HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-05 - Orange Coast Pilotco THE ORANGE COAST Victim's parents· ~ewildered by -Kr-af--s-ileAee By JANET ZIMMERMAN Of l ... o.-y ..... JtM'I Senal murder 'tuspcct Rand> Krafi P"C up a last chance 10 1es11f> on ha., -0wn behalf Tuesday, leavu1g the parenls of one alleacd v1c11m angry" and bewildered The former Lona Beach re 1dcnt. charged wi1h 16 homose1tual-1onurc sla)'ings, ma1n\a1ned his silence as h1~ auorney wrapped up 10 "eeks of defense 1cst1mony. He has not dis- cussed the charge pubhcl) 5~.cc shortly aficr his arrest ncarl} s11t )~ ago. The courtroom was packed with onlooker and news reporters who "'ere waiting aniuousl> to St'C 1r the onc-umc computer consultant would IC tafy. • But defense attorney (j, Thomas McDonald finished his case after calli ng three wnnessts an the morning <;C\ ion. nothcr witness.. and poss- ibly Kraft. ~crcupected after a three- hour 11rcak requested by the defen~ but McDonald instead rested h1s c:asc. Kraft 1s suspected in a crime spree that tretched from 1972 to 1983 Many of the 16 v1c11ms were S(JtUall} abused. druagcd and tonur· ed. and M>mc "-ere emasculated before they were · killed and their bod1e'i dumped alon& local h1ghwa)'s l~ihon «>the 1.6 murderc-OUn.t he already race • proS«utors have accused him of 29 others. snclud1n1 11t in Oregon and l"-O in M1ch1gan. Kraft could face the death pcnah)' 1f convicted of 1"'0 or more murders Kraft wa arre led May 14, 1983. after two California Highway Patrol oflicers pulled ham o"cr for erratic dnving and discovered a dead \fanne in the front seat of his car McDonald said Kraft .,.,as anxious to 1c:s11fy, but d1dn'1 because Superwr Coun Judge Donald McCart1n re- fused to ltm1t cross-examination b)' the prosecution McDonald said Krafl. 44, wantt'd to talk about fhc of lhC mtirdf'r\ With ~hlCh he ISCrutrged, but not the other 11 "There arc a number of matte~ he' hk.c to testi fy to and there's many '----..:..___;;..;:;;..._.,.,..._ ___ --J • mancrs he kno"'s nothing about." the l~•se Me KRAFT I A2f o..,. ..... ~., ,_. ,_. Thole who could get away from work or school found some rellef In U,• surf near th• 8alboa P'ler. · ... Record .heat . tostay:fo • 8fewdays By BOB VAN EYKEN Oftne~l"lllC Sc- Tempt"ratures erupted into the 90s and hit I 00 degree at the Huntington &-ach Pier on Tuesday. brina1n1 ~ummcr-l1k4" 1hrongs 10 Oranec Coas1 beaches and ~ndmg )lfl\lrbcmes- P•l kcrc; ~rambhni, Ornngr C 03'il ttS1dcn1s can c:tpttt ~Ola i\na wind!> and hot, dry 1empctaturt'~ at lea t through today. "''h cJa)ume temperatures chmbina into the IJ(h and cool1n1 onl) to lhc upper 5Us...andJov. 6(k a1 n1sh1. the Natmnal \\eat her Service reported ··11·s ulmo')t too hot,'' uad Mike 8Jumpr1ner. a hfquard upcr"1sor "'llh the Hunun1ton Beach Manne D1' 1'i1on "Wt'rc getting an air temperature of 96 d~cs. The v.ater'\ ooout W«irtt • v. ~ch 1utill prell) cool. but a lot of people art 101na an to cool on. it's that ho1:· luesda) · crov.d 1n Hunttn1ton Reach numbc~ about 0.000. Baumgartner c ttm1ued Thac v.ere e" en h 11hcr temperature rcadm15 el'ie't"htrc 1n lbe Cit) Olli 1als reported a tual\ of I 00 d r«' a1 Huntmston ll"txh P1<.'r. Hun11n11on me Beach hf('Juank rcportet.I a rrlau"-el) h&ht CfO"-d. con 1dc.-ring the equatonaf heat. "W ( ha"c aboul 5 000. •· •id Rene field. a c;1a1e lxach soo~e woman. "That's pretty hfht. consadcnna how llot 1t ts. School s not out )'Ct, thafs problbl)' why.'" hool or no school. pcopk did flock 10 Newport Beach however ·where hfquards estimated a crowd of about 40.000 Tuesda). "Ifs a Popsicle day .. said Lt. John Blaucr or the city' Manne Safety ~panmcnt .. Tius would be a typical crowd for a weekday in um mer." Blaucr said the air tt"mperaturc at the beach was about 97 ~:And at Mor t>5 dqrtts. C\ en the water was approach1n1 ummcr temperature, C5Ald ..._:_ "That'$ warm cnouah so it doesn't c"'cn ta.kc your breath away when you 10 an," he said ... There are a lot of people 1n the ~Iler ... Thinas were mellow at Main Beach in ~Qa Beach where li~uard Lt Mike Dwinell e 11matN a crov.'Ct of about S,000 .. h's a fairl} h&ht cro"'d. but pretty Sood for a spnng ciJ.l},'' he 1d. C>N1ncll said he thought the air u:mperaturt Y.a probabl> 10 the SOs. but he sa1U he 1Uad not 5«1\ an at\cmoon thermometer rcadu\a. And ~b..goers ""on't be the only onc\eettana red in tt)c un . 'traw~ tr ~et"i~ who arc ap- proaching tht' peak of their tiancstina SiCa n. v. 1U br f tth na the · ht'lt: c-spec1ally 1f 11 con11nu for • few ff'teaM lff HEAT I IUI HB Council raises city beach all-day parking fee tO S6 ly ROeERT BARKER OflfW~,..SIMt It's 101ng to co t a 101 mol"l' for people to hop into their cars .ind dnve to 1he Huntington Beach cit\ be-dch starting next month The (.1ty < ounc1I slapped a S2 surcharic on JI sinak-da). par~ina fee\, lo ra1<;e mone} to pa) for con\trucuon of lhe storm-dama.gcd Huntington Pier. which was closed last July for safct) reason Thr surcharac. v.h1ch ra1~ a da> ·., ~rli.1ng tariff to $6. t expected to stay an forte for tv.l> or three )Ur1. oflicaal \31d. It as C'>ttmated that the increase will n11se S400.000 to OE-studenr jeiA Amnesty's efforts for human rights 1450.000 each "car O fficials said that 4 6 pcrl<'OI of the city beach-users "A-ere nonrc .. 1- den1s laJt yea r. and the surcharge""" 1a~ ou1-or-towntr5 to help P3> for 1hc rccon"ruct1on. whu .. h 1\ ewcctcd \O cost SIO m1lhon The C'1ty c f>Cll' 10 get 1he bulk of the monc~ 10 rebuild the pier from federal and •natc c,ouru·, (ti) ( oun(ll memhcr' .11<.o \Otcd to rt-duce the annual par~ing pa'sc tor l'l"\1dcnl\ from S40 tn S:\O lhl' dt."lfl'.I~ ~ 111 help bal.lOll' oul ttlc da1I~ 1nt rca-..c and ~hould gl\c lo<al rc~1dcnts a break. C11\ < ounl·1lman Jun "1l"a ~1d J m·~a\ '-•ha a 1ualh v.anti.·<l 10 r.u<.e the da1h fee trom Soi to SS ··whc~ else l31) a fam11'. 10 and \la)' for l)t hours :u tha1 prilc· ·he a kcd ( ouncal"A<oman C1race Winchell argued fu11lcl> that •n> k1nd of a .,urch:rr c v.:111 affect ·tots ofn: 1<knts and \\OulJ mil) lx a hard hip for people "ho nttd l"t\.reat1on the mo'it··· " The daily park1na rate~ at Hun\· 1ngton and Bol~ ( h1ca state beaches remain at S4. In another action· related to (Mer fund-ra1s1ng Mondu ru&ht. the C1ty Council authon'cd the PICT' Fu.nd1ns pec11I Event ommttttt \O pend S 14.170incontnbu11ons to put on the C~ne'" f'AlnCING/A21 LB Council won't agr.ee otollway- compromlse 9Y L£SUE EARNEST °' .. __ ........ The Laauna Bea h Cit} C ounc1l unan1m001ly •arced 1 u~y not to tomprom.x us lon•·held posl\H>n apinst the San J<?aquin Htll tollway even ar tt metn fail1n to annex \and in ~una Can)on ThC dcct JOO WU ma& O\.ef cbe objections of some can) On rnidcfttl •ho fdr ~ ra1tu~ of t~ aawution ,.,11 alto end theu chances 10 pin tt'Wtn. The IClioo SCI the Stall" for ~·· 2 p.m. Local ~rtey ror ....... omm1ut0ft mfttana. c::':I *'*" comnu 1ontt1 ~ ell IO -. ctde \M fate of tk can)'Oft ...... hon. Tht comm1 Oft l::l:'*' a • aiton Marth I on t ~---fll &he 890 IC~ Oft lilt -Ii* :fll lA!PM Clnyon R-. a , Toro Road and .,... .... ~Bach Ma)'Of ..... Mlidt It ttHf \ht rfty ...... - __,. a t'Oftditeon ~ • • .Pl'QVal 1'Mt condibOft WCNtd ........ ... • ·-Ml Superintendent Diane Peters Tues- day ni&ht sparked 1 roun~of applause from 1boUt 40 residents wben she recommended tbediltrict rent, rather than sell. four unused ele~tary IChoo1s in the Huntinaton Beach City School District. Some of the residents had spe>lccn sieWoaatcly apinst a.tllina the schools to developers. Residents said they feared losing park spa~ in their neiahborhoods. • "I'm elated," sa id Sterling Col- tJtunt, prntdent of Lbt homCOWftftl aaoc11tion for tM Meredith Gardens hOunna tract, which bllcks up to one of the .chools. Peters uid dcsput the d11tr1ct'1 bladlet erunth, -which required $600,000 in prosram cuts last lear, abe could not ianore a spma ad· visory committee's opposition to scllina one or more of the schools to raise money. The four ~hools -Burke, Clapp- retenon, Gisler tnd LcBard -were closed bttauJe of dec:Hnins enrol- lments in the past seven ycan.. .. We ha ve to respect thcdem()(t'ltic COok named mayor of FV; stricter city . ~thics code sought · · JOYCE IODlOVICH Bob. Moss reminded council mcm· ft AUL AltCHJPLEY be rs of a resolution called the.Code of .. °"'1 ,......,,· Eth ics that had ~n passed by the A group leading the campai.gn to City Counci l in 1969. I proct:M. .. Ntlr'I mid. ·nc board CoUhuni uid be had btard nti· conwned I ""°"tible ~.P . of mitts tM LeBard JJf'OPtl1Y IS worth OtOOlc IO 1111idy lht illUC lad brina U milhon to S4 million. '. fonh a m.-om~ioa. They made Board mcmbtts asked io ha"e a theer n:commcndltion IDd we ~ould pmpoyl for hinne 1 leainJ consult· make every ~ to fo80W '1· . .. alU put on the •rida of their April f8 •~•lolutiolacodlce . .., ........... _1191bllon • ...... .... ......... .... to ~ Mle education fUndi. r.t8.JT:: ::=' of the diaWt's Who would bt aalerelled 1n rcn na meclina. the schools ud for how m&k:h arc questions still to bt anlftred. = al diolr dit1f'i~lfPilillCCtl;lmi:""tl ...... ·-ei.eu School Dilarkt receives Sl.S l.e.uin& the IChoolt WOUJd raise "a sianificant amount less" money than telhna the propenie5. uid Gary Bul'Jncr. usis&ant 1upcrintendent of bu$1ncu ICtV~ He 11id be could not ajve lf!ICific lpret lbout bow m&Kh ~ IDOlle)' would be railed. Peters estimated the consultant wouJd cost SS.000 to SI 0.000. whkh would Med to be taken out of the di11net'1 raerve funds. Pfttrs said w was no1 enthuwistic ~bout spcnd- ina raervc funds bua felt ii wu ncttllary. "Sometimes ,ou've tot lO spend mllllon raorc than t.bc Hun~ lcKh diatrict eecb year1 lllc Pek'rs llJd publae pttSIU~ needed to I~ Mlle lcaislators to even OUI thOie • difrttincn Wlth montr provickd by Proposuion 98, a schoo fundina bajlot mcasu~ ap-Pf'O~ed lalt No\ ember. AMNESTY 11ble to tM community io which we pe>hti'cal reprcss101). hl''CI tttp0n11b1ht)," Ant.cnorc said They also wa nt to work on human From A f Socill IWl~OCSS IS growing on rights abUSC$ -especially trom~ Counay~nd nowadvitertothe lrvuie Q~campuKS. too. i less problem -in the U.S. Munoz H•ih Scbool chapcer. ye>Un• oeoole Villa Pait Hi&b School held 11s first said. are keenly aware of the 10C1af prob-Amnesty chlpter meeting last wttk. Antenore said the nc~ state lems of the wot'Jd, despite their own attracting about 60 students, sa1d framework for the M>Cial sciences ~ncrafly comfortable rives. · oramzer Nadia Da"'lS. ---i~---1 d -....._ ...... ttach _ ........ , "I'd auns about a third of the '9 just thou&ht my h1&h tehool 111~··~ 1'"""""-P.., .-'1udent office,rs a~ in volved." Ante-needed to be moFC socialfy awart." human nptund dut process. nore said. "And there's a great deal of Davis said. And It .wa!I on those issues that 19ph1s1ica1jon -more so than the Still in its organizing s&aaes. the Amnesty lnternauonal v.u born in '60s movement." group will launch lener-writina cam· 1961 when Pe ter Bcncnson. an at· At Irvin~ Hi&h. Amnesty Inter-~-ns for Political pnsoners and torney 1n Great Bnta1 n. read • news national is affifiatcd wi th the or-n some fo nd-raisers. she said. story abbut two Portuguese student~ gaotLllion tudent for Social Re· _ ey won 1mmed1ate support from They ~ere sentenced to !iitven )'tan sponsibihty. a son of umbrella group. the faculty, too. in proon for drinkina a. t0as .lO Students are interested not only in "I went to a teacher and asked 1f freedom in public place. ........ I Fountain Valley Councilman Established for elected officials as Vosnsked-the-c:ouncit-Tucsday-~ityemplo)'tt'S;'1he cod~ caltcd- o put some teeth into a Code of for a hiJller s&andard· of conduct. human rights, the focus of Amnesty he'd be an adviser and he said 'Yes' Bcncnson wondered how the Por· Jntemationa t -also 10 social n&bl 1..wa " Davis wd. tugucse authorities could be per- 1ust1cc in America and the world's She ad mits to a 1 rte surp11se that -suadcd. io....tt~se these v1ct1m of ~tb1cs adopted by a previous council Spcc1ficall)', in Section 2, it reads; ~O years ago. . "Public officials and employees are 1 The request followed the council's bound to obsc~ in their official acts unanimous approval of Laurann the highest standards of moral ity and t ook as the ci ty's new mayor. .JO dischar&e faithfully the duties of Councilman Jim Neal was selected their office regardless of personal mayor pro tern. consideration, rccoenizing that the • Cook succeeds Voss who volun-public interest must be their primary ianly gave up the mayor's gavel after concern, that conduct in both their a no contest plea in February to a officia l and pnvate affairs should be lnisdemcanor charge of soliciting sex above reproach.·· Jrom an undercover policewoman Moss suggested the council should ~ho was pe>sin& as a prostitute. meet wi th the c1 1y attorney and make • The Recall Fred Voss Committee the code meaningful. aid Voss should step down from the "It reads well, but it doesn't have ~uncil altogether. It will begin any teeth in it," he said. ~irculating petidons this weekend. George Scott, himself a candidate , During public comments at Tues-fo r the council in 1969. said all of the ;day's council meeting. recall leader contenders ran on pla tfonns promis- • ~ . mg to obsen·e the C.ode of Ethics. He agreed 1t needed enforcement pe>wer. Moss said their petition for a recall election ~·II beain c1rculat1ng f nda)'. Heest1mate<fth~ywould need 4S to 60 da)s to gather 7.000 sis.natures. "'We don't think we'll have trouble gelling the signatures:· he said. "We·ve had a lot of respe>nse from people wan tin& to carry the peti tions -and people who want to SIJn 11 ··1cs an ethics question. It s a hot item for mo~t people." iMale prostitute to stand trial for murder l -By JANET ZIMMERMAN • Of~ D9ly,... luff • A male prostitute was ordered :Tuesday to stand trial for the January ! sti5bin,g death of a Ne~n Beach : ophthalmologist. Allen Lindsey. 23, a Los Angeles- area transient, has been charged with the murder of 44-year-old Dr. Boonkird Chulapatrchcevin on the bedroortLJloor of his beachfront PAR~ING · From Al SK and IOK run. The committee expects to make a profit ofSS,000 or more in the races scheduled June 17 on abe city beach bicycle tr.ul. Officials said the commjttce needs City Council approval before spcmt-- ing money raised for pier construc- tion. lnanotheraction Monday, the City . HEAT FromAI days, according to Thelma Moses, manager of the Orange Cbunty Farm Bureau. "It'll speed up the n pening process. so they'll have to pick a little faster to keep up," Moses said." But I don't see any serious problem for the growers ... Hijh temperatures wlll probably continue on the Orange Coast fo r a few days. according to Ron Hamil- ton. a national Weather Service meteorol<>&ist based at UC Ri ver ide. apanmem:-..... <\ Harbor Mun1c1pal Coun Judge Glen n Mahler determined ahere was enough evidence to tf) Li ndsey on the charge. His Supenor Coun arraign-ment was set for Apnl 14. During a week-long preliminary hearing. defense attorney Anthon}' Kies claimed the doctor hired Lindsey to perform homosexual favors. Through his questioning. Kies Council voted to invite devclope,., to make prope>sals to bwld a golf course on more than 100 acres of un- developed park land nonh of El hs A venue and on both sides of Golden West Street. Options mclude ·a nine-hole. par-3 co urse at the Ocean View Mobile Home ..Estates or an 18-holc course that would require golfers to use a tunnel to negotiate Golden West Street. LAGUNA From A l city to adopt a corridor fee program wi thin the annexation area on the date of annexation. It would also require the city to collect the fee and deposit them with the Transponauon Corridor Agency each quarter. "The pnnCJple of what this 1s all about is. do we panicipate in the co nstruction of a hilf'way that severely damages our environment?" Gentry said. "We've been leaders m th1 fi&ht Foiles. let's stay in the lcaderslup p()SltlOn." a_ppeared 10 try and prove Chu apalrch~'> m att:adccd !.mdse) first and that 11 ma) have been his screams for help the neighbors heard. In stalcmenls to pe>hce. Lindsc) adm1ued to the Jan. 18 killing. but said 11 was in self-defense. A blood) footpnnt found on the 11le in the upstairs bathroom and a fi ngerprint in Jhe house were L1ndM:y:s. police said. Mayor Wes Bannister has urged approval of a golf course. asscn1nf that it "'ould cost more 1han SI million to develop a passive park. an alternative to thcg9lfcour~ It would cost about SS00.000 to SI m1ll1on a )'car to maintain that pon1on of the park. Ban nister said. A golf course 4lt11l has 't been approved and a survey 1s lated to go out later aski ng homeowners 1f that'~ what they want in their park: be put 1n cement foreverythina." said Ktnel. who 1s also Cypress mayor pro tern. "I beheve sometime you havt' to look. at things case b) case.'' Alternate Comm1ss1oncr David Boran said he $ympath1zes "-I th the canyon residents. "I have a feel mg for these people, I can tell you that much," Borao said. "I don't think thccomm1 slon should be that strona ·on any one point. I think. i ( it can be shown that there t'I &ood reason to ehm1nate a condition fike that, 1t should be eliminated." envi ronment. students from the upper middle class pohucal oppression. - As part of their work for Am nest) community are showina intcrc t. A nucleus of supponers launched International, students hold a v111I "It's weird becau~ I never thought the organiL1t1on that uses letter· each fall to march, read poetry. anything like this wou ld happen at wnt1na campaigns and pubhc1ty to (:irculate letters destfaed for op-m}'_ school," she said. pressure governments into frtein& pressi\ie governments and increase . E\CO in the face of adult oppo I-"prisoners of conSClcn e." awareness about human nghts viol· lion, students arc movina forward Among the first people they ations around the world. wuh new Amnesty chapters. focused on ~ere Patrick Duncan. a Carolina Miranda, an Amnc ty That's the situation in the white South Afncan J&iled for his leader at Irvine High. said students Cap1Slrano Valley Unified School oppos1 uon to apanheid; Card10al fo rmed a chapter there in the 1982-83 District where the school board Mindszcnty of Hung.if), Atthb1shop sc hool yea r that didn't survive. rejected. students' requests for Josef Beran of Prague and Ashton It was revived in I 98'7-88 and chapters at C.ap1strano Valle) and Jones, a 65-year-old merican minis- conunues to grow this )'ear with about Dana Htlls h1Jh sch'ools ter who h~d been repeatedly beaten 50 active members. In that d1stnct, students we~ up and Jailed in Lou1s1ana and Texas Mira nda and Antenore said even fighting a d1stnct policy that forbids fordemandmg cqualn1tll~for btacks. those students rtot directly involved any·ctubs on campus that aren't·tted With the apparent irowmg interest have !lhown a ~1lhngncss to help their to the curriculum. of human nlf'tS issues amons Orange fellow man. . The pe>hcy was adopted several Count} )OU\h today, mncst) can be La t year, the group held a fund· years ago when born-again Chmt1an assured us.efforts won't die raiser to aid O.itfam. the Oxford groups asked to meet on campuses 10 Carolina Miranda said there wa Famine ProJ.eCt tha1 targets self-help pra} and prosel)'t1Ze Opponents said no such apparent interest dunng her pr<>grams for the world's poor. that would cross the boundary scpar· fi~t two )'ears at Irvine. tudems were a kcd 10 fast for a ~mg church and state. "During my freshman .. and da) and give their lunch money to Lorenza Munoz. one of the student sophomore ~rs. none of these Oxfam. They raised $1,300 in a organizers for Amnest). said the orpnizauons was ""' eiustencc:· she $1Dglc day . group 1s mee ting off campus, anyway. said. "People have found an· outlet in Aware.. of problems in their o~n h~ said they may form their own 1t. community, Irvine s1udcnts also club and separate:.. tbemglvcs _from ··1 think It's done a lot for thr raise funds for Orange County's Amnesty to broaden their agenda. student ~Y am:f brought a lot of homeless and stock dry goods for W.h1le the~ want to v.mc letters for awarenicss with 1t" rtndents oflnine's temporal) hous-Amnesty, tbcy·rc also 1hmlun1 about Ancj 1t en uri-future helP-.for '"f. u n1tj, · start1ng...i campaign for children people ltke Miranda's uncle -Ench 'We made a aec1s1oill01>C rc""spo......,n ... _ _...,ar=~d-the world who arc v1ct1ms· of. Schnake. KRAFT From Al attorney said. ··1 do not want him lUbJect~d to a vtC1ous croswxam1n- at1on by the prQSCCutor on matters he knows nothms about." Kraf\'s lack of testi mony huns tht' defense. he said. but it would mean cross-cxamina11on on aJI counts. De- nial of the motion to hm 11 cross.- examination. as well as an earlier denial to sever the 16 count • will be v ounds for an appeal should Kran be convicted, McDonald said. .. •Deputy D1stnct Attorney Brya n Bro"'n left the counroom 1mmed1-atel> after the 'heanna and could not be reached for comm ent. The fa mily of one of Kraf\'s alleaed v1c11ms, Rodacr James OeVaul Jr., s.a1d the} were outrqed the defendant did not tes11fy. "Damn 11. (Rodacr) deserves his day m coun JUSt hke Kraft," said his father, Rodaer DcVaul of We t· minster. "Our chance 1s gone now We'll never know why ·· The bod) of OeVaul Jr .• a 20.year- old Marine, was found Feb. 13, 1983, by hikers near Mt Baldy 1n Lo Anatln County OeVaul's mother. hirlc)'. avced that she and her family were cheated because Kraf\ didn't testif)'. "11 tJti&ht ba\.e helped US I httlt b1t to understand more ... It would have ai ven us 50me haht as to why," he said, wiping tears from her checks. "'Now we'll never have the ans~ers " h1rle)' Devaul said she has attend- ed all but one half-day or the nine· month trial. In the last of tesumon) Tuesday. the dcCensc called Lawrence Pion a UC l Medical Center pharmacm t McDonald's request, 1he expert placed a number of vahum tablets into beer, which in 1urn foamt'd and pilled over. Many of the v1ct1ms had dru~ in their S>.stems that matched drugs found tn Krafl's To)'ota Cchca when he wa~ pulled over . The defense apparenll) wa tl')•na to show the 1lle&cd vtcum "-Ould have known the 6cer "-ere drug cd a.nd max have 1'kcn the drua.s voluntan ly. The one link to all the\ 1ctims "'as that they were with out transportation the la•t 11me the> were seen ah\ie. The dcfcn1e fa iled to offer an explanauon u to how tbe bod> of Terr> Gambrel. a 25->ear-old Manne. &0l 1n the (ront scat of Kraft's car McDonald contends Gambrel was not dead when officcn pulled Kraft over and he said the burden of proof 15 on the pro uuon. "Mr Gambrel was 1n the tar 1n 1 med1call}' dastrcsscd si tuation ," McDonald tatd ''The j urors don't know be was nuh1 na htm to ~t medical aid." The officers 111d K.t1ft never men- uoned Gambrel nttded help. But McDonald said they wert shouting orders at h.1m throu&h a bullhorn and did not g.i"e him ume to explain. Gambrer s pants were pulled down to his knees and he had hpture marb on rus neck and faint marl.s on hi wnsts Kraft ~1d he picked him up h11chh1k1ng. One of the most damaaana cle- ments of the case 1s wh~t thc P.rosecuuon hu termed rafl's 'death hst.'' which h s 61 crypt.c entncs. But tht dcfcn$C cl.aims the hand"'ntlen llSI found in Kraft' car · · at the umc of his arrest 1s mean- ing.Jc ~me en1nc~ on the h t include. "EDM," v.-h1ch pro cuton say tand for Edward Daniel Moore. whose body -.as found Dec-26 1972. 1n al Beach, and "M HB 1 auoo," for Robert W)'att lc?ains. a tattooed Manne lound in SCptember 1980 m Hunu~ton Ek t\. Kraft s tnal is c~pected to be the toni est and must c~pcn 1\'C in Oranae County h1~IOI"). nus t'l5(" tthpscs some of the state's larsest 1eri1I k1 ll1dl caSH, 1nd udina the Hill 1ck tranaki' and the Frecwa} Killer The tnal .. ,11 rnume Thursda) momina when the p~ution as bedulcd 10 beg.in prtient1 na In than a "'eel of ~buttal •~hmon)! The ckfen..c ""'"then ha\ic 1t chan~ at fd>unal, followed bY CIOS1 n1 111u· menu and j ury dchbtration,. "I'd expect we're going to co ntinue with record or near record high temperatures for a couple of days," Hamilton said. "Then what usually happens is the deserts start to heat up faster than Jhe inland areas, which draws in the sea breezes. Then you'll get some cooling, starting with the coast and extending to the inland valleys.·· However, canyon resident Sandy Lucas, who was instrumen&al m CJ-eatina the specific plan for the canyon. dJMl'ftd. "I really hate to th ink our health and welfare ti at tilt mercy of a principle, whether 11 be LAFCo's principle or Laauna Bc.cb's." she said. "RJght now, the way it looks to u • it's a tic -two-two." said can)'on rcsacknt B.aclwd. Lucas, Oranac County Supervisor Gadd• VasqlK1. who is also a commissioner. and Comm1111oncr James Flora seem intent on insisun1 the cond111on 111y r.==::::====================================:::::: in place, Lucas said. Hamilton said Tuesday's high temperature of 94 dearees 1n River-~ wu one dqree sbon of the all- • time record, and he predicted near record beat for Orante County as well The downtown Los Anetles Civic Center IOatCd to 100 ~ at 2 p.m., breakina the previous record of 93 dcp'ees xt In 1971, aa:orduls to the weather service. The century mark also tied the all-time tctnP.Cf1ture record for the month of Apnl set on Apnl 231 1910. Los An,ela lntemallonal Airpon hit an all-time hiab for the month of April wit.b 91 dejrca. No histOncal reoords 1re kept for OtanlC County by the weather ter· vice. ttl 'HI 11,1 1 ,., •• Just call 642-6086 Canyon rcsident5 who have met wi th commissioners over the pHl month say they bthevc the com- millionen would hive welcomed 1 compromise. .. We Ill ~the feehna wi1bout 1 doubt that do waDI UI IO MMa in&o the city." ~ llodHDU Mid. SiMC COmmillion CbMrwomaD Evelyn Hin and O.U. C.ncy Su~sor Don Roth. a1io a com- millioner, arc out of town, two alternate mcmbm will be linana on the commitlioa .,. AJ1aMle ~ David Boran Dd Jol9n k.lncl iadk:allid Tuelday Iba& UW Condhioft .. not *** .• -• ., .. ~ weft CCMal'DOd. '1'lliiC ta.tlof polkiel ~ ftOI To pin approval on the. annexa· t1on. lhree of tM four comm1ss1oncn wall hive to vote 1n its flvor W1thoµt three votes. the anntd· alon plan. wbich was hlmmcttd out between rnicknu and city staff, wall die for at least a ye8t. Sandy i.u.. iaid. Tbe current anneaauon requn1 ia hnpananc to me cisy pan1y-... it ............. ..,.:~ pl IO fW.a~ lftMI die COlll9IWIY °'' ... But cuyon .aidrall •Y dteir problem• ~ MOtc iaun.diate. ••After Ibis it °"er• DIODle ac LAFCo. will ID -* to thiir lMMnd Ud t11ey•re ~ 10 bt ftnt." Laa11 •id. '°Tk ploplC on the Chy Council Will ID blick IO their boines. Ind lbey're JDial IO bt fine. "Aftcl we're IDl"I io to bKt to our llolnes Ind itilJ neld lewerL •• ==-... -···· • The Go Everywhere Dress OM M. '• versatile jacket dress in cool poly/c:otton poplin makes a great traveling compenion. FU1Chia jacket over a ~t blue top Md white skirt, lim 8-18, $140. For Out~ Catalog Cal Toi Free I_, Kt-1174. l•sn1t81 Mauleon Partctn.., Plua all Moulton Pkwy. (714)~ &ore Houri: Mon.&t. 9-5 Newpunl1ach w.ccmPma 1062 lrWw AMit. (714) .. lllJ Store Hours Man.-111. 106 l <>t' newsroom re.kindles. reporter's memories 'Oftl> l newipapenun (or w.omss) cu rally lppNalte the f«ol-~-J'O'I .at an to 'a ""'9r00m or into tbt luctioa dellertaleot or out llllOftl the ~ tbe *OGClertuJ Old adchctjon retuntt. It's in your blood. alid 11 will be there rOttVrr. Thafs one reason I feel to much as ltOme at tbc Dally Pilot. 1t•s a ntwspaptt-a daily ~Pl~ - and the onJy one in south Orlnae County with its ·· own ~nt, its own prn9n, ~red to ~pon the nev. s · when at happens. every day of the Wttlc: • Another rtason I feel so much at home 1~ that rve bttn comana into tbe Daily Pilot so often for more lhan 20 yan. lack Curley arid Bob W ttd and I put t<>sethcr a great public serv1~ adven1 ang campaip tl\tt wan a 101 of fmnds-. ra11ed'money ror .. _..many wof\hwh1le chan- ""' hn and won M>mc enzes. includtnJ tht Georfe Washington Meda from Freedoms Fouodat100 at Valley fo~. Over the years I woutd v111t the Daily Pllot to rc~rch the city's history. or to enJO) conversations wath Tom Kccvil when he and I wouJ<r~nttrtam V11 pJ Partch and Dick haw. or to swap tale with Tom Murphine nlx>ut the era and aur.i or old .. _.•Balboa and the Rendezvous and Bal Weck nd with each v1s1t, I felt the psycholoaical 101oiiteat100 from the 50unds and pnntshop smells so familiar to all newspaper people. The new paper profession 1s a ven-small group 1n temuofthc numberorpcople involved. When I ~e the local TV stations list credit~ every Fnday n1ghl. 1denur) mg tho~ who contribute to the evening ne"s. I "ondcr JU t what the hell all those people an: doing. the) must be folltng all O\Cr·ca h other. But a newspaper as not a labor intensive 1ndustr). which may be one reason all of us ever rcfatcd to the businc s have 'iO much rc~pcct for a trul) professional reporter. rewntc per-.on. copy desk or city desk editor or writer. It's a proud bunch. For a long while. I've admired the young news taff of the Dail) P1loL The bngbt new wnter~ and the sharp editors remand me ohhc old Los Angeles Da1l1 e"s. The t"'o Hearst papers and the stodg) old Time beat our brains o ut wath total staff and numben of pag". But the Daily C"'S "as fun to read bttausc 1t was fun to write Lee Pa)nc. the managing editor. ,ilJld (hart~ Judson. the ell> editor. would post the best stones. the best fcads. and once an a while there "ould ~'a S 10 boo as-tone m the Dail) Clo\-\\ere memorable not JUSl for the OC\\S but ror the way that news \\-aS presented. . One or our be t rewnte men "a the late \1th Phmne) "ho could take :in ordinar') coet of faeb and v.nte a \tor) that ~ng. One comes to mind The other papers told about a kJd Ro"' rn1den1 "ho befriuded a homcl~s man and let him-hare his hotel room. The OC:\I mormng. the re4'1dcn1 a"al.ened to find lhc tran,crgonc, and 'iO '"'-lS all ha~ monc). his wallet and bis false: teeth Ph1onc) 's lead \Vtnt something ltle this· "John Doc. or 2.U Lo \n&clcs \trcet "as{l't an n mood for ,m1hng 1oda~. but even 1fhc wcrc, 1t "'ouldn'1 ~a wanning smile" .\nothcr lime:, the fire JcJ*inmcnt "'as called 10 hel p a mother "hose 2-)car-old bo> was caught an n poll) 1.hair. Dall) c"' rc"'n1c man oamcJ Lee Spnngcr "rote thi' opcnin1 paraaraph .. Twcnt) )Car Trom now. John Jones will be a pan) stopper "hen he a ks, 'Did I c' er tell )OU about the time I got m) head causJlt 10 a toafct SC3l.,. .. When you-think or the da1 I~ dcadhne'i. the constant time restraints. the )awnan1 empt) white: columns bc:ulog to be filled. it t'i truly rcmarl.able that so mud\good "nting 1s 1n the Daily Ptlot toda). The leads arc bri&ht and provoca11,r, the heads arc commanding and 1nformat1ve. much of the wntina and cdttm& '' rcm1m cn1 or the old Oatl): Nev. . aoJ the "'nuna of PhmnC) and ra Ho) nofT and Phil Garnson and Gene Coughlin and )C . of our pn.tc rcwnte man. Jat-k m1th lhe te hnolot> of new P3penna ha chanced a Jrrat deal IO the paSl 20 )e.an. but the b:l IC comfnodtt).' hu not New, as "'hat )Ou cllpcct. 10 M>mc deuul, and w11h the Daily Pilot. new, ·~ "h111 )OU get, 1n challcnaing wntana and cd1tina. It ma' come to you '11 computers. word proccs\On and elcc tron1 cold t) pc but the end product 1s \t1ll 1he ~me. \\man) of )OU lnow. wnt1n1 column 1\ old hJt for me . .\ftcr appcanoa ror I l )Ca" 1n cwport Beach. m) column WI\ dropped ·b) the f os1gn bttaus.c of hardcnina of the artenes. and rm urc aJad the) weren't mine. JI• rn ... ,, • ,..,,,., Hut'l'rl'Of IN Orutt c ... , .. .._ t'9111 ... , .. ""'""' .,.. ,,.,, , ..... ,. muy. Hl1 NI• .. W N8 • ,,,_,. •f lte Ne•,.rt ~Ip Mtl .... 'f'Wff ~ • ltrln •I ~t ~I• at,.,,, w•~r. T•ltea 1 "Tlmt •I M7 U1t" •Ill ~., Ill $11 ~ ettr'' rr~•1 u4 Sai#lll1. • POI.IC I I Of, up ., 8C)9 VNI IYICiN tion ~n~. °' • .._,..... The controvcrs) actuall)' c:enters on COlll ---~ So,,.,:_,,n• Car"-' up Shart>OurSt-he1, "hiehit~ man)more -"""' "' .. peopk a da) than the soup kitchen d~. k11dwa ll llill lookins ror \Omcone who earn, al&houih tht bclnauercd e.._nty has But fi"e weeh aao. liatlebcra an- found 11 aa teas& a temporaf) hoSM. nourked that )he would be w1lhnf to mo~ c Mfttt HatJebtra,. who ~rvCJ lunch to her wup lu1chen 10 takr some o the heat about 200 dnmutc people a day at hC'r off hart Our ~Ive·' kitchen in the Rea Communit> Center. he said he 11\antrd a tocat100 m an wanll to move her operation to make indu tnal area, where lhrrc would be no peace with "8te nc1Jhbors ne11hbors to compla'll about the people She said T ~ • .,. that \he had fou~d • she \Crved. but 4ihe said the ( hmta n temporar') location at the South C t ( hurch "ould do Olt'<'I> for 1 whM Chnstian hurch, at V1ctona trcct J "I've found a church" ith :i heart," he Pla~n11a \'Cnue. . id ""low I'm loolang for a warehouse Contro\.crsy has \moldered and Oared with a hean ... for )c&rs 10 the West C~ta Mesa nci&h· There have alread) been rumbhn~ of borboods around the cent(r, whcrl" rcs1-dis.content with the move from mt kast one den11 WI)'. they feel threatt'ned by the resident ~ho h\'e near the chun:h. and cro"ds or poor and homclc\s ~pie ""ho ont' Co ta Mesa Cit> councilman said he u!iie the ~up kttt'hcn and the adJa~cot reared the mo\c might creatc more bart"Our • I~ chn1c and fOod d1 tnbu· probkms than 1t wlvro. Students' memorial ReAeFs 9af e Gee§aA, . ' By ROBERT BARKER 1\1urra). "Crl' in attendanu'. t--WU!~o~.!!NcM!! ''"" l he idea 10 plant thl' tree to hom>r The children at flopc Vtc\Ot \<.h~uo~ . , 'itnCll} the stuJe.ft spcnt$116tn\l\Jdcntll<x.l)fundsfor a c:nunc 1I . Jnnc:apal (1a~lc Ho"le-s tree lhcy planted 1 uesday m honor of \did rhc )<>Uogster' ra_a.-.cd mom') b> f S [) l (• 'IC.:ll1n* boor.. rn'or' I lun~ llopc ormcr upcrmtcndl·nt a c O<>Jan Vil'\\< ucl.t~ .tnJ othl·r ik'nl\ she \\<ho died last month lrom comphca-~rnl • t1ons apparent!) related to brain c oogan's bar.,cbJll rnrd "a' canc:cr. • donuted by founh grade tc;ichcr Doug fhc) held 1hc ccrcmon) at tnl' l t•(,antvoort. "ho d ~J~t n Hunt1rigton Uea1.h ckmcntar) ~hool at the Orange ( oa~ swap mt:cl all<iut to 1.01 nc1dc "llh the opcnang of the Hl)cars ago MU,Jor League ba\Cball ~31\0n an r c(1an1 H>Urt ~Id h\.' "'.111..cd up lo il An~he1m. man selling maJor ll'J~uc h.i-.chall (oogan "a'a profcs'i1ooal bawball q ars.h and ~1d ··1 hct \OU don't ha,l· pla)er lor 10 }t'ar'i and pla)cd fir~t one of the gu) I "allt 111\ 1wrnl' 1\ ba~ lo( part of one -;ca son with the D:ilc < oogoin The &U) "l'nt through · P1mbm\h P1rntl'' "hen he \\3~ 19 Im ,_tack ·ancJ ..aid ., uu'rl' right I ( amcron C .1rr i I. "'ho holds tht• dnn·t ha'e ulll.' I haH' l'-'O • ollicrolsnthgradc~naturat ,lfopc ·1 ooughl one and"'' lru.:nd V1t.'\\, buried a ume capsule lhl'lt bought thr other·· · cont.1nud a ba'iehall rnr<l ot ( oognn fcGant,0011 S<Jad hl· had ahq, .... 1n his P1ratl' unalorm intt•odt.-d to 8t'1 Coogan 10 r.,ign 1tic fhc )Oung\tl'f\ al'io pul m '' t11rd but ncH•r got :irounlt 10 1t Hl· baseball as "'di a\ phntu\ .1od ..aid he'~ \orr\ hi· dido 1 .. 1ntcrc~ting I.it I\ about thl' \tU<kni The 1rec the wung'ltl'r' pl.rnll'd 111 J council < ame111n and '>tudent ho<l) gra'i') arc.1 cloo;e to .a h.1.,..·h.111 prc'lltlt•n t D.1rnt.I.. Ka,mu\S\.'n hal l\top ,., .i < up.an1of>"' prc\1dcd Cl\ er the acll\ 111es c' en anJ<ard1otdt'\ -,1 carrot"'~ though SCH'ral SfO\\JIUP\. U'dud1ng ·~·hool onit1al<; ~atd II"• a n.1ll'l to school board Prt·~denl Janel (,arntk \u\lr<1l1.t that gro"' 1n a lw1l'hl of and m.'" supcranll'ndcol \font\ \.fat· ahout 'O kr1 - Orenge Coeet OAILY PtlOT/WedMedey, Apttl 5. W • nl "I'm afraid 1f )OU haH· peopk walking o"er th('rc from SOS 10 u~ the soup k11chen , you·~ 101ns In ha ve •lot mort ptoplc on V1ctont1 Strttt 1h n \Ou ha'<'r no~." ( ounc1lm1n On \mburgc) \J1 d. But the Re" Bob l.wma. pa~lor ol \outh Coa t < hrist1an ( hurch. Silld hr did not c~pcct man\ problt'nt .. I think n lot of the neighborhood concern o\ er around the Rea< en1~·r j., due to the I.Kt that )Ou ha\e pcopfc there all da> Iona:· Ci"1n1sa1d · ~krlc 1sool)' going to~rvdrom I to.1p.m ,andpcopk1uen't going' to ix' !X'HllJllCd to rl·ma1n on thr proper!) after those hour\ \\c:'re 1.1lw prctt'f "ell fcoctd in. so I don't fortSt't' the same l1ods of complain I\ ar1s1ng " C'1t) ( ouric1lwoman Ma r} flornbud.k also said he bchl'' cd there \"oultl be fc\..,cr problems OAt the nl."w l<X·at1on • "I u Jl\Xl thcrl' "111 he a k\\ obJel't1ons. hut 11·, n partioll) commrmaJ 01rl.'n, o ly thrre art tcwcr ~idents," IM Mid. •And the intent, 1n any rate, 11 to .,.act H around • httk'. so the ~ms are DO( l'On<:entratro 1n one -arta." f wing '"1td Hatlcwra had~ IM ffiliht ntttl to ta)' It the church ror Ml monthi. to a \car "But 1f 1t 1cx longrr.1hafs aU nsht ~ .. L hr 'lltd. • • Meanwhile. Co ta Mesa oftkiaJund the Oran~· ( ouoty Community Dev~ ml·nt ( ounc1I. a pnvatc poveny ~litf agency. arc lf')'tnl to offtr some 1S1ista11CO 1n locauna a permanent home for Som• one <.arc · ··w e're lookina· 1 what we can do,'' ea' Buddy Ray. the Community Dcvcaop;. men I Council' c~ecutivc cxccuth·c d1rte- 1ur "We don't have anytiuna yet. but rm hoping to have a recommendation to takt to our board of directors on pnl 26." f Food stand battle a real · hot pot~lt:e ~ ~ -. ~~~·~--,--....,...-- By fRtS YOKOf Of,,_. o..,, l'llol S1.-IY Thr owner\ of a 'im.111. popuJar '\le\\ port tkJch ous1oc "3) the) art• tx'iog tO\'>l'd around hi.\.' a hot potato b~ largrr compan1 c'I that wnot to for<.'C the food 'l tand out ol an S'' bh\hed ,pot at r .ishion l'llaod's .\traum ( oun Barbara o nd \te\.e "cnt. o" "'·'"'of Po\h Po1a10. hnve tx-c11 ordcrt•d to cease scllm& hakrd potatoc\ from their \vagoo ;it tr1um (nu rt h\. .\pnl I ' rhc couple ( IJ1ms the rights of the ~m. II t'iu\lon' owner arc hciog ma hl'd an tha'i actmn Howe .. er. otfainl of Ranch Meat ... fhc lr\.1nc (o and the countv hl•alth depart- mental! )'the "eotHao'tcont1nucto~·ll their pudi bcc.:au'>l· thc> do not ha\.c all lh"· required fac:1lat1e'I to"Operate a lood "-'n 1u. establishment ancc 1985 customer., h:nc Ood.td to the Po$h Potato IO·pui:chaS(' onc.-pound baked potatoc piled high ~1th the rus- tomcr's (ho1cc of n topping~ "11 "'a m)' concept m) idea," Barb~ra cnt said of the potato bar buc.ane'I\ .. We've brough1 mJn\' m.10\ pt·oplc to l'wporl Beach bel..:tuse of th1\.' mona lhC 013n) 1ntcrC\ICd lU\tOmerS drawn 10 the bU'itnl.~,, ;arc groUP'J of Japa~ to un<it $ "'ho read • bou1 the \UC~\sful spud ~ll~r 1n J,1pan·., edition ol Entrt~reneur mug;wnc Kent \ltd "We're aoina to fran<hi~ in J ~n:• t-..cnt '"1•d "..\nd "c.\c had o'er isl people who want to lmnch1\<' "ith u\. (1n the United tales) .. Hut the Posh ~ot:ato c,1 tcJ b) u"nl ti\(: lr\:1ne Ranch f;irmcn M. rt.;ct's k1tchC'n fac1ht1~. "'I fC\ult. lhc POIJtO ~a on wu kfi out in the cold ~hen In. me Riilnt.•h -.cn1 ,. banl.rupl Jnd ccaoSCd operation\ al .\tnum tha1 ha' (thi.• l1h.hl·n> fa 1l1tR·' thr\ ft" a hule tn uoo here h' ( oun 10 October l't"qutrid 10 haw." fJJtr ~.ud • 01 ~ntll Um ·· ... l he In me Co rt-opened the mnrket thl' 1 he "agon cannot tx· lOn\ldt•rc<l a c:in \\-.ilkcr \a1d he undcrs1ood the health nc\I da\ a<; r armers l\.1arket 1n .\tnum \.'lthl•r li l c tho-.c u ·d to -.ell h<>I dn \ oflk101I ·order\ 10 mt'an he must hire his ( oon. bnn11n1 1n conn·\ 1om11n."\ to run N.•cau • ol ccrt:un \tructural and produ< 1 o"n 1afT to run the "aa<>n "fn a food the mailer lood ~r\lu' operation ac-requirlmeot '><'t t'I) 1ht• '>~ti! IOI looc.1 o~rat100 hke this. ~ou t'an't' ha'e SC\etal cording 10 Bonnu.· l:;.lder. r.,pokes"oman tor \t~ 1< c l:.HI\ dtO('n-nt optrnt1on; runnina an the iamc Donahue hnbl'r. ihl' Inane (o's man· "l 'nder late l;a\Ot, fl(•taHx·~ JI'\' 1101 h'>ll'd location.'' agt'mcnt farm ' n!I one ot thl' appro'l'd food'i tor t.lrt'> • \\-alken11d he plans to continue adhna tfo~cver. t~o or the bu'llOC'i~'i 1oclud-~•d Jim l·h1'lton ... ., 1'itan1 dtrC'C"tor of tht' hal..cJ pouuoc 1ng Po h Potnto; could not he \Cparatcl~ county cn\1ronmcntal health d1\1\1on "ThcSt"pcopleha,enc,crdoncpotatoes Opt'ratcd bc.'Cause the\ \\('re run as pan of lfuc,ton ~·d hl' dt\CU\~·d "1th iht• )o,.rnt\ bdorc:· argued Bar~ra Ken I. "We·vc aot lr\loe Ranch r armcr'i \1arlct. l hkr said. ~H·ral \\'a\\ 10 \\h1ch lht'\ cuulc.l \IJ\ 1n npcrtl\C an It . "'We mforml'<l the t"o operators of upcrJtton fht-"rn1~ 1d lhfl!) ttave repeated! that:· he ~1d • • Open .1 .,mall rt't.111 hu\lne'' ol thc11 tncJ lo wntatt Oonafluc hn~r about A\ a rc'iult. Po\h Potato rnntacted own. ""h rnmpktc lt>t 1ht1L'\ an<l \lmpl) lea\10 thl'ar o"n lac1ht\. in \tnum Coun t funt 1ngt00 tkac.:h-bJ\l.·J Ran h \1l"at'I U!ot th . \\3 on OA\ lllll' JllC'l l' ot C'llUIJ)ltlt'lll in hut the m;.in4emen1 company has not ~h1c:h had ta~cn oH·r opcr-.ltaon ol the the llu\loc..'\ re,pondcd .\trium ( ourf~ me.lt and fhh dep.:artnwn1 • Ohta1n 3 ix-rm11 to o;,cll thl' potatc't'\ ··we ""'rt' for1.C'd to get out... tt\e Kent dl'11 Atrium (ate. \a lad o.ir and \u<;h1 bar trnm tht.· "agon. J\ lon1 .1, th\'\ had U\t' ot \J.ld "\\ l' te-cl by not dealina openly "1th r he tl.\O bu 101.''l\C\ 'l.\.Orl.t.-d out 40 agree· complclt' .. 1h:hcn fot 1h11t'\ nl":.Hh) U\ I he In IOC Co. throuah Donahue mcnt \o Po h Potato wuld u-.c Ram h • H01\ c3Jlothcr nlmN "'that pc"'C'~" hntlCr h.11\ dcpnH·d us oft6e opponum-M~at~ -0\-Cn r~fr1 ·r;ttur <.lnd uth1:.r all llk. tcqwrcd ill ht•r\Jat 1ht1t~ \Ul h a;; l\ ot dom a"' bu mc-s~ at all at Atnum l11chcn f.ic 1ht1e\ Ranch \katr.,, <•pt'r.t1<' 1hc "agon uncJc r "" Court. ~here' ~l' mned our business and Th1nlmg oll \.\<a'i worl..cd out Donahue ~rm1tr., J'l\um•ni lull rc.,pon\1h1lm for hu11l up cl1cn1clc. }\('"·Int to stay there." hnbl.'r Ba' t Ranch \.1cat\ th\.' ngh1 10 compl11n c ~•th all lawHnd ·' tOuot:ih1h· ( ldcrsa1d met the ~cob m1t1ally c~ loos-h~rm opcr.rnon ol th" Po\h l'olJIO 1n t) lor ;in~ '1ola11un to hnl up \\-ilh Ranch Mea~ to ux lhc their name. Elder ~ad , tlu\ton :t1d 101" "l"<'k he rc~cn ed a l::a r lOmJ)2o,:, k1tchtn fac1httn. "1t' I lo~c'\.'r rnunt) health ollic1.tlo, .,,ml lc11er 11 um Runt h ~kll'i ul thl' (omp. n' ·, bl.'t\OtCCA-Ranch Meat and Posh Potato " rl-gul.u1on require tha1 Ranch \k.ll\ intent to ta~ toll rr,pcin\lh1h1' of 1hr " l he prnhlcm 1 . the cnu mid. Ranch emph.\\tc'i opcrJtc the pelt.Ito "..t&on a~ " on undl'1 11' ix·rm11 lie hh otli 1i1ls i\kat'I l\n't "tllin• to cooperatt "'Ranch "ell. :u'.:rnrd101J to Elder 41<1 RJnt h Meat\ 1n arr thu' ~tl'llk,t 1hc ~u1n-tl Iott iht1(\ "'111 Meat,, ""'C bchc,t. 1s do1n1evcl)th1n1 they March g;l\ c Po1h Potato '<) da t' not1le 1u tlt'. pm,.KJ J tw \.1tJ an to put u\ out of bu~anC'Ss thty can cea~ opt·ratlClO\ fhC' t-.xnl\ and Ran~h ,, .tt\ l'llilt.ll'i tUk(' Q\('C our bu Inc .. Cc~e Ktnt said. The N'l1\ fort~ hl-alth ollu:mi..· mu\t h h l)UI htt'<'l.'<'n thlm<ieh r' thl" Th•1'cntsarctn1naalast-d1tchcfTori dm."(t1"e ,., tht· goH·rnmeo1al (IJ\)1• ,.,,u(' of "hC'thl'r th 1'cnt'> ltn \ ll t J t ttl bl.'tore thl") mu,1 leaH !\mum< oun nCllt ficatlon of tht• potato \\elgun I\ :t piece ot run th('~" on Hu\100 .,..,,, \\l rr nnt \\C'd. I.ht•) hJ\C pa~ o ut n1crs to aJI equ1pmco1 h~t a l.11.l for. \tnc:e th\' 01 ng to sc\ 1n\of\cd 1n th.11 l...111J ot thr1r C'U'llomer<; a\lma 1h~m lo wnte " aon 1'1 not lull) C'QUtppcJ "'1th k1Khcn con1ro'l'"')" appcah to lninc Co C'ha1nnan Donald r. c1h1JC''I Ranlh Mt: 1' prn1d nl ~11h \\ ;.il~t·r Brc:n. "The) .1n't opcratc the po1 to "':.aon '3td ht nJ 1ht ....... nt') h:J'<' ··nl'HI t•n \ml<' th~ t"3mpa1Jn httan fnda) night. without btana ,..,,oc1atw -.1th a re taurant ahk to1.oml' lo Jn rt"emrol. l ht.'f\··, Oel'n the t-..cnl\ ha' e colle1.1Cd~OO kum. • I n_ h htr ak'ohol. Agaft8 IM:'W • • • • ma~ •ho was rtpont'd l>•"I 1n Th~\IC pncd open a l«k: to a c.tr C'amP\,I\ l)m e. I he h<>ll wa • u d h\ tht bu~tn~ I<> l"t('('t\c romPll.!'Y m \1 cht'\:k in amount of l .CXX> to SW.000 tht I WOO hlock of Bnpton R"cr brt"C'Cfl 7 am. and 6 ,p m. MunJ"' and thec ulprn rcmo,cJS J,700"orth ol pro~ny. Ir' in~ Burglar\ ton:~ o~n the beek door ut a h me on \Mrincn 4.\.'CftUC ind \tole.an e'it1matcJ SS.000 in~. the perluna lot ofa df'\11_ ltOfC •• Fint on the ~ond le\cl or tht' perl1na Avtn• and Coett 'Hishway wa\ tructurc at Guardian Center at artntcd for pubhc 1ntoua11on Mon·· Beach 8oule~ard and Warner v- day 1f\cmoon cn..c and J4ok an ,\MfFM d1111.a l • ' • • caMCne .-c~. M~ltancous n~m• were taken • • • from a motorhomt 1n tht 700 block of ButaJan cue a .crtto to a bedroom N tth oe t Hilthwav on Sunda) -•ndow 1n lht' 7CXX> block of · inc 1 0 ' T • 1 · Dn"c and stoic U .36S •n~•'l'lr:y. call to ootict rcprdtnl a prowler • • • .1n the J 500"block ofOltnnryre tn:ct ~J'IOlllbtY uted a pl\tkc oa MOftday af\emoon was rarK"C'llcod to llral SS.700 in ~lry 1n th( 6 ' wblfn tht su'Pt(t tuf"Md oat 10 br a bt«t of umtimand Orivt f'rimd of the· rcponana perty s boJ(riead. • • • Somt"o~ cul the .s>edlO\ k oil an iron ptc anJ ma\hN the ala' J oor ofaJC"clt) tore at 42.SO ~ott l.>riH th\'n took an unJttcnruncd amount of costume watche\ and Ml\ < c~ta M~ .\ man ~cauna a pr h<olori'(l \\-(IOl:ln·, l~O-jltC\ h.athang \Ult I\ ~1ng wuaht alkr hc-walh~l m10 the pool n; of a mmJommlllm om· pl , poured glur on a oman folio" J a ~'t"'Ond worn n to her humc: ftnc.J pulled do" n ht\ pant\ t k "' c, dC'o,cribl'\J 11 Onrnt.al , feet 7 1n,h \ t:all. we1ah1n 160 r1ound • • • m >O\ "ho ma) h 'e P\lS" \\Ion l'lf ~ IX''' ~n burglari1cd a home on i\lmaJ r, Ul._IOJ an C'ill· mated 4' IX)() 1n "'Cll'} and \ll\er • • • • The "°' 1blt theft of 200 .:99.i~ Of Ur\lll~~ WI\ rtponC!d ., OU.left Warthou~. 10 Holland. • • • • thf'N pa1ntm Id\ aklrnt an a holM on Kron trttt att ~ .. ~ th\: ft ofS~.<n>~ ~ 1n ·~ • • • • me wt~er da ..._, M,.. damaat w• ..._ ~ of'lllll root ~olla at Fedft'at El...., I hS I Von Karman vt. 0renoe Cout OM. Y PILOT/ ~. Ap..61 5, 1989 .. ~orbachev proposes z HAVANA (AP) -Soviet Pm1- dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev said Tuesda)' that the supcrpo\\>crs should renounce military intervention in Latin America and the ~ribbean and make the rtgton a zone of peace. Addressing the Cuban National Assembl). he also emphasized that Soviet-style rcfofms arc not a univer- sal remedy for other communist countnes, tncludmg Cuba. '"We do not regard our approaches and soluuons as some universal prescnption (or all,·· he: said in what ap~red an attempt to minimize thr d1flcrence bl-tween Cuba's onhodox communism and Gorbachev's new prapatjsm. Gorbachev said the Soviet Umon opposes the "export of revolution or countnrcvoluuon.'' "'fcmng to both Cuban and U.S. pohc) 1n Latin America. But he also reaffinned that t~ Soviet Umon will connnue suppl) ing weaponry to Nicaragua's kR1 t aov· emmcnt •~long as the United 't.atcs continues to ann other CcntraJ Amencan countn~. The is uc remain5 a major sore point. 10 rclauons bet\\>ttn Washing- ton and Moscow. There had been speculation 11\at Gorbachev, in a gc ture of fnendsh1p toward Cuba, might announce for- gi veness of part or all of Cuba·s debt to the So"1et Umon. But he barely mentioned thC" sub- JCCl. merrl> rtstat11i1 his po11uon that thr 1ndustnah1cd nanons of the world should try to hdp case the burden of debtor nation m the developena world. Cuban Preladcnt Fadel Castro. "' a SO-minute 1ntroductfon that wa onlS lhrce m1nul6 shorter than bis auest'' addrns. lambasted the Unned St.atn IA a charactcnsuc d1atnbe. He blamed his longtime ad' ersary for rcaional conn1c1s 'throughout the world and for •·pulltna the Third World's leg" b) proposing un- workable solutions to the cntical problem of Third World debt. Wavin& his arms and jabbing his fingers, the 62-ycar-.old :astro rc- jec1ed suues1ions of fnct1on 1n So ... 1c1.( uban rtlauons. He 111d he was an f ult aammcnt with Gorbac~v·a contcnuon that each communist country mu r soh c the problem' of de\dopina soc1ah\m 1n us own way. Gorba<'he,, who had been e•- pccted toouthnr S<Met J>O'ic) toward Laun Amt'nca. C\~nuall> rciacrattd h1~ go' cmment's loncsaandina "1c:w that the United St.atC$ holds the kc) to peace an entral America and mu\t hah JlS intcnent1on in order to encourage settlement of regional ~tnfe "We have a real Po 1b1lit) of guaranteeing peace." he ~1d. but all side~ must halt m1htar) supphe 10 the region " -Exxon ready to move tanker VALDEZ, Alaska (AP) -Exxon crews Tuesday finished pumping the rema1n1ng crude oil out of the tanker Euon V.aldcz 1n ~reparation for rcfloatingand removing the source of the nation's worst-ever oil spill.. tJeberrc;>th ·reportedly.r-eady to purchase Eastern Airlines The fugiti .. c captam of ..,the Exxon aldez. Joseph Hazelwood, sent sig- nals he was read) to surrender to face c.nmulal ti.l arges of o~ratjng the vessel whi le drun ::-His !ally said he wants to tum himself in but 1s awa1ung ad .. ice from his attorney, according toa commander of the New York State Pohcc on Long Island. Meanwhile. Exxon said placing an 011-catching boom around the ship 1mmed1ately after the grounding could have touched off a giant ex plosion of gases from the 011. although that was not the reason 1t took IT hours 10 set the first contain- ment line. ··ifhe worst thing we ~could ha' e done early on was tr) to boom the ve~I. We would have lost the vessel,~' said fa.Aon hipping C'o. • President Frank Iarossi. NEW YORK (A P) -Former Baseball Commissioner Peter V. Uebcrroth 1s expected to announce today a deal to buy Eastern Asrltnes. The Associated Press learned. Ueberroth, whe 1 group uncx-~Lcdly made a .$464 milhon offer Eastern last week and then withdrew t c 1 1 j ust llS' suddrnly. traveled from his Cahfom1a home to New York on Tuesda)' night. and airline fndustr) and baseball sources said Ueberroth ex pected the agree· ment would be announced today. Robin Matell, an Eastern spokc~­m~n in Miami . said Tuesda)' night. ··1 wouldn't have any comment on a repor: like that. .. Eastern. the na11on's seventh-larg- est 'airline, has been vjnually shut down Slllce March 4. when Machin· ists struck and pilots and , flight atten~ants walked out in suppon. The agrecd.-on pnce and terms were not known, and sources wh o spo~e on condiuon of anonymity said they-"'ere womed that FranL Lorenzo. chairman of Eastern· parent, Texas Air Corp., might try·ro change the tenn~ et the last minute. Ucbcrroth began negot1a11ons "'ith Lorenzo about three • weeks ago. sources said.~ Whrn the Teu Air boeffl-me~ . lkbtrrot~ been told to eApcct appro,·a~of a sale. Ho"c-.ei; at the last minult'. L:oren10 1nronned Ut'berroth's group tb a1 Lhcre was a higher offer. ourcc~ said 1hc bid ca me from Ja} A. Pntzker. owner of the H }all Hotel chain. Ueberroth. accord1.ng to baseball sources. then withdrew his $464 m1l11 on offer. believing Pntzkersentry was a plo~ b> Lorcn10 to raise the price. But ,Ueberroth's rcpresentatl\es returned to Ne"' York on Tucsda) and continued nc&otaa11ons. Sources close to eberroth had s~ud Monda" that he \\as prepannga new. lo"cr bid Costa Mesa 1989 Man & Woman of the Year Awards . Nominated by the Community & Selected by the Chamber of Commerce Harbor Area Residents: The Costa Mesa Chlrnbef of Commerce lnYtte8 yo.x nomtnations tor •ts 1989 Man & Woman of the Yeat awards for outstanding vaunteer service and leadership within the community You can nominate as many Costa Mesa residents as you like (except past winners) for ttµs year's award, As in the past, critena for the ~oo of the Man & Woman of the Year are· • Long history of community Sef'Vice • Involvement 1n several different areas of community setVlce • Nomaaees must work and I or kYe 1n Costa Mesa · •Exerted recognized leadership < H4·MJ _j (CJ,t.UQ • wel-known by a good portion of the community ' ~-- • Variety and merit of Qmteer (not paid) stW"'°8s cootributed to the community . Independent Plee9e complete and submit yo.x nominations by 5 p.m.1 T~y. Apnl _13, 1989 to the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commeroe in &ite 135 of Pacific Savings Ptaza at 1901 Newport Blvd., COsta Mesa. CA 92627 P. S. 1989 Man & Woman of the YetJ/ Awards L&.neheon • .Ant 1st 11:30 Reception • Noon Luncheon $25 • Red Lion Inn • Costa Mesa .· . Sinoet'ely. Ken Fowter. Chamian 1989 Man & Woman of the Year Comcnittee I .. Nomination • Costa Mesa 1989 Man & Woman of the Year PERSONAL DATA NOMINEE S NAME BIRTHOATE & BIRTHPLACE HOME ADDAESS CITY ~. ZIPCOOE DAYTIME PHONE MARTIAL STATUS SPOUSE S NAME ,NUMBER & NAMES Of' OilLDREN EDUCATION . HIGH SCHOOL • NAME & CITY MILITARY-. BRANCH I VEAAS Of' SERVICE I HIGHEST ~K· COLLEGES • NAMES. LOCATIONS DEGREES PROFESSIONAL DATA CUAREHT EMPLOVEA TITLE PREVIOUS EMPt.OVMENT . I MEMBERSHIPS Civic • Fraternal • Service YEARS OAGANIZAT!Of' COMMUNITY SERVICE YEARS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON NOMINEE • because Eastern agreed FrLda) to sdl tt Nonhea'it huttle 10 Ne" Yorl develo~r Donald 1 rump for S365 mil hon. . · . Eastern filed tor bankruptc'} protection on March 9 as the stnlc drained its cash. An ) sale of Eastern acquired b\ "ku ~n 1 9~6 for abo111 $600 million. v.ould ha"e 10 tx-appro .. ed b) H cred itors committee and b)' U.S. BankruplC) Judge Bunon Lifland. who 1 O\Cro;ec1ng Eastern· Chapter 11 reorgan11a11on. The crtdttors comm1ttec 1ncludcc. reprt')Cn~11 " cs of Eastern 's Mach 1 n· 1sts and pilots unio n\ and non-union emplo ees. Undt'r the terms of l eberro1h· first offe r. he and J. Thoma Talbot a former airhne cxecull'e from (ah- fornta. would .>v.A 30 pert:ent ot the a1rhnc. Eas1cms unions \\Ould get another 30 percent in e\changt.· for wage and "orl -rulc COOCC\\IOOS Governor presents 9~centtax hike for.gas S·\C'Ro\Ml-ro (.\P) -(1()\ (1corge Dcut-.mcJtan unH·1kd J pltin r ue-.<ta, for a Q-ccru 1nc.rc.isc 10 ( ahforn1a ·., ga'iOltnc wx to Ix· pha..ed m O\cr tht• nc>;t fhc \.Care. hu1 d1~,.o"ed an) pc~onal uppon or authorship of the propos-al .• The Republican goH'rnor al\u repeated hl'i 1ns1s1c:me that Jn) ta\ rncrca\C m U'll be appro' ed dirt'( tl{l"I> Calaf( rn1a \-Oterc., and announced 1hat he "oukl c-all a 'i~:c1al \tat~"1dr electi on on o.. 1 \to de~1de :ht' gasoline ta\ 1 sue 1l 1t 1'i app10H'd Jn to;.o confu mg nC\\>'i confcren "°' 1mmed1atcl) prccedinr and lollov.ing a clo..ed-door meeting of his 'K><alkc.J ··tran\portat1on \umm11 rnnfcrenn·:· lxukmc11an rel~ cop1e<1 of a S2lJ b1ll1on tran\pottauon finam·c plJn But he rc:fu~ to 1dcnttf) '1t a hl'i o\\>n, and he angnl) upbraided new\ rcponcf\ fo r rl!'~att'd quc 11on\ about v.hcthcr he support~·,! or op- po4-ed It, ln'itcad of endor~1n3 the pl.m. DcukmcJ1Jn c.k\Cn~d 1t a\ unly .-in ··asSC\'lrncnt of the: clement that should be 1ndu(Jcd 1n a tran'ipor· talion plan 1f, 1n m) Judgment 11 1\ to 'IU<:Cctd .. It 1 not m) propo~I. It i'i th(' conscn'ius u I undcr<1tund 1t."' But the Republican kadc:r of ihc natc Senate: and \'ICmbl). ""tio attended the pmatc mectin! with Dcukrn1;Jian. botbrcfrrrc:d to th( pl.rn a DcukmcJ1an·, Mubarak sees no way to stop West Bank riots WA HINGTON(AP)-f.aypuan President U<Kn1 Mut»rak saia·ru day he SffS no way to stop the Holcnce on the Wnt Bank and IA Gau that ha' ~n mon thin 400 hves i1nce Palestinian Anibs l>qan their revolt 111inst llt'lt'h conttot nearly 16 montltt llO· After meeuna wadl ~ry of State" J1mn A. Bak~ Ill f'or t-.o houn. Mut.ralt laid thl1 "1r1nybody could stop -h. we would be vtry ~. ·~ lbeD asked. "But haw?'' Tlw ~ ...... ..,;.._the Nd ol awo ..,. Ti; '"&la .... --~ n.dtno '** • ailed 9'llts • ..... IMt lw .. limply .. ~~ftndoua wM1'1 lbc belt •y to ~ve PNCC .. lhrOUllt llfll>" ........ Wtt llood aide. ind an hit ~ -tmrnl IO reporwR laid .. II IS t~I ihll we try Md c:rcale I dimalt that can mow us IOWlrd lhoee ~ Ind ll'f ad llD• prvve aM II~ .. iltt ~net:• Tbe•••t=:'"'=·1-1~ =--YiUlil . .. =-~;·· :1.":. .... ..,,..~ .. ........ IDD.t'PI ,.,•lld•ntl ,,.._., Castro of CulNI and MlllMll Gorta• dteY of the Soviet Union ,.,,. th•~_.., In accor~ In ....,..._ ly The Anodat~ Press , Biiis banning ·assau'lt guns advance SACRAMENTO-Two mal bill prompted~~ the: tockton scho<>t.>ard ma ere "on appro,al Tut•Mb ' 10 ~JXlrutc.-kgi'll11tne comnuttccs, ancr becoming ncarl) 1dcnt1cal bans of 'ipcc.tfie m1htal")•\tyk rifle • 'ihotauns an<l PISIOl'i. -• · d '-'-Senate Pre 1dcnt Pro Tern Da' 1d Roben1 had to amen h1,.~natt-pa <l bill '8292 -origin.ill} a gcnt'Tirl in~uh v.-eapan\ ~n """" to mclude the spe(inc It t 10 get 1t through the A~mbl> Public Safct) <;omm1ttct by a. 5·.l vote. fc" f1ours later the '>cnate Jud1c•U) Commtllc:c: apptO\l'd th1: As~mbl}-pa ~d \8357 b~ .\\~mhlyman Mike Roo D-Lo Angele\, by a 6-' \-Ole. Robcn1·s amendment made the twu bill\ ncarl) the 'Hlme. ron1a1n1og no1 1~cral ass:iult "'capon ban fa\.orcd b\ luv. cnforccn'h:nt OU!>\ hut th, specific h t seeming!) OClC\~1~ 10 g,•1 a gun l)Ut o c u 1 i:rr-:- ( ommll!cc and the A'i cmhl> Selsmolog1$ts expected ·earthquake c;>\ JO E-Tbceanhquake that broke "tndn"' and <thool.: items from market shelves had been e>.J)(..'Ctcd b~ go,crnment 1cntms ··we knt."W tht'rc would be an canhquakc here. honc<it \\t did · I Lindh. a se1smolog1~t for th e . l 1 S Gcololtcal ~une) s~ud a fe..., hours after ~londny·~ quake \lthough suent1sts said the) kne" v.hcre thl· quakC" "ould hit and about ho..., s1ron,, 11 would be. 1hc) v.cre unable 10 sa> whrn 1l \liould h11 lhe an~v.cr to that quc t1on came at I 0'.46 ;i m. PDT . . U 'G g1:oph,s1c1st 03, 1d Oppcnhl'1ml'r h3d put thl' final tout hc'i on ht'> forecast la t Fnday .ind h:id intended to 'ubm1t 1110 a "-•rnutir Journal lhc USG 1old the state Otncc of Emergcnq ~1' 1<.cs about the prcd1ct1on la\I summer but the 0 did not 1s\uc d "arning hc:~au\\: the '<'IC~U'lt'I wuld nlll Sil) \\bCn 11 "ou1d \tnlc · > Woman aga,n told she's Big Spfn ~Inner LO ANGE L~ -r or the <K.-cond 11mc 1n tlin.'l' ~C"Jf\, a l o.; \naclcs nuN· has be-en told ~he's cnutlcd 10 a S l m1ll1on l'Wc -but on T Ul'sda, no one 1n"oked a fi-.e-~ond rule A fi"c:-"oman. ~'en-man Lo'I ,\ng~les < ount-.. \upenor< ounJur> ahrr JU'll one dav of dchbcratwns ruk-d thJI Dom &mctt '4 "J' c·n11tktJ to:> S' m1lhon Caf1fom1a Loller') Big 'ip101adpot. In <1dd111on. the pand "Jld she "3' en titled to S400 000 10 damage\. In December 1985 Barnett spun 1he "heel. the ball 1~11 mto the S~ mtllml') hole and ho" hp t Geoff Ed"ard' procla1mc,f tv:r a mult1m1lhon dollar winner. Then the ball ~hppc<l 01.11 ol the hok and into a S 10.fl<>Y \lot 1 hl' Lo1tcl") a"arJcd Barnell the le'l\Cr amount. con1codin1 the tiall t;ulcd 10 '113) 10 the: SJ m1ll1on '>IOI tor li\.c ~on~. lier allornc~ argu«t that the liH-'>C.0 ond rule was general!) superseded "'hen the emcee W.-clartd a "'inner~ . -. INS Imprisons visitor with AIDS ~J J KOPEi:, 1inn -A Duh.h \1\1toron ht\ wa\ 10 an MO\ 1.on crtnl·c 1n San .. ranc1'1C.o wa' held 1n J \1tnnc\Ola pn on f uc..da~ tx-t·;su~ 1mm1ifDl10n authont1c~ hchl'\C he ht>s 1h~ d1~a\\: The dctcnuun ot llbn\ P;ttil Vcrhoct prompted outcnc!I from \ID\ ;.1u1v1\t 8 ut 1mm1instlon otlirn1I-. -.;i1d th~' \\>C'rC' follov.: 1ng 1 he lav. · ··\\c arc holdtnJ \ t'rhod a'i an c"<cl11<L.ibk ;.ih(n b..'\4U'ie." he ~\ 11 dangcn>u\and ,·ontag1ou'> d1~a\C' •· ~11d I om ')(hilt l n. d1stm1 dire~ tor of lht" lmm1gr.111on and Naturnl11•uion ~rv1cc in ~I Paul \ trhoel 'I 01 Rotterdam "a\ appn:hcnd~·d at lhl' \1inm,.sp.>lt~-\t Paul .\rrpott on \unda\ h} C U\tom\ offi('111I\ v.ho d1 o-.crro th e AID\ drug ~/ r 1n ht) bot gc His Honor Jr. wins In Chfcago Richard M Daley wu dc,1cJ ma)or ol hit g0 on Tucwa~. inhcnt1n• the ofTile ht\ foth1.-r held lnr 21 }ear\ and tnd1na \" )C. r,, of Ma~ k leodcr\h1p ;i1 Cit ) Hall r>aln. a t>cmocnu tind lhe '°n of the late Mayor Richard J Ot1lc). tx-:it .\ldcrmon Ttmoth> .,an , "'blad.; "ho ran I'-an independent ind da1mc<l thc man1lc of the late Jlaroltf Wash1naton. thc Cit)·, li~t bla~k m 1or \\uh~. un of 1.9 11 pre(ln t rcpnn10a; or ffrccnt. uno0ic..a1 mull\ p\c [)Jle' 4 7 ~01 H>t~ or 61 percent. to ~S7.6. I \Oll·'> lur E .. 'ln., or B per ent Alah.tmn l~monal\ retained a lfou-..~.at 1n t1 \('l\:1..1al clecuon th.it foiled Rcpubh,an hope ofmal-.1ngtnroad"n 1he r>ccp\outh ~n:tal) ul \tatc(ikn · Bro~dcr ~undl> de c t('d Repuhhcan <1tate ·n John Race 10 claim the \<':II lefl vacant b} the death of Oc'mtl\:rat1l Rep R1ll 1 ·, hol\ . U.S. Issues terrorism warning WA HING TO -. um) personnel around the v.urld h.a'c ~n notified to be uo the Jkn for unll· .\mcnc:an tcrron m timed to the pnl I anntvcnary of the l I 5 homb1ng of l 1b)•. Hov.evcr. the St.:itc l>c-p.i rtmcnt •!t nm •~arc of an) specific thrcaa. spoke v.oman Marprct Tu1w1ltr 1d ·y ue!da) while announcina the prtcaut1onil'} mO\IC. On Apnl I~. 1986. U S warplane' bombed l'npoh an what ~il'I d(' nbcd b> the Reapn aJm1n1stra11on au repn I tor l 1bya·s '""olvcmcnt 1n aerron 1 acuons aa,a1n\t mcrKian~. · HOHi D HHll 1' ~C.... DAILY PtLOT~aar.,. Aptl I ... ..... ~== '-............... :'Ir: U .... tempt ~-.. ,,,,;.'-'"" t1 ............... _.. .. Jt.#Wal 0 u u •• c. .. r:lt ...... r1£m-.:::..:c: '-C"t S7 0 ,...,...,...,... " ., , ......... " u .......... ,., ...... lJl1 Vf'9" .. n ---St 0 ,_ lloellrt .. :16 ,_~*"-1::r: n.---------'l~-~._.,19Stm U!w llJC• IJ \S '""-o . n ........ 8) •• L-.. --IO• "' .......... ONr leUI•"* •S !14 , ..... " n .....,cn1 ·'° •• : .... ·-----:!!:.......,._ -,,...,.HY •• 40 l .-OU ., 0 w~D C ,, " ._. .. 9\ S• W1<11 .. ., 4\ ~ ... 11 ., ~· IO ,. ""'~· ., so ,..:£ .............. '-... ..., .. .-... _, ~ •1 llO ~-"'.en 1t .. w ....... , 10 4/ WW.. .. 0 ..... Nm•--lfWMf" = ... _.. to """*• • " Mdlnd-Oon~ " \I ~on.Off ,. •• \(!;~ ... ,, H ,,..... ............ s .. ., _._.. ..... JD H ~ _,, S· ~ 1l 0 MM .. H s• :1• Wt>~ ... 101 '' ..._. ...... --=-,.. \a-. ,.._. .... 1 A-. ,. S•, _,...SC ,.ai •• J4 s,..,, °""° 90 n , ............ ~ ... '"''°'o.::s:r--.n -AIMr'M (!fY ., . •• NW>;• t) SS ·t:alif. templ!i ~flMlC•tcO ' ao so ......... =-·~ ~\11 " ,., lllewOftr-.. 11 ,WnJOW "° 41 ~--'°'" c .. .,...~..,_..._,. ,_.. •• " "-YOtlLC"1 ., 4S \jif'U!\lw 91 SP ~ --CINf ""°""' to _._ _,. JO to .:.IO ._. CNr!P-.iC 11 •S Nottoa. V• 82 •s \Mua....~ ..... ,.,.,..., ...... I:!' _.,. '° :::=., ~ '~""'-fl ~~WV.t 11 S1 NOttn~•• u )I ~~ --""O"l ..,..I lO \PA ..... ,,..., 1J ., _.......,.., .... ~ .. ,...,,. "" «>a -•dNH •• ,, ~City u u ~w·ooo~ N u ,....,...,._,,, ... ..,._,_ Exlend~d forecafit OllA rt Watt ,. •1 S6 )I .,_..,~ •• •• ~ ......... .. \() . T-~_,..,.. C------~= •• u O!w.do • 81 .. ..,,,_ .. Sl ~~· ao " tadlr' Coaltf ,,....... ..... \() 1• ~ ,. .. ... _ .. so 'toru on ,. •• mog rt'port Tide ~...., eoM _,nu.-., 11., Or\Malnn SI " ,,_.,,. '1 .. 119 ..... •• u r~v~ 61 25 LOW\ S. lO .. v,,,,., ~...,. • ., co:::J~! ~~ OHJCliC " .. , Pitt~ 6S S4 l'llql 81 ll fON""'' .. SJ eo•""" r~ • • • ~Ml to DulMct> 4() JJ '°'' ......... •• J7 ~ '1 .. ..,.,.~lwOOd .. • .. ,. lh• All f~~OnUiCI .. . . ... , .. := ""°"""' ~, ""°' .. "'-· ., 0 'orn.no Ore ., •• CM.l!Mnl .. n Y~•V>J 11 •O P'~<ll urft*~tot,A .., (orlCLIJollt TOOA't -'Ma A89M -(IUf ·-~~-\l>llO ........ ., SI ,.Cf·tOl't'tf~ '2 -•l (~.(Ay 100 SI =:IM .... Codor".,.. h 4t ~ =:!T-t.27 &. .u ""'°""' ,,...,...,, ....,, I*• l'afttll'.C tc>-6QI v-, .. I.Ow\ -j()t , """"*' IS 01 ::Tc '7 ., \f (UJfU u 44 ~ur( Re port 0 .... • of I ., 1rwo < ,_. 3Htl'I 00 ...... 10 to JO"""" *<I~'°"""' toew.O. • • '¥90 .. ., J I •• , . f1nno ,. .,. ._,.,. •l!ollfll •t ~--.-.M -Surw>y ~ Iii 4l -""'° 113.,,,.._0f~C°""t 9norf,,..,.. 9'0ltl U,1 .. 'O 1 ~ 42 "'91///lf 70 ~ t...o 11 .Jl " . C.000 ~ <Ol'Cl~IOl1' ""°"" MW w<1t' toU #lfld ()r• ~I NIDC to "'-~ "'-'.,ot '°. 4\ "',._.. •• •I ~··" 101 ).6 . ror~m r" •io .... •• -,,.. .,... TMUMDAY _,, AmAI -~ ~ ... ... ,,._.,, Hlgrlt 6QI 1• -'10s "--C,,Hf ll//ltJ ;i l'I ~~CM> ~ 4S lot~J ll'tl 64 • LOCATIC* . acu M4'-" ~ l *'°.. "" 41 tor a.nnirlO ~-"04•• Wo..t" ,,_.,..,.. -IUCM l'Oll1W°:M .... JQaJDO • C..ttntOot c. ' tU,. 'U )6 l A Ail,,:;-c " .. ::.~~ 1 ) ,,.. ~a::rio-. 10 11 ..... ~ lO IO l\....,, drUUMt!O COCWJ'll. _., iusAI -~ o.ys-H.wifo)<d ., ,.,.,.Qt'OO u "' M¥yl •) "!. ,_, l,,..AO'IA t ,u ncSr_d_• SS6p,111 •s tifingf • ill .,._ -.... f 0.-.. V :!'le "'f!.;,. Nit., OilyS 1 • 10 t4 elf'• ...... Not to ... _ ~dlt.,.., ·~ •• II \..,. Jur,.f' I u " M.)nrCM.t 101 n .. s .... ~ 2 4 toOd ~SO l!Olfol.tl4P \I ' IJl'lf~ ... .,..,. ............. lOcOa .. .._.'° df.-.~-" ~ ~v-.,~ ">t#r!d---.-. u .. ~~ ....... •l ~ M..wtONG II SS nfldSt,_ .....,_, 2-4 ljO('d IOI t'H w•r,. ..-~ ~ JQ>)" ~ .-U IOIW)t • 1 I~ lllM nvt Clyl801090 l"*'••ceU tow~ b ~lSao •s UllPf<...,~ ._~ ., ,, ~-llt . so H M.)r!(rt•r " • ...__.,edeD 23 OOoO l\AIMllDU\ or"'°'' l ..... '°'1 41( • p AM ... MU it 7 .. "'C:.:'~~··" ...0 10a IO -...,. l 0#\ 'ifJIPtf 40I rid ~· •• •• 91Nh7:; ,. 61 ,..~ . .. L ...... e-:tl 1.3 , ... A hrll l•'I" ~ M 'l H -""" D• ~ ~-~ Wlt l-drW-t """"' ....., .,. -JM•MIO'I.¥" ,. ., ~ .... 90 , . ~=·~""" ,. S• SM~• .. , .. l'W ~ I\ • JOI) I• J \t'(ONHJq ..._,,Mtlodity••04.a!ft -WU Cl.rt -liCll'f ,.._ "'-c ( Oftf°""'°" IO '<>I LOwt sa 10 .. ··~-.. ~-46 "ll n '>() W-l~IO ltll IOp .. .tr.,1f~111•»•• Onl1110 hX> s• S... directiOI\ WeDI _,,<ft 11~ .t'f• .nt.11{1110-:ttq P tt -wt•llC8l4pft • 40ttor '"°'" HIH'l 'HS OKI 11 \HIJ:' Rt:.\I . J:s ·1\11 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPn AL Mercti 14 Mr. and Mr\. ~It Nichols. In inc Mr. and Mr . Thomas tttnbcrg. n Clemente, bo)' Mr. and Mrs. John Kloos. ltunt- in.gton Beach. &irl Eugen·e·Garrett, lived on artifi-cial heart Mr &. Mrs. Michael C. Iannucci. I marantr $219,000 • ·r1 . , Mr & Mrs. Makolm l... Ficket, 20 1----lMU.-Wuu.~u....:w~:.u S1ann Jl1101~ tnJtOn Beach. bo)' · M r :and Mrs, Emmett H1nr N1g1Kl, boy gµna ay_re. ~ JdnaM®rc... widow of H~ Moore· E:.ug.cne Garrett, a former C ahfom1a h•rh"a' Inna Moorr h~ "'do" of ulptor 1-1..:nn---:foorr mam n-w-ntt{)()O---~--..,,_.....,,.,-.;..:~ Mr & Mrs. Enayal Sa na1. 32 •. Mr and M~. Jonathan Men"-1n. Irvine, ho) ' Merell to Merdt II Mr. and Mrs Scott Mesa. bo)' · Mr. and M1'. tanley Keller. Laguna Beac.h. girl tpnc C osw Mr. and Mrs Peter R m1rct Nrw- Mr and "1,.., Scott [)a, 1d. Cos\a Mesa g.srl Mr. and Mrs .\ndrtw Johmon. port lkach. girl Mr and Ml'\. Fred Kmdgren.' cw· port Beach. bo}' Fountain alle> gJrl Mt) and M~ Richard La&una Be~ h bo\ Mr. and Mn Danttl McD3de New- port Beach. boy taunton. Mr and Mrs. (1rc-gor) Boston. '\jcw- ' tar~lt II Mr and \lrs Dann Daniel\, Balboa I laod. bo> ~113 \hrdamad1-Tchr.in1, Fountain \' alle). girl ~ Mr and Mrs John r 111p;und. Huntington Bcafb. girl Merell f7 M r. and Mr' Karl f-oMter. L.11una Niguel, girl Mr and 1\.1rs OreY. Bn'>C9C. Hunt- rngton Beach g.arl Mr. and Mr' l crf) Monttomer~ Costa Mesa. Oo\ Mr and Mr ~e' in Henderson Huntington Beach girl . Mr and M~ ~elson \fosc . Hunt- ington Beach. bo> Mr. and \ff"\ Da' td \kEfwain. ln:mc bo ~1r. and fr·~. Jon J...o,lo.ofT: Hunt- ington Be<t h. g.1rl port lkach·gir1 Mr and M1' Jam~ ( arlson Dana Point girl . ~r and Mrs R1c;k> Buron Hunt· mgton Beach. girl Mr. and Mrs Kerihcth Boudreau. Co ta ~csa. bo) · Marcil !I \.fr and ~rs Daniel LI\ rngston 11..rwport Beclch, girl "Marclll U Mr and Mrs Fran le Bohl<., Ir"'"(' girl Marcll !3 Mr. and Mrs. kan Storck. < ost.i Mesa. boy. Mr. and...M~. Barry l lo}d. e" pon Beach. girl Marcb !I ( Mr and Mr . Charle Mc 1g. lunt· ington Beach. girl Mr and Mrs Ra)mond 'R;immmg Ill ~ewport Bea h b<» Mercat t7 Mercb 18 Mr and Mrs. Joel flame\. M~boy ( o ta Mr. and 1r\ M:uk Faulkner~'" me. b<»)" Mesa buildin9fees due for increase By 808 VAN EYKEN Of,,.. 0..,, ,_ .k.aft Ru1"11n1 fee) :m about to take a gTt'<tt k.ip up..-..ud in ( o ta fc..a ( 1tv C oum:1I mcm~r apprn'cd an orJ1o:tOll' \fonda) that \\Ill In· Crf<l\C ~me plann101 and hu1IJ1ng fees al mo t ttnlokl The Oa1 ll.'C tor lilin& a tcntall't' tract map. lor c'ample. "'1ll 1ru:r~ trom S25 to S ~ ii the ord1nan1;t ..-.1n\ f~I appro,"JI lrom the ounc.:11 on pnl 17. If n pin final appro"oal. 1hr ncv. orJ1nan1:r will al~> 1ncre the flat ke for a plann ·d de\dopment from S2SO to S 7 2S 1 hr added Ice for ta h re at)(.>" e I 0 \\ 111 1n rra~ lrom S2 S w s-s -the rncl'e' J ftt arc the prndu t of th u<1<11on\ carhcr th•\ )Cat atiou1 w 'Y' to 1ncrca~ c1~ rc,cnu~ ( it)· finiJn otlio~I\ \a\ C O\ta M coulJ lind it.Self MUtHnl 1n th(' mtd\l of.picot) 1n a J('w )C'tll'.\ unlc" \A>O&)\ arc foun~ 10 tnc,;rc:t\C fe\COUC Whtie the ot) '' tlu'h "'llh \81 s ta.' onJ oth« rc:"cnl.IC , toatc ta~ under the Gann spcnd1n1 hm1t pl't'><cntscu~ ssxndma froM Jro"''"I fa t cnou h lo kttp ~ ~1th t pcn..c . ace rd1n to CH)' Offii ial fee\ for -w:rv1 hov.cHr, re c'cmpt from the (rann hm1t. .. fl SI ptl) WC M\C all thli ~ICS lall re\lenut that we're not allowtd to '\ptnd,-sa1J ounc1IYtroman Ma~ Hornbuckle .. , hate 10 tee ftt ra1Kd. but I don't ~ an} w y around 1t •• • R~r1 Oman. Che Cit ., dtft'CCOt or linan~c. ~ud 1ocrcasina lt'C~ ,., loi1c.1I "Ahc.:rt the (0\t of ~f\ llCS greJlly C\Ctcd\ the fees now bc1n1 (harged. "\\. h~ hould the general l3\J)a)Cr\ 1n a cit) bear the lO I ~>f ~r' ttC\ that Jon't d1rcdl) .iOect thl'm"' Oman '11d "Under thl\ re\ 1-.cd foe \ICU(• ture, it )OUgtt '4.1mcth1ng. \OU p;t) fur 11: 11 you don't, ~ou dun't pa) for 1t." l ndcr the old foe ''"'em. man building Jnd·planni'ng ~n1ct"S h:t"e bl-c:n otTl·rcd at a fra t1on of ttw-tu:il lOC.l to the cit-.: The nev. ordinance ~ 111 hnns fee:' 1n most a~a<to bctv.c-en •1~ percent 10 sltghtl~ more than IOO p•:l\'ent ot ,1~tull CO\t Tho fee., t~t are to tx-~t ;it more than 100 pcr1:i.:nt of CO\t ure 1n ant1c1pat1on of e pcctctl 1n rta~ 1n CO\(, "We ha,tn't had .,,,n ~l::m 1n· nc;1~\ )Ct th•~ )tar . for c\ampk: and tho art' due to go up," 1 lorot>u Ut' '3id 1 1 he nt'w ordinan c mtt v.11h op- po\lt1on from OM C'ounol member. Mayor Peter Ruffa. "'ho \81d he bclt("t'J homcownen -propo,..na aJ. J111on<1or1mptO\emcnti to their ov. n home'l bould not ha"c to p.a full co\t for ,u~h thin at appt":als '>'-hen their proJ«C. art denied b\-the Plann1na Comm1\ ion. ..h ...-oukt ~m cnt1rcl)' pos 1bk •hat tw>mNwncn woukt be \;try much dttnrcd 1f1ft v.c~ to ~t • ftt of SI 95 on an eppat," ht said. ButTa \'Oted 1p1n t 1hc pro~J Ord1nan«. ... . patrolman who survived 104 da)'s on an fln1fic1a hl·art du~d TucsJ.iy 1n London before !'ttc1v10g 3 transplant, died turda} frum Irma Radeuk' wa an nn ~1utkn1 \\hen hl" mN blecdtnl problem He wa~ 4J Moore in 1928. l he' mamcd thr tollo"ins \car (1arrctt. of Fall River Mill~. Ca hf ••. rcce1Hd the Moore wa r~-g;irdrd '!. th\.' gr\:3tl'\t h\ ma "'ulptor tran plant Wcdncsda)' an a three-hour opera11on after a when he chcJ at age ~ on u~ 'I 19 tl I If kfl hcatt from a Michipn donor was made available' f k h d in~truct1on that none of J-i1c, unfim,hed "-Ori.. 1ohould ~ undergone suraery Thu~a> and fnday at ~t I uke:' completed; e."ccpt for hntshtng touchl·s 41nd then onh Medical Center an M1lwaukct to stop the ·btccd1nf v.1th hi wifes Jl(rm1'"on. ho p1tal officials said (Jarrett wa~ flown to ~11lwaukce late last )'Car tor a hcan bypass operation After Cht' operation ()C{ 15 urgeons '>'-trc unable to rcmo"c him from the hcan·lun1 machine and get his o~n hcan to resume normal beat in He was placed on a Jarv1l -1 urt11ic1al hean. Actress Nedda Harrigan Logan tdda Harrigan Logan. -an actr\:... who v.~ the pre 1dcnt of the Au ors' "Fund of mcma for the la'tt decade. died. of lu ng· ca ncer Saturd.i) at her home in Manh:uuin. She wa 89 A nauve ol Rumsot\, .J • l ogan appeared in man~ Broadwa) pla)' . including "Dracul<1." "Mrrr) Andre"'· and ".&."Ck) \harp." a.nd in man) film\. 1ntluJ1ng ~( harlie ( hanut thc-Optta " . She .llw ..... as a trustee of the 'ljational < orporatc Theater Fund. which helps finanlt regional thc:uer\ nd ne1&hborhood pla)'hou~ ~ In rceent )t"31', he and her hu~band, Jo~hua l Logan. toured .w 1dely 1n a re' uc calkd .. \1u\1c I Moments " wtf1ch ftaturc'd song\ from maJor shn"'' Lopn dm .. 'Cted. He died 1"""ul). Italian architect Andrea Vici • ndrea 8u\lr1 \'1c1. an· arlh1tet.1 "ho hdpcd dc\11n the Italian PJ"thon at tht' 14l9 \\orld' Fair in Ne" \'tirl . du:d r uc\da~ Ill Ronw of heart faaturt·, fk "'a'> ti Bu\tn \J lli. wh o alw 1k'>1"nt'd homl'' 1n tht• R('lme area .in~ publi\heJ ~\tr.11 booi.. ... on art. v.-u lnov..n I lr wmbtn11lj clement., ot trad1uonal and mQdcrn .m:httet· · turt He nnd ht\ brother. Mu.:hdt "orlied on the Italian P:l" 1hon at lhe 193'1 C\flc.>Stllon Indian artl~t Woody Crumbo Woody < rutnbo, a rtno"nl·d Indian .trll'il, 1.hcd r Ut'~ll) of a he1rt attad. in ( 1mamm "' ~1. I le ~a. t• 77 . I k 1itutlted art at the ;\mcn(an Indian ln;,11tute 1n Vi1dut41, l\.an. thl' l ~''' {)f01.Jah mn and \\1 h1ta \uite l n1,Cl'\tt) Crumbo v..ho wa~ the formr1 · d1rcctor of an lor Ba onr < ollege 1n Mu <.\ogce:-m1a . "'a' 1Mtrumen1,1n gcwna th"· Philbrook. .\rt Ccntt'r in I ul..a. Okla to 'pon~ the fir\t oau nal I nd1 n art .. ho" in l '144 . the ThiJmas (11kr(a~ ln,Mutr in I ul h1rt"J ( rumh<.> 1nq94 ~ to u<.~mhlc ;in \mtn an lnJ1an and ~c tern oirt collC\ tton. LIE. Murder~ suspect returned . ..,. .i\marantc $257,000 · Mr & Mrs Paul Sarazin, 2~76 1 ~rhn&ton Dnvc $356,000 • Mr 1r Lou1 D. Klein. 6 Bastta Sll"iOOO ~r .,, Mrs Will\am G . Johnton Jr., ·· .:?45ti I Camden Coun,S 145,000 · la"' ren<'t D Landes. 25 I 02 ( l!l)ino Del ~ar S 142i000 ., • Mr \.1rs M1cflae R., Frank. 72 < ampton PJICt' SI 11.000 • ()cnnis J httld 29435 Cllris- uana Wa) SI UlOO Mr. M~ C'hn~hcr J. 11\raiOn. ~5102 bn DI Mr o. D $152,000 ~r Mrs rthurGcru Jr .. 29456 Ur)dod.(Q\t$139,000 • ., Mr &Mrs. Wilham R.Graham.21 h1r Elm $6'X>,000 "1r Mr Howan.I A. Prcsudac Jr . 6 f i1rtaoc Road $392.000 nnc E. 9'..lokow: 31573 First Ave. $490.000 Bnan Mangen. 41 Hancock $ 1.0UO • ' · Rr hard T: · row,ey 12 Henley Onvc S 46 000_. -~1r, & Mrs Mthdt h.ah'inpour. 23 Ucnl )' r>nvc $280.000 Jame J. Butler Jr . ~4 i:tcr\liy Om c $345.<XX> Mr. Mr$\ uJ1 Yamada. 23972 U1llhucst On\.e $ J 19 000 . . Con tan(:e M. McDonald. 23 21 H11lhunt No ~ $1 2 l.OOO · .. • ly JOYCE IOOLOVKH Of IN~ NM Staff If you could bottle enthusiasm. 65- ycar-old author Stella Fabian would be v.orth m1mons. The Costa Mesa woman recent!) returned to her old stompi n' rrounds at Kaiser Elementary schoo to un- lea h that energy on the pupils. man)' of whom she taught while working there as a classroom aide. .. It is wonderf(JI tb be back." she said. "I loved every day I was here." Fabian is the auth'or of" A Handful of Magic." a children's book about a bQy named Jeff and hjs dog Socks. Published in November 1988. the book was sold at a string of book! stores. Her booksigning elllagements lasted through C~ristmas. •• 1 thought my author tour was over until my next book came out." Fabian, who speaks with a trace of a New Zealand accent. said. "But then I was invited to speak at a school book f,. ,, .air. The fair was arranged by Marge Cass. co-owner of Klds' Place Annex in Irvine. Though admittedly ncr- \OUS. Fabian was an instant hit. "When Stella shows the children how she takes newspaper pictures and articles and puts·them together to create a story. she has them mesmenzed ... and > ou can see the wheels turn in their heads.'' said Cass. As Lhc children scurried into the K3iser library to hear Fab1an·s talk . the author in•oduced her tO} dog. ~ocks, a replica of the dog featured 1n her book. • Fabutn. who ~tared from LM NeWlM>n-Mesa Unified School Ots.- trict 1n 1986, said she itaned ~nuna at the tender age of 6. ··1 JUSt kept on wntina." said the mothtr of thrtt grown child~n and grandmother of five. ··1n 1966 I started taking a wnting class. I had been writing a very Ion& lona medieval epic novel when I had the opponunity to get this child'~ ~le published.' • Fabian still plans to finish the novel. but not. un11 l she c-0mpletes a\ second child's book. The key to her success as an author for )oung people seems simple. ··1 always believed in faif)' stones. I thin~ I still do." she said, smiling. Fabian satd the idea tor the ~ came to her one night afier she saw my tenous lights behind a towenng tree. "I thought it was an UF0, 11 scared me to death.·· she sa id. "It turned out to be a blimp, but 1t sparked the idea for the book." .. l o the story: a glove magically.(alls from the sky ;ind Socks. Jeffs tufTed dog. com~ to life. ··1 have been to a lot of schools and the kids alwa1s a ked me where l_g~t my ideas for books ... she s:iid. "My favonte place is the ncwspape~ "When I stt down and write, It 1s like magic. I al ways write the first draft b) hand because this gi' cs me a closeness to the paper. It 1s such power. I am creatinf a "°rid that I take m)' rea~er 1010.' Bui Socks 1s not your usual stuffed ani mal. He ha s a rubber stamp sewn 1n10 the bouom of one paw so he can sign bookS°"'wllh his pawpnnl. .. NotJUSI books." Fabian said with a laugh. "Kids bri ng all sons of bits and scrap of paper. bookmarks. one boy once asked me 10 stamp his hand." "I want children to love to read," said Fabian. who moved to the United States from New Zealand in the late 1950s ... My older sister was a teacher and m)' other sister a h- branan. We always had books in our house. I "ant to wnte decent books fo r kids .. Author Stella f a blan •nd her dog, Sock, meet students •t Kaiser elementary sch0ol. I " when the boo~ was published. no age limit 10 v..hat }Ou can you are 65. it 1s not 100 old to be write. ··1 was v.alkin~ around on air for accomph h. 'ou can do anything )Ou published or an) thing else ·• ··Atiiprobably dte v.1th a pe n in m) Fabian still recalls her excitement day ,"she said. 'You know there is v.ant 1f )'OU v.ork at 11 Just because A\nd how long does Fabian plan to hand " he said C 01/ege Seminars teach secrets of con_\lersation By JOYCE BOOLOVICH Ot ttw D..-y ~ St4'ff Brenda Blac._man sa ys a sure \\a) 10 kill a conversa11on 1s 10 pcppt•r 11 "It h four-letter Y.ords · .. Ver) 1rad1ttonal people "ould fi nd Lhat 01Tens1ve:· said Brenda Slackman. "Other conservation killers w.ould be discusMg astrology with someone who is not in terested. The person might think )OU are flaky. "Gossip 1s another killer along with politics afld religion. If the person does not feel the same way it could buil<f walls mstead of bridges.·· Blackman founded Blackman As- sociates in 198 1. The communica- tions training and consulting firm 1 based in Tarzana. Blackman g1 H·s more than 200 ~inars a ~ar and spends most of her da)' tra"ehng throughout California. he 1s the author of "IOI Ways to Meet Your Lover," and has appeared on numer- ous radio and TV shows "That 1s a lot of speaking. but 1t 1\ VCr) exciting," she said ... You meet the most wonderful people ... Blackman's seminars on com-munication. public speaking. busi- ness images. success. organl2at1on and the single life, arc frequentl> featured at Coastline, Golden We t and Orange Coast community col-leges. · · O n Saturda)' and apin April 15 she wtll lead a cl ass at Golden West College on the secrets of maintaining . . a con,ersauon. The ~m1nar "'II be littered \\llh .. hOY.·to .. 1n area\ such as conversation 'ilarteTs. the lOn• versa1t.0n killers. non-\-erbal signals. sh' ncss and the fear of reJect10n Blad.man sa\\ a non-threatening WU) to start a con\J:rsauon 1\ to talk about subjects such as the weather. "Another way is to ask a qucst100 or pa)' a compijment as Jon& as it is sincere." she said. "You can also say something about yourself ... or how )Ou feel about something. Self dis- closure puts people on a more ~uman leve1.·· Blackman sa)'S prying faJls into the no-no area he opts for a more subtle approach. even to somcthin~ as simple as ··where do you work?' "If )'9U arc at a casual pany and a man sho"' up.10 a bu incss suit. )OU ca n ask him 1f be haS JU'it come from Y...Ork Also asking an)one over 30 their age can be considered nosy. .. , alwfl)S tell people Y.hc n I am asked that question. I'm 001 good in math:· he said v.1th a laugh. Other taboo que lions would be in regard Lo a person's sell life. ph) 1caJ appearance or wh ether he 1s in therapy. Blackman has a range of thcon~ about non-verbal commu mcat1on. .. A woman needs to show a man he 1s safe to approach. Many men thi nk of v.omen as fangs and claws.'' she said. Smiling 1s the strongest of sexual signals. Blackman S3)'S. It reveals v.-armth . .\ sm1k make'> C}C contact arros'> the room Blad .man sa) ~ touching t·an be pan of communication ,\..ills. but there are wa)S to do 'it. ··f-or instance a bu inc'><, tOUl h can be a pat. One ume I "a' goi ng 10 appear on a radio sho" and I Y.as nervous," she said ... The ho l paned me on the shoulder and s~ud 1t '>'Ould be OK.'' sne sa1d. ., A pat 1 not se~ual." more personal approach \\OUld be to hghtl) touch someone on the arm. hand or shoulder. ~he ~•d "In general we arc not a touching culture," Blackman said "Preening'' 1 another form of nonr verbal communicati on. The pract1c~ 1s usually done 10 an unconsc1ou\ way "A woman &1\es sexual 1gnal\ that shows a man she 1s interested b~ playing with her hair. earnnf., cro" - 1ng and uncrossng her leg , • Blad.- man said. "A man may smooth do" n h1 ha ir. tix his tie or stand with his tup thrust out. .. The pro:umlly in wh1t h peopk stand when talking can also be a red alert A close per onal di tance \I@• nals interest. Blackman said. ··tt 1s very important 1f ~ou arc single and looking for someone to know the nun·\'Crbal signal :· !>he said. ' Blackman sa)S people shouldn't let the fear of reJCCl1on keep them from tak.ina chances with m:" rcla- 8renda 81ackma n t1onsh1ps he S3)\ ml taling allow people to och1c"e their hfe goal "E"cf)bod)' tn 1fc ha\ e \penencc(I reJect1 on, ·• he said "\\omen thank men lo' e re1cct1on I he) think men are u~ to 11, the) 'II Ju" go on. Rut no one like reJcct1on. Th t 1 "h) 1f )Ou cho<KC not 10 so out "'•th somconr lc-.irn hov. 10 rcJttt cn:at1Hl>- .. Aa11cr them.' ou ca n \a\, 'I am SO flattered that )OU asked me ; ~OU ha H~ reall) madc m) da). bu t : ' Blackman sa\S don't be afraid to ,talk. v.11h a range of people 'In Lhc proces ot s1arl10J a COn\CNlt1on. talk ll)C\-Cr)bod). ,he ~ud. "I al"a)'\ ~)' 10 ~rJ to commun1 a11on ... 1f )OU don't use 1t )OU lo~ II." Newport Librarians · always fGme up .. with right answers By KA TY BOUCHE A Of -D.ily Noc SUllf When a gToup of dbcto~ wanted to \Cttlc a bet on ho\\ m11ch an adult grm·ly ~ar "Ye11h • where . did t,hey 1um? The New.port Beach hbrar). of course. Aficr a couple hours of rec;carch. one of the hbranans came up v.11h the an wer: 500 Pounds. And the het was stilled Thi~ was JUSt another routtne ~uc uon tor a team of SI'( research hbranans at ewport Beach Public L1br3r). -we never a k whV.-sind Robm \\'ccd-Brown. r~rch hbranan for the Newpan Beach Pubhc L1bran. "WCJUlit '1"t them tbe an ~crs." I ndccd. mare I han 150 people a .da > a\k the hbranans re~renct-rclal~ quc llon., "1\nd that's not coununa. 'Wht'rc·., the h.lthroom~ - or where arc the ti'( form'I.' " s~ud let>la Conner. upcr- v1<;0r of the reference librarian\. One anon)mou person called to find out how 10 ca"'t 'pell. The rescarthcrs recommcndcil a couple of rnformall\C book . met1m e quc~tioncrs prc$Cnt the rcforcnce ht>ranan with 1 real challenge . . ' taking turns and all 1he ume '"''oh cd 1n ~h ing &he quesuon .. · Tom Johnson, hbran· sen·1cn manager. s~ud the sta fTis pr~parcd for JU \about an).thing. ) ' ··o~patron called in and asked. 'J there reall) blue moon?" "flli I~ ;)C ,' nd we found 111n a book entitled Ne" Guide 10 the Moon' by P~t'nck Moore.' Johnson said -The book ~•d it's usuall) cau~ by 50mc en"JronmcnlAI con d111on on eanh.'' · Weed-Brown said there also 1\ a new busine\s concern trend' • f hctt arc a lo' of questions rdaung lo fi rms· financi al 1nfor- ma11on l e) mcmbcrl 1n the finn .. and mo t of the people are 1nter- \.1e-wcc:s inquinng because 1f they're g01na 10 work for the~ CO!l>Oralloos. the) wjni to know v.hcre the linn'' money t\ 1oini. 11> a\ l and debts. ·Then there -ro-po \Ible 1MC\IO that JU 1 want to ~now the 'bottom line· bcforr they do Jn\C l. We set tod : rtpon and ba"e • ·c lo other public inform uon ~h1ch rnablc u 10 fum1 h the pubhC' w1lh tt\1 t)pc of 1nformahon." ' Connn e\timated 60 ~nt of the qucitaoM are • rcSflt of foot traffi and 40 pcrctnt kl their finacr do th<' walkina; • Newport Rotary Club gives assistance to league "One woman called and ukcd.. 'If ~ou had S3.000 in the )Car 18 0 what would be thr "'onh of that monc) now?'" said Wttd-Brown . ~After three of u worked on this q\ICstion fcvcn shly. we tnded up Jc>1na to (callina> the hbnlry at the I rcuury Ol'panmt'nt in Wash1n1ton DC Conncr~1d there's more to prov id· ·'"& &ood Krv1cc thaQ ha\:ina a ma!lter·~ dcltec in hbrar) 1encc. .. Vol.l have to have tome imatirll· tton." she said ··So 1f)oudon't come 11p with the n&ht art wcr tht f'"t hmc, )OU ca n co~ up w1lh an 1ltcmat1 \ic approech 10 find ana the n,ht ont Somct1ma ~ ma) not know h~ to come out and tt'll you .Ut they really what to know, t>ut wt wm to find out. nd when do. we IJ\i tbrm IM: USMr." ly KATY BOUCHER Of-.~ Nol sun . . When the Y...Omen of the Assjstance Leaaue of Newport Beach wrote the men of the Newpon-BaJboa Rotary Club askina for a hnle help. they never dreamed of lbe 1tnero11ty the) HI 11.•:'l'I'\ HO \HU would receive. • The men not onl y wrote a sizable check to S-Y for a )'Ounpter's dental work, one of the leaauc's ph1lan· trhopic ~jecu, they also look some time out of their day IO knd a httle manuaJ labor. "They ~ 1en11cional,.. •id leaaue member Sand¥ Hester ... We ha'"·e a day care ecn\er in Co ta Mesa. housin1 96 chtld rco. The) painted doll houses, cleaned and put 1n nc"' floorina as well." HetkT said the league pa) for 45 IMf·incomc children's senous or- 1.hOdonticwork and the RotaryOub's don;mon paid tor one ch aid. · Rotary Pre 1dent Tcrf) /1m- mc rm an said 1.,'?, the human rOort that make1 him pc:oud of the club -. .. It's easy to dOnak money," he said. "Bui 11's hard to fine! peuple who ~ill ghe up some of their time and 10 out and work." "Their hbranan -.otted -..uh con- sumer pnct information. and b) us1na c.akulations. ~ could fi1urc out what the money would be worth tOO.y. I don't mnembCr the outcome -but I do rtmembet 1he lhrte of us Seminar to help parents, tee -agers deal With adole cence A seminar to help parmu and ~ band.le lht chaQlel and transitions incumd Ci~lll ~will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, t'uetday and Wednesday at the Irvine Youth Service Center, Heritqt Park. 14301 YaJe Loop. · By eum1ru1J1 the film. ''Whakver HapPcned to Childhood," EJhs Sdawied. M.0 .. ch.id' of UCI univmity adolC1CCnt services a1 Capistrano by the S. Hospital, and Don Ridfe, family therapist and consultant with the univeBity terv'"" wiU explore how ~·s ever-ct.anaa. IOcicly incrcws the demands un teen-.,-.. Tbi vaiioua methods oft.rtati~cmotional di'°rden aJIO be oploml 11 the seminar, which is SJ for students. ~ and professionals. Further inform11ion may be obWned byaillina 831-6631. · PHr Mlvls.n •v•H•bl~ ahi'oulfl Friday IO be included 1n &ht lill ol rdmal. IOUrc:a. R .. of PO •Xp/Mn«I Ha..._ 1re1ulll11l11ai~ liDd repair of pmonal ~ wiU be nplaillld bj lbt Atnerialn ln11itute•s PmOnal CornPY1ef Group in Irvine Apnl 19-21 at the Lm Anttles Area TtichnolotY Cm1tr. For mott infomMlt1on. catl 261-6033. "Women in Tramidoa .. .nu be d1teu ICd by Jud) H• career couMelor of * Women's Opponun11~ Ccn&er. 111 meeti1_11 Of'tlle Bnndt11 U nhcrsil)' National Women's Committee on April 12 at I p.m. in the community room of the Heriaaee l.1brary, 14361 Yale A vc .• Irvine. Free ·peer advi1ement and referral services for fameties wttic:h 1tt cx~na tress due to manaal C n L.11..11 ... ~ cc9 a~J 1. -~~ I 6', dtflkuJtin, fiunciaJ hardttup, school problemt or child mat.O:. ~ or .n • ·• ior """"'ona '"•or· ditc:ipline ronmns art available throuah the lrvrnc .., Community Servicn Dq»nment. • •· t.oaJ proteuio'naJs an the fteld of counsetina and N~ ao.t ShOw therapy, law, fi.-ce. duldranna and related ~11 arc The .nrs nrwaa J10Wtt aDd llilboaas will bt cncoutMCd to call pr'O_lt_am d1ttetor &ephanic 8r0dtrick" ditollnd from I I a.m. to61:m. Oii.., 12 and April IJ al 72~2 or 72~'°.fi'om I a.m. to -' p.m. Monday ud 10 a.m. IO 6 p,,., Aprif 14, April 15 IDd April 16 '' ' ··~ LidO Marina Vdlqt 1n ~wpon Beach. The NewPQrt1'olt Show. wtuch alto sbOwcws the la&esl mannc Ktt110ttet and SCTVicn, 15 oroduCecl b; t~ Duncan Mdn1oshCo. lnc.Adm1sion1sSHoudultund $2 ror cbildrtn 6 to 12. Child'l:n under 6 win be adnuncd (rec. • frtt' parkina wdl bt available oft'Tustin and A-.on avcnws in Newport Badl, lftd complirnmaary lhunlt xrvice to Lido Marina VillliiiC will bt Pl'.'OVNled every IS m1nu&n. Call &he Duncan Mclntoib Co. lac. fOt ldditional anformauon at 67,.936Cl tcould -This budFt as a ral frimd of~ 1n d•'PUkt with the IRS, or a new ta it • ._..deadhrt11 .... ffllltp.~~. tofutantt~~ t\IHINGTON The 1 1 O:N.D .• a member of lht over:saaht uon for oldtf mcncans. said . -Dlef'!ll subcommintt. '"The folks \\'ho don't M~hael J. Murphy. actina com· ==. ~. alrtlldy aa1t1111 meet thtir to ~lions are p>1n1 lo m1n1on<'r of internal ttvenue 11 liuty to filcC ~ tAl)ttie~ a diminished threat" wnh Whrn 1ht a~nc> outhrkd its need~ D:1 an& ,ear .becaUte Plclident f~cr IRS auditors and collecto"' for the commuear, IRS askf'd that its .. ......:.=~~~-== Dof"pnsa;c!. . • budgc1btmcrca~.by$t 3biH1un.1n ~billofrilbti.ooreovern~nl part 10 reflect increased ........ ~ TUaaay He notf'd. that while the budge1 •.re pons1b1htae under tbr new la~s. · · would rtqu1rc a ttduction in tbe That increase was scaled bad. b> th~ --Wt qunlion whether the admin· number of tu audttors. 11 ant1c1patc\ \\< hlte House Office of Manageme11t i"'1ltion bu propnty rdleC1ed what fewer auditors wall produce rt\ort' and Budaet which, instead. appro' ed IU · wiU need to IMW't .-uaie revenue. • a raise orSi89 m1lhon. to SS S ballton. ftaicliQJ of its onac>a"I 1Ctiv1tics 1n 'I feel the t 990 budget does step us ltc:al_,.ar 1990,"'Jennie Stattus. an There 1s nothing 1n the nc" budget forward in tu admin1strat1on" de· moeiaae direcior of the GmcraJ to help the IRS deal ""llh the new drug p1tc some hortcommgs. Murph> MaM&ntin& otTttt, told a Houte law; lhc "bill of natits " wh ich 1s toJd th( subcommittee. But an the We" and Mcanssubcomm1uec. ~es1aned to help taxpa)crs mvol' ed me nttm,e. he added, "Weare dealing _Laguna.film firm . ·writes script for a dream facility 8y CASEY KELSO catmg ttre-fimshc:d vtdeutapl!. Affil o.1yNocCe«• ... ...,. then the marketing start . In • a one-room, 300.squarc-f oot ··our idea was to have CYC!)' 'ltcp of office. a Laguna Beach pair arc hoping the process under one roof.' Glover to create the large l corporate 'video sa}s ''h 's a burden for a clic nl to go • facility 1n Ora nae County. That out and ~tall these things. Under one wouldn't be a sman accomphshmcnt, roof the dicnt can come an and do h1~. cons1dcnng there are 4'56 video audio work. walk next door to do his production companies listed 1n Pa; video wonq1nd down the hall to talk c1fic Bell's Orange Count)' Yellow to a video tape distnbutor .. Pages. inc:e the video producers' <;<>-Op , Amb1t1•n 10 be th¢ b1sie l isn't would be composed of independent unique: But what d1 t1Jlgu1shcs contractors, there wouldn't be the Pueblo Prod~uons 141 stratcay fhe o"crhead of a maJor Holly"'-ood owners plan to form a "1deocoopcral· company that employs IArge dcpan- 1\it, filling more than 11 ,000 square ment of people for each pcc1alt) feet of area Hollywood 1s the g.ian.1 in the film "You could really calJ 1t an 'lndc· and video Hldustry All production pendent Produccn' Center.' That companies outside "the Clty." such as would be the marketln& term:· S3)5 Jhosc 1n Orange Count~. must com· JamcsGlo"cr,oncoflhetwopartncn pelc w11h both the qualil) 11nd 1.he of Pueblo Prodµct1ons ' prcsuge of th.e motion pncturl' c3p11 1 "A co-op sounds like people out in of the world. · a nee paddy doing 1he1r thing to get Often. when a compan) becomes tbe1r daily bread. This 1 a vef) big enough 10 afford to advcrt1~ with soph1st1cated, h1gh~nd audio and a llidco. 11 will go 16 Hollywood, video post-production rac1ti1y.'' Glover says. "Corporate. C'tCCUll\CS Glover. 33. and his partner Ken will sa). ·tet's get the guy wh o did the Be~ 29, conC'c1ved of the idea of a Pepsi commercial.' hen 1f n means video cooperati ve when they rcah7ed pending more money on the fimshcd that as producers ofTV proJett , the) product. pent more time dnv1na from one ·"'Our-main goal 1s to produce ''tdeo pectaltt> hop to another than Holl) wood-caliber program m 1ng rn actuaJ ""ork 11mc "nhout ha' mg to deal wnh the .( \ "'•th Trea Uf) and took: torward to wori.ltttS""*'4h~)M&o&o rc.al\:e l1™ differences." Stathi1 said that althouJh the bud~t for the currcht year 1s S360 milhon le" thJn IRS nttds. "IR · ts functioning so far w1thou1 ahy 11nifi- cant d1srup11on to its . tlomc opcr· auons. We arc unccnarn. however. what hes 1n store for the re l of I CJ8Q." In scahnaback opera11ons. the lR vowed not to reduce ass1stanCt' to ta,pa)er or slo" proct'!l mg of re- turns. fhe 8JCOCY 1s reducing tra\CI. tra1nin1 and purcha of computers and uppl ies. hiring frccu' "'-• imposed for·mo t occupauon Robcn M. T ob1a , president of the a11onal Trca ur~ f mplO)CC . . ., r, dltors ry Union. which ~nts most IR \ltGtkas...llic:l JllU.Afortcmcnt hJS ufrcrcd to the utent that 1n ju\t \1~ months the to"cmmcnt has lost SI balhon in re\.cnucs that It othe"' i would ha"·c coll«tcd Another SI balhon will be lost b) Octobcf unle the IRS 11 gJ\.en more money. he added . Thas year's squcc1e was caused. GAO said, because of a mandated 4 I percent 1ncteasc in cmplO)ee pay. h1Jhtt postal rates and a nsc m premiums for worker • health 1n- urantt and pensions GAO. an arm of Congress. ~•d the 1 R!) budget for ne11t )C:ir 1~ u pect b«au~ 1t fail!> to include ~me co t .rncluu1ng the anti-drug law and the --- llll~)tr bill ol riahts. -'tilt 8Mla-~_t1n1 "'•".Ill. that art ctutalODlble. Ilic railer was I mm~ 0M9- prOJCCtions that the IRS can •"e a considerable amount of money by ha\ •nJ pm ate contractors. rather than t~detal workers. do ttnain JObl l h~ IRS. whacb has bttn undtt mtcn1e cnt1c1sm bcca\ltf 111 workers 1ncorrec1ly ans~r taxpa)er( tele- phoned questions aboul 30 percent of t.he 11me. was cnt1c11ed b GAO for spend in& SS7 m1lhon this budtct )'tar trym1to1m~vc that rrcord. ' Althouah th 1niuati"c is impon- ant . I RS' d \ion to fund it and other 1ni11a11 ves an 1989 added to the budgttal) problem in other pans of the. agcnC) ... ~ta1h1s said. ' . .._ .... ,.JI .. -~-To produce a video. a lot of prop,k •Holt) w'bod mentaht) We want to arc involved -financi ng. script ta) awa) from the smog and the writers, talent agenCles. tcchp1cal inOatcd t nces:· he said. James Glover and Ken .. ,,y. partners of f'U'eblo.f'rod..-lons. plan to make a vkleo co-op tn <>ranee COUftt'J.· camera operators. hghuna d1rrttol"S. Gtovel\, wunds hke-an Orange crews. plus equipment and a location C0i.>nty ster because he 15 a long- 198 Fin I~ at Lake t:Lna,uanJ '\peed-h1p!>1n,ohed Hc\\ould onl)saythr "a} mcnca •• huge. nt"W b\i1k1in1 to hou\C has "one .. ' . \tncl\iding the ·• hoot ... Chere arc umc area resident 'He and his wife. man) people '°"ohcd in cd111n . E;t11abeth. h'e in Lllaun.1 1gucl computer 1raph1ts mu~c\: pro-<.ito"e r recc1,ed a master'\ degree 1n , ductaon. sound mmng. and dupti-bu mess adm1 n1suauon from UC I in Panocr Ken Bern "'•th mo~ than fi ve )Cars of broodcast t~lcv1s1on ~nd k ature film c1.per1cncc. banill lhc tcclm1cal production s1d .of Pueblo ProJut:tmns Bc117 ha produ <'Cl mam ~P cab~ f\o thanncl iho"s featunng Southern C htom1;1 $POMS, 1nclud1ng the M11teri ttc Mcn''i Beach Volle) ball Tournamcnr 5cnes l e ( OQ' ponir \\oml·n·s \olle)bJll Toum:lmcnt SenM thc World Jct Ski Gto\cr 1s UJht·hppcd 1bout the top 'hoppJn man of idro 1Crv1ccs·· future IOC'3t1on of the-ccrop tit-cause . "OulcJ be loc.: ted near the n Dtcao \_ Pueblo Pmduc11on\ I \1111 ntgot1at• r l"l'C"'I' tor ca. ) atte ' . ina for 1he building and th ~r.:u;1tr-,,...,,. ~ PUEllO/ MJ . . ays EsaP ·unrelated to investor's 5·)3 percerit bUy . . . . ly GEORGE GAR'TIES made ~ and other mo'e' .. rhc pr1man c;1~k lor 00 mtlhoo and the ~1mmon d1"loscd h<' rntcndcd to R\c ( ao ... on ( aht. and Manetta. fhe plan was appro' ed at a boo rd purpose 1') to cnhante our com-1.;omp.Hl) "ould othct thl' d1lut1pn of hu) up 10 S 15 million \\1.>r th ''' lhl' <'a . h.t\ tX-cn '>IX'l'dc:d UJ' The mo"e • of dm!cto" meeting that wa\ ~hcd-: peu11vcne\\ fh1'l gncc; (cm· 11\ ')tod. b\ bu) 1ng up an CQ\Ull w mp;Jn) ·~ stod. Thal plan ,.,.ould part u1 acon-.olida11on cffon. arc lo be uled before 51mmons rcv ealt'd Mon· pt~ccs) a bigger '>tal-.c in the ')UtccS\ numlx-r ot \h.trc' prc\l·ntl) held b) cn111k pn!scnt stc.x kholdcl) to hu) fin1\hcd 1n 191.l I 1n<,tead of 1992 or da) he had accumulntcd 5 3 pt•rccn.t ofour compan).. the puhhc htabli\hmcnt of rhc add111 on:it. nc"" 1\ ucd \tod ::it a IW\ a' C:WlUtl\C had Prt.'\JOU I) ,., ...... ~ttlH C U\BA A . ( ohf -L ockhccd Corp. ~1d Tuesday a reorgan11at1on that includes crc-allon of an cmplo)ec stock plan was unrelated 10 Dalla investor Harold ~1mmons· purchase of S 3 J>(rctnt of ·the aero p:llC compan~·s ~tock. of Lockheed' 59 S mil hon \toe._ ~1mmon\ -who al\(1 \;Ho ' he. E ·op .1nd "nuld rnult 1n cmpJo)C'l' d1'\Count 10 tht · C\Cnt of a h<>'>t11c \latrJ. • share . said compan) spokc'>man ·planned '>UO\!Jntaal tn\C\tmcnh in o"ncrsh1p ol I" J')Crcenl ot thl' 1.ikco,er attcn;Jpt thu'> mal:1ng a The mo'e "'II free 225 actt-S' 1n Robert la) man. (hi) ll'r ( orp. P.1cc ar Inc and C'ommon \tock. the Hlmf).'.ln) \aid an a bu1ou1 more r~pen'>l'.t' .Burbank tor \Ile. the-l·ompan) said. Loc~hccd male-s 1he Trident It Phel p [>o<lgc: { orp -~td 10 a kttcr nr" release On \fond:l\ \1mmon., HllJ the rt:\tahn tor the fir l umc \he The res1ructunn1_plan include 1n add111on to the ~OP. k of L<xk- httd'~ computer operations and ac- ccleratton of a prev1ou I> announlcd program to mO\C airrratt m3nufac- tunn1 operauon from Durban~ and sell '°me 225 acr~ ofland th(tc That land includes the .. kunk Works" m1 s1le, the (-SB m1htal) 1ran pon' to Lcx:khccd managcml·nt he d1dn t ~uch plJns art 'IOml't1nw'i U<;('J to \\all \trtt"t Journal hC' 1ntc:nJcJ hl nc ac. plant and \\Ork on NA l. '\ p:it:c intend 10 try to hu' the lOmpan). Jcknd :ttz;un .. 1 hmt1lr t3kco,~r. lit'· '"'~'>I a cast SI ~ m1H1on 1n t'3l h ul ·-The-four lompamc\ or di' 1 100 1a11on prOJCCl and the .. \tar Wa~" · \\ c ha\c no· pl.in .0 r dl''>lrl'. to cau\C u phu:cs 11tocli. in lrnm<9> h.yiJ three lO nae\, ( hn skr PhNP' that ma c •up LockhCl'd' infor· m1 sale deten.st 1n :sdd111on 10 other dl'>rupt management \\ c t'\P.t"CI to bt' r or instann-. an f\OP ";i' rn· Dodge and al r. a Bdlc:' t \\ ,1,.h • mauon ' te-m voup ~111 be Id. m1htary and aero pace prOJCCI\ a construc.11' c. toni·tcrm. \hare-\trumtntal in Polaroid < orp ·, \Ul"· trul ma Ii.er fhe 1roup "llh 3.900 cmplo\~S. h h d · d h I ... ,.1·u1 d•·t:·n"' a•,.1n•1 a "'u>ciut .. , Herc are detail<, ut L<'<'khcC'J\ ,l{ ountcd for S5 9 m1lhon of the "There 1s no den)in& l ere arc ot er 1mmoM \.11 in t c ctter , ... ' '" , '" -• 11 '' S 9 1 dcfen~ivc ch:iractensuo to the~ that he rcka"-'tl to the pre: \tond.i~ < Jhlom1a 1n' c:<,tor R o~ l:. l>1"nl'\ rc'itru tunna plan · c.:ompan) ·., I 0 <• hllhon'" I b sa e <-~here .ahc F-1 I 7 st hh fiahter 1\ th1nas bul that 1 not the pnmar\' 1 he l \O P "'mid bu) 10 ~ nullton I <X lhel'J adoph·d a "p.:mon pill" -The pre' 1ou<>h announu•J To hl'-10ld are< al omp of .\nahc1m. Purpo~ -la) man said of the )J> nr" h 1!1. urJ \han·' ol ·t od.ht·~·d tah·o\\.'r J l"fc:nsc 1n l>l'lembcr alter mo'r of lod.ht'~-d \t"woau11~.a1 '" < \ O.\M In~. in Burtlanl Me11erlnc t .. m., ( o lrom fa 1onc\ nnt 10 and DataPlan in l o\ Burban \1rpni:t tc.a PalmJ:ilt' 30J l\lo l'VlilKen, DutjunKtJona basn draws 3,000 '-RUFFELL's · UPHOLSTERY INC11 · ey GIC>ltGE GAWTlfS Hotel ""._.,.., Milken wu the central figur<' nl ptt\10u ronfcr~ncc~ and ht'i \JX'C(h ~EVERLY HILL'i-M1ke f ti ken at lhe closing dinner wa\ the h1gh- 1sn·t prn1din1 ~?'the ftr\t um~, an a hght. recalled · m Ji..ra\ne). who c:kc;adc. bu1 the Pl"Nators 8:all that ·built Banner lnJu tne\ In • lariclv opcnt Wcdne5da> • ~nplcd to carry throuah Junk bol'\d financina · ron his customal) cclc:bra11on or thr Kra.sne) is ktppina the conference JOYS of JUnk bond: · th1 ).tar bttause h1\ C'lc"eland The annuaJ pthcnns. \ponw~d aircraft pamcompan) hu no ptt n· ~the Orc'cl Burnham Lambert Inc. talion ~hcdulcd But if Milken v.c~ 1Dwat1Mnt houtc and oflict.AU)' there 1t v.ould be d1ffcrcnt. calid the lnsutuuonal R~n:b •·tfhcv. re there I'd reall) bmsk m) Conference. ha attracted l<XX> tn· MCk to set there... \lld Samuel ~nt~ finaactcn 'nJ othcn for 31 K.tasM). who built his Banner lndu days o.f "°" on h1Jh-)1dd bond tnn fft('. laratl> throuah JUnk bond financana. finaOC'1na. .. I "-Ould think 1t v.on't be Miiken, who v."l c:hafSCd la t v.ttk ncarl)' at the same inten,it~ le\el H 1t Wlth91counuofsecununfrauchnd -ould bt tf he v.crc there. There'' r1eMtetrina 10 connection .-1th al· onJy one Mike Milken," ~ tnMS1na vJOlauon • i ofttcaall) °'"el I\ downpb)inl Milken' • oa lea"C from h1sjobH On:'el'•Junk 1blcnct from thcconfcrcntt. mlkh I\ boDdlU_f\Jtndwon't1ucnd. tt ti won1n1 to anure IO\e~ton the lill 1'is i..,.. loom, larat over the firm can rcmaJn a pnmc mover in the ""'!8"1 at the posh Bcvn-t) Hilton hish-yttld bond market •11houf him I.A PUENTE(CNS)-l"ht Ffdtr· Th< l>nktl'DlC "the mo\I hcJ' 1h and cof por.ltc: t.1h·o' a ;irtl\t' to ra1-.c attendN }Ct. "•.11J Dre\cl 6JX>ke,rna11 ca\h Stc'e \nreder "'ho tmpha 11cJ tht• In addition to popu!Jr111 ng u\C of 'aricJ schedule of sc ~ion on \Ub· 1h1.: bond)-dubbed "Junl" hcc: u !---------------'------~-------, JCCI from Third World debf to -the\ Jon't l't prime gr des lrnm emplo)'cr -.1cx l f'll<\n, to the """'"8' homt rat1n1 e11enC'1c' -i 1lktn "a and loan mdu!>lr). at th• untcr ol ot netv.orli. o t traJe~ .. I think \\'h l that }'it\ the high-''ho hoth \t>IJ bond., lur thetr o..-. n )'1eld marli.ct h \been \ahdatcJ ilnd pn>Jn l\:..ndcoulJbctappcd to1n'e t lbctt'!. a lot of an\C~t.'' the poli.t 10 JUnl honJ ~Id b) oth~f'\ man 1d. -Milken, "ho hu g1Hn m1lhon" to The openin ion wa 'IChcdulC'd ch fll). at lime~ u\Cd the-adul<At1on ot to feature an 1n<,p1ret1onal t.al~ b\ the ell·hcc:I d cro~J at the 1.:on· Jaune f .aloantc, the tut Los n l lcrcnrc to urge ~1al con 1cnu~, 1d h1Jh· hool tea her .. ho uc."cc:: Kra.,nc\; rt('alhna la t )ear dinner w11h poor H1'p3ntt• math \tudcnt \~·C\ h "'a\th bamotthe movie .. C...t:ind and • \-ou Ii.now "'h;at chc man 'poke Ochver." John H Kl\,•tk. \11lkcn·., • abo\lt fora hall hour"!"' the C kH:lanJ succosor a hcaJ of Drc,crs h•&h· hu \111C,\mt1n a kw .. 'The rc'pon •· )tdd bond unit an &\C'rl~ U1ll\ h1ht ol tht n h 10 take c:.rc. the planned a grt·&,qua1ntcd se \1on rcspc>n 1b1h1 ol c"er)bod> in 1ha1 Milken 1'1 'ttd11cd ~uh hu1ldang ruom lo ma c \urc that the: cdu a· the mult1b1lhon·dollar mar.,ct m lion.al\\ u·m 1' 1mprnvw w that the Junk bond , lhc htah·m... h•&.h· undrrprmlcscJ and the dc'pml"d 1nte~t bond\ u d Mi l'ntrtprencun could JOin the middle eta '" l A Thile unu?rtainl} a n>mpani . many invest· y v m •nt,, ]('ro LOUJ'."ln Tr ·a~urv Bond. come with budt-in (Crtamtv ou kno \\-wh n you buy thftn CX4Ktly how mU\.h tht.•y w dl pay out upon ~turity~ That' why Zt•nK.-s a~ ideal for funding your ·--"-~~ retirement or vour childr •n'!\ t.'du~ation. Find out • t a glanc how much ·ou would fWfd to invest an 7~roe today, and how kln~ It would take, to hie our gt I . Send for vour free Zero oupon 'TrNlury 'Bond akua.tor toda . CALI'\. GREGORY L B a.;. (71 ) 917·AOO .. Newport Pacific import:~·~ Canadian attorney Labbe . = .................. ~·-----..--. tbcir 1aWDll aftd ,.... IO divendy. i.t aid. Toi:oi• Iba• sroup, drl• "' • ill .. cOmDoled of ... --.... act·'ftnadll .-: 11lc ..... tliouJd be a.eel OG fOUr Medi: ialrtY o( payments. ~ltioa o( ~w. liquidit~ 1nd hishnt pdesibk 1n1ere11. The esute Plan coven wills ind lrutC.. Wilh Should be re\·iewfd 11 least e'Very fiv~ yea" arid .i( an 11~ 11 ~u·~ lelect one who aoecialazes in ctlate pllnn1na bea~ the laws chaftet f~uently. Establishins a livana trust or joint • tenancy may prevmt a lenathy ·1eu1 pnK'ftS called probate which usually takes a year and cosu S ~nt .of the Cflltc. Financial goals shook! be bated on ca1h now and monetary needs, and should include asset aUocation, In- surance and the estale plan. When decidans how to alloclte aSlCU, cons1<kr mcome, safety, tu savinas. liquidi1y, arowtb ~abOve dlei•' ......... ~-· Ulr 111-·-· ... ID----~-...... C'1=':':.S .. ..._._~ .... u.n.ac~ 1ilDdiCiaiia i~ .... otr,._. die ctlalt IO. pay die IPA lt't ~blttoavoidabilb au meoa • iamuce by IC1ti~ up I~ • A new 1ype of' heaJ1ll .....,..... Called ~term care wtU P1Y tbe Qlll or aillodi&I Cltt sue-.. tefY1Ca o(. n"= home. Th11 type of care -~ co by ~edicare « MediCal until IM patimf 1 .... drop IO SI,'°°. A lona~tmn care policy lives lifetime benefits, pa)'I S 100 pa day, hu Jevd pttm.JUJnJ. doesn't requatt hospslaliution fi"t 1nd doesn't hive pre-e•istina condition hmi1ations. such as heart ~blems. freeman will speak ap1n from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Buffums an Newport Beach, ind Apnl 11 at Buffums 1n WetttntnstCT MaJI. The prctCn&a11on as free anda complimen- tary contlnental breakfasl as ~rvcd. Reserv111on1 are reQuared. . . . ... For more. information 644-911 L call Attorney Robert Lal»be has been nam~n-house counw:I for Ncwpon Pacific Group of Companies, a Ncwport~h-based real e tatc. mongagc bankfog'and development firm. · Labbe recently relocated from Montreal. Canada. where he wa'I an attorney with intemationaJ la)V firm F~ Martineau Walker Stock market pr(ces giv.e up recent gains ~ • ·r .. :_. Clmllle Quru&eUo, n been named vice pr:e 1dent of corporate ly MARYBETH Niil.EV marketin.a for Commerce Bank. QuarantelJo will spec1alii.e 1n title and e~ro~. N ..,,_"',... She previously worked for Mei,ro ltfl"k in Los AnaeJcs and Newport Beach. NEW YORK ~ Stock prices Pacm~a Community Bo1p1&toi R•ttac•• Bacla announced three 2ullcd back in moderate 1rading l Spi · IW"'H d • b b d market s recent gains. ma:!Eent appointments. · Tucsda>'· relinquishing some of the e tiJ9ins .-""' as executive 1rcc1or . ..,p1tz nngs a roa ranr.e The market meandered in a narrow of hos it.al o~rai;ooal e~nencc to PCH. Spatz received a master's in pub 1( • range in early trading t>cfore turning ma~mtnt from Carnca.ie-Mellon University an Pittsburgh. H e also has a bachelor of SCle~ 1n accounting from Robert Moms College in Pittsburgh · lower an the aflemoon, partly aoda ~lorof ence in secondary education from Oanon State Un1 .. t!rs1ty weighed down by weakness in tech-in Clarion. . noloay stocks. Most rcccntW'Spnz was administrator of Lancaster Communn> Hospua.I The Dow .Jones average of JO in Lancaster, C'allf. In add111on, Sp1tL has held management po 111ons with indu tnals fell 6.60 to 2,298.20. Eisenhower Medical Ccntor in Colorado Spnngs. St Luke Medical Center in Declining issues outnvmbercd ad- Pasadena, ~tif. and Montefiore Hospital Assoclat1-0n of Western Penn-vancang ones by about 4 to 3 an sylvania in Pittsburgh. • nationwide trading of New York ·~ PCH's new director of Nursing 1s Rita SypltkownJ. Sypnkowsk1 has more Stock Exchange-listed stocks. with than 12 years of experience 1n direct clin1caJ care. nursing manarcment and 838 up. 643 down and 491 un- nursina education. he received two master's degrees in . ealth care c~~,~~e on the floor of tHe 811 ... management and in nurs1ngfTom Cal State Los Angeles. Her bachelor degree Board came to 160_68 million shares, in nun1~ is from Indiana Un1 \'ersit). Sypitkowsk.J served as director of nursing at Hollywood Presbytenan down from 164.66 million in the Medical Center. She has also held nursing director positions at R1vers1dc pr~~~~~:~~o. ~n5olidated ~olumc Community Hospital and Methodist Hospital of Southern California. ~p1tkoW1ki ha~ held a nursing management posillon at College Hospital an COsta Mesa. Marll)'llSayder Joins PCH asdircctorofnursangcducat1on. nydercomes to PCH from San Pedro Peninsula: Aosp11al where he was director ofr· educational services. Snyder received her master's an education from. the N~Wi vo~ <AY{ ;: It'-~°"C'~ 1111 Unive"ity of Toledo. Her bachelor degree 1s in nursing from Mar) Manse tr"oct, .~ w•r~' ~t ~cuo '= Collese in Tofedo. • • • ~h:~~~wnf mo:~-on oerc.en1 .., No ..curl! Ir befow s1 Of' 1000 J . Ray C.U&~ll• has added RaJpla Conell•• as senior estimator. ~es •rt Inc Pnor tojoinangJ. Ray,<'omelius served as est1mator/pr0Ject manager at ditte'W.ndr>e~~'~ ~=' ·~~ Parr Contracting Co. Add1uonal experience includes 14 )'cars at CMC General P<ie• •rid Tues4•v~~ Pm price, Construction where he p1oed extenm,e experience an low-and h1&h -mc NMW rrl concrete and structural teel structures and e'entually became a panner. l cnr~'ll•n• J..... P J. Ray Construction as a con~truct1on management and general $ ~i~~r i; ~: . contracung firm. · ~'~"!. n J ~ 8: Pierre Mlutov of Corona dcl M;r has Joined the Newpon-Beach based 1·~t~ :1 4 u: 1 "investment real estate brokerage firm of Sperry Va.a Ne11 as senior associate •IFd UP .' maJor respoosibihty as a broker at Hayashi Corp. before.he Joi ned ~rry Van IV~ 8: · Mibatov will spcC'lall7e an the salt' ofa~rtment complexes which was has 11~ 8: i Ness. ~r ~ UP 1 Teamsters ·boss denies inob ties, blasts others lyJOHNKING ,,,, ..... Ill ..... 'b WA HlNGTON -Teamsters President W1ll1im J. McCarthy on Tuesday vehemently denied any mob influence on lhe un1on' current leaders while freely conceding to Congres the two men who preceded him "were mixed up with La Cosa Nostra." ~ "One 1 a schemerand one au liar:· McCarthy said of has predeccssorut a heanng called to rev1ew the settle- ment of a Jt1st1cc Depanment sui t chaf&ing that the leadership of the nation's largest union was nddlcd with mob co1TUpt1on. · had any dealings with organa1cd crime. denying an account by has 1mmed1atc predece sor. Jackie Preis.- er. who told the FBI 1hat McCanhy said he would have to get approval from Mafia lcadcfl before seek int the union's o. 2 post an 19g4, '"That's not so," Mc\1tnhy said before la hang oul 11 Pr~Kr and another former Teamsters pre\ident. Roy \\'1lhams. , "Both were mixed up with La Cosa No tra by their own adm1ss1on . f didn't care for enhcr one of them," he said. Ho~SolidaY 8P [g1~k I 8i ·1 •neb~~C UP enO."' ~ Ue> teunors 3~ UUP ~•llOQ .,.. I) oe>eTtlb ' 1 UP tllk:JlvO I i.. Up nllCO I' Up '· 00 ame . Lute....-ct. I ~w~a-" ,.}? = ,a 'I J ~ ~1u ;:_ i-~ f;~,'~:'' ~ = ~ ~ •I CV pf -l/t 11[1 ' -:-. ~LT P '8 - tt%: ~frl ~ f ~ ~~tt -" ~ =i t ~M·f~1~ JtrZ = I~ t OH ~~~ lm = •;_,; an NYSE-listed issues. including trades if\ those stocks on rcgjof1al exchanaes and . 10 the ovewhc- counler market, toJale 1!2 I milhon shares. A coounuing dct.'tine 1n the dollar aga1nst other foreign currenetes de- pressed stocks. . . Hust! Johnson, senior vice presi- dent at firlt Albany Corp., said stocks and bonds had ~nefited·from the dolla~·s recent sttength o n the theory that a hasher dollar ~ouk! bolster the confidence of forc11D mvestors and atltlC1 cal)'ltal from overseas into U.S. finanaal matkets. Another negauve influence on stocks was the announ~ment by several compaoies involved 1n takeovers that they were taJmig defensjve measures. ..The market seems to be m somewhat ofa holding pattern," 11id Jack Barbanel. a senior vice president at Oruntal A Co. Inc., add1na that 01( I,.., \ 'D DOM'' A federal prosecutor def ended the ICttJemcnt as the quickest way 10 bnnt chanae to the unron, telling the heanna. tbC aireement included elec~ tion reforms that would end a "sick joke" system under which Teamsters leaden are now choten. W1lhams 1n January admitted once helping mob bosses obtain a S60 m1n1on loan from a union pcn~1on fund. sa)'.tnl he was ac11n1 on the advice of the lite Teamsters Pre 1· dent Jimmy Hoffa. Presser. in ha, numerous statements lo the 'FBJ. admmed to dcahnas wtth mob 'fig- ures. '''l.fO'tlP0,111IH\,,\C110'\' McCarthy was the fifth Teamners president in 32 yea" to appear before the Senate's Permanent Subcommit- tee on lnve11ipt1on1, whose probing into ()t'Jlnized crime frequently has crossed paths with lhe union. But McCarthy said he ha never PUEBLO ,,_.A7 GkrRT plans IO have three key Dia~ involvtd 1n the co-op. The fint 11 a Polt·Pl'oduction video '*- for a COlllP9Jl~il raw foolllt aad add ll*iial ~ teCOnd pla,e_r in the co-op is aaocMr ~ny thal provides the IAIDC ICf'Vicft. Only in audio record- iftl compleic With I IOUnd llllt ''IO we would be• pant in both the video Ind the 1udio .orid. W1dl d111taJ recc:Wdintz the pos1 - production CO".OP could 1190 wort in •be recordina indu111')' and 1ttnct a record 1a11er· that woUJd ne1 to pnNlucie n i11npett11vt album for a ...... poup. P.-, PrOductiom allO ii ..... &illill Wltll Olo¥er'1llma...., lJCI ;ci:::='=·°'=Coun· w .. , .. _..:::= I .,.. 11'1111 Orlldulle SdaoOI = ••• UCI llid ... IR .. ·~-... ~· ..................... I.DOC Q1111t 56, hi A•ll1im. ~ ..... , lllli&~ .... ~ CciaMJMWI*"' ... ~· ....... ROI er!! fan 1°' ,II **t Cite lfatll In•• I llllity. '911'.:WdW--WUldcoec hit ~,......,1111nor._ McCarthy and Benito Ro mano. 1n1enm U.S. attorney 1n Manhau~_n1 told the penel the Kttle~nt incluoco mechan11m1 lhlt couk! root out any mob innuence in the 1.5 malhon· member union. wftl Street may remain subdued this week, awaiting Friday's release of U,Shem_J>loyment statistics=- . T c LabOrl:>tpanment's empfoy- mcnt report for March will furnish a fresh indication of how much the economr is respoodina to the Federal Reserve s efTons to slow growth and diffuse inflationary pressures. • WJtbin the technolOjY voup. Tandem Computers said its earnings forthcquanerendcd March 31 wouk! faH short of expectations. The t1l1- mate, which helDC<I push Tandem's stock 10 14i\, ofTl1·1 in active trading. fortowed disappointin& forecasts from other computer manufacturer\. including 1BM. Dt11tal and Unisys. Smithklinc Beckman led the acuve ''st-: 1.t . 'n1-:H' last for much of the tcss.aon and finished up •1, at 65'Ya. The stock was a on~ ~rfo. r Monday_ amid specu atlon that a nval bfd may emcrae for the drug company follow- ing tts dasck>sure that it as plannina to merge some of its majo( operations wnh Britain·s Beecham. Lockheed shares fell 2 to 47¥• on news the company estimated a 40 perccn1 drop in ats first-<iuarter act income and fof'CSCC1 an eam1nas decline in 1989. The company s:a.id it wouJd issue 10 ~ m)llaon new shares and buyback the same number of sham 1n the crtat1on of a $500 mtlhon employee stock ownenh1p plan. Hll\I \lll., UIU MEW YORK (AP) ~"'i' 1. dV~~ • ~'n;:'. -m:~ \ 'ti I . ' I I . \ DI· IC ' GOl .D PH If I' • I . • • ' i • • I .. \ ... Beer drinking in college· What does the phrase ~·spnng break .. call to mrnd? How about a sunburned. ovcr-sellcd beer-soaked collea.aan berserk on a Gulf Coa t beach? Whale that picture 1 sometimes accurate. there arc those Y..ho want to change at.. The kids taught their· cider -specafically the older generation at the Miller Brewing Co. -a few things. The lesson staned in late February when Maller prepared a lt>.pagc color ad upplcmcnl and paid to anscn at m 55 colleac newspape~. The ~upplcmcnt wa~ to be a tonauc-m- checi auide to fun an the sun. But It went too far, student comP.taincd. We aarcc .... ·we blew 1t," s.aad Millcr·s marketing and public relauon manager an a letter of apology to tudcnt papen. The brcY.ery pulled the supplement from I 0 paper and canceled plans to d1 tnbutc it in so.uthern beach area during sprang break. Millcr·s idm1 ion of a ma~takc 1 admirable. But the brewery was pushed into that acuon by students olTcndc<.I b> lnal>Qfopriate matenat There is nothma funny about ~xi m or alcohol abu~. That is a lesson )Ouna.stcr should be taught by their cider' Not the other way around. l Grtto B•y (Wl1.) Pru1·GHetle . . Use of steroids After Olympic sold mcdah$l Ben John~n di graced himldf and dasmayc<I all of an1da when te ts howc:d he had uted anabOfic s1ero1ds, the C'anld11n aoH:rnmcnt tskcd 1 comm1saion to look into the 1 uc of drua abuse 1mo111 its amateur ath~ Testimony taken by this impretaavc inquiry i$ tumana up evicknce that the problem socs well beyond pnntcr Johnson. That shoUld come at no surprise, nor should an)'onc be~ naive a «> think &hat the P!oblcm as confintd lO C'anad11n athletes. If anythina. the Canadaan satuauon 1 probably ·~···· the maAf cominl out of the 1nqu1ry tttm\ lO be that noahil)I shOftO 1 cooperative cfY'on amona nauon ... will Wipe out Cbe probkm. ' Alrt9dy the United Statet 1ftd tbc Sovtet lJnt0n have ~to permh adt side to bqift ..... daeOdWi'I' athlt~ fOr drUI '* well biefoft tbe ..., OftM ant Olympici. A iol•lllY .,..,.m, Of lhis til9d ia IM.,... would have *9dld intllrilY to llnllnf lpotU MCI •ilb• have percd ... Jolt..-liil:f111 tom ~bUC r.:· I I tMli:I.. '.,._, ~ -. DEMOOMCY lNAC.T\oN ... 601. WON'1' VO'ft \N U5 · . DUE TO ~1~\( oF M\5~1NG YA~\TE GAME 5H<1N Monorail supported; higher JW A landing fees suggested To tht' [d11or Your March 26 cd1tonal 1nd1catc~ that the proposed r>ouaJ:u Pla11-John Wayne t\1rport mononul ·~ runnrng into some new oppo 1tton th1, time from the county 11rpon con-.ullant). They're afnud thar b)' lt>''"I the "capta\C nl rlr..ct" in the terminal thc'f v.111 be unabk to meet the bond rcpa)m<'nt plan The consultant tttm to think th311o1.c mu\t nm allow the monorail because 1t will encourage free marl.cl capatah'm which will result 1n 1mpro\cd t.cn.1cc<1 for a1rhnc pa\~ngc:n Well, I for ont ha\ c lon3 n:~ntrcJ the limattd retail and food $CfVI c opllon'i for air rna,ckl"!.' I'm iurt airport cmplo)tt'l must reel e'en more \lrunatl)' aboul th1 j UC. There arc other ~'I> to fund the airpurt , \U\ h ra1sin1 land1na fee , that ,.,ould also help alla> Iran about futurt airport upans1on 1 ht' monorail pfOJ«t ha ram1ticat1on' far bl: )Ond Do\ll)a Pl11a and th ;urpon. <-\\ an altcrn "'"C trtn•por1al1un m~. conn«ttna tu luturc 1raMportat1on hnb 1t hia the potential to ea th 11.M.:al and rriional traMpottauon problems. Count) offiuals nttd to do'all in their power to ma._e the a1rpon contnbute to traffic ,o&uuon, not pro km' The)' nteJ to continue their upport of the monorail Dt\IR \1 LL lr'\ln~ No way path can be sensi tive • Concentrate more on victims To the Editor; J w.u \tunned ,1.,, I rc3d lhr la\I an1rll• "-rtllcn a~lut the Orncl.t\ tnal. 'four p.lpcr sctmcJ ~ cm~1hct1 with poor \Ohb1ni \1f\ Omclu(lttu notforict ht'rch1ldl\ 11ltall,el \1-.o that Dann~ Ornda\ would be ml\\1na the f~ t~r pltA) ,.t ha chun.h (Thi\ 1\ the same ( hn .. uan )'Ouna man ""ho ,.,..ore .1 a d~1na woman 1n .in alk'I a' h\•r two \OM v.oatch.cd I 1 he onl) mention ot l:>tbb1c K1llcka'\ t;imal) u a mall quote from her brothct M1~c ~ilfo). Your paper med to c~dud<' tht t t that while Oaon Ornclai ""oul<J ht m1 1n h1\ '"'' p> • lb pcopl would be ctlcbrallni fa\lCf Wllhout r>cbh1c 8} Dann~ Ornt'la • lk 11on"I on ~·pl I he ha\ cr~Jled a \ 01d th.at cin ncH•r be filled for lkhh1c \ mother, '1r\ Jultt K1lfo\; ~bb1c'1 hU)band ttn.in K1llcka thr1r dukt~n. M.checl. J ph and H1lhll'\ t>ct>l'1c'\ brottm Mike Kalfoy. her e~cr·in·law Mal') lo..1110,, her n1cc·.; Stacey Kllfo • h<'r \i ter 1ar) Col m;u\. her bmthct·1n- law Ron Coltman, her ncphcVt' and n1c c· Grc and Jennifer ( okman, her s1 \CT ~n1 k 1lfo). her brother Patn\·k K&lfoy and tv.() dc"otcd frt n<h Jud~ Ou lion un.d Cilona Plcr«. r h l>'-'<>Pk IO\C'J her c.kt'pl~ nd no~ be'~ aone. I would appr<"C1att it, tf in tht fu1urt \Ou ~oulJ ronccntratt a httk more on 1ht v1 llm' ofc11mc 1ns1e dot the l«tnN l .. MILi ER taMna ~ewport complaints backfirt Solicitcir doesn't bave 'a prayer . . Comments from readers are welcome 'I'\ l ,ISTI '\GS fortified with schnapps, 1akes onr and waves 11 gleefully. After all, if1JU,t a Mul.ical theater as a history le son pany. is a common device these <!ays with Dale Jones 1 an enp&JO&. s1m-shows like "Evita" and "Les Miser-phsuc HcrrSchuh1. rais1n1a scratch) ables". amona the more popular rnain& voice 10 be pan of 1he crowd. exp<>ncots of the form, but its orig.ins And Deborah Brucher-Wrcn as his •c~ baok an to tt{e mid-l 960s and the wiser fiancec (assuming the role for &tare o''hitrsh ~alfty that was John the third time) is the standout of the~ Kander aod Fred Ebb's "Cabacct." · cast, both with her strength of An adaptation of an adaptation character and the caliber of her ffrom Chn~topher Isherwood's "Ber-vocalizing. fin Stones" via John Van Dnitcn's ''I ' George Quick·~ back JO h1sclown- Am a Can\"era"):the show has tllkcn hite makeup as the emcee ,of the many forlns. mduding the movie raucous K.Jt Kat Klub, tnn po 1ng version which -ahbough it thecom1cw1ththedramat1cm klllful emasculated the stage play -won fashion. Gerhnde Davidson ne'"cr "()sea.rs for stars Laa Minoclh and. really break~ through as the Joel Orcx. · · hcdon1shc Sally Bowks until the final And, 1f this is the version which sequence. an a bhstenog ho"do"'n comes most readily. to mind. be with the wnter;--(>hl)cd with e:\:cep-~rcpared for an exciung revelation at t1onal ~trength and matunt) b~ Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Michael Wren . NT A Cs enU}' .1n iM Oranat Co uni) . Centennial OM-Act P\ay F~uval, will be held A~nl 11 and 12 at the theater, 2501 Cliff Orivr, Nrwpon Bteeh ... directot Kara GrctM w11J bt- scekinJ 1wo women, one 17 10 )Sand tM other over 35 .... olso. 1ryouts for the musical "Zorba" "''II be con-ducted b) director Kent Johnson and musicladarectorT1m Nel~n Apnl IS at JO am. andApnl l6a17 p.m .al o ' at the theater .. lhc cast call'I for l6 men and 10 -.omen deta11s on "Zorba" are available at 631-0288 •. and on ··GnK"elancr at 541-07S2. ()pea aud1do0s rot Siiiild"'*l Collete's three sumlMr musicalJWO- duction ·-.. ~M,"" "a"om· foolery" aDd ''Little ofllorron" -will be held April I tiom I to S p.m. tn Room I or the Garden Oro~ Center, l 3162 Newhopt SL, Garden Grove. and April 24 and 25 at 7 p.m. at Saddlet.dt c~ fOr "Georte M" and "Tomf~ onl~ .... f\itth.-· rcadinp for .. Little SbopofHorron" are planned for May 22 apd 23 in \he collqc's McK.inM)' Tt.e.ter. ·Filmmaker threatened; AFI cancels screening Dinner Theater, to which ''Cabaret" Da'"id Alan is sl):ly cfTect1"c a the has returned after a four-year. Nazi who pla) ol)-t\1s fnendsh1p "'"Ii able.nee. Tb1s .. Cabaret"' has the Wren. while M)rona Dclane) 1s a From Cfty News Service Alrakhan until the institute released a sinew and muscle of the original. bawdy delight a .tile fraulem "ho LO· ANGELES_ The c~l-cumc recn1ng ·schedule that excluded without the tiresome subplots ex-enten.a1ns one sailor after another in producer of an anu-Khomc101 film '"\ocilcd Threat.'' chanacd on film for the eoignant love the room mg house. Ken Taber. Diana has been targeted With dtath th1ea1 t The film, based upon the Orange story between the aging German Gunther, Jim Hormel, Frances Hub-prompting pohcc to takr security -County murder of an lraJllanjoumal- woman and Jewish fruit merchant. bcll,JoMontcleonc.EarlWcaverand mrasurcs and the Aml'ncan Film 1st who spoke out against the .Kh<>- This segment~ rather than the ill-Michael Van Patten complete thecasl Institute 10 drop the movie from its mean1 regime io lran, was set for an f.a1cd ro.man.cc..be.lweenJ.he American ..inmuluplc up_ponmtJis ignments. .lJi.u.niS .... AFI press screening last month when writer and the English club singer, is ,"Cabaret" remains. even a er two But Ken Wlaschin. director of the -a oomo tllreat promplc<f Pollet tO- the crux of "Cabaret" - a story of decades, an arresting and thought-AFIFdmFcst scheduled later 1h1s empty the theater. two people trapped in the ming 1ide provoking evening of musical monlh. sa)~· "Veiled Threat" wasn't The film's makers say it's criucal of ofNaJiism. And director John Fcrola theater. and the Cun.am Call pro-dropped from the JO utute' screen-tbe .\yatollah Khomeini. buJ not under;scores this om.mous m~ssagc by duchon 1s an e~cellcnt argument for -rng plans un11I the movu:·s producers Islam, as ts Salman Rushdie's "The focusmi on the ordanar) residents of more substantial fare m dinner drew attention 10 11 bv telhng 1he news tame Verses." Bertin w~ocould not know the horror theater menus. Performances con-media about 1he thriat~ Afrakhan has rect1ved two tcle- about to be visited on tbem. tmue night!) e ccpt Monda)s at "I scud "e "-111 how a film not phoned death .threats, one spoken 1n 1n one memorable sequence -the varying curtain ume through June. somet.heng v.herc )OU wa' e rrd flag."> Persian, Graham sa}'. The Police old couple·s enga_Jement p;uty I 6at the theater. 690 El Camino Real. and sec 1f )OU can attract a bomb or Department's anti-tprrOnst diVision tainted by the encroachment of the Tustin Ticket mfonl1.a11on 1s a' ail· t\\o:· Wlaschm told 1oda) ·s Lo has 1 ued "black box-direct al.a.rm Hitler follow~ -the Curtain Call' able at 838-1540. .\ng_eles Times. "That's 001 resJ>()n· s~ tcm to himself and Afra.khan and "Cabaret" sends chills down the spine s1ble ·· his son. Graham said. of tls viewers. As the Nazis and 1he1( CALLBOARD -The c" pon But Bob Graham, producer of the Pohce spokesman Fred Nixon con· supp<>rters sang ··Tomorrow Belongs Theater Ans (enter will hold hold lo"·budget 1hnJler. said he didn't firmed the threats had been mide but to Mc," a flunky pa~s out swastika audJ11ons neu week for two pro-pubhcrze the threats a~1n\1 Iranian-dcd1ncd to discuss security measures. flags -aod the Jewish gentleman, duct1ons ... readings for "Graceland,"' born · e:i;ccull' c proaucer Tngh1 sa11ng poh.Cl J)f"Ohibits 1t. I 6:00 I 6:3o I 1 :00 I 1:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:oo I 9:30 I 10:00I10:30 I 11:oo l 11 :3o I · Pair of ne·W records offer some ., • D • D • • D brassyblues andme/IOW .Mozart ''Bl11e1 Bred in the Bone" IGramavision) -Ray Anderson Brass and "''"d horn~ often 1m1tatc the human voice. and the 1rombohe can sound like a nagging spou\t". That hm11~ m Jppcal. 10·93> the least. But as the leader of a crad. thc-pu.'Cc comtx> on "'Blues Bred m the Bone." Ra) .\nderson <,urmounL\ thc constraints of the 1rombone .\ndcrwn neigh blu~ and buncs, but he also rocks. roars. swangs and sings He creates. too -not content to· ttlc for a 12-notc M:ale, nderson find' music between the note~ • The rut)ponmg cast 1 ttmtic Guuamt John oficld outpla)S Anderson on the lllk cut, and the l"-O trade solo w11h frenz) on "5 "\rd and Greenwood," P1an1st Anthon) D'Jv1 ba s1st Mar~ Dres~r and drummer John'n) V1dacov1ch are al~ fine. The group f 1mposs1ble to pigeonhole "I fem lines" contains beatnik boo&1e-w00&1e "Datune" has a b1g- band na,or. and "A Flower Is a Lovesome Thang" 1s a sJow blue~ But while thC' mood and pace val). '1rtu~1t)' is a constant. -By Steven Wine, A11ociated Press Writer Clarinet Q•latet ta A maJor, K. 581: Oboe Quartet In f' ma,or, K. 379; Hora Qtiintet in E·O•t major, K. 407; Wo f&HJ Amade.1 Mozart; Ttae Academy of A~lut M•tk Ciamber Eaaemble (L'OlleH·Lyre) · The darincust"s chche &oes hu fh1\' area• chamht-r • works for the instrument arc few. but gem" 101ar1 and Brahms each wro1e a 1r10 and c.auentcts and the} an: amon1 those eomp<>se~· greatc'it contnbullon'I to the chamber mu'l1 l1teratu~ Mo1art ad.dtd a concerto. t\ne ol h1\ lasl c.:omiK>s111ons. and Brahms also produced two tleauufol sonata C'lannct l>laycrs everywhere arc gratc:lul for such d•" inc favor \nd loH·r.. of the Mo1...an quintet should be arat~ul to .\nlo~ Pa) and his colleagu~ at the Academ> of An 1ent Mlll1l' for this rcadJOJ. Tho~ fam1har w1lh the beautiful p1t"Ce "-111be1n for a ~urpnsc. Pa) perform on . rcconuruct.wn of the obsole1c .... sbon~llved ba~~t­c Ian net, on&>nal bcnclic1al) of the quintet and concerto. It play\ four h lf-ste~ lower and has.a m~llov.u, cooler tone. 1 he cont~st ~ith the tMI) ~t.rings of the pcnod mruummi ".rinwlayers 1s \01'-ld. The basstt<lannet dOI.~ howe,er ~cnficc soroc of the modem clan net's flu1d1t) and ah1hty to pla) as soft The 1n~trumcnt' lower range aHo"' Pa) to m :onfisurc passaie a they were ori&Jnally meant, so tbc)" uddcnl) make sense He also 1.akcs some flt&hts of lj!n >'· 1mpro'"mn, 10 t.he Jo~ movement and add1na ornament 1n the la~t mo .. emcnts -sometimes '4-1tllly. someume cxcw1vel) -presumably bkc a late l 8th- century clan net mt v.-0uld have done .. The sound of Stephen Hammer's oboe, a repro- duction of nn 1Mtrumcnt from around 1780. in the qu;inct ha life and a mer p1quanC}. Hammer pJa)' w11h a' mu h, 1f not more. personality as Pay. 1 he horn quintet recording pro'"cs that the 1nven11on of vahe on bra\ 1nstrumcnu. was probabl)' a prttt) ood 1hm1o Michael ThompSOn is upctb 1n m:> 1cr1n' h1 \alvclcs• 10\trumcnt. The casual listener, hO"-C\Cr, ma) find 1t l u than Ytiifytot --1 h1\ 1 a &inr d1 "'•th npres51vc. Oc:iuble pla)'1na. -8) Da•itl Wdla. .u..dlteitl Prest wrlC•r . .. 'ewport Bt-ach ..,._ tw. C I "II HltOor -...11 Ill'-" "'"' .... , .. , _ __.. ___ .........._ ---- a llAi90A a.MA 70t l Mbol ..._ 61\ SIO ............... .,, . •• ·--•091' ONllMA c-~· oow '44<>160 1wwswa efAr .... 1 )0 l .... Uwae. )() • lO 10 JO Compete TV ....... .., Sw1day·1 TV Piiot -~ .. ~ ~I llvd •11 ,_,.,,. ~ -------------------------------=----.,;_____ ... ._,,,4S MEET BRIAN TRACY FREE ADMISSION ..................... REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS SllflNAI DATE AP111. I, tit 11 ('I I..-.>• M'mL II (It· 11 ,._) L••r• How 10:. 1 ..... • 1. ro • 1 ......... ' la 1010...-..__,,_......, JO YAIOU'nt~~t~rw .............,"""' \~ .. , ........ f 10 :Jao.)J0.110 IOJO >----.AN I, l JO S 40 t IOIO .... -..... Jo) JO_S40 710 10 Huatiagt .. Bewh ,_ aan uw _,. 1N1 w-.-... "''°''° . I ........... '' IOto ,.._ .. , .... IOIS .... • ..... , .......... 1;;JQ tO • ....... JO,., 10 ,._..,,, ..... M>40 ==·Fil I WWWW l .. >.._.11 _!~~-UIUOt,IO ...... -,,~ lniM n~ s -bias~ -cau $ Sur-$.et uproar Ocean Viewf~lieil bjone hit-disputed fourth-inning b_ elt , ..• ~:;.::y~~·~i~0~~~:;~fr~~~~~ · 30.scco~nd dtlay and now let's caJI 1t ii 8Y .CC.• CIUll.S()N han&1n1 au. the ball laftdint on the "So you have a hoim · run that three and walked none. a ncar-pcrfttt ro1.md-tr1~pc1-. I had a ·real problem °' .. ~,_... play1_na surface in tht founb 1nnint, doesn't 10 o .. er the fc~... P9'C other than the rope cast b) w11h that. If anyone thinks Foun11in V~y .. Yep, 'tbaf1' a homer," wd As a rtsult, the 1-0 dcc1s1on not Serafin. The home plate umpire made the Hilb buebe.11 ooech Ron La Rutfa Ruff&. who planted the trtts dunna onl) dropped Ottan View into a tie Serafin. 8 6-foot-1, 190-pound call, then the bases umpire aa"e doesn't ha~ some iniilbt into the ti1s tenure at &ht0n, bul who JS now wub La Ruffa's Founuuo VaJle) senior. npped the ball 315 feet into Barrett lhe thumb. Sunset Lcaaue consider &Jais: · at Fountain Yaney. and in fi'lt plact. 8arQOS at 3-1. -but u dropped Karpel the ~utherly wmd, which was help-"h sounds hke sour grape now," When mlprmed thal Edison Ht&h What wu rnUy needed Tl>csd•> at from the ranks c5f a po~ntiaJ no-hiller ma the lrtt 10 lean e"cn more mto said Barrett. "Bui \\C d1dn·ucore on)' bad.beaten visstana Ocean Vaew, 1.:0, .,Edison Hlgh was La Ruffa as an and turned him into the losing playina 1emtory run so we weren't going 10 wm watb a disputed home run to left-onlooker. because wuhout him there pitcher. Ed,1son, mcanwbJlc. creeps to .. He hH u halft.,a> up tbe trtt, .. said anyway. · ~ntcr, • play in which the baJI hit a was one stormy Stss1on as Ocun within one pine of 1he lead. Eda son Coach Paul Harrell "It was a "I have to give their guy, credit, we tree and fell 1n11de the playmg View Coach Steve Ba~u prottsled. The Ocean View .senior allo\\ed shot." had ham (J.J. Tbobe) on the ro.J)" in surface, he responded: to the po1nr that he was cjCCted. onJ y one other bescrunner -Brian ~n Vic-... vic"ed n as a hvc ball the sixth and seventh and he pitched "It must have been Serafin " "fl didn't Leave the yard," said H1uins ao1 aboard on a l\\O-Out error and considered at a ground-rule out of Jams. It was 1us1 another one-Yes, 11 wu Jason Serafin, "'ho Bamu, '"and noth1n1 was aid about an 1he first innana. double, but Harrell mformed the run game. another Sunset game. We smotbe~ a Mike Karpel o~na for the situation when we went over the Other than that. Karpel had e"ery-umpires at was a home run and the JU~t got the shon end of 1t this time " the four-beatr, strikiQI an over-pre..pmc ground rules. lhtn& going for him. He struck out offacws ~. (~ase'" IASEIAU/l lJ 1. Ocean View's Steve a.rett.. co111f,1' \R•:\ KOl '\DIP Vanguards -·· mmte-iilto- Sea Kings stagger . first place Kendall Kas~r's arand &lam ID the bottom of the fifth 1nnina raJlicd the Soutbem Cahfomia Collesc basebeJI team to an I t-5 victory over vis.ahna Cal Lutheran and 1n10 first place an the Golden State Athletic Conference Tuesday. · The Vat\&uards trailed S-2 cntcnna the bottom of the fifth "'hen Kasper bit his blast, which put CC ahead to stay at 6-5. The ~anguards added another run an the fifth. two more an the sutth a11d two in the seventh to wtn Joing away. sec improvC1 to 19-1 1 overall. 8-2 m GSAC play, while droppm& Cal Lutheran. which led the conference aoina in~o 1he game. 10 ! 9.) J :...9-3., Winning pltchcr Jam uednck survived a shaky stan and stttled down in the final four innings. In total. Dednck yielded 11 hits ind four ea.med runs, but from 1he sixth 1no1ng on. he aJlowed just two hitS and no- runs, whilccollect1n1 three of has four Tv p k ( bo ) da-. CdM' J h H 11 stnkcouts. •, r • • ve .,.. •• 1 o n am • Kasper was 3 for 4 w11h s1~ RBI . ton loolr1 on; .. low, Matt Cwlertnl• pulls drivana 1n two other runt on a angle sn the sutb. Kendall's brother Ke•tn was also an the (tl1ddlc of the Vanauards' attack, also aoina 3 fo r 4 and sconna th~ ttm«. Joe A versa added thrc hm and four RBI. which included a two-run homerm the third. SoC.aJ CoUeae va 11s UCI a1 7 toni&ht for a non-conference matchup with the Anteaters. In a non-conference game . VQ e, U.S. hlaerutt..J 5: Pinch- • hatter Chris Gallcao lashed a 1inaJc up the m1ddJctoscoreCounney Davis in the bottom of the 10th innma to hf\ the Anteaters, who blew a 4-0 lead, to the v1ctQry at UCI. With two outs, Davis si n&Jed and stoic second. Af\er Mike Goodca.se fflle ... Me COUEGE/llJ . ----•.-Y ............ .., .... ,..,.. out one out. and Matt Herrtngto;. fJJI dives fOf" th• ball ahead of Chris Olson f6J. fl UeyOO·~--""t with four-se_t ·win ( orona del Mar High· I t<'·bloom- 1 ng Sea Krng , off to a slov. st n in terms of" on-loss recprd because-of a dehbrrate procrast nation b) their coach. Charlie BranJc. 'itunnr-d prev1ousl)' unbeaten l 'nl\er it) Ht&h Tuesday nlght in :X-a View l eaaue \ olle) b:ill. pulhng out a four-~t \ IC"lOI). The Sea Kings. \\ho entered with Just a. 1-1 o"erall record. ~Qrded a 17-15, 15-8, 9·15. 15·12 \U:lOI)' O\Cr Orange County' No 3-rankrd Tro- Jan , who \\Cr~· 4--0 <'ntcnng on their own couJ1. C..hn Pltha t>ad 14 kill~ and 13 blod..s .. T)h Pnct had 3 a 1'its and Man t-tcmngton and Ja\.On Pcrkms each had 12 '-111 in the "' tOI') The a Kinas took control late tn the fint game after tr:ultna. 14 10 u J.krran ton led a char e "'hale ser .. 101 to tie 1t at 14. then at er fa hnJ tX'htnJ I 5-14, Brande's ere" pulled 1t out Corona dcl Mar mo"cd to a 2-0 advantage ~fore l ~IOI a ~tep backv.ard tn the third pme, then mo"ed on for the win ''\\ e kind_ of v.enl to \lcep an the Third pme ... said Brande, "as w of\en ha~n~ v.ath momentum." L'n1\ers1t,, led b\ ~-foo1-N <\tcfon Mumav., had Corona dov.n l~ 10 1n the dcc1dcr.®t ~.ith \1au Gv..1er1ni sen 1n,.s. the ' a K1np ra l ed oil th<' final fl"e points The "'n sets ( d~1 up ~11h a 1-0 re<.o rd go1nj into .,ndl) 's crucial agnm 1 '1s1ung \lev.port llaroor ··1 knev. la 1 \Car our ba krtNIJ team v.ouJd do "ell. w I hcdulcd a late a pO \Ible," said Brande .. ~hat I didn't <''~t v.as that lhey ~cnt to 'ltatc ·· Brande \31d he v.a urpn~d b h1 team·., rclatt\C ucr .. aga1Mt the taller TroJan who were led by Mumaw· sttady baf'TalC of kills. l:lscv.here in Sea View voUeybalJ: twport R..W S, ,_ ... t: TbC ho t tlors, bctund the play of Bally JU)en (12 l.tlls) and Wm Allison (e11ht kill ) \\Cpl to a I S-5.,) S-8. I 5-I 3 dcc1s1on E1taacla S, Feo&Wll . t:. Andy holes' all-around pla)' and the ~mna of on HtnkJ~~lcd the host Ca&le • 1mP.rov1na che ~les 10 3-6. 1-0 Foothill fell, 1 S.8. t ~. l S-9. Jn prep boys sw1mmtng; • Man.. l .. , Kullactoe ~ .. : John WC$ter busied with compcti- tton nataonalh unttl now. 101 10 his ttt'$t high hool meet of the season to help lead the V1k1ngs to the unset Lc~uc triumph. \\ 1th a 2·07 already racked up in the :?CX>-brea~t troke whale at the senior n.attonah 1n Nol'Ul -Carolina, We ter nt on to record routine effort of 2 01 3S 1n the 200 1ndiv1d- ual 1cdlc) and 1:02 47 in the too brta tstroke v.11hout 1 push. Hununaton &ach' Tom West- cott. meanwhile, wa a wan~ 1n the 100 ~ck~trole, .a ina ~ 70 an an unchallenacd c'cnt. Westcott rcttnt· I) turned a I 3 m 1he 200 back troke 11 1hc Junaor imonals _in Lon.a Beach. In prep i.irt wimm'1ni. • M•rtu 1'5"9. HuU.,... Beacll 84 ~t: -'nnc 1mmon and Diana Orics~n ~ere Joublc-win.oert for the V1k1np. v.ho also rctt1ved important «tondal) points from Knsunc Man- n10n tt'phaniC' Kramer. Lcmmcc Nakamura and Erika Roth. who wa w1mm1ng 1n an ofT--cvent. FHataln Valley 114, EdJ .. H: •\1mre .\oaar'!. Quahfvina tam« in the (Pl.aw JH ROUNDUfi' /a2J Steroid$: Ban may be near, and it's. aboLl!Jime Legislation If Olym'pic Games have already b_~ed it, what's been holding things up 7 ne a ( ~0 ban If san area v.hich most, 1f pressed The neptt H·sa~ 0\ e~hclnfmt, chaps In rcah I) that' IO or I 5 l uesda)' 'st'('\ clat 1ons from Penn-s tero Id use _about it, Yt'OUld adm111he)' don't bu t throu&h 1t all. lt ha been tolerated pen:ent of)Ourschool's blue chips s)'l .. anta undc~orc the s1tuat1on. · \oowmucb about. -on-ttte«>ITesc;eommun1t~oflcgt v..~rc tn\.Ol"cd. m~ more A,nd 1f 11' an Penns) 1 ... .an1a. it' 1n Thcuseofstcroids-acrutch andha&hscfloollcvelforatlcastthe That' \\h) l ha\eb«n.fonomc Southem(ahfomaa. /:or preps wh1ch1 lotof1tblctcs ha'e usro in pa.st IO)cars tame urpnscd that no one v.ithtn the One promincntathlcttc trainer / l ordtttotetan~.ortokttpupw11h ll'snotthcproblcmonc 1 SOCtates (IF u1hcm')ccuon.orfrom an' a su~meafcwv.cd .. 11othcn-•o' the comJ)tUllon. bas been bandied with tb.edruacuhure which I\ ruonin hool d"tr1ct or 1nd1v1dual school "httle or no problem evident.-hut I aboutalotsmcctbc 198801ymp1c rampant m soc1ct). bccau~wc'rt' ha norncpped lonh to ban th( u~·of didn't b(lac"e 11 GamcsinSeoulw1th the much· · talkan1abou1ma)be3pcteent ofll tcro1d Pennsylvanaa'sfiaurcs(500.000 pubhcizcd .ccount ofCanacb's Ben ~hoofsenrollmcn1. and 11'5 no1 Jf1heOl)'mp1c Gamescan ban 11. na11onall)' )t'onftrm the usp1non Johnson, was was unctrrmonaousl)' add1ct1\'e. Bui it docs arc.at and Ja,1ina wh)' can't our hool 11 Thcrc'sccrtatnl)' noacc:u~llon\lo nddcnou1ofSouth Korea on a ratl physical harm. It can't br because no one isn't ~made here -bul r ,e nc\.Crbecn (actually at wasa pla.ne). nd th~sonof numberure aware of 11. nd 11 can't be b«ausc ihe able 1oaccepuome of the num~"" Vanualty nolh•ns bas bccnsaad rcallydecejv1na. problem 1s nottherc It's th~rc. but no which come out of v.e1aht training for aboutslcroldsposativef),e~ctpt that That 3 percent ttPrC ntsaarcat one 1s 1n""ttpt1nganc.I no one tt.s prep football team 1t•11lbclpypu1ttstront1Cr. dcalmorcanttrmsofnumbtrsofbluc donean\lh1naabout1t How1 l6-)ear-oldh1 h hool 80-year-.old battery enough Old-timers belt Angels, 9-2· . · ,,.,,,,, ........ . tudent can b(nch pft' 42 pound or Jill from the squat pm111on nearl~ 60<)Pound numben.v.h•t h n\al mtema11onal 1andard 10 thl' -..pon of v.c1.sht11fhng, lca"c-s onc to v.onder The one I remember mo~t"' s the da. 1t"'a dectdedtodosom .. thm~ ff'teatt1ttCAALSON/12J • • <nnge C0Mt DAILY PtLOT I Wedn .... y. Apr11 5, 1Ut '· 19 0 H I ' ti H I \ k What price Dodgers' box seats? --~----~--~---t~~~ ....... --.:.:i Attornexs ma e se<:::ret ~ett eme11t From The AuodMM l'rets 11ckelS and tailed to as\ c her ll«'n5 10 lhc m t. Mrs W)'man said in coun docummts that he wu LOS ANGELES -The pmc is ovtr ~ bamboozled into \l&n1n1 tht 1973 aareemcnt and somebody won but who got benched is a • 1 he finn araucd that Mrs. Wyman was way ofTbuc secret. • when she wrote that her husband ''built a amt law firm Former City Councilwoman Rosalind with the aid uf ticke ts acquictd by his wife." · , Wyman. y.iho helped lure tht 1988 World Series The panners cicprcsstd "dismay" that a ·•woman of .champioh Dodacrs to Los Anaelcs from Brooklyn in plaintiffs bacqround, brccdina and character could · 1958, filed a bccarh 19f COJltract suit against her late attach so m.uch s11nificance to eiaht baseball tickeu." husband's law firm in an eff'on to regain control of cil!}l Afier al!&. said the law)'ers.1. Mrs. Wyman was paid S 1.3 premium season tickets to Dodaer baseball games. million .,r her husband's urm. On Monday1 she siJned a secret sculement that Mrs. Wy man said a deal w9sbcingnegotiated la \fall ended the litipt1on against the Jaw firm of Wyman, when law 'firm. partner Howard Weitzman CJllcd the Bautzcr. Kuchel and Silben, where her husband worked Dodgers to say' the di •putc had been resolved and aU . until he died in 1973. tickets were sent to the firm. Mrs. Wyman claims 1he was instrumental in She claims Weitzman squired "fr.A. taw" co-creator obtaining the tickets and, in the 1960s, wl.s granted use of Steven Bochco to-one World-'Series g_•me and movie the prime box seats by the la firm-mogul Tony Thomopoulo to another. ' "I brouaht the Dodgers here," Ms. Wyman said. Wc11zm~n was out of town and unavailable to expl•ming her fierce battle for the scats. hand-~lcctcd comment by telephone Monday. with late Dodger owner Walter O'Malley. • Neither ide would say who wound up w11h the When her husband died in 1-973, she said she signed disputed seats as a re ull of Monda) 's settlement an agreement that gave her the right offirst refusal to the The attorneys involved uggested: Take yourself out tickets and the ri&ht to purchase them if the firm didn't. to the ball park and sec. They're nght behind home plate Mrs.Wymansued.claimingthefirmgaveawaytwoofthe . anRow 218,seats I through8. Walsh decides to turn pro I'\ TH•: Rtt:.\('H•:RS ./ The NFL draf\ gained two blue-ffip players and a touch ofintrigue Tucsda)' when ~ University of Miami quanerback Steve 'C..::Y' Walsh announced his intention to turn pro /) M•ter Del Htgh•s Kennedy Pol•, '•lthCK19h just 6 -.foot-t , JtO pounds. dlspl•J•d re· o~~,....,,.__ mark•ble strength-wltft tft• w.191'-n. bUt Injuries cut Short his career.. and the league granted admission to Heisman Troph) winnerBanySanders. --- Sanders, who threatened he would go to court 1f necessary to enter the NFL. learned 01at he wouldn't have to. The NFL granted his request to enter the April 23 draf\ bccau~ his school. Oklahoma State, is · on NCAA probation and because coach Pat Jones alld athletic director Myron Roderick support him. "We've alwa)'s believe 1t best for both professional and college football that the NFL's elig1b1hty rules not work to disrupt college programs or players· educational opponunitie"'' said NFL spokes- man Joe Browne. ... "But when an underclassman whose program 1s under NC -\A W•lsh .sanctions decides to tum pro with the full suppon of his college coach and athletic director and · when he has lost any remaining college football eligibility in the process, we have no realistic choice but to accept him." Half an hour later. Walsh announced he would gJ\.'C up his final year of chgibihty, but he didn't specif) whether he would petition for the regular draft or one of the two supplementals -either in Jul> or September Walsh. considered the second or third best quar- terback available, doesn't need league perm1ss1on because he plans to graduate this summer. The 5-foot-9. 183 pound Sanders. who broke or tied 24 NCAA records last year whik rushing for 39 touchdowns and 2.628 )ards. 1s far more aware of his status. As 1t stands no\\, the Detroit Lions. who choose third. arc desperate for speed and arc likcl) to take him Walsh. on the other hand. is ranked with Washington State's Timm Roscnbach -another Junior "ho ma) go in either the regular or supplemental drafls -one le' el below UCL.\'s Tro) Aikman. · Aikman was considered a cinch to be taken b) the Da. llas Cowboys. who choose first, until the team was purchased 1n February b> Jerry Jones. Jones named Walsh's college coach, Jimmy Johnson. to replace Tom Landry. Hence the intngue. Ql'OTE Of' THt: DA 1· Eralt Bub, former Chicago Cul?s star. at a roast in Billy Manin 's honor: "Billy's the only player listed in both the Baseball Register and Ring Magazine. His hitting coach was Jake La Motta." Lakers cruise past Sonics A.C. Gree• scored a career-hish 33 ~ points and Maile Jobson had 18 assists as • ~ the Los Angeles Lakers beat Seattle. 115-97, r Tuesday night. handina the SuperSonics ---- their sixth consecutive setback. The Lakers, who lead the NBA 's Pacific Div1s1on b) 31'1 games over Phocnt.\. notched their 50th victory. the 10th consecutive ume they have reached that mark. The La.kers' Kareem Abcl•I· Jaltbar, who will celebrate hJS 42nd birthday on Apnl 16, made his final regular-season apP.Cllrancc in ~nle and received a lounge chair and an 011 painting of himself in action. He spent much of the game on the bench.Johnson scored 15 points and had' nine rebounds as the Lakers beat Seattle for the third time in five mectjngs ... Mcanwh1le. Reale Lewl1 scored 27 points and Kevta McHale added 2 I as Boston ended a four-game road losing ~trcak with a 124-108 victory over the Clippers at the Sports Arena. Robert Parl1b scored 19 points for the Celtics, who have won all I 0 games against the Oippcrs since the Clippers moved to Los Angeles from San Diego at the start of the 1984·85 season. The Clippers were led by Benoit Beejamln with 28 points and rookie Gary Grant w11h 23. Gretzky faces e~-teammates· lNGLEWOOD -Try to find a more fascinating NHL pla)off scne in Thi~. 1tre •- Wayne Gret1k) transition year, than the l' '..:. mythe D1' 1S1on ~mi final matching the two-time defending Stanlc)' Cup champion Edmonton Oilers against tht re'" ed Los ngclcs 'Kings. · There probably isn't one s1mpl) because of Rrucc McNall's S 15 million gamble lasi Aug. 9 that brought GrctLky from the Oilers to thr once hfele').s Kings. Gret7k> 's acqu1s111on by Mc all. the Kings' owner and a.fifelong hockc' fan. led to an 1mmcd1atc power shift in the mythe 01' 1sion. lnstcadoffin1 hang founh orfif\h as usual the Kings "ere second at 42-31-7 and chncht.-d home-1ct advantage over Edmonton. The Oilers were third at 38-34-8. their lo"est finish since I 980-81. Grevk.y. who made hockc~ fun for the King_,. will try to help dethrone the team he led to four Stanley Cups in the last fi ve seasons. The bc)t--Of-se"cn series begins at the Forum tom&)lt. Game 2 will b( pla}ed here Thursda) night before lhc series sh1f\s to bdmonton for games Saturday and Sunda). The team~ spht thc1re1gh t regulaMeason games. ·Morrison hired by San Jose Staa Morrlsoa. an assistant coach at San ---- Jose tate niversity two decade ago before * bema head coach at Pacific and tJSC. will CARLSON- From•• about one of Mater De1 High\ trul) fine athletes. He was Kennedy Pola-a linebacker who was destined for gre.atncss. Or.so It seemed. The M onarehs' sa fTtold me a&u t him, howtcmfic he was simply in termsofwe1ghthft1pg. not to menuon ~ckhn_Jonrushinarunnmg backs. An exetpuonal athlete, he ran the 40 1n 4. 7 and was6-foot-1, 195 pounds as a sophomore st.anenn 1979 Samoan, h1scoacjlcalled him "awe~me" dunng p.rcsea on chatter. . No one d 1sagreed. he was. Sooneday wcdec1dcd we'd do somethmgon Kennedy Pola.s1mpl) in d1splaymgh1'> might 1n the Mater Dc1 we1ghtroom.A few day: later. it wa~ota was on CheThjured list. The word was, although no one would confirm it, that he had hun himself while hftina forthe photo, and as time went on, Kennedy Pola went from hun to too-much hun. · He went on to play for three )cars at Mater Oct, but tne word was that' be never fully recovered. and his "ca· recr" wa up-and-( mo tly)-do.wn at USC. Were steroids one of the problems? lt'sa question l've askcd . .an an w~r nc,errcce1ved. - That's~ustoneexamplc.aod 1fone were to really investigate, I'm ccnain no school would escape the same son of noto11e"ty. Ten \Carsnjlo. 5tcro1ds wt"ren 't tn communtt) cotrcgc tennis: Riverside $, Golden West 4: Robert From B 1 Lucas stood out in !>mglc!> for the 50frecstylc(sccond in 2S.56)and 100 visitine Rustlers. but R1 \.ers1de's free (first in 56.02) were Lhe h1ghhght\ sweep an doubles tu med 1t around to tn the ( hargers' defeat drop Golden Wrst.t<> 4-11 overall, 3-5 ROUNDUP In bJih, hool golf:· in conference _pla). Edison !21, Ocun View 232: lnh1ifl ~hool tennis. Charger Jason Vanderplar. and Mike FoualaJn Valley 13,MariH $: ~11.t Holme from Ocean View shared Mell and Colb) Morita Sla)'ed un- medalisl honors with 42 at ScacltfT beaten an Sunset matches. while Countf)' Club in tht' unset League Bnan Winten.tcin also sv.cpt_ 1n opener for both schools. --singles to pace the Baron<1, 3-0 1n Mariu H7, Fo.otalo Valley 214: league. to the vlltory. Dan Dalton paced the Vikings with a 8uU•1&01 Be.ell II, Wtttml11ttr 2-undeT 34 at 11lc Square Parli.. 1n the 8: A-nd) Stewart ~cpt to his 36th ~unset Lcaaue opcner. slnlt&hl singles victor) ~1th a 6-0. 6-0. C.r ... cltl Mar· 197, Newport 6-0 brce7e a) the Oilers punish('d the Jta..-ZU; JefT Pa1ch and te"c hosts. 1mpro"ing to 2·1 m \unset Dana hared medali t honors tor the Lcagoe pla) Sea King • r.hooting 1-<>"Cr 381 at the t.a,... Btacll II, Laiua Hilb i~ Costa Me~ Golf Club. Fr('st\man Graham yillcs led the E1la11eia tH, U11ver1U)' tit: Au~ Ar\lst • 9-2 overall. with lhe Pacific tm Maki hot a 2-undcr 34, Kenny C oa t l..caguc opener a1 t.aauna I hlls (alven fired o 37 and Mike Joyner a weeping three foe! b~ 6-0 mar&m\ 38 for the Ea&les in the Sea View In high school 50ftball League wan at Ra ncho Son Juaquin. OctH View IJ La Habra t: Jennifer In men• college tenn1\· Kimble rcurcd i. I of the ~2 b3ucn \ht' UCI $. U. of u Diego I: Mark faced m p11ch1n1 a one-hitter d the Kaplan, who reccntl )' made the Jump Seahawk' notched the non-league from 72nd to 14th an the na11onol victory al La lfabra rankings. struggled to a 6· 3, 2-6, 6-4 Kimble allowed onl~ a second dcc1s1 on over Da~1d Stewart. It wa) inning s1nale ofTthc third b:l\Cman's Kaplan' 18th straight victory and &Jove, but rctt~d oel)One el~. four moved him to 24-5 overall &y strikeout Ocean View'\ only run Mike Bnag.~. rated 5 th and cttmc 1n the fourth when Marla Trc\'or Kroflemann: rated 20th Pickard doubled, too third on a poh~hcd off fl'leir opponent\ 1n fielder'\ choice and orcd on Jcn- tra1ght ts UC I 1 16-6 O\Crall nafcr Phillips' 1nalc up the nuddle. return to San Jose a head ba\ketball coach. ----- The Associated Pre s learned Tue~ay. San Jose State's director of ports information. Lawre9e1 Fu, had no comment on the rep()rt He s:ud Lhe school has no new conference heduled at th1 11me concerning a new ba ketball coach. A source familiar with the s1tuat1on told the AP that Momson would replace 8111 Berry, fired • March 24 in the wake of a protest walkout by 10 membcr<i BASEBALL of the team. who accustd him of ""erbal abu~" and "ment.al cruelty." ... In other spon new TueW&y: F.rom 81 Former UCI 11-Amcncan Ktvt. Maaee led Maccab1 Tel 1 hobe. who allowed Octan View Aviv to a come-from-behind 99-86 \ICtory O\Cr Am JUSl four a1~c O\Cr seven 1nninp Thcssalon1ka of Greece and in to the title pme of the de pile pitch1n1 under du~ had 1t European Final Four club ba'ketball tournament. Mageeo when 1t counted hit a Jump shot that stancd the l\raeh team on a 34-1 I The ahawk' had 1 runner at spun and turned a 6S-60 deficit into a 94-79 lead withJU\l second with two outs 1n the founh over a minute rem:uning. Magee had a pmc-h11h 29 when Mike Burn 1n&Jed up the paints ... A man h ted in coun documents by a code middle with Dan HcmandC'1 at name and identified by sources a, Cincinnati Reda' second. but the laucr aot cau&)lt in a Manager Pt&e Rose wagered $8.000 to S 16,000 da1ly on rundown round ina third. game!. during the 1987 sca50n, The Plam Outer of In the iitth, the St.hawks had Cleveland reported today. Three sources clo5e to the case run Mn at second and third with one said the bets were made on bascbell pmcs. the paper said out. but an infield out. an 1ntenuonal ... Free ~gent corncrback i... 8~ Jr., son orba~bell walk and a fly bell to ten ended the Hall of Farner lA4I llrd, s1pcd a coniract W1th the thl"t'at. Rams. Brock, 24, was drafted in the tee0nd round b) the In the ~venth. Cory Colbcn San D1qo haracrs 1n 1987 .•• Barry CelUer. the top siftlkd and ldva"''C'd on Ke\'tn a isant h*sketblll coach to MIR M•.....,, at Mullens' b11e hi\. but Thobc struck Stanford ·~ pat three scat0rts. was . na~ as Butkr out the next bitter and aot the last Un1versaty 1 bead coeda •.. The. Un1vm11y of Akron batter on a fly ,0 <Tntcr. nam~ ~ n Crew..,. •! 1ts bllketball coach. "That wu ~bly the least replllCtftl M !'h .... · who resianed.last ~O!'lh to 1ue amountofvdocit~ l'~eevertetn him over the mm • ~ prapam at .aaaanau • • · throw " said Hamll of his Mn-,,... v .... ~~:wt...._ bot.h said that they'""° a;med pncher. His faatbllls must throush ~OtllUfll contrKt nlmltons that~ keep ba~e been around 75 mph. he's bttn thml w11h the ManftC'IOCa Twiu after &bas tealOft, launa111o baa he :ted to pach M1DDC10ta <iew1n1Ma....,:S:* n • =::•t .. , ~ 11 · H ...... =. ~ ~ .. ...i • 1111 -.:.. 1 waaa on 11pen. e us ~.......-.· UI m .. .,un .a.1 -knew he · •1 have htt f(>Od the wint woa'ury '° reoptn 111a•'1t •• liliadl aftlr tbe 11Mb91l .. 1a10n ••. The MilwuUe Ire-a fl1 a .. M ,_ ~MWtpeed. nobealloMd Tt1•1Rll9 ~ I l4'°"Jll= ~UWICS ,_.lion ID dteoppoeiliolljW11twoiftfictdlillllet fMMledle ....... llUI ... 19'1. Ind two lfGUM ~ which IOI ~. 1111 \ l'-114•"\·H \ itl•1 ...... y"" ' "D-1•-"'1r-1 et ~. Elllwilrr. r1-'f'I va1er '· •• r. k ne Barons. IMl~~1 moved '9IO I lie for flnt pleCi W1U1 I .... a1dl Jui~ ovacoei .. _ ~• ftwe-Na MM•ftftllifnaiftl.._MdpustM v~ ... ~,-... 5le'We .......... illr vici111 ol 1¥e-Wrwlilllll•.._ =:=.=11r.:.::.r:-~ cl('anna double tly • ott >..Jrl v.ood, v.a ri&ht in the middle of 11 a the Baron rallied. tcve Grack OJ)Cncd w11h n infield single and John Ortl'lcr banard out a ba~ h1t, lO Kt up I 1Cr1Ct o( KtNCkS for Manna ..-h1ch had to ba'e 11~ coach. Paul Renfrow, lt1 p1na for re It cf. Walb to Mark Dodd and 1 om Mcndo1.a forced over the first run, th.en an error scored another, Mont- aomcry walked for an RSI, then Mike Walcon's sacnficc ny one out lattr got anoU\Cr run across; Mau Hallock had an 1nfickf 11nak for an RBI to tie and Grack, up taain. rca<'hcd on another Manna error. "We aot one ball out or the i nfield and ICOt't si• run,," said Baro11 ( OICh La Ruft'a. •• Amazina. I know It must ha"e been a n1puna~ for Plul Renfrow. They took ldvan'81f of our mistakes in the ftfth 1nn1na. tt\Cn •'C took advan• oft.Mir m11111tcs. ··we've bttn play1nc l"t'll wtll ~ti». bur ttus was not a ~u. ~)edpme.'' . Some or tbc bnt olay came from Fountain Valley rrfitf pncMr' Jeff H*. who_jOl lhe •ve after lhut••na MM\111 off i• lhe tulh. theft '" the IC"Cftlll after allOwiaa lht ftna two bitten IO lft on bue. W1 U 2 I• 7, I •*,._ a.dll I: 'Ille tioM look ....... ol •• Ha..._., 119Cb error&. ft¥c llOleD .... ... ... ...... ...... •• Oillrt pitdleri. -llP .... Ina .... whl.,._..,......_H•m· ~ ... IOI~. ·'H•ll .• nt =_., •Khd W-IElll .. 1 ~_... z=o1na....... ,.. an , , ...... ,. ... •••• , .... Ollln. --... .... ,.c11 ....... evencovcredupbymany-1twa' , conii1dereClo ncofThtnpT<Tdu: nfortunately. IO )earslaterand · . af\crall the robhclly, steroids are still around, \lll being u~d. but under ro~r · h'sdoubcful ;,n') prcporcommun1- I) college football coach would con- done 1ero1dut th1\ p<>1nL. but •he simple lack ofcontroll1ng. or main- uun1nganyson of\ 1gal against them. 1sn'tapparent The (act that there 1s no law against 11 dOC'5n't really noat When the ev1d<;nce 1s o"crwhelm1~ sooncror later ~meone has to sa) enough 1s enough, stop .. I lopcfull>: the acuon 1n Penn- '>'hania will bet.he bcglnmngofthe t'nd Fountain Valley 4, anny HUis 0: ~ha.nnon Ham~on had a two-ru.n double in the fifth inning and Shan· non Dolan followed with a run· o;conng triple in the ~ventll as the I 0-2-1 Baron rolled at unny Hills Sophomore Rae Rice stancd but gave "a)' 10 wptromore Janet M11ahara tn thr th ird inn1na after ~ufTcnng a sl1gh1 shouldrr 1nJUI) on the bascpaths Ml)ahara (5-1 )got the win. stnking out.,,,. tn five innings. Irvine 3, Woodbridge 0; Jennifer Brundage to'iscd a one-hmer and drO\C 1n thr fir'iNlJn of the game as the\' aqueros blankd Jhe Wamors 11 HcnLag~ Park Onl) thrrt' Wood- bridge batter\ reached b:lsc -ont on ar) error and another on a walk -as Brundage fanned eight. fn1ne. 7-5-1. ~ored 11s fim run 1n the third a" Came ( aud1ll. "ho "'cnt 2 lor 3; doubled. stoic third a"d came home on a ~cnficc fl) b} Brundage lA&llU Buch 9, El Mo4tu i : Tem Anderson and Margo Rathbun each went l for 4, Rathbun with three RBI and Andel'\on. the winnina pucher, with two RBI as lh t Ani~I\ rttord1...-d the non~lcaguc "1ctof)' at El Modena Liberty Cllrl1tlaa l 9 Ploattr 8 ap- l1Jl U: a1cher Jenn) Enastrom had a solo home run and Heather 1cln1 ky had a bascs.-c:learina double in 1 nine· run c1&hth inn int as the Minutemen rtcorded a non· C3 uc win 1n or- waU, to 1mpro\.t to ·2 'antt)'. comtnJ alter Wcstm1n ter had built a 7-1 kad R)-an KIC\ko -.as ~cstm1n tcr'<s p~m1er pcrformcr, go1nl I for I wtth a home run ond tv.o 81. $COnn1 lhrcc llmt1. v.allon.a thrte times and tcahna tv.o basu. Brcnt Heredia was another tand· out for Wcstm1Mtcr. com1na throu&)I wuh an R Bl·"n&k after the prcvaou~ baller was -.alkcd 10 set to him. then com•n& throuah dcfcM1vely with a leaping_ catch a.nd iubscQucnt double pla) allcr the 01lc1'1' beclHG-bKk home runs to retire the udc. Weitm1n,tcr 1mpro~cs 10 9-S·I overall. .. In the Plcifac Coell Laauc. • ~Hllbl;W~tl:J1m Skidmore v.-enl 2 ror 1 ·.,,h IWO doubles and 1 pair of RBI and ~ve T cppcr was 2 tor 2 with two ltol at f rabuco Hill improved to 4-0 in lctauf. 7.3 O\crall. . llu Hanan ~nl 2 for 2 with two RBI (or Woodbn.. and Mark Howard was 2 for4 With an RBI. ore..t 11, C..• .._ Ii: Mesa KOrtd IOur limes tn the fana nuaaaa. bUt I.ht v1•1tns Pini.hen lied " ...... 1n tht lhrid, ICIOmt IW'lft 1a d9e fcMinh and broK ,, opra ....... ftvt •• * .-vnda. moVI"' 11ato IOlt pJJ 111 ... Ofdainl~Wi61].2.-....: rorc-. Meta. o.wSilidn1 .. 3 tw419d MibCudrrdrOwhl•• Oln1a · •;c. ......... p ..... ne .,..,.... • ._, deftdl • ICIDl'C fiw ia IM &Ma llril 1• lilt ._ .... T ...... IM --.. iii ~:i::= OlrYH= 2 4. ..... •w ........ · ........ ..., ..... . " 91 :'°9 ICAY naM an W9. N .,_..., .. But o&Mr than that, I don't think the tlwl MMnftMna mffn1~ul. ''If.I aave up a ll-ad·oO tnpk. I'm not going to pitch to s&\c that run," hC' said, "I'll trade an out fora ran li'leyC'Jn M\'t'tt I'm Just ao1n1 to ao out the.re-and ti) to wm the:-ballaame. ___ ._('INCi Tl.-Otd H~nh1ser'1 record ~trc~k is around. I thank 1bat' sunr. When the streak of scorck~ 1nnirl&) 1 ah\e at S9 H he <New York} Met~ \Coreil oTTmc in ffic •>l>m. ~res for his fir t 1989 stan. But not to f•nk it cndC'd." -· Hcrsh15Ct. Hcf'lhiSt"r fin1 ht'd the rciular sca~n ~•th The lc)s n_gclts Dodacrs' right-hander S9 scorelcn 1nn1n1s one better than the d°"n't care about the scorelcst streak that he · ~rcvious n."Cord b form~r DOOter Oon take$ into his stan tonight apanst the Cincin-Drysdale. l noffic·1all). he C\tl'ndcd Jnc mtak nau Reds •Althouah C'f.ery add1t1on·a1 scoreless to 6 7 mnm s '" the pla)oOs ag.ain\t the Mets inning -.111 make ba\Cball history. he considers before allO*IO& a run. the strca~ h1sJO') Under baseNll'~ i~lord·lic.·cpm& &)stem. ''It I throw one 1\'rO up the-re. n's one 1ero. it'll &t'l llcd togcthr" 1th an estri k. It'll be II.and of a funn) astcmk, to \<.•e .S9 plu!> one. J t doc~n 't t\Cn seem likr 11'~ \\Orthwh1lc. Ma)'be at kn\t l can get three or four to make the asterisk worthwhile." "I don't than tlbout that at all," he ~1d the Pottttason run~ don't count apin~t the." Tue~a). durin,a a workout at Riverfront ttcak. which is earned over to tlus ~a~n. 'tad1um. "lhcy re ioina to tic that toaether iri' E~n additional ~hutout annrna he pitchc-s wall the record boo~\ w11h an :asterisk. If I throw a be'.added onto the trcak. As far a the Rh!\ urc t'onu•rncd, b"a.1un1 the scorclcs SltC'ail. ai. more a matter of necc\\ll)' t!'an finding a plate rn hi IOI) shutout. ma) be we c;an \a) I've &Ot a \trcak of Bcrsh1-.cr \tt'> that more u a techn1calit) "We netd to be able 10 <t<:orc 10 win," ~honstop Rarl") Larkan said ··ob"1ou\ly we ·.John, 45, sets . down Twins in . opener, 4-2 From The Associated Press Tomm} John 1\ more 1hnn nn old man H('' Old Man Wanner "He's been doing the same thin1 fore ver," Minne· Ola Twins anagcr Tom Kell) sa1a'f u-csduy mgh1 nAe:r-1-~~~r-i-:--+...-._.::;._~__,---.-.--.;....~.l has team lost the ~ason opener 4-2 to 1he New Yorlr.. 'iankecs and John, at 45 the maJo~· oldest pla)er in the Mctrodome "flt! ran 11 away. ~nk ti av.a). t..ept tt down and outside," Kdl> 5'!1d ··w e got pknl> of hits We JU\I couldn'1 gc1 an) when v.e needed them There v.as a 101 ol sk1ll 1n' ohcd. a lot ofknov.-hov. " (,1,ch httkchancc of making the YJlnkce!>at the stan of spnng training. John 11cd a maJor-league record v.hen he opened hi\ 26th mnJor-Jcague ~ n Deacon Mc(iutrc also pli.)cd for 26 sca~n (1884-1912) "People ha\C doubted m~ since I "'as 19 }cars old. · Andre Dawson of the Cubs follows through wfth two-run homer during fourth Inning Tuesday against Phlladelphla. . !la)tng that I couldn't throw hard or I "ouldn'I belong an the ma1ors," ~1d John. v.ho allo .... cd tv.o runs an ~'en innings 10 mo\C pa t Robrn Robem into 20th place on 1he all-1tmc \lllOI') It t with 287. "Back 10 '61. when I after IOad1nl! the h.i~'> v.tth. none out as C"h1cago be.ll ~•gnc-d, people 10 m)' hometo"n .,.,ere c;.i~ing. ·~ho arr Ph1lad cJph1a at '-'• ngln "'u:ld. spoiling "\'ac k L-e)"1'c; ~ou ll)ang 10 fooP' And here I am mJnaizcm1I dchut · "I tccl aHtrona nov. at 45-plus as 1 haH in th\· last 1 o 1 lh)ay,son'c; ho1m1 c1r the 2rY19thc.lol~h1'> l.tr1:cr, cafnll' tRn the ueats •• ·· . · OUO 1nnmg · 0 O'ler 0\ 1 oumans a. tcr )-OC Berng ol(i hac; c;omc bcncfi_lS. too But so far. John ~andbcrg had orx·m:d thl· 1nn1ng "'11h a doubl e. hasn't been able to ca tt in on all of them ~ Rtl ~ ~ut~l1t1e Y.On h1"i ~rnnd \tra1ght ~nglc~.f 1cld ··1 tned to get a 1 cn1or c1tw.:n·~ d1~~iu..i1u..c.1b-I~ ~c.r. the hr~L pitcher ~ accomp1LS.b _tp.c ~ nce- the t11rpor1 the other dn) ."he \31d. "(Thl' dm er) Y.ouldn't C1roH·~ < le' l'land \lcxandcr 1n 1925 an~ '1926 Sutd1ffc go for ti " Y.Cnt 5 • 1nn111~\. ullu.,.,.ing three run' ()n fl,e hu,, v.all111g John got out of i.cvcral tight ,pol'> to help mJkl' th rt.'l' .1nd \lr1~mgou1 four He al'io tut two s1nglcs·that-kd Dallas Green'\ managerial debut a sucCC'-'> to r u~'I . "lle's the one who cOn\lnced me he could pitch .. C1lant 8,Padre13:Brutdlur\t"cl'>\hcllcdan his an ureensatd "He'd better tll) out thcrf a~ long as he can ... Diego Jehul >H:ld1ng rnn~c Utl \l' home~ runs-to "ill Roberto Kell) also helped Green .... rn He-wem-4 for {lark.and 1'.t:vill ~1ttchllll in~run.1htrd.1nn~n,~_an 4, dro' c in the t) 1ng run and \Cored the wanner 1n th e-fifth f ranca'l<.·o hfat the Padr<.:' at fol k;. \1 urph) \taJ1un~­ offloscr f rank v10ra. v.ho might ha \C been pilchtng an ha\ llur'll I M·b for thi:. Bu wn R1..~ \o\ last ~a on, final sca~n opener for the T"'ms In thl' n1n1h. Kell\ p11ch1.·<l h'c inning\ Jn<l allow1.·d eight runs a"nd l_O hll'I FRA~. Oil FILTERS want 10 ~ak the inrnll; you've 101 to score to win,·· • The tttak staned on Au& JO with lour hutout anmnp at Montreal. Hr then shut out Atlanta twice, C'Jncinnati. Houston an'lf San Francisco. befort brtakana Drysdale' record Sept. 28 at San 0aC'IO with I 0 scorelc\ inning~. He was remarkable. dunn& the \trcak. allow1n1 JUll 31 hits and 11 walks an the 59 rnnanas The streak was a prelude for his po~tstason excellenct He was voted Most Valunblc Pla}er of both the National Lcaaue championship series and tbt' World Scnes. He shut out the Mets m Game 7 of the champ1onsh1p •r11.·\, llnd pitched a compktc-aamc \.tctory in thr fifth aamc of the World Series ·PENNZOIL 'MOTOR OIL homered on Juan Berenguer tO m.ikc It 4-:! l\.ell\ (}<)\\0\ J>lllh~:d \l'\Cn S<Ordt:S'i IOOll)~ for the' J ohn' fif"\I ~awn-opening assignment came in h1\ \IC tun and "ii" relal'\l'd b)' Joe Price . first full b1&-kaaue season. I 965 when Viola v.n s 4 )C<m Astro 10, Brave 3: ~1lc 'xull one da\ alla~1~n1ryg old John's 691\I career sta n mo,ed him past ua\lord J Soi b m1llmn rnnlract t:\ten.,1un , c1llov.ed '>I\ hits tn • limit 2 at sole price. • #PHBA •Reg. 2.57. ·• limit 12 quarts at sole price. Pert) into founh all-timr. 'iC\Cn 1nn1ng.'>.ind h1ta t\\O-run srnil.1:. lcading l lou,lon 10 l:lscwhcrc an 1hc \mcr1tan I cagu1.. the '11.'h>r) in lhl· .\"ttrodonw Rangers 4, Tigen O: Knuckleballer ( harhc Houg~--It "·'' the mo\I run'> tn th\· \C.l\on opt'ner tv1 pitched a fhc-h1ller .ind ~Ott n et<. her JrO\ C 1n lhrt:l' I lllll\lon \llllC ltl.6:!. "'hen lhl' I ldu lon \·nll.f!i\ f1Cat thl..' run~ leading Tc11a ()4151 Detroit hclure the largc\I < htlJll11 <uh,, 11 ·~ opening-de) t.'fo"'d in Ronger\ h1stur\ 0 Hough. 41 )'Car old. ~truck out fiH~ Jnd Y.alkc<l \\w 0 en route to h1\ 11th career hutout and lir\t <.tmt.· I 9 h I k Yankees 4, Twins l IS )-1 IO opcnand-<iJ)' Stan N&W YOttK .. ,ltllil MINNUOT:., .... OCT'•OIT .. , .... Detroit starter Jack ~form. 7-l 1n 10 opt'n1ng d;n :_, •• ~: ~ ~ 11 ~ "',; : ; ~: ~~:.; ! :~: ~i.4'~!.'.. ~ ~; ~ tlltAJ • Marl'> allov.cd \I\ hll!> 1n eight '""'"¥-ll•o•JMI'' • • 1 o ~··'"' • 1 • o """ '•" 10 J • o o ,. • .,.~ 10 • • 1 • In tht l'oa11onal League· ~"":'; .·~ ; : : : ~~'. ~ ! : : : [:~~ '' : : : : ~:;·•.-;.. . : : : : E1po1t.Plratts$:JcO Rotunson"all l·d I 1m Raine\ M~•· • ••o l •-"' '• • o ...... , • o • o •o •' •••• v.11h \he b;io,e~ loaded'" the ntnth anl'llng. gh mg Montrl·.il ~C~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ..!:"' ; : : : ~:;!~~.,. J.:: •• ::;•.,.< n n the season-opening 'icturv over l'1mhurgh at Ohmp1t. ~~=:~. :n: ~~:~·.:·· !:;: ,:,Ii • >~:n ~:..:•• ~~!: '1ad1um ..... • ,,,, 1 ..... .., 1oto sc ... "" ._ The'h po., had t1cJ the '3mC <>n l>amJ\O C1.m1.1·, '"'"" ~, •, ~::~" ,.': .. ; ':::':: : :: :::: ba-.c -loa<lcd \tn&k "'1th IY.O out~ m the.· n11Hh Rohin.,on sew• •• -, _ ~ ~::;.:: 1 ,.':'6: ' ~-l~ then Y.alkcd !(runes on a J-~ p1t( h 10 forte 1n tht' "'1nn:ng :=,::. : ~= :_; • run ~0~ ~·~.... ";' Y,,. .:.. ! \nd' MlCJa tliu!\fl pitched I 11'1n1n \ol rchcl to ruck lll ., .,... ~..-. CC•••• .-11 ~·"' ... II 8 • .,.-, 2 1 .... .__ I IJI o.trMI Y.,,,t\L.e I , .. _., ' f I up the v.m . c;~11 "'C>t• v "' Rotun\On who took the lo" ga\C up four hn' .rnd '" " • u •• '° . ._..,. ''° • ' •• -,.,p.. ....,... ... ,. thr1:c run\ an I>;, rnnrng\ I k al'>'> \\:tlkcd four :'w ~-~ 10 1 , 1 > ('ob $, P'91111e 4: \ndrc DJY..\On h.ad .i tv.o-run ~~1 ' 0 0 • 2 ~" ''""'• G••< • n-. °"' i...-.... -'""' • f JJ\ • 40J7, hon11.:rJnd !\.1 1t<hWtlhamH1ru koutthc,1de1ntht."ninth :,..;:.,1 ; ~ f ~ : ! v-.. ,....., !O J ............ '"' 0 0 Giants I, \AN ,.ANOKO ....... • ' '0 oeo• f I I I i I l J l I J J t I I I , ... Ull •• 11 1 •• 0 I t t t •••• Padres J ( ,.~·~t '"""""•• G•-U t! ....... ·-""" . ... ,. .. • • • • ) I • 0 .. -.c• ··"*'" .... f c;i;. •• .... M o.. ... n. ~-··,. c•-"" c-• •w•c ..... ,. )I, • • UJ I • ~ 1 G , • • ' • 0 I • ) • • • • • 1 I • • • • I ..,.. ,,_ ... _ 0 Cubs s, Pll•tes 4 0.-<' -·1" H • ., ... (H-ICAGO ....... "'1•-<' I I l I ... _ ... " 10 10 ,_.,_ t 1 ) I MOftl•&AL k_"""°' JD 0••-" J I I 1 C..-<•IO t ltt r • ....... C-I• ,. ••• , 11.-t .. I t t (.•"a1ne • 0. ... ....... 4 1 / .. .,.11!1 0.. ~,.-.. I I 0 II•• It •IO f"O'IH I I t D• ;llotl C IA '°" i ttt ~ .. I ,, . .,._,. JI I l ••U l it ,_ ' .. ••• ret ,, . , . ' e ) • r • :> • , ,_. J ••• °""'""' o J I 0 0 C:.ir••O>c I 1 7 O ~·· ,,,, JW • t t t t .K..i.•ldl.. '. 0 0 ¥ illt"'"'U It 0 I t • • 'J ' ' , ,, 1 t • 0 I> I • : ,, • • , ' ' • I --· WITH THIS AD OA A FA&E COURTESY CAA FOR THI YI 17 EA. OTHERS REG TO 2.57 ... 2.27 REG. OVER 2.57 .... 10" OFF- --~ 60 •SAE 30. • lOW-30, lOW-40. AWAY TOd•v-<Jnclnnall, 435 p.m.• April 6-Clnclnnetl, 9:35 • m APrll 1-Atlenfe, uo Pm.• Ae>rU t-Aflenfa, 12.20 o.m./ Ae>ril 9-Aflant•, 11 10 a rn • April 11>-San FranclKo, 7:3S om • APrll 11-San Fr and.co, 7 JS pm.• • On T v, Cl\annel 11. • On TV Channel 4 • All games on KABC (790). CHAMPION SMllKPLUGS • limit 16 ot sole price. NON-1£515101 ... 'I 11; _. MAJOll L• Aeu9 STMIOtNGS Amef'kM ....... W..t DMt*I W L ftct GB Cl'llCllOO Oakland Texas A netts Ka nHs Cltv M1nneso1a Seat11e Balllmore Cleveland New York To1on10 Bos Ion Derr oil Milwaukee 1 0 1000 1 0 1.000 1 0 1000 0 I 000 0 I 000 0 I 000 0 ~ 000 EHt Division 1 o· 1 ooo 1 0 1.000 1 0 1000 1 0 1.000 0 1 000 0 1 000 0 1 000 T 11esde V'' Sc., .. Crtouigo 9, Anee41 1 New Yori\ 4, Mlnnt'°ta 1 Te .. , s, oe1ro.1 o Ontv game• ~u..O TedlY'• 0-Cnleago (1(1ng 4'1) al A11991• (Flnlav 9-IS) JOS om Seallle !Banlll'l«a d 1·91 a1 0.kJancl !WeiCh 11·91, I? IS om Bo"on (8oddl(ker 13· IS a1 Ball11T1ore IBavti•la 6· lSI, 4JS om MUwaultff (Bo\IO 1 ISi el Clevela nd <Can d>Olli 14·1). 4lS om. N-YOl'lo. (HIWklM 14·111 e t M•nnu ot• tA~M>tl 16·9), SOS om TOl'onlo (Stieo 16·11 at Kan•H C1tv (Lelt>rancft 13· 121, S..JS om Onlv oames tcnectuleO Tllur14*IY'• Gama Cl'liCAl>O al A,.,, 7.0S om New YOl'k at M1nne'°1a, 10 IS 1 m Milwaukee at Cleveland 10 JS a m Detro.I al Tues, 4 OS om Bo\lon al 8allll1)0re , 4;JS o.m. Toronto at Kans" Clly, S;JS om SH llle et Oakland, 1.3S o m National Laatu• West Division W L Pct. G6 San Francisco Clncinnali Houston =~ San Diego Cnlcaoo Montreal New York Pnlladelphla Pit1sburon Sr. Louis 2 0 1.000 1 0 1.000 1 0 1.000 0 1 000 0 1 000 0 2 000 East Division 1 0 1000 1 0 1000 1 0 1000 0 1 000 0 1 000 0 1 000 T~V'• Sc9r .. Montreal 6, Pill•t>uror. S Cnic;ago S, Prlll.otlol111 4 Housion 10, Atlanta 3 S.n Francisco I, San D•t90 l Onlv oamn scMcloled TedilY's Gamn 1 1 , 2 J)edlerl (Her"'iH r ?3 I I •' C1nc1nna11 IBrownlno 11·51. •JS o m SI. Louis (Deleon 13· IOI e1 New Yori\ (Oiacla lC>-131, 10..JS a m Sen Franclse4 IROOlnM>tl 10 Sl al Sa n D•eGO fWhilM>tl 13·111, 1~5 o m Pifttt>urgl'I <Drabek 1S·7) II Montreal (Jonn· son 3·0), 4 OS om Phlla~ohia IHowtll O II et Cn1cago (t••••d· (!ult 11· IOI. 4 35 o m Allal'lll IP Smltn 7· ISi at Hou•ton llC.neooer •.-si. S;JS o m ThurtdlY'• G1me1 o.oters at Conclnnall. 9 3S • m St LOYll at New Yorio., 10 3S a m PhlladelOl'lle at Cnkago, 11 lO • m Pill11>Yrgn at Montreal. 2 o m Atlal'lll at Houston. S 3S o m Only Qtmft Knedoi.d AMERICAN LEAGUE Whlte Soi f, Aneels 2 CHICAGO CALll'OttNIA ID r II bi lb r 111)1 Guot•enu Gattghr cl 811nes 0" Catc1tr n .t 8o\lon ,, GWaltr 11> F Sk C p .. oua 11 Lvons !ti £Wilfml1> T...., S 1 I I Ow11119 Oh • 0 0 0 • O 1 1 Rev 2t> • O O O • 1 1 3 OWMe cl • I , , • O O 0 Jovner lb • 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 Armas r1 l 0 0 0 s I 2 I 8 oc,,.tte II 1 0 0 0 S 2 I wsn1n rt t I I I J O 1 I Pamsll c ) O O o • I I O Howe 31> ) o O 0 • ? J 0 SCllCMltcl u J 0 0 0 JI t 14 t T_.. l l 2 J 1 Sc-l>Y ....... Cllic.t.. 010 021 oos-' CMlf9mia 100 000 010-2 e-HoweN Ray. Lvon• DP-<111fornlll I LO&-Cn;ceoo 6 Cahlornia 2 ?II-EW1H11m1 DWl'llle. GWafker HR-OWhlft tll F••lo. (IJ WeSlllngton I II Beints I II SF-P11ou1 Gal la~ IP H It ER ea so CNc. .. ReunW t·O 0 ~a~ 0 MWlll L,0· I 61 l 9 4 Ml111on I l·J 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 2 McClure 1 3 S I 0 0 Hervev I l 0 HBP-<:etoeron lb• 0 0 I McCturtl WP-McClure BK-McClure Umooras-Home, Brinkman. Flr1t Second, Coble, T11oro McCtettand T-? 4S A-al.26S Wemen's touf'Nnwnt (at Hlteft HM41 hleftcl. S.C.) s.ceM lteuMI ~ Coonev. Sletfo Gftf, WHt ~menv def Ro .. tvn F11rl>.tnlt. Soutll Africa, 6·4. 6·3 Martina Nawalllove. FOl'I WOl'll'I, TeitH def Laure Gi~llltf, Peru, 6·4, 4·6, 6-0. Netai.a Z~•""· Sovie! Ul'I~. def Wendv Whitt. For1 WOl'th, Tex•~ 6· 1 •·?, Arantaa S.ncnez SPaln, def Sara G-, 8rlta•n, 6·0. 6·0 Catarln• UndQvlst, Sweden. def C.mltte &an tamln, Baker\fleld. 3·6, 6 4 6· 1 hlllne Fuk:o, Aroenllna. def Ive Bu<Sarove CrKhenlOv•kle, 6·3, 4·6, 6· 1, Jana PosoitllOve, Cr~tovekla, def Reffaelll R9991, llalY. 7·S, 6·4; Linde Ferr•nOo, llel't, def. Ro•le C.aMI\ San Francisco, 6·0, 6·0, R19l11e Rekhrtov• CztchOslOvekla, ~ IHbtt Cuero, Weit Ger· manv, 7·6, 6·2, l(erel'I SChlmoer, Soull'I ~k• def Marla Strendluno, Sweden, 4·6, 6 l , 6 2 Cotlqe rantrlnts (bY Vf/fve Tennh) 1 UCLA 150, ? Cel•fornle 1~. l LSU l:M, 4 GIO!'gla. 132 S. UCI, IJli 6 Kentuov. 1?0 1. SllnlOl'd, tie. I South Caroline 1 IS. 9 ClemM>ll, un. 10 111e1 use eno Mlem1, 91 n TCU, IS, ll Ptootf'dlM, 79. 14 Arizona 71 1S. Univ Sen Oleoo, 65, 16 Ala~,,,. ». 17 !lf«lhweslern, 46, 11 Mlu ls.ioot, 41, 19 Arken· .. ,. u. 20 Lono hKfl State JO UCI~ Senior Merli IC.aOlall, whO nas won 17 llrMht sJ119ln malC'llM, Improved trom ~ 12 IO No 14 KIM!lal'I I• n-s over1t Jul!oot Trevor Kr_,.,,.nn, 19·14 Is No 20 Soohomot• Mike 8 rtoos. 16·9, 11 No 51 K•Plan and IUCtlard lutlntf ( 17· 1) ere No 14 In dOullln, lr19os·t<r~ ( 12·SI are Mo 17 In Ooubln ·• B\Sl:H\11 ~ c..... ~ NON-CONFlltaNCI UCI 6, U.S. ""911\1.._., u S t1'11trna11ona! 000 000 ?12 <>-S I l UC t 100 300 010 1-6 11 3 Con1ev. Marrano• Ill eno Page, CrabtrM 1101 l(oc!m, Catvert (41 HMlfl 171 MIY (t ) ano ROberSOft. &er111r I 101 w~v L-M1trang1 ?8-Moule w (USIUI 38-ltodf'iguez (UStU) GooctcaM (UCI) GOLDEN STATE ATHLETIC GONl'E•INCE s.G.i C-.. 11, G.i lvtNtWI S C11 Lutrwan 120 020 000-S 11 1 SoCet COlle9e 002 052 tox-11 ll 1 O'N111M, Anoe<.on (5) Marl.ntl (6 and EN>!ua, Oeoroctt ano S•aoe w-OtOrtck S·O L-A~son .. • 2. 28-8 r0Uliellt Cl) CCYne• !Cll HR-Aver~ !SCC I Ktll<la'll KesOet !SCC) CommunHv cole9e OttANGE El'N"IRE CON,IRENCE GelcMn WHI S, ltlVenide CC 4 ltlversloe 000 001 211>-4 I Golden Wtst 000 001 Ob-S 1 S Ga rcia Pa llerM>n Ill 1no Futrl!IH , Fore ma n, Lono Ill and V111eg" W-Lono 1 I L-Garc1a 78-Wlllev IGl Werner IRI. Grenoe J R) Hkifh Sdlool SUNSET LEAGUE Edi~ 1, 0<,een View O Oceim View 000 000 0--0 4 1 E d1son 000 100 <>-1 1 I Keroet and Cot~I. J TllO~ eno $ ThObe W-J Tl'IOoe l-IC.erotl HR-Ser1f1n <El WestrnlMIW 7, Hun""9ten S.eeh l Westm•ns1w 103 003 l>-7 I 0 Huntington Buen 001 001 0-3 6 6 Lvons. Mure>llv {61. Gr-111 eno Looe1 Wr19111, Gon1a1ves 141 Fa u< (41 Matt ISi Vullo ISi Rizzo 111 and Man~' • W-LvOI'\ ?·I L-w r,gnt 78-ariuev CHIU 1 Mar10n (HB/ Steote· 1Wl HR-Ma~' I H81 Mart.n (H8) KIHko (W I ,,__. ... v ...... 1. Marlfla s Fountain Va lev 001 006 l>-1 6 2 Marina 000 OSO 0-S 1 • Mon1gomerv Croue11 l•l l<now•es SI He 11 ISi and Ooo<I. P Newl•etcl Siewert 161 and l l'ldsev W-(r ou~11 L-Srewerl 78-KorkWOOO M HR-M Ntwfoeo IM PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE 0nnee 11, CCKi. Mew S OranQe 112 O?O S II II Cosi. Me~ 400 001 0-S I • Em111n anp Lister, Cutter Grenr C.11 Ind Scl\Ol\e\ W-Em111ll L-<:urler 28-K tv CMI ROdr•ouez 10 1 L1"tr IOI Trabuet H•• e, WMdbrlcl9t 6 Wood0<1doe 101 030 1--6 I 4 Trebuco Mill\ 033 0'20 •-1 • 2 Cook Neison ISi and ic.1n9sourv ~red11n, Poutol (SJ Lowerv 11> ano Carrao W-Mereo1111 L-COOll 28-Plfk\ !THI Sii d more rnoo 2. G1Dsorr tW>. Hert!' ~wt l19UIWI H•• f, latunl Bffdl S Laguna Hill\ 100 053 o-t 9 3 Leoune BHtn 103 001 0-S 9 6 M1to Knsler <•t Korlman (6) and Helm Scneoo Revensovro 16! and Crain W-M•to l-~ l&-t(QtmAtl JLHI. Mlto (LHl HR-Kortman ILH! Scne•d ll 8l HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS Sea Vtew LH9U• W l T Saaa •1>ar• l O O Coro<>• at 'l'a• 1 0 GB Tu\•·~ 1 0 l E ,tanc a I i 0 1 Un ,,,,,,.,. I 1 0 1 N~"'OC." Herl>O• 0 ) 0 ) Tod9V'\ Game\ () 1S 1 Un •~\ •v al Newoort Harbor l ul'•" •• Saaolfl)ac• Corona oe; Mar al E ua"'•• l"rtdln G-Seoooeoeck al Ne>owPOrt Heroor T ushn 11 COl'ona oe1 Mar ES11nc.a 11 Unovers<lv Pacific Coast League Laoun. Hills Tre0ueo Hiiis Ora111>1 w l • 0 T GB 0 • 0 0 Costa Mes. w ood6r10Qt Laguna Beacll 1 ' I l 0 ' 0 l 1 l 0 • 0 ) 0 • T11eMltV' t S< er t\ Tra bveo Hill\ I, Woodl>riooe 6 Ora1111e II Costa Mtsa S Laguna Hlll1 9 Laguna 8nc11 S Sunset Leaeu• w Ocea~ Votw ) FOYnta•n Val tv ) Merine 1 Ed••on 1 Hun11ng1on Beacn I Westminster I Tu.sdev's ker .. l I t 1 ? ) ) Edison I Ocean V•tW 0 wn1m1nsrer 1 Huntono•Oft 8a&cr. I Foi.ntt "' vaiiev 1 Mar"'• S l'roda'f"• Geme ll 1JI Marona el Ocean View SalwllaV'• G~ < 1 tun I EO•SO'I 111 WH tm.nster T 11 0 0 0 0 0 HuntonQlon 8eKh at Founta•n Ve~· 1rv1ne Souttl Coa" Lea~ W L. T ? 1 0 , l 0 l I 0 '1 1 0 GB E1 Toro Cao•streno Va·•v M•n•on V1t >0 Dena H•lls Sen Clemente 1 J 0 I 0 ] 0 ., TMIV'I Gamn 1rv1nt at El Toro U:ISI San Cltmeftle •I Mtslloll VoeiO CaPIW•no Valin 11 El TOl'O SOFJ'H \I I ~ . - I ; I • , . . --~ Y'"i.alren-~-~ ... v•Phoenlx Golden State S.•llle Porllend S.cr•mento c-..n MklWHf v·Uleh Oenvtr Hou•ton OallH S.n Antonio Miami Eastwn Conference AW.ntk DMsien v·Ntw York '7 26 Pttllaoelohl• '1 J 1 8oiton 38 J• WHhlnglon 35 37 Nt>N Jersev . 2• SO Cnartolle 17 55 Central Dlvlt*I v·Oe1rot1 53 18 v-Cltv•land 53 20 v·Mlfwaukee 0 26 Ctlicaoo 45 27 A1i.nta '3 29 lnOl•na 22 SO v--<tonched Olavott bertl'I . T~y•, Scar .. La~•" ns s.1111e ,, 7'6 726 .~ 625 597 306 Boslon 11• Cllpptrs lOI Wa$11.nOton llW. New Jeoey 96 Cleveland 10S. Allal'lla ti Pl'lolaoeklnle 1?4, Hew Y«Yk -113 Houston 90 Indiana II Cn<al>O 12 \. Cl'le rlolle 101 Sen An1ot110 109, Miami 97 DeMtr 171, Sacramento 17• uran 9S, Oallu IO MllwaukM 124, GOldtl'I s111e 111 Porll1n<1 111. Oe.IUllt 100 TldllY'S Gemes Pl\lladelOl'tla 11 Allenta, •.JO om Ut1n er Plloenht. 730 om Th11rtdlv'1 Games Pon lend et Oitloefs 7~ om wun1nQIOft •I Mi.am • 4.30 om Cr,,cal>O at Detroit. 4.lO om New~ II M,fweullH . s.lO om. Sacrmi:liiWet Sen "nlonio. S;lO om 1no1ana at Denver, 6 lO o.m Pnotn1a •' ~•II>• 1 o.m 8os1on et Goioen Stale 7 30 o rn • 10 11 16 ?I 33 5' 5 12"> 25 32 5 , 8') 11 ') 23 ) 291.'J 1 8 8 'J 10 1 31 l GOl.t .:J Seniors mon.v leaden (Tlweutfl ..,, 21 1 M • earoer 2 e r uce c rernotOll l Lerrv IW;)wrv 4 HMOIO~ s ,.. c;...,.,.., 6 800 Cl'laf lti 1 ()oft, .. , I Gene l llllef t De .. Douoiau 10 Oa.,.Hill ll M•1'.tHI• 12 Of'<I~ Moodv ll. e~v Nichol• 14 Weller Zern0'1sl\I lS Lou Grel\am 16 Cl11 Cnl ROdffQuez 17 Gerv Pllv~ 11 Joe Jlmene1 19 Jim Ferret ~ Arnold Paimer 21 Jc Goo•ie 22 Don MIUtl'IOate 23. Don January 24 lruce Dtvltl'I 2S 100 Brue 76 l ulch •••rd 21 ltoOetl t OIOt 21 IM EIOtf 29 8trl Stnll 1'1 30 Billy Ca.-31 Oout Dair !ti 32 Olc1l HtndrlCll\On ll Geotee L•M ne l4 Tom$tlew u Phi ltodeer\ 36-0ow~' 37 '"'""Cooch• 31 Chef'*S;f!Otct Jt Ch.ctl f Vlll!I «> Gavtrew« 41 Tommy.Aro«I a lt!C.Nrct lth~n ., ~Mo!'.,, .. loO ''tclo.Mft 0 _ ........ ... WllO'Hlt!\ QAIC....... &JtrMW ....... ·----........... ·Average over SS00,000; Dodgers' payroll largest NEW YORK (AP) -Baseball salaoes soared 14.6 ~rccnt th1~ year. ra1Stn& the m~or-leaaue a'Veraat to S5 I 2,804, according to an Associated Preu· study, and nearly one rn six pla)crs arc making$ I milhon or more th1~ )'car. Fueled b> a bull (rce-aacmt market and large 1nctta5n in arb1trat1on settlements, sa1ancs cl1m1>ed sharply from last ~ar's open ma day average ofS44t29 I. There arc 107 pla)ers malung SI million or more. 1nclud111a l 8 at or above the S2 m1lhon Jevcl. The World Sencs champJon Los Angeln Dodge~ had the top average salary. $852,SI 8. a 27 perttnt increase from the start of last seaM>n. The Dodjcrs. who~ payroll bas doubted an tv.o }cars, ha. ~ eia.ht pla)'ers maluni SI m1lhon or more. matdung the Boston Red oit for the most on an) team. The Dod&ers arc also the first ma1~r-leaguc team on which ever) pla)er make at least SI00.000 The New York Mets, who lost to the Dodgers m la~t fall's National uaguc pla}ofTs. have the second-highc'll 3\C1'38C. $778,308. ' . The Amcncan uague East champion Boston Red So>. arc third at S754,583 and the New York Yankee · fourth at $70 .247. Boston''i payroll rose 37 percent to $754.583. · Pittsburgh, which fired General Manager Syd Thnf\ after last season becau~ of wonics atsout the payroll. had the highest .P_C!Cenlage increase of any tii'm. 95 percent. from $237.00010 $461 .288. ' • Tc>.as, which signed free agent p1tcbcr Nolan Ryan and re-signed shomtop Scott Fletcher 10 large contracts... d1mbcd 89 percent, from $215,000 to $407.365. San Diego •• which signed free-agent pitcher Bruce Hurt O\.Cr the ~inter and Craded for first baseman Jack (lark. mcreased 42 percent. from $378.000 to $537.801. At the opposne end. the Balt1morc Onolcs' pa)roll matched their record and fell to the bottom, dccrcao,ingby 47 percent to $275,31 6. the least of an) team. BaJt1more aH·ragcd S51 ,000 on opening day ll,lst >ear, but ~·1nce ha"e gotten nd of h1gh-pnccd pla~crs. 1nclud1ng Eddie Murra}. Fred L~nn. Ott \1cGregor. ntln Top 1989 ,.,_,,.. Orel H~shtt.tr • L;A 12.7'6,667 Cet Rlott.ett Jr , let 2M6"'7 Ow19hl Go9den, NVM UIU61 ou1e sm11t1. 5tL 2.•,oao Rick Su1c1m., Cubs 2.•.• Jim RIC•. Bo• 2,m.JIS Rooer Ctemen•. to• ' i.•.oao Edd'-Murrev. LA ;. U•U62 Don Metllntlv, NY\' 2.200.000 G•rv Carter, NYM 2,160,71• Andy Van Slvk•, Ptl 2,150.000 Rickey Hef\defton, NYY 2, 120.000 Andre Oewion. Cubi 2.100,000 Tim R•lllft, Mon 2,100.000 J.ck Ci.rk, SO 2,000,000 Kt1lil H•rrw.noez, NVM 2.000.000 D•le MurtJ4'ly, All 2,000,000 KirbY Pucl<ell, Min 2,000,000 -_,.ck Motrit, 0.1 1,,.,,000 Ktv1n McRevnolds, ~YM U'6,'67 D•vt Wlnf1eld, NVV l,9SUS2 George eeu. T0t U00,000 F. Vlllenzuei.. LA 1,150,000 Kirk Glbt«t, LA l.133.333 Pedro c.~rero. SIL 1,m .m George Brtll. KC 1.103 979 Nolan Rv•n, Tt>t 1,I00,000 J1mmv Kev. Tor 1,766,U7 Bruce Hunt. so t.733.3.U Bruce Sutter, All 1.729, 167 W•d• BooOI, BO$ 1,700.000 Joe C.rter. Cl• 1,630,000 Jose C9nsteo, Oak 1.600.000 Make 8odd1ckcr, ferry Kennedy, Tom N1cdcnfuer and Dop ~SSC The fiaurcs 8re based on an P study of the contracts of t>79 players who are on ma.Jor league rosters or thr disabled hs1. The figures v.cre obtained from numcrou\ player and management sources and include prorated shares of s1gnu1g bonuses. . T) p1cally, many pla)Crs increase their income b)' (am ma 1ncent1\C bonuses. Hov.cvcr. ~vcral pla)ers with large salanes are released dunntt most ~asons and the average laf) at the end of the }ear usual!) decreases b} ab'out three percent. · hast }Car's end-of-season a\cragc was about $438. 729 according to the Major Lc~guc Baseball Pla)ers .\s~aatton and about $431 .000 according to the owners. 0 ·. ... 642-.S678 CLASSIFIED INDEX 642-5678 ,9'0M NOltTM OflANGE CO. "'Oii IOUTH ORANGE CO. .... llMC •• , .. .. ~·-................... . ,_,,..._. ·~· ltlilll. T-. A#I • -,,,,. ...... -...,.... Willl ltll • • , Herlll ~o. NiC Ari n -~..-s-•li\lt•t soe. Mefl_.. ~"' ~ Va Mav 1 -Winl'Oft -Alleeme ln•~._t_.. Molar 5-d••• l....... .. ~ a -Coc•·C• • C1**'41 In•• t Scletdwov C-.r• N.C.. J~ • -•~.. SCIO Oo•ff Down\ lr!ttr11ali011•I ~~. oo-. DC! ~ I l -SMI' Pooni lllle!'n.t.ona • O< ... .., SOftorrlo, ,. J\lf't II -Miiie!' Hlf" L le JOO. Poco.o 111t•N'ion.i 1'11<-•v. l.ono Pono. Pe JllN 2S -MJWI< Al'n9f'IC!tn .00 M.ct\ NII te<aat~ SoMdlw•v. eroo11t.11 Mlc/I. Jlh I -P-.S d 0.1ION1 ln'lfN.1 ~•If. Oo,,.Ofta 8Mdl. F11 JU!v n -AC ~ Pllll JOO Pocono lllt•ne•-onal lltlCl•IY Lont. F'oftcl Pe JIJIY JO -Te~• O,tehlrd SOO Al.ella~ 1ru.r11e•l0flat Motor SOff<!•h r.~1 Ala AUii I) -l..,._1,~r Al YN C. t!t W1•••l'I c. an lntlfnetion.t. Wallun' ~""· N 'f Avg 20 -(l\e""'°'°" $0.r PIW 400, Mid W" l!lltt'!ll l!Ol'al ~-... 8r-•vtl MJm A"N 26 -811t.en 50) 91 'tOI 11!""'1\1'~ ltKa-v, I r ''°'r Jtt\O • S.Ot 3 -SQU•nrn ~ ~rlll\vton lnlw · ne•-· S-.O•n. Oat'ltnli•on. ~ C • Hell 10 -Mil« Hloti L e .00 ltoehmOllO F1.r9r°""°1 ltanwav, Ill~. Ve '-P' 11 -Dela""•'• SOO, OO•at' Down, 1n1wn1h~I SPtee1w1v, Dover, o.t I ]A -Ci00d1'' SGIO . ~rhnh iPftd •••• /Mrl•"l• • "' Oct I -HOiiy '"''" "°'· Nori "'''"'''bo<o ~d""" Hori • w nboro, NC Oct t -Oatt.wOOd Home• 500 Cl'lar1a111 Mt>•or SPH<lwn . COllC:otd 1" c • Oct n -AC OHO SCIO Nor•n C1rOllna Molot ~•h, ltOGt n.1'11, N ( "'o" S -Crw<i<er SOO P'-~ 1n11<,,.tic>M1 Rat1 .. 1v ~lllll . ArlJ • Nov " A•1· ,. J~(lla"f 500 Alla,,,. 1!1'1<"-'-•ac.••"'· Ma~pton v. •4•Jl;te1 • _a;n;; ___ .,._ __ _..1,.00-.1 Coron' def Mar t. ~-. -.. 1·Housfs--·, .. c°'·-·----- 1002 DOVER SHORES I FRESHLY returbl1hedJ barron1 •••h dock t0< • 1 50 boat Trad•t.ona& one ltOf'Y 3 bdrm -"Ith huge family room & J 111nny ~11oe w1ndow1 floors & touehet OI 1.1.-d bflcil $1, IS0.000 VAAs"::...=-~~' COLD Well BANl(eRO l·:~x'l11hd ~. smws Celebrity golf ' Newport tennis llw"( il) ul 'w"'pml lk.1d1 P.11 ~' lk•a hl'' anJ Rl'cr,·.1111 11 l>cpanmtm t' "'"' n11h1· 1hmJ JnnuJI Ma1or ''up l rnnl\ Journ11m,·n1 v.111 h t~ ... hl·JukJ 1111 \fJ\ I' I" ;inJ tfo· lmah un \l,I\ w I ntnn .1n· nm' b1:111j acu:l11rJ l11r 1111 1Jllp1t1n \kn' in k'l:tnJJouh, \ liand and V. omt"n ~ \lll&k' and double~ H .111J t I 1111\ lw t\ ~I'> lor \tngk" and $~(1 tor douhl,<1,·anl\ f llt'l"t\'.l\CO}Ol'fll(\ fl\t'll) ph1Hf1•f\,i4,\(~f or \luJl b, ( ti\ llatt ;n H 11) N~po11 Rhd I he l'Olf) deadhnc r~ f nd!I). Ma> ' oal ' [' m PopWamer signups llun1tng111n lk.tlh Pvr v •. Hll• r "'II ht-lmld1111: ti\ toutb.111 .,,,nuJ') c•n \.11 ,f\J.n \f>rtl IS J hl' \lll'UP' "nl I.ii. pbct" 81 I d1 n lhgh °xhool horn lfJ a 01 ·~ I'\ m hn J'lhl\t"I' ,1 ~d '7 through 14 I lw ~a~m \IJrl<o Ill \U&\1\1 \1 th\' \.JmC' t1mC'. Puri \\-:arncr CliC"CrlraJ,, \1gnu~ v.111 oc hr"1 111 the sam \1IC' from 10 1m ··p m Boxing at Marrjott ~nn} LuJkt ol Uotand and 1~ II() rm.rnJo -S.-.c1.i lv.o of Si1uthcrn ahforni:a·s· top )Oun1h~tv.c1Jhl llf"lt$ b , "''" m«t •n lhr IO·rnund m111\ C\cnt ~pnJ 24 at·tM lr.1ne 't;arno11 llui.:L l Ofll'/ ha a 11.1 f\'1.·orJ "-•lh e1th1 knod.oul\ v.h1k Kaua hi\ 1 I '·'·I marl.· v.1th 1eHn l1wct.;ou1) Relay marathon l 11\ \ngdr\ 0rallith Part.; v. 111 bC' the s11 • o' • th t"1 hth ilnnual J1mm\ 1cv.an Rd.t) Mar:a- thun J ht r;m: lO-hO\trJ h" S1rv. an and 11.'1r1 l\IOn \tar Rohrn \\ngnrr '4111 j.AIO feature lhllU"'Anil\ of runners and 'peclator\. a.lon1 v.11h n1.1m n k bnt."\ ...ind 1>ro1c~1onal 11hletl'\ • fhr 01dra4h,11t hdp, rot~ funJ lor 'l John"\ t hllJ \lulh Center, a JI\ ISIOn of t. ~hn''> I l6!>pttal and I IC'alth (enter an nl.1 \1on1 "'· I he J1mm' \tl·•i.art Rda~ <\1 r:uhop 1s a hill ~o 1·m1k C(\Uf'\t', v. uh thr' dman\e-~uall) di\ tlkd het~\'l.'n liH~ team mcmlx'r\ teat"h runs 5 ~ mile') I hl'll' arl.' more than .!O cal~o11cc, opt"n hlr f\anl(/J\lllton. for more tnh>rm:u1on. pbonl'f .!I .'l 'Tee Up For Teens ' I he In~ I 1 I 11• f t"l'n\ j1llftoumamcn1v.111 Ix• 11,•fJ on f nJa\ .\pnl 14 at M1k S..1u3~ Cioll <. vur~ 111 h1un1.11n \ alll'' for the ( cntrr F w C r\'.111,, \ltcrt';lll\t\ · < H'.tll<'1· \hC'rn:al!H\l\t1 lln11l'd ""•>·funded ,,1mmunll\ " 1un'l4:lrng <1~cnc~ and '' dcdKatcd 111 rmpro' 111~ thl -tuaht) ol hie v..11h1n thl" w111mun1I) 1h111ugh pmfc ~1onal rnun~lang 411\J cJ u, a 11on • I t>c l'nl' hJ' thll·1· lt11.--:i11o n • 1n br:ingl· < ounl\ in thl'\tlt\""' llun11ng1on lkach < O\W ~k'>.1 ;111J \1""on \ tqn Dona11on tor 1h,· golf 111urn;1men1 1 SI 20 \ l\h 1nduJ,,·1a pnl~\ &off n. aretn let-\ anJ lunt h .;inJ Jannn \ rc:1ruon of lhl.' cntl) kc I\ 1,1\ l.kJu..11hk ~or mun~ tnl11~nu1111n (lh••nl· 1hc l'<ntt"r For c r,·a111c \111.rn:atnt"\:tt MNHH Speedway racing lntun 1~l '1-"c l"a' l\lOnJUlltO Ill> 21!.l tun'>n:Uh\C "'.a""" a( llil: "Gra e ~ ount' I :m n 11n1.h tn C O\l.1 ~k~' Tht' 1A..:d.I\ r.11:in kuture' ~l()(, hl1•t1m~cre, that tun un Jlcnhol, • ' •, 1urn lrtl anJ ha1.t no h1:al.;c'I K. ci111 •~ '"•Cl\ f nd;J night \pnl lhCt>\l h \ r11.n1lX-1 V.tlhpt<"'IOpCl.!1na. t fl \I) and ra lnl ti >pm v.~·d.I) T heH "•~ p;:ir~1ng anJ ln:c ('\l·nt I ''lJI"'"'~ f 1,~ •~are 7 for :iUult,anJ chtl:lrcn I~ and under 11rt" lttt ro1 murt tnlnrniauon. Pb• From North Ora~ County From South Orange County ,.. . ) 540-1220 496 ... 680() $2.20 per day That'a ALL you P9Y for 4 llnee, 30 day minimum In the SERVICE DIRECTORY lllF•Llll •lllEIT YtNt ~Dnctoty ~14MU1 ' # , . . ,--~ .. -.. ---- FORMOflE INFORMATION CALL (111)411-1111 • lllLWll ... Ct6IO~ • •NO COLLECTION * &rl1 ,...., .. "'°'°" ,..,, .. •r•l"'ble ,,_, 6-w •pe•abk Nlllele itlHI IU.6ill11 .; . 4 1~ • ...... 147-1114 TODAY'S C!:RO'SSWORD PUZZLE 11 Vfne.die 12 St111 13l0f19 1~ .. COtl~ M~ DOWN 1 ~ .. 2 Trect 3 NOt "". •Id -•• 4 Wlllll• IGo~"m , o.-' ·~ 1)' 0 ()fdff\el .. • ~tutt.:c \O M ... ,, Pwu P90• 12 W•tw body Ul~tUll~ 19 11\'1 n Art Fr 2$ Ol41M411 H~«' 'l1 YIH ~It 11 N1gM~lub 2t A.Nn 11"" 30 ~ 2 OOOt 0.1 l E•ltint Of ~ IA medium 3~1CI ~ ,,_,~ '°~"* ., O!'IQM•••• ., Coi\lil1NM"I ~iml ... 0 ......... ... • .... .... PflOO ... it 4P V O •• ""'-' 10 peon 49 AlllOl\S Ii n 1 0i b~ ~ S3 Med9e,_. WI .. S..HMe ...... se._...._ 67 1ed ........ .. ~ ~ .. • • • ' , • • .. I .. -U.S .. Cor:lstitutiQrl bicentennial. . teaching materials in OE: cited A joint award has bttn received bytbcOranatCountyandthe Hun11naton~ach 81ccntenn1alsof the U.S. Consauuuon Comm1ss1on foroutst.andtnacontnbut1on to the commemorations oft he 200th an- nivcrsanesofthe U.S. Constitution and the Bill of R1gtlts. DelAma Davll oflaJuoa Beach. who specializes in mixed media paslt'I. Htt portrahnnd floral Ii fes are representational and clea.rl> show her strona emotional response to hersubJect. - lbllngs who ch · not to donate !J~ organs. tell reasons DEAR ANN LANDERS: I did not qrcc v.-1th your C<if!men 10 "Dtsallusioned in Otta~a. the person who had KYtn 1bhn15 and not one offered a bdncy ah hough she had bcc:n on daal)'sts for 12 )ears The honor was for the com-m1ss1o~s· efforts in coll.cctingand presenung packets ofb1centennial educa11onal matcnaJs 10 70 teachers from Australia and New Zealand who toured Orange Coun- ty forthrcewceksanJanuary. The packets were designed to be used in the classrooms to promote inter- national understanding about the U.S. govcrnmen t. Dav1shasexhibittdinpllenes and museums throughout the Unit· edStatesand En~nd. TllllOlllJ Dalton Mallrice Cook 1, fine an pboto-• graphic •pecialt1es for the show ranlcd from Onental fiaures to ,.h mother's s1 tt'r lost both her k1dne)'s at a fa1 rl> earl y age 'he received a transplnnl from an un- related donor and 11 sef"-cd her well for 10 )tars. then her bod> rtJCCted 1t ''Weare proud to receive na- tional rccogn111on forourproJect. which 1s surely one oft he vet) fe"" 1 ntcmat1onal bicentennial ac- 11v1tics 10 the country," said Jane Gerl>er,chaim1an of the Orange County~mm1 saon. -.... RocllS. Waper wasamong I l5 men and women of class No. 249 who were sworn 1n as LosAngeles County deputyshenff byShenff herman Bloclc recently. A three-year re 1dent of NewPort Beach, Wagner attended the in- tensive 17-week training program at the henfT's Training Academ) in Whm1er. His first assignment "'ill be in the custody d1 vision. • • • Local arristsSue McClure.Ellu· betll Telle, Cam Illa Bok~ Donita Lloyd and A.nae Ea gland w1 II be prcsent1n,g incompfc1e an works displayed nex t to their own com- pleted works, and discus mg pa1n1- inganddrawing techniques and ideas at the Panache Gallery 1 n Laiuna Beach this l&-cck! _ Thce~hibit will be a stop on Laguna Bcach'sGallel) N1gh.t lour on Thursday. The theme will~ "Works in Progres "and artists will be on hand to discuss their work. Gallery Night tours wall beheld the first Thursday of every month through June. Free transPortatto.n isprovidcdtocachofthe 11 galleries on the tour and refresh- ments will be served. • • • An)one who visited Newport Bead\ C'lt) Hall GaJlery rccentl) probably noticed Watercolons1 Lin Smltb's paintings of orchid botanicals. .Smith. whohass1ud1cdw1th Ruth Hynds and has exhibited throughoutCahforn1a. Flondaand Hawa11, had one of her parntmgs selected by Santa Barbara Inter- national Orchid how as their official poster. lsoexllil>ihng her works was landscapes. • • • SPortsca terand fo~r Dodger Doa&moaandothercclebrity guests will tee off at thesjxth annual Community Service Prog,arns (C'SP) YoulhShelterGoJfTour- namcnt. The event 1s scheduled for pnl 17 at the El Niguel C'ountr) Clutt1n Laguna N1gucl. AU proceeds wtll benefit the youth shelter in Lasuna Beach which prov1d~s residen tial crisis intervcntio.n for.abandoned.- abused and runaway youths · More than 25 toumamcn! pnzcs will be awarded including I 00 gallons of gas, newclubsand dinners for two A Hawaiian va- cation tops the hst of items to be auctioned at the tournament's awards dinner. "This is a fun tournament where everyone has a chance to win." S:l1d chafrman Tom Greea. Limited space 1)st11l available: _ The entry (eelSS200 per player; for" rcscrvauons. call 540-6921. • • • I rv ane resident Joe Marlin wa\ honored by The C'1 t> of Hope medical centcratthe 15th an- niversary cclcbrauon oft.he C'on- s1rucuon lndu the lhance fo nhc C.11> ofHope. Forh1sact1ve fund raising, the Cit) of Hope Cancer Center established a cancer re- search rerrow hipTn1'.filntn} name. Brace yourself for Cfbg Ctentist.ry; . bill can be worse than the· bark J was always bcucr at ra1 ina lods than I was dogs. Actually. I was afraid of aJI of them, but the dO&.' had pointed teeth When my, fam1l) h\ed on the fann, we had three canines. One was a large German shepherd "ho looked so int1m1dat1na you wanted to stay 10 your car 1n our dnvewa_y for the rest of )Our life. \ide from devolJnn_aa few squirrels. he had the cuddl~ personaht)' of Willard Scot1. The Irish seller used hi ,. choppers to cat through the sofa and occas1onall> raided m ) closet and c~ed the toes out of m) hoe . But it v.as tht cute hule York hire temcr 1ha1 everyone reached out to v.ho should ha\e bttn ov.ned b> a law tirm He had a thigh w1 h, and fcwe\.Cr 1orpas1 him ~out an 1m~nf ofh1s teeth in them. You'd put out )'Our hand to him to sn11T for acceptance. hnd he0d go for theanenc~. M> husoond s:ud he wa~ sen 111\(~about bcina hon, but the truth 1 • the dot's teeth hould ha\c been rqs tercd as lethal v.eapcn 11 thrtt of 1hc doas d1cJ )Can ago and v.ent to that b1& cti.1r tea an the ky~ What made me think about them wu 1 story about a braklhrouah 1n ~t care· dc-nturcs for dots. Thal boglt my mind. I know anam I need tccth 10 kttP tat1na or they will IU\C l know the~ don·1 bru\h I .. '1. HO\ D after e\ery mea1 so they need 10 ha\.e their teeth cleaned ona rcgula.rb:ms I knnw tbC)'CJpcncnccp:unand have to ha\te dental surge!) But I know people. ar\d they arcn 't goina 10 be content to take care of doas teer~ me-rel} for pracucal re.lsons How Ion& will 11 ·be before d1 crn1ng dog owner~ want their d<>as' teeth capped hke La 1c' ? Is the da} far av.ay when we'll sec pupp1c v.eanng braces to o'bed1cncc school'> Arc v.e cntenng a new era v.herc dogs \I.Ill do commercials brawna abou1 how the> can eat com on the cob w11h their dentures'> I thought about m) \' ork.Jc. and somehov. the idea of buying false teeth for a dog who nc' er sm1kd an} v.ay seemed ludicrous. I know 1h1s: When I read about how d1fficuh tt is 10 get an 1mpnnt of a doa·s mouth. I realize now that I had a dO& who v.as a pioneer 1n restorative dent1 try My mother and father. all three kid . a washer repairman. fhe lcner earners, a loo;t s1orm-door salesman. a famer. and two churcJl pcoplt' who wantt'd 10 come in one Saturday and pray w11h us -all ha ve clear 1mpnnts of has teeth in the beck of their I~. I have a gut fcehn& that dogs wall not bt the s.amt aood spons ma dental chatr that people arc We 1cnd to belte\e denu ts when they tell us. "You'll Ju t expcnence a hlllt' d1 omfon here.' and m> personal fll\ontt' "In a few minute . )OU won't feel an>thmg.·· Dogs are mort lakeh to bile the hand that sedates them I full> an11c1pa1e a lot of mail on this col umn from anamaJ lovers ~how1ll sa) I didn't 1ra1n my doa nght, and 1f he bit me. I dc:-.cr\ed 1t I can onl~ say, m> (ids turned out well -and only one of them ten teeth mark$ .Challenge to improve a car's design may Qe unparalleled Plralltl ~rkina a car I\ an unnatu· rat act. Neither the bu aid of the dnvcr nor that of lhe car a a'!P.'opn.ate for that contonaoo. We can t chanec the dn"er's buakl. Bui the car's •e an. Your usaanment tt to dnian a car a dnvcr can ..,.11d pert .-1thout wrenc~ tbe neck. Your 1ehematia •all bt due nna Tuttday. O. How Clo Hima&i~ MOW ntu II n.000 fm ktte_from ~ A. The) don't, They ftiwa.e IOI id 11 nipt. thaw oua come mornane. al1vt. To make a ~ man ~ dlildlikt, an an11t need onl) paint the .,.. ovmizr. So says a pomaeutt. 'TIWt's MJU a su.abk body of IMdic8I folk out ~ Who tb1nll mo11 '-dachn1Rca..ed by ··uy•nc too Mid.'' Q. Wlliill's the dtffcrcnce MWttn a "':atr ~--· .. ....,,....., A. CM Oftl)' ldl JW how IM word ..... ~.s.. ... , .. lf ... ........ do_W ...... k-..., w hm .. anallia• ol ;n=~·=·:uk .. ..., •• I J &Iii W lllilldi ID . ..... ,.,,~ .... I • tellana her age. hJnd htr o pie« of paper. and in true 1 her as folio~ o; Jot down the number of the month -as ~ for Ma) or ~hate\er -m v.h1ch ><>U wert born Double 11 dd Multiply b' 0 .\dd ~our •· SUbtracl 250 Ot II~ What the final fiautt? If he tclh ou. )OU can quot b9ck to her 1tta1 fiaurr·~ la t ,,.o d11n on the n1.t11. her age. and o~ or two on the le~ the month in v.h1 ch she wa'bom. Gtncral Cu tcr had hfc insu..ra.nc:t . Q. Do birth att balJ" • Some. Mak 11\o"IHltd s«iarhnp Jo f'.'Aliadon'1 . Dori IM COit of clothn fOr )OU.f offlprl .. l!~c;ou troublt? lfyou ~ IO buy outfits for a beb) ~.)OU d ID bn*c-U nul 1t lfOWI up, at molts l'4 umna ar. Film sta rs w in libel damages in Lond on case LO DON ( l\PI -Jame Bond star l 1moth) Dalton and actress Vanessa ~&r.l\C v.on unchscloscd hbtl damages Tucsda) for ne-w-;J><lpcr allcga11on that he wa rude 10 his producer and that lOlkagucs dreaded heT arn\iaJ..-On a mo\ a.e !iot't Their laW)er ()')Car Beusehnd .. told High C oun Judge Michael Davies the scttlemtnt had bten ctached "uh Mirror C1roup News· paper~ Ltd. , The unday Mirror alleged . 1n October that Dalton was rude and behaved unprofc~s1onall> wwa1-d producer (. ubby Brqcolh dunng,lilm- ing of ''License 1q Kill " lkuseltnck told tht coun the neM· paper also claimed l{edgra\c .. 'A-3\ in the habll of mal.ing hfr 1mpo<,s1blt whenever he apptared on a film set" and that people making the movie "were at one stage dreading her arrival on the o;e1 of the film ." The newspaper's law)er stud 11 .,,.,lhdrcw tht> "wholly untruc:--''11llcp- twn and apolog11ed unrcscn edl). either star \Iotas Jn court bul Bcu~hnck ~1d · \1m RedaraH~ is deltg.htcd th.at 1h1s matter has been LeSOli«x.l ...and Dalton v..ill a4~1 certainly gJ\.C his monc) 10 cha rit y" Wedaesday, April $ Nnv. she must be dialyzed th ree times a we<:k and has had 30 ~ratjon1. lfhe \I.Oman has gone throu&h more hell than an) human should ha\.e to~. My motherwa~ te\ted asa pro pcctiH·dottorbut her ta ~ wu not •Sood match. Soon alit'r, ~1oin began to ha ' c trouble w11t\k1dnt> stones and bladde'r 'mfocuons. •1ad he donated 11 k1dnt') to htr sister, she would probably be on d1al}SIS today. We all lo,eour aunt. but mx s1s1ersand I are in our 30sand we have youna children. Our dec1 ion not to be donors wa an extremely difficult one Yes, Ann . to 11H up a pan of)our bod> 1s an e:>.l~mel) generous 1h1na to do. but please ha\t compaSSlon for lhoc;c who decide not to We 10 throu&h t'noullh agon} and ul-searchm e't'I') da) \\1thout bavma to feel 1u1hy. too -NO NAME.JUST ALINA . DEAR SALINAS: Maay readers wlllo are mucta closer t• ~e pnMem &MAI I a.m wrote lo eirpre11 a 1tmUar polJlt of view. I aow kaow wby some relatives are relactant to be .aoaors. We sliloeld not tit la Jatelfnttat unleH we ltau walked 111 ttion nry 11me moccas • • • DEAR ANN L.\NDER ·In a rccen1columnaboutclo1hesthatarc hard to · wear,~ cramen10" menlloot'd lou > h~ t)hng thal causes bunions. corns and bh Lers. I ha\te a v.orSt problem. I was born" tth sometthng hoe' salespeople call a .. Dutch foot." It is a s.ue 6EE or WV..-• About eight month~ ago. 11e 6 could no longer bt found 1n WW. ww._. no~ ~tart me 7. ~vens arc too large for me., The arch doc n't fit and the shoe Oops up and down an the back I v.ear bedroom hppers al home in ordtr to save the tw_p pairs of hoc I hhe that fit When they "'car out. what am I going to do? For the first time in my life (l am 6 ) I can afford prctty things.. It took a long time for me 101et from 240 pound to 135, but I am sull stuck wnh a Dutch foot Can )OU do an thJnl to htlp me?-AKRON. OHIO. DEAR AKRO : Have yoa ~lffred n•tom·ma.ae lltoff'! If ,.. caa't " flad a sM>p la Akroa, try Clevelaad.. We c:.bttked tltt VeUow Pal" ef tk · Cltvf!land directory aad 1evuaJ are llt&e4. · . . . ... DEl\R ~ LAND R me'A-herc my mother rt d that if you put n clay Oo"npot O'-er 11 burner on the stove. 1t v.ould act as a hcatt'r. Please tell people not to tr) It. lhe fum~ could l.111 )OU M> p:lrent "t'rt .t leep in t~ir motor home. It 1umt'd cold. so Mom pu1 lht' chi) Pol on the bum~r A ftw hours l:ittr my 9-)ear..c>ld. who was slcep1f\I do~ to the sto\t:, seemed to he-ha\ 1na n1fhtmares I ched.cd and he was nearl:)' bluet P•~ .,., .. r.n~i:..TNctcn.. -YJ X>R. fF. ·A . DEAR VIDOR: Yo. d&d ud I tbak YM' ... "' role ..All"1.C.i~l'lll1.U.L.o..c.;~.LL..J...LJ-......... ~ L.-----r-~-----i---;cr'.AliPiilRil11icooftRNN < l>ec. -an 19) .• denl)' circlHTIS\a nces tum 1n. >Our Older md1' 1duar 111tempu to .. hold favor You receive notice that re->ou back.· To off restrajnts. take quests arc being iranted Empha\1~ m111 U\.C o'1'11 be 1oin.a place ln on charisma. pc~nahty. S(n uahl). new direction Leo m1Jht Sl)." ttck Love will not be a tranger Ano1hcr to your own \lyle!.' follow that Anes mvol~cd coun'ICI' ' --T AURlJS ( .\pnl 20-\.1a) 201 Fam AQ ARll <J n. :?0-f cb I )· ii) membt'r kqo\los that )OU know bu1 Wh.11 had been lo t, mis 1na or toltn wants 10 be CO) Th1t "phenomenon.. will bt Iota~ '\ "third ~Mn" vi.a "'II be understood and ac\ualltserve VIRGO ( \u& 13-~pt 22)• You are involved. It could ha'e bceo case of h drawn 1n 1~0 d1rect1ons tn"oh ina n11 ... • -n d nt '' R-'A ... ,.. "'-la-.. to rm pro' t' relations 1p. anccs ua.M;: t c 1 l;JaU .... ~ ·~ ... nat1\e IO\OIH-d Empha~l on ab1ht> ru(('h.ase. ~k ~P.Cnding and budact .. , our CUflO 11~· I'> '>Omcthina tO to l.eep scx:ret unds are a'a1l1blc from "~ret behold'" source.. 11n1ticant changes e>«uron PISCES (I co 19-March 20)· GEMINI c \.1.t) 11-Junc 10)' ) ou'll h(.)me fron1 Tauru' Libra plav rok\ Financi.tl sc:ul~cnt takes place. sa). "This milly 1 m) lut:k) da)-'" LIBRA c pt. ~.\-()\.t 21) Doubt\ I I t y :.h1 Focus On Popul .. nl). ·""·1al "Ctl\lh, d . '"'o \C\ pcc1a ~)men ou m .... .. ~ .. • on11nue to c\i\t rco::ir mg "'C'lo · ~ '"'l1n,g "I w1 11 ·-·~uld ha\.'" "'-n fi)ti "h1ch add to v.ardrobe W1~h 1 " ... I.I\; -• "" ... ""'" .. rclat1onsh1p. Pl~ \\Olttn& game one ump <;um!" r ocu on social ulfillcd in Hr) "romantic manner .. Term "'II bt defined better oflcr 1~ acm1t> communacat1on. auen1 ioo You'll consider p;in.nership. mantal on v.a\ ..\llcnt1on centers ar-0und to d1c1 tatu puohc imaae. lOntract, "our mantal IF APRIL$ VO R BIRTHDAY CANCER (Junt 21 -Jul) 22> >0rce \IJtu \OU arc temperamental, 1n~en11"~ matcnal contains \aluable rcfercn-SCORPIO t< 'kt ~ '· "-o\ 21 'our (~all\t' .attractJ\. c and tubborn. cc .\ccent career. amb1uon. com-"complaint'>· hnna de 1~ re ult r. \. tta mun1C'at1on with one in authont) · \.\0 1 k grt<> JonC', older 1ndt' 1dual uemint irgo ~ nu person~ You'll u•nou I~ COO\l'ICr po s1b1ltl\, I d plil) important ro cs tn )OUr hfe. ,,.... u prom1~\ rcp:ur '-'II be ma e < urrent enano features travel, ro-of relocating. auru\. orpio per ~cnano fC'ature\ ach1e' emcnt. re-manc:e. po\ ibl completion ofte.trch ns 1n 01 ture. 41pon 1b1htv, 1ronglO\t' rtla11on\h1p tor ··soul ma\c.'' Mcmon"5 could LEO (Jul) -23.-,....._~.\~u,= 22) lndl\ 1dual ( apncom involved. haunt in pnl but ircatcr freedom ~ho pre' 1ou I\ " competitor AGITl'ARI (~O\ 22-D« ~ 11· promised for 1ay. 'ou tend 10 draw m1Jh1 SI). ··t admire }OUr ab1ht~ to Look ~onJ tht' 1mmcd1att_ kno\lo 10 \OU pcnons \l,bo iau v.1th no commuo1cate'" nano fcatun.~ that lon&-<11 tancc c.om municat1on thought of &1"10& 1n return . That wnung. n11u11on Po 1blc! 1nv1tat1on v.111 bnna de ired n.-pon . Focus on temknq •· will be corrected an June. 10 1ra\t'I. Gen11n1 \.1tgo g1ttarau\ chan ma. o;cn\u.thl\ d1 O\C1' ~" 'our m 1 memorable month of in o1cture appeal. .\ncs. Libra per on\ pla' Iii 9 is lakel) to be August. Fame steered in direction of cowboys ~TURGI~ ~ D ( P) - Jim TbomJ))On ~>s rodeo cowb<» de r' e tht same fame 3\ upcrstar luggef'!. f hompson. who ha col· kctcd ba\eball card mo t of h1 life hof)C1 rodeo fan\ ~111 be JU.Sl a cnthus1asnc about collcct1na ~ha• he calls "a baseball C'trd for COWbo)'S." The rodeo announccr trom lU'J~ and h.1 panMt. Bob hn tophc™>n. a former teer wr tltna champion from Glendive. Mont., Yrill ~n Kllina I ~rd 1et1 of owbo} ants 1n June. ~ ~ch tull-cOlor. &)oliy w1D fcatutt an action shot of a l 988 Nauonal finals Rodeo qualifier on the front and Uw con1acant's ratter &ata1ucs on the beck. But don't k>ok for bUbble P-m 1n thck ~bst. The S29.9S tet• att aimtcr at idult ClDlecton. llHIDf .. I· A WORD TOO MA Both vulnerable outh dca.I . T • • • NORTH • Q' l Q "l 0 •• t. 5 •KQ7l V' Q 10 as • A JI' Q 9 7 6 4 ¢A9'7 • • J 911 ~ J '1 • '5 H • " •• 7 5 J Q A I 3 0 Q 3 • A It' The b1ddm1: Sotatlll w ... t • OM 4 . p.., Opmina ie.ct: Kina of ~ When yov comnm a mme and llt naikd for it. you can Mvc no caute for comp&Unt. But when you ., IOIQCthlna munendy rwablc Md pt punisMd for th•, 109 baw the fittlt to fed that the aodt ...._ l1imed .,ail\ t you. WCM's double of OM Jpllde hM ._...,, ...... ,of thil dcpu,tW • Wllll 1111111 ~for_.• .......................... _ _,ca 4l11Ham llMf la lilt • ... Naida"• 1-t '° '" • ....... .... ..... -Ill (10-12.,..,. • ., . .... ... ... • ,... ...... If,, .... ... .. •• queen and, sancc bokliDa up I.be llCt ~ould make matters euy for cllcW- ct, East took h.is muter UUlp .- n.ited wtth a club. But U.., too. P "c the aamc away. ftct w 1 could noc It.a~ IDOf'I than 10 wor-11\a biah c8l'dl for 11111 tueout do\ablt. _..,.. .. - that he bad to haw ~ rillll ..... to act. lbetefore, he woe IM cll9' rduna la dutnmy and Na dlil * ii apeda. When W• thowid-. .. Cliiir' s Cird .. n.iti.. -I a • 11 and tlM conu.ct tinan .., • make. A \Map tDO S ¢II .. loWed dectenr to "* "all fOf OM '°"', Md t .... -f/I cH Condi ... ~to .... _.., die tllird hist. • Hed'fl•~--· .. tioa, .............. . .... .,... ............ w .. ~:::re .... :•11;: ......... r= ... ! .... _ ___., -.. ---"""-......,..-----.-......... ---~-=-­ "I'm tellln', BHtyl You're using up an the ligbtf" llARllADUD by Brad Ander8on " . • \W~ThV"9\£NT USED !'{ GOVE~NMENT Offid~ W !>t\ltl> CL~SSifiEP CHEESE DBIU08 TBS llBKAClt - -·by Hank Ketcham J'OR BETTER OR J'OR WORSE WHAT tJIM: \ O?Ne. ?II I ~ER THOOOHT ro so ttc»1E. ILQ<J~ U KE.1FUS ljl l SHOE -I ~~l 4 -~ I "Please. Marmaduke, slow down. You're •~VEN WHE~ l DON'T tYAKE AA'( NOISE, MY fN;JM Hf.ARS ME.·.-" · diluting the soup!" PBANUTS "f'OU '61RL5 ARE CR.AZ'<! DON'T '<OU KNOW A SEAN BALL IS ILLE6AL ?! OAllPlltLD DllAllBLS . '(OORE LUCKV IT 'f'OllR WIMPY' DIM CAIJSE A TEAM DOESN'T e«AWL BETWEEN MAVE AN'I OUR TWO TEAMS! 8AAWLE5, CMUCK ! ~ ·~SrtHHHµ f . ,,.,.., ----- by Charles M. Schulz by Jim Oavts by Tom K. Ryan JUDGE PAR.UR DOOJllUBUllY I DID, 80T rr Dt~'I l.4JORK ••• by Garry Trudeau by Lynn Johnston ?I . [XltE •. by Jeff MacNelly by Tom Battuk