HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-17 - Orange Coast PilotI I ~ ~ : 4 WEEKEND August 17-18, 1991 FlS.-0 Goo4 atcM -..,..,... ........ alke ....... ..... ...... .._~ .... ~ TIO ES TOOAY fint hitf\ flril loW 1:33 a.m. 2.9 $ec:Oltd hf&h ~:00 p.m. 5.0 Second loW 12:13 a.m. 1.0 SUNDAY flril hlsJI first loW 7:36 a.m. 3.3 S«ond high 10:30 a.m. 3.2 k<?"d loW 5: 17 p.m. S.1 QUOTES Of THE DAY "Wt ''"-e had him for 20 magmjiant ~~an U·110 can say why a wondtrful \'Otmg man /ik thas should~ stncktn? I know thJS IS a fathtr s~aking, but ht's }tut a su~r, su~r lad. .. Robert Cook, on his cancer· triclcen son Bob (Al) "Ht that /iits to fomtr, n~rr j1·u~ d)ins." Wilham Penn COMMUNllY EVfNTS ri An lndlan Pow-Wow will be held from 10 n.m. to 11 p.m. today and JO n.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday in the Picnic Arca ut the Orange County Fairground . Admission 1 $5 for adult11 and $2 for cniors and teens ages 12-17. for information, call 530· 0221. • R.K. Production i!> pon onng .i Computer Markftplace from 10 a.m to 5 pm. today m Building No 10 at 1he fai rground . Adnw.sion 1 S6. Call (800) 252-7927 •That ~azy wabbit Bug~ Bunny and a full ymphon) orche tra w1JI perform a alute to eta 1cal mu ic and cla sic cartoon in "Buas Bunny on Broadway" toni1ht at 8 at Pacific Amphitheatre. 1 ickcts range from $11.50 to $33. for detail call 740- 2000. •Parents Without Partners will hold a general meeling, orien1ation nm.I dance lomght tarting at 7 30 at the Co la Mc a Holiday Inn, 3133 S. Bri tol St. Co I of lhc dance 1~ $8. •Newport Harbor Art Mu!lcum will offer s tour for the hearing impaired Sunda} at J-1 S p.m. The tour i~ free with mu cum admi ~ion ($3 for adults, $2 for cntor cit12en und student , S l for children 6· J 7); re ervation are not required For •dd1t1onal inform tion call 759-1122. JUST lHE FACTS • Doc-; cwport Ucach ur Ci tlJ Mcu ha\e a i ter c1ty :1 'O:>!X:>W ' aJn l UI oqo.) put ::>JUUJ:J ' :>q11uv :u der '!'JttH'IO :~l'!:>ff uod.'t\3N 111tJhOV ':>~!:>:>M :n :>W c1~0. :>). • ,_ ;,. ,..,...,,.. .. ~ ._h P,.tlt ti ,... ..... • ... qll , .. JI" "' lot "'9"'1 • ... ~117 Urid;clU9 Cl \ifictVD7 Community f orum/Al 1 Cro \\orc.l/tt9 Dc11th Notic:c nll l lor opcJU9 Lcsul nuti~ 09 rolkc Wg/AJ Rcligiol\/AI 0('1 ty/.\6 Sr_tlrts.111 I 'outh/M ...... fd? Pa• ~ ~· 1991 '6:J hillted ill,.,,.~ peper. Published Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays Circulation 45,000 ,..,., ... .,... Bob Cook suffers from an aggressive cancer that attadcs the mu scle system. 'Facing tragedy -with coura .. Cancer victim Bob Cook serve·s as an inspiration to family and frierlds By Russ Loar SYn WrAtt B ob Cook has always been nn inspiration to his friends. When the 20-year-old lost his hair from chemotherapy treatments last year, about 10 of his friends and co-workers on the Dalboa Island Ferry shaved their heads in solidarity. Dob is still in. piring friends and family wifh his concern for how they will survive the tragedy or his illness. "He's worried about the pain it's bringi ng to his family," soid fother Robert Cook, a retired school ndmin1strator. "He doesn't want people to feel sorry for him. He's 3 positive guy but he realizes what's happening." aid Cook, who fears he will soon lose his son to a rapidly spreading form of muscle cancer. "One of his fi~t concerns was that he wouldn't be here to look after his younger brother through the years." Cook, the son of Robert and Marcy Cook of O;ilboa Island, had just 1urned 19, when he first learned of his dic;ca c in April 1990. He suffers from. rhnbdomyos:ircoma. an aggressh.c childhood cancer th:u attacks the mu.,clc ' .. \.~t'llLo ~) tem. "We ~new Crom the bcginninJ it wu coing l_O be D tough, lough battle," Cook aid of hi son's cancer. "We knew if it go• int o the bone there would be no hope." Thi Aprll, not long af1er Bob's 20th birthday, a CAT scan revealed that the cancer had spread, despite surgery and months or chemotherapy and radiation treatments. "It's forced us nil as a family to h3vc some very treasured moments,'' Cook said. "Sad, but treasured times.'' Bob live with his 19-yenr·old brother Jim in a lind of "bachelor pad" attached 10 the family home. After the disease forced him to drop out of school at San Oic'o State, he v.cnt to work nt the Dalbo:i bland ferry where he'd worked before a a money collector. He used his See TRAGEDY lid Piii City beaches threatened by fuel spill Area closed temporarily; officials say danger over By Ro!>ert Barktr SWIYl'rW I !UN n:-;G'l ON BEACH Splotches from nn app:aren\ fi\C·mile long fuel p1H .1t &co "nshed ll)hore in Huntington Dc:ich and threatened the Ne"port Beach coa ... 1line l:nday. cuu.,in' ufct) officials to keep a \\;atchful eye on beache and a scni.1l1\C wetlands rea. lk:iches ""ere loscd lo wading and \\1mmin from the S:int:a Ana River Jelly to Gulden \\'c 1 Street in Huntington Ucnch. Ofhci.11-i c'pet'tcd 1hc beaches to be open thi)o morning, ho"cver. "It \\111 be bu inc .. a u11u:il," M:1r1ne S:ifety Capt. Dill Rich,;rrd on rredictcd l~e l·nJav. Capt. Brad Avery sits aboard lhe Eagle Yacht aHcr sailing the South Pacific with a group of southland students. Newport Beach L1lq.uard Geo ff Grube r -.aid 'lplashcs or the sheen·likc m:ucn.1l "a~hc.:d \\1tlun threc-qu.irters of a mile of the S.'lnt.l Ana Rive r Jcuy. But the material qu1dly dis\l patcd and there was nu plum. 10 clo1>c the beach. Gruber · \ilicJ. Seafaring students sail the South Seas A commercial helicopter p1lo1 s1ghlcd the "f'ill at 11 a.m. about a half mile from • the Jl un11ng1on Ucach pier, Fire Dcp:inmcnr~S:B°\,omall ~tartt\::i Wl'ffh Jld By AMie Shooman The latest c \cur)ion \\a~ Sl.i!IWl'llef 'I wanted to find out what it was really completed in fo·C intCf\:JI\ so A rtcr 93 days and 8;500 mile more tudents could tal..e part, of i.:iiling the South Pacific, like tO QO On an actual VOyage Where A .. cry ~id . The fir)t kg began the Ala ka Eagle -11 65-YOU see nothing but OCean for more M.iy l l, and "'11h l ~ pcuplc on foot custom aluminum r.loop -than tWO weeks.' bo3rd, the Al:hka E.1gle left \outh\\C\terly gu ts hie" the 150-r:ird "'le pool to"ard hore and Huntington lkarh olhc1ah ordered '"1mmer out of the \\,Iler .it :ibout J pm Beach \isito~ compltcJ, but 'omc chcd:c~ in a lifeguard hc.1J,1ua11cr:.. 'cclmi; d1,t5(>Unls on their has landed with it crew of Newport Be:ich :ind took .1 2,600- "studcnt a1lors." McMll ftllnvtll mile t\\henturc to the Marquc'a' { d I Student sailor l·l .. nds 1·n the S"ulh Pacific. · The trip was part o an u u t ~ .. "' \!ducation course offered 1hrough ___ .....;.._...;..._____________ Michelle Ra1m.1llc, a 2 ·)C.1r· p.11 ~ins rec. · Orange COJ)t Colle,c and is one of the J:ngest public )ailing, old gr:iph1c :Jc igncr 'from Corona dcl Mar, ':i1lcJ on lhc program in the country, nid Brod Avery, )ailing p\'ogram in1li;.I leg or the trip. After 17 dap of ;:uhng. R.'lin\ille !>aid Orfk1.1l' wlJ 1hem 10 ka\C their names .ind ;iddrC'>loC~ and they v.oulJ tall. about 1\ l.itcr. director. she had had the time or her life. "What') really amazing '' that a community collece offers "I wanted to find out what it wa' really hkc to go on an this kind or cour)e," he :ud. actual voy.igc "'here )OU t.cc no1hins but oce,1n £or more Hunt 1n~1on Dcuch ncth atcd its EmcrgcnC\ Opc r.11 ion~ Center and h.11.mlou-. in.\tcn.11, tcnm. The Ala ka Engle was donated 10 OCC 1n 1982 by Neil than l\\O \\Cck ," he ~1id. "I could hil\C ke pi goin~ ... Ocrgt, a former Newport Dcach bu<,incssman, and has Avery~ who wu on the -.omc leg of trip as Rainville, \Jid Otltci.11' di,p.11chcd 111\pectors to 111ml1111r the T.tlbert Mar h \\e&lands urea, acruv. l'al·1f 1c Co.t't H1ghw:ly from I funtlllAIOn St.Ile Beach rind ~tood ready logged more than 50,000 miles wi1h tudcnts uboJrd, since they hit tht fiN tropical storm of the )Car. her donation. See SAILOAS/latll Page Noise hearing won't echo in FAA ruling By Russ L03r Sult"' NEWPOR"I OEACI I -A )CC:ond cungres ional hcorina h c r c o n n ~ o o n ·I o ·b c implemented na1ional ~i1port noi c policy nt la t gave locul'i u chance to pcuk out, hut FAA official'> ay Thur J~'t meeting will huvc little if any aff cct on the new regulation..,, "l don't cc it h:.i,ing mud\ ur an unp ~t." id Fred hrrur, an r:AA Jl(lkc:,m:an in W hinston. "i\n)lhina "e cet that £0C rountcr to our ronarc 1on:1I m.inJatc 'Joe n't tnmJ mu h of :a c:hantc.'• Rep • Om' Co\ (R·N~port Ococh) :;and Oart>era Do er (I>· M11rin County) hckJ the first · hciuin& •in June holdin roun ~MMlft 1ltp. Chrl Co~ pHkl at public huring on airport noi t. with rcrrc enlltivc r;om county p'Crnmcnt and rontl hcuing. Contrary to the FAA, Co.'\ doc not cc much of • conare ic.lnDI manda1c for• le1islation that wa urrcptitiou ly tuckc:J tn10 I t S.. H£AAINGJlll* P11i1 See SPILl..Alc* ..... Video entrepreneur Karl dies of skin cancer at 38 G eor~c Stu.irt Karl. Jr., lhc )oung Ne" porr 1lc 1ch cnucprcncur "ho made ·million m.irkcting J ne Fund.1 worfout \idcotapc before he wa c~utht mal..mg 1llc'"' contribution to prc~iJcn1 1.1l c~ndidate Gary t1.11t, died '1 hut\d;iy night Of Ji.in CDm:cr QI the age of 3 . l he mOJn "ho continued to be rc&:irdcd a~ :i vhion:iry in the home video indu'ltry even liflcr h1 roliti I nJ I nl woe-. left him praClically pcnnik • r cd awDy at Ho Mcm t1:ll I I p1tal :after o l•'O·)C r b 111 "i1h cancer. "He ke~t h. n of hum r," a d hi we Deborah .•. , le .. the stronacn one out of II of u • He w11 dOin,g busi up unul the lait few houri 11\in ---... ~-- 'He saw developments in that industry long before others did. He was an inspiration to any bus iness owner.• · -DUI ... publicist TIPS'! CC)MMENTSrJ CALL T~~E READf-H:;· ?4 HOUR HOTl INt: 642-6086 Pilot People The 64-year-Old president and co-owner of University Athletic Club in Newport Beach. He believes hi private, all-male club to be the first major fitness facility in the area. The 30,000-square· foot club opened in 1976. Wit h an initiation fee of SSOO and monthly due'l of $110, it caters to executives and professional athletes. MIT YOlll AVERAGE JOCK:1--------- Graves grew up tn Los Angeles and got a degree in business administration from the University of California at Berkeley. He went into the publishing busines as an executive at two major maguine companies in Los Angeles. He later worked as a marketing executive at Sea World Corp. and started his own firm as a West Coast advert1stng rcpre entative for East Coast publications. He has no athletic background to peak of. _ M BIG BllAK:'------------- 1n the early 1970.,, while running hi\ publishing representative firm, Grave was dotng \Orne marketing work for The Irvine Co. Through that relationship, he wall pnvy to a survey done by the company that identified a great demand in the area for a health club and meeting facilitie' l::.ve r the opportunist. Graves and a rinanc1dl partner, Bob Zuk111 of Malibu. opened a health club with confere nce rooms. The duo opened similar clubs in San Diego and Portland, Ore. in JQ I The San Diego club has ince heen 'nld, and Grave<, sold h1' puhh!.h1ng huc;incss 10 years ago. NEW CllAllfNGES:----------- Graves blames the recec;:.1on fo r the club's recent decline in membership -from its capacit y level of 900 two years ago to a current level of about 800. He doesn't believe that huge new competitors. in cluding an upscale club in nearby Irvine that opened last year and another Irvine club under development, have been ma1or factor:. He said he lost about 10 members to the new co-ed club -mostly "youn,g guys looking for hardhodie!." -but some or those have since come back. "We offer them ·e .. erything they can get over there-, but we'rt also a personal club. A lot of business goes on here." To stay competitive, the club added a fitness counselor two years ago and a ne" gym that opened two months ago. Compiled by Tony Cox "II wa' him I sa"' him. You don't believe me hut I ""'car .. .'' M1t ~unig \norted, plopped hi\ feet up on h1' de l and carefully du~tcd off h11, 'iaddlc\hoes with a Kleenex "Kat herine. we've had more peopl e claiming they've seen Al Bu ndy than l:lw. sighting~ Got one guy who wears he saw Bundy and Jimmy Horta in Chicago, at Wrigley Field, in fact. Got another guy "hu cla ims Bundy 1c; singing backup fo r Jim Morrison tn a ~cattle wffeehou<>e So. you'll excu-;e me 1r I have my doubts." ryp1cal cop. Katherine thought to herself. Here she had seen Al Bundy. the notorious Po rn o Snuff l{jller, 1n Councilwoman April O'Neil''\ Villa Balhoa cond o and Newpon Beach's chief homicide inve11tigator considered her a kook. "Well, I did my job," Katherine blurted, grabbing he r purse and heading for the door. "Al Bundy's back in town and if he !.lflkec; again, a lot of people m this city are going to be wondering why you're sitting on your hands." Sonig smiled a-; "Katherine' talkCd out -of - ORANGE COAST the detective bureau. "Good seeing you too, Katherine." 8EQIJ\L Katherine walked down the steps of the police station and headed toward her by~"" L•S.u battered blue BMW Out or the corner of her eye, something caught her a11ent1on. She paused, her car keys dangling in her right hand. The huc;hes rustled. A hand pulled back a hranch Slowly A face. obscured by a chalky white hockey masl , <,tared bdck at her. She saeamed . To he: continued . tu mPOlt WCI • COSTA I Pil ....... How to reach us at The Pilot Orculation Orange County 642,...333 Adw!rtlslng C1assi0ed 64 2 • 567 8 Display 642 .... 321 EditoNI NeWs 540.1224 Spotts 642-4330 News, 'f>O'U We 646-4170 Mf'n Oftb eusme. Offa 642-4321 BY.lina fa '11·5902 "It \\/JS an amazing week." Thell 1s how John Collins, direct()( of the Summer Harvest Crusade, described the five-night stay of the evangelical whirlwind that blew into f',lcif1c Amphitheatre this week. Somt' Or.inge County Christians might call him a master of under· ~tatemt'nt. More thJn 80,000 came to the amphitheater to hear loud, upbeat Christ1ctn mu~ic and h ten to evangelist Greg Laurie tell them what the Bible-~ys They sang and danced to the music Later; many hugged .lnd cried d1,1rin&, the prayer. But Collins ~1d the real measure o( the five·night . event's success was the 3,200 people who .mswered Laurie's nightly IOVltation to ap· i?.rOdch the stage as a proclamation of their new~rn commitment to Chmt "I spoke with gang members drug users, a man who had just been relea~ from prison, broken families that are going to try again .. .," he said. "To see entire families outwardly sobbing as they approach the stagt'kthat's 1ust incredible "I ttlin we really touched ~me people." Another photo from the crusade ..1ppear:. on todJy's Rehg1on page A8 Did You Know? • • Ph•,,. by MM< "'"" '\o'l'.l.<1 Ot1vid kramer of Dana Point (above) exults in the moment at th e Summer Harvest Crusade Monday \\-hile Peggy Swartzbaugh or La. Habra, (left) holds up her son Taylor, 1. Those lucky enough to secure front row seats (top) danced lo the gospel sounds. In Cost• Meu: In the ummcr or 1953, the new city of Co ta Mc a ln\lolled its fint ci t y co un cil. Mcuns incorporated their city by 11808 vote. to 1.446 in a cloeely wutchcd election and .elected fhe council membcn out o( a late ot lS. They are (left to right) Mayor Charle TcWlnklc, city ptonecr who !wept the field with 1,SS2 \/Otes; insurance broker Bruce Manin; Oaire M. NclMln, local merchant: Ben Smith, fire chlcr: and Walter Miller, conlr (tur. We clcC't to •CCtpt rontrihuriom fmm .wmnen i nd /Men Y./th •lt•olutel~ no tt. oun t~ end your rontT1hution1 ro Did 1·ou Know, lbe Pilot, ,.0. Box l.S6lJ. Ca.t• ca~ -c-,IW.,. ........... rough champs T he America'• Olp -...,. like Dennis Conner ae• all the ink ao fat II-::: l.cMa of It. ' Bis multHQll • nciaa·machina from all over the world beefy f.:!• •laa1I cnwa -all embroiled in an ~nt that will cauae bil lone al..,.,.,-... hands before it'1 over next year. On the Coast Baa the neat pneration or two of Dcnniscs were 1W11rmina all over Newport Harbor la t week, the kids from 10.18 who were competina In the national championship regatta of the Naples Sabot class. The Sabot is a rather ungainty looking little pram, eiaht·fect long and flat on both ends. 1t has been around 1ince World War 11, and it's safe to say that anyone who learned to sail in Southern California in the last '45 years learned in a Sabot. Even Dennis Conner himself. The Sabot Nationals arc being sponsored by the five yacht clubs in Newport Harbor that have junior sailina programs· Bahia Corinthian, Balboa, 8alb9a Island, Lido Island and Newport Harbor. Races and lunche were all at Newport Harbor YC. with the other club rotating breakfast • dinners and niptly social activitie , ''h ha been a great.week, a fun week," said general chairman Suty T\\itchcll, who looked a ir she hadn't slept since February. uzy grew up on Balboa Island, but wa n't a sailor. "I was into body surfing then," Suzy told me. "But I guess I'm into sailing now." Suzy and some 75 volunteers worked and plnnned for months for the regatta, which got under way Monday with 178 kids and their boat all but obscuring the "ater around the turning ba in off the tip of Lido I land. "If nothing el e, it was on interc ting lesson in weather for them," Sul)' aid of the fir t day. Wind from a trop1cnl storm off Bo1a nailed around the harbor, changing directions ince antly. N ormally, local ailo~ have an edge over v1 itor because they're familiar >Allh prcvathng wind pattern . "Local knowledge mcnnt nothing," Suzy said. "The wmd came from everywhere." After Monday's fir t four race , 58 entrant were eliminated I he top 30 fini her went into the Gold d1vi ion, the next 30 int o tlvcr. and so on through Bronze and Iron. The 120 young ni lors hammer-and-tonged it through three race Tuesday and again on Wedne day. I ca ught up with the horde at hrcakfa t Thursday morning at Bahia'Corioth1an YC. Ahead of them were two more race , which would decide the champioMhips in each of the four divi ions. If food intake wa any indication, mo t of the boat s will sink. The 205 wh o had igned up for the buffet breakfast loaded their plate with bncon, sa usage, French 1oast, crnmblcd eggs and, in \I nod to good health, trawherrics. "The e kids arc going to be big·time ailors," aid club manager r~m Bal>..el in amazement. "Look at how much food they can get on a plate!" 1 watched fo r a while and it truly was awesome. It's sate to say that anyone who learned to sail in Southern California in the last 45 years learned in a Sabot. Even Dennis Conner himself.' "One kid cnmc through and pried his plate about three inchc high with bacon; just bacon, but a ton of 11." Tim aid. "l a~ked him if that _ \lo &\ all he wa going to ha11c He said, 'Ye , sir. I don't get a chance to eat hke this when my mother\ around ·" Going into Thur<>day's fin al rnt.:.c,, loca l }OUng~tcr' appeMed to he <;weeping the refotatta. ln the top·<occded GoW cla s, lhc Ward brother\, both a1 hn g out of Bahi.1 Connth1nn YC, were running une·two St'<tecn-ycar·old Billy Ward wa rri f1r\t place with eight (X)ln t' and httl c brothe r Kenny, only 11, wa\ ~comt with 14 point (1n nihng, as in golf, lower l'i better). I congratulated Kenny on his performance and a ked whether it wa ktll or lud .. "Oh. k.ill," be n1d He was not bragging, JU t llcmg factua l. De nni' Co nner, look over )OUr !ihouldcr ------~--- Local News Briefs MMe M.o1ton."Nut A Brinks armored car was involved in a single·vehlcle accident Friday afternoon when it nipped onto its side. AccordinJt to Costa Mesa police, the vehicle ran a red light going norttl on Irvine Avenue tit approximately 45 mph. A s>asscnger in the truck ~s injured and taken to Hoag Hospital. The driver, Barry Koeningsbcrg, 26, of Anaheim, was not injured and not cited, pending f urttler investigation by police. ·woman assauhed · aner Interrupting burglary NEWPORT llEACl I -A 24-ycur·old woman was a sauhcd Tuesday arternoon aCler she interrupted a burglary at her boyfriend's house. The woman, whose name police would not relcJse, told officers she h:1d made seve ral trips from her car to the house when she walked by the gar:age one last time around 1 :20 p.m. and noticed the door was ajar, said Sgt. Andy Gonis. The "oman reported the door had been lod.ed previously, so she pecked inside. Seeing nothing, she turned mv:i). 111en, a gloved hand grabbed her head il n<l pulled bcr inside the gar;ige. She told police the thief tried to •.tranglc her with a phone cord from a d1..carded phone After a brief 'lruggle, she broke awuy long enough to scream. The 1icf, whom she de~cribcd as Cnucasian, then Oec.J. The fine print Or. William M. Veg,,, th<' prM1d nt o( Co.\\tl1ne Community Collq;t•, \\,\s t'lcctcd to serve on the AmcricJn As)()('1Jtion of Community ;1nd Jun· M" Colki;cs' Pr~l(l<'nl Ac.idrmy h<'Cul1\e Committee. Thl' comm1ttt't' 1~ compno.cd ol 1 J m<.'mbcr), elected n.itton"-1<le, \\ho gm.ern olC11\1hCS illnd pm1«b n( 1he Pr{')1dcn~ Academy Vcg.i, ,-.ho h.is i.t:r'\cd .b Co.istlonl.''s prl'S•dcnt sine" t 98S, "'" ~rve on the n.i1ionJI comm1ttc't' '"' l\\o >Nrs • ,.,;cw hnnorJry .ld.i~)ty Jnd t''ICC"ll\t' board n"'m!x>rs 01 ti>~ rl'<f1,11111 C.1ncN R~.irth fuondJtion include Eileen Broms of 8.1lbo.J hlJnJ, "h<' I) ·'" l'\CCUh\'t' JS~~IJnl di The HO\ er Co. and lJura Min or CoronJ <lei ,\.\.1r, ii clocnr 1.1.•r.1<c m.in.lii<'' ill PJint' & Assoc1atr\ Both \\ill sef\'e two· ~l.'Jr ll·rms Elcdl-<l .l\ .in -honNJry ;id-."°'Y lxMrJ ~mhcr 10 W.-1'\l' " onc H'Jr term \\J) Anton Segerslrom. &<'ncr.il m.in.:igcr ol (l)'\tilll Cvurt 1n C!»I.> M~1 fhc PCRF 1\ 1"4.• prtm.>ry tund1n11 tource (Of rt~c.>arch stutl1~ stJft Jnd l'qu•pmcnt fr.r I~ Pcd1J1t1c C.1ncer Rc~Jrch L.1bor,\lorv JI the Children's I ~•tJI of OrJn~c County. • • • M.:iril~n Wolh burg ol Comna dt•I MJ! '' the nc"lv mst.11led p<~Jent ot llll' UCI T<Mn ~ Cm-.n !\'\Jrilyn JOIOl'd T&C 1n 1'"170 ant.I hJS Wr\etl J\ Rl>ttlfcl1ng ~rl·l.iry, \I(.(' pt1~d nt cii mem~r\lup, hl'.lloUrl'r, .ind t h.11r ol the ad"~ boJ11I DUI arrests thf" f14.lu"m& f'C'C'f''f •crl' """'ttl 1b" p1'4: •tf'k (l!I U,t,J'UUOft (11f t.fth"'I tafkkt tt\f' "r.~1". t' Tbt"' "'"'le lw•C Wtl\ anr•trJ ._.,, ~~ ttl 1 aunc •DLI o •119' ed ~ cnnw' lilcl "t ...,..crnl .m•d l'f'IWR IV f\ \ 11.r ,.,, .. ,. .... i.., ,,.....,, r .... ~,..,, '• "'' ,.. ... Crcp>n '\llcn S.:alTc~, JI, (u .. 11 \1ru J&.""'1 { 11h Cu11110, :. Sant.a 111 Trlk.tc Rt"c All• n li. COl\1.1 \it • Jarnc• \"I •r '\'oun1 -~. C°tl'll• \in.a !ot~111n On•pua \1ial1 ~I S.1n11 \n.i J1~rh Andrc:v. ( umd.. ZCI, Cocu Mc!>ll ( lir1• I ran\. 8a1chclor, ll, llu11t1nJ1Pn tkt<h ""''" R lhm1rn. 211 tmt. \1csa SuYn Juic JohnCCln, lo COiia \tcu Kcltv \'1nccn1 lfo-aN. i1 (larJen <1r~c Pamela Ronulc S1111<:h 31 ~ta "'1u a Paul D••ld Chandler n. lJpl1nJ \111\!cl i\111fl S4n.;hc1. lJ. S.Atl An.a Kcnncih · AnJrc,. K1 noC1 . 2~. ~OLIC'~ ~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tin.· :?too bloc.Ii. of Rur.11 I anc, c~nlcr nm,· IM m\HW)' \fond.I) ''""' • n«'l(lO fhc rc•hl'<.·r 'tarlct.I \\Ith <'nl' lcllcr ewport Beach l "We think the •uy thoo&ht ahc had left whc:n lite went out tu her car one of the tames, so he broke into the iaruie." Goni!I nldi "Bcciuse of the nature or the incident we believe tt ~u a burslarY, 111empt, more than anythina else, tbi.t he intcr1 uptcd." The woman wu taken to Jfo3g MemoriDI tlo pit.al. treated n~& released. ' Police arc alkin1 anyone who ha inform 11ion bout the c 1sc t call 6"·37S'4. I llll1r Iii 11 lllnee Into Or ... COllltJ • IRVINE -The Lo Angeles L:aker Girl \\ill perform toda~ durina arand openina ceremonies at Zoom Performance Athletic arr The Crowoods shoppinJ center in Irvine. Aerobics demon trat1ons arc also plannec.J during the event. scheduled from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mars Radio will bro.1dcus1 live from' the ~tc and there will be o variety of dr01wing1t. Pow Wow contnles at o.c. Fairgrounds ' . COSTA MESA -The Southern C:llifornia Indian Center Inc. i' holdin& its 23rd Annu:s.J Pow Wow, through Aug. IS :it the Oran" County Fairgrounds. • • The event wlll fenture traditional' Native American lnJian ingjnCt dancinc. arts and crafts, food and the crowning or the new Pow Wow Princess. : A pecial pre~n1:at1on for nctrc s Connie S~evens · ond a recognition ceremony for the Persian Gulf Veteran) will be helf Saturday. The event start nt 11 a m. Aug. 17·18. ~ Admjssion is SS for adult~ and $2 fo r seniors nnd studen ts ages 12r 17. For more informatio n, cnll 530 0221. i Sty11t1 take some on the top for charity ! I CORONA DEL MAR - A cut-:Hhon benefiting Project Togc thct will be held Aug. 25 at K1t11c Oli,1er' Bcaucy Salon. ' From 9 ;i.m.-4 p m., top St)h'>IS from Costa Mesa. Newpon Be.ac' :ind Coron3 Del Mnr "ill be giving h;urcuts for n S 10 donation at the !ialon locat ed at 2640 E CoJ!>I I l1gh-A,1y. Project T~gcther as a 1.oluntecr program which give) support 10 emotionally disturbed children and their Cam1l1c" "ho arc rccc11.in& 1rcntmcnt from the agency'!> Children's Mental Health Set\ ices for more information, call the salon at 640·5060 or Projeci Together nt 937-2188. Bulletin board Free seminar • NC:\\IPOtn UEACll -"l.1k pur· po~ anJ 01rcc11on Kc\ clements co \l.ICCC\)" 1\ 1 Cree '>l:min.u for 1nJ1· \1du3ls \!oho lo\Dnl co m:ikc: a ch11n'e tn career E\CfY Tue)dav, )·.}() • S pm. CJll McCuc "'"-x:1a1c) for kxatt0n 11 11"1).J(n> By re~l'\;illon only Support/study group I NEWPORT 8EACll -The Amer!C:ln Ll\'er FounJ:at1on is ho1\1n1 their fif\I Support/Study croup on · \\cdnc!><lav. Sept 4 in Nc:wpon Ucach. r {ir more 1nform:11ion anJ rei.cl'\'llliOM e.ill, (71 4) 645· 75 IS Literacy tutors COSTA MESA -The C\;ncr.il Ornn~ Countv l.itcr;in Cl!1.1not " )CC:J..in1 tUIOI'\ 'for lh d11 ~s 1n I It· cr:acy ~nc.f En1li~h u a ScrnnJ Lan· CUICC:. Cher r.500 itUJ~nlS \\CIC en• .. . llun11nston Oca.:h .4.nscl Oruz·P1niJ.a H . Cost• Mc~ All&cl Tal-ra. ~ (a&t.a Mna \Ctal~I TrmNhy '>..anion ~. Hma 11 _. ... lo..c\ln J,.wrh Ham'. Zit, lll1n<>J\ ll~r.>ld Gcc•r1c S1mmt. Jr, ~o. S"'pc>n 0..a.:h • ~ 1llum llarold J '1n11on "" sl'WI'~ &kh Ett.arJ \&11chci. Jr ~. Glcnoora Dd"'•c Ike Ott r.1, ", R"'Cl'\idt • rolled from June 30, 19')() 10 July t,' 1991. Tr.1ininJ \\111 be 1va1l,1hle lit' the F1r>t Un11cd Mc:1hocfo1 Church• <>n l9th S1 1n C())1a \k~ There ,,.11 tie'. ~llC sc:,,k,n) bc'lnn1n1 Sc:pt I 0 on Tuc:loday ind Thur~dav C\'Cninp Crom 7 p m. 10 9,30 pm f or more anfor. m.111on call. (71-1) 54'1·31:?0 top smoking help 1'E\\PORT BEACll -A '>top! 'mokin& m1n.1r ~1ch a monev·b;.ick • JUilrantec: 1A1ll tx: hc:IJ Wc:dric:,d.1y: &::\cnini. Aus. 21 at 4.$00 Ma Anhur! O!vJ .• 1n Newport Bea h Dr J;imc~: ll:mkr "'111 •rply c:lln1cat hypncx1> 10 . imoJ..in1 add1~uons \\1th the 1u:ar:in·; tee that evc"one \lo 111 become non-• \rtu.1J..en or r~C:Cl\C 1hc1r rec or S19. bad:. DT. Harder '' bo;ard ccrt1Cicd~ .inJ bee.an ll1s pr:a~11ce in Or.1ngc : Councv 1n t97t. Tu re Cl'\"C 11 \r.ice call. l?l4) ~-3()()0 ! If t Qll h.or •n 11tm ft:Jr n11flrti11 : R.•#rd, tr1•il rt to Tht P1/ol. Bulktin , &~rd •• llO u. n.11 \t .. Coj t• Mt •. n 11111. • Kavm;lnd <>rnru• •• I< ".f lka,h 0.-1J \lo olham B•nham .\ °"'WJ'C'l1 Be.Kii 1ano .\"11tla 1 ;\nahcun • Ollllicl Mlh\lfh \!cndou !l, \.na~1m S1cphcn l>.'Ur)~, I Mt\ Jr 47, Lons lka<h l"crr~ tfoll1nd \l.r ~lllhou•c ·'I' H .. n11ngt.Dn Bea< h \lcrhcn < ••n-\111t'n. :5 '<c"'l"'n Ru,h Jell~• I 1-0.t \'1llerrn :· .\n~l:oc1m Mii .,_ Qa1. PN1l~11t Cl ,..,.. , ...... M 'E I f .. 1• ... ,. ...... ,.........., Suogc!ls sov ng 1 "'• ond SSS on< o \ 'tulk"I \t.uhn wa' \h•lcn from • ConlOC' Mor yn, Jeorine 'h•r .l6' •hC'1I 1'>,•hrnJ "-1.arl!,ull.I\ 1lle Re•· Svnn f tl·~rt, or \ Jri;\\ 11oonh S6M YOU reported \h>-1clhnlo\ hi.-r 'ilh ,lnJ tflO .. "''" plca-.c, 1, n c\n Aug 7 hum Cache • South C'o.t\I hurl'\ ' I It •hen "'C:nl tu 11nv1h r teller t.1 ir 101 o "" '' < ,,.,t H1g_h1A "\ '°'"nd.:s\ "'"'' • .111cmpllJ ll• teal a \lcren 1 h 14 1111 t 1 .. h llou• v.1111h 1 1, ,.._, "o d C o ' 1 " ' Io' f lt,E E lw'"'l A \ •lk,"'U\:n Jctt'/.arl cd l•n 1hc • C N U •"TON 'pe o s•s in oU of•:>s Co ta 1e~n Pl 11, N'Ultqur and ~ .. t Ytiu 1ix1, llt\C me y )\If • m11nc\·" lcll1 h \~V the man 11oa' calm l'olttc llfll'\C1:d llo\o men at about :? .10 pm MondJy 111 '\1711 llarlxlr Ul\'\f on \lltplClOi\ ur ~lhnJI, n rCUll Rolkllfo RoN:no lkt>c1n1\, ~I. and Juan C'atk' Inane, .. ~. were ~>O~ed mt" C°'" \1c\J J 11 m the C C, \ \\11uld·hc hurglar w.1\ ~.m:c.l 11ft .ind ... uJ · Nc•IA )OU can 'cl oft ·our "iund.1} a' he tncJ to hruk 1010 .i hc1me 1.tl.um.. t\ he 11o,1l(eJ out •he ~11.1r I he 1•n 1hc =21l0 bk-xii. or I ctkril Ave robt>.:r ., de"11t>cc.l a t'tl•1.k., •"'1ut b Cc:ct • ,. t,.11 2110 pciunth "'"h a I r c 1v11n1ch Some••nc \IOIC about S2.400 111.\lllh or • 1ewcll'), sh<lC\ and a pu~ from a home ·\n AcJJm' Avcnur 1.oupk woe 11o itch· • on chc: 400 hlodc of f'air Dmc Fntrv in tdc\l~ion Ciunt.lay allemcxin when a 1ntt1 1hc home "'" m.ic.lc through an un· m.an '4Hh h" , .. nu ab h 1ng1ng c•ut uf h1\ Ab.-iut s~.:oo •Wl>rth or 1ankning cqu1rmcot 11;,1, ~1olcn tomchme \ua 10 frum a home on the 500 block uf V1ctm1.i S1rcc1 lc><.kec.l door. p .. nr' trlC'CJ hi open 1hc:11 ,JiJ 1n1 Jl10f • l he male \I llm pu,hcd 1hc 01\ht.r uuc \ I hi ... 1 ~rP rnn1ly d1Jn'c 11! 1hc11 n.111,, <and he ran ""''"· rhc ' '·' m 111 x r ""'" 1 a ' n.1 "'··r v.:.1'\ llc..:ri"·•I ~' ""hitc:f tn 111~ W-.~ • h,w, 11 1Aeapon or ewn .i ntitc ot oiW•)' '"' '"' with more than S4 t..00 ar1c:r a luna tdh:" 1t"'1ut 5 kct Q in1.he1 1at anJ t.S Someone 'wle 11bou1 SI0,000 ~orth of 1c"' In· ""d \llw,,..a.rc !rum a ht1mc un at C.1hfom1a I eJeral O.ank on lc..,.n round' ,......,.,.( (fl ' u .. Ba ~ ~ . You re p ao t. •• """"" ~"~~ join us for our FACTORY REBM'E SAIE! TEAM MOHAWK is on a winning streak and ~_.. ap .... wt111._111 l••d111t This is your chance to WIN BIG direct from Mohawk Carpet. When you purchase from the All._ U..U. of Mohawk'• Tqp Perfonnin carpet during our GaAND ~ FACTOllY•DATB .. OMOTIONyoucanearn a $1 per sq. yd. FACTORY REBATEI * We believe Mohawk's Top Perfonner. carpets are the finest around. We ofter total protection wtth our . warranties and guarantees. * Ten Year Total Performance Warranty * Lifetime Wear Warranty * 15 Day No Nonsense Full Replacement Guarantee ! "''n r ••I '4th ~lrt'l'I an Balbol 81\d \ v.nlJ1n1 ~•'IAll 11oa. rcmu\TJ from 0 t •hr. ... o j T 01 '' Cru1toes 1 h .. lrlmt 111.turrc.t 1 ul!!o<.l:ay C\en1ng or 1ht l.h\pl.ay \;a<,c ,,f C1hfllrn111 HnJc: •In ., , t "•eme • .. omp•• 1.,,~ proC•t\g •tor \\cdnc,tJ1\ m111n111, -.hen the 1b1cC \\-e\h.hlf Dmc \\-cdnc:\Ja.., Juuni l'>u•1· nr~d the 1i:11 1 1•ut 1•f the da'h t>oard, nc" hou" Empl cc• rep. r1c1I that thC' e•i:le11 orrottQe...,ents No 1•• 10 Yl>V hut ~.iulJ ntll .._u1 the •lllched "'ires so ~l .~JO El""'" "';1' in the J1•r'"' \\tnJ "' c.tlCt: T ..... '• - -f. 17111 lclc 11 1n 1h .. • llr nc:.ir tflc fron1 d'-"-'' 1Aht n 1hr tore • •• • vr«ncc.l, but by 2 p m 11 -. " ~'ni: F.m· It. It """"' AW., Clltl -\ 101;7 lO)ola pickup anJ a t9S4 Ford pl<1\cc\ aho u1d 1 hi.de fllrn11I '"'" 111-R• Mu''""• \\ere ~h,len this Y>eck The _.:"':.!•!..\ .::•l:.::.:...:.:.m::.;':.!'~n~------=~l:==============;;;;:i:=­tru1:l v.a, taken Crum the COO Mock of D:ana Rct;ac.l \Omctlmc N:ni.ccn 9 p m I uc•J.iy anJ a m WcJnr\dav The \1u•t.ing wa~ \lok n fwm lh(' rnmcr of l..itti.~ \\~OUC anti 'bth ,\\COUC txrv.rcn 7 r I 'ttuul.1\ 4nJ 11 ) m ' nJn • I • • . -. • . . .. . . . . ROA·M · AROUND THE B ) the tune Jerry McWeeney and Chris McDonough ftn1\h !.eeing the world, they'll no doubt have n lot of 11 \tuck to the 'ole of thei r hoes. Mc\\cene\. 22. a former Orange Coast College \ludcnt bod> prc\ldcnl, and McDonough, 21, who attended Nc~port Hart>or 1 lig h School, boarded a plane for EnglamJ la\t Sunday to 'tart a year-long backpac~ing tnp around the world B) the time the} return home next umm er, th ey will ha"c '1\11cd all of Wc-;1crn f:urope. the Soviet Union • China. outhcrn Asia and Australia. Richard "Zwai" Heffelm,1n, .:!O. will JOtn the pair as they board the Tran S1benan RJll~ay and contm uc with them for the la~t leg of the tnp . McWeeney and McDonough ha\e been avmg and planmng for the trip fo r more than a year. "I 1hinJ.. we're all set," McWecney said before depart ing "I've spen! time in Europe hcfore and we h..i\>c tnenJ., along the \hlY" J erry Mcweeney and Chris McDonough boarded a plane last Sunday to start a year-long journey around the planet. I ndeed. McWeeney i no stranger to foreign shore . He spent part of last year studying in Cambridge, England with an OCC study program and has also visited h1 family's homeland, lrel:rnd, on family trips during high school. But McDonough, who hopes to carry on a family tradition and become a police officer after he returns, doc not share his partner's experience. He has never ventured farther than Mcxioo nnd just recently received his pa port in the mail. "l can't wait," he snid . "We've been planning so long yet the final adju!lments we ordered on our packs were jwst finished two day ago. I can't believe the day is almo there." When it comes to raising pare change to keep in their pockets during the journey, the adventuresome duo came up with an idea that should make local entrepreneurs enviou . They bought ome "authentic Guatemalan Love B:ir.ds" in Tijuana a couple weeks ago and hope to sell them ulong the way. They also hope to save money by campin$ most of the time. l:.ach plans to pend about SS.000 during the year . It won't be all fun and game . "The hard parl will be China 1n the winter," McWecney conceded. Asked which de tmation most excites 1hem, the two 1hought a moment befo re unanimously deciding on Gcnn3ny, which they plan to vi 1t during Oktoberfest. ''I think we'll learn a lot," Mcweeney aid, "but I'm !lure it ' going to be a lot of fun, too." . -By Alu Nau1hton Help c hild build confidence Top ol the Class D ear Dr. Diana Peters: Our You and your , 6·}ear·old !.On doe not husband need to It 1s all nght to talk about things that arc hard or unpleasant. r d1tor 's Note -Landlord on the Peninsula arc getting ready to lower their rents. Department ~tore are having jeans a/es. Pocket calculators are selling ltkc hot cakes. It can mean only one thing: It's back-to-school time. belonp' here, call our Editor 's Hotline (642-f>086) with the name and school and we 'II publi~h it in a future i uc. Bndlty Karp (University of Redlands). adapt well to new situations think about how 'or challenge~. He seems to get you react to life's upset easily wh ethtr It ls learning Ch!llenges. Do you 1 lowcvc r. do 11 in a way which projects an ability to meet the challenge..... a ne" task. sharing or playing a prai e one another game "Ith friends. He lacks for effort to confidence. He cries, become reinforce trying'> anxious or runs to me for help. I Or do you foc us on want him to be more Independent Dr. 1111111 the mistake~ and and to try to do things In a Petll'I nag about what ~l'lf·&llSU~ way. How can I help? y,asn't nght '' In ------Perplexed p . )Our wordc; and De.tr Perplexed: Chil dre n lea rn arenttng act1onc;, model th rough expe rience and 1m1taling 101 positive rc11pon es other .... The first step in helpmg -----• to challenges so vour child be more confident 1~ for tha t your son has a vo u to be a pos1thc role model good example to imitate C h1ldren learn by doing. Plan expenence~ for your son in which he can, with some effdtt, meet with succe . There i noth ing more powerful t~an­ .,ucce to build confidence. When your son make a m1 take, avoid teasing or embarrassi ng him. If you havt ,. qutstlon or conctrn write to Dr. Diana Pettrs at Tht PJ/ot, JJO W. Bay St., Co ta Mt a, 92627. .. -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;=======;;;;;;;;;::-i .. I .. .. .. .. ' .. .. I , " .. .. " • " .. II .. " II .. .. .. .. •• ,, " , . .. .. 1: " n .. J! .. .. .. " If " .. .. .. •• .. •• •• .. It " .. .. .. •• •• 2: ti l! .. 1: .. 1: a bbondanza Fresh Pasta and Seafood Restaurant . Saturday Champagne Luncl1 & Dinner 11:30 a.m. -7 p.m. ~-- wllh Clam cal Guitar and Lutt by John Schneulerman 7 p.m. · JO p.m . Sunday ChampagM Dinntr j p.m. • 7 p.m. Wtlh ClaJJ1col Guitar fly Rk hard Glen 6 p.m. • 9 P,.m. H ...... _...~·-_..._,J421 VUl Lido • iffwport Beach • (714) 67S-8973 ,,_,..., "' .... u. ,,,,_ Before the first tarting bell of the school year rinp, wc at The PJ/ot thought we hould in some way honor some of the nat10n 's fine5t college tudcnt who hail from thi,. area. Based on information provided. by colleges and universities aero the country, we pre~nt thi list of student who made their re JJCClive schools' Deans LJ ts during the final quarter or e:ter of the la t hool year . If vou know a ru t who l:OO A.M. -.., , .M. Monday -"*Y l.'00 AM. -10:00 ,. .M. l:OO~,.M-~ laNly Clltl ... John W. Wattnnan (Cal Poly Sa n Lui. Obi po); u nard Dwight Cooper and Plkul Bronlct (Fullerton College); Dawn • Rowland (Univer ity of Santc Fe, N.M.); Jason Asblty (Univer 1ty or O regon); Amy Annt Sulkls (New York University). Als(>, Carrie Ann Cbambtrtaln (Gonzago Unavcr ity, Spokane, Wo h.); EUiabtth Cla)'pool (Northwe~tcm College); Robert Mllltr (Claremont McKcnnn College); Julie Burden (Scripps College, Claremont); and .............. J ennlftr E. Brown and Mart L Hanstll (Middlebury Colleae. M1ddleburxa Vt.); Cb.rt1du Prouah and Dnid Woodruff (Claremont McKenna College). 0 lo addltJon: Mark HartleJ of Co ta Mesa ha been named a new student member of the honors/ ervice organization Maroon and Gray at the University of the Redlands .... Executive Women lntemationaJ, Orange County Chapter, awarded MlllOD Gnih•t a Junior at Newport Harbor High School, tlilie chapter'• 1991 college scholarship. The $2,000 was awarded at a recent dinner. -f M.u< ""'otlf\P•• Dan Angrcss Cle.amines a nautical m<tp of the Catalina Channel he will attempt to swim. Takin.g the plunge Swimmer chal lenges waters from Catalina By Anna Cekota SUflWrw W i1h the ye.irs !.tarting to run toge1her rn .1 seeming blur, Corona dcl Mar re!iident Dan Angrcss said he's ready to take the plunge or a life1ime and try some1hing 1hat will definitely make the summer of 199 I stick ou1 in hi) mind. · 'I didn't have Nexl Saturday at midnight he will dive into the chilly and turbulent waters of the Pacific Ocean and try to join nn elite group of 66 athletes who have succeeded in swimming the 21 miles from C;ualinn Island to the Palos Verdes peninsula since 1927. "I llunk th is i~ one or tho e landmnrks," Angrc~s ~aid, a marl.cling manager for Nichols lnstitulc Laborntorics in San Junn Capislrnno. ''I'll be nblc to 1hink, 'yeuh, \\<hen I was 34 l swam the Ca1alina.' " anythin g planned this summer.' -DAN ANGRE1S on why he Qlans to swim {Com Catalina Under ideal conditions. Angre s aid he hope 10 make the swim in about JO hours I fc will be accompunictl by o boal w11h a crew and obscl'\'Cr from the Catalina Federation. which sanc1ions rhe even1s and i.ets out some ground rules. Including the c~clul110n\ of \\Ct i.uil and double cap,. :ibou1 four hours e'ery day pent.1ra111ing an~ "orJ..ing out. For one th ing, therc'i. the hypothermia thJI Ciln come in the chilly waters, which arc generally :.about 6-i degrees 10 67 degrees at 1h 1' time of the )Car. "That's fir t and foremost on my mind, .. he sj1d Nol only I) Angrci. 1nterei.ted 111 ia~ing on the phy,ic.il und menial challenges that '' 111 come \Vil~ the !>Wim, but he 31!.0 W•lnls to rabe ffiOllC)' ro~ the Amp.iro Youth Sheller i1r Garden Grovc. \\-hich ~l\CS short·term emergency care for abused, runaway and homclci.s.1ccm Ou1 1t' lhc po!i)1b1hty of shark th.it come-. 10 1h~ m10<h of most "hen they think abou1 ocean s''ims from Catalina. "Actually"that''I the lca .. 1 of my concerns,"' Angrcs\ !>Jid. ··out it i' n concern bec;:iu,c 1hcre ll> a l.irgc grea1 Y.h11c popuk11ion out th ere." A compc1it1vc \Y.1mmcr i.incc high \chool. An4}rcss said he star1cd thinking i.criou)ly obout taking on the challensc in January. "l didn'I have an)lhing planned 1i11s summer," he s:utl. laughing. There's aho the 'lheer ph)l>ICal dl\1,incc of tlw S\\im to he coni.itlercd. Angrc!i'> ha:. trained e:<tcn ivcly in the ocean, but 1hc longc\t he'!. gone 1i. 1he JO-mile route from 1hc I Juntinglon Beach pier 10 the Se,11 Oe:ich pier So he decided to !iacrif1ce four months for 1hc swim. "AnJ 11 really 11 a sacrifice," he i,.11d, \\llh Pledge c.in be d1rec1ed to Angrev~ al 7:?8·4:?.N or at the )Outh shelter. Shooting suspect faces another charge By Anna Cekola SUl1Wrtttf COSTA ~tESA -A Long Oeaeh man accu eJ of killing one bosi. and in1uring 1wo 01hcrs during a shooting rampilgc Inst monlh al Fainiew De,elopmcnial Cenler foccs one more count of attempted murder, authont1e s:ud 1-riday. Michael Rahming, a 38-ycar-olJ pain1er who had "'orked at the cc111cr i.ince 1988. now fucc one count of murder, lhree couni of attempted murder and other felony charge in the rump;ige, which left 4i3·)Car·old Allen Motl\ or Garden Grove dead, Co.,tJ Mcs~1 p<1lice -.aid. rairv1cw E~ecutive Director Hugh Kohler. 42. of Co\la Mc a. ;inti pninl supcrv1 or J ame Pichon. 36, of EJ Toro. "er oho 1111urcd in the July 30 !\hooting \f>fCC. Police say that after opening fire on Pichon and Mot1 in o maintcnonce building break room. Rahming \\COi to n nearby garase and pulled hii. handgun on Mike Sofia, a staff &la s worker . For some reason. when H..ihmtng pulled the tnsger on the handgun. it didn't fire . -!~~" ,.t+~ ;-~ Hour -Toll Free~....,.~~---- 1-800-696·3517 THE ASHTON COMPANY ~El • Rtmovu or reducts all E.P A primary list contaminants Including ltad, mercury, arsenk. and other heavy metals. • Removes insepjddts, puUddcs, and herbtddu. . • No flltus to change!! • fdtm thousands of aaJlons (lasts 3·5 yurs)I • Stmply attach this advanced wattr ftJtu to your I faucet bnd start ~nfoyt~g quality drtnkJng wattr todrj! • Sl595 +&ax---~_..._.,__ __ • Convtrilendy portablt too! ... I GIFTS & COl.LECTIBI l:S Now Th1u August 31st Up To 60o/o OFF Througlww tltc Stort>' • Bear~ • Bovlw c~ Card~ • Co1mtrv Craft\ • Doll.\ • ondlt.! · • Fra111e • linens • Prints & 1nore We etclllf Co•rt nn ..... o. .. "· a. 61~1515 By Anna Cekola UW!llr COSTA MESA In the compliratcd ~orld of witcr rates, 3 ba ic survey conducted by • Co)ID Me!ID rc1idcnt concludes that' a typical bill from the Me a Con\Olidatcd Water District is as much as S 18 hi&her than bill in four neighboring cities. "Ln)I year, con umcrs hnve been overcharged $3.9 million," said Dert Ohlig, who is part or a . group or residents. fighting D plan by the w:ucr district to build "20· million gallon underground resel'\'oir pn a poraion of tfle Lindbergh School site nt 23rd Street and Orange Av~nue. "IC our water cosh were in line "Nllh our neighbors, the :lVing to our city 10 one year would h::we to be over $180,000," he recently told the City Council. In Ohlig's survey -which i based on the price a homeowner would pay for 30 uni1s or 22,000 gallon 0£ WOiter every t\ltO months -Mesa topped the list with $38.50. H untingto n Dench averaged about $29·S3 I, followed by $28 in S:inta Ano, $25 in Orange and $20 in Garden GrO\e. Out Mesa Consolida1ed Water Di tricl Manngcr Karl Kemp !laid the four cities listed in Ohllg's survey arc long-1imc ground well producers "ho ha\e been able 10 keep rates low becaui.c 1hey can produce mo ·1 of 1hesr own w111er. Up to 1984. Mesu impor1cd most of its \\ater -Q move that resulted in increasing r.\lc!., Kemp said. Since 1984 Me'la ha been ancrea .. 1ng its ground-\\>ell and re!.cno1r c.ip:icity lO help \labilitc future water supphc~ ant.I rates, Kemp i.a1J. Hund,.,., Beach I ·•Santa Ana Garden Grove bill is expected to be $58 in 10 years." With a reliance on local WJtCr, Kemp said he expccl water bills will only increa c by $7 to $45 in the next decode. Water rates are abo hard to compare on :J face value becau)e about half the watcr dcparlmcnh in the county arc run by cities whi le other:,, llJ..e Me-..i. arc independent districts, Kemp added. Some c11y w;.itcr dcpanments may be funded from property taxe . city ta.xc • or C\CO general fund) In general. Mes:i waler ra1es r.1nk in the middle of the 3.t Cit)' :inJ di!.trict "ater dcp;inm-:nts 1n 1hc county. :iccording to an No .. ember !iuf"\e)' by the \tun1cipal Water District of Orange County. Next door in Ne~port Oeach, wa ter bill are slightly higher al about S39 40. bu1 as Ohhg points out, Newport ha to impon mo!.t of its water from 1he Mctrupolitan Water District. an -t.irc:r. ...... 1 ua.•"' i29-s1f • SJI $20 . ....,., ...... "You hmvc to really took at it in terms of wh:1t \\c're getting for our money compared to our neighbor~ acros) the border," Ohlig said. Kemp, however, said cities like Newport Beach that import much of their water from the Me1ropolitan Water 01 trict could be facing 40 pcrccn1 to 60 percent increa cs in the future. Mc$a now produces about 80 percent of its w:ucr from local "ells, with costs ranging at about SIOO an acre root, Kemp saiJ. A 17 percen1 voluntary water con)umption cutback h;as aLw helped the district rely lc!.s on more expen ive MWD imported "atcr, \lthicb 1 co 1ing about $261 an acre foot , he said. "I agree whoJchcartedly thal i;round "'atcr i a good thing," Ohlig said, ahhough he thin~ future investment~ into a second re el"oir :m: no.t needed nnd thal con:i.e!"'ation effort bv re 1den1' ~hould 1n,tead be rc.":irdcd b~ lo"er bills. • "1 hcy'vc been utih211lg local source). \\'c'vc been 1rying to turn that corner and gel an that position," he said .. "If these (projects) arc not built, Mella \\Ill--------------------------- have 10 buy more e'pcns1vc imported water ant.I the average Hig'1 School and College Students RAISE YOUR G.P.A. Stud)' f-.df:C off crs mnovau' cone <Ll)' classes m tudy slills and two-d.1y coune 10 "'nun; skills. C1nss 1tcs mcludc l'Cl.A nod CC ln me l:.nroll now for l C ln•1nc clas~, in ea.rt~ 11iust Cnll (800) 660.4665 for a free brochure Uniqu e Franzes and Custonz Bedding We W ill Beat Any Department Store P r ice! Free Delivery-Disposal of Old ~attn~ s (m local area) FAMOUS NATIONAL BRANDS Stearns lt fmter . ~ •KJNGSDOWN Corner of Jamboree & Bristol • 3601 Jamboree Blvd. Newport Beach • (714) 833-0551 Chapman support group s,e ~ bcPMhloublelan ina a bis cellbndon ~ 7 It 'The RI~ iftd the mciriben have ICVelaJ reasons for the to-do. N<imber one: the group celebrates ill 20th anruvenary .. a support pou&c:ne ~an Colle~ which 1 Chapman Univenity on Sept. to. Nv9ber IWO: tbe December Cfate wUI mark tbe ftftll ~ the PilbioilablC1 bM'C beeil at The Ritz to Ulher in the holiday season. Number three: membcn ire celcbratina Dr. James Dad'• appointment as president of Chapman. "Christmas at The Ritz" was Doil ................... ... OllCI ~ act • the dl9irmM of the 1a.ir with the rettaunnl cap.c:itJ of 32.S upoctcd to auend. "We are havtn1 the same menu WC had nve yean llO - ~upr snap pea soup, colcf Norwc&ian paached salmon, cuc:um6er ~naisrettc, celery root remouladc ud creme brulee," said dcKruif at a planning tession lunch at the restaurant. "Our honorary chair people are 5MrMe and lob GugentMlm and Ch.t.M and .... ,.,..,. and special recognition ia being planned by Mary Lou ~sident nsby) ror O\lr rounder Mildred Mead," added dcKruif. And as usual a trea ure trove of prizes will be awardtd ... -Society ~~ Among those att~nding The Fashionables recent luncheon (in.preparation for their Dec. 7 gala) at The Ritz were, from left, Peggy Cotton, Mary Lou Hornsby and Dori deKrulf. Joyce Reaume, left, outgoing president of Spyglass Hill Committee, accepts a silver bowl from new president Joni Harvey for bringing in 20 members to her committee. . and a show of fashion uitable for the holiday season will be pre ented by Billur Wallerich and Neiman Marcu~ VP and manager Carol Horowitz. Other members planning the ccJebration are Georgia Haney, Mary Ann Welts, Jerry Richard • Lynn Osen, Peggy Cotton, So ndra Seigel and Gloria Os brink. D BY THE WAY: A few tables away from the DeK.ruif party, Edith He rbert, former Corona del Mar re iden1 now of Palm Springs, was having a celebration luncheon. It was her birthday and her handsome escort was grandson Russell McCorkle ... A few more tables away sat Diane Diefenderfer and friend . This party wu in honor of Diefenderfer's Aug. 31 wedding to David Hanlon in the Community Church at Corona del Mar. • Marcia Coy has taken on the pre idency of the Orange County Philhannonic Society Women' Commillees for a second term. One of her first official duties for the-.91·92 !iC:lSCn will be Sept. 11 al the fall kickoff in the Four Seasons Hotel. When Coy was installed at the Mesa Verde C('luntry Club, another order of busines wa the awarding of a ilver bowl to Joyce Reaume, outgoing president of the Spygla ) Hills commiuee. Reaume brought in 20 new member 10 her committee. ?(Ol(O Theater group can attest to Rooseven·s charm END OF SUMMER SALE • 25-50°/o OFF ALL BRAS-PANTIES-SLIPS Lejaby, Bali, Guess, Henson, Lilyette • 20-40°/o OFF ALL GOWNS-ROBES-TEDDYS Verena, PriAmo, J onquil, Rita, Lucie ann 1f ugs & ~isses 650-8800 1036 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach WESTCLIFF PLAZA S UNRJSE AT LIDO ISLE - Continuing tributes 10 Jimmy Roosevelt, who ..died Tuesday at 83, refer to ~ as courtly, "charming, ever gracious, and always a gentleman." He wa all of the above, a 1hi stOf} atte ts: · Back in the late '7()), a since, di banded troupe of local player~ pedorm ed "Su nri se at Campobello'" at the tiny Lido hie Tlfeater. Thi wa Dott Schary's prizc·winnin& dramati.uuiort of the "growing up )Cars" at the Roosevelt •island rc1rea1. ca ~t member~ were understandably nervou when Mary and Jimmy Roosevelt occupied front ·row ~cal~. practically on 1he stage. Tough audience, right? Not on your cue-card. They loved every minute of it. Jimmy embraced Paula Ertz, who portrayed Eleanor Roosevelt, said she was a wonderful mother, and kept calling he r "Mama." Young actor Don Sou, who played Jimmy at 14, was presented w11h a personal memento -a box of handkerchief bearing the FDR monogram, handed down by the four·time president him elf. And the entire 19·member company, headed ,by director Herman Boodman, was invited 10 the Rooscveh ' o u v e n 1 r ·r 1 ch home in Newport Beach for a po I· perform once party. 0 'NO WONDER HE •HAD THt' EMPATHY FOR ACTOR ' Jimmy Roosevelt -----had a keen sen c of humor, and much of it was -----•self.deprecating u ually accompanied by a hearty laugh. Back in September of '81, 1 received a tip that FDR's No. 1 Son might be screen-tested to portray hi father in the television ver ion of Herman Wouk's novel, "1 he Wil\ds of War." 1 called 10 check it out, and Jimmy sajd it was news 10 him. He thougtfl it was <DHN [])M IN16 Venetian Gondola Getaway On The Bay at Newport Elegant Saturday Receptions 11 am -4 pm Complete Catering & Full Service Bar Contact Mar• 150·5112 h int• Gou•~1 e. ru \, JI rz: • Ch•m~p A Coa~ • (' .. 11 C•""'•r•~s Ji c .~ MlWPOlllT 8~ a iriin (714) 675-4704 VVE . LXJIT I ~ ALU Look to Tht Wtd!'lng Showcau for local, reputable services . r ....... . Your ad can be seen here Call Can<!Y_ al 642-4321 al. 310. • funny , and we had this conver ation: "This would be perfecl en ting. Have you had any acting experience?" "Ob, ye', J 've had many years of acting experience." "Gosh, I didn't know you'd been in the theater." "I wasn't. I was in politics."• Followed, naturally. by the infectious Rooseveltian taugh. "(NOTE· But scriou ly, folks, Jimmy opined that "The Wand of War" wa 100 1mportnn1 n production. and 1ha1 the key role wou ld go to a profc~ ional actor. He was right. The part went 10 Ralph Bellamy, who -JU t 10 bring thi full circle -had won critical acclaim for hi FDR portrayal in "Sunrise 11 Campobello.") 0 MEANWHILE, BACK AT HJ S FAVORITE STADIUM -Among counties callers at the Roo evelt • home in Corona del Mar thi week was one of their deare t f nend , Georgia 1''rontJt~. The Ram • owner sugge ted that Mary might want to unwind prior to Sunday's military-type funeral rite , by attending tonight '~ exhibition game again I the Seattle Sea hawks. "Thanks, but I can't," aid Mary. "We have all these family members here, including maybe 20 grandchildren." "No problem," said Georgia. "Bring them olo~.11 SCARY STU..-J" -A well-known civic activi I died the other day. I. ' Friends sc anned the dailies' obituarie-. eekin~ the time and place of her memorial ervices. Nothing appeared. l a~ked her widowed husband about the omi ion, and he said the mortuary peopJc di cour~ged publication of the notice. The reac;on? "House burglttrs read the obilc;, note that folks probably won't be home -and 1hal'i. when they h11. 0 ... THEY 'AID THE MAGIC WORD -Veterinarian 8111 Manclark showed up at a party the other night with nose bandaged. As a cover-up, playfu l wife, Darleen, had him wear one - of tho c weird Groucho masks. Friend · agreed he never looked better. 0 l'rLL NEVER PLAY ON A JOB RESUME -Friend of mine, ~ho's worked nt Security Pacific National Bank for nearly a quarter-century, fears the merger with Bank of America may eliminate her JOb. along with those of ~soc1ate). Around the office, he ays, they're calling 11 Insecurity Pacific. 0 IT'S NOT NICE TO FOOL M0111ER NATURE -A large crowd attended Thur day' outdoor concen at Fashion I land, ond everal folks thought it would be a goo<l idea lo visit a re troom at the ncarc I depar1ment tore. Whal they found were "Out of Order" 1gn -then learned that the foc1htie were funcuoning JU t fine. Egad, heads will roll! ( II ~j(Hj ~ 111t!11 l S llQIO.l&ta =-;,·:. ~ -=s J._ ~r bodl ol Newport Beacb. T~•J will :C!:.."t ~ :1. _. .. n. ... tlect ..... =-of Mr .... Mn. Jolua It of Par 'Hilll. lbt ......... hm WeltMr Sdaool In M~ Conn., and Unhenity of at Bou*r. Sbe It employed by NeWcamb ~lopmenl Inc. in Newport Beach. The future bridesroom it the aon of Nanneue Pryer and Stephen flyer, both of Ncwpon BcKh. He ii a paduate of Corona del Mar Hl1b School and Univemty o( Colorado at Bou.Ider, where he wu affiliated with Sipla Chi Fraternity. He ii employed by AST Research Inc. in Irvine. HF.SS-WESCO'IT Stefanie Wescott or Costa Men and Steve Heu of Huntinaton Beach have announced their engagement and plans to marry. The two will cxchan•e vows Nov. 16 at Harbor Trinity Baptist Church in Costa Me a. The future bride la the daughter of Glenn and Christine Wescott of Costa Mesa. She graduated from Costa Mesa High School and attended Orange Coast College. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Fred and Phyllis He s of Huntington Beach. He graduated from Edison High School and attended Orange Coa t College. BRIGGS.RANKIN Lisa Louise Rankin of Costa Mc a and Steven R. Briggs of Corona del Mar announced their engagement and plans to marry in February. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Lee and Deanna Rankin or Costa Mesa. She graduated from University High School in Irvine and received a degree in economics from University of Southern California. She is employed a development and campaign a i'ltant at Newport Harbor Art Museum. The future bridegroom i the son or Robert Briggs of Newport Beach and Mrs. Gerald Doan of La Quinta. He graduated from Estancia High School and Arizona State Univer ity. He i employed a vice pre 1dent of Brigg lnve tment Propenics in Irvine. FOSTER-POORE Devon Marie Fosler of Corona dcl Mar and Dennh Michael Poore of La Habra announced their engagement nt a dinner at the home of Jon and Terry Ashton of Corona dcl Mar. The two will marry Sept. 14 at Balboa Yacht Club The bride-elect is the daughter of Dr. Jon R. Lindsay and the late Judy Lynn Lindsay of Carmel. She received a bachelor of science degree in busine from S:mta Oara University and volunteers Anniversaries HOWEY Lucille nd Bruce Howey of Co ta Mesa celebrated their goldC(I weddina anniversary Aug 4 durinl a gathering wuh family and friends. Relatives, friend and co- workers from throughout the late, Ohio, Loui iana, Tcxa and Iowa attended the f estivitics. The Howcys were married Aug. 16, 1941, at Wee Klrk of the Heather Chapel at Fore t Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale. The Navy transferred them to Costa Me n in l9SS , and there they rai ed their three children. After 22 years in the Navy, eight of them at Lighter·Thoan·Air in Tu tin, Bruce retired and began a real estate consultation firm . Steve Heu a nd Stefanie Wncott Lisa Rankin lur the YWCA Hotel for Homeless Women in Santa Ana. The prospective bridegroom i the son of Mary Jean Poore and the late Eugene D. Poore of La Habra. He graduated from St. Paul High School and Fullerton College. Dennis has erved on the board of the Pacific Water Quality Association since 1987. ROBINSON-SMITH A NO\!ember wedding 1 bein~ planned by Patr1c1a Loreen Robinson and Christopher St John (Stnjm) Smith, both of Pacific Pait ade . The tv.o will C!tchange \IOWs Nov 22 al St Montca's church in Santa Monica The bridc:Jo-he is the daughter of Lorraine Robin on of Newpoh Beach and Arthur Robin on of R1\ler .. 1de. She graduated from Poly High School and attended Un1ve Nty of California at Lo Angeles. The future bridegroom is the c;on of Marylou Smith and the late James C. Smith of Santa Monica. He attended Univer 1ty Qf Cahfom1a at Lo Angele . Both ha"c been ach\iC in the communiry and at their children' 'ithools. Lucille ha been invol-.ed with Girl Scouts and Blue 81rd with h~r daughter , •nd ln-wf'tOO act1v1tic at First United Method1\t Church of Co ta Mesa. She ha also been active wtth the PTA!. of Lindbergh elementary chool. Everett A. Rae and Heinz Ka1~er Junior high school , and Co\tn Mesa and Corona del Motf htgh \Chools. Bruce was active in the Op1im1 t Club, a~ well a future Farmer of America at Co ta Mc a High School and tbe PTA at Corona dcl Mar Hiith School. Both .-re still involved with church activitic . Howto wtah 80fne0ne ••gooct luck'' In Chlnae. (In 3 ~6Sy steps) Sctp 111-You takt them to th. .P«t \Nhet• eut meets wat (W•I (nd IMI 1&1) letp Ill You shaw 1h4tm our ln<ndtbl. u1«t10n of toltd bf•• on.ntal <abiMt pula f .tch 'lt'ttcr" ts Mnd nWldt In China and Ill• Ca..,.phic "lf'\bol of a thought Of' wWl (the ooe pktut4ft.I twr. m.&ns ' the wry b9tt ol hack 'I S.., 113-Trv .onw b vounetf o. a !Nnd Ttw 1o1kt .t Wnt End with YI>" ''the 11/tfY bril of lud1" with lt'f wry bOI In tlw ~ 2131 uiuna -Catt)oOft ltd. t..pM l.adt, CA 92651 (714) 494·126' ' I ,. I I ' Catalogue Caper to raise funds for diabetics A cruise on the OE U? Or maybe a vacation for two in the West India? And, there are 150 other very nice prizes beina accumulated by CatheriM Thyen and the 6().. member committee in cbarae of the 1cvcnth annoal Great Catalogue Caper 5Cl for SepL 7 at Neiman Marcus. The American Diabetes Association, Orange County Chapter, benefits from the event and so do the guests. All the black tic party people have to do win is run around the Fashion Island store and get lucky wit h the clues they find in the treasure hunt. (Runnfog records have been set at past capers.) There's also a grand prize, · a $10,000 shopping spree at NM. Beverly and Nelson Mamey won the. honors last year and she hu been put in charge of promoting it this year. Judy &.umgarten, left, chab with lea Hanser, center, and Catherine Thyen. "We are doing something different thi year,"said Thycn. "A tent will be ct up in the parking lot, and after the game which take' place over the whole store, we wtll' go to the tent foT dining and dancing," added Thycn. Four • coson'l ts catering. Mary urle McCraw is patron cha1N-oman ror the event; and on Wednc day it wa~ revealed that he ha w far acquired $52,000 in underwriting. She and hu band, Les. (Fluor CEO and chairman) opened their Harbor Ridge home 10 patron and ADA supporters. Walleric h, public " relationl! Restaurateur Carmelo Manto m3{lager. catered the party and donated Recently, NM invited committee rave-getting stuffed polenta, members to the store. for a brief l'>ruschetta, grilled shrimp and planning e ion that wa followed tiramisu. by a how of fashions by New "Very homey type of ftalian York de igncr Stanley Plato and food," aid Carmelo who has brunch. attended all of the capers with The brunch bunch included committee member wife, Judie. Donna Crean, Dot Clock, Patty Other) at the McCraw home E~rds, Tina Schafnitz, Barbara included the Nad Petersons, Junie Mason, Sharl Es~an and Dori Chong, Adrienne and Richard delCruif. Thoma , Kasia and Gary Johnson, lndivtdual tickcls to lhe caper Nui and Tom Gfflner (Four which ha been dubbed "Expect Sea on~ manager), U.ndice and the Unexpected" are $1 75 each Roger Schnapp, Bea and David · and arrangements can be made by Han er, Suun and Rick Oliver , a calling ADA at 662· 7940 p.i'lt caper' chair Diana Bromiley 0 and Inst year's chair Leba Kramtt CELEBRATION· "Have we and her hul>band, Cary. • changed that much?" was the Al o there were Neiman question member of Spyglas Marcus: VP an~ general manager Garden Oub kept a km~ as they Carol Horowitz and Billur leafed through albums of pictures Send us your anniversary news Stl\lcr, gold, diamond m1le\tone wedding anniversaries arc ~pccial. Tht PUot will publish )Our pec1al wedding anniversary news, 25th, 35th, 50th and 75th v.;cdding ann1vcr ary celebration , on a pace avatlable basis. Send a v. nttcn account of the event to our Wedding Dep3nmcnt. The Pilot, P 0 . Box 1560, Ccxta Mc a, Q2626. Include a photo of the couple 1f de ired I-or more information call 642- 432 1, C'<tension 374. , Happy Birthday to our patients with Augu. t birthday From Dr. Farrell G. Hinkle &: tarr PrKtJet Ualttd to On...._da .., T .. poro.aelidlhllr OtSOt'dm hlrtey Ctldll K .. la Clo......., Kal'N Dalla MklMlle O."• Mark 1111' ,... ... , ........ S....H-ue.. lla1 HtJIM9 Irk ......... •· D.IMKI._.. £.Hy K.H9ek Lara It ... ~~ K.IMJ a....e A1M1rtw MMft Dtaaa Nklilole MariMI Pena MMe ..... b-IM .... .... ,....,.., o..paw..,. s.r..w.,... v ..... w. , .... 2k9nlll .... n,ort Ctr. Dr., Ste. 914 • tw1*t leMll· t-M-1211 \ From left, Mary Earle and Les McCraw and Billur Wallerich and nev.c;paper clipprngs. More Frisbee (she and hubby, Jim, were than 100 had gathered in the JU.St back from Alaska), MMtha home of founding pre idcnt Paula Grttn, lrm Jawor, Susan ~~ff, and Gerard Bastiaanse t.o Mary Layton, Ann Teiter, ~non celebrate the group's 15th Thompson, Betty Wilson and anni-.er.ary Carole Wulffson. Members includutg pre 1dcn t Cathy Schroeder, Lynn N)'e, Edna Cole and Nancy deermen had (un bragging about v.hat aooJ cooks the ctub has -ind proor was the lavi h potluck dmner Chancr members there were R;ima Backer, Pat Cox, Marlene Claire and Char1es SchWAnwcre relUJng at the party after pending the ~eek before at their daughter' v.edd1na Other t e -.ere len and Dottie Fri urg, John and Cathy Udall a Ca ey and John Shea ALL YOUR OPTIONS AT SH PE-UP NEWPOR:T hape-Up ~port wa foundtd In 1982 with a primary purpo t or stn kin lht ntne~ need or peopko by t tabll blna a atnulnt Iona ltrm int~t in RtnH and b allh. hape-Up N~port bellen in • phllu opby or lht ntnt ba le . fitnt proeram that att saft, ea to undtrstand, udtlo and ~· results ..-ith )OUr goal In mind. Ir )OU b&\t tht dt lrt to be nt ... •t ha\t the dt ltt to htlp! 0 0..0a·Oae Peno~al Tralae .... wtt• S...rate Tralala1 FacJUttu 0 All lutn.cton C.-rttfted 0 Aerotltlairll.Ow·l•pact/Step-R .. t.o 0 •.-e•-Gv• .... fr•• w ....... a Cawltu ~·•••••t · 0 9•rt• Clrcalt Tralal•1 0 New a Lateet C.rdlowuc-.Jar E4a•lp~••t 0 Hot. New haftt Taaala1 S.loa o u. .... 1.eotarttaa • .,. ............. 0 Ne•..,..lpe U•lte4 for Maial••• Q.al.., Ne 0.-Cl'ew•latf (714) 6Sl-S61S \ • ' Help make Religio~ page er than ever To help make the new·look Pilot bigaer and better than ever, we're I rying to make the Religion page bauer and better than ever. But we need your help. Send your story ~ upcomlJll 5Crmon topics, name1 of people we should profile or any e>ther news llwolvlna Calta Mesa and Newport Beech daun:bes to: Relilioa Pase. Tbe Plloe. 330 W. Bay ~t., Costa Maa, 92627. Cf'emp{e Isaiaft OF NEWPORT BEACH (CONSERVATIVE) HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES 2401 Irvine Avenue• Newport Beach Rabbi Marc S. Rubenstein and Temple Choir SEUCHOT Saturday. August 31 9:00pm ROSH HASHANAH Sunday. September 8 8:00pm Monday. September 9 9:30om Tuesday. September 10 9:30am KOL NIDRE Tuesday. September 17 7:00pm YOM KIPPUR Wednesday. September 18 9:30am •t11 SU1down Ylzkor Memorial Service Wednesday. September 18 12:00 NOON oppro>C. Mincha Wednesday. September 18 4:45pm •• _. .. w ... •••·• N'Eeloh Concluding Service Wednesday. September 18 5:45pm Children are invited to participate In all services. CHILD CARE AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 548-6900 or 646-7512 ic.wy. ...._... sit- Orange Counti.an Greg Laurie, a leader in Southern California's "born again" Christian movement and a nationally known evangelist, captivates a large audience during this week's Summer Harvest Cru ade at the Pacific Ampitheatre. Tens of thousands of people packed the Costa Me a con ert venue this week for five consecutive evening of Christian rock music and in pirational words from Laurie. "You can see the light of Je us Christ shining thmugh him," said crusade attendee Aaron Deily, 19. .\f ETI l{)lJIST LAG U N·A United Methodist Church 21632 Wesley Or. Laiuna Beach 499-3088 SunCay Morning Wor hip & Chr s11an Ed11ca•ivn 10 am. I,' nisrers Oa~ .! Beades \ V11~1n l Wheel::r Wesley Coi. 151! 1ng Center Services A~J~dDle HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (~olClmt) 1'01 "-.. Sll'lll --Nrw!Jotl lltldl ~S711 M ··rnno Worship 10 A.M. &.II, ....... ,. Cotta Mell FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd Church School 9:00 Worship 9:00 and 10·30 AeY. GaJaJ Gough NEWPORT CENTER lHTED MCTHODCST OORCH 1t01 ............ CorOMdeefller MM741 HO A.M. AM Sundly SdlNI 10~".'Y~ Rev Aobllt Maftey Rev. Wll fllrtlril LI 'THI R \:"-·: CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH U (Mlasourl Synod) 780 Victoria SI , Co•t• Meu Lothar V Tornow. Pattor 631-1611 Bruca JHke, Patlor WORSHIP SERVICE 1:00 10:30 AM s-11 y S< hool ' -cllil IWJlt Clm 920 UI Clv"ltan [ltmentary School 541-uee EPISCOPAL W Ai.. A Cc,..... ,. Tv 01 ,. 10 T L ,,,.,.., A"f{' 5,,..,,..,, J1 Co<M ?>1 A LOA A,. S•VO<"'" SAINT JAMES CHURCH episcopal Traditional 7 30 am Contemporary 9 a m Church School 9 a m Charismatic 1 O 45 am Wednesday 6 30 a m Fr David C Anderson Rector 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach 714/675-0210 ~ T. MA TI'HEW <£> Newport Beedl · 1723 W•1ta1ff •behind W811dilf Court• Holy Communt0n 9 30 a m Sunday Chttd c.,. · Sundey School (714 )64&-1152 Weetdly Serlic:e1 andetau.1 The Reverend Jean Stewart Swnby uk~.CIOll Smncn wport 'U.1iity 6y 11t!S'a JO AM. c,.,., Hftlll '"l c,,,.~ C...... ~ 11 lril SI,... CMM M.r, c..llfw9 (1141 ISl-6.JIO • ' W orsh1p and hear dus !"* m;il. Chnsc-cmmrJ, blbha l m~ "WHAT A FA TI-IER TOLD HIS SON" Sunday, A~ IH. JQQJ __ d J011nJ IOISA M !Ht-"'~ II K 111 c. Andrews Road, Newport Bea'-h. CaMomta (714) 631-2880 (am twm Newport Ha.r~lf Htdi 'xhnol 11 Irvan(' 6l I 5th ) HELIGU>t ·s SCIL-:'\'CE Newport Chu~Jl of Religious Science Dr. Juanella Evans '1BIDY IEMI TU PMITT cam IPfMDl'' Service and Jr. Church: 10:30 a.m. SPECIAL ATTRACTION SEMINAR: lev. Scotti Dote, wtll gt¥e a Talk entlfled "Teddy leaf Teo 'arty" Dial an Inspiration 646-6464 Aug 11th 10:30 o .m. 646-1032 263-1261 901 Dove St. #145 Newport Beach ~l. r o , ' ... ~i Dr .. Peggy Bassett, D. D. Child Care PtQYlded Adults Jr. Church 8 00, 9 45, 11 :30 am and500pm "HELP IS AT HAND!" SERVICES, a·45 AM, 10.30 A.M , S·30 P.M. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE """* " t11t llMM c~ tf .. ..._... Sc-. 2205 MAIN STREET, SUITE 23 SEACLIFF VILLAGE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92688 / (714) 969· 1331 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OF THE MOTHER CHURCH, THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST IN BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS THE SUBJECT FOR THIS WEEKS BIBLE LESSON IS ''IOUI.'' ...,.,, ... , .... Clri .. ~ ~ mwi.u......,., .... a.. I S.-, Sdlf9l.HI I t•• Ul. ........... Jll5flaU.. ..... w. 'Ul·5 , ... ,_.,. , ... ClllW C:.. ,.,....... T......,. t-• · II • Ul. w ""' Tiiie t • • 1111 ...,.,, ..-.~a.. .. Ort.I SciMll n•,.. .. 1r4c.. .... a.. I S.-, Sdlael-tt• UI. r ........... ,~lc.tllwr,C.. ta.ta .... ,,,,. caanll .. Cllrt9'. ScildJI a. ...... l-.C..Meu a..1.....,~1••u ... '" Sentot-1. , It. .............. .,.,,,. ........ , .. W. t UI -tr .ll All are eotdlally lmltted to tlttand the church MMe" and tnjoy 1M ptMeges of U,. Aeedlng Roome. Child Cete PrcMded AT ALL SERVICEI w.-11111., ....... TMll ... , .......... ~-. -AU. CttURCM• 11• •'11 '""' "\lf\1111 "' 1111 1. \I I " I l'I 'I''" I I .. Ill I • I ...... ....., ...................... ., ...... &....,= ..... o...... • ..... ... a.di..... C..tJeA.ll .. " - Religion Briers Start day It the belcll It DUblDDr clln:ll BALBOA -Christ Church by the Sell United Methodist is offering an early informal outdoor worship service each Sunday morning at 8 a.m. Coffee and donuts arc served following the ervice. Everyone is welcome. The church 1\ locutcd at 1400 W. Balboa Blvd. on the Balboa Peninsula. • Speaker explores re11111111 for 'Heroic Age' COS ~A MESA -"In Preparation for the Heroic Age" is the title of a ~ermon by guest '>peakcr Ben Stewart at Orange Coast Unitarian Uni\cr.,alist Church. 1259 Victoria St.. Co ta Mesa, at 10:30 a.m., Sunday Ste"art will cicplorc qucM1ons 'uch a~. I the perfectibility of man a qu1:\ot1c delu-.ion'! Are quallt11.:., of the cla ical western hero the "right 'tufl" for a planet.if) d~e of c:11traordinary challenge? Child care \\Ill be furni hcd dunng the ~rvice. .. or details call the church at 646-4652. _, . . Choir seeks VOCll chords of II cnlberl COSTA MESA 1 he Celebration Choir at South Coa t Community Church 1' currently holding 1nterv1ews for its 1991-9Z choir year -aU \01ce type' arc being '>Ought. Thi' dynamic chor.11 or~an1tat1on pre ent a wide va riety of music-in th e church's "cckcnd service!. "" well a!> casonal concerts. The year will .1g.11n be highlighted with the hi tcr portion of Handel's "Messiah," prco;cntcd on Good h iday, April 17, 1992. "You do not need to prcpt1rc material for the interview," said' Ron C ohard. chem director. "11w. 1s not a formal audition." For more 1nforma11on and an interview appointment, call Shirley Piantanida, 854-7600, ext.321 Music and deuert hlllhlllht S'Ucllot lll'Vlce LWPOR 1 BLAC'll -1 emplc Bat Yahm invite the community to a '>pcci.11 'L1chot ~en1cc. fe.llunng a mu ical program and de ert reception, on Satunfoy, Aug. 31, nt X pm. H1ghhgh11ng the program will be the renowned mu 1cal group the Adao;tra Stnng. ~hich ha performed at the Hollywood Bowl. the Armand Hamme r \1w.cum and on KAOC\ "l:}ew1tne News." R.1bb1 M.u~ Miller and Cantor Alan Weaner will conduct the service following dC\\ert and entertainment I or more information. c.111 the temple office at 644-1999. Minister's sermon dlsclosu the time II nowl LAGUNA U~ACJ I Cclehra11on of Life Church in Laguna Beach, a new thought mini.,try dedicated to "Earth and I lumanity: Free, Alive, and Well!" hold\ Sunday rclebrat10n\ at 11 a.m. at Ben Brown's reMaurnnt Ali'o Creek Resort. Rev. ARnrlMay Stm'>, rounding minister, will peak on "You Mean Now l'I The Time'!" th1 Sund.ty. Additional community crvice arc available, including the Power I lou'c SupJX!rt Oroup, which meet Wednc day evening and has ongomg d.t\\C'>. I or inform1111on, call 497-9757. lleverend drlWI from the a.. of Mltaww l AG UNA BLACH fhe Rev. l arry Coulter will be preaching at the I ,1guna Pre byterian C'hurc.h on SuncJay at the inale 9:30 a.m. worship servtce. Hi te~t will be taken from Motthew 7:24-29 . Child care 1 available. At the conclu ion of the morning wo"hip '>C1'\1ce, a coffee fellow hip will be held m the courtyard nnd Fellow hip Hall. U.guna Pre\byterian Church is located at 4 IS Fore t Ave .• Laguna Beach. Other church·rdatctJ ctivitie\ inc.Jude: Dr. Tanker ley's Bible tudy group,, which meet Munday .. at 9 IS a m. and Wednesdays at 7 a.m. in the l.(1"cr L ~\'cl; )Outh KWUJ1S, which continue to cnJoy • full ummer hcdulc: nnd other act1\<1lle\. f or i11furm.111on, c.tll the church office at 494-1SSS. For prayer 8\\1\t.rn~e. call Dhll A·Pr ycr. 494 7729. .GIDllll 1X11m'1 .... new, 111W wmtl •ll1r l.AuUNA 8EAC.:tl -Dr William Caldwell. an authority on international af(air'l, will pre nt "The •?tfew' New World Order" at th und.1y mcctina o( the Unitarian Unlvcnali t Fellowahip or Laauna He.1ch. 'Inc sc:Nicc begin t IO .. lO 1 m. at the fc:llewr hip, 429 Cypr Or .• un;a Ucach. VL1tor arc v.ckomc. ._ ......... I GUNA BEACH -Neighborhood Con1rcptional Church will ho&d 11 nnual OarJCam l·c 11val on · 1·mta)' from 9 1.m. to 3 p.m. and • aturda •• Aua. 24. from 9 am. to noon. .. I ht wall he the 41 t )C r of th £c,11val, whtch offel'9 d1ffertM item for h raaan pri cs I unch v.ill be crved haday only, and complimentary coffee will he ~rvc I f he church 1~ located at .'410 St. Ann·, Dr., l..a1un1 Be.ch. , MMc~?ikll Artist Tommy Doudterty Ill shows off some of his paintings, on display throughout the month at Rock N' J1v1 Coffee House and Art Callery in Costa Mesa. Dougherty's paintings, poems "rock· on By Alex Naughton 5'.111 WMI/' I f you are offended by paintings of naked women, don't go to Costa Mesa's Rock N' Java Coffee House and Art Gallery any time this month. A local arti t and writer, Tommy Dougherty Ill, i being featured thi month at the cafe that serves a wicked brew of punkish-attitude and, you gues ed it, coffee . Dougherty, 28, of Co ta Mc a, said his career all began one night in 1989. "I had met a girl earlier on in the evening," he said, "and when I went home 1 /·u t wrote." It was not until about a year ater that his pa ion for painting Oared up within him. He pent time in Pans, being broke yet loving his new companion . painting and poetry. Never having studied art, he aid that he en1oys the freedom he has to experiment and "screw up" on the path toward completion. "When I'm painting I can do whatever I want," he aid. "Some people will ask me about my work, 'Why docs II go like chat?' I always reply, .!l goes like that becau c ii cari' n He aid hi painting!! usually do not hide some philosophy, rather he u cs highlighting and distortion to cxprcu an t;mollon o r mood. These day-.. Dougherty said, things arc -going a little bit easier for him. Other corf ee houses in the area have 'l hown hi work a n.d he ha'I sold a few painting~ within the .past weeks. But it was not alway this glorious. He pointed out that many of ha earlie t paintings were done on the reverse side of cereal boxes "Now I can u~ually get my hand on cardboard," he aid. "ihey say Pica so used it too, o I gucs I'm in good company " Dougheny :ud he r thankful fo r the upport he ha-. received from the local community, e pec1ally the corfcc hop that have shown his "'or!.. He aid that the hops arc filling in a gap 1n the community th:it used to be a "cultural desert." Chri Steven , 27, who opened the coffee house with co-owner Harley Hall, 28, earlier th1'1 ummer said he feel a bit of re ponsibility to how local artt ts. "I think the artists arc entitled to have a place to \how their "'ork," he said. "Also, the people uround here can't even <,ay if they like art or not becau'le they don't have the opportunity to i.ee it ... Morlll '"""'' TOWN UNTH CINIMAI ~ Co<"' l'lc>10 ,'~I ••9• Nlwllll't lllKtl I 004 ~ •l'G I,) 11 4~ 3 S IS 1 30 ., . ""'° Lwll ~I I? '.JO 7 llO •JO.• lO 9 lO JO 10 IOU1'H COAST VK.~01 ~, ., B-ror S•O. J ~ 0... "C II 0 I •S J •S S •S I 9• ..,..,r(. l) 1,4 6,•.w.t"-4('(,.IJ 9 ML.eOA ONIMA let l .. ,_ &1-4 &IS H lO 4 Hot,._. !'Ci l l I, 3, S 1 ll 11 "° 11 lJuool , ~ 11 •S 3 ~I S 1 lO 9 45 ~ l S 1 9 l ~ f"Co1 1 OS • SO 8 JO ..... o4 0- IDWMIOI NtWPOn CINIMA oOO "'--c., ,., -·-O\rH--CO-AST-11\AZA--"-''Oli-~---$•_6_11_1_1 __ ,_~_!PCo_l_ll_l_•_·_~_1_0 _20 ______ --1 0.-6H 01.0 ,.. ! ........... He.wy • l 1 1 l • •S 1 "~ , ........... l'G J ) 1 ••• 10 J , ...... ,.. .. I t I JO,•)() 130, 10 lO .Wa.t ll&AHO ONIMA '••~ ~•'-"4 ,..__ c-6Ao 1711 I DwWo ~ ~ 1 U '1 30 • •S 1 9 U, 111$( ... lllSS....J 2 ~ l'G! 1' 1 • t1, I IS 10 I~ l Dec .......... l"'Co 13l 1i •S, l $IS 1 >0, 'fS • "'-" u.ctt 1(,, I, J ~. 1 9, 10 "O • 10 SO ~I S ...... (l'GI ll •S I •S 3 •S • hMft "-4 (PC 13,. • Ofr ......... (PC IJI 11 lO J ~JO. I, 10 JO 7 ,.,....., D9te l"O Ill 17 IS 1 IS,• I~ • IS 930. 1039 UOO OHIMA N9_. ...... Cit N_,i '/~ 67J &JSO "'-OMtw '"° "' "·., 30. ~ 7 JO. 10 fl04" TMUTn 190) l Coo• tt,.i..., t7J •260 Mr........,., CMtte 1, • •O 1 9 I S ..... TMI UM¥OSITT aNCMA •7•~ Co"'IN• 0-..e I S• N II ' I o9..wo ..,._, t II •5 I •S, • •IS 130, 10 ., ., ••• ... ""'7 11'C I ., IS , 0 l •S 10 IOU J "'-~ 1) 11JO s 130 10 • 0...1.....,an•P'Oll I 3 S·O I 10 15 $ ..,.._, .... 1'Ci 131 " I) , .10 • 0 'I, tit • ~ ~11>50. •:JS 11$ .... a TH'1 ...,._ '--Y !'GI 10 • )() 10 10 WOOHMO•t ~ $~1 °'" I , .......... , t ~ I 4 7 10 1 .......... (1'C U 1)30, 1.JO • 10, 6 0 • JO 1070 J HI OatlMtt-IG II , I JD l30 $IS ...,._ 'IU ·~ • ,_.Lwtt (P(ltl17 4,61 1~ IOIS , ...... f'Ol 11 '1 '·'. 10 By Hal HmN fllol lnltrtlwin• flNor F ricndships, dream and diets • were discuued Thursday at the monthly meeting of Round Table We t in Newport Beach. Authors Patti Ma man and Susan Rosser, Armand Dcut.sch and Anne Rivers Siddon told about their works a nd the inspiration behind them at the luncheon se io n AJso dunng the meeting, Carl Karcher, founder of Carl's Jr. restaurants, was presented with an Adela Awards for Ameritan Achievers and told about hi book, "Never Stop Dreaming -50 ·Year~ of Making It Happen." Massman, author of two books, and Ro er, pre ~ deputy to two Lo'§ AngeJc., superviso rs, collaborated on the book, "J ust De ens." which fea tures a diet concealed in a steamy novel, after Ros er changed her eating habits for heaJth's sake and went down two sizes. After her father had :i quintuple bypass operahon, he had her chole te rol checked and Jrscovcrcd 11 wa extremely high. ' Ba really a "how-to novel," "Just Des~rts" focu'lc on a suburban hou cwafc whose hu band leav~s her bccau c he i overweight. With the help of the diet written within the novel, she become the victo r and not th e victim, the authors ·said. "It'~ a diet book in a cxy "°''*"' ~'li'.nr.t ·~~ltD~ contemporary novel," uid Mu~m1n. "You'll never look a food the umc way (after re ding the book)," she noted. . Grandson· of the founder or Scars and Roebuck. Deuuch said he has had a very lucky life, with everything ju t falling in hi lap. lap. His book, "Mc and Boaic," talks about the friend he has made 10 his lifetime, includina Humphrey Bogan, Nancy Rcapn, Frank Sinatra a.nd the Barrymore family. r "It's not . a name dropping book," said the 78·year-olJ first· 'tune. author. "It's about my fnend and my l~fe." Throughout hi vaned careen., Deutsch also crved as a producer at RKO and .MGM tud1os. He was also the intended v1ctrm of the "Crime of the Century" In May 1921 when he was rn the fourth grade, several fellow wealthy privileged young boys (Leopold and Locl>} planned what they · called the perfect crime and murdered a classmate Les than 40 hours later, they ,.ere caught and then defended by Clarence Darrow, he aid. D cutsch aid going to the dentist that day hter1'lly aved hi life. Siddons, a re 1dent Atlanta, just completed her eventh book. "Outer Banks." The book, which focuses on four soronty isters who reunited for the fir'lt time Vin 2S years, was based on a similar experience in her own life. "I was inspcctina the cmot~ weather inside me and the ~ thina I saw wa a large hole wbW old friendships were not." SidJOns said those frien which are all encompassing and complete help shape each pc future and have a healing power. W hen invited to. reunion ix of her 50rority si 1ddon aid she thought would get a book out or experience, but 1t would be " and lighthearted. Instead I &<" book abo1H the na ture (ncnd hip ." Closang the sc ion was Kar who tol d of his childhood as of eight children and how parlayed $326 and a hot dog into a multi-millio n dolflK restaurant franch1 c. He ere • hard work and a can-do attit\idc for ~ucccss. Next month, instead of the regular monthly meeting. Roualit Table We t will be helpin& dae county's literacy program Thea't wall be two lu ncheoff meetings, one on Sept. 13 at Westan South Codt Plaza featuring authors Leo Bu cagha, Mananoe Alirez • Carolyn See and T . JcffeflOG Parker, and another Sept. 20 M the Hyatt Recency Alicante Ki Garden Grove reatunng authors Ray Bradbury, Ann Ruic, Elwood E. Kieser and Elizabeth George. For additional mformation cett (213} 256-7977. CHARTER CENTRE \, • • I •' ,·.' . 841-0770 lltli&Y MTI f'(;G I l5lJ>1 S&St~n tamlATOfl2 11 3JI 4 l) 7 JJ ~JI MUWMDMT fG.13 W2'll' ~007lllo)U) cmtLam ?G-131rtll100 SJ11~ ~» MOTIMOTI ~'l rn m t.» ll: u er cmaJCUM fG.:J '"4Sl 5451151>~ ,_.,II~ THE !SUND . . . '' . . . .... ,. ' • d • ... • 640-1218 ME~A CINE MA h·lh ~,02•, CnYSUCQJll IC> 131 1 ll 2«t • ll 7 00 tll HUTTON CENTRE y, . t.J ..... 4f ' .. ,, '""'' 662·2266 TOWN CENTER "' ,. . ' . t I ' '\' .... . . ' ....... 751 ·4184 DOC MOUYWOOD IPG-t31 4S 3 S 15 JI 9 tS PUMwc:a ll2 'l)illUlt~ llYlfllYMTI 4S14S3 S4S~~ "°'"'°" 13 1003 5Q) ~·ii) !ATE SKWSAT ttOl BRISTOL ., . .... ·. 540·7444 .~ I DOU&li.ACT 12152-J)! us 7 \ti tlS lA rr Sl«)W SAT n IS TMI OOCTOll PG-~ !12'00 n:rnxP ]) ~1J -"°°' jFG-13 II ~ 0 17 J) Cl IS WOOD!RIDCE 1-1 ' • ~ .. .. 551 ·0655 ~~m:i:tmx~ 10t DWIATIUI l(j .J)tJ)sX ~ '5 UNIYERSITT .. '· '• tsS4·8811 IBIW•MllY (PG.G Ill St 4.). ~IS.~~ 1S 1MI DOC'TOll fG.O (12CC2~ 500 ]) 'C l' DOC MOUYWOOO fG:!UOl3~ H5SOO1015 mm"DATI rvn nt u.~ ~oo t~ DIUIOUI ·~·15 ~'"" VILLAGE CTR. t\• •• ' . "" • . . ' ' I""'°' 891-0567 WESTMINSTER TWIN (~ frt..•rrh •\ ''1'1r .... 11 '\ 0 J ""' •• "' ~ .. 895-5333 WESTMINSTER MALL ' ' ••• ,. . '1. tN .. , ............ j 893·0546 ~ 1..;;;;;.;.;.;;..:;..;;;..;..;..;.;..;.~..;..;..;~ HUNTINGTON TWIN 848-0388 FOUNTAIN VALLEY . ' 839·1500 soun. COAS' LAGL''4A 497 1711 I CINEMA VIEJO ' .. .. 830·6990 VIEJO MALL .. 364 ·6220 FRANCISCAN PUli .... . ... ' ..,,. •• ' t rl 661 -0111 ' MOf IMOT'I fG!l ~t.t 4iUtll llYITUT DATI ~'J ~ ·•SHB l'll TDlllllATOfl a ~ ~ocu~1:xim~ DOC MOU YWOOD (t'G.13 ]) 3 '), & Q'.) 115 utJI 1MI OOCTOll iflG. 112'.t 2D 5~ 7 t"l) SADDLEBACK "l: ,...,., ... Q H ... ,, • M 1 581·5880 ....... ~ ~ tJi ]) 3'X'l 5 JU11l UIS OOUIU9ACT i1ffi nJi •:E t5 LATE 90Y SAT n ~ POllTIMM R m 4S 200 '11 ;oo 9l> PUMLUCI. ~ 1 ll l13:0.~.J) »tD t Save water; build a baCkyard play court Gar ner erases 11<1" ma ny of you are making a J1hgcnl effort to \J\t' ""lier" \h· hc,1r ol all uncommon 'o sec. M1untenancc on 11 1s outrageous. You are con 1an1ly makin& !lure that the play area 1~ covl!red 110 moisture dnt:\ not \Cllle on the wood, which· U\ually 1-. made up of oak or dn) other h.udwood on the market. S.1nding. \hellad.ing and keeping 1t dt .111 '' t 1.. h1\rc th at h ac; s maller granular propcr11es. A o;iLe from a half-inch down would be pcrf cca tor mO'tt piny a re, 11. th• bat ... ,, A The beat way to keep your garden flowcn growiA& is most noted by lhc <Sid saying when we dig a hold for planting a tree. Remember that a $100 hole for a $25 plant is ft lot more prudent th:m digging a $25 hole for a $100 tree. So wiih th ls in mind, your be t way for growing flower~ i to use plenty of mulch in preparing your nowcr garden. bonsai mystique I h 1. 1.\lnl lll O ll nfr.1, \111.h .1~ U\111~ ~f ,t\ \hllll, 111ul,h1n~ d r" u ~· h 1 111 k r .t 11 I J'l.trt'-.111d, of , 11111 \l h.\\ II\~ MIAa. 'm t t r I 11 1 I .-...... .11 •• 1, 11u1 ll-1 , federoft I .t l ~ J h •'II I------ ,,1lllL 11i111i.: .t 1t111t-T 1i11 d1lllll 111 .t hings 111111 1111 hl'.11 Green h111 ,, ti r1. dh 1!1 ''' 111.1m l1llll°' "hen \OU "t:re liirk did \11~ \\,tilt 111 ha\~ t1 tether h,tlJ '"lit \h.ill 111 b,1,l.1.th.11! 1.\lUrl 111 ,.iur b.11.k ,,,rJ' Hut he1.JU'1. llh I \\l f ~ 11111\ llllllll'lf Ill lhl' •If )'l,I\ 11 1. .I\ Ill l!ll'oil 1\,1\' l11r d.:.tl1t1t' "11li 1h1. 1lr1111!!h1 I he' I Ill.I. llJI 1.1.'ll lllt 111.'.t' 11( dlll\Cll,11\0 111.1 1l1l( ftl,tl1' .tll' 111.tdl ur 11( 111,1l11 1,d' th.ti d1111 I 11n·d "·'''I I 1 l ' 1.111. 111 .. 1 .t\\11111 lht l\l't' 11\ lh 111 \<IU .111. 1..\11111! 111 ll'• \\1111 d 1.•J1 1111111, .111. ,1 \Cl\ 1 \f'l ll'l\C \\,!\ 111 t'll h111 11 ' 1\\11 l 11111.rt lL Ooor' .in: the mo'>t t11111rno11 l11r mo\t pl.1:r M CJ,, You l,tll 111,t.dl 1.0n<.:rc1c floor' J little ,1t ,1 llllll Ill \m;\ll \CCllUO\ tH u11111~1t "•th '01111.~nody to bring m 11ud.lo.111' o f pre-nw;cd concrete >hphalt floor~ normally urc 1n,1.dkd Ii\ d profc,~1onal · ll I\ h1.·,1 111 U\1..' hot nsphalt which j, at thl 11 '"'P'"·" .ind lhe\ arc: ahlc 10 111,1 ,111 1l for ~l\U quit .: l'l 1llh11111• ·" h \n•llhl 1 111111<.: 1l1 ~\l "nuld ti.: 11,111/.! d111 R11101 111 rhc "··11cr j \\J)' Ill d" lnncrctc tine.: 1m:he\ nj l>l·ll 1 11 \\Ill han.kn 10 lhL' 1. l II • I ' I l' II < \ ll f L 11 II l r C I e \l.111111..•11 ,1nl1· '' ·" 'nnpk ,,, m1x111i.: ,1 1111 ll' d11 t tnd 1..uncrt•t1..• tog ct her 111 I I 111 .111. '' ltl \\t.Jr I >n11mp11,cd ~1.1n11 c (Dlil I' lht ,,lllll' Ill llC:rt.tl th.It I\ U\eJ a .. d l>.1,l' 11nJ1.. 111<.:Jth ·"Ph,dt \lier the (H\I tlnll \1111 \\Cl I)(). II tUflh ,1\ h.11d .t ... 1Pl\1.1e1c I l ,1\111 u .. mg [)(., \ l"' ".( ll A<, '><.>I A BH>'> LO\'F ..,f A p, ~INl. ( llAIRC., 0 111< I t llAIR'> <,flTHJNAL<, Rf I 111\l t R<, llll''\Jt.I <HAIR<, l'l'll Lrt HAIR<, I •11111\ ''"t1cd l\\1,tnc , \I 'I,, Many tc11n1) court' tue made out of cl.I)' floo~ 1 hey .ire very cxpcn!olivc and Oll1't be: tended con~ti.ntly; however. 11 till b not out of reach for th u .. c With clay. )'t>u apply it JU St as you would tkcomposcd granite. Ui-.tly, you will find !>ome will want 10 u c a grai.!ol play areft, though thi!> is not thrifty in · coni.erving of water. Gra!I~ or 1url play areai. arc 'cry high maintenance proJCCh hecaui.e hybrid bcrmudas normally are u'c:d in thi'i Situation 1 lyhrid hermudas for play arcai. ha'c to he mowed two to three time' J week. Foor you golfer:>, you knP\.\-what I am talki ng about bcc.1u.,e the grecnc; "here pullin~ 1.11..l.'\ plate are normal!) hybrid hermuda lawn1, and h;ivc 'pcc1.1I lawn tnOWCf\ that Cl\ll trim am.I CUI the ~ru"~h rn m1crumclcr' to almtl\I dirt lc\cl, but 1,1111 h.1\.l' some grcl!n on top. The next time we gel together. "c'll decide what type of play arc.1 10 11l\tall ,. • Q. l need some htlp to kttp my gard en Oowers gro~ing. What h RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. .... , ..... c...t~ :m u not lln .. cosn aua-su.m' Picking out Oowcrs 'bat arc !>uilable fo r the aron 1hnt you nrc growing in will be the ncitt tcp. In other words, U'iC plnnt. ~uch as bcgoninc;, impatie n!> and coleus io plant in area of llhudc. On the other hand, in !lunny JrcJ\ plant nowcri. such as marigold~. pan"iies and petunias. Keep them well "mered and ferttliLed on a regular bai.is Check the plnn11> daily to IHilke !>Ure that there arc no in\cct' that may 1nunda1c jntl damage the pla"'6. Once yo u do ~ee sigm of insect activity, then it will bc important lo identify the rest and the problem and control 1t ftl that time Good luck to you. (Nick Fcderoff '" ,·o-owner of A N 8 . Industries, u landscape, cc>n,ultntion, mamtcn.mce and con1r.1cting firm in Whittier. He can he heard from 5 to 7 every Sawrc1ay morning on KFI AM 640 anH~t:ri ng gardening ancl lancl~cuping que!>l/Un\ for Southern C.1/1fornUJ Write to /11m m care of the Pi/or, /Jo\ 1560. Cthta Mesa 926~()) 6000 NEWS FROM FARMERS INSURANCE <--=--, If you're a good driver and c ' your car is equipped with Rabbitt Insurance Agency ant1lock brakes or airbags... 441 Old Newport Blvd . CAU US B3l-n40 Newport Beach (Near lloag ll0tp ) By Dick Tracy Sptcill ., flt Piiot Mention bonsai u a pos ible hobby to most gardeners and they'll ,.,robably laugh and shake their heads, saying )o()mething like, "Oh, urc. And Sil)' home all day during hot weather to keep them watered," or "I hod one once nod womcd so much about it d)'ang th&t J finally gave 11 nway." That conception, coupled with the my tiquc of ancient dwarfed plant proudly d1 played at bon ai sho'VS, has created the imnge of a hobby demanding almost religious clevouon and yea rs of study. Definitely not ome1hrng for the "averuge" gardener. Him Matsuda, who opened hi\ bonsai nurst:ry in Newcastle, C:alif .. recently, hope he can bridge the gap between the average gardener and the hon a1 cnthu 1a t with what he calls "patio bonsai." Ei.,cntially, 1\ 's a miniatute lant.l\Capc in a box, which borrow' 1he styhicd elements of bonsai without uch critical culturnl need'i. One ex:implc, just outside a hand ome redwood shade 'tructure that 11helters hundreds of potted dwarf plants, mea ure roughly 30 rnchc:'i wide and seven feet long. "I've got J ltllk hench right 1n I ron1 o people can it down and enjoy 11," M.11,uda 'illtd with a 'mile "You c.an see that 11 has a dry strcJm hc<.I. rock'> (chosen to re se mble boulders). boxwood, nH1plcs. dwarf horc;c tail, Mondo gr,1\'>, moss anJ azalc.tl> w11h the .. mallcsl leave I could fintl. And bccau,c there's more )Oil m thl!. What's the brggest event to hit the neighbor SPORT COURT At the -...... .:... hood2 The 371h Annual Southern Colrforn10 Home & Gorden Show sponsored by The Orange County Register With over 1 000 exh1brts rt's the largest home show 1n the United Stoles Wr> II show you how to decor 1le or remodel 1our home and q1ve you lrps on gardenrng md landscaping You'll also see some of the ountry s finest ont1ques arts and croh~ ( orne see everything wP ve put under one roof ot The Southern C0Uorn10 Home & Gorden Shvw t ·. Convenhon Center ARTS & CRAFTS FAIRE Hand mode qJ II, 1·rornin l"welry pornllngs lea ther good', blown gloss and country terns w II f c on display frorn the rountry s lcod1ng nrt1sons and c roh~people ANTIQUE -=·~SHOW • o .. er .:10 dealers will he olfer1ng furniluH· collechbles books silver ond more from Eng lond Gerrnony Italy Fronce and the Un·~Stote , ASIAN CULTURAL ARTS THEATRE This is your poHport to the arts of the For East Y6u'll en1oy exotic music, donce and performances from countries like Japan, China , Korea ond the Phil1PJ>ines I Sport Court try your hand at tennis and basketball or get o few pointen from SHOWCASE OF HOMES Come to l<IK FM 's 11Showcase of Homes" and tour charming stote·of-the·ort manufactured homes, presented by leading Southern Colifomio builders. I OFF Present th1~ coupon ol ~'° door ond \CMI SI 00 off tho 'L'9ulor one day odm1u1on price of $6 50 OFF I I I I Coupon good lot one uh1b1t odmtuion only Children I 1 ond under f REE ~• rJ.-•J ~-" .. rrl Mirr""' ,,.,,..i,.-i ... II. ~ 0. ~ t • SOUTHERN CAllFOR N IA I ' See living spaces des igned and decorated for ABC's Kitty Bartholomew, co-host of "The Home Show", KTLA sportscaster Ed Arnold, KOST· FM morning hosts Mork Wallengren and Kim Amidon and L.A. Kings' star Dove Taylor. Stop by and visit Ed and Dove, who will be on hond for the show Aug 1 7 & 25 DEFINITELY NOT GARDEN VARIETY Step through.ll towering Torii Gate and you'll enter "The Orient in Bloom", o magnificent gar en and Rower show. ............ AUGUST 17 • 25 Al .THE ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER Saturdays 10:00a.m.r10;00 p.m. . J Sundays 10:00 o.m. 6 00 p.m. Mon·f ri 2 00 p.m. -10.00 p.m. box than tradi,ional bonsai, it will hold more water and allow some leeway in mttintenancc." Mat.,ud3 is cros in& hi finger\ that the idea take hold and •llow ltlm to concentrate solely on ha-, new ve nture·. r:or the put decade he ha ~en creating fuD·sc•le hand cnpc for CU)tomcr in Sacramento and the Placer C.ounty foothill~. but would rather spend ht' 1lmc with the miniluurc \Cr\mn "I hope thi introduce people to the art, so they're not int imidated.'' M t udn explained. "Keeping o bonsai nhvc and ht hhy 1\n't that d1ffi<:uh, and if they get beyond thot m)'\t1que, the\ might want to try wme more Jdvanccd \l)'k "I would rather emph 11c the cn,oyment of tx1n,a1 rnthcr than whether or not you have a 200- year-old JUntpcr like you ce in Japan. There's ple nty of t1 faction to bl! had from young plants." Mnt uda c timatcd that wnh proper pruning, the plant'> in his pjtio llon\a1 lamhcape could tay 10 place for ~even to lO year before needing to be remo\led. I hen the) could be potted a' 1rnd1t1onal hon a1 i.pecimen\. "I would think that two gallon'> ol water a \\eek \hould ~ccp th1) landscape going." Mat uda nid, ··~o you wou ld need to water every three da~ or so and do ome light m1\1tng on other day JUSt to keep the mo ~ alive." At prc~cnt . Mal uda 1c; c~pcnmenting with crcatang • patio bon 1 featuring running w. tcr rcc1rcula1ed by a 11ny pump "Th ot \Ort of combine American technology with an .. 1ncicn1 J<1panc ·e art form," hi: laugh11 "W1rh our tradttional lund!lcare' you h .. l'le to imagine lhc running ~<lier." Proudly e:-.camrnrng the: lath h?U'>c dcdicntcd to the: memory uf ha!> unck Yutalo.a, who rnught him an apprccrnt1on for bon~a1. Mnbudo e"'pl3m) that a 101 of thnught went into po 1tion1ng 1t framed again)f a cierc:ne ~cttin~ of nJl1\e oat.. Jnd open field "What I want," Matsuda aid, "1 to cre:ue a place where people can f ccl welcome nnd reiaxcd. l"d be huppy if they JU!>I enjoyed rnmrng ou1 and looking around :i couple llf tame.:.' before buymg anything." r or thO\t ..tho want 10 learn more oliou1 bon .. ai c ulture (primnrily mn1n1cnunec), Mai udu nlM> plan\ da c to hare what he learned rrom ht uncle and 1h rou$h four yea r of tudy w11h b<.m 01 ,\nd scik.i (tray bon ni) ma tcr~ 1n Lo6 Angele' rn ,truct1011 will be held in the hadc or n twc oak growing out of :) large txlulder, a splendid natural bon :ii pccimcn. .. ~··· coc\na ... ~uchen ••• cuc\nO ··· No matter how you say It, we have a fine design for you. \ fditorial - I .. 1111 W hy didn't an,one think of this before? Such is lbo iAiUal reaction 10 a propoul by a sroup of loca.1 re~uranl ownen and food service representatives to ahare thetr c:uwne with the needy. The notion ii ao simple so lo&ica1 aod IO tmart that ii seems almoat unbeli~ble that ' nobody came up with it before. Actually, some of the restaurant ownen have been toying witb the idea for months. The k>gilticl of movin1 food from restaurants all over N~n Beach and C.O.ta Me11 to a place where the needy could actually pick up the stuff is no easy chore. But things seem to be comina toaether. AJ the proposal goes, leftover food from such fine dinner · houses u the Back Bar, Rowing and Running Oub in South Cout Plaza and the Valla Nova in Ncwpon Beach would 'be put in the hands of Share Our Selves (SOS), the Costa Mesa-based charity and food pantry. "In this affluent county, there arc thousands of people eoing to bed hungry. Any ~lace, it's awful. But in a county like this, it's unacceptable," said Hal Rosoff, owner of the Back Bay Rowing and Running Club and ca.airman or the advisory board attempting to arrange the food collection. SOS Director Jean Forbath, o( 'I course, said the food pantry -n this affluent which feeds some 19,000 needy county, there are people a month -·can always USC the help. thousands of people "Although we're spending more going to bed hungry. than S2,000 a week in purchasing Any place. it's awful. !~·it is never enough," Forbath But in a county like This proposal could go a 1ong this, it's way towards changing that. All it Unacceptable.' take at this point is a little coordination, a method for -IW. ~ moving the food and a handshake. And with the caliber or people restaurant owner a sociated with the project, we will be much or a problem. shouldn't imagine that any of that It i' worth mentioning, in passing, some or the restaurant owners and food service representatives who have tHrown in with this concept -Michael Chiang (Mandarin Gourmet); Jim Dale (Villa Nova); Doug ~vanaugh (Ruby's); Bill Hamilton (The Cannery); Michael Kang (Five Feet and Five Feet Too); Phil Cro~lcy (Five Crowns); Hans Prager (The Ritz and The Yankee Tavern); Bob Spivak (Daily Grill); Ron Higgins (Trans Pacific Restaurants); Darryl Fletcher with Kraft Keeler, C.E. Palmer with Triple L. Rick Nichola with Newport Meat Company and Robert Toler with S.E. RykofC Co. A good group, a good cau c, a urc bet. Best or the Hotllne By Peter O'Rourke E ver wonder what it would be like to sec the world from a bird's-eye view? Well, one could say that truck drivers have thi. advantage -being able to drive along the freeway in elevated cab,. l have always wondered what truck drivers arc able to sec in other can from this vantage point, and so when the opportunity was present, l asked. Their responses were a tonishing. Truck drivers claim they have seen it all -motorists changing clothe , eating, shaving. styling their hair or reading magazines. You don't have to be ten feet off the gro.und anymore to sec what other drivers arc doing in their car . It 's not like distracted drivers arc trying to hide wh~t they arc doing. Doing other activities i~ addition to driving is something that society i beginning to accept as the norm - a poin t driven home by the influx or catalogs, companic and stores that offer countless gadgets to occupy a commuter's time. · So what arc distracted drivers doina the c days? They arc eating baked potatoes, canned food, and bowl of cereal at 60 miles per hour. One driver saw another take his contact lenses out -then wondered JUSt how well he could _Riding the .road .to ruin see without them. Another man was ecn reading 1 book at night with the interior light on - honest. Having rcctntly panfoipated in dozens of radio talk hows around the country regarding the subject or distracted drivers, I was amazed by the bizarre behaviors that truck drivers reported seeing in other vehicles. B abics arc a popular distraction for many drivers. One truck dnvcr who called in to the radio station said he saw a woman nursing her baby behind the wheel. Another motorist aw M>mconc poon-fccdang her baby and had bottle and baby food Jars really hocking hned up acros the da hboard. One child was seen getting his hair cut whtle the parent was drivin,. And 1f you love your baby, isn 't at safer to change diapers before you get into the car rather than -as one dnver wa ccn doing -on a congc tcd frcew~ where _stop-a nd-go pccds range from 15 to 55 miles per hour? The fir\t time I saw a woman tlossmg her teeth I. was astounded. Nov. it seems rouunc to sec a dn"cr rcadmg a road map prcad across the stccnng wheel. People have been \Ceo grooming their pea (not to mention them cJ"cs). playing the guitar nd harmonica, ansenang eye drop . cnmping C)Clashes, brushing their teeth and nn ing in a cup of w11tcr, changing clothe , wa hing clothe~. reading novel , aod faxing memo And the AC power conv~rtcrs that allow a motorut to hook up almost any appliance to the car lighter ccm to be u modern p nace~ for commuting v.oc~ Is the idea here that if motori t' can't beat congestion, then they 'hould ignore it? But then who'~ re pon 1b1lity is 1t to pay attention to the road? I don't believe that California' traffic congc tion problem ,., caused entire!) by lack of road . h's ,1so a people problem . and I believe that motori b C41n take matters into thcrr own handi. b)' making a commitment to being a(e, attcnttvC dri\;Cl'S. The mooth now or traffic depend 8 great deal on the attitude of the dnvcr. Stall tics show that a tram colh'iaon occurs every ten second on California'~ roaa . When my umc come I wouldn't want to he in the Cjf an front of the g11y putting an e)C drofh. nor in fron1 o( the woman nursing her hab;. But mo t of all I wouldn't want 10 be the baby Peter O'Rourkt ls tbt dirtttor of tlw C•IUornl• Omer of Tram<' . !tty. Editor's note: The followmg •re samples of Pilot readers• comment and cnticisms. The Pilot runs the e re ponscs on 1 regular basis. However, only a/lcrs who /cave their nanle (spelled out), city and phone number (for verification) will be publi :hed. Get involved by calling the Readers' Hotline at 642-6086. How tog involved! MICHAEL PIERSE.LL Newport Beach Gr .... lenon T his is JUSt a comment on Tony Cox's Notebook 1n last Tuesday' edition. The 1hird paragraph begins. .. Myself and other bu 1ncs~ journah ts '' I am commenting about the u e of my elf, whi ch 1 completely incorrect in tht4t case He hould have u ed the very simple word I and other bu inc 1ournah t . l get \.Cr) fru'ltratcd with the inappropriate u c or our language regarding grammJr and that ~ the reason for my call Readers feel llegal all~s shouldn't be hired by city Wit• WOfl'lel T hi is regarding the San Joaquin Re crvoir. J would like to know where the w3tcr 1 aoing that they arc going 10 drain out of the re crvo1r In time of a drought 11 doc,n't ccm like a good idea to let 11 go to wo tc. l as umc at 1 going to a u cful area. I cnJO) the paper "erv much, keep up the good work. MARLENE BELLES Newport Beach l:thwr\ note U'c uJ..ed reJJCf\ lcHI aturc.Ja) 1( the) thought the cit} of Co ta Me a hou/J let undocumented "-Otl.ers Ult' the cm\ JOh center or \Crecn ;ippl11:anh The tollth~mg are ampJe, ot Pilot rcJdcrs' C't)mment~ ancJ <.'fll1c1!tm' The Pilot rum the!tc on a regular ba " llu"-tH:r, on~~ callers "'ho /t:;i~e their name ( pc/led out). ell~ and phone numb('( (for ~ent1~·atmn} "'"' be publi hed Get mn>IH:d by c:Jlling the Rcadel't • Hot/me at 642·6080 Secondly, l know that algae forms under any cover. It has been expre cd that C\.CO 1f we 00\.cr the reser¥01r we wall need a treatment plant Co\.erina the reservoir cost several million dolla~ docs a treatment plant. 1 do not cc that we need the double expense. l would believe that the most prudent means or taking care or getting the little bugs that we seem to have in our re crvoir would ~ taken care of with 1 treatment plant, no matter If it was algae under a cover or frogs under a cover or with or without a cover. I would like to know how we can push this alona. treatment and we could solve the whole thing. and odor and he says at i coming from 1 treatment plant. That sound hkc cwagc treatment plant we arc talking about here in Yorba Linda that i going to be pumped directly to co n umcrs in Newport Beach. That is extremely disturbing. I would lake to know from Ru Loar, regarding hi\ Bay Club I thinl at 111 e\tremeh unethical for the ~at\ ol (\,\ta ~c to llfkr ~hear stamp o( appro"·'' un 1llt'g1tl alien 1( they arc an f.\ t LINDA VALENTINE Newport Beach • · anacle. where the Cit) get 1 undocumcnt.ued 1t I' m' ~hel th.u the Caty, af the) dt, ·an I.id endorse the Job center, .. twulJ It doc seem ludicrous that we would empty It out. Just put in a A recent article. in The Pilot about officials planning to shut down the reservoir is really disturbing. The person who wrote thi , Anna Cckola, tatc thllt other thin just the odor and ta tc , we arc not going to notice ny difference in the water. Well, what an the heavenJ do you think ~c look for in the water? It' U\ste I'd really like to know about that if I could. Thi i the mo t important thing WC have in all of the United State : water to drink and u~ for our crvicc . And when they ay 11 1 contaminated now and you ay 11 1 going to be from o treatment plan1, that's million dollars trom the Bay Club a year. The annual rent for 19QI •~ $680,000 and 11t for le than one percent of the c11y·~ $')1 nulhon budget for tha\ yeur. 1 he fac.t The Pilot ha exaggerated the income all the way along 1s quite 1nfunirnng to me and 1 thank these fact 4thould be ched.cd out before mi representation to the people FRANK El l NDRATH Newport Beach crccn the applicant\ ~l' th:n people hmng the opphcani, drt' not in viol tmn of federal 1mm1grat1on law,, 'lptc1h\:1tlh contractor'. etc. "ho can f cc cnous fines. J( l ( ('0'. Co,t.1 Me'"' When he ~~dis· 'it quits, Bob Wynn will be sorely missed T he level of re peel ror retirina Nc-pNt Beach City Manager Robert Wynn runs so deep that \Omt' elected official arc tryin1 to act him to change hi mand on callin& it quiu. Wynn told hi close t confidant' in June that after 20 years a the • city' rankina ciccc;uo"e· it wl\ time for • change. He allowed th•l h didn't know exactly what ho was ,oin1 ro do, but at aae 60 and after some ~s years 1 a c1ry mana1cr an one city or another ho had earned the pnvUese Cll bc•na uncertaan. ManlglngEdlti>r .. , ju1t w1nt to do tometblna else ... white I'm ttll youna. .. he commented. Wynn' failina. however, i th t he i' good, so mB!ltcrful with numbc~. practiced at atepplna around rontrove rsie while wtvina the problem that he can't even retire with<lut causina a rucku . Evelyn Hart, a roun alwomian who'i. held her elected position nearly a long 1 Wynn ha been in town, wa one of tho c who a llcd Wynn to rccon idcr. "It's aeln h, I know, but it' in the city' be t intcre\t, He's left u 1n good · finanaal hape bul I'm JU\l not opumi ti that we can find mconc and act them abotrd with ha level of c~pcrllsc." H:art's alncetn nows from her theory that "'hale Newport Dcach 1 1n ~und financial \hape, the t8'c i in collapse. In the years 1he1d, ttln predict tho 11te well attempt to balance ill boc off the Nett of tttla Mk• Newport. The roundtwaman wOnics thlt w11h0ut J • W>nn around, 'lhc city will dnft into tht na ty lipstrcam Pete Wilson lca\le\ in hill wukc. And I upposc that there's a compliment for Wynn in there somt.,..hcre. Just the 81-m(', I bet he keep .. has Dec Jl retirement appointment. ll's the .. eer ... Th • an Joaquin Rt r"IOir may be a water quality nightmare, but it is rcaardcd I I near-Alpine treawure to thole who live in the hill above It. The re~M>i.r, u 10'J mu t know, ha been Kalcd off while water off sci11 · attempt to rid 1t ol a pot~nttal cancer-au ina compound that h been detected in the b111ion·aaHon b in. Th fc.&lt~' earlier problems wtth African dawcd rrop and the wonn·hkc mid larvae, which Ncwponen have h«n aulpina off and on for ~ral yean. 1hc problem, the Mttropolitan Water D14itnct contend • l'i that the reo;erYoar '" ual\" crcJ One ol the larg t um: 'crcJ re Cr\<li" an the tatc, an fa1:t. Ne\! m~mth. MWD 1 c'\pccted to r('le~•'c cn"aronmental document Jctaahng n1nt tlltcrnntivc for ~h·ma the ..-ttr qualicy cri1,i~. Amons the altermuiv , mtere~tingl , 1 .. a pl. n to ink pilin If und the rc:\Crv,,ir, pop a mamm th ctmcrc:te ap over the water and then -get this -rut ra and a mall man-made take atop th roncrete lah. o rncc t a on th t one yc1 \nothcr ltern:at1\:C 1 Mmrl ttl 1.:" the re rv )If i.kM<n, bu1IJ a new one mc:wherc el anJ c: the lanJ a, to • the Irvine C<'~ Wunder what the 'II d(, 'l\'llh t? . Sttt'C' •• ,.,. iJ '~ ... ,,.,, ... ""'''°'· • I '\\.nuldn 't hare Jn allcg.tl alien and the cat) of CO\tJ Me'a .. hould Hreen appl ica nt and not alto"' undocumented ...,orker. to u c the cit) JOb cc~er But the JOb 1.:enter cert.uni) ...... hould remain open • RON BAUER Co ta M(''d I ¥>ou ld not hire an allcgal alien bccau'c it " illegal Cll\tl Mc'>a', hmng locataon 'hould nor find JOb' for them either bccau'c thc'f arc here 1llcgall) · I( "'C chmanatc the 1llcg.,I alien .11 the tman~ point. ()f (llUr'~ ll ...,,,uld pl)t them !'lad; an the JMrk' nJ \ln the \lre<'t l <'f nc r' But the.: n ..., h\ not haH' lhl' P'lh1.:C \\-Mk 11\ \.'\lnJUOC(l\10 '>\ath the I Jnd ha\c them rid them up .tnJ \end them !'I d . "'here the'f .. ame horn~ RO~ ~1 <\ G RD (. ~1'til '-1c" t I• Pil An Ind nd nt NC\vspapcr Publa)hcd by Pa Croup Pubhs.hin& Inc. Elliot Stein, Jr. chairman - Jim Creeelnger publisher w... s. lobdeft editor & m pmident S..WMlrt* m1nastns editOf w ........ 1901·1989 founding publithef ' .. c Students serious about learning, says school official By Vonda Vandaveer Staff~ COSTA MESA Orange Coo t College proressors storr teachin' foll classes Monday, but many students fcnr they arc not prepnrcd to learn. Since the mid·l980s1 the school has documented a growing demand for its remedial English courses and is now offering one-day college survival seminars during many of its regular classes. Out school officials ar..: not concerned this trend signa ls increasingly poor public education. "I think high schools are doing the same job they traditionally have· done," said Robert Dees, dean of the Literature and Language Department, which runs the remedial J:nglish classes. "The greatest increase we've seen is in adults coming back to school who want a refresher course before they jump into regular classes." • Besides the usual students who slid through the school system without learning how to read or write, the largest requests for the remedial courses come primarily from middle-aged adults returning to school who have either been laid off during the recession and want 10 learn a new trade, or who are not being promoted because they are illiterate or semi-literate, Dees snid. 'We seem to be getting students who are more serious now. They want to learn and not just slide by.• -lmflTIHI OCC dean department has had to turn oway many i.tudcnts for l;ick of space, Dees said. Foi students who are denied enrollment in the remedial classes or who decide to br.pa s them but still reel unsure ol their nb1hty to handle college courseli, the ~chool is offering one-day study skills seminars during regular class time. A counselor crented these seminars this ycur after numerous students told him they felt unprepared to handle college courses ond professor's complained studen ts did not know how to learn. :-J Steven Goetz received a $4,000 grant this year from the Community College fund for Instructional Improvement, which he u ed to create four informational classes teaching students how to tnke notes, how to prepare for exams, how to rend a textbook and how to manage time. These topics will be presented in classes at the professor's request, Goetz said. With 28,000 students as the projected enrollment, equal to last spring'.s high. and more than 2,500 cl:mes, these seminars have the potentinl to reach numerous needy students. Dut Dees said the fact that the students are requesting these type of classes, is nlso a sign of the type of students the school is now attracting. Milana Ringo, 2, right, slicks her longuc out while Jenna Belilir, 2, watches tn wonder. The paar, both from Costa Mesa, were attending the Farmer's Markel Thursday al the 0. C. Fairgrounds wilh lheir par~nls. • Currently, the Literature and Language Department is teaching 1,322 st udents in 45 remedial courses, ranging from reading, writing and how to study. All but 1he spelling course is filled and the "We seem to be getting students who ore more serious now," Dees said. "They wont to learn and not just slide by." KARL: Remembered as devoted lather and husband by friends From A1 former emr loyees testified he asked them to contnbu e up to $1,000 ench to various can hdales and then reimbursed them. I e wos fined $60,000 and sentenced to thrci: years probation. In 1989. he filed for b;rn.,ruptcy. !isling close to $4 million in debts. I lis $2.5 million Dig Canyon home wa!> seized by rhc Internal Revenue Service and tal..en over by a savings and loan. Dur throughout his troubles, the dedicat ed fomil y man never faltered in his dc,otion to h1o; wife and two young sons. tal..ing time to attend every one of his sons' !>chool plays and coaching 1heir Li11lc League games. friends and relatives said. "He wa:. a wonderfully warm human being who was equally comfortable in the business setting as in the family sctting." said Dean Dender, Karl's publicist. The embattled businessman olso remained positive and refused to let either his legal troubles or his cancer get him down, friends and family liiid. "His biggest hurt was that he'd contributed so much to the Democratic Party, to Gary Hart, Tom Hayden ond others. and they stopped spenking to us," his wife said. "lie never said so, but I know he was hurt. I le was very understanding and forgiving. but it hurl him when they didn't come 10 his defense and didn't make even a friendly call ... to find out how he was doing." Unable to ignore Karl's brilliance in home video, those in the home video industry did continue 10 call, however. Karl continued work as n consultant. headed a Los Angcles·based home video firm for a year and most recently was producing videos for Sony Corp. "He saw developments in that indu!>try long before other 'did," said Bender. "He was an 1nspirat1on to any busines!> owner." Karl was born in Ln Canada. but his family soon moved to Ne\\port Oeach. After graduation from Corona del Mar High School in 1971 and n short stint at Chapman College, Karl in 1972. ut the ripe age of 19, started two trade magazines. He also began Newport Magazine, which became Orange Coast Mag~zine after he sold interest in it, and produced trade shows before he first ventured into the video business with Video Store Magazine, which he founded in 1978. As head of Karl I lome Video, he piohcered an alternative to video movies - nna amassed a fortune -when he issued the "Jane Fonda Workout" videotape in 1982. He went on to produce videos for Playboy and fitness guru Richard Simmons and created n children's video line. Karl also pioneered the concept of video program sponsorship, securing contracts with such comp:mies as Federal Express, AT & T and Bayer Aspirin. HEARING invalidate the airport's stricter said con~res!>womnn Doxer during policies. the heanng, "There used 10 be a TRAGEDY SPILL: Officials say threat minimum From A1 At issue is the expected ban on TV program called 'Let's Make 3 From A1 power cutbacks below 800 feet in Deni.' I believe the FAA is From A1 to put booms aero'>\ the entrance to 1he occ.rn to protect ,..,ildllf c. Fire Departme n 1 spokeswo man Wert h speculated th:i t the !>hecn probably was dic~el fuel that came from a pa~smg boat inasmuch as there wall no steady now or matenal. "Dul we thought 11 might be harmful if in~es1ed or if it touched the skin . We were probably be ing o ve r· protective." year·:. federal budget bill. starting a new one called, Let's time to study for the rigorous ferry ''The law itself was never the altitude. As pan of a hard-won Drenk a Deal." operator license test. "He pa ed subject of debate on the noor of 1985 agreement between Newport Newport Dench Mayor Phil the licen e test but he only piloted the House or the Senate," Cox Bench nnd the airport, takeoff Snnsonc thinks the legislation the ferry for a few days before he said. "I doubt if any more than JO procedures required a power cut should be repealed before it was physically un:ible to do it," his of the 435 members of the Hou c at 5oo feet. The expected change invalidates the city's 1985 noise father said. e\en knew the national noise b not part of the new nationnl b "Th' . f II J policy. but is a change lobbied for a atcment agreement. 1s c11y ·crry money co eclor cvon ~:'.~ was included in the budget by pilot who call the procedure has spent thousand of man hour Hadley, 24. a lifelong friend who umafe and wont standardization of and millions of dollars 10 avoid the convinced the ferry crew to sha~e The Airport Noise and Capacity k rr d h h h fate of Playa dcl Rey -a their heads, said Bob's upbeat Act of 1990 was attached to the ta ~o proce ures 1 roug out t e community de troycd by the appro:u:h to life has never 1,000-pagc federal budget bill and nation. expansion of Los Angeles wavered. "for what he's been passed by Congress last December. Airport officials say the change International Airport," Sansone going against for the last 18 10 20 Although John Wayne Airport's in takeoff procedures may provide said. months, he's got to be the brave t st ricter noise aba tem ent an excuse for the FAA to dilute FAA officials argue that the person I've ever met," suid procedures were "grandfath ered" locul control of other noise sta ndardization of takeoff and H:idley. into the bill. potential changes in aba tement procedures. landina procedures is o sofcty Long-time friend and collcnc airport takeoff procedures could "This is about breaking faith," issue. • ---------------------------r----------.;:_ ___ __.:.:..:..;. __________ __, fraternity brother Todd Hale has Retirement Living for Actil'e Seniors MOVt·llil SPEOAL 1 t/2 on nast • 3 MONlKS If.NI l Our Sunday Brunch is "The Talk of th~ To.wn!" Give it a try, the tab is on us. f ncfude5 cue.• IUYurle1' as: •Maid end U,.,en $.Jtvlce •Dally ;\ctlvltle1 •Soctal Excurtlont eChauffeuret' "'llillage ~aire Slioppes " For Lease-Prime Location Retail Space F~om sl .85 gross Office Space From 5 1.6.~ gross Largest Mall In Laguna Beach. o Levm or Secured Parking. Prime Coast Hitdiway Loatti>n. Heavily TralrEked Area. . generated dozens or letter of support for Bob from old cla smates at Corona del Mar Hi&h School, where they both went to school. friend say Dob hns un- U!>ually high moral stnndords, a deep sense of concern about injustice in the world and a bia smile that never quits. There is no convenient way for the Cook family to acxepl wh:it hos happened to their son, but Bob's father said they arc &roteful for every day they're toaether. "We've had him for 20 magnificent years. Who con soy why u wonderful youna man like this should be stricken?" Cook said. "I know this Is a father 1peakina, but he's just a ~uper, upcr kid." Newport Blvd. · opening up more to motorists By Anna Cekola SUllWnlu COSTA MESA -After months of gridlock and frustration, motorists and merchants nlong the ~outhbound side or Newport Uoulevard \\ill finally get a break with the much-nnticipatcd opening of the second southbound lane Tuesday morning, according to Caltrnns orriciuls. While the northbound lanes of Newport Ooulcvard along the Costa Mesa (55) Freeway cxtcn ion project opened earlier this i.ummer. Cnhram. officials hnd thought opening or the southbound Innes wouldn't occur until lnte mid· October. Dut hlc much of the \\Ork along the freeway project, the task -progres cd faster than expected, 'lt11d Cnltrans pole man Steve Seville. "It's Ille the best news we've heard all year," aid Rondy Garell, president of the Downtown Merchant A sociation, which formed earlier thi year to help the merchants struggling with decreases in bu)iness because of the frcewny con truction. ''We're hoping it's goin~ to help a lot." When the northbound lanes expanded earlier this summer, merchants along the stretch reported some increase in business, aid Garell, who is ul~ pre)ident of The Grunt Buys on Newport Doulcvurd. An upcoming newspaper odverti ement for the do\\ntown mcrchont will cmpha'ii?c that the l:ine on both side of Newport Uoulcvnrd arc DJ:nin open, he added. Cahra~ cut the wuthbound side of Newport Boulcvnrd from two l:inc to one lane between Victoria ond 19th trcet) IMt September to make v.ay for the construction crew worling on the exteni.ion. The hiahway ei..tension i part of s.so million project that will extend the Co ta Mcs:i l·reeway to 19th. Call for reservations. t ranspor1atlon •Europ .. n cul1i"le •Fully 9qulpped Kitchenette• ••: Student• complete Journey (71~ 646:6300 2283 Folrvlew Rd. ( '*°' •2• hour Staffing "Wtlh J ,.., .... c. From A1 "We hid lO SO around lropicnl 1torm Andre," fie Hid. "We were able to plot it1 couno and ch nge ours." Rainvillo said the 1torm ~as tho moac mernor1blo momen1 for her. 14We were bc1t1n1 •11ins1 the. wind 1nJ wavc1 for almost two d1ys," 1he Pid. • Drucc R omano, 36, or tf untinaton Dcact\, wu on tho econd le& or the trip, leavina the M tqucsai. bland on June 2 and ailinJ for 13 days until rc11chin1 T1h111. "The trip provided an opportunity to vlsi1 places yuu rouldn'l othc,._,i CCI to," he SAtid. "We \iis1tcJ &an atoll whtr• I .. people lived," An 11011. he c~pl:aincd, i a rina·sh•pcd coral 1 l•nd 1urruundin1 1 lapn. ~--'Nol Corona del Mar's Bill Ward makes his move toward championship in the Junior Sabot national!, taking the gold class (top-rated) competition. for details, see 82. nd1t n·s notl But this marlin 's girth will .provide some scales checks W hile the party that chartered Bongos fishing boat was in aeuing its lunch, the captain of the boat was out catchin& n meal for many. Joe Bairian of Newport Beach landed a mo·rlin weighing one hundred forty-two pounds. two ounces Thursday orr Avalon Banks ncor Catalina Island. Bairian, the owner or the charter boat, donated the large catch to "fish for the Poor," an agency that delivers fish to homeless shelters. "He dropped the charter off at Avalon ror lunch and on the way back out ... boom!," said Jaye Apperson, who works at Balboa Angling Club, ------- • where the marlin 'He d,ropp"d was mea ured. oo Dairinn, who the Charter Off belongs to the at Avalon for Balboa Anglers lunch and ·on Clob, was out c h 0 r t e r i n g the wab back another fishing t 1, party Friday and OU ... OOm. could not be reached for comment. Apperson said his catch was a -JAYEM'ftm Ba~boa Angling Club blind strike and took 2S minutes to land Deckhand Jason Blower of Newport Beach captained the boat while B:>.irian reeled in the foh on a 30·pound test line. "' ..• -....-'Nu! Angler Joe Bairian (left), skipper Jason Blo"er show off 142-pounder. The marlin was the eighth one caught off Avalon this year, but only the second caught out or Davey's Locker in Newport Beach. "It's been a real slow )Car for marlin," aid Mike Yocum, who works at the charter service. "This was a large catch, but not uncommon ror those waters." Nor uncommon for Baman. In 19 he won the 13alboa Angling Club's largest marlin · by( spor~sman guide award. The following ye;u he caught the first marlin of the year weighed in Southern California.' Dairian, who hold California state and world sponsfi hing rcco~ds. has • MOT .aT1: Piiot outdoors wnter Jim Niemiec has the latest in his columrv'B2 been featured in local and nationaJ new paper and magazine stories and on numerous 1elev1 ion progrnm . -He c;in be seen Aug. 27 on Prime Ticket's "Water Sports Weekly'' in a special on fishing in and around Newport Beach. . . • • • • Junior All-Americans teeing up the ball tor . /Jig kicko6 By K1111 Wolcott ~Wltllr T he Newport-Mesa Jr. All:American football and cheerleading program kicks off its 1991 eason with a pancake breaklast and scrimmage today at Corona del Mar High School. Open to the public, three scrimmages begin at 10 a.m., with two more scheduled for noon. Pancakes and juice wilJ be served throughout for a $2 donation. "We enooura'e people to come out and see our game,' said John Walz, now in his aixth year as league president. The season begins Sept. 7, with each team playing nine regular-season games and potentially three more in the playoffs. Teams that don't reach the playoffs will play in a bowl game the seoond weekend Wolverines or Michigan, while l I-year· in November. Qlds suit up 10 the -------• All home games will be played at chd.jn:al-and-gold Bonita Creek Park in Newpon Bca'th. · ~the Southern Practices for both football players and C a I i r o r n i a cheerleaders are held Monday through Trojans, 12-ycar· Thursday from 6-8 p.m. at Corona del olds play for the Mar High through the rest of August, and DuUalocs and Tuesday through-Thursday from 6-8 p.m. wear Colorado's thereafter at Bonita Creek Park. colors, and ages The program is ope·n to all boys and )~·14 play ror. the girl in the Newport-Mesa Unified School F1gh.11ng Irish, District. Thi season Newport-Mc a .viii we~nng the :ame field 160 players on five teams, each uniforms as Notre wearing the helmet and jersey of a Dame. 'We·ve tried to create a program as close to high school and college football as we can.• -.-.ww league president specific college football team. S~ts are still Ages 8-9 years old play for the av:ulablc for the-------- Buckeye and wear the traditional Ohio o I d e s t a n d State gear. Ten-year-olds play for the younaest teams, while the other three • . h:we been filled. Sign-ups t>egan in April. Sign-ups ror cheerleaders began 1n June nnd that program has already been filled. The cheerleading program. which began four yea~ ago, features 75 girls leading cheers for the five teams. Co t for the football program i) SJSO, which co"ers ·uniforms, pads, helmet and a physical. E<ich pla)er must pro\ ide 111 own shoc1. "This i) a one-time only fee. We don't ask the kids to do any fund-raising." siud Walz, who added that corporate sponsorships account for bet"cen SS.000 and $10,000 annually. Cheerleaders have no annual fee. but mu t pay for their uniform . "hich co~t about $225. They act 10 keep the uniforms after the season. Alona "ith afcty, coaching i a primary concern or the Jr. All-American Football program Coache arc carefully screened, a11end chn1~ and dedicate large amount of their time, l!e!>p1te rccci\ing no pay for their contributions "Some of these guys ha"c hecn 1.oaching for 20 or 25 years. They're \Cry dedicated,'' W:ilz iud. "Ba 1cally, we \\ant 10 "'in, but the biggest thing for u~ i~ that the ~id's h:ive a good time while le:Hning the fundamentats that can help prepare them for high school footbJll ... he )31d For more information about the • football program, call John Walz at 646- 0931. J or chccrleadang information, call Sondy Clark at 720-1500. Newport Beach crew risks perfect reputation U.S. championships • 1n B cforc setting 111 for Hawaii and hope of yet another title for the coJlecuon, thew men' Off,horc Canoe Club of Newport Be ch ha' another trina to con ider On Saturdry, Aug 24, 1t will h t ~ ._ women's crews in the 13th AnnuaJ U.S. Outnger Canoe Champion h1p<1. 1 ra ·e the Newport Beach 1dc has never lo t incc oompct1t1on bcaan in 1979. The race run from Newpon to Avalon on C•talina I land, with 3!i ~.men's team racma b ell undly momina. ... This i the k>nge t mainland race," Offshore a~ member Leshe OaVb 11d or the women' 28-milc event. "It's a ... te Ung around i r the World Champt0n hip$ in Hawaii." • So far, Davis and her teammate ha\c: ~en lellll\I at the top or their ell "They will 'hOot for their ~th tr11 ht workt tttlc when the 42·&r1ilc Molokai Channel Race bcain in Hlwa1i on pt. 29. But first comes a matter oC prkt • dolcr to home. ;The tart of the women's rxc, which bepu Aq .. 14 at 8:30 a.m .• cu be ICU from tho Newport Hari>or Patrol arid Coeat Guard Bate on a.,.kte DrM la QSroria del Mar. 041t• ~tty me., M tht tart. with all thl! bl :ti!> colhdina. Dut once we get to A\.ilon. there'll be n big crowJ wuitina and a nice H:i"'a11:tn· I) h: p3rty," !>.mt O;a\i. one or the ongtn.il member of the team, along with c3plain Mindy Cl3rk and ere member '~·s a testing ground for the World Championships in Hawaii.• JOJO Tocrrner. The: men' race, which depart from Avalon on Aug. 25 al 9 a.m .. Cini he appro imately J 1 miles later at the Dunc Aqu tic park in Newport's Dack Uay. rhe racc is e JXCted to fini h around 12:30 p.m., with an IY>ard ccrcm ny anJ 11 " iiaft p rty \Chedule from 2· 7 p.m tn all, 600 nthlcte and roachc , rcprc n1in1 tc m from Canada. I law 1i, th MiJ>A t, and Northern n S uthe1 n California, arc upccted to m11kc the trip. E:sch crew in the race consiita or ni padJlcrs with lX in the canoe at a • POWtr bolt follow c*h canoe. caf!Ji the three alternate members. a coach, water anCS prOYlsions. ... ... report fir marlin; Grant the champi n! T he first marlin of the seuon for Newport harbor waa weishod m at the Balboa An&lina Club earlier tllia week. Joe Orant of Newport Beach, wH llahina aboard his Blackman 26 port fisher the "Bravado" when be booked into a tnpcd marlin that struck 1 Rainbow lure while trollinJ about t~ · mile east or the 267 Spot. Grant weighed in hia ... M111d1c Outdoors catch at the BAC to take home the Firs1 fish J-1a& of the year. Orant also hooked' and !Ott a second marlin in the same area and then ended the days fishing by • baiting a broadbill swordfish just )lff-\hc Avalon Bank. /-. ·' · Dean Pl1tnt of Anglers Center in Newport, 642-6662, reports that water conditions in the area arc 68 degrees and blue and that this weekend could mark the beginning of Newport's billfish sea on. Anglers will be competing in the annual Bill Tate Memorial Marlin tournament next week and hopcf ully there will be spikebills around to hook. The big bite off Baja slowed during the week with the best bite still taking place about 150 miles south or Point Loma. The deluxe long range sport fisher "Trilene Big Game" docked with a catch of bluefin and yellowfin tuna and some big yellowtail taken about 30 miles west of San Martin Island. S alt water fishing off Newport Beach is good for a variety of mall game fish. Anglers fi hing on board sport fi hers running out of Davey's Locker and Newport Landing are sacking good catche of sand bass, barracuda, bonito and an occasional yellowtail. Water conditions are good and the bait boat is keeping an ample supply of live bait at the barge locat~d just inside Newport's east jetty. . Trips to Catalina Island are producing lots of legal cahco bass and a some white sea bass. There have only been a few yellows taken from under floating kelp patties by private yachts making the channel crossing. O Shark fishing is good at the 14-Mile Bank and abOut seven miles · off Dana Point. Conditions arc ideal for an explosion soon as everything marlin, tuna. dorado and ye llowtail want arc on or near this popular bank. . . . Thi s writer fished thc.,e water~ earlier in the week whale angling w11h the folks from h:nw1ck aboard Grady· White sport fishers outfitted by Shock Boat... of Newport Beach. The trip was successful in checking out a nc" hnc of salt water rods and mono introduced by Fenwick this sea on O Bay fi shing is very good for anglers fishi.ng on rental skiffs ~ut of the Balboa Pa•ilion. Spotted bay bass to sue pounds, small hahbut and -;and has~ are being caught by trolling black and chrome Bomber or Rapala lures and on live anchovies. . · l he hc't action is 1aking pla ce on changing udcs. f1sh~!11'en report guod rl'.h1rig ,., alo;o availahlc off fishing docks at the PaVJhon whc~e i:roakc r. t>a,~. herri ng ancl halihut arc accounting for the bulk of fish hcing \;aught ,, ln-111c I akt' w ntinue., to rewa rdl"n:'h .,.a~ke anglers with good channel c.11 r1,h1ng Hdt\-limits are comn~i this popular lake and .inglc r' h.111inl! up with cut bait .ne f1mhng good action 1n the boat doc!. .1rc 1 .inJ \1crr.1 lO\C. Jnhn I c ttc r 111 Cmta Mesa l'hcckcd in at the Irvi ne Lake ta ckle ,h~p ''"h J 1...111..h of 1..h.11mel 'cat., "'e1~h1ng 2ti pounds fi hing with hon1111 I he lake I~ tocked weekly with thou,,ind s of pounds or 1...itf"h and fur more fishing 1nfo rma11on phone '49-2991. Jim Niemiec'<; outdoors column •P~•rs in tht Newport Be11rh/ Co'ila \ttsa Pilot ei·ery otbtr tt~ekend. RETURN OF TIE NEWPORT BEACH MASTERS SWIMMERS Costa Mesa Public Access CHANNEL 61 •:30Dm WEDNESDAY r ---------------••••w ----~ I I m ~lfPOIT mce . COSTA lW I Pilo I . I IS PLEA SED TO OFFER THIS PROMOTI ON TO OUR READERS. COUPON Night Thoroughbred Racing • THIS RUN'S FOR YOU ORANGE COUNTY RACING FAIR ~A~ July 29-August 17 '"' TI• ue , 1111. This discount admission coupon is good for $1 .00 on grandstand admission Tuesday through Saturday (not valid with any other offer). Grandstand Admission: $2 25, Clubhouse Admission: $4.00, Reserved Seoting: Additional $1 .50, General P~rking : $1 .50. Preferred Parking: $3.00. (Cllp Ind Pm.ent at Grandstand T1ck9t WlndoW) I I I I I I Juniors competition no problem for area salllng standouts ., IQrt watGI ........ NEWPORT BEACH -Local 1111or& Dill Ward and Whitnq fin11cr overc11nc cb1llcn1ia1 weather condiaiona and 1 fiold of 178 competitors to poll the loweaa boys' and &iris' scores at the 1991 Junior S11bot Nationals this week in Newport Oeuch. Ward, 16, o senior this Call 11 Corona dcl Mar High who sails (or Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, c:1ptured the 1op·r11ed Oold clau title with a score of 19~ points for the five races that ended Thursdny at Newport Hnrbor Yacht Club . ••1 had the right attitude, wasn't too nervous and knew I could win," said Ward, sailing in his fourth Nationals, after edging Tim Wodlow of Southwestern Yacht Club in San Diego by three points. .....,,,.~ Whitney Finster, 14, of Newport Beach, third overallf led all girls at the 1991 Junior Sabot Nationals. Finster, 14, who sails for Newport Harbor Yacht Oub, took third ovcroll in the co·ed event with 29~ points. "I worked realty hnrd this year, concentrated u lot, set my goals and achieved them," snid Finster, after posting her be~t finish in three Nationals. This year was the first time the Nationals were jointly hosted by five ynch t clubs -Newport Harbor, Dahia Corinthian, Dalboa, Oalboa Island nnd Lido lslc - said Regatta Chairman Suzie Twitchell. "It was fabulous. We had 75 volunteers help with the function and the kids had a ball, despite every kind or weather you've ever seen here," Twitchell said. Racing began Monday with 178 boats separated at random into six groups. The top 120 suilors advanced to Tuesdny's racing, where the top 30 finishers where placed in the Gold class, the next 30 in Silver, the next 30 in Bronze and the flnnl 30 in Iron. Scoring was done on a low-point basis, with first. place earning three-fourths of a point. Second place scored two points, third place three and so on. Under strong winds Mondoy, Word finished third. He grabbed the lead for good bj winning Tuesday's opener nnd finished the Couch potato corner ACME.. FOOTBALLS IN(. ... . Televlskln·Radlo SATURDAY TELEVISION Auto Radna 9 1 m -NASCAR Arca 200. ESPN. 11 1 m -Sportsman ISO, ESPN. Pro Footb1ll (t1thlbltlon) 10 .. m -Bill· Packers, Ch 2. S pm Jcts·011nu, ESPN Colr I pm. The lntcmauonul, Ch. 2 Pin Am G1mtt 2 p m -From llavana, Ch 7 Tt,nnlJ 2 p.m Volvo lntcm111ion1I, ESPN. 7 p m Vlrgmla Shm1, PT Baa«bllll ~ pm Mcli·P1t1lc , WOR 4 30 While So(· Y11nkcct, WGN. 7 p m -Angcls·Marincr\, Ch . .S 7 pm Bravci·P•drc . TBSk RADIO Bastb1ll 7 p m.-Anacl\ Mariner~. KMPC (710). 7 pm. -Br1vc.s·P1drcs, Kl MB (760). 7.05-A~lro ·Dodge", KA..BC (790). SUNDAY nLEVJ,ION Auto b<"ln1 9 20 1 m Ch mp1on 400, L.CiPN. t2 ·~-IM A uprcmc, f'~\PN ....... tO '\Cl a m.-Mc!W>iratu, WOR 11 20 a m -h1U1u-Cubl, WON Ip m.-Braw.a, Padr TBS 1:30 p.rn.-An.clt-Marlncrs, Ch. S Sp m.-A1hlcltc1·'1Yiint, l:.SPN. 5 p m.-Cowboys·01lcn, TNT. 7 30-Scahawt,·Rama. 10:-'<l-Ocus-Raider , Y1 . T•al1 11 • m -lt.ukourt Champ Ch 4 I lO p m. -Volv\1 lntcrnlllllt\al, PN . ~ I p rn -fbo ln1cm1tklfl1I, Ch 2. .,...... I pm -U. C:h1mpioMh1pa.. Ch 4 PHA.81~ ·m -from flmna, Cit. 7. ..,.. ....... , ......... , $ p rn -&cart-Raiden. Ch 9 IADIO ...... 7:0S r Ill.-~•. KMPC (710) 1 pm -Rravc1•PMlm. IC.FM8 (760) 1 o~ rm -Al•n•LA. KAIC (190) 0 . ' ... Ame rlcen L••t u• .... 0111t.i-w L Oe .. 41 -.. so 2\t ... $3 s 13 S3 S~ eo s. 1i. st M tit U M 12 1'V ... ... -~ ... ICI' .. MONDAY TILEVI ION Oelf 2 ptn.-Mcyer C'h•l~ngc, ~PN. ........ 4•JO pm -CUbl·f.l'flot, WON 7 pm -An,e~M•nncB. Ch .t 7:)()-PMfm.Dodmln. SC ,.. ...... , ............ $ pm ._ Oi~lll~ I ~ Q , 1. IADIO ....... 7 p.a.-A .. h.U .... a. 1UOC (710). 1 JO-,....Doditn. KAllC ("°) _.,. ............ . • remaining races third, fiOh ond Hnrbor Yacht Club, won the Silver eighth. nnd Dronze clnsses, respectively. "I knew I had to be within nine Jeff Butterworth o( Dnhaa boats of Wadlow, who won the last Corinthinn was the Iron class race. l was 12 back at the finol champion. mnrk, but I closed within seven at O.a4 ca... the end," Ward said of Thursday's 1 •wwfjlllil~YaNCMl. ltJ/4 ...... t triumphant finish. rn w-. cSdt"""'•4. u ,.._ , --, n.. Wnrd, wllo has been sailing pwpott Hnwl. 29 314• 4 Gitt""""°"" 1'5111 =40 ,, 112. s Mltll """ ~ ~. 41: ..... since he was ei,.ht, le(t Friday for tt• "'"I s1 > Scci a-tSOVCJ. ~. • ·"Wn o ISO'tCI st-t Kiii \ttiri ~ 11. lll Orwoe PMC>. Toledo, Ohio, where he will 12 compete in the FJ Jr. Na1ionnl , un1e coene ~9f1;"'~......,. CNamlloe Championships next week. trtl ts in 1 r J t.-i (NM:). :as 4 R-r Ward's brother, Ken, who also C.,...11Mt! 47 ~,!:1. sc."-ttNtl 4' sails ror Duhia Corinthian, finished I T°"""' l4amlloft IJMC). )0 314. t liltOlll Met ninth with 61 points, the next best ~~ ~~ f;'1 r~· ~l \7":/. showing by a local sailor. ,,... c1a11 L. . C 11. d T 1 "' ...... llCVCI. n 3.4. z. Kltlll-. lll'Cl. 1zz1c o ans an ommy 2t1l•lMrc11M1RK1wlll'l'Cl.4l.•blllaft~ Hamilton, both of Newport (SOVC).41.$ SIMHldlltii~llt'l.•71>'4 .--~~~~~~~~-AOVERTOR~L ~~~~~~~~""'.-..., Chevy scores one for safety with anti-lock brakes on most models If rumors prOYe conect. then Chevrolet Is going to launch a significant safety campaign across the automoUve market by equipping nearty all or Its passenger cars with anti·lock brakes as standard equipment. · Chevrolet already includes antl·lock brakes as standard equipment on the entire line of recently redesigned Caprice and Caprice Classic models. Including the elght-l>assenger station wagon. In addition, the Corvette uses GM's most sophisticated antl·lock system to give it maximum braking control under an endless variety of conditions. -Tne four·door S· 1 O Blazer also comes standa~ with a four-wheel anti-lock system. But frankly, antl·lock brakes are practically expected now When a driver pays $20,000 for a sedan or $35.000·plus for a high.performance sports car. . Where Chevrolet is predicted to make its biggest impact in terms of high-technology safety for the masses will be among its less-expensive models. The preliminary Information suggests that Chevrolet will be sending all or its Cavalier, Corsica and Beretta models off the assembly line with antl~lo~k brakes standard . Select Luminas apparently will gel the anti-lock brakes standard as well. and the remaining Lumina models will be ottered with antl·lock as an option. It wasn't long ago that antl·lock brakes only were available on the most expensive cars, giving drivers of Mercedes-Benz. BMW and Porsche automobiles the safety advantage of a braking system that was hlghly resistant to causing a skid. Soon afterward, other costly automobiles such as Cadillac. llncoln. Volvo. Saab and Audi joined In. making the complex braking system standard on nearty all of their cars. Many other cars in the mid to upper price ranges then were ottered with the system as an expensive option. adding from $700 to S 1.200 to the pnce of the car. The problem was that less·expenslve subcompacts. compacts and mid-sized family cars weren't even ottered with the option of anti-lock brakes. This left drivers on a tight budget Without the safety advantages of a braking system that won't overpower the tires In a panic situation. If the Information on Chevrolet's standard antl·lock braking system Is correct. then GM will, In effect, be raising the safety standard for all other manufacturers. This woold prove that Inexpensive cars also can be equipped with anti-lock brakes without eliminating the model's price adVantage. If Chevrolet uses the system. then consumers could expect it to show up on cars across the rest of GM's line. This would mean that Pontiac's Sunbird, Grand Prix and Grand Am should use the system; Buick's skylark and Regal could have anU-lock brakes standard, and Oldsmobile would logically outfit the new Achleva (a replacement for the Cutlass Calais) and certain Cutlass Supreme models with the safety device as well. The Importance of an anti-lock braking system centers on ils ablltty to distribute braking forces evenly on the car's four wheels. If the system detects that one or several wheels are rotating at a slower SAOed than the others. then It knows that those wheels are about to start skidding. In this situation, the braking pressure on U'lose wheels wall be subtly reduced ad balanced so that all four wheels keep turning at the same speed. There are sensors tl'lat constantly watch and compare the speed of all f oor wheels In order to accomplish this. and when a wheel begins to skid, the brake pressure to that wheel Is regulated very rapidly. All It takes ls a drive down the San Diego Freeway to see the results of an automobile that has skidded out of control. There are numerous long, black skid marks left by tires that were overpowered when tho car's brakes were slammed on. Many of tho skid marks end abruptly at the center divider; others head right otf tho road. · tn any case. When the tires start skidding, the car loses Its ablhty to maneuver safely, and braking distances become much tonger. If the pavement Is damp or wet, the situation becomes even more severe. The truth ls, If a car's wheels don't skid, the car will st0p much ITlOf't quickly. A car equipped with anti-lock b11kes also will stop In a straight hne. If you have ever gone Into a skid as tho result of slamming on the brakes In a panic slluatk>n. then you know that many cars Win veer off In one direction or spin around complftely. When you see a car facing the wrong dWection on the freeway, chances are thal's what happened. Antl·lock brakes keep this from happening, OllMlen a..trr'• eutOMOtlve column •PtM•n In th• Newport ._.., eo. ...... "'°' .,,.,, leturd•J· Adult soccer league signups • The Newport.Costa Mesa fami~ YMCA i acccptina sian· ups for its foll co·cd and men's adult soccer lcaaues. The re1istr1lion deadline Aua. 28. COit is S..00 ptr team and roster spots for (ndfvidual .iip·upl are allb available. Co-cid loaaue play brain Saturday, Sept: 7, wiah all pmo1 I' schedulciJ ror subsequent Saturdays. Men's adult le auc play beains Sundaf, Scpl. 8, with pmc1 p&.ycJ on coch folk>wina Sunday . Oames will be rlayod II Dalbo• Peninsula Park In NcwP9!f U..Ch . For more •nronn11IOA, call S&ICC1 Hand at the Newpor1.CO.t1 Mesa family YMCA, ._.2·9990. h Outrigger canoe success is a team erf ort -in the water and on the sand.1 Outriggers ready to move out to (:atalina next week From 81 . Every 30-40 minutes, on alternate climbs into the water and woits for one of the paddlers to get ou1 of'the canoe to toke his or her pl uce. "You make changes as you go along," Dnvi~ s:sid. "It's o series of sprints, where tho e in the boats poddle os hard as they cnn until a fresh paddler replaces ·1hem, doing a pull-up 10 get in the boat." Davis cxpcc1s :s touch chnllcngc from 1hc C:snadi:sn women, who last year stuck with 1he champs throughpul much of the race. On the men's side. San Diego returns to defend its title ngainst on always compe1iti11e Hawaiian &cam and six Canadian bo:us. Davi~ said the Offshore Cunoc Club men's tcnm should finish in the top five. In the master's race, for athletes 35 yeim old and older, Dallis said to watch for two-time Olympian Willie Reichenste1n. The Newport Deach no1ive. who competed for Great Orituin in the Olympic canoeing event, also enes as u coach al the Offshore Canoe Club. "He's in his forties, but he can move one of those boats illl by himself," Davi!. said. For more inform:stion, call Le!.lie Da\'iS al 644·9139 or 975·8400 IT'S HERE! tt'l .. 111• 1111 I law WIV88, In llct, yau need a complete 1a1t111 Offshore outriggers success can be attributed mainly to har11 work By KiB Wolcott Spor1a w,.., T he long)1:indin1 success of the OH hore Outrigger Canoe Club of Ne't'por& Ueach can be n11r1hutcd to a number of factor . · "You have to be e\tremely focu'.>ed, both imJj, 1dually nnd ns part of a te am," said crew member Lc:slie Davis. who has been with the 1eam through its !he con cculi'c world ch=impionship ond 12 ~1raight U.S. Outrii:gcr Conoe title . In fact, Daw. of Corona <lei Mar hn'> been "'ith the team since 1h s1art in 1979, .1tong "ilh cur>tum Mindy Clark of Costa Me!!.a and JoJll Tocppncr. a Newport Beach native who now 11,·es near Like Tahoe. Other l°'al team member 111cludc Nora Seger. R1ka Piper. Sharon Attlcscy <.1nt.l Dru V Jn Hen1;cl. all of Newport Dcach, and Donnie Shcrur of Co~tu Me-.a. Shiel:s lleulcr, Desiree Snellctnan and Pameld Hetcher all live in Long Beach. Davis said winning at this lc'"cl depends on ~trenglh, endurance, O\.erafl fitness, dcd1cat1on u111.J, of course, good coaching. Coach Dill Whitford of Ne"' port Ocnth w.i one of 1hc club's foumlcrs. "I !e's an exceptionJI co;ich who)c oblc to bring out the be t in the girls," Davis said. Whitford w:is also 1ns1rumcntJI in gt:lling the Nc\\port Aquatic Center off the grounJ. Davi aid. The center. located in Newport\ Dack Ua). is a training 'pot for kay:il..ing, ro\\ing and canoeini;. anJ for man) of the women on the team. The team, Dav" -.aid. came 1oge1hcr from a number of !.Ources. "A lot of girl\ at other club .. went a~ f.tr .is they could. They nccdct.l a bigger pond to ~\\ im in:· "hi! .,,,iJ. Once at the club. training unu te.lffi\\Orl.; turn strong athletes 1n10 champion!> · "It's definitely an upper bot.ly 'port. but it gl>C.., bc)ontl that. We fool.; for gJI<. that .ire sood uthlcte . It tnkc-. a lot of 1ra1ninl!. not JU't in the canoe but running <illll lifting \t•Cl&hls" Da.,,.is ~aid. Surfing bodies aplenty THE ALL NEW '92 325i T his weekend's 15th annual Dody Surfing Wo rld Ch:smpionships in Oceanside has a definite Oavor of Newport Deach and Costn Mesa. Am ong the 380 contestants entered in this year's competition, which began Fridny mornin~ and finishes Sunday :sfternoon, sue are from Corona del Mar, five from Costa Me sa and five from Newporl Beach. "There 's a s tro ng local con1ingent here. as well as people from Au tralio. Brazil, Canada and 'It's very similar to surfing.' all over the United States. including Hawaii,'' said contest -JOE llll'SMM coo rd in- lileguard at or J o c Bingham. "I n 1h c post we've had body surfer from New Zealand and even France." Preliminary heals began Friday at the Oceanside pier and finish this morning. Quarterfinal, semifinal and final matches nrc cheduled for Sundny morning, with the Grand Champion hip at l p.m. No cash awarJs arc given bu t the mDlc and female Grand Champions win tr ips to I lawaii. Other participants take home various prizes, including boogie boa rds. fins, sunglDsses nnd other beach :sttire. In the past, Dan Bert ch, 39, nnd his wife Sonjn Bertsch, 37, or Corona del Mar h:ivc reached the finals, Dinaham said. Other Corona del Mar entrants 1his year include Drew Devine, 17, Joe Dichiro. 35, Nick Was ilicn, 45, and Thad Devine, 56. Representing CoMn Mc~n this year are Newport Harbor water polo pla)er Oliver Fleener, 17, past E tnncia and Maier De1 boskelbull pluyer .Matt Allen, 21, James Vaughn, Junior Totman. 29, and hi brother Philip Totm:in, 32. William Tappan, 16, of Nc\\-port Dench is one or six family member en1ered in lhe competition. Other Newport Ocach cntranl include Chris Kain, 18, Mark Thon. 35, John Odell, 41, ond Kip Walker. 46. • In body ~urfing, pn~t1c1pan1s I!)' to ride the wOlve JUSt like in rcaulnr •urfina. only they u\C their bodlc for nootin& dc\'iccs in ICDd or the traditional board. four judges score the com~tition from the pier, lookina for be t tylc, lcnath ~r ride, selection or wavo and various maneuvers. "It's very imil;tr to turfing," "td Of naham, I lifcauoarJ who star1cd out in body urfin& 1.5 ycan •au 11 a judac. -~ ThPlhlf . . SEE IT DRIVE II TAKE IT ·HOME TODAY! MLD·PLAllD COlllllCTOll, ANIU·D.O· MAiNllUUNCI ..... A "ILACK ioxn DIA•Nosnc IYITIM 13%MOH -HOUIPOWIR Wllll ...... PUIL 1 .. IC.NCY, 60% CHIU11R · llGIDm . RIGINIUftNG IUMPIU A MICIOflLiilTION INYllONMINTAL IYITIML M11N11u RIAi IUIPINSION DlllGN TRIPLl·SliBoR AllUG THlll·STAGI CIUMPLI ZONI, INllANCID COINlllNG STUILITY, AND AN IMMCT·ACTIVAftD IAnTY IYITIM. THI DIAMATICALL Y NIW IMW 3251. & n•s H111. QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES '85 BMW 528e '86 BMW 325es '86 BMW 635csi '87BMW325 '84BMW318 '88 BMW 528e Aum 5Spd 5Spd Auto, Must Seel SSpd (9~) (1RV\J039) (2GIB657) (1.K>N322) (0l>405) ~2,995 ~ ~ ~ wtfTE '87 MBZ 560SL Wl.9 °''*"*' \IOUI •as MBZ 560SEL ·as MBZ 260E '91 LEXUS LS 400 '83 CUTlASS ~ '90JETTAGL Ex"1 C1ean ~.MustSeel 13K M. Gleat VaJuet ~ 49.000 Miles 4 Or , Auto. Loaded (1AAK4S4) (2.AJ~) (2HYM752) (1JSZ439) (2RJ0746) '29 $ ~ '9495 .. 111111•11 W L . ' . ' 4 3 3 4 t • ' 5 1 • W L • 0 4 2 4 2 3 ' 3 ' 1 5 0 • W L llNl'll ' WIU1I s 2 """" s 2 GiMall. °""' Ct 4 3 0.....,, 4 3 OM!Wr¥ KHO WI* 3 3 lllAM& Tldet 3 4 K-.IMHll 0 7 T\IHDAY'I LUOUI • W L T nfts. Inc. S 1 Oitiellti s 1 TSCM 4 2 ""°"' 3 3 EIQIH 2 4 Nlct TOUCll 1 5 Pllct Miii , 5 WIONHOAY'I LUQUll cc ....... ==. ... ....... .......... .......... 0.-. ...... 11111111 • t t ' 1 • 0 Coet•lh .. l'*DAY'I LUOUll CMtll C ... TeWIMJe PMl W T ........... 1 1 1 o..c.im 1 t 0 ........ 1 3 0 ""-• 3 1 0 l(l'MO ,.. Jillnlii. ' 1 1 °"" ' • 0 c .. dD ..... let TeWl .. le hl'llt W \. T ...._ Clllosl • 1 0 MM.. 1 2 O lilto.nt.I "*"" • 1 1 •..cao..n 3 s 1 ~ 171 ,..,. .... , 0 • 0 C"4DMt- (etDMte'1eldl WLT T4MIH.V . t I 1 C4llr DMllr1 5 • 0 ......... TtOo S 4 0 Tt-¥Yl's I 3 0 ............ t 10 M1118*n 1 • 0 MONDAY'a LUOUlt Coed A C•t TeW1nkle Peril, WLT Oolillll Down Ollolll TOldll TheT-NUllM\GM 11111111 '1clllc TCIUCNRoa Tes W. Dl'fll w L r•wll'IWIO 1 , 1 ' 2 --~ 7 • 0 SNBs °""" ....... T11111"-1 OP I NI & Gnll ..... ~ llfC A·l'*'I A c • 2 °'*"' ~ s s 1 •2 Ptldol .,, 3 3 FllMew No 1 3 I 0 : : ~ Coed a 2 t 0 2 4 C•t TtWlnkle Peril) W L 1 0 s 2 s 2 3 4 2 4 2 .s 0 7 W L Dtloile & TOllC/lt ""' ..... Oo OP'1 f'."11 IM ()I W• Col1I Alano Orum Tum W LT 8 3 1 8 ' 0 s ' 1 ' ' 2 •• 0 3 7 0 Men'• C-4 (•t O•vl• '1eldl W l T Blv Guns • 1 ~ p,oductJ 7 2 1 Pllrtt Slffl 7 3 0 r,_, s 2 Mercy ""' 5 ' 1 ~-u 5 2 TNct Ind Clwwy • 0 ,.... 3 4 8ttwP;oa • 0 ~l.-.1\ 3 3 9tol4wty Olrlblls 2 • 0 Ouw:bMr 2 5 TUllOAY'I LUOUU Men'• C·1 ~fundnO 0 7 THURIDAY'a LUOUll l•t O•vl• '1eldl WLT Jol1n Henly COM K110S Thi Pllct """ • Gl.i ""° SNr\I 8Utheaml!l!1 •• Dl'sl'IAl'Gtlil Costa Mea• Men'• I CoH1 2 Coast l~ D*Nns l\nlWll1. ~ ~· HKUn M .... c Scrumn GC 1 llmlJPl)St W L Slddrroatl 9 I 0 I 1 Island Trldtr 8lldl Sal 7 l 0 I 1 Island T r1C11n 5 4 1 33 JaSl*l 41 0 4 3 GollttlAl!x\ 2 7 I 34 lawd 190 2 s 0 1 Men'• C.2 l•t TaWlnkle P•rill t.ao C-are W L lallMlels I 0 Ml W l T • 2 0 7 3 0 s $ 0 l • 1 0 YIMIO Gin l 7 0 2 7 I 1 0 "*' 0 I 0 0 w l 2·0 2 0 I t Men'• C·3 fet TeWlnllle P•tlil WLT Squfm Pliy 7 2 I Sons ol Buc!IH 7 l 0 SM! 8"""11 jOliddnclge) s ' 1 Juve'* Ddnquetn s s t JoMlotl & Sona ' • 0 ........ ... .,. ........ W\T ...._._ t t I ...... I It 1'111 ... T• I I I Liit ""' DIMra 4 • • c• .. A 3 1 • ............. ,,, . ............ ... ' ltlililclilt t I I o.i .......... , J • ....... &-. ••• CIUA. 4 t 0 TIU t I 1 TMUHOAY'8 LUOU18 ........... WLT ---1 0 0 Colla Miu ball COWM 5 I O GIMI......,., 5 2 0 Trldl & Tlnds 3 4 0 w.r~ 1 5. "'-'"' t I 0 ....... o., llleft'e O.I W 'LT 1 1 0 s J 0 4 4 0 J 4 I t • 0 1 I I WLT 1 1 0 s 3 0 4 3 1 4 3 I I t 0 1 7 0 "'IDAY'S LUQUll lhft'• 0.3 Men'• D-4 ... n'• 0.5 WLT 7 0 I S 2 I 5 3 0 3 5 0 2 • 0 I 7 0 W LT • 2 0 5 2 1 ' 3 1 ' 4 0 3 s 0 1 7 0 W LT 7 1 0 $ l 0 ' • 0 l s 0 3 s 0 1 7 0 Newport Be•ch MONDAY'S lUOUllS Men'•• l\td Sc> ~ The Oe!IOSllO!l ~ hi S1¥1 ~· llKl.-rs PldQeoll ACS Volt ~OPS ~,(. Tbn1 Men'• C Pon SI 8dels Kl>fltl\lihell 5"rfyV1111i1111 flyttt LiOO c°"""'* WLT • 0 0 • 0 0 • l 1 4 4 0 3 s 1 3 5 0 1 • 0 1 1 0 W LT 7 1 0 7 1 0 s 3 I> s • 0 3 s 0 l 5 • 2 e o 0 I 0 Women'a CC W l T 1 t 0 e 2 o 3 s 0 2 e o 2 • 0 .... ...... ... a... 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N·OW,CltM*1 C.11Wt1111 Men'a CC Men'•C #LT 7 21 0 8 2 I s 3 1 s 4 0 4 ' 0 3 5 0 2 6 0 1 7 0 W LT • 1 0 • 3 0 5 3 0 s 4 0 s ' 0 3 5 0 2 • 0 0 • 0 l•t CdM/Settblutf) W LT EMIO Cl Comnlrclll [Cho Betcll ~'('" ~llllllllhlO I CWwnan ' WNllld C8811.cs Tht H.l"KI f°"1U!n Hues ' 1 0 • 2 0 6 ' 0 g ' 0 5 ~ 0 4 $ I ' 6 0 1 • 0 0 9 ' M.:IRlaW .. FO-.,...........,, LT .... l~· '' 1 • ........ • 4 0 .... Qt ' I I ,.......,. •• 0 ...... .QI ' • 0 ......... , .. • Ill .... ' •• ....... It 0 ..._ ...... ••o .....,. 310 ... , • 0 ~ o.MO ............ WLT •Tldll 1 I O ......... , z 0 C. .. °'11 ' • 0 Oulll-s 4 0 ..... o.r 3 •• hrM!ltladl , • 0 Cle~ 2. 0 Gatnf luf1 I I 0 CeedCC , ............. , CeedC WLT • 1 0 7 2 0 • , 0 • 4 0 • • 0 4 $ 0 1 1 0 0 • 0 (et CdM/hetblvff) WLT fOlllWfr.w a 1 0 llWlll,,.... • 3 0 Rad lion I 3 O ~· •• 0 COftlln & WW S 4 0 llTC 5 4 0 ~..... 2 7 0 PMAxtt 2 I 0 G-TopG.111' I I 0 Coed (•t CYCI CoedC WLT 9 1 0 7 3 0 1 3 0 s s 0 3 1 0 2 • 0 I 9 0 C•t M.,lnere """' W l T I I 0 I 4 0 f ' 0 e • o • 6 0 2 • 0 I 9 0 "'IOAY'I LUQUIS Men'•• l•t .. nlt.e No. t) WLT 1 2 0 5 l I 6 4 0 Meft'a C ' s 0 , • 0 2 I I l•t 8onlt• Ne. 2t W LT llating lw.ntOS I 2 O wutt Sox e 3 o Gretrl Mactwlt s 3 0 CT sia-1 3 S 0 )JOllllS 1 • 0 Coed C (•t Coron• del M.,I WI. T St.1'1 Dut~J .IK o I $llllbo.!I 01 ~ Snt-S4<1N\1t1 ' 1 0 2 SOllfl Cll$ f'WI I 9 0 Women'• C Coed w l 9 1 7 , 5 4 s s 4 • 3 7 1 • T AllinD "'-I 3 0 0 llnchCOllW$ • 3 0 c 2 WIDNISOAY'I lUOUal Women'• M•lor W LT 1 l 0 lt i 0 SYCA Sb!Mlffs l'llctWI!~ t.tollef I Chl<m RuOt Tlldtt PKIN SQuetn Pllv 6 3 o g lrW4 Scifnl 1lc 5 4 0 Men'• 0-t W L 2 0 2 0 I I I I 0 2 0 2 l•t TeWlnllle ... rt.I Anc"Ofs• Kins Act ~~lltfl P•l<!>M Calf "C"-S 7 l 0 ' • 0 2 • 0 0 Ho !.lo'~"' ' s 0 0 Wld 1lwivJ 0 9 0 WO«a!S CJtl'l'tOroUSAPtl TetmN!cn SCIO ~Constn.<&ill' I.ISi. s W LT 1 2 ' 6 l ' S 4 I s s 0 2 7 1 t • 1 Coed P!torl)-~.· Tht Bluroc<tos W•thOust AtSl l tltlM'11tflCI Plertt SI A'Yl!'1 Al'9'4 POIO I H"""'°"11C~ ·c~ W l T • ' 0 5 l 1 s ' 0 s l , ' • 0 2 8 0 0 I 0 GtblOll Owm Cll ·c~1 lllen'e e ~woocn.w· G Aecoroinoi lndt°"'°"° Cl.II Gt SOO'I ~ BoslOll~I """'' 0 0 WLT 10 0 0 G 4 0 S 4 I s , 2 3 I I 2 • 0 I t 0 Coed (et CYCI WLT • 0 0 s 3 0 4 • 0 • • 0 , • 0 2 5 0 I t 0 Costa Mesa's Venegas scores COST A ME.SA -Costa Me!>a \ ChJrlie Vcncga~. slarting on the ~0-yaru line in the handicap main, \H>rked h" ''ay to chc lead pt the ~1an of 1hc 1hird lup and pulled J\\ a} to claim the handicap m:iin c\cnt h1uay night in speed\\J)' motorcycle racing al Orange County Fairgrou nds before 3,019. ccond, which eventually found Christian getting underneath and pulling Riversi de's G:iry I licks with him to shove Kos!lulh to fourth. ................ 24-1811B714•1111 LOMG lllClt YlTlAAlll ITADIUM ............... -·---... -. __:: ::-.::: --""':-·~·-·-..!:""':'..:.· Vcnega'> \\as neve r challcngeJ, lc.1ving the in-fighting lo Drea 's Louil. KO\!\Ulh and Murrieta'!I Alan Chmtian in a battle for iifMi·N~-,~ -----------------, 30 MIN. LUBE, Oil & FILTER $12.98 ° TUNE UP SPECIAL $29.98* MOST VEHICLES • Reg •nM 4 ~ f99. S38 11 • t c:yt tart.M•, 1'91 144 11 • OI dWVI ID 5 qll. 30wt P9t'Nol I c:yt '31.tr, reg '4t 11 • M08T va.K:L£S ,,.,........ ...... ., .,..... • ~ lnapeelol1• ...... ,.. ...-....... • OI -• Lube d-9 • Chee:* bellll A hoeM • t ~.000 rnf guat.,,... • Chedl bellll I hoeee I Nol valid w/otMr on.rt Good Thru 9/14191 DP12 Noe V-..CS w/ottw offttt. Good ThN 9114/91 OP12 I ~------------------------~~------------------------~ "-'A.-."90 ... ~ YIHtCLU • C..,..... .. llil**M• •II-' p...;.im p dt ... •All tu dn#ftMOIDf'I ·~hnl .......... tl91 Not \'Sid w'oehef ofleft Good ttwu 9114111 DP12 ~--------·····-----------~ -----------------, SMOG CHECK Aetl2ttl MOST VEHtCLEI -• ..... 18 tot Clllarna .... ~ Noc V111C1 w!Olher Ofterl. Good ThN 9 14/11 OP I 2 ~--·-···------·--·-------~ HUllTllGTOll IUCH 19961 ... c ....... HUITlllGTOI IUCH 1051 W•r••r Ive. 714/536·6519 714/847~6881 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY • OPEN MONDAY· FRIDAY 8 • 8, SATURDAY 8 • 5 · Ooodm~loclticM•Oftti/. . OMulti~rades higher. *S1SJl. igtJ. & add'I oarts extra. tFWD & semi-metaJlic higher, service may require aact'I parts & labbr at a substantial extra cost:v ("' . ...... P at Curley tags out the runner at second as he and his Costa Mesa Golf Cour e teammates bag a 19·4 victory over Guido Murphy in softball action Thursday night at Davis Field in Costa Mesa. Below, Curley waits on the throw for a forceout. Action continues in Cost.i Mesa and Newport Beach on a near nightly basis. Current standings are f ratured to the foft. In Costa Mesa ... Kareem AbduHabbar will be at the Bullocks menft store (third noor) at South Co.st Plua today from noon until 2 p.m., 1lgnlng autographs as part of promotk>n for an athletic shoe company. - Rah count Oldsmobile's 98 Regency establishing its identity ly on.. Glddry ,...,, ........ W e uacd to refer to them u "cookie cutter" can -a whole line Of full• sized General Motors product$ tha1 looked remarkably similu 10 each o ther. Buick! looked like Cadillacs, Cadillacs looked hke Ponaia~ and Pontiacs looked like Oldsmobilcs, which in turn looked like everything cl~ on OM showrooms across the nation. There were small visual details that separated the cars, and under the sheet metal there were a whole ho t of unique components that gave each car its pwn personality. Regardle , it would be hard 10 tell one from the other in a dark parkini lot, and consumers were beginning to protest. but thing have changed dramatically in the last year, with cacfl OM division making strides to set its products apart from the masses of slab- 11dcd four-door sedans. So here it i , 1991, and Cadillacs arc beginning to look like Cadillacs, you can pot a full-izcd Buick a mile away, and Pontiac has JUSt unlea hed the most distinctive line of five and six- passcnger Bonneville4i ever. Suzuki unveils cross-country power cycle American Suzuki Motor Corp. has introduced the GSXl IOOG, the latest addition to Suzuki's "new class" or molorcycles. Armed with the most recent breakthroughs in motorcycle engineering and performance - high-comprcs ion twin w1rl combu ui o n c hamber , an advanced cooling sy aem. ling hot carburetors and a high-tech counterbalancing system -thi loaded standard bike double a'i a comfortable alternative for crO'I\· country touring. E n g1nccn based the GSXllOOG' po"'erful engine on uzuki ' GSX-RllOO a • motorcycle which earned worldwide re pect from racers and treet rider!> for its thriving pe r- formance anJ mooah ride. Tec hn o log)' aside , th e GSX 11000 provide !>pacious seating for a rider and pa cngcr's continuou comfort and come eqmpped with a fuel tank of 5.S gallons for plenty of riding, up 10 250 miles. Pe r onali2ing the GSX 11000 with o ptional acce orie lik e ~addlebags make\ touring the country 1dc enjoyable and practical. "We thin k the G X l lOOG ' per- formance, cutting-edge tcchnolo~. comfort, handling and vcr at1ht) will especially appeal to the 're· entry' rider -someone who left moaorcychng for a while but want 10 enJ<>y 11 again -someone who know how to ride, can handle the performance and know how 10 get the mo t out oL. the motorcycle experience," \aid Mark Blackwell, marketing director of motorcycle\ for American Suzuki Motor Corp The GS I lOOG 1 the \eve nth entry an uzuk1''i new cla uzuk1 design new cla ., motorcycle!> to ppeal to male and female .profe -. ionals purlluang acti\le life- styles. in addition to current motorcycle enthu ia ts With the new class, Suzuki introduced the industry' 'fi~t pec1fic line of moto r cyc l es c reated f o r pro pecttve buyer outi>idc the enthusia t realm. The GSXl lOOG' technological benefits abound. A l6·val\lc head with high-compre aon twan wirl combu t1on chambe r produce peak performance The u1.uk1 advanced cooli ng sy acm u C'i h1gh- volume 011 now .to cool the engine without adding the weight nnd comple·oty that a ccompan1c con"cnt1onal water cooled ~ysacm\, 51ingshot carburetor inCOf"P'>rate the be 1 or round ·'lliJe and Oat· 'lade de,ign\ to l'HO\lide immc:di<tt e, ccuratc thmlllc re\f)On(C, Alw, ahe G Xll~ feature an engine C(1untcrbalnncm1 ystc m for a rnJc with exceptional moothnc' 1nd 1 \haft drt\IC for ca of maintcnan~c and clean operation. For th c who prefer Ion c:r )Outne} , the GSXJ 1000 offers a pecially dc.iancd framc·mounaed tounng (airing. handlcbar·mountcd winJ,h1cltJ and m1tch·to·fit dJlch1 ·. , The G X 11<00 come 1n 1 choke of '"-" rok.u -1r•) and maroon II c1roe a 1uge,tcd rctttil price: of $5,999, cxcJudina tu. l1ccn'<c and in,uunce. But frankly, it'a Oldsmobile that helped to 1tart the trend toward more di11inc11ve automobiles at General Motors, and it did so with the flagship 98 Rciency. As the name mi&ht suggest, this is Old mobile' biggest and most lulUriou edan, with the moniker 98 bcin& u ed over the tut 50 year on ih mo t extravagant can. F or 199 l, Regen~ •Jain look the part. Not since th e earl.Y '40<1 h as Oldsmobile offered a more disaingui hed-looking automobile. 11 i n't that the previous 98 was a bad car, mind you, yet parked next to its sibling from Buick and Cadillac, ii was nearly indistinguishable. But all that has changed. The formal, upright roofljne has given way to a softer, more rounded profile that uses Ou h glas , a wrap-around windshield and a more steeply ..raked rear window. Both the blunted nose and tail of the previous car also have been ditched in favor or a highly sculptured and faired in design that blend the grille, headlight and. bumpers neatly anto the rounded shape of the whole car. To . appreciate the lengths to which Oldsmobile's stylists have gone, ju t look at the sculpting of the headlights. The same is true at the rear, where the new car' 9 5 inches of add1t1onal length have translated into a far larger trunk, greater rear pa enger space( and , completely unnoticed, and the 1ranimi1 ion's de i&n -.l.J1i,aru greater longevity and \cry rchablc: operation, A s you m1ghl imagine, the 98 Regency Elite place a premium on comfort. The cat arc wide and cu hy, le& room t abundant, virtually everythin1 ii automatic and the ride is cX1remely 'iOrt No one i goin& to mi t,.ake · tht!> for a European-style driver's car, though, as the 98 adhcrell to a traditional American luxury ihemc. J ldsmobife's 98 Touring Sed•n puts the accent on high performance. · If )'OU find yourself drawn 10 the big Old mobile' tines but would ltke a greater degree .of perform· ance, then the 98 Touring Sedan may be a wi~er choice. The Tounng Sedan's larger wheels and urc!>, firmer '>u<>pen~aon and more bu,ine~"like drl\ling en\lironment are le-. Ohhmobilc: and more Trans Am more elegant tyhng. Again, the rear bumper wrap around into the body work, and the fenders are cut low over the tire, giving the 98 a kirted look reminiscent of luxury cars from the past. B elow the fend er Y.Ork re idc a heavily modified cha4i is and a V6 cn$ine that have both been massaged anto form over the la t ix year Huge impro"emena have been made an the areas of noa e and v1hrataon i lation, while advancement in de 1gn integrity ha"e made for a afcr and much more solid car. The body of the new 9K feel'> rigid and light O\le r even the wor'l pavement, and oil manner of nexang, trembling and ~hake!. are gone. In addition, the rattle that had plague many 9 from the mid-'80s arc thankfully ab,ent A mentioned ea rlier, the Vb engine also ·has benefited from a good deal of evolutionary change. While di placement stay at 3.8 liters, the fuel inJeCt1on and exhaust 's)' tcms ha"e been revi\e<l to help the engine produce 170 horsepower nnd 220 foot pounds of torque. Both figure are reachedat fairly low engine speed. For 1992, the Touring Sedan o there is ample J>O""cr available will be further fo rtified with a right from the tart. • supercharger. giving the h1gh- A balance sha£t rotating deep performance model over 200 in ide the engine's block calm-; the horsepower 10 go with 1 t V6 pul atton'>, leaving httle tn the promising su pension . Base price way or annoying vtbrataon 'I he .. tan below $24,000, and even v.ith electron1cally controlled lour· I eat her up ho Is t e r y, an ~peed automatic tran,mi ion that electronicall y adjustable direct the engine \ pov.er to the \U\pensaon, alloy wheel and front wheeb 1s rcfre~hing e\lith:ncc cu tom p<1int. tha car is well shy of that General "'1oton. 1), ...i1ll S30,000. c apable of tcchno log1c1tl The bottom line is ahi\: leadership. Oldsmobile i bade in the busine ' fhas i si mpl} the moothe t, of building traditional luxury car mo t re pon'a"e trammM1on c\C:r v.t1h unique tyhng and all the u\ed an a front·dm:e auwmntulc, pomp and carcumstancc that once Shift are o "'ubale that the) go made the name famous AUTO DEALER DIRECTORY ~r---~~+---+---f~~~' J Huntington D Beach e~ 92649 SAL6S-S£RVICE•l.EASINO ••unuua.wna au . 135-3171 NEWPORTt5' FWY AT EDINClEJl Sllef ~ ODa\ 7 0.ys Pwu&mc:e Hilun M F 7 111n'6 :lOpn '''1 I f •lf f~rt Y •, TOYOTA ·VOLVO l ) f ( ( ) I ' l J\. !'\..,"' t • • i" SALES • SERVlCE • PARTS . aoov SHOP 1918 H.W 8tltd , Cotll Mtt. 722-2000 IADDLIBACll. _ S.ervice Pans Santa Ana Wamer AYo MacArthur BIYd Newport Beach Corona del 92662 t.Aar 92625 TUTTLE CLICK NISSAN SALES, LEASING SERVICE, PARTS n4/~10 , Pa.rt5' Servire Open M-F7~SatM NORM REEYU SUP£R PRICES SUPER COAST A l~ ACURA~~~= SUP£11 STORE 2925 HatbOf Blvd. Costa Mesa • 919 2500 13500 Btach BlwJ. Wtsrminsttr BEACH BLVD. AT THE 22 FREEWAY IMMEDIATE (714)892·6906 D LIVE RY (llJ) 566·3888 lrvlne 133 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS OnlJ Sii A Wllll Clll M2.j321 Ell. 131 ' It's no big thing. But it's the first time. There l!J are over 25,cro kids living in NewpJrt Beach and Caira Mesa, at least accord--~) ing to The Pilot. And my dad say (' that The Pilot's really worth read-. ing since they started re(X)rting just the local news and events. Mom reads it. She's even started a - ·mJI. scraplrok for my sister Jenny. Every- tirhe The Pilot prints her name, · Mom cuts it out; the track team, the clas.s president, the science fair. She's disgusting. I could cut out my name but dad would probably notice. Mom's okay; she never reads the (X)lice _log. . \ . •--- CLA181Pf!D IND!X 6'1·1611 ,... --•11•• co. ... _ ,._ IOUTM •AflM CO. • 1111 -11111 ............. ,.... -.... ~ ... _ .. ,.. .... CMIC• 'IGUa Ill/I fMI NeT DA'I ........... --... --......... ----.., _____ _ _.., ... -........ ,., .... ---• • . ............... c.ea .... _ ..... ...-.... -..... .. ....... . ,,.. ........ _ ...... ., ..... ....., .-..---· c.._.., .......... .. ..... ""' ................................ ... ., .......... --.............. .,.. ... .... a::-.e: --.. ....._ -...... ---.. ........ .. L• v . ' •• ~ "·. ·." ~) I I ' • "• .Ali.. • . .. 1 ' . .11 -... - • ............ .... .. TONoA .... ....... --. ...... T.Y.'a. fUnAn ...... ..... ..... ....... .. morel ...... .,.. M~om,y Dotti ........... 1ll02 c., ,,... • ,OUraln ~ (Hr •uachwd & Oerf. leld) C all eea- 140a '°' direction•. EARN l500 TO $1600 _______ ...,.II WEEKLY STUF,.NO E NVELOP ES A T AU.rt 8t 709 Ju. HOME NO EXPERI· mine. 2 eofa beda, ...._ ENCE. FREE INFOR· _.___ '"" MATIOH SEND SEU' ....,.,_ & "'°'9. A D D R E S S E D SAT/SUN •2 YARD SALE! ~ STAMPED l!NVEl..OPE t 4 1' 1 I 1 1'1 ,1 I'.· I• I •• : 78 /IMl-11--./UGD llOO ...... c.I '*'-... •• " .. °' lft C.M. Mt41 ..... Women'• ........ . N.• ...... OUtdur wt. ............. ..... .... 0... ..... .... ",,,r, IMW. Lw ...., 791 ..... • efl'l09r8tor, fufhlture, ::· 6°':; = TO: P.O. BOX !541 MdquM, el!Wr, Iota of Set 98ml 1111 AclMNl.1~T_A_Y_LO__,R~·~M_t_41_1eo __ mtec. 1.25 to 12IO. o.n. .. OMc9 BED, FULL SIZI! w/ 421 ~la AV9. In 11• • .... ..._ b r••• h••dbo•rd, 8119y, -· 9 to 3. W' ,,..,.,.. 1100. Wlllnut ...,......_ nochecka. • ...... "i .....,....-. --"' -~ _,,.... 11111\.= rm aet w /4 chalra, 0 ...... •-Jl300-S600 pw WNk * COSTA ~SA * mP9 ~. 1· h~· •809 l5o-. '"'' 9 to 5. JeAM-12 Noon bed, brown, $225 37 Seucape ct NB. ... ..... __ 1t31 ~ Bflld. ......_. ... I .. 12 ARPENTRY, PLUMB-All queltty ltema. Chi-.,..,.. • •~•IRV Trama11douaS•1cttow• --am or I..,,..........._ "----· 3 --..... needed to .__..=•"-8-ttpm. ~ &· ""' ·---· -.... dren'• Clothe•, book•, .IACK ..---n .... ,., ....,_ !Ilk• hhlng OMf. toye. blk ... w9t aulta, ... --.74 c M ... ~~ "°' .. · sa •eooo . Ft.• celenl t>uyl 490 Coete ..... St. tablH, tampa, tum "DO..u . . ,,., ·-Of ,,., ~ 1().4 Sun 12-4 GRANITE-LIKE gl•H RIB, STAJR·MAST!R, table & aJbum c:oa.c-8 .... 1M Tue•"-°'n .. derd.•dNo. C .... •11 ._Mliceke ~We Buy Ind Sell* dining room teb1e with tl()n, bed Weeda O ,_. ........ _,,,..,.. w.oo,,.. e upno.-.ect c:l'Wl6ra. YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE CLASSIFIED . ~ . . ""\ .. . ... Olla, clot hta (all ~-__,~-.-.._·----1Q1rT PAID FOR READ-Wiiey • 942~ ** 942.-.0 ** MOO. C.. alna) & morel HS70 Oar909 s.19.1/18/91, 9 ING CLASSIFIE01---------------------:---· __ MM __ ne __ , .. _______________ _, ~o~ ... ~ 10 3 104 Via Mentone, ADS. Juat Ilk• thl• NB. Udo 1a.. sore. onel c... 1-eoo-248-~=~======~iiiiii~~i:==;'l~l!~V~E~R~YT?TiH~l~N~ofJM~U~S~T futon, I •• cloth9• .3131 (S0.91/mln) or 0 0 11 SAT 0 NL Y amity Y8td Sel•. Write: PASEE • 269A, 8:30am. Com• early. Set. only. Color TV'a, 181 LlnColnway, N. TODAv·s REAL ESTATE CLASSIFICATIONS 1002-2790 ARF IN TH Rf:.AL t !, rAT TABLO~O ECTION llTAILllH . VIMDINQ ROUTE No Compet ltlon- 1n11eatm•n1 Secur•d By Equipment A Mer· chandl" Cell l' .. t ~ooutloel 1· I00-263-7831 24HRS. Leoel P•• l'hofte Reute. Company aupPo/1 Seel Quick. t • ~'119 L <)',I ,\ F CllliH! .''i:''> 3029 Cr d9f1 B•y vacuuma, NWlng ~ Aurora, IL 80542 GIM'ag9 Sal•. Aug. 17 chin.. •m •P~. GOVERNMENT JOBS! I to 4. Lot• of gooctlM boxH of hardb11ek Now Hiring Nellon· for' edutta & klda. 1814 myetary & romanc• wld•. Call fOf' Into & Coralee Place. (nr booka, •nd more. llallnga ~ Bahr 6 Royal Palm) 3308 Cl•y St Ext. 1o3. (11.75/mln) ' OARAOE SALE.. SAT a-Yard Sala. 011 palnlln 1 UMITillQl)Ml- 4 . Blcyclea, t oya, 111011n , trombone, .,,VIM ctoth••· 1914 Kauai, wood atova, turnltur•, Rapid ly expanding Me .. Verd• atereo a much more. Real Eatate Co. a .. k• FrVSal, 9 to 4. d9P9ftd•b .. people to SAT/SUN. Furniture, lln-375 VIiia S.ya urn $3,000-15000 par ens, goff ba.tla, hemp-mo comm. No exp or .,., cagea, 9tc. 25~ 1 lie req'd. Wiii train. FT/ Davia Pt (BllCk Bay) SELL PT. Call Patrick Yard Salel Sal/Sun SM Olti.aple 9a8-A24 Movtngl AU muat got R I a••11Ta.,... Rafrlg, aofa. beaa, • • ..._ -' hoUMwarea 1. "'°'•I your UMd vehicle Top N~ Real E• S '"' *7 ........,. n---~ •L-h l ifi-..1 t&ta AQt nMda a p ..... 6 . 1 -· n.....-uuOUCJ C &U .u Aaslatant. Muat b9 fa. mary Pl~ CM miller wlcomputer 6 . . . tt 11 '1 ~ '' l~ 111l 'I f '1'),l() ROCKN' ROLL to People nHd9d lmmad1ately Paid 1ralnMg No nQett- .nce neceaaary. C.11 831 .. 131 have office aklll• Uc r 'd. RON 780-5000 MM. ISTATl'I IHT1• t:a,ooo llO. poteo- 11e1 In ADDITION to Comm'• to 1~ to STARTI Advanced Training + No deak , .. , Ff!'f. p~ Olf1"1 .. 955-6824 . UTIOllll .. UU. IM- RICIPTIONllT Arte organtutlon nr SC Pl&UI. Mature, r• aponalble. Exp • muat. Send reaume to: Otflc. Mgr, Pamela Paulaon, e&O Town C•nter Or #400, Coat• Meu 92fJ27 RICIPTIOIHIT For amall t>uay la'# offlc!e 40/Wpm. Non- amotc• F(r S7 50 hr Airport., .. 975-0544 RECEPTIONIST VUIOtMQ ........ Herahey'a, MAM 'a, Fnto Layl RCNCM Mt CAFETIJU .... up by LOcaung Co FOUND BIKE. muat IUllT1TUTI Earn S3400tmol 4 hra/ Identify with aerie! Wont cloM to home; ft. 15995 lnYMtm.m numb«. 84&-7808. ~ 1'800 184 0589 24 Hra FOUND. m9d alZe f9fTI CarHr oppty. Wiii =ry~~o~~ Vending Route, utab-dog. &..ut1M. aWMt train. (213) 43$-7407 ~. 17.29/hOur • lleh9d 13,000 • $5,000 *1'\pef. Vic Cley & A D•ltu 5_. ....... ....,. ..__ Call: Newport·Meaa P•t month lncom• OolcMnwMt on Tuee. -• -r......., '"' 9choola, 7141$5 ... ExC91Mnt oppol1Unlty; 8113. 638-9807. buylng merchandln. 3273. must MN 1mmec:tletetyl Loat ~1 ~ nee. 7141 HO---------- •~1-..at ......... l'Y .......... offtoe We pay hollday end 119Catlon pay c.tt tOday, WOf-k tomorrowll 1-eoc>-4.._.,., ...... , .. -.. _ .... _. ____ , ChlntnctloAut .., """ AIDI "'°"' bfftc•. CheerfVI, v ....... Reute: L8dy'• olamond NCk• s anthul4aatlc, •XP Pf9f D.L •• ...,., INCRIAIE I . YOUR RUCH THROUGH OUR NEW IMPROVID LOWIRRATEI ~EE $1.IO per llne per dlJ. Tha1'1 AU you pay. laNd on •..,.., ,,.,,..,... ii"" SERVICE DIRECTORY For m0te Information , CALL TODAYll AIKFOR CANDY Your Service DttectOf'Y Rapr•Mntatlve 842-4321 Ext 310 f ~ ' , , I ' I " c ' .., \l 1 .. 'I t • ' • W89UY FULL OR PAAT&AL TRU9T DllllDe (714)~77 ( 'It I"' I . ;•11J -'CONVEYS CUSTOMS Cabln•t•Jrurnlture. Flnl•h••IR .. toratlon AJI qullltty. He-6375 C.11pt·111r~ l»10 ....... !lpllr-MlrllloN Cablneil•Panef.Locka ~,.___ 35,,. .. J«ry ~7 QAT•SL-P•Mcaa, CAlllMmTa, .. c Int• rlor/t!xterlor. Refa. PeteMS-2227. ( l'Jll'I Clt•.11111"1 1,1 1 Repair Pro 1 S Yra Pow.f RM1r9'Chlng lnatall N-a Ua.d "aal/&41·1 972/S9'Vlc• c,,,,,,,,11 C1>111 r .. 1,· 1 1,ll> Pu.UC MATICI • Orlvewaya-patlo• ..,, path• •tc. No II* aoo The Calif Pubic Vt•ll· 1m1111 111Me. U.. .._ ,... Com!Nealon. RE·1 Mick 538-0553 OUIRES that aJI UMd, ey houaehold good• D.A.Z. ~ movera, print their Cr•"•manahfp, con-P U C cal T numb«, er... & btock. ,,,.. limo a & chautfeUf'a eat • Competitive print t~ TCP num-prlcM 751 .. 535 :=n.!" ,,a11you~~ ORTIZ CONSTRUCTION question about the i. MUOfW)'-Concr9t• P• ~.,.Paint · ptlty of• mov.r, llmo ,_ ._149 ~ or chautteur, Call·' _ __.. PubtlC Vt"'JM Com- rnl&alon 11 ...... 111 {, t I • ' ' • 11 •• •, t It. I! 111 ~q Haulinq '.-. '(J P,1111!11H1 \(\ 'H '-,Pf\/ 'l I", 1:) 18 -'LT HAUUNO IUMCE * PAINTING Glrlg9 lyd ~ Quality ~ing. Local Love"~ It CtMr)? ... ..!_I ~ Jon a...ta_•1f2 ref91ence&. Fair price. ..,... d9p9nda.,... C8ll --...---~---...;.. Ron 950-8684 _Shetyl_ ...... _tee..52 __ 79 __ -i DUMI' RUMa • olUMK 1--------- Fumltu,.., Sraah, "" lllchlel Cox , .... ' We can build or n1e alll Comm'I, R••· ••c •559309 Wayne !><IQ.. 8042 .i.n 957-8447 Con~!r 11( !111ri 8111 I r1 m q I 'it.o' -I branch... apptianc.a S 121hr. + met.net. Mike 1 dy9 946-1391 Referencn 87~ H1.,i\fl1 f1·· 1•1t,· & ~ I : I 'I ",' ) , -l () DDTALPLAM Singl9 M 75 Month ff amity SI 71 Month 1 ~Ma-ooeo .. 12 ln1LH1H•l,1• i;-; IU.ltlllOW ca.. ........ ,..,....-.,'b....., Al/A °'* JOO free -. Sl lcl~7138-1751 tteut•a CenotNotteft, driveway•. patloa, room addl11ona, aaw cuttlna. concrete TAXES preparu1 A remov Uc. 264724 booka kept Comput· $38-1043 or 838-3.521 erlr9d Laa., print9d • Home atVt: atnce 'le W! 0.. SNj ~ Totlf* Ucft>onc:Hld 241-1752 1 Total tni.lor Remod· eflng Serv ,...._ To Elf'Cfll( .ti lt,11) KMS Electric, 22ov, room addlt.lona, ~ Ing ran.. llgtrte. pfuga, panel upgndM. ,,,... eatlmatea 457-4101 Uc tll025ee/bontd9d f I 'Ill-t''· I ro1111••"'•"'0•1 L•Wfll , lj)fl'\"-'°""P 751 ·3478 CHATO'I GMDDllQ ~Ylnt ........ a '-C.... Caln2-0113 ,'\Ot(~ .... 11)1, 'Dultr'• Lnm llahtt. I f-i l , I I I ii'---! : ; '. . , . , ., ~ l l ~ ............. HardWood nr. llno • oeramie, carp91.a. Sub fir rpw. UC. 14a.~1 . f l I. I' I' II" H •• 'I i '1. 1 Monthly/Wkly or ' ttme, ,..... 241-1840 GAADENINO·Full 8et'Y, Landacape-aprlnlclr• aod-mow-edge-clnup, ,... r••••· tee-7719 l o.....t'a GWdenlfte Geo mam1 , ''" trl,.,,.. m•"Q. removal ci.an. up•, aprlnlclera lf\ltall & repaor 550-9319 LAWN maint R" Com ~ •od Snnkltlf •Y•· t•ma C ... n upa Tr ... t11m ,.,.. "1Ill0443 THE GREEN ICDI The Crary. e;u. 7172 P·d·1,, " v' 1' l. ,, . ''• Pl.1'-.'• I Rq: r 1··.11 In~. P*f'I SI' 11•1 r.ng Cuatom '9xtunng.. quality work Pr~ ,.,. *Ml ·~ 554-7831 RNtucco, 15 yr guer, blHllng pateNngjed- dltlona Cl••nlAe• aonabte, ltc. u..e114. M Hr DOtMI 1111 HEATMJ t PUa.G Uc S4t87l --- R•'l...,l1''11 Per -e'9r.. ~am • 111e9 119191 at Harbof tan nMd9d to WOtk f'ff, 1nc1 .wnl"Q a sat T .............. •••adY cuh Income. Vl•w C•nter. Call With Dev. Ola. edutt• hra. 83t•ISM4. 1714• • .,...... .IACK Kaw.DY TILE ••••rt reflftlehlft9 1.eoo.i55-o354 Ext 300 Patrick Teo.a70a In email group homu. ---------A MARBLE. INSTALL Stripping, cu•tom LJMn.T~ Sl)rinkler lnstaHallOn ~I I\ I\ l • ;\ r ' vendl11Qe Loca1 Route LOST· Auetrallen Shep-~,,:i.:~:;ra11. Good =~ ":' wM ~":i::c-.:!:, tout>O C:, :=Rw::.,:r,r: =:-~~ FOf 8alee B1g I Loca· herd, '-m 11 mo• otd, 97e-7237• dW!fled ..._ *8Ctory llMr1 ~ AllD OOHllllllCIAL SNllng 497-seea . •, tlone, '900 PoHlble black, wtthe, brown. I/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil R8PIHGSRATIOM. ____ ...... _____ , Each Machin• w .. kty 13 vie Santa lub91 .. t£AVtee. tAUS THI ORtQ.a&. •Mu• .... • &ante Ana, CM. 64e-• ~.1~1 __ ..._TIJ•a• 1-eoo-ne-o, ,0 2110 or &53-9100 Up TO .,.... ... _. LOST· Big black '*>-::::J ··=~-= tered male kitty with a R.-....a. Bathroom lrl',;t 'tll't I f 01·1 1' • I, .''l1JH •ewcw ''""" on TO. S20t( to 1 1,000.000 • Call o.Neon ANoc. 4.....al NOWI ~ ,, .. ,, : I 1 1 ; •WtOOW llA8 eee tor TD'al '20,000 up. No ~No ,.nal1y Cal ~Ae_..,.HOWI LMM p~ ....... UK tnru 11 OOK Bad crecttt no prOblem NoadV~fM 1/IONIM41t Many Al \.-., AV9tt lit, 2nd, 3rda, HM'd mon.y, ~ or ,.,._ Nnce ··~ mof1• oevea. Contact ...,, 800l3a-9117. ............. ._,__a111w1ttr :::.~~~tH9!t°11.:. •a• 00 =lu~~-i. guerlt• a IHVI••· ,. ...... and __.. 2&yn 0 c 17 AEWAAD. 7U-1422 C°""9cM ._,.., IM-0611 _ _._.__ ______ , LOST: Buff Cocker 30Z1 .. Hattior• CM Tll.li ~A~ed a~. atr1p.,.O, 1 t ~ ~.:'1-JT:: .. '::8 c:· pat1 blind .. deaf. JoM &. ~ ...... 17' L?~:=~1 PER MONTH clawed Otde COM. ...... ~. 11 a.wo * II ID 1 RI• * t t I ! 1 I ~ • f I I Early morning motor routes available. Deliver Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Must have dependable transportation and liability insurance. CALL· 842·4333 COSTA MESA. NEWPORT BEACH I' ~ . ' . ' ' " T1M T11mmmg~al LawnMM\t &~ Aototlling -~2-M04 * ••. u.. #8MOa8 l 1 'I I ',, •. t' ' I ' ' l I ' ~.1.1 •t 11 -r, lH. 'Ii ''I ~ ~' t • l ' Fr fo 10 CJ th ba de "'· :ir c.Jc c.Jt Ill SC L ry our garage sole ads. What's junk to you is a treasure to someone else. For only $8.52 you ·~ __ ..... __________ , . ~===~r'get 4 lines for 2 days. Coll today. 642-5678 -------SPekmg Men 3003 HEY TALL UC•LOR INTElllE YOU CLAllY FATHD ROMANTIC 14 If you are an honest BLOND OWM, 39, 5'10'', 172 He I• handsome, 84, ARE YOU MY man, abctylah, call me. lbs., with I year ofd adventurou1, 1eml/r• •2892. DWF, late 40 8• good daughter, enjoys lam-ttred executive, 8'2'', SOULMATE? body. Vou· Tall, thin. lly outing• H well H allm OWMNSW. D• Flltylsh. young. attrac-IAlllA aenaa of humor• sub-dates s..tca commit-alre1 at1recllve, loving, Uve Wantod, non-IAll8A atance. prole.salonal led lady, any race No feminine 50ish, fl••· •m o k er, tnl elltgent that changes hats yuppies 11888 Ible homam-.. .,, avail· ,. •auaa BEWARE: I'm tun, at-.....:..;.;..:;;.:~.;;_..;.;.....;;..;;.;..;...· --1 ""' man under 70, tf'"., --BLOND ualR ablec for aalllng, ~ 8 .,.2893 Born In Brull, OWF, tractive, end romantic "" travel, gardonl ng, 44, fun redhead, et· #2844 BLUE EYES charities. cultural, ATTRACTIVE t ractive, aeeka n/a ____ VE_RY____ SWM, 5•9 ... 140 lbs , healthful activities. INTELLIGENT mt1ta, attractive, finan-lovH 10 bike, swim Sha should be caring, eize 6, SWF, 5·3 . NS, clally secure, must ATIRACTIVE and play •porla, compatible, free to ~~:~Yh .10~:e~. •g~~: _:f_f~-~---~_'g_;_s_. m_u_s_ic_o_n_d ~~~~~j ;:op!I~·,;;-:;. ~n~:~:s~WFo~i~h ~:o~: _•_h_ar_i-~-'-•-~-'~-N-Q ___ , loves travel. theater SEEKING Heks trustwor1hy, at-who are •-king nu· ut1nc1ng See1<1ng relt1· RIGHT tractive. successful turtng relallonahtp FOR 11onshtp trim prof mat• ege 45-57 I'm should resp o nd MORE SWM w ith young MAN well educated, cJeny, 11915 ideas, humor 11'2861. Warm. affectionate, cultured, love 10 laugh _ __;_....;.... ______ , than a one ni ght and play t have nu· CEASE stand, bul leas than BEAUTIFUL BLONDE P .H.D. 18, 5 6 ' 1t8 Iba , beeutlf ut lnttde •out, seeks 1nte lllgent, 1aware). well-adjusted, genuine male (age 45- 60) for potential mar- riage "2843 C\ BEAUTIFUL EUROPEAN BLONDE Wid ow 38 hazel. ~ 7 t 20 lbs great figure, desires profes- sional. age 4~·58, af· fluent. loving man possible sertous reta- uonshlp #2842 HAPPY PRETTY PLAYFUL Writer photographer ~ 7 40 yrs soeks SWM, 36·55•sh who enjoys music rock to classics movie • oeach . adven tures and 1ust playful times together "'2878 I HEALTHY! WEALTHY!! I Attracu!l!~!nt so ' 1ally t1cllve Newport Beach investor. class-I oc t 50'• tatllsllm, seel<s 50 •'60 s Intel· 1nctualty sumulattng N/ ., srw gentleman of occomplla hmen 1 character & Integrity comfoneble In Black-1 tie or Bermudas-for the very ~st 1n a qllellty monogamous rela11onshlp only the oestl f'2846 PRETTY SHAPELY SWF. ~~~!~s~ul .J entoya skiing, danc-marous Interests and TUE marriage? Atlrecllve Ing, travel, music Are would love to aheio • n SBM, 29, sffk• ad· you Hll-confldent. are youre Let's meet MOMENT ven1urou• SF. tfl1913. you-you? #2891 aoon1 ,f2845 This very handaome, LOOKING FOR SEEKING WANTED: 1a11. 111. 1nte111oan1, 1ov-PRETTY LADY UNDER.Ta MDING tng, romantic, sincere, An BEST FRIEND passionate an<S 'real , OWM, se, 5 '8'', 170 FRIEND Petite, attractive slngla 30's gentleman Maks tbs., looklng for pretty SWF, never married, mom 32. aeoks "Spe an affluent, generous lady, 40 t to •hara 5'4", 40, ror 8 laallng ctal Somoon• • lor sin woman for the moat ~ach. movlos, d1mc- retatlonahl p Enjoy care relt1llonshlp Ac e11c1ung, adventurous Ing, and 1omanc:e I walking, dining, mov-live. lrlendly, outgo and 1pecl11I relauon· am Entrepreneur type, IH , and hiking Look-lng, secure Many tn-ship o f our fife-fun lovlng guy. Non-i o 11 Il l smoker, non-drinker, Ing for SM 35-C5 Lei's terests. Prefer non· t m e . . o • ca sincere 11881 m"t aoont #2877 smokor. Wiii answer #1912 SEEKING au 1 2860 __ C_H_IV_ALR_O_U_S __ , LOVES CHURCH UNDERSTANDING BOLD o:~:o GRANDPA STRONG OWM, 47, 5'8", 180 From 60-70, honest 5 10 ', 250 lbs., black Iba , Ilk es commit· and caring, for lnend· ADVENTUROUS I hair brown eyes, 30 met\t. kids. airplanes ship and outings tm DESIRABLE vrs . Bluo Collar ••· and above Looking 60 +. btown eyes t1nd c;;u ro-sotdter. I l k• for stondor OWF 35-45 hair. s·e·. shy. quiet LADY desort. mountains, 10 ehare cloae reta- end lonely. mco lady that wants to leol beech Ne.d creamy uonahlp r m a stock· "'2879 loved and appreci- 1 skinned tall redhead b roker & MBA. ,.,1881 SLEAZY eled Vou ore warm, to bask In my love & friendly. a11clt1ng. ma-1 boar mo sons. Costa LOYAL EASY lure, thel wlll bo mas-_,...M...;•.;;.••.;...·-".....;t8...;8...;.8 ____ 1 NORMAL LADY aage, romance with • DANCES LOVING r aa I per•on I I 884 but really only lea1y WITH SINCERE Ha Ha t m sure eny-ADVENTUROUS one calling me will OUTGOING LADY I FOXES SWM 6 1", 185, 45 hav'e a sense o r Tt1ll N-por1 ontrepro· yeara, Europoan do- humor•I Look 40tsh, WANTED nour wllh rest fHI and scent cultured, men- leet nineteen #2894 Slim, n s. WF who en I ~low hands. Ill, wltly tally & financially s• SWEET joys the out of doors I gregar1ou1 and caring I cure. w an11 to mMt 1ong wlffi<I & talks seen up-~t. youth--lsdy omy or haa.r1 AND DWM. 47, 8', 180 lbs . lul, beautiful, beach wosllh 111863 SEXY se nse o f humo r blondo who wan11 her ---... M"""O""VE'"""" __ _ # 1897 toes curtod * 19t 1 TO uaw•ll Bionda SWF 22 good ------....... -,.... _..:;..;;,..;........;;_...;....;._..;;......;..__ "" "' figure, Ilk• to lay out ADVENTUROUS?) FUNNY ' SWM. 39, 6 , 175, and work out Looking Seeking slim, non-dark, handsome ••· for cruiser guy under smoking womnn with FRIENDLY ecutlve eHks pretty 5 9 ' must ~ rich an open mind and COMPASSIONATE woman around 30. to o"er 25 Ct1ll Kelly hellf1 Must love the SWM 35 6-l 170,,, r~cale In Hawaii. 112840 oU1doors. s11111ng ••· 111852 plortng, sharing. apon· hkes mus•c, movies. ---------I TO INTENSE ROMANTIC 1783 hello out theret t like looking up to a man and enjoy your spirit of adventure I would M one to meot you SWFNS. #2841 taoelly. simple plea-c omedy, beac hes , NICE sures. and yourself swap meets, back· t m 48, tall sllm, •• r ubt m ono gamy HAPPY cure wtth two ••II-Seeking WF, 2~0 I PHOTOGRAPHER boats (one eac h cute, 'Ihm, stable, h u-Haks enractive lady coast), e condo at the morous, Intelligent. 18 to 35 for fun, love NON RELIGIOUS river, frH travel, and __ fu_n_1_1_9_t_4 ___ _ t1nd ttre I'm a gMng, an o pen-ended Mure gentle m an Nead Things t m not Mar LOOKING model• alao 11 t882 rlad, bor1ng, rich. con-FOR A formlsl Things I am CHANGE Happy, sacute, mo . TRAii RICH ORIENTAL Bruce Laa (Born Again) ... tea 27-3e. under 5'7", IN• than 120 Iba. Love music (lglealaa to Bach), sports, beef. -1887 SINCERE AND DEPENDABLE SWM , 70'a, 5'5'', smotcar, flnancially •• cure, mHt WF, 60'a? For laatlng reletlon· •hip, let'• talk. ii 1900 SOUTH COUNTY DUDES Wanted, t8·28 for good tlmesll u e goodlooklng, g ood bod, Ilk• me. I'm a 28 y.o. GWM waiting 10 mfft you /1 18&4 TALL ·IOPHllTICATED PWllllOllAL DWM, 40'a, 8'2", full- figured, e1epreaalve, --------''""" exc..._nt humor, lust for Illa, ahara wtth at· tractive, claaay, amt-1 ___ ........;...&.;...;...--~--- able, zany. non· Prlncaaa (31-40). Kida more INn OKI #1165. TIRED OF DATING? MITOOI SWM, 28, 5'8", 155 ---------- Iba., happy, heallhy, leeutlful Live athletic, outgoing, Wild Woman a .. tclng Ma. right. pre-1/I00-740-IM3 fer SF with the aama CALL.........,..,_. ............ , •I00- 803-MATI! Ext 31 Ull owr. $3/mln MOT Al. T ... NATIVS M•Nof~Meaa.. MIOO 884-0ATE ext ~ 18 & over. $3.'mln aroma lot life. #1D18. s2 35tmln 10 min/min Top ""TCH 8aaU11fuf MlalreH Diana ~=;;;..;.;.;.;;.;.;...;.;;..........;--..;.....1 ""' Speakl Down bOyl 1· ATIORNEY D00-773-LADY 1-0N·l Hlghly educated 18• $2/mln. 20 mtn SWM, 25, 5'10", 180, Baautllut Women Con· unwanted Slr"t Girt 1eok1 striking SWF, fMa How their man Talk to me baby 1- 22-27 with 1plrh and conquer them 1-900-D00·903-LEGS t 8 • tnlall.ct lnvotvement 878-BUNS Eitt 117 S2..50tmln 10 min MEET tomeOD• tpecial throuqh cluaili PliM In community or char-Adults only $2/mln. lly events • ptu1. Must ---------------------------! STILL AKID OWM, 5'9", 50, Iii & fun Curley locks Dancer WHtcend run· away1, Clarie Gable, Erroll Flynn. Need EARTHY, COlsh cutle el10 Ilk• b aseball game1, golf end work· ing o ut, aa -11 as, Malibu Sunsets, long embrace• and humor- ous Interludes Cell ma II 1804 '.;>;~ayb• atwaya ___ U_S_NA __ VY __ _ TALL IN ~:.~IAN COWBOY SWM 31, ~Ing lor Age 28, 8'7 ·, 229 lb•. atncate WF, 25-35 to •••Icing ellrac tlve be pen pal1, In Par- young blond hlly, age alan Gulf tllt Thanks· 21 ·24, who kno wa giving ll' 1898. how to have fun and i....::..--Wl=--DOWE---0-- enfoy• the ~ach and romance. ttk• moon-ENGINEER tight walks on the sM, 8'4", 176, slen- beech and late nlghl der, alxtl••· llated 2 kissing by a flra and who's who, ... k• at· drinking champagne trac:ttv• wall to do SF, Must ~ daring and ~ no barrier Many try things on the spur tntafaata. 11898 ol the moment like Person.ii Serv1l • ·s JOOS A Hot C•ll Beautiful girls five $2 50/mln./ 10 min min 1 /900-386-2866. midnight awlma In a hot tub, en1<>y shoot- ing pool, weekend getaweya to Cataline. football and romance. I also entoy giving • a~lal lady flowert Must llve In "4untlng- ton beech Let's play together . .r l 883. A Hot Lin C1ll TALL ~~~t DARK $2 50/mln, 10 mll\/ m•n HANDSOME A k in d sensitiv e secure, sincere, eth· woman/men 11 welling lellc gent, 38, •Mks 10 meet you nowt mature. honest. ~-Chrlatlen Phone aual WF. 23-33, 5 4 • Rom•noo. S3 min 1-6 ror monogamous 900-786-7710 romance or fun date Call to compare Inter· ADULT 900 LINll His 111889 DIR8CTO..V TALL ROMANTIC WIDOWER Graphic listing of unu· aual unadvertised adult programs. 1· 900-635-8585 $.98/mln HOW TO RESPOND TO . ,.· . DhlE{INE •Call 1-900-844-0100 • Enter 4-digit code appearing in ad • Li ten to greeting • Leave me ·age (you can change it if not sa ti sfied) When lea\'ing a message • teavc your fir~t name • Mention your int~rcsts • Tel I your age • De ·cribc your appearance ~ Specify your preference • Include what you liked aboul lhc pcr~on you arc respo nding to You may leave a 30 ~ccond message. You will be automatically billed 98ct ror each minute. ecullve humorous non-ret1g1oua loves weekends away, ski- ing, laughter Seeka SWM 35-45, SUCCOH· ful, anrectlvo witty, communicative n aid Committed relatlon- ••hlp marriage ,,2875 WALK IN THE RAIN nogamolls alfectton-Gonlleman seeks tov-1 ate wm1 r y lor youl 1ng, caring lady for 111885 help with cross dress- You don't mind for- eign accent? You are RENT a man 48--64, honest? Let's catch the train I ing and for compon- lonshlp t t1m nice looking m•ddle egad. well educated Inlet· a!lllng and person- able 111002 em ready for you, cell <1'2890. throu9b cla111Led SWM proleulonat blue c ollar w orker, Loyal dependable, age !J 7, 180 lbs . educated, ton lovlng, 5 10 ', non·amokot, non-1moker. flnan- drtnker Enjoys moun· clally secure, no chll- talna, de .. r1, camp-dten •••k• prelly Ing, f11htng, sctenc:e,. lady, 40 to 55, with PBS TV S"lla mo-I good moral/ethlcat nogamou1 relatton-votues Many lntare1t1 shtp with sr. ,., 1001 _•o~•-ha.;..r...;.•_· ..;;.,,_1..;;.e..;;.9a __ _ Alt Home No.'1 OfRHIWomen 1/900480o0400 S F Pub '5/mln, t !yr ALL MEN 1-D00-77H888 Ext 35 S3/mln. DhlE{INE .. .. .. USE THIS FORM TO PLACE YOUR FREE PERSONAL AD PRINT CLEARLY (First three words ore boldface> 25 word maximum FREE ADS ARE MAIL-INS ONLY All Call-Ins Will Be Charged Regular Rate. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION NAME:~---------------------------------­ PHONE:--------------------------------~ ADORE.SS: CITY: -------------STATE:-"""---ZIP;--- '"'• 1nlMQtl1Jn It con1Wenna1 "°e c.~ K~pt ~c:v perennat ao wltnout 11 Pef• •Oftlf ade lilAll be P\lblllhad 111 WI 0.teiine COluo\ll Ci\ ed w\11 be ~ 8 COcM """''*In wtlieh rNMrl..,.. mpoftd by ca '!fl• PllbYlhed ltlOI . You..,.-.. Hile"> cllll-..O )OWi ~ ... en llCCeH OOde Ho OM ... I.lie able IO IKtASt1 ~"'"MOM ••Call' hit~ ... . MalAdlk MUI Nawpot ln:t\ CClfo.., Prd mw "''· COlfo Mem. CA v.g °' NI>•». GUI DELI NES NWpott a.ocn. Calo Me.) Plot .. 0 ~ for *9eS to,.,,.., M:lb.wtolb"e Ol'9 S*mt'9d""" 1nc1ooi. giandet .,, ..... IC80fl'OC. w. 11..tggW lhof odl lt'lOUld conk*! o.., ~.age • IOt'4)9, ~tyte. and CNOCO!b e Adt CQ1 lfdt ti'lQ, 9xpllctt aewual Ol IOfOt I Kial language ... not b9 ~ h~beoch.ColtoMWIPlot ~the fight tO flSteel ""'~·-·· ClcMfted odl rtC¥ be llbr4l1led fOf ~· bV '*'°" 18 Y9CI' °' oge Of otder. No oclt ... ~~J)Men~ that oge ~ n. Nt"Aport lead\ • Cotto Miio Plot~ no ~ fof the ooNtrif Of NIPV to on, ptflOhal ~rt. lhe~~OOltiile•• llOltl9ty for the GOntent °' and ol reple9 to ay ~" ~ flof """~ mad9 oOC*'tlt ..... pott laoct\. Cato ,_._, "°' ond Ila.,. .. ,,.. hOIMala "'°"' ol OOtlla ........ OncUtng ........... oftOINYIW}, ~and dolll009' ~ fliofnOf ~ bV ... ~· s*Xie .. ~ Ot""" reQ/lf to""" M'l'I ~ C'NtCa&MOMOf ....... .not ~~..,--~tact,..~n ,_, CMll&ltlllt P'dt'Ollon ca lot'O ca h *""'doi 1 "°' .. ccral9d °'""' limit..., no4IDe r . o.. -. • ,....11'11.. .. 01 ••·~-.ow--t--.., .. W c:-rm.: ...... o::•~ ...... ~.:\.."=ee:.:r-=-=.~.=s'l:i: -.... ~1,, .. a. ... 'S' ..... Ill le _. Clll...,I =---~-1 -...... - -. . .. .... • IPFlll II._, W'F•l•I-11111 ~lnw .. ...., Tiile tit11'-It ....... L ,..._ C.~ ! A .... ~ ... :: .. • •f1CRI '91 .. 1 ti ............. ad ft9 ffS ............. .,....... ............ ---~ .. l"'l"--........ 1,,__~'~• l8f .., n. n•!!!!!..C_.19 ..... ,.., ni. ....., ... c.---...._ ,..._,.~c.9....,,Cla_ ~~-•-.. I .=-=:_. 1 1';';.a: :-:.:. ..,fl . ==-n-r-= :-..:.-::r..= s:-..~·1:·.-:~~ = =..=.-....... =--~~.:= lll1 Netef'I ......... w:.· .... 1_ .. ~ F ::'l't..""' -::.::·.... ~·~ ='-·=-=-...... ...... ..,,.'i.~ = =--=.:-..... ~ ..... -= =-2..-=-~=--·· .... '$.. .-;~ Jm', ,_ ... ...._.._':: -...:~1~'n.1 =-... ...... c.11.--..-,:lflti•tw .,..,ot1,a.,a11tl'I 1•~ .__ . -............ .... tiiiii';I;' ............ c..., Clsfll .. TNs ·--.... ~"''*'° -"" ,.....,.,..,,, °""' ..... C9lllD -.m. ~-· lll.t~Y. U. ...... le lW .......... Cewllr Clsfll ti 0.... C...., .. -.... .... C...., a.ti ti ltlll tSJtl ._ llld T"9 '"'111W-Cet _. .............. bul6o ? n.ie I~::===~~ --~ ----~~c.., ... -. .. 1111 Qr.,.~ .. -... .... c..w,CllltltJA,,...-• ........... ---.. ~ ..... -= • .,.,... ........ .... .._ Nllllee, ..... 1111 ,..... .. ,.., 0...-~ .. ~ 1t, ,.. ................. I'... "'-Nf•> tilled ~ IOTICI "" .,.._,. -..-..It, 111 .. ten ,_,......., eo.......... ._-,99 1111 ._._ ~) lllilDd ._.Oft'1Kt .... , ...,.... m.Xtll «:'LW NllcMd.......,.....,_. ~ 1wf1 .... 1t.io ,uMefted C.... ...... •111111 tllcMlft NIA ~~ ll9d 8 • 111 -. ,_ Ulldsr...:...--. ......... -a •1o ~AMIN ... =~ ~ .... c... ........ At.-a . .-10, t7, ... 11. 1111 ............... ,..,. -NllsNd ...................... Lm .. --·~ ~ of • 0 I • ::-.-:. -A ~ --• ~ 0.... ~ on .-...: tO. t1, M, ttlt •---.... 71 .,.. tO, 17, 14, 11, '!!'LAA C...t" 17 ~tll"lot1 ~ J, :1: ~ C:,. ~-= ONnot County on .My t7, The 'Olowllll S*Wlt MIMI I au ll = -· _... _ .. , I, 1•1 -_.._, ... , -· 1 0... ~ °" "'9111 ttlt .,. dOll'ia ........ M ~ t•i 4111 1':.1 ..... ~· LO!Mtet· .... M --... 'TllCI ... IC9'ICI ..... 1.1•1 PllOIU• 'A"Kl'l"ICTI, tt711 ...... ,,,,,_~ -..o-. -~ eoete ....., ~ ~ W IOTICI ,. .... ~ Ntwpott...,.... ~ lllld .... 100. 0r... ~ .. ....... ... 7"'1. ......, ..... ,.. ~ ....... w IOTICI ,.~ I ..... 1to c-. MM! flllot ~ s IMfte, Celt 112716 2. ,., M9tt1fntWIOOD .-10,11,M,St,1•1 •• :~:•.:... 9'ailR111-. .. ,.,. ~ c... ~. 111 t0,11,24 ttl1 . ':..~lne.~~ fFlll•l•,.....11111•• Turtto, llnu11-.. '*•' .... 77 llal•••M 11111. 1rt •m.k:::..":"9 • "1•••~ "oor, N•wpon IHeh. l.+40 MeeMtU llYct , 9't too,~._:-.... .,. ..,..., •a Int oon-The ,__ The 'olo • 118 ...,.,,,. NS mu •• -o.it NtlO .. _.,. -· lrWlt Calf 112715 ..__ • ..... =I. n dOlflCLm :eon. ~·~EA .,. The '~..:!. ~ TM ,..II •lftt 90flt P~ Coeta ...... r--·-Thie ouall'ffe le ecm-I'* 10, tf, al, ll, ~ r:;~::--;;::~~;;11-..:"~·~i;ICi·~T;ICI=~ NIWl'OMTMOR IHOft, CONClf'TI M4t u.a. 11~ PAOMOTIONS, .,.do't!O~= ~ IMd'I flllkll ,_ "**'1 • ~by·~ ~-"••hu aoa WMecllf Drive,~ Df., Hunllneton IMcn, 20l2 IE...,. 12 . ..,,.. RIVfASlDE MfADOWS, p 10, 17, 24, ,1, 1111 ......... -. ~·g,:,at~n (I) ::: :;f• • 11 111-. b:,'~port •••ch, Celt,..,.., AN.~W:, Port C LTD , UIO Ntwpol1 C... s.M6lt 11•••••• neee '"* ~~ WIC .... I' •111 I 1 ftaiii I ._ m13 Vie ....... LRM \'oder, A41 MM! ~ 1 IMct'I c:.· OfN'e, ""' 100, N9wpoft The FOlowW!g per.one lu9lnMe Nwn.(e) ~ .. • 111 • The P'Dlo •• pertOne luot Mlll6oi.. ~ ,...... 1.Jete Ottve, Hunung1on tow. Ntwpoi1 • . llwtl, c-t2elO W IOTICI .,. dOlf'I ~ • ebo"9 on NIA ..-. -• • • • .. dOlf'I bUllnliit 11• _t.. • • ...,..., .,._, IMd\, Celt. llH47 t2teO MHdOwl AHlty Com-(t) MASTER "-»f OE:VEl· ~ a.... "'9ide• Dt 1k 111 -I MHA -YRADINO COM--. Thi• bu•I,,... I• ~ ~ Sctvoell. 231'32 peny, ''° Ntwpor1 c... .... .. ~. (2) MftO, 3366 Thie • • ,. PIWY •• e.boodl 91. ~~··~Oft.' duded by: en~ Hlllhurll •eo. Lagu1t1 Drive, Newpor1 8Heh, 8 .. 11111 -. VIia UOo • ..._ 215, New-.., :.~ ~ "': The twAci , • ,.._ ,1 Oolttltta'-.; Celt 1112'1 • .,. en Tiie regle1rent(1) com-...... Cellt tM11 Celt. ll2teO n 1 1 pcw1 ~.CA t2el3 Oranae r-.-.. ., __ dOlf'D -----t WlleM Girty hen Rob-The regletrant(•) com-~ lo wenuct IM*O Thi• buelnea• •• eon-The ,.,, Trutt u Off cs.t«i 111 • •• Senlotd Edwwd, 101 Via 2• 191 1 .__., on ._ SAlrAT'INO't. UDO t ,, beela mtnc4ld lo ~eneact bulf.. ,,... under the l'lclllout ~ by • 09fWll '*'' S-.embef $, 111111, Vie The ,~ pet'90M '1otencle, Newport 8-c.h. ' CO#PN« NO. ' .... t107 LAN. MM under IN F1c:1llklua 8'*""9 ~I) li9ted nerehlp ;;;.r;-and "8" Truat llO .,. ~~ M CA '21113 '101417 SAGE Opofto. ::.~f0" hach, Callf. ~ • N~ ~ ~on: NIA Th• regletrant(•) com-Hewpor1 C•nltr Drive, =M 1.):,H .::>0~ Thi• bua ,,... 11 eon-~. o.ir. & 8rown, ~ ":ewport ~1 . .,. PllO...J!.._a...per-~by·~~ '1:.1 .__ ,,.. ....,,.,. WU filed ... under the ficbtaous Cellf .-'~42:-~ ' Th• ,.g11tranl(I) COlft. too, Newpo!t 8uch, Cellf .Jam..... . Tiii bueJ 1 _,.. on ~ •· "*"...._Yoder menc.cs lo nn.ad ~ &tte too Ntwpor1 a..cn · 8..eti duded by: an~ Q40 Cempw ~. 8'a. c.-i.a ~i ....... -..-.. A/C, The reaietrant(e) com-'.,..... w1tt'1 IN County a.rti of lualnata Name(a) ~ Rondell 8 HIMOl'I. 1to ~ Hu1fe 2111 ..,,._ ~ to lraMeel bllllio ll2tlO • Uf1 la ... Q "911•11111. '111 Mlfeo. ~ lo w...u buel-Z:: .,:-~ ~-= Ofanoe County on ~ ab0\19 ~NIA Ntwpo~I Cenltr Drive. AN Ave Co.ta .._. ,... undw the ~ ,ubllahed eo.te .,. .... ...._ CA -.. 1 enoo-oeo. 1194741 ,... under the ~ °'** County on ~ 2. 1801 Mane Sun• too NewJ>M lkedl, Calf t21127 • &ut1Nt1 H•tnel•> ~ Newi-t a..ct; Piiot Al.Jo Je04i Connd _,, .._ 1171LCMl!,.'!'·D!! =·=~·1.~ 2,1801 Publl•hed c!~::. =~~II~ ~29: l<tV199'. Ito ='~.!to!:!:·~ ~:'e~'!:t • guet10 17,:M,31,1"1 =.°'·· eo..la ..... °') ~~ ·,, •• ,' car W. Oany E. Aooerta PM84a1 Newpot\ IMdl Pilot Au-Of9nQe County on July 30, Newporl Center Drive. Mtrage c:.ti1 82270 TNI ~I waa filed Se571• Thia bu•IMM I• ~ 110,oOo 090 see: Thie .,,..,._.., wu llled Publlahed Coata Meu· gwt 10, 17, 24, 31 , 1911 1911 Sutt• 100, Ntwpon 8Mch, Thia 'buelnM• I• con-with the County ci.ni of PUii.iC NOTICI ducted ~ • ganar'C1 ,... 0704 or~ wltt'I IN County C1eftl 01 Newpor1 8ucl\ Piiot ""'2 s.579 FIOtH7 Cehf t2eeo d~ bY en un1ncorpo-Ofange County on JI.kt 21, nerwhlp t .....;..;.;..;.,.;~~"-!:~==~I OJange County on Auguet guel 10, 17, 24, 31, 1911 P\lbbMd NewPor1 Beach-MHdowe Management rated aHocletlon other 1111 . Flotttt.ua Tht rtglettent(a) _. 1974 CHllVV CAPAICe. 2, 1901 S•·573 .... .,. --· Coet• M ... Piiot Auouat 3, Compeny, • general part· than. pet1nerahlp F90t724 .......... ..._ menced to 1r .......... 2-door. Mtnt oondftlon. PI024H rv-.-_,._ 10, 17. 24, 1991 Mflhlp, 190 PMwJ>M c-The reglatranl(a)' com-PUbbhed Newl)Of1 ~ ltet.......t nate under h P'kllD • 71K mllH. t31500 Publlahed Coate Me.. MUC NOTICI P'IGlltt•• Sa·530 .., DfM. Suite 100, New· menced to lranaaet bus!· Cotta Meu P!IOI AU,QuS\.3, The '°'~"V pet90na BusJneu HalMt•> ._.. 090. Ste llSM ..___ 8Mch Piiot ""'2 ... ~ port ~h. Calli ll2eeO neaa under the Flctltioul 10 17 24 19111 .,. dOino Ml'*' u : eboW on. JI.IN 4, 1tl1 ™ • ·-....... ..___,__ liuaM••• -au1uc ""'TIC• Thia bualneu la con· Buslneaa Name(•) u.ted . , THE BOGART COMPANY JatnM seedno OgrllbaN U-..N ?t guet fO, 17, 24, 31, 11191 rovuw-8W.wt rv nv 111> duc:1ed by • limited 1*1' •bove on N/A Sa-548 2 t I Broedway, Colli Thia etatemtnt ...... o...u......... 4to Sao578 ........ ....... Th• Following perlOnl nenhlp Karen HUIM ~ Calif 92827 With the County Qertl of ~. rune good 11900 ltet......,. are dolna bUllneet u · Plotlttoue The reg111ran1(1) com-Tl\la .,.tement WM ftled PUii.iC NOTICI Brad K Bogart, 211 Orange County on .AJ1t 19, Must ... 1 i42-oee7 PUIUC IOTICI The Followlng per9on1 DIVERSIFIED INVEST· ..,..,.... ....... menc.d 10 ttanw:t bull· With the County a.rtii of ,. ... ,.a Bro•dtm· co.a Mna, 111tt -_________ , .,. doing bualneM ... Me NT s MARK e TING ............ ,,... under lhe F"ietlllout "'· ,._ .-. ......... ,. Cehf 1 ....... ~a~AN<ILEAS CENTER GROUP 3013 S. Pac:ttic TM F""-"-N ..,..,. """"'"' on --1 -· P'IGlttk:cia ""' -----------1 PllelUIUll (t ) NBOW L'"'ES, .. ,II Ave., .l.1n11 Ana, Calif ......,_""' per1oOnt BullneH •tn•(•) U1ed 1911 • 7'n ... ~~ Thi• bu11nes1 II eo"" PublieMd Newpcwt ~ PUIUC IOT1CI 81t1IR1 .. Nw' ~ "'" "' :. .,. dOlnQ bullnHI u above on 1972 P.01... u-.1 u -duei.d by an lndMduat Costa .,,_ "*" .llJtr/ 21, .... •• t . Newoott 81\od . Newport 92704 MEAD~ COMPANY, ~t,A Rondell 8 Hanson P·-•-.. _. ..._ ~ ..... wt The registrant(•) co~ 17 ttlt " a " Beach, t.ld. t2ee3 Ken E. Gerard, 903 W Mffl Of., Coata MeN Thia IU!emenl wes lllOCI ...,,......, ........ .,...., _,.. The F~ peraons menc:ed '° 1Tanuct bu» AUQUl13, 10, • ...... TM Followlng pereone AObet1 E EU~. 409 '7th "65, Co••• Meu. Calif. 02627 wt1h the County ci.ni ol Cotta ...... Piiot Augwt 3, .,. doing~.. ,.. und« IM Flciltloul s..rr •w,llRIH.... -::m~ ;·EST Holmwood Of . Newport Cel1f. m27 Normen Weyne MCe0a1dtl Orange County on Augutt 10 17, 24. 19111 THE FAANKUN GROUP, Butot\eH Name(sl listed ----------.. 11Mlll4 • Beech, Celif 92883 Jadt H Thomu, 30t3 s 251-A ..... Or ' ' 1991 s.531 '7542 [Qt 17th Streec, •bove on Jiiiy 21 19111 TM 'ollowlng per90N 2035 ~~~ • Coeta Thi• bu1lne11 la coo-Pacifle Ave , Santa Ana, ue.., Calif 92S27 F602423 ..,,IUC _..,.. Sutt• too Tuatin Cel.lf ttrld Bogatt .. dolnQ ~ M : ....._......, -· cNeted by en Individual Ca11I 92704 Thia bualneu 11 con-f'reoencll a S..noclt 1llO rv -• n.>5 t2810 Thi• etatemeni -llMd (a)OOUOLAI FIHAHCW. ~Toney, 427 E. 17th St Th• reg111r1nt(1) com Thia bu1lne11 Is co~ d\leted by an lndMdual N.wpon Center 0r.W 1st ~-The Franllhn Gloup an~ with !he County Cler1I 01 o.-ou, (b)DOUOLAS •2 5, Coeta ....... Callf. meneed lo transect buslo ducted by,~· The reglltrenl(•) com-N B ' h .,.:,':'....~--incocponited opereting di* Onloge County on ~ TRADE HOMl1.0NI (c)OOUOlAS 112827 neu under the fletlUOUt The reglatranl(•I com-menc.d to tr-.ct bUeJ, Floor• -por1 He · --"°"' of New Arnerlal S.V· 2. 1901 FINANCIAL SEAVICEI Thie bu1lne11 la eon-Bu11ne11 N1me(1) hied meneed lo tranud bl*-""' under lhe Flct1hou.1 Celi!. 92660 Steta•1nl Ing.a a.nll, Calll0tn1e eot· Faot~ (d)MAYHIU. PAOPERTIES, dUcted by; an lndlYldual above on NIA neu under the Fle\aUous BusfMU N1me(1) ltsted Publiehed Cotll Me... The f'oltowlng per10M poration 470o Von Karman 8'e. t 15, The r•gl1trant(1) com-~ E EllSWOllh Bu11neu N•m•(•) llsled above on· J4Xy 15, tllGI ~ BMcll Pilot Au-are doing ~s u Th1t bu11ne11 ls co~ Pubhthed Costa M"•· th.rou.Jh c1 ... 11w 142-HJI =Ott IHch, Calif. menced IO 1rlnuct buslo ™• statement WU hied •t>ovt on· Auguat I, 1991 Notman Wayne MMd 9UJf tO 17 24 31 1991 HUNTlkGTON BEACH ducted by'. corpor11hon Newpon Beech Hal AA; ,... under Che F.lctlUOU. With the County Cleft! of Kenneth E Gerald Thi• statement WU filed • • . • S.5641 CAA COMPANY. eeot Edi-Th• reglatrant(•) COlftt gust 10 17, 2•. 31, 1ttt OouglH H. Pennock, Bualneu Name(•) hted Orange County on Auguat Thi• lltitement wu filed With the County Clerk of i on Ave • Hunungton menced IO tranuet ~ Sa-572 Oovte M PIMOde, 2371t abow on: NIA 2, tllOt • With th9 County Ctetk of Orenge County on JUiy 15, BMch. Calif t2Me Via de o.tne Unda. Mur· "-Y Torrey FS02•21 Orange County on Augu.at tt111 PUBLIC NOTICE Henry w 9701 V•de ntta. Callf. t2M2 ™• at81ement wukllled Publlahed Colla Me11· 2, 1901 F'500203 Marl Huntington 9each, II .... Thi• bUllnH• la con-With the County Cler of Hewpon 8"cti P1'ot Au-F6024t2 PubllsMd NrNp()f1 8NCh-Flotltt.ue Cat. ~ due1~ by: hutbend •nd Ofllng9 County on .My 30• g• .. 110 11 24 3t 111111 Publiahed Coll• M•ll· Costa MeN P11o1 August 3 lluelneu Heme Thi• bue1ne11 I• co~ -----------------------------w1te 1111 -· · • • • ' a , dueled by an tndMdu91 The regl•tr1nt(1) com-P90tHt S.·574 N9WP0'1 BMch PllOI AUo lO, 17· 24• 1991 The F~=.., l*IOM The regl1tren1(1) com- menc.d to trWlNC1 buslo Publlehed Newl)Of1 Beach-gull 10, 17, 24, 31, 111111 S.-637 11• doong buJ\~1 H menced to transact bullo '*' under the Flc:1tlloue Cotta MeN Pilot August 3, PUBLIC NOTICI 5•·5711 SOUTH COAST BUSINESS ""' under the f'IClltk>ua By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Buelneu Ham•(•) Hated 10 t7 24 191t PUBLIC NOTICE CENTER 3184 J Arrw1y Bullneu Nam•(•} lleted •bove on: fet>nlwy 1, tll74 • • • S.535 Flctttloue PUIUC NO'flCE Ave cOsta M"' Cab •t>ow on· N'A C>ouglea H. Pennodl ~ lluel N Flctltlo.1• 926ie Henry Bell Thie statement •• filed ) ,,... •me F1otttloue Buam. .. Neme Bll.ICe E Non 3\.94 J Air· This Nlement .,._ filed With the County•Clefk of PUii.iC N011CI The ~~~per.on• 8........_ NanM · , .. ~, way Ave , Colla MeH, wtth the Coumy C1el1I ol ~ ~ on ~I are~ butllne11 u Swt.....nl The F""""""-persons Ca~I 92626 Ollllreng. COunly on Juty 30, 2, 1tot ..... ttt... ,..... . ..., ., ..... ~ ";..':..~::... ... s. .. Jernes LM, TtualM ol 11\e 1 1 ,.o24n ......... , ...._ vYc~e'bF R~~~A. s~ .,~~ ~ KARE~RiN'ci"' PARTNER· L .. Flim4ty Truat dated " FSOi HS Publl•hed Costa ..... .......... Perk Avenue, Laguna IRVINE COAST FINAN-SHIP, 2836 Slromt>Oii Rd . »1111. Macara F Bonia Published N ..... pot1 Beteh- Ntwpor1 8Mch Pilot Au-TM following penone Beac:h, Celrf ms1 cw.. 57 Via Zltegoza. San Costa M .... Cahl 92e2e TrullM ol Ille Mac111 F I C0411 Mesa Not August ' CJ119t 10, 17, 2.4, 31, 1911t are dOloa bullr"'9e u : Tetyt McEtee, 251 Wf/Vt Clemenle, Calif t2e72 Nency H Fnno~TrustM for 8onfe Trust dated t 28 98 10, 17, 24, 11191 S.set M.f .D.S. TUBINO, 810 St, ~ BMch, Callf. Thomae J 5-ke, 57 Via lnev Family Trvtl. t Kenneth E. Fell. Co-' S.532 ---~------· Q. I-A• South, vulntr11hlt, \ou hold •782 • J8 • AQ87'2 +AQ The btddinJ ha procffdtd orth Eaat • South Wat I. .. . 1 What anion do \OU t.akl''! Q.2-A~ South, vulnerab~. vou hold •762 • J8 t AKQ872 •K8 Tht' b1ddin ha procffd.-d North Eut South W•t 1 .. • • ' What at't1on do you t.Ut,. Q.3 -A. Sooth. \ulntrahlt, you hold , +78 •J83 tAQ8 +Q.1962 C EMINI (M•\ 21-lunf' 2Qj You'll{ Tht b1dd1'lK bu pN>effdtd AQUARI (I.an 20 lrb 181 l:Jn· ~ My•nA, "I l~I th••" g<>1ng lo be-mv Welt North Eut ~th luci.y MC\n.d.ay1 S<t'n.ano 1ncludH.ivll' I + Dbl 1 • ,,• Q.4 -A11 South. wlntrable, you hold· •AK96•AI0932 tAJ92•Vold Tbt' bldd1n1 haa p~ Eut South W•t Nortla I• Dbl P.. 2 • p._ ? \\.hat do you bid now? Q.~Nt1thtr vulnerable, u South )OU bold •1083 •AQ8~ tA 82 •A.J Your n1h1 -hand opponent opens 1he b1c1<hnc "1th thrM hcarta Wb.t ection do you ta.kt? Q,8-&th \.'\dnerabl•. u South \'OU hold •MHJ~ ·~'1-_. AJU076 +&Q Part.n~r o~os thto biddiJlf with.one hHrt. \\'hat dCI you ~? leturd8J, Augu.t 17, 1111 lt-vtlt .and A1trology. Fr•n .. hn ROOMwt'll, four•lnm Aqu•rian Pl'fti· dtnl, w.t1 knowltdgublf •bout f '' 1rol0Jy In g•ntr.al •nd hu own horowo~ In particul.ar. R004tvtlt'1 tnlh1.t1luin for atrolo11y w.t1 much in nldtnr• whfn ht chow • blrthd.ay gift for Arin chlld·•l•r J1nt Wilhn• .U Jut upl•lns, "II w.u my horo· KO~. It htld my inlt'l'ftl for yurt .tnd 111rology continun la fucinalt 11\f."' Eluetor Roowvth vnlfltd In htr MWlp.tpu columns th.ti h•r hu,b•nd paid Nrious alltnllon to hi' •'lrolog1 , ul ch•rt ph•'>' 11n J1n·ctmn mu11o1I ~1.uu' •ht'l2 Irr, ""ur11\, l\·un111n with f.am1h mi·m bcor ..... n.arh• .. , .... h11thl11¢ht' rn•m1•ll1•n ptilt.lu<tmn l'l1•v.atnl •t•n•11nf1 tn '""' mun1t\ An11tht'r i\11u.ir1.1n " en\11lv ... t PIS<.l:\ I r"t> 111 M.mh 201 ll1vt'r "'v 1l••r'••Y hum1•r. m.11.t• 1nquir11 ... n·· ic.arJ1ni; I"'"'""' 1ourn1·• '•>( 1.al 111m m1tmt•n1' ,1,cc•ia.itt• '''"It ''"t"'"'' ,,,II vrttli•·• • 011clu•1nr\ rd.at1n1¢ hi l11t1•111n l.anJ ~11111 .. ri.1n r.·1"•" 111t-J UBllA. ~"r' :n l'>.: t 2~ r ho\t wht• thou11ht you Wt'rr 1nup.ahlt ''' •urv1vin~ tn•1• will bt• Jm1n11 un 1 row Rl'l•llVr now '-!\' I won t ~•on jtt1 •go11n•t VllU .l~.11111 "J"•tl1icht 1•r> It'• ~J><•n•1!11llty J1.,11ll1n.. It•~ .. '"lat111n ~hip rl1m.ann• d1sciwt" g411n v1• wrettfnl \\-'hat 11ct1nn do )'OU uib word Attt'nllon "'volvf'S •Mund l•g•I •grt't'mt'nt m•nr•I •t•tu' ..-----------------------------, CANCER IJunto 21 ,Jul~ 221 lnd1· TODAY'S A GOOD AD! CAU. ONE OFOLR FlllEMJLY AD-Vl-SOllS nxMYI CALL: 842-5878 ARIES (M•rch 21 -April 1q1 Fn· hghtt'nmC'nt fl•tint'\i en c.mnt'\l11•n with who own~ wh•t whfn-did tht' monl'v fll' well I (lt'I b,ac&. my lnw....imrnt ltlCU'• .al ... 1 on mmancf' cru11v11v. 1r, ... h ~t•n '" nt'w d1rwlltll1 l t'\1 f1gu"'' rmm1• nt'ntly TAURUS (Apr1I 20 M•v 201 'rnu n cl~r "' fl'lnnt'nh1p or m.,n•R<' 1h•n might h.avt' bftn .in11cip.t1t'J I mph"'" on pubhr •ppt'.ar•nc"' COOpt'r•t1v" rl • for1\ "~pl.an.thnn 111 lt'go1I nghl' <.an ... r ( .apncMn pt'N>n• ll'prt>Wntt.J C l MINI ( M4Y 11 lunf' lOl "••u II be-mu11n11 Thl'\'t' 1• .at n1wd' h1d1v1J • u.al whu pt•rforms ~ptc1al wr'v1C1~ m11v intrudf' .uc1.illy A~wrt v1t•w•. ~lr••ithl tn1m lht' •hi1uldt'r Ch«I.. n•,olullon. r .. 1111ng tl1 Jit•t nutr•hun """"' CANCCR Ount' 21 lulv 221 llto w1lhn11 to rf'Yl"f' n•v1cw tu h•.ar down ltir uh1m.alt' rurf'l""4' t•I f't•bu1IJ1n1t 11n m•ln• dunblf' '>tNftu"" Lmrhn1• •'"'' on •IYlt' t l'\'l hY•IV JWNtn.al m.111n1•1 1 m w' .irJ!"•I ~''l''" 1nvolvt'l.I t.iO ()ul~ 2'· AU ft 121 I mrh.i""' 1nvt"'llJ•hon, cl'1.a r.a,1t'r •",.'•'"· .. ,rlo• r111nn ol d1flrn-nt •vcnu,,.. 1•1 f"<IJ" Mun IA't'dom l.l1•1'111n.i11·• "'"ten11M1• mmo lh•l•t1un•h1p might tu1\<1' run '" c11urw (Amini 1nvolH..J VIRCO (Aull 2'· rt l21 l>••m•"· 11r 1J1u,tmC'nl dom1n•tt'' ln11u1•1t1vt' rtl•""" could t>.• 'our.f' 1•f ••nuJ "••U II N'Cl'IVC' 11111 n. .. ulJ bt 11• ... >< 1.alt-J with 1un1I mu•11 f ,.m1h mt>mN-r f,ona •bwnt, hh ·lv flt 1Ttut11 I llRA (S.·rt 2' l I ::!21 O..&.•l.a(llt' 1nf1•rm.at1"n r rov"" ~•lu.ablf' Wh•t h.ad i..., •n w11hh< Id will bt• R'VHIN I 1n•n· ceal r1ctUl"t' <UVf'B ~pt'(trum f111m blt.1&. h• br111h1 I t'<U' un 1nvntl'flt•n1, v.aluf i•f f'l......_ .• .,v11• I''"'" 1nvulv •' OltrlO (0<1 2J•N<•Y 211 ""llH 1nntr rmHt l"'l'comf'\ C'Vhknt 11JlJ'O "'""n •Wff'I ,01df Ath•ntmn r1•v11lv• .uuun\I 111tt'n••IV, n1mancf cr•.a11v1I\', 1ti1hty 111 m1-..t d.-.Jlrne Yt1u 11 en~•un• tt'r 1nd1v1Ju.il J"11ntJ I•• win ACITIAlllU tNo 22·0.-. 211 J .ne~h wh•I you "art, irnl.argf' lll•Mt .. n• Cil"'l"ll~ t.tuJV c;.,;Vl'Jlltl IN g" Attf'!'1 VnlVC'rMlily, bn.-J F""*"''" nl MhVI• 111"!1 "'"'II •• un ""'°"' in c tf'M "''" ,..,d~ ~ .... r _,..., APal OAN !(~ 22 •1.tn 1•1 You m11h1 N wy111a. "fh11 hu tlnn theo k'!111nt Judy Mf'ff~ in "'Y hi• .. ~~· l1Jhl on 1nJ1•I val1t , 1n••n""""''~' nau.hh rum""'" '°" ron11n1W h• wen "'""'h ,.nd \nll1u1noi l1J1pt~rt•nl • Ir AUG 4il 17 I\ 'fOl'R BIRHI· OA\' ''lt•u .in 1'·"·11•111h' crc-.atl\" 'luN1t•rn ·nlln•t'nt .. i '"""'"'"of ..,.,, ... 1nA unJ1•r I'" "Uh' <. olrnh•rn ( .. ,,, •. , p.•,..,,n, rlJ~ lt'\ l'l•I ... In \\•Ur Iii• '••U dt'.il """r'""""'" .... 11 """ ,.1J, r ri·r· "''"' '''f"" 1o1ll~ m1•n t>urin11 t' Hh Vl'•h Y••U ...... , ... lru,tr.th'J l'I\ htn1t .. 0 '"'n' 1mri .... I lt1 "utm41J,.J ruh ... r.~u · l.it1t•n• "''" .1r1· """"', •J"'til' "' , n•.atenK 111ur ''" n rui. .... tt~ul•111•n• tro1J111"n' lntt·n"'""I wL1ht•n•h1r lt·•tun .. 1.1ut"'1t l.tt>I w ... lo. "' lh" month N,..., l••V• I""" •1hl1• en <" h1l>.·r Sundey, Auguat 11, 1111 chw•nkopf d f'ropht'I' Gen It Notm•n S<hwu1 .. opf, l to htro·f!tn· tfll, Is fa)l(lnalt>d by my ttr)' •nd lnerigue, on• of hi• hobbln It m1Aic 1111 U kf'ynolr .tnd 11 birth path C Aug. 12. 1•>41 t lt4rly lnd1c.I• 4'.lf'"'"'" lnd1•ldu•llly lnn•lt ''t•lrnt'' for p~· d1ct1ns h1tu,... Whrn he hf wa. 10 yHn aid ht' conlldtd to hit "'01 .... r ht would grow up to ~ • Afntr1I Al Wnt Point, hf' lol'f"\o; that "" would IHd .tn ""'>' 10 w1C1ory. dtcl•lve for ,,_. U tAn1f1unllt . no one la1o1 hrd ARI S t M.ar,h 21· rr1I IQ) l.tm1h mrmt-·r t'l'<rnlh rt 1-t·lhou' w.inl\ to ~with \'t•u m .. i..,"' no -rrl ul et.Set· n.a11,1 .1l•o fra11.1~ tr.i• "' H•mmun11• 11on cunt1nu1•U• '!t'.lr\ h li•r ''""' l'IUll' ( •l"l\t'r n.ih\lf' 1nv<llVN TAURUS (Apr1l lO•Mn 20J Q\1..,. t1<1n. l'"'"•••u.•h 1gnt•N"\1 will bf' •n· ,_rN AllO'nt111n "'""lvt' 11r••unJ m .. n,.y, J'l•u1tilt 1nhc-111.inc• .Jc-t~r• • h n ''' 1ntl'nh1•M ~h lt'ry thtf'...t u11 rn .. 1~ • ,,u II J'f"'"'"" J'lllf'rn (..c m1 • n1 ~I t\"M'ntt'J GI MfNI (Ml\ 21·lune 20) fi-..u~ v1du.al you '"J't'' d«l•l'h Yl)u J1d II 4iCORPIO (011 21 N•·• ~I I < nll' h111h f11r mont'\ p.a.,.m,•nt' u111, .. '"'"' .appr.a1-.il ol pnif""r11 •·•lu• '\ 11u rl' f(' 1t .. 1'iC'J I r.1m nbhJt.11 '"" r h.1t ..... 1 .. ,11i .. t1 '" lin.t pl.Kt' rmph"''' ··n "'"'' ,,..,., dum onv1t~1wn t" tr.iv"i vourw•y•nd1tw11r .. t'dl focu~onh•r CROSSWOR'D PUZZLE monv, doml'!lt1c ..J1u~tmfnt t'f'«>Yt'l'V t•I hnt u11dt' S."<# of fllnt' • rMtorf'd "'or&. ml'thtld '"' cl•nht'd '>ACfTTARIUS IN•'" ~~ (),,. .?I l I mph•••lt •n.11 I'""''' nlr •••ur•(ll4' LEO tlul~ 2'2 Au11 V> W~t •t f1N 11ttm• mir•gt' turnt 11ut to be-'°lid Fo A"ROll Cu on YI eon CrNllVltV fVlt', cl.andfo,. r ''""'"It"~' 11, "'~' '""' h•u .. •ulJ ~ hnr mtt11na tho1t •n"'''""• rt•m•n•I' m.tdh en 1.,.,,. S..t'num hij1hh1tht' Scrn•re<' fHturn Ji,,;1wrn-v11.ahh ..,., dr.ima t1tn•n1t lrt~h ~1.in en nf'w J1'"' •ppt'•I E'"'""''"1' 11un I f'<1 .\qu.it11J• ,,.., ""' plo 1..o VIRGO I Aug l\ S..pt 2.Z) Rt'M'.inh mlf" • p.tn d1v1df'nd" Bl' '""""' ,11 r.a~• pt'r CAPIUCOJtN 1 l>ro: ~ Im lq I fo· form•Nf'. "'lrrl'nc"' dr.id.lint Attl'n cu' on ro unu•n rr••ro·n" •hrltt'r 1,.,, ,. 11un •I'-• rrv11j¥~ ar()und Jurab1hl\ Iv n·l.•tu•n•hlf"" ~rrc mt't 11nic .,,.ret1n prvf"'rl\ H lu• OIJt'r t.1m1h mrmt-for t en.in(l .. I 11.aim• llldt'r J't'r,..1n, ~·•ulJ will lf''\d lln•nc1.il •upri•n bc'C:c>m,. v.1u .. blo,.1lhf"" •n•rt .anotht'r llllltA I S..pt V l)o I Jil l <>nA <•rnc••rn •rr '"P'"""·ntt'd ranar rr···~'' bf>c,1mr C'}•••I dc•r AQUARIUS I l.1n ~ll· I 1·1• I" I s,..,, Mi•l"f' P",....'"' •n· dr•w,, '" vou m•n• "'"'" h111hh1tht• """Jr"""' '''"II conf1Jr pr.•hlt'm• ••lhrr• h"lr h'U tdC't>r•tt' "'""' '"" oltlra.; lt'\I Ill , .. u 1nJ .. htt'Yl' A•'.11 r mph••" .1 ... ''" tr•\'t•I ""'""'" Jl"'>tr•• to ~••ml' lret'n.I •I rubh~hinit. r•rrn,.hr!'1t'nt w11h l\r""' 11 .. , '-•me-ol •uur lt111Jr .. 1 .i•r•r.itu•n• n•llvt' well '-"'<'••m•· """'''""' , SCORPIO tl'li:t ll N1•v it I ,,.~ PISCrc; ti ••It Ill M.it1 h .O! l>!-c1 .appn-..ch "~"""'"" ii inn•m•• J"·lf',,h•I ~11111 rl".l(ht..J en '''nn<-ct1t>n with li11,,1• "1., ~ .tclllf_. ... 1 1,1 ~""'' ,.141u' qu••' 111>n •••mml"n••' '"'''I'""'· m•rH•l •t.l• l •••u~ i•n inJ•s-.·nJf'ni«' <>re1t•n•hl} 111~ '"u ll ~ •~&. .... 1 h• p.1rt1C1p.att' rn welt.nanru 11, """ rod,, 111 .. w '""" th.int.it-It' o•mmunet rl'<•lf\t I \uru~ n•uld IM' ••n hi•nivn t,r.1 n-rtf'Wnll"1 l.f<1. ~••rr11• ,....,....,", 1n~1•lvrJ Ir A\;C.Ut,T 18 1c; '\'() It BllU 11 · SAGITI AIUUS 1 ~" lZ l>w 211 OA'\' 'ruu Hf' ht'.tJ•lr\llll 1Jr.tl1"" '\'our. ... ~t'J to ,1i1o1 1Jt" ternf' tot'twttn J\n'" I it-or .. f't'N"!M rl.a\ ll'\' r\'ll'!l 1n Juh~ ,-1 11.>mf' •nJ 11 '""r~ fh" \'\•nJ1 'r••ur hit' 'l'i•u ,,.,. .illr.kh"" J\ n•m• 1mn 1• t•mp•HU)' mo1 &.• th•t 'IHr i"'"""' \('nw-111 Jr.im.a .inJ 1'hu1oo>m1n · luJitll'l•nt 1n1u111,.,n on to1~1·1 \;,alu.al-11' •h•p '1 "u al"' "" !llut-1"'•rn "'"'•ntu hf'lr "'"''"t'd ln•m l .tncl'r """"" an<I 1n lt•vr with lovf' ( urr•nt nil,. APRICOAN 1llf'\ l2 Jan IQ) [>1 I Du1"1 art•tl s Dew• 9 Soft dt1nlls 14 Flied amount 15 Und led 18 Sclenl 11 Al!.,-ed pr•t 18 Molten r°'" 19 ci-20POOi 1 .. t 22 Of• flnOer• 23 -(JltnGlon 2•-or~ 25~ 28 =~golf c~ J2 Each 33 0.vtde 34 Ear pt•I 3~ CauM to go 3e HOiy 37 V1e11m 31 WI un111 3t Nol ttut 40 01.--u. •1 1one 43 -OUI eVOid e Comtniltnenl 44 UneMI 45 W11 deit, 41 long etoelt 40 Artie._ ot OOlhtnQ 53Up~ -~ Cemout b100 55 Metadof • toe ~ Unf .. tened 57 Eatly Ot1ooen SI Ft-=ie 5t Entic:. eo °' .. "' II A"'tfeOf DOWN 1 °'°"" 2 Agaon· 3 AMfs Ct1a,pttn • Nofm 5 Dttt.rent • s.i. ttcf'leie 1 PteMnted 8 Or-" Jeller 9 Strong doll'I 10 Fruit 11 ~•(oull t 2 lO\le In lalln t3 Without 21 PrQPetty 22 Slory lealOI'\ 24 Areb ehttlf 25 ....... 20 Incident 27 Q I 28 V•tige 2951111'1~1 30 Tee -•-3t OUeenl't 33 StOVot P*l h1Ahl11thh 1nJtri•n111•n, .. lf't'!lh •I •n in nnlt'l'. (lllVf' lull pl•\ to '"IC'lll'\t1&<1l ( nr" d1F\"\l1<•1\ l>u1"1n1t s.-rc .. mtwr c ,.,.. tu it \\hat h•i.I ~"" thrnu1frJ 1 n ...... 1u•c.., "'r "'" ll 1mprrn1 ""' n IYlf' In\ tlrf\ l'flf'•"•, t-tn•I 1t •'' ll'""t"r 1--..---t--+-- Monct111, Auguat 11, 1111 li1tht M.ir11•I M.1111$ 1'>111 •'"'' <t•mm•n,t •llt'ntoon l if'l!llnl ltjlU'"° rr:pm1nf't1tl\ AO AAll,;S O•n 20 i;,., I I r • idf to1I..-rn•I" Ma~" 1nq1unn en• "' •ln an•wt'n> • <'llntr• IN 1,1 clt'vn ,.,.,.. 111•n~ MajOf with will t-.> fulf1lltod 1n "r•m•I..: fnhmn Mon"' •nJ pn.>pt'r1) will t... 1nvi•l•f'Cf Pl S (hti l•·~hn;h 201 flf'• m•nt ,,, lu1 .. llnlll\I r1Jt' """h Vl•U •• vou CT\ulJ win &.nt t Oillr,..ot mf'lh· ("1 J 1m1•""-' ll\Vt•l¥.d 'l'U II "" ,... m1nJf'd 1n plNMnt nwnnf'r 1 r ""K•lv• h••n (llfl nl\1n1 d1tt flulnhul"I It AU<.l 1 lt t '\'OUa •llllfl• 6 Move tmOOthly 3 7 s.eoncS •taoe 311 Speect, new 40 Tenure 4~ A••en 43 Mor• cordial 45 "A~- 46 a.gna 41 F alher, WI Arebtc ..,,,~,. 49 Writer -Videl 50 • Hlgtl .-.. $1 HOt'll r90t 62 L.Ot19 lftort 54 Tye» of ~urt 12 13 I ( I t c y a '9 .. ~Ill -• -·. & ........ ... •t=L ot 01.i"'"' IM • -• _ ... r::"•"'°'' 'E. A1 -.i-~T• .. -r'!'~~="'lt"'I "''·""· • ~ ...... -~.::::, ... _ IM M • 1 ~~= M .. !:!:hi Cll' -·· ;. T ....... w-: I II&= .. .:.~ ',., of·-.....,_,. .--or ---....,.,... COin CT _ ... _ -=~ • -d -::::::;;;:;; ' At;~-~=llyL:r·,-~Ci.~ .. ~ 0 ,_ .... __ '::"-orT..-.'9U. Tt Ill .... _ :.~(11~-0.."l ._I II Al::.:.:' .. -..of ••• 'l:"'o. ~ ...... "la..·-· '~.... --=.=... ~~":: -~::;:.... :.::.':t.'::h'::.··.::: ~':;\ ............ -::u:.-•:i A ~. "':'~ ._ ...., -., -.__.,... "' ,.. -o1 -••--u11111 --"· "'· .,, ::"" ~,:,":."= M -~ .~ • tbm THI 'IT lll9Cf by Sl\w11t V•~ * ~ ,,,...... ....... T• 0 DlaD .._., .. --.... Uled -.... "° 1*90n ,_ --·r _, ~ flat 0.0.... 8nd TIM FotnlQl'lt 1n "• ......_, 11111 Ted ,,_ .... OI M lruelH, ., •110H11or .~cw IM Piii tne ~. ~ 1n1ur _, ati•allla • on nw FlllA• ........... M ..,_tld • SUl*ior Court ol 89~ Court -..,.., IM lrualH, ot a11bt1ll11t•cl TRUITU'l IA&i ....0 IDTICI ..... "IM tlllerit) ~ ..,... of .. ...,..., llrm. .,. dallnl ~ ~·~ 10 C911f0fn~-. County ol 19. . OountY ot ~ ~ to IN \'~ AM IN DePAUl.T Tlte '*"9(1) Md -Oiied 1(11, 1•1 LAGUNA .,._.., ~ .-.. .. ot ORANGE' IE ..... At--o..t ef tn.I -*d br UNDlfll A DHO 0, ....,_..... n•H ecldrHe of '"' flleflle .... Wencl WAM 140 the decedent. THE PETITION HE ·l PETITION -TO~ HAW H. llHNMt .... TIMrf OATID JUl.V 03. In .ccardll• W11'1 .. bu11ert1) "*._: !,!fUOC '"bllaflecl· N"'ewport ...... Celt. THE PETITION tfqUfflS '1•t Stun ,..,... !Mt .. °"'1 T ow ... ..._ OOfdeCI 01flll1•1 In lclOll ,. UNii1i \'OU TAKI! llfOWWol• .. lelllort 11100 NQUYIN, ,_ ..,llTOl, haeft~tllt M... JJtlol w ... c ..... ~· .u4hortty '° v•11ele and Tina ,,...,,. " ~ .. --~. lnlt. No. "'°""I ACTION TO , .. OTfCT ;;;;;;;; 11?11 .... c... ~OITA Ml~. A&.,.r 1'7, ,... -... a.. 9dtNnll., ..,. ...... FO&nlghl " f!Ppoil'ted •t "'110nlltl ,.~ .. tw to i-tllilOf• PAT!MEH oLl>IWclel fll9cordll In~ \'OVA PAOHATV, "MAV torM .... end ....... -.... .............. ..,. ....-..... .... '""'· .. \lfld9r h l~ndem pet"ton.i r'Pf"~••v• 10 ...., II• ...... Of OAOM..,.... ,_ tlfd • ofloe °' .. ~ .._. ee IOU> AT A fllUllUC -.. COde ._. ~ , ... -deacn.;;'" .. ...,_ "· AdmlnleWellon ol E ...... ldmlnla•r rtie eW\.. ot IN deced9fl• ~ tor .,, ...., to COfdlt ol OMHG! COunlY, Ml!. 1, YOU NHO AH due .,, uripeld ..._. tei 119Nfel!Y 1 ntn1 _::: .,._ .,. IOTllCI .-.,~c.111. -Act. (Thia euthori1y will the-.0.nt TH! PETITION~ NIM t'Oftl 'ATE· Callornie, end~ fo IXPLAHATIOH 01' THI tot..._..,._.,. °""II 'UANIT'UMIL. .... T.,,.,....., D"' ~ Thi• bllel1 .... allow !he ~II THE PETITION '9CIUM• h ~r1 MIH UADM•NtlH TOW. Nolc9 of o.ttul.llnd NATURf Of' THl fltAO. 19 _,....ti> a 1er1 IM9ll' I QUIPM!Nr, nA ''" clUCtldby..,, ,..,,...ntaltve to take 1'9qUet.11 11tuthonty 1o WLL end codClla, II My, MONDONNA 'ATEMEH !i.ctloft 10 ... lheteuncltf Cl!DIHQ AOAINST VOU, ent to Mdlon 211QI ot NAMt . 0 0 0 00NDTWl2ILILT, ,... nte teillltrMt( m1n:\11ellona wltlout edn._f\lster tM tslate M ~ IO proM.. IZM>MAHUH recorded 03/22111 In looll YOU IHOULO CON'TA.'CT Mild code on ._ 1100C19 LIAHH L I n ..... el menc9c1 lo oba court ~ under the· ·~n<Mnt Th9 wil lltM any code "'II~ ord9Nd 1Nt ... INt. No. IM32800 A lAWV!A n.•~ CIMOrttled'. Ind,.,., fM""1VIMINT, AHO ........ Sfl., ,_ ur.-.. Before king~ very Admin11lration OI Ettalff.,. •valable '°' .............. d In of Mid Ofloial "-cordl. °" KPTfMHA •• '"1, due "°"Cle ,.,.,,.. ..... COY!HAHT NOT TO COM-......... .. ...... NllMe( ~11anl .ce1on, Ac1 (Thrs authority will •llmln•tiOl'l In IM lite Mpl ... .._ ....... beb'I ..... on Oll23I 11tl .. •I 1 00 P.M., "'°'"' gtwn '° ..... Mown IO PET!. Public tlOdce .. ~ ~on:,... howevw, IM ~ .now th• p~ l>y l\e COU<t ttlll _.. In °"*""*" t·48 AM. et At the INll1 SIONAL fORECLOSUAE delm al\ .,_... "**" Md .,.. loceted M ' 3M3 aMMI thef JOHN HIETT. W,,_ C. l°'°9 ..,._...,. H rn;,; ., .. ,_,. ... , IO ... THE PETITION No. IA .. ... °'W9 -) ...,,_ IO ... COOPOllATION • .... op. "'" "" -.,,,_ " I . lftllTOL IT•l~ PATftlCIA HIETJ'.._ ind -.. ,_ ,.qulr9d ID olw ~ lo meny llCtlOOS Wll\OUI 1'9qU•11 eulhoflty to COuney ......-ColM'I .. county oourthOU ... 100 point.cl TruetM UNtat llnd ~ ~ '°' ~ °' COSTA MUA, CN.J, JAMO E MOKlt~l' end wtlh IN CollfllY in1erestld persons uni... ob1811'1mg COUf1 approv.i lldmlnlt .. r 'lhe Mlllt "" ...._. ...,., abcM Ctvfc Cent., DA, W••• pur9Yal1t 10 OMd of TNM. Midi ,._ hMlg ~ MA JOllHH! ~. ,_.. Orange County tMy have waived nob or a.tot• falling ce11a1n ve<y undtf lhe l~nden on AUOUIT 21. 1111. at SwD ,,,,.., CA • publiC •~by NASER H IE· Wiii be IOlcl M puMc "'°' n. ~ .... la~ totore doing . b11'1n•H t 11tt COl'IMN'ltiad ID IM propo99d lmpo""111 •ctlont '-dmlnlstra~n ol Est• 2'00 o·~ p.m • end "'" auction, "° the ~ bid HNAM, AN UNMAARll!O tion by JoM ...... ~ to be ~ • ..... under tM ~ llJm • 11etlon) T"-lndit,,_ndel'lt tiow.ver the ~on Ad (This aulhofify end ._. tt'OW ceuee, II def flor cMfl ~ II MAN, at T1u•tor(1) r• tlOMtf CSL-A170t at MO oflcie of fNT ~~ .,.,,,. end ~ ot THE Publlll\9d ............ ,......,. ,. .. ...;,.,,. woh alow lhl ,_....,""' -·""".., ... .., -ol .... In ...., OO<dld AUOUST 00, I-a --· ~ COOW II'° W -l'UCIC ....... HEJll, " -wll be Ql'Mtiad u,._ en requr9d '° give notlc• 1 '9pteMl'ltahv• k) llllk• Won tOr °'*"' ot ,...,... money ot th• Untied .. 1na1. NO IMM2t490 1n of 0reng9, ....,. of cwi. IM.YO~ ITL 110, LOI AH- 21001 La Pu, aty °'Mi. N9wpof1 ln1M•'9d person fllee an inl*"tld f*sona 111'1le nwiy . Kllont wll\oul lftOllld not be.......... ......). II rtghe, ..... end boo11 -PtOe -Of Ofllclel lomla on IM 21th dey of G!U!a, CA IOOOI end tM alon Vlete>. County of Of. guet 1'7, M, 31, objl< ... " ... -.................. "" .... _ ""'" ........ ··---. -· -..... -....... 0 ................ 1 ... " .... -- -............ -1,ll01 and shows oood CIUH COl'IMl'ltld IO th41 propote htor• fakll'lg C.rllll'I v«y ~ of .. Ofdef to ehow now MkS by II '-*' Mid County Atcotdtf of ~· T-""1 lof IM .... .,. caef'I hllttmMr s. t"t dkf Ol'I IM , .. dey of Air why the courl' should not ec:tion ) TM indepe~t lnipOrtMI •cllont. c•u.. be Sklbllahed In OMd of Trwt In IM prop. ANOE: County, CAUFOA· onty S... au~ to ean-n,.· bt.1111 .... IUbjeel to CIUtl *1, by ""** COf1'o -------, grant the •ufl0tlty edminlslralion authofi how.v.r, th41 personal Newport llucl\.Co1ta erty lltulted In Mid County NIA. celfetion. l..andtofd ,...,_ C•llfornla Untlorm Co""' Mn!; dletotv. the Mid pert••------.., A HEARING Ol'I .... wll be 9fMled uni.ss • repreMnllltllY• will be ..... ~ • .,.,_.,..,., of llnd Stale llnd dMCtlbed.. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC IM right IO bid. Below I• I m•rcfal Cod• ••ctlon '*9hlp llnd t.rmfnete "*' ~ P4J•tion will be held on 1nl9rH'-d !*SOn hlff 11 ~Ired IO gi\19 notice I DfMftl clrculellon pub-rollowt: AUCTION TO HIQHEST ffll of namet and unit numo 0109 2 f r•latlon1 u partn•t1 _ __;...;..iii;iiii;;ii1 S•pi.mber 5, 1991 •I 1.45 ot>,.ction lo the P•l1tlon lnler .... d J)eflOn.t ~nle Dehed In tNa COW!ly, el EXHIBIT "A" 8 f 0 DER F 0 R CASH. befl. TM N"'9 end tldctr ... O therein PM In Dept 3A localed •I Md shows good a1us they heve waived nolk:e o IMll ~ • WMll tot four PARCEL 1: CASHIER'S CHECK OR Al1t ~ Ooda4t; A153 tl\a per1on will\ whom Said bua1neu In th• fu· l•IRH• 700 Civic C.nt9r Drive wh th• eoun should not COl'IMn•d lo lhe pr090se conMCUt1ve WMl!e prtot to UNIT <44 AS SHOWN ANO CERTIFIED CHECK. (pay· Alan Walktr; 812 Romer C. clelm1 mey be fttact la IUt• w11f be condUCltd by West. Santa Ana. CA gr~t 11\e aulhorlty ec:llon) The mctapendtnl t"-day of IM heel'lng. DESCRIBED IN THE CON· ebl• al time ol Nit In 141w-snc.; 1118 N9'\le Tavtof; FIAST OITOtY l!SCA8~.wd • JAMES e. McKINNEY end The fl'~ ~2701 A HEARING on u1e ldmlnltlt•llon authority TULLY N. ~. OOMINIUM PLAN RE· tut money ol th• Unlrad B33 Skltltd eonauuctton; 2140 W ymplc •Y .. JOANNI McKINNEY. WhO .,. dOlnll bUllneat IF YOU OBJECT TO petillon will be held on wil be gran .. d unless en COMMllllOM•R OF CORDED IN BOOI( 1264t, S1at11, pay1bl9 to Prol••· IMS florty Love Ttnnl1 Ste. 210, Loe Ange1411. f• will pey and dl1ehar09 .it PACWICA. 118~ the granting of the pelitlon. S•P.tember 5 1991 •t 1 4 lnte<ested 1>41rson hits an T ". • u ...... 0 .. PAGE 897. OFFICIAL llonal For.olo1Uf• Corpo-Sl\op; C33 o.rwtn Strong; 900oe and th• IMC day It Of llabllltlea Md dft)(a ol tha N•wporl IHCh you should appear at the p M in Dept ' 3A localed 111 objection fO the peUllon COURT RECORDS OF ORANGE retlon I AT TH[ NORTH C57 Jerry M'*'": CtO Jodi fltlnQ claims by any cr9d"°i 11fm #I reottw .. mon1et t2M2 hearing and state your 700 Civic Center Ortv• end thows good cause COUNTY, CAUFOANIA. FRONf ENTRANCE TO SmJlh: ct1 Mlch4111e Greer; INll be SepltMber 4, 1 peyablt to the tlnn. J.M Whltnay, Inc. objeCllOns or Ille wrinan w .. 1. po Box 838 Santa why the courf should nol DATSt JUL te tM1 PARCEL 2: AN UNOI· THE COUNTV COURT· 029 'Melvln t<lllgo• OM wtlk:h II IM bullnee1 day ,Ut1h« noeq le h«l'by 1ng1Qf1 1236 2ncf obiec11<>ns w11h the court Ana CA 92702-0838 grent tht 11tulhor1ty Mlf'V Ellubetn On, 428 VIOEO l/19TH INTEREST HOUS~ 700 CMC CEN· JamH t<i czmar•k; E24 before IM anddpe19d a..i. 9fvtn u,ee the ~ aftle, WMNngeon b91or• the heanng Your tF YOU OBJECT TO A HEARING on !he N. OluMll, Or.ng., CA AS A TENANT IN CO~· TER DHl\IE WEST, SANTA Dll'llel flelct1; E74 Mlll'lt d .. • ·~ •~Ml will not be rtep0n9lble, Tiiie bu1ln•1t tlPPHt•ne. may be In lhe granUng ol lh• pelllion 1>41llllon will b• Mid on 82988 MON IN THE fEE INTE • ANA, CALIFORNIA .. rlgtll. SI• Man.: Ell7 Gl90or; Oel9d: !""'¥1111 • rrom lhll clllty bn, tor Illy ducted by: t person or by your attorney you should appear at the Sepi.mt>er 5. 1991 1111 45 Publlal\•d Newport EST IN ANO TO THE CO~ litt. llnd lnl«Nt conveyed Chaplin; E107 JlmH PHU 0 C NQUYEN • obllgatlon Incurred ~y IM Th• regtatran (1 IF YOU ARE A Mlltll'lg and stale you p M In Oepl 3A localed Ill Buch.Cott• M•H Pllol MON AREA Of LOT 2 TUE to and now held by h o..ton: F$9 f0f1Y Love lklytt(I) N I OIMrl In hi. her theil' own l'1'lflfloed lo CREDITOR °' Ill ob llO or Ide wriUen 700 Cwtc Center D11ve 3 o TRACT NO. 9859. IN on under u ld Deed of Trutl In TtMll ~· RSI CJll Krl.. Pub II a I\• d • w Po r name or In IN l'lltna of IM ,,_.. und9f 1M con1lngen1 cradttor ol th• obi:llOg~ with lht COUl't Wes1. PO Boie 838. Santa July 27• ~ • I • 17• CITY OF NEWPORT lh• ~ llluat.cl In llan; FIO Qlfb of Hand; BHch<Co111 M•H Pilot firm au.IMH Nam•(• deceased, you must Ille Mtor• tM heannv Your Arla CA 92702 1991 s BEACH, COUN'TY....,OFc~· Mid Couf1ty llnd S1&1• 69-F100 M90Qle eu..it: F127 August 17, 1991. "824 DATED AT Laguna Hiiia, •bow on· your claim with the court arance nV'I bt in tF YOU OBJECT TO a523 ANGE STATE vr • 9C:fibed u : RObln ROhs; 014 John c.iitomia. lhl• 3111 day of 1990 and 1M1I a copy lo lh• =~on or by youll'IUOfney the granting of the pehtion. F°':tN'tc,Af P~:P ~~· ~EXHIBIT A' Sunqul11; 048 St•v• Juty. 1"1 JN WN!ney, personal ,..pres.ntattv• IF YO\J ARE A you should appear ., the .. •1uc -TICE co 0 N OF PARCEL I Strong: Gee Dwtgtlt o..mt; .. •auc -TICE ,etTtote tff9tt Thie "*"*"' llppol'lled by lh• COUt1 CREDITOR Of a h41911nQ and state your rv -PAGES '· 2, AND 3 PS UNIT .. AS SHOWN AND H12S Ernest Dan.by; H164 rv '"' Btck • CaHllO, Al· with t"-COUnty w1tiin lour months from contingent ctiidtlOt of the obellons 0t file wr111tn OM tOOa432 MISCELLANE°'t,~J4A AS OESCRIBEO IN THE CON· fngrld fndnu; H159 Mona NOTtCa CW IC>r'M)'I 24022 c.it. d• la <>reno-County on the date ol hrst issuance of dec:eAs@d, you '1'1Y$I tile ob tiOns wtlh the coun NOTICa OP TIM• ~~HSA~RMC?s DEFINED DOMINIUM PLAN RE· Hiii; Htt7 laN SteYene; APPUCATtON TO Piiia ~ 300, Laguna 8, 1111 leUers as provided tn your cl:um with the court be re 1M hearing You1 LACaOF T10t.EENTlnED CORDED IN BOOK 12641, H211 Myco~ t• LA&.COMOUC •CA tn53 (7 4 ) 855-P secllOn 9100 of ltte lltnd n~il a copy to the appear11tnce may be 1n ANO P SAL.a !~~l~~ONS" OF THE PAGE 987, OFFICl~L Publlifl•d Newport LSYRMO•a Hiiie. 1 Pl.lbttlMd Cotta Ca!llomll Probate Code personal repr1t$entallve 1>41rson or by your anorney PUaLIC DECLARATION OF COV· RECOROS OF ORAN E BHcl\.COsta M... Piiot • It M Con. 92SO Hfow1)0rt BMch Tho '"'"'IM lolooO '"""" ~lod b !ho '°"" IF YOU ARE A Of'COUA-COUNTY,CAUFOANIA A"'"'' 10, 17, 1991 To W>om ay Publllhld Nowpo<I 3 •• 001 l"P•• belMe IOu• :~, lou• ~ ........ CREOITOR M • ( .... -..... ~tN~:Snf..\'T':l::1'0~,". PARCEL.:,· OED l/ltTM Sa5'2 :,"S'.:.!."':1fRi.::r::.::. ... oh.CO.II M"' "'°' r~..:r '" I, months lrom ltt• h.anng the da1e ol l1rs1 issuance ol conlingent credt0t or tie ~. u.c.c.t CORDEO IN BOOK l2573, 1,:--:'eR~~T ~~ A TENANT Ing 'iO'ih• · ~rtment of Augu9t 1'7, 1991 · date no1tced above NE teners as provided n dtce&Md, you rNtt hie Notloe 11 h«•by given by PAO E 870 OFFICIAL IN COMMON IN THE FEE PUlllC NOTICE AloOholto 84Ner ComrOI See21 YOU MAY EXAMI section 9100 ol the y04Jr claim wll\ the court th• und•retgn4td thet • RECORDS o THE alcohollc ~ lh41 file k.llpt by th• coun fl Calilornl& Proballf Code and mall • copy lo th• publie NI• or th• IOllowlng EXCEPT ALL OIL, GAS h~~~~J l~:f'bl LOT 2 Flottttou. I~ ~~1 VI.a Oporto, i:. -c• PUIUC NO you .,. • person Tfie hme 101 ltlino clc\Jms f)el"SOf'lal rtptlMntallVt d .. c:rib9d coltat«al WUf be MINEAALS ANO OTHER ACT NO 9859 IN 9u&lneu Name • 0 N rt BHch MlJC -• • interested In lhe estale, wll nol expire befor• lour lltl>Poln19d by the court held at lh• hoot ol 11:00 HYDROCARBON SUB· ~~E ~ITY OF NEWpQRT tta-.m.nt ~· Wft~w~~ On sate ---------Ploltn181 you may Ille W11h fl• court months lrom !tie ht!Mng wll\ln lour months from o'clock A.M., on lht 25th STANCES IN ANO UNDER BEACH COUNTY OF OR· Th41 FOllOWlng 1>41rton1 ""' d Wine Publle Pr• .... a. ..... ... e lormel A•qu"t lor dalti noticed ~bov1 1M dale ol llrst luuanct Of day of Augu1t, 1991, 11 SAID lAND LYING BELOW • OF CALI b I . in ,........,. 8tt ... .-t!Mf Spocial Nolloo ol ~· "'"S YOU MAY EXAMINE ...... " P'°'idld 1" "35A Nowpo" Blvd., A DEPTH OF 500 Fm ~~~iA s..r:T.'\,R MAP RE: 'B'o'Wi:' ~oM•; :•,;VE· ~~:\'::::°J'l Now 0 <1 -·--Tho F-~~-=-I ~r::.z-u!:'b ....... ,, ., ... """" • ~~,. ·~:::' .... 01 eo:: ~o IOI %°' Co•';,:':; Wlll<OUT THE RIGHT OF COROEi> IN BOOK "" c LE. N' NO s. AV I c E. Bmh-Cool• MIH ...... .......... ... --......... Ion you ar• 1 per 90 n Th Ima I fit' la.I ounry o ange, SURFACE ENmY AS RE· PAOES 1 2 ANO 3 OF 22982 Cumlnlto P111a, L.-AUQOll 17 l"t TM IOllowtng pereons ar• EARL'S LAH ~co~~. ·~ ~~d ?~ lnt.,ested, In !heh .......... wll· ~I •• :. b."Por~ .~ C~l!om1,•·,1on of Collet.,•I SERVED BY DEEDS OF MISCELLANe'ous MAPS. gun• HUis. C1llf 92e2t • N823 d()lnQ butlnau ... NO: WMt Coll1 HWy., 8 1h you may 11 • wn ••• court ...... lltrin (V.ICr p ~ RECORD. Of SAID COUNTY. AS Cl'leryl Rob«U. 22982 Cu-ON.[JNI! EOm • 1on 8"ch, Callf. t2te3 ~~n la ~~~at• ~00. x Ill lormal R•quqt fi)'" ~ .. lhs..!~m~. he g C,,<?RMP .. Ct}0E~ESRIP~~! .. ,· EXCEPT THEREFROM SUCH TERM IS OEFINEO cnlnlto Plata, ~NI H11t1. Arroyo Ort11a, fl'ulttrton. GCHdon S Bart a om ic Spec:ial Nol:ice ol lhe nng ... no WCI\ "" "-AU. WATER ANO SUBSUR· IN THE ARTICLE ENTITLED Calif 92528 PUBLIC NOTICI Calif. '"33 1124 E. Balbol Roquosl IO• -Nol •of ., onvonlO<y ... YOU MAY EXAMINE EOUIPMENT FACE WATER RIOHTS. OEFIHllTIONS OF THE Thi• bu•l"m 11 ,... ...... ..... -,. 111'1' -Calli -· lonn b ""''""" "°"' ~· .... -1 ol """ ........... Mpl br doo '°"" n Thlo -II ..... hold lo 8ElOW A DEPTH OF 500 DECWIATIOf< OF 000/· ...... by. on.......,,. MOTICI OP A"oyo D•lv1, F .. 1"100. Thi• ""''"'" I "°"" ''°"' . °' ol 1nr • ....... o• I: 1 " I '"''°" onlo<~ ""' """" ol W ... FEET, WITHOUT THE ENANTS, CONDITIONS The "0111""'(0) <O"' AV.......un Cll' Call!. 92133 """"'by."' A"""';i.'°'"'"-'· """"'I OS ... -.. " -lld In Uoo -"· F•go .... """'M<urily RIGHT OF SURFACE AND RESTRICTIOf<S RE· -lo.,._, bu.. ..-. .. -T ShWon 0.-wood. 2313 Tho """"nl(I ~.o~~o~o~~~ H cbon p1250 ol th• you ~',1" ~~::.co~~ agtHt'Mnt~l\I ~~:: ENTRY, AS DEOICATEO CORDEO IN BOOK 12573, n.t• undtr th• Flc11UOU. Pureu1nl to StCllOl'I NavaJo. Pllctnll&, Calif menced 1o tr r Calilornia tobal~ coo. A \,.cillt Clc9 ol lh fill Dltcovnl • nc . OR RESERVED IN INSTnu. PAGE 810 OFFICIAL Bua.IMU Nam•(•) llt1td 81CM(d) Ol IM tntern.i "-t2f'70 OMI under the Pc.o. Box 300 '1 .. _ CA Requesl lor Soecial NoUc:• s, All Noln OID"' • .::s Hfow1)0rt Blvd..! .• ~· 101. MENTS Of RECORD RECORDS •b0¥I on· N/A •nut Coda, nollca I• Thi• b111lntt• It con-lkntMH N•m•(•I orona • -r • torm IS available lrom lhe o •n ven ·, Col1JI M .. 1. l,;tlfnOmlt on PAACEl 3. EXCEPT AU. OIL, GAS C'*Yt Rober1a gNw\ INt tM ~ ~ by co.p.,,,. abow on· NIA t2t2S a.. IC coun ci.<k 96'Pf~Slltl of "1·~~.:-· Illa "' Sacramemo, Caltfor· EASEMENTS AS SUCH MINERALS ANO OTiiER This stat4lmMI WN filtd ::..~ fCf IM 1t9CMt The r•gl1tranl(•) com-Oorctoo 8al1tnbro~ ~:::P:tot Ch osta ~~R'~ fS' :er~or:' ~c!nl -:I 8i:Vld9d ~ nlTh. collattral Wiii .,_ evlllJ. EASEM!NTS AAE PAAIN· HYDROCARBON SUS. witn en. County CIM of FISCAL PfRIOO ol lh• menced lo ~~ Thie IUI~...!. A 7 20 24 t991 ._..llo 125 I lhe TICULARLV SET FORTH STANCES IH ANO UNOEA Of~ Coumy on~ IRVIN C QtAPMAH FOUN-MN und9f w,.. .............. wftl\ IM ..._"' ug t I001 hvlM C.nt.r Drlv• ~I n Prob I ~ A able tot lnepecUon on Sal· THE ARTICLE ENTITt.EO SAID LANO LYING BELOW 7. 1"1 CATION a eUl)90Y1 O<genl-Bulln.11 Nlfnt(I) 9d Orang. Coumy on. TIC! ~~ 1~A 92711 R~~lor S :C-aat NolN:e r'9YtO~ to'1!:0C:s:;>~· "EASEMENTS'' OF THE A OEPTii Of 500 FEET '5029 .. UtiOn It evaltab19 al 11\e .t>ovt on· Juty IS. 1091 t. t091 PUIUC llO N:.";.;, a.ado-co,,. '°"';. •.:,,~•..C. ,...., ~· !;' ._ • oo AM .0 ""° ~'-&R:~:. "ue:J'e':i mo,~ ~~~IGA~ .l:' ~""~:.. ... ""!'" i:""'~ ~ = \;;. ...... =., -... ,...,,... ~~ STAnMIJIT Of' M1>1 Polo! <ou < . AM "' -ol ... TH£ SECTION HEADINGS SERVED OV DEEDS 0.-·-·~· ~ i.""" ".o:;;i.o;;l, -"" eo...y CO... ol """" .... _...,.Of' .... 15 17 22 ' .. I ~::o;:•~0~~~'l.'1:':~. -.. SUCH ARTICl£ EN-••CORO. -17 ..... I. -• m .. ~ M .., .., ... .,..... ~ on July "· N";";';' .. " UH Of' PlCTtTIOUI • nu notlc• ,, 9"'9n In ac· TITLED AS FOLLOWS EXCEPT THEREFROM 1 1"1 190 who faQU..11 ,, Within t991 VU• . . 8USIN ... MAMI PUILIC NOT·te• ~ K•IMr Pl•u =~~.:!, :1~ ~ ·RIGHTS ANO DUTIES ALL WATER ANO SUBSUA· SMI03 llO deys '""' IM dat• of , P4M'711 7, t991 -rn. folkM!ng P«tonl '" St 2360 1 o • UTILITIES ANO CABLE FACE WAT~ RIGHTS, Ihle put>lletl'IOl'I Publlahecl ~ BNch-l-------i l'lllW llbandonedlM UM of ,...._............. o:tti.nd CA 14612 dMllon ~!: oCodf IM~~,: TELEVISION", SUPPORT, BfLOW A DEPTH OF 600 PUIUC NOTICE Th41 foundellon'• ptlnclpal Colt• M ... Pll04 Juty 27, ---------1 th• Flctltlou1 Bu1lnHt ,..,....,uvv N ~chlC I Com~-.-• o SETTLEMENT ANO EN-FEET WITHOUT THE ofTlc:• 11 loeat9d 11 2982 A 3 lO t7 1991 Nim• SANOERSON..J hNneM Neme M:=~lot os 8 Stat• Of Celtfornla. CROACHMENT ·• ' IN· RIOH'T OF SURFACE flcttttou• Airway Av•nu•. Colla ug\31 ' ' ' Se-4lll -------t RAY DEVELOPMENT · LA ltatement Aug 15 17 22 1991 D1l~A~~llS~~ 1~3f708 GRESS. EGRESS ANO ENTRV, AS DEDICATED au .. NQ Neme M .... CA 82t2t PALMA. ~Whit• Ro9d, Tll9 Followtng per.one ~tg,...J~. n, RECREATIONAL RIGHTS', OR RESERVED IN INSffiU· lte...._.. . The prlneip.1 maneo., OI ---------1 Sult• ISO, lrvl~. Cell! ar• doing l)utlneu u : PUBLIC NOTIC! S coy •No. HoltywOOd. "EXCLUSIVE RESTRICTEO MENTS OF RECORD. rn. toflOwlng '*'°"' .,. the fOUf'ldauon 11 lr>An C. PUIUC NOTIC! • 112714 INTEGRITY 714 SALON, Ca 81605 COMMON AREA EASE· PAACEL 3· doing bv '""9 ... Cti.pman, Manao•r Th• Flclltloua Bu1lnHI 2828 E. Cout Hwy.. Co-Flotttlou• By: A.Z. Stein N MENr' ANO METER BOX EASEMENTS AS SUCH BOIJTtatr . AUBERGINE Myron E Harpolt, At· '1otlt'"9 NtrM r•terTtd to above rona dei M1t, Callf. 112625 Pub II ah• d • w Po rt EASEMENTS ' EASEMENTS ARE PAR· 2620 s.,, MIQU9I. Newpori t0tn-v or Accounllllt. 810 wu fll9d In Ot•ng• County Gl•nn1 DH J•nntng1. •ualMea N_,,.. BHc:h.Co1t1 Mt.. Piiot PARCEL 4' TICUL.ARL Y SET FOATH IN S.. Calli o2eCio Nlwporl C•nt•r Drive, on Aprll 3, 11188 Fii• 28035 Moulton Pkwy ltetement Augu11 17, 1991 . SA620 EASEMENTS AS SUCH THE ARTICLE ENTITU:O Pr:~illque Callfotnla, 61111• t 240, Newporl Th• flolloWlng No F305518 #204 l.Agune Hiiia. Calif TM Fonowtng Pflf'IOtlS EASEMENTS ARE PAA, "EASEMENTS" OF THE 2820 San MlOIHll Newport S.ech, CA 1129e0 .,. doil'IQ ~ u M 1Calht1419n JI/Ml w R1y. 2fi90 Whit• 9262S .,. dolno bullneH u · TICULARLY SET FC>fmi IN DECLARATION REFER· Beac:h Calif D2eeo Pu bll•h•d N•wport TEN FOOTY INCOME TAXI Mary K lradleV) Ro•d. Sun• 150, lrvt"9, Thi• t>ullnHI II con-CLf~CL, ~~L l~E:i· PUBLIC NOTICE THE ARTICLE ENTIT\..EO ENCEO ABOVE, UNDER Thi• • bu1ln.11 II con-BHch-Coet• MH• Piiot FINANCIAL SERVICES. ~u:'.i. St eo• Cellf 112714 duct9d by· an lndMdual NA I A · Calif "EASEMENTS OF THE THE SECTION HEADINGS ducltd by· 8 corporal'IOl'I Augu1t 17 1119t 702.C Aendolpl'I Av• .• Cald 92e21 ' MIChH I 0 Rey, 211119 Tl'I• reg11trent(•) com-'l3, Coetl M.... l'lotttteu. OEClARATION OF COV· IN SUCH ARTICLE EN-Th• r1g'111ra11t(1) CQm-186.22 eo.UI M..a Callf 82129 Tl\11 bu1lnH1 I White Roed. Suite 160. Ir· mflf1Ced to transac:t bu9'-112e27 T T vel 'N Thi 1 -.,..,_.......... ENANTS, CONDITIONS TITLED AS FOLLOWS" ~ 10 lrenuc:t bYel-c.thy er..Q, f13 Sff'Mow ~9d by· an lllM, Callf 92714 ,,. .. und9r lti. Flc:1l1loul ~ o " E ~ • ttet~ ANO RESTRICTIONS RE· RIGHTS. ANO DUTIES neu under IM F1c:Wou9 .,.11UC NOTIC! LAIM, Cotta M.... Calif Tht r•glatranl(a) CNN 0 Send9rton, Jr . Bu1IMH Nem•(s) lllltd ~nc: · C~fl~a, =. dall~ Tn. FolloWlng ~tone COROEO IN BOOK 12305, UTILITIES AND CABLE Bui MH N1m•(1) bt9d r"V (12$29 menc:l9d lo 2e99 WM• Roed. Sult• above on Jvfy UI, t991 I #I 8 ' If• cfojng 1>u91,_1.. PAGE 14e, RE·RECOROEO TELEVISIONS '. 'SUP· •bolte on· Jvky 22. 199! '1ottttoue Tl\ll bu1lnH1 11 con. ,_. lll'ld• IM ,_ ISO, trvln9, Call! 92714 0'9nn9 J9'1nlng1 9262 7 NEWPORT BUILDERS IN 8001< 12371, PAGE POAT SETTLEMENT ANO ~ OahknlM ~ N oucted by an lndMdUaf BueJMu Ne""{a) This buslnHS WU COO-Thlt 1tel1m9n1 WU filed Tl\11 bullnH• 1!t~on-SUPPLY, 407 BolN. New-327, 80. TH OFrlCIAL ENCROACHMENT'. IN· Thll ei.Cem.nt wu fhd atat-1 eMlt Th• r•gletrant(a) com-abow on=IO, t ducted by 1 ~el 1*1· wttl'I tM County Ci.tit of dUc19d by I COtpOf port S.KI\ Calif 92MJ RECOROS, UNDER THE GRESS, EGRESS ANO with IN County Cl«lc of rNnc:9d lo tranuct ~ Jl4ary t<. l*anlp Or"ang9 Councy on Nty 22. Th• r1ol•tr1nl(I ) = John A Alcl\ardlOl'I. 087 SECTION HEADINGS IN RECREATIONAL RIGHTS .. ~County on .Nty It, rn. Following persona ntu under IN FICUt!OU9 TNa stat.«nen Thi• ~I .... ftled 1991 rMne9d~o ~:%111ou1 Hentord Way, Cott• M .... SUCH AATICLE ~NTTTLEOS EXCLUSIVE RESTRICTEO 1991 '00~ ~y ... As-BullnM• N•IM(I) ••ltd wttfl ...... County Wltn the Counry et.rk ot FMU087 ,_, ., Calif 92e26 AS FOLLOWS RIGHT COMMON AREA EASE· 'I00942 • 2 2 [ I •bow on J4Jty 1 1"1 ~County on Of8"Q9 Counfy on Ju#y 19, Publlahed Costa M"• B:.,lnlH :~<•199N,tt9d Thom11 J Harptt. 611 ANO DUTIES UTILITIES MENT'' ANO METER BOX ~ Newpott 8"cfl. ~~:A.!.!~way ~~ ~ c.thy Cnilg • 1"1 1991 Newport BMcn Pll04 /w-•J .. •~ i,;rKt0t Canyon Vl•w, Laguna AND CABLE TELE Vt-EASEMENTS.' Cotta MMe PllOI J4Jty 27 one dal '48' Calif 928 25 1Wt etet•l'Ml'll wu Iii.ct p Pvblleh.c! Newpo11 BHc:n-c~ ac.. 1 • BHc:I\ Calif 928SI SIONS" SUPPORT. SET· PARCEL 4· ' ' • ,...., 111r11h the County ci.tll of COltl ~ Pilot July 27 gult 17 24 31. _,,,«ne>er Th11 ei.t•mtnl wu filed Orlando J UPKOmb, 2328 TL EM ENT AN 0 EN· EASEMENTS AS SUCH Auguet 3, 10, 17, 11181 Traci A Doltleh, lne • _.1. Of~ County Ol'I Augull Published ~ Augu.t 3 10 17, 1991 7, 1991 s.«)2I ~~·r~ etr.! °! E Joan1 Or, Santa Ana. CROACHMENT , COM· EASEMENTS ARE PAA· Sa·~ ~·· 7~ '1"~,,. t::,· II 1111 Coll.a ...... Piiot S.·508 1 ~-"""' ~nr on .-....yUI Calif 112705 MUNllY FACILrrtES EASE· TICULARLY SET FORTH IN °825' • ' ' FIOala3 Aug.-3. 10, 17 I ---------------------------1 I.any• Blldlng Mater1&11, ' MENT'' ANO DRAINAGE THE ~. ENTITLED PUIUC NOTICI ~url• J Murray 307 Publl1had Cotta M .... -------1 .. Ill.I B1k•r St . Co11.a MHa, CIUTIES ' OECLARATIOH OF COY· '1otftleu9 M Calf t2825 .. "'-"'~ ~II patt'*'thlp, 1 t51 OVER COMMUNITY rA· 'EASEMENTS OF THE Oold•nrod Av• ~one ~ S..Ch Pilot Au-------"'1 •• C1hl 92628 Th9 lfTMt addrn1 Ind ENANTS CONDITIONS ........_ ... _. d-4 Ir, 1 gull 11, 24 ... 1, -..• ---=------------------------1 T1111 1>u1lne11 11 con-other common detlg1'111lon, ANO RESmlCTIONS RE· • .......,. .....,, J~1!c, i~·1~•~1., = 1, '"t -------t 8y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANN AH HIRSCH ANSWV.RS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE Q JZ duct.a by 1 ganetll par1• If any, of th• rNI property CORDED IN IOOK 12005, TM ,...-........ P9fl0n• n41f-"IP Sl-610 ··----119rlhlp delcrlbed at>Ow la PUI• PAGE 748, RE-RECORDED --~"'111 • - Th• r•gl1tr1nt(1) com-ported to 1)9• 0 SAl.ZBURG. IN BOOK 12371. PAGE o~&i'l ~=r ~ ~·,~·1~.n~m. ::: PUIUC NOTICI ...... I ,, mencOd to tranaact busl-NEWPORT BEACH CA !l:tr, BOTH OFFICl"L E WOOdwlnd Dr Orange uneltt the FletillOVt T'h• IOltowlng neH under the Flctlllout 92080 R CORDS, UNDER THE Calif t2teo ' ' ~JnHI Nime(i) Dlttd "1otttteue ~ bv9ine91 ... Q.•-Aa S<>uth. vulnfr bit>, you Bu11not Nama(1) flatecl rn. under.lgMd Truat" SECTION HEAOINOS IN Mid.Ml Jottph Ad9"11C· ll>Ow on: NIA ._......_ MMM GOL,QOL.f, 1185 Q.1-A" South. vulnfrahle. ynu •t>Ow on JIJIV 20, u1e1 dl11ellllm• any llablllly '°'SUCH AATICL! !,!"Tineo iyti, &238 I! Woodwind, Trld A Dotdch, Pf·ffldenl atat......,t n .. r ~r:..1 Hunt hold hold; John A RlCtiardlOn any ~... of IM AS FOLLOWS· RIGHTS Orange Caflf ll2te9 Thi• atattmenl WU tll9d TM Fof'owmg '*'°"' BMcfl, '-'Ml .... +762 •J6 t AQ87-42 •AQ •AK98•Al0932 t AJ92•Vold Th11 1t1ttmtn1 WN fllacl llttet llddr"' 1nC1 other ANO DUTIES" UTIUTIE.~ Thi• builnNI 1 1 con. with the County et.rlc of ar•d()jngl>ullne.... Homa HaNd & fhe biddtn1 has pro<'ttded: The bidding hu proceedtd 01 " the~ Clf."-!! common dHlgnetton. 11 AND CABLE ~~~~ ducted by an lndlV'du•I Or.noe County on Auglnt (a)STERLINO EOIHQTON =·Jr: t:ma No ... h Eut o-uth Weet Eut South Weet North "'f'Or TY on __,,_ fl'IY, ~ h«tln r ... _ A. SNUPO '?N:TC.RO'"CHM"'NT·· Th• r•9111ren1(1) com-'· 1t01 ,INANCIAL (bllT RUNG Tl\11. bu.in... I n C1V "• 190 The tot .. lmOUnl O v,.. " "' "' • menoeC1 to ttanaect busl-P~ lOINGTON ft'INANCIAL I • 4 • ? l • Obi p... 2 • PSOU44 unpeld balane• of lfM ()f)I COMMUNl'f1 'ACIUTlfS ""' und9t tht Fletltl<M Pu llal\ad Co1ta ...__ 1£AV1CES, 242 Cedat $1 • ducttO by. Who! oct1on do YO• tako' p-1 Publl•hed Co•ll Ml,. U•llon ,..,., .. by lhl EA$ MJ.:f. "cl'&..::'O:. lu•IMH N•m1(0) "1 .. ...:.... --"' Nlwpo" Seeoh. Cllll ~ , .. lll•lftl(I) A .-Eaet'• prttmpt hu achieved Wh•t. do )'(>\I hui now? • ~ e.acn Piiot Au. r.~.~. be .. ~.~ ~~IUTI s· •Dove Ol'I Augual a. l"I 11"91 11, 24, 31, s.ptemt)ef 02MJ ~ to 1 t,. pul'J>Off you have • 1ood hend A .-Even thnu1h partnfr • re gvec 11• 24· 31• ~9mbllr co.lilt .. S*IMI Ind tO· T"-"'"' aodrH• and ;;::.~~~ .. flied 1 t"t :;.~ ~~l.. C: '*'-llftd9r h •nd .., ~>n•en,.nt way to ohow It . , ... ,. b hmJINI "' ••m• lO '"''""· ' 1 "' .._ ....... ol ,.,. •mo al .., -""""'°" ---"' eo...y °""' ot ' ...... po.i ._,,, °"" ..... OU-•. "'":"'l All you c:an do 11 double At thia you thould be th1nlun1 of •lam To inlllel PIJbHcellon of the"°' ·If eny. Of IM'*"~ Orange County on August Thia b1111n .. • II COf\o = ~ 1 • h d h . -rt th lie. ofM1t11· Ut.02054 dtectlb9d abo\19 put• ' 1901 --~9d ~ "'~ lfvel. 1t announcee • an wit. ~t tlUa ecrou to parlnfr, na w i ~ ..OTICI 1n eddltion to cnl\. IM IM)f1td IO be I IALZ8UAO. · PIOltM PUIUC NO•""., Th• ,;' 1 1 1ran1(1) com-Thi• "* ,.,. eound value. •nd no dear action, •·cuf' bid of thrN flu ind at.ail Tru9tM w111 ace.pi 1 catl\ N[WPORT ll!ACH, CA .. ..., 1 h-.. Coit• ..... ~ ..... lfo tranMCt bull-wftt\ tn.C4M'l!yeounty • not a trump 11t.ck hla teA<'taon ..,., ,.._.. • .:.:.!:"" ... ~ '• --~ ,_.._....._.... T--.. .............. leech ,!IOI Au-....... 111 .. ~ MM undtf the ~ - 1 "-t.,,.. • Q.2-A• South. vulntrabl«', yw ' hold: •782 9 J8 t AKQ872 •K& • Th. biddin1 ba.1 prcxetdeci Nortla E .. t South W•t • 1• ,. ? , What action do you ulre? • A.-The point count It lh•tam••• in the previou• uample, but thlt h•nd '" vattlY djfferent. Htre, your deftnalvt poC.ntlal 11 wuker and your lrick·t.akln1 cepab llty much enhancf'd Bid tlve d~monda. , .. ,. ~.. ... .. _ .-u.,. • .... "1elN•11• .. _...... n-....-on ........ lll 111.wte °' na...,.-...,,,. ,.,. ... .., .... __ ·-·._ .......... _, •-_........ ------lvalnt11 N""41!•1 ltttd lkt•u1 .._.. cl\edc dt1IWfl by a Wlt.41 0t dl.Claltnl fl'IY llaDll:r ""' OU11 11, 14, 31 _pe..,,..... ............ at>GY9 on ~ IS 18'1 ateti••"' teci.r1r credit uPl!Ol'I or 1 eny lncOfr.ctNN .,:: 1, 1"1 The tolOwtnO P8flOM .. 1._,, o Ciamobell ~ Neiwpon Tht ,~ pett0nt Cheelc drewn by • 1tet• or 1t1M1 adOftu and s.412 dolr1Q butlMM .. ! Thi• llatemeni w11 flltd Coa\11 .,._.. "°' Q .&-Neithtr V\llMrablf. u South an dOlnQ ~ • teci.rlll ~ Md loan commo~ dH~atlon. If . SASAKI AHO TVTTL. AR-IMth Int C°"""'f CMft1 of. AuQull13 1 o, 11, 1 ynu hold: AROOS;pACIFIC OROUP, 111oc1et1on. 11~ng1 n any. •hown ,_ ..... ll<lt PUIUC MOTICI CHITtCTS. 11 Tec:hl'IOIOVf <>ranoe County on Auol* •1083 •AQ8G tAK82 •AJ HO SOU1fl Coe9t Dnve, llOClatiOn °' ~ benll Said Nit _. ~ • DrlY•, Suitt 111. INIM t 1M1 ------1 Y<><U 0 righl hond opponent ..... -~ 200, """" -· :r:::--...:.....~·:: :::......,""':"':.;... 0< .::. -'ii':;,"'.'':..... 11 J-' -M--th~ biddin Wtth thrH heart•. What ~ ~ Cotpor9'lon AIA~Hd to do bu!llrwtl1 plltd. reoar<Jll'IG IJ"9, pot. ...... II ....... notogy onv., """ 111, If· ,ul>U.hed Colt• ...... ....~ atlif>n do you lAlh" 1 CahlOfnl• c.orporetton: In lhil -... In ltle ewnt MOion, °' .~:.,:; __ ~~tont •• vtne,-CMf 12111 Hfow1)0rt ltecfl ~ ~ ---:;,.i;.ii;;.;i A "'"'h' th lVTWI o( hand tfult ~ South Coal onv., ltndlf °"* fftan CUh 11 to PIV "" ----.... .. .. ':.":'.::.:!,..... Aobef1 F ~1..t• T..,. ""' 11, 24. 31, _,,...,,"* ...... JI I .-1 It ti e .1r IYH '°° Cotttt MeM, ~ the TrutlM may of the note(e) MOUt«I •1 dolna bua'.-aa notoQy 0tM ~ 118, It· '7 1"1 " I I makea you rc.-ret that you don't CaJf eiiit ~ ·the l1tuenc. of Miid 0.-d ot lNM, wllt'l In-WHITION O£V!LOPMENT vtnt.-Cltllf .2111 ' ._. 11 The "'"' ploy ptMAlty doobln or -nm1 --· 1 ,,_. ... """"'' -... , ..... -· M """"'"': cgM•tNV, ~... 'a: Thi; """"'" I• ,..,_ -=-":i:,. pffilmpta.. You arf Loo Urt>nf to I'll• oorpot-.on, MO loulh ::'' ~~:.t: In Mid U::''lh.~·Of ~ om .... ~ bV' • 09'*11 '*"' "*'° MOTICI LCILA. 11 ~ .... or to hope that pertntr r.an g::: ..=-c...~200• ~ ""'1 21 o.tct of TNIC, '""· o f Wl\ll1on. HU 'rt!":eo1etr•nl(•) m-~::,:: fllot'9 1 ~pen Bid th'" no trump. Thll butlne•• · I• ~ a.cf .... Wll be tnlde, cn•oee and ..,l>tnMI Of Montt~•Y Ave., Co••• IMf'ICICf. lo 1r....a butt-Pl...,1 WOOd ~ C411f' OUdtd ...,, pn9fal pen. bUI ""'*-~ OI the 'l"*M llf'ld of IN M--. c.lf 92t2e l'IMI under ._ FICWOua ..... SM ._ Thi • ~ I Q.8 -A• &\Ith, vulnonbla, Y"U -~ 1 ---°' .,. ._"-by "'1 ,,_ Th" """"'"' " ,... ........ -•> -...... .-. · -.. • - • ~':-9 J•3 fA"ll """'ff2 Tho "~""'1'1 :::: ::;"' ... ""::......-..::: °' ,,:.-...., _. ol .., %':"",~::;,~~-= :' .!::1'· '"' .. '::,.=.::--,.. ~"f.:'"'l•l 0 ,. ~ Q.&-Both vuln rable. u South "*'C«I "~ ., MtltfY .,. llldittllilcrl,... ur..-s betance of tM Obi· lftetQd lo lranraact ~ Thia .... ,,...,. -. fllM IT l'A • MOO MlillOIO ' Tho blddl .. lw p<O<Ndod ""' hold· ::....":"" ..::,,, --.. --................ .., ... --... --... ._..., ........... c--... ;:::.:-....:,, : W..t North But 8outll •A-• •Q? t AK I0?8 •KQ at>owe on: Aorl 1 1... ~ """""* _.., trto P.f°'*'Y ao be totd "": lueine.e Nam.(11 ltilllCt 0r.,.. County on -Mt ti, CO'Of\t dt4 Mw, ·c.M1, _,.,. ~ .,.,A t ' I • Dbl l t f svu ~ L. W . ~Ill .,.. • ~ -.....n, fHIOnat>lt ullmll• ~ °" Ji4Ay 1', ••1 1•1 '"21 Lale"°"' i. What action do you ulce? Part.Mr open the hlddina .-.th one Thil .... -.en. ... ._ and tf'9 ""'*",,,.,....of oo.tt. ""* ... -:,,.. ~ = Dr. Whttlon .., NI I Ill w..., c IOIOI, T,,... ,,. •• •• !· A.-You baw,too mucb to pua. Melt. What do yoo mpond? ....,. IN~ o-11 ::.,~-::::, i:.:: ~Ofltll~ Ji: .:C::V ~of Ft9dtnca a lflirKl. 1'° ~---~::: .. h C.W,, , Wilh your baJ&nc:td hand, ooe no A.-ID lh OM>dfrrn tylt • jump ~ ~ on ~ prOIAOM ~ Nkt ,..,.. -ol Tf\llltle • IMa Ill ~ ~ on Jt.1r 11, ....,,.,,. C-* Dr • •• ,,_ Jaoo IMt c.... ~ °"""'J • 1 •rum.p i. u,. ob¥ioua action. Don't ahtft. iii meri~ only w1lh handa • PW:I.. :.. ~end ....... •1.110 41. • 1tt1 Newport leec,,, CatU ....-•. eer.. Olf ...,, 1111 l • _.._ cootalnlo1 • lf·tullll-llnt Ult or ol .., -"" " .., Tho •••••< "' .... , •-II -c.111. - 1 t. ~rry ebout not bnin1 • ......--tL. an H~lle.nt ftt for pertner. ,uOll•riect CC*e ...... ~er-.. bf_.. DWI Mid Deed « Tw *"°' ~ ~ hech-~ ~ 11ec1no TMe .,.,..,.... 11 con-.. t r~ ....._. 1 topper putner promJeed tpede -· n .....,_, ~ l'ltot Air « fn.I fore .._.., lnCt ..._ CON ,.._ Hoe Jt#r 111 C:0-~ l"lal Nlf II, ducttd tty a flN'll '*" C.... ..... ,.._ I v•I or n1tb With h ta.bout Thie hand ........ Mi&ller crit.non, 91* 17, M, st, ......... INTE .. ITAU TAUIT lfM lo the ............ • ~ 3 JO 17 1 ,. 1 'Ai91M 10 t?, t•t ,..,.,.... ,.,......,, 10, 17, t doublt. y r bid ft dub 10 stert with a quiet lwo di&mOiMla. ?, 1•1 OtfO KIMQ INC1 Al """-' 0~~·._! J: ... MIO .,..... Tl'Ht r9t11trtm(1) _.,,..;..;..........., _____ "'i ''2~~----------:'Y.:.°"::.:....::can=.CAt::;.:k..:;b;;...;;..up::.-lll_&e_r_._--:~t"'"-'-'\ .... ,. TRUITll, aoo2 uow fault and......._.....~ -!~" ... • • . ·~tat • ~N~~ c.o.t. M.-Plot ~ l 10 17, 24 , .. , ,ACIFtC VIEW llllMONAL,AM ~et"t • Mort\lfll'y Cllapel • C<eMal~ 3~P V...,DrMI ~8Nct\ .... ,,.. STIRTlllG A llEW BUSlllESS?? nw i.., ~ ., th9 PilOt 11 pleMed '° announce • ,.. ~ now ..... "* 10 MW but.,.._ We wtl now SE.ARCH the neme rot you 9t no _,.,.. dllf'Oli and MW you IN dfne and IM lrtp to th9 Coun ~ In ... Na.. TMft. of OCMM, after the M9°Ch Iii oetn-.CS WI ... • )"CMlt ftctllloua bwlNea Mme .-.ment ~ the County Cleftl, putillh OftOt ..... tor bat ...-. .......... bJ ... Md ..,.,, fie '°"' proof of pu .. ,.., ~ County ,,.... atop by '° 'f04ll ~ bu ..,,...,. .. h Plot Legal 0.paNnent, 330 w a.y, Colla MMa, c oma. ir you ~ nee atop by, pleeM cal ua • (7t4) 8'2-4321, txt.naion 311 Ot , ,. and .. • meke 11"81 lg9ITlel lb tot YoU '° tlMCl9e lh P'QOeidUl"8 by 1M1 tf you ahould flew .,,, ~ ~ .... c:.11 ut .,,.. .... be mot9 than gled to ...-you. OOod L.udl In )QJr """ llullneaall • ' .,., I - •. .. 1992 DIAMANTE LS EXECUTIVE DRIVEN W /LOW MILES \ M .S.R.P .................................. $30,495 HARBOR DISCOUNT ............. $ 4,500 s , BRAND NEW BRAND NEW 1992 EXPO L AV SPORT WAGON . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1992 IM -',EXPO SPORT .WAGON . MEDIATE . DEllYERY ~ . ,., ,, BRAND NEW 1991 ECLIPSE M .S.R.P .................................. $11 ,507 HARBOR DISCOUNT ............. $ 2,012 YOUR $ PRICE ( 2 TO CHOOSE FROM ( 120646, 120636) BRAND NEW 1991 ·MIRAGE M.S.R.P ..................... -:-: ........................ $7517 HARBOR DISCOUNT .......................... $1017 FACTORY REBATE ............................. $ 750 YOUR s5750 PRICE -( 072328) BRAND NEW 1991 MIGHTY MAX ' am M.S.RP ............ ~ ..... $8247 MIT. CRED. REBATE •. $ 500 HARBOR DISCOUNT ..•••.• $1752 (161213) r .i r S if .•. • . • £ e .•. -K •· S • t · S ~ B ... 8 -' ~1 : -'. il -' I= -' t! -' s9 ~ 1. ~ ; • ~JJ ; Cl _l c M_ . -·I 0 -i , 0 ."f' .a!HI . •. _l = --I -I J -.. I .. 8 ;&. .. i-, -~ ... .:_' I . -. •I . -JK ~ I -. -e . --.:_ . -!I I _-II • __ ~.1 -co 11 ., ,1 . •_ · .· r1: •... co :''-: · 1, . ·_-11 ·i - • ~->~ Cl g •o ·:e ~•·. · ~ .. Cl 1 !·-: 11,-11 .. ti · • _~ I I (029472) M.S.R.P ............... ~ ........................ ~~ HARBOR DISCOUNT ............... -• .l.• •eM , •• , PRICE . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . - ---~-' ·r ~ -.. ~ ~ ' I THIS WEEK'S HOT PROPERTIES • AUGUST 17-23 ' The Most.Complete Real Estate-Guide in the Area Cover Home Presented By Lnurie\,Doylc of the REAL EST A TERS See Page 26 For More lnfontJation ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:AS~ial Advertising Supplement Vol.13, No.28 August 17, 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 2 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 INDEX Cover. The ReaJestaters 02 Map 03 Mickey Hartling ()d Prudential Cahforn1a OS Prudential California 06 Prudential California 07 Prudential California 08 Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 09. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 10. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 11 . ColdweU Banker, Agent 12. Coldwell Banker, Costa Mesa Aon Felsot aterfront Realtors, Inc 15 Waterfront Realtors. Inc 18. Waterfront Agent.I 17 Biii Feeney 18 Valentme Properties, Inc 19 George Elklna 20 Grubb & Ellla, Aune end Burmecater 21 Grubb & EJlla. Carol Allison N~PORT BEACH/COSTA MESA Pl.OT I REAL ESTA11 22 23 NE RAACE Irvine • HARB.OR VICW d I c.;orona e Mar Grubb & Ellis Grubb & Elhs 24 The Oalebout Asaoclauon 25. The DaJebout Aasoclatlon 26 The Real Estatera 27 The Koopa 28 RemaJt 29 Remax 30 Coast Newport 31 Coast Newport 32 Coast Newport 33 Coast Newport 34 Coast Newport 35. Jaeot>i Riiltj 38. PrudenUal Newport 3.,, Ea1her Yank M ... ~ Robin Tench 39. Prudential s.11f ig TM SU.ffutdt 40 MOf1geoe A.-. Newpot1 Flnancial We t.c8' FlMnClal 4 t • 48. Ciuam.d Laguna Beach .,. (t RMI Eat.Me Round-up 48 Tatt>elt 1WO NEW LISTINGS ONA DEL MAR Well located In one of Corona del Mar's most desirable communities. Split level design odds dimension to thls weD designed home. Ocean view from living and dining rooms. Perfect for the casual Southern California lifestyle with a flair for the SATURDAY, August 17, 1gg1 I PAGE 3 Blending contemporary charm with traditional quality, this is the ultimate family home. The dining room, Uving room with fireplace and family room wrap around the custom~ppolnted kitchen. 4BR. 3BA plus bonus room. This lovely home Is elegantly simple, yet slmpty elegant entertainer. Three bedrooms ~ ....... ..-.., S6ff,MO 2 baths with room for expansion. Close to everything Corona del mar has to offer. $749,000. . 711 K-THANGA CORONA DEL MAR BAYFRONT Unbelievable estate sitting atop "Easter Hill" with panoramic views of City Lights, Catalina Sunsets and snow capped mountains. Remarkable contemporary architectur offers: gymnasium, ~m.n u. m ov.i.e-theater . discotheque, wine cellar, library & tennis court Video available Offered at: $13.950.000 CORONA DEL MAR Beautiful HMbor RJdge custom home with spectacular view of ocean, bay and cUy . lighll clalgn«d by Robert Earl and built by-Valentine. •.. .,, .... Everything .about this property is geared to the unique Newport Beach lifestyle Swim or simply walk the beach at sunste, surf, sail, shop, or enjoy one of Corona del Mar's outstanding cafes nd res taurant . •Fout bedrooms. three baths, great views of bay and beach Offerro nt: $1.750.000 Ptrthed hif1\ abo.te a pnvata buch in Three Arch Bey, this cxquisi~ da9* lt.allan vlla mMa • qwtl stat•mmt ol quality pasonified. c.cmpllteli/ mnodeled in '85 with • sp9dous layout ••.75• .... . A new traditional country cuttom, INell kx:ated 5800 sq. ft. home with 5 bed & 5 baths Oa$gned end buUt to the h!Qhat spca wtth an openas that worlc.ll Perfect for • 1arge family • wait till you .. the ''Great Room'' PRJCE REDUCTION TO Sl,215.000 IA HABRA HEIGHTS 2 acre hilltop estate w/360° panoramic views of city lights, mountains and golf course Roo~ for RV storage, tennis or pool, w/private gated entry .. A wonderful tranquH end serene setting, thls cu tom built home offers hvmg at its be t w! many many extra luxury accomodations. s 1,495,000 PAGE 4 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 . NEWPORT BEACH ''CARNATION COVE" $41950,000 112 acre premium bayfront parcel on bayskte w/private beach pier .. plans for 10,000 sq h gated European home. BELCOURT $3,975,000 This Is not a home, this 11 a rruseum Approx 112 acre w/ pool & tennis oourt Won numerous awards tor design TWO 2 ACRES ON THE BAY $3,500,000 One ol Newpon Beach s most un~e estates 2, 2 acres tronung the bo bay ft• an unbelievable opponunity! TENNIS ESTATE $3,500,000 Nearty one acre tennis estate. Pool, spa, croquet lawn Wine cell•. 68R. Library, billiard rm. HARBOR RIDGE SPLENDOR $2,895,000 Beautltul cuatom home w/spectaculw view of ocean, bey & aty lights. Bullt by Valentine BAYSHORES $2,400,000 Pnme loc.uon In one of Newpons most deairllble oommu- nttlH Unobstruc::1ed v .. w of bey. 2 yrs new. 4+ BR BELCOURT $1 ,995,000 Premium bu1ldmg site on Belcourt• most exdus1ve at. Over t/2 acre w1tenn11 court, tropical landscaping. BEAUTIFUL BALBOA ISLAND $1 ,985,000 large 5BR, 4.5BA home wtgreat locauon. View from Pavillion to Harbor entrance. Boat dock. Awe B plan Allmtmo white luctlen, plant~ shuttets, 1mmarulate Original owner a 2nd home HARBOR RIDGE DESIGNER $765,000 Ctiarrnng waterfront & dod( 3BR, famlty rm, 2 large plltloa. oonl>fei. remodel You'H love it. Could be duplex. HARBOR VIEW HOMES CUSTOM $739,000 Spadoua tum-key exeo. home on premium tunny lot Wf 15' x 60' pool. Ouaity per1ecti0f'l lhroughout. A muat '"' HARBOR RIDGE BEST BUY sat,000 Fabutoua lltew of reaervolr & dty llghta. Many upgr9des lndudlng win• oellat. Interior balcony & 3 tpla'. HARBORV1EW~l.L .... 000 Ocean & hatbot home. 48A, original home w/grHt pot enoY•tion HARBOR VIEW HOM $699,000 BeaollfuUy re BR, 4 5BA 117etd'I Portofino on extra • lot Great phase 2 location LIDO ISLE $685,000 Fllbotous atreet to atrffl locatJon Cont>lnation l1vmq rrrv dining ., .. ~n on to park> by Frendl ~·· HARBOR VIEW HOME SOMERSET $669,000 lovely 58R, 3BA, tastehAly decorated light & bnght Quiet family n•borhood. Wait untJI you ... , PRESTIGIOUS IRVINE TERRACE $649,950 Thia la a mutt '" 58R, 3BA Minutes from beach & belu1ifuf parl(a.. Wait untJI you IHI ... ..,... .... t~-.1~ 9,000 Unique home located on one of lido'• fineet atrHts Completely remodel9d wttop CJ.lallty uMd lhru~ HARBORV~EW $639,000 Breeiht~ ates from thla 4BR Montega. Room I needed $597,500 Cont.,,.,otary. one blodc trom ocean, bocl'I unitl fntute 38A, 28A. trpl, d'*'O .... GiMI loclllon. CUSTOM BALBOA WATEfMEW $5951000 GrHt V-. In a.a.I c::on.i119d .... tao,OOQ 3BR, 3.58A. 3 •tiory, bey I ooeen ._~.MC. tytt•ma HARBOR NOOE· PflCID TO ALL 1511,500 ModvlilldMler,.....,,.. -~38A.2.58A, newty~IOlfJlllldl ............... NEWPORT NOfnff YLUI 1865,000 S..t prtc.i ....... mcldm ..... It) In Newpon Nor1h. 4BA, 38A. lllecb• lalidsollp9ii.neuhl odor, grearc:i.all . EASTBLUFF PLAN E .. 9,500 Etlc>y tranqt.AI blClk ~ 'MWI from Ht 2BR, 2 !BA Cotnptt.ry nNTIOdlled hm, ~I ~Wr1•oe famty rm LOWEST PFICE 38A HM, UDO ISL.I $549,000 ~$14a,00018ank1Df.._.e.31A, 1.758A,Mtel· l*TaMlln home. sa.p. 90 yecfl dub. Courtyltd Wltpa NEWPORT NORTH V1U.AS $510,000 S.t valued C...., rnad91wlpltypooe I..,._ Vtrf pnv.ie loc. lie, lhOwt like I modal. GREENBELT LOC. H.Y.HOIEI $509,000 Pt1ce rtclJold S30,ooo tor fm a.. Pttdt or owii•4hip 48A Montegc>. 0wntr ~out of., ... Stell INS OM' NEWPORt.SHOREI WAT'IRFROH'T' 1499,000 2 sty, 38A + din. Almolt OOfT1PllUlf remodMed A beau- tlf\A c.p. Cod on the wlDf. lend 1 Ml In )'CUI' beckyatd NEWPORT HEIGHT "95i000 Newly r9dDM, 4 av I tN WESTCt.IFF LEASE OPTION ~5,000 Reody to move In 38A, 28A home w1poot a cabana 2 trpl °' uaed bl1ck. or•• .,.., dos.e '° ~ EAST8LUFF ~ $399,000 38A, 8'ld unit.,.., .-pee. .. loot. + .,..,... .Ughl ' LOWEST PRICE ON .... ltMA.A $371.000 Two uNta being eold tor lal--. Grell..,..,. .. , low.a price. 30' w6de kM on ...,._ GREATPAtCE '375,000 TNs la • ~ • hadwood h , Frend'! doort, C1o-t\ rnouldng, n.ce ylld ..... ~ Oll!fY b qualfled buyer. BAYRIDGE BEAUTY $341.000 Don't ,,,... We. l.oWett prtot ... 3M. 2<:ar llft.cNd Q•eg•. ComnLtnttypoe11 ... Cotw•ienetoehopplno. NEWPORT HEIGHTS $339,000 Ouihty~condo. 1 yrMW, 2 ........... gill'lg8 door•. apa·U> 1n """ N. ~.,..a ,,... NEWPORT SHOM9 $339,000 WHt Newport, ...... ID bledt. aw ....... & bright woo-ED NEWPORT 9EACH CREST '324,000 111 •llcondoln pet1ect location totallyr~ 3BR, l .IBA. lghl a~· ~ IHOMS-VEAY MOTIVATED a.,ooo &..-... pttced 2 *"Y home 2 btoc*a 1IO belleh + glW'lt bonus rm. Al• pool ' '9MI• ..... i.nd. NEWPORT BEACH· EASTBLUFf $235.000 28A, 18A, condo on greMbett paltc. Ught a bright. NEWPORT GLEN TOWNHOME s112,ns DnuNic vu.dc.llnga. 28R, 2.&eA + o.n, "Pl. w~ t>.r. L-oe ~ Nte, comm. pool/lpa. Great buyt ' COROtJA Of l UAR CUSTOM COii LUXURY HOME 12,790,CIOO I~ ouetcM'fl conlefT1t.hm portraya en wy -.,...-lh.i ,.... todlyt~. Wf* .... city ..... views . •IOAE QJFFS • ~ VIEWll $2,550,CIOO ~ 38A home on..-. .a.d kit! Spectea!lw wtewa of cr-'*'g 1\#f. Room tor pool a courtt IPYGlA8S CUSTOM WITH VIEW $2,290,000 ~ outlC8nClng 58R home wthe .,,.. ...... Cf ... INnlhlp. Mtc*•io lot.., .vii .. tar~· . IPYGLASS CUSTOM '2,01$y000 &hordnlryc:wlOmhm C'*'1n9~•) on apttme lot WllMlt one cl a kind~~ a bey-.. CAMEO SHORES 1IO OCUN VIEWS1,t'5,000 eon,.....,. r~ed cuetom home. 48A. 48A, farnlty nn. Mf'9 rm, dnihg rm. Enonnoue "***' a mttr auhle . .. CLASSIC 8A'YSIDE-8EACHFAONT 11,750,000 first daM Beytlde Or. MoYe In cotdtlon, pertdy deCI> '"*'for deec:riniMtif1g ~·· Loo ... .,..,,..., heref CHINA COVE· BAEATHTAkER $1 JJN,000 CNn• Cow QMOm home. Onty $ yrJ old, bf~ .. °'jelly, ,,.,..,.. • c.llna. Prof. --·Md. CORONA DEL MAR '1 .390,000 Once In • llf9lkne. Oon't ,.. fl. ~ Iott Build 'f04ll drMtn home In COM. W one lot & Wld on,. ae.. EST BUY IN SPYGLASS S1, 190,000 lcMtyhomeOWl1ooWligoceen, h.-bot. dt'f .48A,2.58A, ..... clring, fatrity"". breekf•"" Sec. 0.-d ....,. OCEAN YEW· SPYG& ASS HILL $1 ,190,000 U.V. leWI lot on ..... d ~ hOmlie OoNn a dJtt ........ ~-12200 lq fl Great ptlcel HARBOR Vt~EWILLS $1,025,000 Flbulou9 u-lafge ~ cul.-NIC. 11,500 1q ft kJt. cellnge. F rencti door-. HM80RNWHLL8·YALUE .,. ... 81~ NfNd1t1d In 1187, ,_ 48A. UM t'°"9 ............... lot~°' .. OONft. MVf CAMEO SHORES 1111,000 48A honw on l8tge comer lot tor lnter • ~. OrMt ftacr pr.,, .woe b9ck pet0 a.,,.. 3 pnv• ~. CORONA DEL MAR· PAtME -5,000 H.t>or ._ hlla, 2 tty, e&A, "8A. 1 S,500 eq ft IDI, poof, ~. e.panded. • HAA80A VIEW HILLS $895,000 e.,.,. ... 58R + 48A homl w/gorgeou• pool + patio .. L 8NuMUy ~.ct in1«1or. Vwy l•ge lot, OLD CORONA DEL MAR· PRIME $875,000 ea.g... remod•l•d 38R hrn.~met kitctten, femily rm+ 28A, 28A ,.,..,,So.of , Wlllk ID beacn l thopa. ~ SATUADAV, AugUat 17, 1991IPAGE5 . 8E9T VALUI! 11 IHOMQ FPS lllUIO ar...~ to he In,,~ .. Shot ..... EXh Ueconter tat. ~hmeo&*tbe ~ID 2ndtey. HARBOR vtEW ~ $749,000 Woodelfule•4•~8Ahome ~ lted,,..,.. .... CONTEMPORARY CUSTOM $749.000 w .. toe. In lrAne Terrace.vi.we cl ocean trOm ttM ep1t lewl cootempo «*9" Center counyerd, tpa, lwge lot. CAMEO HIGHLANDS TRADmONAL MM,000 RedUcld ID, ... epodeea family home on one clf Cfll'nlO HigNMdl ~ ....... Wlprt\flllllCCml l03beachn, OLDE CORONA DEL MAR CHAAMERS549,000 Unique 48R COM"'""* wtpkbc fence. Gt•• locdon So. d Hwy, veuhed c.ltng IMng rm. trpl, loft. Cliff HAVEN TRl-PLEX $549,000 Allume 9% ftxed low\ of $400,000. Euy ID Wit & m1nege. Prtde of ownerthlp. FWely on th•~•. CORONA DEL MAR BARGAIN $489,500 38A, 3.58A, 2-c:w ga-1191, e-• guwdld ' .. ot 1he pR. Wiii( to Corona dat M• lhopping. Onty 5 Y'S newt BEAllTIFUL:.:al!~ $415,000 Medlt.-rMe.,, at allty crahmaMNp ~--.Gr..rtoc. .... topwtc. LAGUNA BEACH 9VIU.A CAPNCCIO'" 3 ARCH BAY M,790,000 ea~ 9Med .... perdMd abcMa...a ptv .. beeic:n.. F*Aauaocean .... ~.Atba~l AfT2 COVE $2,900,000 ~elegMceln ~••gr .... ~ .. ~ .. ~Ritz Cow.5.000 •• elf euplft> qulllty. LAGUNA PRIME COMMEACW. $1,-.000 Rs9 commercial ~ aipprait. eooo tf clf ,.,..... .,_.on ltrgelot • 1500tf w/good ~L .... ..t: LOVELY ALLVIEW TERRACE $1,se5.oOo ~epect1C1e4•MMC& cou11ne~thialovely38R. 2.58A loc. In ~ cbtlnCI ID town & bMch. DANA POINT $1,557,500 Ertoy fllbulout hlfbcw & dty ~a vteW trom lheee C.,. Cod IDM~ Nott on bluff. Cuttom qulllty. UNIQUE LAGUNA BEACH HOME $1,411.000 A m 111 rplece CM be ,oura wtth .. one-of·~ h0me.Gue9t Cf***. Towertng ..... WllA ID beecft. LAGUNA • ALL VIEW TERRACE '1 .250.000 Ef1oy ~-.utt cQMete ._. 0tet h dty clf Uliguna tom .. 38A. 38A ... emty' ~rm. EMERALD BAY LFESTYLE $975,000 9uld your chem hca.111 on .. epedllel,_ view • In pi•tigklue EfNQld Bey Comm.,..,,_~ beech. SO. LAGUNA CONTEMPORARY $751,500 ~ vtew home ,_., ntiWty ~ 38R. 3.58A + fernity rm a lbrwy Many upgr9dM. CRESCENT BAY LOCATION $695,000 Ooe~ of the hlway In No. Lllguna iNa hofM oft•• an to «•m home tn a eat loc. f I • • • • • I • a • ' * • • 9 t • . . . . . . . . . . ..... ' .... .. t PAGE 6 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 $599,500 Great famly hm only 8 yrs old. Walking distance ., town & bead't LAGUNA BEACH ENCHANTER $575,000 Charrnng. 5BA,28A, blue water Vtew Walking distance to beach and Vlll~e $39,900 & YOUR OWN BEACH!! $39,900 1 BR 1 BA, wonderful white & bnght dream trailer In El Morro. A speoal vacanon spot wlits own sandy beach ADMIRAL TY/DANA POINT Jus: hsted 18 luxury townhomes overlooking Dana Point Harb<lf. 5 models to choose from wlall the finest features. HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON HARBOR $1 ,250,000 Waterfront home remodeled using granite & marble. 6BA, entertainment ctr, dock & slip for a 45'+ boat. ELEGANT MEREDITH GARDENS $349,000 E xecut1ve home. dr amatlc lrv1ng fm, elegant fOfmal dntng rm Super new k1tcnen. move-in condition DEANE HOME VERY RARE $314,999 nu rare h1gh1y private home 1s 1n perfect cond 3BR, 2BA , cor"1btot Spa large yard newer paint & carpet LOVELY LACUESTA $299,999 Large hOme dose to beach 1 story rancn w/RV, large lot. 90 percent vacant & owner wants to deal HUNTINGTON BCH MODEL PERFECT $299,000 2 story 48R 2 SBA arge lamly rm I S mies to beadl, new spa n bacl\yard HUNTINGTON BEACH CHARMER $284,900 This home 1s pertect 10 3 large Br s, 2 SBA Just und8f 2100 sf htghly upgraded Won't last. hurry' HUNTINGTON BEACH $278,900 Wonderful beach dose 3BR, large ms tr on pie shaped lot NewPr interior Steal 1t today FIRST TI ME BUYERS $260,000 Ownar will carry a 2nd TD 4BR 2BA. close to beach, freshly painted outside largest lloorplan, · wtwalk in pantry $239,900 2 SBA, huge kitchen • spa & tennis court BEST BUY IN HUNTINGTON BCH $204,900 Pnvate oomn-.Jntty of single famly homes. 2BR, newly decorated. new kitchen, vaulted cethngs, llght & bright! 1· 1/2 BLOCKS TO BEACH $174,999 Th.s very large 1 BR condo is totally remodeled. Hardly ltved 1n & 1s ready tor sale today .Nst steps from the pier. BEACH BARGAIN $115,000 t BR. pool, beach dose. tennis Great tor 1st lime buyer COSTA MESA COUNmY CHARM • CITY CLOSE $449,000 Completely customized 4BR, 2 SBA w/oversized lot, texured w.ils. mexlcan pave!'s. 2 lrpl's & n-.Jdl morel COST A MESA $259,000 lnV1t1ng home, sparkling pool w/cabana, 3BA, 1.75BA, rlllsed foundation, lnalde localton GREAT HOME W/LOTS OF LAND $249,000 48R. 2BA hm wterta large lot. A·2 zoning makes 11 gr ... for developefa. 8,5M at of land.Good oondtJon COSTA MESA WINNER $239,000 Bright & light & 11ry. 3.BR,28A •den Meltbu lighting wl 1parXing pool Wait until you IH· wonderful floor thru-oul EASTSIDE COST A MESA $238,000 Charmng Bay laurel townhome. Large 2BR. 2.58A + otfic9 or den Private loc. wfmature trees. Dining rm & frpl COSTA MESA'S BEST DEAL $229,000 3BR wlpool, latge lpt, home has large add-on. Fruit treea, 2-<:ar garage, thla 11 the 1 SI tune home buyers deal NEWPORT LANDING TOWNHOME $217,900 Super deal for you I Great HIAngs ·owner w/cwry 1st TD @9"1C.. 38A. 2.5BA. ale, dining rm. family kit, frpl, wee b81. MOTIVATED SELLER $179,900 , Ready to move In ·South Coast Metro Ideally located end unit In Pentr1dg• Cove. 2BR, 2BA. light & airy. Submit all ............. 0---0.---·"'------.... TURTLEAOCK CREST tl..-,aao Remod .. ed CUllOm home wlrwfltt/ a.,.., ip Id,.., y.rd. Outdoof ~ altr. rm tor a pool. BllMIM. Tum k9yl SPACIOUS HOW: • TURnEROCK '450.000 LMge home for ~ t.mlty. Room tar a pod. Kids bedrooms .. pinded. Bonua rm. Own« mmy ••down TURTLE ROCK $259,000 Faoolou1 model -li(t condo. Many upgrade9, oozy trpt in Ii~ rm. Den wibJ h·in bookc.Ha. T.,,,., pool I 1pa UNDER MARKET! $239,500 38R, 2.5BA w/c:uatom oaic entenlinmtnt centtta. Ext.n- aive bftc:k wOftt bod'l ln frort & , •• ywd. NEIG HBORING AREAS MAGNIFICENT .. u TOP ESTATE 113.ISO,OOO lncndbl• •at•t• on 2t w .. Of lnooft1)wllble beeuty Evvy lnwiglnlble amenity VI"" of clfY lighte, CatllinL 36 UNITS • CONDOS $2,200.000 Jutt ao"'f)leting ORE, FHA. VA .,oval w/llpflnliaed vllu• of $2,700,000 M.ke off• SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO $2, 100,000 Usabl• 5 8CtH Ntaw -~ vtewa. Dramatle 80IMg eel ingt + marble ecc:.nu. Poot. ap-. lt&bl .. & tnn8. LA HABRA HILLTOP ESTATE s1 .w.ooo Pnme locadon do•• to Pr. oolf courte. vi ... Of ocean, o ty, "10IM'ltatn1 Rm tor tennla, horMt, RV.or you Mme 1t ANAHEIM APARTMENTS 11,2.50,000 16 units 1n Anaheim neat Oftn.yland. E•y to rent a manage Wtlhng to ltade down tNTERNA TIONAL HOU.AHO STY\.£ $1 ,00(?.000 t 5,000 tf of cuatomfeltUr ... built at tum of century. Clo .. to Amste<dam & Duulldoft.Ptrfecl 8 & 8 or r .. taurant CUSTOM NO. TUSTIN WNIEW $739,900 lncredble 180 view towwd ooeM. 58R, ~family rm. dif'4ng rm. On over 314 .a•wAofty a.pace &Ci:>zy rma TUSTIN 4BR FAML Y CHARMER "591000 New wood ftoot'l adchw81md'i 100Qmtfy new lltting Lota of rm • a car port for a thin:t VINolt. ANAHEIM HILLS WNI ESTATE 1420,000 Beautrlul Pt °'*8ea hm hu the feel~ of a New England countryside 58R. 2.58A. .wge pool I apa. C.,. Cod SAN BERNAROtNO LOT $300,000 Com• Of 71h & D.St. 150 sf X 222 at. Grut ~tor ofllce bldg, moc.l..hotet 01 q comm. need. Bring alert SACRIFICE 48R $285,000 Viewofhllal ••. 1 yrol0,48A,3.argaraoehome.LNM option w/10K. Mint 001dlOl1. SHADYHOLLOW • SANT A ANA $212,000 3BR, 1. 758A condo. 3 trpra, new M\Aral Clrplll I dtCC>t. Gw9 8C!Ce•, .. 1Na tar onty $212,0001 LAGUNA NIGUEL LUXURY COND0$169,999 2BR, 28A, 1.6yra new mwn,...,.,,_, Lower~ St 2.000 In upgr8de1. Frpl & 2-clf attlidhed gar.ge. FOUNTAIN VALLEY DREAM .158,000 Decotated. larv•townhomlw/~.cj~g•eg•. Huny · won'1 lutl Please join us for a Cocktail Party/Charity Auction to benefit Childhelp USA Saturday August 24, 6:30 p.m. $15 individual $25 couple __ 100% of proceeds will go dirtctl1 to Cllililltelp USA ~ • LAGUNA PR .. E COMMERCIAL 11,150,000 R8r9 commerc:i91 property approidmattly 6000 sf of ,.,,a.ble •PK'9 on lw119 lot et 1500 sf w/r;pood .,..tdng., l.eaae ~so ayailabae , -· C..ConnleMa1Mntl,J2f..72IO BELCOURT MANOR HOME 11.49:5,000 LM;esl J M Pe•• plan 4 SSR, 4'58A, pool, spa ar..a f1nuty rm. 1padou1 maalilf c.~ tor mo,. deta41 Moclvattd ....,, submit al oftitra Cl• ThomH / AmetMter, 72f..72t7/720I SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 7 PAGE 8 I SATURQAY August 17, 1991: ,.,,.,,,,., n"'' II 1•11,.; ll n, \\1•11" h1 I 't'll'l' Ill Jl" 11\l')I lll1l 1 1h1llll hlnl'l'JI hoth 11' It 111d 1 111,11k o•I rt.ti l't.1tt i{l trlth h,1, 1111.! J"inul ( ulJ\\t'll 11 111 1< 1 I 11\ b1111c' .111 .it \1 lllJ'li'hl.f '·'k' llulld h.11111)! oil hil \l ,, 'l ,, 1.il '·"•'' ,1.l ,l[\h .11 h1' )J,ll'l" '"illJ'llll lht 1l1kb11t1I \ "'••I rl11•fl l'tl\11 I•• fl.ii •'I.Ill'. I) II \\ ,, ill ,1u1•111llll\1.! \\Ith nl' 11111 111d '''" 111.11111.1111' h1' C i:r11- l t I I' ihJi, \1 .. 111111.1111 lll'l'O'l' j I °''' ll l\L .I "'llJld ltn.tnU,tl "~1•1111111ol 1111 .du.1hk llt hu1..:r' 111.I '' lkr' I k I.no"" hem ll• Ol' • 111 •' 111.I 1 ., 1 urnhl'r' 111 h1' d .11h.111t.11.!l I hi\, JIOll)! l\lth • .i.1111L·111 rt111""'r1i, "' h •)!h I 11 I lll't 1•ri:1 111 l'll'lllt'" '' I "' I I tit ' h '''"l" I" p1.1I to• ' ( .akh1dl Ill tht· lt'.il l''l.tll' l1 •n1.! tl·1111 I h 11 ' I'' II< ,f '''llh 111'1 1111! J11, \\Ill \h I.! lll lr\I: Ill "'"'I' •11 I kll!hh .111d .Hl' .1...t11 l' ,11 \111111l I' ( 11111\ h Ii "ill 111 1ntl'1t,kd 111 finding 11111 lllrlll ,1h1lt1I lhl "-1111llllg ~"1111•111.1111111 111 D 11l ~··n~ .ind I • tlll"l 11 U.1nl.L 1 l.111 l>.11t .11 'I ' I 1 •111111 I \I I 11'1 HOUSE HUNTING JUST GOT EASIER A tton •• w tt II 1 Bhw r~·bbon Aw.c1rC1 Iron• Colctw1•ll B.1nk1•1 •5 , .. ~dv to movf' •nlo tt.1• 11.lv you 1004< rll t To Arlrn It 1c; .1w,\1c1 ,1 hOmP muc;t fMSS nqorouc; tec;ts both 111<..1<1;• ,1nd out And tho1J9h th~y re 1n movp m cond1hon thf!y're pnc.ed to sell Just c.all us today TMI llUffS Ul7 ,000 Ofamatlc spl~·ltvel hOfne ~Ith C3tllC<lral C'1t 1nos ptanl.ttlOll stiutters 3 bd & 2' ba extra taroe master retret Large ~r:chtn w1tn eatino area Ctose 10 Back Bay cmn ca£1WllmlY OP•N HOUll SATURDAY 1-5 BLUFFS 2907 PfRlA CHUCK COLESWORTHY S387 .000 . SEAVIEW 1905 YACHT MARtA VELMA TIMMONS $525,000 COM 400 IRIS BERNARD TOWERS $565,000 CORONA DEL MAR 614 AVOCADO SHEILA KAVIANI $575,000 HV HOMES 1616 PORT IA.RMOUTH JAMES GRAY $635,000 HV HOMiS 1704 NEWPORT HIU.S LARAINE SHAW $725,000 HV HOMES 22M PORT OURNHS CAROL MOCK $750,000 E.ASTBLUFF 2601 IUN'f4 SARA MARVIN $849.000 IRVINE nRRACE 2006 KIWAMH DAVE WONG $948.000 NPT HOTS 1031 IONGS ROAD CAROLINE HAINES $1 ,395,000 DOVER SHORES 1721 KINGS ROAD TRIONA BERGIN $1 ,599,000 SHORECLIFFS 227 EVENING CANYON KEVIN KANOA St ,795,000 SUNDAY 1·5- HV HOMES 1963 PORT WIYIRIDGE SUSAN WEIR $499,500 HY HOMES 1951 PORT WIYHIDOE SUSAN WEIR $519,000 JASMINE PARK BABARA GRAVES 932 GARDENtA $534,500 Nt'T NORnt 3161 COin PORTOFINO LARAINE SHAW $549,000 COM 427 NAJtCISSUS PAIGE HARTLEY $570,000 IAYSHORH 2622 CRISMEW ELEANOR BOWIE $590,000LH HY NOMH 1935 PORT NILSON LARAINE SHAW $595,000 HY HOMH 1615 POIT IAIMOUTM JAMES GRAY $635,000 WHTCUFP GINNY ANDERSON 1324 IUllllC $645,000 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I R COM , Uat,000 New 3 bd 3 ba conoo StlmflO new IOP of lhe ne EVl!ry amenity incl JacUlll IUI> & deck E nio1 the beautM V111age or COM at an al!Old· a~le once c.a ~' COR. HILAND$ 468 DE SOLA THI DAVE WONG $675,000 HV HOMES 1615 PORT IAIMOUTH DAVE WONG $675,000 WTILUFF JOANN AKERMAN 2719 AL.TA VISTA $720,000 SPYGLASS JOYCE OLSON 4 MON11RfY CR $725,000 HV HOM!S 2264 PORT DURNISS VALERIE HAMM $750,000 NPT BEACH DOUG MEEDER WTILUFF DICK CRAMER BAL.IOA PEN . JAMES GRAY 995 BAYSIDE COVI $750,000LH 2601 IUNYA $849,000 102 E. OCEANFRONT $925,000 IRVINE TERRACE CAROLINE HAINES 2006 ICEWAMH S948,000 OLDE COM SARA MARVIN 232 ORCHID $950,000 HEIGHTS 1031 KlNGS IOAD CHER RUSH $ 1 .395.000 NEWPORT BEACH 4009 SWMSOll KEVIN HUTCHINSON S 1,595,000 NPT HEIGHTS 1721 KlNOS ROAD TRIONA BERGIN $1,599,000 CAME\) SHORES 4 717 HAMPOIN L YLEEN EWING $1 , 750,000 SHORECLIFFS 227 EVENING CANYOh EDIE OLSON $1 .795,000 NEW LISTINGS NEWPORT HACH U ,715/MO l n iy tne tapllvahng v1e1ts of l!lf' b.ly mouo tarns & city llQhlS from th1~ 2 bf 3 ba water tront coo<lo Laro• hv1no room wlltl l11tp 1.e p1us <Jen ? p11v.ite Cf'c~~ 180 Of OCEAN VIEWS $375,000 .o•~ld ov1og w !! poois ~P<lS •nd tem coons Ah topped on w 111 grP.at oce.i1 'ftt'N' tr om this 3 DCC room to~nllorne [ n,oy Ifie $UllStU wflrl y0t1 ,,.,ax 0t1 'fOJ' pat.II Pncee ID sen• LAGUNA BEACH LAGUNA NtoUU $299,000 Specueutar canyon Stldlfba<~ Mln and City liQl1ta vtew Pm ate Jacuzzi L 1100 2 bd & 2" ba W!lh ton EtlrJ latge lol LAGUNA llACH $.4",000 tocred bte co.:istltne. ocun 6 wMt1u1 1 1$ 101~11y unooswcred featu1es 3 bf 2~ 11a WQl ~ ew d~c~ walls of gtass. 2 car ga~. LAGUNA lfACH $559,000 Si:tetacutv ocean 1nc1 wMc water ~1ew from tM custom Chns Abto dcs1one<1 hOmt 3 l>t. 2·~ ~ vauhe<I ceilings. •lld vrew dilcks · fMHAll> lHl.ACE -$725,000 UOoQue 4 bt 0t 3 bf w'QUU1 ll>t In Emtflld Ter· rKe Many special fe.i~es • hardwood ftqota IU~d gtus tic Gorgeous OCWI V\eW1 and ICtve'V oar den IRVINE WOODHIOGf $119,000 P• n ode h IOoO tocatoOn nw l.J ~· 01n.ig 3 bd, 2 Ila ._ tarve yanl Sow Shatll end l1ld one IM:I. treshly WI U ' I lleCOfi1od NOITHWOOO $1191900 O•nino 2 bd 2 ~ bl, 2 stol'f lown 11c>use "' 2 ear oa1a9t llllS ~ alld IN'f tiomt t n condl- llOfllllO ~-.uttecs cdlngs A chlt'rnltlQ ~ u.t 100:.00 tlO , 10 PIN' shopping & rr ..... Y1 UNMISnY TOWN CENlll $2.0,000 !Ir t tocallOO in Camandge Court o•crtoo .. rn; Co ~tnllu Squ;tlt P1r1k 2 INStCI $U S, llfll( C.t nutted celllnQs Incl much more OXfOIO COUit $2571000 he-. IOclUOll f\tll UCI Desitalllt IQYwtf 2 Od & ? ba unit piftltlOll llM!ert ~ CtlJ)tt llfld Comrmnry pool JI>& Owner very WOOOUS )VtSTPAH $357,900 Set ~ c•eeptiondy kM!y 3 l>d. lllfllJ roo , hQnll ProfllSIONlty dtCOtlled ltld ~ f ,.,-; lht soeclal tcavea add plta$ur• ID YOll IMnQ flt Yaufted CeMlgt and •the<!~ 1 woe mist & gowm.a 111n. cna ~ II .... OlflO .. • HO ,_, to ~ OX10t0 COUIT $391,000 BtS1 On The P1111" ~ 3 btdtOOtnS 2 ~ ... llC~ VltW of Ml.Son Pit\ It'd w IO tnOVit1 lhOpS, restNlfllS. UCI Mn.I IOCK POINTI $.420,000 Trnter fOIQt Ille of QitOd labUIOU& 3 tw 3 ba JM ,,.,. IOWn hOlnl MMble ny nl ~ lg plllO di ~ Qlll \4tw N-4t·NC IOClllOfl '\l .. \\l'Ol<I Hl·\lllC>lllll lOH \ll<HI \()\~I 11 1<.tl\\\\ \I \\(H \IHI 4111 l)()(;() NEWPORT IEACH NIWPORT HACH S",900 Bachelof w111'1 sepatltt beOloom Seeunty bu11dinO Commllfllty clubhoost, pool & spa w It to belcil 8eautf\illy maWUIOed ground• NEWPORT SHOllS $319,900 Come see thiS tovcty 3 bd homt 111 a qu1e1 beach COl'llml\ln•ty v.111'1 issoc1iUOn pool & tennis Just re ccmly remodeled w1tt1 many ftne upgradts lnelud· • ~ .sJaie ,f1oonoo & nwble c~enops. fte land Must see• NIWPORT PENINSU\.A $329,000 Excellent builder opportUMy in unique Peninsula IO- catJOn Lirge 1 bd •Ill plus s1Udt0 w.ltl room to t>u11d on front Ila~ of l.lrge IOI NEWPORT HACH $375,000 II s we• 3 btdroorns 2 ba fam11y rm Large POOi 1U$I fnshed upgr oided new cnen carpet "''"' lrlveSIOr says se• now NIWPORT ISlAHO U•9,000 Newport Isle uiglt lill'llfy home on 1 30 x 95 R·2 IOl A great oppocUvty fOt • 1 st tJme t>uyer To rehab Ot IOf a t>uildet 10 IHt down and rtbUild TwO units Great location In a Quiet 1111 neir flt t>uch ILUffS HST $419,000 4 bd Clt'ITIC' 11.1 plan lends 1l$tll to tn-1.1# Of lrtt-n Witt remodeled scraped ce1Iinos new k cllen and llltfls exce'lenl locttion • Pnced OQ111 NEWPORT IEACH ... $465,000 very afpeahng 3 l>t Monxo floolplM 111 perlect mo~•·io cond•tion HIQhly upgraded wouohOUt LO\ely pnvate yard w fruit tm1 Close to gretnbelt too• THE ILUFFS $477,000 Beautifully upgraded 3 bt. 2'h ba hOfnt located on prime greenbelt Wood floorl. Vll.l"ed ce111nos. ·newly led t>alhS & kitchen 1 beiutyt • NIWPORT llACH $415,000 E~ nestOI or coul)lts oecorl!Of perlect l!Omt! Wood !loots, Cedar CIOHtS, hlgn clblgs. SPIClouS br1Clt patlO. ,~ bullt·tn 880. Huny! WISTCUff $505,000 I.Ip swlrnrnlfl Ills IS flt pliee IOf you 4 br, 3 t>a with 11p sat pool llrto*X•. ~ btdroom nblll NIWPOIT llACH $Mt,OOO SclXlouS muw Wiii rmit °' use as 111 ema beclrOOm Gcumet IOlehln Wiii wMIWuhld cablnelry, ~-yard wlh SPI. nmt IH N OtccnlDr di· • MA1101 VllW MOMIS $Mt.t00 Bdlf fill ntwl Mt remocltlld. lltn O'Mllf ...,._ lttrtCI New bllll end kllchln • M10m cabln- ttrv Hew l'M & fresh lllW llndlCIPIOQ A nut *' i0'% DOWN $569,000 Owner * help INllCe !Ills 3 ye.v o'-d '~'=*PC>rt hOme PnctO below i.st nie!J 3 or 4 ~ rooms 3 flfef)l.lets l.lrce m1~ter SUlte II.ova in cond~ Gieat value --PfTBllml N I SEAWW $555,000 LO'lftSt pnce 111 Sta'/\ew & I en'OCl eted too1 Ott·#ti!te occor Lush ntw land$tipingt Everythln\) done w1!h great attention to dell~ 3 bd. 2 t>a view NfWPORT HTS $559,000 . Rm ()j)p(){tUnltyt A OupleX In "lewport Hts! front Int Wl1h 3 bd 2 ba, back unrt w111'1 2 bd 1 !h 1>a Each w111'1 fireplaces Excellent locatJon Comef IOI Mn NfWPOtT $5"1.0QO 2 years newt Great 313 + 1 ba upper & lower 8nng your 1nvestoo or owner user Located )llst • few hOUSes to beach IAYCIEST $625,000 For adull.S only' flawless remodel' Evcrr lneh ot D1ll hOrne reoone Pool, spa & bit. b·q Entertain· meR 3 tp dr;vnatJc m&Stef SU I Appl only! WIOA "MINSUlA $625,000 G<ut OCNll m .it IOI cornpitte '*!th pC.ll\t and Pl 1 1n11 tor custom 3 br 3!.; ba llOme oes1Qllfd by w0l10 renC>#Tl mhelect 8 fttker IONHll IAY HIGHLANDS $631,000 Custom ranch s~le hOMe 111 f~ly neighbOltlood l.¥gl ts~• Siled lol comtr locatJon ""'" pool IWlCI SPI JUst mow• int " bd 3 ba cour.uy k tctlen. txlJi large mi:.1et so11e RV access NIWPOIT HACH $645,000 Pietute perfect 3 br and def\ A• new 11om trMT\lng up Oelightfut decor •iulted c ings energy et· frciOnl Gorgeous pool and spa '* :n childPfOO' fence oon t mss this one• WIOA "MIHSUl.A $645,000 3 br 31 CU$tom hOme w1t11 l~rge famty room on exclusNe West 8'Y Across from public beach, btOG~s to ocean ISU WAnlFtoNT $695,000 Newport lstnl waterfront with dock fOI 30 ~t Lovely 2 bedfOOm tn petfect condlttOO Cape eOd style w111'1 woe bnck patio end IO(s of sun A gre.at VJ!uel mews Hll $725,ooo Customlled 4 br 2 'h b.1 CapehOtn moclet w 'Vt w Protessionaly tandscaptng Upofades inckl<I French OOOfs anCI WllldowS, at ConclitlOnllO nt'# leJlll¥t0 barned cllllngs MAltOI WW MOMH $725,000 5 bd 3 b.1 3 car Q.lf109, IOC '•11 on h green bell ~. PMfl, French OOOt Ind lll1ra 111'V1 I 0 .300 SQ ft lot WI sell tu\ blt2'lf turrl WW POTINTw. IS AWISO.I $747,000 PrtlrnNly pin lnCMttO IOf I MCond story ICldt· llOtl lhll wOlAd OIW lrlblOcbblt YllWI of .. llm· lnO ba.sitl IS 'II h elOsanQ Clly IOfU ¥1tW PtlrlCy ol windows lie #\ h llgt'C end .. of A I hil· iop locaf>On. ChlnTWlg 3 bd 2 ba custom dleo- rated home on a IMOt lot NI 4 'llX $625,000 Large i.'lll:S iOeal for 01111* user l tree .ue !&.\ n hOmeS and one uppes PJ1l0 or Dal· tOllY l cul Oe·sae tnelosed r.ara y ..... CORONA DEL MAR OLD CORONA OU MAI $439,000 C.n ~w behe-~e ac!OratllO Ooll tlouSe tn old CorON Del Mai IOI S439 000' 2 bd t. o .ce close to patll restaorNits Sto<8$. S20 000 pa.o 101 ptanS you oet treo1 JASMINE PAIK $519,000 ·Ocean bay & city lights View from lh1s loYely Jas· mme Parle 3 ~droom. 2 bath eiq>anded model • Gated pnvate community w1tt1 as$ociabon pool and spa 4 OLDE CORONA DEL MAI $529,000 Great Oupl.:i i.n prime IOCabOn Pc1oct IOI: ll'V!stor Of o 1 occu~1 Airy open t:oorplan Call tomy JASMINE CREEK $559,500 Oe1Jgt!l1ul 3 bd famaty room s :1Ql4 level l'IOmt in gu¥Oed c00ll1Vll1'y wl!h 6 tennis courts Ind 3 l)OOls "*"111 OctOf, pnvite spa. air cono IOl1lnO CMttree bWIO 11 It s oest1 OU>E COM $559,900 lots Of Cll.ltm unique 3 OI 4 1>ec1·oom llOUst t"U;el- lenl 1 bf Ip! 0wnet·Cral'lsm61 idde<I rNl1'f \IO• gr~e$ Uoosu.11 WOOd v.()11( Lots o! lea<:r,d gtus COIOMA OU MAI $575,000 Ten toe newet 0vp1ex "' J oo tront & 2 bd r 1 111eomc unt Tue root neutral oecor 111.front. ~Y f1g111s. washt'r Clryer 111 g1rige OLD CORONA $575,000 Beau11tul ~ed•ttnanun $!yle town riom Gret !toot pl¥1 with l.Q!s of ewas kltt taml!y room 2 f11t· placu . llUQ~ deck J b<I 1 Da Frencn OOOr5 ll1d WindO'flrl 0"101UNfTY ICNOCkSll $625,000 Remodel to youi 1is1et " oo ~"" command· 1nO VllW of the Ill)' ~r.in .&nel "'Ohl llCf'IU M t ., °"" COIOMA llGffWtOS $675,000 ~ 3 bd l'IOmt Wiii 'f oce~ VltW Lwve n· Ing room w stand up b.v 1$ pt(f ect IOt CltefUll). lnO Mi bd riis r"1'NI °' • could be an let Of den Grtil Comet IOCltlOf'I COM $6ff,000 " LMIY Vll'W ol ClltfOll & from nicety temod· tied & txptl'Cled ~ bd hOmt french dOOf1 strapecl ctiqs llrVt Pf ay yard l>fNlY oPCn teetllQ \II I I .• \I /Ill.RI I 'i \,1 \C\ll re \.1 1ting Nc"po.t on '''ur Summer ,,,c,1111•n 111d \OU 'c 1.1llcn Ill 111\C \I.Ith Olli l\J\1.11 ) ou''c '"'a} Jre.1mcd cit h mng .1 'cwnd home .11 the hcuch, .111d )OU lhtnl nm" might he m the rt~ht Hmc .ind Nc"JX'rl " tht• right pl.1u Where do ~11u ,t m 1 lh olhn!? C oldtAcll Banker PrllC' un Balho.1 1\1,md '''rt 1n the n'ltd $~tJO"\ ani.J ~I ·" lugl1 • S the S90ff, for interior l1x: 111un' "htlc h,l\fwnt' hci:in 11 .11'11.n11 SI I mtlll\111 C >n 1hc l'cnm,ul.1, u•nd11rn101um' hcgrn 111 the lo" SJOO\ home' 1n lhl· high S 'Off, 01.e.1nlr11nt-. bcl!m 1n the high s~11<r, In C11wn I dcl ~1.ir, u1ndomm1 uni\ t'lcgm in the mtd S 'Off ... h1•· ffiC\ bc¥111 tn the h1 h '\IWI\ i\ll of t hc'c .ire cl' trc "ate r 11ncntcd, "1th ~h\lft " .. 1._, tti hc:aehe' ,hoppintt and rc~,1.1urant-. \nd 11f cour c all "11me \\tth tht unique 'l,c"JX''' lth.·'t' le \\ l \C helped th11u' ~n,h ,,, rloplt lmd th11.•r dtl .. lrtl h1•0l('\ 1n ""c" pt•rt I'!\ er thc pa,1 ~ ... n "" \\ c , an help \1111 ltnJ \11u1 I "J''' "'"' \ummcr, cnJP' 'c" pt•t I ( 111 u .ti M.l·'lllhll .. Our \lie lo.I'\' k"'"' 111 J11mb.1 f ""f R •IC M1>rlJl£C\ 9.625CI: (I 25 10111 rn1n11) 10 IZ5 AP R ~. ,,..,_ Mjocl Ooip " --uroa l'>vt!Mr (114) "\4U 171•1 ~ C.OU>WC?U. DA.Hl\CR U \ I \' I 'I I I·' I I . ! \ I I I I I t I I l I I t I I\ \ I I\ I I I ' t , \ ..... I I I I t ' I I \' \ ) \ I \ \ ( I l \ I I( I • ) ' I ~ H If l ( , PAGE 10 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 BAYFRONT $750,000 LEASE HOLD Excellent opportunity to live on the bay. Water views from every room. Sales price includes 18 ft power boat and slip rights. Best value on the water. Call for private showing OWNER Will TRADE DOWN $819,000 The ·stylish signature of this luxurious bayfront condominium is it's exquisite design & µltra sophisticated Bayside Dr address. 2 BR . 2 BA. fpl 180"v1ew. deck & prrvate courtyard BALBOA PENINSULA $895,000 Outstanding 3 BR. 3 BA custom home to be built on Ocean view lot. Designed by Bill Ficker, this Is an opportunity to buy an , exceptional quahty view home MARCIA BENTS DOUG & HEIDI MEEDER JANIS MAC Mill.AN BAYSHORES $950,000 c-111rn It. 1rin1t1 on <>urround you 1n this t (' n1 Ii rJ I. I f' <1 3 B R h 0 m e w ) I a r g e 1 11ndy t. • twn Balcony overl ooks huge ! • 1u• 11.lly 1,111d<,caped garden SPYGLASS Hill $1,299,000 This 5 or 6 BR fam1y home locatton 1n one of Newports most sought .Jher area~ Sweep1nq ocean and b;ly views from m~t rooms Ceill 10 SP<' to rlily OCEANFRONT $1,595,000 Mediterranean Oceanfront Villa Located directly on the sand. Newly built 3 bedroom, 4 ' 2 bath, Plus den and Iott. Spectacular roof lop deck with views of Catalina and coasthne Creative owner who is motivated and will consider trades JERRY FINSTIR ELEANOR BOWIE NEWPORT BEACH $750,000 ,, Jt)o:;tro.1ct1>d city ;inn 111ount<1in'v1aws 5 br 3 ba. 3 c.11 garage npw pa1n1 .11 rJ .irpPt Pl..intat1on chuttPrc; qreat house and a fantastic price' COM $799,000 \11 >ci" pcrlec.t single level view home J br 2 ba beaut1tully landscaped v mJ l>dneling Catalina sunsets BALBOA ISLAND $829,000 ' vi to So Bay Beach and to lerry 4 br 2 ba view ot bay 1 br 1 ba gue'>t 1pt :' c ir QaraqP Low maintenance Near shopping & restaurants EASTBLUFF . $879,000 .J.1~1 11yt1t tor t;im11y cotlllort this large 4 bd home has beautiful views of the c •ty lights nnd sw1'if'IS Newly remodeled & enlarged to insure spa r.•ou'> l1vmg Large lront & back yards Teml1c family neighborhood Call 10 c,pp •' loday" SPYGLASS Hll.L $895,000 r onl,..mporarv E.uropean styling recently remodeled Brighi and light and nl11tl' pl.i~ter walls. white l1le floors French doors glass bricks. all whit<' t1nwrnf't kitchen Courtyard entry f\nd beautiful canyon. snowcapped r••"Unl l•n<; anlJ Co ty lights VIPW " IRVINE TERRACE $948,000 lnchantlng entertainers dellghl! 4 bd 3 ba Totally remodeled on lush ovcrs11ed lot Glass roof dining room French doors This has It all! OLD CORONA DEL MAR $950,000 Fabulous 2 bd contemporary home In o graat corner location! Roof top deck with never ending ocean views! Light and bright with tots of sky· lights Bn'lg your fussiest buyers. KAY RANGER ft NEWPORT BEACH S 1 095 000 tll t•bJ I I '"' •. ,n .. r ' oa remodeled Wdo homo on oversized lot "' sunny So facing used brick patio and ape. Oos1reablc street to !.treet location Call now for your appt NEWPORT BEACH $1,395,000 • Fabulous views of bay OC'can and city ltghls 5 bd 4\.'J ba library ramify room master su.tte with Jacu1z1 tub, and wonderful kitchen IRVINE TERRACE S 1,595,000 View lot with spectacular views of Newport Bay, ocean. bay & city hghll • plans tor large contemporary home included. A NEWPORT BEACH S 1,595,000 i Fabulous contemporary almost new home. Forever 111cw1 of ocean bay city ltghts state of the art kitchen wlth Corum 5 br 8 ~ bl with family room LAGUNA BEACH $3,200,000 A luxurious homo overlooking the bfuNs Beauttfully landscapod with spa. courtyard and three er garage Separate guest quartert with kitchen and bath BAYFRONT . $3 750 000 Over 70 of bay front elegance this 5 bf 41 '> ba homo has a 180 v1~w of harbor w marine lac1httc-; for 4 large yachts 140' along the bHch HARBOR RIDGE 13,9251000 ~state home consisting of 7 br'a. 81 '2 ba'a, tennis court. pool & tP• Tht ost boautllul homo in the area w/\liews of city Ughtt & oc•en A mU$t set.> 1f looking for the best HARBOR RIDQE S-4 500 000 One of Ncwpor's moar olegnt and beautiful conatructed t'IOme~ L~ted on a prime lot with unobstructed vlewt of hat1>or city lloht• & min 5 bd. sep maids quarters (6th or 7th bd). prtvate guest 'autte, f ba largo mester suite with sitting rm. gym •• wine cellar, pool and spa SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 11 JEFF EWING Sales Associate Res: 854-1415 LYLEEN EWING Associate Vice President Res: 644-1361 C 4717 Hampden ) Open Sun. 1-5 Nearly One Half Acre South of PCH in Cameo Shores Rare opportunity to build or remodel adjacent to 14th green of the new N~wport Coast Ocean Course. This estate-sized.site overlooks ocean, hills and fairway. . Plans are available for privately gated 7000 + square foot home with 4-car gai:age. 468 De Sola Corona JliChlanda Th.. large 3 bedroom bout.a a &arge dtntng room. den off muter bedroom. 3 bath• and enonnou• 1Mng room wtth bar for ent.ertalnlng and vtew. Thla quiet community hu under- ground uUUUea and prtvat.e acceaa to Utt.le Corona Beach. $675,000 2601 BmiYA Eutbluff SpecW:ular remockled vtew homel 4 BO. huge !amdy room. hl&h celllncia. prmet kitchen. and dramaUc picture wtndOW9 wtth forever Yk'Wll .net lncr'edlble au.Neta. $849, 000 . $1, 750,000. 232 ORCHID Corona Del Mar Whether an empty-neater' or a newly-~. this home .. for you. Two very large bedroom au It.ea -one wtth 2 decka and akyllghta -the other wt th drama Uc marble ftreplace. Enjoy Catallna from the 1Mng room and acccu to the beach. $950.000 621 LIDO PARK Dr. 182 Enjoy the capUvaUJlC vtewa or the bay. moun- tatN and city ta&hta ftom thla 280. 3BA water- front condo. Larae LR wtth ftreplacc and den. Two deck.I for entertalnJnC, $2. 788/110 1 MS MARINERS Baycreat Perfect home -Perfect dealt Totally upgraded and ttdecorat.ed. You wtU &ove ent.ertatnJ.ng out.doon wtth built In barbequc. pool and •pa and ~t.reatlng lndoon around one or the 3 nreplace• Extenalvc wood accent.a nd decorauve Ule $825,000 SARA MARVIN Res: 675-5688 Bus~ 644-9060xl 78 Associate Vice President I 1 Closed Sale•-Newport Office For addttlonal lnformatlon and . prl..-atc abowtnc-of any propertlca. INSIST ON SARA MARVIN .. • .. PAGE 12 I SATURDAY August 17, 19{}1 RARE 4 BR WEFRONT $595,000 COSTA MfU QUICK POSSESSION $72,000 ,1 • • 1rn bt. ,. ot .e 'lome s11e 74 • , • ,. ~ ~ t ,. •;• , • 1w a n1riCJ room ESCAPE TO TUNQUIUTY $179,500 , 1• • n " •• 1ri, , •n11e 10 oearr1 ... , • t '-'" HT"t~ "'ti 111 urn ::, •' EXfCUTIVE STAllTU $182,500 t, •, • •. , tlJ• tNO master snAL nus" •• OPPORT\JNITY ICNOCICS ' . .... • \ tQI'" ~ •trore<l ward 1 h I di ; t' f 1 h1~rl, $187,000 rn "I la,r QllC~ sa • ,, ..: ~ ~ll• (.d~ • • ,, .,, nca .... s en $193,000 " ~ c ne ghb" s . 00 I • I PS~ ,, 'h TWO MASTER TOWNHOME $205,900 • • nn BA ooast , , • • ' r: ac 1no 1aroe rear , •I MOUNTAIN VIEWS $21•,000 .,~ ' BA tr· IP~" '• • cameoral ce1hnQs 1 uri"a on 1111 MESA VHOE $219,000 " • > .ih 1• th 'I t11 ~rnom 1,.1, bath ta mil\ I '' ~· 1! 1 ·• , 11rt ,.,.trvwdy f nteriamcr'> ' "'If l ,1••11r,,t1 IAlltl, nm dOC S~par.1tr UNBEATABLE PRICE $219,900 ,_, • 1 • ' ,\ 1 • ' '>~•e S' 1 he op , ' • " ·1 ;• u 1 t111 ' ', tJA Mesa verot PICTURE PERFECT $229,000 ••• "' ' ., ~. 'l< IT' t>atl1 ar:uu Ml PIUS ? 'di dna ,,.,,, (Ja'dQ•' w~t 1(11~ or !l1111t 'fl s1oraoe1 ' HDROOMS AHO FRUn TIHS $232,000 c .1 trt nj• QOOt; nto lll•s 4 BR I~. BA tam y ~.1. • r r omt-'ll!W root & nlQfe Clost 10 ill lflt 1 'PdS tr Cos11 Me)a Plt.l:>e c.lll IECHSION FtGKTHI $237,000 ! •PHh•Yt 2 SlOf'f 1 ·,i; mtlh trom be.11th• FOtTNI 1 • t 1 1 Atl~ 'J ttp <lawn L R teatumQ vau"ed ce11. ,, 11 ~~y1!Qtrt & raiseo tleallll r P FMn.111 Ot!WlQ c.ountry ~11cllen separatr ch11<lren ~ wtoQ MUST SEE TO BELIEVE $279,000 !lR tlA J J• SUMMER FUN $250,000 Lush Qd11Jr, ' vdl• t•o pr• it; ooo & ~P• Grt'a' ume lo t Oji ' th•~ J 4 HR t'IO!lll r O• 1 di DR t 1" tfy ~It ht· ', ·1 !I• MOYE·IN TODAY $253,900 This well r..ircO tor norrw led'u11·~ d nt w 1:>01 nr"' Cdrpct a ldrge tarnrly room & cdl •n kilt ~er Ca11 now trir tunhrr delails GREAT TOWNHOME $25.4,900 4 l!R •1 ~ llA t 860 ~Q h :' c ~' ll t 1.d'OI y.i•J rinP tl• oroun Cl .,,, •,1,111b ~,, • .,,, .1rp1 r t. Pd•r' " •PPlid'•C• C Ill' lrJ/ r n '. •• .'' LIGHT AHO HIGHT $259,900 \IJ ~nl t• 1ng, t 11 v. \JO.,, d •<' t.< , roorr a !I pncrc lu )Cit '.l AR 1\. nA 1)'1 I 1'1Jt • New Cd'pel 1 Cl r.1 I lor t lllb • OWNER MOVING NORTH $267,500 Supe1 3 BR BA llO':ne f r1 • c del I r size yaro .,,, • tr., t trees Krtd'l ~1c bJ~ " .:w • re«>ne Y'li ' 1 y "" I lo'<C I"'" ,. • ~ "II.IS 1 .,,., TOO WONDERFUL FOR WORDS $27',000 H ghly 1PQ1 • • ' 1 BR 1 • l!A "() c r • sQut'akb1 uPt .1 11 a"' !~oo· ru•n n •O co1n1·r t YO\Jt~ 11)1 a n., MODEL PERFECT MESA WOODS $279,000 8raut1lut <lP• ''al r homr All '"'"" k~1 !\<'ft balhs bric kwork p 11 l BH 7 l!A td1n roon Mu~I "e GREAT FOR CHILORlNI $287 ,000 J BH 2 HA em1 p11vatc cul dr s.i~ ! xtra taroe 1ur (%00 SQ •11 lJr build up or out .inc Mill havt room tor p .nt IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME $289,000 d AH ? RA plus t>Owlll'• roon l c 1 QJ'aoe ~'fl Jh· ~tory new cpl fresh p4,ot Mu~" oncJ1l1J 1 GREAT LOCATION $307,000 Locateo ies~ tn.l~ ooe m11e to Soutti Cc.ast Plaza J BR :.' l!A new patnl t0s10e ano OU1 Com PoOt ~P• le ,. c •rt• Prt<.eO bf>low ma1~et ELEGANT OOCUTM HOME $329,500 SP~IOl l'W 1 r f 4 BR la'Tl rm lonnal dllllllQ rm pll:) l>Qnu) 1oom WOO<I l!oors French dOOls. 1>11'0 spa £•Ce l'OI 1<>c1t100 • ~·oe lot SeUer wi 1 hrtp ftn.jfl{ EAmlOf CHAIMH $3.42,500 L.11roe .iOd on mas1er beOroorn ilnd baltl f rtoch O<>ofs l~acl to Oeck & ~P• H V ~ccr.s~ or 1'oa1ttONI 1>1,_mo tor tour cars Pnde 01 owntrshlp Don t IT14SS !hi~ one PRICED TO SEU $27'1500 ,, ) 4 b< ,,. oorn ? 11 b :fl llOme Gilnl M l'Qe FR w• ~ tO SC1IOOIS lnd ~I\; A " ,P .1ur ·~.,,~ •oome -LITT EXfCUTM HOME $405,000 ' ll~ l dA 3 ca1 oa1ag• 1 BR & ba11 OOWn ION! • • ott1n 11 hm '-i;wer S C Metro area COUNTIY CLUI LMHG $-409,500 Sp•rious 4 'lR :'' RA '"111"ut mature yard w ~par1\lin9 poo· I Jm,r~tl rou111 w t11 wet bar Walk IO M•!:>a veroc Co~try Clot> Over ?600 sq n QUIET LUXURY $660,000 Large 4300 sq 11 custom J Bil J BA m exctustve Mt·~.i vrrde Bnqhl I.unity ••tct1e" spa J patios Q.lft 1 1,H1r• 1.or• ;hop NEWPORT BUCH TIME TO Bl CHOOSfY $181 ,750 1. "'P t I e" 1 d • 1Ct ' OfTIPlc~ win P•I\· ke iJrwl\l~ 1 ... ~ rN>lt• bl!O•oom~ 11.ivt vaulted Ceil· • II tr ' I " k 1 P I\ d ill lllStdt ~ HST BUY IN NEWPORT $211,000 V • " t SR UDO ISLE "PRIME" $905.000 ' I ITie '• W"J C • I .. IO~) ol CIOI• $525 A MONntlll $105,000 Cl1~3PN II\ 1n rem IOI tt11~ t ,, llll'te 1 ~oroom 1 bJlti C dn ARM ~ '\ •n.,,T' •I "Cl"' BIKE TO nt BEACH $211,900 c .... 11 I 1\1 l'(W 1n P" , " H ~·-.1 3 BR rna•sl\'e hr~pt.ict r L H w lh WIXl<l .1 Cents f renth OOOr of>t!nh~ lo Lg Boll~ ydr1I CIO~l' t(l t~eryttt ng RJll([AIN QWJ POOL AHO SPA WGAIN $277,000 tndoseo t..JtlO lront J"cl ,, i• Poot SPI 111<1 w~er atl soiar tie.itt:d 4 •droe HR • ~. BA largo ~ room W•th f p QU "I LUI tl~ U' 401C BELOW APPRAIW U49.900 ~BR 3·• BA w1" R aod IO!ma 0 ~ 2 m" a ont up ano one doNn 3000 5~ 11 tllU:. ..,11 11¥, POOi custom ~• trll\J OU1 Mo • ~rt' A 11 al at tis POU MAGNlflCENT MANSION $119,000 r 01a!\y upgra~e<J ~ ~ HR 3 BA fldoof spa Bts1 holTWt fl\ lle!Qh!loltlOod Nt"' root 3100 P'la SQ 11 SHOWCASI m<:UTM HOMf Ult 000 Foor BR <''~ BA foim. II room. lorrnaJ1 l R Laroe modem ktlchen 1wr110 •llY!lnQ POOi Pl ¥rtl back-yard w!tll IT\1JUmum prtvacy lier, PrOI llndscapong, loo m.llly exttu to mtntlOn and owe IMMACULAT'I MOMf L.troe J ~OOl1\ 2~ bl home tn •, AN • new CICSer1 Oclst ~ ol1IC w S J Cit QaflOI and mel.Cufoos WlC SllblCCI 10 pr~ court appranl m .MTZll lXICUTM lNltO $475,000 CornplCely redOnt hOmt W lg yl(l! I ' l All nN wWldOw & OOOI, crown ~lnrJ rvs & hers ·tn cloull. Allll rt muter 8A B r.iei tt't to lam nn & more PUlf • ·Yl-$129,500 UpsUJ11 condo. b1l011t IMnO room \ii r.itp. • & b~ony TWO 'JllS'" 5Uttes WiVI fUI DiOI IDOi! >, lhe amenities yw eii>ect to see C.11 no.-1 WHY PAY tum $135,000 Beau1rtu1 llQl'll & bnQhl J Dedroom 2 ti;.'.11 tlld 111r1 Ill mucll Otsif'lej gated COITllTUlt'l'y ft!A ~ avi'llble P & I ONy 1831 mo SlCLUDfD 2 II, 2 IA CONDO w~ ~ un1 ~"'O mJ!l.lre trees Ne~ atcor•!cd "';!h grid l.wgt lbnle • hen w Best IOCilllOll In C.otnOlel -.... 2 MASTEi sums $131 ,000 ~ &fP$Wr1 11'111 O'I~ Conr.! llll WUh. dry & m..,, lncllCed 2 car~ °'** fOI NYM CMIJ>IOt $211,000 ~imllY name ,...... 3 BA n, BA• AIC 1 Cl/ gar~ w °'**· fnp&Ke Flfrily IOOITI IN! ~ CIOUI flit yard for Childrln & lfUl\UWIQ lriendl s~ ClllIY s1u,to0 Thou~• 111 l/POfldts .oom tis '1 BA srno !Ml Condo Spanastt pa'tlll'S & Bertlflf ca·pet rlus IO!I al extra • Clow to partt 2 ur 1ttxneo g gr SQUWCY CLIAH $165,000 Le opllOI\ hS OOtQOOliS 2 BR 1 iJA cOOOO " I ur OllflQI Upgr "'41 lhf\/-Olj\ F P rncl0$ed patio 180' ~ amic View cun.cun.cutt · $19',000 rtq J 11tOrOOm n, ~"' l'tOme snould 11 n CC>ldY Lots ol dlltm. llrQI rooms f P & g ' den Dant r11A '*' OOIOIOUI POOl 6 SPA $S77,000 eui oe sac Nolf!wOOCI pndt " DWIV ""' home -74 BA 3 BA In • ~ loC you'l IM I MOOIL NtflCf me. 4 It $..S,000 3V. Yl1 UpgnOa gMn IT!Mble Soni lt.-etM • .., .. 171 pOOI ' spa COWWI MNOowl ,,_. ............ ·- <Olowau. GAN"'-CR. l upecut~ •. Now provtdlng Southern Colltomla wttti Paclnc Rim referTOla from Coldwell lonker'a ,.ferro! broker In Totwan. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE ... BELCOURT TOWNE PLAN E SELL•R HM llOWDI MAK• OPnRU ~ ** REDUCED TO $1,350,000 ** upper un1t •• Exqultttefy ~ wtth marble emry, tMed kitchen floor• & plueh c.arP«fng throughoot. New window & wait f treet.m9ntl. Bullt-ln C>M enteftaln"*lt center In den. Fabu- lou1 •weeping ocean & city llght vteM. II 80U'11tAllPTOlt CT. ** OFnRD AT: SUS,000 ** BELCOURT TERRACE NEW LISTING -BELCOURT CUSTOM FAMILY HOM& ..._,.._,. CUlbnl:Z9d ~ twnly home on llt'D9' ~ lot. Aecwlly r~ with txtlnlhil UN °' MltbAI tocn, a,.,. ...... Q"*>m plllnl & w4ndow n.tmenll. lMgl m..-... wilt ..... Profmloolly dellgMd l111d1capl11g wlootnb pool/apt. Wlillftll, fourUln & outdoor -. .,.. w/8.8 Q. Mq o1tier upgndlel ** OfPDD AT Sf ,488,000 ** T.,nice -..,. 1 • ' • ~ ooloti Ma bMuftut white .. flo<n. a.rt. :,= & Plllntatlon lhuftln. R.. ywd btlcka onto . Many ottter upgrlldM too numeroua to mention. Quleti occ 0 .1<. 0.... ........... .owl 11 MILL8DAI • DR. ** ORIQHIAU.Y cw+WD AT .... ,000 ** llOW RmDUCllD TO eTM 000 BELCOURT HILL PLAN 1 Eleglntty ~ Belcoun Hiii single !el/el Plan ... t & aity and decofaled In wry neutnl Colors. Gorgeous ptwnatlon stut.,. & ptush oft-whh carpeting throughout. Stllte of tN Art European gourmet kitchen. LoYety ocean & clly llghtl view In • quiet locltion. ** OFFERED AT: SllU,000 **. -ttede for ••lonrt, ... Cen,on • _... •• Otil.., hetM. Two BA p-. den, 2~ bllh MQlrity ~ nome. Whilt• w. pey91s, on whil9 B4wbef carpeting & btMcned pl9rUtlon ~ mllbte In the bdla w/ jlcunt IT\UWt tub. A/C, aec.. 1yatem. SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 13 1 ACRE+ TENNIS COURT +5000 IQ.FT. + $300,000 MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION = BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN ,,. .. IP I~ C.. Ille ,.U.11111 ter let ..... ll:T NOW1 1400 SU MIOUB. (et llecArthur) **OFFERED AT: 1.1,911,00G ** RllDUC•D TO Sf , .. 8,000 ** LIDO llAYFRONT CONDO ~ recteco.*d 2 bedfoom, MQa1ly condo. Betber C#pell8, ~ .......,.,.. • Wf1lde blnda.. w .. to --di OI Udo w.ge. Sip awilble for yoAJI own bo9I. Thia la the pertec:t ~ home • .....oPnltD AT: •-,000 ** EQUESTRIAN. hotM propel'ty on emo.t ~ acre In Up to e horM• .-owed & ctoM to end· mtlM of Back Bay tiding trails. Ex.latlng home .,... 3bd, 1ba & eildoeed carport W)lwge ~ .,... & kJtcMrl hM bMn u~ **OFFERED AT S495,000 ** SPECTACULAR VIEW " BACK BAY TENNIS' ESTATE F"1119 bedroom, 5th bath MtVant QUartera, s.tuated on t.M •cru •l the edge of Back 81y'1 Ec:oioglcal Preserve. P1rtilng '°' 20 cars lighted i.MfS court & 20 l'Mlw pool, spe, end rock weterl•ll. Owner will consider 1 trade for CorONI del M•r oc.antront or c:ommeroal ~· ** Ol"FERED AT $4,500,000 ** PAGE 14 / SATURDAY August 17, 1991 . NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Realtors ® Exclusive Orange County Affiliat e of Sothe b y's International Realty NEWPORT'S VERSAJLLES CONDOS l bdrm I s1 llr II\ q1J11·1 s1dt• "mny wuthi!m exposure Pool. ~pa & 1lhotll't Urlt\ Id! 14()(1 $129()()(} SOUTH COAST METRO B.?auuful Z bd 2nd Or Hllf .! ni.htl!r'> h,•,1m' frpk '>kylighh, lu'>h gret>nbeh \. •• m1111 pool IY 'IM 1LH l 760 i600 $169.!'>00 HUNTINGTON Bf.ACH l..dndmatk guardl•d ,,<!ult ornrn 1•1111, I bl• ... k t • bi!<1l h Rnght, rrnrrured 2 bcl w 1.1m1h. rrn 1l H I Id! MOO $JlJ4.'IOO TUSTIN RANCH (;dll•d • omrnunit\, \• JY'l<ll lo,. 'P.l \, I '! h.ri t\.I. nt o ""1th fml\ rm \,.J Or, 1n , •lit',/ 0t • • h· '' ~ ,m .Jhl, q.1r.1ql' 7bll 3(-il)ll Sl07,900 EASTSIDE Co~ta Mesa tharmmg detached 3 bd ( .1pt <..ucl llNnhml' m ~mall complex Living & d1mn9 •• ,,,,ulifr door>to11ard 6311400 S24~.000 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Immaculate 1 bd tv.nhr· d. r r.11wd door) & wmdow), rock fireplace ,1tt .!hi.• l lf3<J< 'It p.'1110 .J.. frutt trc>l'S 63 I 1400 $249.r,oo EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Gorg.-ou~ highly up- JT""''d I hd 'l rlt r \l ihlP Mt garag<' New Ooonng & ,1rp.•1 k11<t,,r •'PP1t1nCl'">& ti" 6.11-1400 ~269,000 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Complt-telv rl!modeled lro•n lh1 111 .1<11· n 11 ! hJrr 1 lrpk ~·"med c~thng!t l1•rk /I.. 1•\ITd l,H'}I yMd fdl 141)() $289,9()() BA VVIEW COURT l1e,1ut1h1I bnght Ml'dtterran~an 2 h.f .' h 1th • 11d 11111 "" .!. !J•1r.19cs & p11v.ito> p.aho on I" "' I,. I• ( rT T pc \'. 'Pd td I MCXl $295 000 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA lmm<.llult1te 4 bdrm h11rn1• 11n 1111w1 nil UI! S3C n~w carpet & paint & mce .,,,, k\.Hd C.7 I blJ(J() $..1 19.000 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA rabulous new paho t .. , .... d1111nq Xe fM1 .rly rm\ MMltll', wh1lt'\A.c?1shed .. 1~ •• frpl1 '" h1q 1,.11d "n )41)(] $ ~ ~'>.000 EASTSIOE COSTA MESA U Mmm9 Lc•untl) I 1c r I I '' l h.t J.. ft1mly rrn frpll hdwd firs lcmd· '' •If ·•·d pcltl" ,I.,, 'IM nn r11I rll• \i'I< f, 7 ~ h<>OO $1(,.-, IX)() SOUTH COAST METRO n. ..iu:dul r.·rnodt!le<.l 2 )IY ~ hr I •r , ... Imm•] & r 11~ rrn~ & l !xi & I hath I""''' I 1 d1 .. 1r\ A« X.. \l'CUrttV 6~1 1'100 $361}.000 NEWPORT SHORES U1curr 111~ 2 ~t> Vicwrw1 "" I 11 , " • t I "-I 11! 1p I 11 k r1.ik • ,,hs hi. EW1tw1 HJ•• '"P 11 "'" ''•''''''' Id! l•ll)(J $17">()()() tlARBOR HIGHLANDS < .r, '"' n.it<Jhhorhnod f am- • , i t. • \: 1 3 rr -.. frpk np1.'ll I• 1 I •1'1 \ ,,, I \t p11111 f'r ;," I(• ,,.11• fdl 140U$il'l. 100 COSTA MESA I xt·r 11 lt•1 .. t'111 sml'\ll cul de '>lit rom- H 11 • .!. h<l I. hdth'. wtlh dm1ng & fomtly rooms • rp4"nt111J lO atrr11m f>llllO Light & bright with nice land- .. "Pt'rl ynrc1 611 1400 $279.600 OPEN SAT• SUN 1·5 401 Fullenon Newpott He1gtrts Carla Broltrnin and Mar1ene Hassel 1106 Nottmol\am Westctdl N B Maureeo Downey LOIS Zimmerman t 003 Somerset. Dover Shores N !I Esther Ftne • Hei<11 MOOdy 46 t Suwvd Corona H1g111aOOs Ce!M Maureen Webb Steve 81111 100 Via CordO\la LtdO Isle N B Satiy Pnilhps • MaOfeen Oov.ne~ 710 Lar .. )pur Corona Ori Mar Margo Stuan Asht~y Mtlntvr~ 2723 Oc~.tn Blv() Cnrooa de ~., 0111.i Md~"s '~, 1 l\111gs Ra Clrt!l\<1•!.'ll t, t! LO•\ McLovr1 Jloti G1ern (•l<J Via uoo ::,ouc L•do tse N ti ~a·~ J1c >.\O'• A1.~~n Dav""~ 330 -l•d ~·OO "ll)ld ltOO 1s1e ~. !l \ll"kll Lt'~ OPEN SAT 1·5 zt6 WJ1ou1 t,e,..pori ~r"'1e~ Keonte Jo R1110 2223 Fiesta BkJllS N tl Mary Srvar1an 519 Sanu Ana. Ntv.pon He ut:f!, Marlene Hassel OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 J~O ~ .'Oltl St. b1sts10,. Cost; Mesa Pe1m Spaulding ?05 Mon1e Vista f astsi<lt Cost.i M,~, "M(' F reffllan 63 BaycJest Court. Bayview TPrracc Peggy Hamson 2506 Westmrnster £ asts•Cle Cost• M~!>~ Susan Busch 49 Corsica Newpon North Maur!'en Webb .'08? Manon Wav l ~sts•dt Co~1.i Mrsd C11try1 Carlson '141 Ins f asts1de Costd Mes' Cattienne Wrtltams ~ 'i 1 6?n' C.t Nl'wpart C,tlO'"S w:cn~f!! P" ir.n 4 ~, 6?no ~!J~e1 '"'""o"n .,, ,, Mdrilyn Cle~r1 ,,.,,,er '.'J lrJ'l Lrnllo Bdlboa l'r1•1• \ulJ Roy rreeman JOll La J l Newport ttr 11Jl'11S M•rv Dress" ?124 f Ocean Peninsula Porr t Mary Ann Netllercun 9B6 BJyslOI' Cove v. """"ll<lrt Bt•tll Bea 4mo10 t 456 Kcyv1r.w llrt>1 l/u tt111s Margo Stu;n J bO nouse $469000 3 bd hOuse $475,000 3 bd hOuse S530 000 3 bd hOust S539 000 3 bd nouse $629000 3 l>d nousc $949 )()() ? rio tiouse St 59) 000 s l>O nou~~ SI t\95 000 ~ bC llOU~r $' ·q9 000 6 ~ ~;i~ s:i 100 ooo 3 M r10usf' $339 000 ~ 00 twnlY11 S39~ '-llO J oo nou ~ Wl8000 l t>cl fv.OhlTl sm ooo ] bO l'IOUH' $289 000 'l bd Condo smooo 3 bO nousr $795 000 I be! !W!1l1m $299 000 4 bO tl()uSI' $3'9000 4 b<l r1011~e $365 000 1~~}1.' SH!>OOO I i10 h(}IJ\I' •t rnn ~oo tr , •' $I ~I I btJ I U ,r $479 000 t><J 'ioli~t Sb~9000 l bd hOu~e S67S 0(1() , bO INll' $67!1 000 3 bd hOllh•' S73'i 000 J? Vienna Hart>or n1c:g,. ~. ll 3 bO hou~· M•ICtt Aellet s i 9'i 000 601 l tdo Pm DrtY( I 'if & 70 NP1 Heaci 2 bO COO<IO Mary Lou l<tehler $69~ 000 & S86$ 000 J'l t Poppy Cllfona ·ll'!t Mar 6 bO tioose R~ RteharOso $11~ 000 U ~emeu. Bio C*"fOI\, N tl 5 bO hOuse Eslller fflo 12 775.000 NEWPORT HEIGHT9 Com~ rtmodeled 3 bdrm home with ooeon vf«w In lushly landscaped woodsy wttlng Fr doors &. paned windows. ncv. b.lths & kitchen Pmnite cul-de-sac \oastion 631-1400 $495.000 NEWPORT SHORES 2 sty 3 bd canalfronr w "'1<1· t>n polenllal DmtnQ famUy room & SJ>600US livm•1 ronm OV\>rlook.lng SAndy b«och (LH) 631 I 400 • • . 1381) ,t)(l OLD CORONA DEL MAii Top quality J bd twnhm, frpk, vault d CCW~, paned Windows, IOp OI tht> hne k.11chen & mtmor laundry 631 1400 $395.000 NEWPORT 3 bd twnhm 1n wat«rfronl complex dock tor 35· boot Remodeled w smooth ce1lings1 .~1Uh1 J woods new kitchen & baths 631-1400 . ~5 OC'W'l NEWPORT HEIGHT8 Nlc:9 3 bdrm horn« plus ufc. den w1rplc owr 93n.ge Woocf•deck w 1sp11 & BBQ ~ lu~h landscaping 631 1400 $49R 000 CLIFFHAVEN lmm&C\1lale livable 4 bd ruurr. fo m1ly rm w frplc & large yard Lovely neighborhood. v..all< to "" schools 760-3600 $515.f))() BLUFF8 MocM perfect 4 bd. marbM entry, vaulted ct>1hn9~ private SPll In PllbO, mini view Comm p<ll)IS h l 1 . 1400 s.r; 19 ~l CORONA DEL NAa Dupi.>1.. Welk to ocean & ,hops Adoroble 2 bd front house w1frpk, bc.,m, N f\dho plus 1 bd apt & gst quartu 760-3600 $535.0tlCl NEWPORT AT THE Bf.ACM Rcarntly rtl"IUl..ih d dllpie-. v. J M. 3 ba 2nd Or unit & 2 bd, 2 be do\\.·n I rpk, dt>c.k.\ & pahos 760-3600 .. . . $56.1 r,oo NtwPORT AT TH! •l!ACH Pftfed)y rtmocM._-.d duplex just 5 doors to sand w/oc .. n vlcvn from deck & patt0 Owner occupied 4 & J bd units 631·1400 .. . $575.000 PENINSULA POINT Charming 3 bd, farntly m1 b,.,,mcd t l'thngs, Fr doors & windows, mft1t('l' w h.nl cony 2 tmck pat1e» 631 1400 • .. ... $595,000 PENIN ULA n fabulous newer duplt" w :i heh • Mh, frpln, pllhOi & baJc:on n Mature tr & L'll I "aping, "~ lo OC'4!nn & Bay 631-1400... $595 tll~lO NEWPORT AT TM BUCH IWrilod krd dup • ... ·' th 4 hrl & 2 hd un1b nn 1Nidtr lot right 6a'OU tTom tlu "'-md bil·HOO . .. . ........ $598,0llO NEWPORT Pnd~ ot own«rih1e dur:>l4ix. i.-t blc)(k 11_1 •K •',\n 1 hd. 4 b.\lh up & 3 bd, 3 bath down $47. 00 • H'lm••t win11·r mcom• 631·1400 S.599.<XJ<I . NEWPORT AT ntE Bl!ACH 1 house lo sand Two ? lid 11n1h wnh nc~an vww from front petio 631-1400 ....... $599.000 LIDO ISLE Cha.rmtf\9 1 ~ty 3 bd totally nrmod led h<>m... new windows & doon. oak moldlng.t _ ~ Rn LAJ~ COfl i.!f lot 6Jl }40() ....... ••• ....... ~· _$629,CXlO SJN"'UdiJiMI iM JK"!'tttiu I« uk « ltt.N ... OM th Wlkt ••• 1ua~ lb ..atn ... aMtl wt'd aw,., '1j ~ ..-••• CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2600 E COAST HIGHWAY 2A36 W. COAST HIGHWAY 7 14-760-3600 714-631-1400 BALBOA ISLAND omcE 315 MARINB A VB. 7 14-6~3-6900 ,. ~v "'~ " l'\C% NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 15 WCAT-ERFRONT HOMES, INC. Realtors ® All of these properties are on the water ... o r "'ith a view of the water UDO ISLE "Tumkey" ~rfec:tlOn in this 2 sty 3 bd, 3 bath home with cat-in kitchen, dining & family rooms & beautiful sunny brick patio on one of the Island's best slTeets 631·1400 ....................... . .. $649,000 BALBOA ISLAND Duplex Charming 2 bd brick & wood sided cottage with frplc , open beamed ceiUng. whitewashed wood paneling. Fr. doors & pa~<? ~lus 2 bdnn apt & ultlity room 631 -1400 ............... S649.SOO LAGUNA Bf.ACH Prisllne bi·lewl with 2 bc:irm$, 2111 boths. family room, & double garage on e>«an side of coast highway Ocean views from master & beam 1~1~ng ~ ~~~. ~~~ .. ~ ~~~S6~.m POllNSULA POINT 0.llghtful extensively rm\od- eled 3 bdrm "Old Monterey" styte home w1dinlng room & great family lutchen. Large deck. patio & 2nd story balcony Just ~ lo ocn.n, boy &. famous "Wedge" 631·1400 ...................................... $675.000 BAYSIDE COVE Bnght, open 2 bdrm ~nthouse with 2h baths, den & boat slip nghts. Private end urut. views of bay. city lights & .mountains Gated boyfront compl x with pool, spa & beach. stq>1 to &lboa Is- land 631 1400 .. ..................... $675,000 CORONA OEL MAii Award wmntng duplex Over 2000 sq ft open, bright 3 bdrm front unit with formal dining & den plus ternhc 3 bdrm back unit High ceil· 1ngs, .,~yhqhss. clerestorv windows & Berber carpet 760-1600 . .. . $689.500 BALBOA ISLAND Shingled charm~r with the look of a Nantuckrt summer house. Formal dining with frpk:. fom1Jy room with s1t·down bar, gourmet kitchen with Wolf rong . 2 sp.-ic1ous master suues & pnvate pa 673,6900 .. ... • . .. .$695.000 LIDO PARK DRIVE HIGHRISE Full secunty bldg ""'th doomian pool, spa & b1lhard room lmmaculte & bvau11fully d •corated 2 bdrm with lovely ocean. city hght, thanr\111 sunset lllCV.'S 631 -1400 $695.000 BAl.lSOA 181..AND Adorable bright remodeled 3 bdrm home with living room opening to spodous bnd< patio plus separate bc:>nus room with bath Real pride of ownersh p. 673-6900 .. ... $759,000 LIDO ISLE Beautiful bright 3 bdrm home on large comer lot w!bay view at quiet end of island Separate guest quarters w/sittlng room & sun deck Living room wffrplc, pnvate patio off dining room 631-1400 ..... . $785.000 NEWP08T HEIGHTS Traditional 4 bdrm home with ocean views. Dining & family rooms. gourmet kitchen & top_ quality amenihes. bay windows. Fr doon, 2 brick trpk:s, balconys & beautifully landscaped yard 6.31-1400 ... . ........... $865,000 UDO VILlAGIE Spectacular views of ocean, moun· ta.ins & bay from beautifully decorated 7th floor 2 bdrm, 2Vi both condo with sauna in full secunty bldg with doorman, pool & spa. 631 ·1400 .......... $865,000 ' BALBOA ISLAND Beautiful. spaoous "Countty En· glish" destgiler's 3 bdrm home with famdy room, den & e~nt master suite plus separate 1 bdrm loft apt Fr. doors. boy wind®. . aown molding & 2 frplcs 760-3600 . . . . . . . ... . . .. . $885,000 LIDO ISLE Bright & open dramatic Mediterranean 5 bd home Family room & large unny bflck patio on large comer lot at quiet end of island. Immaculate & perfect for enteru11n1ng Cl°"' to club. beach & tennis. 631·1400 . .. ...................... $895,000 BIG CANYON Frt'hly decorat d 3 bdrm with family room dramauc ntry with v..h1t~shed wood tloor5 & 2 story dining & hVlng rooms on Big Canyon's 8th fair· 1uy u.1th great vus l.o-.;~ly landscaping trip! ga· 1---1---TIJ;~...=.~=--=Q!,l[MllQ..~lll.-J(()()t~>f-fl~~~-f--W!ilC-'U 1·1400 , $1 ,050,()()(} CORONA DEL MAR'S ChannelrHf bayfront com· plex & comm pool Totally redone 2 bdrm condo, fab- uJow view of tnhr• bay from almost all rooms ''Art Deco" feahng w 1glas.s block. granite counters & custom Cll~ 760-J600 ....... .... . .. ... . .. ... . . .. $ 719 .000 DOVER S HORES VIEW LOTI Nearly YJ acre, one of the largest lots S«!m wdl built 5,000 'SQ ft top quality home & pool for $1 ,595,000 OR .. buy l)'le lot & build your own. 631 -1400 . . .. $975,000 BALBOA ISLAND Bayfront duple>t, pier & shps for 2 boats plus wat r & city hght views Front 2 bdrm1 ,2 bath house. frplc & pat.io plus 1 bdrm apt & douoi gara.ge with laundry Super rental loeat10n Of build new 6.31-1400 ... . . ... . ..$995.000 • OCl!ANfllONT DUPLEX In excellent rt'ntal loc.a· lion near pier Two 2 bd units 631 ·1400 ... $995.000 MUOA ISLAND BAYFRONT Duplex Extra larsit 4 bd & 3 bd units c.nnot be duolic:ated toda~. Ext I nt summtr.'w1nter rental Income & great bay & ctty light WWI 673 6900 • • $1 ,098,000 • coaoNA DEL NAJI Exciting nearly MW quaUty Mf'd1tmannn twnhm ..... th wesonw w oft en· tn bey It oc-.n Bluff top end unit, formal dining ~:i:. ~3600~~~-···· -·-~~~..:ti.o;r.~ HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE Exceptionally elegant 4 bdrm boyfront vtlla with large dock. famlly room & m· terior courtyard with ~ GaDena entJy leads to living & formal dining rooms opening to ?'stone terrace 631 -1400 ..... .... . ... .... .. . $2,195.000 BALBOA ISLAND Bayfront duplex 1n great rental locaoon. steP' to town with grea1 bay & oty tight Views Each unit has 3 bdrms loft & bnck frplc 673- 6900 $1 ,100.000 HARBOR RIDGE Exquis11ely decorated 4 bdrm "~­ tale Home • ~ great ocean & city light VlfM~ Dlnulg room, pub room w frplc & bar & paneled hbrary. Fr doors open from morning room to courtyard ~ foun- tam 760.J600 ... ... .. . ... ... .. .. . . Sl,195,000 CORONA DEL MAR A picture perfect 6 bd Euro- pean Villa on 45' lot, step~ to beoch Two stmy . ~amt'd ce1hrisied U.vtnQ. rm~ dining &Jcun1ly f!'TIS ~at· in kitchen. French doors open to tr covered patios & spa 631-1400 Sl.195,000 UDO ISLE Soph1shcat d, top qua.111y totally remod· eled 5 bdpn on l11rge qu1~t 1ns1cl comt"r Formal din· 1ng, famtl\,' rm fabulou ~nnet country kitchi'n ~ lushh; plMt ~ t~~ p.'lllC> Fr doo~ paned w1~~ 631-1400 $! J~.000 CORONA DEL MAR Blult O\,r Chm4 C°"' "<\ h Fabulous 111 's ol ba) OCdtn ~ harbor cntranc, Bright 2 bdrm horn "'tth conr,•mpora:) (\cur :-.: room 10 c pand "'1th 100 on Or\;an Bl\-d Pnri'd ~ .~P: pra1~ n.'ll 1400 S. l 595.uuu CORONA DEL MAR OCEANFRONT Vacant lo1 with kirge fo,ed rat ~n pc! ntial IOI' house O\ier 5000 sq ft Try trade for incomt• pro~~' 631-1400 Sl,695000 LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT With 4 bdnns, maids quar· ters family rnom · dnck in uPft 'OUth facing loca tion, tepi to clubhou~ hmn Bright · open .... uh new CMpl'I & fr.,_-.h paint throughout ~I. r,1o1.11D trAd down' 631-1400 Sl,799.000 .. / s,-;Ji,U., 116 ,.,,,,..-/« """« t.w .... ,_ -··-,_ -.;.-" .. 'd • -"'~ -.:. CORONA DEL MAR omcE NEWPORT BEACH omcE .. ' ~. . 8 LBOA I .. LAND om E 2600 E. COAST HIOHWAY 2436 W. OAST HIGHWAY 315 MARIN[ AV .. 714-760-3600 714-631-1400 714-673-6900 • .. PAGE 16 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Realtors A Sp,ciall31it9 iN propl'ttll'J /or~ 11r kaM ... 1111 ''' wahr ••• 11ear de wzt« .•. IUlil ~IJ ~ vkw "'~ Wfll« ••. VICKIE LEE Residence: 6 73-65 73 Business 631-1400 _._ LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT Sixty feet fronting on sandy beach Fresh, bnght decor throughout J bed, 3 b,, home plus 3 bed, 2 b& apartment $2,700,000 CONTEMPORARY OCEANFRONT 3 story, one year old 4 ~. 4 ba & fam rm Spectacular wh11e WAier view from every level Huge roof top deck Lovely custom fearures thfoughout $1,200,000 KENNIE JO RIZZO Residence: 642-491 7 Business: 631 -1400 MID PENINSULA Walk IO buch, bey, Udo lhopplog 4 bedroom/3 beth • 2 story 2 flrcplaca Cuttom bulh In 1964 lg Jundeck R2 toned $475,000 NEWPORT SHORES fh11 family on•nt.d communlly Is a ... a1 _i.-uu two pook, t.cnnb cou'1 and ch11dr•ns play am1 l...atil'll"h your °""" raft ln the canal and walk to the oc:ea.n 3 Bdr -2 Bilth + loft 2 story. remodel $375,000 2 Bdr + den -2 Bath Spa -2 story $330,000 3 Bdr -2 Ba th + bonus rm Air condition $339,000 3 Bdr -2 Bath Single Story $320,000 MARY ·LOU KIEHLER Re idence: 675-2700 Business: 631-1400 601 LIDO PARK DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH V1ew ol Oc:con, Turning Ba m Rhine Chann<'I, Boy, Ci,!jl '-:1gh1s and Mountains Only prcstlgloui locallOt'I 1n ~l>Oft Beach w11h 24 hour ~cunty nnd doormdn Loc.1kd on the Rhine chAnnct, bay end Turning &sin and only lhrco blocks to the Oc an. Truly a Nawport landmark of grac1ou1. hv1ng for a 51?Jcc1 fl.w. Some of the: Ml(!nltl•t Include b1lllard room, gcn<?roui cre.1 for pnv11t<' en1ertl'l1men1, oool &. ~ sauna and wel t>&ir. C.11 for appoint.a••• to iltow · 1 5F $695,000 #ID S700,000 n o $165,000 1 20 S2700/Le••• ANNE FREEMAN Re4iidence: 673-4459 ,· 205 Moat• Vl•t• CoetaM- Wondcrful wbidc home. large tot with plaM ac room to •~pond. Tol4\Dy n~"" in~ld & out. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths fu plac In rrving room. Di n light IUtth n d n1 arn ~U nt loca!i6n. 219,000 ... OPEN UNDAY l o.I 309 Llaclo Balboa Gr.iat Boch cottAQe on &he peruNUI.' between Bay• 8-ch. 2 bedromN. 2~ balht. lMnsa room wiCh fnp&icl and cozy ~ Qu \ frMrndtlj Mlghborhood. .. ,, .... OPfJlf SUNDAY 14 Exclusive Orange County Affiliate ot Sotheby's International Realty --' .. .. -. .,.. -- ---~ --------- ("' .. Udollle~d • .. •.s BA on Pima Wo Con:r • Tally rcnlOdeled, pcrfectJy deanlod! $1,'9S.OOO $1,395,000 Udo 1-F Comtt lot • SBR. -O)A Medilbraan home • f>csiol* C2lcm ~ d Isle Udo Ille Olpe Cod. • 3BR. 3BA. Fm. nn .. on Wsi= lei • ~bab.&s ~m laef ~ home $8'JS,OOO $895,000 . ··.;··-~ •·.. t. . • .. \.:_ .. II ...__ ---- eoron. dd Mm" Ccndol • 3BR. 3.SBA I 2BR. 2BA. • Ouplor Qnh una> mJ.<JJJ • 3BR 3BA; &n. nn., Almy brick Piiio • 5l. k> ... kalicx\ * pr'1CIS $649,000 . $39S,000/$349,000 • • • • • • • Newport Hdgta Cape c.od • 3BR, 2.58.\, &eNy ~ • Ott:NV Cm.lina views $49S,000 OPEN H<XmS 1-5 Prime Lido Bayft. $1 , 799,000 619 Via Lido Soud Sat/Sun Countr1 View EsL $1,695,000 1411 Kanp Road atJSun C..D.M. Ocean View $949,500 210 Larkspur SatJSun ( .... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • ~ • • t • • • • • • • • t t • • e e • • • • t • • • ' t I • a t t t • i • • • • t • • • I • I • I ' I I .. ·... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .......... . "' _) L PAGE 18 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEW LISTING tuoo PENINSULA $129,000 Premier bayfront location -magnificent bay view. Seautifully decorated 2 Bd, 2 Ba condominium. Walking distance to ocean. Boat slip available. LINDA ISU $3,995,000 Brand new decor in this newly remod- eled custom home on guard gated Linda Isle. Five Br's + maids room, 61h Ba lo- cated on the main channel with bay and city ltght views. Boat dock and side he for a 55' yacht. Owner/broker. PERALTA HILLS EAST $3,700,000 Incredible 6 bedroom, 61h plus 11z bath estate. Security gated, professionally landscaped/tennis court. Completely fur- nished HARBOR RIDGE $2,100,000 Beautiful 4 Bd, 3 1h Ba custom French home Recently decorated. Custom land- scaping and Italian lime stone fountain. NEWPORT BEACH $1,475,000 Beautiful Pride of Ownership bldg. Owner will consider trade for resldentiel property. Private restrooms. Located near Hoag Hospital. Assumable loan. HARBOR Hill $1 ,350,000 Maison de Fleurs -stunning 5 BR cus- tom home Beautlful pastel exterior, dra- matic entry, gourmet's kitchen, library, 3 fireplaces. pool and spa. DOVER SHORES $1,295,000 Panoramic bay, ocean and Newport Cen- ter vistas. Sleek, contemporary newly r&- modeled home. Open each weekend. Also for lease. $5,500 FULL OCEAN VIEW $1,250,000 Four Br, 3 Ba In this exciting five level home. Ultra contemporary but subtle. Ex- traordinary ocean lights, sunset and Catalina views. SHORfCUFF $1,069,000 Remodel or build your dream house on the large Corona def Mar Shorecllffs lot. View, private access to beaches. BIG CANYON $199,000 Monaco floor plan, 3 Br, 21h Ba. Ideal for entertaining indoors & out. Quiet cul-d&- sac. NEWPORT GUN $195,000 COMPARE PRICEI Incredible detall of Oak doors, crown moldings, Wainscot- ing. this is a fine family home, ~ Bds, study, separate maids quarters. HARBOR VlfW HOMES . $129,000 Five Br, 3Y.r Ba, large home with pool and apa. Dramatic llvfng room and entry, family room and bonus room opening onto large pool area. BIG CANYON $795,000 Stunning 3 Br attached home on one level. Located on an extra large cul-d• sac lot. French doors & windows, cua· tom lighting, Baldwin hardware, parquet flooring, sec. system, crown mofdlnga. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE HARBOR llDGI $7ff,OOO Enjoy fabulous city lights and mountain· views from this 4 Br, 3 Ba upgraded Lautremont. UDO PENINSULA $759,000 2 Bd luxury high rise condo. Spectacular views of Newport Harbor. Interior has been cleaned out ready for renovation. IALIOA PENINSULA $695,000 Th is 4 Br home exudes charm & beauty. 1 block to beach! SEAVIEW $650,000 Largest model, choice greenbelt loca- tion, end of cul-de-sac. U~obstructed views. Steps to pool & Jacuzzi. HARBOR VIEW HILLS $641,500 Comfortable home with ocean view, fire- place In living room. Short walk to beach. IAYCREST ON LARGE LOT $625,000 Ranch style. 4 Br home. Open floor plan with spacious rooms. All new master bath. Beautifully landscaped on large lot. UDO PENINSULA $579,000 luxury condo with dramatic bay and ocean view. Large 1 Bd, 1 Ba, boat slip available • Excellent condition. CORONA DEL MAR $535,000 Charming CdM duplex. Front unit Is 3 Bd, 3 Ba home. Upper unit is large, 2 Bd, 1 Ba,. Large redwood decks. THE BLUFFS $495,000 Just reduced! Large 5 Br, 3 Ba home with full security system. Beautiful green· belt view. Lots of upgrades. WTSIDE COSTA MESA $479,000 Two houses on one lot. 2 Br, 1 Ba with near new 3 Br, 3 Ba, 2 fireplaces rear house. NORTH BLUFFS $479,000 "ROOM FOR ALL YOUR STUFF". Huge 5 bdrm + Fam rm. Freestanding, geor- geoust OPEN SUN. 1-5, 500 Cancha. IAYVllW TIRIACE $475,000 Bordering the trails of Back Bay the lnt&- rtor brims with charm. Security guard. SEA FAIRE $459,000 Lavish 3 Br, 3 Ba condo. Grand double door entry, breakfast nook, expansive canopy window, gorgeous ocean vlewa. NEWPORT HEIGHTS . $369,000 This super clean 4 Br, 2 Ba home 11 situ- ated on an R-2 lot, It has a 2 car garage, and Is close to beaches. UOOIMIW $324,900 2BR, 2'h Ba townhome, gated com. munlty. Newty upgraded. Master aulte with ffreplace & spa. CANYON lllANO $299,900 Thia lovely condo looka llke newt I 2 Bra, 2 Ba highly upgraded, Plantatlon ahut-tera, mirrored wall1. llA ,.... $27~,000 GorVec>ua bay & ocean vtewa from both bedrooms. Newport Beach bay view con- dominium located within waJktng dla- tance to the ocean & beach. R001M1W PM.000 WaJk or bike to Newport 8wt'I from tt1ll apacfou1, townhouM, mutw MJlte with fireplace and apa. SOWi COAST~ tU7,IOO Pride of ownership, profeaalonalfy deco- rated & landaca~ 3BR, 2BA home. 1mN1 sno,ooo Ught and airy location. End untt. ThrM Bd, 2'h8a, 2 car garage. Wdclng da. tance to South Lake-an<f ten.nl1 dub. SEARtDGI •21t,t00 Just minutes to the ocean! Lg kitchen, vaulted celllngs & prtvat• apa. Gated community w~h great nigh tight views. UNIVEISrTY 'All<, llMNI $211,000 Greenbelt rocation. 3 Br, 2 Ba, new car· pqt and enclgsed atnum. WESTPA.RK, tRVINI $210,000 Largest 2 Bd + Iott. Two car garage, cozy fireplace. Two story, wlll lease/op- tion or trade for Newport Beach. NIWPOIT BEACH ''VlllAIWI" $1",000 Very speclaJ dual muter bedroom with lots of sunlight, bay and ocean views, In- excellent condition. SOUTH COAST Mmo $144,900 Cozy 2 story townhome. S'paclou1 IMng area · neutral carpet, mirrored fireplace and private patio. SOUTH COAST Mmo $12',IOO Three BR, 1.75BA, lower unit. New kftch. en cabinets, stove and mJcro, updated baths. new paint, mirrored clOMt doors. NEWPORT IEACH ''VllSM.UI" •t7,000 t/ery practical, nicety appointed ltudlO condo, 'h ml to the ocean. Extremely motivated seller. Beautiful gated com· munlty. SOUTH COAST Mmo $t1,000 MacArthur Vlllage. 1 Bd, 1 bath In gated community. Upper unit with, vauttec( ceff.. ings. Amenltles Include tennl1, poof, apa. FHA financing avallable. SATURDAY • SUNDAY DoYef Shotu 11,298,000 1218 Poi.rtt Mn Mane Murphy/Sendy ~ ~ Btufll 1411,000 450 vi.ta Truct\1 ~Vee* H11bor View Hiiis 1121,000 I 921 Pon At>bey J4iO'y l.ooe/f H lennudR SATURDAY SUNDAY NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 19 rrE GEORGE ELKIN·S COMP ANY l.!:3J NEWPORT BEACH aoPlllSTICATID PRSNCH lttPIMID MLCOUln' TOWlla COlUCTIOM • Mag~ & deelrable "O" plan ~ wtttrlpftal ltalrcu.. , bedrooms Ind ,~ bath end untt 3 •xqulatt9 Fr.nch lhMt1on. ~. Qorg.ou1 1pa nHtl•d among matur• landtcape. St,575,000 TRADITIONAL UMDA tS&.a UYl'lllONT MC>m. - A ,.,. opportunity to dock MYef'al yec:hta up to eci ft. 5 b«Sroom1. 5~ batha, huge muter IUlt• with cf°"" ga. lore, 3 tlfep&ac., ~ room and a 3 car oar-ge. M- 10Clation t.nnll, ctubhouM & doctc. 12,600,000 81AUTll'UL, RMS 1 STORY a•LCOURT MANOR MOii• -Spadoua flOOf plan Sul\able fof famlty m. or eophlttlcated entenatnlng. Profe,.lonalfy decorated, new ptuah c:atp9t, elegant window treatmenta & eoarlng ~11- lnoa ~h land.c:aplng IUnOUtlds lN delgfltful 1pa St,t00,000 WSSTSIH COSTA •u ftlPUX One 3 bedroom, 2 beth ·0wnen" unit with aftaChtcl 2-cat garage • pn. vat.I laundry. Two-2 ~. 2 bath unfit with lftached carport• and commauMy laundry. AJI tenant• month to month Reduced to ... t0,000 RIDUCIOI 810 CANYON ISTAT• HOlll -Lowly customl~ed home on aim<* VJ acte In thtl oat~ communlfv s bedroom•. 5\\ bath• ~ r~ khcMrl, h\1 & h9' bath• Ill muter •ult•. Prl\fate pool and 1ecluded 1pa. lt,195,000 OHM HOUSI &AT a SUtl 1.a 10 8UR .. tltG .,..... • atO CANYON, N.a . ILaOANT NIWPORT 81ACH 8AYPAONT CONOOlllMIVll. RNOl14tyle IMng on. th• bay. 2 bdrm, 2 bath hOme. WafftJng dlt~ of ftne 1hop1, reataurant• and ent~nmenl SecUt9 bultdlng with undwground parldng. 8oat aRp poe9'bte ~ may tracM for horM ptopet1Y. ~ ttOUSI &AT & SUM 1.a 121 LIDO PMK IMUft •A1 • Nl'WPORT 8UCH llM'T9&.WP • .. .._. LaWL PAMILY MOllat ,. bedroomt, 2~ bllh piul famly room. French doot'I end wtitdoM, nalMd panel lntetior doot'I, crown motd- lngt, m#ble and oak triml'Md fir~. SunMt end city llghl vtews. $579,500 ULW PmllllSULA aucM Oft UY ACTMTY, thla MW custom bultt contemporwy ~on.,. both. 3 bedroom•. 2~ bath. C9f'ltraly loca*S )u.t a.pa to the ~ I bay. Views from IMng room, muter bedroom and large roof deck. SELLERS MOTIVATED. $599,000 PRIVAR NSWPORT aUCH DICUTIW R•· :n.IAT • Securlty gate community with tu1h gtffnbelta, pool and apa. 2 Bd, 2 Ba end unit. Attached garage, ln- llde laundry. Jennair• kltcMn, b6Mched h#dwood ftoo- "· Highly upgraded. $293,500 RIDUCIOI ICIMIC IUWIMO, NIWftORT llllACH •• 3 Bd, 2 ba home In ph ... Ill of Harbor vi.w Homes. View of the hlffl and city llghta. 0.llt'able floor pi.,, with .,.. added br9Mfut room. SPKklul ywd. The Owtl« II ANXIOUS. RHllstJcally pnc.d. 1495.000 ILSUllT UOO 11&.a UYPRONT. • Tired of .... Ing mum mMtlon dollar fllers7 The tour bedroom, ftve and one hatt bath home teaturea '" C>Wf'llud lot, for- mal ~. IMiig & family room. French windows & doot'I. gourmet kitchen. 50 ft dock, end • br ... htakJng muter ~·· '2,595,000 YID A auuniruL PlllCI! Oft THI! WOIU.O .from thla magnibnt N B Seatalr• Condominium. Marble en- try, cootl'a delight kflcMri. 2 prlv•t• bedroom tuftH plu1 guest room with bath. 3 large hied baJconiff ,o enfoy \he ~. '565,000 VILLA ULltOA, NIWPORT aUCH. • 2 bedrooms 2 bath condo with torm•l dining, large IMng room with ~ Fabotous ocean ~. Spaeloua floorplan, kite· hen with br.akfast area. Matter bedroom has • alttmg room. TeMls, pool & •pas $295,000 PDIMSULA POtMT, NEWPORT aUCH -The perfect beiKh houM tuat 1i.pe away from th• Mild Charming 3 bedroom plut den home. Room fOt all your toyl In the 3 car oar. OAASTICAUY REOUCEDll '510,000 IUDUCIDI WWlllD, MDIPO..T aucM. -An appMlr'IQ ~ on a 1plk:toul, comer lot boutt both ... end~. 2 bedrooma pM den, 2 baths. Cloee to lhopa and 1'91tautants. ANoclatlon tennis and pool Po-.ibfllty for expanak>n. 1495,000 Nawll'O«r aucH SU PAIRI. -Bright & sunny comet untt. 2 bedroom. 2 bath condO with form.I dining, IMng room With ftr~•. k»h groynda, ~lion 1hutte,., minored wardrobe and bHutlful plush ~ng. Ohred at $268,000 LOOKING ,Oft INCOMI 09' N.a. ftO.IND Ra· TRI.AT?! • -Either way you c.n't beat tha. condo. Sp- ectoue t bedroom with C.\allna. tunMt & OCMr1 ~ trom the IMng room and balcony. Just reduced, hUnY '\ ttil• one woni lutl 1114.000 COlllCNIA DI\ 111M VllW PLUS POOL. Ref· Ufblahed • ~oom. 3 bath hC>fM wtth oc~. C&tahna, • Newport Jetty vtew. Prtvat• poo1 ., ... Japanue oar· den entry Keyed beldl acceaa to 3 cove beachft 11.550,000 OPP MOUSI UT & IUN , .. 4648 O..RtltGTON ROAD, NllWPC>ltT 81!ACH 759-9100 8"CTACULM CAIRO SMOlmS VllW PROP· IR'TY. Awe panoramk: vtew •penning the ocean. golf eoutM, end CataJlna. ThrM k.y gated cove beache• SllVe atof'y, 5 bedt00m1. 5 baths, 3-cac garage I ~ c:our1yard wfth pool Priced at $1,595.000 D•SPIRATI TO llLLt PRICI! SLAIH•D 940,000: ~ has found another Traditional .t bedroom "Huntington Beach famlty home Charming tf()(lt cowty.,d Unlquefy d .. lgned UMd brick pool 1pa A rare combfnatton of elegance and comlof1 In over 2900 sq ft ~14t9,000. a.ACUPP MIDI, PRIVAR LOCATION • CLO. SI TO llaACM. Partt-l*e view with •xtr• large land· tcaped yard. One y .. r new 2 bdrm, 2'h bath CondO F• mlly room &. den. Gourmet kitchen. G.v9 la elltra large Prtced to Mlt rut. 131 s.500 ONN HOUSI &AT & SUN 1-4 19He IUIRIOOI UNI · MUernMOTON aUCH -3 bdrm, 3~ ba bluff from amom hOme • An remodeled In '83 • Walk to ~ mite prfv1te beach, prfv•t• pwlel, canyon, tetria & ,. pool awtm center Wiii exchange tot the right gated NB. condo St,385,000 OPDI NOUSI UT & IUN , .. GATI OUMHD 4M-1US P09' CLUAANC• U9 nrm.ALD IUY, LAGUNA 81ACH woooe•uoo• ISTATl!S, IRVIMI -REDUCED TO SELlll BAINO OFFERll Spaciou. 3 bedroom, 2''1 bath ~ large famQy room & IMng dining are• Ptt<tat• eo· ck>Md yard wfth grua. flowers, treea Ind p&tlO Ooubl• gar~ with ley llCCHS U89,000 LAOUllA abCH VIEW NOMI! Relu to the IOUnd of breaking wava t 80 white wat•r & coutt1ne vl•w1. EofoY the apedaeular dty lights h'Om t..guna to PalOI Vera.t. Sftuated on a do-M\h• atrMt t<Mtr.et lot of appro1dmately 10.000 1q f"' Priced at S725.000 17 Co orate Plaza • Suite 101 • New ort Beach, CaUfornia 92660 R E A L T 0 R S ..... Since 1922 .. r PAGE L:ATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACHICOSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTA FABULOUS BAYFRONT RESIDENCE BARBARA AUNE 631 -2863 LIDO ISLE Four fireplaces enhance this residence situated near the tip of Lido Isle, which offers a view of Newport Bay and the hills beyond. The residence which Is offered for $4.15' million, features a bayfront . . living room, dining room, library. couhtry·style kitchen, four bedrooms, 41h baths, family room and laundry room. There Is underground parking for eight cars. The dock will accommodate a 60 foot boat. For addl11onal Information or brochure CALL . Barbara Aune 631-2863 GISELA BURMEISTER Presents: ''THE BLUFFS'' NEW PARK VIEW 536 VISTA GRANDE Beaut1rur upgraded End Unit Trina Model with view onto park, 3BA. 2'hBA large kitchen w eating area. large master suite with view Assume $352.0000 Tenant occupied, please call tor appointment. $439,000 Quiet cul-de-sac locatlon. 1 1tory, 3 bedroom, 2 bath1, Inside laundry Large beaU11ful courtyard and back patio on green belt Selllng at loaa. Auumable first of $3«,000. Tenant occupied. pl• catt for appointment. Flffta otf Vista Flora. $399,000 2607 VISTA ORNADA Probably the bfft buy In the Blutfal Selllng at lossl Totally redone 3 ~room, 21h bath, new carpet, scraped ~ltnga. new appllanc.a. •hows light and bright! $359,000 OPEN SAT/SUN 1-6 SOLD BY GISELA AND IN ESCROW • TAKING BACK UPS: 2108 VISTA DORADO $459,000 621 BONITA 405 FELIZ $479,000 2620 VISTA DEL ORO CALL GISEIA AT 64~·0412 o..nc:t ··e·· p1an 1n ,....., ~ ot ~ Btuffl. 2 Mory, 4 btdroOml. 21h balh Prtvli'9 location on c::uki• Mt; and end !.#lit. a.ulful ~ Ind tMICk patlO Asking $429,000. le11ahold. 316 01110 $479,000 $339,000 GrubbGEllis 644-6200 -. WPOAT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTA TE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 21 CAROL ALLIS .0 -N · ' . 644-7362 - WORK WITH THE WINNER TOP PRODUCER, ALSO MOST TRANSACilONs 1st QUARTER 1991~~·~.;·il.J·. ~~~ 37 BURNING TREE 1 CHERRY HILLS 2 RUE GRAND VALLEE • Huge lot! • Expanded! • Expanded & Remodeled • Four Bedrooms • Spectacular yiews! • Detached Versoille ..i • Private pool & spa l • Lorge Country Kitchen • Private corner location! • REDUCED! $100,000 • NOW $1, 195,000 • Competitively priced • Many custom features •~NOW $574,000 • Partial View • $1 , 195,000 24 VIENNA •Views • 2 bedrooms plus den • .ssa9,oecr Now $549,ooo ;i. • REDUCED $50,000! • NOW $1 , 145,000 BEACON BAY • Boot, swim, live "'• Custom 5 bedroom • $2,495,000LH PRIVATE VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT CALL CAROL ALLISON 644· 7362 BrubbGEllis 644-6200 2 Civic Plaza # 100, Newport Beach • --.,.__ -__. .. -. ---"'-....... PAGE 22 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 INCOME PROPERTY BAYFRONT-3BR, 2BA, + 2BR, 1BA INCOME PROPERTY Beach & Income, 48R!3BR Duplex $7QQ,OOO $545,000 $3QQ,OOO $44Q,500 S3,3Q5,000 S~l5,000L H SQ3Q,OOO $1,0Q5,000 $74Q,500 $2,350,000 $2.405,000L H INCOME PROPERTY Duplex, 1 bloc k ro beach INCOME PROPERTY Sharp' well maintained units DOVER SHORES DOVER SHORES DOVER SHORES DOVER SHORES DOVER SHORES SHORECLIFF BEACON BAY BAYRIDGE BIG CANYON BIG CANYON BIG CANYON LINDA ISLE PENINSULA CANYON CREST EASTS/DE EASTS/DE EASTS/DE EASTS/DE VILLA BALBOA N UIGUNA BEACH UIGUNA BEACH BELCOURT BELCOURT BELCOURT BELCOUR r SEAVIEW /RV/NE COVE IRVINE COVE SOUTH LAGUNA SOUTH LAG UNA HARBOR ISLAND 148 FT BAYFRONTlll New construcr1on Backs onro the Bay' fabulous views V1ews 1 pool 4BR 3BA. immaculate Designers own gared mini estare, New Orleans sryle patio wtspa Oc.ean, canyon views, new consttucr1on BAYFRONT, cusrom, 58R. u111que Uppper, gared community, 2BR, mini view $280,000 [ x.pdnded. remodeled, charming Privarf> pool and spa, 2BR. plus den Edra large lot pool. 4BR RAYFRONr main channel views. pool/spa \I ew vi Bay Dock for 40f1+ boat £ ltH)dnt 2 master suites ( vrrently lowest pflced 48R, large lot $:'54 900. currently the best buy there isl New' duplex' easy to convert to sllam1ly Highly customized. 48R, spo t11b PENTHOUSE. opening skylights Corrage. blue water views Coastline. c1ry wews custom View 5BR 4 car garage large lot One level private mas1er swte P11me location, 4BR. privotc1 Spd ~pt•c tacular TENNIS f STATF ~ •t•w pflvdte 'ipa t 1Jstom features l> •'.J' Je ot llwy .JBR pool, s; a () I 1r • t ,\o ,, kC.t.1C.1Jf,1t ll"if )fll I ( l(P S 1, 1Q5,000 $535,500 $ 1, 195,000 S2,4Q5,000L H $1,850000 $389,900 $289,000 $254,900 $68Q,500 $305,000 $435,000 $14Q 000 $1 ,550,000 $2, 105,000 $850,000 $91Q,900 SJ,895,000 So N 00<, SB,tiO<J.000 s. ,800,000 SI 40' $ I,.'. r.; ( T If[ I I i /MA Tl HA H l(()N T C'.11! fur '1tJt.Jtl'> S I. -.,(X CJ NEWPORT SHORES H1•11 Ir ,. I .sfm 1011rr111•t l..11 l1u11 S:J8!J Oou S51W 000 S580 O()( $.J'.J'I 00 $'.J.:1 Y)O N NORTH VILLAS HARBOR RIDGE HARBOR RIDGE HARBOR RIDOE HARBOR RIDOE HARBOR RIDGE HARBOR RIDGE HARBOR RIDGE HARBOR RIDGE JASMINE CREEK JASMINE CREEK JASMINE CREEK SP YO LASS SPYGLASS SPYGIJISS SPYG LASS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS BLUFFS LUFFS I/ II? !•" (,f•,1 ,,, ~I " w<1f1•rf,1/I /h(S lh dlf1/ 11111w , • liR .i• on vF>ry q.11('(, ~BR 11r•rnu~ ·' .:i•t SJit; c.tdc ular views n<Jwly tt!modeled f>rf'f111ttr "lt1W, outstdndmg IOCcJf/Ofl :!BR f ')TATE 180 degree view. (URN/SHED Or..edn, i..:1ry views. 48R. Expanded Rare views, highly cusrom11ed 48R Dramut1c tn level. panoramic views, 38R f •p<111(fecl. comer spa, waterl,tl/ IBR $ 5 .J'J. ()()() SS 205,000 $16Q 000 S15Q,OOO $875,000 $589 000 f H e1,t1oncJI qudl1ry m1m wew $649,000 I ••f r u Bdfl 111ew s <-1st .. ,n ued tou...t1es S63~ lQO P1;·fT11>'l tocat1011, CllS(OO 6BH 6BA s 1 465,VOO O "•" c1ry views model pertecr 4BR S 1 195.000 rRO Jt•yrea views. Top of The Hill 5BR $2,40S 000 M1• /.tf'lfi:Jne.in ~ryle <,EJH mcJCJOr stredm f 1 Jnt Row. immaculate. ·r· plan I "filc1n on grep nbelt. Lge courtyard rwo story 1BR. ;> 58A. newly decorated 811r k Bay views "E" plan. Nr Back Bay I •panded living room ·r plan ·1 PlcJn q1eenbe1t views, 4BR, 2 SBA />nvare end location. overlooking lawns T nna Plan Seller motivated. 3BR H" Plan, 2BR. new on ma1lcet Sellmg at a loss/ Cul ckt HC, 38R, 2BA - s 1P8 i,oo $510,000 $4QQ,OOO $3(5Q,OOO S42Q,OOOL H $4(JQ,OOO S42Q,OOO S38Q,OOO $3(5Q,OOO S2QQ,OOO $3QQ,OOO BLUFFS l'r"'nr r"'" Blck R,a, lo •• rnon :! itnry, \ bcJro,1m. No" r.i1nt, illmon net\ Cil~t, rcm<1J ltJ IJtchcn wi1h ub UfO Sol0.000 Gleela Bna••l.t•r BELC-OURT TERRACE Ont iurv "'uh rnvatc stcludcd m.mtr sui1c. Thrtr BR. 2~~ RA. One BR hu bu1l1 iru for off ace ur ckn. . Clo t to pool. GuuJ &JtcJ s:so.~iry. 01 ......... EA9T81DE S2S4,900. 1( )'Oil hne been ~111un1 for 1hc hc•t bu.,, here 1t "' Thrtt BR .2 BA pnvatc re.tr :anJ side yard S2S4.'IOO ' Aae Pete,. A --••• llt•I"" NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE .. Rita ' f4aJMIAW. .... .._. ..•.. .,. ...... ..... r 111 1irn Cc• 'If_.. =--'> ... d •... end Open Hou~es ... SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAG6 23 Mint condition/ cul-de-sac 38R, 2BA WESTCU,, WfSTCUfF •Totally remodeled w1ma1ds quarters, 4BR S530,000 WfSTCUfF Large corner, room to expand, 38R S485,000 UDO ISLE BAYFRONT·Dock for 00' boat, B cw garage $4, 150,000 UMEW TERRACE Nr Back Bay trails, $1ngle level, 2BR S340 000 UYVIEW TERRACE Three yeais new, 3BR, secuflty system $419 000 IRVINE Northwood, 48R, 2 SBA + countty chwm $317,500 IRVINE IRVINE Un111ers1ty Town Center, across from UC I $189,500 Woodbridge, Windsor Estates. 2 master BR S245,000 IRVINE Woodt)r]dge. tropical Jandsca.pmg, 48R-S36S>;906 - IRVINE IRVINE IRVINE IRVINE IRVINE Woodbridge, central alf, 1ns1de laundry Woodbodge, on th• lake, executNe home Woodb11dge. townhome.on m. water, 38R Turtle Rock, Overlooking greenbelt, 2BR Turtle Rock Campus View, walk to shops TIJffle Rock Ridge, J M Peter$, split /eve/ Studio wJpool, sep1118le pav1/1on Oceans1de,overlook$ green, beach, 4BR Views to Dana Point, spa Open beams Street to street lot, whitewater views Whitewater vrews, walls of glass BIGI B/GI v1.ws, custom, 1ecomt1ucted E.xrra large lot, 38R, spacious patio $113,g()() $4Q9,g()() $4Q9,000 $310,000 $319,000 $355,000 $800,000 s 2,100,009 $1,450,000 S1,705,000 $2,295 000 $2,100,000 1575,000L H IRVINE EMERALD BAY EMERALD UY EMERALD BAY EMERALD BAY EMERALD BAY EMERALD BAY BAYSHORES BAYSHORES Cottage, 38R, latge lot, remodeled kitchen 1749,000 BAYSHORES Mediterranean Villa, two years new $1,4~0.000 HARBOR HIOHLNDS Expanded, upgraded, corne1, 48R,pool/spa $415.000 HARBOR HIOHlHDS Close ro pane, 3BR, plU$ guest quarters CORONA DEL MAR Dup'/ex 3/3 + 2/2 Perfect for OWMI US91 CORONA DEL MAR One block to ocean, 2BR, plus den 1759,000 CORONA DEL MAR 38R, plus separate 2BR, unit with view $795,000 CORONA OEL MAR POlnt de/ M111, 2 master suites, 1mpressrve S529,000 CORONA DEL MAR Redllcedl cottage on R-2 lol $459,000 CORONA DEL MAR R-2 OW()fl(/U$er}lrrvestot units UBSl,000 CORONA DEL MAR Remodeled. 3BR+un1t, 2 blocks to beach S875.000 CORONA DEL MAR Ownf*r/seller design«/, pool & lanaJ CORONA DEL MAR Remodeled 1080, maids qUMten._ spa CORONA DEL MAR Duplex, S Hwy colt~ plU$ 2BR. untt HARBOR VW HlllS Panoramic views, 4BR. custom features CORONA HIOHLNDS Under construction\ chOOSe your colOIS $14SIOOO s 1, 150,000 S57S.000 $1,050.000 I P7Sl,OOO CORONA HIOHLNDS Cottage, 38R, ocean view, pflv-ate t>each 1845,000 BALBOA ISLAND New Duplex, 38R, 3BA. 2BR+lolr, sundecll SBOS,000 UPPER BAY Totally rernodtlled1 French doors, spa $400,000 UPPER BAY 4BR, remodeled, huge enclosed yard $519,000 UPPER BAY UPPER BAY BAYCREST BAYCREST BAYCREST HARBOR WOODS NR S C PUZ.A NR S C PUZA VE RSAIJ.LES SEA ISLAND Cherry Lakes Estates. 3BR, pflvate comm Four BR, 38A, 3 car garage, pool & spa Rftf'f>Ode/ed master with spa tub 48R lv<Jn Wells, country kitchen, 48R, con or Gourmet kit ~hen, 48R, remod led, pool Across from N ture p_,,,,., 2BR. 2 SBA 48R, s>cyf gl'lts, I rge p t10 Stva•O condomifllum. commvrory PoOI Low down, 2BR. 2BA pr a /oc, t on Golf course vie.v$, IU•l.lfY plvs comfort SEA ISLAND faceptlonal views, pr~t1na•, 2BR, SEAWJND Remodele<! ptus aua t n, s """· 48R HARBOR VW HOMES Cwmel. prrv I I w•lh pool SEA ISLAND Mel •n. wallt to 4th t 11way, :l c g rag• SEA ISL.ANO MONARCH BEACH LAGUNA NIGUEL HUHTIHOTOH 8CH McLa•n muu view ol l1ghts ,Cr~ :iBR Ocean view, a1~1e I m1ly, .. 8R Highly upgradod. 46R, 2 5~,cul ~$a­ Clo.s• to p1111<, 38R • .,_panded l1v1ng 1oom S484,SIOO $53Sl,500 $585 000 St5Sl".5oo IOfJ7,000 S2BS,OOO $144,g50 $70,QOO SIP0.000 SISS0,000 1131500 S7lfJ 000 $415,000 $495,000 $305.000 si1s~.ooo S29fJ,IXX> SJ0~.000 .. .. PAGE 24 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE A REAL ESTATE COMPANY RANCHO SAHTA FE ••• Pert1aps one ol the l1n· PSI undeveloped parcels ot land In Southern Call r rn a -; premier eques1rlan estate community Two , :lrl' l,1k1> view sites of 7 17 acres and • 17 acres M.iv bP purchased separately or together $4 500.000 BALBOA PENINSULA ••. Hugo prict> reduc 1 on Worth seeing An eJ1cep11onally well·sltuated .... 1IPrf11 111 property on two lots Six bedrooms I nu• b<11h~ Sllfty leet of water1ront ExpanSl\le har tior , ••w" Dock lbr a large yacht $2,595,000 Open Sund•y 11-3 ... 111'." E••t B•lboe Blvd SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ... Magn1l1ce11t I,,,, • c >lon1;11 country home uniquely designed 1 ,, 11 r CAl1l 1rn1a hlestyf~ Sh( bedrooms Six and r ,,,. 11,111 ti:iths S11uated on 3 8 ;icres Four car ga • lOP F 'Pv.11n1 Air cond1t1on1ng Evt'ry amenity ""·'Y''l·lb e Addotlonal three ad101n1ng acres also i.a1l.w1,. SI 795.000 LIDO ISLE ... An e•ct>llt>nl Investment op , ,, ,, •., Tr," lowest prii;e on !he Lido lale Bay ' 11 1 1• pie• Two st'parate bayfront unl1s ptua one Hiii 11 ov" Hit> q:lraqe Owner w tll provide the II , II , I 't 49~ 000 BfG CANYON ... Proce roductlnn' Ultimate prl· vl y A W1k1ny contemporary Plan 4 Remodeled 1n11 111p11ndP<l rou• bi!drooms Three and one-hall t1.itt1o; Spf'C'tilcular pool and spa Located on a Jllff'f I 111 rl,_ '> lC $1,J75 000 HARBOR VIEW HILLS •.. Award winning re 11 odPI' Th1'1 home has an astoundlno range ol v1Bwl!I Vte-Ns or the ocean bay Catalina and night lights lt1ghes1 street In the area Large corner lot Two ,tory Three bedrooms Three baths Thia home os worth 1ee1ng St .295,000 BIO CANYON ... 1111s '" a tre11sure Original r1wn1'• Pl11n ore Broadmoor Three separate wfngs MJ\IP• w1nq Children s wing M11lds quaners •'Q" '"'"'IV •oom Soaring be11med celling Quiet 111 ''" s.1c. A11 c ond1t1orung $ 1 :ms 000 Open Sund•Y 1 ·5 .......... 4 Wing.ct Foot Len• SEA ISLAND ••• A1rely on the mark01 Mar ttnlQue l'nd unit Prime golf course locatlon over looklng the fourteenth fairway of the NewPor1 Beach Country Club Three plus bedroom• Four h"th~ Private po-01 SpR Flreplt ' 197~ 000 EMERALD BAY ••• Prlce reduced fOf a quick aale Highly pre11tglous gated community A quiet cove over1ookino the ocean. Spectawlar thrH i.Yel contemporary home Maid's quanera Splendld IMw9 ol the ocean .. s1.~.ooo COSTA MESA ••• A rare otferlno from Weatbay properties Among the best m11naged propertloa In Colla Meta Nine units Nine garages, plus ad· dttlonal parking Excep1lonally dean and fully oc cupted · ' $925 000 CLIFFHAVEN ••• Price reduction" DIScovor the best buy in the area Choice Clltfhav.en locntlon Close to lot value Panoramic views or the ocean. bay and city llght11. Three bedrooms Three bathl Eirtremely motl\late<l sellers The owner will enter. t<1ln all offers $849 000 Op•" l•t ·Sun. 1·5 ............ 128 Kl"ga Plec~ DOVER SHOAES ••• Absoh.llety 1mm11culate Dover Shores custom home Large pail( hke yard b<>fderod by mature pine trees Plantation 1huttera Three bedrooms Gracious master sutte Ample room IOf pool and •P" $795.000 PERALTA HILLS ••• Family home tn a prestl g1ous are11 Over an acre ol bu1ld11blo land Sur round by orange and a"ocado orcharda Shi bod rooms Threo b11th1 Incredible mountain and city lights view Sellers are motlv~ted $750.000 LOMA LINDA ••• A most deslrable view lol In the Loma Linda arH Perched high In the loothllla In a neighborhood connned to approxlmatoly ntteen homo1 Private street Conveniently located near lhe Unlverally Modica! Center S750,000 BAYCAEIT ••• Thia handaome two story, white brlCk home commands a stately prennce Foa ,..turos Include, atunnlno step-up IMng room. lmpros slvo dlnlno room. and a ~lv9 family room The rear lerra~ leaturH a gated. chlld' ulo pool S740,500 o_..n Syndey 1 ·S ........ 1&28 Sant1990 Drtve DOVER SHOAel ••• Private hideaway Loweat priced view propef1y One third aeto Bay and ctty light• view Two Pffv•t• bMchff Ttemendoua po- tential for expanal'on Offers lnvftod S7•5 ooo Open lu"419114 •••••••. 1000 Santi ... Dftw. 631-7300 ' BAYCA!ST ••• Thl1 ont wtll Hnd your .. uvaiy gland• Into ov.,drlYe Dramatic delfgn Rettac:t.blo roof Ma11lve atrium. Four b9drooma Four and one-half bnths Chlld .. ft poot S~.... S725.000 HARBOR VIEW HILLS... Indulge youraetr Oco n and bay vtews Foor ~room• Two bathe FrHhly painted ln•ld• and out Largo IOt Quiet S1reet A moat uncr~ rulclenee Thia home Is pnced to utl -·-.. -·" .. ·--· $684,950 WEITCLIFF ••• The look 11 bold. Newty rtmod tied Large two l10fY horM. Sbc ~room• ThrH and one halt batt\I French wtndows and dOOra F0tmal d1nlng room A.n ottering you won't aoon tor get _ '679 000 llAYCAEIT ••• Thlt 11 dofi~tly a home 'fOCJ mutt lff Flawt.aa Inside and out SwMplng cor ner IOI Onglnal ~our bedtooma Family ~=hi~~~ -~-~ .... ~ .. ~~~~---~~,:~ •• ~~ HUNTINGTON SUCLIFP ••• Spacious Cam br\a on a quiet a\r"1. A rno1t p,_lgloue .,.a Five bedrooms Two and thrM quat1tra bath• Large up11alr1 bonus room with ping pong tible Pool sized yard Largo covered patio. Six bloctl1 to tht beach ... S600.000 APPLe -VALLEY ••• Tef' MP81•'-condoml11I· urn1 Each unit hat two bedroom•. two ~· Meh Vauned c.i11ng1. Sta!Md gt.ut. Tl'lta pr°'*"Y hu the potontlal lo bf aotd ~· ... . . seoo.ooo 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORl BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 25 A REAL ESTATE COMPANY llAYCR•aT ••• Spectacular qualrty. Privacy S.- clualon Oui.c atrMt In • pffllleged oelghbomood lmPfeMtllefy remodeled and upgraded. Four bed- rooma Four baths. Crown molding French doOra. ThrM car garage .................................. $875,000 N!WPOAT NORTH VILLAl ••• Prlce re- ducedt Largest "Matbetta" model. Single tamllv ct. tached home. ThrH bedfoomt, ThrM bath• btra large mHter whh flreplace. Fr90ch doors. Vaulted celT•ngs Light carpet Thrff ear garage . S579.000 UPPER llAY ••• Tradltlonal In IMI and appeat Comemponuy In design and am~nc• A ma_gnifl.. c_,,. family home Uniquely planned with totally 1•parat• chlldr90s or guest Wing. . . . .... $569,000 Open Sundey Ml ........ 22oe Wlndw•rd une HARBOR Vl!W HILLS •• .A1mo1t lot value Don t min thl1 opportunhy View of bay, ocean. and Catalina Three bedroom Two and OM halt baths Poot Spa. Walk to Fashion llland Needs decorating and remodeling. Owner wil.I ~ a leaM option •. • . •••••••• .. .......... S549,500 BAYCAEST ••• Price reduction I Thia handaome home 1tt1 on a large lot An established family nei!Qhborhood Five bedroom• Two and OM-haft baths Poot Spa A brand new aauna fOf year round entertalnm.,,...... ... . ................... $549,500 Open ••t.Sun 1-a ......... 1045 Shlpw•r L8fM BAYCR!IT ••• A prominent neighborhood Burll· Ing with poaslb•htl" A Hnalble price E11cellent ftOOfplan Quality you can '" Comfort you can IHI Four bedrooms Two and one hat bath• • Beautiful courtyard . ... .. Ssit9.500 0pen aunar 1.a ........ 1eae a.m1-.o ortw HARBOR vtllW HOM•l ••• Populat Palenno model Four ~room1. Two and one-half bathe H• bonus room. Pool Spa L.owNt priced Pal• enno You add th• ..,.clal touchu . $529,000 SEAVIR ••• C6mforfable elegance. Gate guard- ed community Quiet clJl...d9.sac. Spectacular art down views of Catalina ocean. and city lights ThrM bedrooms Two and on.half baths Separate family room Large outdoor 1pa Community pool and tennis ...... • .. .. ... ..•.. . . ... .. $765f000 Open Sund•r 1-5 ........... 1903 Yecht Cot nle WESTCLIFF ••• Thls thrM bedroom. two and on.half bath home IS In Impeccable Condition Separat• d~ room Family room. Larpe muter suite. Beavuf\Jlly maintained yard A perfect famlly ' home . $494!1.!500 Opef\ lundey 1·5 .... 11 ~· Nottlnghem RMCI BALBOA P•NINSULA. •• Priee reduced! A quiet, Mld·Penlntula strMt Remodeled Ellpanded Two bedroom Ouat house In rear with It.I own parking lncorM potential Sellers are extremely motivated •.. ..... ..................... ... .... $460,000 Open l•t.Sun. 1-5 ......... 127 e. B•r Avenue HUNTINGTON BEACH ••• Located two blocks from the beach Bulldable double lot Will ac- comodate two homH TM lot i. approxlmatety 5.875 square fMt .................. ... • ... $450,000 OCUN VIEW TRIPLEX ••• Immaculate prep. erty In charming Hermosa Beach. WoncMrfvl ,. model oppommlty fOf OW'*-uMJ or exc.tlent In- come potential Superbly situated In a great neigh- borhood Convenient to beache1 ........... 5449,000 UPP!A BAY ••• ~ tam1ty horM Secluded. Prlvate Remoct.t.d. fwo stoty. Four bedfooms ThrM baths, Separate bonus room.~ Bay and moun~ •. ~~. -~-~~ -~~ ... ~.t.h .. ~ .• ~'&:; ll!ASTSIDI! COSTA MaU. • .A tremendous value. GrNt curb appeal ThrM bedrooma TWo baths Open cefllnQ In the IMng room. e.rt>er car-C: thtOughout Matuf9, atnct~ landxaplng A -=~.::; .at .,, .. ~.~~~-~ ... ~ .... ~~~ ~ htunMJ 1 ...... 323 a.et UM ltreet 631-7300 COITA MESA HEIGHTS... Recently r• ducedll O.lighlful thrM bedroom, two bath home Remodeled Designed for low maintenance Perlect for entertaining S.autlful pool lncludn plans for a sec::ond story S.llets are extremely mouvated and Wiii help with t~· nnancJng .. _ .... , ••• . • • $392 000 Open Sundey 1-5 ............... 474 Ovle Str .. t ANAHl!IM ••• Vety weU priced Sht one t>edroom units Clean Wen-maintained Located in an excel- lent rental arN s.ller Is extremely motivated tor l O ., qulek •• •• • • OH 0 • • 0 U• 1355,000 BLUFFS ... Just reduced! The best buy In the Bluffs! GreenbeH locatton Eiq>anded two bedroom H' plan Eirtended kitchen w•th g1vden room Ca thedral ce11tngs French dOOfs Many bl.I ... Ins Gor· _ o-ous A must ... $349 000 Open Sunder 1·5 ........... 2010 Vlata C•ud•I EASTSIDE COSTA MESA. •• A grNt 1nw11· meot Build&ble R-2 lot Great comer local-on E•· 1st1ng two bedroom home can provide solid rental Income until you are ready to conatruct two condo- miniums on this convenient a te Fenced yard 0. taehed Qaraoe . . . .. $269 000 IAVINE ••• Woodbridge Large corner lot Top con- dition In atl r"P4KtS lwo story ThrM bed1ooma Two and one half baths Private retreat on th• mu· ter suite. High vaulted cell no-c1o .. to parks. Prl· vat• patio and yard • S2•9 000 Open Seturder 11-3 ........... 44 W1ntef'h8Wn WESTCLIFF ••• Pri.:e reductlonl OQl,er Village condominium Ellcellent locatJon Two bedroom1 Two and OM half baths Extra latge m bed· room Areplace In the living room Quiet patio Within walking d11lanc. from eYefY'hlng you need. .... : . '230000 ANAHl!IM ••• A great tamily nelQht>ortlood Four bedrooms Two baths Family room Laroe IMng room Areplace Pool quiet cukl•·uc. l/ety anx· lout Own.fl ... .•. .. ••••• -· $209.000 HUNTINGTON BUCH ••• Reaort tMng at oat.ct Cabao Del ....,, ldMI 1ocat1on ~ the poof and grMnbefl Ught and bt1Qht. Two story. Splt8J atlllrcUe to tn. loft CloM lo tn. bMcft. UMd bf1ck llteptllce ·-·-.................... ••. . S 172.000 . 1817 WESTCLIFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH · .. PAGE 26 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE COSTA MESA -3 BR atrium home, vautted beamed ceilings, up-to date deco. $249,900 COSTA MESA -Mesa Verde family home. 3 lrg br, family room. Eat in-country kitch. $279,900 COSTA MESA -This large R2 lot on the E.Side offers 3Br,1Ba, room to build. $240,000 COSTA MESA -3br. 2ba. pool home. on Cul De Sac st., sky lights. Needs TLC. $219,500 COSTA MESA · 380 . 1 75 BA twnhm. 2 car attached garage. Great condition! Only $168,000 COSTA MESA -Pnde of ownership! 2 story home featuring. 4BR.. 2.5BA., Jacuzzi added in master BR bath Approx . 2300SO. FT., custom wet bar, tots of upgrades. Offered at $369,900 COSTA MESA -large 1 BB CONDO. New carpet. paint and linoleum. Oen. sitting room off bedroom Big sunny balcony. FHA terms. Asking $94,900 ' COSTA MESA -First time on market. Quiet Cut De Sac. 3 or 4BR. and FR. Two fireplaces, hardwood floors. walk to school and shopping center. Plus lots more. Only $243,500 COSTA MESA -located in desirable East side Costa Mesa. One of the lowest priced CONDO's in area. 2 master BR model gives great privacy. Shows bright and airy. $181 ,900 COSTA MESA · Bright & cheery 3br 2ba Mesa Verde No.home. Vautted. beamed ceilings. Fresh paint. new appliances, spa off master bdr lrg comer lot New on the mar1<et . $258,500 COSTA MESA -Two on one lot. Live in a 4 bd. 1 ba house. Make money from a 2 story 2.bd , 1 ba. unrt R-2 lot Each unit has a private yard Owner must sell. $284,000 COSTA MESA · Submit All Otferst Bright & airy 3 bd 1 75ba. Shows like model. $315,000 COVER HOMEll COSTA MESA-Eastside cottage beautifully refurbished inside & out. 2br 1 ba All new kitchen. hardwood floors. crown molding. fireplace. Large whirlpo<>f tub. $279,900 COSTA MESA-Appraised at $225,000. E.Stde executrve twnhome. 2 master suites. $224,900 COSTA MESA-Has it all• 4br, 3 ba (1 br down) Vaulted, beamed ceilings. Formal LR, OR , & family room Eat in krtchen overlooks large backyard Cul de sac street. $2n,ooo COSTA MESA-3 br. 2 ba Vauhed beamed ce1hngs. Spa in atrium. Lots of extras $259,500 COSTA MESA-Charming 2 br condo. Well located end unit. Quiet woodsy complex. $169,900 COSTA MESA-2 Huge master bdrms. 2 patios. large deck over garage. Corner lot. $239,90() COSTA MESA-3 br. 2 ba freedom home. Extra large corner lot. approx. 7700 sq ft . Dining room. family room. fireplace. Large pool. Enclosed courtyard. Make an otter. $225,000 COSTA MESA-Neat starter. Model perfect townhome with new oak cabinets. carpet, ceihng fans. wet bar Pnvate patio. 2br, 1 1/2ba. $158,500 COSTA MESA-New listing! Minutes from beach. Country atmosphere. Remodeled kitchen & bath with 1acuzz1 tub. R.V. access 7350 sq. lot. Owner moving. Submit otters. $204,500 COSTA MESA· Great starter. The lot is zoned R-2. Can build an additional unit. Nice 3br home w/ woodbuming fireplace. Circular driveway tor off street par1<ing. $219,000 COSTA MESA-Gorgeous tri-tevel tn top executive area. Sbr. 3ba w/ huge master. $435,000 NEWPORT BEACH-Newport Crest's best buy I Upgraded 3 br. 2 3/4 ba + den 1 ne sq. tt block to beach Pool & tennis. May consider lease option $279,000 NEWPORT BEACH-High secunty community 2br 2ba Pool, spa, sauna. weight rm $189,900 HUNTINGTON BEACH· Great starter home 2br, 1 1/2ba Bright & airy end unit. $129,900 HUNTINGTON BEACH-Lovely 4br. 2ba home New ext/int paint Central air. $225,000 ANAHEIM 3br, 2ba Super condi1t0n Large bdrms. New carpet. paint. R.V access $189,000 GARDEN GROVE-Back on the market 3br w/ spa Desirable condrtionlk>cateon. $143,900 SANTA ANA-3br on cul de sac lrg fam1lyrm w/ frplc Eating area in kitchen. $189,900-- EL TORO-Seller may carry paper on this Jbr, 1 3/4ba home Large lot offers a big yard. screened in patio & dog run. Call to see• Only $215,000 OCEANSIDE-OcearV'canyon vu on 2 3 acres Room for lrge lots House on 1 lot $750,000 TUSTIN-Attn 1st time buyers• Adorable 2br twnhm Recently remodeled thru-out! $139,000 SANTA ANA-2br.1 ba cozy starter hm. Nu paint 3 car garage AV access Comer lot $195,000 SANTA ANA- Lots of po1ent1a11 3br, 1 Sba Pvt yard nicely landscaped. Nice areal $180,000 · COSTA MESA· 5 year new executive home. 4br, 3ba. Master bath has spa. Move-in condition . Seller highly motivated. Asking $349,000 COST A MESA· Best priced home in desirable Mesa Verde inner circJe . Sparkling p0ol in sectuded back yard. 3br, 2ba. Over 1760 sq ft. $288,000 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY ONLY 2br 2296 Orange Avt., C.M. $289,9001-5 4b< 3469 Windsor Cl, C.M. $369,900 1 ·5 0 2bt' 178 Brandywyne, C.M. $224,900 1·4 SUNDAY ONLY 2br 19842 Cambridge, H.B. $129,900 1-.4 Sbr+tr 1925 Lanat Dr. C.M. $435,0001 ·4 2br 2296 Orange Ave. C.M. $289.900 1 ~4 2br 587 Wendy Ln, C.M. $169,900 1-.4 4br 8312 Valencia Dr, H.B. $225,000 1-5 ,.. 2790 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 546,2} l} - NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA'PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE ?7 808 a DOVIE KOOP ,. BOB & DOVIE KOOP We woald like to help voa bay or ••II voar home. # 1 Rf'./MAX Agent 8 times jn the State of California. Ranked nationally in the top 10 RF.IMAX Agents for 11 years consecutive. 760-5000 or 760-.1580 WHY LIST WITH JUST ONE AGENT! CALL THE KOOP TEAM BOB KOOP •• nt. Trades? Newport Heights Custom Home INDUSTRIAL CONDO Desperate owner/builder wants out. submit any offer! Owner will take $200,000 -$300,000 house or lnnd as down payment, or may carry. Buyer can assume existing $850,000 ... Finished office & warehouse space 2000 square feet Xlnt Costa Mesa locatio.n. Amenities include Cargo door, new carpet. wet bar. built-ms shower, 2 bath, mirrored wardrbes. 4 large offices first T.D SPECTA€ULAR New 5,300 sq.Ct. home with Ocean & Bay views. $240,000 Absolute steal' S 1.150. 000 BOB & DOVIE KOOP .~ SANTAANA PIANS READY & CITV APPROVED 28,000 sq. foot lot with plans fo r 18 units and 5,600 sq. feet of retail. Will trade equity. $775.000 BOB & DOVIE KOOP 5 BR, S Ba tam rm Formal din, study, 13.500 IQ tt IOI on 71h green. Pool and ..,.. Just rtetone. Beet B•v at Sl.770.000 WILL Co•1lder LOCAL t'RADE BOB A DOVIE KOOP -. . '- FantastlC views from this C\JS· tom 38R, 5BA home. Game rm with 20 ft bar, pool tabte. game table, p I u s b u i I t .J n enter· taJnment center. Huge master suite with large spa. Seller left or make offer. Asking $1 ,250,000 BOB & DOVIE KOOP Mediterranean style custom home. Four bedrooms, three lull baths, lrg. famlty room with fireP!ace & ~t bar Huge master aulle. very large pool alze yard. seller wm lease with option lo purchase at $440.000 .-· " -BOB & DOVl£-K-60P- NEWPORT HEIGHTS SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Newport Be•ch Mirabella Country Club Five year old Mediterranean lownhome Three large bedrooms. three baths. large hv1ng rm w1lh fireplace two car attached garage. with tease. or lease oplton, or make offer. BEST BUY AT $340.000 COSTA MESA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITV Cadillac Repair Shop Established 8 years, includes everything : lifts, scope lathe, phone #, name. customer data base of over 450 people. Computer and Busin•s related software. ow.tar will train. $99,000 BOB KOOP dR. San Juan's most exclustve ad· dress 14,460 fool IOI on 14 & 15 fairway Bu1ldable pad of 6 120 ft Gate guarded commun ty Seller very motivated Area s Best Buy Now Will Trade $425.000 BOB & DOVIE KOOP CAMEO SHORES Pa.r1t Ntttng wlfabufoua cc.an vl4MS 6 private ~ newty ' refurble hed In 1988 Contemporary Interior & ~erranean extertot Seit« la motivated Submit all otrera lnctudlno trad.. for lower p~ home Thia II a atul. Redueed to St,450.oo0- 808 A DOVIE KOOP NEWPORT BEACH ATl'ENTION BUILDERS RARE CORONA DEL MAR OCF.ANFRONT Prime location With Cata· line & 1etty views Large R·2 lot, approved to bui- ld two 3,000 sq tt hom· es, plus possible . 3rd home site for 4,700 sq ft plus home. City & Coastal Approved. BOB & DOVIE KOOP MESA VERDE Thlr. home was a mOdel. 11 has a nte11 view 4 B•d•ooms, 2 Bathrooms a formal 11v1nt,1 room w th a tir•place, tarn1ly room. * 2 ca1 gar01ge no " private varu . ' $275,000 BOB KOOP. JR. . 160-5000£.t. 142 .t. . - • PAGE 28 / SATUROAY Au ust 17, 1991 • __, SOMMERSfl'S ANEST J 8244,900 II'\ \ llh I' .111l,1ll••ll \hUtll.'I\, ~lc\11:,10 J).1\Cf\, • , , " , , ., • ·:· , •• .1 i11 '"Ph•''"·1tcd 'ct° "' ;ind ' \ \ I. I• ' OAV10 COOPER PACIAC RIDGE $369,900 t ·n' nm~· \II h•Hllt' .1rt up~radded " • ,\ 1•. 'r•Mlfll\ 1\,11l.1I ( \I \Oil "ll fl . plu\ KBT1t RANll.E OPEN SAT/SUN 141, 2101 VAU.EY ROAD MSfT VIEWS S4&8- 1·1 • "" f':"I'' rt• , \h '·' \, r,k ~ llR. ~ OA. lug.hly upgraded ' ·'I •,"' 1 Ill.\ I' 1\l'I I\\" k1td1u1 lolhUH'l' (t1U11tcrtop\ & apph-' 'L'·'" ••,.I i:m ,, I• ••h I n·nlh ti•"'" l t.tr gar<iic & more \ ,. I t JACKIE HANDUMAN/CINDY HANll.fMAN EXCB.100 POWT Ill 1118-1 c.11ur111i: I ngh'h puh' ~ OR. Z\'< BA. fpl. planta11on shuller~ 1 hr<111.1ih11u1 l ll\tom c.1h111c I' prok\"onal land'iCdplOg. lovely spa & l"lll" ·"l"I A'I. lnr Bil a DOflM WBITBI NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE aiTClMI lal a.111 Pannramll front row <kcan city light \ICW. 4 RR 2 BA. tint cond "'" for .ll.Ml.IAO ~ lfACll ITUL •1•• l-~1:111ng b•ckclor pad U''crloole1ng bcautifol court)ard &. foun~1n 1n garcd rnmm Walk to hcalh O..ncr desperate S1c<1I Thn1 A<k tor MftBW r.ww:ll TllD IF ID1mT t14t,D Wh\ pay landlord .inJ the IR Ii Goracous 2 Hk .! llA condo ll\UlnokinJ "atcrfoll and '".: 1n1 "'lcv. 11ff v. h11c qu.1htv c 1rpcl. ncv. p.11111. dc.rn inJ re.ad\. fur )f.lu \\k for. ._GOUD MClfTDllO CDIJO C.M. t141,000 l<c1lu l I 11 <l-~l• l BR :, II\ ~ .ar lilr '111.' 111 k 1 \,~ lor RfTA WADl 11•.000 ~ lfJT IN IUWllll SlOIJOO \\ JI I • I hL I~ ,,, t-Ir •m lhl' •jll.lhl\ I• tilt U 11111!ul l''"·•I• p;,1111 Ni:" ll~rh<r <Jrpcl •llllL'I 111\hlC' l•ICJthlfl Jlll I\ I 'llU\I 'H 1 /\\k I• I DAN COll'O lfAIMIGl VIJMl SI0,000 DOM 1210.000 llH : U \ ~ nJ uni I PH'fc'\ J,(•U l.1gh1 d< 1r. .l~.tn h 10!.JM' ''" fnr UZ I CllJCI( JllE YUU WWT -. na • llff 1211,000 'i11~1,h 11u1 1n lhl\ lrgc. plca)anl, 1mmuul;1tc. .i HR ~ Iii\ v.1low nmn1cn11m.:c yrd & cnJO)' 1h~ fC11c~'cr ocean brcc.tc'h You mu\I Kc th" \tf\ Jllr.tctl'-c cnnlcmp«•r.af'\ home A\k '"' IE llAl IDT l'tall .-r D GCfM VIII 1211,0DO l'ol'"JlOrl UcJch ! RR ~ Bi\ u•ndt" m1rrnrcJ (pl, lrtic ra1111, IO IU\h pJrk·lrkc \UrrounJing~. w .. lk 10 hcalh, saicJ lOmm A'k fur MYUll li9M1I mwGIJIOCI '2!1,000 B11gh1 & lrghl ~ llR ;:1,1, BA 2 c.ir garage. I IC\hlv r.11n1cd " nc" 1:.arpcl pool -clo">C let • ... r.1hing' .\\k for Cllllf I:. um c.M. em mJ ,600 lJpgndcd lrgc 4 BR 2 BA 2 CJr gar ~cw upgr .. dc\ incl Copper /lumhinf, roof, ilpph ancc~. oak c11hincts an more uwc" prKcd 4 HR on I il\ISldC bv fu' A\k f,11 auin- OPBI llJDY 1-6, • Mllm VISTA Mam GOUD IDn MT DllfAM mt,000 I IH' 1hc ( mra Mr,,1 lrfntylc in lh1~ C'ollrgr P.11k 'PC• 1.11 ' OR + den + 'C~ing rm nr 11 I r tf'\ nr ' '' Walkin1 d1\IJnu~ lo •ht•pp111j,t , , 111 r Jn.I t'lll\ hnc\ \11'>crcd p.111n .md "'"'m lur I< \, r.irking A\k hir • IE llAl COITA WIA an.- 11wcty J HI< 2 BA hmc on quiet \lrcct 2 tar ~ar . h1g y•rd Priced to ell Aik for . Ill ........ --1 Rr I v. DA on large corner lot, t>;.\1;1ful l>!Kk filcpltce, h1rdY.ood floon, special 12 ll lfl cnclo\cd patK> 12 fnut lrcet and IO much mnrc i\\k for &II Fii &llQS @ IYUlll 831-1288 REALTORS Ml! ClllT .... CJl ..... Cu1e l BR 2 BA home wtvry lr&c back yard & &Orgcous 2 yr old pntll Great value. IUk for • llfA .. llMJT ... CBfl -., ..... Newport C'rc•t -FabulouJ locallon ~rlook· tng pool tcnnr courts Plann II · 2 BR, 2~ BA townhomc w fireplace, .-.ct bt. pjllM Wlilk to beach price rcduc<'d for qu1'-k ~le. M k for .... ar •• IPlBlm UJT QUM1Ull .. .... 1247,600 r11hul<tu\ CU\lom (j Q V. full (\/\ KJti.:hcn ~ lrJC bdrm c1..1ulJ he \Cparillc unit or durlrng nr'tr \ll'. 4 UR :i. n,\ 1ncl gucH qllJTICf' \I~ \pl'tct:ll cnd ra1tn 11AnllnlK' l01.Jl11111 "-'k lvr JGCIJW EAITm a CAii WMI Ull,000 l>cwr. ll'r pct I\ Cl h\.,r nc" '"""'' hH l. l'•I· 1r.g1 l\o\nhmc 111 p1 tun:-I 11~1;1 "'' lU • 1 pie"< "" lrnn". pc I ~ 'fl~ llua:t ' HR l'hu den' Ju\I ll'ICd, ""'''"'' 1.,.1 ,,, ,.,. -TBICI EAl1'm caa me,ooo 3 UR l BA plu' r1m1I) rm nn ,. \Cn ~u1d \lrcc1 l'J'grullrd harJ11ouoJ 01t0h l rt,c rrd lo\<'lC>d dnk l>n a ~ ~ /\ for GP81 .. 1'6, 1114 ,_AT & ... , lfACll lW .... Cc:nll•llv k>eatcd 2 BR 2 BA 1n lb1t'<1r Wo.l(h 11m light. w) and 1mmaculi1tc twn- hmc " l.icatcd ncu Fonh1on "land anJ cloic \I) boch Sclh:r nn1blc Ask (or n•~ CllWlf ,.. . mt.a ~Uldcd Cinderella 4 HR ' BA rlui bonu' rm l lrd11od OclOI'\, fpl 111, tjn1 u>ndtlHln 1 .ca\t c•puon Ask for ,., ...... cuanYmllW · ·" -ClftlU ~ Rcduccu · c:w.11cr gone Nrt I IJ!h p.1110 home ' HR nearly new Vaulted cc1linp Wttl~ 10 \hc"tj>' 1>11.c to ~iach A•k r11r , ram~ II TM All ll:talJ aM• L'nnco1t} Parl \old.1~hcd J BK IK•rnc on quiet rnmcr Wal\., 111 :! clcm~nt HY "h•lCll'. I 1unior high &. c.1\~ hike 11dc to Ur11 1f1Jh ~lier will p;iy S ,,IXJO ••I \f,.m •'-l>~1h ,, " /\\It'"' 1111-Maltl .. .,11911 ~ lk~I dnl in tcw.n 4 BR IV: n \ R 2 lol l llr ~ clc.cn1 A~._ for ...-J ..... .-rl9t1LOT --1.ocarcd t>ctow 15th st th1 propctt)' it situ· llcJ rn the middled of the 'block "''•n older 2 BR I BA re,, on the rear of \be lo1. Ideal to live In durina new construlllOn /\lie for •• .., ..... ,.. .. ca:cma• -• 3 BR ~ BA pool ~o~ wl1ric rm v.utcd cc1lin1s. wall of alaa. Rom1ntte ma tu suuc~. Ask for • ~ ......... dJI lllllT I CWI Pmll I I •• Prune ~inan1h1cd «>mer patlcl for develop- ment Pot.a1blc 1onc ~h~nac to R-l nr RO Approc ~ acre. Will cuhanse for Wl\111 .rf Mntrvatc:d out ur U1tc <Woncr A le for mll-l'lt4 ,..,.-.m --Grnt fan11~ home. • HR Ira lot w RVA: c1.1I· <k·MC w1park, no rOlld 001 A le for mrfmlrtll NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE -fft-..... Unobstructed ocean VJCWS a.nd beyond 10 LI· JUDI Beach. 3 BR 2~ BA ICdudcd instr ste. w/cornmaJ>d1n1 v1cw, formal dtning. 2 sun , dccb &_ lr1c1=zu;;..~ Ask for ... . ..... marw1w1•a1t ...,. Newport Beach duplex. Two 3 BR 2 BA uruts. Frcsh!)i piuntcd cxtcnor, walk tq_ beach, part, shopping. owner wanu quick sale! Ask lor ... --·-a..u...... ....,.,.. Npc Hats. • "+ bdnns. rcnontcd 2 'tory. tt~d noors. 1rac 1o1. ••...Nm..-r ""'-u.,..... ·--4 BR l BA totally upgraded &. expanded 2 fpl , gourmet lutch, family rm., cicrciR rm, wlbarc &. mirrors l Ul\.lf)C)UJ mstr stc w1pa110. unique &kyl11es &c prof land1e1pcd garden ,,. 1pa For pnvarc s~li Ast ror ... ma MllYll v I.If... ·--M<M: up to Mesa Verde and lrve n&ht on the &olf councl Thu 4 BR 2\h BA ranch 'tylc liomc is the best buy on the market, PRICED TO SEU. AT LOT VALUE Ast for -----911..., , ... -c.m Cl8 ... &MDI a BT WI .... Lariut model Marbclla 1n premium loation 4 BR. 1 BA. fanuly rm, 3 fpl, tnple garage Owner lcavin& area & mu I sell now! Ask , fol.. ... .,.... ..... Spectacular view, customized Auau.s11a model Toully cwtomiz~d 2 BR 2\h BA golf counc, city ll&ht, lake \llCW Ast for uantm ... ··-·--Ill ·-SPACIOUS lWNllME 615 Carnation 2 car 1uage, pnVlte entrance, bleached 'pin Ooon. J BR 2~ BA OPfN TillS WEEKEND Alt for .... _.,,,,.,.._.1111 •MDI._.. It,• --·&••~..-wk 4 £' 3 BA home 1nd rupa the reward ! Pnmc quid location Addition bas f<tm rm., .orkshol>, and mailer suite Very lcvnblc, JU 1 needs complcuon Ask fnr ..... --•& • ..... Completely remodeled Cape Cod l BR 2 BA. Family rm. Owner .,ill trade for income prop- cny. As.It fot .... lml.UI ...n ...... , ......... Sunny comer location w/3 BR 2 BA plU$ 2 OR ren111!1 Lise patlOI, new kite.hen, carpel II. paint'I ()wocr .,ill help w/finanaa1ll Ask Jor._ _,_ ....... a... Fab ocean, ocy li&ht VIC• from lhit one acory 4 BR home Spyafa.u Hill's ~e.sl pnccd view property. Owner wants an offcrll As.k for .. lat -----rm.m Curtcnt e>«an V'ICWS and potential &o add 2nd story co ice one or chc bet.t ocean A bay vlcwt in N~rt. ElaslUtl 3 BR bome is 00 i.,.r (6.5 a l lO) lot In • put localloft ~ (of lppmllllfte.llL Alli for ••. ~-- .... llllnl ., ... REALTORS 1.91 IRf ,,... 4 BR 2 BA 11nglc tory • such the SlfCCI 10 strada local.Ion 45 ft wtde lot, hard to find nc,..ly remodeled tjtcb Jn oak &. ule ,.."'1ne - rack. Wonderful circulu d1mn' rm. w1pancd & bloc:k P'' 'll'lllls for view1n1 the pllio counyud. Ask for,_ _,Pfllf ...r ... Wall'I we • ~ 1712 Anll1u1 S BR pool Vl<W 3 c.u garage Open Sat & Sun 1-4. Ask for --=a -11f1, ----.1111 . •••• lfJCl 111...r ...... l...owcst prjc:c duplu!t--f -BR plus tepuale rcatal untlll New carpet It paint It trsc u. 1um1blc loanl Owner will help w/fitu1ncingll Ask for ... ............ . ... Lowest pncc New &dford S BR It bonus room plus lore w/ocean view a 4 fuU balhi. Wonderful pool & spa, air cond1110ned, on cul~c-sac street. Call for •ppt. Ask for .. fJl1B ,_ • , Tiii ISTU I 111- 0nc the Lake M.w1on V1c,o wf dodc, huge wonderful French country charmer w S BR.s 4~ BAJ l..o money dwn to qu.ahficd buyer Ask for •• mm! ,..1181 .. 1111.• New, bc1uliflll, ultra modem S BR .S BA home w1computcrucd Jenn11rc ~le.hen. full ICC sys. rm For O«ln VICW pool/must ICC this home to a't!ecbe~for ... w--.i c:a •UC tan. t1,1._ Pre uP,u1 gated c6mmun1ty or &lcoun Ll&e 5 BR bOmc w rencicd yrd & patio H1Jh ccihnp Lots of potenhal to-.c t pncc cus. tom in the aru Great opponunity for the lo- cation COOSCIOUJ riiiulita ~ for .. ... .,... ••.in.- Fabulous ocean. b1y city h&htJ lfle""' This 4 BR. 2~ BA pool home on 1 Kcluded sc111n1 allows for total privacy wl• Iona d~ay to up the home Great opportunity .for aomcone to build an enhrc c 1.itc on thlS parcel of land Ast for . -----· t1~ Undct11a1cd clca•n« & unsurp.uscd qu1hty Ulroughoul th\a lovely 4 BR 4 'I' old home. Ju 1e>pbUt1C1tcd boucy .t irac10US arnen11ics are matched only by 1&.1 superb conJtl'\khon As._ for._ 119"' ...... (3) Tbrre h1&h Jensity lots. OC'lwntoWn Hun· 0111100 Bcacn. Extst1111 ill001J e plut apeaal us-tde zoru allowances ,.... foir.- ur a ems'"" a«tm .. a..-mm M.M• 5 HR, 5~ BA. ten-aat quartcn Eat.ate • &It· uatcd ~ I 14 .cru locldon oe> a.ck Bay. <>nu WU1 oo.kSe? trade. Alli for .... SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 29 .. • .-n ...... tall'' 11,!11_ Excc:ptionaJ five bdrm rcsjdcn~ w1panoramic bay &. ocean VlCWS from almost every room. Amenities incl.· Central an, ~nd 'Y' . huge roof top entertainment area. Be the first to preview this newly listed property Aile for UE illlClll • Im• IB.C Im 11,!18,000 Ocean \.1CW -Pnme lot. One and only lot a"11lable in th1 elegant gate guarded comm. Unique locauon v. ocean & etey hght v1ev.: Surrounded by prcsuge custom homes Build your drcc1m home! Ask for sz.•,• "Ralph Lauren" lOlAlly remodeled collagt' rylc ~tllng w lrgc boal dock 4 BR/3 BA. c:ommcroaJ grade lci1ch w nool, ~p DR. ra· CIOUS "&J~l room" O\.'C™Y Ask for •.. • Til1.9 I Hlf •lll1i11'-.., Ulua contemporary new custom captun panoramic "'~ of the Paafic and C.tahna. Soarina walls of &Jass, and ntcn ive UK of va,njte, marble etc. Stun~'8i:ii' waterfalls AR for •.• - .> 1 I PAGE 30 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE -.._...; Featured New Listings . 599 000 Be<;t Buy' Large ome in private ocatlon Marian Plrllllppl & Gw~ Llvln9ston OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY lllull., 11.t'y\tt'""' lt•rr.iu• Irv llll' I t' r r .it t' l orori.1 <lei M.H '~' "11 ... l 1>11>11,1 dcl M,11 lt,11 bor Vtt'""' Home<, 11.11 t..or \, tl'""' I lo mt•<, l 1H1111.; de) M .11 '-ot ,1,,..,ind I 1d11 hit• 1~1~ \. ,rn\on lk.rnt.• llt ltourl rerr,JI t• l lHOnd dt.•I M ell l'..tlhoc.t l'>IJnd '-op.,:glJ<.,<. Hell t .imt·o '-,hort'" 111~ (.,1nyon I luv<.'r Shore'., Big C ,rnyon H.irhor R1d~C' H.Hbor l<,l,rnd Irvin(' Corona dcl Mdr Corona del Mc1r Coro na dcl Mar Lorona del M.u Corona del M;)'r SATURDAY ONLY 2MO V1s1a del Oro $279,000 ( 1-4) 4'; Shcarwater $169.000 11 -5) 200 I !:>cddrllt $749,000 I 1-t; I 10'; Carnation $775.000 (I 5) SUNDAY ONLY ';07 Avcn1da LcH(tO $199.500 t I • c; l 41 o Dcihlia $499.000 11 . r; l I A07 Port I agga rt $499.500 11 ';I USOO Port Sheffield $525.000 ti ..,, MO Orchid $659.000 t I ·5) n 14 Port l erwick $699.900 (I -SJ 2li Via l{avenna $799,000 11 -51 l"l l{ue Grand Due.al $849.000 11·41 77 H1ll.,dalc $8<>'>.000 11 . ')I JOO t, rn1 Mci11gold SI .250.000ea 11 '>) 001 005 'l N Bayfron1 S 1.42'5 000 (I 51 M M1c;-.1on Bd}' s I 445.000 (I ·'>I 4"l07 Gorham $1 'Vi0.000 t I <;1 H Hermitage $1 .735.000 (I -'}) 401 Mo rning Siar $1.895.000 112·41 7 Greenbrier $2.295.000 11 -5) i7R1dgehne $2.500,000 11 .c;1 10 Hdlbor Island $3,700.000 t I ·41 SATURDAY AND SU NDAY Bdrbara Hutchings Marie Fargo / Guy Livingston / Evan Corkett Guy Livingston Marian Phllllppi Natalie Fogarty Sara Hinman Marian Reedy Pat Hurley Guy Livingston Carole McMahan Virginia Zenz. Diana Goldsberry limm1e Jones Ben Reedy Evan Corkett Stephanie Grody Marie Farao M.1rc1a Brac;hier Susan Laird Beverly Morphy 4971 Paseo Dalt $299.000 $399,000 $499.000 $519.000 $5~.ooo 11 SI Sue Thomas 704 51706 5 Heliotrope 700 A Beaonia 7041706 Heliotrope 700 B Begonia 260Q I 1ghthouse 51 .100.000 t I ·51Evan CorkctVD1ana Goldsberry (I -5) Cdrol Berg/Ralaine Ramer 11 5)Evan Corkett/Diana Goldsberry { 1-51 C1rol Ber&fRalaine Ramer 11 -5) Kathy Gran1eri/Barbana Hutchinp Featured New Listings 629 000 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE . Spectacular View Properties ' SATURDAY, August 17, 1991-/ PAGE 31 Tranquil Corona del Mar PAGE 32 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 180° View -Ocean, Bay, Pavillion & Cataline Dottle Vtde11tl11e ... ----...... -. -.... ----- Premium location, dty ltchts G moun~ln vtews S.ta Hl111M11 Exclusive Listings Balboa Island Balboa Island Balboa Island BALBOA PENINSUU Bayshore !> Bayshore~ Bayshores BAYVIEW TERRACE Bayview Terrace BELCOURT TERRACE BIC CANYON Bia Canyon Big Canyon Bie Canyon Big Canyon Big Canyon B1e Canyon Big Cdnyon Big Ccrnyon 81g Canyon B1e Canyon B1e Canyon BIC CANYON DEANE Big Canyon DE'ane Big Canyon DE'ane Big Canyon Deane BIC CANYON McUIN Big Canvnn Mn .ctin Big Canyon Mc Lain Big Canyon McLain THE BLUITS The Bluff\ The Blurfs DOVER SHORES ,ffARBOR HI LL Harbor Hill HARBOR ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH J bdrm, U1ht S airy cottase 2 bdrm. 2 story w/ family room 4 bdrm. duplex. lovely remodel 5 bdrm, dock for 3 laree boats B,.nd new cCMldo eear beKla 2 bdrm 2 ba steps to shops 2 bdrm. unobstructed views of bay 3 bdnn, c"-mnc. bpt & bftPt 4 bdrm. 2 7' ba. custom home 2 bdnn, cozy cottap 4 bdrm. 3 bath. remodeled ho me 3 bdrm steps to Yacht Marina '5 bdrm. extensive remodeline 2 bdnn, ll1ht S bftcllt. prtvate prd 2 bdrm. new white carpet 3 bdrm. upaltded ...,...., J bdnn, tunny, ocean breezn 4 bdrm. custom1ted Broadmoor 4 bdrm fabulous corrn~r location 2 bdrm. UPeraded. serene location 3 bdrm breathtakine views '5 bdrm elevated w/c1ty views 4 bdrm lieht f, open Ooor plan '5 bdrm 120 ft eolf course frontaee ~bdrm trad1t1onal style home '5 bdrm Q ba cul.tom home 6 bdrm contemporary estate 4 bdrm '5 5 ba. every amenity 5 bdrm, enlarced and cuatomb.ed 3 bd back bay & eolf course views 3 bdrm. aor1Jeous fairway & lleht views 7 bdrm. expanded Deane -golf course 2 bdrm, 2 ba, coif course vtew 3 bdrm !>pectacular El Dorado 3 bdrm fairway & light views J bdrm overloolung 5th ra1rway ) bdrm. 2.5 bath. newly pelnted Located on ereenbelt terrific patio 3 bdrm 2 5 ba. overlooks ereenbelt 3 bdrm w/ lndoor~utdoor pool J bdrm, on qu•t 1tnet 3 bdrm. panoramic view 3 bd, elepnt tlncle famlt1 home 4 bdrm. fabulous custom home 3 bdrm, buuttful lawn and dodl ..... · ............................... . • t • • • $'99,000 564'.000 $1.425.000 Sl.79'-C>OO $3,,,000 Slm.000 $795,000 $469,000 $649.000 $629,000 5650.000 $979.000 5989,000 $369,000 5385,,00 $1,,,000 $949,000 $995.000 $1 .19,,000 $1 ,19,,000 Sl .29'5.000 $1 .390,000 $1 .735000 52 295 000 52M0.000 52 695 000 $2 87'.000 $3.400.000 $849,000 $895.000 $939,000 Sl .'7,.000 $3.,,000 $109.000 •5398 '500 $49, 000 $l79,000 $3,9.000 $399,'}00 $1 ,19',000 $,29,000 $599.000 $1 ,l'°,000 Sl.875,000 $3,700,000 NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR RIDGE 2 bdnn, OC.R & •'Pt Msltt MM $7'0,000 Harbor R1dee 3 bdrm.cul-de-sac w/ d ty view $77',000 Harbor R•dee 'bdrm. Enallsh Tudor Estate SI .950.000 Harbor Rldee 'bdrm. l StOIY. custom.Medlterre.n S2.500.000 Harbor Ridec 5 bdrm. ' 5 blths, city ll&hts view Sl.2'°.000 Harbor Ridee 'bdrm. eoraeous dty & ocean views •Sl.295.000 Harbor Rldee 7 bdrm. fabulous entertaininc home $5.800,000 HARBOR VIEW HOMES J bdnn, 2 ba,...,.eio.,._kk $4t9,000 Harbor View Homes 4 bdrm. 2 bit. excellent family area $499.'°° Harbor View Homes 3 bdrm. ·park-like sett1ne· $' 10,000 Harbor View Homes 3 bdrm. 2 ba, remode&ed carmel $5'9.000 . '' Harbor View Homes 1 bdrm. expanded Monteeo $'69,000 Harbor View Homes 4 bdrm. 2 ' bit. Patina entry door $629.000 Harbor View Homes 4 bdrm. expanded Somerset $61,,000 Harbor V.ew Homes ' bdrm. 1 ba. Phase H S729.000 HARBOit WOODS 2 bd,., lcht, ct.111,,_. & warm $249, tOO Harbor Woods 2 bdrm. 2 ' ba. larce end unit S290.000 UDO ISLE 2 bdf'W\, ,..., ..... & ct.ba.o... $,•t,000 Udo Isle l bdrm. remodeled Mediterranean $037.000 Lido Isle 2 bdrm, hlah ceillf\iS. laree rooms S799.000 Udo Isle 3 bdrm. brand new. llaht & brlaht $799.000 UNDA ISLS 3 bdnn, •rp dock few 6'' ,.ot $1,990,000 Linda Isle 6 bdrm. contemp<>fary w/dock LHSl.00.000 Linda Isle 3 bdrm. sophisticated contemporary $4 .950 000 UTILE BALBOA lSLAND J bdnn, coateanporary d•plft $7,,,000 MAI KAI 2 bdnn, 2 ba, baJfro•t co.do $1,,,000 NEWPORT CREST 2 bdnn, 2., ba, q•IM locadotl $.l't·'°° NEWPORT HEJCHTS J+bdnn. J ba, pd9'e toe.ado. $78',000 NEWPORT NORTH 2 bdrm, lltcltf1 uppMecl__ ~2.f,000 NEWPORT SHORES J bdnn, I block to beaclt $J,,,000 SEA ISLAND 2 bdnn, 2., ba, prtwate ..... .or $Ill,,. Sea Island 3 bdrm. custom decorated Bermuda $835.000 Sea Island ') bdrm. 3 ' ba. quiet locttion $86,,000 SEAVIEW 3 bdnn, 2., ba, all NW kJtdtett $7'9,000 SEAWIND Uperaded ardltecr1 ltome $6ff,t00 SPYGLASS HILL 3 bdnn, faadty roo.n, views $ .. 7.000 Spyelass Hill 'bd. 4 'ba. lovely pool & yard SI ,09,.000 Spyelass Hill Unobstructed v1tw5. la declt & yard SI ,'45,000 WESTCUF'F Cuttotn r1HK:~ fe1nMJ e.o.. $,H,000 WEST NEWPORT Spadoue..., cere ....... $)9',000 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA1>1LOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 33 $1 , 100,000 .- Two Bdrm. duplex on canal. Dramatic views! Expanded with pool & spa. ocean & bay views! o.61 a••• ~,,, GN1tkrl & 841,..r• HMkldllfl CORONA DEL MAR Exclusive Listings VERDUGO RANCH CAMl.C> SHOll!S 4 bdrm, .,...paq ocean vtewt $1,,,0,000 VERDUCO RANCH fabulous Raach oppottualty CORONA HIGHLANDS i bdrwe. charwe•a. redone ho.ne $'99,000 Corona Hi&hlands 3 bd1m. l ba, lieht & bnaht ~~000 MISSION VIEJO HA~ VIEW HIUS ' bdm, utn larse prhate lot $724,000 Harbor View Hills 'bdrm Hillst>OroUah Model $77, 000 MISSION VIEJO 'bdrm, Enc. Tudor custom home Harboc View Hills 4 bdrm courtyard pool & spa 5825 000 Harbor View Hills 180° view of ocean. catahna & h&hts SI 095 000 Harbor View Hills 2 bdrm. beautifully expan~ hom~ SI 100 000 IRVINE lllVINI 'ftlUlAC! 4 bdrm, 3 ba, CrMt area $749,000 Irvine Terrace 3 bdrm. commandlna harbor view $1 ,100.000 IRVINE . ' l bdnn, 2., bath Condo. •PCrades $22',000 Irvine Terrace 4 bdrm. quality detail. harbor views SI .695 000 Irvine ) bdrm. 2 5 ba. completely remodeled ,$229 )()() Irvine Terrace 3 bdrm. J 5 ba. bay & ocean views Sl.895,000 Irvine., 2 bdrm 2 ba on ereenbelt wrth vrew $262 '500 JASMINE CREEK 2 bdrm, lbe, condominium $469,000 Irvine ) bdrm. 2 ba. near SC~ools & shops smooo OLD CORONA DEi. MAR 2 bdrm. 2 bat), courtyard entry . $399,000 Irv me '3 bdrm 2 ba backs on to canyon $499.000 Old Corona del Mar 2 bdrm top grade ppllances $)99.000 Irvine ) bdrm. view of sun~ts lights & mtns 5'52'5 000 Old Coroan del Mar 2 bdrm. I 5 ba. elass solarium $-420.000 Old Corona deJ Mar 2 bdrm. I bath duplex $489 000 COSTA MF.sA/ SANTA ANA Old Corona del Mar 2 bdrm. custom townhome $499.000 Oki Corona del Mar 2 bdrm. 2 ba very quiet location $'599,000 Old c~ del Mar l bdrm. l ba close to beach & v1lla1e 5'19.000 BACK BAY J bdrwe, 2 ba, walk to beck bay $31,,000 Old Corona del Mar 3 bdrm. l ba. vaulted ceilines. skyli&hts $519 000 COSTA MESA 3 bdrwe, •padOU9 towtth0tne $239,000 Old Corona del Mar l bdrm dramatic contemporary desien $530.000 Cost.a Mesa '5 bdrm. lare-e yard. new kitchen $315.000 Old Corona del Mar l bd 2 bal2 bd,2 ba Duplex $'57' 000 Costa Mesa 10 unit aP1rtment complex SI 200 000 Old Corona del Mar 2 bdnn custom deluxe condo $579000 Old Corona del Mar Duplex close to beach & shops $'58'5,000 LACUNA HIU.S Old Corona del Mar 2 bdrm areat sunny corner locatJOn 5594,000 Old CC>rON del Mar l bdrm, NW corner location $599,000 LACUNA HIUS 2 bd,..., 2 bll. eacepdonaJ latertor Old Corona del Mar Charmine duplex each w/ 2 bd, I batMI $'599 000 LE.ASES Ol<l Como& del -2..stoty...~4~ "56'9 .ooo-- Old Corona del Mar 2 bdrm, use of waterside common area 5839,000 coa<>NA DEL MAit 710,, N•~• * 2 bdrm. l N $~MO. Old Corooa del Mar l bdrm, l 5 ba totally remodeled 5895,000 IRVINE '1 VMIU Al9le • 2 bdrm 2 ba $1 ,lOQlmo. Old corona del Mar l bdrm, 3 ba. view of bay from master 5899.000 BAYVIEW COURT .. a.ycnet Ct. • 2 bdrm. 2 bi $1.J751 RtO, Old Corona del Mar 2 bdrm. 2 ba, double k>t $9W,OOO BAYRIDCE I ti Hwtfotd -2 bdrm 2 ba $1 .l151ao. BAYVIEW TERJlAC£ i. SMarw.c.r Pl.· 2 bdrm i ba $1,700/MO, Old Corona del Mar ~ 4 bdnn. laree family home $1.19'5 000 UPP£R NEWPOWT BAY 2'H VIila .. ,. • • bdrm 2 ~ b& $1.91'/tM, Old Corona del Mar 4 bdrm. seclu~ area w/\/lew Sl.19'5.000 BIC CANYON MCLAIN SJ S.. W.lld • l bdrm 2 5 boil $2 . OOOi "'°· Old Corona def Mar 4 bdrm spectacular views SI 19' 000 CORONA 00. MAR Ut Ordld -l bdrm 2 bf.. $2.100/ ao. Old Corona del Mar 4 bdnn 3 '5 b.i, walk to shops $1 ,250 000 IRVINE TERRACE 711 SafttaN -1 bdrm l ba $2,ltVMO. Old Corona del Mar 4 bdrm sunny corner wlv1ews Sl .2~000 SEA ISLAND 11 aa, C.O.• • 2 bdrm 2 ' ba $2,MO( "'° HARBOit VIEW HIUS 2.01 LJPthottM • 4 bdrm. 2 s ba $1.lOOl lnO LACUNA BEACH BtCCAHYON 2l R.,. Cu•• · l bdrm 2 5 ba $1,'°°' .. HARBOR VIEW HlU.S 2I07 s.m.c !Mta • 1 bdrm 2 'J ba $1.•WMO 2 ·bd,.., ... •peat b1 cliff UMNE TERRACE lllS S.bftae T•"· • 5 bd 4 5 ba $~ ,OOOi llM> Q.MORROMY $27'.000 81CCAHYON 21..,....T,...·'Sbdrm 'J5ba $'·'°°' .. IMl.aALDMY ) bdrm. wtP ocee• vtew $19',000 MYSIOECOYE 710 MwtMw Wud • 4 bd 4 ' ba $4,2'°'..o Emerald Bay • bdrm, 4 ba. view. steps to be h St 800 000 MLIOA P£NINSULA 11• ..... ve..a-1bdrm 4 be s•.oocw .. Emerald Bly 'bdrm, exquisite contempor1ry $2 .800 000 HADOll .. DCE 2'70 Mo9•cio -• bdrm, l 'S be $10.000fMO lllVINI COY& Lot, belt .............. Cowe $1 ,460,000 I.ACUNA IUCM 1ltMo9PotM ·6bdrm, )ba $11,000fMO Irvine Cove ~r 8.000 sq ft • ocun side Sl.300.000 HADOll•DC& t Ow•ud-'5 bdrm, 'S 5 be tll,OOOf ... .. PAGE 34 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 like New! Five bedroom, four bath, family room, formal dining, huge brick patio with built-in barbecue, observahcm deck and more! $989,000 Cozy Carmel "iwps to gr<'l'nbclt and com mu 111ty pool. Pnvclll' '>pa w1thcac;,cadtng watl'rfall Built in m1maturt' 1r,11n '4.'t Rrduced for h st Sale! $~9,000 Judy Mertz 721-6743 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE For More lnformatlon, Ask for: Debi Bibb 642-8868 ... Outstanding Jodelle! 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath Condo, formal dining room and unobstructed mountain, city and night light views. $775,000 Premier romer location. Gorgeous custom tra- ditional family home. 3 Bdnn. plus den, hard- wood floors and more. Don't mias this one! $785,000 Big Canyon McLain _ Spectacular El Dorado, rcmod~lcd in .. Belcourt• style. Be.tubful garden patio. Decorator perfect. Immediate ~J>ilncy possible! . $369,000 Ba ye rest 3 bedroom, 2 112 bath charming home with hardwood Ooorsand recessed lighting. Cozy and comfortable. light and bright ., i,. $469 .000 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 35 Beautiful large condo, south of Coast Hwy & walking distance to shopping & restaurants. 3 bed- rooms including a huge master. Off-white Berber carpeting through- out, 21h baths, sprial staircase, tile entry, separate dining area, planta- tion shutters, etc. Asking $629,000 BUT will listen. Two master bedrooms, 2 baths, ex- tensive use of mirrors. Great ocean & Catalina views. Double car park- ing plus guest parking. Perf.ect 2nd beach home. $629,000 1 block to beach. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with sundeck off master. Lower Is 2 bedrooms & 2 baths, 4 car garage. Only $399,000 Absolutely immaculate inside & out! Eastside Costa Mesa -3 bedrooms, scaplng Is manicured by the owner. Pride of ownership. Asking $379,000. A great price! VEllAIWI 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo. It's beauttfully remodeled & very upgraded. Balcony overlooking both the fountain & a courtyard. S13,,000 FOR SALE OR RENT VILLA IAl.IOA 2 bedroom, 2 bath penthouse with spectacular ocean views from all rooms. Big master suite plus large kitchen, dining & living areas. All in beautiful condition. Seller will consider lease option. Asking $'369,000 or $1600 per mo rent. OCEANVllW Two bedroom condo. End unit on oceanfront building in Balboa. Real sharp. Asking $310,000 3 Bl.OCKS TO BEACH Three bed- rooms, 3 baths plus 2 bedroom. Fi- replace in each. New carpets & fre- shly painted. Large sundeck & pri- vate covered patio, double garage. May carry 1st T.D. $639,000 SEVEN UNITS. OCEAN VIEWS! One block to beach. All 2 or 3 bedroom units. Each with a garage. Over $70,000 income. AspecJal property. Try $195,000---- REAL NICE DUPLEX 1.5 blo- cks to beach, three bed- rooms, 2 baths up & 2 bdrms lower. Fireplace in each. Big front patio with shade tree. Three balconies In the upper unit. Asking $459,500 ·,,.... ' - PAGE 36 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE ~~~~~~--~~~~~ CORONA DEL MAR BACK ON MARKET $818,000 Spectacular custom remodel, 3 bdrm, 3 bath. Gor- geous ocean, harbor & city light vtew. Prfvate pool & spa. Absolute mov•ln readyl FABULOUS VIEWS $897 ,500 Breathtaking Catalina & ocean vtewa from this 4 bdrm Cameo Highlands home. E.xtenslv• use of brick and natural redwood Inside & out AdJacent to Newport Coast Oev't STEPS TO OCEAN VIEW $1 350,000 Sttuated In the prestigious Big ~na ~h area. this oversized dbl. lot Is Ideal '°' you to build e.ooo sq ft dream home Of 2 · 3,000 sq. ft. hom ... NEWPORT NORTH SELLER WILL CARRY $298,500 2 bedrooms. 21"1 bath town home wtth oversized 2· car garage. Premium location-ultra private Shut· ters. blended oal< cabinets A real doll house. CITY LIGHTS VIEW $298,500 4 yrs new 2 bdrm. 2 bath town homo. 2-car at- tached garage with built-Ins Soaring vaulted cell· lngs Fireplace. large patio wtlh pavers PREMIUM INTERIOR LOT $594 000 Elegant Marbella with mature landscaping l run- ning fountains 3 bdrms. 3 baths. 3 nreplace, 1 In family room den with French doors NEV.PORT CREST OCEAN VIEWS $285,000 Mov&-1n condition 3 bdrm townhome with ocean view from master suite & break1ut nook Fonnal dining room llvlng room with va.ulted tellings MAKE AN OFFER! $287 ,000 Peek-a-boo ocean views from all 3 decks of this spacious ) bdrm town home Mirrored wardrobe doors. tile flooring in l<rtchen & entry NEW LISTINOU $299,000 Completely remodeled 3 bdrm unit. Fabuloua ocean vi-from master suite. Wood l\OO!'lng In kitchen, entry & dining area Easy to show BEST COURT LOCATION 1315,000 Approx 2000 sq.ft. In this 4 bdrm plut lamlly room town home. Best court location-very quiet. Mirror work In dining room. COSTA MESA Nl!W BUYER ALeRT •1aa,ooo Exc.itent oppor1unlty to own In growing AIM of West aide. Perlect home wtth plenty of room to edd on 3 ~rooms remodeled k"chen SEA RIDGE $229,900 Wonderful Sea Ridge town home wtth ocean & city tights view Community pool & 1pa. Sun-ftlled rooms are airy with 1kytlghts & vau"ed cemngs REDUCED! •379,900 4 bdrm custom home with 1 O' vaulted cetllngs lo IMng & dining rooma. Com10t1abl• ~kyard with mature landacaplng and M&llbu llghta. FEATURED NEW LISTING Wondertut cui..ct.sac location ln COSTA MllA. 3 bedrooms, 2 batht. Remodeled kitchen leads Into fonnal dining room. New ~ (2 yra), custom mini blinds and curtains. Added family room wtth formal llving room and ftreplaoe. It 'IC and boat accesa. Front p icket fence with low maintenance landscaping. Laundry In dry walled garage with ltorage room and much more. $219,000 Presented by MICHAIL HYUA SANTA ANA & SANTA ANA HEIGHTS WHY RllNn $ 148 900 2 bedroom, 2 bath condominium In well maJ~ned SOuth Cout Spftnga oomptex. Steps to Crystal Court. 15" down to auume lat. HAS IT ALU SIM,900 Santa Ana Hetatit. 5 bedroom, 3 baltt home on cukj..ac hu kitchen with bfealcfut area. famlly room, den. Specious family IMng. OCEANFRONT PROPERTIES ATTENTION BUILDERS ••as,ooo <>c.an front R-2 lot, 30 x 102, with old., 3 bedroom plua 1 ~room apartment. Just reduced from ,975,000. BUCH FRONT conAGI! •1,049 000 2 bdrm, 1 bath home with ffpatate 1 bdrm~ bath graMy un". lnciud9d are rutty approv9d plan• tor 2 new luxury condoe. ...., INCOM• PROPIRTV . l'l.289,000 Watt-tc>-wall OCMn vi.w wtndowa ~ white water & coastal ~. 3 bdrma, 2 bath• upper, 2 bdrma. 2 bath• lower. Each unit hu nreplace. OPEN H OUSE ~TURDAY - a10 Jolm. Costl Mes.a M $211.000 1 !IOl S1n11oo Of, Newport 8elcll I ·S S 7S0.000 SUNDAY 71 Cor1ic1 Or Ntwpot1 Haiti 1.... S29UOO 108 Colla Or Nlwpor1 Hol1h 1.... IZM.500 ~ • Blrbldo et. Hewpor1 emt 1 s sm ooo 3412 Onnge Ave COIU Mesa · U '385.000 2408 LI Mm Ct , COIU Mal 1-6 1371,900 950 CaQneY ln 1102. Y9l 8*' 1 ~ $410.000 1100 SU Ln, Corolla Oii Mir 1 S sat.000 .. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 129 ~ lNstt. Udo Ille ,.... $515,000 LIDO ISLE MUIT lmnl.a •ITATa .... 1,000 A.BSOLUTE LOWEST PRICE ON UDOI 2 bdrm home perl9c:t u 2nd home or Udo ''.wter''. ~ to part<, t_,,., ctubtlouM and bMch. UIYTOIHOW .... ,000 ~ ..,. to --tocdon. ,,.., dubhouM. ~ COUf111, 3 bdrma, lncludlnO ... muter wfth llttktg .,.. a flt~. CUSTOM NOMI! 1748 000 Chwmlna 2 bedroom, 2 bath h<>fM wtth hlg~ c:.1-lnOI Mcf endoMd ooortyard. Formal dining room with t1reptac41. New bultom kitchen. Dl!CORATOR HOii• S771 000 2 '**°°"'· 2 bettl home toc.t9d on deM~ va. a.no.. ~ decor, lofmal dining room. Muter IUh• hu ~ & titting WM. MDJTDUNl!AN STYU $840,000 4 tMll!froom, 2 + bCh home con"9nlendy IOC*«I ctoM to Genoa piayground and t.rril ~. Lov.iy tandecai>lng wttti Iota or co1om.11 rtowera. TOP QUALITY 11, 180,000 Brand new abaolutely t>.autlful 2 ltOfY home. 3 bdrm•. 2Yl batht. sep. dining room. SIWat9d on double atrada on dnlrable Ea1t end. ULTRA CUSTOM · $1 380,000 Brand new 3 bdrm ptu. den home on SO' street to ltre.t tot. No detail hu bMf'I OYel'kX*9d. Gourmet kitchen, tamtty room With~; NEWPORT BEACH MINI OCUN Y11!W 1224.000 2 bdrm, 2 bath Veraalhl penthouse. Smalt bay and cc.an view Upgraded with ahuttera and tilt Community dubhouM a facilities NllW LllTHIQll S281 000 TERMS! S... Of teue opdon Thia VIiia ~ 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo oht1I 2 muler 1ulte1, lg. bal- cony, mini ocean view, epadous kitchen ocaLLl!NT UY VIEW S29S,OOO Take advantage or outstanding ptlce and ~ from this one of a kind bay front leu.hold estate. 3 bdrma, 2 batN. Boat doelc avall~ NllW LISTINQll S82r.GOO Onty a few atepa to ocean In Penlnluta'a 100 ~. -Slnale tamlly home, 4 bdrms. 3 bath•, deo °' 5th bdrin. Maid• quart1Q wtth own en~. UYCRl!ST NORTH 19991000 nii. Ivan Weh custom ecrner lot home nu 3 bd!m•1 21h btitht. Plri ftoOflng & bnck ~ In ramify room. Spa on bf1ctc deck. SPACIOUS PINTHOUll! 1 ... ,000 2 bdrm, den °' 3 bdrm, 3 bath condo on Udo Pen-lnaula with vlewa of Newport Bay & mountalne trom bay front patto, IMng and dining rooma. STYLISH RBMOD8L •780,000 Upgraded throughout. thla 4 bdrm home II ld..i rtw, your entertalrilng Meda. t<ltchen hu cNna elnk, aland Mdng bat ._ hrmador ooolctop. llAY FRONT PDTHOUll *!~~,000 Elegent Udo Pan DrM penChouee ~ ..w. of bay, OCMn & dty llghta. 2 bedroom.. 2~ blllha Muter bath hae bullt.m ---- llAY Ill.AND llAY FRONT ~no.ooo A , .. opponuntty to ~ a home on Newport 8-Y'• mOet prlvat9 letand. Sandy ~ ' bollt dockl. LUXURY llAV PRONT Sa=,000 I~ bey ftont wfth ~ Wgia bftek ~ wfth apa, t.-m, bNch and doctl tor MY9ral boeta Upet*8 den COUid be 41fl Mdroom. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .~, ~ -... ... ~~ ... ...... ~ _,.. ... --.J -. ~ ~-...... .... , .. lllf-I i&id .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NEW USTING -NA1t101t RIDGE Tennis court estate with ocean and hghts view. Pool and spa • one of the largest lots in this prestige communrty Guest quarters plus 2 kitchens Total of 8 bed· rooms. hbrary, and family room. Call ror additional. information $3,975,000 ~ Tl u mJ.& New ttow1no contempo<ary 11 T>iltlOl'JIT\le OCNll and Cata na v-'!ws Malf:'St•~ pool aod ~ Vacanimotrvatedl ... .. ,,.,... ... . • MR tcfM a MY llT ... WIWI. Existmo owrt 4BR 38A rwo story Formal dlOlllO family room, 3 ,a1 ~ar.ige plus b03t/RV access• • • • • • • • WYClAll I TWIUIU CKlf Ml M M:IE 1 WJ MATm lftW ... 1 :IO • a:• DPfJI ... 1 :10 • 1:30 L<twe:.t Pfl'•d ew BOC!ord • 5 beclrooms & ,,., ti I ti.llous ocean o.a, IOO c "Gil! ~ "'' bonus room p1us lolt w ocean view and 4 tun • rm 48R 2~8A !>00'" name a set 01Jec1 ~e=.1111 NEWPORT BEACH $147 ,000 CUPFHAVIH 6 yr ne SOLD 1R pool gated courtyard S44t,OOO IAUOA wttmwAnt VlfW DU,LlX Vacant lower 2BR 2BA total rMo: Euro kitchen new baths, recessed llghhng • tc. Upper w'huge whitewater v .. w deck Extra large tot (37' front) w 3 car garage MUST SELLI . -$-425,000 UDO IAYflONT In lavish security building• Gorgeous views from this lmm1eut1te unit Every amenity & boat •llp available. • • • • • • • • • • baths Wonderful pool and spa 11r a .vs '°' IJ1al l)(:"•ilty "'1l!l a IOllQ ;r, u. condt .oned..'°'1 QUl.t cul-de-sac street Ca •or lj) Ille name This as a'I oppar • tor somt0ne a~ S949 000 10 !Mld. es: on onoi;e o.i.'ttl "' llflT • IB..C8lllT 11 Mam1M1 lid 11.m,tm OCEM VEW.f'llM Lal • CMYOI ni PWllllSI One nd ontv 101 a~ll.lble 111 lhis eteov. oa•e ~au: Ill cul.-de-sac IOca:.on on liroe toe Rem- ouar<1eo COl'l'\ITIOl\l:Y ~ IOcation w 111 O<leled •BR 2YlBA new Cirpel$ "ncl· ocean illd t•ty llgt.t:. views Sorrounood by sta;>ino. new appllanc:es & sumy ni><>~rt NlWPOIT HllGKTS CKAJIMH Panlally rt-done darling 3BR w pool for 2nd 1toryl Oulet p lcitJre • per1eet • ~otentlal • pnsst•oe custom homes Bu d yovr drum V;icant & ready for occupancy Owner -. u cat· homel Sl.250000 ry 50ITle financino Reouc;.ed to Sl 150,000 ........... ...,.. tJ """"..... -IJl1IC ~ IUCll $375,000 $359,000 $214,tOO HAllOI HtOHLAND SOLD llfetlme 4BR, remodel w/pool. COIONA DEL MAI DHIGNH 3BR In gorgeous ga1ed complex keys to aeml·pvt BEACHES! Fabulous exeeu11ve home or weekend rt1reat and beautiful canyon views! Can be IOld fvm shedl CUffHAVIN 1 story SOLO rgeous compi.1 w pool. JUST LISTED COSTA MESA ust.ooo Rare e vr new 3BR. soLO lid• 010 pa1k1ng1 U11,t00 SMMACU&.AlJ 12 ytat (LIKE NEW) tudor·11)'t9 latge 2 story formal dining, family room on a gotgeous cul·d••11c: Ont of the prettleat streets In Cost• Meaa. MUST srurr RE/M* I . 'I' I\,, 760-5000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AbSOlutely Ille most uncompnv0......a iew of F ~lous ltvee ~ear flew C1;Stom l'o'ne vo ocear ocean, bily and City !Kl"" dJ ~· Ost '"I canyon & cily llgtC Vhl • JSR 2'~BA fMT1lly acre comer lol '"a..(;~ ~ 10 room den Vftllg decu lr'Olt & mt ~ JUst moev " ~';;, ;Ntt Plill w'poof & lc1Tn detlgll An lbsoW SIU ll S«7 000 spa ren \l' "'a new custom home on ,..., m1I TW!IJJ I~ fWI LfAlf hs libt. .. lml>stiuclld V11W sire Just 2 bedroom 2 ball 2 car ga S 1395 redoeed 10 Sl,,75.000 . lll'VOLASI HILL** 10 Mono a.w °""·SOLD • Hll.L tt Two lolcl • Cloeed on Point LOtn8 Drtve mtH Y• WAI llAi"8J ONE Cf Tiil T1IP 100 ~ IOl.Tm lfTBNllOUUY • 1890 • • • ••••••• '-v I L L s " I E N ..... 2101 15th St Newport Beach, CA 92660 714-646-8987 A A _,,. ' -BEST VALUE .IN NEWPORT BEACH Prices from $339,900 to $394,000 3 Bedroom, 2 1 /2 Bath Many Exclusive Features Available Villa Siena ... nestled in the heart of Newport Beach with all its Sout.Jlem California flavor and seaside charm. Enjoy quiet luxury living amidst fnendly neighborhoods, nearby shopping and exotic restaurant . Villa Siena combines cla ic architecture with contemJ?Orary styling and all the amenities · you'll need to truly enJOy your new home by the sea. • •• Sales Office Hours: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11_a_m_-6~pm~~~~~~====~:============- • ' PAGE 38 I SATUR DAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT. BEACH/COSTA MESA P.ILOT I REAL ESTATE Co ndo · boards not bound by ~ecrecy la~s lh·rir llotlinr: I a"" prohibit t'lt'cted 1onduct l n g p ublic hu,lnc' behind closed door'>, r 'crpt In vef') li mited )ltua llons. Arc honH·ownen a tfo rdrd nn~ protection fro m rnmmun1t~ association hourd ' th n l h o le:! u nannounced "cxecullvr ~ t• ' !> i o n !> " • b e t w r e 1. rrR u l o rl~ scheduled rnunthly meetings? \\hat t•nn nnd c:rn'I ht lfi,cu.,\t•d in t hr~1: 'nrt'I H\'iiun,? ;\I ~ 11111,1 1ommuni t ~ .1 ' 'tll 1 a t 11111 ho a rd , officials from Janet l.S. Powara Condo Hotline 11'1'r\1·1·ini.: a I S million annua l budget. nlh·n 1:iH' tht 1mprt'\\lon if., hiding '"1111·1hing .ind or "anl\ to 1nold I tlll lrtl\ l'r'\ -( )n lhr Ovt<.idc in "'rwpor1 I l1 11 < h1h1d J. < "111111111111 \ ·•'"" '·"h'll' Jrc nut .111ru111\ h, Id I•• the ,,tnJl.' 'l.tnd.irJ:. '" •111, rr111wn1 l'l1 l1trn I hl· Br11,1n Act (a 'un .. 111111• .id ll'4u111nc .ipcn meeting' 111d ,, pul•h, d1 .. do,un: 111 .1lmost illl 1nl1111n,11111111 , urrl·ntl\ 1, n111 Jpphc.ihlc Clarification I a\I "eek ' Pilot included µ.n article .1hnut the rcrnrd home \nlcs of Grubb & l 111' · Newport Bcal.'h office The article "''" 1nrnrrc.:c1h rcponcd in that the l.ucc'l ... 1k in Ne"'port in 1990 was ll'lnl .ind '"Id h' Ciruhh ~ Hhs with B.11h.1r.1 1\unl' H'prl'l n11ni: the 'clkr I hl' I•"' r' "Crl' reprc,en1cd by 11111llllr '\l "'P"" b rll ~C'r who'e ·"''"'1.1ll'' lh l.1 lkrtl-.1 .inJ Barhara 1 d 11•111,111 rl J'rl''l n1nl ahe hu~cr' Boah lk1 ll ,, .ind 1 , 1l'm.1n ire n1''' J ''uc1.11et.I Allh 1h1· (•Ill' h " I '"' 11llll( l\l no n·profil community a-;roc1atton 1'o.trd' llf director!> Hn"e ... c:r, ~our a~<>0e1at1on's go ... em1ng JlXumen1~. anduding the bylaw , may require th.11 the board hold open ~C,!1.1<ln\ tor the m3JOnty or the busme!>S cnnduclt.'d by the board Generally. such npcn meeting byhiw pmvi,1ons p rovide the ho.ud with the opportunity to .1d1ourn in10 "executive" or "closed" ,c,~1om 10 d1~cu'>' )Uch mutters as per,onncl. lhreatened or pendin g l111ga1inn. tlr o ther mallcr~ or a sensitive nJlun· (1c1H·r.tlh, 11 " not m 1hc board's best mlerc\I 10 ·cm1du1:1 11' hu<.inc,., in 'iCCrcl I he: bn.11d '' rc-.po11'lhlt: for informing lhl• member' .1, w pcrunen1 ma11ers hdore the l'l1rnm1J..nll} II 1~ important th.11 ml·mhcr' ,i1,l1 undcrManJ 1he hoard ,l"l' .ind 'hould meet in C\cculive 'c"111n 111 d"lU" thr(Jlcned nr pending h11~Jt11111 1>1~lt"ure \11 information to lhl· glner,11 mcmhcr,h1r on 1hc\t: ,c;.,ucs lllUld t.e h.umlul .inJ dc1r1mental to the J<.'llll,111110 ·'' a \1.holc 1n fu1urc ht1~,111on \n 'npen· mcet111~ due\ nol mean t h.11 I he o"' ncr-. h.i"e an oppor1un1t) 10 dP•l'll" even "'uc with the lx1ard. ln\lt'J tl. 11 me.in' 1hc o"'ncr'i may ancnd illh\•lll!h the\ l.,1nn111 par11c1p.11c in t.l1~cu~\1on or \.Otmg Members present arc generally limited to ~peaking dunng "open forum " 'iessions or at the d1!>cre11on of the board. Currently bcfor~ t~c California Lcgi~lat ure is a bill which would require community US'\OCta tion boards to conduct "open meetings." If you wish further detail'\, con tact your <;talc ~cnator or U\Scmblym.in • Ou r Hotllnt: I was re«ntly nned by my board or d irecton for parking m) u r ttpeattdly in the gut I pa rking space. I have advised the board thal I do not intend to pay the nne sinrt' I thin k tbrrt Is lnade-quate rc~ldent parkin1 In my • compltx. ~s lhc board ha•t the riabt lo rtte>rd a lien on my unit lf I rtfuSt to pay tht nnt? Al o, can lht board tow my car out or tht gut t parldng •rt•? -Puking lghtmatt In Costa Me • Dear Nightmare: Generally, although mo t aS,!,OCia11o ns can levy fines for a variety o r infractions, including repeated parking violotions, unless your CC&R pccifically give the board the power to record and foreclose on a lien for fines, the lien would be invalid. The California Department of Real Estate changed its regulations everal years ago to prohibit such provisions from being in erted into C'C&Rs as ''unreasonable" Therefore, if your association 1s relatively new, it i unlikc:ly that such a hen provas1on 1<1 contained in your governing document'I. As long as appropriate 1gnagc is posted in your community J)ur uant to Vehicle Code ect1on 2265R 2. the hoard of director-; can. and probably will, tow your car from guest porking I recommend th.1t you meet with the lxMrd 10 d1i.cus" 1hc parl1ng "hon. ge ra1hcr than continue to violate: the rule and regul,1t1ons of the as\OC1Jt10n You may be Jblc to a!>~l"I 1he l:'Oard in mo<l1fy1ng the existing parking 1tua11on to C\.Cl)one's mutual advantage • Dear Hotlint: O ur association curnnll_y Is Involved in a const.rudJon dcrttt lawsuit against tbt dcvtlopt r or our condo minium projttt. Tht roofs leak. the asphalt ls cracldna and the paint Is pecllna. I am In tbt p roctss or attcmptJng to sell my unit and many or lhe potential buytrs arc Scattd Orf bttaUJJf or this ddtc:t lltl&atlon. AJtbou1b I attempt to au urc them tha t tile association Is 1uln1 tbe dcwlo~r aod will ~tnlually set cooaah money to fb "ttytbJns. thlt doeso•t Sttm nry con vlnd na. Is there anJtbJn1 I can do lo rottc the board or dlrttton to repair tbut probltms bdort lbt a todatlon rtecm·n money from tM dett~r? Cao I lUC the dnt loptt Hd obea ln sumd tnl mon~. lbtn do tile rtpalrs m}'fflr ln•ttad of ... u1n1 for tilt Assodatlon? 'f, -Stuck ln lrvlnt Dear Stuck: • Generally, a n as'iQCia tion prosecllle\ 1he types of claims you have described under its statutory sta nding to do ~ h 1 frustrating to .be a homeowner in n projec1 thnt has -;cvcrc design a nd con~truction defecis. Howel(cr, you may not be able to prosecute the same types or claim or perform repairs on the C'Ommo n area, as can ·the a. sociation. Although you may certainly WIJ h to d1scu a lawsu it against the developer wuh your a uorney, y0ur recove ry may be limited to th c ''-;ep arate inte re t" components you own. S ince the as'<>Ciation probably 1s re pon ible for repairing. replacing and maintaining the common area components which arc the ba i for their In uit, 11 i unlikely that )OU could ei1her recover and/or actu11lly repair these areas even 1( you wanted to. The board of director5 can perform interim repairs as long as doing so would not 1eopard1zc Its law u1t against the developer. If proper docume ntation is mnde und expert opinion "ritten, most areas probably can be rep aired without waiting unul the lime o r the trial and/or se ttle m e n t in construction defect htigntion (Janet LS. Powers is an attorney with l·iore. Nordberg, Walker & Woolf-Willis. a law firm cmphasi1ing the pract1C'c ol /Jw Jn the area of community as oc1a11ons. She cannot mclwidually respond to quemom. but will .tn~cr a many J\ po 1ble in -1he ~cekly Hot/me column ubm1t .vour quc\ttons to Communit) A~ICIDtton Hot/me. DuPont Center, 2301 DuPont Drwc. uite ~00. I rvine 91715 Beautiful oasis p r o p ert y offered near golf course I 11i•L11 f{L-.tllPr' l'rl'krrn J Prnpcrlll.''i I 11\ "I •11 1 p111111I 111 rtprt'll11 th1' dC,l'fl ""'' h•h111d 1tw I.! ill'' 111 thl lkrmud.1 I >11111 • r P11rll r\ ( luli 111 I' tlm I h''c.:rt I h1 IL "dc•1111 11rtc r' .1 hl ,111111111 .l1•11hfl l.cll\\I \ J111.1fllll1 \\llh 11 I I ii 111 H 11\ottllll 1111 llld '1111'1'1 \ !\.'~<. 1111 h••llll "p\rh,t lnr \C.lr round I• I I I c 1 I\ I 11 ~· I 11' I ii l' • I h l' I l' ' 1( I'' \1111.111•1\ 1 ..,1~1 '<f1111l kl• I hr 11 .... 1 pl 111 "" luill' .1 11111qt1l' Ill "'l'I lnll , r 1 1 t 11h 111.I m 111 h 11r1•r,11ll'' 111•• II' 1lld lhtu 1 i.p1 cr.11c' l111111c r1t1•111' I hl \\II \l'I h 11 I' • 1 I tor m ii I 1111 ,, I• 1\1111 I ti I I h1 II' I ~II h111 \\l111h I ' t American Heart &:a Association V Prop<'rly ol tht' Week 1•1p11ppcd "''" .111 tlu 'l·•ll' ol·thc·.irt 1llll llrl1L" .111d h.1' .111 11111111.itl hrc.1lf,l\I 11 •11111 I ht "l111ll 1111, 11111 nll t·r, .1 ""111!.-11111 b tl.1111L' ol ll'\11111·, 111d u1lor' llld I l111ll! IJ,t tll Ch h 11p1:1.Hk' lhl lll"nd ll"rltT 111 thl' h1111ll' \\Ill • •I t•'' 1 tn11n1n , l11li 1.11n.1 n ltf(".1.,.Jc. I 1111 I•"~ tht:rt·'. ,, ,p.1rklin~ blue '\1"111lllll! p111tl ind 'P" I" CllJP\ .111 H'.ir 1 11 d I ht: 111111l11n1 h11d. h.1rhcL Ut. " I'' r!l I 1111 l.1m1h 111d tucm"' pool plllll'• I h1 h11111c 111t l11d1.:<. 111 1tH'1,11t:J thrct· ti 1!.1!,11!,l' phi' .1 1!1tfl 1:.111 j!.lr l!o!C "llh l.11r\l..1\ 11..t:c" I ht'rc.:\ .1mplc room fnr p.11 ~'"!! .1 rnrc 1111111.11 vch1dc I'm.ct.I 111 JU'I S.\t)<l_<iOO th" Uc rmuda dunl'' C 11untl') ( luh 'howplc1cc: I\ 1hc pcdcu c ntcr1.11nmc:nt h11mc I he: property 1\ hlt·,1tcd at -'l· 72'i ('I'"' Dnvc in Palm Dc\ert I 11r .11ltltt1on.1I 1nrnrm;11111n or .1 private pre' ll'"' l all Prefrrred 1~ropcrt1c~ 'fll:u.1h'1' 0111 .1ml !\1111r W1tgg(10er lit I Jrhcll\ P.1lm Dc\cfl ulf1ce, (hl9} 779· ·t ''iO Rt<tr yud and poof aru of deRrt o. Is at ~rmuda Dunes Country Club. ('. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE Realtors set state convention LOS ANGELES -The California rusoc1ation of Realtors (CAR) will bold ii 871h annual con\ention and lrade show Sept. 30 through Oct 2 at 1he Town & Country Hotel in San Diego. the late l technology aimed at helping realtors boo 1 their kills and efficiency "The convention' numerous l hi year's convention -titled "MaJonna in Succe s" -wilJ provide real estate profe ~ionals with the knowledge and information needed to worhhop~ and educa11onal eminars offer a pcc1acular array or information 10 help realtor' 'graduate' 10 c;uccc ~ in tod.1y·, c11mplc1t markelplucc," \aid Sacramento Realto r Judy Schoer, u1n,cn11on chairman. ucceed 1n today's real e tat& environment. fhe con,ent1on general \t!\\IOn opens More than 100 cxh1b1•or real c 11ite-relatcd product , Monday. <iept "30, "'1th a keyno1c SALE/REFINANCE & BILL CONSOLIDATION EXPERTS Servicing Your Needs With Over 50 Years Experience FHA • VA • CONVENTIONAL LENDERS AUGUST SPECIAL $200 REFUND at the close of escrow Call LILLIAN WALKER at 1-800-660-6035 or (714) 846-0873 Keyrose Mo rtgage Co 1p. Call The T earn Who Sells The Most Along The Coastt COJ-1/Cllft (714) 548-5428 Btfl !111t#, (714} 675-8038 fj •, r, I ' • I I? ) _ I---, ) I ,J, • .i/ I I , I j r. l) .i • Spacba 6 Bedroom. 3 112 8llh home Two ktdwnl makes tor~ Qll• Home alef'S YllWS d oc:wt end hAlb« Arnerilles lndudt f tlndl doors. lleM\ room .,.,_,, llai.d Ind lllded glm. l!Uny huandaw.t.mllMt ~ "----__ ,,, __ ..... $519,000 O .. loly dupio• ~ 10 qui01 boy -.e.\\~. 2 7S boil ..... will lwO "" 11"'9' BNutdulviewsofhalbcr fashionlsiandand~"iJ...o.dMounlul Pncld 10 ..a last .. $650,000 ,000 I Ii' [' I' . • ~ ' t" 1• I . ' I • I ,{. ·.,.' • I ·I· ' • . . It , ' . I t .' ( ,. . .. .. " . " SATURDAY, August 17, 1'991 I PAGE 39 . Finest Bayfront View In Newport Reduced $200,000 Private Dock for Two Yachts Spectacular five bedroom c ustom home built new in 1986. l 8C1' bay front view of the main turning basin and 2 male view to Lido Marina Vill;lge. The interior features the fine t marble, grantlc and hardwoods for an understated e legance to compliment the light and airy feeli ng provided by skylights, French door and windows. Top of the li ne gourmet kitchen combine luxury. function and view! The ma ter suite is second to none -with an marble fireplace and raised ma ter b.uh; each v. Hh the full view. Deep water dock fo r two large yacht plus smaller boat\. PRIVATE.SHOWINGS ARE EASILY ARRA GrD OR ·· JUST CALL VAUGHN & SUSIE FOR A COLOR BROCI IURt AND OPEN I IOUSE DATES. Balboa I sland Triplex Located in the highly desirable "l CX> bl ock ju~t 5 lot' from South Bayfront. Thi is a rare opportunuy to own J unit' !!CncrJttng high monthly income but offered a1 "l OT VALL t:." pncc. Rem until your ready to build. Property con~t'h of 2 lkJrnom. I bJth hou e and 2 one bedroom apartments Ov..ncr has found other property and want to sell now l Thi nev. o n market o be the fir t to ee! * Kings Road * Ju t Ii ted and located on one of the be\t \trcct' rn '\cwport Beach. Great potential for remodel. Add a ccond ~rory and )-OU will have a great ocean. bay. city lig ht view. Currently 3 bedroom. 2 bath, & double car garage. Approx. 7000 q ft lot. Call now for further information. Attentioll Owners & Agents! We are working with a buyer who wanh to buy a view or bJ} front property which i uitable a a remodel or bui ldable lot. All propertie will be considered. If you are not currently on the marl et plea e call u direct at 760-6129. Our buyer 1~ re.idy to open c row now! Speclali d DC lD Fine Newport ~ch Properties VAUGHN & SUSIE SAFFORD .. I 760-6129 ? • ,. . ~ ---\ - -... -----=---"""" -- -~~ -------~r---:: - -.. PAGE 40/ SATURDAY August 17, 1991 NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PtlOT I REAL ESTATE Goedeke to lead Newport-Mesa Realtors • 1n '93 \1 lfL'.11.t (11•1dd,\· 11t l>nnrnar Im .. hcl\ bl·l11 ,h,"l'll ,1, pto11.kn1 i:kll ol lhc 'l'\\j'Pfl ~k,.1 \'")n,11 11111 111 Rc.1h'>r' 111.t "11! hl lllnlc pll ,Hknt ,11 till' 1'1)' 1111/.1\1\ln 111 Jllll' Oth!.!r olhccr.; lor thC' ,1.,"0C1:111on's I 4'12 ,f.1\l' arc ('jrnl Mulvc\ of PruJrn11.tl Newport Rc.1lty ui> 'ccrct.try • 1nu D1111.: lloi:kc11 11f Doug llodctt. l{c.illllr 1rc.1,urcr · There is a difference ... Lowest Rates · Best Service I NEWPORT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. A MORTGAGE CORPORATION Residential Home Loans * Purchase or Refina nce * Loans to 2 million * Free 60 Day Lock-ins * SFR to 4-Units U,111·~ <.11f•J•'< I 111 ( 11,111!/•' 11/rllltr For More Information Call Don Tilly 714-851-0202 30 Yr Fixed 30 Yr A A M. Lt T 0 1st TD ® --···. -·· 9.125°/o/9.380 APR 6.375°A>/8.620 APR Ma~ loan 5191 250 Mm 1 O'\ dow1 GO day IOCii Max loan S191.250 Mm 10% down 60 !lay lock Uccted J'> director\ for two-ye ar term .. \\ere RMhora Am,tndter, l'rudcntinl Cahfornm Re.illy; Otlhcrt Focr,tcr, Wutcrlrnnt Homc\,and Ari Rec\c, Ke.ill) Wurltl Rcc ... c A. A \<;("M:mtC\ I he nc~I) elected orficcr\ and dm·(tor' will JOtn fom Sutro, ~ho wa clcllcd 11192 prC'>Hknt la~t July, U\ well .i~ Jun DchJy, Tc'< Griffith nod /..itk.i ry Wrt~ht. who arc nm1111utng their term' J' d1recwr' Don.1ld Pf.ifl will 'cl"c on lhc ho.uJ of dtrcctor~ "' muncd1atc I'"'' WESTCAL FINANCIAL llU 111&11 llH l(IU t 11111111111 ptcMdtOI. I he hoard of darcctor:. will be 1ns1alletl Dec 11 111 the I our Se son!> Hotel 1n Newport Reach and wall t.1ke office Ji.In . I CONVENTION From Page 39 ,\dJr1.:' h\ l.1rt111.)llbl ( lh, IUl~C\\lk , I h1: d11Mnp '>l.'''>tlln lc;11urc,·1,," 1\ngclc\ D11Ji.:l.'t~ tn.tn.1gc:r r omm) l l)OrdJ Other )pca.ker.. 1ncl11th: actrc" R1t.1 Mo1cno nml H.1rlc:\ Rl>UJJ. prc,.dcnr of thl NJtton.11 A\'4.X'1.111nn of Rcaltw' In addittun I C\ltC "rrktM·Ynung. (',\J{\ \l\.C prc,1J\·n1 n rco;c rch and 'In ¥e c crnnom1c,, wtll prncnt her 1'111:!.,__ ___ -i vua F'f.A'C"-.6---111 l,--il-..-.1~tfurni.1 I fou,in~ M .trl.:ct hirt C·"' Stlll Under Market durinc 1hc 11pcn1ntl 'c~'i1)n l{q~ul.ir rcg ... 11.1111111 Ice' -v.h1.:h 9 .125°/o/9 .34*.,. Int lutk 1lpcn1niz .ind ch.htn~ 'C"ton,, •Great Adtustoble Rotes, Tool Storts 6.50/7 95 ,,,. 15•30-60 Doy lock-tns • f'urchoM or Rellnonce • JumbO loons ovollabl• to $4 mllllon totn •,,,. -IWIKI to ~~ Coll for Detolia Paul ~amll!on (714) 720·8UO --... , ........ . "" cduc.11111nal hrcak 11u1 '' ''"'"' an1I J~·t:1:" hi the trJc.k ,fl1l\\ .ire $1<'1 fur l \R mcmhcrl\ .111d Ill' fur non mcmhcr\ \I.ho r1:gl\tc:r p11111 en \c.·pt I C om1nu1~ cduLJltllO nd n1~·.1I t:\cnh .ire .1\ .11l.1hlc ut .in allJ111onJI cm1 I h1N: who t1~1 not "'l\h tu .111c:nd the lull t:unvcn11nn may '1gn up in \!J' .1m, 1111 ,, one. d.1v h: •1~11.11 1t1n llO I uc .. d .1\ for ~ '10 I or more 1nl1Hrna1 ion 11n th~ c:11n,c111um nr Ir• rt 1 tcr cont.id ,1 111'.' ti h,1;irJ of lk.1hm' I he (. .1hlorn1.1 \"l"-IJLlWl ill Rc.:.11lor ... I' ,I \l,tll\\Hk tr.llll ,l\.,111,loltlllll \\fth nllHl th.rn I '5.00U rm mhcr' Jclltl.llld 111 thl .1th Jflll.'lllcnl o1 pn.>IC'>hlOnall\m tr\ re.ti t',t.1tc ( R '' ht .11ILJ11.tt1t·rcll tn I 4" \ng .. ·h:' ..... o1...-.1s..., KEY LENDERS AND RATES ........ .,, • 9 Sh "'81DJ .. ...... ~ . -' ' ..... .... --Mi&. ...... MlW -l!I • UA Mft -l!I UA LQMI S!t -.Jr ~ c...IS-...S.W. e ,4l 13M* t.cioo. to 2.000 21 t.2'1 UJft tO t..111 ... 19',250 U:Jl5 tcO .. c....-(714)~ t.cioo. 5 2.000 22 tZ1 UJft • t..115 ... ttt.2110 U1S ICO .. Courwy.de Furdng (714) Z56 8IDO ·~ to 1.125 .s IA ....... 10 2.000 1.71 ..... 2..111 119 1¥ Fftl PllClic Fil• ldm (714)-.S-t ~ t 129Ja 10 1.7!i0 tO t.37 ....... JD 1.IDO 1.71 IDO.,CIDO USO ICO .. (IDOt aG-7MI t .t2!a 5 2.CIOO ., t.AO U19I. • UIO •• 11D,GDO UDO 1t0 ... (714) 2llM1SO t 129Ja 5 2.000 45 UD ...,. JD UIJO ... DJlllO UDO 110 1M (714) n+GDO ·~ JD 1.7!i0 45 ... 1.~ JD 1.100 1.7' .,.,. UlllD uo 1M .. i•1fedS.. SW 211.lf • t2SI. JD UDO 30 t.M ...,. JD 11"" t1J .,,«» 2..111 ttO tM ~ kMe.. ~SDBIMK ··~ 5 2.000 IO t.AO U1ft 10 2.000 uz tttJIO 2.IGD 11'8 .. FinM. (71 4) ll80-3U 4 ·~ 10 1.000 21 t.At ....... 40 I.GOO 1.11 t.cm,.«JO 2..11D tTI tY Co. (71 4) 81.17..Q)O ·~ 10 UIDO 21 t.A7 U1K tO UDO ... 1ttJIO U'1I ICO ... ...,. .... ~ 4) 6• 1111 t.OOCW. 2D 2.000 21 t..2'1 U1ft 215 UDO 1• ., .. 2.GDO UM .. ...... ~ (71 4) M9-'171 &.81K 10 2.250 21 t .17 ... ~ • t .11D ... , .. .., U1I tcO .. W..V-Home~ (71 4) 157-1Q211 . ..,.., ' 1.2!0 IO tM U1IN. • , .. ... --UDO ttO 1M ... pcJt F'!MnCill GRilP (714) •14:1112 t.ooor. 10 2.000 to U7 ..... tO UIO U2 ..., 2Aa tcO .. OI (714)eua5 a.aoor. 10 UIDO ., Lt1 U19lo to -1.IDO ... -m.GDO a.D tcO ..... (714) 25M155 ·~ • 0.000 ID .... 1.-. 10 0.000 1M tttJIO 2.ta tcO .. (71 4) .. QI&'!) t 1291. 20 2.000 11 I.AD ----.. -.. -.,~ .,~ 20 2..000 14 I.AO 1 .... • UDO .... •.cm UIO tTI .. 41DC)ta:::MM7 ·~ I 1.000 ID I.At NIA .. -.. .. ---(213) ,..1'41 . ..,,... 6 2.2!0 21 t .17 ..... tO 1.GDD ... ..... 1.190 ICO .. (714)a.ZDS ·~ 10 0.000 . 46 .... U1ft • UDO .. --UIO na .. (714) 7'»e'40 t.1291. 10 2.000 21 tAD .. ,.. • t..IDO UI --z.D tcO .. (714) .. 1-... ' '·"° ID ... .. ,.. '° ,_,. ... ....... t.111 tcO .. (714) m -M11 t.tlft 10 2.000 t1 I.AO .... tO UDO ... .,, .... U1I 1TI 1Y ........ , .................. 5$ ~---llM' , ,_ ........ l~I pU ·-............................. ............... _.,.,, .................... ,, .................... ,, ....... , ,_..,., ,& .... i!iiiiidg _ _.... ...._ ,, .. ._ ... __ ,..,.,,_,.. ,.,...._._ca._. •• ,.. .... __ .. _...__. _ _,.._ 111el.P.a.._._... .... ._ir • --= .._.....,,._.., ' ............. ...._.,.,A ......... ...._. ... .......... , t ...... _.,_....._ .... _ U .... I Ill I - .... ,. .... ,......_ ............. ., .. • 2 ............. _... t _,,' ...... -.... ,•.n•G&O rr ,,,_...,_.._,._..._.._. .._...,.,__,. ICD • ...-.......... ~ .... , ' A ¥ i ,. .. ....,._ I --~-···? 2 ...... , .... M -.. • ..... ----==-~=:=:.::-~:.-:-,__~~..:==:=-::=:=,,.. . ..................... ==-:=~.:..-: NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE 3 bedroom, 3 bath ~1th sctttng' Htghl) upgrat.lc:d ult1mutc: in .tight A: hri~hl SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 /,PAGE 41 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA A RARE FIND Country Cape Cod Completely remodeled. 3 bedrooms, t \• baths car., new.__ __ _ 2BR home is ready to move in with lots of room to expand! Jacuzzi great entertaining deck, llf~place ara e, 'n~=iue1il=--«~tvttbo10ctatrpcr.ai7rKik1rungtl-:-. ~-~ -::-. . . .. . . . UH, IOO sq.ft. A2 101 , OPEN SAT • SUN, 167 DEL MAI AVI. Wom 714-759-1 500 NEWPORT HEIGH S S.H SAN BFRNARDJNO AVE. llm " a 1""''''"' famil) homt. l..llgt' ,ourmtt lu1chcn wnh C\n1om 1,;&bmtu, nurblc 1,bnJ, opptr hood 1nJ h.1nJp.un1rJ tilt ~1tchrn "re'"' "' hm1IY r.><.1m Wllh u.eJ bncli. firtpb~t. (unom ••hincu 1nJ ,.C'I lur ,. muhlc 1op l..itt,f m1,1cr ~Jroom h11 a f1rt'pbct, lar'c mu1t'r buh •' .,.111.; in do\tl, I rtn•h Jo<1n "f'C'"Lnl 10 bouulul p11111 .rnJ iuJtn. Gutll houst hu ~room, b11h, nflt,t w11h rltn1v ol uonet 1nJ l1unJrv 6.H ·'H7~ ASKJNG $6CJS,000 RcOlltor Cooper.m an let U1 Hel' Y11 _$ell Vour Property! 642-5678 ·for iAfermatien ·~ Jana Shuler at Pavilllon Real Estate: 675-8120 or 650-5049 ~~~ ----...... --- c:oio-ii &ankef THllllA TATCH llH,000 Sflf,000 ,,,,,000 Utl,000 675-4822 C11lJC:1' aUNaOLD • JUI UUI • NUT Kil.DUTT NEWPORT BEACH UPPER BAY MOUNTAIN VIEW HAS If' ALL! 2400 WINDWARD LANE • $669,500 Flexible Financing • 1 for Sale by OWner·lkl OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 12-5 (714) 6G-1197 or (714) Ms-2990 Ort Major Prtcc Rcductlonl Retired sdllnll f&mlly home 3 or 4 Bdrm Added l&rae wnlly room with flrcplact Sc-pa.rate dnwway for motothomc or boet ., Sar .. Hinman 759-0268 Coast N n Pro rt H .... • .. PAGE 42 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 •Spa ,.. •Pool •View *•Waterfront • •*Waterfront and Pool vGive Address at Guard Gate HOMES FOR SALE · 2 BEDROOMS •:JI ll Poppy, Olde Corona dol Mar 7!><) 9070 S765,000 Sot/Sun 12·5 ~·<'I l •do P'\rk Or At Newport Bch 7:,•J '.llOO St>45 000 SaVSun 1·5 2 BR plus FAM RM or DEN •Jtl 1 S•·~"''"o tlB (lr"ine Ave) l• '.1ti'.8 S:?59,000 .... 11 II 1ycovo L.1no, SeJ f5tand NB Suri 1-5 '.!O CJt.. I I St.>'1!:> 000 Sunday 12-4 • • • J71 • C11.1rinct Pl, Nev.port Bract1 1,.i 1 !'!Ot.>O 5695.000 Silt 1·5 1 •' • 1, I ''''"CICJO l nn<.> S<.>ocl1tf G1 oens ;-5•1•11no SJlll'·OO S,1t S11n 1·4 3 BEDROOMS I 1 A t 1 I r• Co'I l M esa I Jl•l,'1 1, $192 !.00 •• 1 I C::ry~1.1I O~lbOI\ f\htnc1 S.:il I ·I ' "• 1 •:?:? S8l5.000 S.1t 1:? 4 Sun I~ ....... 1 I • • r,1 Cl U,1(, fmorald Bay l:>quna I 1 I I :,.•, $1,.lU!> 000 S.:il Sun 1·8 , •• I. )II Awu ri.•t.r I Isl ind t ' 1u. .... SS·~ 000 1• • C 11 •CJ ~'" M,..s.1 I I I OJJ. 5 • .! 1 000 s ,, •·!.. Sal Sun 1·5 3 BR plus FAM RM or DEN .... • fl >y 11 ~· Gt•O•fJO A•<J Cy11. 110 1 1 I 11 • 1, S 1 1 :•, 000 Sol Su11 1 5 t :'hi H,111•1 01.J C:t.11011 I tJel M.ir 1!>'1 1JO 70 SI J'J5 000 s.~1 Sun 12·5 • 6Jt fr1tnklOrl H•11•1 •"110n Beach 71>0 II 702 S l', l ' )() Sunu;iy I ·5 •G1S ~'""~!orl Huntin•Jlon Boich 760 0702 $f;2'J ~00 , c.o~ t111rr,,. Pl, ti .. v.port Beac.h Sn1 1 !> 6·1'..·7~82 S!>79 000 Sunday I 5 lfi:'I Port Cl1Mlos f>I (HVH) NB r'f•O:, l'.16 S497 ,000 Sunday 10 5 1 70<J Oreo' M<'ta Verde, CM 1,-16 6003 5269 900 Sun1l.iy 1 ·'• 1 !l.''l florl llllillCJ•'1e ~irhr Vtow Hrne1 ~Hl f ·10 :,1,(,.1 SHl').000 Suncll1y '2 5 ;>;>!J ) flutqM1 Or. Cn,1,1 Me'a c;:i1 1211> St!l'l oon Su11 T2 5 251 1 Loyola. College Park, CM 715().5000 S249,000 2814 Fairway Dr, Costa Mesa 631·128e S289,000 341 4 SeabrH~e Ln, Corona del Mar Sat 12·5 Sun 1·5 7150-8702 $579,900 SaVSun 1·5 • 227 Evening Canyon, Shoreclllf 844·9060 S1 ,795,000 SaVSun 1·5 • • .,.... • 70 Ocean Vista, Newport S.ach 720-0011 $735,000 Sat 1 ·5 • e 1324 Suuex Ln, Westclltt, N.B. 644-9060 $&45,000 2528 Vaaaar, College Par!!, Coal• MeH Sun 1·5 545·0318 S287 ,500 Sunday H~ 304 Onyx. Balboa Island 675-4822 $919,000 3t19 Suma1ta, Mesa V.,de. C.M 5•5·3369 5259,000 4 BEDROOMS • 508 Via Lido Nord, UdO Isle, NB Sat 1·5 Sun 1·5 673-3777 Sl.999,000 Sat/Sun 1.5 • e ...-• 5 Rue Fontaine, Big Cyn, NB 760-0702 S 1, 139,9()() Sun I ·5 ••I 7075 Ml Lyndora. Foun1111n Valley 760-5000 S 195.000 Sunday 1 ·5 19e,52 Brookltne, Huntington Be11ch 760 8702 $269,950 Sun 1·5 2101 Valley Ad, Cos•• Mesa 63 I 1266 $359 000 Sal Sun 1•6 4545 Or11ngton. Cameo Shores CdM 759·91C>O St,550.000 S'1t•un t·5 4 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • 19t41 Norwood Terr Turtle Ack 1"'1ne 760-870:! S97~()()() SnVSun 1·5 • 3001 Country Club. Mesa Vordo. CM 631·1266 $499,900 Sunday 1 ·5 • •J 115 I rancisco Or, Nowport Bonc.h MS 7262 S595.000 Sunday 1 5 let U1 Ilea, YH Sell Y ,., Prtterty! C• C1111""4, 642-5671 for information & surprisingly low cost. I Ct · I 0 A :;.i rt"\ w Q IClr'\4 >I IA NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL estA~ '* * e 239 Via Udo Sex.Id, Udo tale, NB 873-3777 U .295.000 •aVSon 1·5 15172 Vichy, lrvlne 7604702 '318,950 SaVSun 1·& 337 Ramona Pl, H.itlht.9 atea. CM 842·2134 '359,000 S•\/Sun 2·5 • 2•00 Windward Ln .. UpP9( Bay, Npt Beach 945-8897 $Ge9,500 SaVSun 12·5 • • • , 8 Aue VIHa1&, Big Cyn NB 873-8728 11,339,000 Sun 1·5 S BR plus FAM RM or DEN • j S'ooega Bay, Spyglaal. CdM 873-4•00 S 1,450,000 Sunday 1 ·5 •• •. 14 Oak Creal Ln, Big Cyn, NB 873-1728 $2,549,000 SaVSun 1·5 •• 1609 Antigua Way, Dover Shof ... Npt Oen 548·9889 $1.250,000 Sund1y 1·5 " 6 BR plus FAM RM or D~ ••10 Burning TrH, Big Canyon, NB 759-9100 $1,195,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOMES CONDOS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM ........ 240 Nie• 118, Villa Balboa, NB 11-48-8770 S207.700 Sun 1-4 2 BEDROOMS •.,...•950 Cagney 1100, vnl• Balboa. NO 648-8770 $258,900 Sun 1-4 ........ 220 NIC• #308, Vina Balboa. NB 048-8770 S355,900 Son 1-4 •2330 Vanguard •P101 , Costa Mesa 94$-7282 $199,500 SundAy 1·5 ••101 Eucalyptu.....c,.M.- 673-0215 $185,000 3 BEDROOMS 3 t t Alta Ln. Cotta Moaa 640·5647 $109,000 SatiSun t 2•5 3•0 E 20th St ii 83,' Eaatalde CM 850-e4&0 '279,000 Sunday 1-4 ••2t Ooo<1w111 Court, Npl CrHt. Npt Be11ch 850·2•14 S1at1Sun t-5 3 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • •o C•eat, Corona Del Mar 76().1702 S:M9,050 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR plus 2 BA ':JI 01, I, Oalboa lwland 076 4U22 S030,000 un I•& NATIONWIDE .,:-." USA · .. · ™rtt '1.L!~ S~IOLUTION PurchaH the tw>m• of -yoor ch~ wtth only 5'11. down No cto.lng cost• ~.cf, Th 1 I• not a VA, FHA or 9q· u1ty 1hare. You r• ~ t~ °'"*Whip & '~ ,.. benefits Must nave a.en er.Oii and 1tab.. Income. Ca ll Co-Equity, Agl 239-4334 M9dtterr81 Welt ,,..._ at HamUton eov. on Santa CllUltna laland Thia 2 bedroom, 2 .,.th II on tM oc:een lronl, ov.10Ql11ng 1t·1 o ""n ra!HHV9d yacht moomlQ•. Golt cart in. Cludad Beat watat buy. 1575.000 c.n ca1~••1o.ooeo RAVE A GWCESALE 642-9671 ----. llMlllT ... ..... .... ·------_.__ OlllmlATllUI fOIOUTWIAI( 1----- MDUCID St21,000 FMULOUI l.Oclit.a w.11ong d• oc••11 ._ ~ to Ritz Carlton· -w15w 1. Salt Craalc 8aach 8Mt PoMlble loc:atlon Praatlgloua South -SS~ ... :.•Metul" ~~ Paek cuetom •BR. 11----brary, game rm, lar~ owr 4100 ~ It of1-...;,,_..,;z.;;..;..;..;..;;...;..;.;..;;.;,;;.;;.. main f1oof' MBA 5 fr· cu1tomlz1d luwury ptca, QC>Urtnat kite"-" W1tt1 5 bdrm1, mald'a 1 vr old eaautltul rm. larga formal dln- land1eaplng • pool & Ing rm, ai.Qan1 p~ apa Oc..n vt&w Now al.a ewdy & bonue _..;...;;..;.;;.;;.;.;.;...;..;;.:;..;.;;..;..;;... St. 125,000 Cell Mar· rm TlmalHa 1'1dl- jorie, •95-954• tlonal •IYllng malicu· •DON'T MISSI• loualy maintained and e ltractlv•l'f priced a I Rancho S.nto 51,450,000 Olde CDM TwnhM Mutt tall lhla WMk "" 4 Blka to Oen •A-TMM Model 28r 2BA Lrg twnhme upgr•d•d through-Out & Oat~ w/ comm pool • apa. l..M opt, OK. A b.,. gatn at 1'79,999 w/ Twme In S C Matrol OPUTODAYI PATRICK I liiOid A9t 7eo.al'OI (0-$150,000.000 Soldl NATIONWIDE :. "USA .:. ·:···. -·.··. SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 43 ..,.... MIUY1 Prlettna Duptp W/ft• cepllonal Income l.Mgw 28A ut'lft plu9 1 BA un11 w /den 1279.000 UIRODGDI 790-9000 WM*· I • • ' I I , , , , I I ' I ' ~ IY OWlmtlAGlllT OcwgeoUa • ~.¥ 28A hQm9 on ~MC Upgr•d•d lcltch & BAa e.aut landec9P- lt'g Frffhly ptltnted & •pou.uty dean Low- "' ptic:e In tract Mocl- VMed Hiier. $224.000 3 t 05 Dublln Open Sat/Sun I ·.5 4"'4336 COi.UGi, .. Beat Location 38R 28A, dtM ltplc, tamlty yard, cul~aac Call to_, 1237,000 DOteALD ,...,,. • 4'as.esaa COLLEGE PARK COIDO 3 8 28 3tt Alta Ln 3 BR, t • r •. popular BA and unit. Enc Cambridge modal Air patlo, 091 2 cw ga· cones, aecurtty •yatem. rage Super clean• DIC COllDO eunroom. 1287•500 $199,000 C all Mr WTllDI Agent. 545-4318 Roblnaon, Agent TiliRAs 3 IODIGA IAY CREEK VILLAS OPEN tUN 1-1 1" 38R 38A, 3yra new ,,; 2 frpla, 2 adorab .. ,,, I g.raat IOC & prtc. S«s.ooo·ag1540-1212 ---------1 A LOT OP IQ. "· 38R 2i.t8 a Showa PRESTIOious MESA, __ 7_1_4-548-__ &e.-_7 __ llke a mo<Htll Ughl, VERDE 2822 Ell... MESA VERDE fllCER airy, apllCtoue GrMI mere, C M. Upgradedl 4BR, 2\-•BA. 1750 9 f Condominium 873-4400 Homes 1.2. 8edfoom9 From 1108,990 Ootf CourH Course Ngl'lbfhdl 114/581-2883 the s~ Juan Group ( ' ' I ~ l • • : 1 t 'J .... ) tO'Jt DOWN N o quality 4BA, 2~8A Harbor View .-.1»• Bnw1dmoot. A~ ovated Fr dool'sl wtn· do-Outdoor apa akyttghta Elnra large lot T'roplcal land9C9p- lng Approx 2400 •'1 1740,000 721·1850 IYOWNIR Ocean 11lawal Spa- clou• 28R, dan, 28A Slngla laYal. an dbl gar Tha Tarracaa ~ c.it 760-0t te Corona ....... T11imhm, 340 !. 20th Sf. 3lk 2~Ba. 10 yd. teoo• eq ft, ht upgrd Reduc.d ltOK tol279K.~ C '"" I dcl Mar 1022 ( l f ·I ", I' . I • '. Old Corona Del Mar·s BEST VALUES! • Sltpc to Buch Front Pauo Ocun View, · Comer Locatt0n. 2 BR+ Den $759,000 •Artist' Homt-Soulh of PCH, Duplcl-3 BR & 2 BR Sep. Houses SS65..SOO • Oetan Blvd.-SpccLICUlar Cout l..mc Views, Well Bu1h Older Home $1 ,SS0,000 LI DA OETll LOIS JACOBS . 721-0116 760-8384 COM SPECIALISTS Grubb ti Elli 644-6200 '°" TM( llOlllY value at 1215 ooo 1359,000. 645-5752. Hurry! Only $2HtK Bk• , UI RODGDI OPEN SUNDAY 1().5 ~~9'9e0-9609 In thl• conwnlantly lo- cal~ con~. LMflQ rm. family rm, formal dlnklg. 2BR. 2~8.A. Owner haa found .n- . 790-9000 WM*~ . . . . . othw. 1211.eoo. o~ ________ 1 Amato, Agent, Tha M9onl of Paac* lclOlt to Prudential Callfornla c:1ee1111eei ~ -_Re_any_;,..._72~1-~-'~20;;_~~"-··_\.-cl __ ..... ____ ~ ( J i ' " • ' , ' ~ ; ( ; .. ) BlJltDr.R MlJST SFl.L! "Nt•u.po rt Bt·.u It " ; 111111 'j, .. I ,dll l 1 l'' ', I 1 \!I \ I• I , [ r 1, l 1 I' , , , I.!, LET·s DEAL! PATI '.' NI '"tBI I 7 (tO -:.ooo Ht• ''·" ... "'''", .... I B ..... ,, Hltr ... ; ; ' l(1f'I •" I '{JI).:' AnN: GOLFERS!! BIG CANYON CUSTOM •NEW ON MARKET* Incomparable location, approx 180' golf course frontage ~ overlooking lake and fairway ~ Single level 3BA 3BA, fam1ty rm ~ & formal dining. plus room to ~ expand $1 ,375,000 OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 5 ROYAL ST. GEORGE Call BARBARA KASTLE 73:S.1828 . Cheehh ,~ ... 759.,117 \. Grubb GEilis Regional Open House ·rour ....... SATURDAY ONLY 2243 PACH:; AVE 8101 1·5 SAHfJY LOHG $269,000 --17 COVENTRY 2·5 MAU GW.EOGE $759000 2015 WN)WARO I.AN£ 1·5 Stflff.LEY MICHEi.MOR£ $585 000 ...... 19 MUil etACH 2-6 MAU GUU.EOGE S1 495 000 1100 ESSEX l.AHE 2·5 JAH Wll.SON 1539.000 ---Jet'MOR STAR 1.5 BAR8ARA AlH 13 395000 7 OCEAN VISTA 2-5 LNIA Offi1 $689.000 -5 BITTERWOOO 2-6 DON SHEROAN Sl69 900 2 AOCl<Y POINT 2·5 LOIS JAC08S $1 ,465.000 --I 029 BONNE COONE 1·4 YOUHG. 'MALCOM8 $695000 209 GARNfl 1· -ALICE 8ROWNElL 1895.000.. --208~WOOOS 1-4 YOUMi,MALCOMB '2&SOOO 8 ~IS"'LANO 1·5 KERRY YOUNG S395,000 .. ...-8~ISLNI> -1~--~COW -$39~~ 3-« VEHNA 2·5 MALI GULLEDGE S539.000 ....... 1508 ETOH PlACE 1·5 PETE BARRETT $535000 17 COtMHTRY 26 MAU GULLEPGE $759,000 -2soe PORT CARLISLE 1·5 LEStlE ROUS $7 .. 9 000 1327 AtffiGUA WAY 1-5 BARBARA AUNE $749,500 -·-2611 POINT DEL MAR 1·5 SANO'I LONG SS29 000 --301 MORNIHG STAR l.ANE 1-5 MAXINE PROPP S3.395.000 ..... 2 ROCKY POINl 2·5 LOIS JACOBS Sl,465.000 .... 19 MUIR BEACH H MALIGUlLEOGE $2,495.000 ....... 1100 ESSEX 2·5 LOIS JACOBS mg ooo .... 2607 VISTA ORHADA 1-6 GISELA BAUMEISTER S359.000 .... 290 MAGNOLIA 2-5 DIANA BROOKES '689 soo .... 2167 V\STA ENTRADA 1-6 GISELA BURMEISTER $610.000 •• I 2551 VISTA DAM 2·5 BU COTE $749 500 -·-217 JASMN 2·5 HOLLY HOlVERSTOTI $1,150,000 ·--33 N LA SCNOA 2·5 ST£PHAN1E REPP SI 495000 .... 2607 V\ST A ORHADA 2·6 GISELA BUR~ISTER S359.000 .JUNDAY....ONLY-21 ff YISf A tH'fRADA 28 GISELA IUR~ffill o ~ --10 VIE.NNA 1·5 PET£RWW.R '499.000 .... 2807 VISTA DOAAOO 2-8 GISELA BURWISTER $459 000' -· .... 1223~TSU 2-5 ~800M ms.ooo ---2243 P~ AVE 11101 1·5 SANDY LONG '269 000 ... IS CAAME1 BAY 1·5 SHEi.A NOWROOZI $1,195,000 ---7 OCEAH VISTA 2-5 LN.lA Offi1 $689000 2411 MARINO 1·S BO&'TEARY COlUCCIO $1,450.000 -1500 SYLVIA LAHE 2-5 lNlA 6ETH '415000 .... ' 2212 LA LNJA 1·5 .WU KEIGH Wt.000 -·-304 GOl.OOf«)O 1·5-f~ HUGHES $875000 --1033 MARMAS ORM 1·5 CAAL YH CAl.1.AN '675.000 lH -201 SUSANNAH 1·5 PfTER~'StUER $('>4 900 .... 564 Gl.OUTT A 1.S NANCY ENGU.BR£CHT '299.000 -1117 GUNWOOD 1·5 P[TERfWSHULER 1687 000 ·-1 CHEMV tit.LS 1.S CAROl AUJSON •1.19$.000 -2015 WHMAAO 1·5 PfTEAS.SHlllR 1585080 ·-37 BlMWG TIU 1·5 Pttl. Wl.LS Sl.195.000 .... 2607 VISTA CANADA 1.f GISELA BRUMEISTER S359000 -1eo1 SANTIAGO 1·S SHIU.EV M!CtELMOAE .. 000 .... ... 2167 VISTA EHTRAOA 1-6 GISELA BURMaS TEA 10000 .... 209 GARHET 1·5 ALJC£ BROWNEU: $195.000 __ .... 934 GOU>ENAOO 2·5 HOU. Y HOLVERSTOTI $749.000 --34 VIENNA 25 MAU GlA.UOGE $539000 -7 LA1CEWOOO 2-6 SAU Y A~ SKERl>AH '499900 Call for list of open houses from our 1 O offices -Wewport Besch to La Jolla 644-6200 GrubhfrEllis 644-6200 • ... .. - PAGE .. I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 ('. ' ' I 1l).' l ............... ~ ~Mated, 480, 2\48A. w/MW' tr doore, carpet, wood ftoof'a, paint & retndacpd Reduc ed to *449,000. ee3-SIS80 Bkr Of IS42-41MO OP•N 8UN 1-4Pll 284 Sherwoad at 1 MILE TO BEACH 3BA. 1 ~BA W/OOOd I a1zecJ fenced yrd 1 Ideal for chlldren $199,999 OPEN SUNDAY 1·!> 864 Surf St. C M ( t 91h SI lo Meyer lo Surf) Agt 644-4022 G enc•r ill 1 002 lleu Verde Vatue Slngle •IOfY, 1700 l/f, 38A 2BA. formal llvlng w/ frplc Sep lam rm w/cllstom t>tlck fir .. place. Formal dining rm addltlOn. Aemod· oled kitchen, trench d oore & wtndowa. CAP• COD DOLL HOUSa Won't lut. Priced to aell. Offered al $269,900. Seller wtll OPll IATtlUI 1M ~ E'M:te townhc> m-. F~ey. afrpor1, bualneae 6 beach ctoM. On Meaa Or. put Elden Aw. • 1 bflc Ea.et of Newpon Blvd. (55 Fwy). 2000 e/f-38 r, Iott, 2~Ba. a .. to ... preolato. From 1291K. 553-810CS RMIRATWNMMSI ONLY IU0,000 3BR 2~Ba. highly up- graded . end unit Nr Bliek Bay ........... tedevl Vacant. DOllALD PPAJIP 433-8828 pay S3000 of buyer'• 1----------1 CIOalng coata. OP•N SUN 1·8 t 709 ORCAS DA Ml-8003 tJi SHERRY COSHO\l iASSOCiAru General 1002 Classy Autos Advertised in the il1L ETHEL'S BEST BUYS OF THE WEEIU NEWPORT BEACH'S FINEST GATED COIDl100TY PUIO GOLP C011aSB RONTAG2 DI PaSTIGIOVS BIG CANYON Totally ranoddcd and plushly~ 1n quallty. this ntat~ ovu !oolu the 18th ho!~ Futura tndu<k dual mastu ~Ulle!> 6 lerqe bedroe>m5 4 5 baths & ()"'fr 57()() sq ft o( lf'8dOus IMni Dramatrc ltahen with V11ulted ccillnQS OYUSJ:ud IT\4ltble lirtplece drcoral~·r <.omus end aaDuy wall Su~ iO\Jrm<I ldlchcn oll~n inddl~ a11s cook top whltcwa.shed cabinetry. & ivanJtc countu top• Also 1ncludf!1 ~"' Iara« family room library T V room with 'tcyt1ah1 addina ambience 10 this qui~ retrul & QI.ass att1um/tolartum1 luxunous master suit~ fntures htslhers doHU and matbl• ~. 'hullers a pnvate dtck & stunruna bathroom wtth 1p11 tub Plush ta~lln!l lht Ule0$Nt' U~ Of marble... rKused UQht!na. frc:nch w0udr n wtndow doon lush landscaplnfl, plantation shutters & 3 car 11nraar w11h eirtre s1or11g1: -.pace TOO Da!A1111011111 83 ROYAL ST. GEORGE $1,995,000 • MOST SILL • • llXTal!MILT AWXIOOI llL18a Mllt>rraaaAH!JUf VIUA Dt souiht-afta DWPOn IUCll hu bnn reduced by S40.000 for uraen1 sale 4 Bdrms. I !Down). 3 Baths spacious family rm Uvtna nn With nrwplacc a rom&ntlc mum with Or~plact Gourm~I ldlchen, cream carpdlng, 3 car ~ IUllUJIC SPA • u.a IAT vmw. PRICED TO SEll AT $569,000 ETIEL REAU Y MAKEi 11-llAPl'flfl Hard work and conaclentlou1 MtVlol to her cllenta GETS RESULTS Call a friend ... Call ETHEL today! Member Multi-Million Dollar Club ~ 559-9400 ~~~· ~® 4482 ..,.._ Pkwy '"""' .. AllOUITI l1UL Won't beat "'le .l•:i•mlnTr•iic•liiTnli: LIT'I owner lraneferedll * * Muat Mii gorgeoua lg Ltg 38A 2~8A Palm t•• Wll 4BR home w/,,.,,., ~ lityte w/pool R1111ft.1 pool, epa. epott COUl1 + apa tn pvt • eocvre O W .. • It 8 A Y a + p\11 yard, Moc:MI location newt 10 Faett-........ All Ollw9f"' perfect & hight~ Ion l1lano ~ric e Larg e r Newport upgrd . A valu. at ....noes '° 1349,900 ~ghta Nmoc:MI w/ 1319,950 w/termel w/fwm11 48A 38a plue fwnlty OPaN TODAYI ~ TOOAYI rm. U0.000 ~ TURTLE ROCKU OCUI VllWl 10 com~. Ae1<1nO Like new Cu11om ~ 3M + 1631.000 large 48R newer Den wtaty U.., pen-OPllM Miii , .... home w/bonua rm. o<amlc oo..n, e.y, RAI RODGIRI Pano,.mlc 180" city ch~ A"'""' vtew.. 790o90DO tight. & ocean vtew.. S439K OPD TODAY r!ill! . ...., Model perfect AllOLUTllTIAIJ ~ ./ t~hout. 1411 ao~ B••utlful 3.Br 28• \Jf;"\Vn ...,,. .u.·f( l 1-luti velue et -t945,000. home w/tormal Din w t -.' 1 t i OPllN TODAYI ·Rm 6 Femlty Rm= REAL.TORS, •llODIL NOMI• SM y11rd on --------• Prfwlle twoe 48A In O'OU• ..,..., w UDO IAWllOITl gated comm w/poof mlct • U7't,900 W/ Cu.tom home. Dock • ape. Luahly i.nd-Termal for 65' boat. 48~ adpod In ehOw'cMe ~ DAILYI 4.lllA, I cerwr:· condition w/meny up-•IU ~ a ,as.ooo. ~ gntde• I A muwt to Prof. dooor919d trg eldet W'ede '°' up IO .... a.tow mkt .. ec.c 38A '"'... Nf f700K. _... ... a 1497,500 w/ Term1 Bey, Ooew'I t. EZ Ill>-... t .. 1 9M VIII OP ... TODAY C1M to ... On golf LNe 8etl4 ...... PA11UCK·t·UiOIUI--. courM W/OC .. ctey ........ ~w. M ... .,...?OS ... =:. .;oev, ... _ .... _-r __ ._Ta.a __ _ <O¥er aiao.000.000 Sold) ..... _ •ei•o-L90 llOllD rain-,... ......... NIW 48A n ~,:':. z.MA,..11, ... 000.1 _______ _ NATIONWIDE ,.~USA · . •• L' "'I'... •· ·;• ----NATIONWIDE .v USA · . ... l' ' •• .,, . --... :::-,,..~.!: .... , IMCll ............. een.. DWILll ..... nei=n.,.,....., •IMltn .. IUCll llOMll 48A 3'MtA, 100 8took. 8tepa lo *8IG CW •Ull bMCh. 1529,000. DeelOI• .,._._ ._ ~~ "1tV .... TIC.COO. ~8UlltoaPll t t L I JllAlllM liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~JM~ ..... •eR t .400 .... new petnt In • outl New crpl. Showa gr ... 1..,..,IOO •MORTllWOOD• a~ 48R + bonul rm .. a car garagel Ai>Pn>• 3,000 aq. ft., ~ NC, exceltent condt- lonl 1 btock t.o .,.ntl 14at..900 *"°"' w•ooo. , ........... .... Pwtt f'lece pten, 2144 ..... lg beCkywd Model pet'9c:t lnetdel 48R, lnltde lndry rm, c:ui..o. ltllC, S.W.900 lt«TRIVDA ~ ..... .,~, NHS.Tan ....... """ r J, .. ,. ,t , , (:;t I( I •, • STUNNING 3BA, 2BA. Mew kitchen. bath • a roof. Move r1ght lnl ...... ooo OPlllUIW 1mP..t•1111 LLOIGIOP MIWPORT MC)nl114 (LOMG) I • ' MW 48' .... goff A1 COlW99 "°' , ... hofM ..... W/GC fi City UOf* ~ =•u~•~I~ .. ~ 1107 I!,~-~. I 1,0M,000 ~.,.,,.I Pl8nl ..-permMa for 2 OPllll :WW ''""•· '1 . 210,000. 1tc1 mr1 mm "~";-"Y· Spec191 ~ ~ IM.Uf'FS COHOO pert( tom 48ft 1""8ia W/ lltew, Mt I~ -.n, gounMt .._._,, for• new ~ ... P*it. mel dining rm, ..,_ kMcft ._.,, etc. 9Y ceMer, ~-""· 3 ownet. IN0.000 • .,.. Pll' yards, Pf'Of ino. eett or 7M-.ZOTO ecJ)d .. ouatorn pool, ....... --........ IWnhM epa & ~ __......... aru. A v elu• et ~ ~ •.;~..:: St.585,000 W/ Tetme. _.,. ~ 'aaoo OOO PATRICK 1wa 7M-OZ11 ~ hr!y ~·=---~ CAIDJIMVIUMI NATIONWIDE .. ~USA · I ;t hJ .·--:·.a .. 1•1 i.1 --~ --~ ·-~ Cornm1 c:town. ..,,. rwe. up9btlrs, • omr .,.. ,.... ....... .000 ...... .. , .. ,.,, c ...... ,. v.:m~;;-. Mid DUPLIX1 -•• ,.. 1" 28A 1 BA UnH1. ·-·---OC....VlmW 3'1• ~ w/4 ~ ver1IOI· 100 IMock. NMK •Mmwl.Y R•MOOo mLD 2/1 .. WV-1/1 .,.., lhllr'pl t356K To SM lln'f Of TheM Propertl•~ -Ot For Mor. Into, Conceo MMCOll t VMMMM•. decorator Good rental area eme11 1..,. Qt'9M for Cloe• to b••chl tn. 1nveetO:. 873-7437. ~~·:o~, 8 7). \.-\ 8l.OCK TO BEACH. HARBOR View Homee 28R cobge w/ltUdlo 38' 2k ~ herdWd ~r.~ owner. fire, prof i no1c p . 1497,000. 79().64M . .,..... ......... , . CAIHllllY VI.UGI Man e1wmotc U7 .... '9r tl'WTn ... 18' T1MI UITID! UDO 11\.e CUMOm l8f Hew '90 Cape Cod t 'ff new. a.w con- Ch arm a r Duplex, temp, fab ~ * --------..11.0-IO ooean, roof w/JllCluuJ, io.cre of NPT Cnillt ~ ,.. dectc, me eutte, mwt 1torege thNotJl. ,,t>Odsl Mt o.-..,. ... , .... ,. .. AG'· ooo. ,... tum or noc 9Uft 1~. Under,,,-. Qt ..... ~ My °"'· Ml6K. en.•1•1. pt1c!: Ap'!C M0.2A14 ( Jf I I t 1\J.' l 11 ' o ' t ' j •I :····················· • LOWEST PRIC• IN : ·OPEN HOUSES SUN 1-5 4BA 2~BA cumn u . 11om1 ~--.. UH.• Mtl fUNQICO : uNEWPORT CREST": : On1' $248,000 : >tan II ~· 28A, 2'ABA. fl~. < ~. fabuk>u8 location overtook!np ~ & i.nnil courta. HUfrf, won't! ;..tatthla~I ..,. 38A 28A ~ Wldld N.8home •• ,, .. 1606 IWllOW 28R CM ~ llllChlO ~tt",IOO 2'JO YA1eenta0 1Pt01 •QI.> : l.ARIRA CHAllBIRI: ............. 799 oe."N11100! • ..... ., •so ;1rt •n '' -.. ;: ....................... WAIT A IMUllP -'29r 299 dbl wtde In good CO.ldMOn uno.r •10.000. "29' 18• E•p•ndo •T .•to. ..-single t8r 18• 13.QOO~ All "" Meut ....... ,, ...... ........ .,.P--. Brc*er 4J16-a41 ~ INTO Nonhweef'e pr~ble a famoua TM Cftentl CIMt Inn 8&8. Alhlend, OR HSo.ooe Co1owe11 .... Cal 9erbera Mln ..... e..&e 1~ i ~I I I ' ' • . . ' WAHf TO SUV CCNW11 "-with • kM9Wm1 ..... opdof1IO~ flex torrne a ,,..,_ PftceO, Clll1 7J' ...0. FIND an apartinmt tluoueh oJa.UW 1111:. TeHAH! The search for the ·perfect house is over. We .have new listings dail~ ·Not ready for a home of your own? We have rentals ... Whether it's a cozy cottage for tw.o or a~ bjg family house - clieck our Classifieds. .. - p r ,, B(• I ' .' 1 tJlj aPACIOUS & modem 2BA, 1 BA home, wflg Cut• A c.-. 28r 1 BA. yatd & poot, garage. lleoll ~ ._, 38R 1 car gar, ebOYe PCH. Nie• carpel/blind•. 2BA exec condo, CORONA DEL MAR • Avl 9/1 saso. Vllla West of Harbor. VHla 3 Clll gar. S132S. 1bd, garage · 11075 Aeni.ta 97..,...t2 ......... •79-49t2 _•.;..99-0;.......1_so ____ _ BALBOA PALMS • 1 Lovely 28r ~ont houM, ...... rftAM YLQ • .,... C.... 2BR, bd, p90thee, Wl..ll • w/d , garage, 4 bib to -..vvn Lanai, f/p J>OOli•P• SHOO t>ch, 909 Poe>py. 714/ •BfJ 38a, 3 car gat, P"' bet\, wellc to Bat- 894-9388 Of 721-8548 fam rm, lg b9ck yard. boa lu.nd & •hoP9 UDO ISLE . 2 bd apt . , Comm poot, apa, ten-$1,950/mo. IM0-1212 11395 ao OI' HWY1 upper 1 125001 h1!•-------------,... TOWERS • Bayfront 2 28r 18a. 1 «:# gar, n a. mo ....., BEACH CLOSE • 28A, bd, grut YUi • $1900 tight & bright, $1000 en-1900 °' 873-303l 2BA. Frptc, petlo. Cor· EASTSIDE • 4 bd, fmly Diana Cappe1 ner local. 11100. rm. large yllrd • s1eoo 7eo-eooo boe Unda nN>11e Grubb OCNFRNT • 4 bd fUr· & Eltl9 144-«tOO m.h41d house · ls.400 IMO Cyn Md..aln twnhm, S H 0 A EC L 1 P' F S 2·5\oty 4& 28a up-28' ·wtarg muter kilte, Charming 2 bd hm • Qrllded. •Int Khool•. 2"118a patio IMek. ta100 Aval! 9122. $1375/mo. • • ......... Deel.,_. .,._ l1112A1·237'. 241-2172 "'-· frplc, W/d , refng. SUMMER/WINTt!R level condo, 3 le $2000/mo. 875-0073 bdrma, 2 betM, ..... 28R 28A lop penl . ....,,.,.. 48R 2\48a RENTALBA\'AILABLE garden •pa. ln•lde .1VI 11400 1 blk I S*lO Wlllk to oc>m,.; Wal-1font Homea Inc. indly, 2 dectc•. Ga" bcht Xlt ocn/clt pii;oi, Tennla Clb ~°"' rege, frptc, no amkN vtewa. Bob 458-623l ahope. 2 Car gar 831-1400. 7ao.3800 pet:a l2000{mo. e mo ~LU ... COlllOO 29R, 11850 Bt!r 7a .. t2M TIRED of high rem and s.c.,.,.a .,... Tennt. 1 .. ,..,..... 2BA. din rm. pa11o. :!!UFFI lon9-tenn Te .... ? We eourt, poot. Jee, VI mi 8Mut bright, ape. have Interim executive to ~. 11100/ mo ciou. 48R • a.o. 21.+ houtllng In dffirable •••••t•I-• 28R 7t .... :te-oe1e 8A, gt..,,belt New ueu tor ••oo-1'h8a, trptc, yard, gar. ., .... 4 eaaa khchen, carpet, palnl .800 Pet' MO. Muet w/d hkupe. Pet OK Tabe Ag1 hwe qua111y fufnl•h· 11036/mo M••••a ~ Ptud.'::.u.1 loge Ind tf'le ab'1tt)' 10 •3.BR twntiu .... CaJlfoml• Rea!JY cMconll9 851..ese4 ...... frptc. patio, g.,, 75Mle00. 7i9-7229 I .1 t , . very '*-· 322 Oo .. St. DU... ax 28 11025 mo M7·'ttMO ELEGANT waterfront .. L up•tra ' le' 1 .r: . 11 lb •W,..IDI* 2BR 1 BA, frple, ga. f999, wld hkupa Lo eocl yard. S960/mo. h 3... 3Ba 28a. gar, ~. bite town ome. .., · IO bCh s 1200 mo $1715 IM. Daya $51· llll)~9-453Sl 2• 1 BA conage w/ • frplc, ow. w/d 11200 48' 29ti'upp9t dpbc. s a.yfront. ..rplc, o• fll09. GfMt YUi $2500 48R 2~8a, 1 carport, 3070 • .,.... 873-9110 IHC:•c.ia.ACK BAY 2817 OAANOE AVE CENTAUR MGMT 842·2288 or 11314725 W/d . Or ... VUI S2350 2BR 1 BA. fam rm, 1850 Winier N. Bayfronl LH9 for m. e.are ot MR 28a, frp~ d~ eld<tfty WlCJOw OWMW ;w, w/d , rum 11800 next door. 942~1 L1qt1n · 8p,1c 11 .' 1 lK MOD•IUI Attractive 28dt'm hOUM, Wood9 Cove'-._ '2 Bttt to beach. UnfUln. Avall 9/t.~t4e0 3 Oecl • den, 2 58A. 2300 9/f, M P ,.,,, rm .. tonn.i d•n•ng. eul- de-UIC $2100 Avt 9/1 AeMu M• .. 797 For l.NM 38r 28a du- plex, pafro, ·•••d ~.gar. 1 blk from QCn. s 1300. 450-0834 L Vance Aqt 873-4082 28R 28A H04.1M, 2-car HOME FOR LEASe. Loh· ger. lndry, fl'plc, Geck, Lg 1BR • den, IBA. ti. lei.net. 38R, 28A, yard. Or .. t ·~· Vtlta Balboa, sec , apa. ' OW AHe•, 875-S1200/mo. 752-6472 Nelll• Oall Cu•lom pool, quiet. $1,050 8615 :~23-9452. 3BR lBA, e«amlc ti .. & 550091, ~ ac, &BR __;.84_&-;...9_7_43 ____ _ Grubb oak, 1000 Oak St 58A. pool/ apaa, ~ear, UOO ISLE auper 4 BR. $210,000 Bike lo bdl, $4900 vec. M1~ 3 BA, famffy rm, 2 owner 54&-23345 cMM, 3 cat gar Maoy eirtrul $S40Q/mo ·~ f' 111 · ' I '' ' I'. "". I • ' I ll .. 4BR, 2~8A, pool. gronrAv.,.1/15. ,.. .. --'--«*t« fUm 481 Newly decorated ..0-tU• ~-.. -"' 11590/mo. Day 522· 28a htn. Prkng, w/ d, 1981, E\lnq 98&0513 CrHt 0. VW., gale LUX ,_.. ..... 2· frplc. lNlw wtew. AYI -guetd M.1.. SOR 3BA, 28r, 1300 elf, atepa 10 Mtty Sepe. $1900/ mo IMuff• • mtn rMOft fMl-1 3 ear gar ~f ocn. aec-. HBO cable, wntr or VftY, t7&-2794 l.ng. 2 mat,.. BR watt ano. $3460• 991.....e °'*" bMln <*I. ~ BA. '*'· trJM, dbt an 110151mo ..._, 1131· gar. t..wa 873-7438 • 1-7 Ot 11 IJMl.0362 E'SIDe. VflfY lrg, clelf'I ~ er.. 1rQ 3BR ( ' • • I ' . -SBA, 3~8A. 2 «:# ga.. +-den, 38A. 2 CM t .. 9-Cute Mr 28a -~~':'!' ~ ~. 1750 StudlO .. CoNto. 911'· flopc, pool & ,_ hoUM. frptc. new ept, Avt.f 8/15. 94MIMI v.,.. ..... Poot, epa, nlla. 11915 175-e120 no "'9 709-A Avo-gym, a.una. patio, ...,.T MO. 2 M•tr ctldc). e7e MM ltW T\1111•1 guard, r!!!!g ......a947 ..... dA., 2 cat gar, * ..... ........ 38R Very nice ct'*' SBA A/C, f/p, QUieit 1oc Nr ~. 1 b* '° bch, 2 2"'84a, 2' lg 3 BR fam rm, ~ 11315' ..,.,529--c. p.nu ~.din 09' 11 olOO/mo. 0rtw UMPROllT mi.~.~. tw)40 £'"'20ert tt.Cel ~-. • W I J.. '"8 28 28R 1 aA ltegonle. Ir.,,......., cot M7• atr. 11900 mo. Gmbll. ,, 1 er. .. r a ••7s. 0: aide 0; nee ,.,.....,. poo1 a1u 720-74S2 ~~ ~ ~~ :;:" Hwy. AYI 811. ~ SMfttOS 3eR 28a •28R 28a 2•ty OQndo, OUl""T, email, el-n 6M-3718 or .,......., . ~. 2 ow at-2 cw lllllllch4ld gw, ... t.ch4ld ..-.oe. 11200 frP'C. A/C, pool, epa been Pauo No 9m0k· 2~. ~ 6F'rplc:J::. :..!'!:!!. mo ...... Crn 11 lt)()Olmo. 164-a171 Ing. "° druga, no '"' .._... .,..9000 -.... 38R notM, no entert nff'i1 _... Frig. w d . 0-~ *~ • P¥t heme tllh & Ir· t1400/mo 499-1976 Otn.. 288 ,,.._ 2 bl1t9 vine S49& utll• ..... d . to ~I MOO -...0 mllt ..-38R 2~8a tum. wt\tte-11060 ...... 8kr 64M17t WMh cablnet1 t • ~rencn a .._. .._ ....._ 48f "10-vcM...,84"'29a ~oora, 0 • 0 up. Luxury Condo, 18R 38a he>uee. 2~ gat, car gar, JHlllO deck, ortldff .,.., tea ouetom ~eel. f;p, trpte, w'd h• up,~ ut1ts nd 11200 mo 603 POINT8ETTIA 28t Po04, ten ct., gym. poot, t9nnla, volybllll .... t7<M No Peta 18a mint hM. Wlout BHr & McArthur OuMit S1500 Af.1371 TOWllMOUIE raraa-IMS, w/gw1 $120/mo. 831.0405 Z8A 1ISA • ...-, pyt 28R 2........ 2 .._._9 10IS. ~ l'6M)H daya, 731-7521 we gar, new -;M1crpt, pooi, ~".db.~· CAiii C!OJ> .... v.-4Br 2&., te4Stmo yrty. 3409~ t1&:.01mo 122·7381 ~"""' 2 tty ,8A, ,_ c_,,... No~ M.,cua. 1n-ns1 V.. ....... Fa~- ,.._. W/frpto ~ OWderMt Ind $'27&. 28A 18A AOORABU!: 180" oc..n vu 1 • pefto, 2 cw .:net a4AO 54&-n:al or 646-24'1 b•~cn hOtM. P'um <*t ftplc, w d. poot ga.r A •~ ..,.eem. MeM Vwct9 lpe11def, Avad nowt ~. ape 11316 860-t170 a..c value In town. Hf 28a, tarn rm. MP l 1IOO/mo. l'7M440 ftMLY 148R Some 12'U01mo. 17&-2311 / I a r JI n d r y. i r n d r • 3-48A 1~ 1,. olct 3 fr. Flf beh 9e5041 500 17'S-3311 1275/mo 14• 1M P'Ca: ..,.,.. lir'Q n\Ueet Winter ...... atao Cloel to oc... 28A N.-Oecor, 28A 28A, IV BA A f~ rm ,.._11 ~ A.,,. ... t7M912 28A.. t12n. anr oei-eJtty 2-car oer. hkupe, '-'"•· s:s,0001mo can '1189• A¥t t/1 !! •to. pa1ro. poo1,1_~...;;.; .. 1~CM~-----~ ~ Ot .... SIOHlmo ...,....... SM IBA condO, w1llk CORONA OK MM ... Oif iiiiiirii to bchl Pool, Jee 2 19f\, pool '*aolft 18t , .. ~ ,.._, eet OW· Lee -.t. U ~ ...,_ "'-· wldNNp.~--....... l1:MN-113t lllOO. Clll a.J, ~. AWi MW. M• •• w OOTTAM. ff~. an •r=nt ~--.. ·-°""" ...... ,., ,.. ...,. to beh, ~ t"--cl---'''-..1 ....,...,. .... ..._ '*-~w/tj,,...._ patio , frplc,-w/d, .,....,..._ ~ FIND _ ........ _......, ~. l7'0Ctl\IN •MO. t1MO/lno......., Aliltll ,_.. ..... ,... _,.,.,_. ""9 M . '!6-!!!1 ___ ..._ _______ _ •• PAGE 46 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 Apartments ft Balbo.1 $3H 1ST MO RENT Luxuty 1 BR Ap111 We otter spacloue untta. quiet complex. pool l • J ', f. I r. l 1 , I . • ' i 1 BR, wallc-'n cloMt, en-SUNNY E'SIOE. 29R, closed gatage 1850/ USA, pyt gat & amall mo /WI 8/1. Betty yrd WIO hk-up No 844-2270 Pet. S725 e.wMI085 ' . . I f ' ~ I • I I t ' NWPT H91ghta STU-•-9Wll 100I l/f DIOS. Sl75/mo. PYt -;:'~ • ;~, NB Dec omca a-. ,.., COM Irv 111r ... -..... lslancJ 2606 CI08• to shape Call 2BR t BA In trip .. • w/ Casey M2·1401 °' garage, lnctry rm. Blice courtywd. * S750tmo &032 SUNNY E 'SIDE. Bach-Lndry. epa. IM2·UMM ..,....,.,-.;.Ag!~-64-1_•~-:-::-::-I a«>r. New pnt, new 5 beech 38R CdM 180 to t 100 ef. JW Nrpon. 4770 Von YU,_... to bd\ Hon- K#man A"-• Npt 8cf'I Mt ~ ~111 FAX, recept, cQptet, olcNt ..,.,_ wtl ahr W/ conf rm. kllc:h, fTM ..,,,., Aef9 raq. '800 prkng/coffee. t•IY Ind udl. ~II Lo upper 1BR 115A Apt, Shi gar & Wfd , IWed· 1Sh trplc Avt now Stop By· to be11c:h, wamlde 1939 Wallace Avo S750/mo HS-0072 Crpt. No peta. seoo/ ':g1 toc:I.._ ._;_ W Whh, A/C, hgwy 919- mo Call IM&-e085 ~ '"· .. ..,.., · ~. 91 25 p;1 f. bldg tum S250 mo.mo COM Shalre 48' 2 ... 8& Al Ou6nlwl, q3oM60 hOUM, w /d, gw Prof L vane• Agt 873-<t062 BUNK HOUSE AU MOANA APTI .....;..;;.....;;.;__;.....; ___ . --1 Newpon ... I 1326 & ........... 'WCOO TOWNHOUSE4'yle apt, S1400. 842-3850 Bkr RNW>nomlce v•-•' Balboa APARTMENTS $350 OFFU 3BR, 2V.BA, Pvt back St.,..._ walk to t>ch & UllAT CM LOC yrd, 2 cer-enct gw. W/ Ud • -lo Nfff 405/Mm Fwyw. C~ 1 ir r i r' , · 1 21545 Ntc• people. ,nice neighborhood. $425 t utll. 78CMU811 Peninsula 2607 $H Sec:. DeDOlft Spacious 1 & 2BR apll. Quiet. cool ocean breeze. Pool & covered parking 548--0338. 1 & 2BR, dl'W, beeut pool area. Rec rm, tndry rm, cloae to ahop• and buaaa. 0 hlc-upa, pool & spa. 0 • huge pvt pat ' Oroundftoof, AC, betn. 91100/mo. 2233 Fair· all u1tla pd. 55951mo 100-350 a/I. ~118 ~""1·•·111 ' '. • BACHaLO .. saoo. ~ Rd. 546-1001 •7 .... aoe FEM '<> ahr 38r 21.tBa FOR LEASE: Appro• NB twnhM w/ftpto & Wolk to beach Frig & utls incl Yrly No pel p M IHllST-1778 1 Bfl Duple.. furn, ale. $595-1875/MO 530 W WILSON 722•8012 ()( 1"42·2288 e AJmoet new apacloue Attractive lg 2br 2ba, 2 WONDERFUL 2 BA, 28A STUDIO. !50 ft to the LIDO PININIUU unit In great locatlon beach! Kitchenette, 2()().1ee6 aq. n otnca Quiet +.pleic. $825/mo. ft1g, micro, W/d. 1850/ apecea fOf rant. "Old. 434.-351M mo. ff7U571 • Newport" Mlll1M anvt- 1000 eq ft unit. 2085 •P* ~ .... ..-• Placentle. Unit •. '400tmo Homey encl Coata M... 72S-4813 pYI. IMM7" aft lpm Qllr no pell yrly lse, $800 mo, mature, ro- t p on 1101 e person Appl (213) 553.3773 18R S850 Quiet El car gar w/etoraga, side loc, 880, cable, fncd pvt yd & gmdr. gar avail 63Hl427 Yr IN $995 &48-1938 H u11 !iriri fr\J' 81',I< !1 .'t , I () UPPER DUPl..EX. 2BR, r o n m ant . S o m e 28A 1 oar. 2 b4cka to epac•a on water with 1,200 aq, ft. w/f'ront t>ch N/pata. 1975/mo ooclca evallabte. Con. offk:• & lg. roll-up Yrly 1t••-12 ~ he pencJng. doof. 9795/mo. SH Fem. over 21, ,,,., c:lean, n.,. ahwa nu pelintfcarp t\om9. 120 Emarllld. a.t. Mao/ mo. Call 8o 8'7IM>804. 201~ tBA up1tr1 Untl Nu CPI .,, gar. $900 910 w Balboa Blvd e7s..317 .. 1 .. 1M-IOl 1 * Speolou• 2BR encl BACK llAY X-t..g 2BR gar, no pet1 S725. w/balcony, S725. No $300 allow. 321 Monte i>«• 329 Unlvanlty ' .......... 87~8330 Termlnal Wey, C.M v.,..,,... .... 211A O.ye M04:SS2 3BR 2BA lrg townhoma, la TOUf mod_et wJJJwd O~C.AJRPORT w/d hkup, dtw, ~. mu1ar.. 11aa eq. tt. EXECUTIVE SUrTES . I 400 If .... lcllt OE ROOM In CdM houae nr bch. ~ n/ tmltr $450 • ~ Ulffll, 0~8T.M711 Vista, 650-0173 M2·28te *•SHARP N a W aR DELUXE LARGE 2BR, 2BR. bhlne $795/mo 2BA C .. an. qui.t. Ltg Cat OK Call Pam. Agt CIOHl1I Encl ~ wt garege. $1100 + MC Quiet locaUon Full .. LOW MOV£.tN COSTS ' 3'7S BlfCh~~ 2131592·2214 CUflty, w&ltl tO beech. DISCOUNTS AVAIL ~ 641~ Lg new 2BR 1 Ba. VI-I blk 10 bey bch 1 rtk to ocnl Gd prkg 548-9881 E 673-3975 54e-S880 opnr 548-9078 aft 5 NI pate. 11200 mo Nr 405 6 !Ml Frwys.. M/F Pf°' Of ~ 21· HB, nr OCMn, 38R 28A; LM. ~7211 Age Lovely ground ftoor !MS 9"' ~ Of CM E'efde $950/mo. nu cwpet.t ------....... ----~.,.,--omc.. In kNt ~ hM w/rntll4. Pvt 8A. • 2BR 1 Ba dplx, great a •aio• 2Br 1 ~Ba twn-area W D hkup, •ngl hou apt. ....., patio we. 15· beam ce11. W1NTP MWTAL type building ""'.,.. "50/M60 ..... eeoe 889-2251. Fum SBr as. 1 hM to dowe, prof1 ... IO>W M• t ~ -te ._.., N/ M~ to ahr 38' 28e on orona I del Mai 2622 gar 535 S.mard #8 " ,,... • $795 0 7 eo.o7.. encl gar. M7 C&btlllo. m S7951mo 942-66$8 •CLOSE TO ALLI $150 OFF E'llDE ELDEN LOC •Lrg 2BR, 2BA, frplc, 2BA IBA lnctry rm dlW, w/d , bal, y ard, 2 ?BA IBA TOWNHOME CIOSP to shops & car gar $1050/mo , t arport• $900 mo bust>s w 111 accept 2479 Elden ~893 Catt Lola or Linda O C Hou•tng $675 760-8364 or 721-0116 226 1 MAPLE E .SIDI! 2-atry, 2BR 1 •'IBA d1nw1hr. bh· ten '.lBa 2 car parking CENTAUR MGMT 1n1. encl gar, patio, lrplr w d hkup 1 '~ 642·2288 or 631-2725 no pet1 64!>-4319 L.1q1 JI l I B·· ,, ; ~-' ;h VICTORIA llACH S tudio 1 BA Apt. ac.an view, doM to ~ I lhope. Ava.II Nowl 4 ... t4eo N('\'JI 1nr I BcL11.11 .'••t)1 ~ tri~~ ~pn.re. ,.,... pettc. amlcr ahr 3Br t8A Bklft8, Npt Hgnta. Bay ':,=II .ft qui.t CM hM. W/O. 6 OCMn v19w. Lrg br, t BR w/pttvaM BA. O• nage ·~· c1o .. to O.C.C. Avail 9/1. S450/ mo 540-3405 Slor .Hjl· ,' ;.1,> "$400"~507 pvt ba. l500/mo 1nc1 lrWll CA tm5 35 • NIS r.I« •hf my uttl. 648 8S30 QUALITY OFFICE •BR d .. wi• Back Bay MtF to ahr wg 2Br 28• t SUrTE tnhn IVC. pool, ape, bfll to bch. o..n, re- 1100 SO FT Ground tennis, eecurlty. ger, apon. '440/mo, ,.. utff, fk>of Glw entryway, yatd 1 have • cat 1150 d!p e3t-36U lnciud .. s pvt ofca, • $475 t ""ut. 850-8553 NB-Prof ,..,, aht Nwpt luncroom w/cotfM bar BEAUT N B pvt h~ No 2BR 28a condO a..telde Cotta MMe. plue 3 pvt prkng Empl •dull. l..aro• w id, g• W/OJ>nf, pool, epac•• LEASE S10001 room kltch prtv l350 J11c:. HOO. M<MJS47 Y'~ old Sl675 6 '91.o IUI! 2BR 2BA clean E Sid•. 2•R 1BA W/ ()ro 11!<1 840-277o qu1e1 a1orago 0 W gor. $700/mo Also 408 'IW ACACIA tr go ctosois gar ago, 1 1 BA 1 BA, l/p, utll Full •In garege MO Avetl now Owner uUt' ... ..__9515 • 338 E 20th St. St20 ~9-4751 245 Ftach•r t 1•......,... Prof F 28 tocahr 28r 28a "ON TM• WAft"" per mo -....1ea? Ave, Coat• Mua. COM. Shf lovety 281' lu. NB •P1 w/fri.ndly with panc>f'amlc beY1------------tr"ont -bU • blit.I to ~ n/a P. ~ 011plo1t upstairs unit $850 No pol 640-2495 pd $5501 mo Call ?I\• 1B" sio75 mo •Do you need lg clean Kevin 851-0424 !173-7942 view. 2Br 78• with ga-Cluattled'I oo• Ille.,,...., CtMlifteO't OOl IM lnlwet bch, 80$ Orchid. 1525 tm9fl 1$32 • ......,., ,, f' rage. No pata. S1600/ ror Y<1AM MX1 eutomoblll lor ~ houling need• 7f4/d4-t318, 7214$48 mo 873-7092 2br 1 be? Oprage. new E/SIDE • BACK BAY Ho•< tinlt>t API dwnstr cpt 0 W storage I "'" Jasmtne w D $750 No Pot 640-2495 24511 Rue de Cannea •llDRMS7SO• •1 IDRM $800* 1,,q t H w desk $82!> .,.,_~-=~==~--2BA 2BA. gar • bll·ln1. 'oOO •M L ti 171 TSIDE• lndry $800 494-2471 1 BR 1 1011 Apt w I=-:==-=~:---:----::::-'u ":'f Alfh new carpel drapes IVSIDE twnha• D•· ,..rig, dahwahr, atov• Incl No f)!ta 545-4855 11101<•• 11p~1111r" l rg sGg!> 329 Univer••ty I luxe 2Br 1 •'>Ba. enc • t41< .'flA lrg t1t>Ck Or No pets 642 2816 bleyd gat $885 2587 2BR 2BA Beacon Bay AP1. N.w crpt, paint, apple, w/d, utlla. PYt beylbch ace.sa '1500 &4&-0931 or 723-0714 IJr• •I' 1.,~"'" n '" Elden 642·2520 I .. ,, I A.;i tl Cl 1 •SUMMER SPECIAL IE/Sid•, t700. 2BD $ 'n• 0 f "• 'H'I ~ ASK MANAGER , BA I p gar eno ,flf 11• t OCAT1QN So Bachelor IBR 2BR patio pet OK nr alt 1 1 c ,. ;-bike 19 ocn Pool apn cable hkup •chi• walk 10 1hop & 2BR, 1 BA, quiet, loYley neighborhood IJtdry rm, gatege 11100 C1ay St S&50fmo 873-3039 • '" .•r•, 11p1c , co• WESTLAKE Vlll.AOE bch 63 I ·4036 ,,,. S•no,o ~"·0995 94$.a122 E/Sld•28&3 Orane- .MM l ;>BR lBA Ge 1BA Apt, 2821 Har-28r 18• enct patio. r •Q• w d 710 0 Ava bor Btvd. Pool & gar. w O nkupa, $800 1 "" $7!>0 mo Call laundry room Call mo Scon 733-9437 Bachelor1. 1 & 2BR APll avell Pool, lnc:lry rm Nr Hoag From Je&O.seoo M2·2387 • 10 'll'M 558-0812 546-9081 I EASTllDE C.M. lJP<.;1 AinS 2Br 11.ea 1 BR lots ot woodD 157 E 23rd St IB •UCON llAY S l ''..Q Studio S550 SSOO·SfiOO mo HU 28R12BA Avail 1011 S FURN c 18,.,. new 306'"' Welcome Avl now 2 2BR APT f MI sm pel OK 722-0812 Large car gar9ge $900/mo Avt. S.ot Ja9n1mo 723-0637 I Back yard patio 14/15 07:MS898 I $t 100/mo P•la 0 K untington Beach 2640 Ocean Views. Close to Pier. Gated Parking 1 BRMS from $995 • 2 BRMS ovalloble " Call R Yoong 842· Clean 28R Beyfront. 6500 (Mon-Fri) 18th St beach SI 100/ •XTRA LO 1 BR 1 BA, mo. 075-~S37 wallc·ln cloeet, new LOVELY 3Br 3Ba tum cpvpalnt, gar wthkup hH Out.I w. Bay Av• S7SO No P••• Jean S1ap1 10 bay or bch. 780-9000 N/pat. Winter sieoo, I yrly 12250. 873-3053 LARGE 21R, 1911 McLAIN ENTmPRISES I Maple.131-4081 FEATURES LOWLY 2BR I 1hBA EXCLUSIVE 1w nh1H Aleo 28R BEACH & COUNTRY 1 BA AP'• No pata CLUB COMMUNmES Pool Me-OHS t , 2 & 3 Btldfoom N-1 BR w/ger, M50 Ap111 w/ftplo, W91 bw. 1980 Anaheim, Uoll 15 micro, w /d hlcupe, lndry rm, Open cermal .it 6 ger-oa 646-3229 w/ewtra ator.ge All MEWL Y DECORATED mt11nteNtnee 1nct. 2BR wfger, bftlna. yd ,..=·9~ W1r pd e:MS-4120 •& M NEWflQRT 1W1NA 28111 StnU ANI J S7Q 7'Mt1t 2437 Ortnge All9 C 1780 ,Allf#AY An1 • Nwpt HOii Area·28r MO CNM)H 2BA Upl)«, trptc, new ...... paint, ~. lndry rm ..... "' .._. S906 No ~ ~ 1565 UPP9' N41wport Bay RENT DllCOUNTU ~8;.;;1c;::' Paik aattlng w/ocean ;t.~~=~iiiiiftin~I view Radecoratao MIWPOllT •IOHTI From H 21 Child Olf 28r Newly Ptlln1ed, No Pett Nt .. t07 1 new ruoa. c arpon, pool No Pau MOOmo · 0.,, Ml 4M4 BUY NPT HQht8 28' 1 Ba, harctwd ftra; f/p, t-car • YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE CLASSIFIED ! .. 642-5678 ~' Ill E~U 960·1844 oar. '90llnt~~~~m.~o!ct.iJllll .......... mll!!ll!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!!llll .............................. ~ p ..... «*t 1131 ..... 42 ------~------ NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, August 17, 1991 I PAGE 47 Archile~s laud Mesa~ Laguna projects ' T ht Plua Tower Office Budding in Costa Mesa, the Tustin Matkct Place and a privat~ re idence in Lagul'la Be ch won top a" rds at the 16th annual de agn award program o( lhc AlA Orange County, .1 ch11ptcr of the Amcricnn In tatute of Architect .. Light ¥ward of ment, recognmng uccllcnce an de 1gn and planning, and a ~pcc1:il ·•people's choice" nwilrd al o we re presented. CRSS Architect or Lrvjoc and C~ar J>clh & Associates of New Ha11en, Conn., won for the Plau Tower. Irvine's LPA Inc and Legorreta Arquatcctos of Me,oco City were honored for the Tu tin Mark.cl Place, while arcrutcct Mark H. lnctr earned a top honor for his own re<;1dencc 1n Laguna. Among the projccu receiving -mern ,1ward were the UCl Graduate School of Management by Bissell Architects ID \/cwport Beach and Vcntun Ranch & \ton-Brown, Philadelphia, the Orange County Performing Arts Cent er ID Co ta Mcc;n by CRSS Architects of lt\IDC and the Blurock Partnership, Newport Beach: the library and tadium 1te patk1ng 'tructure'i tn the Santa Ana Civic Center h) 181 Group/L and Paul ~rrn, cwport Beach; One Venture office huildtng 1n Irvine, by LPA, Inc, Irvine, Jnd McAhster Arizona Retreat by l)amp1cn Associates of Co ta Mc a The "People's Choice" award, selected M the pubhc-from amorrg displayed entric -at South Coas1 Pl.tz.a.i v..i~ pre,cntcd to the Ornngc countv Perfomung Arts Center. Ju') member Robn1 J. Frasca, "ho prcMded over the award!> pre entatron. commented, "There u a tendcnC) for local architects to minimize the .lCh1cvement in their own area . Your JU') fund 1hat there is much to celcbr.uc in Orange County."• Dill Lupi , a con 1 tent top producer for 16 year~. has Joined Cold"ell n.1nker's Costa Mesa office A rc51dcnt of the Orange CO.l!>t ancc 1%'. Lupi~ ~c1ahze an the area he grew up 10 He ·ha been a full-time re JI c'tatc age nt incc 1975 "ht.1bh,htng re pc.ct and cred1b1hl) 1\ JU't a' 1mponant with )Our a\soctatc~ ~ )Uur chcnt ," Lupis belic11e "In the mar~ctplacc we arc faced with today, e"ery agent needs C\'ery possible edge 1n marketing property. H v1ng good crcd1b1hty wttb )'Our peer gav_c . one more winning edge when ncgouaung n ,,tic v.1th another firm Lupi · appro ch ha re ultcd ·ID mo l of his bu incss coming from pcrwnal rdcrral and salt fied cu tomer, He c_..n he· re chcd at Coldv.ell Banker' C'tl\la Me\a office, 668 93) t • D tnnl M. Taylor, one of the founding partncn and d1m;lof' of Pendtan, an awnrd-wanmna intemauon I land c pc dcc;1gn firm 1.n I rv1Dc, will be rclOQ\ting to the fi rm ., ncwe t regio,,.1 office in 1ngaporc for "L~ month to ~e~e coonl1na11on of m rketina operation . I le will be accompanied by hi wife, Olannt Ta11or. and Mark M~han.. a fHOJCCt manaacr from Pcndian s lr111~ office. . ...... •" AJ Pcridian's Pae1flc Rim anu ""' v national markctiq envoy, Ta~lor bnd been rapOnsiblc for client rclallon a markctina uatc1ic.s for the tut three ~~AIL ROUNDUP "After years of commuting to the Far East, I look. forward to staying put in Singapore," Taylor noted "It i an ideal location. It's clO\c to the surrounding countries of Indonesia, Brunei and Tha.1land, and Singapore City is clean in modern. It also is closer by roil<: and time zones to Japan," where Taylor wt'll continue marketing actMties. -Taylor, 49, associated with Peridian since 1965 and a principal in the firm since 1971, bas cxtcn 1ve experience in the areas of de tinatt0n and letSurc rc~>rt design and planning both locally and abroad. He received a .deg.rec in landscape architecture from Cal Poly Pomona in 1965 and attended the Graduate School of· De agn. Office of Special Programs at Harvard University. Pcnd1an, estabh hed in 1951 as Courtland Paul Associates, has grown to a firm of over JOO professionals with regional offacci. tn Irvine, Sa.n Diego, W;ilnut Creek, Orlando, Guadalajara and now Smgapore • Bonnlt Prrtlra has been named the top producer for June _a_!_thc South Laguna office of Coldwell Banker. . Pereira, a sensor residential assodaie, JOmed Coldwell Banker in 1980. In add1t1on to becoming the office's top producer, s.he also quahficd for Cold~ell Banker's Prc)idcnt's Circlt, representing the top 1 percent or Coldwell Banker )ales jlgcnts 1n Southern Califo~1a. She pecialt.zcs m cquestnan and estate properties throughout south yea.rt. • ' t ' • • • • .... jtl ··~·· .. ••••ll•••t tt•••• • ······•••••#••• ~ Orange County. A Mi~sion Viejo resident, she enjoys golf, tennis and kLing and can be reached at Coldwell Banker's Mission Vie.JO office, S82·3100. • T iclccts are selling quickly for the Home BuiJders Cpunc1l's annual golf tournament scheduled for Monday. with a full day ...oe fun that include cocktaiJs, dinner, awards and prizes following the tournament. llus year's c.rand prize, sponsored ~ L&S Construct ion and'" Galu1c Plastering. is a Hawaiian vacation fpr two with seven days and SIJt nights at the Sheraton Maui. The trip includes airfare, a rental car and three rounds of golf. Three PGA·ratcd golf course have been selected for the event -Dove • Canyon, Coto de Caza and TiJCras Creek. Over 35 trophies, golf-related \items and other prizes will be awa rded. The tournament is beinJ ponsorea by Old Quaker Paint company and the hole-in-one prize at each course this year is a 1991 Ca.maro sponsored by Bemus landscape and Eddie Hopper Chevrolet. The entry fee as Sl50 per person at Coto de Caza and Tijeras Creek and $200 at Dove Canyon, which included green fee and ·cans as "'ell as lunch and dinner. Following the tournament. a western barb~ue and awards banquet will be held "under the 1ars" at the Colo de Caza.. _)-iwu_ Ouh. All proceed wiH benefit lhc ~JiBC educalloDaJ P,rogram For more information, c-0ntact Bruce Abbey of Bramalea Ca.li(o rnia at 851· 3131 • Laguna Niguel Rcalry has _£Onfl11J'lcd that agent Kathie Cumtt sucoc sfully negotiated the largest residential sale of Pima f1nanc1a l/Resolutton Trust Corporation propcny to date. Tius tran!>action tool Sut months from initial offer tO the close Of e'iCr0'4 and was extremely . complex by most real estate tandards. The RTC ha requested that the exact price not be released at this time, but 1t can be confirmed that ii ~a well an excess of S.S,000,000 "Kathie Canner has an uncanny ability to lncatc unique . prorerues, and propen1c of exccpuona valu e, and match them up with bu)e~ ... commented Bob MarpUs, president of Laguna , ·NiJuel Realty. "We arc gnteful for her outstanding efforts and we congratulate her on the ucccssful consummation of thlS transacuon " C.armer J010ed the 28-)car-.old local fi rm a year ago, coming from another - south Orange County _Q_rokera~ he Currciffiy IS marketing t-4 0 ne\lir home prO}cct for taguna Niguel Realty and ~ can be reached at Hampton Hall (24 • 4313) or c"" tal CO\'C {248-Ql\~). ~th in . . Dana Point • S unda) 's Prado Wo<xh btate' auctio n ale of 11 lu'tU r) re 1t.lcncc 1 Cl(pcc1ed hi attra(t 11-"ue-con 1ou bu)ers. as auction dia~ minimum bids arc tnnmg low h S.365,00 and a'eragc 47 percent bclov. a.sk.ing prices of the home "These beauttful, custom-li'-e residences arc located 1n the \,('" de trablc communil) of Orange, on a hill ovcrlook.ing Villa Park.' Q1d Patrick \1. tanton, senior vice pre ad~t of marketing for LfC Real E~tatc Marketing SeMcc m P.:cv.'J)Ort Beach, w.tuch · handling the le "'41fl~" -- offer view or the Pactfic Ocean anJ Cit\ lights." The three to four·bedroom l'hlmc~ feature up to 3. ~2 squuc fe et of 1ntcri0r . p cc. They prcv1ou\I) v.crc offered at price ranging from SM4.~fit1 to S857..SOO The s.a.Jc v..111 begin unda~ at I pm .it the Anaheim l hlton and I ov.cr' All -b~ U-" ~-rt&JitctcJ U\ ~ hi biJ and have an their fl'.h,e,,1on 1 cashier' check. made pa' tl°'k ""' them~I\ e • 1n the amount of S'l.lXl() C 111 Ll-C at (800) QM-Oo<•O for m(HC snformat1\ln. • Snyder-Lang.stun Builder~ of 11' inc h:.' t.omplcted the COtUtrvction o( office tor Moor Bu inc f'onn<> anJ Amen ~n o· ital 'I cchnolog1cs at South c,, ,, ·"tccuti11c Ccn~·r in Ct sta Mc a . Moore Bu$10c f<.'rm"' nc"" olfice p n 1 square (cct on the top floor · of the (tvc:· tor') E.Jccult\.e Ccnttr at 3loo S Bri~tol St .• adj cent to the n 01cao f tcc...,ay fhe comp an con oltdatcd everal ofhc.es i n dcsipalmJ this location 1t.s Southern Calif<>m11 rclJOnal hc.adquartcn. ... -- •· ) .. ' PAGE 48 I SATURDAY August 17, 1991 ar our Just minutes owoy from pnvate beach tn pres1tg1ous Huntington Horbovr This at- rium •nodel hos floo• to ceiling windows to enhonce 11-e spocrousness of the lcrtc- her.. 1., nq •oom din•ng room and family 1oorn 4 ht>drooms plus cien/l1brory 3 o•ge Im•· G Jrll'e' • hen Private patio w11h c .... srorn spa and waterloll. Im- "' Oc u In •e , landscaped corner lot. $529, 950 Coll Dottie Bloke, 254 0923 Newport Beach PrPshg•O• s Spyglass view estate Marvel in the orrh1tec.turol design of this exquisite Med1t .. rranear V lo with top of the world views of ocean, nty lights and mountains. 6 bedroorrs 5 ., bo•h on approx 7 200 sq feet of pure elegance Dramatic two sto rred foyer with ltolton marble ond gold leof Romo,., columns Gourmet kitchen, expon- s111e enlerlmnmg oreo step down gronrte wet bar ond library Opulent master suite with wPI bar spa, sauna, ond lireploce $2.495,000 Coll V11ay Som 729 5885 ' a onyon O~n Sun 1 5 14 Oolicrest ln E•qv site. ly redesigned home 5 bedtooms, 7 boths ond oppro.. 7200 SQ h Forrnol d1n1ng, lom1ly rooms. 3 l1reploces, ond 3 co1 go· roge Overmed pool ond spo "' lrOf)ICol sen1ng i2.5'49,000 Coll Shoion Vogt or Tom Al 1nson ot 673-8728 or 720-06ll Newport Beoth Spacious 5 bedroom, 3 both "Som- merse•" model 1n g<eot location ~emod· eled ~·tchen w.th slyl.ghts New4y po•nted 1n1er101 Cozy l1reploce Fruit trees on yord Clo~ •o eaullenr schools 3 COf goroge S639, 900 Coll 720.06 11 fllewport leod' Delightful home for the lom1ly hos 3 bedrooms 3 boths ond is (Qrnplet._ w11h o dining oreo, den, ond crocld1nQ fireplace Plus o game room ond lom 1ly room On 9,000 sq ft lot In.low un11 with seporote entrance S<t65,000 Coll 720 0611 Newport lleoth Vintage charmer 1n oll its glory! Feo· tures 2 bedrooms, romontic f1reploce ond 2 cor goroge Needs o little TLCI This one hos o lot ol potenlt0I so coll nowl S359 000 Coll 720-0611 Newport Beath Duplex on Bolboo Peninsula Upper vn1t is 3 bedroom, 2 both Tile entry ond kitchen Cozy f1reploce. Lower unit hos 2 bedrooms, 2 boths Fireploce Front polio '4 cor goroge. S5'49,000 Coll 720-06 l l Newport Beach . View of t~s ond some oceon from 1h1s 2 bedroom, 2 both. Highly up· groded Ook floors, plontohon shutters ond cozy fireplace Two spoctOUs po· hos Gated community 1ust blocks to the beoch Community pool, tennis ond spos S329,000. Coll 720-061 l Huntington Beach Lots of room for the lorge fom1ly 5 bedroom, _.JI. both offers opprOlL. 3, 700 sq feet of l1vmg spoce Two mo ster suites, wet bor, new kitchen ond· lwo l1reploccs Bubbling spo to relo1t in S-405,000 Coll 720-0611 Newport Beach Great locohonl Quiel slreet in Newport Heights 3 bedroom fom1ly home Ho ndsomely remodeled usmg only the best looks like new Crackling fire ploce Spor\l1ng poof, spo ond sovno 2 goroge• Owners motwoted S575,000 Coll 720-06 I 1 • NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA PILOT I AEAL ESTATE Costa Mesa U11.qve ond c.honn I led col1oge w.th hard· wood noon lectures 2 bedtoom1 ond 0 d1n.ng oroo. locored on peaceful tree-lined slffff Complere w.lh o pnYOte goroge. Pe- rloct lor •he first time buyer/1nvesto1 5736,500 Coll 720-0611 Svperb golf c YleWI 0 ,.mod. eled <I bedroom, 31h both showplace w11h OpptOX •.000 sq feet includH ftOI• of the ott liirc~n. fomoly room, two l1replocer cirid omenir1es gol0<e Gorgeous grounds w,th poOI, woterfoll orid spo $ l ,395,000 8y oppotntment Shote>n Vogt o< Tom l<J. l1nson, 673-8728 0< 720-061 l. Harbor Hlghlands Newpc>11 S.Och lOOMaSI pncecl hanl• In co mmuntly Freshly po1n1.0 •l\\>de ond out, 3 bedroom, 2 both, Dining oreo, cory (11e0 ploce lO\'ely yord l0t kids IO ploy. fiod out the de101ls ~365,000 Coft 720·06 I 1 Huntfngtenhoch StvM•l'IO eiecut...,. home 1n gucu:ded co- mmunity offe11 3 bedrooms, 2"'1 baths P!vs fQm\01 dtl'llng room, cozy loreploce, ond 2 cor goroge Cenrrol YC>Cuum ~fem Ocean breezes!~ ~mile lo beochl '367.000 Coll 720-0611 Huntington ••acfi Corona def Mar Oceon v1ewl 2 bedroom,. 2'h bottLe1· ..--l.ovely-Pomt Del Mor two-srory-tlome. J -ecu11ve <Ondo -Spoc1ovs floorplon in bedroo(Tls 21h boths Dining room, er· eludes marble entry ond l1reploce, ocltlong llftploce Polio 11"1 yard. Newet while woshed cabinets Dining room, home in fontoltlc locohon $550,000 two f1reploces Sellers mohvoted Coll for mote infonnotton 720-0611 S333,000. Coll 720-061 l Newport Beath Light ond bright Spruced up· 2 bed· room, 1 'h both condo New point, corpets ond blinds Dining oreo, fire place Updated kitchen Potio ond 2 car goroge G\11et 1n .. tde locohon Co- mmunity pool and spo $205,000 Coll 720-061 1 Costa Mesa Great home for the first flme buyer En1oy cool oceon bree1es bike 0< walk to the beach 2 bedroom, 1 'h both. Alnvm model with ceromi<: tole 1n kitchen ond powder room. Altoched goroge with lots of sloroge s 179,500 Con 720-06 l} Vlllo lolboa Desirable goted community with pool, spo ond lenn11 •Bright ond airy unit of- fers plush new corpcts ond lov1sh use of marble Cozy l1reploce ldeol for first hmo buyer or investor Mohvoted owner sloshed the price S 189,500 Coll 720 0611 Newport Beach Model perfect cond hon 2 b.droom, 3 both condo with some oceon ond bock boy views Oen could be 3rd be. droom Dining room, two f1reploces Potio and 2 cor goroge Goted co· mmvn1ty with pools, spos and tennis S659,000. Coll 720-0611 South Laguna Brg oceon view from this newly romod· eled home 2 bedroom, 2 boths Great open beomed cerl1ng T ostefvlly done with leaded window ond front entry dpor Sun room Short wolk to the beach. S308,500. Coll 720.-061 l Newport Beach Totally remodeled ond expanded. 3 be· droom, 21h both in desirable "Seo- w1nd ' Loft/bonus room, gourmet kite hen w1lh wolk 1n pontiy,, cozy f1roploce. Custom londscop1ng, pnvote polio S748,500 Coll 720-0611. Sea bland Beoutifvlly ~ponded townhome 3 bed rooms, 3 bottu Kings1zed floorplon of oppro1t 3,200 sq feet Lorge fom1ly room, d1n1ng room ond fireploce Spec· tocvlor golf course v.ews. ExtenSM1 uso of mor'ble ond gron1te S895,000 Coll 720-0611 Newpor1 Beach A mogmficent French design with Greek overtures 5 bedrooms, 7 boths '° op· p<Oll 5,660 sq feet Stately pillars and lounto1n provide perfect serenity. Spar· • kling pool and spo ore surrounded by morble S 1,695,000 Coll 720-06 l 1 Seo blond Most desired oll one level upper unir.-2 bf-droom, 3 both with over 2,300 sq feel of l1v1ng space Elegant flowing flo orplol\. Prestigious goted commun"v with pools, spos ond lennrs S695,000. Coll 720 0611 Huntington Harbow lorges1 "Porit Ambossodor" model. 4 bedroom, 3 both With oppro• 3,300 sq feet, Features fom1ly room with m1m>r~ wet bor ond lull rock f,reploce 40 foot lop pool with huge spo $670,000 Coll 720-0611 u 1<11rp11r.11t-J'l.11.1 720-0h11 '\.t'\\p11rl B1 ,, !i