice. which bonds ahell be peyeble from a.....,-nents to be lev.ied a'nd collected e11etuslvely upcn lands within the lmproYerTMtnt District. The bonds thall beef lnt4'1'est et a rete or retes not to exceed twelve percent ( 12¥.1 per annurn. the ectu11 U'™9a of payment to be determined upon the sate thereof The ballota uMd at the election Shall be In the form prescribed by Section 35106 ol the Water Code ot the Stete of Celitornia. ' On the ballots to be uMd et the e1ec11on. in eddltJon to any other matters r1<1u1red by law there shall be printed sub1tentielly the follOwlng OffflCIAL aAUOT tMPttOW•NT DtSTMCT N0.112 Off IRV .. "ANCH WATE" DtSTNCT 8"CIAL aONO fLECTION M•RCH 1, 1- To vote. atemp • croM (·I In the voting square after the 'llWOfd "YES" or etter the word "NO" Att rnarks otherw!M rnede are forbidden. All dl1tlngulsh1ng rnerks are forbidden and make the ballot void K the wrongly mar1t. tear, or defac. thll bellOt. return 1t to the Reglatrer of Voters and obtain another BOHO PROPOSITION. Shall the Irvine R.anc:h Water District 1ncu~ en Indebtedness end •sM generel obllgetlon bonds tor lmpr~t otetrlct No 182 thereof In the amount of $7'.653,000 et a maximum Int« ... ret• ol twelve perC41f'tl (1~1.) per ennum. to ecqulre end c:onatruet works .net tecillllet for the ec:qu1S1tton, collect~atorege end dlatrlbutlon of weter end weter rights, to .,,able the lrvlne Rench Weter Oittrlct 10 utilize •water supp~ furnished under lhe St91• Weier Reeourcee Development System (commonly known u the "Stele Weter Projeet"l, Including dema. reeervotrs. storege tenka, trMtment fecllltlet. pipes, pumping equipment and ell neceuery equipment end properly therefor. ecquirlng fund• to fulfill contrectu•I commltmenta to c.rry out the P<>W9fS and purposes of the Distrk:1 cont•lned In contrecte. lnciudlng contract• with other egenclee. ell In eccordenc:e . wttn the Plan of Works for Improvement Olttrlcl No 182? - NO Bellot• mutt be ~ved by 5 00 p m . qn election dey, either at the Office of the Reg1atr1r of Orenge County, t300 South Grand Avenue, Sent1"'1e, California. or at P 0 Bo11 11298. Senta Ana. Cellfornie, 92711 Seid lmpr~t Olltrlct 5!1•11 conatltut• • llngte ei.ctloti precinct for the purPOSe ol holding the elee:tlon. .., To be queltfled •a voter end to be entltlec1 to vote et the -.ctlon. a pereon must be a holder of title, • defined In s.ctlon 3-4028 of the Weter Code of the Stete of Celltomle, to lend In the lmprovemerit Dte1rlct. Eec:h voter ltlall have one (I) vote tor MCf'I dotler'• worth of lend to wf'llCtl he or the holds 11\le. The !Mt ~ 111111 mecil b<><* of the Olttrk:1 la condualve ~a qf ownerehlp end of the value of the terid eo owned except that In the .vent en 111111,....,t for the Olttrtet ahefl not neve beetl mede 8nd leVled tor lt'9 ~In which the .eectlon 11 held, the lat equaltad 111111 neut rotl of the County of Ortinge la corrtrtvie .,._iee of ownertNp end of 1M • ..,. of1tln<S-so ~ £"very vOter. or his legel 1ep-1tatM, mey ,)l'Ofe etther In peraon °' by • pereon duly appointed u hli proxy "Legal ~ .. tneelW en~ of• corporation owning land, end meena • '1UWdlen. executor or edtftll...,, .. or of the ..Cet9 of lfte tlotder of tltte to land WhO: (al 11 llC>POinted under the i... of 11"9 State; ,~, .. .,,......, to pc 1111 II on of the ..C.t•'. land: end (C) .. authOflled by the appotntlng coun to •xerCIM .. ..,....., ttoht. PffAlt;.oe or Immunity wNdl he ..-11ooeretee. a.for• a~ repreeentatlYe mey ..,,._ .. die -.ctJon. he muet preeent to the eo.rd of Electton a c.rtlfted oopy of Mid auttlOrlty. wNch .,.... be llept end ftted wttNn the return• of the llleetlon ..._,•II as *"-"' of• pto.y i. • r~ 9t tfle ....,,_of the peraon •ecutinO It llC ""fY time befole .. ,.,.., .,....., • ptOltY ...... hevit ~ "b.-ot ,.. ..... 11ng tM vot• for wNdl the eppolfltmettf _....., 1 .. • •CJntof .. V°"9 C1811Mthe~9evor lfte INlllnoe of lhe hWtlln dleet'lbed bondl. MIO ..................... tor the~ ... for1tl hWtlln NOTICE OF ELECTION Then..:::' eddr ... of Valley . Forge. ~enn- • the c:oun le; (El nombr• 'I sylvanaa for his ef- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ttlet • speciel electlon hu bMf'I celled end wtll be held on the 111 dey of dltecclon de le oort• es) SU-forts to creaU' pubhc Merch, 1988, whieh .-C:tlon Shell be en 811-melled betlOt ei.cilOn conducted pursuent to SectlOn 2351 t.1 PEAIOR COURT Of CALI-awarenes$ of the of the Elections Code ol the Stete of Cehfoml•. within Improvement Oiltrlct No. 1&4 of the Irvine R.netl FORNIA: COUNTY OF OR-values of the U S W Di I ...._ I I i ANGE. 700 CMc C«ller · ••er strict or 1 .... purpo141 o SYbm tt ng 10 the voters ol the Improvement Otstrk:1 the propo91tlon of Or1Ye Weet. p 0 eo11 138• Consutul.Jon and m whether or not gen«al obligation bonds of lhe lmproYemet'tt District In the •mount of $79,065.000 anell be Senta Ane, <:A 92702~ particular the Bill of authorized and Issued. lor the l)Url>OM stated In triepropoaltlon hereinafter set forttl In lhls notic.. which Tl'le eddr... end f bOnds shell be peyable from •.....,,,.,,ts to be levied and oolected e11cluslvely upon lends within 'the t~r:n-rUnt-of -Rights. In 987 a Improvement District. tiff• ettomey °' p1e1n11n mo nu men t c e I - .-llhoot .,, ett'om.y. le: (El ebrating the Bill of nombl'•. le.dlfecclon yel nu-R1ghts was dedicated mero d• telefono d•I on the college cam- The bonds ltl•ll beer lntet•I et• rete or retes not to e11eeed twef\19 percent ( 1~/e) P1f annum, the ectual times of peyment to be detetmlned upon the sele thereof. · The bellots uMd et the election ahefl be In ~ form prescribed by Section 35106 of the Wetet Code of the Stete of Cellfornle. On the bellots ta be uled et the election. In edditlon to eny other metter1 required by 1aw there anell be printed substant1etly the fotlowlng· Of'FICIAl aAU.OT IWROvu.MT DISTRICT NO. 1M OF 9'tV1'tE flANCH WA'RR DtSTNCT UECIAL 90M> ELECTION MARCH 1, 1• To vote, stamp• cross(+) In the voting square erter the word "YES" or etter the word "NO". All marka otherwise made ere forbidden All ~lltlngulahlng merka •r• forbidden and meke-lhe bellot void. II the 'llfrOnlJky mark, tNr. or defece ttlls bellot, re1urn It to the Registrar of Voters end obteln enother. BONO PROPOSITION· Shd lhe lrvlne Ranefl Weter Oiltrlct Incur e.n Indebtedness and issue Q«Wel obtlgetlon bonds tor 1mp1 ovement District No 184 thereof In the emount of 179,065,000 et • maximum interest rate of twetve percent ( 12%) per ennum. to ec:qulr• end construct worka end fecilltlee for the acquisition,. collectlon. 1torege •n4 dlstr!DutlOn()f"wefer and weter rights. to ert•ble the lrvlM Ranell Water Distrk:1 to utlltze • weter auppty fufnlahed under th9 Stet• Weter Resources ~etopment Syatern (commonly known u the "Stet• Weier Project"), Including dema, rnervolra, atorege tenka. trMtment fecillllet, pipes, pumping equipment end ell nec.aaery equlpmer11 end praperty therefor, acquiring funds to fulfHI contrectual oomrt1llrnenta to c,rry out the pc>wers end purpoeee of the Olttrk:1 contained In oontrects, including conlrecta with other egericlel, ell In llOCOfd•nce With the Plen of Work• for Improvement District No. 1&4? YES NO .. . BeKota mutt be received by S:OO p.m .. on ei.ction dey, either et the Offloe of the Reglatrer of Or11n99 Coonty. 1300 South Grend Avenue. Senta Ane. C.ittomle, or at P 0 . Box t 1291. s-.,ta Ana. Celllomla, 9271, Seid Improvement Otttrlct ah.it conatltute a Single ei.ctlon precinct for the purpoee of tlOtdtng the eleetlonc To be quellfled u ~voter end to be entitled to vote et the .-C:tlon, • peraon must be• h<*Mr of tltle. u defined In Section 3-4028 of the Weter Code of the Slete of Cellfornie, to lend In the lmc>fe>vemenl District. Eech vot« ahell heve one ( 1) vole for eeeh doler'• worth of land to whlctl he or the ho6Cla tltle. The lut equellLed .... aament book of the District la condU9Ne ~of ownerehlP Md Of the value of the lend'ao owned e11cept ltlet In the e¥Mt an 111111 1••• tor the DlltrtcrW\91 not hevit been made and levied for the~ In whictl the elect.Ion II~. ~ --~ 111111w.nt rotl Of the Coun Of Of'.,,. It ~~ of O'IUMlltllp end of lhe _,. °' land to owned. Ewry voe., ot hie leg9I rep-1tative~ vote 91tMr In pet:90f\ or by e PW.oft d4Jky llC)pC)inted • Ille P101CY "~ ,.-_,t9tlw" meens en offtdal of• corporetlon owning i.ncs. end....,.• ou-d*I. ueciu1or °' edmlntetr9tor of the ..... Of the tlo6der of tftte to lend wt:o: ,., .. aippointed undlr ........ of .. a .... : (b) II entitled to po11•1'0t1 of the_....., land; end (c) II euctlorll9d bJ the ..,.,_,1109 court to ea.a.a I.he pel'tieu6er right, pr~« Immunity~ he _.. 10 eurdla. &lfor• a legll ~ m9Y wte at the llleetlon. he muet ~to tfle loerd Of Electton a certtfted copy of MIO eutftority, -"Id\ INI be "• end fMed wtltlln .... ,.um1 Of the -.ctlon. Ho epc>olntm.nl of a proxy ltlall be vltld, acoept9d, or & "* alowed thereon unlee& It meeta .. of the •OlolulnO reQUltementa: (•) It le In writing.: (b) It la edCUNICI· by the per90fl or Ilg.a ~ of the per'IOft WhO, In eQCOfclenelt wtth tt:9 prcwie6one of s.etton S5003 Of 3SOOG, 1oftheWaterCodac1'IN8._ Of~ le enmted to the voe. for -"Id\ IN pre»cy le...-.: (ct It le adlr.owladged or cer-..1n ICCOl4'1•-----J01U*tMCodeol CMl.PrOC9dur9 of JN ..... Of Celfomle;Jdl II IP«••• the ...... •""'*"It .. '° be Uled end .. Uled Ol"1at ... 41teetlon apec:Med; end (•I lt4Nil" on atom;. IP-.cl tiY !'he COunt; a.ti ....... tM .. ~ ~ '"*''"•••1 Of e prowy le a r~ ae "'9 .--.. ol IM perw encutlng It ae MY ttme befole "'9 per90n 9PP0ilted M PfOX'f .... hevit celC a bellOC •llPl-lllng tM 'fOMa b wNdl "'9 ~II ...... . "~(2/J ................... ~--IN-.... Ofllt.1*fin_~~ ~ ........ ...,., end~ tor ... pUfPQee ... for1tl ..,..,_ hcepl. °"* ... Pf0\l1dtd In ... Celfel .... w ... C*trtct ..... ~ 13 of thew ... Code ol .. ebogedo del denlandente. o . del demendent• que no pus. A special plaque tlence el>OQedo, •): RICH-re "c o g n i z e d M r ARO 8. MACOURN. At-Cram's contributions torney et Law 10t5 Che9tnu1 A--. Suit. E.3. m teaching the princ1- Cer1abad. CA 92008 1819) pals of the American 729-7182. system of govern- 1e:TE; (FecN) NOV 13 ment. With his late Gery L. QuWiu ... Cleftl, wife Minnie. Crain ., ...... y ........ ~ rounded the hrst IJ PublWled OrMge COMt Baptist Church and Deity Piiot Jenuery 1~. 19. the Harbor Triruty 28. Fet>Nwy 2, 1988 Baptist Church in rta.IC NOTICE T04e Cost.a Mesa. He was a member of numerous relJred teachers or - ganizalJons and aer- ved his rommunaty and h lS church with dlsuncuon until h1s death. H e as survived by !bn. Gene Crain of Laguna B each. daughter Ca.rol Wood of Jackson. W yoming: 5 grandchildren and I great grandchild. Fu- neral servi~ will be held at Harb6r Trini- ty Baptist Church, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa, -Wednesday, F ebruary 3, 1988, 2:00 P.M w ith interment to CoUow at Pacific View M emorial Park, New-port ~a t"h . P1erc~ros Bell Broadway M ortuary, Direct s. Costa Mesa. 42-19~ ~""C•tl:""YIEW MHIC>fttAL 'AM( Cemetery • Mortuary Chapel • Crematory 3500 PacattC V~<N Otav~ NewPOrl Beac b'4·2700 HA"8CM lAWN- MT. OUVI Mor1ui11r~ • Cemeter~ Cre~torv t625 G1S1e1 Av~ ~Meu ~·o 555' PIDCl IROTMIM llU .aADWAY ~ Mortutry • ChiJ* t 10 Broadway c:ott.tHM 142-91$0 .... • ,.., t11 ,,...1*49 In IN ca.lfotnl& w ... Ofltrlct law. Ofvlelofl ,3 of tri. w.-Code of the ..... 1110 n • .. .,...,. _.. beceled, 1'91d end conc:M1ed In tri. ~ ~ 1n .._ Unttorm ...... =--=-···· ........... Celfomla. . • et.trict l'9cdon .... of ... Celtomea.. • St• of CaMotnle.. tfle ::r. ._ ..... fl9ld and oonductJld In the,,,....., ptOYllded In die~ HAVI---= nia ..-11 .... ,_.... to a "**"'°" of 1M lkMtd of Dnc1on Of lNlne Rind! W,,,_ Olltriet &J JllFM.....,11. ,.._ , .. TNI notice II tMrt ,.,,....,. a ....,..,...,,. of the eo.rd Of Dlrec1ora ol lntne ~ W..., Olllncl ..,...on~n.1 .. .. A NllD? .. .. Dog libera~ors' tactics hurting their ·credibil~ty "Fhe Animal Liberation Frorit made its first raid on the Orange Coast last weekend: . · > • ·The front. according to people who kee p up w~th these thin$s, isa loosely knit group opposed to the use of animals for medical rescar-ch. T hey demonstrattd that opposition at UCI on Saturday morning by stealing 13 beagles used in a $900,000-a-year study on the effects of smog on the lungs and wh y some tracheotomies ~re accompanied by adv~rse effects. After the locks to the kennel at the school's air pollution research laboratory were cut, the front's raiders took the dogs and found homes for them th.rough a world-wide "under- ground railroad." At least that's wha\ th,e press relea* claims .... Controversy over research on .live animals is n~ to Orange County. Several groups here have staged prol~~t~ ~nd rallies. They also $rind out a barrage of. press releases. a "letters to the editor" campaign and a. lobbying effort expected from any group <!tlempti'ng to get something changed. · But the Animal Liberation Froni's style doesn't include· protest marches at research centers or writing letters. They're dedicated to the smash-and-grab doctrine. . ' Animal ri$hts advQCates told reponers that after the front s~nkes. the animals are.checked by a veterinarian and then g1ven to people who want a pet.· . The front recently gained some notoriety after the release o~ a videotape that they claimed was made during a raid at the City of Hope Cancer Research Center in LQs Angeles:· The tape showed dead animals and others with festering sores. A spc)kesp(rson for the group claimed on Monday that the dogs stolen from UCI also had open sores. had not been fed properly and had been mistreated. . It's too bad they didn't produce one of the dogs and a veterinarian at a press conference to verify the charges.. Had that been the case. the group would ha,•e earned some credibility. and UCI officials would have had to face the heat. Some people think the Animal Liberation Front ~embers ar~ heroes bent upon righting an injustice forced on innocent animals. UCI officials described the group as "misguided" peopk trying to correct something they see as a problem. but actuallv causing harm and confusion. · It's difficult to fault the members of the Animal Liberation Front for their beliefs. but it's equally difficult to condone their methods. · Their tactics are lik e plots you read about in novels. and the connection between their so-called underground ra ilroad and the network that helped free slaves before and during the Civil War invokes a se1'1Se of drama. But the fact remains. their actions are ·illegal. Instead of standing up for their bel iefs thev skulk about in the darkness of night. · The Animal liberation Front's members ma\ be hcrocs for th eir dediciltion to their beliefs. but vou ha\l:· to wo'nd~r atx?ut people who don't. have enough ·convicti on in their beliefs to make their protest in the light ·of day. Democrati~ hopefuls It may look bleak for Democrats in the 1988 pres 1dent1al ele-Gt-i&A. but the party's acti vists ate rallying around tbeir candidate. All that remains now is for· the standard-b(arer to get into the race. What will Mario Cuomo do?:.. · Campaign activists in Maine ·amt elsewhere. still optimistic in forecasting their chances of putting up a challenge for the presidency in 1988. ha ve turned to resurrecting a theory that seemed to have already outli ved its usefulness: New York Gov. Mario Cuomo. unable to · withstand th~ pleas of an adoring public. will swoop down from the high ground of'potitical non-commt.tment and steal the show in an outpouring of ecstatic welcome .... As for Jesse Jackson's observation that a candidate who dtd not play in spring train1ng, the-regular seaso~ er the playo ffs would be an unlikely candidate for the Super Bowl: Pany planners ha ve conceded. in recent private admissions. that in an anything-can-happen cam~ign. anything can happen.... , · So maybe the theme this year is that it's never too late to get in late. ./ Bngor <M•loeJ D•ily News School censorship By allowing censorship of high'school newspapers. the U.S. Supreme Co~n did wh~Jjt ~ad to do. · PrincipaJs have a right to deciae what goes. into a new$J>aper -publiWd w~lh-scllool-funds.-But principals should use this power wisely. The danger is that the coun decision will be used to purge newspapers of inconvenient truths or pictures of the hi.ah school world that don•t square with what school oflicals would like to believe. The school comm unit needs a truthful discussion of real problems as much as any ot er community:-1md a new spa 1s one of the best ways to achieve that goal. But the decision on whether a high school will be served by a re-al ne"'spaper or a servile puff sheet has to rat with the principal. · OR ANGE COAST --~- heR~,H~,N.J C.t'-AdWf~Oir ,., .... Ci.mi,. °""* .. ,.,.. C..Clliet• OlrttlOI • er,. ..... '-'mOftict ...... p Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, February 2. 1988 87 ··Well. If Campbell offered to l et someone see the po/Ice report he had '" changed his mind by the time I called'' · I .. Lungren nomination rhetoric ~ . becoming weirder and wilder .Back-up no!nfiiee l\~n-Maddy walking a round Capitol with a ·smile on-his face W1wAi EltlCOTT SACR>\MENTO The o-.:er- heated rheton<: ovc.-r Gov. George DeukmeJ1an"• nominatio n of Re· publican Dan Lungren lo be state treasurer 1!. gctt\ng weirder and "'c:1rdcr Sen. Barr) Keene. D· Vallejo. who has taken 11 upon h1rnsclf to lead the charge against Lungren·s confirma· uon b~ the Democrat-controlled Legislature. has kept up a stead) barrage of press releases o'er the p~st few "eeks indicating the d11'e conse- qurnces that art• apt to befall Cah- forn1a if Lungren 1s rnnfirmed. But ht• t:hecl cd 10 last Thursda) "'1th some n~all~ rnn .. ulatcd reason· ing. "Lungren is the go' cmor's pa~ otT to the ultra-nght of his pan~:· said Keene .. DeukmCJlan IS using the appointment lo l'rcatl', an heir ap- pan:nt 10 the go' ernor"s office e' cn furthc:r to the right than h1mse!C' In the ne\t stroke of the pen. ho"e .. a . Keene said the Long &ach congressman's"narro" v1e"s would prevent him from being elected to sta tewide office b~' the pubhc a1 I ... a~~ whlC"h 1s Lungren - a future go\ ernor or a lame duck treasurer fro m the moment he takes office. . assuming he ever doef' A C} n1c might ask 11.-h~. 1f the Dt·mocrats th ink Lungren doesn't ha' e statewide elertab1ht\, arc the' arc so up in arms o'er ·his nomi- nation. ' . known as a poht1cal launching pad. Even as asute a poht1c1an as the late Jesse Unruh was unabk to uSl' 1t that wa'. Jn facL all th ls fuss.. rs over an o ffice nobod) e"er paid much atten- tion to until Unruh. a Democrat. turned 11 into a· fund·ra1S1ng gold SouthertrCahiorn1a leg1sla11,e races mine Lungren has been ·an thr Cap1lol .\nd perhaps that's the a nswer lobb~ 1ng on his own ht-half .\ncl tht' Democratic legislators. ltk.e all go,emor's ollic-e has been conducting poht1c1ans. are sclf-prescnat1001sts. a stepl)t'd-up-pubhc rclauons bhu for so the' ma' be more concerned about him. "'h1ch· 10 nself suggests Dt'u- how ill that cash potential might tx kme1un smeltnroubte - u!.ed against them in future legJslatl'· e .\ndlher batch of lt'ltt"~ endor\tng raccs than the~ are about Lungren"; Lungren was d1stnb.ule'-d b' the 011. n pohucal future. govt'rnor'<t prcss office la~t wed It 1s euher that. or rht'tonc aside. The~ included ind1,1Cl uals and the' real!\ do fear he would be a sroups ran~ng from Los .\ngel~ form1dabk gubernatonal cand1date Pohce Ch1et Dar. I G ates 10 thc South "hen DeukmejiaQ decides to SIC{! Ba~ C'hmesc .\m.encan .\ssoc1a11on. aside. .\nd Lungren held a Cap11ol press G1,co the part1sansh1p that exists conference. to prt'ss his CClst'. in the leg1sla1ure. 11 1s doubtful that "Lool. 11 the~ ltht' t:Xmocr.itsl an~ DeuimeJ1an appointee would took t"o months to figure out I'm a ha'c an eas~ 11me of '1t. but the consenallH Republican 1n the mold momentum dclin11el) appears 10 tx-.of Ronald Rl·agan or Georgr Deu· sh1f1ing again~t Lungren. kmeJian. l could ha\ es.a' ed tht'm l"'O II had qeen assumed all along that months ... he told reportt'~ ·· 4.11 tht'~ hrwould11.1n '\ssembtvapprovaland had to do "as a~r.. me I'd plead ult1ma1el\ "in over the Snlatt'. but -gn11ty." -1 not "11hou1 a fight Now. howt"''er. He also ms1s1ed that the~ are no the Senate 1s looking more and mort' behind-the-scenes deals m the 11.orks doubtft1l and the anti-Lungren ,·otes to assure his confirmallon 11.h1ch arc starting 10 stack up m 1he ma} e'ptain "h~ Sen Ken '.vtadd~ R· .\sscmbh Fr~no. rc~nedl~ Deul.meJ1an·s S('('· Pohucal 1ns1ders also sa' 1ha1 o nd choice for treasurer. 11.a!> "ail ing .\ssembl) GOP leader Palrid;.Nolan around Thursda~ "uh a smile on his of Glendale 1s not all that t'namoured face. 11.1th Lungren. ha\ ing had a sharp WlllJam EIHliC'Ott is• S.rru11a10 Legal ethics need boost To the Eduo~. I en1o}'ed )Our ed nonal regarding the "holes" 1n the governm ent ad- m101strat1on of Hu01ing1o]l Beach. ~dJ). this situation threatens to per.vade all communities. There is something tembl) wrong v.1th a legal system that dt'pends on economics rather than ethics to d1spen!tt' JUSllCC, y ·et. th.al lS pteetscl)' "'hat •~ happening all over this land. Suits· arc filed over lht' slightest pro' ocal1Qn, lawyers,askmg o utlan- dish sum~. The' know these cases will never get to C\lUr1. Tht'~ can carefull~ cakulate 11. hat the defending bod~ "111 settle for before the case: goes to tnal. -'.n) d1s1nct auome~ 1n Orange Count~ "Ill tell )OU thaL ~here art' hundreds of law~ers making an e~cellent II\ ing handling these cases Some ofttlese la~e~ ha'e probabl~ ne\ er bccn inside a courtroom to Ir) a ca~ ls this JUSt1ce being dispensed? h sounds more li ke a crap shoot. If JUstu.:c: 1n c1viJ cases 1s h.andlcd this wa'. wh\ no1 cnmmal cases too? \\ h}' si)end ·10 m illion dollars pros-- t'Cuting a Rand~ Kraft or a Richard Ramirez" Wh) not plea be.rpm tht'm aw a~. S<t) 10 ~cars probatton and a promise to be good boys? Ridiculous, ng.ht" Ho""cver. the principle is the same J usuce gives way to economics. The s1tuatJon 1s not going to 1mpro'e until se"eral things happC'n . la"' si:hools are turning out thou!>ands oflaw~ers yearly. t'ach one of them t)as to cam a h'•tng. lcgls-latur~. compnSl'd maml~ of lawyers, are ti) mg their bt'st to providt' thel]l a Ii' mg b~ chum mg out thousands of la11. sat each session. each of which 1s a potential sour« of hugauon h docs not appear to bt' enough. hoWt'ver. despite their strenuous effo rts T~ resuh oi that 1s that lawvt'rs· fee.,. must C'scalatc so that each ta~t'r ~'!n carn:1.J1:mg b~ handling fewer ca~s IR orditr to 'spread· the \A.Ork aroumt The ans"ers arc .clear ~ e need ro hm1t the number of lawvers gradu- atoo 'earh 10 no more than tho~ lost to the pr0fes&.1M b~ auntt0n A.d.- d111onall~ "C' must clean up the ~stem of Judi 1al adm1n1strauon b} making It morr etTit1~n1 and tess costh Thi> can be done 1f ~e fol\ov. thl' precept of E.nghsb common law that calls for prompt and speed) tnals Good law,ers expen in thetr tradt'can do th" not the hac'k la'W"lers being 1umcd uut in droves b~ ·1a" ~hoots 1oda' . Lastl), ~e must k~p leg1sl~1ures b3lanC't'd "'11h a health~ pro pon1on of pt'Ople lrom othrr profe-ss1ons and art'as of e\per11sc There a an old Jt'w1'"h 53\tng. "If there 1 o ne la"~ er 1 n town. ht' 1s poor. 1f lhett...a,rc t~ o. the) are both nch .. h there a ta\pa~er among ~ou who 1s not ur«I of ~1ng our mone' "3St«I" It 1s ume for an of us to spear. out for an cffic1en1 and logicals~ stem of JUrtsprudc.-nce ··"·here JUSllC't' de· Pl'nds on -qu-es11ons o ngnt ·and "rong. not economic.-. J.\\ REID Costa \1esa Sanctions NB'spolicechiefpltches a hurt more curveo:aBillyMarti:a report ~~:.:~help It h.:u rt'.Ccnth bet'n reported that some mcmlx'rs of Congress 11.111 h<- 1ntrodlh'.'1rig mon-pun1t1,·c \anctton~ against the regime an South .\fnca It' indme the gen emmt"nt to institute The treasuer's officc has never bt-en dispute or two w 1th him 0 ' er some 1ylldic•tttl C"0~11. Baseball's brawle r cried foul over m e ntion of arres~ tn ~e~c!_tngstory "I didn't punch no dogg1e!" Right. Bill~. And 1 suppose George Steinbrenner nc' er gave you tht' ax or t at yo\l!iever 1~-:r ft-w-W1th M ickc) Mantle and showed up at the ballpark the nt't da) a little worse for .the wef}r. As an.,one who has paid the shghtcs1 bit of anenuon to baS(ball rmws-. Bill~ Manin h3S a rtputroon. Why elSl' would he make his famous "I didn't punch no dogg"" com · merc1al after he was accuk'd of punching out a mafshmallo"' sales· man· in a Minne3polis bar., Martin--is on~ ef ba~ball's ~.olorful. characters. He ·has brawkd. he ha.s ytlled. he has been fired. he has been hired, ht' has won and ht' has lost. '.\nd throu.gh it all he ha.s rematnt'd o nt' o( tl\c gamt''s cndcinng figurtt. So 1t was hard!) surprising that Bill>'s name showed up on the manager of the Ne11.. York Yankecs for the foorth 11me 8111) a lso gbt mamed . J USt last v..e~k..-The .ceremon) took plact' in a B:n area encla'e lrno'.lm asUanvtlk T he bnde was a Newpon Bcactt woman named Jill Gwver. the same 11.oman who v.as arguin' with Bttly tht' night of his a~t in Newport Beach That link fact. 1t turns out. wis ml.'nt1oned Y.1th some prom1nt'n~ m a Oan\llk area nev.spaper o n Bill) 's .,_,cddmg da~. I know that bt-C"ause o ne or the paper's reponcrs asked me for details of the arttst. Well. B1IG appartntl) hit t~ l.'Cthng when he saw the tot). H(' demanded an apolog) and a ro~· 11on. So d id B1lh 's law)tt . ..\C'COrchng to the paper's· .t'd11or. the la~er prcparrd a fh·t'·pagt' list o( alktcd inaC'C'UrKICS 10 tht' SlOr). Th(' editor. whost name 1s Bob STEVE MAR BU later he called had. to sa' the chief "ould not kt us c;cc thc-rei>ort Oakk) said he'd bttn told 10 tell u o nl) what he "l<'gally" had to."' h1c-h I dllC'O'--nt°d wa•rn't vn\ much 1..qall~. 1 found o ui that 8111~ .... as anat«i and 1a1led I fo1.md ouJ,.Aht' charaies. the plaC'C of the arTe'>l. the datC' and the time And tha\ ...,as tl. Unfortunate!). that didn't help w )-Unc-Of-hl.$..$\¢la. spapcs-The dc.wl that Bill) claimed ~ inac:rurate W('f'C massJl'lg. Wbo had 81lh ar- rt'Strd'? Who bailed him o ut of 1a11'"' What •'1.S l'te do1ni at the um~ ofb1s arttst"' " here wa he when he wai. a~ecr. 4 bunch of QUt'~t1on.s in search of an ans"'er ltrn:trerTCfot m:s: Strong opp<incntt-of. apartheid ha' t' argu«I. however. that san uon' and d1s1n,t'S1mt'nl might ha'e an ad'Cr\l' dft'C't on the h"eh· hood n(blal \... ~outh .\fncans Recent op1nwn poll\ of South 4-fncan~ confirm thc~ su~p1c1ons. John "-ane-!krman of the uth Afncan ln.,t1tute of Ra~ Relauon\ rt'ported la~t month that in 12 of 14 pol\s ronductt'd oHr the last year. mott--hlad South .\fri cans weft'. oppo!it'd to s.ancuons t-han 1n favor of them • L1le,•.i<.e. a 'u"e~ b' Germ¥ ·s '\(ncan r ounda11on found that two- th1rds ot th<' black caal mmers m South .\(n,·a d<.' not want sanc-t10M u~lht'' ear sanCCions .... ,tr cosl th('m tht'1r J0~ The fact ts. sanctions have alrt'ad' C9S\ man)· South <\fncan~ not onl~ 1ht'1r JOM. but tht opponur'lll~ for . ad,an~ment 1n a SOC>tl) that 1s mo' int slo.,.1~ but . surl'I) to"ard Jesqrcpt1on and full democr:u1zauon '\ ing in 1984. He had bttn a~ll'd on ~ nne. .Nf>wpol'.t 8c.ach.. suspicion of drunkcnt'Ss and dis-Poh~Ch1cf .\rb("ampbtll 1ofind out orderly conduct. 8a1 I v.-as St 00. whether he ov. cd Brtty an apolCJCY and ~o-. aU•thts ma} sound hl.c small cha,._ ,&J\d some. ~ ma} ~"tll think a M'\\ paper has no bu~-;-;1n:;;t'':;s.s;------------l..U~ ....... ---.:.1 kno<wlna thas son of tufTan}''a' But The .arrua wtma.nted • mall a cort'C'C11on -ank~•f-Of'tly bKauw-tl wu Bill . It Campbell. who a~rently attend· didn't matter if 11 was lC'U filhna or eetllr "'-ed<ling. CJ«hntd to hel~ the tasted great. Bill)' was ht-hind bars echtor. The ch1t'f said 1f "rnne and th-twas MW!. ...,antl'd 10 S« the 1984 police rcpon But Billy beat the rap. A N~ hl' should S(nd t0ml'One do-.n to Bea.chjudat ruled the ctwte ~ired N('wpon Beach. .\t· last that's thl.t Billv 6e.a1' a ()!lbhc iMtt. Ht also \\\nM'sacxountof'thecon'-'Crs&tlon. nalcd that t~ front yard or hl I olkrcd 10 help WynM. It wt'med 11rlfnend's house wasn't a pubh s1mplHnouah Lootanhc~JOt plact down the deU1ls of Martin s annt. WdJ. the yean went. n. K.aftys ' and kt W) nM know ·~ has City R~~ the .,...._, lM'-~pn-itood wtth 8'11) year. the New Yon Mets.,. 1t t.bt Wen. 1f Campbtll o&rtd 10 kt MAI and the Mlttlla04a 1WtllS the tomeOnC 5tt tbt Pohce ""°" he had ~rafter. Jd CWl hit a aio-run dwwed '"'mind b) taie ttwne I caned. Off lbc .Dodilm.hm....... _;Ofticu Bob OlkkJ~ lk ~ ~~~~ =-H~ ~~_:'=·~~ Famt. And Bdt Mantn ....... ff'ft. ftqUCM. A COill* o(bcMm • ... ~, •terae't~"' . At the 11mc of 8ilf\1's arrnt. the-st ckt.a1h ~ pt()\l~ r remt'mbC't bttautt I •rote the stol' But now •itll a man' reputation 'on the liM and an atfom.() \ltmn1 up the •'lter. dltpolitt •ant to •iath w ar hancbof lhe •tUlllOn' TM ont conduSIOn I draw &om an of this is s.mpt) that * 1 ~ potK-e bu treats a .-.. pct bllf a SUM A'Wll Ibo.at lM .,_ .. 1t ttta I nci:"''' !" ~~., _.._.- Bill) l\'8 ap.tft put on v .. ~· P'nstnecs,. and the bea.at) of the lllM wlll~u•t~don. Left...,. Oft. .... ....... ,,, -----....... ...., ...... CO niihenli welcomed .. ~ FAIQLY CIRC'18 • by Bii Keane "Oh,· PJ ! You're a real bottle of laughs!" MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson "'Wfl found out where or Br'er Rabbit lives ... ,.ight smack in the middle of the briar patch ... PEANUTS GARFIELD WHEN HE WAS TI1ROU6H ~EV 6AVE ~iM1 A STANDING INVITATI~ ~ t----------- • LOOK, uARFIE..L'7 ! THI~ 15 MY l=IF\ST 5E.RIOO'!> AIT£MPT AT MAKINCt C,OORME.1' FOOl7 TUMBLEWEEDS DRABBLE • IN 'l'llE BLEACHERS by Steve Moore ~------- J J IJ 11-h II . . . H-\IR. &\LL ' ~IR. eALL, HAAAAAIR ML!~ When cats c hoke DENNIS THE MENACE \ . ·' ·' i -z. . by Hank Ketcham ~ 'l · '>.. ~ME,TCO." by Charles M . Schulz TME'T' SAID HE COULD STOP .av AN'< TIME ~ 'I s ~ , . ') by Jim Dayis I KNOW. l HEA~D THE Nl'ICROWAVE. LAOGMIN('s by Tom K, Ryan by Kevin Fagan r '- BLOOll COUNTY JUDGE PARKER fl.HJ 1Nl IECJ< • lfltEICE°~ fl.¥f PRES/PENT 111/S )f'M 7 I 2 -2 ... Inc. . • FUNKY WINKERBEAN ~. ~ • • I YEARBOOKS WE'D LIKE t ·2. TO SEE DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau 5/R I lt:JIV WJW Y()() ot.5CR.186 >a4'~~ Slit.! ' ----- \ ' by Berke Breathed 51JPPOfl.,V, /f17PlnoN '4#5 ~ f.N ,,. /ti/fl'~.,. !WP ne ""1fN't ,~ a: • €Nf<JlfC£M!NT. by Addison by Lynn Johnston by Jeff MacNetty by Harold Le Doux Autog '/~y'. A;.i€.SOM€ YEAR . f t I J ,~ 1· i --·" I _._ - TUF.SDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1988 25 CENTS NB mall Curbs .petition. drive Traffic initiative workers kept isolated at Fashion Island. advocates complain approval to circulate petitions there af\er company officials relented late last week on insurance requirements. When they arrived Saturday, how- ever. petitioners found that they were to be located in a ~maH glass booth. o~t of the stream of shopping traffic. said Tom Rogers. an initiative By BOB VAN EYIEN Of .. O.., ........ Officials at Fashion Island kept petitioner$ for the cou·ntywide growth and traffic coptrol initiative in an isolated sectio n of Fashion Island over the weekend. effectively Attorney General M-. says he can· t recall read- ing about payoff plan In memo./A4 California State Supreme Court al-. lows use of Miranda-ex- cluded confessions against suspects who take witness stand.LAS World : preventing them from gathering many signatures, an initiative SP9krs- man charaed Monday. After tusslin$ for weeks with Th~ Irvine Co .• which o wns the upscale Newport Beach center. petitioners for the initiative ·finally were given Lifeguard row spo~csman. - .. We were 1n the booth were the security guards hang out," said Rogers. "Of the few people who A row of llfecaant atadona tower o•er a lone blcycllat u •he peddlea_a!ona-tbe Hantmcton Beach coutllne on a winter wandered in there. most didn't even speak Engh sh." Rogers said he gathered 25 s1gna-. tures during the weekend. including a few from center employees. ' A Fashion Island official said. however, that he believed the infor- mation booth was a good location. "It's right out!>ide our No. I department store.·· said l>aul Coulter. operations manager for the cen~r. .. We thought we were doing them a favor having them 1ns1de. We're an November ballot. outside center and the weather wasn't Sponsors of the measure a n· that great over the weekend." nounccd last week that they were far Coulter saad 1nataativc petitioners short of their aoaJ and in..need ofa bl& would be free to set up outside the boQst from supporten. anfonnation booth next weekend. Rogers said pctitionen were pet. The booth is-located near Robinson's. m ittcd to have• placard on their table· .. If that's wh<tt lhcy want. we don't-' tn the &lus·frQO.ted..booth. - have any problem.'' he said. "But you couldn't sec ii from Petitt0 ners must have 60.000 vahd outside,'' he sa.r~. signatures by Feb. 9 in order to He saad pctmoncrs were not per-t qualify their measure for the June or (Pie98e w PS111 llOR/A2) . UCidogs claimed in poor health Unidentified caller says beagles stolen from la b given homes B.y PAUL AllCRIPLEY .............. An anonymous caller claimin& to. represent animal nahts activists who stole 13 bcaaln from a UCI research laboratory said Monda.)' that a veter· .,nary checkup showed thc-aop had been m mrca led. • The d0&5 also were pbiccd in homes Mondav after be1na stolen over the weekend. the' caller told the Daily Pilot. day. lncreulDClJ cloady · •ldee wll1 brinC a 60 perceat chance of rain to the <>ranee Cout today and WedDeeday. The caller cla1med to rcprcscnt the Animal Liberation Front that took credit for Saturday's theft and said a ~tcri:narian cficcied eacll of the dop and found them to be in poor condallon. No rejections yet for Middle East peace plan advanced by the U.S./AI . Angolan rebels close in on strategic town./ Al .J. Meadowlark Airport's fate sealed The bca&les had sores on their beads and bodaCS". rotted teeth. in- fected 1ums., collapsed veins and wen,. mrvcd. the caller claimed . The dogs had neither food nor water when they were ~liberated" from an outd oor pen at UCl's nortb campus aar pollution ~h labora- tory. the caller said. Index Advice and Games Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics . Entertainment Optnlon Police log Public notices Sports -Weather A 12 A3 AB-10 84-6 88 A 11 B7 A3 86 81-3 A2 Huntington councilacfopts zone change for 600 homes. shopping cen~er a5 sire- By ROBERT BARK.ER Of .. O.., ........ The Huntington Beach City Couri· cil on Monday approved construc- tion of 600 hom·es and a 1,500-acre shopping center at Meadowlark Air· port. • Pro-growthers John Erskine. Jack Kelly. Wes Bannister a nd Tom Mays voted for the development plan at the 65-acre ·airport near Warner A venue and Bolsa Chica Street Grace Winchell, Peter Green and lwlh Filrrey voted against the plan. The zone change m-arks the begin- ning o f the end for the airpon that has served pilots of small airplanes since 1949. The airpQrt. which has taken a lot of flak from residents who moved an aro und it but has ~n staunchly defended by a cadre of pilots., will close 60 days after initial building permits are appro,ed. has been a "s)stematac chanac for Dick Neno. a spokesman for the higher and h1gherdens1ty" in the c1t). Nerio fam 1I~ that's owned the airpon ··.\re the dollar sagos in your eyes so since 1952. said he expe<"ts plans to large that the) can't Stt the citizens come to the Cit) later th as year for the that )ou're serving?" Browning shopping center which 1s slated to be asked. butlt first "How many deas1ons not 1n fa.vor Residents claimed 1n a stormy of the ,de,elopers have you made public heanng Monda) that the latel) ;· de"elopment -alo ng with other . ErskJne saad that he believed the pr_oJects planned 1n the nonhwest Planning Comm1ss1on. which ap- pan of the cat) -wtll make traffic pro'ed an 1dentacal plan last fall. had congestion intolerable and will over-\\Orked out a fair compromise. tax se~r and water S("rvittS Tht Nerios ongmally wanted to Chel)le Browning. an advocate for -build 1.000 homes in the area. retaining the current low density ErskrTle saad he i.s disappointed.. zoning for the area. claimed that there (Pl--Me BOllSS/ A2) However. UCI spokeswoman Kath) Jones said the dop wett fed htgh.quality food. and their coats, t~th and cars were d caried rcsularty. After the bcqles were inspected and treated by the veterinarian . .eacb was placed in a home. said the Animal Liberation Front spokesman: UCI has a veterinarian on campus. which conforms to policy cstabhshed b) the Southern California Veterin- anan Medical Assoctatioo. The assoaation approves of ~ s-ponsibk research on animals as k>na as it as within the framework of the Animal Welfare Act ofl 966 wtuch set (Pleue ... CALL&R/ A2) Valley hoping to age gracefully Jourw Alcohol, ing or replacing walls and ceahngs: VoLZIE g.as sales · City off eringgrants, low-interest loans to help maturing houses stay tn shape ment area 1n a residential neigh- borhood. Redevelopment areas are commonly used by Cities in bh&hted communities. allowing the locaf gov- ernment to retain a portion .of the Fountain Valley -known as "The City Where . Progress Shows" - wants to tum JO without letting its years show. . When incorporated in 1957. Foun· tain Valley's population was 5 79. The population now tops SS, I 00. Once sparsely built, nearly all of the city's 9 square miles are filled with homes. bu incsses or the_~rawJing_ Mile Square Par . Fountain Val_ley has grown up, but area's property taxes for renovating city officials want to k~p it from the neighborhood. growin~ old. Instead. the t it) as relyrng on loans "We re really at a staJe where and grants to lo"'·ancome residents to preventative maintenance 1s the key encourage homeowners to keep their to keepinJ the nci&hborhoods from hol£ses an shape. The program is in its deteriorating." said City ManaJCr second year. Judy Kelsey. "The houses arc getting T he mone). financed Jhrough a to be 20 or 30 yean old." • grant to the city from the federal ikspi Fountain-dcpartmc.nLQLHousina and Urban Valley is still witho a ~velop-°'velopment. can be used or paint· -Cas~ainst suspect iJ;1 rap of job applicants maywideri repainng Of-replacing roofs: plumb- ing. electncal or heating improve--ban 11· -'1ted ments: and termite co ntrol. 1 t "Our goal here 1s to rehabilitate the homes." said Greg Lewtn. a city .., • M housing aade. "That keeps the pro~ 1n esa en) values up' and makes for a mort Tbc loans can be repaid at 3 pe~nt livable environment." interest and can be for u much as Lewin said residents apply for a $20.000. Tbc minimilm pot 1va1l-By PAUL AJ\CJllPLEY loan or grant through the city. and c1ty abk is $5.000. ~n said. Ulll JENNIFER WEBEll offi cials check the family's income Last year. the aty haniit.d out Ca&ht and home befo re signing. the check. loans to about a third of the appli-The purpose of the loan must be lO . explained . on the application. h_e_can_lS -and pants. adde<J. -----\PliMe iii TAU.ST I A2) Reduced Charges ·urged in Marine copter taaJperlng • ., .. YANSYUN ........... · Seca's:t ol ~ Interior DonaJd Hodel OnMe County residents Monday tbat he dreams of resaorina IO ila natural conditi9n a valley that John Muir called "one of nature's rarest end moet precious mo-antain temp1a.•• · Af\cr rnMina bis pitch for .resto- ration ofnonhem California's Hetcb Hctcby Valley. Hodel said he also suppons plans to alter another natu· raJ landlca~, the California coast. Hodel said followina a luncheon at Irvine's RqisU"y Ho&el that the proposed sale of leases for oil explo- fation off California's cout would not spell disaster for the coastal environment or seaside tourism. In fact. Hodel said. bolsterina U.S. oll rncrves with petroleum from -California waters could prevent econ- omic harm from comina to the state's coastal resorts. .. The pte>line ihOf1ale in the 1970s bad a tremendous neptive effect 011 tourism," bc'said. "If. by comparison, you look at the Santa Barbara oil spill. people backed off from there for about silt months or a year, and then the drccts disappeared." And theft is no evidence, he said. that the mett presence of oil derricks discourqts tourism. ' .. . "That ~ument simply does nol remainder to ocher communities." he hold water. he said. said. "'The Hetch Hetchy bas become But Hodel apcnt mott of his time a moac)' maker for San Franciso Monday lalkint about his Hetch rather than an essential sourtt of Hetchy propc>MI. water and power." He bepn his ~h to members The water now trapped by the and aucsts of U.C Southern California O'Shauabncssy Dam would not be Water Committee with a ditcussion lost if ihc dam were removed, but of the natural beauty of the Hetch would now down the Tuolomne Hetchy Valley. River throu&h thtef other dam 1nd The onl¥ prob&em with the valley, reservoir systems and into the Sane· located I J miles from Yosemite ramento-San Joaquin River Delta, National Park, is that it's full of water. Hodel said. and plua.ed up by the 360-foot Preliminary stU(t~es also show th'at O'Shauaflncssy Dam. much. if not all of the power Since 1923. when the dam was acnerated at O'Shau&hnessy could be completed, Hctch Hctchy Rese rvoir recaptured at other Tocations, Hodel has been a source of water and said. electricity for the city of San Fran-"Plus. California's power surplus ci"sco. -now estimated at more t~an-1.400 ThatCktail can be taken care of. 1f mcpwatts -could easily replace the studies show it 1s economically 120 mcpwatts San Francisco would feasible t<rtcar-down the dam and Jose if ~ removed O'Shaughnessy drain the rescn-oir, Hodel said. Dam." he said. . Hodel acknowled&ed that the idea Hodel repeated several times. bow- bas been ridiculed in the press. ever. that nothing would be done to particularly in the San Francisco area. tha dam or the reservoir unless But he said the criticism is based on detailed studies showed it could be the erroneous notion that removing · done "ithout damaging California's thcdaln woulddeprive S'an Francisco water and powersupply. of a necessary source of water and "The major prec9ndition is that power. there must be an economically ··1 believe it is importnt to point feasible war of restoring the water - out that San Franciso uses only about and power,' he said. "I believe we can one third of the water. and sells the find a way." Market craS.b. began earlier -The SEC study is also CllpecJed to deal with IM circumstancn sur- roundin& the SOS-point drop in the Dow• Jones Industrial Avera,e on Oct. 19. and the market iostability thl t bas folk>wcd. lat ion of the 'futures market. • • •• •1 n .. N 6) •• • -. . " : : Calif. Temna · Eztended ao 11 r-: c ==--.·~...,.,, ~.,. .. -r. r, .... • ., =-=.r=:=~i~ 11 ., ...... • ., .. .,._ ......... .._~ a ,. ...... • n _...... .. ,...,....,. ..... • .oa = : :~ .......... ~ .. 11 ~ 11 •1 ------=--==----?• • ~Clly ., If r. :·..... ••Tides Gt 01 ,._ ... • II $ 1 = : TOMY 10 °" '"' -~ Liii U M la : :: ~:r...... l:JILlll. • JI ....,..... • .. -U f p.111 11 11 ..., n•a • • --..111111 IO:Olp,m. I., LO ~.7 4.0 ::;..._., u• MDl'Y H .._... •1 • ........ ' He-. U : • .......,, 9-1\ 11 ., ~ :t'ar-• Lift. ... n .. ~ ::: -.,..,...~_. ~ -~ ==-: :: ..... 1111;" IO:MP."'-4.1 !! ~ ,,_,_.... II • n.-,...~•t:•Llft.IM :! ., ~,._ ......... :n, ... -• -· n.-..... ..--~ ..... -11 w ..... .. •1 ...... II fl • 7:17 Lift. ".,. ... ..,.*'° 11n · ., ..... o.lltllll .,_.,.. __________ _ 0: ;: =~•m ~ :: Surf Forecut 21 ,, ...... • .... 02 44 =~· : : n OI .......... 17 II .. ., ......... • u ., to 9'ocnln u • U 11 T.,_11..., M 11 a .. T-11 •7 ~ !1 y ...... vi, ., • ..... 10 10 10 10 ... WASHINGTON (AP) -Octo- ber's stock market colla~ was trigacred by an "unprecedented change in investors' perceptions" and not by technical trading stratqics that went awry. government reau- lators said Monday. The staff of the Commodity Fu- tures Trading Commission. in a final report. said it could find no evidence to suppon the "persistent ancnion .. that proarain trading strattfies. in- cluding speculation m stock indexes. was at fault for the stock plunge Oct. 19. Both studies add to a arowina numbcrofaovernment reponson the stock market collapse. includina an analysis by a commission headed by former Sen. Nicholas Brady. R-N.J .. that ·caued for a sinalc agency possibly the Federal Reserve -to oversee financial markets. "Current futures market surveillencc is sound," the report said. However. it said that improved data collection would be desirable. as would "better sharing of accurate. timely information" among the vari- ous markets. PETITION DRIVE CURBED AT MALL ••• In fact, the repon SUBJCSted. the market crash was the culmination of a drop in stock prices that had begun months before. The study by commodities reau- lators. however. recommended no major structural changes in reau- Monday's report said that the CFTC staff supports "the belief that the massi ve wave of selling that engulfed both the stock and futures markets on Oct. 19 was precipitated by an unprecedented change in irr- vestors' perceptions and• was not initiated by technical trading strategics .. "The bull market .,, stocks th.at started tcveral years ago bepn to AL. COBOL BAN LIFTED trend down in late August and the -• • • downward trend was accentuated 1n FromAl early October." Service station convenience stores the panel. which regulates futurc-s nc~r sc}lools or the Pacific markets like the Chicago Mercantile .\mphatheatre probabl} would not Eltchanse and the Chicago Boa rd of "in approval. he said. Trade. issued its rcpon on the eve of Stall, some listeners agreed with the release of stud) b) Its sister · Buffa that the ordi nance should be •nq . the Securities and Exchange reJCCted. Commission. Franklin Cole tol d the council he .HOMES ••• From Al was concerned about the cit y's hab- 1lit) an lawsuits for contnbutOf) m:~gJigencc. ··1 cannot and do not have any justification an my mind for why we can sell alcohol and gasoline at the same place,'' Cole said . • E'en thoSt' businesses that do win approval win be required 10 adhere 10 stnct conditions. including a ban on selling be verages outside. or in an ace tub. Donald Lamm. development ser- ' ices director. said the cit) wanted 10 discourage sales of 1nd1vidual cans or bottles. From Al mitted to signal to people or to leave the booth to approach shoppers to ask them to sign. Petitione rs were finally all owed to emerse from the booth and set up a table late Sunday, but by that time there \\'I S so little traffi c at the center that few signatures were obtained. Rogers said. The results at Fashion Island were panicularly meager when compared to those at other shopping C'entcrs where pet1t1oners have worked. said R1.1ss Burkette. co-author of the in1t1at1~c. .. It was a waste of umc:· ~•d Burkette. "We·,e gotten anywhere from 1.000 to 1.500 signatures at other shopping centers. o\t Hunt- ington Center "e got 2.500 an two da~s. To h:l\e gotte(l 25 an an entire "eckend is not ve~ good.'' Burkette was not wi th Rogers over the "cekend at Fashion Island. ··If I had been there. I would have refused to "ork." he said. ..The Fashion Island people told me on Friday that we were goina to have a gttat locatfon. that we were aoina to be really visible. I didn't realize he meant we were going to be visibile but that we weren't going to be able to talk to any.one.·· The proposed ballot measurc, known ~s the Sensible Gro.,vtt\ and Traffic Control Initiative. could limit development in areas that have serious traffic congestion. Developers. though their trade organization. the Buildina Industry Associaition. arc mountina a cam- pa1gn--0t-OPJ)(>Sit1on to the measure . Stall. officials at several dcvcloper- o~ ned malls. such as South Coast Pl~za tn Costa Mesa. have permitted in1t1attve petitioners into their centers to gather signaturts. Some. however. have put up bar· ners. such as hcav> insurance rc- qu1rements which are designed to keep the petitioners out. proponents of the dm'e claim. Until last ·Friday's announ«ment by Fashion Island officials. initiative backcn had counted the Newport ~ach mall amona the centers where such barriers had been put in the way. Coulter said Friday that it was ~tandard company policy to require a SI million inusrancc certificate from outside groups wishing to use the center. "But this time the company made a decision to let them come in without insurance.'' he said. Burkette said he was anacred at The Irvi ne Co. 's apparent duplicity in allowins petitioners in, but then preventing them fro m operatina ef- fi ll\cly. .. Underthe la"1wc'rc allowed equal access.'' he said. "They didn't give us equal access... • Despite last wcc'kcnd's meaaer hlrvest of Signatures. Roaers said he was prepared to return to Fashion Island ncllt weekend. "I hate to give up after arguina wuh them for so long.·· he said. though. that there are no plans for a park an the area. "And sanitation 1s going to be a problem." he said. CALLER ••• FromAi-VALLEY HOPES TO AGE GRACEFULLY.-•• Pilot Don Dodge. who battled to keep the airpon open. said fliers now may have to go as far as Banning to get tic-down spaces for small planes. F~llerton has the only other mu- nicipal airpon in Orange County and it's operating at capacity. Dodge said. Councilwoman Finley. though vot- ing again$t the zone change. said she qidn't want the airport to continue because of other developments that have been allowed to encroach on the fac.ihty. Previous zoning had allowed the Ncrios to build 350 single famal} homes on their propeny down guidelines requiring humane treatment. said executive director Richard Holden. And Dr. Joel Pasco. treasurer of the assoc1at1o n and a Costa Mesa·vetcnn- anan. sai d he doubted whether man' veterinanans would be:. S)'mpathct1c to the acll\ISlS' cause. "The Animal L1berat1on Front lost the 'etennary community's respect when the} set part of the veterinaf) school (at UC Da'is) on fire." Pasco said. ··1t wasn't even a research lab. It was a d1agnost1c lab ... Pasco said thett ma) be a couple of vctennanans an Southern Cahfornaa who work surrept1t iousl) with the group. "But 1t bnngs up a legal point,'' he said.' "If I'm examining animals I kno" are stolen property and don·t repon 11 to the polJCe I could be an acccssof) to grand theft. - •· 1 thank any veterinarian who cares about his license would be reluctant. It's an unusual group fo r sure ... Un1vers1t} research~ ~rc ex- amining the effects of smog on the lungs of the beagles and w.hY. some tracheotomies are accompanied by adverse effects an the S900.()()().per- yea r study. From Al This )Car. the c1tv ha s S 140.000 for grants and S46.oo0 for loans. Lewin said. Last year. a total ofS 146.000 was dedicated to the program. The emphasis is on the grants, because the free mone y is aimed at sen1~ citizens and other fi xed-an- comc~dents who ltvc tn the City's t~o mobile home-parks. Lewin said. Because of the general affiucncc of the neighborhoods an Fountain Val- le). man) of tht" hom('()wners do not meet the income qualificati ons for the loans. meaning add1t1onal mone) allocated to that program would go unusc.-d. Lc~1n said SPECIAL COURT MARTIAL URGED ... .. If somebod) is able t0 buy a S200.000 home 1n Fountain Valley. thq probably make more tha n S2 I .OOO a year and can afford to keep From Al 11 UP..'' Lewa n said. ..The people trol S) stem. The cross connection quahf} ing for the loans arc usuall) did n't endanger the copter or crew. single parents. or an a situation where . . . thq have a lot ofkads." The income quahficauons arc set b> the federal government. he said. A three-member famil y can earn no more than $27.000 a year to qualify for the loan. while a famil y of eight or more can make up to S38.000. The money repaid on the loans goes back to the city to keep the program afl oaL Lcwui saidt addi.J'IJ that the city doesn't make a~y profit. "We·re losing· it if we count inflatton and look at what we could make through other investments." he said. Lewin said nearly all of the Orange Coast cities have the low-interest loan program for housing improvements .. but most also have residential re- de' elopment areas. too. .. Our city is an pretty good shape. but the loans make a definite im- provement to the home. eittcrior and anterior." Lewin said. Kcl5cy sajd sbe'salso seen evidence in Fountain Valley of a nei&hborhood rebuilding it5clf with no help from the city. At one time, she said. the Colonia J uarcz so;tion oft he city was rampant with pnss and crime. One of the older sections of Fountain Valley. the homes were set on larger parcels. As property values in the ci{y increased, propcny owne-~novatcd the area on their own. Kelsey said. "In the last fi ve years. we've seen so. many of the houses out their rebuilt." she said. · The combined efforts appear to be workina. From July to Dectmber' an 1987, the latest fiaurcs available. the city of Fountain Valley issued 220 permits for additions or alterations to cxistina single-family homes. compared to just 3S permits for new homes, according to the city building depan- ment. "We're doina OK.'' Lewin said. to damage a heli copter and attempt· in& to destroy the national defense Other pending charges include usi ng marijuana and disobeying orders by placing a foreign substance into a urine s.ample bottle during a squadron drug swee p. Revolution which carries with 1t the death penalty. The charge was drop- ped because at applied only to vessels that fl oat. McDermott said. Capt. Bradley N. Garber. pros- ecutor in the case. refused comment. Altho\Jgh pilots monstonng 1nstru-mcnts de1tc1td the cro~<onnttt~n I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Hill was onginall) charged w11h endangenng an able vessel. an aged maritime law predat1n1 the American Tt'stamon) at the earlier hearing re vealed that Hall a pparently s" itched the plugs governing parts of the hehC'opter's automatic fl1aht con- during a preflight check. tbe pilot testified that the crew believed the aircraft would fl y and the malfunc- tion wasn't reponed until aner a 45- minute flight. ·RAPE CASE EXPECTED TO WIDEN ••• Prom Al oroba11on for the "1olations. In 1985. oral sex charges. cha Id molestation he was placed on one year's probation charges were 1nadvcrtattl y filed for w'4in& a S 1.200 check with against the man, Mont&Qmery said. insuff.cent funds an the bank. Moni&omery said the misfiled When charsed with the sexual cha{leS1 which he uid-wuc.. t.ypina assaUTf cliaraes. the baiTs in the errors. would be corTtCted when ~vious cases -·sso.ooo and Panichas is arraianed on Feb. 11 in $25,000 -were automatically added Newport Beach. to the $200.000 figure. court officials • If more victhns come forward. the aaid. addiitonar charan could also be filed But the documents "' the new case at that time, whk h will be Panichas' also contained several errors. first coun appearance on the molcsta· authorities said. Instead of forcibk tiCln cha~. authorities said. ORANOI! __, .... COAST ..... .. llMIOl'l'ICI no-.. a.v s, CG111 ....., c" Panachas allcgcdl}' met his v1cttms dunnaJob 1ntcrv1ews. Griswold said. Afier talkana with the girls. he would offer to show them around the Harbor Bou~rd fadlitµnd..aiyack. 1hcm. the 1erseant al~, He allcerdly raped both 18-year- old ·women and f~ each to perform oJher sell acts at the business. He also alleledly assaulted the 22- ycar-.old. a us Yeps woman who had flown to Irvine fora job interview with the suspect, Gnswold said. ...,. .---.,. •MO c.-• Mel C" i~ c.......-WM71-&~64i'•~' Ju•tcall 642-8086 1 I , t It • ""'~~ .. ·-~ ., S°300lfl U o.;-.••e -·~ ~ ... °"""""° What do you hkc abou.t I.be 0.al)' Pdot? Whit don't you like? Call tM numbtr above and your l'!1ftlllt wall be tteorded. tran.ttnbcd and de- livered to the approprwW tthtor. Tlw l9IM 24-hour 1n1wcri~ 1UV1re may bt ~ to ...... letMrJ IO &he .. IOr "°" H l 10flC. Contnbuton to our uum column muit include their narM and ~ltphone nu•btr for vmft?t•on. TeUt ut.wha~Oft ~ow .....S. • ' OF NIW ENGLAND Alden introduces_ its classic full strap penny and tassel slip-ons. Elegant and triml _ proportioned in the finest. imported aniline calfskins . .. I l ..