HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-15 - Orange Coast Pilot. . Tuesdly, ·March 18, 1894 I rorget the bikini, summer's over. Cooler today with fair skies. Tonight's clou ds are part of an approaching Pacific storm. See Weather, Page 2 Winner of California Newspaper Pub/i5hers Association's General Exce llence Award for 1993 . . Stabbing, rpbberies mar weekend .. There were three armed robberies on and around the beach in Newport this past weekend. the first to draw large crowds this year. A man was stabbed in one of the incidents. Do you feel safe going to the beach, what precautions do you take and wha t suggestions do you have for the city and the police departmcht to help make the area more secure? Leave your comments, name and phone number on our Readers Ho tline, 642-6086. Newport police get · runaround in movie -· F alsely convicted bank robber Jnck Hammond is on the run. He's taken a Newport Deach billionaire's daughter hostage and is driving her DMW toward the Mexican border. An officer in the front seat of the p:itrol car chasing the fugitive through Newport's me:in streets is a grossly overweight schlemiel. The cop behind the Editor's wheel is a N t b k psychopath just 0 8 00 itching lO empty his service revolver. Ironically, there's a camcr:i crew· from a "Cops"-stylc reality television show in the back seal. Sound more like a Hollywood movie than reality? Fortunately, it is. "The Cha se" starring Charlie , Sheen opened J:ist week with a storyline that makes prominent mention of the Newport Beach Police Dcp:inmcnt -much to the chagrin of the Newport Bc:ich Police Department, it turns out. Defore rolling the c:imeras, the film production comp:iny :ipproached the Police Department and the city attorney's office to expl:iin the movie and ask whether they could use Newport's badges, uniforms and city seals, :iccording to NBPD spokesman Sgt. Andy Gonis. "We were less tllf:in thrilled with the idea" after reoding the script, Gonis said. . . . . ~ Thre e arme d ttiefts committed in and around beach in Newport .. Victim in final in·c.ident was stabbed after struggling with three men. nection wi th attempted murder in · th e stabbing, which occurred at 2 a.m. Monday after Ramos appar· ently refused to hand hil, \\a1let over \\hen accosted on the bet1ch ju!>t e:.ist of the pier. Police arc checking i~to the pos· · ~ibilitv that the three men ;.mestcd for· tlic \l:lbbing' arc abo respon- !>1blc lnr ~ht: I\ I t-.t rubber.·. The 'ict1m of lhJt he1'1 told police the th1cl llcu in :.i faded red Oat~un, after tfo,h1ng :i guh anJ collecting the Cll'IO. B Y LoiuANN BASMEDA, STAFF WIU'TU. NEWPORT BEACH -A 28- year-old man was stabbed early Monday while sitting on the sand with his girlfriend in the third armed robbery reported in t_he vi- cinity of the beach since Saturd~y. Jose Ramos of Santa Ana is being treated for a stab wound to . the upper torso at an undisclosed hospital. Newport Dcach Sgt. Andy Gonis s:iid the man is in sta - ble condition wi th a lung injury. At 7 p.m. Sunday, a 36-ye;.ir-old Newport Dench man was robbed at gunpoint while standing on the sand ne:ir G Street. T he thieve!I ned in a Cadillac. The trio ;.ir n:!tlcd fur the st.1b- bin_g were caught tr}ing to escape in an orange 0.1t-.un .. And at 4:30 a.m. Sliturday, a local man was robbed ;,it gunpoint In cu'>tOd) Cueing ~11temptcd murder ch.1rgc-. for the )t,1bbmg :ire $\(\c,tcr D1 •. L. ~1. vf !:i:int;.i Police have booked two . Santa Ana teens and a third man in con- · :it the Wells Fargo money machjne at 3201 Newport 13lvd. . See RO.BERIES/Page 4 Nilt a· . pretty --picture Costa Me sa art ist Jeff Horn sketches portraits that captu re the pain and suffering of the homeless. ·He will sell his works (, 4 to try and herp th eir cause nv Russ LOAR, ~TAFF W1mu. 'who will be nc\t?" writes Donald, J homeless m.:in wi th the look of fallen aras10-. cracy in his .eyes. "Not me," 1he lil..ely response of the I} pica I "age-earner with a roof ove rhead. "We didn't think so either," Donald wri tes in response to th e im:.igincd nmwer. To encou'mer Donald is a weighty, soul-scnrchtng c\p1.riencc. It \\as tha t I.ind of e\pericnce for co~ta ~tes;.i artist Jeff Horn, 46. "ho spent a ye:ir dra" ang portr:iits of IOO homeless men nnd \\Omen. person ''· · I lorn ).11d "There are :-.u m;.in}' d1llercn1 problems :.ind s1tua11on the~ br in~ to 11 -from memjl ~line,., to drug addiction tu being :ibu,cd 3, children." Horn's subJCCt~ arc the "hard-core · " homeless \\hich he CJ1COuntcrl!d · during 1991 :mu 199:? :.11 the S.int:i • An;,i Epbcopal Ser' ices A gen~~ :,nd the ncarby'L1ghthou .. c Drnp-ln Center. Has dra\\lllg!t h:i'e been displayed in galleries, published in ne\v!>p.1pers and m:tgazine :irticlcs :ind \\Crc fca turcd lj~t "eek .11 a r J-.haon hlJnd tund·rj1,er for the homeless. Nc.xt 10 each of his charco:il illu strations is a handwritten statement by the homelcs!> Artist Jeff Horn's favorite drawing is of Ann, a homeless woman. One of h1~ allustr•llion' \\ill be 1ncludcJ in a silent auction at a Fashion lsl:ind boul . 1g.ning April .J-7 H:ilf of h1-. pro4..'.ecds "all be don:.1ted to rchcf org.rnir.111on~ for individua ls. The co01bina1ion of Horn's heartfelt drawings and the wri11en words of his ubjecb opens ::t window to their t:inglcd and troubled lives. the homclc.:~~. Since they couldn't get permission from Newport Dcach, filmmakers resorted to black and while patrol cars (Newport's are white), a logo that shows n badge with an eagle on top (Newport ClllUSTOPllU. Ass.o. DAILT r1wr Jeff Horn of Costa Mesa displays one of his paintings of the homeless. "The mai n thing that I le.irncd from this was that you cannot stereotype wh:it you think a homeless A num ber of Horn's dr:i" in~s. ulong \\Ith a book contnining l~1s entire \Hlrk, "ill be on d1!.play May ~.2-:! at a F;."hion hland book foir to benefit 1 lomcAiJ, a Sant.1 Ana charity. See ARTIST/P•g• 4 See COKllt/P•1• 4 Newport vows to close nightclub . after patrons rumble with police ~ Officials say Bacchus, where rioters overpowered officers lasl week, has run out of chances. Owners want to stay in operation. McDonell said police have been called to D:icchus at lc:ist 50 times since the club opened six months ago. "We're down there li terally every night they're open, with three to nine officers," he said. · "It's an unneeded drnin on our re- sources." Bv DAvJD H EITZ, STAFP Warrn A brawl erupted among 30 peo- LIDO -Police Chief Dob Mc-pie early last Friday when patrons Donel! said Monday he will at· began to spill out of Bacchus ond tempt to' shut \down Bacchus, the The Warehouse Restaurant. Lido Marina Village nightclub One o( the Bacchus business where rio ters overpowered police partners said he believes the figh t officers last week. was gang-related, but police said McDonell aid he will ask Rev-Monday they're not sure how the 'enuc Director Glen Everroad later mclee began. this week to revoke Dacchus' McDonell said the club has dance permit. He ol~o will ask the been ~h<: scene ~f. ~ "va~t lita~y'' Planning Comm ission t<J reVoke • of ~raminal act1v1t1cs, includma the business's conditional UtC per· pubhc. drunkenness, battery and mil, a move that would shut it na,r;coucs sales. . down completely. _ ~e have been concerned'. qu.1te Both actions will re9uirc public candidly, from .the very be&1~.n1ns hearinp before the City Coundl, w~n .. this business .opened, he rnosa likelJ 11 its March 28 meet· said. We are not sausficd that we ina. • ... •...ncw~ • . ON THI COYIR The painting on page 1 today is by artist Anne Davis- Johnson. For information on p;:iintings, call 722-7136. NUMalU BUSINESS FAX 631-5902 .• CIRCULATION 800·252-9141 CLASSIFIED 642-5678 RETAIL ADS 642-4321 NEWSROOM 540-1224 NEWS FAX 646-4170 tiOTUNE 642-6086 SPORTS 642-4330 INDIX Voices ............................. 2 Sp<>i'tS •.•••••••.••.•••..•.•.••••••. 6 Newport city worker · a lite saver· • Traffic department employee Kevin Collins uses CPR to aid victim who broke neck in diving accide nt. nv M AR.N IE McLEOD, S IAH \\aura DALD OA PENINSULA Kevin Collins calls it kismet that he was at the A Street M_rking lot near the Dalboa Pier Frlc.Juy when wi tnesses to a diving :iccident .cried out for help. Out whether or not fJtc played a role, Newport Dcach lifegutlrds credit the city parking meter m:un· tenancc worker with a' ing the life of Kirt Ron!>dcll, 26, of Mis,ouri, ·who \lfficials say nearly dro.,..ncd after ~ broke hi neck during a di\c into shallow water n1 the beach. "He performed mouth·to·muuth (resuscitation) nnd tarted the pct· son brcathinc." said Lt. Jim Turn· er of the lifeguards. ifhc inci<!cnt occurred at 10:30 a.m. Friday near the pier. Collins. 32, said he was doina hi usual round o( checkina the mcteri for change and repairs \\hen he heard • the call· fur help. \Vitnc sc~ had pulled Ra n~<lcll out of the ocean and Collin ran ove r to offer hi aid. H e knew CPR thanl.; to a city program , .. hach tr.um omc f1cl<l Cf\!\.. ''orl.;cb in the hfe-a' ing technique. "The t;U) \\as prctt) ch.> c 10 dc:uh," !li.ild C<.1llin!i, u Co ta Mc'a resident. Uy the time pJrJmtJiC\ .1rri\CU, Collin~ haJ helped Ran,Jcll t:irt breathing • $·1in. RJn..,Jell h ut Ho:ig Ho .. pnnl in the 1n1ensh-c cure ncuro·uitit. Ofl 1c:ial there 5:1uJ he ":\' in foir cond111on Mon· day. • "It happened so foo'>t ind C\'Cry· thing came into place "hen I v. aiving CPR," Collin aid. Collin.. is one o( JC\cral city ........ olh9e a 1 . . I LOCALS 0 LY Dealing with r diversity There 's the melting pot' and the satad bowl, but multiculturalism might be somewhere in between BY JACK DWAN L et me a~k u blunt quc\tion Do ;ou think the many ethnic groups 1n Or<irgc County {1) ,,trcngthcn and enTtch . our community with their cultural d11.:rnt1 or do they (2) "'icakcn our community b) d1.id;ng :.and fr:.igm1:nt1ng 1"' Cm c11her of tht:'>C \tilltm<.:.ntt, be iJO!>,o,t:rcd n:.itly }C> Of nv? If }OU'rc the ideali'\tic P<JJl)Jnn:i type, )OU may support the fir~t pmpos111on wi thout qulllif1c:.a1ion. If you're nothing hut iJ h1ec·1crk rJCl'>t, you may ~upporl the second ..,1th no rc\cr;atiun'>. I contend th:.at both tl1esc po'>111ons <ire extreme as st;ited. bu t that there's a little truth in b<Jth If you're 111'.e mt!, :.a i.Cn\iblc prngrn:.al1\I (excus.: the 1mmodc~1yJ, you'll i.;iy the re&ility j, th at the divcr'le ethnic groups 1n our m1d)t both enrich and d1v1de. Ccrt&iinly, the heritages of other cultures c:.an enrich our li ves and give us a window on the wider world if we would. but P"'Y iJllent1un to them. Cert;iinly, the mean·'>p1ritcd, ilnti·sociiil actions of a few who i.cck to eiwlt thei r ethnic.; '>cpar;itcnc'>'> to the de triment of othcn generate rc\c111mcn1 111 U!I and sometimes even (cJt. So wlwt do we m:ikc of thc\tt arnbiv:.alcn t feeling'>? I low do we dc:il with th i'> multicultural '>ucicty 111 which we 11-.. e'! 'f he :inswcr m;1y lie in ~1 d<>'>Cf look al ""h at we mean by multiculturalism. We USC the \\Ord "multicuhural" a lot -it's a common buu \\Ord the~ days. But becalllC, as I've s:iid, people ha\e mixed fcelrngs about the fact of cultural diversity in our society, ihey also have mixed reactions .... hen the word mul cultural comes up in conv sation or in print. We should ·cogn1Lc that the word means d1 rent thin~ to different pc le. J believe ou uced rcclings arise from a number of contentious issues in the public domain: for example, should ballot) be printed in l;inguages other than English, if so, which ones? Same for drivers• license tests. Arc some cultures more advanced than others and therefore should t~ey be paradigms to emulate? Should public school text books devote special instruction·to specific ethnic histories and cultures? Should universities have ;icademic departments devoted to selected ethnic studies? Should Enghsh be declared our coun trj's official language, and should c;1,ocryone be expected to learn it well enough to function in society? And there are myriads of other iss ues. What's behind the!le contentious issue'>? The question is 1h1s: should our country be a melting pot or a saliid bowl? ·r he melling·pot concept originated in the 19th Century when hundred'> of 1housancfs of immigrants begi.ln nooding into thi'> cou ntry to find a better life -the "huddled masses yearning MANAGING EDITOR STEVE MARBLE. 5-40-1224, ext. l6l to be free" to quote from Emma Lazauus' poem immortalized on an inscription on the Statue of Liberty. America was expanding ·::ind needed the muscles and skills or more people to fuel the engine of growth. . 1 The ide&i lhen ~ based both :1 on idealism :ind pragmatism - was that these im migrants from every continent on earth and from a multitude of ethnic and cultural origins would hel p build a belle~ America. They would melt into the then·dominant white, Protc!.tant, Anglo·Si,t.:<On community adopting !!hared cu!ltoms and values. Of course, for the most part they didn't, and it was unrealistic to think that they would.· Enter the salad bowl concept. It !I.tarts from the convkt1on that the idealii.tic melting pot idea hasn't worked because the various ethnic and cultural groups didn't want to lose their identities in one pot. In the !lalad bowl concept, everyone's in the same bowl - the country as a whole -and contributes to the greater community. Dut cultural identities are not submerged. They can stlll - be identified and valued for the contributi9ns they make to the whole. The pans, for :lll their ~niquencss, get along together for the good of all. Or so .the concept goes. • There's no question in my mind that the melting pot concept is dead. It's no longer properly used to equate with multiculturalism. But here's the rub. There are differences of opinion abou t the na1ure of the salad bowl. Arc all the ingredients of equal importance? For that matter, how many ingredients should be in the bowl, or c1ren deserve to be in it? Without fu rther straining the metaphor, ·suffice it 10 say that e\~n when equated with \he salad bowl concept, multkulturalism h open to various interpretation!!.. Jn my view, people look at multiculturalism from one of three perspectives. Consider these different concepts about what people think multiculturalism means: 1. Presening the rich eulturol Jtcrjtage or each eroup from being submerged in tlie melting pot. Mal}}' groups in American society \\ho originated ouhide the United States consider them)elves cu~todians q( rich cultur:.il heritage!!.. They'"' aht them presel'\ed \\ith pride and made to noumh in an American context. ,. 2. Achie\-ing politicn l and economic pO\\er. M embers of mJn>' cultural/ ethnic segments of American society aspire to be heard and to strengthen their st-:itu,in society by becoming more cohesive and developing economic and political clou t, To these groups, multicuhurnlism is a convenient cover for cultural exclusivity, not a vehicle for cu lt ural connccti\it)'. 3. Moderating ethnic tension and conflict through cross·culturnl cooperation and under landing. The unfortunate rcalitv •S that among the ma n) different cultural group in our commun ities, i~1ci.1l..tcnsion and, on occasion, connict b inherent due to misunderstanding and prejudice on the pail-of a mi,guidcd f cw. To those who \\Ould like to do something about this !l!Jte of :.1ffairs, multiculturalism mean!! 'prc.Jcing the \\Ord th.JI cuhurnl diversity can enrich American life, not d1\ 1c.Jc it. Whal can \\C conclude lrom all th1'1? I propose th:it we each take · • ti close look at our O\\ n pcrM>n:.al ddinnion of multiculturalism, and decide \\luch of the three dcfinitiom "e accept, determine "hcthcr or not \\hat \\C believe in contributes to the good of !IOcie1~ or dJmi.lgcs it, and act on our com ic11on~. For m~ p:irt, I subs~ribe to definition ~o. 3, :ind reject concepts of cultural supcriorit), C\clUSI\ ity, a1.1d compctttion as didshc and disrupti\C. To quote a man dramatically thrust 1n10 the ne\\S during the L.A. nob: ··c.111 ·1 \\ e Jll get ~~ong?" . . . Jock 011:111 is a ,\'cu 110rt lJcncli n.•sidc111. Two women relishing in the suc~ess of their ·'ultimate' condiment · MAllC MARTIN, l>AILY r 1Lor Trish Jacobs, left, and Kim Fox stand next to the main ingredi- ent for their pepper relish, which is selling locally. fiijPfliL Vil. a, Ill. II llADIH HOTLINl1 642·HH Your C'ltlltnCnll aboul 1h1 Dolly r1lo1 or newt 1l1u will ho rccnrllcll 11111.I l•"cn di· rccJly 10 Elluor Willlain LnbJc:ll. 1 he "'~ 2•·hour 1n.1Wc:r1n1 sc:"'1.:.: m3y be ukll 10 rc:a>nl kH~ra 10 1hc c1.h111r on 1ny 1opic. MAILING ADDltlll Our 11.lllrl.'U It 3.10 W (13y St , C'o\la Mc111, CA 92627 TO MAKI A COIHCTION Ir 11 rht t•1toc'• f"il1C> Ill ('1\lllljlll)' ~Uttl'\1 all crtnrl or tuht U llo:t. 'lf~ac oll 5-10• lll4, UI 36.J 1'11.ulk )OU 1'hom ... u. 111hnt0f\, rulJl1•htr WitN.111 IMxkll, I Juor Slfw Mutilc, Mlll'lllllll t!•lttof Lrk M~non, l>nl. Ch1tf M ll'~ Al•ttl1i. l'huC\,I r ll11t1f Boo r,.nk, a"'i1.111011 MMAJ(f llan~ Knlaf11, l'roJ,i.ci-0n MM.1.ifr MlchHI J !etcher, Dt•rl~y M.in.iatr 1""'1 Ckttlna. C1...-1ritd Mal\lpr {t,.,nud ~hal\, 0HlffUlltt 1 he Nc,.p()n Ocuch/CO\I~ Mcs:i l>J1ty 1'1101 (UPS-14-1·800) 11 puhlishcd Mo11d.1y throu11h S:11urJ.iy. In Nc"'porl Dc~ch •nil 0-r.a Meu, 1ub&crip\ion1 arc onfy 11>-a1l· ublc by wbKribtnl 10 The T1111~s Or;inac Counry (tiOO) 2'2·9141. In arcu Clu.,IJc of Nc.por1 Uuch anll Co,1:1 Mc•.1, •ubsc1ip- 1lons 10 lhc 0 111ly r1101 only nrc 1111n1l.1blc by m.111 for Sii.Sii per mnn1h. Scconll cl.tu ro~1.1gc patll II Cot.IQ Mc~. CA. (JlricCl include nll applicable 61Jtc 11111 lot~I l~~cq l'OSTMAS I Iii{ Send ~dllrcu cl1;1111cs 10 1hc r11n1, P.O o," IS60. C0tt1 Mu~. CA 92626. Qljl)'ti11h1: No nc-.1 sio-rlu. 1lhm r:uion1, clllioriJI m~llct or nllvcr· lls~mcnta herein etm be rcprulluc~ll IWllh· our v.1i11c11 pc rmiuiun o( cop~1i1l11 Olo-ncr. Horlo HACH UI Clreultlllon: (The Times Ornnac: County) (800) 252-9 141 Advcrllsln& ..... Cla ified 642-5678 Displuy 642·4321 Edl1orlnl New 540·1224 ' Spom 642·4330 New~. Sport f llX 6-i6·4 I 70 Main Omct Ousincss Orficc 642-4321 Ouslncu Cux 631 -~902 . l'wblilhtd lw Cah(. >f'll1a C immunuy .,,. Ntw., a TIMCI Mrm>t Coinpany w ~ Childhood fri ends from Corona del ~ar use a rec ipe from the wilds of Montana to produce a hot new table item : the Ultimate Pepper Relish. Bv C HANDLER C HANDLER, 51•1:.CIAL TO nt& 0AILY l'ILOT T he. recipe came from a woman who lived alone in · the wilds of Montana, but the product is coming of age in a Corona dcl Mar kitchen where a pair of childhood friends have found the ingredients for success. Kim fox and Trish Jacobs - who produce, package and market the Ultimate Pepper Relish -sell up to 80 cases of their tasty condiment a month to local gourmet markets and restaurants. The two young entrepreneurs owe their success in part to a woman named Sarah Rhodes, who app:.irently lived in a small house alongside a river in a rural pan of Montana. Fox i.aid she and her late fatfler were horseback ridi ng when they came upon the house. There they met Rhodes and were introduced to the wide variety of condiments she made. For several summe rs, Fox said, she and h.cr fa ther returned to the shack to visit the 70·year woman and sampte her latest products. And when the woman passed away, the Foxes received '' box of her recipes in the mail. But it wasn't until her father's death last year that Fox decided to bring the family's much-talked·about dream to life. Jacobs quit her job to become Fox' partner. "It had been a lifelong dream to open my own business," she said, "and Kim had a killer idea.'· The pair has been producing the relish for four months, sometimes chopping more than 100 peppers at a time. In all, they have cookcD, jarred and labeled more than 150 cases of relish since November. Fox also spends time cooking for Capers, her informal catering business. '[ Dy the end of this month, the relish will be manufactured by a local producer, •1llowi ng the partners to focus more on customer !lervicc. The relish was fir!lt sold at Celestino Meats und is now on shelves in gourmet markets, boutiques, local restaurants and grocery chains. Al Timbuktu, co-owne r Jounne WIATHIR AND OCIAN CONDITIONS TIMPIUTUltlS Newport Buch: 73/50 Balboa: 73/50 Costa Meu: 79/50 Corona dcl Mar: 76/52 IUltf fOHCAIT LOCATION The Wedge Newport Point Blad.its S.A. Rivet Jelly CdM TIDIS TODAY flnl high rlnl low Second high Second low WCONESOAY SIZE SWELL 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4 10:43 a.m. 3.7 4:41 1.m. O.G 10:37 p.m. 4.7 4:20 p.m. 1.J rlnt high 11 :24 .i.m. l .J First low 5:23 a.m. 0.7 Second high 11 :08 p.m. 4.S Sl'<.ond low 4 :41 p.m. 1.6 W•ter !emptr.\turt: GO ao&nN• Patchy momlng 101 cll1rlng to tunny 1kkts.llah1 vArlable winds 1hlrtln1eouthwtst10 Mst 10 to U knots, lwo fott..tea•, 4 loot southwtst 1well. OoucfY ski.t lonlght. Uaker ser, e · the relish 0\ er whipped cream cheese "ith cruckcrs. That began a deinand for the product a11J, even though Uaker docs not sell food in her foll. and tribal art shop, she treats the relbh \\ ith dignity, placing it among the art objects th roughout the store. At Hot Cakes restaurant in Nc,.,.port 13cach, O"ner Paul Taddeo Sel'\es the relish "ith egg dishes and bJgcb and cream cheese. Whh Ultimate Pepper Relish up and running, the young entrepreneurs have plans for o line of gourmet relishes. A beet horse radish relish is next followed by J corn rcli~h and u green 1om:ito relbh. And if the relish line works out, they arc hold ing onto Grandma Fox's mustard recipe. llut for now their ultim:1te so:il, according to Jacobs, i-. to be ''the Relish Queens." POLICE F ES COSTAMISA Various locnlions: Curs were reported tolen from: 3261 Colorado l.n., 21 17 l:.ldcn Ave., 635 West Oaker St., 3391 Fuchsi:i St., 3333 South Uristol St.. corner of MJin and Sunflower streets. 2144 F:liiview Rd. Vnrious Locntlons·: Auto~ \\ere reported stolen Wcdnc day from lhc 3000 bloct.. or Ycllo'\~tone Drive and the 3000 block of lla1bot Ooulevurd. On Tuesday, autos were reported stolen from the 800 bloct.. of West ll:!th S1rec1, the 2GOO block of I hirbor lloulevard and the 3200 block of I lurbo r. llBltrca: /\ cellul:lr phone w:1s rcporl t;d stolen from the gar;ige of :i home in the 2000 block. NIWPOaT llACH Su Island: /\ 1988 Porsche 911, protcttcd with o "club," wu •tolcn from nn ' undcraroun<.I gated npartment .iructuro In the 80 block. Vl1ta lloaar. Mail wu stolen rrom • home in the 2200 block. Newport Beach/Costa Meaa Dally Piiot Tuesday, March 15, 1994 8 Controvers1a1·· nightclub apparently shuts down business • I ..._ Sign over the Laff Stop, home to topless show, says establishment is closed and building is for sale or lease. ngninst the net issued last summer . At that time, Superior Court Judge R'bbcrt Knol(, found club owners and entertainers in con· tempt of court and set a sentenc- ing hearing for April. which began in February 1993, vio· lated a county ordinance which prorubits adult entertainment at a business located \Vithin 500 fee t of a residential area. In August, the county was first granted the in- junction ngainst the net and sher· ifrs deputies followed up by serv• ing copies of the mandate to man- agers and dance rs at the club. BY M AJUHB M CLEOD, SrA" Waina SANTA ANA HEIG HTS -ll appears owners of 'the Laff Stop have drawn the curtain on the 18· ycar·old comedy establishment aft er a judge found nightclub op- erators in violation of a court mandate ordering · tl'lat the club halt its controversial topless act. On Monday, the Laff Stop mar- TODAY MAXIMID MINTA&. POTINJIAL Develop better COl\CCntrotion, cnh:lhcc your memory and increase creativity with a free noon seminar in the Community Room o! the Newport Center Library, 856 San Clemente Drive, Newpor1 Beach. Presented by James T. Smith of the Self Awareness Institute, participants will learn how lo reach 1hc unt:.ippcd potential of the mind and pul it 10 use in business and personal life. For more information, c:ill 644·318 1 or 644·3191. IUllNIH RISK MAHAGIMINT ''Protecting Your Busincss1 Manoging Risk" is the title of :i free business seminar scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Community Room of the Newport Center Library, 856 San Clemente Drive in Newport Beach. CosP.Onsorcd by the librnry and the Business Development Division of the N_ewport Harbor Arca Chombct of Commerce, progrom topics will include liobility issues :ind insu rance needs of a small business. For more information, call 644-3188 or the chamber at 729-4400. • MOUING AROUND Horse lovers can take advantage of a free 7 p.m. seminar at Costa Mesa High School. 2650 Fail'•icw Rood, that looks at horse psychology ond how humans can use that understanding to develop o willing partnership. The seminar is led by Pat Parelli, who has been leaching people to get extraordinary results wilh horses for many years. I le will also conduct a live demonstr:uion on at 7 p.m. Thursday 01 the Orange County Foirgrouhds, as well as a full·d:iy scmin:ir on Saturday, March 19 beginning at 9 a.m. There is a charge for thc'Thursday and HERO fre• P•1• 1 field crew members trained in CPR. Officials s<1y knowledge of the li fe-saving technique not only helps to save citizens in distress, but also fellow employ· ees when work crews arc at re· mote sites. "They are often the first peo· pie out there," said David Niederhaus, general services di· rector for the city. ''It's just u back up security and safety sys- tem." Niederhaus said they started the training program five years ago after a worker was injured in a jack hammering accident. • •· • •• • > •• ; ··\ 'T KENNYtfie PRINTER 250-321 2 quee facing Bristol Street read that the business was "Closed. For sale or lease," and then listed a phone number fo r inquiries. The appurent move comes after LafC Stop owner Jorn Ross..i appeared in court Friday to answer allega· tions ' that the Newport Fantasy topless show continued to run at the club despite a court injunction "The judge didn't order they close," said Tom Agin, the cou11-.- ty's auorney. "He just fo und that p roviding topless entertainment was in violution of the injunction and the county code. We intended to have them comply with the or- dinance." · Agin said the topless show, AROUND TOWN •, aUTan . . . . Hone lovers ~n take advantage of a free 7 p.m. seminar today nt Costa ~icsa High School, 26.50 Fairview Road, that looks at horse psychology and how humans can use that understanding to develop a .. willinJ partnel'lhip. The seminar is led by Pat Parclli, who hos been teaching people to get extraordinary results wit h horses for many years. He will also eonduct a live demonstralion on at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Orange County Fairground!, ns well as a full-day seminar on Saturday, March 19 beginning at 9 o.m. There is a charge for the Thursday and Saturday prog,rnms. For more infonn:uion, call (800) 642·33J5. Saturday programs. For more information, call (800) 642·3335. HMM.I RAlll SPIAKJ . Rabbi Laura Geller, executive director of the Jewish Congress, P:icific Southwest Region, will speak ':lt 7:30 p.m. in the Socio! Holl of Temple Bat .Yahm, 101 1 Camclback S1. in Newport Beach. Rabbi Geller. has written extensively about Jewish feminism and is currently writing a book about traditional and innovative Jewish life cycle rituals. Cost is SJO, :ind includes dessert and beverages. For more information, call 644·1999. FOLK DANCING CL.ASSIS Learn Israeli Folk DaRcing every Wednesday night at 1he Jewish Community Center, 250 Eost Buker S1. in Costa Mesa. Beginners start at 7:30 p.m .• intermediate & advanced at 8:30 p.m., and open dancing from 9 10 11 p.m. For ~ctails, call 751·0608. I RlAKIASTLICTURI Nancy Maler, spiritual life cooch, teacher and author will .talk about her near-death experience and its imp:ict on her life at the weekly gnthcring of the Orange County Inside Edge, a support group for leaders. The meeting is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Scou's Seafood, 3300 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa. Cost is SIS for first·timc guests and includes a full buffet breakfast. For more informa1ion, call 730-5050. LllRAJtY POITRY DISCUSSION lrclond and her poets will be the focus or the monthly poetry discussion from 2:30 to 4 p.m. i'1 the Community Room of the Newport Center Library, 856 San Clemente Drive in Newport Beu~. Poc1ry aficionodo Don King" ill lead the discussion 1hat will cover Irish poets from the Celtic period to the proscnt. For more information, call 644·3181or644-3191. ILIMPS AND BALLOONS A free slide program titled "Up, Up and Away - A I listorical Revi~w of Dlimps, Airships and Balloons'' is scheduled for 7 p.m. in the Vince Jorgensen Community Center, ndjaccnt to Mariners Branch Library at 2005 Dove r Drive in Newport Beach. For more .information, c-.ill 644·3135. Out despite warnings, the show continued to operate, according to visi\s and inquiries by Dai(y Piiot reporters. Now it seems club own- ers have ran out of steam to cpn- COMMON CAUSI MllTING The monthly meeting of Common Cause will be <il,7 p.m. at the Cos1:i Mesa Community Ccn1ci:. 1845 .Park Av<:. Guest speaker Sam llarris will ' 1.ilk about his book, "Reclaiming Democracy." The event is free and open to the public. For details, call Arnie Allcll at 650·3711. IUSINISS NHWORKINO The Newport I !arbor Arca Chamber of Commerce is hosting Business After I lours, a night of net\\orking at 13ist;ingo, 19100 Von Knrmcn, Suite 100 in Irvine. Dring plenty of business cards. Tho evening feoturcs hors d'oeuvres and no host bor. Cost' is free to chombcr members and guests with rescrv:itions, SlO for other non-members ot the door. For more information, call 729-4400. SINIOR COMMlnO MllTINO The City of Cost:i Meso Senior · Committee will meet at 10 a.m. at thc..Costa MesJ Senio r Center, 695 West 19th Street to discuss a variety of topid, including various committee projects and cor.rcspondencc. FRIDAY CARTOONIST BOOK SIGNING The Jerusalem Post's well known political cartoonist, Ya' Akf>v Kirschcn, will be at the Golden Dreidlc i.tore in Triangle Square from 11 a.m. 10 2 p.m. 10 sign copies of his cartoon book "Trees ... the Green Tcs1:1ment." The store is :\t 1835 Newport Dlvd., Suite A·l 13 in Costa Mesa. For more informJtion, coll 558-8733. Send \'ou r Items to Around Town editor·, 1 he Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay • St., Com Mesa. Calif. 92627. "tn that case he didn't lose consciousness and he was able to be revived," he said. "But it made us realize we didn't have adequate CPR training for our own personnel." .. ,, '-\:::J1 Sunshine ''-• Lifeguards teach the program. during the winter. Of the 154 City Hall employees who work in the field -excluding police, fire and lifeguards who are all amply trained in life-saving - one-third are trained in· CPR. Officials say this is the first "save," however, by anyone in 'Collins' department in traffic. Collins was just glad he could be there to help. "l just hope the guy makes it through," he said. Katie's Fres h FLOWERS on the pcninsul1 Special local Delivery Program $6.99 723-5283 Cooperative Preschool ' ; " · · A Parent Participation Preschool Studenttreacber Ratio 4:1 Varied Curriculum Licensed, Certified Staff Stressing Self·Est~em 540-1183 2850 Fairview, Costa Mesa lllHllE COMPUTER IB OOU!ll II QUI lE ___ OPEN HOUSE ·GRAND OPENING aturday, March 12th ~•Ma1ngh Saturdar March 19th 10am ta 1pm SPECIAL ~ EVERY DAY $3.95 HAND WASH BEACON . BAY AUTO WASH 2059 Harbor Blvd (at Bay St.). Costa M .. • & ENTER TD WIN A 486 Compute~ Srsti or Laser Printer t:Oliftm• 1"1Rrllla .... UMl,,_,,I ,,..,.. w . .... tinue the fight. ' the nightclub 'aid they saw the ''I'm surprised they arc closed clo-.cd notice on rhc marquee as because they have been so persi)· early a~ Saturduy. Many who cried tent," Agin said. "l thought we'd out aga1m1 the Laff Stop~ risque have to go another fi\c or six ~how la:.1 year sny they .ire glad to rounds with them." sec the business finally clo e ii:, doors. Rossi and hi!. auorncy Paul .. 1 thint.. it~ 311 improvement for Mast did not return repealed tht: neishuorhoud," said Kay C:rn· phone calls or act..nowlcdge visits ney, manager at the Las Casitas by the Pilot. Employees ani.wcring Apartmcnb. "Out busines~ seemed the phone and at the door of the to have quieted do" n from when nightclub would not comment the show first \\Cnt in." about the cst:iblishment's apparent Club operato'rs ;:ire to appcJr in closure. ; . court again on April ~2 for sen· Some residents who f1\'e close to 1encing on the ch:1rgc. Newport involved . in cover -. up of_ ·magazine$ ~ Council approves ordinance forcing retailers to keep adult publications under wraps. llv DAVID HEITZ, STAFF W1urra. NEWPORT BEACH -The City Council voted unJnimously Monday to require merchunts of adult nrngazines to slap blinder:, over the publicntions' CO\crs, keeping the suggestive pictures out of sight. The lnw only applies to pl.ice-. frequented by the general public, such as grocery stores. Councilman John Hedge) said he doesn't knO\~ of an urea where the mngazines arcn"t :i1ready CO\· ercd, but said he belie' cs the or· dinancc is a good one an)way. ''I'm a strong believer that \\ e should protect minors ai. much as possible from thnt kind of expo· sure in an 'Unsupervised environ· mcnt, but as for :is what :.idults want to do, it's up to them," he said. • A few months :.igo, I ledges .iskcd the council to approve u res· olution ast..rng the California Le.1gue of Cities to regulate news· paper \ending machines on 1he !.trcet). He said ~ome of the rnct..s th:.it pro\ idc adult htcr:iture arc ea')11\ ;iccc,s1ble to diildrcn. .r. D~nng that time, :.1 n1.1jori1y of council member:, ~:llll they )Uppurt the ma\imum rc~1nc1ion) po:>sible \\hen it c0mc~ II.> pr.ntcJ adult m:11cri.1l. St.Jh! l;m prohihits ci11c~ from • banning the ~:1k of pornographic materi.11, but it docs :lllow cities to require the m:igazmc\ t0 be CO\· ered In other ~1c11on, :he council adopted !.in ordm.11 ... \\ .1ch re· la\Cl> the Fire Dcpartm1:nt') ~pnn· ~kr st.ino.irds fur ~n •. 111 bu1ldinc~. 1 h'e OC\\ );1\\ :.1110\t) the 0\\ ners of building., ~m.dler .. :han 5.000 squJre rc:1 to 11..rcgo in:.talhng sprinklers 1f the) rL onl~ increasing ~he size of 1h1:ir tructurc b~ ~5'"(;. If the :1JJi1io11 cnl.irgcs the building b) 25 10 SO'"c. )pnnt..ler!> only ure required fur the new part. If the .idd11ton i' more than SO"c, thl! entire buildmg mui.t be 1~trof1111.:tJ tor \prin~lcr~. CRIME ALERT! Don't Be A Victim THE FACTS: CRIME IS ON THE R1SE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOO OWNING A BURGLAR ALARM CAN DECREASE YOUR CHANCES Of BE NG BURGLARIZED BY 90"- HOME SECURITY HAS NMJI BEEH MORE AFFORDABlf DISCOUNT SECURlTY CO. MADE IN ITALY SUPER 100'5 Double Breasted NowS299 Compare at •575 ALL COTTON PIN POINT 0 ars 2·PLY DRESS SHIRTS 714-472-5544 ALL WOOL SUITS NOW" s1 ··49 NowS2290 Com are at $45 Compare at $395 100% SILK TIES SPORT COATS NOW $890 FROM $3990 Com are to 7.50 Com re •I $195 EXIT 55 FWY AT EDINGER, Y:r Ml WEST 1701 E. EDINGER #0 (KOLL BUSINESS CENTER) Mon . l :JCM 972.8000 ,Tues, T'tu'I, Frt, Sat 1:30-I ~-'Wed 1:30-7:30 • Sun 11~ QUALITY e VALUI e CTIOll e laVIC:I ' • - .. ~: .. . ' , . 1' .. .. .. 4 Tuesday, March 15, 1994 COKER ,, ....... ' u.ses the city 'e:il) :uuJ unifoun sleeve in igni:is that '"Y .. 'c"po[t Police" (Newport man:iges to include "Dc;ich .. ). Out Newpo rt Ueach ii. frequently mentioned. At one point, :.in anchorwoman portra)cd by Oree Waller -who is su rprisir&ly lc!>S over the rop here thun she is on the real Ch::inncl 2 Action News. -looks _ comptt~)iona 1cly into the camera a11d ·assurcii the Southland: "We're ncw~ter Paul Dandridge, who plays himself, oil the ch:irac1crs are fictitiou). The chase itiel( t;ikes pl:iee on the fic titious 0 John Wayne l~rccway." { Ho~C'icr, for soinc reason, writer/director AJ:un Rifk in choM: to depict the rc:J/ Newport Bc:.ich l Police Dcp:>11ment. I". "They :murcd us there would ·-}Jc no specific reference to th is ". trying to get more information I rom NewpurJ Ucuc h l'o•rcc Depariment on thill important high·spccd chJ~e." occurring in Newport Oeuch," Gonis maint:.ined. "Their contention was there arc other Newpons across the counl ry. We felt it was too close a compjrison. s~ we didn 't want to get Jll\'Olved \\ilh ii. "Mo-.:ies like tha t typically display police oHiccrs in a very unrealistic, non-complimentary m.inncc. ~r hat is nol typically how : \\C go about doing business." ~ 13ree, er, the liciitious Wcncly •• : Sorc~s9n. , .. orl..) for the fictitious :,• Channel 8 NC\\S, \\hose lo~u 1:. an -: eight b:.ill and motto is "\\ c Don't :; • Scratch " £.\Ccpt for \'eta;in L.A.· .S~_how do ~ewpon Deacti cops do business in "The Chase"? .... ~·,...-~---~~---~~~~~~--~~---,,--~~~~~ ....... --~ ....... .. • • ... .. • • ... . . p • ROBBERIES From Page 1 Ana, )o)e Jum:nc1, l:S, ul Santa Ana, and a 17·!e.ir-uld ~..11Ha Ana buy. Uoth ;11.Jub :ire being held •ll the !"t..\\pun Ut..ach jail un S250,CJUO u.ail 'J11e teen, whose name i; I.kin~ v .. ithhcld bccau\e ol h1'> ..a.:..:, \\'.!~ 1:.akcn lO t,hc Orange ( ... ..1111: JU\cnilc I lull. Corm s..11d' pullce du not be· lic\e the suspc1.:t~ Me g:rng mcmbcr J{..alllo' loft.I pol c.: lie ll:id U<.:Cn Sllllng tJll the be:.a .. h \\llh hi~ gir!f11cml :.a1 ! her lr1c11d. :HJrniuctlly .1flcr <:10,i1:g time , '"hen the trio first appru:.u.J:ed them 10 a.,k the 111ne. ·1 he llll!)pect!) left "ithout 11,1- cidenl, Ramil\ told puhc:e, but returned ab<Jut :111 hour later ;i., he anti J11-. friend' \\Cle lca\ing and tlcmanded l.i-.h, ph~'ically i.earch111g lllS pod.cl!). A s1rugglc cmued, 'and 0111. of the -.uspech, ("\\~·re 11ut sure which cJ1tC, ' Go111-, -.ard J. alkgctlly stabl><.:d Ramu-. The mugger!. then lkd to an orange Dal!.Ull, police s:1itl. Coincitkntally, a patrul uf· ficer who lwppcncd 10 be 111 the area immediately pullud the car over ba-.ed on hi-. rccollct..- lion that II matched 1hc d1.:· scription of lhc Datsun re· ported in the r\'I M robbery. Not until he stopped the car was the stabbing report bro:id- ca\t O\.Cr the polite radio 1 he oflicer unC:O\Cred a l\nifc be· We A ccept All MQJor Credit Cards hevcd used ·in the )t:Jbbing and the trio \\.:l~ lakcn i'nlo cusw·dy. In tbc G Street robbcrv, the su~pecl.) arc described a; 1\\0 black or Hispanic men driving :i l>lack Cadillac. lt was about 7 p.m. Sunday when a 36-ycar·old Newport Beach man parked his car near the beach and !>t:111cd wulking toward' the s:ind. The robbers i.ncaked up from behind, grabbed the vktim\ arms, onc on each side, :ind J.immcd a hand!;un into hii. ribs, c.Jem..anding money. When h ... wit! them the cu!>h was in · his car, thcv i.;iicortecJ him Jhcrc. ordering him 10 unlock the tloors. After lhc victim ha1~dcd O\Cr $50 :111d his 35111111 camera, the rubber .. ordered him 10 get into tile batl.. seal. When he rc- f u-.cd, they thrcw his keys in lhe :.and and tolll him to keep hi:. e) c' di\ ert<.:d IO\\;.tr<l lhc ocean until they \\1.rc gone. "\\'e hope thc-,c were 1~0· l.1ted 11H.id<.:nts," Goni\ ~aid. "Out \\ith lhc weathe r. we al- . ways notice that attivity picks . 11p a~ 'uon as it stan., to ge t warm." About 75,000 people vi-.ited Newporl Ocuch Sunday :is tem· pcraturcs soared into the high ~u,. '1 lu: robberies come on the heel' of a major mclcc that broke out early FriJ:.iy morning \\hen hundreds ol patrom · pou red out of two Lido hie dubs. 20"/oOFF All VACUUM &SEWING MACHINE REPAIR ALL BRANDS SEWING & VACUUM CENTER . '2969 Harl:::x:>r Blvd., Ca>ta Mesa Harl:::x:>r at Baker (Von's Shopping Center) 434-9335 r-FM ifl;;nedt'i;e-, s45 Includes 2 man II I crew, trum, II I equipment, & PER HOUR •Xl*ttle (411our 11 I minimum) II Phone QIJOIBs aVMlable. Not rnclWing cost Of L tni!IP.11.115 Of haulmq debns If llt'OOSSary .JI (714j-~i5i2 ' ! ' • • • 1'• 1, • f •• U.S. SllVINCJS BONDS I:HE GRE AT AME.RICAN INVESTMENT .. ' After seeinc &his cinematk mas&crpieoc Monday af&ernoon aa Edwards' blands 7 -which is ironic:illy within walking disiance of Nc\\port Beach Police Dep:artmen& -rest auured 1hat Ncwport'J tinc)t (all somcv.i~re bctY.ecn •·car S4 Where Arc You? .. :uid the "Key!ttone Cop ," The.Newporr Bcoch police chief is shown in his office riding an excrcycle while ber:lling a sobbin& fem ale officer. Wonder where Rifkin got 1ha1 idea? As th e chnse winds through Newport Dench -filming actually ' took place in palm trec·hned . llOU!>lOO -the officers can't get back-ups because most patrol cars are p:irt of a police funeral procession in Long Beach. What's \\Or~e. Ne\\ port loaned its police copter to a film compnny - something th:ll would no do4bt delight Coaster publisher Jirrl ... Wood. But far more damaging than the 1dmin~1ra1ivc bumbling is the '1erco1ypical chancteriution of offi~crs. As he uays on the Bccmer's tail, Officer Dobbs (played by poet/punk rock bond leader Henry Rollins) mugs for the TV camera and/describes mcm~rs of his profeuion as "stnndard i ue Street soldiers." Later, the Cop esque show's producer asks, "Did you ever kill anybody?" "Not yet," Dobbs replies. • There are less~than-veilcd references to rcol-life Mackerel Flats. The "Newport Deach bilhonuire industrialist" whose daughter is taken hostage is referred to :is "the Donald Trump of C:iliforn'ia.'1 Newport Beach bill ion:iire developer Donald Bre n was referred to :l!> "1he Donald Trump of the West Coast" in a ARTIST t to tears." Last he heard, Dig Tyrone was From Paie 1 off the !Meets and driving n truck. Horn grew up in Orange Coun· American Artist Magazine, a iy, graduated from Corona del national publicaiion, will devote Mar High School and earned n eight pages to his homeless po r· masicr's in art from Cal State Ful· traits in its ~1ay issue, on news· Jerton. He's been an instructor at stands next month. Irvine Valley College, where his Horn, an associate professor. of wife J3n ice is an English profcs· dr:ming and painting at l rvin'e sor, since 1978. They have three Valley College, hopes the ntten· children. lion his work is receiving will re-Some of Horn's port raits can be -suit in a publishing contract. A deceiving. Olcua, a 37-year-old bouk, he reasons, would provide a mother of three, looks to be :in more intimate view of the home· immacul :uely groomed corporate less than the typical everyday en· secretary. She was ma rried for 15 counters on the i.treet. years before her life fell apart. !11 1 lorn 's portrait of Charles, ·•t thought J would always ha\c knO\\ n as Dig Tyrone on the the typical, ideal life as a wife and ~lreet, there is the unmis1akablc mother and live happily eve r after glint :or hope in hi~ cycii. "I'm still in my liitle world fo rever," she \\Jiling for the day 10 c9me, I'll be writes. able to leave this county and never Spending about 90 minutes wiih sec or ha\e to look at the people each of his subjccls, I lorn found 1ha1 saw me Ii' ing and I) ing on the them shy at firsl, but increasingly ground like .1 hobo," hl. writes. willing 10 talk about their lhes m. "I'm walking evcry_day in pain and the time went by. They wro1e their ~lwmc.' comment!> ufter the sketches were Clwrle~ used 10 be a truck driv-. completetl. er. "You're looking so intently at "lie was very quiet, but he was them !hat they start rcvc~ding I.ind of the enforcer on the • things and telling you things," st1 c.c.:1," I lorn said. "People ditln't Horn said. "f-or iiome of 1hcm, it me~~ with l3ig Tyrone. He iia t qui· was perhaps the only opportunity ctly through this \\hole thing and they've had for some time 10 h:wc \\hen l sho"ed him the portrait, 1 somebody just sit down and lis· thought he was going 10 be moved ten." .. Does your-Rolex need service? ~- RO LEX Bring it in to your Official Rolex Jeweler in Orange County since 1959 for a FREE SPRING SPRUCE-UP 1 or 3) year we hrtvc been caring for the watches of <11~crnin~ Rolcx OWner '. While you woit, we will steam out the bmcclct and case, polish the crystal and electronically check fnr nccuracy of time. Jf you wish, you may call for an apprnntmcnt for the FREE service. Offer good through Mnrch l 'Ith. CHARLES H. BARR Oftlcial Rolex Jeweler ror Salrs and Service 1803 We!ltC:l iff Drive, Newpon Buch (7 14) 642-3310 l ' Newport Beach/Co1ta Mesa Daily Pilot February 1990 Ne\nwcck' profile. But the city ;ind its police force get off easy compared to local tclevi)ion neWi outfits. The chase is fir)t picked up accidentally by u Chnnncl 8 New traffic helicopter u11d, fas ter than you can say "rating bona nLa," stn1ions fall over one another tryi ng to one up each other. Promotional grnph1c ("Terror on the Freeway" and "Kidnapped at JOO Mites per Hou r"}, death-defyi ng cumera i.11\i;les and references to "the horrific iiaga" and "this visual horror" )pew ou t of the tube. According to promotional material from film distributor 20th Century Fox, Rifkin, the youn~ writer/director of "The ChJsc," was born and raised in Chicago before moving to Los Angeles after high school. You can't blame someone who has n't been here NIGHTCLUB \ Fro• P•10 1 have gained their cooperation." . . • Rob Mitchell, the principal part· ncr in J3acchu.,, ~aid the board of direCtOTS recently fired lWO manag· ers of the nightclub. He said they didn't let the owners know about the city's concerns or 1he ongoing problems at 13.icchu~. He said the partners, one of whom is a member of the Los An · geles County Shcrirrs Depart· menl, have taken a more hands-on approach 10 running the business during the pasl h\O month). "\Ve want 10 do ever)thing pos· sible 10 keep the nigh1club open and to comply "ith the law," r-.ti1chell said. "We're the ones "ho put up the money. The pco· pie \\C hired before were con men." ... Assi)t:tnl City Manager Ken Dt:lino i.•mJ 13acclius ~llrcady has been gi"cn plenty of ch:111cc~. "It') our opinion th al 13acchus ~ Cha's Family ~~SHOE REPAIR 1673 Irvine Ave Costa r.,eso. CA !Near R1c.r1o.t11,\'N V '14·Co 11r~, :•r· '.-,• r·, •' •,, ,' ~ ~1 S•nc(' 1978 642-4314 Iona enough 10 grow immune to live nction·infectcd ncwsca)tS from 1akin1 cincm:uic •wipci. :u L A.·•tylc TV journ:ilisrn. Out why he ch~e 10 make everything fictional except Ney.port Beach is a m~ttry. Ooni) of NUl'O understood the rlilrn's writer hnd lived in Orunge County. Calls to Fox weren•t returned Monday. If ''The Chase" casts Ne\~po11 llcach in a bad light, damage should be minimal. Critics have pummeled the nick and, after opening the first weekend in MJrch in fifth place in the na11onal box office derby, it dropped out of 1hc Top JO this past \\eckend. "II doesn't sound like something I 'II sec. soon," Gonis joke<l. "I 'II \\:lit for the video.'' Matt Coktr's t ulumn oppt>:m, 1'utsdoys. • has been afforded every or- por1 uni1y 10 try 10 resolve !>Orne or their problems," he said . ~filchell said Il:icchus cmplo)'> be1wcen 12 and 15 security gu.1rd, inside the club and eight to 10 sc- curi1 y guards outside the establi~h­ mcnt. He suid two . of the guardi.· arc Lons Ocach und San Diego police officer~. The out ide guards pa1rol both l3ncchus and Ttie Warehouse R<.::i- ta ur:.101. The clubs spill the co .. 1 ul the gu:irds. · • "We'll hire even more sec11111 guards if necessary," Mitchell iiaid. . ··our past performance ob' iou'b has been bad; and it's nut C\l ll'· ;1ble." The nightclub':. cmplo~cc ... \\Ill be 1ra111ed on hO\\ to spot dnig and Jlcohol ;1buser'.'t, :.o prublc1 1 p.11ron~ c;1n bc identified e:lll) ..anJ denied scr. ice. :\1i1thell said. "lkfurc things get too L1r gun~. \\C \\alll IO as.,c!>S the pwblcm 110\\," hi! :.:.11d. ''\\ h:llC\Cr lhC) '·') tu tlo, wc"ll do it. .. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC • ""'1 Yw .... CMrs lwt! m2 unt11tn~ com •u-m .. m, ( ·1) or Ill.\ .\ J..' '/'l '/l /.\' (; :' 5.5%* NO FEES! NO SALE CHARGES! Guaranteed Principal & Interest Rate .. Leading financial pu blications call it "America's Best Safe Investment". Call now fol' more information! Toll Free 1-800-994· 7284 Local Ca lJs 714-241-7770 ADAMS INSURANCE ~ 1570 BrookboUow, #116 '·~-Santa Ana CA 92705 I •Early .tlbdraW'llls are1subjKt to a surttndu cb1rp Enjoy ou~ Corned Beef and Cabbage Buff et alJ' with aU the trimmin!!" !~~~?oo ~ Blarney FuJI Hors d'oe uvre Buffet 5:00pm -7pm lri h pirit will he a'hrewing all day in 0' kie ~ uper ized green draft Ill' l'h Cream pecial Irish Coffee II)' Harp s l ri It Lager on Tap II)' lri h Drink J'ecial pecial t. Patrick Day Parade fi aturing 0' kie Bagpiper -Live Lepr chatm ' ... lmmrock Fnc<'! p<1intcd ~ tr ml mu.cit mor(' ;,, R'•eft4:alker1! Lounl{e ) ·~ Newport Beach/Coata Meaa Dally Piiot Niki Montgomery, Pitcher for Costa Mesa High School '• Game 110 Field2· 3n 2194 @ 5:3o NEWPORT HARBOR Game 11 • F1ild 1 _ .3f.il94 ~ 3:30 . . .. ESTANCIA Game f5. Field 2 ,......· LA---..GU ...... N-...A.-.BE--.A--.C...._ ___ . 315194 o 7:30 Game #2 • Field 2 . 3/5/94 @ 3:3.0 BRETHREN CHRISTIAN Game 17 • Field 1 3nz194@ 3:3o LOSER GAME #2 Game f9 • Field 1 ...__.............., ________ _ LOSER GAME #3 CONSOLATION GAME ------------3/12194@ 5:30 Game 18 • Field 2 3n2/94@3:3o LOSER GAME #4 BRETHREN CHRISTIAN CENTURY CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MESA ESTANCIA LAGUNA BEACH LIBERTY CHRISTIAN NEWPORT HARBOR ALL GAMES PLAYED AT " TEWINKLE PARK ., . .. CONSOLATION BRACKET The director of the t9urnament'Home Remodeler Doyle Forth, (pictured here with his new van): "Last year we had a successful tournament. It is a pleasure to do this once again. We encoµrage the parents & ·community to come and be a part-of the opening season of girl's softball. Last year. Costa Mesa High School girls were the tournament champions. We want to thank the businesses below for making this possible again. Help us help the kids to stay involved in sport activity. We wish all .. the teams a successful season. Let's Play ball. 11<> C!o.t.. c tl,..., .&.. C!otJA ctf..a. C!a4 911<>n · ... ' ,.....~llllio..I..,.... __ ~ ... -~~ ~ GOOD LUCK CMHS GO NICOLA!! YOUR#1 FANS LIZ, KIP, GRANT & HELEN JohMVMolham ~ 1~0~ HOAGl•S & STEAK · SANDWICHaS ""'"''-._, ..... "°" ly ........ 22"'4 f<*'Mw Rood· Co1tO Meta. ca (714) m-ans TBIDI I TBBl•DS Altlletlc Stloe1 CIOthing l Equlpmen1 270 E. 17th StrMt C.. Meu, CA 92127 (714) 546-3436 • KIRI< BAUERMEISTER ~lnO Goode ~let NEWPORT . *SKI* COMPA?N 2700 W. COUI Hwy. 1132E.K.-.Ave. ~ lledl. CA_, Oreftg9,CA.-J (7U) IS1.-.0 C71•)11S-7100 . -- (714) 675·9700 2831 E. CCMtat Highway Corona del Mar, ~A 92625 /. Sl'OKoE - . 23011 Alcalde Dr., Laguna Hills 800-533-7946 ~~ CALVIN ms lttr-.L HUIBAEGTSE CALVIN'S WOOD DESIGN 15581.Product Lane Huntington Beach (714) 894-0266 kLTOWAOH ea,,. ........,,.., • c..Neflt ~ a. . 6-& ......... Rim c.__ CGVElllll Cllllter ... 1 .... uao 1. 0.-N.. ~ ••ao l/ 714-222-0733 ....... °".,. ~ .. . . MIKE WILSON PAINTING • PAPERHANGING STAINING • SPECIAL FINISHES 1912 POMONA AVE #0 COSTAMESA . 631 -3608~T. LIC# 369619 l1_TRAE CO~TIONNG I N C 0 R P,O R ATE 0 2221 E. Winston Road. Suite ·c (714) 563-9964 Anaheim, CA 92806 FAX {714) 563-9968 ; %e Main rzees 1.J!Scntiu CKICOMSUU11 'l'rinti111 3001 ~Bldg. s. Suile 107 Costa Mela. CA 92626 (71 4) 545-1808 Fax (714)54S-0703 elite PLUMBING CONTRACTORS JAMES BROWN 775 W. 17th Unit Q • (714)72i-0374 Costa Mesa AL VASQUEZ 500 Carson Plaza Dr. Suite 104 (310) 327-4475 CARSON, CA , .... \ • " ·THOMA'S JAMES ASSOCIATES l(VC. Investment Banlcer/Brolcers Presently seeking mdMduals who are career minded, have a poSJtive attitude, are w1//mg to succeed OFFERING . ' Training, Graduated Comm1SSJon Schedule, Management Potential CONTACT Larry Kozm 800-677-4852 • (l 14) 955-5888 BUY ANY COFFEE DRINK GET ONE FREE Live Entertainment Friday • Saturday • Sunday OPEN7 0AYS Sun-Thurs 6:30am-10pm •Fri & Sat 7am-Midn;ght Expresso • Retail Sales • A Good place to study 1 ·1.75 Baker St. Suite 24 • Stater Brothers Center • 549--BOn I• COSTA MESA 1175 BAKER #E-25 • (714)'557-1808 Sandwiches • Salads • Catenng ,. ' .... - 8 Tuesday, March 151 1984 PORTS SPORTS EDITOR ROGER CARLSON, 642-4330, ext. 387 HIGH SCHOOL GIRU SWIMMING PRIVllWI Corona del Mar girls feature Melanie ••• ~ And a freshman named Laura Weeshoff will help out, but in terms of team titles ... a lot of questions remain for the Sea Kings in Sea View .. BY R.lCHAAD DUNN, Sroars \Varna . . T he days of dominating are over, but individually, Co· rona del Mar High's girl~ swim te am won't miss a ~~~~~ stroke. Led by junior sensation Melanie · Pclls and freshman oackstroker Laura Weeshoff, CdM already has CIF Southern Section Division 11 qualifying times, while its 200-yard free relay and 200 medley relay are assured of competing at the May 12 CIF preliminaries. Weeshoff (back}, sophomore Priscilla Burch (breaststroke), junior Karrie Cesario (butterfly) and Pelis (free) clocked a I :59.50 against El Toro in the medley rel ay, while junior Ali Hartshorn, sopho· more Courtney Hardt, junior Ali Havriluk and an- chor Pelis went 1 :48.50 in the 200 free relay against Irvine, the defending Sea View League champion which is expected to repeat in 1994. Corona del Mar, winner of 11 straight league ti· tics until last spring, should baule Woodbridge and Newport Harbor for second place this season. Irvine defeated CdM, 110-60, in the league open- er March 9, when Pelis qualified for ClF in the 500 free (5:24.45) and 200 individual medley (2:18.79), giving her a dozen individual Clf·qualifying swims in her CdM career. Pells qualified in four events as a freshman, and .six last year. Senior co-captains Lindsay Foley (butterOicr) and Jennifer Murdy (distance freestyler),· and butterOier/bncksti'oker Sehra Dastur, are the only ·seniors returning from a year ago. ~-. In addition to a heavy retu rning crop, CdM also has junior diver Sandy Zubrin, u two-time defending CIF Divisiori. II champion. to score points ut the league finals. Juniors Jennifer Rujanawech (IM), Heidi Wil- liams (sprint freestylcr), Wendy Doggs (backstro· kcr), Alexa Axton (brcaststrokcr), sophomores Les· Icy Hamilton (distance freestyler), Christi S:l\vycr (sprint frccstyler), Shaunna Ghuizi (butterOier) and Melissa Ford {all-around), and freshmen Nelle Alshuler (butterOier), Gcnelle Gentry {IM), Jul ie Norton (freestyler) and Lusanna Russ (all-around), will also be major contribute~. Pelis, Cesario, Hartshorn and 13oggs are Volding's top juniors, while Weeshoff and Alshuler are ex- pected to make plenty or scoring waves for four years. Hardt is probably the best sophomore .. "We've got a real good freshmen crop that l'ln real pleased with," Voiding said. "Dut we've only - got three scoring seniors this year, so we're still a young club." Havriluk, who swam as a freshman, is also a vol- leyball and soccer player, who missed last swim sea- son because of a shoulde r injury. She could be a "Irvine won it last yea r, and it lost only one gi rl, so everybody will be going after them," CdM Coach Doug Voiding said. "You put Irvine at the top, then it could gel interesting." major factor in the sprint freestyle events. Melanie Pelis is Corona del Mar's featured swimmer on girls level entering the 1994 campaign. ,.._ Sterling freshman class Jlas Harbor thinking big in Sea View circles ~ Pomeroy heads the class of returnees in what's seen as a strong Sailors year. BY R.lCHAJU> DUNN, SroR·rs W1u ru W hen freshmen are pushing upperclassmen in practice, it can only benefit the en- tire asse mbly. Such is the ... some serious goals, and I think she'll really sh ine." · ·Schutz (sprint frccstyler), Widger (distance freestyler), Rcod (breaststro· -kcr) ;ind Milliken (but1cr0icr) are aho expected to make major contributions for the Snilors. t Juniors Marin McElfrcsh (IM and buttcrOier) and Kelly Mel ntee (free- -styler) are also solid. Shann on Sweeney, a CIF freestyle qualifier last year as a sophomore, is loi.t for the sea- son bfcnuse of an injury. case this spring for Newport Harbor High's girls swim team. "We've got a Jot of nice freshmen this year, who are serious ubout swim· ming fast and they're pushing every- body else up in the ranks," Newport Harbor Coach Todd Kolber said. Rachel Arrow is a major threat in the butterfly stroke for this season's Newport Harbor· High girls swimming team. · Sophomores Marti Gaffney (but- ternier) :ind Katie Marsh .(freestyle r), and fre~hmen Erin Murphy (backstro- ker), Courtney SimQs (backstroker and butterflicr), Darbaru Cohen (all· around} and DcAnn Dryson (all- around) should make a big impact. about the season.'' "!t gives everybody a little more drive. You don't want to take for grant- ed that the underclassmen arc going to be faster than anybody, but a lot of those girls are pushing them in practice. We had a real good first couple or weeks of practice, and we're excited Along with returni)lg standouts Rach- el Arrow, Hanna Widger, Jenny Mil· liken, Carey Read and Melissa Schutz, all juniors, and seniors Maile Ellis (freestyler), Tamira Clayton (but- tcrnier) and Gretchen Schlu tz (breast~ stroker), the Sailors feature freshman Melissa Pomeroy. "She's good at everything," Kolber said of Pomeroy, who has already quali- ficd for the CIF Sou thern Scc1ion Divi· sion 11 mee1 in the 100-yard backstroke ( l :06.5) and 200 individual medley (2:21.0). Pomeroy, whose club affiliation is Nova Aquatics in Irvine, is also an ex- cellent butterOier and freestyler. "I think she's been much faster in the 100 back," Kolber said. "She's going to be a real nice ct to the team. She fills in a few spots where we Beatty leads the way for rebuilding E.stancia ..,.. Wells, Uceda, Fassnacht join Beatty to form nucleus of Eagles ' swim package . Bv RICHARD DUNN, Sroan Warna W ith seven significa nt swimmers gone from last yea r because of gr:.idua tion, rebuildi ng is a mode~t way to put it for Estancia High's girls swim team in 1994. Dul, thus for, there have been some surprises for third-year coach Nancy McCullough, whose Eagles finished 6-6 overall a year ago, 2-3 \ in the formidable Pacific Coast League, where Trabuco Hills and Laguna Hills traditionally reign. Frecstyler Karen Deally, the Eagles' only senior, and expected to be a major contributor in the relay events, is one of only four returning swim- mers. Juniors Eden Wells (backstro- ker), Maria Uceda (buJternicr ·and breasts t roker) and Heidi f;i~snucht (bu11erflier and indi· vidual medley) arc the other re- turners. "It's a young team, but it's looking very strong," McCullough said. "After having all of my se- niors graduate, l wasn't quite i.ure wha t to expect, but \\e/e looking very strong." Sophomores Megha n Williams (backst roker and JM), Aliccn Bennett (freestylcr) and Sarah Bruneau (all- around) should also make an impact. HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER HONOU were weak last year." Arrow, who S\\ itched club affiliates and is now swimming at Golden West, was primarily a distance frcestylcr in her first two seasons, but now will con- centrate on the butterfly and breast- stroke. A versa tile swimmer, Arrow has already qualified for CIF in the 100- yard freestyle (56.7). "She's a very talented girl," Kolber said. "This year, Rachel's been setting "(Dryson) looks like she'~ goi ng to be successful , and (Murphy) is one of the hardest working freshmen to come into the program in a loni::4ime," Kolber said. Gaffney can also swim the individual medley, 100 and 500 freestyles. Slim pickings at Costa Mesa BY R..ICHAJU> DVNN, S110u~ W111ru T here are no seniors, only five returning swimmers, and " grand totnl of 10 -on the squad for first-year Costa Mesa High girls swim coach Arland Kaminski. The Mustangs' personnel, howeve r, can be interesting: Sophomore Katie Grogan, perhaps the best swimmer, also plays water polo, one of the few girls in the Clf Southern Section to do so; Jamie Smith, u sprint frcestylcr, played freshmen football. last autumn, and plans to put the pads on again next season. IH MllA/ll99e 7 Manz shares Offensive MVP honors in PCL NEW NEW NEW NEW Patios • Entries • Courtyards E stancia High senior forward Tracie Manz, who tied Tra- b\lco Hills senior Lindsay Rogers for Pacific Coast League scoring honors with 14 regular-season goals, shared Offensive MVP lau- rels with Rogers to top the locals on the coaches' All-PCL girls soc- cer team. • Manz fin ished with 15 goals to c::ip a strong varsity career, hel ping lend Coach Jenny Tavares' squad t~ a Clf wild-card playoff victory, before finishing with 11-7-6. . Other Eagles named to the firs t tpam were seniors Jackie Connelly and Tita Tavares, as well as soph· qmore Christine Duhle. • Senior Monica LeSage was the lbne first-team representative fur <;osta Mesa. 1 Coach Don Johnston's Mus- tpngs, who posted the best record if1 the program's hjstory at 8-5-5, were, however, represe nted on the ~cond team by Jenny Avitio and Jc ica Schroeder. '~ I ALL·PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE (Co•che•' Hlectlons) Offensive Co-MVP• T racle Manz, Estancia Sr. Lindsay Rogers, Trabuco Hiiis Sr. Defensive MVP Sondra Carlson, Laguna Hills Sr. Moat V•lu•ble Oo.lkeeper Sarah Lang, Laguna Hdls Sr. • '1r•t Teem Jacklt Comelly, Estancli Sr Nicole Restivo. T rabuco Hans Jr Meoan Macleod, Trabuco H1Qs fr Tlta Tavares. Estancia St Carrie Guyer, LIOUN Htds So. Jenniter Brick. T rabuco Hin s So "40tllCa LeSaoe. Co$1a Mm St. Hulhef SU!lon. Trabueo Hills So SUCy Rot>crts. Laouna Hills fr, CIWISW Dahle. Esrnll So S.OondTHm Hlilaly Kyte. Laguna Beach Sr usa Casey, Trabueo Hiiis ft. Hol!Y Ferguson. E1tancl1 Jr. As!Hy OIMet1, Laguna H•h So ICtll)' G.vner. Laouna Buell Ft M ~ lJgUlll Hdls So Alyson o.tcn. Estnia Jf Jenny A• Cosu Mm St Tlltrny ~ LIQIN ..... Jt Jmlca Schroeder, CoslJ Mcu So MieheUt WtSl. CtfC\#Y St Jemffer Tyus, t.aow Btacll St Honoreble montlon lloc.1•)1 Heathef hkdl (CM), Sara AckelSOll (CM), Whitney GiWam (E) lfld Dot1 Mnh (() Eagles' Diii MVP, lor PCL boys ~ stanc:ia High senior for· .£J ward Orea Dill, who notched 10 of his 16 goals and :ill five assists during the 10· gnme Pacific Coast League schedule, was voted Most Valu- able Player by 1hc circuit's six coaches. Dill, a thrce-ycur starter, helped lead the Eagles 10 the ClF Southern Sec&ibn Division Ill playoffs, ncuina 1he lone goal in a wild·card·round vie· tory at Garden Grove High. Joining Dill on the coaches' first team were local 5Cnior rullbac:ks Chris Sondro (Estan· c:ia) an<l Fred Wood (Costa Mesa), in addition to Costa Mesa senior midfielder Carlos Avalos. I - • So Sr. SI • Jf SI. Sr Sr. Jf Jf. $r So Sr. make an inU?Stment that brings you pleasure & erWinces your home! Mixture Of Brick & Concrete Jim Jennings CUSTOM MASONRY 170 E. 17TH ST. • SUTE 206 COSTA MESA (714) 645~8512 Slal9 Lic:enle t392707 Let Jim Jennings install your complete yard hardscape • Expert brick, block, stone. tile, slate and concrete work • Can recommend quaJity designers • Quality work in Costa Mesa& Newport Beach since 1969 •Drainage problems? We solve diem ·' .. ' NwPpOrt Beach/Costa Meaa Daily Pilot Pl•tB lillk ·ID BOml rayi lllDWlng twin trllmphs Albrand's _clutch hit ~ Pirates· men, women toy with competition at ~· San Antonio Invitational. WALNUT The Orartge c¢as t College men and women's S"(lmming team swept to victories at the Mt. San Antonio Invita- tional last weckcpd. The Coast men finished wfth 602 points, well ahead of runner.-u! Long Beach City, which had 4 7. OCC's Matthias Otte set a m et record in 'lhe 100 backstroke w(th a 51.88 clocking. The OCC women, showing su- periority in t~ relay events, nearly doubled .the butput of second- pt?ce ·Saddle ack, compilini" 693 pqints to 374 for the Gauchos. MIN ~earn sCOfes: 1. Orange Coast, 662; 2. LUf'lg Beach, 427; 3, Golden W~st, 360; 4, P~omar, 3SO; s. Saddleback, 277; ~· O,affcy, 253; 7. SO Mesa, 220; 8. Rio Hondo, 1S8; 9. Fullerton, 117; 10. Grossmont, 91 ; 11. Otrus, 79; 12. P¥adena. 72; 13. Mt. San Antonio, 65; 14 •. V. Valley, 19; 15. Cypress, 9. 1.meter diving-1. Chavez (Ch), 319.70; l . Ferrero (lAV), 301.05; 3. Veluco (SOM), l?0.20. 3·meter divlng-1. Chaffey '(Ch), 358.20; ?. Velasco (SOM), 322.SS; 3. S4C1duth (Pal), 307.SS. 200 free relay-·1. Ofange Coast, 1 :27.40 .. SOO free -1. Vela ILB), 4:47.81; 2. Ramirez (LB), 4:S0.86; 3. MrMlllan (OC91 4:53.41. 100 Oy-1. Otte <OCC), 52.90; 2. Ferguson (0CC), 54.58; l. Putran (LB), 54.91. 100 fr~-1. k oerner «1W>1 47.90; 2. Br0wn (f ), 48.64; J. Ando 11'111), 41f. 95. 800 free relay-1. long Beach, 7: 13.01; 2. Orange Coast, 7: l 3.24. 4Q0 medley relay -1. Long Beach, 3:38.36; MESA From Page 6 "She's a pctiie thing, but !)he's vqry strung for her size," Kaminski l><jid of Smith. "She's a grcut alt-.1round ath- lutc, und she's turning into a pret- ty decent sprinter. (Grogan) does everything; she prefers the IM (in- dividual medley), but she's capable of swimming and doing well in ev- erything." Juniors Leslie Christi ansen (but- tcrnier and backstroker) and Eliz- abeth Christiansen (sprint frce- styler) are sisters who )hould make major contributions this spring, while sophomores Tracy ~elly (backstroker) and Loren~ 2. ORftlll Cout, 3:39.09. 1650 free-1. Sch Ch), 16:49.8Si 2. McMillan (OCC), 1 . ; 3. lt111n (CW), 11:21 .00. 50 fl'ff •uthamp (PAI}, 21.67; 2. Ando CP•I), ; 3. S.Mnskl (l.9), 22.76. 200 f -1. Koerner (CW), 1:4.5.68; 2. Ruffini (OCC), 1:46,8.5; 3. Vel' (LI), 1 :47.24. 100 baclt-1. Otte (OCC), 51.88; 2. Andrade <OCC), 57.09; 3. Rlttge,, (QCC), 57.Sl. 400 IM-1. Ferguson'(OCC), 4:16,88; l . Oal>tt (S), 4:20.1 Si 3. ~mirez (LB), 4:13.68. 200 medley relay-;o l . Orange Cout, 1:38.4.4. 100 breast-1. Ferguson (OCC), 58.16; 2. Otte (OCC), 1 :OC>.48; 3. Emmons (OCC), 1 :Ol.01 , 400 frte relay-1. Orange Coast, 3:11.78. . WOMIN Team scores: 1. Orange Coast, 693; 2. Saddleback, 374; 3. Golden West, 311; 4. SD Mesa, 242.50; S. Chaffey, 227.SO; 6. P~ar, 195; 7. Mt. San Antonio, 153; 8. lo11g Beach, 132; 9. Fullerton, 76; 10. Grossmont, 75; 11 . Rio.Hondo, 66; 12. Citi'us, S8; 13. Pas;ad,ena, 29; 14. lA Valley1 5;-1S. Cypress, o.. . l·m~u diving-1. Qrlson (OCC), 331.6S; 2. Ed~ds (OCC), 321.30; 3. Roberson (S), 301.80. 3-meter diving-1. Edwards (QCC), 371.6S; 2. Roberson (S), 336.85; 3. Oldenkamp (Ch), 273.65. 200 medley relay-1. Orange Coast, 1:5S.27. 500 free -1. Nasution (Ch), S:20.S3; 2. B~am (OCC), S:24.41; 3. Palle (S), 5:25.77. SO ny-1. Nasutipn (Ch), 28.03; 2. Oalremont (OCC), 28.16; 3. Richardson (Pal), 28,61. SO free-1. Pavlovich (S), 2S.1S; 2. Kossub (OCC), 25.8S; 3. Ullrich (GW), 26.28. 100 IM-1. Alison (SOM), 1 :01.11; 2. Nasution (Ch), 1 :02.47; 3. Sota (f), 1 :04.40. 400 free relay-1. Orange Coast, 3:47.1 O. 400 medley relay ~ 1. Orange Coast, 4:12.7S. 50 bre.ut-1. Baham (OCC), 32.73; 2: Kramer (GW), 32.85; 3. Reade (f), 33.SS. 200 free-1. Palle (S), 2:01 .26; 2. Simpkins (OCC), 2:04.13; J. OeCook (OCC), 2:0S.19. 50 badc-1. Terry (SOM), 28.13; 2. Kossub (OCC), 28.23; 3. Burden (S), 29.&~. 100 free -1. Terry (SOM), 52.48; 2. Pavlovi<h (S), 56.12; 3. Reade !f ), 56.65. 200 free relay-I . 5,lddleback, 1 :43.36; 2. Orange Coast, 1 :43.53. lilts sec ~ Vanguards rally with pair of ninth -inning runs to trim The Master's, 4-3. COSTA c~ MESA -Jason n ~ ~l~r~~:~~e :~~ ~~ ft t ~\' one out _in the ~,,,J.J t ~ bottom ·of the • .,,.,,. • ninth · ~Ming lift-.( e sa 0 cd the Southe·rn California College baseball team to a come-from- bchind 4-3 vi~tory over The .Mas- ter's in an NAIA Dist~ict 3. game . . at SCC Monday. sec (7-14} entered the ninth trailing 3-2, but Josh Sewell trig- gered the rnlly with a single and pin ch- ru n ne r, Alex Diaz proceeded to steal second. One 'out later, desig'nated hit- ter Augie Pena wal ked and Dave See ley THE /LA WATCH rocketed a sin- • Starts: 3 1 f f'll •Innings pitched; 231/.J gle to e t to 1 •Record: 2· 1 the bases. •ERA: 1.93 The Master's i Hits: 15 'then changed •Strikeouts: 5 pitchers and Al -• Walks: 11 •Next start brand worked Mauri (fr.:c~tylcr) arc also return -March t8 the count to 1-2 ing letter winner). before -hitting Other top newcomers, along ·the ball between' with Smith, include Arny House · shortstop and third base to scor.e (brcaststrokcr) and freshmen Re-both the tying and go·ahead runs. gina Kamaka-Tie tjen (freestylcr} SCC took a 1-0 lead in the first and Elaine Grogan {brcaststroker inning, courtesy of a balk. But The and frcestykr). Freshman back-Master's (6-1 1-2) stored u pair of strokcr/bu'tternicr Colleen Lund runs jn the fourth and another in . could be the best . in the young t.he seventh for u 3-1 lead. crop. The Vanguards lightened it with "She's a great aJJ-around swim· a run in the bottom of the eighth mer,''. Kaminski said of Lund. on an' R131-singlc by Jason Brissey. "She's a backstroker, who's be· SCC will entertain Concordia coming a butterflier and will even-University o~ Irvine in a Golden tuall be an IM swimmer like it or State Athletic Conference match- y • ' s1 • up today. The next start for fe-not, ~ecause she s so ~ood. !1e mule pitcher Ila Borders is this doesn t have mu~h exper~cnce with Friday when the Vanguards host !he IM, but,,that s what l m groom-Whitman College of Washington. tng her for. Borders is also slated to start . Wednesday,· March 23, when SCC Estancia defeated by Woodbridge in tennis hosts Pacific· Lutheran. IRVINE Rob Horansky ~wept his three sets in No. ·1 sin- gles, but that was the lone high- light fo r Estanci:t High, as the Ea- gles ( 4-2) dropped a 16-5 decision to .Woodbridge Monday in a non- ltJague tennis match on the War- riors' courts. WOODBRIDGE 16, ESTANCIA I Singles: llor.1nsky (E) def. Oiorkm;m, G·2, dd. Farol.hf;iy, 6·4, def. Call, 6·2; l conJrd (E) won, 2-(default), lost, 4·6, won, 7·6; Radisay (E) lost, 2·6, 2·6, 0·6. Doubles: Rudulph-W.1gncr (E) lost to Colcman·Oo, 1 ·6, .lost lo Blum·Chi.rng, 3·6, lost to Suzul.i-Joncs. 0·6: Lin-W)'tlra (E) lost, 4>61 6·7, 2·6; Anthony·Kcarns (f ) lost, 1·6, 0·6, 0·6. Eagles collect first so~ball triumph, 1. 6-3 COSTA MESA -The Es1ancia l f igh girls soft ball team used an 11 -run second inning to cru!)h vis- iting Los Amigos Monday, 16-3. Winning pitcher Jill Black had a two-run i.'riple, as the Eagles im- proved to 1-4 th is season. ESTANCIA 16, LOS AMIGOS 3 Los Amigos O 1 O 002 0-3 6 3 fsl11nd.t 0(11)0 0-11 x-16 9 3 Wilkey and Satclc; Black ;ind ferrym.ln. W-Black, 1-3. L-Will.cy. 38-Black (E). sec 4, THE MASTElr'S 3 Th~Master's 000 200 100-3 8 SoC.1t College 100 000 011-4 8 OO\\howcr, Prisl.e (9) and Tomlinson; llomutoff, Brissey (8) .1nd Seeley. W-8risscy. l-Dowho"er. 28-Turner (SCC). 38-Tomlinson !TM). DEEP SEA FISHING f'\. MONDAY'S FISH COUNTS Newport L•ndln9 -2 boats, 30 anglers. 1 ~ sand bass, 17 calico b.us, f6 rode fish, 8 sculpin, 1 whitefish, 31 mac1'crcl. D•v•y'• Leeker -3 boilts, 64 ilnglcrs. 200 bonito; 18 sculpin, 4 shccphcad, :.18 rock f1sh, 21 red sn~pper, 14 salmon grouper, 1 >\hite fi5h, 8 perch. PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Tuttlday, March 15, 11M 'f _ Seeking the prime seat ~ Television personality Bill Macdonald prefers the nltty-gritty with fans in stands. BY PJcH.AS.D DUNN, Sroa.n Wann' B ill Macdonald's credentials allow him to fre- quent any press box in the country. He even anchors a nightly sportscast on Prime Ticket called ''Press Box.:· , , But Macdonald, who grew up playing volleyball at lifeguard tower No. S at Corona dcl Mar beach, agonitlng' through the Angels' heartaches of the 1970s and cheering for Roman Gabriel touchdown passes, prefers something more like aisle 20, row N, seat 4. He'll pay for popcorn and ·cracker Jacks and sodas, rather than devour the freebies in the press box. He'd rather watch a game with screaming fans., ·rather than with stoic sportswriters and sportscasters. Thanks, but no thanks . ")'d ratlier,sit in seats than the press box/' said Macdon&ld, .a Newport Beach resident and Corona del Mar High graduate, and· a smooth talking, wheeler- dealer type who knocked on poors to land his first SpQrts radi'b job. Macdonald, who joined Prime Ticket in 1985 as a play- by-play announcer for the Major Indoor Soccer League's Los Angeles Lazers, aggres- sively pursued a radio career after graduating from USC. He grew up listening to Chick Hearn on the Laker broadcasts, Yin Scully with the Dodgers, Oick Enberg and Don Drysdale Bill Macdonald with the Augels.· He bought air time, sold ads and assumed the role of annol!ncer for l4 Lazer home soccer games on radio station K.BOBJFM in West Covina during the team's 1982-83 season. "It was the smallest -station I could find ," Macdonald said. "It was so small, nobody could hear it. You'd have to put foil over yourself on the roof of your house with .a radio to hear it." M acdonald expanded his responsibilities to public relations in 1984, then 1ohn Buss, the son of Jerry Buss, who owned Prime Ticket~ ·liked Macdonald so much that he hired him to do tele- vision when the network decided to put soccer on the air. Macdonald's television career branched out from there, sooill-becoming a Southland media juggernaut. But in his hear.t, Macdonald will always be a fan. 1·1 Jove being a fan ," he said. "I love seeing my buddies In the press box, but I've never sat in the press box at a Rams game. I've sat in the standf before, and done post-game inte.,.ws. l'm the hugest Rams fan. My dad and I have had seuon tickets for 27 years, so they better not move. I share season tickets for tl'le Angels aod Mighty Du cks. I rove going with my f rieods and dad to games. "l went on the field after the Angels won the divisio n in 197~, and I got my picture on the front page of the ~egister; I was there when Dave Henderson hit the home run off Donnie Moore (in the 1986 playoffs). I'm still agonizing over it. To this day, if the Angels win another division . title, I'd still run on the fieldJ' · From the seats, of course. Macdon'aJd, who never had aspirations to be a newscaster, hosted "It's Your Call'' for fou r years, Prime Ticket's live, phone-in talk show, when he interviewed hundreds of spoi:~ ~ests rang- ing from Gene. Hackman aed his interest in judo, to Hank' Gath~rs in his las~relevision in- terview. ''The thing about .Prime Ticket that's so good is that it's allowed me to do a ton of things," Ma~donald said. ''Jim Rome (on ESPN2) does his phone-in .talk show com- pletely different. The format's the same, but Rome has taken his stuff to a new level. He's completely an animal. "But I stopped 'It\ Your Call' show when the contract expired, and the producer said we've got to find something for you to do. He said they wanted me .to do news, but ·1 never had an aspiration . to be a news- caster, I'd alway.s wamed to do play-by-play. But they needed a guy ro ~ome in, so literally in two weeks I learned what I needed to do. It was "like cramming for a final exam. a.!ld in two weeks I was on 'Press Box: .. Macdonald, whose freshmen b~ketball ·coach at CdM in 1972-73 was Paul Orris. the Sea Kings' current head coach, refuses to leave Newport Beach, even though Prime Ticke t's located in Cen- tury City. "l live for-it down there," Macdonald said. ''I gre'w up down there, a nd I'm not going to move, no matter how bad the commute is, or what the earthquakes do to the freeways -I'll take side streets. 1 have three bo>s (four-year-old twins Kirk and Cory, and six-month-old Bill, Jr.), and I hope th ey go to Corona del Mar. TeU the Tars that l hope they're Sea Kings, and like Tonya Harding said, I hope they kick their butts.'' In case you hadn't noticed, Macdonald is also quite a ~ea Kings fan. Murphy named lNorth c.oac.h TODAY'S SCHEDULE Corona dcl Mar High graduate Mike Murphy, currently the head couch at Sm1ora High, has been named to coach of the North boys squad fo r this year's Orange County High School All-Sta r Game at Orange Coast College. , Murphy, a 1975 graduate ut CdM, is in his fo urth. yea r at So- nora. He also attended and pluycd basketball at Southern Californ ia College. This year, his Sonora squad went 23-6 before bowing out in the semifinals of the Clf lll- AA pUlyoffs against Servile. The South boys coach is Gordon .... Oillingsley, who di rected fountain Valley to a 22·6 mark. 1'he Barons reached the I-AA quarterfinals where ·they \\ere beaten by Long I3cuch Poly: Named co:.ich. of the South girb is Sun Clemente's Mary Mulliga n. who led her team to a 21-6 m.i rk thi) sea!>on· before :i scusun-cnding setback to Uuena in the l·A semi- fi nals. Mary H:.iuscr ol f\latcr Dei 1s the North girls co..1ch. The games arc scheduled for April 23 at OCC. The girls tip off at 4 p.m., the boys at 7:30. ......... Coll<'gf -Con<e>rdi• ~ S<>C•I Coll"Jf, l :lO p.nt. Commun•lt rnll"l\" -R•m ho S.rnh•gu •I Ot:ang" to.i>t, 2 pm. "' ll1gh itho<1I -M•guHh.I •I ,..,..,.port. l •1S p m. Swlmmln9 ltig~ sthool -ll \\od~n.i 11 hl•r>ei.l, l. IS Volloyt.•11 High ><.h!IOI t..l)> -r ..... n .II Cohtn.l d<-1 \1••. 1 pm; h l.tnti• JI C•p<• Y&ll~t. J IS· Al1w "iRwvl ii Cost• \ll'Sol. l IS; ''"'l~•rl JI \\ondb,.Jgt, S·JO S.ftt.•11 Culltg .. -Aluu P•uT.c 11 Sc.CAl C•~lt~~. 2 p m lh~h schuul -hl~nri• •I Cwon• <kl Mil, 3· IS: C•l•.wr Cll•1><·I •I Co•I• Mn .. 3, IS PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ftUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PARCEL 1: STOCKED OR DIAEC-10587, AS SET FORTH IN Number: (714) 432· PAGES 29 AND 30 OF MIS· COMMON AREA. total Indebtedness due. cumphr con las lorm3h· FIRE AND CASUALTY UNIT 308, IN THE CITY TIONALLY DRILLED AN INSTRUMENT RE· 7715 CELLANEOUS MAPS, APN:937-68-187 Dete:2/23/94 dades legales aprop1adas SYNOPSIS OFTHE ANNUAL PUBLIC NOTICE g~u~f~p8~T o~!~g~: ~~l'~s J~tE~E~~o A~~ ~ORB0J8K M~~o~~. 1~A~J~ . By: ROBIN a. ANDER· ~~i~~~~ g~ll~~~~?A~ u~i~A ~RBEJ~ J'r,E~~~~+ T.D. SERVICE COM· :~i~~ ~~'~:s~~· la COrte STATEMENT · YEAR ENDE:D 0£· ---------STATE OF CALIFORNIA, NEATH OR BEYOND THE 1227 AND 1236 OF OF· SON, TRUSTEE SALES TOGETHER WITH All IM-DATEO 11/15/91 . UNLESS PANY, H said Trustee Si usled no presenta su C£M8ERll, l!l93 Tiiie Order No. AS SHOWN ANO DEFINED EXT ER I 0 R l IM l TS FIClAL RECORDS. OFFICER PROVEMENTS THEREON. YOU TAKE ACTION TO By FrencH OePelme, respuesta a t1empo puede ol 811321-8 ON THAT CERTAIN CON· THEREOF, AND TO The street address and 1 Publi~hed Newport EXCEPTING THEREFROM PROTECT YOUR PROP· Aulstent Secretary, perder elcaso,y lepueden CtlURCH MUTUALINSURANCE Trust•• Sal• No. OOMINIUM PLAN RE· RE DAILL, AETIJNNEL. other common designation, Beach·Costa Melia Daily ALL OF THE CONDO· EATY.,IT·MAY BE SOLD AT 801 South Lewis St., QU•lar t u Salano. $U <Mero 3000SCH~~~:mNE ME~ 93,53840 CORDED OCTOBER 14, EQUIP~ MAINTAIN, RE· if any, ol lhe real property Pilot Marcil 15 22 29 MINIUM UNITS LOCATED A PUSLIC SALE. IF 'YOU Orenge , CA 92888 y ottu c:osas de su Rill WI 5~2 • • A f N 1980 IN BOOK 13789, PAIR. DEEPEN ANO OPER· described above Is pur· 1994 ' ' ' THEREOF AS SHOWN IN NEED AN EXPLANATION (714) 385-4700 prop1edad sin av1so adte10- • orenco o. PAGE 572 OF OFFICIAL ATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR ported to be: The property ' T745 THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN OF THE NATURE OF THE IF AVAIL.ABLE THE nal por pane de la cone R~oort a" amounts ln wTlole APN,9913408.4747.•o• RECORDS, AND AMEND· MINES, WITHOUT, HOW· heretofore described Is REFERRED TO IN PARCEL PROCEEDING AGAINST EXPECTED OPENING Exlsten otros 1equ1s1tos lit-~o'.~fSl (°"" 2 u .. MENT THERETO RE· EVER. THE RIGHT TO being sold "as Is": 280 PUBLIC NOTICr-t ABOVE. YOU. YOU SHOULD CON· gales Puede que usted o...,aomineoassets c"lle NOTICE OF CORDED MARCH 31, 1981 DRILL, MINE, STORE, EX-CAGNEY LN UNIT 308, ~ AL S 0 EX CEPTING TACT A LAWYER. BID MAY BE OBTAINED qulera Uamar a un abOgado ~"e 21) S296 731 288 TRUSTEE'S SALE IN BOOK 14003, PAGE PLORE ANO OPERATE NEWPORT BEACH, CA ·NOTICE OF THEREFROM THE EXCLU-810 BAKER ST. 1205, BY CALLINQ THE FOL· tnmedla1amen1t. St no '01afltab•lities (Page3 hne21) YOU ARE IN DEFAULT 782, BOTH OF OFFICIAL THROUGH THE SURFACE 92663 TRUSTEE'S SALE SIVE APPURTENANT COSTA MESA. CA LOWING TELEPHONE conoce a un abogado S227 5421?0 UNDER A DEED OF RECORDS OF ORANGE OR THE UPPER 500 FEET The undersigned Trustee EASEMENTS FOR VEHICU· ''(If a street address or NUMBER ON THE DAY puede llamar a un servlclo AQgre9at1 wrne Ins tor Sl)ee1al TRUST DATED 091071 COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. OF THE SUBSURFACE OF disclaims any llabllitr for Loan No. MAHER LAR PARKING, AS SHOWN common designation of BEFORE THE SALE• de rele1enc1n. de abogados surplu s funds (Page 3 line 22) , PARCEL2: . THE LAND HERElNABOVE any' lncorrectness;o the T.S.No.A158902 ANO DEFINED AS "RE· property is shown above. (714) 3854837 'o a una ollc1na de ayuda $1600 000 19. UNLESS YOU TAKE AN UNOlVlOED 1/60TH DESCRIBED, AS RE· streel address and other Unit Code A STRICTEO COMM ON no warranty Is given as to (213) 627_..085 or legal (11ea el dlrector10 tele. Clp1tal stocu (Page 3,1.ne 23A ACTION TO PROTECT INTEREST IN ANO TO LOT SERVED IN A DEED FROM common designation. It AP#937·68·187 AREA" IN T~E CONDO· its completeness or cor· lonlco). , i nd 238)S·O· YOUR PROPERTY, IT 5 (COMMON AREA) OF FIRST AMERICAN TRUST any, shown herein. Said T.D. SERVICE COMPANY MINIUM PLAN ANO DEC· rectness)," The beneficiary TAC203885 CASE NUMBER Aggreoale wrlle-llls 10f otller .AV BE SOLO AT A TRACT NO. 8336, IN' THe COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA sale wlll be made, but with· as duly appointed Trustee LARATION ·REFERRED TO under sal<! Deed ol Tr1.1st, Publlahed Newport (Numero dol Ceso) 11\an Sl)eCQlsurplvs lunds (Page l'UBLIC SALE IF YOU Ct TV OF NEWPORT CORPORATION, AS out covenant or Watranly, under the lollowlng d• IN PARCEL 1 ABOVE. by reason ol a breach or BUch·Costa Mesa Da•ly SBM 005672 311ne23C) S·O· NEED AN EX PLANA-BEACH, COUNTY OF OR· TRUSTEE UNDER OECLA· expressed or Implied, r• sc11bed deed ol lfust WIU AL S 0 EXCEPTING default in the obligations Pilot March 1, 8, 15, 1994. Th m a.nd add I Gross PIJ(Hn and c:cntnbuleO TtON OF THE NATURE ANGE, STATE OF CALI· RATION OF TRUST NO. gardlng title, possession, SEU AT PUBLIC AUCTION THEREFROM ALL GEO-secured thereby, hereto· T73l h e na e (El rebss o surplus (PaQt 3 kne 2•A) $ O FORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A PLH1359 DATED NOVEM.· or en<:1Jmbrances, to pay TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER THERMAL RESOURCES. lore executed and dellv-t I court ts: nom rt Y Unassioneo lunds (surplus) (>F THE PROCE!DINQS MAP RECORDED IN BOOK BER 30, 1978, ENTERED the remaining prlnclpal FOR CASH (In the lorms MINERALS, ORES, PRE· ered to the undersigned e PUBLIC NOTICE dlleccion de la corte es) iPage 3 l&llt 2•8 minus 2~Cl QAINST YOU, YOU 439, PAGES 8 TO 12 IN· INTO BY NEWPORT VIEW, sum of the note(s) secured which are lawful tender In CIOUS AND USEFUL MET· written Declaration ol 0. Munlc:1pal Court ol lhe S67.S891l8 HOULD CONTACT A CLUSIVE Of MISC EL· A CALIFORNIA GENERAL by said Deed of 1rust, with the United States) and/or ALS, SUBSTANCES. AND fault and Demand for Sale, SUMMONS State ol Cahlorn1a Soulh Surplus as revaros oohcyhotdt( WYER. LANE 0 US MAPS . PARTNERSHIP, AS TAUS· Interest thereon, 11 pro-the cashier's certified or H YDROCARBONS OF and w1itten nollc:e ol d.-fCIT.ACtON JUDICIAL) Bay Jl.ldic•al Dlstucl 500 \Page 3 hn& 25l $69 i 891ll On 04/05/94 at 10:00 RECORDS OF ORANGE TOR ANO FIRST AMEAI· video Jn said note(s), ad· other checks specified In EVERY KIND ~ND CHAR· fault and ol election to NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "C" Third Avenue Cnula Income tor ltlt year (?age l 3 .M., PROFESSIONAL COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, CAN TRUST COMPANY, vancu, II any, under the Civil Code Section 292.4h ACTER, INCLUDING PE· cause the under11gned lo (Avlso a Acusado) VICTOR Vl t CA 91910 Mt B) Sl 68 519 816 ' . ORECLOSURE CORPO· TOGETHER WITH ALL IM· AS TRUSTEE., RECORDED terms of the Deed of Trust. (payable In lull at the time TROLEUM, Oil, GAS. AS· sell said property to satisfy H. WISE, and LEATHA M 11 a, . O b 1 r II\ r ATION as the duly ap· PROVEMENTS THEREON, JANUARY 13, 1983 AS IN-estimated lees, charges of aale to T.D. Service PHALTUM AND TAR, THAT said obligallons, and lher• WISE, and DOES 1 through The name, address, and (~~ ~;m:,~~Jl $l~~12o 343 nted Trustee under and EXCEPTING THEREFROM STRUMENT NO. 83-020322 and expenses of the Company) all right, title MAY NOW HEREAFTER BE alter the undersigned 20, Inclusive telephone number ol plain-Wi h by. "'th ui lb. ursuant to Oeed of Trust, CONDOMINIUM UNITS 101 OF OFFlCIAL RECORDS. Trustee and of tht lrusts and Interest convoyed to FOUND, LOCATED. CON· caused said notice ol d• YOU ARE BEINO SUED 8Y t1tf'e attomey, or ~a1nt11f te'mse~e .,. ~rda~ :.,th: ecorded on 09/14/89 H THROUGH 120, 201 PARCEL3: created. by said Deed of and now held by If under TAINED, DEVELOPED OR fault and of ell!Qtlon to bo PLAINTIFF: (A Ud. le esta' w1thOIJt ao attorney. 1s (El 1 "' umenl No. 89-493486 THROUGH 220, ANO 301 AN EXCLUSIVE EASE-Trust. to-wit: $318,744.90 said Deed ol Trust In the TAKEN ON, IN, UNDER OR recorded September 20, domandando) CHULA nombre, la dlfe<:cton y el Annu~~ltmt!Rt~f ~~ ~k., Page •• of Of• THROUGH 320. IN-MENT APPURTENANT TO Estimated property hereinafter Cl• FROM SAID LANO, OR 1993 as Instr. No 635580 VISTA MARINA/RV PARK n d I I d I enot m r 1aJ Recoids In the office CLUSIVE, LOCATED EACH UNIT FOR THE USE Accrued Interest and ad· scribed: ANY PART THE;.REOF, In Book Page oi OtflCial LT'O , a California Um1tad .~~o d~ ~:n.~ll'll: lo tlle lns~~~CommlUlonlr, the Recorder of OR· THEREON. , ANO OCCUPANCY OF dltlonal advances, It any, TRUSTOR: HELEN M. WITHOUT HOWEVER ANY Records In the otfice of lhe Pertnershlp -v n • pursu~nl "' "'w GE County, CaJ.lomla. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSEPORTIONSOFTHE wlH lncreaH this figure MAHER RIGHT OF SURFACE rocorderolOrangecounty: You have 30 CALENDAR o del demandante que no OltTERH NICKH .. Presldtnt culed by' BEVERLY All Oil, OIL RIGHTS, MIN· RESTRICTED COMMON prior lo sale. BENEFICIARY: HOME ENTRY OR ANY RIGHT OF Said Sale of pro~rty Wiii DAYS aNer this summons \1tnt abogado, H ) JOHN f CLEAAY Slcrei.aty IS SPAY AN UNMAR· ERALS, MINERAL RIGHTS, AREA DESIGNATED IN The beneficiary under BANK. recorded November ENTRY TO THE SUBSUR· be made In "es ia" condl· 11 H(Ved on you to fUe a RON H. OBERNDOAFER, Newpo1t 8uc:fl·COSll Mm f!IED WOMAN, H T1u11or, NATURAL GAS RIGHTS THE DECLARATION OF uld Deed of Trust hereto· 20, t99t at Instr. No. 91· FACE THEREOF TO A lion without covenant or ty~wntten resj)bn1e II thl1 ES 0 ., FIS CH 8 ECK ~ Pltot iliOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND OTHER HYDROCAR· COVENANTS, CONDI· fore 111ecuted and deUV· 632883 In Book 1>'119 of Of. DEPTH OF 500 FEET BE· warranty, 111.~rtH or Im. court. OBEF\NDOFER WATERS CN139806 ~ lNO LOAN ASSOCIATION, BONS BY WHATSOEVER TIONS ANO RESTRIC· tred to the undersigned a flclal RtcOfdl In the omce NEATH THE SURFACE OF piled, regarding Utle poi· A lett., Of phone call will & O'CONN~ A p C 5464 14 t!i,16.17,18, 1994 I CORPORATION, as Ben• NAME l<NOWN, GEOTHER· TIONS RECORDED -IN written Oeclaratlon of D• of the Recorder of er.,. SAID PROPERTY FOR THE session. or tneumbrancll, not protac:t you; your type. Groumont C~t~ "0rive llclary WILL SELL AT MAL STEAM ANO ALL BOOK 13318, PAGE 133 fault end Demand tor Sal.-, ounty; DEVELOPMENT, REMOVAL lo pay tht remaining pr~I-written response mull ~ '1---------- UBLIC AUCTION TO THE PRODUCTS DERIVED OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, and a written Nollet of 01t-said deed Of trutt de-OR EXPLORATION OF ~I aum ol tne note(a) ... In proper legal form II you Third Floot, La Mna, Call· IGHl;ST BIDDER FOR FROM ANY OF THE FORE· ANO SUPPLEMENTARY fault a.net Electlon to Sell. acrlbes the fOltowlng prop-SAID RESOURCES AND cured by Mid dMCI Of want the CO\lf'l to heat you. lorn,. 91942, (6tt) •04-----------. ASH (payable at time ol GOING, THAT MAY BE DECLARATION OF COV• The undetllgned caused trty: SUBSTANCES AS RE· Trust. with Interest u In case 1200 ~ale I~ lawful money of \ht WITHIN OR UNDER THE ENANTS.1.. CONDITIONS said i.otlct of Oelaull and PARCEL 1: UNIT 11, AS SERVED BY bEED RE-said note provided, ado tt you do nol file your r• DATE: NOV 09, 1"3 nlted States, by cash, a PARCEL OF LANO HERE· AND RE~TRICTIONS RE· Electl°'1 IO Sell to be r• SHOWN ON THAT CEA-CORDED JANUARY 4, vancta, II eny, una. the sponH on llMt, you may bf N. UUTISTA. ~ aahler·1 chick drawn by e INABOVE DESCRIBED. TO. CORDED IN BOOK 13789, c~td In Ille county where TA IN C 0 N 0 0 MIN I UM UNIS "5 INSTRUMENT NO. ltrms ot tald 0..0 of I09e the cue, and YCM uey tale or naUonal bank, a OETHER WITH THE PER· PAGE 55tl OF OFFICIAL thereat property Is located PLAN RECORDED JANU· 85-0021173 OF OfFIOW. Tru1I, '"'· Chlrg4!t and W19ff, money end prop. NOTICE TO ™EPERSON heck dr1wn by • 1t11le O! PETIJAL RIGHT OF ORIU. RECORDS, ANO SHOWN and more than three ARY 3, 1SNM, AS INSTRU. RECORDS. upeneet of tilt Tt\lllM ~ !'Ny be taken W•lhout dertl credit union, Of 1 ING MINING, EXPLORING ON THE CONDOMINIUM month1 flave et.pstd l ine. MENT NO. 84,.001777, ANO PARCEL 3: AN E.XCLU· and of lhe vuttt crNt9d luMer waming from lhe SERVED· 'Y°" .,. -* htck drawn by 1 at11t1 or AND OPERATING THERE· PLAN FOR EACH UNIT. auth rtc:ordallon. AS DEFINED )N THE DEC· SIVE RESTRICTED COM· by Mid Deed Of TMI. Said court. II In lndlvldull ~ deral .. vlnga and loan l'OR ANO STORINO IN PAACEL4: DATl10~1/94 LARATION OF COV· t.ION AREA EASEMENT .... Wlllbeheldoo: Theft e1e other leVal,... P*theCINeWponBHcn.. .. oclallon, 11vlng1 ia· AND REMOVING THE AN EASEMENT FOR USE p RO p 1111 OH AL ENANTS, CONDITIONS APPURTENANT TO SUCH Metch 22, 1"4, II 3·00 Q\lirementt You 1'111' wanl Coete Mesa Daily l'ilOt l•tion or 1av1ng1 b1nk SAME FROM SAIO LANO ANO ENJOYMENT OF THE rORICLOIURIE COR ANO RESTRICTIONS FOA CONDOMINIUM UNIT FOR p.m. on IN tronc at1p1 10 LO aill an 111omey nghl febri.;ery 22 March t 9 cllled'ln aoctton 5102 01 OR ANY OTHER LANO, IN· "COMMUNITY FACILITIES" Ill 0 "AT' 0.. • ~ KNOWLETON MANOR VEHICULAR PARKING the entrance or the ()fange away. " YOl.I dO not k~ 11 1"4 • • • Flnanclll COd• Ind IU• CLUDING THE RIGHT TO OF lRACT NO. 833e, AS T l I H'UTTON tTHE "DECLARATION") OVER AHO ACROSS THAT CMc Center, 300 t . Cnap. en 1norney, you may Ult • f.104 lted to do bualntu In WHIPSTOCK OR DIAEC· SET FORTH ANO DESIO-,... ••• RECORDED JANUARY 3. PORTION Of lHE COM· mM Oraoge. CA .,, anomty reltr!tt aorvtC•t;;=::::;:;:;;;;;:;~u • ..., •• , At: AT' THE TlONALL y DAILL ANO NATED IN THE OECLA-CINTRI DRIVS, SUITI 1984 AS INSTAUM(NT NO. MON AREA AS SHOWN IN Al I.he time of 11'11 IMlal Or • leQal lid on1c. (lietodll HAPMAN AVENUE EN· MINE FROM I.ANOS RATION Of RE$TAIC. tOIO, IANTA ANA. CA 14.001171 BOTH OF Of· ™! CONO()MtNIUM PLAN pUblfcatlon Of ll'Wt no~. In the p"hoM boOk) • ANC! TO THE Cl'llC OTHER THAN THOSE TIONS AND THE SUPPi.i-•1707 Telephone flCIAL RlCOAOS OF OR-AlliO OEICAIHO IN THE ihe ~amount of IM Mn-~ oe QUO .. lflo INTER It.DO •• 300 £AST HEREIN AD 0 v E 0 (. MENTARY DECLARATION PILOT o• ..... .,,.D ANOE COUNTY. CAUFOA· DECLARATION A!'IAAED NIO balainee ol lhe oblltl-hQIJen "" Cftaeoon )UCff. HAPMAN AV(NUE, OR· SCR18ED. Oil. OA GAS 0' AUTAICTIONS AHO , -NIA. TO IN PAACIL 1 ABOVE llon tecuNd by lhe tribOve eitl 11tted .. ,,. un ~o ell QI CA .,. l'IQhl, 1111• WELLS, TUNNELS ANO AS SHOWN ON THE OQN. tt • .,.. rMOUrC• you PARCEL 2: AN UNOJ. PA"OU 4: A NON-Clneflbeel dMCI Of Inlet ~o DtAS ·c~ENOARIOS tnltf"l conveyed to SHAFTS INTO, THAOUOH DOMINIUM Pl.AN. can count on to aen a VID~D 1/20Tt1 INl'EAIST IX CL. U SI VE AP-#Id 91\1~ eott9, 11· para Jlf"enlar una r• now hekl by 11 wndet OA AeflOSS THE SUI-PAACft. 5: myrtad of motenan-IN ANO TO ALL Of THI PUATINANT lAUMENT '*'"8. MCI lld¥8!1C", Is tpweMa ~a tnlQUlnl ... _ ... ....... ...... .... Dted of Trut1 In lht SUAl'ACI Of' THI LANO A NON-!XCLUSIVt !ASE· dlM Items, bocaute RfAL PROPIRTY LO. T'O SVCH CONDOMINIUM llS.1,,~~··· en ... cone tllUlltd In tak1 H 1!. IU IN A 9 0 VI DI· MINT l'OA INORHS ANO our COlumne comp .. CATED wrt}1IN LOT' 1 ()II UNIT FOR tNOAUS. n e poMlllla 1'\M .. .,. UM _,. o UN lameda 0 Al• - PLUG IN "'"' .. .... ~ ........ , W'lln' .. .... -~· ~'-- , Calltornla Ottctlb-SCAllED.l ANO TO IOT'· EORllS OV!R Tt10S! ctuallned buy•re to TRACT NO. HIOt, Al l!QAUS, U$1 AND EN· lilnt of .... the °""*" ~ no Ml otr--. ....,. ... aariclv.~ TOM ;,UCH WHI,.• PORTIONS Of TRACT NO. C81U SHOWN ON A MAP RE· JOYMINT OVl!.R TH! bid Ny._*' IN!\ 1t'f ~Pf~04ec~cton~~· ~~;2,..;•~l*'r•;•;1L_~...,.~~--J~··~···· EXHllMT A Ma ... ?S'-COf\DfD IN IOOK IOI, ~ • ~rwi tt..,. !'! .. ' . . . TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE llOTIWILDI 1.0llO1111 TolPreecal ............ In CdM now l*tng, .. poalt: l ~up • Oft Ola OOMll 10S.-. 14 Zodl9c Men 16 LeM (1o,iMfd) "Margltine 1l WrOflO 11 Toy 20 AfflnNtlw 2 1 Food llltl 23 leolaled 24 Java'• 25~1Qein ·2e ~ pride 30 Receclecl 34 Comtnandlt 35~ 37 Lendan - SI Wild peny 39 Coin of loelancl 41 WlM Men 42 Tint 43 Pinto - 44 Llldybug, tor one 48 ConCklCtof -PreYin 49 ()filled 50 Aallstanl 52 Othefwlr. 53 Dogllke 5e Most qualifHKI 57 Insect 60 Stretched 62GIOW1ng~ 141* 16 TrldlloMI ~ U Wllleup 17ClmecM-.. TrlnMlll .. w.11-ttOOfMd DOWN 1 FrOlie 2 Froet 3 Sacred bl<d of Egypt \ 4 Femele Utta 5 Co«klOf 8 AdlleW 7 Future p!ant 9 Stoc> • ContuM 10 ANociat• (Wllll) 11 A~ from the wind 12 Genuine 13 Flahlng boat lt Alpine tong 22 Hockey grMI Bobby -24 Physlq111 25 Hernen p6eee 21H..ilan welcome' 27 '"Lal• snow'' INlurlf 28 Sto_nnecl 29 Wlteh 31 Oeleata 32 Bird of prey-33 Oellydrated 31 Tags 40 Steak oreklf ~~[•::c~rJ IJ l ;J:•.111-~ ':0:1 Jlc! r.1 1;1 '-Hit IU~ r.ll.H• I~ 11111111 rJ ::11:u1111t rJ1:'-111:.; :•:'•:rn:1 '.•1 :•:l:il~.'.' llW:.w: 11·;111 :'1•1 rn~r:ir 1 1.'1 ~l ~:·: rJl-H•;:O:k• l~llllt'I: :•J rn:::.::•: 1 1:0:1 •:11 :.i 1~ 1111rJ1.1 IJl::tl;,ll;,ll~f;.1 'lll:'W -lkHll-Jf:i £:ir.w~ 1:1rn::t r.i1 ~I-! 1:1rn.111 l::tl'Jl::tl::k• l.HJl;.11 =11•) .'. l::t ~-:·: (.l[.j'.•'.i~ ,.,_,rn ::tlla• :•: 1:1w:·1 ::t:-i 1:1111:1 f::U;.1111:1 :•:lJl=11;.1rJ 1:1'.•:l:H:t !Alll!:ll•) ~ r.r.· rJ1.1 1::t1.m ceJ ill~•;(rll:i l=W,~•:IJl=1 l•Jlll:lfJ 41 ""'' 43 HurMn -45 -Stancltrd TitM 47 Pow.O 49 Paid attention 51 Bargains 53 Penny 54 Jal -55 ~taakan ~ 58 Cepltll of Swttterllnd 57Benext10 58 Cozy home 59 Low card 61 -tMllne 83 Ottriellllk• bird Botll ........ w .. ...._ NOllTll •• c;> 10 I I' 1 1 0 104 .,, .. WUT •Al14 9 1l;JI OAlllS SA8T ••• Q AQ T O Q'17 1 1 1 ••• • •• 80l11'11 • K Q .11011 <;> • 0 8 •A Q 10 I 4 TIM biddia,: ... Norill Sul Sou~ 1 0 ... s o a t DW.._P .. P ... ()peainf IMd: Km, or 0 At trump control aoee, 10 soea the hand. South's eeem.1111'1· omnipo- tent epeda 1Uit WU eubject to pret· IUN, but a defender Cailed to take advantap. Wiit'• double ·or three = WM, at beet, doubtful-e1c the Ir.int ana queen or clube and the hand would be unbeat.ble. Coupled with leu than the beet derenae, it turned Into a diuster. w .. t led the Ir.Inf or diamonda and EMt dropped the queen, the •••• =~TO 2724 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS & FINANCE llllAll TO iiiiim ,....,.o.w~ Wiid Oabl\.Ne Line ~.tllNn ~Aotllne t ~ .. '7901 Kxt 7H l2/Mln . 19 yra Of OV91 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMINT 5530 -------- 11,000 WKLY atufflng e nwlopee at home. No exp. Fr .. auppllH/ Info. SASE! LIFETIME, Dept, 12, Box 2109, Brownwood, TX 76804 lob-Till Drivers Nffd Clase B (W/alr brake endoreement) or Cla11 A drivers for growing transportation depahment to handle deliveries throughout LA VEN, OC, and SB Counties Pan-time, 2o-30 tiours per week. $'3.00/Hr. Most dallverles are PM, aomeAM. HoeJ, ..,,,_., Cooke. l40-2291 btwn 1-11 am a.I•• ADVIRTlllNQ ACCOUNT IXICUTIVI WorctP..tect S.1 Local community word proceulng aoft· IMW 1030 new1paper In Hunting· wate pkg (not tor wtn-1,.•••••••• ton Beach 11 ... king dows). Incl 3,6" di.ca, 11 an experienced •dvet"· manuals, cMe. Per· 79' 7331-4 dr, anrf, Auto, tl•lng ••l•fpereon. feet cond. $50 firm. pwr mlrtor/dr tock•, Prev1ou1 new1paper B-45·1933 Ive me11age run• gd, nice Int. background prefel'fed. $2750 obo, IM&-2427 Mu1t be aggressive, --------------.--::::-----:':""'":'~ dependable, profaa· JEWEUY, FURS 89 3251 Conv·Not a 1lonal and detail· a ART •025 acratchl Blu on Wht. oriented. Mu1t •n/oy . v tthr 1eat1. Must SHI extenalv• cold call ng $18,00C>e 844-2514 and working with • • • L.adlH 5V• total 1mall bu1lne11e1, and ct ring S22K appral1al; -----:----"'.""".'"".'.' 1hould be willing to wlll Hll for $11 K firm. CHEVROL'ET 9045 ---~------get Involved In local Call Al 8 54-8182 community br,11lne11 function•. Rellable ---------81' Mallbu-4dr·Auto-AC, tran1portatlon re· PETS It PS, VS, nu tW.1, rad. quired for this outside ANIMALS •049 Gd end. FL plat .. aalu position. v $700 obo 631-7149 • • Ouallfled applicants will be cont.acted for personal Interview. No phone calls please. Pre-employment phys· teal and drug testing required. Send resume to: Teresa Barnwell Th• Independent 18682 &each Blvd., Ste 160 Hun1lnglon 8t1Ch, CA 92648 ADOPT·A·PET '82 Chevette, runs & looks great!· Every· thll)g NEWI $800 obo. Call today 971M 500 Every Sat & Sun al PETSMART, Fountain Valley. Pupple,, kit· tens and more, au 1 ________ _ looking for loving, car· HONDA 9085 Ing homea. CALL 241·1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0317 for more Into. 1• FRE E BABY 89' Blue Clvlo·Xlnt BUNNIES cond, loaded, lo Brown/Cream tame mites. Orig ownr. to good h omes: S5800 obo. 549-5033 Suzanne @ 650-7128 ---------1PUP8 rescued from Apply In person: 330 W Bay St, Co1ta Mesa. CgDaMrag!BRPr~f~~mw/~~ ------••l••••••••I Interviewing: ESEMRPVILOCYMES ENT5533 · ---------1---------through March 28. •hare with same. BUSINESS OFFICE BUSINESS No phone ca11s, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil death row. Adopt with donation. Can't adopt? Be a foster or '84 Prelude sunroof, stick, blue, 1 owner, gd cond, $5000 .. 945-0829 S55o/mo. 573.1011 FOR RENT 2769 1 OPPORTUNITY Pease. FREE room In a beaut iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~ 1~Cas,,..--...l -l/...,.,.S------·-··· volunteer. Call 714/ ---------859·2704. HYUNDAI 9090 NB hou.e In xchng for 2904 h :r ates help for EXECUTIVE SUITI! 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bus7 women'1 1wlm· houH duties. Mature OC Airport. $250-1• wear atore1 In Balboa Please be aware that the listings In this cat- egory may roqulre you to call a 900 number In which there Is a charge por minute. Purebred Doberm•n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Female, 3 yrs old. 85• Hatchback-4dr, Abu1ed but very Auto, AJC P/S, FM sweet and great with cass, sharpl Mech gd kids. Needs to be only $1750 obo. 631·7149 pet. Call 714·373·0771 fem only. Days 759• $700. Full service LOCAL RTE•38 Loca· & Lag Bch. Must be 6665, eve 760-6547 $100. 714·633·9550 tlons•Buy All O r energetic w/xlnt eales Part•Posslble S3K ablllty. Uea 673-3100. Wkly•800·S99·6780 DOCK CREW Pff NB exec condo. Tennis, --------- pool, w/d, watk to COMMERCIAL bch. M n/s to shr w/ samt. s5Co. 646-8473 PROPERTY 2778 9130 Own A Payphone Rte. Apply In person Wed, PIANOS & MERCEDES $1200/wk pot. Mar. 16, 10-1, 1801 MERCHANDISE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii RENTALS WANTED 2726 Unique Oppor. Bayside Dr .• CdM ••••••••I ORGANS 6059 Coat• Meae Rental• 1·B00-48B·1632 DUFFIELD Electric iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Olflces, warehouses & Boet Co la looking ---------• B•br gr•nd piano. A storage. From $200/1••••••••• for Office Mgr/Recep llUTWQUES 6010 quality Instrument. mo. 714/723·71BO ANNO EMENT-S w/boatlng/m arlne nn~a Muat sacrifice, St975. 300 CD-1978 Excellent cond. $4400 OBO. 645·0t04 UNC bckmd. Phone skills a 527·1854 or 479-8499 --------- WANTED Unfurn house -IN_D_U-ST_R_IAL __ 2-7-8-8 must. Mac knowledge •BUYING ITEMS• TOYOTA 9210 COM tor prof lady, N/ nee. Send Re1ume to: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9220 s, approx $1000. Ref. 670 W 17th St Bldg From 1B00·1960. 1 SPORTING 644..()624 Costa Mesa L.se: 1500 LOST & #D·2, CM, CA 92627 piece Jewelry to entire GOODS 6065 83' Cellca GTS·lltbk /f houl./ofc houseful. Immediate 1nrf, AC. PW, PM, PS, ;11 ~a1r;th St #0-11'. FOUND 2925 F•ahlon lal beauty cash, top S. B73·6223 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mags, 5spd, Sharpl 2742 $975/mo. 631-0446 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •alon has apace for SOLOFEX all attach· $2650 obo 631·7149 _.,,,..,.,....,,..,,,,...,,,.,...,,..,,,.,,..,.,,== Electroly•I• & ACU· ••POOL TABLE•• ments. Pd $1500 Must jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PILOT CLASSIFIED F 0 UN D: L • d I e • puncturl1t. 640-5125 Fu 11 1 I z o so 11 d It'• the easy.to· Wrlatwetoh In Kap-Honduran mahogany. selll $295. 553·3635 PARK STORAGE accese. Information· Ian's parkllng tot (Har-Models Required Built tato 10oo·s. S950 --------TRUCJ(S STORAGE ROOMS 2706 Storage/garage, sizes packed . marketplace bor & 405). Call to MerchandlH sales, Lar2.· c 96 o 7 ro. 0 n 7 a 9 d 8 e*l*Mar. TICveTS 607 5 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 12)(27 In CM. Lowest visited regularly • sue-Identify, 640-5737. SS/Hr + commission. ... iuo Prices. Olffce also f II b II kl d iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '90 lveco 23-16, Comm"I avail. Located New-CHI u Y • Ya n s FOUND· Siem••• CaU Steve 432•8161'-Truck, 6 cyl turbo, 6 port & 17th. 756-3277 of consumers. C•t. C~ast Hwy/Bay· P{T help, sml flower/ _AP_P_L_IAN __ C_E_S-6-0-1-'1 1 111 Class 1 way tckt OC spd diesel, 14K orig FURN ROOM FOR BUSINESS OFFICE BUSINESS OFFICE side Drive area, New-gift 1hop. No floral to Atlanta. Fri 3125194· ml, 20' flatbed, 22,000 NT $250 I __._.. DJIOUllCIJIBITS port Beach. Call to exp nee. Flex hrs. 701 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Best otter 722·3502 GVW. A·1 cond, new ~OE% uill. E'elde cfo~: FOR RENT 2769 FOR RENT 2769 DROU'll~u~ Identify, 675-5111. E. Balboa. 723·52B3 Full·alze S33K; sell lor $17,500 Mesa. 642-5436 2120 21201----L-O_S_T___ Refrfne r•tor obo. 240-3914 HOTELS &MOTELS .................................... : LOCAnoNLOCAnONLOCAnoN: Painters • CHIHUAHUA Must be reliable. w/lcemaker,grt cond TRANSPORTATION t-------- in S-.-.!-aJ Skill beige, S235 OBO ••••••••• Bus ess urYi~ . s Black with whltel __ c_a_n_5_8_e._s_2_4_7 _ 642-4321 X334 VOLVO 9230 apota. Last seen 3/7 PART TIME FUN JOB or 661-2421 2718 • 4600 Campus Drive iiiiL•1v•E•1NiiiiLA•a•u•NAiiii • Newport Beach CA 92660 Ylour afie .,..,.,,..,.. to a =£ SEMINAA H b Bt d & H 1 1 USA u vi,e:v rrn;; near 81 or v e P ng amateur BOATS 7011 '95 VolVo 1225 In S{X>flSOfed by Unt<Yl Bani< Tr I an g • S q u are. athletH. Boye & girls ------....... --1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Good conditlon. Rune =~~~.s~~·0:~~~tc;~;~. (714) 852·1700 or 759-7000 l090 ll~A-~ N_,,.. Bach CA 9266l Please page owner, 16 +. Earn $6-S 12 per FURNITURE 6 0 14 great. A good re II able ~1-..,iu,~ ... ....,.. Chris 266-1894 hour. Call 841-6977 *DUFFY 20 * car and a clanlc. & up wk. 4 9 4-5 2 9 4 • Secority-eontcious btJtldilg w/IJlllTIS & c:omblnltlon locks • March 22od 6:00pm • 8:30 Electric boat, super LOST: Face plate for Real Estate BRASS BED, a n sz, clean, tnctory warr. St ,000 OBO Please A Sea.J.1y Expert frcm Ltlm Ballk IW speaJ< en Sony mini disc car --------.. .1 w/rtrm ortl\o matt set, S 1o.750. 645•6812 Call 945-7210. RENTALS TO SHARE' 2724 : approldma1ely 1300 sq.II. 01lk:e IU"'#Z06 ~ auper41zed privltt ofllca • large reception area cofltt room, c:opy/atonige room. o. c. • CJ!eck Forrxres player w/case. Vicinity ..... SITATI IMll never used, boxed. : '*>w to ri'fMf ..1,_~ . Do.~ ard Tax tbrretm Larkspur/Marguerite, Busy walk-ln location, Cost '850, must sell --------1---------~ 0 111.1t:Loc1r1U1• • ~~---b'tm ~s c d M · Re WARD· comp plan. F« lnt9fVlew s2so cash. 774-6500 SAIL BOATS 7014 VOUSWAGEN 9235 •BEAUT BAYFRONT . $1900/MO·WILL DWI CONDO to shr. W/D, • • patio, prlv ba, N/S • ClOSE TO FREEWAY NO SMOl<lNG BUILDING • S625+ dep. 723·1479 NEXT TO JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT •l>Wu'"""" :tt.1 Please call 640-7017 call Ron Ta""". =I FllBB Coffee It llcfrahmmta ,1 '"" DAYBED wht/bra11, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dnnri.ng for Do. Prisa f1# '' ~' lhe'"1 •• nlllll complete w/trundle & 18 f'T C•P• Cod '89 S querebeck reblt --S.V.P _ 7 60-1 081 ~ J!t I••••••••• Newport matt'•· Never used. Catboat F1bergta11, eng, new tlrH/brkes/ .-.. J!ll-PERSONALS 673-7300 Coat $850, must sell fast/roomy. Xltl $5500 stereo.· Runs great. roc nsu-eo I••••••••• •!m .. ~m•!!!!!!~~~ __ s_2_50_c•_•_h_. _n_•_·_s_soo __ . __ 1_2_2_-oa_6_6_o_r_63.,....9-_7_e_5<4_ S3000. Call 854-4B78 -----•I CARPENTRY 3510 CLEANING DECK FLOOR INSTALL HANDY MAN 3710 IANDSCAPE & PAINTING 3858 PHOTOGRAPHY TILE SERVICE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SERVICES 3548 COATING 3570 REPAIRS 3620 IAW?t CARE 3808 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 3875liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 928 DIRECTORY Repairs, Remod. Doors, win-Semi Retired contractor. •W.P. YOUNGQUIST lJliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii Repa ir Spec l•ll•t• •••••••••! dows, c:abloets, stucco & dry· Vlnrl, h.,dwood Rprs, lmprvmnts, 1ml D E h La & Palntlne c ontr•ctor WEDDING Clean, Caulk, regrout, wall, tenets. gates, tic. Uc. Spring Cleaning Special STOP Deck Leaks· ceramic, marble, eub Jobs, Quality, Integrity, own to art wn O\Jal. painting by prol'ls Photo nreph" You ieallng & Install. 35yrs up. Jerry 142.0H7 Avg 1 story $40 wkly. waterproof coating•· I care, Ken 542.1770 Garden Service. Const Ucl60209e. Ins. • , Uke-Nu Tiie 840-2211. ACCOUNTING/ Window cleaning-Avg decka, 1talra Oual. floor repair, carpet Malnt & Renovatlon. FrH ell. 645-3305 k .. p the negatives. 1 story $35. Also/mini work. L1587430 Free Uc, Bond 943-3882 Customer Satisfaction ---------i __ o_e_b_o_rah--9-e_3_·_8_1_e_3 ,_W_A_TE_R _____ _ TAXES 3406 CARPET bllnds/carpeta/floor Est. Bests 122..a769 HAUUNG 3720 our 1 at pr1or1tyt PROFESSIONAL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CLEANING 3515 stripping. Lie/Ins . FURNITURE Uc#486038• 646-7819 PAINTING PLUMBING 3890 FILTRATION 25 YEARS Exp A.I'• Cleenlng Q s DAVID SLOANE eee-2500 REPAIRS 3622 B••uty • th• ••••• rHn cene Land1cpng "' Fully computerized. M•l••tlc Melnt-Truck DOORS 3580 Hauling & Cleanup & Irrigation, Trimming PAINTERS •l!XTRA QUICK• Fast service. By appt. mount carpet cleaning Mr & Mra Rubble & Removala, Clean· Ltfl358528 • 645·9957 Right now. MlnutH 54B·7600 Nwpt Bch 10% off w/ad. Flood COMPUTERS 3516 E>ecellent new entry Complete Reatoratlon a t your ••rvlce. ups & Malnt, St. Uc. FREE ESTIMATES-OFF from youl Drains razor QUALITY CPA control 24 hr 557-4059 maker & door hanger. :~dF~~ke~'tc~~ol~ 6SO.B689 or 650-1828 #599025, 432-8804 SEASON SPECIALS. cleaned from $7,50. at alfordable fixed fae. Guar, reas. Baldwin delivery. 992·1823 'JUNK TO THE DUMP' SAVES YOU MONEY. Complete house $55, 7 Days & Evenings ONSITI 'C llRVICll Locks. Don, 621-8910 Immediate debrl1 TREES L#684376. 722·7885 1 yr guar. Plumbing Brent Ells 642·9643 CARPET INSTALL Sol1/Hardware Install, removal. Guar HonHt To,,n~et11Mt. Le-•. repair• from S9.76. SMALL BUSINl!llES II REPAIRS 3516 Train. 1st rate service. HANDY MAN 3710 PrJce1. 968-1882 ..,.,.. ....... 751-3471 J~rryC~e~oa~•R~'!ie!:~~ Johnnies, 540-2092 P & L STATEMENTS ~r~~~~;e'!;l~28:j DRAFTING 3582 Painting/Wallpapering •FOX PLUMBING• INCOME TAX SERVICE Carpet Repalra-power HolH&Rantal ''•P•rllt1 JMPDOVEMENTS MOVING 3834 LJll-441235 * 786-2028 quality work, 1~ Ina/ Frff Ptck Up & OtUv.ry restretch·wtr damage. . Palnt-Car""'"ntrv "' bonded, Ucl653118. For 179-1207 Install any 1lze Job. CONCRETE L Room addition• Drywall and·m~~~I HOME 3756 ,.DPHM 'AIMTIMG CO any plumblng need call YIAR IND CRU NCH? 20 yr exp. 725-7032 ~ kitchens, bath & new Qery MS-8277 C.pt. Helmea Move,. 75yraofllmlly~aditlon. tor frH estl 800-23:M313 MASONRY 3557 hom&1. Reasonable. Th c 1 1 b Frtt Eat. Rtf PnMded p bl R 1 • & Bookkeeping to flt---------884-4134 Cerpentry, Rleotrlo TUPPERWARE • •P • n ••t• Ucl~ ·ISO.Om lum ng •P• r your needs. Bui/Pare. CLEANING Plumblng cu• 10 m1 z • y 0 u r everyone• prlcHI ln•t Drain• Cleared from Fast service. 984-2410 11 ... t Prl /Q II Comm/R••· Lio. kitchen, galley & RV. hardwork~rof. RAIM80W Clrcle Malnt. U .50. All lla1urt1 In SERVICES 3548 * ~~~-.c.!..~ ~!._ ty ELECTD•CAL 3610 Jeff M2j>833 Molody 650·5883 NB L#17<4192 837 Painting. '11/Ext. Houwl •tailed. Steve's 545-8298 ---------1 -· ............. ...,_ ......... au -Apt. Quat. Job. Free est. APPLIANCES 1•at T••m Cleenlng JTConc"11 14J.OU2 Carpentry, roofing, PUBLIC NOTICE St.llcl569897 636·1758 DOOFING 3910 SERVICE 3426 V H plumbing, drywall, INSURANCE 3778 The Calif, Public Utlll· "' C acancy1f I ome & Brick, Block, Stone, Tiie A-1 Eleotrtoel work atucco, painting, Ille, ''" Comml11lon RE· ---------1 illiiiill!llli!i!ii~iiiiil~ MlchHll Appl Repair· W)D·1tove1·r•frtg-<t/w mlcro-grbg dl1p 101' Orf W/ad. 982 ... 824 BLACJQACK L!SSONS 3466 -------- Prtv•te/group leHon1 for r e c reetlon or terloua plliyer, Count· .,g not nee. S<t8-6490 ommerc a . 8am-8pm Coric, Patio, Driveway Local Uc. contractor electrical. Jim "41·7494 QUIRES that all uHd PIANO • VOCAL 28'7·1789 7 days Fplc, BBOa. Ref, 20 Yr Quick Reaponsel •urepeu Cr•ftam•n Affordable Health ln1ur. houaehold goods LESSONS ·~~~·:;,."c~:::·~~~: 100"-Setlafeotlon E.lcp. Tarry 887·'7894 FrH Est. 980-7042 Tiie, painting, re-roof, No Deduct. 50 ... local movor1 print their 3868 re-roof/repair. 25 Y"· or S back. Home/Ore. air ..... morel Ref'• Med Fae. Free quotH. P.U.O. Cal T number: iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Honest, ref1. Some Cement/brlck/1tone/tlle RLECTRICIAN reSptef·°::""ae1•7 ea1 M1rHaCtoll72S-05e2 •P:REE EST 875-5095 LI ... 233 ,. .. ,., - , llmo1 and chauffeurs 1 •t LRSS ON FRER Eng. Rebeca 265-1306 drvwy stab S2.!SO/eq ft cenae"' 1.....-.0. TC •Thunder Rooftne• Fr .. E1tlmatHI Small Joba, malnt and f'l• .. t·P•lnt Interior J!t1~• 9 print their · .P. num· Plano: Ma11era cand. For all of your roofing •WINDOW CLEANING• Ll541656 • 831-4310 repaira. 548·5203 small appliancee-yard n&Olo&\Y 3784 ber In all advertise· 8 yre. teaching. need•. Rerpol/repalr FREE ESTIMATES 11 g ht I·• Pr Ink I• r • menta. If you have a Jonathan 75~5087 u~a35144 94• ""122 question about tile le· ~-.....-..,.,......,.-=-=---1 .... -297-8081 David Pete 714•722"7732 Wllllam Harold Jeweler1 gality of a mover, llmo F Ir• t fl• t •·PI an o A Re•ltr Cleen CONSllUCTION PENCES Home Repalra/Remodel Watch & Jewelry repair or cha uffe ur. call: le1aona from Bach to -9-•• -,-15-T-A_TE __ _ HouH lverytlm• BUILDING 3560 • D!CltS 3615 Co11a M .. a/Newport ~tlque/Flne Jewelry Pub&lo Utllltle• Rocle.. Degrffd/Exp'd ~ Xlnt ref1 a ratH. 25 Yra. Experlencel lluy~ 973-0398 CommlHlon lnattuctOf, 875-5137 SPECIALIST 3911 Gayle 540-7490 *JIM 978-8099 * Wiiiiam HatOld Jeweler• 714-l&M151 HOUSECLEANING for Le Clair lo Son Bulldera •RNC•I GAT•8• Plumblng/elec/Water Watch & Jewelry repair & Oft Mov,.. Pl!T COIN IO Colondol Colo '"9 ---------1 reu co1t, ref avall, If General Contractor• ~~L'1~7 .. .,... htra/aprlnkten /cell Antlque/f'lne Jewelry L.owHt. Stot1199, prof, SUVICIS 3870 rllo Mlf, " Ott lll8Wlll caaP!NnY 3510 needed call Rita AH/Comm/Remodel .._-.vvv "' .....,., fan1 tnatoll/Repalt .. ~/lll'Jnde e73o0~•• '"....... • cw. luH:oldwll ...., core1enH Ma-1919 L#171385• 154-4134 Jtm Whyte 142.12oe FREE .. ,. ••t.01~7· _,, ~~"'~"r..a::· w...aeo10N11'452S "~~~~~g.Ho;.~~:i~ e u~::~:~t':°:ct or 0c~1~lf.;'trliot•!~ LANDSCAPI • wka~~~., ~~~ern~~1~:. A:!r·~~I ::no'!:~~ Reta. 10~ on lit Vltlt RU/Comm/Remodel unlta, fum, '~;. .. 0. UWlf au 3808 P&DITIBG 3151 ~•roonallHd,. your Ame rican AE.flob Mari. 7aa-t894 UCIH2t37. 142·2271 Aef9. Fred 17 I home. lne. 173-1tl4 eoo:l5:Mate I t ' ' 3933 WATl!R Treetment Systema. Bottle qual· lty water from your tap for e gallon. For Home/Ofc. 476-8877 • • -· .. < CD .. . ____ ......_ • I •