HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-21 - Orange Coast Pilot- THE NEWFQRT BEACH • COSTA MESA One~ thing ~·" I ~ ' CAR CRAZY ... Arnold Beckman is appealing to the Costa Mesa City Council tonight for permission to buiJd a 1,430-square-foot garage w allow him to indulge in his classic car hobby. He -currently stores his five classic cars elsewhere and tows them to his residence when he wants to work on them. He's hoping to store them in a bi-level structure so they can be there when he wants to store and restore .them. He needs council permission because the addition would exceed the 700-square-foot of garage space allowed by city ordinance. He al ready has 800-square feet of garage -two 400-square-foot garages, one at the rear and one at the front of his residence -because they were built before the city's law existed. Uist month, the Magnolia Street resident pleaded his case before the Planning Commission without success. The council meets in council chambers, City Hall, 77 Fair Drive .. 0 SCHOOL DAYS ... The Newport-Mesa Unified School District will disclose the results of a districJ-wide curriculum review at its regular bo:ird meeting Tuesday. Officials said the review of practices and procedures will be used by Superintendent Moc Bernd as a guide for reforming the district. The meeting will st:irt at 7 p.m. at the Harper Community Center at 425 East 18th St. in Costa Mesa. 0 SHAKJN', NO BREAKJN'" .. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa police received no calls reponing damage from an earthquake at 1:21 p.m. Sund.a>' Seismologists considered the quake, centered in Panorama City, to be an aftershock of January's Northridge quake. 0 NO WAILING ... Worried beachgoers reported that a small gray whale was within 20 yards of the beach just west of the Balboa pier Sunday afternoon. Lifeguards said whales frequently CQme into the shallow waters close to the shore to frolic and to scratch barnacles off their backs. The whale was not in danger and lifeguards did not fear the animal would beach itself. 0 WANNABES ... Newport Beach drew SS aspiring lifeguards Sunday to a tryout for summer positions. The city will fill positions after officials determine how many of last year's lifeguards want to work again. 0 SNEAK PREVIEW ... A sneak preview of a bilingual joint production by the Overture Company of Opera Pacific and the Sea &. Sage Audubon \Viii be held at 7 tonight at Newport Harbor High School, 600 Irvine Ave. at 15th Street in Newport Beach. The production, titled "Crisis in the Wetlands," is a 40-minute mixture of music and drama which focuses on teaching the importance of environmental protec tion. There will be a series of hoods-on scientific laboratory experiments after the performance. For' information, call 261·7963. 0 TEA TJME ... The Costa Mesa Senior Center will host its . first high tea reception at 2 p.m. today. The event, hosted by the contract bridge group, will be a chance for fellow seniors to act acquainted, learn about events and discover wa~. to &ct involved at the center. There will be on art display and strin1 quartet on hand for entcnainmcnc. There is no charae for the event The Senior Center is at 69S W. 19th Sa. For more infomaak>n, caU 645·2356. -C..,uM., M•t* ~IHI 1INIM11'111fMdMd abput Saturday's rain, it let couch potatoes watch basketball instead of mowing their lawn But spring is here now, so no more excuses. See .wuther, Page 2 . ~inner of, California Newspaper Publishers Association's General Excellence Award for 1993 Hou . .heaven:. ..,. More than 1,500 Harley riders gather to raise money for abused children. BY MA.Jue RYAN, STAFF W1u'ru U nlike James Dean and hi s cohorts in "Rebel Without a Cause,!' the mQre than 1,500 motorcycle-riding rebels who 1escended on the tony turf of ~ashion Island in Newport Beach Sunday were invited and they had a cause. l,..eather nnd T-shirt clad mavericks astride rumbl ing American-made steel and chrome Harlcy-Davidsons descended under the watchful but welcoming eyes of the police. Riders participating in the fourth annuaJ Canyon Crubc for Kids were given a police escort from their gathering spot in Irvine · Regional Park in Orange to the Hard Rock Cafe in Newport K..n.t.'YA RA1sosr . l>A1n · 1•11or Beach as part of a fund-raiser for a shelter for abused and neglected children. Riders donated $1 5 each for Child and Pnrental Emergency Services, or. COPES. Newport Mesa School Superintendent Mac Bernd and his wife Shelley, who both ride· Harley Davidson motorcycles look at some Hogs on display as part of a fund-raiser Sunday at Fashion Island. " ' Far from being the bikers of popular stereotypes, the crowd spent a good ponion of 1he time mingling among the 50 or so rare or customized ''show bikes" on display. The proud owners or the machines spent their time polishing as judges and spectaton. mused over the custom paint jobs and heavy sun-reflecting chrome. "People almo t sec them as objecb of art," said Mac Dernd, a biker with 35 years experience and Newport-Mesa Un ilied School a---l.l.l·~u~pecintc.ndcnt "They arc painted individu:illy, they're prclly and people sec them as more than transportation, they arc a thing of art." more than transportation and an empty bank account. "The interesting thing is that f these motorC)cles have an outlaw image but they have taken the middle-class by storm," Bernd said. "You meet people from all walks of life and all occupations. that's one of the joys (or riding)." And fewer and fewer women are content to ju!>t sit \\indblown on the back. Although she adm ib to being gently pushed into riding, llernd~ wife-She4ley-has-her I larley. • She explained that she learned how to ride safely at a riding school in Arkansas and got some experience bcf ore getting the motorcycle she now rides. expensive )OU don't ":.ant them to fall O\-er (and get scra tched)," Mac Bernd said. · The estimated 3,000 olher part icipants, most \\caring boots, black T-shirt emblazoned "it h the trademark Harley-Davidson eagle and 1eans and some \\Ca ring black le athe r jackets and chaps with englcs and other icons of the ro:id tattooed on their arms, ate and greeted friends while ":ii ting fo r n free concert by S:in Fr:mcisco·b:rsed rock gutrnrist Chris lssak. The cafc "ill donate all profit s from food s:.ilcs to COPES in Santa Ana. ' ~TSllYA lutSOS£. DAILY l11LOr After paying $15,000 for a base-model Harley-Davidson and adding thousands more in .modifications to personalize the machine, a buyer rides aw ay with "Once she got good (at handling a motorcycle), we got her a Harley -these things are so darned COPES operates four group homes for children younger than 12, offers parenting classes, low-cos t counseling, telephone crisis referral ~\l\d outreach services. Some of the 1,500 motorcyclists who participated in the t!ourth Annual Canyon Cruise travel t()ward the Hard Rock Cafe. A CLOSER LOOK, Many-politicians reai:hing their limit ..,. Voters said they only want their elected officials to serve a set amount of time, so a number of longtime representatives will soon be looking for new things to do. BY DAVID HE1TZ, STAH W1u11 ~ E velyn H~irt admits it's goi ng to be hard. Very hard. For her, public service has been a way of lire for a quarter of a century. Ribbon-cutting ceremonies. Late-night meetings. Countless telephone calls from newspaper reporte~. It will all stop :it the end of this yeJr, when her days as a Newport 13cach city ,.. councilwoman come to an end. Her choice? Not necessarily. Her constituents choice? Sort of. Hart won't be allowed to run for council again because of term limits, a political wave that's sweeping the nation -even at the local level. Jn Newport Deach, voters decided overwhelmingly in 1992 -by a margin of 81 % -that council members should be limited to two 4·ycar terms. Dy thnt time, Hart already was serving her fourth. "I will miss the council, and it will be hard for me not to want to give ndvice on issues that arc important to the quality of life here in Newport Beach," Hart said. This year, she received a pin from the city commemorating 25 years of service. "I've worked at City Hall, the Police Oepanment, and also ~l'\cd 4 years on the Purtts and Recrclltion Commiuion ;. plu!> my 16 years on the council -so there i!> no retirement ror City Council member ," she ~id. "But I have had n rich experience, and I thank the residents of Newpon Beach for allowing me '° icrvc." Hart 11id lhe'll spcnd her newfwld f rce time voluntccril• -uleu she decides lo run for State Sen. Marila Bc,._.'l •at, which ahc has said II I pallibilitr- Hart isn't the ont, CIDUndl _., who K.Anl!IA RAINO,.;r:, l)AILY l'llOt Newport Beach Mayor Clarence Turner and City Council member Evelyn Hart at Saturday's ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the Boy Scout Sea Base. Hart, who has been attending these kinds of events for 16 years as a council member, and Turner will both have to give up their positions due to term limits. ·11 • .... WI Mc;p down this yc;ir bccttU!IC or tit!! new •aid ... At the state and rcdcrnl Incl. I'm in lnw. ~fayor Clarence Turner and faV\)r or it. Thcy'1c not ~'' in tou<.h with . councilman Phil Sansone -bo th of" l\om their conl>tilucnt a .. \\C urc on the lo.:al have served two 4-year terms -alM>=:....;.w;...:_i;.;.ll._ __ 1;..;;cv_.,.e;;;.:I• where al n1ollt an)thing "c d1.> i ·-----~ say" gooobyc 10 public M:rvice. ubjcct 10 scrutiny." T""ner, who will have scn:cd eight yc:m Dolh councilmen i.:.iid the) d1Jn'1 pl.in 11.> on tlkNcwport ·Dcach City CounciJ by the run a11in anyway. time his second term CAcU in November, On &he state level, h.:rm lim1b hti said term limits "tclic\C the public of on nfttcted State Sen. Mari.in Ucfgcson, who obliaation.'' will •lep down Cl'Oln her senate scat early .. If they don't litct what'' happcnina. . to rcpl~ce retirf19 County Supervisor Tom they've tot to relllC)VC people." Turner said. Riley. $Intone apces . ."Wc're not caree r Dcrpt0n. 61, ii tM only candidate Who poli1~i1ns -this is not our primary source filed for Rile7"1 8M. of income, noa al 5650 a mooth," Sansone ... ~ a ON THE COVER The painting on pJgt> 1 todJ}' 1s b) local artist Debra Hu)e For infor-mation on pJlnting.s, c.:ill 650-6865 LOCALS ONLY fAaULOUS FUCHSIAS E'erything you C\Cr "anted to ~no'' about fuchs ia !2ut never go t around to a,J..ing about will be presented at the Sherman Libr:il) und Garden~ in Corona del M :ir al 9:30 a.m. Wcdne~d.1y. All aspects of sro" ing fuchsia~ ''ill be discussed inclu ding soil m1xeli, "atcr schedules, fertilizerll, tr:inspl::mting, prop:igat1on. ini.ccts and di ease\. A SlS prc-regi!>tration is required and more in formation is ava ilable b\ calling 673-2261. • NUM alU BUSINESS FAX 631 -5902 CIRCULATION800-252·914 l CLASSIFIED 642-5678 RETAIL ADS 642-4321 NEWSROOM 540·1224 NEWS FAX 646·4170 HOlllNE 6'42·6086 SPORTS 6et~-4)30 . .... Classified ........................ 7 Looking B~k .. _. ............. 2 $p>rts ............................. 4 .. 2 Monday, March 21, 1994 No matter your· complalnt, there Is a procedure W hat ever hoppcned 10 those old-fashion, l11id-back medical checkups when the doctor never omnhmyrtrlnTWrong with your The most invo~ive instrument was a tongue depressor so you could open your mouth and say "Ahhh." True, we were younger and h ealthier in those days, ' t>ut' also if wa5 before the age -or invasive probes with grotesque instruments scary enough to make a fright wig cringe. I'm not 59 and Holding agai11st sc1eM1tic advances as long as they don't invade my privacy. Occa~ionally, when I have a checkup, my tummy specialist will thump around on my abdomen, a slight frown clouding his brow, and murmur "I'd like 10 t:lke u closer look at this." What he has in mind is a procedure designed to explore the wild and te mpestuous jungles or my bowels. ln trnv~logue .terms it would be called "Up The Colon with Scope and Camera." • The Colon Scope is merely one of these internal adventures. h 's also possible to journey down you r alimentary canal with ~ide trips 10 such colorful linle ports-of-call as the gall bladder. This trip is known as an Endoscope. Oath procedures utilize o device resembling a thin garden hose. You can only pray your doctor has a green thumb. The noale of the hose is equipped with a light us well as a camera to record )Our entire trip. Unfortunately, they won't give you a prin1 of the film to show your friends, who urc bored with your usual t:ipcs of Disneyland and The Grand Conyon. The :.hortcst trip with a mirrimunrofsightscclng Is the Sigmokhcopc. a familiar rear-end journey that is included in annuul checkups. The older we get the closer we're scrutiniLcd. CAT scans, Magnetic Rcsonnnce lnrnging and X-rays arc un infernal pnrt of our lives. Wha1evcr your cornpluinl, there's a procedure with your name on it. Gone are th e days of simple diagnosis \\hen your doctor said "Take two gas pills, knock off the chili peppers, and call me in the morning." Over the year:. I've had more probes than the Mariner Space missiom. r can almost hear my esophagu-; warning my digestive trncl of an impending visi t, ••Herc come another invasion of ·candid Camera.' Try aod act like you know what you're doing. And don't nash any ulcer:.." The final :.uspense: Waiting for your biop:.y report. Dy the time you learn you're OK, you're ready for a rest cure on a primitive island withou t any medical services -even a wi1ch doctor. NDncy Alc/11/yre's co/u11111 appears Mondays. iliPil VOL. a, Ill. a HADIRS HOTLINlt '42·6016 Your commenis oboul the b~lly r1to1 or news tips will be r.:coll<led and aivcn di· 1cc1ly 10 Cdi1or Willbm Lobdell. The Mime 24-hour •n5wctlna icrvlcc may be used 10 record lcucn co 1hc cJ11or on ony 1op1c. MAILING ADDltlH Our 11ddrcu is JJO W. B.ay S1., C~111 Mesa, CA 92627. 10 MAKI A coaHCTION h ., chc t'1lor'• roll~ 10 prumpcly «Wr~•'I .all f O'ON of ~!»i.an..t. l'lt.tW-(.l)I S<f0- l 22<f, n r. 363. 1lw1k )OU. TIIOnUJ H. JohnM>n, rubli\h<-r Willi.am LoOJ.:11, Editor Sccvc Marble, M.llUJ111\t tduor Eric t.bnon, Duk Oucf t.luc Manin. Mloco t-.Juor 9ob Frink, C.r~ul.11100 M.111.agtr Hw KA'&ht, l'roJu..-tioo M.uu&cr Mkhcill Fkachct, l>"r'.al MJn.11cr JvJy 0tu1111, Cl.wit~ ~lln.ait'r Pr.anlOd Sh.ah, C•ntmlltr ' - OCALS 0 LY MANAGING EDITOR STEVE MARBtE, s-40-1224, ext. 363 LOOKINe llACK PIRATE CRUISES l'111rros couaruv S11tUL\N lraMaY A group of buccaneers protect their ship during a Newport Harbor Yacht Club sponsored "Pirate Cruise." Pirates of the Catalina Buccaneer cruises were swashbuckling events during Newport Harbor Yacht Club sponsored voyages in 1920 W inding its way through the twisting shoals of Newport Hlfi-bor, a ship c·Jrrying 175 · swashbuckling pirates set out to "conquer" the small community of Avalon, on Catalina Island. In 1920, the Newport Harbor Yacht Club sponsored "pitate cruises," which took club members dressed in pirate garb, eye patches and peg legs to the island. Most of the cruises are said to have been spent drinking bootleg liquor and gambling, and having some harmless fun on the side. Aboard the' 160-foot schooner, skippers issued commands in nauti~I language to their first' mates, plank walking scenes were played our and the sbjp's deck looked as if a mu\iny had broken out. On the island, the pirates paraded up to the Tuna Club and back to the steamer landing to the delight of the islanders. Back on shore, a 11 0-foot homecoming pennant w:is broken out, fireworks were launched and awaf<is--were-given to those wirh the tresrcoslumc. While the exped.ition began as a stag cruise, wives were invited to attend after a bit of coaxing. Some young pirates 9.~t awards for their costumes. The pirate cruises .were some of the most memomble local cruising events in the club's history. lnformnlion for Ibis Drliclc tYDS obtDincd in pnrt from the Newport HDrbor YDclit Club's 75 Year Jlistory book, and the ShermDn Library. -By Nancy C/Jcevcr A lucky buccaneer is surrounded by some lovely lasses during one of the Pirate Cruises. The Nev.pan Dcach./Cos111 Mesa 0Jily rilol (UPS-144-800) is publi"1c:d l\1ond3y 1hrou&)l S:uurd:ay. In Nev.port Dc:ich ond Cosl:a Mc», subsaipcions arc only ov.ail· able by subicribina 10 The Times Oronae Couol}' (800) 2.52·9141. In areas ou1siJe or Ne.,..pon Dc:.cll ond Cos1:1 Mes:i. substrip- 1ions lo lhc D:iily Piloc only arc 1v:a1lablc by m:ril for SS.SB per n10n1h. Second d:11s ~n&c paid uc Cos1:1 Mcs;i, CA. (Prices mcluJc oil opplicoblc llOle and local 111xes.) POSTMASTER: Send addms chunacs co The Pilot. P.O. Dox IS60, Cost• Mesa, CA 92626. Col')'ri1J11: No news sio- rics. llluswuions, cdi1orial m1111er or advcr· 1i.scmen1S herein c;in be rcproduceJ wi1h- ou1 wriuen permission or ropyri11h1 ™'ncr. HOW TO HACH UI Clrcul11tlon: (The Times Onmae County) .(800) 252-9141 Advertising Classified 642-5678 Display 642-4321 Editorial News 540-1224 Sporls .642-4330 News, Sports Fax 646-4170 Main Omcc Business Office 642-4321 Business fax 631-5902 TIMNa&'l'U .. Newpot't hach: 65/54 Balboa: 65/54 Cotta ~: 12/54 COfOM del Mar: 65/54 IUU llO•ICAIT LOCATION The Wedge Newport Point Bladies S.A. ltlvef J~ CdM • Tftia TODAY fifst high first low Second high Second loW T\J!SDAY WIATHIR AND OCIAN CONDITIONS SIZE SWUl 1-3 IW 1•3 IW 1·3 1W l·J IW 1;3 SW 3:40 a.m. 4.1 11 :21 a.m. 0.4 6:1 4 p.in. 3.3 10:55 p.m. 2.4 flrtt hi&f! 4:$1 Liii. 4.4 flrtt low 12:02 , .... 0.2 SeCOftCI "'ah 6:36 p.IL S.7 Second loW 11 :SO P·"'-1,1 W.ter TeMp«.cvtt: 6J MAw.e Aftlr ........... ~-... ............. ...._ .. . \'ifllllll .... 10 ...... ...... "-•• ., ......... ..... ................ .. Newport Beach/Costa M ... Dally Piiot • Luck# of the Irish wasn't present at Santa Apna 1 I 'f WAS A PEltl'ECf UAY, EXCEPT FOH TtUS ON£ 'C'lUFLING D£Tt\IL--~ Anita -Putk wa'> a spectacula r :.ight, a scene strnight out of a picturo po)tcard. The Direc1ors Room of the Tur(Club, \\ith Its pine . pnneling imported from an Ebglish manor, looked b ninl. The :.plcndid buffe1 rnbles made even the most Local. Scene . elegant -----fare aboard a cruise ship resemble a fas t-food cafeteria. Hosts Bob and Fran Morgan, celebrating hb birthday, couldn't ha\C been more grucious "hilc entertaining 90 of their nearest :111<.l dearc)t friends. My e'er-pleasant comp:inion, Churley Hester, w.1s at the pea~ of his charming form. So what was \Hong "it h this picture? I cou ldn't (sob!) pick .i wi nn er, that's what. f r:in Morgan tricu to be helpful. A hor~e named Heezforgramps was entereil in the si~th r:.icc, and she confided thai her husband w;is culled (i ramps by the family's young'uns. Wow, talk about a tip) So I rushed to in\cst the remains of a d\\ inuling trea!>ury on I lcczforgrJmp:. -and the horse. at long odds, finished ~o fur bJc~ in the pack that it "as swallowed 111 the nmh enveloping the San Gabriel Mountains. On a reassuring note, Hester c:i1uu:uctl..1h:.11 he had enough money left to purclwsc gas for the riue back to Corona <lei ~tar. l scanned entries in the i.even th race, chcckins to sec if there was a ho1..,c named Gas Money. Alas, there was no such 'unimal. 0 SPEAKING OF HUNCHES - In the seventh race at Santa Anita on Thur)day, there was an lri~h-bred hor~e named King's Loch. Being St. Patrick's Day and all, what could go wrong? There were only se,en nags entered, and King's Loch was the longe:.l :.hot or all. Besides, the jockey was a fine lad named Patrick. Sure, and it was a message from horse-rncing heaven. So wha1 wcn1 wrong? well, here's a clue: · Patrick's last nrimc wasn't Casey or I laggerty, it wt1s Valenzuela. King's Loch came In last. One of my louts, Uobby Brennon, had a ready exr.l;rnu1io11. • :Uack home in lrclund," he told me, to9 late, "the 'J1u~s nin fa-lltc,:,,..i.µ....,,.,. __ _ direction. " 0 TOO DAO 'l'JI EIU: WASN 'T A HORS£ NAMED ZM1UONI -In the quaint jargon of Corona_ del Martians, we c:ill the :.treet·sweeping machine) Zambo.His because they resemble-fhe things employed to clear 1he ice ~havings from the Anaheim Pond. Well, Zamboni zapped me again the other day. It co:.1 me another $29 to be reminded that 1 shouldn't be purl.ing in its sweeping, sucking path. This latest encounter was especially unfortunate because I'd been saving 1he money for investment purposes next duy ~t Santa Anita. l had plan.ncd to , \\ager the entire bundle on King\ Loch and I lcc.dorgramp:.. 0 ~EW LIGHT smm ON ~IEXICAN ltESOllT . , TRAGEUIES -This '>puce is intended for light ·hearted purpo~cs, but mon: information has been forthcoming on the \\\O (unrelated) deaths recenll) reported from Puerto Vallarta.· , ~like A hen, former Newport l lurbor High football coach, called 'from his Sacramento Home 10 confirm thut hi:. · ~11;pmo1hcr, Pa11i, had been found slai n at the f:imily') home on Mexico's \\C~t rna~t. She had beet} bludgeoned 10 death, after urpris111g hurglars in her bedroom. Her husband. Dr. Jim Ashen, had been at his den tal olf1ce:. in Sacramento, :1her a11cnu1ng memori::il scr. ices here for his longtime friend. Allv. llill Wiuman. A.. reported c.1rlicr in ·1 he Oail)' Pilot, 1 the highl) ·rcgardcd Ne" port Ueach attorncv .rnd chic ac1ivb1 had been f:itall) injured in a· fall at a Puerto V;1llartu hotel, \\hile rncutioning with th e Ashcns. Mcxic.1n police arc investrguting. Mike Ashen ayio he'll l.cep many local friends po!>tcd on dcvclopmcn1s. D ANl> !'\OW, IN CLOSING, PAUL SAL\TA PRO\'IOES A Ll'n'LE COLLEGE llUMOH - E\ccpt possibly for noble Tommy Trojan himself, J>uul Salata bo\\s to nobody in his fierce lo}altics to dear ol' USC. So l \\as startled the other day \\hen Sal:.ita told me he's lool.ing for a UCLA sign -for placement on the das hboard or his Cardinal <1nd Golt.I chariot. Jt's needed, he said, so that h\! can park in "lwndic;ippcd" zone~. Jcr,.y Kob1·i111s colum11 ru11s A1011dny ond I l'cdnc·stla)'. LUNCH MINU Nc11port Mesu Elcmcnwry school meals thi> 11cck: ~londuy-Grilled chee~e sandwich or chicken nuggets, carrot coins with ranch dip, chilled pears, fortu ne cookie, milk. Tuesday-Chicken taquitos with sour creum rclricd ~can" tossed grc~n ~a lnt.1.w1th choice of tight Ll1c~~1ng, orange wedges milk. ' . Wcd!1csdoy-Occf pally 111 ous JUs or chicken nugget'S, steamed rice celery \tic~s with peanut butter, :1pplesaucc, milk. ',f!•unday -Vcci:tari:111 chclt with tor1itt'J chips or • c~ickcn nuggets, carrot >t1.cks, chilled pineapple, Ol1lk. •·rlday -Turkey boloana i.\nd cheese sandwich on hero toll or chicken nugcts with dinner roll, bakeCI 'ater tots, milk . Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot UMITS .......... , B ccouse of Proposition 140 term limits, Bergeson cannot run for re-election after her term expires in 1996. She said she has been interested in running for a county supervisor seat for 11 long time, but admitted !he term limits law may huve mfluenced her decision. "! don't think (term limits) is the panaeen the public thinks it is," Bergeson said. "We're at a time when there's just universal distrust or public officials." Meanwhile, Assemblyman Gil t-,---Ferguso~ -wtro C':ln only run once more for the assembly because of term limits -is runni,Jlg for Bergcson's seat. Marian Bergeson Evelyn Hart Phil Sansone LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE .•. ,_ Turner, like the majori1y of N~wport Beach council members, • adaman1ly opposes term limits on the local level. He believes it mar some_baclc to bite th'c city. He said the council's new blood •may have trouble getting influential positions on important With the advcnf or term limits, NcwP.Orl Bench Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, Mnyor Clarence Turner, Councilmnn Phil S:inSdnc and Suuc Sen. Mnrian Bergeson will be doing somct}Jing else wh.i<n 1995 rolls around. Herc's how they'll occupy their time: volunteer Y.ork -\\hich "ill not change when I'm off the council, ns I will continue lo serve the area where I can helJ>:" -· Sbc s:iad she also is considering a bid for Dcrgcson's scat. Bergeson : will step down :it t)1c end of this year 10 replace retiring County Supervisor Tom Riley. • not even worried about it .. For me, i\'s time lo move on," Turner &aid. •· 1 could come back In four years if 1 wanted to, but don't hold yo11r bre:ith.'' He. said he doesn't pl:in to pursue a career in politics. PHIL SANSONI . regional boards and committees, such as the League of Cities, South,ern California Association of Gov~rnments, the sanitation districts, Transportation Corridor Agencies, wnter and air quality districts and Transportation Corridor Agencies. IVILYN MART "One of the things 1 really enjoy i~ CLAatNCI TUaNIR "I h:ivc so many things to do.Tm ·'I'm going to try lo play a li11lc more golf. I haven't had my am:itcur radio "Yqu've got to build up a certain amount of seniority in the · system to be able to get on those things,'' Turner said. For Turner, the most important .issues during his tenure centered around John Wayne Airport and the push to convert the El Toro Marine base into a commercial airporl. Eve n before he was elected to the coun_eil, Turner spent several years working toward the airport sc1tlement agreement. Dut when it came time last ' . . Through the years Although term limits ore new to Newport Bc:ieh and urc not in effect in Costa Mcs:i, through history, terms hnvc lnstcd on avcrogc just five years in Newport and si:< ta Mesa years. Herc's how the cities break down: ............ mber or council persons, 1906-1994: 98• • Average time served: 5' years •Number of members serving 4 years or less: 66 (67%) •Number of members serving 8 years: 15 (15%) •Number of members serving more than 10 years: 12 (12.2%) ·•Number or members serving more than 12 years: 7 (7.14%) •Number of members serving 8 years or more during • first 44 years of city's history: 9 • Number of members serving ~ years or more during fast 44 years of city's history: S • Two counci l members skipped a year and cnme back. Ce11t•M•N •Number of council persons, 1953-1994: 31 • A"eragc lime ~rvcd: 6 years •Number or members scl'\'ing 4 ycnrs or ks : 18 (58%) • Number or members SCNing 5-8 yenrs: 8 (26%) • 1':umbcr of members scning 9-10 years: 2 (6%) •Number or members ~erving more thnn 10 years: 3 ( ICYC) • Number of members serving 8 ye:in. or more during first W years of city's history: 5 •Number of members serving 8 )car!> or more <luring last 21 ye:irs or city's history: 2 month 10 appoint someone to the Ornnge County Regional Airport ~uthority -the group designed to push for the conversion of El Toro -the council appoi nted Plnnning Commissioner -Tom .Edwards to represent Newport Oeach, realizing Turner won't be around much longer. The council repeatedly ref u!ocd 10 put a term limit ini1ia1ivc on residents collected enough signatui'es to put it on the bullot themselves. M ari;i Hedges, wife of Councilman John Hedges, 'spearheaded the petition drive. ".f lJlink thut by cncour:iging a maximum of 8 years he,re at the city level, you're constantly getting · people who :ire not politicians - they're jul>I ci1izens," she said. "l think we want people representing us, especially al the local level, to be more like our neighbors -just rour basic citizen, not part of the burcal\cracy." the ballot. The measure finally was put before voters when a group of • Correction A story that appeared Saturday about upcoming attractions al the Orange County Performing Aris Center gave an incorrect phone number 10 call for ticket information. The correct number is SS6·ARTS. RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY llC: ... ,_ ... C... llert! till ...... llll .. CISU a1&-SU·ll5' G CAH WE PEAK YOUR INTEREST? 1.S00-4-US-BOND We~ PlOud to Announce the ·GRAND OPENING dtbe A~ated Academy of Sewing at 1533 Balcer St., Suite 6 8c 8 We Accept All Major Credit Cards caD to l8C8w men lntamatb1 ~ ,;-20°.40FF All VACUUM &SEWING MACHINE REPAIR ALL BRANDS SEWING & VACUUM CENTER '2969 Harbor Blvd., Carta Mesa Haroor at Baker 0/on's Shopping Center) 434-9335 Back by Popular Demand . ·Zestilink Traditional Easter sausage available only at Hickory Farms • • Baeter y Just visit ~ Farms. pick out 1 be*t. M IC with your fMftlc Easter • candla Ind IUls W wt1 ldd tht trtmmit9 . .... , WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th at lnine Ave., Newport Bw.b • St:IJd A Gilt By Phmc 642-430l • Hedges s:iitl she doesn't belic\'e the city's po!oitions on regional ·Katie's Fresh FLOWERS on the pcnin,ula . Special local Delivery Program $6.99 723-5283 ... ~ C"" ountti BUY ONE OMELETI'E GET ONE FREE ANY OMELETIE FROM MENU served with home fries, toast or biscuits & gravy. HOMEMADE SALSA! .--------------, LUNCH $395 I TERIYAKI BOWL I I OR CHINESE I L CJllf2.J(_g~ ~~ -.!11!!.C~~.J 320 BRISTOL #G at RedblU (by Arco Mini Marc) ep.a 1AM TILL 2iM • Costa Mesa • 641·7321 Iii $798 with COUPOn below -· .. Monday, March 21. 1994 3 1epping down for 1wo or. rour )CUr), In Ney.port, council mcmbcr:i. can run again aru~r )i\ting out one 4·ycar 1crm. .... here arc implications or term limih 1hu1 l think 1ve've only begun to undet)\and," !>aid Bill Hodge, diree1or of the Orange County chapter of the C:ilifornia Le:1gue of Citic!>. "h lakes a ye:ir or two to really get up to speed and functioning as a good !>lrong council member in the local community, and then to sort of turn to }Our opportunities to 5erve .on regional boards." I ledges 'laid !>he doesn't buy _lh.a.L''l1 dot~n·wake-1-hal-loflg-«>-- figure out how 10 make )Our way around city hall -at least.it Clarence Turner turned on more than three ume'>Min tile post y~r." H~snid his pohlieat career is · • ~ni$hcd. MAJtlAN llAolSON · Ocing the only candidate \\ho f1kd for County Supervi!>Or Tom R1~y·s scat, Bergeson will resign her sen:.atc scat at the end of this year -0111: year early -and take O\Cr for Rik~. boards will be irnp:1ctcd b) term limit) because other cities· h:.tH! the law, 100. "More and more citic!) arc enacting term limits, so everybody's going to be on a Jcvel playing field, as far ::is that goes.'' 1>he said. Ten Orange County ciucs ha\c term limit la\\S, including N'" port Deach, Huntington l3each, ll'\ inc and Sanln Ana. Costa Mesa doc)n't htt\r.! term limits, nor does ti1e Newport-Mesa Unified Sc.hoof · District, C-orni ~tc .. a S;rnitar) District or ~tcsa Con-.ol1da1cd Water District. didn't seem to take John that long_." School board member Rod MacMtllian, who has sel'\ed tht! ~e"'port"Mesa Unified School District for almost 30 yenrs, said he bdic,e!o lcrm limits hurt more than help -a.t lc.;ist orl the local kvcl. • "If )OU hu\e lerm hmit!)/it tukcs a\\a) lrom \.Otcrl> the choice of electing" ho the) ''ant," M:1cM1\han uid. He most rcccn1ly wus re-elected 111 1%9, \\hen he \\Oil with 63% of the vote. He plan'> to run :1g:i1n in 199-t. "If 1 cJn ~el'\c the communtlY :lnd there\ a job that need:. lo be Jone -:ind I'm ctkcti'c in the :.choob -then I'm going to run.'' 1 he prc:.idcniial term limit l:m, in the' form of the 22nd Amendment, ''as ratified b) the .!>l:llC'> in 1951. Turner sn/C th.e trad. n.:..:ord of presidents since then is one "J)' of C\ alu.:.iting the LI\\':. effr:ct1\'enr:ss. · I think 11 ''ould be difficult to dcltnJ that there hal> been a president )tnce 1951 th.:.tl hns performed 1n J more stellar nunnc..r th~n those "ho served in our ftr,l ccntur. of c~btencc," he :..1iu "\\'here arc the Jachons. Lincolns .1.nd \\ :bhingtons of Mos1 cities \\Ith term limits tod.1y'? The) don't C\Cn come allow politician:. to run ag:1111 'after lose." The Tale Of Pigling Bland An all-new special!· ·THE WORLD OF PETER RABBIT AND FRIENDS TM . Tonight 7PM Copley Colony Cabl vi Ion Chalin 119 • 4 Monday, March 21, 1994 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot PORTS SPORTS EDITOR ROGER CARLSON, 642-030, cxr. 387 Talk about stackillo-- the deckl Ye.t .another victorJ :in Millen's as~ault ~ No. 2 Orange Coast blitzes No. 1 Grossmont in women's· fennis~ -. but Chabot steps up to become No. 1. How come·? You be· the judge. A fier her second-ranked Orange Coast College women's tennis team not only defeated, but blitzed, top-ranked and defending ~tate champion Grossmont, 7·1, on '\larch 11, ii figured the Pirates would assume the throne as the new No. I. Not so. The Pirates stayed behind in the rankings, at ~o. 2 behind Chabot, despite the convincing . \ 1ClOI) ovc r the Griffins. A rc:.ison may not be too difCicult to lind. "'The coach of Chabot (Georgie Chivington) 1'.> in charge of compiliAg the rankings," sajd OCC Coach Janice Maran. "She is hired by the ITA (Intercollegiate Tennis Association) to put them.out :.rnd \Oluntcers to do it for the state of Californiu." While Maran refuses to go sb far :.is to s:.iy her Pirates should be top-ranked, she did add, .. They (Chabot) :.ire No. 1 and they m:.1y prove 11 :it the end of the year. Dut, they fiave never ye t won the whole thing." The Pirates are 9-0 overall and 7-0 in the Orange Empire Confereqce, where they figure to roll threugh. "I know there are some outstanding individual players around, but we may have the best team overall," said Maran. "1 guess we're better than l thought." Fiona Jones, OCC's No. 1 singles player, provided the spark for the Pirates' surprisingly easy win over Cottages Grossmont, outlasting the Griffins' Julie Dobrin in a three-hour, 40-minute match, 5-7, 6-4, 7-6 (8-6). • Last season, Southern C.1lifornia College's Shannon SayloF earned all-conference honors while sharing the starting pitchi ng chores with 13eth Howa rd. This season, Howant is piling up impressive numbers. She recently extended a scoreless innings streak to 46 before having it snapped l:is t Tuesday in the fifth inning ngainst A.wsa Pacific, a game that was suspended because of darkness. "Although Saylor won the honors last year, we n'ver really considered one pitcher over the other," said SCC assistant coach Beth Renkoski. "13eth came on really strong at the end of the season (at one point winning Pitcher of the Weck honors in the conference). "This year, 13eth has started out stronger." Part of the reason for Howard's success has been her control. Against Point Loma, she did not "alk a batter \\ hile striking out eight. Overall this season, Howard has yielded just four earned runs in 55 innings. "She has very good control of all her pitches.'' said Renkmki. "She hits her spots 1nd has the ability to throw hard." The streak came soon after a win over Division I San Diego State and a loss to UC Riverside, Howan.J's only setbnck in eight decisions. Howard blanked San 13crnartlino, Driar Cliff (Iowa), Whillicr (a perfect game), University of San Diego, Poi nt Loma Na.wrcne and Concordia. ~ Long ordeal fading , for Newport Beach driver in wake of continued success. BY R.lCllAllO DUNN, Sroars Wurn W hile Steve Millen was confined to physical therapy wurds and forced to cat meols . lhrough straws, he never lost his" spirit for the roce track. , ' • • Serious injuries caused by il crash last June at Wat- kins Glen, N.Y., required Millen to digest· ~even months of excruciating rehabilitation, the longest pe- riod of time that he'd been out of racin& in 20 years. "While I didn't race, H still gave me enough encourageme:it that l wanted to come bnck and race in 1994," said Millen, determined to recover from a broken left humerus, two skull fractures, a shattered jaw, four broken ribs, and nerve damage to his face that induced afniction beyond the obvious infirmities. Millen, 41, couldn't sm ile or even move his lips. "Decause of the skull fractures and the nerves that control your face, there were a lot of little side effects, like. I coulc.Jn't blink, and if you can't bl*1 )'Our eyes dry up," Millen said. "And when your hear- ing goes, it's like living in a cave . "So there were a lot of other little things associated (wit h the broken bones), which was frustrating. And then the (humerus) in my arm didn't heal, and l had to have a bone graft to screw the bones together." Mill en, a Newport Deach resident, and the team leader for Nissun's GT Series, suffered from atrophy, when the muscle tissues in his arm began to deeuy, a common occurrence when a limb has bee n immobilized in a plaster cast. · "When you haven't used your arm for two months,.you can't even pick up a cup," Millen snid. "It's pa- thetic. Your muscles start shrinking away to nothing. I lost a lot of weight with the accident and the as- soc i at cd problems, a nd con- sequently, I lost a lot of the muscles, so it was u matter of wotl..i:ic hard. l had to try and build up, starting with the lightest type of weights you can find. My motivation was to get strong enough to race." • for Millen, who owns and op- erates Steve Millen Sports Cars in Costa Mesa, seven months secn1ed like eternity. • ''F ortun~ucly, I've been in a 150 mph on the side," Millen said. "I was on a right angle to the track from the racing surface, and he hit me in the rear wheel." Retirement never crossed his mind. "When I used to be a lot younger, l thought that if I got to be 30, I'd be happy, because that's when a 101 of good race car drivers used to retire," he said. "Out a lot of drivers now are still having a good mea- sure of suecess in their carty SOS, sd 1 huven't set my:.• self u year. I think the time will come wheo I know il~s time to retire, and that'll be when I'm not com- petitive anymore." In this case, bad wreckage or not, Millen is· far -. • than 24 faps in the 62-car licld. . tn uddition, the Nissan win marked the first time since 1983 rhat a production-based car capture~ the overall Rolcx 24, as well as the fi~t Daytooa win for a GTS class car since 1977, and the li~t for .a front- engine machine since 1976. For Millen, lhe GT Scrii:s schedule has no mercy on his comeback. Th~ Rolex 24 Hours at Oayton:i, an(f "1c 1~1SA Contac t2 Hours of Sebring (fin.) Grund Prix of Endurance on S~llurc.Jay, arc the two lo~gest and mollt gruding race~ of· the year. . Dul ~1illen hasn't missed a beat. On Wednesday, Millen qualified the Nfssan 300ZX Twin Tur~o (prc- pJrcd by Cunningham Racing) to start the 12 Hours of Sebring from the GTS class pole posi1jon. Millen , the team lc:.11..lcr for the two-car Nissan GTS effort, covered the 3.7-mile course in 2:01.0H, avcr- :1ging 110.03 mph l!J,'iCCUre the pole. No compe titor ran quicker in Thursda)"s fin al qualifying session in the 48-c:.ir field, but the Millen-led team !>t:.irtcd Salurd:iy's event from third ovcrull. because of I MSA n:gu· lations that rc-.er.·cs the top·t\\O griJ · positions for World Sports Car-. (WSC). ''T be WSC are new . this yc:lr, anti they're made for the ul· timate cl~!I in lf\tSA rocing,'' Millen !.aid. "It's early in the development, and thl! cars urcn't going as quick :is ·they eventually wi ll go, but I was the quickest qu:1lifier O\Cr;ill." Last yea r, Johnn) O'Connell and John Morton combined \\ ith Millen to win the 12 Hours of Sebring, giv- ing Nissan its milestone IOOth IMSA GT win. And the final result on Saturday's cndca,ors? Another 'ictory for Millen", tc:11ning "ith O'Connell unc.J Morton, :,omc live lap'> :1hcad of the ne:.irest rh.il in ncgo1i:11ing the 1,209.9-mile. 3~}-lap race with an average speed just mer I 00 m.p,h. • ~tillcn grew up in Auckland, New Zealand, and hus lhcd in the 0 .S. since 19 2 .. He left llChoul at age 15 to \\Ork for an automotive comp:.in)'· That's when ~tilkn met a race car driver in the parts dep:.irt- ment, and \\a:; im itcd one day to watch him race. Aftcr.H1rJ. .., l.nC\\ right then th:u's \\hat I w:.1111cd to do," Millen said. He devoted his life to racing. couple of accidents, but I've only been kept out for five weeks maximum," said Millen, the 1992 IMSA Exxon GTS Drivers Cham- pion, c:ipturing four pole positions and earning wins at Miami, Mid- Ohio, New Orleans and Lime Rock to lead Nissan to the Exxon series Newport Beach's Steve Millen, along with his Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo. "I did whate,cr it took," Millen said. "Every ce nt I earned went into r:icing cars, then llnally I wa!> able to tlrh e other peoples· racing c.irs, which \\US the goal. It's extremely lrnrc.J to come from a no11-fin-:incial background and become a • profe.,- sional race car dri,er. ·1 here arc very few race car c.Jri\e rs 111 the \\Oriti \\ho get paid \\ell to drive. I w<is just persistent. "You ah\ays h.l\c a lot of me- GTS Mnnufacturcrs Championship, the most coveted honor in the series. "We'd won the championship the year before, with Nissan winning the Manufacturers Championship and me winning the Drivers Championship, so my goal last year was to win back-to-back titles, and we were on line for it when the accident happened. It kind of blew that season." ll almost blew his life. Millen got involved with another car while he was lapping it, but Millen was bumped into the side of . the track. "The next car came through and hit me at about Pirates belted, 1 0-1 from retiring .. He's one of the few whose mid-life cri - sis includes being in your prime.. •Millen, considered one of the most versatile driv- ers in American motorsports, made a triumphant re- turn to the track Feb. 5-6 at the IMSA Rolex 24 in Daytona Beach, Fla., where Millen set an event record for a GTS class car, logging 707 laps :.iround the 3.6-mile Daytona International Speedw:.1y cour c in a Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo for a grand total of 2,516.92 miles at an average speed of 104.80 mph. Sco11 Pruett, Dutch Lietzingcr and Paul Gent iloai joined Millen in"' the victory,· as Nissan defeated its closest challenger -a Porsche 911 Turbo -by more chanical problems and different things, but you just have to mercome tho'c th111gs <1nd never give up. H:iving sa id that, J'd h:Hc to Jo it nil over. You have to sacrifice a normal life a!> :i young person, and spend all of you r time going for it. "A lot of people say, 'Man, )Ou'rc rcall} Juel-). I wish l could do that.' Dul mo)t people, you sec. aren't prepared to make the i.acrifices." Millen wasn't so lucky last June. Reali ty sets in on the glamorous life of a race ca r drive r. "hen nnothcr ca r accelerating ot 150 mph crushes into )Ours. Hos- pital life isn't fu11. • Dut, then, those are just some of the sacrifi ces Millen has mad e ... for continuing reward'I. DCC swimmers dominate Cuesta Invitational field SAN LUIS ODJSPO -If there was any doubt to Orange Coast's relative strength in community college swimming on the !llate level, whether men or women, the fact was made clear on Friday and Saturday at the Cuesta lnvta· tional: Coast is No. 1 anyway you want to look at it. I COSTA MESA -Or-it ungc Coast College's base-\• ball fortu nes continued to plummet on Sunday in a . 1nakeup of Saturday's rain- out, as Golden West Col- The Pirates' men, behind German import Matthias Otte, a 6-foot-8 sophomore, captured the prestigious Cuesta crown with a 104-point margin over their nearest compc1i- tion, even with their No. 2 swimmer, South Africa's Grant Ferguson, absent bccnuse of other commitments. Otte won the 100 back, 50 free and 100 breast, and helped pace three winnin& relay teams. The Pirates' women's team, meanwhile, slaughtered the fielJ with a whopping 756 points, with Diablo Valley a dis- tant runner-up with 332 points. Sophomore Brandi Ko~ub, the nation's be~t in 1he 50 back n year aao, and the state's reigning record-holder in the 100 bock, led the way.Jor the women's side. •Summaries/Sec: Page). lege's v1s11ing Rustlers re- corded a 16-hit, J0-1 Orange Empire Con- ference victory. . The Rustlers snapped a 1-1 score in the fourt h inning with a solo home run by Robert Prince, then put it away with a three-run fifth inning and a four-run sixth frame to improve to 9-11 overall, 3-6 in conference play. Orange Coast, in the final Four at last year's state playoffs, dropped to 3-14 overail, 0-9 in conference. GOLDIN WIST 10, OUNOI COAft 1 Golden Well 001 1J4 001-10 16 1 Or.ingc Co.1st 100 000 000-1 5 6 l.iR0<u and Charles; l4pH, G.lrdncr (5), Wiison (6), 81.inchct (8) and Henson. W-L.ilocu. l-lo~i. 1·2. 28 -Fonstta (OCC). JB-fl.an.a1.an -----------------------~ ~ !GWC). !tit-Prince <CWC). 1 1195 S.ker, Coetil Meu ..... -........ . Oplr¥ Man.-81L .. so I GDp ua • aA .. it 'IQp it MMltotC.-C.-.•11 •••~ ........ -------------( to 30% 70~n Name Brands -Everything must go 1 t Basic Threads t SoftTouch . t Baryshnikov t Danskin t One Step Ahead t America Is Miking It W1il 1xpanding so you don't have to .. · SHAPE UP NEWPORT is making room fa( r.lew CardievasctJlar equipment. Be sure to take advantage of this one time clearance sale. Stop by soon, for ~est selections. -~ ............... Saturday, March 19 to Saturday March 26 Monday-Friday lam to 7pm -Saturday 10 am to s pm -Sunday Sam to 1 pm iOIO lrvlne , Newport leach • 61•·1621 ·• NewPOrt Beach/Coata Mesa Daily Piiot LOCAL ICHIDULI Keeping cool under flre MONDAY , ..... College -Linficld College at Southern Californl;a College, 11 a.m. Tennis College women -P11dfic Lutheran ;it Southern Californi;i College, 2 p.m. Hi3h school boys -Ne\\-port Harbor ill Peninsulil, J p.m. s.~11.11 Community<ollege -Cypress at Orange Const, J (>:'In. l•tl•lnfeft High school ..: Newport H.1rbor .ll Corona del M ar, 3 p.m. DEEP' SEA FISHING '6UNDAY'I FISH COUNTS g ~3 N•wpert La~tlln• -4 bo;11s, GO anglers. 2t-l rock cod, 2G cow cod, 95 bonito, 1 sand b.iss, 17 scul1>in, 4 shccphc;id, 1 halibut, 9 sole, 3-l blue perch, 84 m .icl.crcl. Dcrv•r• L•ck.r - J bo.t1s, 121 .inglcrs. 52 bonito, 4 calico b.iss, 12 s.ind b.us, 50 sculpin, 16 sticcphc.id, 10 rock lish. GO m.acLcrcl, 75 perch, 31 ~hitc lish, 8 opJlc>e• 1 soirgo. Three~year-old J.J. Altobelli hasn't a care in the world as he swings away, perhaps in anticipation he'll be called on to help the cause. It was a lost cause Sunday as his dad's team, the Orange Coa~t Pirates, dropped a 10-1 baseball decision to visiting Golden West. COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN'S SWIM SUMMARIES 1 :48.89; 8. Kerr (OCC), 1 :49.66; 11. Siu/div.int (OCC), t:51.25. S:J2.GO; 9. W.111 IOCC). 5:19.87; 10. Aardal (OCC), 5:39.91. CUESTA INVITATIONAL MIN Team scoring: I. Orange Co.:isl, G19; 2. 200 medley relay -1. OCC (Ollc, Emmons, Ruflini, Ritlgcrs), 1 :41.24; 2. Ventur.i, 1 :42.36; J. Cuesta, 1 :-l2.51. 100 individu.11 mcdlcr. 1. Espino (Cuesta), t :04.28; 2. W1klcr (llartnell), 1 :05.00; 3. Pai.;an (OCC), 1 :05.26; Olhcrs; Cl;iircmonl (OCC), 1 :OG.99. Cucst.i, 515; 3. ColcJcn West, 4 t 7; 4. Vcn1urJ, 362; 5. Oiablo V.:illcy, 270: G. El 100 brc.ist -1. Otte IOCC), 1:01.05; 2. Price (El Camino), 1 :01.18; l. Poppin (Ccrl'ilos), 1 :Ol .50;·0thers~ 5. Emmons (OCC>. 1 :OJ.JO; G. f!anagctti (OCC), •C.Jmino, 255. • • 200 (rec -1 . .\-t.tCE\\Cn (Vc.nlur.t), 1 :04.44. :?00 free relay -I. OCC (Olle, l'.1Mgclli. Rurrini, R1tl~crs), 1 :27.GO; 2. \'rnlur.l, 1 :29.63~ 3. Colden Wcsl, 1 :J0.27. 100 b01ck -1. O llc (OCC), 52.35; 2. 1 :50.7.4; 2. Nicol.:io (West Valley), 1:59.Bp; 3. Espino (Cuesta), 2:01.tlO; Olhcrs: 4. Percir.i (OCC), 2:03.90; G. OcCook (OCC), 2:05. t ~; 7. Simpkins (OCC), 2:05.55. 1650 free -1. McMillian (OCCI. I 7:02.5 7; 2. Jones (Cu est.ii. t 7: 10.00; 3. Cr.tu (Merced), 17: 10.61. Others: 6. Sicjj tOCC). 17:23.92; 7. Slurdi\.lnt IOCCl, 17:49.11 . Lyon (Cues101), 55.16; J. l.imb (Cucsla), 55.63; Olhers: 9. Rillgcrs (OCC), 57.5-l. 400 individu.il medley -1. Rodriguel (El C;1mino), -l:24.69; 2. Barrow (Cucsla), -l:30.6G; 3. Ennis (Oi01blo Valley), 4 :31.53; Others: Andrade (OCC), 4:3G.98. 3·mc1cr diving -t . Carlson (OCC), 3711.35; 2. Edwards (OCC), 373.55; 3. Monlgomcry (Cucst.i), 372.'J5. SO free -1. Otte IOCC>. 21. 71: 2. O\\ens (Ventura), 21.69; 3. locff (Rio llondo), 21.93; Olhcrs: Ruflini (OCC), U.-lU; 8. Rillgcrs IOCC), 22.79. tOO Oy -I. Mosher (OcAnia), SJ.G4; 2. 200 medley rcl.iy -1. OCC (Kossub, B.iham, Oairemon1, Pereira), 1 :5G.G6; 2. Di.iblo \'alley, 1 :59.32; J, West V.illcy, 2:0t.77. O~cns (Vcntur;a), 53.79; 3. ClunovilS (CWC), S'U4. 200 indi\idu01I medley -J. Baham (OCQ, 2:15.10; 2. Espino (Cucsl.J), 2:18.23; 3. P.:ii;an (OCC). 2:21.62; Others: 200 indi"idu.il medic)' -1. Poppin CCcni1os). 2:01 .7-l; 2. M.mic (Ohlonc), 2;02.13; J. Darrow CCucsta), 2:03.13; Olhcrs: -l. P.ln.lgclli (OCCl, 2:03.73; 10. Andrade (OCC), 2:06.JO. 400 free rcl01y -1. OCC (Panagc11i, Ollc, McMillian, Ruflini), 3:13.42; 2. Cuesta, 3:16.84; 3. Colden WcSI, 1:17.90. 7. W.>11 IOCC>, 2:26.25. 100 free -1. Nicolao (West V.illeyl, 54.55; 2. Espino (Cucsl.i). 55.36; J. Pereira IOCQ, 56.52; Olhcrs: 5. A.udJI IOCCJ, 57.7-l. 100 free -1. O\•ens (Ventura), 47:74; WOMIN 2. locrr (Rio llondo), ..i7.09; 3. Koerner 1cwq, 48.U2; Olhers: 5. Pan.lgelli (OCO, 49.77; 7. Cr1lly (OCC), 49.96; 9. Rillgcrs cocci. 50,01. TNm scoring: t. Or.ingc Coast, 75G; 2. Oiablo VJllcy, 332; 3. Cucst.i, 305: 4. West Valley College, 289; 5. Colden Wcsl, 261; 100 bJcl. -1. Kossub (OCC). 59.78; 2. Jenn1for <Diablo V.illcy), t :04.99; 3. Wright IOCC). 1 :o;,5c,; Others: Snow (OCC), 6. Vcnlur.i, 20G. 1 :OG.02; 5. Decook (OCC), 1 :OG.33; 6. Conine <OCCI. 1:07.90. 200 back -1. l)'On (Cucsla), 1 :58.16; 1 Coldy (Ventura), 1:59.15; 3. l.imb tCucsl.i), 2:03.53. ioo Oy -1. Cas:ino\.u (CWQ, 2:03.63; 400 medley relay -1. OCC (Kossub, Pag;in, Simpjjins, Pereira), 4:12.50; 2. Di.lblo V.illcy, 4:22.64; 3. OCC 8, 4:22.71. 100 Oy -1. B.:idilla (C.ibrilfo), 59.52; 2. M01cEwcn (Vcnlura), 1 :01.97; 3. Espino (Cuesta), 1 :02.53; 0 1hcrs: 4. Claircmont <OCC>, 1:02.97; 5. Simpkins (OCQ, 1:03.89. 3. Al.in.isio (Pierce), 2:05.07; 3. Caprct (CWC), 2:05.11. 200 breast -1. Price (Cl Camino), 2: 12 ... 4; 2. Poppin (Ccrrilos), 2: 15.29; 3. Cmmons (OCC), 2: I G.00. 200 free -1, Lyon (Cuesta), 1:46.90; 2. SO free -1. Nlcolao (West Valley), 2S.2J; 2. bdilla (Clbrillo). 25.36; J. Espino (Cuesta), 25.48. Others: 5. Kossub · (OCC), 26.11; 6. Pcrelr.i (OCC), 2G.25; 7. Wernle (OCC), 26.48. SOO free -1. MacEwcn (Ventura.I, 5:15.24; ~ 8.ih.im (OCCl, 5:24.71; 3. Sol.i (f i.illcrlof!), 5:26.31; Others: Simp~ins (OCC), S:31.04; 8. Decook COCC), 100 breJsl -1. Kcnd.111 IOhloncl, 1:09.68; 2. B;ih;im (OCQ, 1:11.53; 3., Ramm (Di:iblo V.:rlley), 1:12.09; O thers: 4. P.igo>n <OCC), 1:12.21. 200 free rel.iy -1. OCC (Wernle, Rulh (Cilrus), 1 t.W.38; 3. Ruflinl (OCC), 1:47.17; Others: McMillian (OCC), PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE cl11Ss1r1ca11on most closely related to It as shown In NOTICE lh• General Dtlt1mlna1tons INVITINQ BIDS tlltcllvt 11 the lime of lhe NOTICE IS HEREBY call for bids. GIVEN that ••aled .ropos· Th• Conlr1Clor shall com· als for furnish ng I labOr, ply with the provisions ol ma1er lal1, e quipment, Secllon 1770 to 1780, In- 1ranspona11on and such elusive. of tti. Calilomla other lacillhH as m?t be Labor Code; lht prevailing required for PHA E I rate and scale of wagn ts· SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM labl•sh•d by lhe 11y or ANO CITY·WIOE STREET Costa Mtsa, which art on MAINTENANCE PROJECT, file wtlh the Cily Clerk of v.111 b• received by lht C11y the C11y or Costa Mesa: or Costa Mtsa at lht Office and shall lorft ll penalti.s ol lht City Clerk. n Falr prescribed therein for non- DrlVt , Co11a Mesa. Cahlor· eompllanee ol sald Code. nla, Unl[I the hour OI 10.00 The City Counell of the a .m.. Mo~, March 28, Clly of Colla Mesa re- 1994, al eh time lhey sorw• the rlthl 10 reject wlll be Opened publicly and any and/or 111 Ids. read aloud In the Council MARY ELLIOTT, D•Po Chambers. Sealed propo1· als shall bear 1he 1111• of utr Cltr Cl•rk, Cltr ot lht wotk and name of the Coat• M•aa bidder but no olher dlslln· Protect No. 84-05 gulshlng marks. Any bid r• Pub ll •h•d Newport ceived aner the scheduled Beach·Costa Mesa Dally closing llme for the rec91pl Piiot March 14, 21 , 1994. or bids shall be returned 10 m259 bidder unop.ned. It shall be th• sole respons1bihty ol PUBLIC NOTICE the bidder 10 '" lhal hi• bid Is received In proper NOTIC• Ofl ume. PETITION TO A set ot Bid DocvmenlS ADMINISTER may bo Oblalne<I II tti. 0 1· llTAT•Ofl1 fice of tti. Cla'. Engtnffr, 17 Fair oriv., osla Mesa. PAUL WINSTON Cal!fomla, upon nonrefund· W••STU,MaPAUL able PIYmetlt of $20.00. All w .waalnR· addlllonal charge of sa.oo CAI• NO. At7MU will be mod• If handled by To .. h8lrt. btnelelot1", mitt. Bid DocutMntl and aedltOJI, contil 199"1 aecl- Olhef conlrae1 docufMntl ton, and P«aont wtlo may may alao be ~ at otherWI• be in..sted In the e>nic. of the City Clerk the wl• or Htate, Of both, ol tti. City of Coeta M .... of: PAUl WINSTON WES. Bid Oocumtflt• wlll not be STEA, alca PAUl W. WES. malled unleH the a d-STEA ditlonal M .00 chargt Is In-A PfTmON hu been ctudM wllh payment. N9d by w~ Oltemolt 1n Each tl6d lh8I be made the ~ of Col-on the Pro~11I form, fomla. of ORANQI. ah .. 11 P·1 Plrough P·9 TH! PITI ,...- prOYlded In the contract thet Wettdy 0.terholl be docUfMfltl, and ahaH be appointed aa personel f9P-acco~ by • certlfttd reMntatlve to admlnlltef or 11 cheek or a tl6d the nta•• of the Cl9Cedent. bond tor not .... than 1°" TH! PETITION reQUett9 Of the amount of their bid, authoftty to lldmlnlaw the macte~to N~ " ... under the "*""' of C08la Mesa. No ~ cMr1I Admlnlatralton of .. poelll --be contldertd ..... Act. (Thie aulhOf"Y una... ~ by will allow the per90Nll ,.. IUCh ..,.,.. c , Caal!, ..... ......_.to ... many orlllddw'a bOnd. acUon9 ~ Dt:tll•19 No bid ltlSll be conatd-court~~ .,_ ..,,.._ • " "'"' on • ~ha ..... , ... ..r: blri = torm ""' nisMd City of Colla aOf'9I ,..,..........,. be M... and la rnede In ae-required '° .,. ,...,. '° COfdanc:• """' the P'cMo ~ ....... ..... Ilona of lhe Propoul ,. ._, ....... ..,.. . ~. =~n:~: Each bidd9f muM have • Cl ... "A"~::--......... ~ ll~and ... ......... :=.-..... ,..,.,... .., .... ,...,. ..... .... )lctlon '° ... ,..... and A C..--~e oral ........ --.:= .. or a•1•1•1Dn .,.... ............. .. on "' a-ea ,.11111..,. -:=--.... = Walt-=Jllllllll .... .., ... to..., .. "°" .. -Mid Oft 111 ftll II 11'81 craft or 14. ''=-II 1MI ........., . Dept. ....., • PUBLIC NOTICES The City Drive, Orange, California 92668. IF YOU OBJECT TO the granting of the pelllion, you sholJld appear at the hear· Ing and stale your ob- jeetions or file wrilltn ob-ectlon1 witl'I the court be- lore the hearing. Your ap- pe11anc1 may be in person or ~~ auorney. IF U ARE A CREDITOR or a con\Jngent creditor of lht deceased, you musl lilt your claim with th• court and mall a copy to IN per· sonal represenlelivt ar,· pointed by the court w1lh n lour monlhs lrom lhe dale of fitll lssuanc:• of lhe let· ttrs as provided In section 9100 ol the California Pro- bate Code. The time for fil· Ing Claims Wiii not tKplre belor• four monlht from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kepi by the court. ~ou are a person lnterHI In the estalt, you may Ill• with the coun a lormal A• rt fOf Special Notlc• ot filing of an lnv.mory and appraisal of ntate ts· Ml• Of of any petillon or account as prOYlded In section 1250 of the Call- lornla Probate Code. A R• qunt fOf Special Notice form Is aVallable from the cOUf1 cleft(. htttlener, WendVo.terttolt c....e A. Churohlll, ....... tete a. No. t10~. Clturohlll & .. atiewfolt, too Ooeen9•t•, autto tOOO, Lene ••• o ... C .......... eoeoa, AT· TORN•Y FOR Potlo ......, Published Newport BMch-COsta M"8 Dally Plot Maret\ 18, 21, 25, 1994. FM572 PUIUC NOTICI aacnn NOTICaOI' NTITIOll TO ..... Ta UTAft°'1 '" unmam• ...... = w.-:.• ICATMD D. PC*DIUU OAH NO. An•ne To all'lalra.bell9lolar .... ..-., cor•1gen1 oredl- tors, and ,.,...,. .... Ny ....... be ..... lllld lri .................. ol: MTHIMill 00. flO. ~'""" A N llhON .......... llM l9r ntOMAI J. l&.Y· ~"'"'= .. c:. tw..,.,ION....,.... .. Kos sub, 8.ih.im, Pcrcir;i, 1 :44.45; 2. West Valley, 1 :44.67; 3. Cuesta, 1 :47.97. L N PUB IC OTICES PUBLIC NOTICES lhat THOMAS J. SLYMAN A~N L. MELFI, ESQ., be appointed as personal rep1esenlalivt to admlnls· (#89&94), 23&01 ter lht 111111 ol the dee• MOULTON PKWY, dent. SUITE 220, LACUNA THE PETITION r9qUtsts HILLS, CA 92853 authority to adml111s1., the Publlshtd Newport estat• under th• lndepeo-Btach·Costa Mesa Dally dtnl Administration ol Es· P1lo1 March 18, 21, 25, tales Act. (This author11y 1994. Wiii allow lhe personal rep-FM573 restnlahve to take many actions without oblalning PUBLIC NOTICE court approval. Before tak· Ing certain very Important c na1158893 actions. howev•r, the per· sonal represenlallvt will be NOTICE TO r9qulr•d to give notice to CAEDlTOAS OF Interested persons unless BULK SALE AHD lhey have waived noll~e or OF INTENTION TO consented 10 th• proposed TRANSFER action.) The Independent ALCOHOLIC admlnlslrallon au1horl1Y. will be granled unltH an nter· BEVEAAQE LICENSE tsled person flits an ob-(U.C.C. 8101 •t Jt etlon to lht petition and aeq. and aa p show good eauae why the 24073 •t seq.) court s hould not grant the Esc row No. autho~ 0 ·8445-C A H . ING on lh• ~·Ii· Notice Is herebl given lion will be held on A AIL thal a bulk sale o assets 14. 1994 al 1:45 P.M. In and a 11ansfe< of alcoholic Dept. 703 localed at 341 beverage license Is about The City Drlv• South, Of· T-· CA 92668. to be made. • The names, Social Secu· YOU OBJECT TO the rlty or Federal Tax Num-gianung of the pelltlon, you bars, and addresses of the lhoul<I appear at the heat· Ing and atate yOIJI ob-Seller/UcMsee are: Betty Hy Hong, Go:'\ Fu Hong, e tions or Ide WTllten ob-Harry J . Ho~ Chai Lan liOnt With IM coort be-Zheng, 305 E. Coast ore lh9 hearing. YOUI a~ pearance may be In per'ton Hwy., CC>fona Ot Mar, CA Social Security No. 560-82· or~~ attorney. IF U ARI!: A CAEOrTOA 0024 The buslne11 Is known or • contingent credttOI' of as: Hong Yeh ChineH Att· the cs.ceu.d, you must file your claim with IM court taUfant and mall a copy to the P9f· TM natno1, Social Secu- rity or Federal Tax Hum-eonal r•preHnlatlve ~ 1>«1, and tdc:lfesMI of the ="~the court wit euy.,{Tranehw• ••: Guo ttom th• d1te Ying Fang end Penn Olng of flr9t laauance of the let· WI n proVlded In HCllon Shen, 14'4$ Valley View 1110, Senta Fe Sprl09.s, CA 9100 of the Callfomla Pro- bate Code. The tlrM IOI' fil. 90670, Soclal Seeur11y No. Ing etalma will not e•plre eos--01 -3592 bef°'9 four monlhs lrom At lilled by the S.ller/\J. tti. ti.arlng dale noticed can .... aa other business namH a nd addrH••• M>ov9. YOU MAY EXAMINE the Uled b~M Stllet/Ucen ... flle ltept by lti. court. If you within " YNf9 before th• date such list was sent •• a per80n lnternted In the ....,.cO-Jou may file Of d.civ.rtd to the Buyer/ wilt\ IM a formal Re-TranslwM are: =:': tor lpsclal Notice of Tti. aaMta to be lotd •• llllr'8 of 111'1 lnwntoty detcribed In gtnlfal •: and ipprfllll Of ........ ehlneH rntaurant and ar• IOCated Ol: '°50 E. ~ stta or of ony petition °' Hwy., Corona 0et Mllr. CA ecCGUnt •• r.~ "' The kind of lie«* '° be IOCtlon ltlO tt1e C .. for. lrantt.frtd II: on-.... boor nla "obete Code. A ,.._ .... tor ...... N04lce & Wini, kento No. 41· torm la ......._ lrom the 21u 1 t now 1-..d '°' the court --. rtmlste IOCatecf ac: 3050 ~ ........... Coat Hwy,. Corona Det Mar, CA ...... The anetc'"'9d Nee of MOf'll~WlaD Itta Nlaltranat.r .... '· , ....... olloa ot. ... ft'• "" ,.... r. row ,._, an a.... °'°" ~ .. OMl9r1 a.... ~~ CA .... 111111• TN "'*"'1iJf"°P..-.... pitce • .._ .. _ --.................... ~ IO ......, ..... **-... -------.... '111.'IMll••t-• .... ., . ....... w ....... - • Monday, Match 21, 1994 I 8RllPLY MaJor laurels for Newport Harbor High sailing ••• coveted Van Allen Clark trophy ~Sailing world's hig hest award I in area of true sportsmanship goes to high school team . T he United Si ates Suilill£-,:T Association announced Friday that it is award-;;.:. t ing the Newport Harbor High School sailing team the Van Allen Clark Trophy for its exceptional sportSmanship as a team. The Clark Trophy is not a high schOQI award, bu t the highest national sports- manship award in the sport of sailing. Tht Clark Trophy recipient is s'?1ected by a .unanimous vote of the U.S. Sailing Boord, and is awarded .annually to "the American s:iilor who best exemplifies the ideals and traditions -of good sponsman- ship." Last year, more than 70 nop1inees wCie More honor's c'Ome for Newport Harbor High's sailing team -comprised ot (standing, from left), Team Manager Bill Wakeham, Patrick Hogan, Courtney Polovina, Danny Zim- baldi, Nathan Dunham, Steve Kleha, Coach Jamie Malm; and sitting, from left), Casey Hogan and Mandy McDon·nell. submitted 10 U.S. Sailing from throughout the coun- try. Crozier am.I Uurch; lls -h50 buw:rny (2:06.15), with Russ, Shaul\l1a Ghuz.21, Susan Curtis and Alshulcr; and its 4xlOU freest) le (4:10.63), wit h · Alshuler, Hurdt, S:rn vcr and l\orton. As sailing coach Bill Wake man put it, ··what makes winning this awa rd unique is that it is usually awarded to an individual after a lifetime of devoted service to the sport of sailing; it's unprecedented for a grou p of high school sailors to win this award." Al several major regattas last year, the ·Sailor:, ha\'C set themselves apart with their low-key demc•1nor, which is usually a Mark contrust to the aggressi'c na- tll re of team racing matches. Cd~l's v~r:,ity d1tl not compete bcc:ause most of the S\\~nuner:,, ''ho :ire .1uniors. were t..1king the S.A.T. Cd~l\ freshmen anJ sophomore s, however, comprise u large puniun ul the 'aNly team. Adult volleyball leagues forming Team racing requires competitors 10 execute pre- cise maneuvers in close quarters, and fouls anJ in· fract ions are very common. What makes this Ne\\ port Hurbor team unique is that it excels al this aggrcs~h c style of racing without acrificing good :,portsmanship. COSTA . ME:.SA Adult 'ollc)b~1ll • leagues :uc being olkn.:J b) 1hc C11y of • 4\.• co,1:.1 ~k,;1, Commun1l) Scr.Kc:, tlcpan-_, __ _ mcnt The lc.1gue:. urc tli\IJcJ intu m·en's \\Omen':, and coed. Jnd le;iguc pla) opcn') 1)lc "eek of April .J 8. Lnst spring, the Ne,,pon Harbor team ''us award- ed the 13oulivant Spornmnnship Trophy a1 the U.S . Team Racing Championships. fhc fee 1s S 175. plu'> S9 1.a')h e:ich ma1ch for ol· lic1al':, fci:<.. The cntr. Jc;uJline for teams is Frida\, April I. anJ cla,~ilicatiun g:imcs '' 111 be held tl)e "cc!-of Apnl 11. Later last summer, folio" ing the lnternation;il High School Team R:1cir1g Championships in Ireland, Britis h sailing officials "rote letters to the U.S. Suil· ing Association commending the Newport Sailing team for its cxccptiom1l conduct and good sportsm:in- ~hip. While Newport won high murks fo r ii!> superla- tive conduct, ii also won bo1h of these cvcnb. A mJnagcr\ mcc11ng j, :,chctl ulcd. lur Wcdnes.da), Apriol 6, JI 6:30 p.m . .11 1hc Do"nto\\ll Cummunit)' Ccn\cr, , Fo1 more rnformation, phunc (714) 642-06~6. Aquamustangs distinguish themselves Teum captain Drinny Zimbnldi was in Texas ac- cepting this award for 1hc team, along with teum me1,1bers Nathan Dunham, Casey Hogan, Patrick Hogan, Steve Kleha, Mandy McDonnell, Courtney Polovina, Anna Rollins and Jennifer Porter. MISSION VIEJO Co:,ta Mc:,a's ----- Aqu:1:,1:.1ngs di'>llngui shcd the1mcl\e!> on --C-- SaturJay \\ilh multiple succc~) JI the Or· ---- ange CUUl11) s,~i111 Cunfi:rcnce Winter Ch:im r1on!>hip~ for bO)'> .1ml girb ages 5 through I~. -By ]olm Droyton CdM girls sparkle at South Coast Relays In their f1r:,t :,ca,on ul competl\ion the Aqua~lang:, under Co.ich like Curll!) \\ere led by the c>.plo1b of 14-)e..ir-old Al lr,on AIJ:,tuC), "ho finished fir~t in t\\O "A" Oieht c'c1\l:,. Sh~ ''"n the JOO frce~L,le in l :Ul.9 1.~a) "di J'> the 50·\Jld backstrokc in 33:5. SAN CLEMENTE -Corona del Mar ---- High's girls swim team finished "ith :,ix --C-- first·place finishes in seven events Satur----- day on the frosh/soph le,el at the South Coast Relays. including three e\ent records, at San Clemente High. Laura Weeshoff, Lusanna Russ, Priscilla Burch and Courtney Hardt set an event record in the 4xl00 indi· vidual medley in the prelims on Thur:,day (4:45.63), then won the title in the fina ls on Saturday (4:46.12). Ch:id Clea,cr \\J~ :i go.Id med:il \\inner in the bo):, 50 free in the 13-14 ;ige group \\tth J ttme of 26.94. a!> "ell as a ":end pl.11.:e hn1sh in the "13'' !light IUO free (59.03) TodJ H) lton S\\ am personal bests ul 31 55 a 1J Ju 99 in the bo)s 13-14 catcgot), s\\1mm1ng 1he 50 b:ick anJ 50 0). rcspedl\CI). CdM also set a record in the 4x50 backstroke (2:02.98), wi th Julie Norton, Christie Sa"yer, Rus~ and Wecshoff, and twice set the standard in the 4x50 medley relay, where Weeshoff (backstroke). Durch (breaststroke), Nelle Alshuler (butlerny) anti Hardt (freestyle)_ went 2:04.11 in the prc lirns anq,2:03.58 in H\lton \\Un the back:,lrokc in the "A" nw.ht. ;ind wa) ·second in 1he "D" night 50 Oy. - Hunter 1 ;iylor \\On 1hc "A'' fl igh t 50-)urJ 11-12 boys bacbtroke in 35.32. "ith ne:irl) J lull second (.8) bct\\Cen him ;.ind hb closes1 mal. He abo pl:iced thirll in the "B" fltgh1 100 yarJ in· di,idual melllcy in 1:19.44. the fi nals. ' Brad Donahue. Jesse G.imboa, Jeff Felli, Fra nk Fukumoto :ind Mall Tipton Jbo recehcd med..ils in their events. Winning times were also turned in by CdM's 4X50 breaststroke (2:·23.44), with Norton, Sawyer, Megan PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES sum or $60,000.00, which Tr11nsltrff are: same · Director of said School Dis· consists of lht following: The assets 10 be sold are ltiCI, 2985-B Bur Street Buyer has deposiled inlo described In general as: Cosla Mesa. CA 92626 escrow SS,000.00 Furn11ure, Futtures, Equip-All Bid Documents must a demand Nolt for bal· ment, 7radename, lease, be picked up at lhe pur· anct due poor to cloS1ng S1ock In Trade, Leasehold chasmg Oepartmenl. ror $54,000.00 Improvements and art lo-2985·B Bear SI . Costa t1t1ma1ed Inventory to be caled at: 3100 IAVINE AV· Mesa, CA 92626, bel,..ten deposll•d In cash lot ENUE. NEWPORT BEACH, 8:00 a.m. and 4 00 pm $1,000.00 CA. A Per101mance Bond may It has been agreed !>.-The kind or llcense 10 be be required al 1ne d scr1t- tween the Seller/UcensH transle<red 11: ON SALE lion ol the 01s111c1 and th• Intended Buy.,/ GENERAL 147·208524 now No bidder may ""11hdraw Transferee, as r9quired by issued for lhe premises to-his Bid tor a petood ot Sec. 24073 of the Business caled al: 3100 IAVINE AV· FOATY·FllJE (~S) days after and Professions Code, that ENUE, NEWPORT BEACH, lhe dale set lor 1he open· lhe conslderallon for the CA. 92660 inf, lhereol. lransler ol the business The anllclpated dale of he Board of Educahon of and license Is 10 bt paid the 1alt1~ransler Is APRIL lhe Newport·Mesa Un1l1ed only after the transfer has 29, 1994 a1 1he ottlc. or: School District rtHrves ltle bffn approved by lhe De· BURROW ESCROW COM· right to reiec:t any 0< all partment or Alcoholic Bev· PANY. 501 PARKCENTER Bids and not noc:ess11111y erage Conlrol. OAIVE, SANTA ANA, CA accept lhe lowes1 Bid, ond Dated: March 14, 92705 lo waive anr, lnlormaJ1ly or The amoun1 ol lhe sur· Irregularity n any Bid It· 1994 chase pnct or consl er· oelved. Betty Hr Hong allon In connecllon with Iha NEW P 0 R T ·M E S A Qong Fu Hong transfer of lhe license and UNIFIED S CHOOL DIS· Harry J . Honv business. lneludln~ the H· TAlCT, of O range Chai Lan Zh•ng • tlmattd lnvenlory, Is th• Quo Ying Fang sum of $241,098.84, which County P•nn Qln9 Sh•n c~slst• ol th• lollowlng: Sh•ron L. Ching, 0 1, Published Ntwporl I th In e-i c r ow rector of P urchasing $34,598.84 and Warehousing 55&-Beach.Cosla Mesa Di lly New note and Securl1Y 3217 Pilot March 21, 1994. A~rHment sse.soo.oo Published Ntwporl M273 aneellauon of ••Isling Beach-Costa Mesa OaJy nolt s 150,000.00 PUBLIC NOTICE II has been agrH d be-Pilot Match 14, 21. 1994 IWHn lh• Sell.,/UeenSM M254 cn•1tM717 and Iha Intended Buyer/ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICKTO Transl•rN , as r:\"red by CRllDITOftl OF Sec. 24073 of the usineu No16c:e ls htfel)y given 11\al and Prolt11lona Code, that •ULK IAU AND Of the und--'e'*' v.111 be INT•NTION TO lhe consld«ation '°' the sold at Pub e Auction on TMNIRA transfer of lhe business MONDAY, APRIL I 1. 1994 and license II to be paid ALCOHOLIC only afttf the ttan1fer haa AT 10:00 A.M. ALLSPACE · •.vmuo• LICHH been approved by th• Ot-COSTA MESA. 1535 NEW· POAT BLVD., COSTA cu.c.c. lt01 •t paitment ol Alcoholic Bev· MESA, CA 92627 ~.anti.AP 8tag9 Control. A 148 TIMOTHY EDWARD HOnot~.) Dated: BURKE, HOUSEHOLD AIU llAAAKNIA hof'ewNo.H141-RC ITEMS Notice .. ·-:1 glvert Heoehent Zahocll A 174 DLS BUSINESS !hot a bulk Nie aaHts M•..._.. TehorlM SERVICE, HOUSEHOLD and 1 ttansftf ol alcoholic ........... IT£MS bovefag. llcente Is about Publl•htd Newpo rt "252 GIRON GRUBBS, to be made. Beac:h.Coai. M... Daily HOUSEHOLD ITEMS TM narMt, Soclal Seeu-A259 RI C HARD L Pltot Match 21, 1994. rlty Of Federal TM Num· PARKER, HOUSEHOLD berl, end lldd1esHt ot the m271 ITEMS s.11 ... tucen... •r•: ARI A343 HORNBLOWER PUIUC NOTICI llABAKNIA. 551211-8~ YACHTS, HOUSEHOLD 0051f 3100 IAVINE AV• LSOAL NOTIC8 " ITEMS • !NU , NEWPORT HACH, NllWPORT.-U AHO R O N G A l!:Y, CA. Net() HOU$EH0t.D ITEMS The llullnea• It knowtl .. UlllNDIC~ 8130 LARRY STURCHIO, TheT•~ DtS11HCT • HOVSEHOlD rTEMS Tht ,.,,., SoNI a.a,. NOflCI IS Hl"llY 8144 MARINA r.bA.UNAX rtty Of ,_., .. TM ~ ~ ..... :...__ -..auslHOlD ITEMS ....... and ............ lcM:otlon of the ........,,. 8205 JUDITH FAUTIQ, Bu:rar /Tra n a l•r•• are: ..... Unlfted lcMol .,... HOUKHOlD ITEMS • HOOSHANO ZAHIOI, lltct Of Orange Counlr ... tn1 JL\NN~ MIA· SS"n .. llOI. 3UIO .,._ ~ ..... bldl lllP '° AYMAN, HOUSEHOLD VIN! AVENUE, ~T l:OO pm. on the ...-ti. ITIMS MACH, CA. l2llO ....... ..,.~ ~LIE JAVNfS; A80QU4•MIC> TIHINAN floe of MIO lcMol ITtMS HAGHIGHI, llUU-31-IMe&ed .. ,..... ... •no LINDA 1MITH, ~ 3100 W AV· ...... COMa--. CA ~~· CA. Ii 1 ':f""""4T llACH, ..... .._ .... MICI ......... -· :;.= Ae ..... llj ....... ILJ. ~ ........ .r..:=:.., ;a;; ................. -l'MTI ftMMt :1 •• ~~~·= Mllldl .. tobelris. ~CH AOWI, --~ •••""' Coi•ar-. !TIMI ..... ~ ...... ............ 11111:11 J#: =rc..·T~ ...... ~ .. ---......... _.. "' ............. -~ ... ......... ~fTIMI - \ PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ~528 MIKE MOUNT. H USEHOLD ITEMS enue, e1ug. D. Costa 111esa. Cauforn1a at which r.me C263 LAURA PEREZ b ids will be publicly HOUSEHOLD ITEMS opened and read IOI C267 DEBORAH SPARKS PURCHASE OF DRAFTING HOUSEHOLD ITEMS TABLES & LAYOUT TA· C290 TERI SCHILZ. BLES. ORANGE COAST HOUSEHOLD ITE'-1S COLLEGE ARCHITECTURE C32t TAMARA SPIELER Ail Bids ate 10 be 1n ac· HOUSEHOLD ITEMS cord:mce .... th 1ne 8 d Doc· ~335 JEFF S UMA , uments ~h<ch ate new on HOUSEHOLD ITEMS f.le llld m3r be SllC\ireCI 1n C369 HOLLY SHAFFER, lht office o ine D·rector ol HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Purchas ng of the Dist• •Ct Publlshtd Nev.pon No bidder may "' tn dnt"' Beach·Cos1a Men Daty his bid lor a period 01 forty· P1101 Match 21 28. 1994 five (45) days after lhe date m272 sel lor lhe opening thereol. The Board of Truslees r• PUBLIC NOTICE ser1oes lhe privilege of r• NOTICE 1ec:llng any and all b•ds or to waive any 1rregul1111t.es INVITING BIDS or inlormaJ1lles In any b•d NOl1CI IS htr•b1i given or 1n lht bidding Iha\ lht Board of ruslets Signed: /S/ BETTY ol lht Co1111 Communlly BALDWIN, Director of College D1s1r1c:1 ol Orange Purchaaln9 Counly, Cai l01n1a, w111 r• Coast Community ce .. e sealed bids up to bul no later lhan I 1 00 AM. College District Wednesday, APf1I 6. 1994 Op•n : March 3 0 , al the Purchu1ng Depart· 1994 · 11 AM mt,,I of the D•Sl•ICt localed •Id No .: HS40 at 1:170 Adams Avenue. Published Newport BldfJ D, Costa Mesa Ca11· Btach.Cosla Mesa Oa y fom•a. al "'h•ch lime bids p,101 a.1arch 14, 21. 1994 "''u be pi..bl cly op"19<1 and read lof· M256 PURCHASE OF HVAC IN-PUBLIC NOTICE STRUCTIONAL EQUIP· MENT; ORANGE COAST cna1113•93 COLLEGE VOCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES F1ctltlous hslneMNa"'9 All bods art 10 be 1.n ac- COfdance ¥t\lh the Bid doc· lt•tetn9nt The lollO'#lllg peflOnS are um9flts "'tvch art now on file and mlr be seC\Jftd Ill mbus!Ms•u: 1t1e 0M1ct o the 01ree1or of ATlANTIC CAPITAL PUfchasong ol the 01s111Ct CORP., 3200 Patti Cen\8r D11v•. 5th Floor, Coata No bidder mat wl\h<kaw hi• bid tor a pttl~ ol lony· Mesa, CA 92626 a.II Allanl>C TriCOI\ Lias· five (4!1) daya afler the d1te Hl fOf lhe Opening ttitt.Ot Ing Cor~atiOn (OE), 9$ The Board of TrustHI r• North oute 17 South, Paramus , New Jtrsty, S8f'VIS lht prlllll~ Of r• !Kling any and a bids or 07852 ' o waive any lrregulerlt1ff Th11 business 1• eon- OI' inl0tmallh•• in any bid dl.ICted by: a c0<po1allon OI' WI tM bidding. Th• reg11tr1111(1) com- l l•ned1 /II ••TTY rnenced to 111n11ct bl.ilJ. ~II undtt IM FICllllOUS llALDWlN, Dlreetor ef lullnen Namt(I) lilted P u r e healnt1 Coaat IClOft on: f.1 ·93 Co"'munltr C•ll•t• 1811 Allant.C TrlCOI\, Leas • Df•lrtct. Ing ~uon. Freci.oclt ~t APRIL I , 18M c aaum.n. ~elary • t1 AM ™-•temonc --· ~ .... .... i 1141 with the CounfV Cletk of Pubh•h•d New•ott Or= Couni~ on M•etl l each-Costa ..... Olity 1', I ' ,.. .... Not Male!\ It. 29, ttt4. ~ ..... ~ a m27S COtla ..... DaOy Pilot .....CIOTICI Mflrdl 11. II. Appl 4, 11, tlM. .... ... 11'1211 .,.,.. ... -"=.:n..,.,9'nt: PIL~ e.:~r::= It'• ..... ine.r: cen~onto a c ........ ,.. ..... :S.'° .... ~ IMfciftMa ...... ,, -Ml•• =·~-=-~. --.a:-~ ~ ....... DIJUI .. &-:II .... -·-~-....... ' .... ,,,. -- ... .. I Chlnc:a ll'C you wll ftnd wMt you need It the prloc you Wint to~ ~yourud CllUlfted dlly. Costa Mesa, CA. 92627 Bow To Place Classified Ad COSTA MESA 2124 NEWPORT COSTA MESA 2624 HOTELS . RENTALS TO RENTALS TO RENTALS TO RENTAJ.S liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 2169 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii & MOTELS 2 718 SHARE 2 724 SHARE 2 724 SHARE 2 72 4 WANTED 2726 3BR 2BA Condo nearliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii EAS TSIDE Nice 1BR iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Triangle Sq. Avail •Close to bc h l, Fr up1talr1. No pet1. LIVE IN LAGUNA COM 2br 1ba home w/ M/F 20-27 non-smJu shr NB Seashore Dr. 3Br Sngl mom wt3 yr old & now. $1100/mo. ean drs, stain glass 3BR Encl garage, laundry. Furn Studios. kitchen· prof male. Gar, yard, 3Br 2Ba hso, North 2Ba. Shara w/t who hve·in nanny NEEDS 641-0593 2 'hBa, curving stairs, $550+dep. 842·5984 ettea, TV, pool. $175 nr beach. 709 Acacia. CM. $365/mo ~ 'l•util. lives In LA. No smk/ 10 shr your home. HB Bl' PHONE: 714 642-5178 Bl' VISITING OR MAIL: 330 W. Bay, Street & up wk. 4g4-S~94 $550 mo. 723·0976 $225 dep. 435.9143 pet1. Fem prftf. $600 NB 714-21g.5391 COZV 1Br house In hi cells, dep. loft, 4 fr· •ES-QUIET PARK• 1..,,..-,.-,...----.,.---incl util. 631·1444 . pies, spa, decks, brick Mobllehomas $510 up CdM~N/smkr fem shr 'Ne Duplex near beh/ --------- quiet clean area. Bale patio, yrly lse $2300 a lso RV apaces $420 RENTALS TO sunny 2BR 2BA. lrplc, bay. 2 rms (1 rm lrg Npt Hghts Prof F/M to STORAGE 2742 trwa/ocll tno bcbrHh,z~a'unltrcb•ll~se, mo. 8 7 5·8348 140 Cabrlllo 646-0277 su11ee 2724 patio, nr bch $507.50 enough for 2 per· shr brcghl/alry twnhm,l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii • ivuu;; + ullls 721·0673 F 707 W'd, Ip, etc S450 + 1• frpl In llv/bdrm, gar, Cute beach collage, •Large, clean 1BR on sons> M, 673•1 sec deposit. 722-7360 PARK STORAGE Co1ta Meaa, CA 92627 (Corner oC Newport Blvd. 4 Bay SL) CIASSIFIED BOIJRS: · Telephone 8am • S:30pm Monday.Friday Walk.Io 8:30am-S:30pm Monday.Friday lndry rm, lmmacl $750 Nwpl Isl, 1 BR+ olc, Avocado St. Off-street COM. 2Br 2Ba. Sunny, NB exec condo. Tennis . Npt Shra Master br/ba Storage'garage, sizes N/pel 909/875-7797 w/w cpl, Ing, stove, parking. No pets. Bright Ba lboa Penln-unique. Decks, w/d. pool w d walk to 121t27 In CM Lo....,est EASTSIDE cmplx ten· nls . Pool & spa. 4 bd, dble grg SI 500. AGENT 631•1400 patio $800 650-9497 $525/m o 240-2299 aul• Apt Spacious· fp. $500. Quiet young · M • / walk·ln clst, pvt sndk, Prices. Office a ls o • steps to ocn M/F, prof M n/s. 760·!l691 bch. n 1 to shr w cath ce11 gar w/d . N Lido 1•1• 3 +3, fam _L_,0_2_B ... ,-E ... ,-• ..,..ld..,..•-.-N-e-w Reasonable. 650-8881 •GREAT VIEW Shore same. SSOO. 722·9414 Fem n s pref SS80 Incl avail& L7oca':~s-32;~· rm, redec. 2-car gar, I f d 1 B k h ut1l/cable 650-6032 .., port 1 th. crpt drps, nc pat o, The Piiot Baytront condo, w/d, N Fem non-am r s r Th• Piiot $1,995. 310·277·1583 h d t N · t h e PM a a e roes, gar. r Cl•••lfl•d lg patio, prlv br/ba. unique cus o m om ' Classified Call owner atter.6 . shops. No pets. $815 Th t oho $550 d 723 1479 pgpl, Lllocycle, formal TRADE E t.ld 850-8832 Or 54., "983 e mos com pr n· + ep. · d · The most comprehen· •• I **Lido Is l• bayfront ""' slve and current dlrec· gar ons. soc sys, In· slve a nd current dtt•c· Two 3BR units. Ga-& Interior homeal Ls• 1 f oods and ser Sell your homo door lndry. etc, etc h I ·1 d DEADLINES Monday ......................... Friday 5:30pm .Iueada-y---·-~-·-·--..Mond.af_5_:3J)pm Liv I AF ti ory 0 g . through classil1ed. Ul•-· .. ·-· throug c asst ie to o l goods an~d.;,-S~et:..;· ___ -11 rage, frplc. yard, w/d or , .. opll Bill Grundy • n ores . Vien.,~, T-S"trTS-$500 mo. 76~28 642·K878 v ces around! W edneaday .................. Tue.day 5:30pm httup;--S1200-& $12.SO. Realtors 875-ttnSr Studios .... From $550 .......,., ~ Villa Rentals 875-4912 1Bdrms ... From $625 •LIDO ISL•• Lg 2BR Pool, Spa, BBO's , -----------------------------~---------------, 2BA + bonus rm, gar, 'd kl c ladependent ........... Wedneaday 3:30pm Tbunday ................ Wedne.day 5:30pm Friday ...................... Thursday 5:30pm Saturday ....................... Friday 5:30pm GENERAL POUCY Ritet _. deadliDa an lil&hjed to ~ withocat llOCicit.. 1\e psbitliu ratrTet die ript to ~r, reclau i(y, ruiec or reject IDJ claulried td"'1ii a 11 t. Pleue rrport 1117 UT'On that •J be 1a m.ified " immediately. TIM o.ay Pilot a n.'i:t.pwd•t accepu ~ ~bility for u t crro~ bi u ..._.. at for wiic1 rt may bt r11P•••ble, aCllpt fw tile CMt ol tlie apece ~ occ:apied by die tmr. CRCiit cu oely be lllOftll fw "1e 6nt ...... HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR SALE HOUSES/ CONDOS FOR RENT BALBOA ISLAND 2106 new decor, $1375 lse cov par ng. orner IRVINE 2144 of Newport Blvd & liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil (919) 5 98-.3337 Wlla9n. 642·1390 Npt B•it mobile home. _Lr_g/_b_r...,lt-•i-1-B--R_u_p_s-tr-s.-,-ln •Turtle Rock* Double wide 1Br lBa. a qui•• E'slde toe. No REDUC•D RENTll $800/mo yearly. Avail pets $625 Moves You Hlghlanda Lg 4 +2, 4/1. * 8?3-403t Int 9 3 1-8427 lam rm, 2 car gar, •-N--t-C--t-3_B_R_3_B_. .,-,----.,.,,,,..,,,.--~-=-=-­cntrl heaValr, micro, wp res · a. Newer 2BR, built-Ins. d/W t I 724-4289 2000 a/f, new palnV Some Mgr's duties , rp cpl, pool, tennis $650 mo Pam Agl IAGUNA BEACH 2148 $1500 (714) 768·5346 548-5880 ~r 979-3848. Prestigious · Harbor Ridge Oen vw 2BR --------- 2\hBa, dock, trp1c. HUNTINGTON den, frml d ining , BEAru 2640 $3495 mo. 840-5324 "tl.66 Pan or•mlo ocn vu. Lg 2 master st• hae, frpl, w/d, bll·lns. $1450, yrl••••••••• lse. Avt 4/1. 857-6800 APARTMENTS WALK TO BEACH 2BR 1 BA, laundry, appliances. $695/mo. NEWPORT .. BEACH • 2169 FOR RENT ·---------BALBOA 310/592·2788 NEWPORT BEACH 2669 Beach Area l•PiiEiiNiiiNiisuiiIAiiiiiii2ii6iii07 iiiiii*ii1 a•Riisiieii2sii*iiiii Yrl~ Lg Studio or 3BR New remod Bach llepa 2-2BA $725/UD Incl Walerlront to E. bay/beeches. Kit, ,;:kiu,oHt Our 2BR -VIEW. Lltllo Bal Isl Unfurnlahed frig, stove. Quiet. No ~ptCll .Frig, d/w -3BA, den, 3Ba, dining S850 to St600 mo. pets. S595. 673·8726 Incl. 60x30 pool. No iou-.L "°"''"o room. $2650/mo yrly. VIiia Rentals peta. No tees. No o--011ru11m E&A Mgmt. 675·7839 875-4912 CORONA lease 5 4 5-4855 ,All rtalU&MMwtrti1int lnllu1 DEL -•e 2622 2BR 2BA, 1-car gar. MWINIMfls&dic'''°'"fd · ---------~ Near be•ch . Non 1111 fllr MMslllt Ad If !Ml a BALBOA ---------liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii amkra, no pets. Yrly ~wWca"'*•lllllttll PENINSULA 2 107 CdM·2BR. den, 28A, lg lse, $950. 873-9111 It .._... ... , 111ttltttue. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ RENTALS deck wlfab vlewl Blk -------------llmltalle• ., •1mlml11ll1n Lux furn condo. fab to bch, $1275 mo. ulls e WKS FREE RENT b 11• • racc. clltr, ""'""· b a.. vie w, 2 MBA 1BR. Ocnrt . S850 wk pd 723--0309 No pet.a WITH LEASE!! • 1BR. Udo . 11850 mo 1----------.m .w•iu,.1a1NU11s&a1uaor stos, turn-key cond. 2BR. Penln . $450 wk Cut•• Cl••n 1BR apt 2BR-3BR Apia. 2 ,...,..,...,.,.1111t1liolllt $1800 Agt 940-5894 2eR Ocnrt 11400 mo on Bay. Dwn1tra crnr Years Newt Family malre., ..-"'*""a. IJml· 3BR Penln 11575 mo unit, new crpVpalnt. complex.I. J>OOI, play- 11111e .,...,_1111eiea." 3eR. Udo . $2250 mo $1100/mo. 842-6515 ground aSC>-8310 11111 ....,.... •111 1111 CORONA 4BR · Lido • S3000 mo Studio, 801 Poppy Ave, COZV S TUDIO, turn/ .........,.__....,... DEL MAR 2122 • pvt deck, utla pd. unfum. New kitchen/ lllltle "',... ..... .Mell rs 111 The Pf!sd& illd 1550. Open Sal/Sun. crpt, fplc, loft. Walk to ~~::: 28r 2 Ba. trplc, w/d , 2· ., .. ·.-=~•-Ag1, Jim 720-0423 bch. Steps to comm -··r --11 kl h 67 .. 1_ pool, tennis. N/amkg. ... n ... 1 Mfttlla .. 111 11111 car gar, tu tc • new • er 7VV Studio, 10 of hwy, gd IJle 5795/mo 642·3182 ,.. .-...11 .... crpt. 3181h Heliotrope., _________ cond, ready to move.....,..,.,,,...,..._....,.,,....,.,....,.~-111''"'.. S1300/mo. 498·8027 2BA 1BA twnhme, pool, Int S575 mo. Shella LIDO filNiNi ULA =~::.~:!.: _ _.,.,"'"'='=-~:-:-:~:-::::':"' spa, nr Gelaon'a, 723·1500 or 644-9060 1 & 2BR Mobile ......... , ....... -~ Av•ll Nowt 511 Carn• ll•P• to Npt Cntr homes avail 3/151941 -- -..... tlon. a 3BR 2BA NU $1175 Bkr 840.5M4 Pvt bch, saoo-s1200 llllW 'I .. u,DC .. •llW• Pt·w/d. $1450 Open COSTA msA 2624 mo 073-8030 7 daya 'UlllU01Ulf--FrVSat 31Q-434-9924 SBR HARBOR VISW 7 10 Lido Perle Dr •••ST COM AAllA• Numel'OU9 upgradn. l••••••••ii -----------------1 28r 188, bale, vu, gar, Nr ah01>9, achls, perk, •• 8PARKLINQ ** •Npt Htl 21r 2 ... frpl, lndry. 1 blk to bch, EZ accna frwya Gut•t •• dptx, gar, Oar. No pets $875 LH NEWPORT BEACH ton fOlllLI 1089 1400 .. ,, ...... .....,. ·---·-~ t:-..... tJ:•e. ......... wa ' bch. 11175. 873·9041 $2,800. 975-1234 X8'3 lndry hkup. 1750/mo. 857·1778 or 854-2928 815 w. 18th 848-3557 •OOfgeou• ocean view •Bl9 Cenwen apa-1---------.... .,..,. 2BA 2BA H,V, Hiii• hm, 4BR or clou• 4BAo4\>\llA, •300Off11t Month ~. trplc, paUo. avl 3 + den. PoQt, ~ view, pool. apa. 3 car 28' 2~ Apta. In Quiel 3115, 11100/mo. S3850 Agt MOo•eM $4995 mo 840-1324 gated comm w/IOta 01 87U557 or 839-1471 i...... Carpot1a. Jee, lndry, 880'•· Private •••••••• patloa. D/W, c.ulnQ f9n•. 1716 a seos mo. lllSCl11ARIOVS 1 yr ....... 84M06S UllTW tllW Oft RentlS -----• t 8A, brltht, gated, pool, ollble Incl, cloM ---------'° ~ ~ 100115 2706 __ ...__ ••••••• • for. : :···· ·· ·:::J l:l:S t • • " • ••• • •••• • Run your ad in the N ewport Beach Costa Mesa Doily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Independent to reach over . 100 ,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail it in with a check todayl Run for a weekl If your car does not sell we'll run it for another week FREEi All for $1 0 ·------·-------------··· D YES,SELL MY CAR Nome ~ Credit Cord _ K. =VISA :JAM X ·---___ &p _ MOtl To OIJlY PILOT 330 W 8oy Ser.-, .Cotto Mmo, CA 92621 (1'4J 6'2·J6'9 0-WC (1141631-6$9' '"""'°"' ~ OnlyJ .... "" • • • : ..., "'-~,_.... ... _., : • o•a.--a rea• n ... ew 1 t OM OP • l>W-I I OMt OllUUM 0_.._ I I r>a... llf .... 0 ........ I o•-11-.-. •---' I a.--..; DI a • ,r a---I I 0 ~-I I cn-.u ...._.... .._ I ~--··••e•••••··········· I Monday. March 21, 1994 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACllOll 1 Fore.t c6Mttng IHe4per,tOt Mott 10 Cultivate 14 Aevc*itlonaty 15 St. LGWI ~eypley9f 11 Verdi GI*• ,,.....,. 11 GtOUP of .... 20 Ctwac1ar actor 8eatty 21 Fregrance l"'r9llh 24 Act 2tS Tlmetau 28 Smutllno MrYe 30 Earofcom 31 StlMpilh reply s.4 Stereo'• fOfWUOMf' 37 S.~ 9')ecialty 40 Japall ... ll#M• 41 Corral . 42 PauN 43 Island In northetn Canada 45 Endur• 46 Jazz guitarist Montgomery 47 Spasm 48 Snow boot 49 Distant star cluaters 52 Hall-of-Farner Wiison 56 Entrance courts 59 Not smooth 61 -and tonic 14 12 CongMI 84 .. nery part .. AdjUtt 17 Eg~ N\ ea~rmet muatwoom 88 Commotion 70 Ctutter 71 Hit tt1e tr.- DOWN t Majeetlc 2~tlon 3 Home 4 Morning lnOltture-- 5 Actr ... Lanc:Mlt• I Monutery head 7 Pond scum 8 Sweet crop 9 "Nlohlflne'' holl KQppel 10 Of pontiff• 11 Munt fOt' . Jdqlng 12 Poems 13 Cautr<Mt• , 19" Ferdinand'• • 'Wife 22 Female sandpiper , 25 Thank you, In Beflln 27 And not 29 UnderNa explofer Jacques - 31 Fn1gments 32 A"djoln 33 Cleopatra's snakes 34 Sigh of retie! 35 -and hearty 36 Lubrlcatn 37 Make a guess 38 For •IM:h 39 Arrive at 44 Playlng marble 48 En«gy 49 African river 50 Stringed Instruments 51 Prayer enders 53 Greek marketpla<l9 54 -vinegar 55 TOOk a retl· glous posture 56 Chapter• In • play 57 Praise 58 Rajah·s wife 60 Sweet potatoes 83 On the -(In flight) s5 ··-asa Stranger'' ft 12 13 111P1.0111111T 111PUm1111T wwwm eo1t llUOl I ------~~ .. ~---~ ......... ------~~-~~~~~····· ISJOll ........... ~OIGmmam•lilllll .. M•H• . ... ...... .. .. , .. 1r•n ~::?r:.:0n •:::..rv~.=:~r. 111eoh lncllned w/ Col ..... ..,.. Mull ewinc.. 1197t. A.NIWW to DULY UD'OS QUIZ =•°=or-:.= ::.':I~':: c:.2°u!..~~· llMIM or •7H499 Q.4-Nei&ber'IUlmnbla.•South ;~.,,=-= a12:r:' l>twn a-12. auaa au, On u. SPO...uG Q.2-Neither vulnenble, &1 South you bold: ._,NU Q'Vold OM& •KQ912 ll:n1ht •en ... 1 \) p.. 1. p._ 2 \J p-1 What action do you take?. A.-Thne c1ube ia quite pouibly your beet lpolil but there'• no way to play there! That bid would be fore· in1 and could leed to total diluter. p..._, before you pt into deep trouble. aoes -· .. _ .... , depai1men "-"die 22211 .. 8'. NB w/flrm ortho man Mt. ~un 1 --dethl9Ma t .:rGUIJhout llciri/llCTY never uHd, bO•ed. GOODS ... V'ltl 0&Q1'71 .. 781 LA VEN, OC. and SB Phonee, gen ofo. Pff Cost '850. muat Mltl-.lill•••lll!I•• Puua. op9m &be bMldiDs with oae Counllff M-1' lot l>MUt fftendfY, $2'0 cash. 774-8500 I• an._. ..-Lo.-do ·-1.-7 extremely busy Int I 80LOl'L•X w/xtraa. DOU'UIDp. "--aoyou-PatMJme, 2o.30 hours ofv In Newpot1 Cenlef. DAYiiD wht/braaa, 1250 Caah onty. Call A.-...,.._ of •bedau your Htc A 00/Ht MU9l l>e hald working, com~• w/ttundle & a"er apm 545-53«> ,....111&-l7or 18-llyouhewtbe e.~ .. w de11'..,er1ei .,~ ~nled, ..,.,. matt•· Never UHd. ..... for .. iDYl&.Uioml .... to PM, aome AM. O.clc w/good phone Coat 1850, muat .... ·------· two no vump. ll ii the fifth cHa-voice • ..,._. typing, 1250 CfSh. 77.w&OO AUTOMOBJUS mond tbat 9Wiall the P•dulum in Apply In .,_,eon: 8°~ •. M-erl/&hr~DOEoom. Pd EiTATi i1Li 1,. ........ . 'favor of a rUe if you play the WMk· 330 W Bmy St, ""' ~~ IQfa ..10lf9-II C0Ma ~.... part&lng. Cal Donna • I ' 0 I ,.....-. Blown at 1eo-a21e. Hat, ch• r. r g lntet'V&ewlng: 13400, asking 11-eoo•-.-MW------,-0-3_0_ Q.6-Both w!Mrab&e, u South thfough Match 28. Sec:tetwtel •at obo. Unused. Can d• you bold: No phone calla, DISPLAY .-ES llver. Hfi-8046 ------- •& <:>J9'2 OAK83 •7843 ,_P_le_•_••-·-----SECRETARY NEW DINING IET 79' 7331-4 dr, anrl, Auto, The biddini bu proceeded: $1 ,000 WKL y atuftll'\Q DutlH Include: anawe 72 )( 42 0,. .. table w/ pwr mirror/di locks, Nonla BMt Soada We.t 1 envelopes at home. talephonaa, rout 6 black hlghback run• gd, nice Int . 1 • p.. 1 NT p... No exp. Fr" auppllea/ calla, type cor chairs. 1700. 631·5007 52750 obo. 546-2427 Info. SASE: LIFETIME. rHpondenca, maln-2 <;> P.. 1 Dept. 12, Box 21Q9, taln fllH, order au 89 3251 Conv.Perfact Wba' ecdon do you tab? Brownwood, TX 76804 phe...~repare mall -.. ...:...'l!D_C_HAN __ .D_l_S_E__ condl Blu on whl, •lthr A.-Youbavearat.bersooclband.i---------i lnga;7bitcom• famlll DUO&\ seats. Muat Seel .' conaidariQI your one-no·trump re· ***AIRLIN••••• with newapaper rate MISC. 6015 $18,000. 644·251• ..... nae. With four-card trump ai1n, Now hiring entty lave!. and Pf'OCedurta, etc iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .....-...-r c Knowledge of Word 1---------port abd two quick tricka in · uatomar Hnllce/bag-P9rfect hetf)tul. Houri Custom ahHpakln Hat CHEVROLET 9045 diamonds, a~ the very leut you owe ~~= ~=~~!·. = plus full benefit pack covert tor Saub 900, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii putoer • niM to three heart.a and s1200 wkly Local or age. Phyalcal an carmel color, almost we wouldn't criticize a full-blooded ralocatlon. Appllcatlon Drug Screening r new, $350. '36-5358 81' Mallbu-4dr-Auto-AC, · , b & 1 f 1 quired. Start Im PS. VIS, nu tires, red. JWDP to aour eartl. n ° ·510-796-9675 medlately. To arrang G.AftAGE Gd end. FL platH ..,. ext. A241· an Interview, call 71• ACCUMMULATION $700 obO 631·7149 yoQ.u3 hoNld:~itber vulnerable. u South. Q.8-Both wlnerable. as South -0-IE_IUll_C_H_C_O ___ E_E-• tl.42-4321 and ask to OF ODDS & ENDS. 1--...........,,..,--~---= vnn hold: uni rr Micheal Fletcher. 490 Co•ta Meaa '82 Ch•v•tt•. runs & •Ql05 \JQ& OA9 •AQ10952 .1--Needs counter help --------Str .. t. 548·9832 look• great! Every· ""-e biddinl bu proceeded: ~ •K.83 V'A7& ¢42 •JU09&2 tor Its Newport Beach SPORTS·MINDED? thing NEW! $600 obo. •"' The bidding bu proceeded: store, 5am-12 noon or Marl(at sport• service Call today 97&-f500 North Eut South W.t Nort1l But South Weet 3pm-10pm (may Incl by phone. Leads pr 1 \J PUI 2 • P... 1 • p.. 2 • p... weekend). ~auallfled vlded. Great lncom COLLECTIBLES 2 \) PUI 1 2 O p 1 appllcanta mu1t have poten. CM. 436-1627 6017 GMC 9081 What do you bid now? .. reatauranVretall exp. A.-Let'a eliminate the bida you What do you bid now? Call Beth at 633-9143. --------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii can't make. Three cluba would de· . A.-lf your two-over-one response DRIVERS Exp'd only. EMPLOYMENT Buying Vlntag• BarblH '85 St 5 Jlmm~. .._ ICribe a tub-minimum two-over-was not a pme force, you have to Use own econo car or SERVICES 5533 & Clothes. Must be whl drive, lo ml, every jump to three apadea-the hand bu P/U truck. Earn ac· made In Japan. Top option, xlnt cond. one tteponae; two no trump would too many prime carda to riak Ian· cording 10 production. -·-•• price 980-3588 $4995 cash. 723-4579 be invitational; you are a trump cuiahi.ni in a partial. If you've FT/PT. (714) 83 ... t170 Please be aware that . ¥1::i .!:~e! ~U::pa':e.f:;ru!::':; adopted the modem atyle, two F••hlon 1•1 beauty ':o~~·i:;:~; r~~~~: ~~~ COMPUTeRS 60181.H_O_N_D_A ____ 9_0_8_5 &lid te · fl th apadea ii enou,ii. That'• forcin1 ••Ion haa apace for to call a 900 number iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii trump our vo .J-~ or de and diac:ouragins rebida thereafter Electrolyala & Acu-In which there la 11 latter-it ia more .._.,~;ptive an abould ..a--~-.... .-.,., ardor. pune1urtat. 54~5125 Computer Printer 88' Blue Clvlo-Xlnt lest fancy. ~ _.-FLORAL DELIVERY charge per minute. Apple Laser Writer II cond, loaded: lo Fff. Allen Back Florlat, NTX. $800 obo. Call mll••· Orig ownr. 11559 Placentia Ava. EMPLOYMENT Bob. 722·1667 • $5800 obo. 549·5033 •.. ••••111•1.JN~p~t!B~ea~c~h.~&4~2-~5004~ WANTED 5535 --------'84 Prelude sunroof, LOST & LOST & PERSONALS Halrc;.utttrt Wanttd iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiilJEWELRY FURS 1t1ck. blue. 1 owner. FOUND 2 925 FOUND 2925 ••••••••I For THE HAIRCUT· Houaetcper/Companlon. T ' 6025 gd cond, $5000. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TEAS • Coata Mff&, a .. ka posit. Uve In or Ir AR 845-0829 FOUND: Slam••• 'PERSONALS 3002 Newport Beach area. out. Older fem, Eng· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cat. Coast Hwy/Bay· •REWARD• Great Job, great loci apeak. Refs. 644·8665 1 dl~t 011 11 1-------- slde Drive area, New-LOST BLACK LAB DOUBLB YOUR FUNlll ~~:~7~t~:2~:5~l~entel ~rlbal rchle f~ort~f1i( HYUNDAI 9090 port Beach. Call to "YOSHI" 1·800-235·9LAY HOUS• CLiANERS D014ESTICS 5540 acreen, aven w/flsh.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ldttntlfy, 675·5111. MALE <::;> 9 Months LIVE PARTY UNESI Balboa laland Co muuu mounted. 88' Hatchback-4dr, P/S, LOST: Face plate for A et re 1 v er m Ix No C.C. II+ S2.0W3.50/mln. Must have car, Ina &. Nanny/H•kp for 2 chll· Authentic. 846-5053 FM cass, sharpl Mech Sony mini disc car All blk/long halr1--. _H_O_T_&_W_l_L_D_l__ •peak Eng 723-6064 dran. apk •om• Eng, • • +LadlH 5V4 total good $1750 obo. Player w/case. Vlclnlty W 1 d 1 I f LI t 631-7149 ear ng re co ar 1·800-860-6969 Manicurist Muat ba exp ra •· ve-ou • ct ring 122K appraisal; Larkspur/Marguerlle, co ta M aa 646-5350 c d M • R E w AR D . Los l In H B -near Toll Fr•• Call frlendly, dependable & · 1 • · wlll aell for $11 K flrm.1 _______ _ Please call 640-7017 Beach & Yorktown Sin~•• Hotline confidant lnablllly. Call AJ 854-8152 MERCEDES Please call Scott 1· 38·7801 Great Slncentlveas . MERCHANDISE To place an ad In N rt B hi 1 ort The Piiot claulfied, (714) 903·0035 Ext 799 S2/Mln. •wpo •ac arp Call 842·5878. 18 yrs or over area. Teri 752-0711 ••••••••If PETS Ir PIT RETAIL SALES· 111lnH11T t! DATA ENTRY. Salary ANTIQUES 6010 nnufULlftJ ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS MEMBERSHIPS + comm. 2.3 dya/Wk. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2920 2920 3018 Call Biii, 542·2222 6049 ADOPT ·A·PET •BUYING ITEMS• 9130 300 CD-1978 Excallent cond. $3900. 645-0104 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,_,,P~AR-T_T_IM-.-,-u-N-J"""o~.~ --------------------------------------------. Excluslva Center Glub Helplng USA amateur Business S---1-aJ Skills membership. Cost athletes. Boys & girls From 1800·1960. 1 piece jewelry to entire houseful. Immediate cash. top $. 673-6223 Every Sat & Sun at TOYOTA 9210 PETS MART, Fountain liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Valley. Puppies, kit· COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 8t FINANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS urYl y; 1 OK sac 7K Inc trans 16 +. Earn $6-S t 2 per lee. Nancy 64~768 hour. Call 641 -6977 Real Eatate ••POOL TABLE•• Full s ize solid Honduran mahogany. tens and more, all 83' Cellca GTS-lllbk loolslng for loving, car-antf, AC, PW, PM, PS. Ing homea. CALL 241· Mags, 5apd, Sharpl 0317 for more Info. $2650 obo 631·7149 -----· EMPLOYMENT . ------•BUSINESS 2904 LOST 81 BUSINESS OFFICE OPPORTUNITY FOUND 2925 MALISTATIULD Busy walk-lrt loca1lon. comp plan. For lnteMew Built late t 800's. S950 ..... p-u"""p"'"a--r•_•_c_u_ad--fr_o_m •--------- Larry, Corona del Mar. death row. Adopt with VOLKSWAGEN 9235 ••967-0798•• don at Ion . Can• t ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii adopt? Ba a foster ort• FOR RENT 2769 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil LOCAL RTE•38 Loca· F 0 UN D : Lad I ea ••General ofc space llona eBu~y All Or Wrlatwatch lrt'" Kap- 1 tx15 at 1516 New· Part•Posslble S3K Ian'• parkling lot (Har- port Blvd. CM. Xlnt Wkly•800·599-6760 bor & 405). Call to EMPLOYMENT 5530 call Ron Tavtor. :I llwPn ''"'" ~!#port APPLIANCES 6011 volunt .. r. Call 714/ •ee Squarel>ack rebll 859-270.-. ang, new llrH/brkH/ atereo. Auna great. Purebred Doberman $3000. Call 854-4876 673-7300 Full·alze ADMIN IALES ASST l~==~~~==:'I Refrigerator loci 873·1943 --------Identify, 640-5737. Own A Payphone Rte. Sell your home $1200/Wk pot. through classlfled. Unique Oppor. 842·5878 1·800-488-7632 Whether you're buying or selllng, Ctasalnad covers all your needal For top producer, Reataurant In CdM w/leamaker,grt cond Smith Barney Shear-now hiring, all posit: beige, 5235 OBO son. FAX resume: Host, Servara, Cooks. 642-4321 X33• 714/641-7766. 640-2291 btwn &-11am ___ o_r_ee_1_-2_4_2_1 __ . Female, 3 yra old. --------Abuaed but very '87 Sclrocco 18V aw .. t and great with lmmac In/out, all pwr, kids. Needa to be only Malnt idnVnew parts. pat. C•ll 71 ... 373-0771 54995 Must'" 844·5410 ------1 CARPENTRY 3510 CLEANING DECK FURNITURE .. HAULING 3720 IANDSCAPE Ir MOVING 3834 PET SERVICE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim SERVICES 3548 COATING 3570 REPAIRS 3622 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LAWN CJUU! 3808 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SERVICES REAL ESTATE 3870 SPECIALIST 3 911 DIRECTORY Ripe.rs, Rtmod. Doors. wln-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Beauty & th• Beaetliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sav On Moving •••••••••I dows, cabinets. •tucco & dry-Reliable Home/Office STOP Deck Leaks· Complete R••lor•tlon Haullng & Cleanup B••lo Yard Malnt. LowHt, Storage, prof. Wal king th• Dog·A Come to Colorado! Colo Spg1 wlll, lences, gates, tie. Uc. Cleaning. Excellent waterproof coating•· Wood, wicker, uphOll, Mr & Mrs Rubble Lawna, Cleanup•• XLNT rep. 1 hr rnln. Ina. kennel elternatlve. '"° http. ~ Off moving 35yrsexp.Jerry 142.0597 Refs. 10% Off tat visit decks, stairs Oual. etc. FREE pickup & at your service. Tr" Trimming, Lt THl7659· V/MC 731"2956 Personalized, your costs. su.coJdwel Bink• ACCOUNTING/ Marla 722·1854 work. Ll587430 Free delivery. 982·1823 650-8669 or 650-1628 Hauling 979-8245 ---------I home. Ina. 673·7184 Wllk•&Col00-571-6525 TAXES 3406 CARPET Est. Best S 722-8769 'JUNK TO THE DUMP' Down to Earth Lawn & PAINTING 3858 --------RelocaUng to Denver? CLEANING 3515 COMPUTED$ 35 6 HANDY MAN 3710 Immediate debrla Garden Service. Conat iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil PHOTOGRAPHY All SSS ranges. All 25 YEARS EXP &\ 1 DOORS 3580 removal. Guar HonHt Malnt & Renovation. •W.P. YOUNGQUIST 387 American RE.(9ob Fully computerized. M J ti M 1 t T k ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HoiHll••ntal ProperUH PrlcH. 968·1882 Customer Satisfaction Painting Conlraolor iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5 l<nudSlll) 800•553•5299 Fast service By appt • •• 0 an · rue ONllTI PC IERVICH11 .1 our 1 et priority! Oual. palnUnn by nrol'la N · · · mount ca1pet cleaning Excellent new entry P..,nt-Carpantry· U 1 .,..,,,.,.8 ..... 78 ,,. ... ,.. 548"7600 wpt Bch 10% off w/ad. Flood Soft/Hardware Install, maker & door hanger. Drywall and moral NT c """"""' · .,...,... 1• Ucll02098. Ins. QUALITY CPA control 24 hr 557-4059 Train. tat rat• Hrvlca. Guar, reaa. Baldwin Gery 845-5277 IMPROVEME S 0'9eft So-. l.and.cpng Frff nt 845-3305 at affordable flKed lee. 1 hour free. Free ••l. Locks. Don, 521·8910 Carpentry, Eleotrlo HOME 3756 & lrrlgaUon, Trimming PROFESSIONAL WEDDING TILE 3928 PhotogrephJ You1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim kMp lh• negatlv ... 1• Deborah 983-8183 Repair Speolellata 7 Daya & Evenings ,. .. a T STALL Brandon. 720.0295 Plumblng liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii & Removala, Clean-.iPAINTING Brent Ells 1542·9843 ~PE IN Comm/Rea. Lio. TUPP•RWARIE upa & Malnl, St. Uc. DAVID aLOANE PLUMBING 3890 Clean, Caulk, regrout. ••allflg & Install. Uk•Nu Tile 840-2211. SM.ALLBUllNESSES &REPAIRS 3S16'_c_O_N_C_RE_T_E_& ___ ELECTIUCAL 3610 .leff842-0833 Cuatomlze lour 15990215,432-8804 PAINTERS P & L STATEMENTS MASONRY 3557 Carpentry, roofing. kitchen, galley RV. Jungle Jim• Landscape Ll358528 • 645-9957 INCOME T.:.~ SERVICE Carpet Repalr•·POM/ A-1 l!lectrloel work plumbing, drywall, Melody 650-5683 NB Malnt.Hrdacpe,Yard FREE ESTIMATES-OFF •EXTRA QUICK• WAllR frH Pick Up & :i"'lvery reatratch'Wlr damage, Local Uo. contractOt atucco, painting, tile, cleanup. Tame It SEASON SPECIALS. Righi now. MlnutH Pn'l'9•TJON 3933 11"'1207 Install an)' size job. Be t Prl /Q llty Quick RHponsel etec:trlcal. Jim 1'1·74SM nowl 497~998 SAVES YOU MONEY. from youl Drains ru0t """" YEAR IND C"UNCHf 20 yr exp. 725--7032 * 1 Ct UI FrH Eat. 85°"7042 Buropean Crattem.n HOME CARE/ -]iii( Lle84378. 722·7885 cleaned from 17.50.lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bookkuplng to flt ~C:C:~ ~~~ ELiCTRICIAN Tiie, P91nllng, r•·root, SERVICES 3760 "" TREES "' Jerry L Oavla·Speclallze C1 omplata hopu1s• S155, WAT•R Treetment your need•. Bua/Pera. ,.. D Ucense Jll233108·C10. repair and moral Ref'a Te''""'••"•· u.11e, * Cuatom Ras/Comm yr guar. umb ng Syatema. Boni• qual· Fast aervlce. 964·2410 CHILD ~E 3536 Brick. Block. Stone, Tiie Small jobs. maln1 and Stefan 581·7881 ........ ...,. 7514478 Palntlng/Wallgaperlng repair• from $9.75. lty waler from your tap Cone, Patio, Driveway repairs. 548·5203 Fhl·lt·Palnt Interior HOM• NURSE/ L,441235 * 786-2028 JohnnlH, 540-2092 for c gallon. For APPLIANCES Chrlallan mom haa Fplc, BBOa. Raf. 20 Vr small appll&nc••·yatd COMPANION PiiNTINO ui• •l'OX PLUM•ING• Home/Ofc. 476-Hn opening. CPR cen'd. Exp. Tarry 557•7894 FENCi:!~ llght•·•prlnklera 25 yr• exp, many refs. MOVING 3834 qualltyWOf'll, 100% Ins/ •--------- SERVICE 3426 P Ch I Og a ~ Call E ... 1 7159 l'iiiliiiiii•iliiiiiiiiiiiiii cofor conaunatlon bOnd_..., ' ... , ..... ,, •• For r•.·• 00 pr ' m. Cemant/brlck/atone/1•1• • DEC•~ 3815 Pete 714·722·7732 va, "" · i• t 1-2,.., ..., """ """ ~---.----- i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Uc d ff9 1488 ~ rH W ••• "'" ellp any plumbl"" need call · • drvwy slab $2.50/aq ft Maaonry Repair 25 Cmpt. ......... ....,.,. cuatom/malntenance tor"" 8111 80o.233-43l3 Michaela Appl Repair· atampd cone $5.50 up Y'9 exp. Brlclc, tile, atone, INSTns•uca 3778 The Captain beat• *885891 64MSO!l5 ... ....-~..-......,,,.._....,..--W/D·•tovaa-refrlg·d/w CLEANING Ll541656 • 631-4310 •FENC•I °"!::ct concrete, ate. Xlnl local vw~ Iii everyones Pl'lc••I Ina ....... _ ... _ _,....,...,.,._ ....... ,p1umblng Repair• & I bg di 0% new/Npelt/pMI ~ kl f •IDIRHN •MNTIMO CO Draine Cleared f1om ~.c~~. 902-41~4 1 SERVICES 3548 QUALITY MASONRY R•dWOod• LH7eeotl ..... J. Sidney 141-2t67 r:~;:1~ ~~:7· 7$ )'fl of tamly lrldotlOn. suo. All flXIUtH In ii•iiiiiiiiiilili•iiiii Block & wood fencH, Jim Whyte 542•7208 Plumblng/elec/Water Affordable Haahh Insur. FIM Ett. Raf. PYovldtd aUllled Steve'• 545-1291 ---------I cone drives & palloa. hlr•/•prlnklera/oall No Deduct. 50+ local PUBLIC NOTICE Ucf nt534 ISO.Ont · ILAC'"AC~ 1 '•t T••m c1 .... 1ng Ucl671812 968·0422 •Wood,,........ f•n•. lnatall/Repalr. Med Fae. Frff quotH. --------"" 3486 Vayancya, Home & r~.lrw'*'"O FREEHt.a41-01~7 MatkLICnllx725-o5e2 TheCallf.PubtlCUtlll· ROOFING 3&10 LESSONS Commercial. 8am-8pm nllmllff. Low ptlcel. Uc'cl ti•• Commlaalon RE· PIANO 6 VOCAL . • 287·1788 7 daya CONSRUCTION Adv1nlaQI Conte.174.QOt O~---~Qrp91ntry:-.P•w1n.,t.1 , ________ 1 QUIRES that all u-.ct ••••8iliili• ..,......., a.... hOUHhold goods LISSONS 38A Hotline Rootlngl FREE Prtdte/group IHaona 100'4t Satl•f•otlon IUUJ>ING 3560 unite, furn, rpn, etc. JIWltaY 3784 mover• print their Eatqlhquake kit w/ for recreation or Of I back. Home/Ofc.1•••••1ii••• PLOOlt INSTAU Refa. P'red 115-e359 I••••••••• p u.c. Cal T number; 1et La880N ""98 FrM Eat. Wd 6 lna'd. aerlou• player. Count· Honest, refa. Some 1~ .. ~ .. ··--·-Ing not nee. 15'8-&480 Eng. Rebeca 285-1308 R08•8URY llPAIU 3120 semi Retired c:ontrac:tcw. WUllem Harold.......,. ..._ and Chauneura PlanO: M•ten cand. -·-*804881 WINDOW "tHIHMA 8ullder/Contractor ~· ~~~· !..ml Watch•'"""" repair prtnt 1hW T.C.P. num-I yn. twNna. aa;; llMfLii.uc a. * ~'""*' Aea/Comm/Ramodel --ha • ,......, -r• uegtny, AntlquelPlne........, !>et An .. lldll9"'... Jonatl\M 7W-IOl7 lne loedallza comm ,. ••• a~y 3510 FREE ESTIMATES Uc .. 212137. 542·2271 "'"".,.. ••••• I c.re. !(.,. Ml·t770 ~-•Ta.GM• manta. If ycMI have • . IA'eoalt 2 . ~-·" ,.. cer.mic, marble, aw-----~--...._ ....... _______ queellon about the i.. Plrat R•l•·Pl•no r•roo ep . 5 vre, 29NI01t David &el your unwanted floor repair, carpet plltv of• mover, Mme =:n-from 8ech '= •FRl!I ~ST 175-SOH HOUSECLEANINO for Item• the euy wayl Uc. Bond M~..a or !"~~~'!!:._a call: In_,,:....,,~. ---· 31 *,~ .. ~of•".!!.=* reu coat. ref evall, It To phM:e your r-.. ._. ..,_ ---•• _.. _ •- -------- RepaiAting? .,.... ........... ............. ,... ............. ~.w .. ... "',. ..... needed call Rita ctaaelfled ed call COmmlHlon fteeda. Awoof/NoM Cetdef\U a..2-1en .... ,,...,.. "......,."' ~Lic.!!!!;:•!!!;•.,.~•!•!•!,..~•~fnn!.11••••••••·