HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-12 - Orange Coast Pilot* MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1988 25 CE TS l _ncrease iilga~g activity -feared rafflti on their campuses growing Wilson and California elementary of paint, but a pohcc detective who schools and 1eWinkJc Elementary also anendedlhc mcetiOl asked that School altended the mcctin&. which district officials first photograph the Hornbuckle said was dominated by spray-painted words and slogans. has worked closely with business ownen.1n some areas to clean up-t~ graffiti left on their buildinp. so far, but we .realize there arc a few morc-S'pOts out 1herc .... the lieut~ said. He said the city is workina toward an ordinance to help officera. discussion of pna-related araffiti. "Graffiti is as distinctive as finaer-By JONATHAN VOLZltE city leader said today. "The schools have aJways had prints or handvnittn&. .. Hornbuckle or ... ...., ,... ...., Cou nci I woman Mary_f!ornbuckJc some _m:obleJDJ w'!!.1u..' th~lfll'-Au.ffitU&o.i, _.Mb1wui..-.;saMUA1jd.i-'-'• l1-f w:lh1c:c~efti:Ht1Gef'l-Gft see 1t, they "We contacted about a half~ozen propeny owners and worked with them and had real aood success," Kent said. Ont owuer ~need m me Hornbuckle said she undentands ope c1ty has an ordinance ~u=-in-=· n~--""'4 ---------------_..,,w.--..·dt-rish"e memtBrrmeeunt-wlkrthey:tc..morc..,conc:c.cncd-now bcca11se can Klentify who ts.behind it.·· Principals at elcmcnlary and]unior tliis month of the Estanc11 Hifh it appears to be gang-related," Hom buckle said the city is without iearofhis businesno keeplhmt away from the wait." graff1li on pnvatc pro~ny re- moved within 24 hours. high 5€hools in Costa Mesa arc School Zone Articulation Commit-Hornbuckle said. · · a formal sraffiti cleanup. ordinance. concerned abouta perceived increase tee, which is comprised of lower She said the Newport-Mesa Uni-and will discuss the feasibility of such in gang graffiti around ,their cam-schools that graduate students to. fied School District. which governs a law at a January study SQs1on. puses, and the City Council may take Estancia High School. . Costa Mesa's campuses, routinely LL Alan Kent. who heads the city's action to stem the spray-paint tide. a Principals from Whittier, Pomona, cleans o~thc araffiu with a fresh coat anti-pna efforts, said the department Kent said police have seen an impc:ovcmcnt around Placentia and V1ctona streets, once a "hot spot" for pn, gra ffi u. "The cleanup pr<>gram is working ''I don't think WC need to IO that rar, but WC need somethin&," she said. In nc1ghbonng Santa Ana, wbCR gang v10Tcnce 1s more common, the cuy has a cleanup crew that will (Pleue Me GANG/AS) Dozens of people were killed when three trains collided in south London at the height of this morn- ing's rush hour./A4 LUGl<Y FO(( SANTA THOSE' LISTS AK'c~J'T 61NDIN6 CONTl7ACT5 13 shopping d8y1 to Chri1tm11 Index Bulletin Board Business Classified Comics Crossword Entertainment ~:,nil~n Pub notices Spo s Weat r A3 A5-6 85-7 A10 85 A7 A9 A8 87-8 81-4 A2 '. OCBoard considers tuliiie for new jail By LESLIE EARNEST °' .................. The Orange County Board of Supervisors will decide Tuesday whether to endorse a half-cent sales Wt hike to pay for the Gypsum Canyon jail and a new courthouse. a move that wouJd likely put the .question on the June 1990 ballo!Jn the next countywidc election. .. The county administrative office is actually sayina that, of all the thinas we've looked at. the sales Wt looks best because it can be used to finance the construction IS well as the operation of the facility and because it takes a timple majonty instead of a two-thirds majority " said Jan GOii. executive assistant for Orantc Coun· ty Supervi10r Harriett Wieder. If the Wt option lands on the baJlot, it could accompany another haff-ceat tu raise to pay for roeds and hiahways under consideration by the ~County Transportation Com- mission. "There's also a possibility that it could be combined an to one issue and they could say a l cent increase for both .. GOii said. oOu said county staff was basically mins wpervilOl'1 if the jail sa1cs tu propOuJ lbould be pursued further. As an aheraative '° a sales tu inc1eae, oflicials considered issuina a ~ obililltion bond, which woUtd require. ~hint. approvlf bJ .-rs IDd be med only to finance coastruction of' the jail. The county aleO coMidered an ..-nent dtStrict -called Mello- RoDI Comm11nity Facilities District -that could iuue bonds. O.lion of lite districi would Ibo ft!qaire 1 ~ *"919Ule. 0-llid &be ... tu bib • ., ... maMI llae moll -. ..,... ..... (Pl1a11 -TAJl/.&9) Harbors all aglow UserfeeS proposed by~B mayor By ROBERT BARKER Otho..IJl'llet""" Mayor Wes Bannister said today the cuv should consider havi~ out- of..towners pay to use the library, beaches and parks to help ease the financial burden shouldered by Hunt- ington Beach residents. He also thanks the installation of meters in C1ty Hall pa.rk.ina loll would be a good wa_y to get a few coins from the pockets of outs1dcn into city coffers. Local residents. who earlier in the year were hn by a trash coUection fee for the first umc in nearly 20 years, pour m1lhons of dollars into their beaches. hbranes and parlcs, Ban- nister said. Yoa know Clutatmu la jut &tOaDd the bend wben L ... ta -!"Cl•• s.ia;~t and raaa ~ Dec. 23 Ba.ntmcton llarboar remdelita Mart decoratlna their bMta. an" tbe Baa~ Pblllaarmoalc COmmlttee'• AD annw bMt parade CODCladed there lkaDClay u dld a ··c~ofLl&Jata,'eta.raalOtlyat5:30.8:30, 7:30and8:30 elmllar eeuonaf nent la Dula Point Barbor. Bat tbe WedDeedaJ ~Dec. ~2. Proceede belp fand mane paacldaddJ of them all -the 1'ewpon Barbor Parade of propama for ecltoOlcblldnm la <>ranee Coanty. The trash fees came under heavy attack when Cit)' Counol officials added it on top of a 5 percent utility w that resident also pay. Home~ owners were also were hit Wlth a hefty water rate increase this year. Year!) costs to operate the library" (Pleue Me USBR/ A2) Mesa's if!..b ceiiter seeking e~ployers couple~wccks ago has re vealed Jot>-assistant dircc1or a1 American Imm1-Lions Park to be picked up for work "ork. officials esumatc. By IRIS YOKOI °' ................. The 2-month-old Costa Mesa Jobs Center has succeeded in attracting dayworkers away from Lions Park, but now is in need of more employers. including homeowners and others who need assistance in areas other than construcuon work. city offi cials say. An application process initiated a scckc,._ coming to the Placentia grant Foundation. Open s1ic days a week from 6 to I 0 ··we·, e had workers placed with A venue· center arc not simply those The center's staff decided to ha ve a.m .. the center sen.cs as a mccung trucking firms. roofing companies. ... skilled at manual labor. workers fill out the bnef apphcatton point for employers and documented Most (Job ) are construction-related. A piano tuner. a high 'St'hool fonn to be kept on file for future v.orkers to arranse employment but not all, .. said Cheryl Fnedhng. the biologl teacher from Mexico and reference afier this information Brewer. part·ttmc aide Bernie Garcia c1I) 's antergo..,crnmental relations of-· sevcra with degrees in accounting emerged during casual conversations. and. Costa Mesa Police Officer Mike Iker from other countncs were among the Brewer said. . Rogers serve as matchmakers. "This is the best place J',e found to applicants. said Evelyn Brewer. the TheCHycstablish~ the center man The hinng hall draws an average of find a1ob.·· said Arturo. a 31-)ear-old center's supervisor. abandoned gas station as a result of .iQ to 45 workers a d_a). and about 46 man "ho has come to Costa Mesa "There arc incredible skills and repeated Citizen complaints about the percent of the 2.100 workers ~ho from hTS home 1n Compton almost potential there:· said Brewer. an large number oflaborcrs who wait at ha,·e come to the center ha"c found (Please .ee JOB/ A2) ,.. v Outs2oken Lagun~ mayor deveted tojob, not politics Gay elected official says he· s realistic about limited future in county politics ··~hen I stt a problem. I will raise 1t and I "Ill raise 1t ~lrongl) In e sence, I Wiii not shut up " This from a man" ho says h1s weak -su111 being ··Just a real easy person" By LESLIE EARNEST ................. As be begins his SCC'Ond term as mayor of Laguna Beach, Robert Gentry says his vts1on is not clouded by funhcr polit1cal aspirations. It's aot that the hi&hl~ v1s1ble en- vironmental and P)' nghts acttv1s1 is parucularly unambtt1ou~. it's more a matter of being pragmauc. "You'vcgot to be a realist." the 50- year-old Gentry wd during a recent lunch break from his job IS associate dean ofstudentsat UCI. "Where 1san ~ly py person go1na to so in Oranae County? I'm doing this be- cause I love it. not ~ausc I see a political future." It is true that ~ntry's name and -.i.c only openly P.Y elcc1cd officaal in Or&l\IC Count)" &abel tttm to ftow in a siftlle breath. And it's true that the out.IPokcn mafW has been asked 10 tone dow1l bis rbetonc about 8'omolt~ual riahts. But. e~cn 1( Gentry had a chanct to reshuffle. tt :~ll doe n"t h3ndle confrontation seems unhkc.ly he would pla) a Genm ·~ life and con,crsauon arr different pohticaJ pme. SP.iced v.1th contrad1ct1on. He was a An example of Gentry's '*-I h cd bucking was has rcsponte to rec:cnt hfelons Repub 1can v. o convert to 1 ·-· the Dt-mocrauc Party when he de-gay bashing inadcnts tn ._. .. na c1ded it sen.C'd en' ironmental and Beach. He caJlcd town meetings. humnn nght conctrns more f11thful- prcsscd for classroom education to I .\nd he emerted from a fam11_) that ancttase tolerance amona h~ school tic said nc"eracccptcd h1sgay hfcstylc youth and testified in a tnal v. here 1 • d three )'Oung men labeled "skinheads" "1th turd~ se t-e teem an a strong f · · sense of purpose were convicted o viciously attacking .. ~1' family is not accepting." said a p ) man 1n a ~una Beach park. Gentn "ho ha 3 15-)-car rcla- Evcntually. Gentry said he Y.as uon\h.ip "tth 1 man he calls his flagged down by members of •he partner "\1) fam1h 1s probably a Laf.una business community lmle tm ai.hamcd .that there's an · They c.allcd me to a closed door open I) ga) person in the family ... pnvatc mectina and told me that I Gc:itt) said he realh isn't sure how should nottallt about ttus.. tbat It was he ha become so comfonabk with huruna their butlnemes ud hW1lf1ft' h1 homosc:i ual!t> In av.a). he said. Llluna's irNlt ... he taid. bo I d • I • thro"•h the Gentrv, who as mayor 11 lhc Clt) 's it ' s o" n ~o I' in~ ..... •J need. hard times and emcl'IJn& a stron,er 'OR~:'~~ ~n~ 1 am person nd he has come to under· sworn '° be COMUM about the stand the pubhc faSC1nat1on with h11 welfiare of my oom • onie,," he said. (Pl--... 11A TO&/ d) lleaiUJgdel~yed ·1n NBmo1estation case. .. pract!CC dates Mdt 20 ye&n. IS accused of' molestina a 12.year-old female .]'attent dunns 1e'fftal months in 191L ThC al11,1io'I Mtad wbca the lid. ROW ·v;ns an Kentucky. d11-C.-cl them with a countdor afkr tfYlftl to commit autade. San Clemente woman named Rhodes Schoiar • " 'l'M •••• ... Prw awarded Rhodes Scholarlhipa show· Alexander'"~!!'~ NOetaty of me cd strona in1ere1t in uai.. their Rhodes Stnoannip Trual ·~ Sen Oemente woma11 was education to beetle AIDS. ~veny1 The sroup includes 1uadents with 32 American student$ named hu_. and homelnsness, said Davao aspirauons 1n p01itiNL medicine and hodes scholars and the only ...... · · Ale d ~"Id ....... · tba n hon~ from California, wnttn&. on er sa1 , llUU1n1 t ""..... at lea1t three worked to aupport bodes Scholarship Trust an· themselves while auenclin.t coUqe . ... llCCldSunday. HEARING The scholarship recipten\I were -Holly Wyatt, who works 20 bou~ a -Al , • • • chosen durina meetinp held na-•t u a waitress and squeezes in .. •-tionwide Wednesday and Saturday, telunteer work with the Meals .on any eVldence that miaht show Wil-he said. Is orpnization while attendmJ Iiams had moated chndren or was a The Rhodes Scholarships were University of Southern q.11. pedopbile1 ?UCh as photos or videos of established in l 902 by the estate of ta, will spen.d tw!> y~rs studyma nude chiaoren and their aenitals, Ce c i I Rhodes , a British at Oxford Una vcmty an England peperwOrk lbowina affiliation-With pliilanthropiit and coTonlalist. He under the scholarship. other pedophiles and medical records had hoped the scholarships. wo~ld She expects to graduate in May showina pelvic eoms given to minor contribute to world understandma &om USC with a double major in &irls. and peace. Clear skies, warm days remain U.S. Temps. ........... Extended .... ~ Calif. Temps. Ml L• ::.=.~ ~que ,. 23 o-M •. •!Of 24 llout• ending., 5. "' Strone~.._.,.,~w..-NtdtOI• 42 2t Oriendo "*"" 43 30 "IJM ' • lit eodll1· •;o=~'=-.,,,~.: "-"tcCdf :)Cl 05 ,..:.,.• ,ee M polit!cal ~ience ~d !ntemationaJ A P.I order, prevcntina attorneys Among the b:=---DclaJ~ll.1..:WlAP-JLIIlWll2LlllLl~~.UIL.Ji d11C'u11ia, the case, *U-!t' ~Dd..-sctnarri~"'J'l'tJlieD""im$etti~"'U~ conflict studies. after defense attorney Byron •cademic excellence, intecrity. re-e.M'""°4• ao ,M81ne 1• .OS ,_ -e.a aa ~~ ,. ao .. "" ... f'ottlefld,Ore. "When I finish at Oxford l would McMillan said publicity about the spect for others, theability to lead and like to work at an intemationaJ cue could prcveot the selection of an use their talents fully. jnstitution." she said. "I would like to impertial jury should the case reach Scholarship winners will teceive :....~ ~ ...... CNwlee1on.S C 3' =:fe11y 40 2t 02 31 13 -~ $3 47 30 $811 Antonio •2 ,. 11 .., 11 ll'moAoolN 75 ~~ Surf Report 25 "911 llull 70 41 =~dCITy 70 :: LOCATIC* lllSIMAN 17 ~rk in arms control, like in western trial. colleae and university fees and a European-United States relations. Even if the charges are ultimatel_y stipend to cover living expenses. CMrtotle,NC. «> 22 Sen Juen.P.A. 12 .. S-11'1\91'110 16 35 Hllnl~ llelrCfl 1-3 ,., g:;v M 20 SISte.._ie 05 ·13 74 41 ..... ~ 1·2 poor II 10 SNtllt $0 41 a--1·2 poor 71 41 401t1 Sttelll. ~ ''Someday, I think rd like to teach dismissed, McMillan araued that his c.olleae. But I'd like to have some kind client's reputation has been damaged Sin Diego c-.n.i. H OI =.,.-,.: 43 31 .. ... 22nd ...... ...,.., 1·2 poor ~ 22 t2 12 OS Sin f'reiidloo \.2 ..... 14 • ---= = COlunlllu9.0llio 23 03 =~ ,. 33 1-2 74 • of effect on policy first." she said. by the media 1t1ention on the case. All of the 20 men and 12 women Williams is free on bail. ~--~1W0<1fl 43 tO 14 ·10 64 aa ~cie-te 1·2 poor = II OI 74 .. 74 • w...,~51 41. r.-n n TAX BIKE ••• l'hllaAI 74 40 ..... ~~ Dll ...... .. " T-• = 53 11 .... ... '--• Dllllllll • 00 .... .-.o.c. II " u llllllll 92 '7 11'-52 II aa 21 r.:::. .. .. ... ~ ft .. Wlclllll9 72 31 13 .. Teen 's hand reattached like die best chance," he said ... And . that doesn't look paL '' If the tax hike appean~ore the voters. it wilJ share specie o the ballot ::-:=..... HMaMu . """'°" ., • 1t ~l ., ... 40 Smo.Report Tides lillliplft~ OMll'8 n 41 ~ ........ 76 43 TODAY -4 1 ......... 71 ... S-OIOw S.58pm ......... 77 41 By JOYCE BODLOVICH Of ... Dlilr ..... ...,,. A l S-year-0ld Newport Beach boy whose severed hand was reattached by surgeons at UCI Medical Center on Saturday ni~t is listed in aood condition, officials said today. A team of doctors, led by plastic surgeon Dr. Bruce Achaucr, worked for 12 hours to reaconnect the severed hand of Jason Pinches after he aiccidentally cut it off'wilh a power saw while doing construction work at his family's new home, on the 2000 block of Alta Vista Drive in the Eastbluff area, said hospital represen- uiive Elaine Beno. According to Newport Beach fire depanment spokeswoman Bonnie Hemon. puamedics were called to the residenCle at 12:58 p.m. Saturday. They treated the boy. who was in sboclt but coherent, and then tran~ p0ned him by ambulance to the Ford ~ parkina lot where he was airlifted to the medical center in Oruce, where doctors hurried to reattlch the seveRld limb. .. So far the indications are that tbinas are aoinJ well," Beno said. .. Tbere is ~-circulatjon in the band, but it is still too .early to know how suc::cessf ul the SWJCJY was." The tee1H1Cf's left hand was sliced at an angle frOm just below the thumb to the base joint of the little finaer. said Dr.David fumas. chief of plastic ~· with a citizen's initiative · IO scuttle plans for the jail in m canyo~ located east of Anaheim Hills on the Rivenide Freeway. Rick Violett, head ofTupm~ for a Centralized Jail, which qualified the citizen's initiative for the ballot said he docs not cJtpect votcrS IO approve a tax bike in any case. ... feel that any type of sales tax increase woukl have to come after a tramponation one. becautc I feel that is important to the county right now." Violett 11id. "I think people are more inclined to voce for 1 traffic sales tax to improve our tran~tion throu&hout the county. Gavina people a choice, I feel they will lake transponation over jails any day." ... .,,... 27 10 TUllOAY 79 41 .... _ ...... ... » ~ ......... --"' .... ... .._CllnO eo 40 Flr9I fligll t•OO '-"'· 3.1 ,.. ... 53 41 ~-100~•· -........ 77 46 flr11 ICIW 107 a-m 2.1 ..._ 42 ,, ==-· l«Ol'd fllOll 1110•"' S.I ~Cdy 22 II ,.,.. _, lhllM*ll;-.. ,. SeconCllOw ,,..pm. -0,4 t:..~ 65 • ... --·.....,ooua. ""' ....... .....CNI .. 45 41 22 ~ ... _.... -SeColtd .. ........... 72 ae SUn -· loclty .. 4:44 p "'" .... ~ 31 ,, .......... ........... .. 51 Tl*dey al 1:41 a.II\ lflCI ...... 4:44 ~h 40 .. ........ ~ ... _., .... t ... V.-, 45 II p.M 7t .,., lnlN. I , , rt---·-··-... ,._. """-72 .. "'-' ...... t.:17 p ""~ ........ ...... 21 OI .....-~~ ...... __ ,, .. ....... 73 M 10-31 a II\ T~ 9llCI 111t1 ...... al ~Peul 13 06 Lal Allglrlle Alrpol1 .... _.... . ... ,. •• ., ...... Wlr 54 II 1a:'7 p"' GANG ACTIVITY ON COAST ••• l'rolllAl remove graffiti from private build-scaping. said that graffiti directed Police said gang-related violence in inp. In most cases. thet'e is no charge .aaa1nst blacks and Jews i1 etealatina Costa Mesa is rare. Still, a two-man for the cleanup, Lt. Robert .Chavez perk cleanup costs. png unit roams the city streets on said. Huntinston Beach peys S300 to weekends in an effon to keep track of ••All they have to do is call. and we $500 for aty cnws to clean up after a suspected gang members and make do it." the lieutenant said. normal week.end of P"I activities. contacts that could prevent fututt Jim Trujillo, who works on the but often the tab is considerably . gang activity. USER FEES PROPOSED FOR BB ••• Santa Ana prosram, said it is funded more. "They do a lot of patrolling and through federal neiahborhood-im-In recent ~~a. P!'S mcmbcn make a lot of contacts," ~ent said. provcmcnt grants aad seems to work. carved up ptenac tables. spray-"It's working really well. We've "We have a lot ofareasthat used to peintcd walls and ripped up blth-noticed a major decrease in the have a lot ofp,-related graffiti, but rooms, Smith said. number of people hanging out and not anymore," rujillo said: "~ But in Costa Mesa. authorities loitering where graffiti used to be a get tired of redoing at all of the time. ' -blame the k";V gang problems they problem." , From Al . system arc about $2.4 million, Ban- nister said. Lifeguard services cost S 1.6 million and maintenance of Central Park costs S 1.8 mimon. Bannister said the trash collection fee, which costs residents about $3.5 million a year, could possibly be J avoided if visitors paid their share. "People from Fountain Valley, Westminster. Montebello and Pico Rivero arc getting a free ride on the shoulders of HuntinSton Beach tax- payers,'" Bannister said. Bannister said he bas _gained sup- pon from some of bis City Council colleagues for some of the proposed fees and expects to discuss them further. Councilman Don MacAlllister also said today that he's caJled for a review of non-resident user fees at a Saturday mominacounciJ retrcatat the ScacJiff with city work rather than linaerina .country Oub. on what caused the appaRnt dis- MacAllister said a review is es-crepancy. He said the hterature was pecially timely in view of city efforts put out by either the Huntington to raise money to add a children's Beach Taxpa)'.ers Commincc or the wina to the library. Southern California Caucus. He also said that despite repons to Meanwhile. Bannister said a the contrary, he's not necessarily survey last summer showed that 25 opposed to trash fees. But they should percent of the library users did not be reviewed, he said. live in the city. He believes that MacAllister and Councilman Jim outside use has increased 45' to SO Silva have been pressed at City percent since the start of school. he Council meetings to foUow through said. on statements in campaign literature The library receives about that they were opposed to trash fees. $ l 90,000 in grants that the city would But MacAllistcr claimed that er· lose if there's a charge for Jibrary use, roneous literature was put out and he said. If the arants amount to more circulated by a campai1n committee than proposed fees, he'd scrap his without his knowle<1&e. proposls he said. MacAllister said he prefers to ni_ove "I don't want residents to pay for ahead with "positives" and proceed fees," he said. He said the city contracts with Los have on ethnic-based groups, some Angeles-based Graffiti Removal to splinter factions of larger Santa Ana -------------clean up the city. Anaheim. West-and ~s Angeles gangs. . minster. Brea and other Orange Nine people -adults and JUVCn-Resldents evacuated County cities use the same firm. he iles -were arrested after an October said. melce at Costa Mesa's Mesa Verde In Huntington Beach. officials also Center at Adams Street and ttarbor have noted an increase in gang-Boulevard. That fir.ht started .at Costa activity although they blame the Mesa High Schoof and continued at destruction on white supremacist the shopping center. "skinhead" gangs. . No one was seriously a~jured. but Daryl Smith, the city's super-the fi~t.was P.U!\Ctuatcd with gunfire. intendent of parks. trees and land-authont1es said. FONTANA (AP) -A chemical ~ill forced about l,1500 residents to flee their homes ror three houn, authorities said. A 55-pllon drum of the insecticide mcrcapto spilled at PIE Truckina company late Saturday, ~~ .... JOB CENTER NEEDS EMPLOYERS ••• From Al daily smce the center opened. A locaJ vice raid at Lions Park that resulted in the next month, Jefcoat said. MAYOR DEDICATED TO COMMUNITY ••• roofing company even hired him on a nine arrests. "That's probably the Police notification of employers permanent basis after contact lowest number (ofarrcsts) we've ever was enough to get the workers paid. through the center. had," the officer said. "We're really . except in the case of three laborers On the days when the roofing cnoourqed." picked up in June at Lions Pari by From Al lifestyle. "I just think it's, frankly, pan of where we art today," Gentry said of the fact that his sexual preference is regularly identified along with his ~lilies in media accounts. "People find that intcmting and a little bit sensational, so 1 understand why that appears. But that's one part of my being. It's not my whole being_" PoliticaJly. Gentry's roots arc in Laguna, where he's lived since 1970 and a city he's determined to protect from encroaching change. whether its development on land or oil drilling at sea. But his concerns branch out to broader issues. such as air quality and traffic congc=sti'on. He 1s active an the Southern California Association of Governments, the League of Cali- fornia Cities and the Governors Advisory Board for Offshore Oil .Development. To halt further offshore oil lfnd gas development in local waters, Gentry has been involved in theeffon to have the sea between thr Orange County coast and Catalina Island declared a state oceanic park. On the subject of the environment, Gentry gets down- right indignant "There arc people who are leaving the county for en vironmental reasons," Gentry said. "I'm appaJled that we don't have a plan for the development of mass transit in Or- an~ County. Jn Corona del Mar, we ve found acid fog the strength of toilet bowl cJeaner. I mean. come on. and we can go to the moonr' While Gentry has been in sync ideol()Jica.Jly with the City Council majonty since he was elected in April 1982, during 1988 he found himself sidestepping some political land mines. In May, the Orange County Grand Jury was asked to investigate an Lotto jackpot now $13 million SACRAMENTO (AP) -State lottery officials predict the mid-week iotto Jackpot will grow to S 13 million bccaUJC nobody correctly sucsacd all si.x numbers in the wecken<I drawing. Three tickets bouaht in San Dieao. Sunnyvale and Citrus Hciahts hit five numbers _plus the bonui to win their ownen S$60,2 IS each. lottery of- ficials said. The winnina. numben picked Sat- urday ni&ht for the twice-weekly "Lono6'49"aame~: 14, IS 19 26, 42, 49 and the bonus number, 32. The prize pool had been $6.2 million. Another 195 players picked fi ve of the 1ix winnin1 numben and each wiU receive $4,400, while 12.024 pla)'ttS picked four numbers for an individual prize of$65. The SS prize for picking three numbers went to 238,376 ticket holden. Sales for Satutday's aame were s IS, 74), 766, with SS,352,880 aoina to 1Chool1 and $4,S 19,885 to player&, lottery officiaJs llid. company has no work, Arturo comes Laborers were initially afraid to paintint contractor Hugo Cicardini allegation that Gentry-one of three back to the center. He said he needs come to the center because of worries of Mission Vieio. Jefcoat said. council members taraeted in a recall money to send to his two children and that INS agents would apprehend Cicar:dini refused to JkY the three =r= in 1!~~~u~~~~~n~~ ~~~e }gr ~:~h~c ~n;,e~~i::s ~:f! ~~ ldoe:g~5 ~~kc~~~~~~.~~ ~fa~tia~~ri:t!~·~}:f~1~rd. ~~ Later in the year, Gentry was accused the United States. the first week., but police refemls and J4-year-0ld painter last month be- of attempting to interfere with people To help educate the new citizens word of mouth im~ved traffic by camcthefirstcontractoreverarrcsted ~na to gather signatures lo recall about their nghts and obligations. the second week, Fnedlina said. in Oranse County for theft of wqes. him. . Rogers provides improm~tu civics "With any new concept, it takes a Hisarraagnment as scheduled for Dec. Sut thtJe Gfiran1dedJurydinthvestipti~n lessons to the workers at t e center. while 10 increase a.nd individuars 23. apparen y az.z an e distnct The lessons about laws have also comfon level," she sa1 . anomey's office found insufficient raised the workcn' level of trust for Contrleton cheatina workers out Jefcoat said the number of com- evidencc to inv:sti te the signature-police. R~n said. of wqes also threatened to defeat the plaints about wases dropped to two h · Th l d · aJ fi ·1ed · f ..... , th• robl rbcd during the first week of December, pt enng. e nve so 11 . Cityo 1cials11y thecreauon o the center. v_~-t P cm was cu indicadogthchi• .. lypublicizedarrcst Gentry recharges his emotional center has sipifacantly decreased the by agrnsave police enforcement. .,. batteries when he meets each year number of workers in Lions Park and accordina_ to R91CR and Cost.a Mesa sent 1 messqe to other employers. with the 15 members of Openly Gay other areas where day laborers once Police Officer Denni1 Jefcoat, "We have served notice on contrac- and l.elbian Public Officials. congreptcd. The first month, 20 workers com-ton that if you're ~in& to steal wqes "We do a lot of self-supporting Roten cited as proof this week's plained to J)Olice that they had not from workers, we re aoina to throw because sometimes it can act preuy lmmaaration and Naturalization Ser· been peid, followed by 11 complaints you in jail," he said. lonely," Gentry said. Still, he said, ..-----------------------------------------pys re~nt a powerful force in the community .. "look wbat the ga_y _community is doing around the AIDS issue. We arc strona. We've put together a whole sociar system to help each other." While Gentry may have parted company with his family. on some issues, political passion is in his blood. His grandfather was a dclqate to the Republican convention in the • 30s and • 40s. "When I was born my parents didn't christen me, they took me to the Republican headquarters in Bos- ton " Gentry said. When he was a ~n..qer, Gentry's grandmother ~nted him with an autop.phed picture of Ronald Re- qan for Christmas. .. At tha\ time Ronald lleapn was a Democrat and I was a R~blican," Gentry said. "Thlt'• what 1 interest- ina about that. Talk about life's full circles." ......,..,.. .,..,. Ja.tcall 642-8088 ;;.";':~=:.., , .... )lew..., .... ....... ....., ... ......, .. ,.. . -,.....,. ,..,, ...,'r7all'_...,. 10 •• _.,...__, .. ......... ' (\ Mesa Playhouse will off er living Christmas cards C'hnsCmas caras will come 10 i~ 1fiT1 wcelcend when the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse presents its annual Yuletjde Pageant. • The program. directed by Lorena Lupo with musical .chrection by Damn Dagenhan, will feature playhouse members and singers recreatinJ tra- d1t1onal Christmas card scenes. Admission 1s free and seating as not reserved. Performances will be gi ven Friday at 7 and 8 p.m., Saturday al 3. 4 and 5 p.m. and Sunday at 2, 3 and 4 p.nuiuhc.Dla¥ho~66 LliamiltonSt., Costa Mesa. Call 65()..5-269 for additional informa11on. Holiday concert ln FV · ., concert, fc1m1ring ., oea 1nstrumentalmtmcstudmis-frorrrlos AmjJOS-Hi"1 School, will be presented Thursday at 7:30 p.m. 1n the campus theater. 16556 Newhope St.. Fountain Valley. Among 1he student groups performing will be the Los Amigos Concen Choir. Varsity Choir and Honor Choir as well as the Concen Band and Orchestra. Doors open at 7 p.m. and more information is available from the school's music depanment at 663-6141 : French club to meet Francoise Winicska. -a noted French photogra- pher. will present slides and commentary on the Isle of Sein. a tiny. windswept island off the coast of Brittany, at Friday's meeting of the Alliance Francaise de la Ri viera Californienne. The program· will begin at 8 p.m. at the Neighborhood Congregational Church. 340 St. Ann's Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission 1s free to membeo, with guests charged $4 and students. $2. Blood glucose screening A f rce blood glucose screening will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mission Hospital lnfoHealth Center in the Mission Viejo Ma\L No appointments are ne.ce~sary. Seniors set dinner, dance The Costa Mesa Senior Club will hold itsa'nnual Christmas dinner-dance Thurday at the Neigh- borhood Community Center. 1845 Pa'rk Ave .. Costa Mesa. The pany will begin at 5 p.m. with dinner served at 5:30. Dancing to the music of th e Harcy Chase Band will be offered after dinner until 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 and may be purchased at the center. Call 645-1032 for funher information. 'Nutcracker' at college Five performances ofTcha1kovskfs Christmas classic .. The Nutcracker" will be presented Friday through Sunday in the Phillips Hall auditonum on the campus of Rancho Santiago College. Bristol and 17th streets in Santa Ana. Evening performances on all three days will begin at 7:30 p.m. with matinee shows Saturday and Sunday at 2:30. Admission is $8 for adults and S6 for children, senior citizens and RSC students. Call 66 7-3096 for details. Pageant alds homeless The publ ic is invitged to attend a three-day Christmas pageant on the con ... ent grounds of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. 480 S. Batavia St .. from which proceeds will be donated to agencies working with the homeless. The event will be staged Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 2 to · 4 p.m. Admission 1s b) ta..,-ded\,lctible donation and rescrvauons. at 744-3175. are required. Women'• group plans crulse The Huntington Valley West Women's Com- mittee. a support grouP. of the Orange Count) Philharmonic Society. Wlll mee1 Thursda} to io as a group on, the Huntington Harbor Cruise of Lights. • A .. pany at the home of Max and Diane Johnson wall follow. Call 642-8232 for more information. Monday, Dec. 12 • 7:30 p.m. Newport Bucla City Cou cll, council chamber, 3300 Newpon Blvd. Tuesday, Dec. 13 No meetings scheduled Orange Coatt DAILY PILOTIM~ay, December 12, 1988 A9 Viet vets urge telease of POW-MIA ... ., ao•nT IAftUR ............... . Grizzled Vieuwn.. War veterans. w1lh scars on the1rbod1esandsadnenandanaer in their heans, have embuked on a mtflion to keepalivetbe memones of their buddies left behind in Asia. They swear 1hat some oftheircomrades -the POW-MtAs -are still ahve Jn communist prison camps. But this nation has shirked its obli· ptions, they say, turning its back on those still beina held captive. comokted and didn't want to think about the POWs any lonter. Now, he Mheves, a latte-scale release of pnsonen would be a major embarrau. ment to Washanaton -becau~ of their n1.&mMR and the years they've spent as pnsoners. Kakuk. like fellow officers in the Brothers of Vietnam orpnizauon. chafes at the reception he and his comrades received when they completed the fr tour of duty. "Most vets arc still in the closet." he said. "A lot of the time the people don't want to hear about us. "This aovernment stinks or we would set our au~s back," said one. ··w e can't 1--'!!-ALIUU'way from.our brQthers. We'veaot to finish the fiaht and get our auys home." The veterans have made a beachhead of sons in Huntinaton Beach that may not be much1 but it's a s~ to remind others -of "There was a lack of respect when we came homc..-J~ wu.-a mcdia---wai. re<>PM~ saw it every r11ahl on TV. They descnbcd us as murderers and baby kilters." .lpe Tomeo. 41 . an auto mechanic who served in the Marines in 1966-67, $aid he ~es fel'ftd te91cipowerhis n1i · · · City Council declared December-an order to~ job~fttt his di9Charle. the month of the POW and MIA and "lfyou lold lhcm you were a vet, they'd aareed to fly the black and white POW-turn you down. They would think you use MIA fl-a at the civic' plaza in Cit¥ Hall. druas .or were looney tunes." Bob Kaku~ 42, a landscaper in Hunt-Tomeo, a resident of Brea, said in his 12- inJton Beach, 1s chaplain oft he Brothers of. year-old son's history book. a grand total of Vietnam, an orpnization of about 75 two linesarc devoted to the Vietnam War members formed to helJ> veterans and to despite the loss of 58,000 American hves.' keep memories alive of the POWs and And yet, it is among the youth and high MIAs. school students. where the veterans say His job. at lhe club's bimonthly meet· they're making their biggest inroads. The ings in La fiabra. is to console grief-xoungsters are interested and thry are slnckcn colleagues, offer prayers at the listening. they say. Student leaders , at stan of the meetings and send flowers at Woodbridge H1&h School in Irvine are appropriate occaSions. looking favorably upon plans to fl> ;f Kakuk;who served in the 198th Ameri-POW-MlA flag on campus. cal Division in I 968-69r said there are256 "When the leads sec a Nam vet;· said POWs-MIAs from California and more Larry Hughes. 40, a decorated former than 2,300 from across the country. Green Beret and commander of Brothers . He. said there h~vc been confi~med of Vietnam organization. "I tell them to go s1~tings of Amencans and be!1eves IJ_p and thank him or to give him a hug. witht?ut a doubt that there arc survivors. That's our best therapx." even after 20 ye~rs. Hughes. a Purple Hean·recipient, be- He has a nouon thal when a grou'p of lieves the U.S. should act to get its men out POW~ was sen~ home at the en_d of the wa~ofthc pnson camps. He said trade bamers Amencans believed the conflict had been may be a stan. And if that-doesn't work, ................. a... .... Former Green Beret Larry Bqhee, commander of tbe BrotMn of Vietnam, and 11ut1aa Valentine, president of lta •n•Utary. watda POW-MIA Oac-raJatnc at Hantincton Beach City Hall plua. he·d "get a unn and kick the ... out of them POW flag atier requests by K.akuk and and get the POWs ouL ·• Manha Vaknl1oe. president of the JOCiJ The Hunting1on council agreed to fl) the au,cahary oft~e Veterans of foreign Wars, . '- - Dead language com~s aliVe in cl~ssroom By GREG KLERKX Of .... o.-r l'let ..... According to Michele Cella. even God speaks Latin. "Lux fiat. That means 'Let there be light'," Cella said. "That's what he said at the beginning. Doesn't anybody wonder about that? Why was God speaking Latin?" While it's tough 10 prove that Latin 1s the official language of the hereafter, it certainly reigns supreme in Celia's Latin classes at Corona del Mar High School. The school is one of a handful in Orange County to offer the language. Cella admits that ,You're not likely to hear a conversation in Lat-in at the local grocery store, but whatever you do. don't try to tell her that Latin is a dead language. .. lf you go through the English language and take oul all 1he Greco-f{oman-based words, you·d be l~ft with •the' and 'a'." Cella said. relaxing with a Spanan lunch. i11 her classroom. which is plastered with Roman and Greek an. posters of ancient ruins and even a signed ~hoto of that great modern Latin lover. Juho Iglesias. "If you teach any larfguaf.e '¥ithout culture. ifs a dead language.· she con- tinued. "l have no illusions that fi,e }Cars from now students will remember a gerund from a gerundive. But they will know more about tlleir cutture. T1fe1r past. Evcrphing- in our culture comes from Latin." Cella is passionate about the grand- daddy of modem Western languages. but she also has the rare ability to pass that ' passion onlo her students, who compnse one of the most active and awarded Laun clubs 1n California. Not only docs the Corona del Mar Laun Club publish the state's Latin Club newspaper, Nunuus Californiens1s, but It has won the state Latiri Oub competition four time$ in the past five years, including 1988. Cella 's five classes arc at or near capacity and club members arc acthe 1n local fund-raising drives. Although she is quick to deny 11. Cella 1s a big reason for the success of her club and classes. The daughter of a French mother and ltahan falher. Cella also speaks fluent Italian and taught for several summers 1n Italy. .. When Caesar gets near the Swiss- Michele Cella In her ct ... room French border. 1t gets clo~ to my hean. ·· she Jokes. Cella has taught at Corona del Mar for 12 years. In class, she as a fast-talking. ebullient taskmaster. ye1 one who is able to make her students laugh at their mistakes "You ·re aoing to have make at sound hke Engl ash.·· Cella tells a group of sccond-vear Latin'students. "Caesar didn't have \Ou in. mind when he said this. · "Bul don't speak like you're in the Quad (a favome betli\een-class gathenng spot):· she adds. ··we "'ant it to sound literate .. ' Celia's classes are a hybrid of grammar and semanll~. h1stol)'. m:ytholog,. hard work and fun . She spnnkles her teachings \\1th frequent compansons to modem events and recco1 histol). Cella compares Caesar's conquest of the Swiss to .. the Russians going in to help liberate Eastern Europe. Then the~ son of forgo! to go home." ' ( Despite the great!> C-<aggcrated but frequent reports of the death of Laun. Cella claims there has actually been a resurgence of interest m the language recentJ' ··t think people ha'e begun to reahze ~e·rc raising a generation of functional 1lhtera1es." Cella said ... The) ·re beginning to go back 10 ihe basics. and Laun as about L as basic a.s )OU can get." She also noted that educational tests ha'e proven that Laun students score much higher than their peers on standard- ized tests such as the SAT and ACT. £cl1a's.sw.dentua) the reasons forth6r de"ouon to Lat1n are both educauonal and personal. "lt really helps wnh grammar," said He1d1 Thomson. a first-) ear Laun student. ··And n·s a lot mort fun than other languagts.'' Patnck Yoon. a second-year student and "We'renl-1n6•6e1Jer- •do1J of faactloa-.i U - lltente.. They're be- 61nabV to go back to ·ilJe bll•lc•, and utln l• •boatulM•lca•yoa c•nget." Latin teacher Michele Cella editor of unuus CaJ1fom1ens1s, said he hopes to cam a degree 1n Laun. ..You learn so much about everything else lhrough Lahn," Yoon said. Dunng the hohda~ sea~n. Latin Club members are busy collecting cans of food for the Orange County Soup M1ss1on, Cella said. The group hopes to coUcct 12 tons of canned goods. Then the dub w11l beg1n prcpanng for the state Latm Club convention an March. which will be held in Onnda. The threc-<ia> event will inC'lude scholar !). art1suc and athletic compet1· uons. "something for C\CJ)On •· Cella said .. Ot e\ er\one IS a schqlar and }'OU ha\.'C to appe31 to ihe v.hole person:· Cella $.ljd. "I think C'Cf)One can get someth1n1out of Latin," ·11-year-old boy killed by stray bullet from gang· fight 2000 block of Michelson Orne be~ tween 6 p.m. Fnda> and a m. Saturday. • • • Someone broke in to a home 1n 1he 18000 block of Fitch O\ er the ~eek· end and stole._a telephone. ansli\enng machine. typcwnter and a stcrro. • • • .\nuque coins. perfume. iev.t'lr} Datsun parked'" at the Fama I\ Four Cinema, I 7t6 I Brookhurst t bn unda~ al I p m mashed the car' "'tndO'o\. • ..... ~woman "'•ngon the IOOOOblod. of later A Hnue reponcd he 1s being harassed b> her e tran.ged husband v. ho 1s in v1olat1on of a coun restraining order amH·d • • • .\ robber) in the 300 block of ChtT Om e v.as rcponed to pohce Saturda)' afternoon. A stereo and microwave 'alucd al S 1.000 -..~re missing.. • • • Pohcc ~tt called to the QOO bloc~ of outh Coast H1ghwa) on Saturda) at :ippro\lmately l 30 p.m whert su pects ~ere sp1tt1n1 on and "'erbllly a sault1ng ~ople The rec1p1ents of the 3buse de-c1ded not to prosecute LOS ANGELES (AP) -An 11 • year-old boy was fatally shot inside his home when a stray bullet believed firfl;t by aana members crashed lhrouah the house's front window. flew past a Christmas tree. and struck the boy in the back. authorities said today. The boy, who died Sunda).'. was amona four people. includina a prqnant woman. killed in weekend pn1 violence. Also late Sunday, I 6-year-0ld Henry Louis Williams of Los Anacles died after being shot in the neck while standi"I on a Compton sidewalk in an 1P1J9rent pna attack. said Lt. Gary Andmon. It was unknown whelher Wiiiiams was a aana member. Three assailants who drove by in a Jarac car were being sour.ht follov.ing the 7: JO p.m. shootma of the 11 -year- old bo)' near the intersection of I 18th Place and Compton A venue in the communltyofW11lowbrook. l2 males soulh of downtown. said sheriff's Otj)Uty Gabe Ramirez. The shootina ••ctefinitcly was gang rellled. bul wt do no1 feel that this house or this boy was the subject of the shootina... said shentrs S&t. Frank Salerno. 0.vad Polion was wnh his mother. and other family memMn inside their home on Alab.ma Avenue. about I 00 yards aiway from the shoot1ns location. when the bullet HantbaltOD a.c• 9000 bfock of Olytona Circle. • A resident '" the I SOOO block of . • • • . · Genoe Circle said her former Fwe new Ollyten bottles \\'ere bo friend tele'phoned. threaienana to ..foun~ near tht laundry room a1 the blJw U{' her residence at midni&ht. Hununafotn Wnt Ape"menu. 6-WI She satd both she and her CJt· Warner Ave. boyfriend were from New York. He • • • allfledly said ht hid mob connec-~ m~ m t~ 1000 btoct of uons and ponabty WM a.ik"I i.. CalifomlA Semuaid IOIMODC stoic a the East To bt tafr. * aftd her _ lee&Mr bliefcw Md a .... wadt a family c~acuated tht home she •id. val• ot SI 25. Siie llid ·* _. a • • • • l9ddcT propped tlJl '° '"' wtndow Mlt A thief stoic Chri1tmas bulbs an the door and WOMcmS if it was kf\ • .. came through the home's front win- dow. said Dcput}. Chris Wahla. and a \1dco casscttl' recorder v.ere stolen from a home 1n the 20 blocl of Mist) Meado~ sometime Ttiursday .. They heard a number of shots ring out. One of the shots hit him in the P'oantaln Valley back:· Wahla sa1d. adding the bullet A burglar tunneled into .\ & J was behe'ed to be a Slta} shol not Jewelers, at 18112 Brookhurst t. intended for the home. early Saturda)' morning. through an On Saturda). a 21-year-old Pre&· ad1acent telephone room and tole nant woman. Tammy Hams of ~If') \'llucd at $2.000 Complon. was shot 1n the hud and ~ customer• 1~ •\\amer Tra\cl abdomen "'hale talking w1th Service at 8.594 Warner <\\e. asl an boyfnend Terry Banner. 20. near his emplO)tt about plane f'C'S(f\at1ons home tn the gana•bli&htcd nei&h· and while the cmplO)cC "'as d1s- borhood of L) nwood. 10 mil~ south tractcd. he stole a blank plane tteket of downtown. said shcnfrs Set from the validation pnnter Fnda) at Thomes Campbell. Both tht" mother and her unborn 4 p.m. • • • child died. said Campbell. _ A s.aft. v.tne boule and a pcnm bank valued at S 191 ~ere taken from a rtS1dchcc on 1hc 17000 block of behind by the burglar. 1"tDe A female run Mr picked up her pace a btt on Sunday cvcnntt when she was ~lied bntfly b) a man who jumped oul of bas car and clPC*d h1mttlf 10 her. The incident oeturred on Tun\e Rock Dri"C 1t W1llowtaf and tht man eventutll) 11\'C VP the pul'IUtt. ' .. A SI S.000 dt?ktop pubh htnJ lfS· tem WI$ stoltn trom 1 buStntu 1n the Sat"a Va~ trttl on SaturJa) night. • • • Christmas ~rations \alllfd 11 S 100 were taken from the front }ard of a hoCM on the I 8000 block of Mt Norb)i Ccnlcr O\tr lhc Wttkend. • • • 19~ \/W Vanaeonpertcdon the 16000 block of Harbor Boulevard Y.'IS brotm into arid a ~ valued at SWO mno\"t'd'Oft Sunda' aftmtoon. • • • • ,\ ttuef fru\lrtted tn his "'in attempl to brtak a lock on 1 197S ' Coeta Meea -\ 32->ear-old tv.port Bca~h v.oman rcponed tha1 another v.oman grabtx-d her purse as she walked to her car at uth Coast Plaza. The "1ct1m re 1sted but ~1d the suspect a lied her a name. pulled her hair. and v.rcstled her to the ground before teahng the pu~ .\ ~scrb> rctm ed 1he pur.,c but lhe tha~f aot awa\ . . ' .\ osta Mc'8 "oman. meanv.t11le ret'Ofled her pu~ also "• stolen. lhis ume at Mesa Verde (enter The 39-}ear-0ld \\Oman says she v.as v.al\1n1 to•ard her car v.hen the crook grabbed her purse and pulled 1t l'Aa) ""1th cnou1h foe\:e to break the strap The tb~flumpcd into a v.amng car and sped off • • • .\ pu~ kll..t. t\:llf1l 10 cnmc when it 'II.IS snat('hrd from lhe passcnscr scat of a "an The unlOC'kt'd \chicle was par .. td I\ the Oral\IC Counll wap Mttt v.hen the punt l\oldin1J1S'S. *l.S taken. ~·--Thrtt or four Ju~~tlt1 wttt 9ttt\ IOOk•l)l 1nlo 1 rntdtnl"t JUSl 11\t'r mldn11ru Fnday iuaht 1n tM ara of SotaQ Way and "liilf\land loed. Usptttl -ctt &OM *~ pol~ .. • • • Pohcc put a halt to tran 1ents who "Cl"l' pla)'1ng music and sohcn1ng mone' in the area of Fomt A. venue and Pacific Coast H1ghwa)' on Fnda> af!cmoon Newport Beecla i\ v.ater balloon 1hrO"'n at a IQ 8 ford uper Out) Tow Truck d1'1 more 1han splatter the \eh1clc when 1t h11 ifs llfFt Fnday at l :35 a.m. The truck's wtndsh~ld was sha•1'f'ed. Estimated damaac 11 S2SO • • • Twice o'er the past week hnstma trttS have been taken from a nunery on E. Coast Hiahwa)'. Last Tu~) niaht or Wednetda)' morn- ' na a S9S otch Pine W8111olcn and • on Fnda)-n'lht or S.turdl\::"'• a flocked aoblc fur '*' for dchvtiy was SMtdted. The noble f\ar *a \atued at S7'. • • • A bu'IQlar llllllhed me wt...,_ o( a car ~ at 'V• Dd OrO Md Pefta-•··-----·DR,; 9or IO•toclkftMft.._a.-ia eoocb-M.-. 11 a ...._. cm ~ .......... ClllH• ..... =:n ............. ., .. .. • • . , Supreme CoUrt "boosts NCAA 's- :; discipline power WASHINGTON (AP~ -The Su- preme Coun, in a setback for collcac besketball coach Jerry Tarkanian, today bolstered the power of the NCAA to discipline its member schools. The 5-4 rulinJ also could help the National Collegiate Athletic Associa-tion l n-ifSeffort to police-drug use b~ athletes at state-run member schools. The coun said the NCAA, in disci lining T~k~nian, ~id not viol- Univ_ccsity of Nev~ Vegas coach because the aJhletic body acted as a pri:vate organization, not one operating with governmental authority. . Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the coun, sa id the university docs have governmental power because it is a state-run school. remaining members, which, as com- petitors ofUNLV, had an interest in the effective and evenhanded en- forcement of NCAA's recruitment standards," he~id. The ruhng's unpact on Tarkanian 's carcerat UNLV-ortheschool'sbig- time basketball pr~m -was rio inunCd1ateTy apparent-. -. Tarkanian, a highly . 'successfu coach who has been at UNLV since 1973, was.acc"!sed in 1976 of numer- NCAAoffic~lssa'id he-arran~ for a student to bet a "B" grade WJthout attending class, provided free.air fare to a student-athlete, encouraged indi- viduals t& gjve the NCAA false infonnation to impede its probe, falsel y ccnified UNLV's program as being in compliance >'1th NCAA rules and failed to comply with high WO RLD ,.,, I .,11111 so tet ... qlla k <?---- toliat 60,000 YEREVAN. u.s.s.R. (AP) -Of. facial estimates put the death toll from the Armenian eanhqua.ke at up to -60;-000-tOOay,..-nd hOpa waned that any more survivors would be found. A second relief plane crashed near the Armenian capital, killina seven people. -en~ po~cal tr.~ble broke out, with Armenaan acuv1sts rcport-i~ clashes with uoops over the arrest of several natioQlist leaden. Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, after tourin& the disaster area accused "provocateurs" of using the 'con~uences of last week's earthquake. to crtate instabllity and insisted, "They must be stopped." But Stevens said the CAA, in seeking to discipline Tarkanian, was acting mdeQCndently frqm UNLV. "The NCAA and UNLV acted ·much more like adversaries than like panners engaged in a dispassi9oate search for the truth" in investigating Tarkanian, Stevens said. · ethical standards. . . The NCAA placed the . UNL V basketball program on two years' probation in 1977 for ("recruiting violations and ordered the university to su1pend Tarkanian from coaching for two years. Reecae workera climb OYer the roof of the train to help the injured after three train• cru..hed d~ the heleht of tbU monilq'• rue~ hoar ln aoathweet London. 1 One Armenian activlst who avoided arrest, Raphael Popoyan, said by telephone today that three demonstrations were staaed Sunday in the Armenian capital of Yerevan. The NCAA "is more cornctly characterized as an agent of its But Tarkanian obtained a coun order blocking the suspension and continued coaching. Atleast42dead, lOOhurt . . . He said all were protesting the arrest oflcaders of'a committee that has spearheaded a drive to annex Nagomo-Karabakh, a predominantly Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan. In one de111onstratio9, troops and dem~ onstrators bepn figtlting. and several were wounded on both sides . Popoyan said. in British trains' collision. . Report: Nurses have too many extra duties WASHINGTON (AP)-The sol u- tion to the nursing shonage plaguing many U.S. hospitals lies not just in higher pay. but also in letting nu rses be nurses once again, a federal commission said today. A major problem, the commission reJ>On said, is that hosi;>itaJs have laid off 100,000 non-nursing employees over the past fi ve years at the same time that sicker pa tients are being hospitalized. Outpatient treatment 1s now more likely for the less senously ill. leaving hospitals wtth the most 1d1fficult cases. Nurses, meanwhile. find them- selves burdened with increasing amounts of non-nursing duties, the repon said. ' "The institutions themselves have to change the very way they allow nurs1qg to be practiced.' Carol)'ne K. Davis of Cleveland, head of the advisory commissi on. said at a news conference. While the report did not sa y a shonage of registered nurses has yet resulted in inadequate health care in the nation's hospital. its executive director cautio ned that situation could be just around the comer. "Unless this shonage is addressed, I ca.n anticipate there might be some impact on the quality or care," said Lillian K. Gibbons, the federal of- fi cial designated to coordinate the panel's work. "With increasing fre~uency. nurses provide services that should be carried out by other health care workers." said the 19-membec com- mission convened by the Depanment of Health and Human Services a year ago. ~ LONDON (AP) -'Three trains coll ided in south London at the height of this morning's rush hour, killing at least 42 {>COple and injuring more than I 00 an a vast tangle of crushed meta l, the London Ambulance Ser- vice said. A spokeswoman for the ambulance servi ce, requesting anonymity, said 42 bodies were accounted for and "we are expecting to find more bodies." She said l I 5 passengers were hospitalized, 30 with serious inj uries, and others were treated where they lay on the ground and in the wreckage. Other ambulance service spokesmen said so me people had to have limbs amputated to extricate them from the wreckage. The British Transpon Police, a law enforcement unit controlled by state- owned Bntish Rail, said 53 people died in the crash. But ambulance spokesmen and fire officials at the scene said they could not confirm the transpon police figure. Lou Gill, the Fire Brigade's chief di visional officer, said all survivors had been removed about fi ve hours Meteor showers to light Fireworks skies tonight, Tuesday. blast kills 70 By ne Associated Presa 'in Mex ico WASHINGTON -Shootmg stars will bnghten the skies tonight and 1 .Tuesday ni&ht, offering viewers plenty of chance to make a wish in areas with M.EXICO CITY (AP) --: ln- clear skies. The Geminid Meteor Shower is one of the year's most spectacular vesugat9rs cleared unexploded illegal examples of shooting stars, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory, with the fire~orks fr~m a marketplace where a best show coming in the hours after midnight on Tuesday and Wednesday c~am reaction of blasts and .flames mornings. Up to 50 meteors per hour wi ll be visible 1f skies arc clear. according killed at least 70 people as the an fer.no to the Smithsonian Institution. Meteors arc caused when tiny chunks of space ra~ through stalls crowded WJth debris, usually no larger than a gram of sand. enter the Earth's atmosphere and Chnstmas shoppers. . . . . burn up. Th.is shower 1scaused by bus of an extinct comet. Another 45 people were tnJur~d in " . • Sunday afternoon's mayhem an a :.~ Cllnlcs swampe· d as abortlon ban looms congested street market. said Sal vador Padillo, the Red Cross DETROIT -Doctors and nurses worked double shifts over the weekend ~. as hundreds of poor women had abonions before a new state ban on Medicaid funding for the procedure took effect today. It will be some time before the effect of the ban can be evaluated, but some clinic operators say the measure. approved by Michtpn voters in the Nov. 8.election. won't decrease the number of poor women havinJ abonions. "A lot of P.ro-lifers say this is going to bun us, but I don't think 1t will1" said Dave Williams, a spokesman for Women's Health Services of Detroit. "I've had women tell me they've sold crack (cocaine) to get the money .... If they know they want to terminate it, they'll get the money." ... Poll: Average CIJri•tmu glft tab is $~00 NEW YORK -Most Americans intend to spend at least $200 on Christmas gjfts this season, and one in four will spend at least $500, a Media General-Associated Press poll shows. Given those ellpenses, it's not surprising that a vast majority of Americans -85 percent -say they bel ieve Christ~as is too commqcialized. commander. Most were quickly re- leased from the hospital and none was reponed seriously injured. Red Cross spokesman Alfonso Manzo said early today that 70 bocUes had been found. At least 12 of the dead were children, officials said. The last seven bodies were dis~ covered shonly after l a.m. PST in·a storeroom where fireworks were stored . "It was a time bomb," said Eliza- beth Diaz, a member of a union of market vendors. "There's hundreds of peorle who come here to sell them (illcga fireworks), they have for years. Why didn't the authorities come?'' NEVER DO LA•DRY AGAINI·~ CD RATES Let Mllllde p lcll up your dirty laundrJ' and deliver tt clean and folded llcllety-spllt I (fllr 'o tlry rlrul,. .,.11 lrott/111 too J 8.28% ., • Deposits of $10,000 or more • 1 Year Term • Three Day Otter • Valid Mon. Dec. 12- Wed. Dec. 14, 1988 ~ Trans National Ballk .. \llJrl 714-760-3000 Simple Interest Penalty toe early withdrawal Member FDIC after ·the crash near busy Clapham Junction just before 8 a.m. But he said he feared that when the manaJed wreckage was finally' cleared "tflere may be f unher bodies underneath ... Rescue workers used metal cutters to pry open rail cars strewn like matchwood across the tracks. Scores of people suffered minor injuries and were treated on the scene. Trans~n Police spo~esman Jim Rowe sa1d at the scene that about 1,500 people were aboard the 20 passenger carriages involved. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher came out of a meeting in her Cabinet room and told reporters she was "grief-stricken." "h brings home to us very much that families have lost some of their de~rest people ... it i~ even more poignant JUSt coming up to Chnstmas." she said. She promised an inq uiry. Rowe said a crowded passenger train tra vel ing at 40 mph to SO mph slammed into the back ofa stationary commuter train about a quaner-mile south of Clapham Junction. An empty freight train traveling in the opposite direction then hit the wreck- age, be said. ''We were goin~ pretty fast. about 70 miles an hour,' said Greg Ford, 28, who was on the passenger train. "It went 'bang' and that was it. We were aJI over the place." Roy Daniel. 371 was in the bu(fet car when "the tram started stopping and we staned fall ing on top of each other. We came to a stop and the (buffet) counter was sort oflodged on top of us. That saved us." , Chris Reeves, 38, of Southampton, also was in the buffet car. He said he saw "furniture and enormous lumps of metal flyi ng everywhere." "The whole of the buffet car disintegrated," Ree ves said. "The roof split open hke a ripe tomato and that's howwegotout. We tried to find people underne.ath the rubble but there was so much debris, there was nothing we could ,do." Today's was the third serious rail accident in a month in Britain. Israelis kill two gue~llas in Lebanon security belt By Tbe Associated Pre11 JERUSALEM -Israeli soldiers killed two guerrillas before dawn today in Israel's self-proclaimed security zone in southern Lebanon, a military spokesman said. No Israeli troops were hurt in the .clash, the spokesman said. Troops opened fire after encountcrinJ the gµerrillas during a rout ine patrol in the central sector of the 6-to-lO-m1lc-wide security zone near the village Barachit, the army said. The guerrillas were heavily armed with submachine guns, hand grenades and rocket-propelled grenades, the army said. Israel army radio said they were probably planning to attack an Israeli target within the security belt. It was the third clash between soldiers and auerrillas in the last 2V? weeks. Two guerrillas were killed in two separate! firefights on Nov. 27 and No v. 30. Rebels apologlze for downlng U.S. plane RABAT. Morocco -Rebels say they shot down a U.S. locust-sprayina plane in the belief it was a Moroccan military transport and apologized for the attack, which killed the plane's five American crewmen. The Polisario rebel movement said Sunday 1t would retrieve the five bodies from the desen and return them to their families in the United States. It made no mention of compensation, and it wasn't known how long the recovery wouJd take. The DC-7 was shot down Thursday in one of the most desolate pans of the Sahara Desert. There is no regular human settlement for more than 50 miles in any direction, and nothinurowsin thewildemessofroclcandsand. A second OC-7 was also hit but man~ to make it to an airfield 400 miles away and made an emergency landing Wlth its five crew members safe. A statement issued by the Manust-led Polisario grour said the attack,'in the no man's land between Morocco's defensive wal and the Mauritanian border, was "neither premeditated nor intentional." It expressed "deep sorrow." ----~~ An editor at Annenpress, the Armenian news agency, confirmed there was violence at one demon- stration but said the incident did not appear serious. Tho.editor, who spoke on condition of anon)'mity, acknowl- edged soldiers fired several warning shots to break up the protest. He confirmed that police detained sev- eral leaders of the Nagomo-Karabakh Committee on Saturday. A dozen tanks were parked in Yerevan's central square Sunday ni&ht. Before dawn today, a Yugoslav military planecrashed while tryins to Land at Yerevan airpon with medical supplies-the second crash of a relief plane in as many days. On Sunday. a Soviet military transpon plane crashed as it approached the airpon at Lenin.akan, a ct~ hard hitlly WcdnC1- day's quake. Scventy-cigllt people died. All seven crew members aboard the AN· 12 carao plane died in todaf s crash, First Deputy Aviation Mims- ter Boris Banyukov said. Local reponcrs said the plane crashed at 4 a.m. because the pilot mistook a well-lit highway for a runway. Mcanwhile1 a spokesman for the Geneva-baseo Lca&ue of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said in Y crevan there was little hope more survivors would be found in the rubble piled hi&h in several Armenian cities, 1ncludina Leninakan, near the qua.kc's epicenter, and Spitak, which -was vinually wiped out. • The spokesman, Ocorac Reid, said only people ttappcd who manaacd to find W&ter and had an air supply would survive. Reid quoted rcpons that only I SO people survived in Spitak, where some 25;..090·pcoplc lived before the qua.kc. utner reports said only I 0 percent of the pocon remained. An Associated reponcr visit- ina Spitak found a nearly dcsened wasteland. She sajd only a few hundred residents remained. Bitter cold weather was forecast for Armenia ovemi&bt. wonenina con- ditions for the "300,000 people left homeless by the quake. The Soviet Meteorol<>11cal Cent.er said the temperature in Y crcvan would drop to 14 to 23 dqrces Fahrenheit. The center did not have weather infor- mation for the disaster area Itself, but temperatures there have aenerally been even lower. Hundreds of bonfires provided the only heat for some people who have lived on the streets since the quake. Three officers killed, another injured when squad cars crash LOS ANGELES (AP) -A police cruiser racin& the wrona way on a one-way street collided with another squad car today, killina three officers and seriously irijurina another, authorities said. The cars were on their way to join another patrol car in a chase of a suspected car thief when thtysmashcd up at 3: IS a.m. at an mtcnection near the Central Divis1Qn station, said Officer John Wona. ftncc at a Qonstruction site and into a 20-foot~p ditch, while the other smashed into a liaht pole. Two of the officers were _pronounced dead at the scene, said Officer Ed Harper. They were not identified. Another officer, Manny Gutierrez, 30, wu taken to County-USC Medical Center with muaive bead injuries. He died at 5:SO a.m.1 said hospital spokeswoman Adelaida De La Cerda. 714646-2609 One of the can was travelina castt the WTOr\I direction, on one-way Sth Street when it colhdcd with the ":~~::~~~~~~=~=====~~~~~~~=~ patrol car travelina nonh on Wall Street, said Woq. I t The collision sent one cruiter throuah a wooden Officer Vincent Drake, 28, was in ICrious but at.able condi.ti911, she said. He was beina examined for a possible back ~ury. Traffic waa expected to be dOled to the area until noon while investipton reconstructed the accident. FREE Pick Up and Delivery • I ATL4iT! CLEANING SERVICE Dependable • Tboroafb lteuonable Ratee General Cleaning or Custom Cleantng . ~ Now E~ndina To Serve Your Needs WSSKLY • 81-llOllTllLY -. llOJllBLT • 81'8CL\J,OCCdJON8 (7141848-3703 Landlady linked to earlier slaying SACRAMENTO (AP) -Police •Y the armt of a On Sl1urdly, =::•led l111111tl Carruco Florez, handyman birwd by Dorothea Montalvo Puenle to build 1 46, a SKramento ~ believe built the well- coftin-likc bo• linb the landlady to a alayi• that to0lt made, 6-f'oot..ao. pl~ boa fOr Puente and belped her ollCe two ~ before teVen bodies were buried in her truck at IO the river an 1111 1915 • boudinpou.e yard. Flora waa booted in Sac:nmento County jail on Police •Id Sunday &bat they believe a man wbole IUIPiQoe of bel.. • ••nae! to mwder. He was ~ wa clilcovered in 1 wooden boa aloal the "IHHll later die w., oa SJ;OOO bail. s.ciamento Rivet'• .. bull iD Suner County on New .. F1anl Im ..... idliUW 11 tM ~_.built Year't Dly 1916 bid been Olll of P\lente'a Wll. #be woodla boll ill wlaic:la I ¥lctial w pllad IDd then Sewabodill......Wl11unonlb tntbevardofher ~ to Suaer CouatY by a.e aacl Dorothee blue .Yictoria roami111 ......... d ldlllil tn ..... ~ .. ...,.... °"'" Mldllll O'klii iiid. ICCOldlll to eoroes'a iftk:iall; Nice "8e¥e tbey ._. n. -of oJ:I. W:dm w :c.•til bis mm• k1llld by,_ for...., lodll 11:2 it) c6e1111. =..W Ill~ Ill 1111 11 a 5S. ...... Sf, Ml .......... widl OM C0UM of wldll ........ I ••1&M ... lllil llelb. mardlr bl die c:w. IDd additiollil con• are ai*lld to liid mllr ~ IMt die vtc:dm w 1 woman be ftled ia Ju.-ry. _. iMomc1. . . .. i I Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Mondey, December 12, 1918 Al Hunting for gQ~<) amid Wall Street's scrap heap Analysts, traders are holiday shopping for issues at or near their lowest levels By CHET CURRIER .. ....._ ...... NEW YORK -The prime time is at hand for a special brand of holiday shopplna that has become a tradition of sorts on Wall Street. Stock analysts and traders are busily combina the markets for issues tradi11g at or near their lowest levels or th~ycar, The i'1ea is to buy these stocks while they ~re artific1aJly depressed by ycarend sell orders -from individual investors Jookina for tu writcoffs and from institutions clear- inl the &olel'$ out of their portfolios before they make rearend reports to clients. Once the pressure of this selling is removed with the arrival of the new year, the reasoning~ these stocks stand a good chance or rebound1na. even 1f the financial affairs of the compAnies involved don·t cbanac much. In his annual Stock Trader's Almanac. investment adviser Yale Hirsch describes the list of stocks tradina at. new 52-week lows around . tum1n1 this h11toncal trend into a 11)' to capstahze on them. wotbhlc trad1na SU&Jqy. Wbelba Ill AOL they pro~ to be Brokeraat comm1uions taltc their "barp1nl." many of the Im• of considerable toll. And 1r a trader depressed stocks bem& publilbed doesn't have enouah money to buy a these days contain a surpritina diversified pacU,C of the stoc:lts at numberofb11 names. new tows. which ones to pack? For example, 11 Oppenheimer It The December barpm huot docs Co • anal)'sts NonNn Wcineer and dovetail nt«ly with a phenomenon Michael Metz ran a computer saeen---· known as the "January effect" that of stocks wnh market values of at has been widely analyzed in academic least $50 m1lhon. pnced at no more studies and at least one book. than 10 percent above their 52-wcek This research has documented a lows, and carryma price-cam1nas tendency for sroclts1 especlally those mulltpl~ of no more than JO. of smaller companteS. to show un-The names that turned up included usual strcnglh tn the first few weeks of Dt11tal ut ment~ Xerox. Teus ns ruments, CR anascveial tech----· T e only trouble with the January nol~y issues that once rank~ as effect. analysts say. is ahe very leading glamour stocks. · ILlL has-received. OJK--;t>t~~nduttrial "COl'nlJDies'! :u--n.-...-A:rttt-:. ~==--=-or_,,_~ ___ ...;...,.._...m~a""r',.....eiµpa'"'~tems become well known, How about DuPont, .Goodyear al\d they o.tkn, QULCltly...cbanac_as Jrad.crs WC>etbaueser.for stan.cl'S.- t NEW YORK (APJ -Ttle lollow1t19 rosl shows •he Over • 1n. • Counrer srocks and warrants that have oone I.II> lhe mosl •nd dOwn 1~ mo11 o.~ on l>efC:ent of thange fQ.r Frldav. tfo $9COrill'es rrading below s2 or 1000 sharu art ncluded. Net ano percenlage changes art !he difference between the Pf'tviovs dosin9 price ano today's ~SI or bid orlu UPS NllrM usf 0.. 1 ~andml(Am i I 1 3 ~~lc~~r ~11'J I,, 4 omstockGro 2 ~ ~ l>elJhd • ? lit A Pa sage J,, \'I ~1rn¥11e 41• ~. a V1cwCrea1 s "-9 Pte Tel un 3:\9 , NEW YORI( !AP) -The fol10w1ng lisl shows the mNew Ydrk Stoelt Ex· cnange stocks 1nd warr1n1s 1nat n.ve pone UP the most and down the most • t>astd on oercenl of change rnardleu of· volume for P'H-ci•Y . N~un· lies rr acfong below S2 are incl·· Net tncs percenlage changes are fie dlf· terence between me Previous clOslng price and Frldav's 2 Pm. Pf'ice UPS Pct. Uo 1" Uo l Uo I .4 I I j ihmB•nls. 8 otlns!CR n UQU l,,7of ~ 'msvc 6 ~I~ 7 Houw~C ~nvlle wf 0<er~ r tonEng of Seawt Navstr wtA 4 e~~w1s~in 5 Pefmf.tn 6 StdBr.Pnt According to the American Medical A5.5ociation. the American ~iarion of Blood Banks and the ~ational lnstirutes of Health. the sa fest blood you can receiYe during urgel) is .. vourown. · By receiYing your Q\\ll blood durin~ urgen,: you can \irtuaJI~ eli mmate the possih11ity of contract- in~ a seriou~ infection from a tntnSfu ion. includi ng He~atiti and AID: . . ~ 2 • ff .• 'Ir= ~. ,,, 1~ ! ' ~':i'ip pf AmContl r_..CIS.v recent omeOnltvSL 6omelnte. nsv l raL09 •Ila arcntnc· • Xiffl• ~ ~h un ~ ~1roo1c . nos>hcs emilv ti\ Olvi sl h Hant enB rd '~ ... i! . ~U(lpf Sta Ur v nour u 4.40Pr nv~Oil ac 0 Home 111at' because vour O\\-ll blood i the on(l1 perfect match for your~~ Even if you're not anticipating ur- ge~r specialized technoloK) al lo\\:' u to 'tore your hlood for furure use. In fact. the Federal Food and Drug - Administration has recenth e\1ended the torage time for hloo<l to uw J~'ars.. For more information on tonng your blood, ask your ph~ ician. or call u.c; toda). ' Newport Alltology Cater . ~ PlW 11 ~ (;fll~ l4CI ~,aao ~ ~ii' m. ~ ~ e11 (714) 546-o631 -=-~- • 'l 6 6 t 4 :I .. ..... • NYSE COMPOS IT E TRANSACTIONS ... . MONDA Y'I CL081NG PRICll • WHAT AMEX DID WH AT NYSE D1 0 Due to tranamlsslon prdblem• In Due to tranamlak>n problems In New York, today's listing wtll not New York, today's llstlng will not appear In the Deity Piiot. appear In the Detty Piiot. AMEX LEADER S GoL o QuoT ES ME T~Ls Quon s NYSE LfADERS Due to treMmlalk>n problems In New York, today's llCltng will not ai>pear If! the Deity Pilot. NASDAQ SUM MAR Y NEW YORK (AP) -·the -counter 1tc>ck1 1 La r~ lnl~r ~ vanF -~ -.,. -1-16 -'• , 1 ~.; 10 million Americans · +'· lostjobs in 1983-88 ~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Nearly Employment and Trainina Adminis- • IO million Ameri<:ans lost their jobs tnuon. The latest repon was released due to plant closinp or layoff$ fiom over the weekend. 1983 to 1988 delpite the loneett While the 19"4 and l 986 aurveys peacetime economic ex pension in the showed SO percent of the displaced nation's history, the aovemment workers comi• put offactories, only repe>ns. 40 ~t of the tenured workers ()( 9. 7 million disMced workm JOii-. ~r jobl in 1913-88 had been durina the period" 4.7 million were emplOyed in manukturina. so-called "tenured worken who had In COiUunetion tbe diltribution o( held &heir~ for three yean or more. tbe la~bulbifted tomeWhat from_ the Bureau of Labor Statistics •YI ic, bfue<ollar occupations such u ma-the latest of ill biennial repons on chine opera&on, laboren and re- worker displacemenL peinnen durina the receaion periods That wu a sliabt dechne &om to wbife:<:Ollar ma-91 ment and tales eartier BLS studies of ov~ppins occ:u~bOM tom I 3 to 1911. five-~ periods -1979-14 and "T1lil wu tM lealMnc.Mneall era, 1981 ~ -wb~ bolb "8d lhown when "°"9puiet went after middle· that j , I million tenured wortcn lost ~ma~ and Olber wbieo.collar their ~ durina the repealve . =lllidMitMI. "lutalo1ofit. periodl. But wll ol tlMlle ~ . in retail ..... it alto mo included the 1evere ,.. •••• or ....... , ,... '° .._ ~ 198142. ~ .... , ...... ,.,., ... bllW.;piaid Al a mull. 90vemmeat wl ~ ,.... ... no lall dMlir ~" vair economists~ the new~ :Onldaial ... ._..'t._ilthe show a peniltina ditpl8cemeftt Prob-~•otworbnwho._liven lem. -... ol ld...a nocicl tiibe Larry MilW. u economill for tbt =dleir Jollt, la .U tine.,......,... EcJOnomic PolicJ lastitule. I libeilJ lia ol ._., 10 larM'ed ••m ~.-. c.-.._.. ...-..~•..t•weto dlc:Une •.ta' • ••-lllidllt ....,.. • .,_.. Hid& IC.!IJtll'I~~-._ .. ..,two of..,_ 10 ill die The•BU ..... a 1111 ..._._.tlidtllllMll,_.MCla d..,..._ .... ,. ii ... .. ... --.... o1~ ... ,., •••.. J'lqllell oldie L.-D JI,_.., 11 1mh, • - ENTERTAINMENT DAILY PILOT/Mond8Y. Oecembef 12. 1tel A7 -Ruliy serve& a real tasty TV.dinner 8~ MARY MacVEAN ........ ..._ ..... NEW YORK -A holiday dinner as sassy and su,nptuou~ as the one Miss Ruby serves up is a feast indeed. The table is set Tuesday on PBS for "Miss Ruby's Southern Holiday Din· ner," and even Yankees will feel right at home with New York restaurateur Ruth Adams .Bronz, aka "Miss Ruby," and her guests; humorist Roy -BlounLlr. enteaai.ncr Pearl Bailey Annie Potts of"Design ins. Women," and food writer Cra1g Claiborne. Together they cook. eat and talk about some of the hallmarks of a Southern Christmas feast Smithfield ham, which ''looks funny, tastes real good," says Bronzi red-eye gravy; red snapper stuffed with crab:. turkey and cornbread stuffing; scalloped oysters and derby pie. It's a delightful hour, fo r cooks and for eaters. --- Bronz, whose restaurant features a changing menu of regional AIT\erican f<>Qd was. ··raised in Texas by a Louisiana grandmother" and so qualifies as a Southern coo~ But she acknowlcd~ at 1he s1an that some telephone interview, explainana 1hat will d1saf!;ectwi1h her version of the her grandmother's aenera11on would dishes: · Every Southerner believes make Iona t~ps across the prairie "fo~ his South is the only true one." house panics that would last s1it Her guests come from Virginia weeks over t~e holidays. And I think (Bailey). Georgia (Blount), Kentucky that was in my mind in some way ... .I (Potts). and Mississi ppi (Claiborne), had a real vision of these people being and have a range of experience in the in my kitchen." " kuchen. Blount, for instance, mostly The rtsult 1s comfortable and puts thinpill'"4nd takerthings"out of welcoming, what K'lnter cans a the oven, tastes t!.e food , and com-"comedy-cooki ng-talk" show. • ·men ts on it: "Thjs is the prettiest Bronz said she worried a httle 1hat ham. I've seen little children· .that the food would beove~helmcd by all weren t asprCfty. --the colnmot1on, but-when scn ous- Over cocktails, Potts and Bronz work is under wu in the kuchen. the_ lauah about fruftc.akes and-Yankees. directions arc clear and concise and ancf Claiborne and' Blount discu~s easy to follow. Viewers also can send A well-balane ed folk-singing disc childhood Christmases, including for recipes. Claiborne's memories of breakfasts "I really thank good food 1s riveung. of quail and ham with red-eye gravy I don't think people will wander from and grits. that," Bronz said. "And "'e realh set When Claiborne makes his com-it up so that when we weren't making · bread stuffing. he notes that it's "not .. food. we were talking about 1t. essential to cook these innard~ until Southerners just love to talk about they're quite well-done" because food, and if they·re not talking about ~hey'll cook in the turkey. But Blount food. they're talkinf aboul family . By DAVID BARTON ~ ............... 11C11rtala1," Tiie Balaaclng Act, l.R.S. Records Which is to say jO ·ve got lo hea this wanders into the k1tchery, ta.kes a And sometam.es they re talking about ber v · · u ~ r handful of stuffing and bates 1010 a food and family." to ie e il. raw giblet, which Claiborne calls · There arc dishes for cooks of all ''Rank." The Smiths, Sire Records ''chicken gizzard sashimi:· abilities. Potts makes her derby pie in The image of the now-defunct Al one point. Bronz coerces Blount less than 5 minutes, and many people Smiths as a fey pop band is quickl y and Potts to pick crab for the snapper will sympathize when she zaps the dispelled a mere minute into this live stuffing. As they work on a big pile of butter too long in a microwave oven album, recorded on the group's last blue crabs. they giggle and reminisce, and dedl)rcs, "It's spiuing at me." tour. The band plays with an urgency and Blount, who steals a few bites and Potts even admits she docsn 't make and power that didn't come through gets caught with crabmectt on the end her own crust for her pie of pecans. Yearning for those good old days of folk-singing groups with lu~ious harmonies and warm. emotional. lyrical essays on love and life? You may get more than you bargained for with the second album by the Bal- ancing Act. This quanct ma y play acoustic guitars and engage in some terrific harmony singing, but tra· ditional folkies they ain't. so complete I)' on their five fine studio of his nose, lets on 1hat he's borrowed chocolate chips. ejgs and sugar. Brushing Up albums. Guitari st-composer Johnny Claiborne's apron. After film ing, the food was donated Raa~ llyen (left) ud lllcbael &tern braab ap tllelr Marr·s remarkably versatile work is "When I used to try to cook things, to a shelter for homeless ~ople. Sbak In ah -nopp•-• from .. K.189 lie shown to be as fiery as it is intricate. people used to say, 'You couldn't The show 1s intended as the first of .~~G .~ ~ Tia ._ ~-•••-.ta Peb a· and singer-lyricist Morrissey tosses wear Craig Clajbornc's apron.' But I .a series on Amencan regJonal cook-Kate 'at.,.... ran_,. er •ter. P ,,._ .... ___ • • ofThis introspective lyrics with a flair showed them."' h~ sa}s. ing. including future similar hohda) Call 772-r710 for ticket lnformatloa. and wtt tha1 leave the listener feeling When Bronz was working with specials. ..---=-I T -..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Riiiiiiiiiiiiiia- closer to him than ever. The rhythm producer Roben Kanter and director Bronz said s~e 1s on a "m1ss1on" to section proves why Smead O'Connor Michael Wolkowatz to plan "Miss promote Amencan food . announcing snatched it up after the Smiths fell Ruby's Southern Holiday Dinner." it at the stan: "It's Miss.Rub) ·s JOb to apan. "R~nk" provides a fitting was decided to try 10 fit the. cclebn~} sec ~h~~ great Amencan food goes epitaph to a tine rock ·n· roll band, guests an with the cooking. saad pubhc. fecapping Its strengths while ex pand-Bronz. Wish her well. for then v.e all C3ll ing on them. That's authentic. Bronz said in a see more of Miss Ruby. They'll write about love. but It may be coufhed in a metaphor of in ter- national trade imbalances (in "Be· tween Two Oceans") or a fable of missed opportunities (in "She Doesn't Work Here Anymore"). They're environmentalists, but un- sclf-righteous: "If you·re anything like me/You breathe hypocrisies and ,.,..-"..,.,-A,__S~IDE=-=--s"""p~1-, ... l',.....I"""•"""i""'l=-NG~--=IV\l,,,.....,,"'='-=ronv=-=,....SMASH.=-=--,...-,:=-..,..-----r----------------l lie/People hate the 'enerator/But • \.AJlU:lllJ.l u 'NM£FGM:;f1~ a•a love to light up the sky.. • A nA ~ml\IU1Yl"1UA ~l"rro END." American Heart Association v On ··curtains" you get sharp play-~ .1 .11\Jl, .1 ffl\l, .1 ing, inventive-yet-catchy songs, grea t itt<Tt"'"" rHin ~ ''J14,.\LM 11 lyrics, til)e harmonics. an~ the best cover version oft he ycat-. a de-funked take on George Clinton's "Can You 'Get to That" that should be pla)·ed daily on rock radio. M I R L R y '''TWINS' DELIVERS!'' 11111 The musicians, who range from Sun Ra to Suzanne Veg.a to Yma ~umac to Los. Lobos" prove Sl.!r:J>ris- in&Jy a~propnatc -1ma&!ne. if 1,0U c an.Tom Waits doing "Heigh Ho 'or Ringo Starr doing "When You Wi sh Upon a Star" or the Replacements doing "Cruella de Ville" from "IOI Dalmations,'' and you'll get the idea. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. ... , ..... C-.ktl tm -M.11 .. CISTI •SA-541·115' ~~ AUTO FACTS It used to be that only race cars featured spoilers. As more racina tech· nolo&Y 1s incorporated into the des1&n of ;>assenter cars. however. spoilers are showina up with much more frequency These a1r<uttin1 dev1Ces do more than ldd to a car's cood looks They actually improve its aerodynamic etfic1ency by reduc1na the vet11clt · s coetf 1c1enc y of dr11. That 1s to say that the front spoiler mom oncom1ne 11r around the vehicle smoothly to prevent under·car turbu· lence. The rtar $l)01ltr 1mprov~ the efficitncy and locatlOll of suction and turbultnee 1n an effort to stabehze the nde. The result is improved fuel etf1C1en· cy by an averaee of two percent, and a superior nde. This makes spoilers VfOrth lookant into as an option 1f the~ ,are not alltady provided. Spollefs art usually only seen on ICIOfblr iaodlts. As luel tfflctflCy bt- CCMMS Mt import~. wt may btt1n to • ~ °" ewery car An out of t1tn1 .... Clft spoil your ps "*'•· At C&f, we do expert tune-ups and all kinds ot .,.... work. We' rt at 2090 P\lcenba. Open 1-t fof ,our convtnttnee, and wt KCept INfOI' credit cards. Ttl MM910 Wt .,. AAA IPC)fOvtd '°' ... Y'Oll Clft cllM on! , ,.,, "" ...... " .......... , ...... ,.,,.,,--. ~ I""' tUlf"'... . .... ..... _ •co.t• ...... . _.. " '4"ff"W -·-·-...... •CIOef6 .. 6 -~ . ....-. .. • I ll~ Utul--ZUll1•HH n11 NMtO ~ PD Tiff flW Of llOtlCI SQUAD l,._IJl 11149 2:49 •.u e·u •·so 10 u llOUY ~ MUllAY ICIOOllD ,,_.1 >I 11!1t >.et ,,,, 1 JO 10.10 llOUY PmOIWMT 11-T S OIMI & COMNllY 101 I NO bJI •• I-It 7'JJ • 10 IOUTmllO CMU\ Pl.A, II) 1J:JO >414,JI .,. l •U 1•U :, "'' 1'f l ~. • t ~ \I -- '°"' ""'° ---Wllai TIMA-1'1 12:4J lilt .... , •·• ..... ,~ ........ •t.Me---191 ,,,.., ....... 1 ........ ~ ..... --~ __ ,_ ----..... . _..... .. ... lWm""' --· ...... .-..... CllCICmll-· .. .............. ---UAIMlll--·-..... ---· mv1 cwm~ MllKllf COCOON! Tiil ltMM lt'Cll 11 JJ HO J lJ 7 JJ 1•10 lllfHl STllW~ ~ ACIY IN M DAii ,,.IJl I 00 JU J JO I U 1•40 D«lf tnttO'WMT llllNO S OlMl a COMN#T 101 11·• 1 , ..... ' '° 1 •• '° C1IU1 Pl.A y ~I IU6UOHS lf'IUYe 111 ,,, .... 11 .. f11lQW">0 Clllll-·--• 111 lt•l•S mllll-417' ~--"..-~-111 "'""'"*Ill Q9111Pl.At ..... '" .................. ., ......... ,.....,, ··-~·JI TEQUILA SUNRISE (A) ""'"° .... ,..,."" EANESTSAYU CHRISTMAS (PG) .............. IPCI ·O•IYI lllS OfU · •1u1u :11 ftr•os•• ..-ou 11 P-ll llJIUU •Off DOUY -Af'llO'fMCIM ., mPMOnR 15 ... M'9I ~I I U J 4S S:IS 7-49 t•U DOUYl19IO lllllOIUO•UlllC-.U ..... TICMA-Cll 1-00 J •• ,.. ,,. 11• DOUY l19IO wc.u--.- 1'll Ulll l90ll -... n•t..••••·••·111.,. MlllllNfTS , .. 1 .. INSHJ l.U MS1 SA~Mtn!W !NI 1-41"49 ,..., l!P ... ~ ·--::""'•• ...... ~ .... _..,,., ··-~· .. I!..,• Tl""' .. 'II!! 11*"0*"-""::t •1tl tclR'9 mill . .., ....... .... ,... ... --· ...--............ UOf .a&a-~·· -..... ' !PG.Cit a»:w.s I I ·'"~I I ~ \I \ \ • ·.' ~.... .,~ .. -· ..... Ir •• ••I. 111110 GREAT NEWS ~ROM ... .. • • ..... ..... ., ... _ ~~-A~g· NOW PLAYING -•""' c:oelaC$A i..--~1"' I LTOOIO I• £-I:" t'.!111 -~­___ .. __ ' 112ZM UI -STA#TOIJ -·J-_,,,..er. "' lf'IC .,,..,.. UOUIUI eRAC:M WUl-Tlll ~.sw-r:.. ~-­_._.A) --·--.... :. --Utt-e • -T-Vt.4UY -wurwr• ,.. ......... -~ QI ' ~1!1\1 "UUlJITOOI SA#Ta -• •¥c: -·· --ti: ,..~ ..... , . -·~· .. ·~·· WIN : 1naro# ....., ........ Jt _ .. .. f c.~ ·=· ' ~Of 1"'10'~=--i Os •nd~ ... Aa Orenge Coast DAILY PILOT/ Monday. December 12, 1988 Dm!r,...C..11•• ••nl The balmy. 80-dcgrec weather hardly feLt like Christmas. but it was the perfect tempera ture for an in- timate patio gathering for the Pacific Symphony Association. Some SO members of the associa- tion's board of directors and Maestro Society. as well as interested sup- porters, pthercd at the Harbor View home of C.ri1ta and Gerry to., to celebrate the season as well as learn a little more a.bout the symphony's ttvtt1t .. ht-l.61\ls are toltl=ttrn~ supporters of classical music (sfic ~s a ballet dancer, and he's a symphony conductor). Guests pthercd on the Longs' patio to enJOY champagne, mimosas and bloody marys, along with a tasty holiday brunch featuring fresh fruits and pastries, and freshly made mush· room and sea food omelettes. The exclusive assembly also served as a forum to introduce DeMralt Beyd, the Pacific Symphony Associa- tion's new director of development. Boyd hadn't actually been on the job. as yet, not starting officially until the next week. Board members involved in the hiring process were visibly pleased with her selection, chainnan Mlcbel Glluo adding. "We obvious- ly feel we made the best choice." Followin~ brunch. guests retired to the Longs spacious living area. According to Christa Long, the house was originall y the sales office for the surrounding tract of homes. but was so appealing to buyers that Donald Brel_l's co~pany put i~ Of'! the market. "'It 1s a httle weird (1n 1ts construc- tion)." said Long, "but for something lik.e this. it's perfect." With the backdrop of a cozy fireplace. twinkle lights and ample windows allowing in the winter sun. three members of the symphony - Jim Kuter (clarinet). Steve Erdocly (cello) and Sandra Matltew1 (piano). ail with an.extensive list of credentials -performed for the gathering. .. The first piece we're going to play is called 'Tuning.' " joked Kanter. Kanter had to leave before the perf ormancc ended -having a date with "Swan Lake" at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. "We have a splendid group of musicians," said Gerry Long in the introductions. "We should get them -Gerry and Chrlata Loni with Vlr&lnla and Paul Bender. I Deborah Boyd cha ta with Cornella Maaer, Stewart Woodard and Da.•e Auerbach. out In the community ... Board president Stewart Woodard thanked those in attendance saying. "It is very. very special to see how 1he symphony is growing in the com- munity .... our (the board's) commit- ment 1s to make the orchestra the fi nest regional orchestra in the United States .... we want Orange Countr, to fed that this 1s its own orchestra. · . Those in attendance. feeling a little close1 10 the orchestra they support through time and donations. in- cluded board and Maestro Society members JollD and Juet Fot1um, Cornelia Mazer, Earle and Dealae McNeU, Marcy and MHrlce Mulville, Paal and Banara CampMll Ramsey, Ted and JuJce Smt~. and Preston Stedman, with guests Barbara and Dave Auerbacll, Rlclt- ard and Evelyn Frunt, and Vlr· glnla and Paul Bender. T v l 1 · i I ~~ ' ERMA BoMBECK The best of the worst yule dogs Greetings. Christmas revelers. Once again it's time to salute the _winners of the Christmas Newsletter Barf-Off CompetitiQn. Judging from the bu mper crop of entries sent in 1988. most of you know the ru les. These newsletters must be cranked out by the thousands. sent to people who barely know yo u. and report on events that ha ve nothing whatsoever to do with the spirit of Christmas. Th~y cannot be personalized in any way. Each year. I think bad taste cannot be topped. Each year. I am wrong. It's hard to believe these arc the runncrs- up: Marcy Mal.Ule wlth-Pau_.nd Barbara Campbell Jt&Juey. Gayle Wldyolar and llamice alYille. •An entry that rambled on for a page. endin~ in. "We're eager to hear your news.' was sent to a couple who were not only deceased, but the sende~ had attended th~ir fun erals. (You citn't get decent help to address labels anymore.) . An earful on hard of hearing •A two-pager describing intricate details of a couple's memorable 16.283-kilometer tri p through Europe. CAUTION: Do not read white driving a car. as drowsiness DEAR .&.NN LANDERS: Ma} I put an my two cents' wonh concern- ing the woman from La Porte. Ind .. and her hard-of-hearing mother-in· law? My mother was hard ofhearingand I remember how impatient l was. She would say. "Please stop m~mbling" and I would blow up. My dad used to holler at her from the next room and she couldn't hear a word. Naturally it v.as annoying and then there would be a fight. Mom has been dead I 0 years and I have inherited her heanng problem. (Mine started at the same age hers did, SO). How I wish she was around so I could apologize for my sharp tongue and lack of understanding. Not being able to hear is plain hell and no one can understand 1t completely unul 1t hawcns to them. -MASON CITY. 10 A. DEAR MASON: Tbaaks for telling it like It 11. So did tboasa11d1 of otlen. FROM ST. LOU IS.: Look. dumb- bell, stop telli ng people 10 get a heannga1d. I have thr~e in my dr~wer and not one of them 1s worth a hoot. When I took the last one in to be fixed A11 l.uDEIS could not believe the improvement. ensues. Please tell your readers about this. •And the lonacst entry, five com· DEAR CARACAS: I'd be ~ppy to. I puter pages on 9-by· l 5-inch paper, on al10 woald like to teU tltem aometllla1 how the author felt about life. He was else. Don't try to f111lt "' yHr ean at for 1t. home. Wax buildup 11 tricky to But enough teasing. The third- remove. TltJ1 procedare 11toald be place wi nner is a woman who acts doae by a ,.y1iclaa. right to it -the accomplishmen1s of H UN T f NG TON BE AC H . her four kids. No "happy holidays" or CALJF.: I have SJ.000 wonh of small talk. She lists each of their I was told Jhat my hearing problem hearing aids in my drawer, a·nd l still names and, underneath, their ~ cannot be helped with an aid. What I can't watch TV. Wa nt to know wh y? complishmcnts. Of particular war1t to know 1s why they sold me Because the "mood" music played interest, under her eldnt dauahter: three w11h the pr"6m1se that they durin&the dra matic pan of the fil m is has dated 10 outstandina boys; has would "open a whole new world" to amplificdbythea1danditdrownsout five boyfriends now. one who calls me. I guess I shouldn't be mad at the dialogue. Closed captions are a her two or three times a day and lets them. They are in business to sell godsend to people like me. We need to her drive his Men:edn any time she heanng aids, and 1f they can catch a make closed captions mandatory. wants and is a Methodist. (She sucker three times, good for them. Demand them, folks! Please! included a COP)' of a yearbook P8JC HUTCHINSON, KAN.: Wily are BANGOR,MAINE:Caauy .. etell with her dauatiter's boyfriends car- people so bloomla' lporaat? I've had me wily llearlac aW. are•• cevered cled.) at leaat a dozen weil-meaala1 friends by Medicare? TM same pea fer Second place socs to a dot who nips say to me "tarn your bearln1 aid.up." eyesJa11e1. TM1 11 "',....'· Willa on a rum cake while he is writing the Wlaat tltey don't reallte 11 tbat tile aid all tile rtllPlal elf IMt ,... .. la newsletter and in lhe last paragraph mapmea ALL 1ouad1, and In aol1y Wasllla1&0a, w~1 cu't we cet ltcJt· Sl¥S• "We really hope that you will 1ettlag1 wltea yoa tura U1e aid ap all lmate ltelp, fer 1teavea'1 ... e? enJOY a proshperous and shuper New yoa 1es 11 loader back1round noise. FORT WORTH, TEXAS: Please Yearandallthatshtuffl"and"P.S. l'd Wltea a bartender II poarln& a 1la11 of tell rour readers that the bcit "hearin& really like .. to apologish for what socla, It 1oud1 Uke Nla1ara Falla. aid' 1s a \houJhtful person who wifl Pransher and Danshcr did to xo ur CARACAS. VENEZUELA: I was look directly at )'Ou. s~k slowly, rooflast year." There's nothin1 hke a all set to spend $900 on a hearing aid pronounce each word distinctly and drunken dot to aet you into a festive ln•ex•pen•tlve• when a fnend asked. "When did you sto1_> at the end of a sentence for a mood. :~•n P·~.~~;:~vi:~~ ~;t last get your ears flushed?" I told ber I shght pause. Ahhou&h my hearing is This year's first-place winner ciassilted Illy..., had never heard of it. She made an less than SO percent l can hear every wasn't even a close call. f or sheer ac1ver1is.ng ,... appoi ntment for me with the doctor word my dear wife says beausc she is holiday $entiment, no one topped the Classified Advertising and J went the very next week. Ann, I a considerate. ki nd, thoughtful per· details of the binh of a son. who. ~2•5678 was amazed! Suddenl y my hearin, son. God docs indeed aive with one according to this newilctter, came -------------~-~-s_be_u_e_r_th_a_n_i_th_a_d_~ __ n_1n~~-a_n_. __ h_a_nd_a_nd_~_k_e_w_i_~_t_h_e_o_th_e_~ ___ "~C~t~ ~h Dwa~and Aepm11.ci lr9"1 tne DURHAM SUN DEVELOPER OF GAS SAVER AWARDED $22,000 BOSTON -With the oil glut worse than convffl~r. Unfonunaldy, this con"ener ever and OPEC ringing its hands. the pr~siakes pla c ou1s1de of the engine. Federal Couns have a\4ardcd a ftt of where the energy produced 1s lo~t. Sn. 747 to National FudsaverCorpora1lon With the GMa"cr d1,pcn II'\& pla11num of Boston. dt"elopcrs of 1he Platinum mto the combu!>t1on chambers. ll"o Gasa,tt. more of each gallon burn' 1mide 1he The Gasa"er. which 11kt\ only 10 min-enaine ~ 1ha1 22re rcwcr aallon~ arc Ule< 10 install. re~ mteroscoplcquan· required to dri"e the ~ame distan~c. tities of J)l.1unum into the a.Jr·fU(I mL'<lurc The proct\~ \\.Orh on both ~dcd and entering 1 he engine, unleaded aasolinc, and m~' the em1~\10n Plarinum has the UOIQUC ability or ~1andards of all tates. makma unburnt fuel burn. With pltll· In co11clud1ng Ille ao"crnmcnt' (j"c num in the flame tone. you increue the year administrali\le procedure ~rudyana perctnrqe or fuel burmna 1n the cnaine 1he Gasa\ler, the federal ourt \tatcd· from 68"\ 10 90"•· "National Fudsa"er orp. 11nd \UJOU\ Normally. 1ha1 nr• of tilt f~I would lndepcndcn1 pan1t' hiil"e u~ a \laricty Ol'll)' bum 1f 1t came in contact .. 1th lht oC mcthodologiG 10 1C$t t~ "aluc of plaunum coated surf acn of a catalytic GMl\.er. The!it 1ndeptnden1 p.anio oft~ r- ma~e \tronaer claim~ for 1hc Gt\a\tr 1han duo 11~ developer, a11onal fucl- \3\.tr Corp." The go\ cmmen1 h3dalrC*i)' wn firmed in 1984 lh.al the Ga!ia"er raiso lhe oc1ane of 1!11\0hnc. chminalinJ 1hc nttd for premium fuel Joel Roban\On, tht developer, com- mented: "Wc'w .&ttad> told aver 100,<XKI Gasa"Cfl· Ironically, we tind rnort people buy lhe GQ~\ICT for its third btntfit or c leani111 our c1rbon to "tmd tnaint life I ban buy 11 for atJ fuel U\linis or °'-UM boostin•" f.or fur1her information call 1·80().LESS-OAS (1-800-'17·7•27) or 617-792.-IJOO. ..... camera at hand. He was pos1erior(the baby. not Dwayne) and stuck on my cyatic (sic) nerve giving me incredible hick labor. Lamazt never prepercd us for that. Dwayne found the binhina quite an e•pericnw." When •he couple wen• on vacation. thty shared, "I pumDed fort-a weeks in ldvant'C and fnne my milk. Dwayne broutlt• home •hit ml.ct btatt pump and announml thlt I Wit now 1 member of tM Dairy AllOCiltion. The pump weilhed ~ pounds. I fdt Hke mootne. .. OM ~n who wucntical of my 11and on newslcttm ldmonilhed, ""Couldn't ,ou hive 1 'bake-off' for the best welMtonc ncwslettefT' No. Snd i9 your larf-Ofr en1ria for neat ,..,.., competition. llemem~ if )'Olt NIJly Wlllt IO know how roar lite it .... rad your OWft Ctiri1tmas newslc1ter. T11M \o Cert "94tt .,...,; Gr.II '9rlo1111ancn NUttyt¥'s CindMlll --i--- Hotln flml I'• le Mt IOJ Clvllt•• f'lll H.1 tloll>tOCll. Ewa Mane Prlltt 1111 lord Complete t•vtalon ff1tlng1 In lundaf'• TV Piiot Taetday, December U By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): Individual who recently boasted of accomplishment could now come to you "hat in hand." You prove without doubt 1ha1 you have allies. that you are popular a nd can win under pressure. Pisces involved. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'll learn more about "high finance." Scenario spotlights .trust fu nds. '.tax and lease requirements. loans and (>Cr~ntage~ .. Yo~ might be handling money belonging to another person. Capncorn 1s in picture. GEMINI (May 21-J une 20): Relationship is tesred, you'll learn where you stand, legal procedures will be reviewed. Focus on public relations, reputauon. marital status. Long-distance call relates to possible journey. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A "new kind" of employment could be featured. Business mixes with pleasure, speculation and romance likely to be involved. What had been lost will be recovered. there is reason to celebrate. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):Trust hunch. learn by teaching, realize unorthodoll associate does have your best interests at heart. Female family member deserves fair hearing. Se nse of direc1ion will be restored. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Older individual says. "Let us pla y it safe." Pay heed. second or third offer will be beller, you'll learn by experienct and be happy you listened. Check insurance policies, personnel references. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): It will be necessary to revise. review. possibly to rebuild or relocate. Relative could be instrumental in introducing you to "nght people." Financial picture bri&hter than origjnally anticipated. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.1 1): Examine motives, be analytical, rea lize that what appears lost is soon to be recovered. Member of opposite SCJt says, "Give me chance to prove myself'!" Gemini, Virgo. Saaittarius people play roles. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21): Focus on versatility, relatives. visits. acquisition or sale of an object. luxury item. Taurus native declares. "You helped me understand the abstract." Surprise visit will lend spice. CAPIUCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):l>eclarc your intentions, reafize others look to you as example. Define terms. be open-minded without bcin11ulliblc. Guard possessions, don't underestimate worth of colltc:tion. Piscn plays role . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cycle high1 ~ou'll fathom what had been a ··mystery,." Puzzle.pieces fall into place, you'll know exactly where you stand and you II be more confident as result. Capricorn plays dynamic role. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Scenario features fublishina. travel. legal procedures, physical attraction. Visor returns, you'I feel more alive, long- distance communication stimulates. Aries, Libra people arc in picture. IF DECEMBER JS IS YOUR BIRmDAY you were separated from one or both ~rents at relatively early age. you learned while youn1 that your de1tiny would be in your own hands. You always are willina to tear down for ultimate purpose of rcbuildin• on more suitable structure. Taurus. Leo, Scorpio people play important roles an yo ur life. Scenario recently bi&hlilhtcd chanae in your lifestyle, domestic adjustment that could have included movin1 or mamqe. January and October will be memorable for you in 1989. By CJIAIU.l'.S GOllEN ... OMAR SHARIF • Q.l-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •32 CV Al"3 OA'5 •AQl3 The biddin1 has proceeded: Nortlil Eat Sotltlll Wat l. ·-' What do you respond? A.-While you have the strcnctb and distribution for a jump to two no trump, your prime values sugest that a suit CQnt~ miaht be better. Stan a probe bjj bidding two clubs. Q.l-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: • Jl \) Al"3 <> A'5 • AQIJ The biddina hu proceeded: Nortll F.all Sotltla Wtll •• ·-1• ... 1• ... ,, What do you bid now? A.-Witb only a slnale diamoad stopper and one tenace, don't com- mit the hand to no tnamp yet. Just bid three beart1 and tee what part· aerdoa. Q.J-Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •n ~Al"3 OAM •Aoa The bidcffna hu proceeded: N_. ,_ ._.. Wtll 1• ... l• ... 2• ... 3 <;> ... l t ,_ f What do you bid now? A.-The ume hu ~ to COIDlfti' the t.Jtd lO pine-bu& not tfine DO lrUlp. P1nw•1 bicldlna .... abowii 1900d IP-cud or..,......,.. ... , IDd.,,.,...., 80 ........... . ... ,. ............. -cmd ..,.. ftt , bid four ..... . .. ,. Q.'-Neithcr vulnerable. as,. South you bold: •n CV'5oC OKQl"53 .... 1be biddina has proceeded: Nortll r..t S..1' Wiit l • DM T What action do you take? A.-Jn the modern style, a jump shift response after a takeout double is preemptive, and thiJ would be a perfect Jump to three diamonds. II that weapon isn't ln your anena1 . . bid two diamonds. Since a 1troa1 band would either redouble or jump, that mutt show a reuonable suit and tittle ehe. Q.5-Aa South, vulnerable, you bold: •7'1 <;> AKl 0 tM • AQll Partner opens the bktdiDa with one heart. Whit do JOU respuacl? A.-Wltb only tbtee-c:ard •pport, don't jump rM s-tner'• euil if there It any a.tt.udve ·~•·Py wttb such. belenced bud. allPOGd t.-o chabl, tbm ~ ,.. t.ns next. Q.6-lotb vulnerable, u Soutb '°" hold: •019 Q""' 0 &1112 • acp Panw opms dae 'ot•t I wtlJt .-. ' no tnunp. WMt do ,_ 1wpcad? A.-Wlda 16 "at ..S ~ J'O'I caDQPICI to ...... 11..,..11 at tbe top of .. ~·-.!• call illue ID IDYllldam bJ ........ foar no tnuDp. 1'1111'1 ..... >wad tollkfor~ ...... ... a.rt. Pom C..u r t 1 . Y• .. ....., .............. . ......, ...... ,, ...... Q1191r. Californians dese.rve more .pr.imary~clout Monday, December 12, 1918 School board didagoodjob To the Editor: h's tough to run a business Wlthin a balanced budget, and every respon- sible leader must face the competing -pnomie's' formoncr. Assembly Minoricy-1..cader. ROSS-Johnson-i mak:in11--,1------- · another run at giving Califomia•.s voters more political clout. The Fullerton Republican has introduced a bill to m ove California's presidential primary election from June to the Local school boards and super- intendents often encounter pressures from special-interest aroups that force dec1s1ons which mi&ht provide a hort-teFm sohrnon..whiT. prodU<lin third week o f February. .This . is ~ot johnson's first a~tempt to change the pres1dent1al pnmary date, but his chances are better this year because Gov. George Deukmejian has said he might be persuaded to suppart such a bill this year. The governor has opposed past attempts to change the election dates. . ~ritics qf moving the state's presidential primary argue that It would add tt\e cost of an extra statewide election to the state budget and lengthen general election ·campaigns by several rtl<?nths. Those a rguments cannot be brushed aside, but we believe the benefits of an earlier presidential primary outweigh \he extra ~ost. · California has-about 10 percent of-1he nation's J>OP':llauo.n but s~te voters ha':e virtually no say in.which presadcnual candidates are nommated because our presiden- tial primary trails more than 36 primaries and caucuses held in other states. This year, California's voters could do little more than rubber Staf!1P the norriin~tionsof President-elect George Bush or Gov. Michael Dukak1s because most of the candidates had already dropped out of the race before June. Much has been written about Orange Countf s role in national Politics. Local Republicans proudly point to the 'margin county voters gave Bush because it was equal to the margin he received statewide. They say this fact is not wasted on the power elite in Washington, D.C. · We can't help but wonder how our ~litical status would changt if California had an earlier prestdential primary, and we had a greater role in presidential politics than helping deliver the state's 47 electoral votes in the general election. California's voters deserve more choice than rubber stamping candidates who survive the primaries and caucuses in the Midwest, South and East. • If Johnson's bill is approved, the next California p_residential primary would be held before March's "Super Tuesday" when 16 states select presidential candidates. We would vott during the same mo nth as Iowa, New Hampshire and South Dakota when the slate of presidential ho pefuls is still full. The political, social a nd economic dominance of the East and Midwest are slowly shifting to the Sunbelt and West Coast, and Califomia.,should assume more of a leadership role. California has a reputation as a trend-setter in many area~. We. think ·~~t reputation should include helping select pres1denttal nominees. ' AIDS tests The insurance industry wants•to conduct AIDS tests on people a pplying for life, health and disability income insurance. Massachusetts wanted to ban the tests for all but a few categories of insurance policies. The (Massachusetts Supreme Court) afreed with the insurance industry ·that Gov. Michael Dukakis insurance commissioner exceeded h is authority on issuing the ban .... Where does a ban on insurance or a sudden cancellati<tn of a policy leave the AIDS patient? He or she suffers in poverty, and the 1axpayers take over the bills .... Knowing where to draw the li ne is tough. A complete ban on testing doesn't seem justified. After all, insurance companies already have the right. a nd need. to raise premiums on P.COple with high blood pressure, diabetes and certain other ailments, and to refuse coverage of persons wilh major heart problems. for example. Massachusetts appeared to be o n the right track ... to permit testini only for high-value life policies and for non- canceUable disability coverage. For the res} of the insurance coverage, insurance firms should be required to be Al Os-blind in accepting customers and to treat someone who contracts AIDS while covered by a policy the same as they treat someone who has a ~eart attack or gets emphysema. Statesma11-Jo•nud_, Salem, Ore. Keep the pennies U.S. Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz .. wants to take the pennies out of our pockets - and o ur loafers, piggr.banks and junk drawers. too. Ko lbe has introduced. a bill requiring the Treasury Department to take pennies out of circulation .... Merchants wouldn't mind seeing the shiny brown pieces become a symbol of no~talgia. Some .already place saucers of pennies near cash registers to avoid delays caused when customers dig in pockets and purses for correct change. Our pro blem is that Kolbe's bill would round off purchases to the nearest nickel. If you offered a penny for our • thou&hts we wo uld receive nothing. . Disricyland still has old-time Moviola machines that cost one cent 10 operate. After paying a couple thousand pennies for admission a vacationer deserves a break. And "Nickels from Heaven" would not be a song that would stir our fancy. So let's keep our pennies. Those who don't like them can invite us to keep the change. ORANGE COAST llllf Pilll .....,a.dlNn Pubhsher ,_ Jiii [dltOI .. ,....., ~ .... { .. ,.a.iii. NtW5 [difot ........ City E.- .... C.---(Mlf ....... ,. ..... (...,, c.-... ... w... ...... .,..,,.. lllttclOI ...... lltlll~ ..... ........ Aat ..... SlllS ..... ....... QmMI ........... ....... """* ,. ... ~ .... _..._ ............ long-term probte . - ft IS \\.Orth noting lhe COU1"3&COU$ leadership of tht Huntington Beach Ctt) School District Board of Trustees and its superintendent./' while under extreme pressure from the 1eachers' union. The trustees made the tough decision to o~rate the school d1stnct w11h1n its state- allocated income. Mott' ated by 1he findings of an 1nde~ndent audit, which stated that continued detictt spending would hurt the fiscal v1abihJv of the district. the baoro. 1hrougn its su{>Cr- intenden1. Dr. Diana Peters. '"''1ted the communit) and employees t~ help set pnonues to balance the budget. ·Is thatKen Maddjr~merging from Deukmejian 's shadoYJV? l salute the board oflrustccsofthe t4unt1ngton Beach City School Dis- tnct and us su~nntendent for their fiscal respons1b1hty. the lop quality of their ins1ructional programs for stu- dents, compellti"c salancs and the high le.,,el of involvement of com- munity and employees. Their courage and stamina to ma~e d1fficult dec1s1ons. despite pressures. arc com- mendable. The d1stnct's position was validated by a state factfinder ~rvmg apito watchers ~peculate on chance Maddy will take run at governor's seat SACRAMENTO -Publicty and ~vately, Ken Maddy says he hopes George Deukmejian will seek a third term assovemor in 1990. But n's far from ccnaiR that Deukmejian will opt for a third-term attempt. The word 'among Re- publican insiders is that it's a ton-up, Deukmejian weighing a personal disinterest agains1 pleas from Re- publican leaders that he run again to protect party interests in reapportion- ment. If DcukmeJ1an 's decision 1s negattve -It may well be made by the end of the year -1he spotligh1 of attention will tum on Maddy, the state Senate's GOP leader. For nearl y two decades. Maddy has loomed as California's budding Re- publican superstar. Handsome. articulate, personable. intelligent, moderate. effective. wealthy -he' has all of the ~rsonal and poli11cal attributes to make it big. The big question about Maddy. one he hasn ·1 resolved for h1msel( is whether he has the .. fire in the bell>." the desire to seek higher office that would over- come the personal sacnficcs that it requires. In Maddy's case .. his leg1sla11ve duties leave him ume to travel. play golf and tennis and indulge his •::onsuming passion for horseracing tha1 dates from his da}'s as a teen-age horse handler. As governor. Madd) would ha"e, to give up much of that life. and he conf~ to more than a few qualms. "It's the lifcst}'k thing.·· says one Republican acquaintance. "He·s not happy about that. .. Earlier in his pohttcal career. there was no question about Maddy's ambitions. As a young Fresno at· tomey. he "as elected to the As- sembl) an 1970 and almos1 1mmed1- a1ely was singled out in the media as a ming star. He won re-elcctton casil) and in 1978 made· an impressively dashing, if losing. run for the gov- ernorship. Maddy, who had to give up his Assembly seat for tha1 campai&n. was out of polittcs for onl) a few months. He won a sp.ec1al elecuon fora vacant state Senate seat in 1979 and returned to the Ca pitol. Bui his return to polt11cs also wiped out his first mamage. La1er, he married Norma Foster. the widowed heiress to the Foster Farms chicken empire v.ho 1s. acquain1ances say. highly suppon1 ve of Maddy's politi- cal career. The Maddys have become the Capitol's glamour couple .... Maddy plung'td into the Senate's internal polrtics almos11mmed1atel}. lost one pov.er struggle and then recoul>(d tn 1987 b)' -&ccommg 1he Senate·s GOP leader. He toyed with ruorung for heutcnant..go\"emor in 1986 but opted for re-elec11on in- stead. One of Maddy·s problems is that he doesn"t have a "free ride." 8) happenstance. his four-~ear Senate terms run concurrent w11h those ol statewide officials. including the go"· ernor. and an} move up the ladder means thal he must gi ve up h1sScna1e scat. The amb1t1ous side of Madd) ·s somev.hat d1\ 1ded pol(11cal per- sonalit) was evident.an 1987. first 1n his successful bid for the Senate leadership pos1t1on and then m his effort 10 become 1he state treasurer after Jesse Unruh died. Madd} was one of several tate legislators who applied 10 Deu- kmejian for the appointmenl. Given DAN WALTERS the dearth of sta1ev.1de Republican officeholders. the new Republican treasurer would be automaucall) elevated into the ranks of potenual gover;oors or senators -especLally somebne wuh Madd} ·s attracuve qoaht1es. But it was a double d1sappo1nt- men1. Not only did the nomination go LO someone else. Con~man mo Lungren, but the penQd comc1dcd with the flap in Washin&ton o-.er admmed maruuana use by Douglas Ginsburg. a Supreme Court nommcc. and rcsum!Cted interest 1n Madd) ·s own experiments with pot which he h<Rt. "1ch admirable candor. ad- mitted dunng his 1978 campaign. Dt'ukmej1an quesuoned Maddy about the manJuana smoking and 11 had a shon run in the newspa~rs. Maddy, fnends sa)'. felt that he was treated shabb1b both b) the media and b) the governor's office. And after Lungrcn·s nom1na11on was rc- JCCted 1n the Senate. Maddy qu1ckl} and pubhcl> took himself out of cons1dera11on. . .\t 54. Madd) is facing 1he pol111cal crossroads.. Does he continue 10 I" e the ltfesl)'le-<>f-the•nch-and-famous. while ma1nt.ain1ng his poht1cal career asa kind ofhobb'" or does he take 1he plunge into a deeper comm11mcn1 tha1 could lead 10 1he governorship. a U.S. Senate seat and ine' uabl). into pres1dent1al-le' el pol111cs" George DeukmeJian ma) force Madd~ into ansv.enng that que uon \CB soon an Wa/lus Is • syrJdicalH col11mo/sL as a neutral third party. I hope the people. not onl y m . Hunungton Beach. but throughout the state support boards of trustees and supcnntendents who. like school officials in Hunungton Beach, per- form their duties so conscientiously on ~f of the children. emplo)ees. taxpaye rs. and c1t1zens of the state. To the Editor: PETER G. MEHAS Educa11on assistant to the_govemor • • • .\ full 'ote of confidence should be given to Diana Peters and the Huntington Beach Ci ty School Dis- tnct School Board. The school board mus be fiscaHy rcspor1s1ble. They have the respons1- b1ht) of administenng the funds they ha'e at their disposal in the best manner possible. .\n 1mpart1al factfinder rev1c~ed the facts as ;>~ntcd b) the ~hool board and the teachers assoc1auon rccenlh and stated that the board ti.id mad.e ihe bes1 offer possible. The board. teachers and supenntendent all ~ant the besl possible for their s1udents and emplo)ees of the dis- tnct Peter~ has been" 1th 1h1sdis1nct for five )ears. Dunng this 11me the d1stnct ha sho"'n gT0141h and has won a number of awards and rccog- niuon. · These mdude OW)cr Middle hool. one of 10 foundation schools 1n 1he state: wers and Dwyer, Golden Bell .\w.irds. kl«ted to be a part ofC:ahfom1a Compact (a Joining of education and · business) for a cooperall'e \enture with McDonnell Douglas and the d1stnct. and l1A-O of the eight schools in the distrct arc d1s1mgu1shed schools The district was also selected 10 be on t~ "Today ho"·· 10 \he earlv fall because of 1ts e'ccllence · Soo:iJ.erOrlater, results of denial:aiustbefaced Peters 1s constantl) stm mg for e\ccllencc. As a Huntington Beach propert) owner I am proud of the a'Aardsand fine record being made by her the school board and the 1eachers and pupils BOBBITT WILLIAMS Huntington Beach Safety of United States rests with -- sane and rational leaders in Moscow If a fact is unwelcome enoueh. we put I\ aside to think about later. rgnore 11 or forge t 11. This process 1s known as denial. h sometimes causes people to ignore cancer symptoms unt ii it's too late. There arc facts 1ha1 r, c denied for some time. bu! I keep bemg con- fronted with them and can't deny them any longer. If you were a foreigner. had an atQm bOmb. and wan1ed to use 1t to vaporize an Amcncan Cll). "ould it>U try to build an ICBM to get u here'! No, you would simpl) ship 1t 1n a crate. You would rent a shop 1n }Our target city, set up your bomb. start the umer and go for a p1cn1c in the count!). When 1he cit) went up 1n smoke. the United States wouldn't c"en knov. who to be mad at. The Russians \I.Ou Id sa) thC) knew nolhlllg about 11. The PLO would claim the> did 1t and would threaten to do it again if alt tcrronst pnsoners ~ere not rtleascd. •nd v.e would be helpfcss. ' In other words. the SDI or "star wars" wt'aPon system cannot c:kfend us from nuclear 111.ck. rcprd~ of how well It kills ICBMs. We att wldc- QPtn \'Ulntrable all the ume. The Ruuaans could have SO atom bombs buried under shops in SO Amencan c1ttet npt now. TM continued c'tl.1stence of our c1tia dcl)C'nds on sant and rauonal •n 1n charac of dtt1s1on m1k1"1 1n MOICow. Thoec thoueh'9 are unwclromc . Tlaey tnaR l1W rftl eUttmC'I)' ID· lft'Uft, 8ftd I-won& o( It 11 lMl thett lleltOR. After Wortd War II ~ Wtte a«urt , · We had arom bombs and no one else did. so v.e could pul.,,enze an~one who gave us trouble. For some 1ncomprehrns1blc reason. \H' did 001 use th:n absolute powerto ms11tute a s)stem of uni\ cr- sal mspec11ons 10 make ure that no one else ever de' eloped an atom bomb. Having let e"el)one ~no" 11 could be done. we sat and t" 1ddkd our thumbs while the Russians de- veloped their own atom bomb . Now we both have hundreds of bombs mounted on h~ndreds of m1ss1lcs. mostly aimed at each other If a war starts. our primal) concern is not to c:kstto\ thcar ctt1c . 111s to keep them from destroyinJ our cl\1e our missiles arc 31~d at lhc1r missiles. and theirs at ours. ' But no one dare-Lan an~ 1h1ng. \>«au~ even 1f wt launched all \')Ur m1ss1lcs ~can't be su~ "'c'd dcstro\- all of theirs and ''•« 'crsa This 1 particularly true of the m1ss1k on submannes. EH~n a small frn uon of m1mles sur' 1v1n& 'AOuld be enough to devastate thc agressor·s c1t1c So. no one dares be the aJ&l"t' sor. Our 'ast nuclear arsenal 1 of no use C'<etl>' to canctl t~n~. We t'3n 't use" for an)th10a. We can't shoot 11 at any1h1nt. We can't even thrca1cn 10 uw 1t. bccaux tht Other side ~ould know our threats wcrt hollow Whtn push COft)C$ 10 hO\C all t~ nucklr weapon don't act us · tn),,.hcti. AC1ual power 1n the ~•I world <kocncb on World War II wtaPODI hke raptd·fitt nt\a.; IAnks and ant1-tank weapons Tht Mhon that e\ttls 1n thotr areas 1s thc Mteon 1hat wtll ~u1I •htn ra• ~ makn thc ckculon. TM Ru\S•IM att ackno~lcdatd to AWN BEEK ha\e the best and the mo t tanls.. Their burp guns att the common denominator of '1olence. used b" terronsts evel)1-.here. Thai lea' e us wuh onl)' 1he anti-tank weapons. and we have put a lot of -.ork into lascr- gu1ded and opucall. -guided a nu-tank mtsSAles. These depend on hght for their guidance. so they are useless 1n fog or smo._e l nfo rtunatcl) .. the Russians on- duct their 1ank e~emscs 1n a hea\ > smo._c scrttn. u 1ng infra-red to find their \1.3\ around. This lca"es us an the pos1t1on "here \l.t can e\pcct to ome out second best 1fthere11s e'er a m1htan confronta11on I f~I"' et') inst1:urc I hope someone out there can corr«t \he facts or reasoning I ha\e g1Hn abo"e. to find a happier ans"er. l "ant to deny ""hat I ha' e said. but I can ·1 sec an) v.a) to do It. Can 'ou., .411H 8ttt Is a Ne,WJM11 Sud ~ .. TO DAY IN HISTORY Toda' 1s Monda). Oct -'12. the 34 th da~ of I Q8 . There are 19 days leti m the 'ear Toda'· highlight in h1stol) In I"' 7. Penns~ l"an1a became th~ second s1a1e to n111fy the LI .. C'on- 111uuon On th1 dale In I "'Q~. in 1enna. 22-year-old Lud" 1g 'an Sttthoven rtte1"cd his first le son 1n music compos111on from Franz Joseph Ha}dn In I O. Joseph H Raine) of South Carohna ~ame the first black wom into the l , Hou~ of Repres.cnta- t1' l" In IQOI. the first radio signal to cro s the .\tlantic was picked up near l John' ev.foundland. by inven- tor Guglielmo Marconi (The signal "a transmlltt'd from a po1n1 some 2.000 mil~ av.a) ) l;l 1925. the first motel. call~ the Motel Inn. opened in San Lu•s Obi~. In 1985. ~4 '\mencan soldlt'nand eight ~w members ~rt killed when an <\rro\I( .\1r charter crashed after ta~c·off fmm tht 11rport 1n Gander. cv.foundland 8y Bf Al#<",.IH hftl Readers' commeats welcome The D11ly Pilot welcoma your openiom Oft matten of pubhc 1ntttnt Lttters and~n an.cles of commcn\afy mQU be silned. They should bet orcleart__y writ&en and tent IO LETTEllS to &ht lDITOR, I}' Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. c ... ~CA 92626. If you lftfer to dldale a leucr. ~~::QB our wm . LllTINING 1elcplaoee ..... ._ -MJ-6016. • • AlO Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Monday, December 12, 1988 by. Bii Keane COUNTER CULTURE by Maratta & Maratta STi°LL ·uNl>EfEATE]! \HE BooSTER (A.BLE B~oTHf~S TA& l fAM W~fSH1NG CHAMPS "There may be grumbling, but this -.., · year I'm concentrating on low-tech toys." MARMADUKE by Brad· Anderson 'DENNIS :I'HE MENACE ~ .... """"" '-·-- "The Winslows asked us to keep him until they hid his Christmas presents." ... PEANUTS ~ ~ND ANOTHER TM1N6 .. UJE RIDE T~I? SCMOOL 6U5 EVER'< DA'< Rl614T? 'I .. ----------------- GARFIELD PO YOO TMINK T'LL MA!o<f. A GOOP IMPRE55tON? by Hank Ketcham I~ by Charles M ~ Schulz µow COME 'we NEVER ~Ave A TAILGATE PARi't'? by Jim Davis TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom K. Ryan '{~!NO~ L.lt<e5 A Gf..a)M'{ 6tl$! ~~~SUN~ WHIU: '(f. fWJ.'(! PoR we PA~~l4 WAY !'tJ'f onia:.!-I MEAN 1..1Ke-~SiA'I we I,..~ OF: 00'($, AN&:' MAKE: ~I~ A F'Unl M~At:Re! r l I I ..___ ---• ·Jlml"-..L I I . j ' r.:.:;..;.;;,...... ____ .-..w-__ __.o DRABBLE ROSE IS ROSE lWtS W'I cM llO/f. AlCIC~.WINA Mm!l Of *1f'E,S / --f ---- by Kevin Fagan OtO -«XJ ~ ~""6 ...__..,_. __ ...J<.x;,t.6'(? f r • , . . FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE -JUDGE PARKER ~EN LYNETTE SAYLOR APPEARS AT HIS OFFICE, SAM DRIVER VAGUELY RECALLS HAVING TAKEN HER.TO THE SENIOR PROM IN HIGH SCHOOU FUNKY WINKERBEAN ... IGVESS HE HADIOGO 56EA DOCIOR. DOONESBURY I ·- EXCUSE ME.-BUT :I INAN'1" 10 REMIND YOU OF YOUR APPOINTMENT IN THE JUDGE'S CHAMBERS. IN 1"EN MINUTES • MR DRIVE R / NO KIDDING ... 1 ~·· I £VER ~EMBER HIM BE.ING 51CK ! J ' by Tom Batluk --t '---\---.:......~!!...-------"' by Garry Trudeau ' I I I ' 11·1t. • O ~''"ct"99 1e .... , o• ttrte •o.. t v•a•b H _..,..d, bf' '°"" .... l0tl'll ......... t-t(;lf ..otcf\ I TOAR AY I . I I' I I I . ffiu PH I:' ~11. LUecR 1: LrJ I I . "Su.. Ille Coal CIA ""'"9 19 lllQll •• --Old 99111 'but I kit -,,,,,.. •l's -,, II ~ t ,P ... WI ---:::::==:W 111'1 -... -.... M ~ ....... -...... . HJW(Jllll -..... -.... -.... -...... -. ...... .. • • Cl Uili 's Silence masksru1eS violiltions I MONDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1988 Rams' hopes • .remain They beat Atlanta. 22-3, retain s lim c anceof playoffs ByED ZINTEL DlllJNltC.1 ,, ... , t They may still be long shots, but as far as the Rams arc concerned, having a shot to make the playoffs is much better than the alternative. By beatii'lg the Atlanta Falcons, 22-7, Sunday at Anaheim Stadium. the Ram s put themselves in the car. As quan erback Jim Everett said, "not in the driver's scat but on the back dashboard some where.'' That about explains a wild picture in the battle for the remaining NFC playoff spots going into the last regular season game. All the Ra'ms know is that they must win at San Francisco next Sunday or their season is over. As it is. the Rams (9-6) kept their post-season hopes alive with a con- vincing win over the Falq,ons before 42,828. Everett threw for 303 yards and OAe touchdown on 24-of-33 passes 10 lead a small onslaught on team records and gave the Rams their second straight win, all this coming after the forgettable month of November when the Rams lost four straight to create this playolrmess. "We know what position we put ourselves in when we lost to San Diego (Nov. 20)," Everett said. "We gave o urselves an opportunity, and aoing to San Francisco and playing there with a chance to make the playoffs is how it sho uld be. We want to go out winners." On Sunday the Rams brought back (Pleue eee 1lAllS/B3) rom summer camp invitation letter , Htah for whattvcr reason. Or. you cangoColrvineorWoodbndae, for that matter. ,.. But that'sgettingahead ofthiogs. f 1nt, the letter. You see, you 're not supposed to use Silence. If you read deep enough "I had some personal matters to tend school stationery to invite younasters about the word, you get to oblivion to and it hid to be done ri&ht away." from grades 3 throuJh 8 to your and finally to secrecy. Gee, maybe the man's fiousc annual basketballchnic, which "cul- Ibafs what's stnnac aboutthC-__ bumcddowaandhehnto r:ebu11d, or minates"-withffyoutsfoMhe 6th-and silen~comingout ofUnivcrsity something. 7tharadetraveling teams. o I t RocE1 C11LS01 SP ORTS COLUMNIST Hig.b School over the absence ofStevc I'm not sure, because he's not N"or arc you supposed to use lthool Scogin on the Trojans' basketball talking past that point. Jt'sjus1 too fu nds to back the endeavor, or fo rthat An undatedlenersipM:d byScol- floor. · personal. matter, use lhegym without~me · n and representinah1msel(as the ~step~dowJ)fmmhiJ ~jUSl.ma)P""-~· ...ua.,.___.._~Ral~~"t in----wl)jtt9' tad:hukttbellcoach;on wm-~uDUletballoo.cband somethin&todowiththislcttcrwhich charge. UmvenicyHi&hstationery,states: athleuc di.tectorat Uni venity j Ult was sent around Irvi ne, a sctrool C~n a h iih school coach be in-"In order to Turthcr advance the before hoops were tostartin a late-district which has a unique open volvedatall in this type of thing? fundamental knowledaeoftheyout.h November announcement that aon~ enrollment situation for the thre<: Only if done in the right channel. basketball players Uoi versity High year hiatus was in o rderfor"personal hi&h schools. and 1t'sascompllcatedas the undue School wiJJ beholding1uannuaJ reasons." ihat means if you're an 8th grader influence rules set down in theCIF basketball clinic. TbisclinicwiU ~ns openly exclaims, "I'll and you live across the street fiom Southern Section Blue Book. stress fundamentals of the pmc for definitely be back next year." But Irvine or Woodbridge hidt schools, But there's no question. Rules were students in grades 3 through 8, aod an>'}hingpast that is simply met with, youc:an choosctoattend1Jniversity broken. wtllculm1natewtth tryouts for the 6th Rama ttcbt end Pete Holohan mallee a one-handed catch of a pue from qaarterback Jlm E•erett u AUan~ ..,~. Falcona defenat-.e' bac k Robert Moore &JTee chue. The catch aet up a 1-yard touchdown p ta.nce by Gree Bell. and 7th~travehnateams. ~ teams will be pla_yina~ apinst teams from the Southern California area as well as possible com~tition outside of the Southern Cahfom ia area." It goes on to state when. the staff (Scoi&in and a middle school coach) and ille fee of$ I 0 per player. ntercsted part1cssbouf<f contact the coach at the school telephone number. Is there more to it than just this letter on Un1vers1tystationco1... _ '.l Hcre's therub.Nc>boc#~tlspca.k for the record. Notothercoachesat University, not other coaches in the Irvine U mfied School District, and not even the CIF Southern Section office. SaJd CJ F Associate Commissioner Dean Crowley: "Really, I don't hive (Pleue eee SCOGGIJlfS/82) Eleven vie .for berths They will decide NFL playoff lineup in season finales ----------- From Tate Assodat«!d Prus ~ uddenl~. wnh av.eek to go tn the NFL season, the team 1hat most e veryone has been calling the best tn the league for the past few weeks may not even make the pla)'offs because 11 - can't beat the v.orst team. To pul ll precisely. how can the Minnesota Vikings get to the Super Bowl whe n they've accounted for two of the thret YICIOOCS posted this season b) the Green Bay Packers? Partacularl) an a )car when more 1.han half the 28 teams in the NFL remain altve after IS v.eeks? .. We got oursel .. es into the position 'lll>e wa nted to be -wttlun one game of the Bears -then we gave it back," quanerbacl. Wade Wilson of the V1ktng.s said unda~ after Minnesota lost to Green Bay 13-6. That allo\: "d Chicago. which ba~ ly got b> Detroit, 4-1 1. 10 chnch 1he NFC Central and made next Monda)" mlthl"s sho"'down in M innesota an· ucl1macuc-eAcept fort he poss1bhty that a loss could l.nock the Vi kings ou-t of e\.en a "''Id-card bcnh. Other than that. the • Fl playoff picture 1s as usual ~•th one "-CCk 10 go -a combinauon of .. tfs ... ands, .. '"ors·· and ··buts·· that final!} wfll comprete the I 0-team pla)'off field from the 15 sull ah' e after Sunday. Four teams are 10 -Chicago. Buffalo and C1ncinnau. all of whom had pre' aoush chnched playoff ~ts. and an tranc1sco. which be.at 'le" Orleans 30-17 unda). Bur onl) (Pteue ttee ELEVEN/BS) Raiders freeze up, turn over _victory Claire feels moves Bills run for 255 yards, convert LA 's errors, win. 31-27 Froar McClatchy News Service ORCHARD PARK. N.Y. -You can never know how cold it was at Rich Stadium on Sunday. Nowhere in California does lhe wind cut your bones lh~ way il does here. and nowhere else in the NFL does 1he damp chill penetrate the gums and bite the cars like some vicious breeze off the arc1ic tundra. The mercury read 11 degrees. but with wind-<:hill factored in the temperature actuall~ sank to 14 degrees below zero. So you're won- dering how the boys from \!tie balmy climcsofSouthcrn California fared in the Ice Palace? One guess. Hampered by the intense cold and an opponunist1c Buffalo offense. the Los Anacles Raiders watched their playoff' hopes dim in a 37-21 loss to the Buffalo Bills. Runnina backs Robb Riddick and Thurman Thomas combined for three touchdowns, and kicker Scott Norwood nailed three fteld pis as the Bills deli&hted a record-letting crowd of77,34t. Sunday's scores Rams 22. Falcons 7 Btlls 37, Raiders 2 1 Bears 13, Lions 12 49crs 30. Satnts 1 7 Giants 28, Chiefs 12 Otlers 41, BcnJlals 6 Packers 18. Vtlttngs 6 Scahawks 42, Broncos 14 Cowboys 24. Redskins 17 Patrtots l 0, Bucs 7 (ot) Chargers 20. Steelers 14 starting ~ his second game since Oct. 23, another by wide receiver Tam Brown -resulted in 13 Buffalo points. but some Raiders tried to prove their immunity to the frigid conditions by wcanos short sleeves. Afterward, few Raidets felt in- clined to blame the cold for the loss. Three LA fumbles -two by quar- terbeck Jay Schroeder, who was "They all had b11. aiant goose bumps on them," Bills nose guard Fred Smerlas said. "They weren't psychjng anyone out but themselves. 11 La:A:., ••• Who wants to play in that type of Buffalo rannl~ back Robb Riddick la 8topped uort of die (Pleue ... RAJDS RS/BS) end 80De bJ llUden ..,_.. .. tackle 11.ifcolm Taylor. . Leach, PDgh capture Masters Doubles tltle. LONDON (AP) -St1n Smnh and Bob L\'.atz had it. So did John McEnroe and Ptter Flcmina and, in recent years, Ken F\lc:h and Robert Seauso. Ifs caJled teamwork, and on Sunday, another American men·a doubles pair showed they have il ia abunclanc:c - .. We wort well tQICther," said Rack. l...c:ach after he and Jim Puah won the Masten Doubtn Utle by belt1111 S..fn'a Stf'llo C'ual and Em1ho S.ncha 6-4. ~3. 2~. 6-0. "Tius 1s the first cnu~ )Ctr ~c ha,·c played t~thcr•nd rit}lt from the s11n..1t v.orked," ltach ~id. The stan came 11 the Australian Open 1n JanUIT)'. when leach and P\aah. in only their thil'\i -Ofaftd f'rax &ownefMftt, won the mni"J doubtn. btat11'1Jtttmy Bates and Peter Lundp'en in a onc- Stckd, thrce-tet final. · Then e1me fivt ~ vlCtonn -an MuntCh. W1sh1naton. lnd11napohs. C1ntinau1 and Detroit F:nall)'. there was the Ro)al Alben Hall 1n London, where ~ach and Puah wt~ crowned kanp of men'so1r,bles. "We made a ao of 1t It the stan of the ytar to act into the M~n but I never drca~ we would wtft "· .. Lftdt 11"8. Casal and Se~ who ahoukt have met the Ammcans 1n the final of the U. Open but won the Ude by dtfauh Men Leech fdl ill. •Id lM MW Masten cl\ampions -ete a fomudabk tnm. , "improved Dodgers He feels acquisUons of Murray .-Randolph compensate for Sax LOS .\NGEL <.\Pl -Fred ('.1}1re doem'l t laim The L~ .\nge!fi Dodgers go1 me better of their '1rt ual trade of second ~men "1th th<" New York Yankees But. he sa)s. the signing of \\ 1lhc Randolph and otwrs makes the \\orld ne cham- pions a better ballcfub The Dodgers s1 ned the 3+-~ear­ old Randolph on turda' to a l"<>- )ear contract for SI 75 m1lhon Randolph. the 'e"' ' orl ' anlces co-captain. replace te .. e a:<. "ho became a frtt agent and signed a thr~ye.ar. $4 m1lhon contrat't "'th Ne" York on o' ~3 '"I can onl) say that I'm delttthted to have Willie.· said Claire. the Dodgers general manager. ··Sav. made the dec1s1on to sign \\1th the ankees That was a dec1s1on he made. not a decision "r made. "With the acqu1 1t1ons of \\ 1lhe Randolph and Eddie Mum~. l bche .. e "e have 1mpro'ed our club in a rons1derable fashion:· Claire said ''He "ants to pla) "1th u and I thinl that W1lhe pl~> 10,g for the Dodgers 1 an abso\u\e perfect matchup Hl''!> always hid an mc~chbl> high on-base percentage." • The Dodaers aot MOrra} 1n trade from the Balt1more Onolt"S last week With the acqu1 1t1ons. C laire said he felt the Dodacrs "ere prtm much in place for ne~t season ··1 don't bche"c there's an~tl\101 that we have to do," he said .. Thert's noth.tna press1na for us to do I thtnk our club oow 11 prctt) ~u sci:· SAtd Claire. spNk1-._ 1n a conference call from Oakland, Cahf Randolph. the Yanltcn 9"eonc2 blltcman since 1976 and a five-time All.Star, •Id 1n a con~ call from New \'oril ... Ma clKillon came down to 'wo c:lubl -\he DQclFr's and Montral Eapoa. 11it ontn were 1tm1llr. he Mid. bUt the Dodarn wttt a real con~. • Willie Randolph ··The Dodgers' commitment to e\cellenet had a bl& part to do with It.•• he 5ald Randolph wu. among the 12 play- ers made "new-look" free agents by arh11rator Georae 1colau in the Collusion II case He will make S 75.000 a )ear, the same salary he camed 1n 1988. The Dodgers got Randolph to aatee to stro1t1 lockout &anau.. mc:anina he will not be paid in the event of a lockout b o~ncn d'1nna the l 990 suson He IS the founh or the '"new-look" fl'C'C qents to~. and the second to sw11ch teams C1tt hcr Bob Boone left the .\~Is and S'lned wttb Kanm ' Cu for $8 3.W I, a SI ra1te. p;ichef I Ken Da)'lc) rc-sapcd witb St. Louts ' for SI 85 m1lhon over two~ and catt'her Rich Gedln8ft 1'e'·t-'1Ud witll • Bosto" fot one year at S 1.2 iNlliaa. C1atrc said an 111ee1B1111 W · reeehM ~ ~J11t· I lie ®icotM of a pllytic:ll •m' •In S.turday••~Yort ....... dolph i-ect. . (Pl••·-····-.. I ' 112 otange COMt OAILV PILOT/ Monday, December 12, 1988 Prep fdotball players.of the week I CrenshaW's putt. cl-nches.ti.S. title DA VIDBBIOGAK Poantala \!alley · MJKBCOOK FomatalD van.., MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - Ben Crenshaw sank a par-saving. 4- foot putt on the final hole Sunday, clinchinp'a U.S. victory in the World Cup 101 touml!ment at a course he called "a work dnrt." tralia on the last hole for second at 15- under, while Australia's Peter Senior and Roeer Mackay were another shot back. The 6-foot-1, I 8~und 1enior quar- tert.c:k closed out a brilliant prep caieer by oompletina 1Sofl9pusesfor 190yardund two touchdown~ while Nnni .. for another in the Barons' Division I title victory. The 6-fooa-4, I IS-pound tenior wide receiver caupt seven puses fot 100 yardl, includina the Barons first and final IOudt- down1 orthe pme on receptions of'l2 ud 7 yards from qUar1.etbKk David Henipn. Crenshaw ··and teammate Mark McCumber gave the United States its 17th Cup victory, fini shing 16-under over the 6,985-yard. par-72 Royal Leri, Sam• rally to "1a WEST PALM BEACH. Aa. -Wayne Levi sank a 38-foot birdie putt on the first playoff hole Sunday as he and Gtorac Bums rillied to" beat defcndina champions Mike Hulbert and Bob Tway for the $600,000 PGA Chry$Jtr team cliampionshlp. TYPRICB Corona del llar JOllR KATOVSICB Corona del llar Melbourne course. . .. To win something . here is •bsolutely very special to me. I love ~ golf course so much, I jlist think d's a work of an and 1 wasdetennined lo try to do my best," Crenshaw said. The 6-foot-I , 185-pound 1enior quar- terback completed 13 of 17 passes for 228 yards and one touchdown, inclUdina a 53- yarde~ the Sea Kinp rollina toward ihe.JC~.nt everCIF football title: The 6-foot-3, 22S-pound senior Nnnil.ll back/linebacker rushed seven times for 21 )lards and played standout defen1e u tbe Sea Kinp limited Valencia to minut-10 yiidi in the second half. Crenshaw and McCumber won ff 8,000 from the total urse of Startinfr the final round seven strokes o the lead, Levi and Bums shot a 13-under-par 31-28-59 over th~ 7,~5-~apt~s course au. FHDSCBWBER Woodbrldle ----------ALBX ZALDIVAR Woodbrlctie -80 000 Ina-Crenshaw go an extra 6,000 for finishing fi rst with a 13- under totaJ. Crenshaw finished a shot ahead of Jct Ozaki ofJapan with a 275 totaJ on rounds of68-.67-66-74. -Pa m ac olo anaCotmtry Club. -. The 6-foot-3, • l 90-pbund senior quar-A S-foot-10, 170-Pound senior wide receiver caught eight passes for 144 yards, includinaan 8-yard touchdown catch in the fourth quarter of the Warriors' Division VIII title pme defeat. The Japanese team of brothers Jet and Jumbo Ozaki moyed past Aus- Hulbert, who said he wasn't sure of the; distance but estimated it was 100 feet. sank a remark.able t;lirdie putt on the 18th hole. Tha ball rolled up over a ridge, breaking slightly and eventu- ally dropping gently into the hole. terback 13 of 24' passes for 227 Y•rds and one touchdown, plus ran for another score as the Warriors finished the season at 12-2 in an aborted effort to repe1t u champs. No foul ending lnlluke center's Ferry-tale gaDle . · :l From 'l1le Auoclaled PttH . . • Jl IN THE BLEACHERS MIAMI -Danny Ferry already bad m f: 17 points when he picked up his second " foul nine minutes into Duke's game against the-Miami Htmicanes. "The guys on the team got mad at me." ferry said. "They said. 'You can't get in foul trouble. You aren't going have many nights li ke this.'" Ferry stopped fo uling. kept scoring and finistied with a school-record 58 points in the to~ranked 81ue Devils' I I 7-102 victory Saturday. Ferry's total broke the 37-year-old school mark of 48 points by Dick Groat, and the record fo r an Atlantic Coast Conference player of 57 by Nonh Carolina ~State's David Thompson in 1974. ''I'm happy for Dann;. because 11 has not been an ~y year thus far for him." Duke coach Mike Knyzewski said. "He's gotten into a lot of foul trouble. .,• ... 1·-"-----------------' It's been a little bit frustrating for him." - Ferry, who averaged 17.4 points in Duke's first five victories. hit 23 of26 field goals and I 0of12 free throws against Miami. "Eight or nine minutes into the game, I really staned to feel tn the flow." the 6-foot-10 seruoi:: said. "I got a lot of easy shots. I got my confide nce rolling. I felt good, and I got the ball in great spots." Ferry. guarded most oft he night by 6-6 Eric Brown, scored pnmanly inside I 0 feet. He hll one dunk, scored tw1ce on goaltendtng calls and h11 a pair of thrce- pomters. His only misses were a three-point try, a IS- footer and a 3-footcr from the left of the basket. "If he ain't the player of the year. I want to see who is." Miami coach Bill Foster said. "I've never see n anyt hing like that. He wasn't maki ng gimmes. We hounded the heck out of him." Foster stayed with a man-to-man defense, even after Ferry scored 15 straight Duke points in the first half. Knyzewski defended Rlster's strategy. "If he went zone, I think it would takt; aggressiveness away from his team." Knyzewski said. "I don't think they should have done an)'..!_hinadifferent in guarding him. Danny was just very difficult to stop." Ferry had 34 points by half\1me, a career best by one point. Quote of the day .... Danny Ntt, Nebraska basketball coach. on how 6-foot-9 Junior center Richard van Poelgest from Rysw11k. the Netherlands. had toughened up since coming to this country. as most European players must do: "He's becoming very Am ericanized. He came here as Bambi. He'll leave here as Rambo." Sutter leads Vancouver rally Rldl Satter scored twice in the third ~ penod to complete a Vancouvercomeback ' as the host Canucks snapped a four-game losing streak wi th an 8-6 victory over the Winnipeg Jets Sunday night. The Canucks led 4-3 goin1 into the final penod, but trailed by two goals until rookie Trevor Uadc• started the comeback with a power-play goal at 12:24 ... In other NHL action: Mike Gartller and Grant Ledyard had two goals each as the Washinaton Capitals downed the host Buffalo Sabres 6-4 ... The host Chicago Blackhawks got power-play aoals from Dirk Grabm and Rick Valve and Duae S.tter'• break.away score in a I :33 span of the second period for a 5-2 tnumph over the St. Louis Blues that ended their nine-game losing streak. The Blackhawk.s. winless since a 3-2 triumph over Buffalo on Nov. 16, were sparked by defenseman Doe1·w111oa, who assisted on Graham and Vaive's goals and also on Deals Savanl'1 first of two scores, also coming in the second period. Savard also contributed an assist to improve his club sconng lead to 49 points. McEnroe sweeps Lendt in two INGLEWOOD -Eleventh-ranked ~ John McEnroe defeated second-ranked Ivan undl 7-5. 6-2 Sunday in the finals of the $300,000 Michelin Challenge tennis cxh1b1tion at the Forum, but afterwa rd said he didn't think undl's hean was in the match. McEnroe. who needed jus t one hour. seven minutes for the victory. collected SI 00.000. undl took home $60.000. .. He didn't look like he had the patien~ to stay with it." said McEnroe. who criticized the scheduling of the event as too late in the year to gi ve the players real meaning. "Hold on there. Dexter. I'm getting a re.ping ... " . Dolphins play to erase reports MIAMI-The MiaD"li Dolphins can't • afford to make any mistakes against the t 9 t Cleveland Browns in their Monday niJht NFL game. If they do, "people arc goinf to · wonder if that player is on drugs,' safety Glenn Blackwood says. The Dolpins arc playing to erase repons of widespread drug use on the team. The Browns arc playing for the playoffs. "The Dolphins' image is goina to be tarnished. whether we like it or not," Blackwood said of recent stones linking the Dolphins and dru.,. Blackwood has a locker next to wide receiver Mark Duper. suspended 12 days ago for violating the NFL's substance abuse policy. Speculation following the suspension about drug use on the team, coupled with Miami's fi ve-game losing streak, bas left the Dolphins in turmoil. .. We're just looking to smile these days," linebacker Jofin Offerdahl said ... A win would give us at least something to go home and be happy about for Christmas." Cleveland, meanwhile. is 9-5 and has failed to win the AFC Central Division for the first time in four years. They'll be assured of a wild-card bcnh at home if they beat Miami and Houston. ··we'd like to be 14-01'' Coach Many Schot- tenheimer said. "But we're still in a position where we control our destiny. and I don't think in this business yo u can ask fo r anything more than that." Miami's losing streak is its longest in 21 years. The nine defeats are the most for a Don Shula team in h)s 26 years as a coach. .. Cleveland. by contrast, has won three straiJht games. Tomba tops World Cup opener MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO, Italy - Albeno Tomba returned to the sitc'of his first ski race on Sunday and won the first race of his World Cup season before a huge, wild crowd of hometown fans hanaina from trees, waving flags and blowing horns. "h's one of the most important winsofmycareer," the 21-year-Old double Olympic gold medalist said after racing the two fastest heats down the 1teep course for a winning time of I minute 41.19 seconds. The victory came before 20,000 fans one of the largest ever to see a ski race in Italy. Many fans climbed on pi ne trees. others played horns and trumpets and waved Italian flags while Tomba crashed down the course to beat Luxembourg's Marc Girarc:lelli and youn g Austrian Michael Tritscher. Television, racllo TBL•YISIOH 6 P.m. -PRO fOOTBALL: Clevet.nd et Mleml, Channel 7. 6 p.m. -COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Temote et St. JoMPh's, E~PN. 6 P.m. -PRO HOCK•Y: Klnos et New Vor~ Renoers (deleY9d). Prime T~et. 9 p.m. -HIGH SCHOOL ~TBALL: CIF Dlvlllofl IV cl'lamPlonshlP oeme -Los Anos n . El RendlO from Mt. s.n Antonio Colle9e (tepe), Prime Ticket. ltADIO 6 P.m. -PRO fOOTBALL: CleYNnd et Mleml, KNX ( 1070). 6 P.m. -PRO HOCK•Y: Kines ., .... Yen Rent9rS Cdeleved), KL.AC (570). 62 compete in winter series By ALMON LOCIUBEY ...., ............... Newport Harbor Yach! Club wound up the 1988 rqatta season Saturday and Sundar with the second nee or its winter sencs. Sixty-two boets In seven claS9CS 1umed out for the event and were :aieeted bysunnybu1 tftezy ~. Results: ETCHELlS·n 1m -1 Amtlutll. Scott \ ' MelOll, NHYC, 2. SecNcllon, Tom Wllw!, ..... YC; J, Sftv Don h-, NHYC. $0LING 0 0)-1 • ..,._nt, lt!Q w ... , UCI Sellllle A11tn.1 2. TemMte, J"" ~.ave: a. Hefe, Aft Pow.1 NHYC. LIOO-l• (1)-Tw Pwlmlr, NHYC; I . .._.., lrtM,NHVC. SAIOT Al.I Cf}-1. Erin COlllM, lllHYCl 1. ltett'IMY c.m...., NHYC, l U1d1 C...,., NKVC. SAIOT Cl (S>-1. C...., Hotel!, lllHYC; 2. LlndlW O!Mft, ""YC. SAIOT -ct lf)-1. Cllrtl Wernw, NHYC: I. C.ofy!l Kt!!l NHYC; I ltk* "*"""-... YC. SAIOT 1..1 ")-1. Tuct&M c.m..e. NHYC, 2, ~lie WwnW. NH YC; J. Otter Cuez* .. *"'• NHYC. ' .. ·Childhood dream comes true ... Humphries' buzzer-beater thwarts Lakers' rally, 95-94 Frem fte AIMdaled Pren MILWAUKEE -Milwaukee's Jay Humphries reached into his bq of childhood tridcs Sunday nitbt for the shot that sunk the Los Angeles Lakers and spoiled Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's final appearance in the city where be started his NBA ca.rur. Humphries\ who came of the bench to score a season-bi&h 18 Po•nts, hit an 8-footjumper at the buuer to lift the Bucks to a 95-94 victory over the Liken. ··well I hadn't ever made that shot before in the pros because I was never called upon to do if," Humphries said ... But IS kids we uted to always practice shots like that, just drcamina one day we would hit the l.ul-tecond shot that won the~-" . Milwaukee Co.ch Del Harris. who called a timeout with three ICICODds left to dilaram the final shot, took no credit for Humphries' beroici .. He Sol has own shot," Harris said ... He had to penetrate ihrouab some hands, and he was able to set a steat shot." . Tbe Bucks. who led by as many as 10 points early in the founh quarter before the Lakcrs rallied, controlled the ball for the last 32 seconds before Humphries' game- winner. Witb Milwaukee, 9-8, trailina 94-93. Humphries saved an errant P9SS from Sidney Moncrief with six seconds left, then forced a jump ball with A.C. Green. Portland'• CIJde Draler drl.-by ~ 0 ... Andenoa (left) and Duwta Cook. The Bucbpjned possession with three seconds &cf\ and called a timeout. Humphries, who finished with 18 Points, took the inbounds pass from Paul Pressey near half~ drove the lane and hit the jumper. In another NBA rme: TraU Blann U , SiMtn lU: O yde Dreder scored nine of his season-hi&h 4 f points in overtime to lead host Portland past San An'tomo. Drexler's three-point play ·and Terry Porter's foul shot' at 3:58 of overtime were the J1mes WorJ)ly ICOred 21 points to leasd the Lakers, 1 S-<thc~t Masic JobDIOn, who finished with 11 points. first poi nu of OT and broke a 110-11 0 deadlock. _ Darwin Cook hit a jumper with two minutes left in overtime to brin1 San Antonio within 118-116. was KOrelqs in the second half. SCOGGIN'S HIATUS MASKS VIOLATION ••• ham8l uycomment to make on the mat-ter." p Given tbeabove scenario, sugest-ina1<:o11ch did 111 the above, Crowley ldmitted there were rules violations -inwdaacate. Given the scenario that if such a case were to be made, and a Cl F bcarina were to be held, would a one- r.car sentence probably occur? •Maybe," said Crowley. University Hiah Principal Bob Bruce, wbobasalways held hiscoach in a very hiab esteem, also would not comment .. It's up to Steve if he wants to talk about it. But I think he feels one comment just le1ds to another com- ment." Hey-now we're setting some- where. Whatothercomment? On the aurfacc anyway, Scogin 's basketball clinic for kids qe 8-13, whether on Univenity Hish sta- tionery or no~ and wbether held at University Hiabornot. seems just a cut above &be serious business at St. Anthony Hiah lat year. That's where the coach sent out letters to youngsters in the Lona Beach ,rca inviting them to come see bis team play free of charae . Apparently he got the idea from a lencr he saw from a colle&e propam, invitina hiah school players to &alee advantaeeofthesamcdcal. That's undue innuence in the eyes of the CIF, and ~n's letter appears to be undue mnuence, as well, ifit were to be investigated. It won't, however, because Scogin chose an alternative. The penalty for the St. Anthony coach: A one-year vacation, without pa}'. . ScQl&in meanwhile, is sitting out a • year from his job as basketball coach and athletic director, but this isa .. self-imposed" sitout without com- ment. So what happened? Did Bruce filea letterwith the CIF Southern Section stating such mis- deeds occurred in rcsPonsc to com- (>laints from within the Irvine Uni- fied School District, or within the Sea Viewleque? Did the Cl F call Scog.in and his -- pnncipaJ in andJooverthecaac? Did the CIJ=' sugest Scogin sit out a year, and it would satisfy everyone? Or did Scogin's house really bum down? Uptheroadat WoodbriclteHi&h is Warriors' Coach Bill Shannon, wno just grinned and said "No comment," when asked ifhe had been asked to say"nocomment." The only thinaShannoa was will- ing to talk about was the absurd situation which exists in the Irvine Unified School District, wbcrean "open enrollment" is in force, delpite the fact Irvine Hiab and Woodbridte Highareadamantlyapinst it. Well. iflrvinc isapinst it, and Woodbridse isapinst it. .. J didn't bothertoask Brucewbo•sforit .. llike to guess. The amusin1 thin& in this open enrollment deal i1 that if anyone is going to benefit from it. it would be the basltetbUJ ~sat Wood- bridte (champt<>nshiplftercbam- ~· onsbip underShlnnon) and Irvine with the very impressive Steve eith). --=---LI UllATIOI SA E ON ALL 198Bs "• -=-,-.. -:-.' "-=. -==--,. -=-Ir ------------- •••TERRY ••••NOMAD ••••• TRAVEL VILLA •••••• GRAN TOUR/SS/MO utlD•AIBIGA&I.-t ...-. •••••••••••••••••• FROM .. 1111• Ill HEIE llR M D•l ............... FROM .. ~· MOT• llOMll ••••••••••• FROM .. •s . .. . CAMP ................... FROM .. YEii Ell Cl.EAUm on ALL NEWT,....,. and 5th ~PLUS •El lllf .. .. .. .. Air Conditioning -Awning T.V. Antenna -Stereo fo~t 12345 KACH kVD. 1111" Moet .... Unite ' • STMTOfl , ....... • • Orano-COM1 DAILY PILOT/M~. December 12, 11U • ---- I PRo FooTBALL ... . Bears survive scare as Vikings ·cllqke Late Butler Ciel oal nips Lions 13-12· apparent touchdown, but the play Pa&rteb II, 8tteeUeert 1: New ufi":=-::-:~-.-T""=-=-.:.::J;C=:.::·::.:~.=...::,:~;.;~·~=-=:..::~·~ was called beck when Keith MaJlard EnaJand became the last NFL team to Minnesota oses second to NFL doormat ro~e;! ~.~j~:~:~ I: Mike Rozier Si~"u::v:k~e1\~:Cr~e2~~=~d J}.~d Prom 'Be A1.-ela&H Preti went 80 yards to Garry James' I-yard The NFC home-field advan••-for touchdown dive for a 12-10 lead. Al th la ffi l ~-Harris blocked the extra point at-e P yo s be onas to the Chicato tempt by Ed Murray, and that was the Bears. ThC" AFC edac is back m manrin of victory in Chir .. •o's ninth Buffalo's hands -for now. ·I". -. T~ Bears clinched their fifth straight win against Detroit. strat&ht.NFC Ccn.tral crown Sunday "Ifs been a lona year for me by beat1~ Detroit l 3-l l on Kevin because I haven't had the op--Butler's 32-yard fiel<;l_ioal with four portunitics," said Butler, who came ---~~nds-Jeff wfille tflc Minnesota anto tbc pmc. with only I l field goals V1l~np lost I i-6 at Green Bay. in IS tries. Cincinnati fell to Aouston 41 _6 and "It was a championship kick .... It's not only lost its ariP on the AFC always tou~ when it comes down to home-field advanta•~ tttroughout the that, hcarina all the noise and think- la f11 -j n& about all tbslxfaotio Mirultsota. P yo s but missed a chance to clinch I sure hope J broke their hearts ... the AFC Central· Division. When Packen 11, Vikilll• I: The Vikings Buffalo beat the Los Angeles Raiders lost for the second time this season to 37-21 , the Bills moved to 12-3, a game the Packers, who have won just three better t~an the Benpls in the AFC games, ucd for the worst record in the standings. league. Herc's how Sunday's games went: Green Bay broke a seven-game Bean lS, 1JoD1 12: Trailin& t 2-tO. losing streak with its first win in a the Bears marched from their 30 to non-strike game at Lambeau Field deep in Dc~wit territory behind (since pee. I, 1985. The Vikfo~s had -q\lanerback Jim Harbaugh. not given up a touchdown in 17 The third-string quarterback used a quar1trs and had outscored oppo- 17-yard pass to Dennis McKinnon nents 167-26 during a fi ve-game and an I J -yarder to James Thornton winning streak. tosetupButler'swinningfieldgoalon Don Majkowski threw an I I-yard a day when temperatures were in the touchdown pass to Patrick Scott and · teens and the wind-chill factor was Minnesota made some cri11cal errors.. near zero. · At one point. Cati Lee 1n1ercepted a On the previous series, the Lions pass and returned ii 34 \aids for an scored three touchdoWh's and had 126 aoal 3:08 into the extra period. The yards on t.he&roun~_.givana him 1,083 Patnots, 9-6, were 0.JO jn overtimes. yards, his first 1.000-yard season as The Bucs elected to kiclc: off'startma the Oilers stayed alive in the race for the overtime with a suff'wind at their the AFC Central title. hicks. But Tony Eason guided the The Benpls didn't manaae a first Patriots from their 35 into field goal down untif 44 seconds remained in range. the first quarter. Cincinnati's offense, C.•bey1 U , Re4tklu 17: The last ranked No. I in the leaauc, bad ahmmer of Washington's playoff previously been held to a low of 16 fiopcs disappeared as Steve Pdluer points this season. ll was the first threw three touchdown passes to game-in which -Cincinnati didn't Michael Irvin. The rookJe has scored score a touchdown this year. only twice all year. 4ten 3t, Saiau 11: Joe Montana Irvin's final touchdown came four ran for one touchdown and threw 68 pla ys after Robert Williams inter- yards to John Taylor for another ccpted a pass and returned 11 10 1he score. R~r Crai,t ran for 11 S yard s Redskins 24. and Mil<e Cofer had thrtt field goals in San Francisco's founh straight win. New Orleans lost its third stra1&)11 and fiftfl in seven games after holding a two-gam e lead in the NFC West just three weeks ago. Glu&1 U , Clllefs 1%: Phil Simms and Mark,Bavarocombined fora pair of touchdovms. Bavaro had just 14 catches in the last seven weeks and only two touchdowns all season. his last eight weeks ago. But he caught 12- and 24-yarders for scores as New York moved to 10-5. Joe Morris ran for a. season-high 140 yards for New York. Nick Lowery ki cked four field goals for the Chiefs, 4-10.1. Qar1en H, Steelen 14: Mark Malone, in his first game against his former team, threw a touchdown pass and ran for another. San Diego, which had scored' onl y one touchdown m the three previous home games also got a career-high ·170 yards rushing from Gary Anderson . Seuawks 4Z Broncos lf: Cun Warner rushed for a team-record four touchdowns and Dave Krieg com- pleted 19 of 22 passes for 220 yards and two touchdowns to eliminate the Broncos. Warner, coming o'ff a career-low !0-yard rushing performance at New EngJand last, scored on a pair of I· yard runs and from 13 and 12 )'ards. ELEVEN TO DECIDE FINALPLA YOFF BERTHS ... From Bl the Bills in the AFC East and the NFC West: The 49ers, I 0-5 and d1tTeren11al and the 49ers because Scahawks-Ra1ders game the d1 v1s1on Bean in the NFC Central have R1lms. 9-6. play in San Francisco 1he~ would be 5-3 against common t1ths1 .-Seattle, by vinue of a 9-7 clinched division titles. Sunday night and won·1 know what opponents 10 5-4 for the Eagles. record: Los Angeles because its mtra- The wild-<:ard rcssibilities, par· they need to do until after the S!lints-NFC Central: The Bears, 12-3, are d1 v1s1on record, 7-1, will prevail. ticularly in the N C. are so com-Falcons game in New Orleans and set. . ~ ~c "-, 6'· c t' 11 4 plicatcd that nothing less than the some of the other Sunday afternoon If the Vikings beat Chicago Mon-IU' '-CD r..: mcmna 1• • •can most sophisticated computer is contests. da) night. they're assured of a home clinch the d1V1s1on title 1f it beats needed to break them down. If the Saints~ 9-6. win, that clinches wild-card game. If they lose, the) Washington next Saturday. but "111 , .. Chle&ao kicker Kmn Butler t. rahed ln tbe air bJ Da ... Tate Alter kickJ.na a •ame-wtnntnc 32-yard field .... . In fact, both the league and San the division ror the 49crs because could be out of the playoffs 10~ if the Redskins beat the Bengals Francisco 49crs had announced renor even if the Rams, Saints and 49ers are altogether. depending on the ~mes and the Oilers win tn Cleveland. to Sunda 's aiame 'th N O · I d · b · 1 Ea 1 G' Houston ha) a better record against y _ w1 cw r cans 1n vo ve mat ree·way ue. the 49ers 1nvo 'ing the g es, 1ants. · ams. common opponents. "RAIDERS FALL 37 21 that San Francisco would clinch al come out best in the compc1it1on '\au\ls and 49ers. . ' least a wild<ard benh with a victory. amont the three-3-1 . to 2-2 for Los '1£C East: The Giants. l0-5. can Cleveland can·1 win ·1he d1v1s1on , -• • • .. More than four hours after the Angeles and 1-3 for New Orleans. Mn the di\ 151on title b) beating 1he but can clinch a wild-card b) beaung From Bl 49crs beat the Saints, howe ver. there It would ·then throw the Rams and Jet'i .. on the road" at Giants Stadium M1am1 and Houston and could still v.eather'> Tht) come up here and tn to take otT and run and you·~ were still questi~ns about whetherthe Saints into the wild-card pools with next ~unday. If they lose and the 9-6 make the platoffs b)' losing one if have a chance to make the pla)offs. stiff, and wbcn )OU hn ~mebod) and 49,ers had qualified or w~ether they some 'ombina1ion of Vikings, EagJes Eagles beat DaUas. then Philadelphia New En~and oses at Denver. and all of a sudden 11·s about 90-below wrap. But the) ve got to d,9 the same m.1aht lose a threc~way u~ for tv.:o · and Giants, with the Rams having a wins the utle because it beat New AFC £11&: The Bills 12-3 who zero and ifs snowing, and the) 're thing. too:·· '( wild-card spots with Ph1ladelph1a better shot than the Saints York twice. clinched the div1s1on title three ~eeks saying, ·God. this is tough.' · Yes. and the Bills did everythu'I and Minnesota on the basis of net · tf the Giants and Eagles both w1n. ago. regained the home-field ad' an-"I tell you what· It's no .da} at the JUSt a httlc bit better.' Jim Kell y, who points within tbe division, the fifih If the Saints lose Sunday. thefre the Eagles may sull have 1odepcnd on tagc by bt'aung the Raiders 37-21 beach fo r m)'sclf. either Its cold out finished 11 of24 passing for 128 yardl tiebreaker down the list. out and the ~nncr of the Rams-San other circumstances 10 make 1t as a "hlle Cincmnau was losmg to Hous-. there. I could hear -\nhur ISt11lfs and one louchdo"n. directed Buffalo The answer, f.rom the league office ~lv~T~~o-~~cRa;~~l~ca:~ 1~~Yc wild card. ion. teeth chSatt~nn~ to the left of m~ and to an eas) 20-7 halftime lead. -no.t because . . . Id h 1.-d . AFC West: Sea ule's 42-14 win over New EngJand , 9-6. can gain a wild-Bruce (: m1th} s to t~c ngh.t. 1l s no Schroeder responded tn the second Jn ract, the NFC is so complicated wou ave a "'"tter recor aga1ns1 Denver Sunda} night knocked out card berth if it beats Denver ne;(t picnic for anrbody No one~ used to half with touchdown passes to Brown that it could best be explained this common opponents. the Broncos. marking the first ume week while Cleveland. 9-5. loses that. 1 ha' en t pla~cd m that kind of and Steve Smnh. bu' the Bills way: if the season were over now: the The 49ers? that both of1he prcv1ous year's Super tonight in M1amt or at home to ~cather tn a long umc The last game shrugged those otT and amassed 166 five NFC playoff teams would be the If they lose along wtth Minnesota Bowl participants failed to return to Houston next v.eck. 11was69degrcesorsomethmg. I don·t ~ards in the second haJftosnap a two- Giants. Bears, 49ers, Vikings and and Philadelphia a'nd the Gi ants win , the pla}ofTs -defcncting champion lnd1anapohs. 8-7, is out 1f thin~ it s been ?ck>"-30 degrees here ga .• le losing streak and nusc their Eaales. ~ they would be tied with the Eagles and Washington also was ehmin:ned Sun-Cleveland wms once or 1t lo~ at 1h1s ~car I don t :.emcmber too man~ record to 11-3 Herc's how it looks. division-by-Vikings for the two wild-card spots. da home to Buffalo nexr week. colder than that .. , told our pla)'ers the weather division: The Vikings would make it on point 'fi also makes the "inner of the An)' quesuons'l · Neuher do the Raiders. and }OU wasn't going to win It for them:· •-----~--~--~---------~--------------------------------~n~wre1~"M)fu~~~1soM Bu~oro~h ~~Lerysa1d."Foo~ The loss left 1hcm "'uh a ... _ rttord ball 1s a game for all seasons·· RAMS' HOPES LIVE. • • From Bl the spark with which they started the "I think the defense \\las so womed season en route to a 7-2 record. about stopping Henry (Ellard) that There were stars everywhere. Ti&ht they may have forgotten about the end Pete Holohan, acqu1rcd from S"an other receivers. I was on single Diego this year, had a career-best coverage all day:· ci&ht receptions for 126-yards. The Rams drove 56 yards for a lfenry Ellard caught six passes. touchdown late IO the second quarter givina.him 80 for the season. four shy as Everem agam fou nd Holohan for a of the sin&.le-scason team mark held 29-yard pm. this 11me over the by Tom rears. middle. Holohan eluded free saftey Mike Lansford kicked three field Tim Gordon at abo ut the Atlanta 20. goals and set a team record for most then raced to the corner wher~ he was , career points. pushed out at the I. And the defense smothered the "I thought I could make it 1n but the Fakons, holding two quarterbacks -piano got heary as I "'en1 for the goal Chris Miller and Hu~ Millen -to line:· Holohan said. I JS yardsand Atlanta s runninggame Bell ran it over on the next play. his to 65. · 17th touchdown of the year. That ties "Everything will talce care ofi tsclfi f him for second with Elroy Hirsch and we just win next week," sajd Ellard Wendell Tyler for most touchdowns about the personal records. "It will be in a season in club history. Enc a war. We just have to play our best Dickerson holds the record w11h 20. game. But at least we're finally back The Rams' defense was at 1t again on track." moments later as nose tackle Greg John Robinson. who tied a Chuck Meisner /icked ofT Miller's pass Knoll record for most wins as a Rams which ha been deOected by outside coach (S1). aarccd . linebacker Mike Wilcher. Meisner "We were determined to talce a step returned the baJI 20 yards to the forward today," he said. "We've Atlanta 28. - proven that we're not losers. Now we On the next play, Everett hit Ellard bave to prove that we can play we~k. for a 28-yard touchdown pass. Ellard after week at a high level." cau&ht the ball in front of Bobby Credit \!'C Ram defense for playing • Butler at'about the 15. turned him at a hi&h enough level to dictate the arou nd and then shook off two flow ofth~ pme Sunday. Nose tackle tacklcn en route to the end zone. The Alvin Wright blocked a 34-yard field PAT was blocked b) Jessie Tuggle. attempt by Grea Da vis on pmc's leavin{it 19-0 at the half. openina drive. . The Rams had the chance to add II#~--· Rama fullback Tlm Tyrrell brn..• down Atlanta·· Lew Baraee on a pant retarn darlq tJae flnt qaarter. and with aule beating Den"er 10 Then a.pin Le\~ conceded.-;.Hl- reach 8-7. rhe Raiders must bea1 tht 1ler probabh v.ould.,e fared better Seaha" ks in Los .\ngele next "eek to against 'talin in a wartn-wcather win the AFC West. lfSeauk wins. the 11e " Raiders' season 1s finished - no "es. the weather made a d1f- \l.'1ld-card pla)ofTbt'nh for a ~-9 team fercncc. e:\cept to the fans who ··1 though1 before v.c v.ent out there ignored the cold to set an Fl _the gu\s "ere pretty .fired up and auendance record: 622 793 fans saw e>.clled'," Ra iders safet) \ ann the Bills go undefeated in eight homt McElrO) said ... I mean. v.cdon't ha'e games this season, 300 more thaa to h' e tn this stuff. This 1s a thing Dctrott drew to 'its indoor stadium where )OU go and ~OU'\ e ~Ot tO do II the 11\ erdome. IO 1980 unday. one one da) and get out. It s kind -of fan held up a stgn-that read. ~onl) exciting. kmd of a ne" atmosphere v.tmps v.atch the µme on TV " So I don't thtnl (the cold) had :i Bro"-n, the He1sman Troph) win- beanng on 1t. ner v.ho pla\ed tn a mmus-30 wind "It WAS cold But wh~n ~ou gel to 'chtU wtth otrc Dame at Penn State pla..,10g. )OU reall) don·t think about last )ear, "asn't bu~ing the "weather 1t. \ O\J JUSt realize 1t when ~ou realh "as not a factor .. hnc .----------·coupon -----------, 1 Mike McCarthy ·I ! Buick and GMC Trucks I 1 Discount Center ~ I Get Acquainted Offer l t SPECIAL g FUEL INJECTION .,as NOW •.· CLEANING SERVICE $75.00 s49•s .1-(GM Cars Only) ~ I . I ·I ALL CREOIT CARO ACC EPTED ~(~ I 115550 Beach Blvd fl.=.c:.--=.lii(714) SSl-24~ 1Westminster aw ~(21S) 61e-el17t ._ ___________ coupon ___________ _. The Rams scored late 1n the first more points at the end of half as quaner on a 34-yatd field aoat . by Everett hit Holohan on three-straight Lansford. Fullblck Robert Delpino passes of 13. 26 and 14 yards 10 movC' cauahta 34-yard pass to gct,the Rams the ball to the 16. But after Holohan to die Atlanta 16, but the dnve stalled -was tackled in bounds at the 16 with there. . . seven seconds left, the Rams failed t<' Lansford ~1cked a· ~6-yard field call th 'r last timeout and the half for 22J yards 1n the first half. Dunna that time. he completed his 276th pass for the season, the most 1n a season in Ram history. Holohan caught six passes for 114 )ards in the first hal f. could ha'e been surpnscd when 1t was theJrdefensc v.h1ch scored it. !--------------------------___:. The Rams' Clifford Hicks fumbled a punt at the 1-)ard hne. ~h1ch was picked up and run mto the end zone goal to make 116-0early1n the ~ond ended they could gel off quaner. lt capped another dnve set another play up by a big pass play, this one a · spectacular one-handed catch by one up," Robinson Holohan for 29 yards. Ap1n. the said. "It was o ung m my mind drive stalled as Bell was thrown for a with one iime out, and I forgot abo~t l·yard loss on third-and-one at the the other." Atlanta 18. Nonetheless the Rams had to ha' c "That was the best catch of my been pleased with the outcome in the ca~r." Holohan said. "Actually. I first half as their defensi ve ran a lost the bell in the sun. But I was able consecutive scoreless quarters stnng toarabitand pulhtdown before it hit a~inst At lanta to nine. the around. Evereu completed I S-of-20 passes .... The Rams opened the lead to 22-0 late in the third quaner on Lansford's third field goal of the game. this one from 32 yards . .\nd with n. Lansford en tered the Ram record book for most pQmts 1n a career (S74). passing Bob Waterfield {573). >\t long last. the Falcons scored with 7:27 lefl in the pme. And who by TuaJe. What kind ol beating did the Falcons ~tuall) take'> Seven Atlanta players left tht game with vanous In Junes. Had the Rams shut out Atlanta, It ~ould have been the first time the Rams had blanked a team twt~ m a ~n sin'cc the Cleveland Rams did It ln 1939. mmrmmm OLDSMOBILE/GMC TRUCKS 2880 Hlfbar 8ML. • Cam Meu 28&(fHeftiOi. BMI. • COita M111 (714) ~0713 (714) 640-9840 FREE OIL IAYI 1800 •TO WITH THE PURCHASE ANO INSTALLATION OF GENU- INE MffSUBISHI Otl Ftl TER ANOLUBA1CAT10N AT THE REGULAR PRICE Pr..nt coupon at time of ~ One coupon per per'IOn per-trenNCUon. Not combtnable wt1h other dtteount. Good tor _.. Mtteubflhl ~ MO ~~~~ Chryelef,buftt ~. ~ .. .. Or ... Cout DAILY PILOT/ Monday. December 12, 1988 I • I I "' ( N,L STANDINGS ........ c ... ., .... Wed • 1l·ChlcQo Minnelot• 'fampe a.v ··Detroit GreenBav N.V. Giants Phli.cteiPhl• Washington ·Phoenix .o .... s W L T 10 5 0 9 6 0 9 6 0 5 10 0 Centre! 12 3 10 5 4 11 4 11 3 12 Ee1t 0 0 0 0 0 '9ct. f9P 19 A .667 353 256 .600,., 277 .600 302 274 .333 235 305 .IOO 2tS 117 ,U1 371 206 .2'7 2.0 340 .2'7 210 2t2 .200 214 291 1(). 5 0 .667 331 277 9 6 0 .600 356 312 7 I 0 .'67 321 367 7 • 0 .467 327 372 3, 1~ 0 .200 251 351 AmericaAt C••• we West Seattle Raiden Oenv• S.n Diego Kans.s City v·Clnclnn•tl 'tiouston Cleveland :'Plttlburgtt W L T '9ct. '9F '9A • 7 0 .S3J 296 292 7 • 0 .467 211 326 7 • 0 .467 306 J.42 5 10 0 .333 207 319 4 10 I .JOO 241 296 Centre! 11 4 10 s 9 5 4 11 EHt 0 0 0 0 .733 428 312 .667 401 337 .643 2•S 227 .267. 296 397 x·Buff•lo 12 3 0 .ll>o 315 220 New Enei.nd 9 6 lndlaMPOllS I 7 N.V. Jets 7 7 Miami S 9 x-ctincllld dl9'slon lllto v-<Jlndlod playoff birth 0 .600 240 263 0 .S33 337 J()l I .500 :MS 333 0 . .357 257 309 · S.IW'dlY'• sewn Now Yont Jt ls ,., lnc:tlanaPOllt 16 ~ n. Phoenix 17 s.io'I'• kwn ._ ?2, Allante 7 9uffolo 37, Rliden 21 HouSIOl'I •lr._Clnclnn1ll 6 Oeltal 2•, WIShllllllOl'I 17 Ch!Qeo 13, O.trott 1? New Yon Giant• 21, Kan11s Qity 12 Now Entllnc:t 10, Temi>a 81'11 7, OT " Gr-9ay 11. Mitvwsol• 6 ; 5-1') Froncbco JO. New Ortoan1 17 ,sen• Dlooo 20, PlllstlurOll 1• Sffttlt •2, OlnYtr I• T.....,.-s Game Cltvllan<I et Miami. 6 o.m. S.tunlllv, OK. 17 Wesnl"Oton II Cincinnati. f".JO a.m. New Enolanc:t 11 0tn11er. I p,m SUNllty, OK. 11 llams II !.an Frenclsco, S o m. S..lllt 11 llelden, I P.m. Atlanta et New Orleen.s. 10 e.m 8uff110 11 lnc:tlonal>Oli1, 10 1.m. O.•roit 11 T1m1>1 81\1, 10 a.m. HoustOl'I 11 Cll11llanc:t, 10 • m Miami 11 Pillsl>Ul'9'1, 10 • m New Yori! Glenrs 11 New Y0<1t. Jets, 10 • m P!1111d11Phl1 a t OellH , 10 e m K1n11s Clt'll 11 San 01090, 1 p_m Green 8111 el Phoenix, 1 p,m M911My, OK. 1' Chicago 11 Minnesota, 6 P.m. ENO ltRGULAR SEASON NFL llttYeff He·bnaken NOTE 1911 Nelional Footbah LHIJUI • e>roceduf11 to t>r111t. ties In 11enc:t1ne1 eno dltermuw Ollvoff tltes: Dl'l1SK* TIES If, et the lnc:t of 1111 r11JU11r WHon. two or more club1 In the same division lfnl111 with idenllcel blst won·lolHllc:t 1>1rcent111e. 1111 fotk>wlno 11195 win bl lllt.tn unt11 • cl\lmolon Is c:tetorrnlnod Thi same .)tePs art uwe! to dlt~mlne Ille 51111 of P0$1Wll0tl 91mft. TWoClulK 1. H11d·IO·lllld (bell won·k>Sl-llecl --c:enteee In 111,,,.l oetween 1111 cluDSI. 2. Best won·loll·lie<t perc1nte91 In 11ames P41Yed wltllln Ille division 3. S.11 won·k>1Hled oercen11111 in 11amu PIAYld within 1111 conference. ._ Bost won·lo11-tled 1>1rcen11111 In common Nm1$, H 1POllcable S. Bes! not P01nl1 in divltlon 11emes. 6. Bosl nel POlnls In 1U 111mes 7. Stre119111 of scr.eouie I. Bftt net IOUCllOOwns In eM 11ames 9. Coin ton. Tint "Mw't CMI I. HMcl•lo•llMcl C*t WOfl•IDll·lled Nr· cent ... In NI'* WftOlll lfte cluMI. 2. lftl WOft•IMl•lled -~ ... In Mf'MI llle'l9d wllhlll IN dM\lofl. 3. lftl WOll•iotl•li.cl -cent... In .. IMS Ple'l9d within IN c4ftferenc:o. 4. lftl won·lolt-ti.ct -cent.,. In common ""'"· S. lftl not POlnts In dlvlllon eemot. " loll Mt llOln•• In .. eamot. 7. Stroneth ol idlodulo. I. lost Mt loudldowM In el twnM. t. Coln to". NOTE: H I-ell* remoln ti.ct attot 1 thlf'c:t dub " lllmlllotoc:t durlne -..... tho tit· breMll' roY«f• to SIOP I of tho two·duO lol'ITWll. WfLDCMD TI .. H llKftMfY 10 llfNk tjes to dl!Mmlno Ille two Wllc:t C.d ctueK from Mell contonnc.e eftd ,.... ,,.. of their Plev«f NmO, "'° lollowlnl sl9" w• lie t.-on: I. H tho tied dutK .,, from tho tomt c:tM•lon, 8'ltllv dlvl•lon 111-~w. 2. If tho tied dulls ore from dltfof'ent dM•IOn•, •P91v IM fotlowlne •t-: TW90191 I. )teld:-..to:-Med, If IPOllcllllll. 2. lftt won·loll·tled ..,.centaeo In Nl'llH Plewc:t within tho confer-., 3. lftt WOfl•lolt-li.c:t PWCOlll'No In common eames. minimum ol lour. 4. lftt 1vor"° Mt P01n11 In conference 91mK. 5. letl net POlnts In Ill 91mH. 6. Str1119th of ~. 7. lett net louchdow"' In 1N ee~. t. Coln ton. 11lrM w Mere a.a I. HucHo-htad ••MP (AP91lcabll only if -Clut> Ml dlfMlld MCfl ol 1111 otllen, CK If one duO hill '°" to Hell of the others). 2. Bost won·losHltd percent100 In Dlmtj plavld willlln lho contorenc1. • 3. Bftl won·loll-lltd -centao1 In common 1>1mts. minimum of tour. •. Bftt I Y«llOI Ml POlnt1 In confortnee NITIH. S. BlsJ net POlnls In •• """' TaAM ITA.TllTICI socc•• Hillt lcMel beys TODAY C0<oni dll Mir 11 Oona Hiii\, 3; Ellencla at Pacifica, 3; Wooc:tl>l'lc:tte 11 Coste Mell, 3; lrYlne •• El Doro«>. 3;1S. TUHDAY Lone Stoen WllSon 11 Marina, 3; Edison et etoeran11. 2:•S. WIONRIOAY Hunllneton 8uc:ll at COPltlrano Vallev, 3; Foolhlll 11 CorOAe dll MM, 1; Notre Dame 11 Esl1ncla, 3; Co111 Miii 11 TretMJco Hiiis, 3, 6. Strength of Khec:tule. 7. 8ftl net touchdowns In 1K 91,,,., I. Coln ton. • l.lllUCll BlaGh 11 Woodbrlcloo, 3; Oraneo a t Ll9UCll Buch, 3; Wntmln•llf •• Rlndlo Alamllos, 3; Oc11n View 11 .9r11·0llnc:te, 3. Atlante Rams PtntOUW. R1rris-FG L..e"'forc:t 35. I~ soc...iouarw Romt--FG Lonstord 3'. S;lS 0 7-1 J 0-22 Ra""'-eott I run (Lonsford kick), 11:25 Rom1-Ellerd 21 PHI from EYerttl (kick THUltlOAY Los Alamltos •I Marina, 3; Edison at Demien 6, PRtDAY El Oor•do 11 Hunllneton llHCll. 2:30; Sunny Hins 11 Estencla, l, Lo H.-o 11 Coste Mell, 3, Woodbrlc:too II Orenoo, 3; Padflce 11 Wnl· mlnslor, 3, Irvine at Unl11orsltv, 3;1S; New00<t Herbor 11 Oc11n View, 3:15; Loouna Beech 11 Tra~co Hiiis, 3:1S. SATURDAY l•lltdl, 13.-00 • TNnl OMrter Ram1-F~ l..eMford 32, 11:02 P-1910Mrtw Brte·Ollnda 11 Foun11Jn V1nev. I o.m.; • Edison at Orengo Tournarwnl. Al ...... Tuotit 2 fumllll rt lurn. (Ot YIS 7:33 • kldt), A-'2,121. T~ STATISTICS A• Items Flr1t dowm ' . 21 Ru111t1·verds 22·65 3'· 127 Paulng 121 291 Rtlurn Yerd1 0 34 C_.AIHnt 13·33·2 2'·33· I Saclllc:t·Yerds Losl 1·7 1·1? Pun II 1·42 S·'3 Fumbles· Lost O·O 3· I P1ne1tle1·Yerds 3·20 2·9 Time ol Poswsslon 21:AJ 31:17 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING-Allanl1, Settle 10-2', Rloos 9-22. Lane 2·7, Millen 1·7. Rltnl, 8tll 19·6'. GrNO S-1', Wllilt 6· 19, D.iolno 3· 16, Ev1r1t1 2·•. Mee;.. 1·3. PASSING-Allente, C.Mll~ 7·11·1·S7, M itten 6· IS· 1·71. Ram1, Evor11t 2•·33-1-303. RECEIVING-Atlanta, S.ttto S·lS, Dixon 2·•7. Rioo1 2·13, Mllllne 1·34. i..nv 1-10. HHttr 1·9, HIYMI 1·7. Ram1, Hok>hln l.-12t, Ellard 6·92. o.tPlno 2·•S. Mee;.. 2· t•. D.JollnlOn 2· 12, Bell 2·7, Cox l·I, GrNn Hrnlnus 11 MISSED FIELD GOAL$-Atlant1. 0111is 34 Blls l7, Aeklen 21 sc--. Qvartwi Lol Angeles ButtelO F trs f Quorttr 1 0 1 7-21 1 13 7 10-37 8 uf-Ric:td1ck I run (Norwooc:t kick), 1.28 LA-Sm11ti I run (81l'lr lt.icl<t, I• 71 s.c.ftd QMIWr B~Trioma' 37 run tNorwooo ktekl, S6 Buf-FG N0<wooc:t )0, 7:01 Buf-FG N0<wOOO )0, 1S:OO Thlrtl Quar1or Bui-Riddick 2 run (Norwood kiCkl, 2.26 LAR-Brown '3 PISS from Scnro.oer (81llr k lck I, 13.lS ,._,.. OUortw Bvf-Rolle 2 PIH from Kt lh< (Norwooc:t lt.lcl<J. ·~ LAR-Smltll 6 PIU from Scllfotc:ter (8allr kick), NS 8uf-FG Norwood 22. 13:09 A-n,341. Hitt\ lcMel "'1s TODAY WHlmlnster 11 Paclllc1, 3 I TUllOAY Hunllneton Btocll 11 Caolftreno V1lley, J, C0<ona dll Mor 1t Dana HlllJ, 3; Wooc:tl>l'lc:toe ., San Cltmlnle, 3.IS, Foot!llH II frYlne, 3.IS, UPiand 11 UnlYersltv, 3 IS, ~a 8oac11 et NewPO<t Harbor, 3;15. WIONISOAY Tustin •• Woo<lt>rlc:tte. 3:1S, Westmln•ltr II El Modin•. 3; TrebuCO HIM• •• NowPOrl Hart>or. 3:1S. THURSDAY Huntl1191on Buell ot Conyon, 3; El Toro 11 Corona Oii ""4r, 3; University II lrvlnt, 3, NtwPO<t Herbor el Marina, 3; Laoune HAis 11 EdiM>n, 3. . f'RIDAY CanyOl'I •• W~lc:toe. 3:1S. SAT\MOAY Hunll"OIOl'I Buch 1t Gltnc:tor• Tourne nment, Edison 11 South T0<ronce Tournamenl. TENNIS ,_.,, altNbftten (II,..... .. _., SlnlteS P IMI JOhn McEnroe (U.S.) def. l11en Llnc:tl IC1Kll011011eklal, )·S, 6·2. Tl*tl ~ Mlcllaol Chine IU S.) dlf. Artdrt At11nl (U.S I, 6·3, .. 3. '**9s PNI · Moll Anoor·Otrrlek Rostoeno (US.I Oii Jonn McEnroe·P1trldl McEnroe (U-~ >. 7·6, 6·3 .. TO A NEEDY CHILD WHO HAS S O MUCH L E SS THAN YOU . Bring new toys, games, clqthing .~ or other suitable items for children from tots to teens Give yourself a lift by knowing that your gift will be appreciated by sQmeone who would otherwise . . receive no Christmas Gift. Please do not wrap your gilt. D~ly P i lot H oliday Gift Coll ection ·Now thru Friday, Dece'mber 23 .. ... ...... ..... MllwaUllle ts. Lalllrl ,. ~llltlld 121, Sell .,,..,. 113 (Oii T ..... , .... Miami at Utoh, 6:JI 11.m. 9ua1 ti, LM .. M LOS •••us ,,., -Green s-t 2-2 12. Wor11W l0-21 M 21, ~ 1-t ,_. 11, JotlNoll •-t 1-J 11, Sclltf 1·• H 2, COOllOf 3·7 H t, WOOlrldeo 3-1 I· IO 1', McHefftero 0-0 H 0, C ..... 3·7 2·2 I. TOloll M·U 2t-23 N. MILWAUK•• CtSI -Clltl'lf'nlnel 10·20 0-0 20, Krv•tll.-1111 3·t 2·2 I, Siii.ma •·• 2-2 IO, Monctllf I· 12 7·1 tl, Pr11Mv J·S •·• 10, HUfl'lllfVltt 9•16 H 11, ~co l·S 0-0 2, lrouor l•J H t, •ooem--H 0-0 O, Moll.Mii.i H 0-0 2. Totats •IO lS-1' tS. ~.w--. Lot A""6ll 2' t3 23 lt-H MilwlUll.OI 21 JO SJ lt-f5 ThrOO·llOlnl toalt-COOllOf 2. Fouled out-Nono. R~os A,... J6 (Green "· MllwlYll• '6 (Krntkowlllk, Slllm. t ). Aul$1.-Lot ~ 2• (Jotlnton 121, Mii· wautt• 21 (PftueV 101. Total ~ot Aneotn 17, Mlfweull• JO. A-ll.633. ~ "*' TWIDAY Eostern wosnin.ton ot UCI, 7:30; Life 811111 COl!ooo ., Cllrl1t Collett lrYfne, 7:30. THUltlOAY IM:I ol Novlc:la·ln V191s, 6 o.m.; Con· cordla (Midi.) COiiett 1t Chrlll COll09t lrYIM, 7:30. NIDAY Pacific Christian 1t Solllnor11 C11Jlornll COi· ..... (7:301. • SAT\MOAY Concord!• IMldl.) C°"'119 11 Soulhorn can· IO<nla COltooo, 1.30. • SUNDAY UCI et Lo'llOll (Clllcatol. 12:30 P.11'1. c..... wemen THUltlOA Y UCI ti Nevoc:ta~l.as V1911, l:lS p,m, SATURDAY UCI 11 Lone Bucb St1t1, 7:30. Cammuntt¥ ~ men THUltlOA Y Golden Wnl 11 .COleeO of the 5eciuolas Tournament. ff•IDAY Golc:ttn Weit 1t Colltoo of '"' SoQuolH Tournament. SATURDAY Golden Wiii at COllOll of 1111 Slqoulls Tournement. Cammunttv ~ wemen TUllDAY Golden Wiii II Gtonc:tolt, 7:30. THutllOAY Or•noo Coos•. GOlc:tln WHI ., Cutst• Tour· n1ment. P•IOAY. Oranoo Coast, Golden Wnt 11 Cunt• Tour· nament SAT\MOAY Orenoo Coest, GOiden Wnt et Cue111 Tour· nament. Hlttl lcMel beVs TODAY lrvlno W0<1d Newt Tournanent lflrtt rounc:t Oll'llH: Latuna hacn YS. Pelol Vtrdft (ot Unl111rtltvl. 6, CO<OM al Unlwrsltv, 7.JO. Edison vi N0<tll (11 Irvine), uo: t'OI Amloos at trvlne, 7:30, Sac:t~ YS ltutlidoux (ol WOOdl>ric:IOO), 6, ESNflf'lll II Wooelbrlc:tte, 7:30, Marina vs. Coste Mtsa (11 Cllfiil Colltte Irvine), •JO. COf'-dll MM Y,, Fotllroolt Cot Christ Collloo 1r11lnel. 7:30; NOl'l·leaeuo: Et Toro 1r Hunllntlon Bffdl, 7:30; Tournament of Clllmoions (II Octon View Hlehl. Mot« Oet YS. 80-.co Toctl, 7. GOLF WMd CUP , •• -. .-•> Thnl MO -U'"'" $111e'J, .... (hft er-· " •1 ... ,. #-M'I. wc-1H0-11·nl TUlllDAV Et TttO et ff ...... YlllY;.: ....._, ..,.. .. Sell QllNftte 1JI; "9c °'"'*" .. ....._. ow ........ 11': L..l9lf1y ~ .. lioorNnelOn Cftrlttlell, J:JI, LI Qulnte Tour· l!lf'Wllf ((ttMCle YI. ............. IMctll, I ~.!fl.; lrvlM WetW Newt T°""""""' IMC9ftd round .. lr~Hllft. Woocarldll Hllft. UlllYOI'· lltY H1911, C-* C .... .,......~=--flf CMmoloM 11 ~ View ( View YI. Mln'lmec. ....,.... • ... --IDAY Teunw'lllM of~ at~ View, Est~. ~ ...... 9Mdl ot Lo Qulm1 T-· WNlll; ~ at Don Vo91 ($Mio ..,....., T-"*"'"'. TMMIDAY ltWlnt World Mewl TourWMlll Qulr· twflMll; TourWNflt ti OllnwllM el OcMrl VleW, EatOllCJe, ~ leedl el Le Qulllla TourWNllt; FOUflfelll Volrl el Arrove ~-­T-'*"""" (YI. Hol1•1._., di, Wwlt· mlMter 11 Don Vole! TounwMlll (Sellta Bw11wol. ...DAY lrwlnl World ...,,_ T-nament · lomlllnels; Tourwnent of CllefnllloM ., OcMn View/ Ellent;le 111C1 HllltllMfon 9Mcll et Le QulMo T__,.m; F-lellt V,,,.., et Arrowo GrMdl Touniement, WwllmlNIOr al Don V0191 (Sellto BerMrel Tournement; Peclflc Sftcwet 01 UDor· IV Chrlttlen, 7:10. SATURDAY trwjne Wwld ...,,_ Tournamll'll Flnall ot UCI Iron Ewenls Cll'llor; T°""""*'I ol Cllain· Plonl Finell ., OCMll View; Fountain Vallrl ., Arrovo ~elldl Tournament; WfttmlNtor ot Don VlllPI (Serll• taarW•> T-nement; Now· -t Ctwlstlen at ........ a.ti"· 7:JO. H.. lcllell llrtl TONMNtT E111ncia et .. Yorlv Hiiis Tournament; Foun• 111n V1t1ev ot Arlnla Tournament, Coste MIM •I lrN-ollndo Tournament; W11tmln1tor, Miter Del, ~ \flew, lrYlne, UnlYOnllw II Sa11anne Tournament. TWIDAY • E1tonclo ., lkvorlY Hiii T-l\lf'Mftf; Foun· lain Vetllv ot Arfftla Tournament, Cosio Mesa •• ISrN·Olinda Tournemonl; WlllmlMI«. Mater 0.1, OCMll View, Irvine, Unlnr\llV 11 Sa11onna T-namonl. L~ loach 11 Dene Hllll, 7; Hunllnelon IMech 11 Mlllllton, 7. WllDNUOAY Ellencio ol lovorlv Hills Tournemtnt; Foun· teln Vetllv ot Arlftla Tournament, Coste Mesa 11 Br•·Ollnda Tournament, w-.1m1Mter, Miter 0.1. Ocoan Vllw. Irvine, Unlvorslty •• SaYantll Tourna,,,.nt, Marine 11 CIOl1tr•110 V111tv,7 THutlSOAY Estaoc!o 11 S.vtrlY Hlll1 Tournament F'oun· teln Veilev et Al"!Hla Tournemonl. Cosl• Me11 11 H•H 011noa Tourna"'8!1t, W111mlilttr, ""'" Del. OcHn View, lrYlno, Un~YlfSllY ., SaYeMa Tournament, Sac:tc:tleOack 11 Leguna llffcn, J:IS; Marine 11 El Modena 1 ff•toAY Estancia ot 9aYOrtv Hills,Tournament, Foun·, teln V11ttv at Arl11la T-namont, Cosla Mftll e t Bree·Oflfldo TournalflOl'll; Wntmlnster. Mater Del, OcMn View, lrvlnt, UnlYOnllv 11 Sa111nno T-wnent; L.-h1ch 11 Caol$treno v ... v C!lrlsllan, 3:1S. SAT\MDAY Estoncle , Nowtiort 11 lotle Gronc:tt Tour· namont; Coste Mesa 11 9 r•·Ollnc:to Tour· nament, WntmlMtor, Motif Del, Ocean View, lrYine, Unl111fsltv 11 S111onno Tournament; Fountein Valltv 11 Santo 8erbore Tournanw1n1 In Htaldsbu~t. '100ll). 0..1Mtllllll'9 DAVRY'S LOCKI• (........, IJoodl) -3 bolh, Iii OlllllWs. 1 bonito, II coc:t, 1 halibut, 1 collco oou, 1' sand bou, 11 llne coc:t, s blacJt -boss (rolNMc:tl. ' SH(llSh lacll.. 11 ~. 2' tculllln, 10 whit. ""'· NRWPOllT LANDING -2 bolll, 37 oneters. '17 Mnd boll, I lllllbut, ISO r~ flth, 210 scutoin I collco bass. NHL .....,.,._... Wollllnefon 6, 8Yffato • Clllcato s. St. Louil 2 VlllCCIUWI' I, WIMIMe 6 T.......-10-. K-.. 11 New York ltoneert, •:>s om. aostOl'I 11 Montreal, •:ls o.m. Cllt•rv 11 T0<onto, •:35 P.m. . T ... Y'ao-t Wellllneton 11 Quttloc, •:ls o.m. MIM1SOl1 11 Dotroit, •:3S p,m, SI Louis et Now Jenn. 4:0 P m w.-............... , IAgaALL ........ L ..... LOS ANGELES OOOGERS-Sltnecl Wittie Rtnc:tolpfl, sacOlld boseman, to • two•vlfr CO(ltract. Stnt Wwi.tn Brennan, oltdltr, oulrlent lo Albu<IUlfQUI of Ille P1clfc: COISI LH9U9. POOTaALL ... ..... " ..... L..eeelM ATLANTA FALCONS-ACllYOllc:t Sr.av 91lltY, wlc:tt receiver, ·~ Sten ClaYIOl'I, of· foritlYO lineman, lrom lnluroc:t r-Y•, Wolvoc:t Daniell Loo. 1111111 end. Placlc:t Vinton Smith, NntOaell.Of, on lnlurld r-vt GREEN 9AY PACKERs-fllocld Brent Fullwooc:t runnlne bodl, on tho lnlctlYO Nsl. .Activated Konnttll Oa11ls, runnlnl Mell, lrom "*'Id,_ HOCKIY ......., Hedin L..eeeYo LO$ ANGELES KINGS-.tcallld Kori aaumeertntr • ......_n, trom New HoYOn of the Amorlc1 Hodtty L.Moul. NEW YOltK ISLANDERS-.tallld Mlll.1 Welill, rieht wine, trom Sclflneflllc:t of tho American Hodtev LOffUO Sent Jeff HKll.111. 90lltondlr. to SOrlnof\lld. PHILADELPHIA FL VERS-AcCIUlrld SteYt F-tetcnor, lift wine, from the WfMIPltl Jots IO< future c0Mlc:ttr1llon1. COLLI GI TENNESSEE TECH-AMOUncod the rnlt · nation of Tom Deaton, oeskttball coach High school foot'ball lOg , ................ , Hlll. MACH 12·1·t l MAlllNA ll· lt·ll SADOLllACK <•·Ml COllONA NL MAit U2·t·11 , ..... L..eeeYo, l-4·tl , ..... &....-. ..... , CS.. View L ...... , 2-2-ll (lee View L..eelllO, , ••• 1) 0 cor-.. Mor 7 0 -EMIOl'Oftll 13 1• Corlalled It 7 Hunllnelon 9Mch 0 2 Pacifica 7 0 -SOl'Yl1-.. 6 Sant• Ana JO Z1 Sen Cllmonto 0 10 Now-t HartlOr 7 10 Footflll 21 7 0omln9Ue1 20 S2 Sanlle9o I 7 Lont IMctl Whon 16 0 LOS AlomllO\ 2' 21 Serro 12 1• leeuno Hiiis II "Maler Del 31 6~ a o Santo Ana V111tv ) 21 Cotta Mtsa 12 6 Edison" 21 6 Wlltmllllt«. " ft Newo«t He~· " 14 Unlvenity• I• 21 Merine" 10 10 Huntlnlton lloec:h" 21 7 Tustin• 17 14 Eatencie• 7 6 Oceen View" JI 0 Ec:t1son• •I O Corona dll M.ar• 0 o~· 0 1' WnlmiMIOf'" 2' 20 Fountoln v.,...... ,. 2' Unlvor"tv• JI 17 Tustin• 0 13 Fountain Vat1ev• a o oeoon vi.w· 2' 10 Eatoncle" 1l '17 NowPOl'I Herw• I c., .,·Trew Clfl 17 La .... 7 0 ffOUNTMI VALUY (lM .. I MATW• 091 (6., .. , ' Peclflca 21 2' Anaflelm I , ..... u..-...... , ,.,...... ~ ~2 .. ) 1• PKltlca 7 22 Maler Del 17 17 FOUfllalll Vellv n UMVm•ln'Y l••S•l) 17 Vllloncle 7 H El Tero " ,. Oc9anllCll ,. , .. """' L..eelllO. 1·2-11 COSTA MmSA (S.S·ll 3 IWlllll'I V1elo ,. 17 Slnto Ane 10 1 Irvine 13 C"9dle CMlt L..eelllO, J.2·tl 21 El MM1118 7 t Ec:tlton 21 0 MllllOl't Vlelo •1 13 EalMCle t3 20 Loni leeCfl fllotV H 31 Huftfllltton INch " 12 WOOdlri..,. 1• 22 ltllldle AiemltOI IS l2 OcMll View" • 1' .... am.1• • 7FOOftlll ' ,. Gertlell Grove 7 ........ 21 21 ..,_ ~""""' v• 1 31 DeM .... 20 71( ..... 1 -~· .. 42 ,,..., • 14 C.,_•MM• 1• 12C-di! MM 21 J6 11Ur1M· 20 HSI. '-"' IS 2• ~ Henlor• I 7 WOOdlrldeo" 1• a~ 1ooct1· 13 2• Senile" 42 t Eatencle' 1• 12 Trllluco Hiit' 21 11 S1JS tact• ft 2' L--. Hiit• 21 C#' l2 Tustin• 17 l•OrlNll· 13 Jt St. Frentlt 0 Qf' • L..eeuN leech" 0 10 ltuDldOu• 0 1' LI Jordln ' .. l1MIMIT•• 1••7•t) C#' lt servtte 1 17 LoYGle • ( ..... ~M .. I 21 ltoomll ..... , • ,, ..... .,.,., 2' t Velellele 20 ·-r:~t.' .. , -~ lS ...... , MMMll (J.r .. ) ltltMfeMa .. ,..... .., .. , ~, ..... , 1 c.iw... VlllY 12 Jl-~v,,,,.,-I , ... c.et ~I-Mt ,.__ "-' l ·MJ • , ...... VlelO ,, 1' 13 unMnltY 1 OS.. AM 1' NWrlM· • • Lelll 9Mdl --1• .. oc... View 0 21 M9ter Del ' • v .. l'Wll. u 1 """"""9fl leeCll 10 11oc... v1ew• 13 Gil.,. a..c. • 1a Tllllll! 7 11 LI Ha9re .. tO Fountalll Y,,,,.,• JO 11 N1111ll ..... 1 IMcfl• • '=mt.... t7 M &.Ml leaOI Wllolt • .. ._,,,..... IMcfl• 19 II F....-v,,,,.,• • M 13 ~==· • 1~· 42 ,, ... c..... 1 QI ., Martaa-• •:.-v~ • ,. lt &...-. • 10 Oeeall View" • 17 T"""'° • ..... ,,.. ..... 1 IJ VIiie" M ,, ........ I QI .".... M I c.,.. • ,,,.,.. " WUD•W UM.f> lOF.,.. 21 .. Ill .,.. " ,,,..._ c.... "-' •·1.f) n ,.. °"""'" ' •ITMICIA lM·Ut ftF..-• C .. ¥119 ........ I• •I) J:11fM MACM CJ·•·U M Ur•••llty 12 r. c.... Miii ~ OC.All NW Cl-M> IJ.,.. 7 ~ ... Cllll .......... , , .... L.-. l·J.tt :=--..· • :5~ 1 MIT.'«-G "c..,.. • 7 , 1-. D .............. 11 e~ .... ' • ·~ ... J ft =:-v,,,,., , • ; c.-.. ,,,.,.. ta 1 ....... • • '1~t.dl· 1 M ••a... .. ·~ ,. QTnilUoj ~ " M Ullt•r•• • ii:-.... I •~-•v...,.• • . ......,......,. 17 • Io ..... ..,. • H c.lr99 .. 1' II 2 11$• • ,,... .... 1 ·='11 leacfl• • .... oar. M CIP. 1 Wll e--.• 17 -, ...,. \ I M~ " 1c.......-• It--· .. ,,... ... ,. \ r Orenge COMt DAILY PILOT/Monday, OeQember 12, 1918 • • CALL 642-5678 Private party only No Real Estate, CommerelaJ, AU1omo11119, Boating Of H .. p Want9d .~· . .'\-... ~ .. ·~ • '.#.'I .~··· ... ··~ ~ .. ,, ... #":..-".II:-~ ..... ......._. ....... ~ ...... ,.,.,~ .. --~-.,,,,.., ...... ,... ... ~~"""~ .6t I ' ..... .,,.... ...... ~t .,,; ........... .. All '-" tM-.. """ ,,,,., ,._._. ..... .._.,..,,,NH VJ/I':''' ,, ~ . ; > ,.~-, ' ~ t' . ·~ ,_ >., .~ •.... l"':" • (.~ .. ..... .... I• Clnu ... ._ 1112 ._. 11 C.... ... Jiu •D Cllll... •at la .... ._.. 1111~~ 1211 C1 rsl·' .. llllUT IDllllll •11111 • 11Ml 12 l•O-· P'V 18A, new S*nt MESA VERDE. 2BR 1L'. WALK TO BCH NA HOAG •™ilia LL ..... + .... aeR, OCMI\ turf & .1eftY CfP', bllnd9, I Ngtttlng. ""'*·Quiet cul dew. • Lg 1BA. QM pd F/P Wtcty !Wltell now avail I *•/ .... 38R 2BA + chafmlnQ vtewfrom th!. 2BR HtBA PENINSULA VE.ARLY Frplc, porch, m/w, 4 MM+. 2867 HlcttOfY 1725 • LG 2Bf' 28a 1147 oo wtl l up. 2274 1 _... mottMW-tn-&ew ~-· temodeled. M•t• tee •o.tuxe 18A +Den. 1BA doaetl. Avail. e1~11 498-1131, 751-9413 TWN\M 1925. Pool, epa, ~I Blvd, CM Me-7445 ..... _____ ........... _ ..... _; tub IQ lkyttghte trP'C lowlr ENplell. Patio. DW· ccw. pntg 1401 ~ '" LO tot w/epa. -· 11iao7mo. -2f4 FemlMt'. age, lndry. Clos• to .. .... Nw N9wport Height•. AY9. 64e 1131 Hiiia te lhrt 1000 aq,, "· OlllOe °',. pool l ~ panclng .• ......,.e75-M ~ '925/mo 2BR 1VtBA close to 18R gard en apt, tall, ~ In now, • 'l'tll1 ta • mull .... __ ,. 27 •CU1e · 2SR 1&A COf'n« beach 19So/mo 900 $450/mo. Incl utlla. Avail. A•IH ,_... flM oenta per 1q. fl. Comer crf ~':;..C:~ ,'":.:, Clltl ... 1114 houM, 1g pe11o, pet ok. s.. ~. M4-2&11 12~15. e73-M03 ct.EAM-1e.-. 11001nter IXCIOX Stir iG rn ~~~ T...,,. ~5743 SIM \!XIX AOO§E ,.., Stier• laundry. No park-Uf)Pef 2 BR 2 BA + otc NEWER 2BR 2BA, iww Plr'ldnQ. utlll Incl. No w/2 1trt/M, non tmkr. no 1 .....,,==~=--:=~=:- Souttl eo.t Ptua. ~van-Ina. StoO/mo. Avall Dec ;e. 310~ lria. J*nt, mini blinds, trplG, ~. 723-12" drU91, Quiet., .. of a.I ...... lllLl•I MM now New pelnt new •3ltR 2BA lowlr duP'e11, I 1300/Mo Yrt Call gw., lrO belCOny, nr bc:t1 •II"' Penn 1500/rno Us-4077 FULL SERVICE c:atpet, big y.,d, kid. ok. garage, lrplc, patio, 1-978-223& 0t eru149. 1795/mo. 1181333--0572 llUIWUl CLOSE TO BEACH NB W•c:M l IMM, Npl lld\ St 100. Ce'il 667-5747 ac:roea PCH. •1275 NEWPORT ACROSS THE ~.. DUPLEX PM bdrm! Pro-Sign 8PW 8111 on~ in 11 .,. 'Fl 38A 2~BA 24ty coNDO. YIW 1m1u c.u ... ... sTREET. aR ~. gar-...., :,:=· wio tw1ona1 n-.mkr $435 .... ,., By ...,,btc*er Ctlerm-dbl gwage, lrg patio. VILLA BALBOA 2B•. .rm gp;aas ~~~~ 1MS-1Nine tlkup, laid. CIOM to •uth. 973 • 5014 1--~·n Ing 38A, 28A, 1UMY I 8lf:e5,88Y M~o~;i!~· 1.58&. 11, 100. Great~ IOcl ' beech. 1075/mo. C.M, male, n-amiu, no 1e-1rWiiT DiW£ bright, hardwood floors, mo .. PEN. PT .• 2Br HouH 1 I 2Bdrm8. Oar, cable Sedllcted l ipadou9 28R 4409 RIVER drugs. llr, all pnv, w/d, ~ Bdl, Af# 541-8032 new c;arpet, fr en. lg ...... ,. s1,175. e¥t. Omblt w/880, tndry 1BA & 38R 2BA Apt1 on TSL MGMT M2-UI03 ~ $300/mo S200 dec>.1_ijiiiiiiiiii!°- yerd w/wood IW4ng Mt. Flfeplece dlehwaaher 2 BALBOA 48r, fp 1 1500 rm No P9'• 6314427 the EMtllde. Gf.., lo-I\ utll 645-8379 I UI IWTillBI Wiik 10 9Chool l part(, cat gar°9ge. S1250/~o. BAYFAONT Condo 2Bt ~~~~ ~ cl:e!·~~ ~ HB 3BR 28A quiet home. 3975#8, ~IMO/mo, s:Ml,500 631-4522 CALL 548-11164 S1e50 m .,_ 1· ~ · !--...... ut''-"",__, ':· lmkr ohy, must Ilk• Nwpt Bdl. AG' 541-IOU l=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"_,,..,,__,,....,_-----I BAlBOAeov.2Br,def'I, Wca~fil!kl pa,,,_ .,..., QMagM, _ ...... , -....., o pets 40+ refs $400 +1--------- 11 a 8BR. 28A, frplc, d/W. well lrplc, ~.dock. $2300 llraplace. CIOH to petl. S1175. 723-1292 ,del).'Avlll·now Hs-1611 ~mt&- ......... _. melntaln9d home with SEAVIEVi 3Br, 2.5Ba ••••T• I schools & lhop9ing. Clll Executive TownhouH Otncea 8V8ll from 1170. llTU um LIT yard, good nghbrhd, House comm pool I ten----1 S40-3Me 0( e6o-50ee 38R 2~ 2 car DW HB. m1i. to ~ 2S-35 Good loc8don loft ...... BMutlful 38R 2BA. IG FR. $1200. Avail now 1139 nls. s2',150, Sparkllng clean large Smell ~ Newport 0 ~ E A N v I E w mell prof to lhar• 31>< prl(ng Scotti 548-2301 eunny & brhe $475,000 Jo.rtn 557·H32 BAYFRONT Condo 2Br, Apta. Pool I apa. snop. Height• S400im<t. Ut1ls 81~3 apt S347 mo ·•Mic NB NEW GARDEN ~- .Im--den dock for 80' bOet ping & neighborhood 1 ' 1 •S100 dep Laundry, · · -3BR J BA. llngle garage, Yea~ '"4750 . pn ne11t door. No~. Inc . No k tctien. 1~ lg Lux 280 2BA 1100.f pools ~2-4917 anytime FICE. 2500 lq. ft. IUx.. 'Metlcutou148R2BA. tam· new paint, new..!!'pet, LIND~·ISLE 2 story 5Br 28drm 1'/•Ba S7M lrvlne AY9 •B 720-9422 2prlv rnttr St• 2 deckl TEMPO .... RY R I IUlte, golf oourae view, lly rm, 1 blk to IChOOI. new dr~. $1"""/mo. ' 28d 2Ba S800 T11-•• nr Wcllff no pet• 1875/ls "" oom or new eltport. 25CM>4l4 comm poor. gmblt. Ne9d plul deposit. 8-48-6273. boat dock. $10.000 _.rWm _ -... ,_ A bl 111 &40-IM08 rent, plus private bath In tutaelel$41SOOO Sub-................... •-•W-2BR w/gar . Catpets, 11 28R. 2 BA apt. near ... /1•1Pf mtt. C•U JULIA .LIAO 28 BtCKBAYEAsystDE IULTlllU1•1• COSTAMESA drapes, b1t-ln1. ~ ••TllUT• N41WPBtlldandW.BaySt 2nd floor. Prtvete 1trMt 780_5000 or 759_550e . new paint carpet, 01-1111 y•d w/patlo. water paid. 38R 2'h&A CIOM to lhc»-In CM P~. Jaeuzzi, It level antr81'd .,.., Udo yud. A v all n o w I LARGE almost new 2Br, 636-4120 Call 1-5PM • • cootclng and phone prlv PIM.a. S950/mo 'f' .... ~ a.A.V $795/rno. M6-0&45 den, 2Ba, 2-'aty, dbte gar, •OCEAN VU deluM 2BR M7 Victoria 'H' ... $720 ping !!IN~ 5::0 $300 per mo. utll Incl 1st 333e Via Udo er~ • ' fltU'rFila .. / • BRIGHTON SPRINGS 2BR lrplc, micro, ainny patio. 1'~ bath, frplG, oecil, QM. ~·Via. L.ldo eTS-9219 I des>· Av8il now Smoker OFFICES 17th BLOG ''t'.' \"f\-.,,~I· iu· v .11 2'.tBA trl-i.vet, NCtuded $1585/mo * 721-8508 2218 E. P9Cfflc ac>t 8. ok. Cell Judy M2-4321. CM FUu ~· Aentel. I ' . \\ ~ . ..... ~ \. wood• & 1tr..,,,1 a.... 189()/mo. s.. 11t. Call meatiBllU. ext 3 1 6 day I O'f • • • • REALTORS • ment oar w/opnr a L~~~~r~~~~-= 759-t 104/E ~722/0 Millll-Afft 5 4 8 .. 1 11 t · 7 ~2 1~5-270aq/ft 1 --·•-c.,port. W/O htcup1, yetd, pvt comm., $1500 28R2BA,newcarpetd/W, • tplllMll •Wlll•T ... * wtleno./eYer\lngl . 1 NE'•""ORT"' c;;'EST ·Dbl micro. woodburn frplc, mo. (wint•). MS-5994. I g PI t I O• I nd r Y • Sparkling clMtl large EXCLUSIVE BEACH MATURE female non-., __ __._, '-;a •H· pool & apa. S995/rno + g«/p#lclng-$800 Garden t19tl. eMutlfulty COMMUNITY • tmkr, to ahare t'#ntlOUM .,..__ sharp. prof deCOr, 38R eec. VELMA 549-2447 Luxury 2BR 2BA Ngtl·rl9e 2'37 Elden. no.-0138 landicaped grounda Haa bMUtlful 1BR Apt neat South Cou1 P1az.a.. WM~~ . . .. . ~!~s°=K~~ E'SIOE dup1e11, lmmac 'i:':'ydo:"~c!.~'~:'!:i ' ............ Poot&apa,patlol/deeks: w/BAY VIEWI Lg patlO, *350/mo.540-9001 ;F€fAJ(§jSxtil PROPERTY HSE RLTRS 2BR. den, yard, w/d S2200/mo Incl utlls. Boet A 1mall ~ comptex. QMllQ9 Ot cwport. frpl<:, danwabr. mlcto. M/F 2BR. 1BA hM In Approx 1200 alt Jdr1t to- ,._ __________ ...;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.a1 WATCH BOAT PARADE ~k~~2·$m~mo-~v~IJan l llP ext,..~ Spiller. Sludlo i550& 18rw/frpl. ~:,-csr~Ba S680 O*' ...... Pvt bdl~S1:~mo* CdM. n.lmkt, no pets. lg calJon.,.., ~ Ctty '--. ·'" .. v ..,,. ;r• Re/Max 548-54581 becltyd patio $ea5 mo rm • S8l5 ...,.. room. M1gl oar $550 -Hell. AG' 813-6354 IMl latall ,.. .... Cetta... 1114 ~w :~~B:-!~1~ ......... nr 11a, NEWPOfU SHORES 2BR ;uke ,;.. ~ ~ pvt": 131~~e~_:t__~16 s~~v, ...... PET11s IUt, ••• 673-3l28 ~/L91' I' ...._.,_.. I "' .. 1i::L -fll•llll unit, 1775,000 OR Fan-gerage, good loca\lon 2BA. 2 ltOfY houM, CO<· ool, ape, dry. 111 + Baotlelof S570 -... M/F prof non amtlr •for AcJc>ro11 2 000 elf to ft .,._... ·.--,-•.:: _-:-_ tulle Penln1ul• Pt $700/mo. US-54411 n« lot. gar, quiet .,.. MC. NO PETS. 5411-2447 1 Bedroom S675 NWPT HOTS 2BO 1BA bMU1 lrg 28t COM. w91k tr .... ~~-Many win· IM _., .._,_ oceanlront ,w/pegged $1000 mo. 67~912 Agt •BACKBAY VIEW* 28drm 2Ba twnh.M S665 frpl, kit.~. d/w, beech. frplc;, pool. no doW9 AC '99tml .,.... ....... ..., ___ ....., .... Jual door9 from Pinkley hrctwdftrs.3Jactubs&s.o ~ ....... NPTHTS 4BR(Ot 3+den) 38R. ftreplece, lrg yard. 825Cent•St fJ.42-1424 encloMO gar, lmm9d petsSSOO•ut 721-4 135 per1(iftg.Ag.64s-a. &lllfMelR Parl(. Approx. 1800sf. much morel! Property 3BA 2BA, 2 cw saarm· I yd :..-$2500/ ' iar. new cwpet/palnt --------occ S1050mo M&-3170 N 9 ou fr beech 1---------SUMM'NCW.~J. = ~=o~~=K~t HOUM !'trs. 8-42~50 ~~~;:. t'2~:~i~1 8. rgAgt.'Kathy e54-223r; 0 · ·side. 11250. 8'48--0M5° ~=~Ba ~~~ . ~ 2B.R.~. w/d~ apaciOua: c.. ...... COLDWeLL BAN~eRa S205000 CalfM4-7211 ..... C.Ut J.CoombeRealty •BAYTJMBERS* 151E21atSt 548-2408 2BR 18A $1 500 n-tmkr. fem pref SS50 =·~ -· · OH ..,111 lllllTI 1BR, trptc. cable. pool, a...2 .. 3&50 Bkr • 1nc1 utll 722-7052 __ -.. ,. ..._ I 2eR1BAOuple11,patlo,no mTllw patio, QM. No pets. 399 W•tllde 2BR Apt, patio, Newpor1 8ch 380 2BA SH .&i@kiftd.M: .... &II S*I, S800/mo. M 2-4011 En""'..,__ ht!~, ... _ I W Bay St 1885. eso-6357 lndry lac. 2 pn<ng ~ lu atmall lifi beach t1otUae steps to COMM. PAOP. l1-4ml. · r.Jn ~l[1fl &n.1 -• ' ,.,, ..,.._t -ng ·-o New paint, stove & c:rpt. beach $500 · .. U111 Call COSTA MESA VICtNfT.V. Exn• ... t thc he~.fmM ., ......... " tall pine tr ... ' green In *"" ..... $750/mo. 731-MN 1BR 18A CTAPE WEST Dewn 63Mell1 > p..p.BEHRENS e•e 5516 ·r~ 1 •BY OW NER. OPEN tBR 1BA. MC gate, tennis, 3BO 28A thll apacloUs, Nelu<led 38t 2Ba. garage, W/O hk APARTMEN · No pets,•--------•-------- ilAIU. '1 ~ ASSUCIATES u,1 ••• 1 SAT/SUN 12-5. E/ak:te pool•, oerolu l Newfydec:.huge2200 11t. 3BR 2't'.BA t>Nutyl Fea-up, large yerd, new lut.IMell 2ltl AvallableJan1.1510mo BeactltrOf'lt a.Ibo&. new WlllrW 1711 iwntiM nr Bacit Bay. ser clubhouM. Only S69.SOO. 80i. story, 2carl tuto dr tur• 1t1ct: Format llvlng carpet& dtaipeal9501mo i ld a:IUx trim 2& 2 C.-13'-3320 Iv meg luxury bldg, walk to pier, liiliiiilliliiiiiiiiiiiiii .. _..,.i-.oi• ll.111.W 2Ba. F/P, h\lge patio, 2-C.tl now, 8-46-4380 Agt opnr, 2 fplc1, Eleo. rm, dining rm, cathedrel 384~ E. 1e1t1 St. IOft 2'..i&a. 2 mrbl frl>lc, Walk to beach, oc.ari vtew terry, Fun Zone. PavAA>n indu1tri1i bldg, e.Q .. 70 Ff.-· Beylront-pan-car attctl. ger. S187,500. OPEN HOUSE DAIL y 3-6 1tove/Obl oven/ O/W. c:elllng• & mcuh m<>f'el TSL MGMT 8-42-1803 lkyllte, w/d hh--Up. gar., 28R 1BA or Qf'ound level $500fmo wntr 67~1 3,000 lq ft, 1Sc/1q "· Otamlc vtew, 3 ~t lllp1, 3e1 RAVELLO LANE Cr..,,,puff 38' 2Ba, huge pvt. patio, fully tnced yd, lmmed oecupany, lhM --1 --2400 If nr Hunt. Harbour 2BA 1~BA. 9"CI gars. no ProfeM teniale Metllng AY911 lmmed. Call °"'* t>eem.O celllng1, ex-8'46-989e or e31·7437 lam room spa $2211000 Incl. yd. malnt.W/O °'tong term IM pouibte. *r--114.50 (213) eeo-9513 pet•. 2231225 La Paloma _.,,. 10 share 2 Mstr ~24, 545-3575 otU9Ne Beylhor• Cepe _,,___ AIW'll Mandy .962-e054 hltups. lEASE OAC-Ctllldren & pets ok. 1BR w/loft, 2BA. Frplc, ca-1725/mo * 637-7918 ~t Home In CdM-N- Cod charm. Lato-dedl + .--... ..-·· · reputabi. family . pets & $2400/mo. CeM DOUG ttledral «*llng1, ~. NewpOrt Hts, unfu.tn, up.. • ~~l!!~·~~!!!!!L lawn on bey. aw UIT9I tterJ Let1 amltr• neg. 's 12so. HERBST 720-31180 or gar10•. 1p1, r •-stetrs. attrallv•. lrplc, llilc. ._t.ab tn\61r, no '*1· 72l-~ Ht 1111 Charming 3BR. 3BA, lg C. lUS 5411-8388/548-6216 7e<>-5000 deeotat9d. 1995 No pets. 38R 1BA $875/mo utils Prof. to lllW• 38D 28A country kit W/ built-In -~ .M.&..V 2t51Pacific631-e101 Incl. 548-2eo1 m na CdM ti.eltrpic w/d, 2car • n·-~ ... .... 11111..al dealt & wort( laler\d, new iiN s~o~: .. ~~.~:o:.:· ~ HI ·-..... SPOTLESS-. 280 1-12~ mt:ont m MW gar/It~ ~ 911 ...:· 5 -• 11111. S1.00 (U Aapelf) FOfe-tlPPliencM· Oak floors, CompenlonCrypt ~pnce. Pet ok. 11000/mo. Avati \'f:"\Y"T'V"'l'"'fr J.U""ll 2BA 2BA, 1000 alt. new Ootlone l 10111.0 lu.xury~.weltto e>* ..• ~ -3 ut . SeMce &~ c:loeurea. Tu Oellnquent air~ R.V. ac:cMS. mucn '* et9-48l -3734 * now 8-46--4902 '.'A .. ~ I I ~ \. decor pM patio Oar· 1torage.M5~e8hS500. terry A.In lone. PrNion a · .. __, Property. Now Selllng. morel Principals only, REALTOAS., • Pn ..nlng · Child 10 ml W. of alfport. ssoo'tmo wntr e1s.oeo1 Roommate 10 .,...,. 380 route crf .... tncome Thia •NI Cell (Retun-Agt. EIM 545-2189 la1Cllel, Farat SP~CIOUS 2BR 2BA 2 •-· ,..__ 'l TI ok From Uso Fr.;. LMR UNFURNISHED 2BR 18A .. 2BA HM In CdM n/amlv produc:lng geme m•· d&ble) 1-518-.459-354e PRIME EASTSIOE 3BR ..... 1575 atOfY townhc>me Gatage, -.__tt • 21S1 Peclflc 631-e107 . I • BRIGHT Bedroom, no $400mo-O.p Avail cNnea In Natoryt Pwt• ext H311 fOf htlnga. l'~BA Ill corner lot' small yatd, ftreplac:e, wet condO on m nt pier-=~_f51,,e,a;7 .. !',,° K~ ~· bike lo bMch 1-l-39 75~2t8 ~~ ~r!.,. All1~ 0 • ge • 200 ACRE RANCH SITE bar Srull pet ok L /lnCTedible ~ *aw I .... L, _.. -u. __,.,, -imo, ~ extra I --··-· ...,,. OVERNMENT HOMES pool, $285k, 722-9908 NW Arlz.Of'la. 1250/Acre. ll025/mo • ..,..,1 e7S-4912 erge w M2~174 or 84&-4700 642-5182 SHARE 3BR Costa MeN refundable 9QUIP~1 trom 11 Delinquent tax ownef'**'** E t l Good I "" 2BR+ & 3BA. No pets 2BR 2BA. No pets, . hOrne neer OCC a UCI cMpoett. Be-~to_, Properile1 and Fore-RETIRED LOCAL wants 10 t::~. ~=Ing, bea°7i~i:i lut. INcll 2141 11400/mo. 498-1155 Aot 548-5880 Cell PAM lniM 1144 IN~ lrg home nr SC Male ~r $315 ... now! Serious c:.-. ony, cloeur•. 714-991-22117 b4IV CM/NB l'IOme. Prefer tr ... a v1ew9, Hunt fish §eR iBX 2 car gar ,,.., Seat~ CNll •1t11 ALL NEW 3BR, 2 car gar-2BR conao. quQ upst:&; ~ :::i· ~c ~!~ $315 w: def 75'-1716 1~~ME _ ... PATmT1 tlxar. C•n tr.O. Npt. nearby,e7S-1887 beach,~ca1pe1:palnt, llH age, 1large ~.?d unltl 1~~~;~· '3151rno-d9p55e-~737 .......... IH4 •'•a.-.;H • We'll give you the down lo cr .. t condo. M&-8473 1ea•·•· renge, Lg yard/pets OK e25 P umer. upst-· ac .. '•""'· ·-· 1 . Pctlg for • .,..,. of own I ·---L lMt -s 1 1~/mo 49&-0150 • 2eR 1BA ups.terrs condo 11050. Bartwa 873-5771 1850/mo. Jeff 432-3822 TEMPORARY ROQm '°' wl H+Eb dXRXoi OR * DOW HAS erlhlp You make ~ ·"""' .,... E~~ nr SC Ptua. AIC, d/w, ~leeda 2i41 rent, ptua prlll•t• beth $.TORAOE for 14' boet a tor To.I 110,000/up Ho mttlly ·pymt• & we sher• *™******** 3BR 2BA. 2 car gar, lg llv balcony, pc>OI, $6115/mo. ...,..~BAU ~ Bllld& W .. BeySt In ,,.. Items c M.IN.B crec1.o/1no pen. c.11 o... apprao You receive Venalltea a.acri Condo Jiii rm, tam rm w/frpl. No pets 971-7611 °'. 751-2787. ~-'9 ment1. AU utll. CM. Pool, lee. It cooking .,.. 850-5042 nleOQAleOC. e73-7311 * 100% ID benefit•. Must S 128,000 1Ufn. 650-7153 3eR 28X HOUM pro a;; .. N4lw paint/carpets, grdnr 2BR 2B'A upstairs condo In paid. Lndry room. pat1(-and phone prlv S300 per . ora .... o • o w "' ga ..... commun Y • 11r up Peit okl 497-.453 1 Avail now Sm<*er ok .._ • ... hal/9 ctMn cr9dlt A~t ... ********** , .... I t ,· ood • 538-2725or759-3990 t-" It I OIW ••unmns lng,w91k lobeacl'IS750& mo. utll lnci. tit I dep. AH ....... -........ L•y•-·· 957-8002 Oyt, E'I, Wltn 1 *lft • l.L , 1111 Ille, trplc. gar. micro. 11111 NW• Tll beleony. CIOM to lndry, Beautifully landscaped · Cell Judy M2..4321 ext Home-in on classified f or awfllTW Veraelllel 18R Fun MCUf.. $1700/mo * e73-S348 ......... II.I pool & spa. $700/mo. quiet, lerge. clean l,pll: *1BRCOTTAGE. OCEAN 3te days °' 54e.-'11117 the lat__. reaJ ·.-6.at-tz~,;~nt. lty Gf9et toe:. 644-721 1 · RENTALS AVAILABLE Plus pool aaun .. gym I 950"6610 Of ~51•2787 Pool & ~.patio or deck. VIEW. FrplC, patlo, wallf wtlendtl evenlnva -'--~ ... u.ine. 0 111-Niflllll · · Short term & wtntar clubhou~. New 'petnt a FREE COLOR TV ON Prime locttlon to beach, 1 edult $725 1---------.J..-----------------:-•lll ,_, . $8501011400 carpell, 1YOBA. 2BR MOVE-INI 1BR +den °' Baotlelof N05 Incl. utll. 497-3644 -/l&YNW Waterfront Homee, Inc. 11750/mo, 11t, la1t ·~mo 2nd bdrm D/W, frig. 2:W8edr~ S::s Bottom flOor of apacious Thie penthoUM unit hat Realtor• 673-e900 dep. 847-e041 M-F AIC, balo<>ny & carport 2S:,m 2BA 5870 Laguna 8Mch home. 2 one of the beet liMWI In 3BR 2'Ar8A CONDO ON la1Ma 9&4-eeea evee & ~nd• ~II In gated comm se25 rm Rooms, lull beth, private VIiia a.tboe. Two roomy WATER w/boat i llp. Unfurn 4 BR. 2 BA. New 857-2523 or 751-2787 Hllt ... AllWlt entrance. alidlng glen bectroomauhe .. ecttwtth Muet .. 11 lmmedl Ptaiuala 1117 ktctl, bllnds, crpt l paint. ~h , COSTA MESA dOOr to oedl and yard. pnyate bettl and balcony. 1295 000 8-42-9200 3BM 181 STEPS TO 2 car~ $1450/Mo Call ....... Utll• Incl. One male, TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Upor8dedc:arpetlng lky-· · C .;,.55 ..... 3 7· Mi quiet, non-1mo kar llghta flfepfece & l~llde BEACH CLOSE BEA H. -/rno yMr1y. ~ • IUITlfll. Ul'T* S800/mo. 499-1906 laund'ry. Walk to the CONDO In W•t Newport. ::,!!:;.~s:'ty. lniM Uff Weatm~·i.2!"· !::. 2 TownhouM, DW , l/p, ~ ING tiil ACltOH beedl onniOY the pool & LI•• new trt-....,.. con-· · oar. ·~~·, .,_.,.. ·• lndry rm, patlO, clOM to '"'"'~ ... ~ ... rt.,. ____ _ tennla. Security t>ulldtno temporery 2 tHS, 2 batn ce1eu W ... tlU •• T ... 1111• t$~~22 ~ :35 + IChool sa501mo. 4EXRLV Sar 2L upper, · 1 E.Juiedltious I gated community. Cell condO with terrlftc oc:.an OWr 2000 l/f. Obi gar, ., 2314 SANTA ANA-. "~ blOck to oceen 5 Oollcuf•ty now fOt 9PP0inlmel\1 lo vi.w.. High c:elllnQI. sky-·~•.::::tit 1:!;1 11550 Agt e73-5354 lalMI TSL MGMT 8'42-1eo3 $1235/mo Newport Pa-1: = ::;_, .... S350.000 ~· ~~;·~=, ~/m~ Incl ~tl~1. Lepu II 141 blad 1111 119UT1 •HIL citlc R.E o.v.. Ms-3683 1s Arroo. oo-son 11f.11M att 'double garage •Open & llte 2BR 2BA 31'ft1\Z pool lent tic Spacious 28R Apts YEARLY OCEAN FRONT 18 Cl\aMIS cr.ADrt: Fl KJN s:t4o 000 . w/frplc;. vi.w ol hllll I OCMn"'" ..,. of u al 18R 1 fl.Ill BA. tro unit, Beautiful pool area,,.,~ Cute 28r/18a. carport. :~ ~~o::' ''''-"''·n · • · ' 631 1400 ciOea to bCtl. $1200/mo. • m n newly painted. teml-tum, rec room a laundry greet -· 11050/mo IP.!! (C..)\11'•\.'"\ .. •1BR for .. quiet person" beactl.;.!,1~1~ Ca· good cloMtl. $800/mo. room ONLY $640-$650 Newport Pacific A,E. ~ = liill Rl\LTOH~· -\.\AH Hf HO~T 1750/mo 673-53S. Agt nyon • Available now. 759-718~ mo. . Oeve. &ls.-3683 21 .lour~ __ ,,.......,,...--------HOMt ~ •-· FURN OR UNFURN HOME lmAI I l&f 2BA \Ba yrly w/tundeck. IU .. AP11 1BR Apt S650/mo. No de-23 Portion R£AlTORS 2 matr Br. 2B• FI P. $14115/ 3BD 28A home M ew Remodeled. 4 drs to bay. IM W ..... posit. All utll. paid, park-~ ~N.aation ......... 1117 mo. 1it/1Ht $300 dep. •du t ti, no p •ti, A111llabte now. 1850/mo. 9911 ;..... Ing, 1 min. welklng dla-28 Com ..... ,111ve .... ,.., .. RIT Marigold St. 642-5290 S2400mo. 494·5093 Eves NO PETS.'* e73-4220 •-_, tanee to beeet\. 1338 W. wrtl;-.. HWf IWLD ... , .... •LARGE 2Br 1Ba I 2 = ... II ~ll~iJ CUTEamell 2BR 1BA yew-1tl·M11IIMl·11A Belboe. 955-2008 Mark 29 OrWl'l\O e48'12aa ~ Moel popultr ptan-3BR • rg __ C _ __ Nice tlo 2 A-. ._ • ._._, · ._, _ _.. 3 s.11 38A & lharp u • tackl car gar., DIWJ.. W/O hk-oMTA€16 f * ly. g• ' car_.... ...,,, r.... 11111&...---• <J toUnd •~8'128:~ Redec:Ofated Woughoutl upe. No pets. a l 150 Incl. 2Br 2Ba lg ywd S1275 Ing •. S 25 Incl. utll. llTTAll TTPI On the sand. W. NftPOl1 ~ ~= ' Even ti .. a small ocean utlt, Drive bli 82 l 'A NEWPORl PACIFIC 573-3039 E'llde 28R garege lat $1375/mo. Bllr 8'42-3850 38 Surround vtew from maet• bdrm I Jumlne. 720-l 45 Dave, 8-45-3&83 GARAGE Apt tor rent. yard wtlfl patio, ~r hr. 2BR 2BA duplex, 1 blOCk 39 Re«>;;aa associated <**I Nr pool, apa & t~-•Tiny qvlet 18R cottage. *HARBOR VIEW HOME Balboe lalend 28t \Ba, up $796Jmo, from beeet\. Frplc, OIW. 40 l~ nll courts.. Hurry, wont beamed celling•. yaf'G. 8t 38a+loft, f/p, UP-ftOW, refl'lg .. ger~ 254e ORANGE W/D. patio, g.,, carport ., Upwerd f)f.t laat at 1279,900. Near "'°P• & bead'I. graded. dbl g• .• gatdnr, dlap., dlh Wlhf e7S-8U8 TSl MGMT 8-42-1603 A"911 now. Vrty. 731-1230 ~ ~::::,:11•1 .llOllSILn S795NOPETS722-t011 ~~1 poo1ec~·2~~ lal~H PtalHala COZVHOUSE1BR *._.,.. ••T.oious L • •• ' "' ' I'•''"'' /..} 111-1111 '=:. t~~d!:.,.~·~; •EXCL:~ ... e ~UARO-: ..., ~:~·,~!J!'~· F~ .:~~~~ve •e ~ 11500 Lind• 121--011e •GATED COMMUNITY• T9Lll 9'25650-8252 .. __ . __ ..... _.____ n Wwlem CRAJUll1'G COTTAGE Small Home on a bta lot. Walk to North Laauna beaches. R:'2 with easy att~ to~. County. Wooded property with room to grow. 8345.000. GNbb & Bia • • 1111111 11300/mo no S*S a.we. 3BR 28A Eaatside 1' 1-... •I :=' HANNEL REEF 2BR, BEAUTIFUL 28R 2BA w/ffptc. patio, d/w, cov-Frig, dilhW_,., stove 52 W"°"Y htier ..-tront, tab view.. w/QOff COUfM VIEW. Al90 wed partttng, lndrY nn. Incl No pets 5'4~855 ~ F'egrance ln.etoO. S2000 181' avail. Frplc. wel bet, llM No~ 8'42-t479 '** 2BR 2BA FIRE-S"'SOll lafrl ................ ;::;;:.o .:r':. 2C: UIT-PLACE. 0 POOl.' actult• 58 Pend IUL!m trel elr. AM malnt Incl 290 tBA gar. ltg yd ::~~~~1o 1u-u o2, HAR VU ... Ll.8, 4M. fam Sorry. no P9'1.. 644--0509 AT T R AC T I V E 2 8 A ~t I W .. now rm,gmbelt,Ylft.*3,000 1\.tUITITllllml tCl'#l'lhouM M!W F•ry. UOOmo~ •UY111111' 1• N£W SBA « 2 l cMn Yrty 11375--Very ciMn 38R Garaoe. patio, lndry. E'Slcle, 28R, tg kltctl, am BEAUT 2Br 28a. ,.., b10Ck oondo. P:ab. vua. Hatbof, 28A lt'plc d/w mlcfo 11050 yrtt, e7~ yard P9' Of(.. MOO/mo to bey 2 car gar., w/d hit 17 3 2 • .,., I\ Frost 62 Ftench m et 63 An. .. ty g.a &one °' .. 65 Musl'l)- 66 l UO-e 7 o.noe-oon eg DOW.. 1~"' 2 Oeol~ 3 Gaml>141 4 NaHOW\fl9 S -Ao~lt 6 l etllarg< • °"*'up J Wa1et neatet 9 Ship MCll<WI lO M~ 11 T0t11lla NndWld>- 12 CM" Cl'\urM \3 P1e1111 22 F\111 2S Slougll 2 .. T Ile 29 8•11~ Ollt1 30 Cornc>oun<I turfuc '<I CMno••l 31 -c.oNeno..• •i Oeool at>Of legel PIM • '3 Mor• 32 Spfoui.d '5 Pt OIT'J'I 33 Gll.non.:e '6 Hll\<Mfed 3• Roof c~-'8 Bellow 8 8 ocean. dty t6Qhts. Yrty or w/d ·htcupe,' 2 car' garage. BACHELOR "Cute l lit i. l&lt + $200 .P up, ~ t>Nm ceH· "'°' to rno. 13.500 Agt 122 ... 5201e154eoe Cozy .. on the P«llneuMI. M2-0t57 after 2pm lng,bele:Ony, 111951"'° t-20-+--+-.....,_;--i .............. llM. '500/mo Incl utlls 425 E BAY 759-8800 ~ Seti Y •• p,.,_1,t C•ClnlthM, 641-5'71 for inforroatlon & surprisingly low cost. .. MILTm U1· 1• 2+BR lully turn JUST MZ-M!O BKR · !'SIDE TRl·PLEX. Laro-TSL MGMT fJ.42· 1803 LISTED ocn vu condo ~ 2• petlo leundf'/ 24 DELUXE 28A HtBA 2 w/gar 'ADlk fr tend ITR Tl~ -new carpec cirape1 I * .. Tl-* ltof'Y. garage, w/d ~up. l1600wtnter. 121..at13 W/991. Yrtyll60/mo pelnt.No,,.t. 1715.347 38A 28a. enot. gar., w/d Oce1n1lde Of PCH. 38 condo (The BIUns._ Agt 122'·1771 Dlrye WOOOIMCI 8-48-TlA ~ up, new cerpet I 1250 Agt 175-4912 2114 Vista Entrada. Pree-7t0 .. 17S5 E.,,.,.. 111.,./IN> ent tenant w11 ettOW & ECTM LAAGE AOOMS 20l LuaoniaA.2tO Gtant SOUlH OF PCH quote price 720-0719 C..... ... Jl'L •II ~ 38A 28A, ~ TSL M<fMT ~-1903 Avail Feb. 380 2BA. frplc, !IN \IX towMoule apt (1034-C V...,,.I 11111 -38 lgkn.d/W,mlefO.tfcom, AIU SIR, H •BA ""'· .... Clri>e'lna. ••Im 187SN0 .. 5'5-nl3 * -~* w/d '*'•· O-d\ .enc. ,WOOdfY, trplc. gar. no ming poot Stoo per ..... ger. a1eoomo. 72M751 .-.. gwd/W9ter pd, ... rnon"1 111-7'0-tla1 KID8 MOUtMDnl Elllde \llAV ATTRACTIVE 4l SUOO/mo 548-1'91 • 380 tBA Yard I ger QlAlT 29t 2k ,.... l•;;;;:;;-11.AYVtlW CT 28A 2BA *llll!Wa 1• 111. UOOmo UOOdep. Olf'I*, ...,_ ..,_ ,._. 1-44--4--+--I. .... I. condo COMPLETELY 114 .... "°"' OCl>lf\ ~1 up. ear .... 9llO/mo ~ CON .. lte MIC In FUAMIHEO wttt1 .,.,y.. film GP' •75. tn-.W7 t<ID8 MOUIM0111 llllete l.Z MOW IN NOW\ .._.._--jl--i.-+-- INl IP9CIOI• & UIUttoul thiftcll 2 cat t.,aoe. . 39C> ti.A Ywd l tar 4Mtt tM.ANA SIA 2"'8A beauty. IMf't 11110/mo 730-0112 •1"~.::·: ~ uoo"'o UOOdep ~MGMT ..,.,..,, 0t lont ter1" • J:: o.yeJM7-SM9 8iMty .,_ llts/...o . .-_to.. ~1 or ....... ,......, no ~Ueootmo .... _ ' pr.-. m-ol77 LA~,. 1 .. iWhftO: •9"A .. 4M RA ..... Cal oouQ ... T lnddiM.l\tM.io. llA(:H coffAG[ ij; ._, ~A..,..._ '° bWfl, Ger w/f/f141*, 1»311Dor1'D-r.r::-:;;r--~~-=-.rric:..': Now. c:,.,.n-""· ::o:=: ::'mvr RfAW ./ ........... i 8" ~. ...... CAMI '"" biW. ca...e ITV9 TO llACH \t~1 :\."'ff f°'i ~ 11 '*-. t\6 IA . .._ Of'JM • ....,,...,......,...._,Clam!-::~::: Mo,_. fWt *" 11.A., "*'Oii"' • "' MtGro .. .,_ OOl'llf •l:'IOI. ,.. •M ........ ....,... lllOlmo 2:r°'c.rport ~At.TOAS 11.Dl'Mo. ?tt-4•• ..--. n .aw••....,.,,, 11 mole0-10U ... •9 Unbound SO Melle OIMeed 51 o.t*1 ~2 Singer ~Army~ 5-tE~ 56 Ot • perlOO 59 ........... 10 11 12 .. ( 88 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Mondey, Oecembef 12, 1988 =h!WI=•=~ =·~••!•=•~"~--h1'11' mt 1• 1aez-t 1131 .. h1l1,µ•t .. ~~~~[E!i~~illPili;~IFI~ Elli I f!!!l WWW - -;==-;;;iiiiii;;-;;;-It i&t• 11-YI lmllf_. DelMFY. CIWlnl. etoclC· Gener• IC>O't~ lndMd AWTll'I Ing. tit Of pit. ,.,.,, 8:30 llLIT P:llllll fral)ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142-1111 M9ded PIT. IT-10.00/hr Front office, enthueiutlo a em. 250 Ogle St., CM - C911 845.5790 ChMrful, good office Dentel D9Y'lme PQeltlont oP9f\ ILLING CLERK fOf Cotte Miiie, competitive Mlary. P/1 P.I......, tlpt Included ...... det=~ ..,_ to CON,,ICATIO c:iare. MeN Eleetrlcal wtioi. FIT Incl 811. Contect & PLASTER PIMON. Pd • -u mf l .D. '0 Box ION. tNc*1, ..._ ~ -+ pcwte ........ Mier. 10 Key by touct\. Cwole31·HM My+ l'Nlelee· 2C)-2S lw .... ,.. N1Ttm•1111111 ~ ..... etllfl•. a-. CAl2012 muatimore .... lndNG ' • 1118 P'**'tla, Coate COUNTER HELP/DELI wt!. WWI tfain, 184.5134 • tor,...._ l*W tow-APfll.V IN PIAIOH ] 1111-.,_ ortfM rllde. Up to~ Order '°"' W °' II Meea. between 8:30 & FfT Of PIT good aler1lng 1111 I Ila v6oe or-tine cerd proct. MON-fRI 10-1PM ONLY. wtl "*"·now '*tno .,_,_ ~.11~"1·22t7, at ...,ud11 ... end gee SPM 846-7775 PaY· N.B. ~ ... Cell ~-=-M°'el now hirl"" Tot••oereoAa beb)'Md uct•. Tu•tln/lrW)e/N.8 • .,...tNT•~*"T...!'!.°"""'°· per.-.. ,o ...,., -~--=.,::dw-~ Abfeham 631-1118 ...... , . .,, help tutJ.dme wtth IM Noup. nee. Cell COiiect '"' ........ ~ HOuSl ·~ ........ ,. u-...... _ .. ~ --.-. All ....... ._"' lllllllPll f/I dHlc·c.lerk I a night houM wonc. Good Mlarv. 8 ti 720-1121 thr'u ~. 23 OF PANCAKES. trede. Muet hewe trene-_,..,,_,. .,.., .., __, lmpOrta I M 111111. ~~~~~~~ l/arv r-w••ble ..,..jtfon •UUJR/Ylll euctnOf • IP9!Y In pw90n: In ~8wl\. PIMM 11712 leech IMS. por1etlon end good drlv-NrNlure I mile tor Nlet 111111• fl 1•11 -·• ...,...._ .,,.._ 2~44 Newport Blvd. c-"7 ,"'7P... ---1 Cotner~,.----, ......... lng1'9COrd~1145 Cell 141-2378 or Found F. PUPPY about lore dependeble & ex-.... ,.~ .., ~ -r-1 •-"'""'--·,... 141-4217 aft lpm ,..,,..._.,..,,.--.._,.,......,.l1-1-1,..l 1:::--r- 8mo1 old blk Doble perlenc•d F/C book-Full time fOf c .M. rental ...... te MeN 850-Hee Saturday, eome Sundey. Equ91 ~Empt ... _,. Our 80 "'°""' Pf'O- w,/brn marklnga vie. keeper. Muat have ex-ltOfe. Apply 1130 Mew· Elcrowotflcer LlllLllmtllY Interior decoretlng ......... ..,, •• Loc:eloftloeofnetlonalln-NEW eHrcl .. rowing erern:_:.~~I E aide C.M. 557-5494 P«lenoewtth computer & port Blvd. ce>Sta M... Exp'd He row ofllc•r Friendly cuull general ~red bUt not nee. •--•• -ventOfY MrYlcl ..-15 mech. coetl150 _.. lt5. g:'9..,.. tlnanolel atatement•. Wiii ~ tor .. 1ab'd CM practice firm In Hunl-ACCENT INTERIORS Uoyd P9et ContrOI Co. people Who ere ev...:bte 3 IPd ~ bike, 115. ,_ handle a verlety of IC· CRUISE SHIP JOBS firm. exc beMflta, aal lngton 8ud't Is tooklng BalbOI i.i.na. 873-HIO nHdl termite repair fOf W1Y motnlnQ "'.,._ Pie ... 119 meg. 845-1781 111111• llll IB• Large red M/dOQ. friendly. counta. Pie ... apply at: -SIOO weekly. Call negot. Cell Jim 0oyte for a "Pable, hard-p•-.. •-tectlnlc:lln. IOfM C«Pen-n1ng lnventOfY. Wortt on a New hend-mlde 11rwee1a Lill ...... - no COiiar. Call 4"6--6202 198 E. 171h, Coet• Mesa. alter 4pm. 702-358-5D34 842-1814 wortllng pw90n w/2 Yf9 -•• _, .. , try exp. needed. Mu9t p/tbeeia. Our work llk• lecie wedding veil, ,__ F TSL MGMT •~2 1 .. ,..,. el(1 C-1 CelifOfnte lit exp. Salery WILL TRAIN. Stat..of·tM-heve.....-~recotd. ...._. t ...... ..,.,. ...... • .... ·-..... _.,. __ OUN 0 : PULSAR .,.. • ...,.. . FILE CLERK D.O.E. 847-8041 lr1 equipment. 5 ttyl/wtl We r;;i,;'."'f.o~E. Call u1 lo a v--•7 o r.e-worn -· .,... .,...e ..., _ ~ r--,_,,..._..., WATCH. Nov. 23. Owner llUftlY Nim ptt time. grfft tor ltudent. lnciudWla Sit. TYC>lng & Cher1ie A.M. 9~21 1torH In the O.C. 1100 By eppt 840-1130 Mel ced~~~ mey cell to ldenllly lllDJl'll For Automotive Paint Rebbltt ln1urence. lllllT......... art background helpful. arM,.~~tcee ~h Tennie ::. °'::ou.. of ~11 966-3090 For Glau Co. In Costa Store. FI T & PI T. 631 -7740 For Htabllthed In· PleaHnt, friendly al· ..... lnvenlOfY Club famlly ;.mbereNp, be ..... LOST CATS Lost lo 1tea of M ... M2.-<>084 '4.75/Hr. Good OMV re-FITNESS FACILITIES t.-:~r~d In!!~~.· JuP!!_nlet n~·~ .. ~_!r-~t•~ ...,.. .. ...... 17810 8Mch #54 trlMferebie. MCt1flce et 111/11• • t•I ~. 17th Ind Irvine. 111, cord. 714-384-6121 Man-oer. Ideal position ..., ,... · ••-· . .., ,_,._, ,....., ... _,,. .. , ,... ••• Huntington 8eactl S200 l*M .,..,.._ *- 0om .. t1c short heir, gr' ..... /PllP.. f0fl1udant,pwttlme.call scs-o5u Ave.,eo.taM.... ltllllLll (714)M t-0281 721-5151 4""1illft/Jt;r_ and white male "Petey•. PIT. 15 hr/wk S15 hr. Mall Vickie 545-11100 ... -.... ,--PRESSMAN 1·m earnl,1_oY9r_i_10.ooo for full 0etall1 OAK BUNK BED hardly 2nd. Bermese mix, dirk quallllc•tlon1 10 Ad# -• ,_ brown, mele, "Batman" t3l, C/O Dally Pilot, PO ,_ 1111111 For Hlebll•h•d In-monthly. can atlOW you uHd, xlnt condition 1-"!!!!l!!~IC'!"!"llllJlflo REWA~DI $200. Costa Box 1660, C.M. 92626 ···-t«lorecape firm. Plant Pllll ...aaTll hoW to do the aame. I lltrahMht 1115. 5 Antique bMc:h .. -.. - M ... 1 1 H It 1 --1 .... exp req'd. tnatant Jungle ..-m need help nowt blk• '50-85 Good cond. Sl,000 mttee, 10, • ... .. nma Olp. CASHIER/CLERK -·~ P/T or .. t benefit• Apply 845-0587 (714)4SW132 ~ RU 846-7841 (#1KJA700) D•Y• 548•3794 Airport gift 1hop, depen, The Dally Piiot Is 111klng In P«ton. 2305 E. CO&l1 MANAGEMENT H•~t'~.!_':!1,'11tl.,:..~~: •••-/llllWlll '1mJ1'!5'm@ Ref;i,.., .ORIGINAL PtC-"880 1181 a31·883.,5_., E1~Wtlnda ftrMaall 3002 wlll train. FIT, PIT, apply pert-time drivers for Hwy, Corone del mar ,.., ..._-. -""T nu .,.., _. ,. I framed S .,._. ....,. Tuu-FrlAM.852-9186 11ternoon dellvery ol FRONTDESKCLERK etltal Call Henk FT/PTcount« ..... lnold frHHr. aid• x aide lthograpfl, 150. IUI PRAYER to the HOiy Splrl1. ~a In the follow· 150 000+ 842""321. ' time hardwere 1tore. door•, troat ·proof. whl1•, SP7~ASS(71f1) ~~"'poeS 1« ,~TiiilM'liiiiib...,.,..r-!~.-'W!!'!.' Holy Spltlt. you Who 1ng .,.... Call Of apply In pet90ft. ' . Ster Ung U .OOftr. See Ilk• new 1450. 844-9089 ... .. _.,......,,. ''1W 8!586 crew cab mlK• me tee every1hlng •NEWPORT BEACH Ouatny-Inn, 800 PCH, 111 year old Comp. Mekl P/Tumt•Y Steve. Wright HllfdWare New WhlrtpoOI WMt19f I MI R.U Duelly, 480 eng •• and Who show me the UllY N.IT •COSTA MESA H.B. 536-7500 aggreulve Repe. & Man-~tlonllt and generel 128 RocnMter, C.M. etec. dryer. Wahr wu .... , ... a.aa ••ti LOADED. 114.000 wey to reach my Ideals. •DANA POINT FRONT OFFICE P9fl0n agera for opening of new ott~,du1lel. Must have ••• -1421 now S215 obo .... _. 720-8731 You Who give me Ille The Delly Pilot II now •A. • SAN CLEMENTE with ....... •••nt ...,aoneli"' ottlcH Revolutionary atruny typing and lele-_. ,...._; HAA • f ti I AW --------divine gift to forgive •nd ceptlng applications fa< • LAGUNA BEACH fOf ~rac~· olftc;{. n • w · p r o d u c t . phone 16'lltl. H .. vy fifing. EurObeth & Tiie ne9Cll1 ag-... 7~ WM ._. .. , now IM • .. -'11 T.,... W fOfget the wrong that Is Au't Dtll. Mg-rs. Appll-Thr .. hr1perd1ybetween llQhttyplng,phones,M-F, 714-458-8132 M-F 10AM-2PM. Call gre11lv•. peraonabl• Slllobo.720•1122 UfdolbiA ru fa yr; pitkup.S-..,..0 done to me and You who centl mull haV. rell1b1e the r1r1 ol 12PM and 3~ hrllweek 873-6070 Manlgel''llA11t TNm 831-55-40 between 8-5. Hll-aterter for "their Wllml/•Ylll old, neutered, NC.n.., all auapenaioftNtt,tow,;,llel, •r• In all the lnstanoes of car. proof ol Ins. and 3PM, wHkd1y1; 3AM ror motHle home park, In QUANTECH pr•11t1glou1 9howroom. perfect condition, 1 yr 1t1ot1, houHbroken, exceMentcond.SSOOO my Ille with me. I, in this clean OMV record. $7.00 •nd 6AM, Sat. & Sun. f/T 11111111 H.B. HNvv,meint. elper. ELECTRONICS Full-Time. GrMt poten· guarentee, deluxe ne9Cll1 loYtng cat•, good OBO.Ctndy846-te00. short dialogue want to hr + benefits. Must have a r•Rable car. STARTING S5 HR. req. bkpg .• onloe. Salery. 11 now IMklng apprentice tlal. Will treln. Cell Alan at model a, rebuilt. re-w/chlldren M4-t116 eve Ht-5701 thank you lor everytnlng Hrs: 1 PM-8PM weekdays ln1urance •nd good drlv· Wiil.... home & utllltlel PfOVlded. technician• tor lta HB OP· 545•2284 flnllhed Ilk• new Free ct. J-1-/r /Ar end oonllrm once more end3AM-11AMSat,Sun, Ing record. Earn $20.00 Pllllm Call l or Interview eretlon. Openlnga are ULll .... PT llvery. One priC. ontyl ._..,. UI I mft'll .. IP that I never want to be + holld•y•. to $30 00 pe< dav. 536-3121 now evallable IOf' bOth Metur• For antique llnen Your choice. 1185 eech. MU Autornetlc, V-t C'/llndef. ::t~o!'o;e~~ m~~ Call ~4;M':~~~x 205 Cell :;~432 1 900 W. ~~H,-71~Pt Bch. dey/eve lhlft1. Call Jey & glf191ore. 673-n'14 ~26-~8~~ 25 yeara. .. ~W f• ~ ... ·~~,.!~a~ ... h lerlal detlres may...,be. I · ASK FOR ERIC BLADE Ask for Sherryl or Tony --ftY... Teylof' at 4'7•9889· SALES SECRETARY ..... UMT•-toot boll. Hurryl Won't want to be with YC>U 81\d DAILY PILOT DAILY PILOT Gen office peraonebl Forti Ifft• & dieMI englnel, 1111 DTITE lmmed poaltlon need WASHER/DRYER Frig· laat et thleprtce. ;:.~:;:: ~. 'n T~:~ sates-oriented, hH:y 5 yr• exp., and dean drtv· ,.. TlllRlll dynamic, 11uble indtv tor ~do~~· c:~~f~l:n.m;~~ !!ll@e IMI llf •11 N You lor Your Love toward ~~.:~~~cs~. ~:-:~::.Y cs~. ~i.c~~·=~~: A:. i~-;:-s..;..., Umlted opportunltyto join =~p::!: ~'. each 751-4473 ~~0 • .'?f2~ •1·1111 r;;,:,nd my loved ones. I Cell Jerry 642-3490. Coet• .-a 846-tOi!---~!:l~811;:':t!:~h ~~: onio.. gel pey 548-8531 hraltue H ateel tlbte. Exe cond. Yw IMi Peraon• may prey this llmlted Nmlnga. F.or In-um;w xm oak Rtah BO;/ l250.ClllM*•873•1283 '77DOa;:s;ortemenWln- prayer 3 consecutive , m-. -..a formation, call Jack Pl•llll B • v e I• d Ml r r or , OHllt fualtue dow van. Clean, lo mllel. d•YI Alter the third day, cl·A ~~..-v'IE'D AD•1v&,., .. ~1·ar6 PllT·Tm Ayer• •t SELECT Architectural firm requlr .. $300 ... Englllh O•k • ~ t IMT • 2 7 5 0 0 B 0 yOYr wish wlll be granted ~ ~~i.r . ..., r .Dft i. i.~ 1-.1 Mon. TuH & Wed, •BETTER HOMES & ••P'd peraon w/ationg Hutch/Beveled Mirror, e 873-5032/873-021D no matter hoW dlff1cu11 II ~ 8am-S: 1 Spm. SS/Mr. GARDENS . aec:retarlal. word pro~ '300. call 850-0443 NCR ;;g;r.,., mO&i jaa&-- may be. Then promise to ~ALE§ Mu1t be depend1ble. REALESTATE 751-5000 oeealngl6'1111&dlotatlng BLAGK LAO. 7 piece •2135, S195 obo. 9:!? ... -, tMI publllh this dialogue 15 lrvlne. Call 261-1133 11•~11T 1klll1 equlpt. Safar" bedroom 1et (queen) 842·5399. aoon as your favor has 95r ,... ' 1---~----- been granted. MCP W ADDING ) ff -~n P/T negot. Send resume to: elmo1t new. MOVING. l!~tta~l~L:i::•:•:la~iii=i~I ACKARD S.rJeratat 5531 ...... .,, .. PllTTmE Asalstant In the Legal 0.. p1nment. Must type 40 wpm. work well with people and have general office skills. Perlect IOf 1tuden1 or housewife No legal eJtperlence neoea&- ary. Call Judy Oetting. II 642-432 1. extension 316 •S•S8-S12-•S•S• PER HOUR USUY&TilllST Gr .. t jot>-EZ l\ours. flex lbHI achedule. Part-Time Evening hrs Will train on l<>b B ... • commission. Must be neat & person- able. New office locallon Harbor Blvd. CM Call Barbara btwn e are to Our Sa es Sta --.. . O. Negu1. 610 Newport MOOOBO.Jlm873-5014 CONVERTIBLE • 5 dayllWMk. approx 3 Corporate olfiCe ot res-Center Or '850 Newport Xkc UXLTESE POPS FOfm« &how cat s 12 ooo If Yo u Can type at leas.t 45 Wpm and have hra. late evening or wly raurent chain has Im-e.ach. CA 92McJ or call 11111 .. 1111111 anota, male I female, II 844-7211 ' · morning. Mu1t have velld medl•1te 099nlng IOf an Mon·Frl 9-4 844-1581 footboard with rall1, wt11 old, $300 & 1400. --------CA llcenM & excellerlt exper enced lull-lime. queen Ille. 1t 846-4213 811-385-5471 '63 MBZ 1900, newly re- great telecommunication skills -We can drlvtng rec:Of'd. Vehlcle permanent rt1C41Pllonlll. TUMl-PnMlllMI bUllt engine, comf)letely provided. Apply Pen· Bu I y Io b by and FfT flex hr1. M /hr. good IAYm,........... POODLE PUPPY SALE reconclltfoned lnelde and Orrer You a base Salary + Comml·ssa'on AND nyuver, 16e0 Plecentla DI m. n,, 0 n p Bx benefit•. CM 642..()411 with mettr .... s1ecr-T-Cup, Toy, Mlrn. S250-out. CD pla)'9r, 3Smpg. Ave .. Colla M.... 1w1tchboard tha1 re· 52~7733 enytlme 1750. Hand re.IMd. Meny Clllllic entlque. S7SOO, qulrea a very peraonabte ookn. 751·3485 Jett-432-8822. a /!Uat place tO WOrk. llftll tndlYldual with front OI· EARN Dining Hutch, $250 .. din· ·--•--•la 'J'' Hell*' ~ lor local flee, PfOl .... onat appear-$400-$1000/WK Ing teble/S chain. 1150. ....., llnatab Aa• ...... llii E'•ll ~-e ... n rt ,..,'I A ., .• bl moving company. Mull ance. Poaitlon allO re-31vol WOfldboo«encyC• .... n;n .. I ... ..... .. .r'll ... ' me ... •• e. be dependeble & have,.. qulr•• Ull ol 10-k•Y lopedl•.S 150. 548-5715 -I lleble tranap. 850-5330 adder & llte typing. Love-•&AM-12 Noon ETHAN ALLEN traditional S2000.,. ~1oel'--t AU ·~~ tor ly oflicn. good benefit•. •No N1Qht1/Wknd1 pine corner hutch S500 w c:aM ....,, Ener~~=~!~row Apply In person 9ltn •S71HA +comm/training end dry link S250, per-condition, 875-M83 lm~~W~~NS with •tablllhed Co. Min. -4:30 pm, Mon-Fri. mfl ma& 141-1111 feet condition 497-7046 ORGAN StOfY &. Clark, title e Ex1ended 72 Mo ..... 1yr retrall exp. req. Mn U.111· 11• FOR SALE: Carpet1 and new, aom. veraatlllty, plan• S900-1200mo. Interview .llLL Y RllER 11 .... w drapes ln1talled In vecant great tone. good for am .. I • Unique 14 Mo purehaN by .nnt Lloyds N ----•• h c .. ~ Church, nice Chrlstmu ...._..._ 203i"Newport u~~: TUll/P... Hl·1111erla.1MI ome. 111 -4-5349 preunt. $850/obo ...-S Costa M.... lllTllUITI, •. • .... ,...... GORGEOUS fr. Armolre 846-1710 ·.•.n,1,11 ,llT ..,... 17042 Giiiette Ave. frvlne ••• -whit• entlque COior. orig fiaul ,._ Do yourself a ( avor -Call us. P eggy B levlns or J Im V enneau 642-4321 limn' Orange County Receptlonl1t, flt, phones, money? Earn 5400• contemp. whit• corner • 1301 Quall St. I •1 p•1 "'-·•-(714)250-0331 ll.Mtlm11 s2000 Mll S350; white & ........ YourAuthoflzedMeroed .. al I I DI Euy houra, grMI pey. The · Need aomee•truhopplng gold trip!• drnMf S12S: HSI dealer edition Hies program 11 order tel<ing, gen office s 1ooo/week working dHk w/match cheat ~ ... NII Newport 8Nch &mmUIS HEHi expending and we need work. 250 Ogltt St. CM, eam.12 noon, Mon-Fri. '350. mlac. 790-6045 8 2 • black aatln ebony. llM* bright, energetic people ... Herold. Call now lor locations 1172 modal L. AbeOlutety '* '* * 1t * we train. Engllsn apeak· 330 Welt Bay St to Mil our newspaper to COSTA MESA 548-6919. Matching ooucll. loYMMt, tn tmmac:u1e1• cond. Ask· ,..,..,,-=-.._,..----- 10am-8pm, 755-1155 1ng Apply In pe<SOl'l. KO • OC r-'danll. We have mTILm Im.IT SOUTH 0 C 582_ 12~ chair & cmomen. Stytllh Ing tor ~elled value '86 OL 10 Wegon -4 ~ Components. Inc., 2110 Coate Mel& CA Immediate opening• In s dey wt1. 10-4 Tue.Sat GARDEN.GROVE · beloe color. good c:ond. ot 112.500 Of belt otter. drive • a11. loaded to S Mai,.. St, Santa Ana, 1 ' b!:>thteiephoneanddoor· S5 hr. H.B.JC.M. area 748_1017 1)(748_1056 S55oobo583-1146 CallRlck,842-4168 maximum. 14K mlle1. bloctc to Dyer Rd. 11111~--lllllllll~lllllll ... llllllll--------~~~~----•I to-<loor lllH. Eern 432·9141.(800)&43-1104 . . NEW DAYBED WHITE & =-Exo cond • ger•o.d $2.66 per day That'• ALL YOY pay tor 3 llnes. 30 day minimum In the SERVICE DIRECTORY INCREASE YOUR REACH GET IN OUR IMPROVED n ... a .. UhtHllrMfefy YIUIWPllU fOf more Information CALL TODAYI! lllF•Llll Your Service Dir~tory Representative 141~21elt.110 i-S5.20/hour plua gen-HIRE W..._../llLllDY BRASS With manr..... S10,750. 146-7841 Pp. , erou1 commllllon and PERSON.Gooddrlvlng't' & trundle complete. ~27'1 mr tire, t ....... fllll quality tor our benefit• cord and a 1trong beck a S24S. 1t840-87331t 8PMCI Schwinn Crulter Excellent condition pect<age. For more lnfor· • mull. lnter•tlng poeitlon Supreme! Extrul Mr new '"'"""" · me II on pteue cell through classified I with• growing Importing QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS condition. 1250 Value; ........... 714·53&-82S1 °' thrdU1h clHJified 11 \ f 600-327-4869. "2 firm 241-0942 . & BOX, QUILTED! Sell tor $185 845-&444 21~2-f711 ~-·H11 ' · BRAND MEWi 1155. . ~-----. ... -------------...... cALL • 846-4213.• n, 1m .. , alltltaitl llW SPECllU D livery Drivers PART-TIME • Newspaper Delivery Drivers Needed. Monday -Friday 2PM-SPM .. Weekends & Holidays 4AM-7 AM. Earn up to S600/month. Must have reliable transportation, insurance & a good driving record . Call 714/642-4333 ext. 205 Between 8AM-7PM Ask For Rodger Rattan dining .. ,, 48" ... , 'U lllla ........ u...-1 . round w/IMI, 6 chalra, BETA UoVIES In orig (88M8) xlnt condition! S350 0.-box ... S7.95 NCh. 1000 'M Uh, , Na,m ltvered845-6444 movlu avell. Cell (81763)AutometJo SOFA. love ... 1. chair. ot· 582-2814 'U 11111. 111,111 tom•n, Never uHd, 1ai3ot1 Scotchgerd•d '275. ,. • 'II 11111 ~~ w 843-1294 tnY11me ..::a=... 11-s 72~21-r- WA TE RB ED-meul ve .,... -..... *POt(2 .!:' ... Wooden lour-poster w/6 UovlAd §XCEi §xt I ... '-! .. drawer b .... 2 night ONLY! 151 E. 11th St. !xec,demo(NM4) llanda. coet new: s1100. Otd aolld wood drettlng STEIUll xlnt cond. youn '°' '325 tabte $95. 8 Mlectlon 7H-8183 colt.• mechln• $500. llW Sharp 870 Copy Ma· IU...all•llU 1111 chlne.xln1M00.4dr-.r 1 .. 'l•l•ltU X TIU@LE§i dlH lor 1eg11 t11e S50. 4 0ra.. 1• 1ue mullo tovera I wfll CfMt• lat«al Ille S75. S«1Y ctw 1..,.,---.,.-.,...--.,..--- an «lglnal· d ... gn In S25. Oriental end tablM Youclon'tk!'OW~you·r• mu91e on high quality $40. New decor light fix =:a "'°'\ heven 1 read ceeaette. Recorded e1ec.-turea. ~I New light· dM8lffiMS ~· tronfcallV In stete-ot-tM-bUlbe I globM 2k-~1. • • lr1 recording etudlo fl)( Ml9C Mehld ltema Sl ' H1stonc you Of eomeone you tow. Up 146-1284 ~J~E COMPOSER Trurtatlta Quilt ~.. fill . ~F~~-N~T_A_S_T~,-r-s-P~E~C~l~A-L_T_O~~~ ~~ ~. • -·-dlllon 720-8731 M ' Oat! 32' PACEMAKER ove e• ~T:~~ 873-9201 AUTOS BOATS SJ?..? or s 11 !~ Reach 30,000 to 85,000 households and over 212,500 readers In the Dally Piiot and Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Independent. \ 7tt for 10 words, 4 days or IJ:lt for 10 words, 7 days · Extra word1 50~. Call Nowt Private party ads only, No Commercial ads. Clatelfied Adverttal11t1 642-5678 BEAUTIFUL 1183 30' SCARAB "S" TYPE.. Ell· cellent condition. 720-8731 8AAND MW 13' 5" delulle Wheler. S2450. Aleo 1188 30HP Nleean outboWd t1IOO; Suzuki 2HP, S275. 875-4U4 fJSHING BOAT 27' BAJA. eu.1om c:ebtn. recsar. flltt finder, ~ engine 500 ,.. ,.,., ""' be6t t ... tr .... equipped tor tn. 1erlou1 fl•h•rmen. W1dow, muet .... BEST OFFER. 142-1732 or 860-4209 1111 lliil '"' m1onm=01 H ' 8AILIOAT, good condition, m-.y .ctr•I Vllue S7000. Wiii oon· .,.,,,...°' ............ otter I Dye 141· 1 HS ~720-0111 ._..ll*t••L •.Ef!..* llCM712 7232: Great Nation Oulh. Embroider states, capitals. ftowef9. birds. edmisaiorl ord9' plus U.S. map for 82 x 86" quill. Pattern includes ...,. transfers and color guidel. $3.25 PLUS $1.25 PIH FOR EACH ~TTERN OAOEREO . . ()fllA GOOO TtRJUGH MM:tt.1999 ....... ----.... ........... Cit. ........... ....... ., .... ......... ~ ... ---~-.. .. (NYI•• 'fl• .... ..., -. ..... _ ..... .......... i white, ~~ 11-1414 FIND through c~sslfi~d ••. ., ..... ., • .. N:nn0u9 WU AChllOUe WU ACmlOUe WU 1988 SE Mein Street, Sult• 310, Robert Frenk Klngurd, ange County on November Coste M .... Celtf 92627 wlUl the County Clerk of Or· llOYm OP Ulm eTA~ ' MAim ITATDmlff ~ 9TATDmlff -Steven K, JoflllllOn lrvlne. c.111. 92714 ' 422 16th PJece. Coste M-. 29, 1988 Coste M-Merchants a.nge County on NoYember PUa.IC eALa The followlng peraone .,. fhe lollOwlng peraona .,. The folowlnO peraona .,. Thia st'1ement -filed Thia bullnese 11 eon· C.itl. 92627 nllll8 Anociatlon, 2165 Harbol' 15. 1988 OP PWOllAL dolCIO ~ •: doing bullnw 11: • dolnO bullfMM aa: wtth tile ((ounty Olertt ot Or· ducted by: a corporation Thia bualneu 11 con· Pubh.n.d Orange Coat Blvd., Costa M.... Calll ,....1 ......... ,._, C.Jt ROOFING, 1300 ALDERON COMPANY, SOUTH COAST HEARING ange County on Novwnber The reg111ranl com· ducted by an Individual . Dally Piiot December'· 12, 92627 ' Publl8hed Orange Coeet Noelcell..._.._.. tMl Adame Ct. •tF, Co1t1 3473 Wlndeor Couf1. C09ta NPMSENTATIVES, 328 N. 23, 1988 IMflCed to treneact bull· Thi registrant com-19, 2e, 1988 Thi• bu11n1u ts eon-Delly Piiot N~ber 21, 26, pur1u1nt to S'ectloM Miia, Clllf.12127 Miia, Clllf. 92412e Newpor1 llvd. 8'llte 8-3. ,._. neu under tM flctltOYI menced to lrenACt bull· M-819 ducttd by e n unln-Oecamber 5, 12. 1988 21701·211'5 of thl C. Ctw8lll R. Sctlo9I~. Bfendl J. Fuiimofd. 3473 Newpor1 IMdl, Cllf. 92983 Publllhed Orange Co.et bulinall Mme Of ,,__ neae under the lieutlou1 • corpore11d 1uoc1111on M-792 fofNa .,._ 8rld ~ 1300 Aderrll Ct. #W, C09ta Wlndlot Ccurt, co.ta Meea. C. Av.y llrooltl, 1010 Dally Pilot December 5, 12. Net9d ~ on ~-. bullnMI name °' nemes "8.IC ll)'flC( 0111er than 1 Plltnlflhie> tllllolll(:oda.~2321 ..... Clllf.12t27 Clllf.m2t Welt MICAr1tlur lhid. #2, 1t.2e, 1988 1N5., lll1ed •l>OYI on No-..mber The r1g111r1nt com-"8JC MJT1C[ of .. c.llamlac:a..-a. Thie ~ .. con-This bullMU I• con-Santi Ana. c.Mf. 92701 M..eot Robert s . Kraft, Pretldent 24, 1968 . ACTITIOU8 Wll menoad to lrlnNCt bvsl· --------- Codi, ~ UI of IN ducMd by. lf'l lri'dMdual ducted by. lf'l indl'ltduel 0.. M. K..._ Jr .. 802 Tiiis ltlttment WU flled Robert F j(Jngaaro ~ 9TAW nea undet lht flc111ous P'IChllOUe 9lJll ... c.llD 1111 ,_.. COC19 8rld T"• r19latr1nt com-The r19l1tr1nt com· Buttonwood Dr .• ar-. Clllf. "8.JC MJT1CE wit.ti tl'le County Cler1t of Or· Thie 1t1tament was lilad The tollowlng peraone.,. bualnla neme Of na.mn um nATW IN piooillot• of "' c.IJ. ...,.... to ttanaect ti&*-IMflCed to nnaact ti&*-92121 • ange County on ~Der wtth the COunty Ci«ll ol Or· OOillQ ~a: 1111ed et>ove on Nollamber 1, The tolowlng panone - fomle .. '°" LioeMlng ,.. under .... llctltoue ""' under .. llctlttow Thie bualneet I• COfl· K..U• HI. 1988 lrlgl County on NoYlmber INl!ORMATION SYS-1988 doing ~•: Act, .. ui.-llglllCI ...... ~ nMll Of""""~ name Of namt1ductedby.~1 FtCTITIOUaWU ,.._29,1968 TEMS, 543 PterJ>ont Av , Jef!Kymla,Tret1U111' EAST-WEST DESIGN, == ... _,...........,. lllled~onMey, ttll illledlbov9onN/A Th• r19t1t11nt com-umeTATDmlff Pubbhed Or1rig1 eo.t f'alt1• eo.a....._C.ict 92e27 Th• 1t1tement wu r11ec1 183n 8Mch 8Nd. •103 on IN 20111 • of Cfwtll R. Sc:Mellhdan Bfendl J. Fujimoto mencecl lo nnaact buli-Tile following panor11 •• Dally Plk>t Nowmber 21. 28. PublllNld °'"'119 Coat Nlf9on Carl f.argu9on. 543 with tile County Clart! ot Or-Huntington BMcft, Calif , 1 ... II 12-.30 Thie .... 1rnei1t w lllld Thil .....,,.,. WU !led ""' Ul'6lr the llctttloul dolrlo ~ 11: Deoember 5, 12, 1981 Ody Pilot December 5 12 Pierpont Av eo.t. Meea. ange County on Novemtllr 92&48 O'Cllol* ,.. on .. ..,.,..... ...... County Cler1t of°'" """ tfll County a.ti of Or· bulllleee name Of -DEL MAR CLEANERS, M-to2 19, 26. 1988 c.111 92e27 • 15, 1988 John M. Cioften, • 16 llttl .._. aMI ~ hee .,.. County on ~ 1r1g1 County~ lllMd llDove on ~bar 1576 ,,....._, BtYd. unit A, M-821 "'This bualnes• Is con-,_ St , Huroting1on Belctl. Callt ~ ....,, 8rld wNcfl .. 15, 1tll 23, 1t88 ,-. 15. 1918 Colta Mme. c.llf. "8.JC ll)'flC( dUc:tad by an lndl\lldull Publllhad Orlll08 Coast 926Ce IOC8l9d 11 ~ S1or191 ,_ Publlltlecl Ofange COIM Car1 Avery Brooltl Martyn A. Bowan, 573 ...._ Pl8JC ll)TIC( Thi r1gl1trant com-Delly Piiot No¥tmblr·21 28, Th 1 bual,.... la con- 17712 eo.en. Ill tN Qly of ~ Or1rig1 o.1y Piiot December 5, 12, Thie atatarnent .... lltld 1>r..a1 •t, Long a.di, ACTTnOUe WU manctd 10 tr111\sact bu91-o-nw 5, 12, 1988 ducted b)'" 11n lndMdlAll nine, Counlr of Or9nge, ~ PloC ~ 21, 28, tt 2t 1118 wttfl tMCounty Clerk of Or· Clllf. 90I02 um eTATW FtCTITIOUe ....... ,_ uooer tn. flctltlOUI M-793 The registrant com· ltat• of Celttornle, the December 5, 12, tlll • ' M-814 anga County on No\19rnbar Thil bullnetS It con· Tile lolowtng ""90ft' ere um nATEmNT bu"""' name "' narnea menc:9d to tranuct buli- goodl, cNl1IM « per90MI M-791 28, 1NI dUCUd by: lln lndMc!WI doing bulll'9el M' TM lollowlng persons era Ut1ed 1bov1 on Novwnber "8JC fl)TIC( ,_ uodef Iha ftctlttoul ~ dlU1M«' below. In ftBJC ll)TIC( ,... Tll• reglelrent com· Sl'tVEN VOLSKI & AS· doing buslnees •. 21, 1988 buUlel8 nama Of namee thl ....... of: PullllMd Or1rig1 Coat menoed t0-1t9rw1 bull· SOCIATES. 18580 San An· OAANGE COAST COM-Nelton C Fargu90n l'M:TmOUI ........ Matedabo"9ono..me. 1. IT A ••• ".. A p . -Tm---•u••••• PICmlOUe .,..... ~ Piiot December 5, t2. ... under the llctltous Or• St.. FOUt111ln v~. PVTEA, 1CO 1 Superior Ava. Thie et••-· .. Ned ..... IT.AW 1 ... AJU-ftlllc pennl ltnw ~ -MAim eTAT'llmlff 11, 21, 1988 .,.,..,_ nama °' ntwn11 Callf. 92708 •F, ~ Belctl. Calif. with the County C1t11! o1 Of. Ttla t~ per90fll 119 Jofln M. Oott.1 ... .,..~ The follow4rll perlOM.,.. M-817 ...... ~on NI A s•-.z.dllty vo1.-1 & 92M3 .,. County on No-.nber OOlng butlnlll a: Thie S\1'-t ... tied ~ YOf11, Sp. A332 • llrg, The followtr'I panone.,. doing bullfllll a~ w.ilyn 'A. Bowen Lindi Letzla, 1658o Sin An· Larry E Rolon, 1401 Su-23, 1988 (l)Q l.S ENTERPRISES '#1111 lhe County Clerk of Or· blk, ooudl, *· balll. mllc, dolnO bullnW II: J l T AUTO 2949 Ren-ftllJC •TICE Tiiie ltltamant .... n1ec1 d\'91 St., Fountlln v~. per1or Aw •F Newport • • • ,.... Cb)OJ s SERVICES. 216 .,. CoUnty on ~ Olbnl. TV AL1'1t< RESEARCH INC., dolph, Unit F, Cotta• Mela, wfttl thl County Cler1t of Or· Calif. 92708 Belch. c.11i. 92M3 . Published "of1rig1 COllt Wlllnut, Huntington ~' 29, 1988 0.. ~1 .... rtg11t 410 W. COMt Hwy. -1 400, Calif. 9H2t PIC"'10U9 WU ange County on ~ber Thlt bu1ln"' 11 con-Thie bu~ 11 con-Dally Polot o-ntier 5, 12, CINI 92648 ,_,. to bid ........ ~ N9wpOf1 Ble&:fl, Calf. t2t83 AnttlOny a... II, 438 ..... ITAW 18, 1N8 ducted by: llulbend and wife duet.Oby~ 19, 29, 1988 Giiie nne Sc>lnO*. 216 PublaNd 0rlrlgl c... muet llle!Mdlwtthelltlonly ,.,_Inc.,~ Vl1t1 Suerte. Newpor The followlng panor11 are ,.._ The regl11rent com· Th• reg111rent com· M-812 Wllnul, Huntington 8Mch, Delly Pllol Oacember 5. 11, 8rld peld tor et ._ tllnl of Thie bullneee la con-Beedl, c.Mf. 929e0 butlnell 11: Publilhed Ofange Coe1t menc:ed to trenuc:t bus!-mar'°9d 10 trensact bull-Ctlll 926'8 19. 2e. 1M1 purctt .... Alt pureflaaed ducted by.• corporation This bualMU la con· E llOOK SHELF, 1308 Dally Piiot Novwnber 2t. 28. neas under the llc11tous ,.. under tne Hct11ious "8.IC ll)TlC( This bulinetl 11 con-M-820 goodl .,. IOld • II, 8rld The regtetrent com-ducted by. en lndlvldull SuH•• Lane. Newport December 5, 12. 1988 ~ name °' n.,,,. butllllll nema °' n-ductlCI by en Ind~ --------- lftUltllleNlftOWladettMllme lnlnOld 10 trlf'lllCt ti&*-Th• regletrant com-leacf't,Cellf.t2t80 M-803 1111ed lbo'l9 on November llst.O lboV9 on ~ber ACTTnOUl.,_U Th• reg11tr1n1 c9m·, __ .;..;;;=-.-.;;.;.;--. __ of .... 11111 Mt1ct to prior Mii under the tlC:tltious manced lo tflNIOI buli-Judith Lynn Jonneon. t 1, 1MI 23, 1988 um 9TA~ menc:ed to trensect buSI-•· om c JS tu 1 In tt. 1W911t o1 ~~ ,..!~25 neee.-llftdef tM llcllt0"9 1308 ~Line,~ "9lJC .,llC( Lindi LetlDI Larry E. AOtot1 The totlowing P4W90M era nau under the hcmous -.. -9TA~ .......,..,. .,..._, o.w -_.....on..,..,_ • ~ name "' """" 8wh, Clllf. t2t80 Thie 111tement wu tllad Thia atatament wa tiled dOltlg bull,_. a INllnW """' or ,.,_ - 8rld DUtt'l II petty. Dated 1• lll'9d llboft on (not yet) Ste11911 Kelttt Jottneon, IC .. 111 with the County Clark of Or· w1tt1 the County Ctartt of Or· SANORA MCCARTER & lilted ~ on ~'* Thi tolow4ng ~.,. tt• Mi 8rld 12ttl dey of 0.-,.,.., c. McCarty Anthony SWa II 1308 Sullea Line.~ l'tC11nOUI -... .. County on Nowmber "'SI' County on ~bet ASSOCIATES 2052 New-''· \988 d°'!'Q ~ - CPlblf 1918 Public Thie~· -tlleO Thll lt"-11 -ffted lleectl CIM. t2l80 ..... 9TA~ 15. 1MI 2t 1988 port 8'Yd . Coat• ....... G..ia Irena S9'"dW MA. SPLINTERS FINE a.or.a ..... I ... I lnC .... thl County Cler1t of OJ. """die County Clerk of Or· This ~ I• con-Thi IOl1owll19 pet'IOftl.,. ,.... • ...-11 C.ilf 92627 Thie st"*'*1t .... liltcSIWOOOWOAKING, 10092 T~ (I;!) ~~: 1r1g1 County on November ange County on Hovwllber ducted by. lluetllnd and""' doina ~a: Publithtd <>renge Coelt Publlshad Oranoa Coes1 Sandre L" McCartlf, with thl Col,tnl\' Cltl1! of Or-~ A-.. Weeti1•11tar Aalflt tDr 0.... 29, 1.. ,_ 15 1988 ,__, The r19l1trent com· KAAFT ARCHITECTS, Oalty Pllol ~ber 2t. 21. Dally Ptlol December 5 12 11P Cot•ll• N1wport lrlgl County "' ~ber c.lif. 92683 S ~ ~ C01M PubWled Or1r1g1 eo.t ~ Orange Coat mencec1 to tranMCt ti&*-2955 SE Mtln StrMt. SU... Deoember 5, 12, 1988 t9, 26. l988 ' Belctl. Clld 92627 11• 1988 Dile W11t11m t .. ert ~ PloC Oeowt..,. 5, 12, ~Plot December 5, 12, Daily Pleot Novarnber 21, 28. ""' undet the llctltloUI 310, IMM, C811f. t271nc1' M·790 M-822 TM bul•nest II con-.... ....__.. n.-~!.!!1 :2. tar~.~· Wast-,... tt. 21 1N8 ~ ~ 12 1tee ~ nama "' ~ Kraft Ardlilects. • • dUc1ed by en Wldlvlcf\111 ........... ._. ..,._.,... -· • • M82t ' ' M-818 ' ' M-719 listed lboweon "°"9fnl>lr 1. c.llfornil corporltlon. 2955 '"8.JC ll)TlC( •-.,. lllf\Tll't T111 reg11tre111 com· Dally Piiot November 21 28. Thll bualneu '' con----------1:.......-=~~~~--i---:=::-::::~===---+---:::::-=-;;:;:;;:;::;;:---t---::::;::--=:;:;:;;--""1·--......,~"."'.'::---__ ... ......,-...._._nu_,_-. __ 1menoad 10 trenuct bUll-o-n1:11r 5 t2 1968 duct.ad tly anlnCSMdual •-.,. lllf\.,.._ "8JC ll)TIC( PYlJC ll)'flC( ftalC "8JC llJ11C( 1( .. 111 ACTTTIOUI ..-u -uNter the flct1trous ,,.._717 TPI• t1gl1tr1n1 eom- ..._ ""' ~ FtCTTnOUe .,..... bullnnl nema or narnea I menc:9d to lr-.ct bult-' MAm ITAT'EmNT ~~'::!:! 1,. Nateo above on J.-iry 8, "8JC fl)TlC( ~ under Ille fictitious The lollowtng Plf'IOftl ere doing bull,_. 11. 1983 tMlliMll '*"' Of - doing bu9t,_.. EUROCAR MAIN TEN-Sanore MeClrtar Aennout .,_.. Htled lbo\19 on ~- NIDAY METAL FA8, ANCE 2t9l Grice Ln Tiiie atllement wa Iliad ..... ITA~ 18, 1~ S ENVIROtmENTAL llANAGe•NT AGENCY ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS S..a.d propO.ete from confrtteton Mc:enMd In ecc:ordMCe with S.Ctlon A , 17, Proposal Requirements and Conditions will be~ et the Office of the Clerk of the Bowd of Supervlaors, Room 485, Hall of Administration, of the County of Orange, a.ma Ana, Cellfoma, on or before Wedneedey the 21st day ol December, 1988 et two' o 'ciocit, •t Which time they will be ~opened end reed In Room HSI, First Floor, Hell of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plue. Senta Ana. California, for the folowt119 prOject to be edmlnt9tered by the Orange COunty Environmental Management Agency: ......... 1. 2. DPM 17.5-2 a.npeoil Owertook Pertl P9u.a ~ment. SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEMS Mobilization Pertt Refurbishment Estimated Quantity 1 LS. L.S. Aeduced constNc:tlon plans, apedal provtalona and other contract documents are available 10< examln~lon without ct\erge or mey be MCUr9d upon payment, Including atete seJes tax, of: 17.IO H pld&ed up In per90n I 10.00 "'*'...., by me6I ....,_ end ~ ,.quested by mall are Mtlt via U.P.S .. so please Include the S1reet address to which 1"9se dOcUnentl may be ~ed. A complee• set of ful ea. construction plans wtll be evelleble for examination without charge or may be secured upon peyment, tnctudlng ,.._tu. of the amount shown In the proper COiumn In the table Hated below. No. of Sheets 1-5 8-10 11-15 18-20 21-25 26-30 $3.70 .7.40 11.10 14.80 18.50 22.20 No. of Sheet9 31.35 38-.40 41-45 48-50 51-55 58-60 29.80 33.30 37.00 40.70 .. 4.40 Add 12.00 to price shown If plena we ,.queeted by mall. EMA Pubic Wonts st8"d•d plans wtth apeclel provisions (currenl Issue) are also pert ol this contract. Coples of tne ~ p11ens wtttl apea.a prOYtalona are also •Vllllable at EMA (Room 225) for an addltlonal charge, lnciudlng state sales ta.of: 111.50 " pelted up In penon 112.75 ",.quested by mall Al oMc*8 .,.. be mede peyable to: lmtl Otimentll Manegement /lo,getw;y ~ Wotb FUnctlon POlll Offtce Box 4048 (mllllng eddreee) 400 CMc Center DrM w.-. Room 225 (street 9dchea) .... AM. c.Mornle 82702 n.. .. be no t9fUnd tor reewn of plena end aped.i ptcM8k>M, end return la not required Ordlr'I ~.,..not property eddreeeed or peyet>te.,.. aubtect to delay. The EMA shall not .ccept responalbillty for that ~. ....,. wW*'O to obtain a .. of plan holders lftll nofffy EMA/Pubk Wcna at the eddrera shown abov., by m..i end ... lnllMli • ahedl ....,..,.. eo !MA/Pubic Wort&a In the emount to oowr c:opytng co.19 of the Nat of plen holdera. The -,,., be dela1.Wl9ll by oonlectlng the EMA by telephone et (714) 134-3451. Due to the compledy of EMA'• 1ftC1 "'9 ~..,,..number of bidders encountered on eed\ PfOjec:t, the EMA wit make no et'9mpt 10 reed • .._. "°'*"' '° pr...-etw. blddera ovw the t•ephone. 9ktder9 reQJ ..elna lilts of plan hotdera .. ed*9d 1Mt V. ll9t ...,.... • of the deee of ,....... end tMt the ,.queat "**I be ttrMd • to allow tor normal mall MMce. ,,_ ......,., enaiaon 11 arec:MCI fO t"9 pro"'8ICN "' a.caon A. '""'°PoMI ~19 end Conditions,·· ,..,,_dtno the ,.. ' ••••Md oondlttone wt*" he must obWW In the~ of the propoeal form and the aubmleelon of the bki. Q Ell•• Oft lnllrPNldon Cl( ....... end 8pedal Prowlllol• prtor to the ... 9Cheduled '°' bMi ope!Mng ahel be rdd JI f to Hue-Un Heu, "OfeCt Engineer, who mey be rwMd at (714) ~. ,., bid,... oonl8Ct NoMrd ceo.on. Conetndon DMllon .. (714) 587-1810. • 0i 111a •• .,,..~of,..,.end9pedai~•rttauktbeeddr1s11dtothe~.EMA(714)8'4~. ---of ........ ol ..... wlilOt'I Of the Orlft09 eownty, Callb1• ~ ............ ,. 15802 Chamlcal Lene. Hun•· Cost•·...._. Cahl 92e26 · wttt11he eoun1r Clerk of Or· Thi ioeo.ing peraone -~ t ...,'f Med • ~-9511,;.;.:/=~. s.:': A~ Mc::· .. ~ ~~ty on November d~E~T'E PROD· Wfth~st~~C:ot0r- 16882 Coral C1y Ln .. Hunt· Calif 92626 ,_ UCTS •1..e Sll0f9Crelt Ln .. ange County on No¥1mber jnglon 8wh. c .. ,,. 926'9 Chrlltlll'I J Gelka, 96,.. Pubhtlllad Oreriga Cout CorOM del Mir Call! 92625 23 1988 Thie bu1ln111 11 con· Smokatr" Ava .• Fountain Diiiy Pllol Dacember 5, 12, 4 1::"~~~1'1~~ Publltllecl Orenga '= ducted by· an lndlvlduel \11lley, Calli 92708 19• 26• 1988 M..a 13 one e1e1 Mar C11if 92625 Dally Pilot December 5 12. The reg111ren1 co~-This bullnau Is con-Thia bu1;neu It con~ 19 26 1968 ' manced lo tr1n11CI bu • ducted by:. I general Part· ducted tly an tndlv!Oual _·_· ____ _,Mi;o..t...:..;;15~ neu under IM Octltous nershop 1 PlBJC NOTICE The regl1tran1 com--.__------..:. bu'"-name SCH n•~ The reg111r1n1 com-menced to veneact bust-lllted 1bove on epttm.,.. menced 10 1ran11Ct bust-ACTIT10UI .,..... ,,_ 12 1988 ··-'"-...-"-it•~· ....... a:r•-,,... under Ch• .... 111ous ' ,,... ..,,._ t... '""1 ....... -.. '.,_ .. ' bullnlll n.ama or ~ W• Nld1y bullna.M neme "' names The foltowlng perlON '"I lilted lbova on December 1 This 1t11amen1 wu lllecl lllt.O 1~ on HJ.A doing bultnast u wlttl the County Clark OI Or-Heino A Moeller TWO X TWO LIMITED. 1~ct A McFllr1atlCI ange County on November Thia st•t-t wu tlled 1820 E Garry SL Suitt 109. This ltllamertl ...,.. tiled 15, 1988 wtth the County Clerk of Or-Sen11 Ana. Calif 92705 With the County Clarlt 01 OJ. F.a20 ange County on NO¥embet John R Pontall cot W Coun November Pubkshed Orange Cont 28 1918 ~ St H201, Cosll M... ~968 ty on Delly Piiot NO\lllTlber 2 t 21 FW11t1 Clllll 92627 n11n3 o.c.tnber 5 12 1988 Put>llstled Orange Cout Th11 bu1Jnes1 11 con· Publllheel Orange Coelt M-804 Otllly Pilot Dec:amtllr 5. 12 ,ctucted by an lndMdual Da.ty Piiot November 21 21 t ---------19. 26 1981 The r1gt11ren1 com-o-nt>ar 5 12 ltel rta.tc NOTICE M-1 te menced to 1r-.c1 ~ ..._ 79' _ _.... .............. _____ ---------nea u~ Ille llcMou• ----------1 ~.~.J' PlBJCNOTlCE :=~~~~ PlBJCll>TlC£. The lollowlng persons 111 'tc:TtTIOUI .,..... 1981 fl<:TTTIOUI llUllNEU doing~ u ...._ ITAn.Jff JoM R. Pontell MA• ITA~-NT MESA SALES, 10725 Elllt The lollowtng per1on1 are Thtl 1111amen1 wu . filed Thi following D4r90n1 are A--•D. Foun111n Vllley, doing bull,_. 11 With the County Clartl of Or· csoong bulfnea u Clillf. 92708 PAOLEASE 2855 E Inga CountY on Novem~ IAN R FORD COMPANY LOfln O.vkl Mollner, 713 Coast Hwy Sta 233. Corone 15 1988 19551 Occ1C11n11I Lane, Center St . Cost• M•n. del Mar, Caiof 92625 ,__ Hun11ng1on 8HCh Caul 0.... 92927 TOll4 AIOI 300 LlfUPUr Pubhtlled Of'anga Coast 926'6 Thie bueJneu 11 con· Ave . Coton• def Mat c.ltt Daily PllOt NoYemblr 21 21 lln R Ford 1955t Oc· esue..ct by: an fndlvldull 92625 Dacamtllr 5, 12. 1988 cldentll Lene. Huntington The regl11rent com· Tiits business ts con-M-795 BMcn Clilf 926'6 MtnCld 10 tranllCI butt-ducted by an lnd•VICIUll Thi• buslneu 11 con· PACIFtC VfEW MEllONAL PARK Ctmatary • Monuery OllaDel • Cr1m110ty 3500 Pecilic v-0.-"'9 Newl)Ott 8Ncll 6'.C.2700 H~LA.,._ fll'T. OLIVE M0tlUll'f. Cemetery Crematory 1625 Giiier Ava Cos1aMt111 ~0-55s.t M~EMOTHUIS ULLPOAOWA~ ~uniry • ClllPll t 10 8roldway Cos11 Mtlll 6'2-9150 ,... undaf thl t1cm1oua Th• r1glt_1ran1 ccun-"8.IC fl)TlC( ducted by en i!ldivtdual IMrtr't et--n bullftell name "' nam11 menced 10 1rensact Dull'-Th• rag111rent com-r .... _..., lboYe on F4ib<'u1ry 10 • .,.. under tri. 11ct1110U1 ACTITIOUI .,...... m«ICld to tranMCt bUtl· 2983 H~rbor Bl"d. 1t81 buslnMI name Of n.,.,,.. MA• ITATIMDfT ,,... under Ille tk:lllOYI ~ • LOl'Wl d Mollnar 1111ed 1bov9 on NQvember Tl>t lollowing ~· ,,. buslnlla name or ,,.,,,_ • Co t Me CA Thie llltamenl WIS folad 28 1988 doing butfnlll U flt1.0 lboW on Oc1obef 1, S a sa, with the County Clarll 01 Or-Toni Aloi I co S TA M E s A 1te1 &Jta ., •• ange County on Nowmber TNI lllllf'Mfll Wll flied MERCHANTS ASSOCIA Ian R FQ(d ~· .. 23, 1"8 ,,..,,, Ille County Clar1t of Or-TION. 2 165 Hatbor Blvd Thll 1t1tement ... fllad ·~ ~-----------------------------------...... ------------... PutlllNd Orange eo..1 Delly Ptl04 oac.m1:11r 5 12 19. 21, 1988 M-810 Ml.JC fl)'flC( N:TmOUe .,... .. ..,....,..rnmwr The foSoWlng pat'90l\I .,. doinO~ll AGAPE CHRISTIAN TRAVEL SERVICE 27Ge HarOOI 11¥11 • Colll .,._ Clllf ~ JIMt ~. 411 Nobel St .,.,, Sant• Ana. Caflt 92707 A nltl 8oydon , 70 Tldewlncl, lr11ln1, C111f 12714 Thie bu~• I• con• cM:19d by: C:O-Plrtntrl Th• re9t1tr1nt com· menoacf '° 1f....ct bull· ,_ ~ ... ftcctttoue ~ ,... Of ""'* .....,...,.on~ , .. ~c.--·'. '"* ............. ....., ~ "" COUMr Qlftl Of Or· ange County on NowMllMI n .1 ... STARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? The Legal Departoient at the Daily Pilot is pleased to an· nounce a new service now ava•I· able to new businesses We will now SEARCH the name for you at no extra charge. and sa11e you the ttme and Ule trip 10 the Court House in Santa Ana Then ol course atter the searcn is completed we will hie your t1cht1ous business name statement w ith the County Clerk pubhsh once a week lor lour weeks as reQulred by law and then file your proof ol publt· .catton..w llh tne. County Cle.ck Please stop by to hte your f1ct1t1ous business statement at the Deily Pilot Legal Depart- ment 330 West Bay Coste Mesa Callfom1~ If you can not stop by please call us et 1714) 642-4321, E.1ttenS1on 315 or 316 and we will mMe arrangements for you to handle this procedure by matt It you Should have any further questions. please call us and we wtll be more than glad to assist you Good luck 1n your new b usiness" .. Ofenge CoMt DAILY PILOT/ Monday, December 12, 1888 I • •t ... .,. ·...:mm ...c.,. ~1~-.waa ~NUF._ ,.... --Bl.!!!!l..-1~ ,._._ ~ ,,_AM• ..,AULT"° ••-suttac ot ..,. ,..,. .. ....,....,. .... Mdll .... ortM.-...,c•11-. ..... ,... ... UCMM, INC., ..... ..,. 11 ..,....,....,.., .. ._.., .. ._.,_. • .....,..., • ._.._._. -A-Of1-T, ...er, .. ..,_....,_._,of.-.S..,....toswtot 111 a' 116Mof ln•o•iMMlll....,cNt.-or""°"" T~ A.-. ............. -. .... ..-.......... ...._,.._ ~,.. __ ... ._.. .. ~ '9 ..... t1,,-. or-.. OOINftOn dlli0-C1111C1Prtta..,111tt...,.,..of 111..,'*901lfl1Mb6ddll'I. llfOl*tY611c .... 11e1ow.111 ..,_AM. C•a~ ar._,...., • ..., • .,,,,..,.. ..,....,...,..._., Wdl., OnRae Oluflty, _ ...... ........... ~ ---.,., T ... AO-...._ el .. .e.o. de-............ ......_ 0-W ll'urluMttolt:eptCWtlloo• ......... ot. .... c.Rrffl'• .... 0.-lilt......... ... .. llllf,...... .... C ... -. II II I .... -• 10 ~._....,....property• HOl lltd obllgMed P9f'Y· OMed ofa.ot6on17l'SoftNLAllor Aon leFebwre, Ip . ......, .. ,-. T1111"6 -~~ .._ ....... .--_. .... n...,.. ...._ or......,., w ,.,,.,..,, , .. , fT llAT • IALVADOA ITAEET, •&ettMCt 12ttldeyof0. Code of tM lwte of eel-Hl12-tl bu/llO•. 3 .,....., II .... IO C. .. smna ..... T ...... llllflO .. .=.~ ---fll't4Mart w~=-,.._ WAT A .....C MU, COSTA W8A, CA. tM2t cember, tHI. Publlo tornie, tM dlMttct tlU Of>. oelN'cta, key.a, f111, tbl, lorfl6a UnllorWI Cell-Ullll -o.= ...... & el .. Qtw .. Of Hid proparfr: I• -e ., -... ~ ... ~ .. Ming '::C.~· Inc. ....... "°"' tN ow... of *""' btd, 5 "*-· ... Code ..... ·-...... *' ........... ,.... Ollll.. • ~" ~ ti'..... ,. '"'fl•..C•llNT: IA,_ Of ft9 llAW ICllldtor .. P'lf'poeeofpey-T {1111 244-IOIO, iNOepertmen•oflnduMttll rMlo, I ft .eoo!JI, IMc, 2 TIW,_ ... ...,_ot .. f;Wilwlu ~ IMd:. cetl-Celea ...... CA. lM ••XI• -... a ' • TM ..oca•OtH ...... ebllePID. MQINd ~tor Owner. Ralat1011• tb• aanar•I ,..,... VIC: Iha per... .... ..... c.Allbi taw i..,,... ......... to .. .... ......... ,_.. ----,.. 6eAl•8T TOU, YOU brllldDwfotTrwtlftdu6. ~ OrlflOI ~ SM••.-nt rm bl per dlMI l.andlord rMarVel the ce.llN 'Mr ..... II: N;-•u Nd Ofenaa C.. IMUotl:OOp."'.OllO.O.. wlttCOYt .,...,.. 0t ..,. _.........,., ....... . lllOULD CONTACT A lng .... Md..,....oftN OellYPllot~5.12, WllM and the cten•r•I "8fM to b6d .. tlW .-TIONUCROW,INC .• IOON. DallrNDIO.rnbar11,1t, blr11,t•. f'IMW,llllfWOtlftlpled,• 111111• ....... . ~'"8. Tf\Mllel ... ofSala. tM6 ~ reta for l'iOllClay PufdW -.t be m-. TueTINAVINUl,IUITIQ, I... At 1111ellMMd.-W10 .... 1111 I 'llf'I OI M--dllO-WtlllllllNll• • NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S Oeead NOVEMBER 22. Ml21 Md owritme wortt Ill tlW lo-wtttl CMf'c dftly Md pakt tot SANTA AHA. CALWORNIA Ml30 noted abCWe, aP par9CIN _._ to ~ lM II _.. • ,_ ... .. . SALE 1tll oeMy In wftldl W. wortt .. to M .. lllM o4 purcllaM. All 11106 and tfla 11111 -1Dr -.,•t1d In lM lllWI"""' ................ dUe Oii ttce ................. _. ... No. t 14141 C AL f' 01111 NI A RI· PmlJC lll)TIC( be performed tor Wlfl etaft purchwd goodl we Mid M 1111nG ..... br .., CINdltor PmlJC llmC( ._ lnlf .,...., Md N ,-. Ot llOIOI eacur.o br oour1 .,._ ... a ti fl'"" Oft JANUARY 09, t91$, .. CC*WTANC9 COllPAtrf, °'type of wortt• needed to ... Md""* N ramo"9d at 1t'91N~21, t• Nerd. aald DIM Of TNll, to wtf: OOftt .... ...,........ or ~ A.M. IN THE LOBBY M Mid TNMae, By........ NOTIC8 uecuta tlW dlMric:t olftol tlW time of Mia. S. tubjKt wNGh II tM .,._ dlr ~ City of HuMlllGton llead\, .. 7,lt1.M, ... ttce follow-offW .... ... ......... Of COMMERCE TITLE K..-,, EllacUtM Vice Pr-. INVITWtG91De Mdcop6Mmaybee>Otalned to prior C111soellat6ol1 Ill tlW llaCore tN OONUfMlatlon llDTICm COlllm wc«WAY, Qty Ing .......... ooae., •· .... of,..,.., ..... COMPANY LOCATED AT cMtlt. Addrw of TNat-. NOTICE IS HEREBY on raque1t. A copy of ttlMe ...,.,., of ... ,..,.. .. beCWWI ..... ~ 9bove. .,..,. °' Ctertl ,._ ................................. dlld CABRILLO PARK 145 t Cotbltl A..,.,,ue, North-GIVEN the' thl loai'd of r•t• .... be poeted ., ... Landlord •nd o-.lfa•ted Dated: Nowemb•r so. ....., PUm.JC. DMld: Deoamllar I. 1• ...... of ... ..,..... publlllatlOft ..... ....._ .... ...... SUITftOO lntn.CHy ridge, Callfornl• 1113211. Tnm-of thl Huntlnolon Job.ita. party. DalOcl tNt 5th Md t• ..-cnv PulllltCld Orange Coaet of tfltl Nollca of Sale: and .. .._...., • .., tf SANTA AHA, Cour\tY of hfephon• No. (818) 8Mch Union HIOll 8chool ltllNllbeiNllCSatOfYupon t2thdayof~. tMI. ,lllAMK aAlllCUL081 CGemDILI = Piiot ~ 5, 11, lt,IOUO ............ wt. TM OfllANOE. itate of -call--701--2575 Oletrlct of OrlflOI Cow11y, thl contractor to wnoni ttia Pvbllc Stotage Manaea-Tn 1'1 •• .J ....._D•••Jn t 9IOTICI TO !&!....,.... el ...... '1111- tomla. CALIFORNIA RE· 8"11721 CallfOfr\la wlll rtc*lle ...ied contract .. -dad. Md l'Mnt, Inc. TallphoM (811) A&.IXl8 CLAY, Tr••-A•ICY 0WR M-124 PWa8'........ of.....,•'"'°"' OI CONV£YANCE COMPANY. ~ Orwioe Cout blcteupto,butnolalerthan.. upon any .ubcontractor 244-8090. ~t fof Land·..._ 'AllTIC9'ATIOll YOU AM IN DUAUL.T o• r court aut1•orl11d a Ca1torn1a C«por•tion, u Delly Pilot Oeoernber 5. 12, 2:00 p.m .. Januwy 5, 1Ntll'i undlr IUdl contractOf, to lord. PulllltCld 0r"'OI Coaet A• 11 SfT 0 PmlJC ll)TIC( UNOIA A DUD Of TflUIT. pra c I di caatMr .-0 ,_,._ •uly 19pol11ted Tru1tM tll, ttll the Proc~t Office, pey not .... than tM Mid Publllhed Orang1 Cout Delly Plot OeoamW 12, ~ KOUlllT _ DATIO .IUNE 27, 1NO. UN-nll 10 ,_ wider ttcet ~ DMd of M-829 Room :M 1, of Mid dlll.rlct epeclfted r .... to ahwork.,. Delly Pilot Oeoernber 5, 1a, 1M6 :i' a llDTICm Of L.Ua YOU TAKE ACTION ..,. ,:=. Cllftl. 9rr truat trWlUtld br RICHARD localed at t025 t Yonttown, ~ br them In the ex-tM6 Ml32 09 _,. TRUeTB'8 IALI TO "'°TICT YOUf' PROP-Lil --..., V , M CM Ill AND AND MJC lll)TIC( Huntington 8Mch Ctcllfomla .cutlon of the contract. The M827 AMA) P-t.-l..n'. IT MAY • tol.D A..T Clorll ~LYNN MCMILLAN, tff4e, .. wNc:t1 tllM Mid P9f diam W-0-r .... -MJC .,YIC( ~of a JolM Publloi-Oft ..._.,., I, 1 .... A "'9IJC 8ALE. W YOU PublllMd Or ... COlll HUl8ANo ANO WIFE M a 111M bldl w111 be pubic:ly ~ bMed upon • wort\ day of "8JC lll)TIC( ~ br the Qty Coundl 1 t:OO ._,.., Artlt AIWtClarl •ID AN EXllllANATIOH Olly Nol Mou ..... 0. truaeors. recorded on APRIL NOTa °' Md reed fat: light houri, Md IN r•t• fof L.8GM...,.. of ~Oft BMdl Md the TMta """'MOa Company, • °' THE NA TUM °' TI4f Olmbaf I. 11. 11. -01. 1116, M !Ntrumenl No fl\aJC SAU BARRICADE NET·ATH· hollday Md 0Yel11me wort! NOTa TO •WOllT.-U Aadlur'Oll ••" ~ of Cellfomia oorpomtoft M ,AOCEEDING AGAINST MI08 l6-11M71. of OMt111 Re-CWl'ml90ll~ ,&.ETICFIELD-BIDN0.885 lhaP be •t ..... time Md CMDfTORICW ua:::;aDL INCllyofHuntlftgeoftlWft Tru ..... or SuCCHHr YOU. YOU IHOUL.D COM---------oordl of OAANGE County, ~TY ntt11 a All b6dl •• '° be In ec-one-Mil. '-auuc Tafl:lllPlll ...,.,.SU an o.r. ~ T,.,.._ M hta•tnwlacl TACT A L.AWYIA. -• - ..... ofCallfomle.Uftderltla Nollcl·~~thal cordlnclwtttctMIMd Doc:u-A~ bond .n.11 be , ..... ..,__..,-NOTICI ,. "'"!BY patloft •w••:• betWelft TN9tM.ot ....... Oaad WT u-.acMI mu,-::::::~:::-::""::'-==~ pow of.-t!Wreln con-pur1uant to ectlons nenll wNc:h -now on Me ~prior to auc:utlon U.C.C.) GIVEN that lM lowd of tlW "9da11lapme111 ~ ofTNll....,..,brJAMla -•UIC9 C..MIYL l!I PIC.nnaua.,. .. -• telned,WllM .. tpubllcauo-2t70t-2t715 of C.. Md may be MCUred In thl of thl contract Md lhaP be Nota .. '*9bV glWl't to Educlilton of tM Newport. and Aobert.Koury. M. McCAU.UM and MARY C1•1mk capa 1 .. eumaTwW tlofltotMhighallblddadfor fofnil Bu11naM and Pro-Pr~t office of Mid Ill lhe form Mt forth In the creditors of the within ..... Unllled&dloolO..rtct NOTICE 18 HEREBY J. McCALLUM, ~ ..... ,,. ... ,_..... Tfla ....... par9CIN .. ~orcNd!MdMcribed teMk>n1Codl,Sectlon2328 dlltrlct. contract document•. named tr••cn that •of OrlflOI Cowttr _.,. GIVENIMtttceatyCouftcll Md_..• tolnl ......._ ._.....,C ... 1•"'9t dolrie~• betow, ~tit the time of of the Ctcllforn'9 Commerdll Each bidder 111111 be • Purlu9lt to Section 4580 of bulk traNtw • ebolll to be cel¥a ...eld bldll up to 2:00 of the Clly of Huntington and recorclad Nit 2•. tNO (fM) ..-.1 (a)t% PLUS Cb• NR- ... In~ mon.y or tn. COde. Sac11on 535 of tn. 11 ce11ud conur•c to r th• Oowernme11t Cod• madl on per90MI propeny PM on tM 3'd day of JaJNo IWft Md tlW ~ •~No. Hat, In DATED: December 5, ctNT PlU8 fOJTWO NA-=-=:•=~~of~~=~:..:,,!~~ ru~'::~uf*~~~r 1~ her,.:-.:_~bed~ ~e:·~-a::::-~ :::W:1.:ti":.~C: = 1.::·!"-:33o,°'~ t~ OrlflOI c..-CINT 'LUS (d)TWO 'Mo liftpllad • to title. UM, poa-fornl• Auction Llcen1lng dasllflcatlons of: .ubllltlrl• MCUrltlM for 1ny ldd,... of thl Intended lrtct, located •t 2'15-8 Bw Joint Fl\if)llo Hearing on 0. C04.lnty, Callfornla, and DellV Piiot o.c.tnbar 12. tt, :-l~T(•~(~Y -..on °' MCUmbfMCM, Act, the undenlgned wlll Mii Generlll Bulldlng (8), °' monr. wltheld br the ~ tr•n1fero11 •r•: FRANK Str.... Colt•' MIN. CA cember ]II, 1MI at 7:00 SIU"'*" to that oerW1n No-21. 11111 AllET~NT S2t .............. and lnt-t atpubllculebycompetl11W Ffnclng(C-131 trlct•o111-•pertorman09 BARCELLOS, 800 Newport 112121, .. wNc:h time Mid p.m . In th• Councll tic. of~ tlWraurlcllr Ml33 N ~ .... ~ now llald br It .. IUCtl blddln; on tlW 20th day of Thlr• wlll be • man-under thl contract, C•n••r Drive. , N•wport bldl wlll be publldy opanad Ctlamber•. Cffy Hall, 2000 recorded laplembar 7. · IOh, C8llf neis T"*'9 In Md to ... follow-Oeoernber, 1tll, It 11:00 dantorydot> walk' to oom-Signed: A.E. ROWLEY BMch, c.llfOfnla. Md rMd for: Copi.rt M•lft Str .. I, HUl'tlnoton 1981 .. IMtrUIMftt No. w llJl1C[ ~ i ~ • Int dalcllbed prop«ty llt~ O'ctoclc AM on tM Pfem1w mence at tO:OO 1.m. on De-Olrect·°'· Proc:ur_,t The ioc.tton Ill Caflfornl,I All bldl -to be Ill ec-laacfl, Ctcllfatnla. "to con-11 44803t, of Otfldal Re-..._ ..... c--C8llfomll Corporation i21 IMed lfl the afOf9iilcl County whet• Mid property hu cember 21 •t: Huntlnoton Beach UnlOn of Ille chief Hacutlw offfdt cllrclanca wHh Condition•. lldlr Md act upon 111 Owner cordl of Mid Cowlty, wlll --· • 8'Wd ' Ind State, to wtt: LOT 83 Of: bMrl ltorad, and whleh are District Malnt1nanoe end · Hlah SclhOol District or prlftClpal bullneu office IMlructlona and Speclfl· Plll'tlclp .. lon Agreement fOf under and ~ •o Mid ......,.. COURT N. ~ " ~ TAACT NO. 5023, IN THE ioc.ted •t Public! ·"StOfage Operatlon1 Offlc•, 525 Publllhed Or~ Coul of the lntllldad t,.nalerOf 11: cation. whldl ate on fMa Ill Mllln-P!lr P~ Fec:lllty. DMd ot Tnm Mii a• ~bllo NI Clwlll CaMar ~· ' ltel3 CfTY Of COSTA MESA, 13241 Jeffrey Road, In the Yorktown. Hunttnoton Dally Piiot Deoeriiw 12. 111, 331102 Copper L1nt1rn the offloa of tlW PurchMlno The 11g1wner1t prowldM fat ~lonforof-*dr8Wnby• Dr • ._. ~ ~~- OOUNl'Y OF ORANGE, City of Irvine, County of Or-Balch, CA, (714) 636-11356 1118& StrMI, Unit "A", Dana Director of Mid School Di.-IM dewelopmant of • flwe ..... Of '9dlral cndlt union, ..... AM. The reglatra11t com STATE Of CALIFORNIA, AS ang1, St•te o1 Cllllfomla, the Each bid must conform M831 Point, CalltOfnla. lrlct, 2915-1 Beat Str ... , lewal perlllng ~ur• with Of• ct** dr8Wn br • lt•te CA, 11111 I "" mancad to ttaNaet bull. PER MAP RECORDED IN goods, Chadiaa or personal 111\d be reapontlve to the All other bulinea n~ .Coate ...... CA t212t. IPPf'Oldmately 838 S*t!lnO or,..,.. ..w. Md loan P•tltlo .. er: MICt1A1:l MU undar tM ftctl104'; BOOK 182, PAGES 35 propeny dMcrlbed below. In contract dOC\lmenll. P\llJC NOTICE Ind lddr ..... uMd by the EICfl b6ddar muet .ubrnlt IPacel Md IPPf'OIClmately ....aatton, or...,.,_ bank STEvtN GUNTER THAU S 8 , M I S . the matt .. of: Each bidder mull IUbmll transferor within the put tblddapOfltlnthefofrnof• 32,073 9qUW9'-tofoom-~InMelton1102 of RMpolldlnt: JIN~ AT =-atMWerwn: ~ CEl.lANEOl)S MAPS, IN Joth Weill, Sp. N7&3-3 with hie bid • cuhler'I a 11711 thr• yews .,.: None. Certlftad Of Celh'4lt'1 Check !Mfclal office UM ioca.ed tM Flnaftclel Coda and OUNTEA !., 14 1... • THE OFFICE OF THE dist•. BBQ, VIC, brfCM, 2 check or clll'tlfied Chad! NOT1CI °' The namee and bullnMI Of • Bond ~ to ten-,. within ... blodl founded by Mhortled to do.,.._. In c.. No. 02851 t~ • • COUNTY RECORDER OF eultc., 2 tbls. 5 bik1, 4 TV, madlpey11bletotheorderof ""9&JC 8ALI lddrea of ttia tr..m.r-cent (10%) of tM ernount of 011Y9 AwetiUI, ll*d Street, thll at•. at the main an-•-OM Aobar1 J. Ceultln, P1'911· SAID COUNTY. A.P .. N. 45 bxs, 8 Imps, 2 frig. chna the Huntington 8Mch Union CW NMONAL wa: ALEXIS CLAY. 21701 llWIMd,m-.peyabt.tothe WalnUt A~. Md MM! tr9nel to Flr9t ~ N011Cm Y• ...._-... dM,..:. .....,,_,t WM fllad 1't,.14-22. cat>nt, c:hr, 2 bdt, 4 mttru, High School District or bid "'°""" #tt111 I Ou.it er.., #250, Laguna order of tM Newport-Mau Strwt In tlW City of Hunt-T".. INUr.-ComclenY ...._ ,.._...,....._ wtttl the Cowttr Ctertl of Or· Tiii totlll ernount o1 the crtb, m1ec bond u Mt forth 1n the con-Nota It '*9bV glWl't that laacfl, c.Afomla. unified 8ct¥IOI Dlatrict. In lnQton laacfl. located at 1 t4 e. -Flfttc ...-.. ,.. ..._. ,.. ,..~-.. ur'P9lld ~ blltnee. Dennie Herold , Sp. tract docum•ntt In a n purMIWll to Sac11on 1918 of The property pertinent tM ._,,of t.ieur. to enter ,.,_ propoMd protect Is Strwt. In t1W Cttv of lenla .... ....,. ...._,..,. ~w"' on ~ lnMraet thereon, t09«1Wr H5111-bkCM,dryr.3crwa. wnounr-ofnot ... lhanllve lheCMICodl,SW.ofC..heretolScs-:rlbedlngan-Into .uctl Contract, thecov.rad by• flnm En-Ana.Cllfomlaallthatl'tgtll,__. ...... .,...._. ,• · ._. rwonabfy •lmated BBQ. btk, 2 tbls. 10 bn, dlk, J*Clllt (5%) of the eum bid fomla, S4c:tlon 2328 of the •II M : Stock In Trade, Ax-proceadl of the ct** wlll be vtrONWlt.i lmpect Rlpor1 fttta Md ...,_ cond9yed ......... I ...... PublllWd 0...,. "= coata. ~ and Id· mlK M • gu1r1ntM that the bid· C •I I lo r')I • Comm• r cl 1 I tur11, Eq u lpmen t • n d forl9ltad lo Mid Sc:hool Dia-M-4 prepared by Sanc:Mz to Md now llald by " U1M1er If you wllll to ..-the .0-DellV Piiot NoW9I cbW 21 2t w at the time of tn. In-Juan Escob•r. Sp. 6er wlll enter Into th• Codi, Section 5S5 of tn. Goodwill of• C*taln lwlty trict of 0r"'OI Cowltf. Tllwlco Aaodllt-. Inc. Mid DMd of Truat In ._ w1c11 of an -~ lfl thll ~ 512"'111. ' ' ..... publicatlon of this No-H523-2 suite., 2 Ibis. 4 Pf'opoeed Contract " the c.IHOfnla P9nel Codi Md S•lon bu•ln•H •nd I• A Perfonnanoe Bond mey CoplMoflheEnvtronman-PfOP9f1Y ~ In Mid matter. you ~ do -• • ttoa .. St38,757.43. !>Mii. 20 bu. eurlbrd. couch, MrN Is -dad to him In the provisions of the eel-ioc.ted •t 800 N9wp«1 oa required at the ~Ion t•I lmE>•ct Rfport •nd County Md SIMe o.crtbed promptly• that ycMK Wrtc· M-718 Curr9ntly dated Cuhlars Olctr. mlec -the _,t of failure 10 enter fornl• Auction llcenllng C•nter Drlw•. Newport of tn. Dlltrlct. Owner P11t11cipatlon Aorw-•: •en .....,onM. "lftY, "wtf be -Chedl• or Certified Check• Cal Tech. Sp HS46-25 Into IUdl contract, IUCh M-"°'·the underllgned ...... laacfl. CWlfoml&. The bu-. No b6ddar may wtthdr-ment fof ttlls Pf'ofst -on The Northd.tarty II .... fllad on..,_, ~ to .,,. T Nat• Of dlM curtty wlll be lorlelted. .. public .... by competitive MM ,,.,,,. uMd by the Mid ,. Bid for • period of ll11ty ,... fOf public ln..,.ctlon Md of.,,. 8outlWMterty 151 .... AMOI u.ted ha lido • SELL bidder •• 11CC9Ptlbt. to Owner ,...,_ the right No bldd« rNY wlthdr-Plddln; on the 20th day of ttMStwort •t Mid loclltlon (80) days •fl• the dat• Mt copying lor IM~ of~ of lot 50 Md thl Nonh-"*ldado· El tribunal puede TNSIM provided proper to bid •t IN ..... Pureh-hit bid fOf • period of forty-Oeoernber, 11188, •I t 1:00 11: "THE CORAL TREE fof tlW opening thereof cation at the office of tlW wel1arty II fMt of the dKldtr contre' Ud. lirt IU<- IOanttftcatlon .. awllllabt.. mu1t be made with cuh only 11w (45) days efter thl date O'clock AM, ioc.ted at Pub-SALON" The lowd of Education of CHy Clerk,' City of Hunt· ~ 151 teet of the dlendl • IMllOI que Ud. re- From Information which Md paid for at the time of Mt fOf the opening thereof. Qc Stor11g1 1324 t J«tray s.ics bullc trwfar • lo-!toe Newport-Meal Unlfted tngton laacfl, 2000 MM! Southw....nv 25 .... of lot ~ cteMro de 30 dim. the Tl'UllM dellN rlliabla, sxirch&M. All purchlMd The Boerd of Trull ... r• Road, In the City of imn., tended lo be conMllM'lalad School Dlatric:t r~ tlW Streat. Huntington leech. 52 of Tract 300. • MooM\ on l.. la l11formac:lon que throu'?h classified 142-1111 but for which TNS ... mak• IOood. ere IOld M Is, and --the right to re1Kt My County of OrMM, State of 8t tt1e offtc:a ot. ACTION I rlaht to rw.ct any°' 1111 llcll Callfornla, betwMn the a Map racordad In llooll 14, I...,_, •n.s' CHEVROLET lfl'j Home of the Serengeti Blazer littk&fnw Call our lrtendly salesmen for details . . 579-5100 1-800-228-7240 17071 E. Imperial Hwy -Yorba Linda. California Tl:IE BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY ARE ON THIS PAGE CALL ONE NOW! • o SADDLEBACll Sales ~ -Service · Leasing ~ Parts IRVINE AUTO CENTER 1-800-131-3377 714-380-1200 . . , ... 2850 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 8 JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS Meroedel-Benz AC URA 1111 a.. ••. 1001 a.. It. Newport -..Ctt Newport 8Mctt 0 ..,_ • Laetfng S.-• L~ Pa:..•= Serw=. • Petti ~ 75-AC&MA 112·2112 "Cllll 1Your """-.,_,.,•" & SA~filvY.Il~{}G & . 0 NEW LOC~TIO~ SANTA ANA AUTO MALL 1500 Auto Men Dr,, s.n .. AM . 135-3171 N.ewport/55 Fr#y. at Edinger .:;ares Dept open 7 d ays Service Hours: Mon.-Fri 7am-tOpm BUENA PARK STANTON Gl\RO NGROVE PACIFIC OCEAN -. . - f ....,,--, _ ..... -..,,. .: I -~ ... -.. . H ONDA. -I f!.•t. ?Nu. '"OAANCll OOUNTY"I QUIET LEADER OF THE IMPOAT8" • (714) 540-0713 28e0 HAABOA BLVD. • COSTA MESA ldY1rti11 11 Thia P111 C1ll for ht1i11 842-4321 CALL ONE OF THESE DEALERS FOR THE BEST BUY ' 0 Huntington Beach • Chrysler -Plymouth • DAIHATSU SALES -LEASING SERVICE -P-AATS -==-~= -:=c.. 842-Gl31 ... .. ,."! ·~~ B. ,,, i -J'><:~ • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC • GMCTAUCKI ALLEN m/582-0800 .., SAN DIEGO FWY ·AVERY EXIT LAGUNA NIGUEL ' HOUSE of IMPORTS, Inc. Mercedes-Benz 686~ -Manchester Boulevard Buena Parle SIRVICI 213 or 714/llERCEDES . M-f' 7a-6p_ 'M·f' 8a-6p Where 1-5 and 1-91mecL Sa~ 8a-2p, . Superior &):, VOLKSWAGEN@ ~ IN WESTMINSTER~ 7600 Westminster Blvd,, Westminster (71,)891-9378 (213)430-28'3 • Orange Coast Jeep Eagle C.C...r s.&laetJo. • Sales ow #' ,,,.,.,," • Semee 541 I023 • Leulac 2114 Barbor Blvd. • Coata Meaa • f c CAMPAfl I NISSAN/~ EACH • low Pri<•• • No G1mm1clo • Great Selactson • Friendly People • E 11cellen1 Service 111351eoch~d (714) 142-7711 LINCOLN MDCURY •&EACH --SALES -LEASING SERVICE -PARTS . ·~· *I BOJllDA mALa JR oaAROS CO. Sain • 8en1ce • Parta t.a,ent All Maes 98$1969 ln'2....,. .... t HUM ~. C.llllt• .._.. •