HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-15 - Orange Coast PilotPORTS San Diego YC sails to yachting victory P 0 L ·1 TICS 1lrne wasn't right for Hedges' tax ideas Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 '\._ \ I i I ' ' I I I I\ I\ \ I\. 'l \\ I I h. What our local 'power brokers' • are ponng over T his week is National Library Week. a time to recognize and appreciate what our local libraries have to off er, and to celebrate the joy of reading. So the Newport Beach Public Library asked individuals noted in the Daily Pilot's Top 103 ·Most Influential H list to name their favorite books and explain how the readings have shaped their lives. • Roy Alvarado (sonal actJvist) -"Stu- dent Aggression· by Arnold Goltbtem, et. al •tt expldl.nS school VJolence as a systems problem and t>xplalns wdys to modlfy some of the elements that c:on- tnbute to 11 -peers' behavior, school peraonnel, fanuly members, admuustrd· bve systems and commuruty agencies • • Martin Benson (artistic duector) - "Grapes of Wrath" by John Stembeck ·1 was overwhelmed by tts power and humaruty.• • Mac Bernd (N-MUSD schools super- intendent) "Zen and the Art of Motor- cycle Mdllltenance· by Robert Pers1g "It causes me tCJ constantly reflect on what I can do to live d quality We • • lU Borden fbdsebaU pitcher) "The Btble • "It gives me wisdom. con- hdenct>, duectlon c1nd support when no one else does • • Reenle Boyer (lifeguard) World AU~ •My hw.band and I like to travel At home or away, I c1lways have a good mystery or romance novel in progress • • Charlie Brande (volleyball director) "Portable Pedrntncaan for Parents" by Laura Nathanson "It helps me with our one-year-old daughter, Kaut, whose ldvonte book 1s 'The Very Hun· gry Cdterp1Uar' by Em· Cdfle. • • Marilyn Brewer (A..,semblywomc1n) -"The Iron Lady" by Hugo Young ·1 hke biographies because you can lec1m and better understand how gOdls were dC(ompllshed and tho obstades tlus worn.in overcclJTle lo become Bnldln's 'Iron ~tress·· • Peggy Goldwater Clay (CEO) "Gtft from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lmdbergh "Even though tlus book hM been out for many, many years, the message and the philosophy 4Ie very profound for today's womclll • • Christopher Cox (Congres~man) "The Discoverers• by Daniel Boorstem "It's a fascmallng d<'Count of rrianlund's greatest dJscovenes, lrom which any· one + can learn.· • Jim de Boom (school board trustee) -"The Be Happy Attitudes· by Robert Schuller. "I ltke tl because ol the post· live attitudes I get when I read it. It charges my battery I• • BonnJe Engm-om (educabOn actJVl.St) •Footprints, Walking Through lhe'Pas- sages ol Ule • by Howard and Jeanne Hendncks "It is very lllSplltng and con· fuming of mamage and fanuty values • • Joe Erickson (Mayor, C06tll Mesa) - "The Old Man and the 5<'<1" by Ernest Henungway ·11 as beaubful and cbgrufied • • Ed Fawcett !C'~t<t Mf>'KI Chamber of Commerce) • Atlds Shrugged" by Ayn Rand ·11 delivers a umeless message that payment or support is only deserved when one has worked for 11 or earned 1t • • Jean Forbatb ($0C1Al act:JvtSt) • AmazUlg Grace· by Jonathan Kozol ·11 descnbes w1lh seanng clarity and wrenching honesty the live<. of real people s11flenng m poverty l>e<:ause sooety abandoned thPm • • Andy Gonlt (pohce officer} ·My Amencan Journey• br Colin Powell "You get an ms1der's view on how for- eign policy Is made.• • John W. Hedges {Mayor, Newport Beach) -"The Republic of Letters: Cor- respondence between Jefferson and Madison, 1776-1826." •ttorters fud· natihg Insight into the mlnda of the two greatest men ln American history.• • Novell Hendrlcklon (activist) -•A Woman of Independent Means• by Elizabeth Halley. •11 was set in the 1900s and presents a definite change In role for a woman of the day written in an interesting letter fonn. • • John A. Hottman, Jr. (pa tor) - "The Bible.• "It is God telling me aU I need to know about Him, myself and other human beings and the rest of God's creabon • • Budt Johna (politldan) -• AUat Shrugged• by ~yn Rand. "Though Russian-born. Rand pos sed an incredible ability to portray the evils of oppres11lve government and the promise of individual achievement.· • F1eldler Joqes, Jr. (car dealer) - "Skin Tight• by Carl Hal.sen •t enjoy l"Mding to escape and Carl Hatsen makeis me laugh.• • Ludlle ICuelln (library lrultee) - "Horton Hean a Who" by Dr. Seuss. •it ehowt how tmportant every dtlzen ii, and that every voice couni.. • • Wendy i.... (school board trust ) -·ne Bible." •ft helps me get through llle. • • Marto t.-cot (thf4tte dtr.ctor) - "Grimm'• P&lry Tl.lei• by the Brothen Grimm. "With the h lp of (•I llQrerlan and lh• magic tllet ln that bOOk, I not only IMmeii !ngllsh, but I gained th• ~and huat ol a very new world ~t I .could call homtt. • ~ ..... ,......,.INeWport 8-da N.utiad Muiewn)-•Unc'Qln· by <lore 'Mal. •ft"~ \0 *"" boW Atnhal UfteOln ~IO much untW IUCh dllllNI.....,.. and Explosions ignite ho~t in Newport Harbor • Unidentified man rescues pair from boat. Faulty fuel system is to blame for accident, fire investigators believe . By David Silva, Dally Piiot NEWPORT BEACH - A series of explosions set a 32-foot boat ablaze in Newport Harbor on Saturday morning, sending spectacular plumes of black smoke over the scenic bay. Fire investigators believe a faulty fuel system aboard the cab- in cruiser uNeptune" sparked the explosions, which occurred at about 11:15 a.m. as the boat was leaving a fuel dock in the harbor. The boat's two owners and sole passengers, Victor and Gabriella Gipson of Las Vegas, were res- cued uninjured from the burning vessel by a man in a nearby skiff, Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol Sgt. Karl Von Vofgt said. ·Tue man then delivered the Gipsons safely to the fuel dock,· Voigt said Sunday. ·we still have not identified who the man was.• One of the explosions was so powerful it lilted Gabriella Gipson eight inches off the boat's deck, according to a Newport Beach Fire and Marine news release. Sheriff's fire boat crews brought the blaze under control, then towed the smoldering boat to Bal- boa Island, where firefighters assisted in extinguishing the blaze. Damage to the vessel was esti- mated at $45,000, Voigt said. No fuel was spilled into the bay. ' Orange County Harbor patrol attempts to douse Dames Saturuy after explosions ignited a 32-foot cabin cruiser In Newport Harbor. Noone was injured in the blaze, and fire ln\)estigators beUeve a faulty fuel system ls to blame for the accldenl PHOTO SPl:CIAL. TO THE OAll.V PILOT Pl HI'<>~ I I l I 'IHI l> F ~ Every accountant has. his day - and today is it •Tax day is made easier by accountants' hard work -so says former county CEO William Popejoy. By Tina Borgatta, Daily Piiot It's tax day, and accountants all over Newport-Mesa, the county, and the country are chained to their desks, ounching numbers and bus- tling lo file their cbents' tax returns before the clock strikes midnight And their hard work does not go unappreoated by their cllents Former Orange County Chief Executive Officer William Pope- JOY even says his accountant is one of his closest fnends. "Tax day certainly isn't a painful process for me," says Popejoy, who lives in Newport Beach. uu•s been made very easy by my accountant, Hank Adler.· Popejoy said he met Adler - who now works for the accounting WUllam Popejoy firm of. Deloitte and Touche - back in the 1970s. ''He was Just a junior fellow at a s.maJl account- ing fum then.. PopeJOY says. "That was 20 YeaIS ago, and the last thing I wanted to do at that tJine was talk to a tax accountant. "l remember he was m a cast after having an Achilles tendon operab.on, whtch is very pamtu1 surgery. I thought, 'Here's a tax guy who really hwts for tus bUSIIleSS ' He was ID such agony. but he was still mterested in being my accountant." Popejoy said Adler went on to become one of the top accoun- tants at Deloitte and Tousch, which 1s among the country's most respected accounting firms. Says Popejoy: ·Now I'm almost too little a fish for hun to deal wtth. • Costa Mesa council to discuss East Side traffic LEAH ~STEN/ DAILY Pit.OT Krilana Myers, left, Mary MeCellM md C80le Me1lde enjoy tbe bMutUal wNlber wlllle pUtldpatlng ln the MS W.nt toi M._.. W'oilll uoUDd the Back Bay on s~. The trio walked tile 9-mlle route la boilor of McCellaa's motber, Joanne. 1be eftDt. Wbkll cliew about 2,500 walkers, ts ~ to r.a.e DiNuty S2tO..ooo to help flglit maltiple ld.ei'Olll. The Costa Mesa City Council towgbt will consider hmng a con- sultant to conduct a •comprehen- sive neighborhood traffic study• for the East Side. Residents living along East 19th Street began urging the council to take a closer look at traffic patterns in January. At the time, homeowners com- plained that the thousands of cars and trucks that speed through their neighborhood on a daily basis was creating a hazardous situation. They lobbied tor speed bumps, but the council instead decided to post caution and directional signs. The officials also agreed to consider ini· tiating a study to help come up with solutions. mRRING THINGS UP • Unlikely activist Bob Caustin fights to keep IRWD 's treated sewage water out of Newport Bay. By Evan Henerson, Daily Pilot r-----~-------------------, F. Y.I. +The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Olamber, n Fair Dri- ve, Costa Mesa. I • • I • ' I I I • I L-------------------------J The council will also consider: • Approvmg the installation of a plaque in Lions Park in memory of long-time resident and Uon's Club member Les Miller, who died last year. • A request from the Newport- Harbor Uons Oub to hang 50 banners throughout the city to promote its annual Fish Fry, which will be held in June. -ByllnaBo .... r-------~-~-~----, I \ PI \ AROUND TOWN ~ED LOOKING MOC POUCEIUS "*ltmncu MltlS ' I I I I ' I The •2·year.old Ne~ Beech rest· dent bas spoken at more tim 20 debates and public ton.mu. He has hired scientific consultants and dtstrlbuted ruers. He baa lugged h1I portable topler down to the Irvine Ranch Water District's omc. to copy relevant documents and~· The non-profit ~~tion be created, • Defend the Bay, bu ~ coatribu· tiOQI fftD S2 aJ1 tiMa Waf; .. 110,000, Thi 47 l conttttMWI ude Henry Segerstrom and ~ on.n. C•Ultln WotkJ 1~14 boUr days. t. majaltty of wtuch 11 ~to UM .. w.ts i.a.. Even his May 18 marlage to telloW SPORTS San Diego YC sails to yachting victory r POI-I TICS 1ime wasn ,t right for Hedges, tax ideas Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 ' \ I I I I' \ I I I I ' I \ \ I \ ~ \ \ I I 1, What our local 'power brokers' are poring over T his week is National Library Week, a time to recognize and appreciate what our local libraries have to offer, and to celebrate the joy of reading. So the Newport Beach Public Library asked individuals noted in the Daily Pilot's Top 103 "Most Influential" list to name their favorite books and explain how the readings have shaped their lives. •Roy Alvarado (sOC'lal activist} -"Stu- dent Aggression • by Arnold Golc.15tein, el. al. "It explains school VIOience as a systems problem and explains wdys to mod.ify some of the elements that con- tnbute to 1t -~r..· behavior, school personnel, faJruly members, adrrurustra- tive systems and community agenoes • • Martin Beruon (artistic director} - ·crapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck ·1 was overwhelmed by its power and humaruty • • Mac Bernd (N-MUSD schools super- intendent) -"Zen and the Art of Motor- cycle Mamtenance" by Robert Pers1g "It Cduses me to constantly renect on what I can do to l!Ve a quality hfe • • II~ Borders (basebdll pitcher} "The Bible.· "It gwes me Wlsdom, con- hdence, direction and support when no one else does • • Reenle Boyer (Weguard) -World .Atlas. "My husband and I hke to travel. At home or away, I always have a good mystery or romdnce novel m progress.· • Charlie Brande (volleyball director) -"Portable Pedmtric1an for Parf>nts" by Laura Nathanson ·11 helps me with our one-year-old daughter, Kaili, whose favonte book 1s 'The Very Hun- gry Caterplllar' by Enc Ct11le • • Marilyn Brewer (Assemblywomanl -"The lron Lddy" by Hugo Young "I ltke b1ographles becduse you can !Pam and better understand how . goals were accomplished and tho obstacles this womdll overcame to become Bntam's 'Iron M.tstress ·• • Peggy Goldwater Clay (CEO) - "Gut from thP Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh "Even though this book has been out for many. many years, the message and the philosophy are very profound for toddy's woman • • Christopher Cox tCongressman) - "The 01SCoverers" by Daniel Boorstem "It's a fascinating account of mankind's greatest chscovenes, from which any- one .. can learn • • Jim de Boom (school board trustee} -"The Be Happy Attitudes· by Robert Schuller. "l ltke 1t because or the pos1- t1ve attitudes I get when I read lt. It charges my battery!• • Bonnie Engstrom (education actiV1St} - "Footprints, Walkmg Tlvough the Pas· sages ol Life" by Howard and Jeanne Hendncks "It is very inspiring and con- fimung ol mamage and farruly values • • Joe Er1dCJon (Mayor, Costa Mesa) "The Old Man and the Sea. by Ernest Hemingway "It Is beautiful and digrufied." • Ed Fawcett (Costa MPSa Chamber ol Commerre) "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand "It delivers a tm1eless message that payment or support as only deserved when one has worked for 1t or earned it· • Jean Forbath (social actlVlst) - • Amazmg Grace· by Jonathan Kozol "It descnbes with seanng clanty and wrenching honesty the hves of real people suflenng m poverty because soaety abandoned them • •Andy Gonls (poUce ofhcer) "My Amencan Journey• by Colin Powell. "You get an ms1der's view on how for- eign pollcy 1s made.• • John W. Hedge• (Mayor, Newport Beach} -"The RepubUc of Letters: Cor- respondence between Jefferson and Madison. 1776-1826." "It offers fasci- nating insight lnto the minds of the two greatest men ln American history.· • Novell Hendrlckaon (activist) -•A Woman of Independent Mearu• by Elizabeth Hailey. "It was set ln the 1900s and presents a deflnlte change in role for a woman of the day written in an lnte.resting letter fonn. • • John A. Hoffman. Jr. (pastor} - "The Bible." "It Is God telling me all I need to know about Him, mysell and other human belngs and the rest of God's creabon • • Buck Johna (polltioan) -• AUas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. "Though Russian-born, Rand possessed an incredible ability to portray the evils of oppressive government and the promise of individual achle\lement • • Flelcher Jonn. Jr. (CM dealer) - "Slcl.n llght" by earl Halsen. •1 enjoy reading to escape and Carl Haisen makes me laugh.• • Loew e Kuehn (library trustee) - "Horton Hean a Who" by Dr. Seuss. ·u shows how Important every d ti.zen I•, and that every voice counts.• • Wendy t.ec. (school board trustee) -"The Bible.• "It helps mo got through llfo.' • Marlo l.elcol (theatre c:lirector) - "Crtmm'• Palry 1alos" by the Brothert Ortmrn. "With tho help of (a) llbrarta.n and the magic titles ln that book, I not Oftly learned Englilb, bllt 1 gained the cXlnfidem'e and tn11t of a V!f new world ttrat I could c6ll home. • Jellrey Ulllll ~~ 1*dl Nau!ik'ial M'*'-'"')-"Uocoln" by OOte Vldal.rtt II~ to leun hoW Atnhmft ~ Wxol~ IO ntUd\ \inlier IUdl dltlk'\llt ~ and •SEE READINO PAGE I Explosions "ignite boatµ. Newport Harl>Qr • Unidentified man rescues pair from boat. Faulty fuel system is to blame for accident, fire investigators believe. By David Silva, Daily Ptlot NEWPORT BEACH -A series of explosions set a 32-foot boat ablaze in Newport Harbor on Saturday morning, sending spectacular plumes of black smoke over the scenic bay. Fire investigators believe a fa ulty fuel system aboard the cab- in cruiser MNeptune" sparked the e xplosions, which occurred at about 11:15 a.m . as the boat was leaving a fuel dock in the harbor. The boat's two owners and sole passengers, Victor and Gabriella Gipson of Las Vegas, were res- cued uninjured from the burning vessel by a man in a nearby skiff, Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Pa trol Sgt. Karl Von Votgt said. "The man then delivered the Gipsons safely to the fuel dock,• Voigt said Sunday. ·we still have not identified who the man was.• One of the explosions was so powerlul it lifted Gabriella Gipson eight inches off the boat's deck, according to a Newport Beach Fire and Marine news release. Sheriff's fire boat crews brought the blaze under control, then towed the smoldering boat to Bal- boa Island, where firefighters assisted in extinguishing the blaze. Damage to the vessel was esti- mated at $45,000, Voigt said. No fuel was spilled into the bay. . . Orange County Harbor patrol attempts to douse names Saturday after explosions ignited a 32-foot cabin cruiser in Newport Harbor. No one was injured in the blaze, and fire investigators believe a faulty fuel system ls to blame for the accident PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE DAil Y PILOT f> l I\ P <> ~ I I l I " I I\ I I) F ~ Every accountant has his day- and today is it • Tax day is made easier by accountants' hard work -so says former county CEO William Popejoy. By Tina Borgatta, Daily Pilot It's tax day. and accountants all over Newport-Mesa, the county, and the co\llltry are chamed to their desks, aunching numbers and hus- tling to file their clients' tax returns before the d ock strikes midnight And their hard work does not go unappreciated by their clients. Former Orange County C hief Executive Officer William Pope- joy even says his accountant is one of his closest friends. "Tax day certainly isn't a painful process for me," says Popejoy, who lives in Newport Beach. Mlt's been -~ade very easy by my accountant, Hank Adler." Popejoy said he met Adler - who now works for the accounting Wllliam Popejoy firm of Deloitte and Touche - back in the 1970s. "He was Just a junior fellow at a small account- ing firm then.. Popejoy says. "That was 20 years ago, and the last thing I wanted to do at that time was talk to a tax accountant. I "I remember he was in a cast after having an Achilles tendon operation, wluch IS very painful surgery. I thought. 'Here's a tax guy who really hurts for his business.' He was in such agony, but he was still interested in being my accountant.· Popejoy said Adler went on to become one of the top accoun- ta nts at Deloitte and Tousch , which is among the country's most respected accounting firms. Says Popejoy: .. Now I'm almost too little a fish for him to deal with." Costa Mesa council to discuss East Side traffic The Costa Mesa City Council tonight will consider hmng a con- sultant to conduct a "comprehen- sive neighborhood traffic study" for the East Side. Residents living along East 19th Street began urging the council to take a closer look at traffic patterns in January. LEAH HOGSTIN I DAILY Pl.OT Krt.Nna Myen, left, Mary Mc:CeUa ad c.role Meikle enm the bH11tuul weatber wlalle ~ ..... In tbe MS Walk lor Martlfl• lderom U'OQIUI .... a.ck Bay on SaDday. 1be trio walked tbe a;.mne roate 1a bODor of McCellan'a ..otber, Joanne. Tbe evmt. wldcb mew aboUt l,500 Walken, ls apecW to nlle ......., S2t0,080 to help ftgbt lllaltlple IClermts. At the time, homeowners com- plained that the thousands of cars and trucks that speed through their neighborhood on a daily basis was creating a hazardous situation. They lobbied for speed bumps, but the council instead decided to post caution and directional signs. The officials also agreed to consider ini- tiating a study to help come up with solutions. mRRING THINGS .UP ' Ll#t t400S1IN I CNY "-OT ·1111m ....... , ............. '"* .... WaW Dlllik1 protect.• 9°' Ct • ~ -n'I .. Newport leY wl .. pDUc ..... . • Unlikely activist Bob Caustin fights to keep IRWD's treated sewage water out of Newport Bay. By Evan Henerson, Daily Pilot N BWPORT BBACH -Bob Caustln has come a long way since being greeted as •the man with the dirty water• by Mayor John Hedges. . In August 1995, CaUstin f1rSt plunked the now infamous icecMea Jar full of dis· colored water on the speaker's podium and urge(l the~ 8Mdl City Coun- dl to ft,ghtp injustice. ' •1 was told to go away: Caustiii naDa. •tn the begtnning, lt WU like I WU taldng to • bdck pillai. P9ople IUlt ibook tbmr heecta an4 Mkl, NU.•• c.uMln didn't go away. The 42·Yeat-.old Newport Beech resi· dent bas ipOken a~ more hn 20 debates and public forums. lie bU hired scientific consult.ants and distributed Olers. He hu lugged his portable copier dOwn to the Irvine Ranch Water District'• ot6ce to copy relevant documents and records. The non-profit organization be created, Defend the ~y. has ~ rontribu- tiona trom S2 all -.. wa;,,. • $10,000. The •?t contrfbbtOn ......._ Henry Segerstrom and John Orean. Caustin works 10-14 hour days. .. llMijGltty of which is d~ to~---..._., Even his May 18 ....... to fellow ~-------------------------, F. Y.I. + The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Oty Hall Council Chamber, 77 Fair Dri- ve, Costa Mesa. L-------------------------J The council will also consider: • Approving the installation of a plaque in Lions Park in memory of long-time resident and Lion's Club member Les Miller, who died last year. • A request from the Newport- Harbor Lions Club to hang SO banners throughout the city to promote its annual Fish Fry, which will be held in June. -By111M~ r--~--------~----, l'\lll \ AROUNOlOWN Q.ASSHO LOOKINGMCK POUCI MIS P\9UC ..... 18IQCIS I I I I I • I I • MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1996 READING CONTINUED FROM 1 prot:essioaal cooditloos .• • JUI Am Lloyd (pubbc relatiam) - "Mulaot ~Down~ bf Mar· lo Morgan. "Reading tlm book wali tak- ing a JOlimeY away from my daily wodd LOOKING BACK Silver Anchors Awards to honor 5 community heroes J retied Oil lls meaage qwt.e often. • • Chr1sde McDaniel (pubUc relations) -Nancy Drew M!ries by Carolyn Keene. "These books ... taught me that women could do anything and be anything.• • Maril S. Miller (rabbi) -"lbe Bible.· ·1n a world that worships the hohness of beauty, the Bible exalts the beauty of hohness. ln a culture that glonties today, the Bible affinns the pull of the p.ist and points to the promise of the future.• • Tom P. Monarc:b (DARE police offi. cer) -Mark 1\vam's books. "They iDcor- pordte real l!J.e situations and mix good humor with realistic consequences.• • Unda D. Mook (teacher) -"Don Qwxote" by Miguel de Cervantes. "It embodies a spint of idealism and md.t- vid uallty th4t tnsp1res us all to ·dream the unposslble dream.'" •John M.W. Moortacb (CPA and County lredsurer) -"The Bible.• *1be Bible's CTVer 2.000 verses on mooey-relat· ed matters helped shape my finandAI perspective. Ulduding my concerns about my predec:essots use a leveraging.· • Sieve R. Monts (aquatics diredor) - "The Bible • "It truly is life's hWe im1ruc· tJon book· wluch bas been on the world's bestseller List for over 2.000 years.· • Kris O'NeaJ (nurse) -·After mucb thought I could not come up Wlth one fdvonte book I love to read everything from Dicken!> to Joyce Carol Oates to Pedri S Buck . • •Henry "Hank" PanJ.an (activist) - Don Quuotf' • by Miguel Cervantes. •Newport Chamber of Commerce group will rec- ognize dtizeris for their giving spirits. By David Silva, Daily Pilot NEWJ>ORT BEACH -Five •unsung• local heroes will be honored Tuesday morning for their dedicated service to the cpmmunity at the Newport Har- bor Area Chamber of Commerce Dolphins Division's 29th Annual Silver Anchor Awards Breakfast. Ann Marie Alfoni. Sylvia Burnet, Barbara Glabman, Newport Beacll Police Lt Tun Newman and Jo Van- devort Wm each receive the presti- gious Silver Anchor Award, which honors volunteers who have not previously been recogni7.ed for their conbibutions to the community and charitable organizations. This year's awards breakfast will begin at 7:15 a.m. at the Balboa Bay Oub. Olive Crest Women's Guild, Little Red Wagon of CHOC, Red Rib· bon 100 for the American Red Cross, and the Assessment and· neatment Services Center. Glabman chairs numerous fund-raising events for Hoag Hospital's 552 Oub. She is an active volunteer tor the Orange County Performing Arts Center and chaired the opening of the Newport Beach Central Library and the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Gl.abman serves on the Board of Directors for the South Coast Repertory Theater. Newman is a 17-yearveteran of the Newport Beach Police Depart- ment and has volunteered. much of bis off-duty hours to the communi- ty. As Newport Beach's first litter- control officer, he helped imple- ment the city's Oean Harbor Day with Bill Hamilton. Newman is an active volunteer with the Braille Institute Auxiliary of Orange Coast and involved with AlS Orange County Chapter, which raises mon- ey to fight Lou Gehrig's Disease. "This book dedls with a u,ruversa.I chal- IPnge the ref\llitl of the ind!vidual ... to become homogenized by soaety. • No room ln the room meant you were slranded on the street during Bal Week ln the 1960s. Alford will be honored for her yea.rs of service to the children of the Newport-Mesa community. She is the founder of Operation School Bell. Alford volunteers many hours to the Assistance League. She served as president of the Junior's Group and was an adviser to 100 high school girls. Alford is the founder of the Kaiser Elementary School Jog-A-Thon. Vandevort is serving her sev- enth year as commissioner for the Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation De¢tment but has been a local volunteer for more than two decades. She is active in Speak Up Newport and has donat- ed her time to looal schools from the time her sons were in preschool Vandevort wrote a man· ual, MHow to Put on a Grad Night Party,· which is used by high schools throughout the COWlby to help children celebrate grad nights without drinking and driving. • Scott Paulsen (pnncipaJ) -•A nee in the Trd1I " by Holling C. Holling. "It wds redd dloud to me as a child and ... It s d wondPr1uJ story of a tree which wrves hrst dS d landmark . then a med1nne tree and fmally as a yoke Im oxen on the Santa Fe Tratl • Why aren't these kids sleeping ~doors? • BIU Popejoy (hnanaer) -"The His- tory or the English Speaking Peoples" hy Winston Churchill. ·1 en1oy history · tilld good wnlJJlg Tb.is book has both • • Beverly Ray (lnternanonaJ Bay Clubs) -"The Physician" by NOdh Gordon • 1t is d moVtng story about a rndn·s strength dnd perseverance to rPdch tus goal agamst all odd!, •. • Robert Roublan (restauranteur) - "Fontamdfd• by Ignazio Silone. "It IS an example of how politics has worked the world over smce lime i.mmemonal. • • Paul Salata (raconteur) -"The Agen- da· by Bob Woodward. "It tells a lot <1bout in.side the Clmton Wlute House.· • Phil Sansone (former councilman) - ·1 Bun." "1876" and "Washington, D C • all by Gore Vidal "Tiu5 is an Pdsy-to-read tnJogy of accurate Amen· can lustory tn novel form.· • Candice and Roger Schnapp (and Monica, age 3)) -"Papa, Please Get the Moon lor Me" by Eric Carle. "Officer Buckle and Glona • by Peggy Rath· mdJUl, ·corduroy· by Don Freeman. ·we like these books because the stones can be enioyed by cluldren and adults.· • Dave Snowden (police clue!) - ·company of Heroes" by Harry Carey, Jr "It evokes the memory or John Ford and the IJJne tn the West when good and evtl weren·t so hard to tell apart • • Sid SoUer (resldurateur) -• Arthnll.s and Common Sense· by Dale AJexan· dt>r "It changed my lile from a health Sldlldpotnt. • • Serene Stokes (school board trustee) -·Return to Sodom and Gomorrah· by ChMles Pellignno ·nus 1s the fm;t book to bnng archae· olog1Sts, soentists and theologidllli toqether to examme the unsolved mys· IPne!> of the Old Testament· • Ken Stuart (teruu.s dub operator) - "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Stem· ~k "It ep1tonuzes the ongotng struggle Ill Amened It ct.lso transcends the IJJne boundanes of the Great Depression • • Will SwaJm (editor, OC Weekly) - "A Sold1Pr of the Great War" by Mark HPlpnn "This book shows how the unwavenng search for beauty through art dnd literature -can trans· form an ord!nary person into an 11nprPCedented, hutory-bending hero.· • BllJ Ward (activist and mventor) - " Atlds Shrugged" by Ayn Rand "It c IPdfed up confusion left by the educa- tmndl system I found out I wasn't so 1 rdry after all • • Rosalind Williams (Newport Beach V1s1tors Bureau) -"Too numerous to mention. The Newport Beach PubUc Llbrary otters unllmited options ror r~arch, pleasure reading, listening and vieW1Ilg It is a treasured resource • • Robert L Wynn (former dty mAnager) "My Amencan Journey" by Colin Pow- ell "The man lS the embodiment ol the [>O'lsibllitles or achievement In Amerlc.a .• W ell, during Bal Week it wasn't compulsory to have an actual place to sleep. Nobody intended to sleep anyway. But every now and then· the bedroom crunch became apparent., and the leftovers slept on porches and in carports. In the 1960s, the city of New- port Beach, unwilling host of the coast, removed all the· city benches to discourage random TODAY CLASSIC CARS The second annual Summer Cruise, an everung of tine pre· 197 5 classic, rod and custom cars. conll.nues from 4 to 9 p.m today. iWo raffles each rught with d free ralfle tick.et gwen upon arrival. The event JS hosted by The Hard Rock Cale, Fasluon Island m Newport Beach. For more tnlormation, call 72 I ·9546 FORENSIC CONSULTANTS The Forensic Consultants AssooatJon of Orange County will hold the1r month· ly Case Study and meeting at 4 pm at the Paolic Oub, 4110 Mac Arthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Call 723-1114. WRmNG WORKSHOP Barbara DeMarco Barrett will present TIME OUT peggy normandin • EDnOR'S NOTE: Peggy Nor· mandln's Time Out column will not appear in today's Daily Pilot. Her column will return next Mon· day. Also, the lunch menus for New- port Mesa Unified School District Elementary schools will return next Monday. sleepers. Bal Week, the Spring vaca- tion war-cry of three decades, brought teenagers and young . adults from all over to the shores of Balboa. They danced. at the Rendezvous Ballroom and the Pavilion, they sun- bathed along the beaches, they crowded into rental hbusing, 20 to a room, and they made traffic impossible and impassable. an eight-week writing work.shop from 4 to 6 p.m. beginrung today at Loclll Grounds, 3007 E. Coast H1gllway 1n Corona del Mar. The fee is $125 and pre· reyistration is required. Call 700--8086. TUESDAY NEWPORT FOUNDATION "The Exploding Internet -Opportunl· ties for Commerce. Educabon and Enter- ta.uunent~ IS the topic of The Newport Foundabon's breaklast meeting at 7 30 a.m at the Balboa Bay Club, Skipper Room, 1221 W. Coast Hlghway, Newport Beach. The cost is $28 for non-members and $20 for members. Call 224-2270. NATURE ADVENTURES Parllopants will take a weekly walk In the middle and late 60s, Newport Beach's police chief, James Glavas responded to the needs of the embattled commu- nity.and began strong measures agairtst Bal Week revelers. They began finding other places to go. But to those who came when they were young, a night on the sidewalk was worth it. -Compiled by Anne Spinn ' around town explonng the center and ledlll about butterflies. buds, spiders and crayfish. Class is from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Tuesdays, April 16 through May 21 for kinder· garten age children at the Environmen- tal Nature Center, 1601 16th St., Costa Mesa. The fee is $55. For more tnforma· bon, caJl 645·8489. MODERN BIOGRAPHIES "The Special Challenges of Researching and Writing Modern Biographies" IS the title or 8 free .noon program in the Fnends Meet:ulg Room of the Newport Beach Central library. 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. For more information, call 717-3801. EXPLORING CAREERS Orange Coast College offers a 'two- part workshop that will utlllze a .career inventory to identify' interests, ~ork vaJ. Burnett has been a volunteer for Orange County philanthropic organizations for more than 15 years. She raises money for such children's charities as Olive Crest, Children's Hospital of Orange County and Christmas nee Mag- ic. Burnett is a member of the ues and abilities from 6 to 8 p.m. at the College's Re-Entry Center. The work· shop is free to the public. For more infor- mation, call 432-5162. BOOK SALE Fri.ends of OCC Library will hold their annUAl spring boo"k sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the pat)o between OCC's Ubrary and the Portside Cale. A variety of books will be available. Hardbaclts for $1 and paperbacks for 25 cents. BUSINESS AFTER HOURS The Newport Harbor Area Chamber· of Commerce wW sponsor their April Business After Hours meeting from 5 to 7 p.m. at 1'win Palms, 630 Newport Center For more information about the Dolphins Division or the Sil- ver Anchor Awards, call the chamber at 729-4400. Drive. The cost Is $10 for non·me.mbprs. For more mformabon, call 729-4400 JEWISH BUSINESS ASSOOATlON The Jewish Business Assooat.Jon·~ April breakfast meell.ng Is at 7:15 am at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. The pre· sentation will feature the Honorable Gideon Patt, member of the Knesset or Israel. The Honorable Gideon Patt wtU also speak at 7 p.m. in the Chisick Aud1- torium of the Jewish Community Cen· ter. For more information, ca.11 755·0340 STORYTEWNG FOR FAMILIES The Newport Beach Central Library presents "Storytelling Magic for ijanu· lies• at 7 p.m. in the Friends Meellilg Room. Professional storyteller Nancy McQuillan will present the free Nation- al library Week event. For more infor- mation, call 717·3801 Thirty Newport-Mesa teachers to receive grants Thirty local teachers will receive $14,900 in grants from the Newport- Mesa Schools Foundation and the Irvine Co. In 1984, the foundation established its HGrants for Teachers" program and bas awarded nearly $700,000 since then to innovative teachers. The foundation selected one teacher at each of Newport-Mesa's 26 school sites to receive a $500 grant to imple- ment their programs. Four other teachers received special merit awar<is. This semester's theme was •Tue World AroWld Us." The teachers will be honored at an awards banquet ·at the Balboa Yacht Club April 29 at 5:30 p.m. The founda- tion's board of directors still are seeking donors to sponsor tables at the dinner so that more foundation money can be spent on grants. -By Julie Ross Cannon ~---------------------------~------------------------------------------------, I I l GRANT WINNERS FROM NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOLS : I I l ELEMENTARY SOfOOlS: Sonora: htricia Faith Monte Vista: Elaine Patton l l Adams: Lynn Murphy Mtuhell Newport Harbor: Kelly l l California: DebOra Wort-Victoria: Unm BIMkenhc>iTI Bourgeois l : derchec:k WhlttMr: Kristi Long l ! College ~ frank Feller Wiison: nffany Muetal SPECIAL MERfT AWARDS: l : Harbor VieW: Scotti• Evans California: Sally Devenport, : : Kaiser Primary: Jane Schrert-MIDDLI SCHOOLS: $374 from Newport Beach : : zel = c..thle SchMlhi' Arts COmrrilSsion : l Kaiser: Sherrilynne o.ngl ~ Keith~ Corona del Mer: Pepper l l Kil~: ..... Toohey ~$526froin~· : • Lincoln: ~ac.y Rogers • HIGH ICllOOLs: BMCh Arts Convnlsk>n 1 I Mariners: SUIM K. YJhlUt la --"""" T•Wlnkle: p ..... L:. : NewpQrt ..... ec.-a.ta Mliit .. Clrflon Finamore. ssoo frOm Western : Newport , ,,,~.,. °'9tTte Fertig w.-lndumt• : Covington Coi'orw del Mr. ~ne Victoria: Anfta '-codt. : Paulerino: KIAn Ingalls VarOnl $500 from Western Weste ' Pomona: Jane Miiier EltMda: ~feller Industries l ' I -------------·----------------..-..-~--~-----------~----------------------------~ William LobcMll. The same 24-Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa WE hour answering sefVice may be Mesa, CA. 92626. Copyright; No uted to record letten to the new5 storl~ lllustratlons, edlto-. ' editor on any topic. rial matter or advertisements TEWEAAlUlllES swell for outer. ..-..Nfltne COSTA~ VOL 90, NO. 80 AQQRESS herein ca.n be reproduced with Newport Beach waters. ....... ,. • MOO Wodl of ..., StrMt: Three men walked Into 1 OUr address Is 330 W. Bay St, out wrrtten permission of copy-6&153 today department store~lbbed ....mfuls of Calvin Kleln jeans worth ntOMAS H. JOHNSON. Cosu Meia, C.llf 92627. right owner. Balboa l10ES A building south-S 1,659 from • d • ~ r•n out of the store Into• w•ltlng Publisher HOW TO REACH US 66153 TODAY west 200 swell plus car. The tMft wn a.ptured on the store's video c.m«1. WILUAM L09DIU.. Editor COIUU.CIJONS Costa Mesa First low sotM shott lntwv1l •_. ... of ......,.111..e: A~ pried open the tr\ft of~ STIWMAMLI, It Is the Piiot's polky to prompt· o~ 70/54 2:201.m. 0.2 northwest twttlt will ~ whldt.rld .. S5l9 worth ~ equlpmentri tools.. Managing Edltof ly correct all erron of substance The Timti Or.nge County CoroN del Mar • Wlllodr ,,,,._,DIM: =btok• Into•~ aib IRIS YOKCM, City Editor Plus. uH 574-4233. Thank you. (800) 252·91'41 ~ Ffrst high commu. through end .. teeowor1h :c= 1hl ~conpct MAK MM11N, Photo Editor Adver1lllng 8:221.m. s.o Thundey; welt· dllC ~ CDs end• wNll dle owner Ml on v.catton. K•GMIRnt. m Ondfled 642-$678 SURI' fOMCAST Second low nol1hwest Milfl rOlls • JtOI ..... el 1111 part loUlwW; A ~lef ~~the Dlre<tOt of ()per.ilc>nS The~ leadVCostl Mesa Dltt>lav 642-4321 LOCATION SIZf 2:27 p.m. o.o Jn good head-high loct Of• brlnd new c.er, ptttted In 1 ~ ptttt lot. •nd AIOY OITl1NG, Oalty Piiot (USPS-t 44-800) Is EcllioirW Wedge 1·3wnw Second high Wa\191 In best~ stole s1,no worth of~. lndud~ ~com· a~~ Publlthed Monday through s.t News S40-1 w Newport 1·lwnw 8:4lp.m. S.6 on Fftdlv lftd Slt\.lr-pect-dht ~and mlQ!laneaus c Ing lie the owner LANAIOfl•C*t un»y. In Newport le.ch and Sports 642-41)() lt.cklti 1·) wnw TUESOAY ~. notthtlllt twell was -'"9 n the mot91. Promotlonl eo.tA Mell.~ •• IU'N Jetcy 1·3wnw .... MOO 1tW4. ControUer only _.vll&able by IUblc1fbin9 to News, $pof1s F.u 64M170 CdM t·Jwnw F1t$t low coming up SUr*Y r• SCllll llMll MOW 'I ...avK, Pre,,_ The nm. Or.,.~ (IOO) E-hWI; A. n.71MPtodlgy.corn J:Ol 1.m. -0.2 and ...... thrOUgh • _ .._.., •u••t ......_..,A thi.t stote • nune\ HAMl KMmff,,.,... 252-9141 In .... outside of Mllftotftce IOA1'ING First high Mormy. Wlteh fof ~wldtW~hmttwrldlo~ Ina~ CARL nmt P11Ck191ng and Newpott hl<h end ec.ta Mal. '"*"-Offlc. 642-4321 °"' condltlont 9:09 t.rn. 4.9 ~~ '"*ll'IC> ftMllft. A ....,, hlr ..._rec.Md 1 phone (Ill IUbJafptloN to tM o.lly l'tlot IUllMa fax 63"5902 uc~tor~ <:OfdtlcM•. nofth.. Dl$tributlon St<ond low "°"'.,-= •. :;,.,..,,. who10ld .. the ........ tidy n evlffable by mill fof P'ublw.d bv '"" pat low doudl In l:Ol pm. 0.2 w.st wtrd ldcl In. t.M h ililblMd but 1ht cash WM FM lt&ADPS HOIUNf s 10 per "'°"'°'· S«ond cl• Clllfotnl. Community NIWI. ~ the ..,ty momt'°°' 5«0nd high '°'--~ ....... ., ..... 11 .A~lnahotlllltttthaip pa1tagit J*d 1t Colt.I ,....,., CA 642~ ~lndude .. ~ 1 nm. Mirror C°""*'Y tQ.n. bpect 2· t:t5 p.m. s.a and=mll C:C: •at:1•t111 SttO tra•n d*lc to~• PD. tJ = .... MMW14-foot thlirt patllllld tM==.h-.-. nodfted IMlf' a. Your COMmlfi11 ebout 1he ~ ..... Md lot.al ..... , '°5TMAS-ll'tdC!O Wiit ... far'""" (JOO) SURF. 1'ht the .. tNt ..... _ but-bV ....... It -"lot Of newt tip& wW be~ TIR: ,.,., .... ~. e 11M c.llf. CN. Mtlrl,4.foiOt-.... c.tl "*' 11 .90 plus ""' ••••• '°' ...... • ldanttfy..,. crook ......... of thltr lei end gf\llln clrWdlV '° EdhOr 5 •u,ort ~ ..... All~........-lfnd .,, 1-fOot Wiit ~ .,.,,.,...... .... st Nlh .... Of cNdla; • briefly in the news Costa Mesa man dies while crossing PCH A 29-year-old Costa Mesa man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on West Coast High-· way in Newport Beach, and police say they ~e investigat- ing whether alcohol played a role in the accident. The fatal collision occurred at about 1 :20 a.m. in the 2300 block of West Coast Highway. Todd Hasse, 29, was crossing the street on foot with his sister and a friend when be was struck by a Honda traveling eastbound, said Newport Beach Police Sergeant Mike McDonough. Hasse was taken to Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, where he was pro- nounced dead at 2:30 a .m., McDonough said The driver of the Honda, identified as . a 24-year-old female resident of Laguna Beach, was uninjured. "Both (the driver and Hasse) had consumed alcohol prior to the incident, but whether that was a contributing factor, we don't know at this point," McDonough said. The driver was neither cited nor taken into custody. McDo- nough said police are still investigating the incident. -By David Silva OCC paper brings home top award Orange C.oast CoDege's student newspaper, Coast Report, gar- nered the General Excellence Award fm standard-sized newspa-. pers at tbe Journalism Aswtriatinn d Cnmn1mity CoDeges' mmual state o••~ in Presno. The prize is the highest award given by the associa- tion, which represents more than 50 California, Arizona and Nevada community colleges. In all, studeDts from the Cos- ta Mesa school brought home 11 awards from the competition. 1be following is a list of the OCC winners and their awards: M4tt Brown. first place, sports photography; Tom Edson, sec- ond place, opinion writing; John Nickerson, third place, opinion writing; Jay Seldel, fourth place, news photography; Clover Hodgson, fourth place, on-the- spot feature writing; Lynda Dominic, honorable mentions, copy editing and editorial car- toon drawing; H. Guy Burney, honorable mention, new5 writ- ing; and Danie!Arellano, honor- able mention, editorial writing. The Coast Report staff also won a.Ii honorable mention for editorial writing. The faculty adviser for the student news- paper is Thomas Murphine. -By David Silva Have you lost $ $ $ t>lnvesting in: Hema Care Audiovox Drug Screening Advanced Photonix On Any High. Risk Stocks? If you have, call ~ 249-4827 Iii. on how to recover your money ~ for information • J """ ~--lllefQalt~~~~ 0 ~ 11111111 lllDICll QDllTIDllllll . YES NO t . Is your migraine headache usually located on O O one side of your head? 2 . Does It pulsate? 0 0 3. Do you experience nausea or vomiting with your O migraine? 0 4. Do you have difficulty tolerating light or noise during the headache? 0 .o 5. Is your m igraine unrelieved by over-the-counter medications? 0 0 6. Do you have a f amlly history of migraine O O sufferers? 7. Have you averaged at least 2 migraine attacks per month In the past 6 months? 0 0 If you can answer •ye.ts• to at least -' of these questions, you may be a candidate for our program to evaluate a potentJal new medication for migraine headaches. AU evaluations (and the study medication) wlll be provided !"Mt 01' Ct1AR0t to quallfled participants. For more lofoonallon or an appointment. pleasecal: (714) 162·7110 Pharmacology Research Institute (110)..., •(818)848-4811 Monday-Friday Jut In dMe Forr • Jidltcr • ......,1,0.. ·. ,.,.,.o., MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1996 •• Hedges' tax ideas shot down -for now I know. the lut tb.l.ng anyone wants to hear about today is taxes. • But tax rebates or tax cuts, that's a dilferent story. Everybody is in favor of that, right?. At least that's wha.t Newport Beach Mayor John Hedges thought. And why wouldn't he? These are lean times. Consumers and taxpayers are wary of big-spendr ing politicians. They expect more bang for their buck. So at the first of the year, Hedges offered up a Newport Beach version of the Republi- cans' Contract With America that outlined ways to streamline city government, create a budget sur- plus and then give some of the windfall back to the people. Seems simple enough. Only problem is, he hasn't received the votes to do it. The council rejected the idea 4-3. But Hedges may have the votes next year. Three of those who voted against him -Jan Debay, Jean Watt and John Cox, Jr. -will see their terms expire come November. And because of term limits, Cox and Watt are barred from running again, though Watt has said in the past she would only run for two terms anyway. But any new council member RUFF ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. Whefe Your Dollar Coven Morel 1922 HARIOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 5"-1156 Featured on Headline News .. Famous Brand Mill Trial Rug Sale Sizes from 2'2 x 4 to 10 x 14 HEMPHILL'S RUGS & CARPETS Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-5 722-7224 230 East 17th St., Costa Mesa I \ -. ; . "I ·: 1 ,. tony dodero will need to come to grips with the fundamental principles behind Newport Beach govenunent before passing Hedges' plan. That is, residents here pay GRAND OPENING ~OlP' <f6Al NEW LOCATION EVERYTHING ON SALE $5 FREEwtth purchue of $25 $10 FREE wtt11 purc:haM of $50 $25 FREE with purchase of l100 -------~30 250 E. Ht.ti St. Com M-, HUlgl'9f1 Square - 574-8137 more because they expect more. That's why the lilery system and tbe pOOce. fire and lifeguard depart- ments are sane ot the best you can find: that's why there i4l a Newport Harbor Art Museum and Oasis Senior Center: and why residents don't pay for trash pickup: etc. etc. Still. the debate goes on. Just across the harbor from city hall, residents in the Baysbores community are having the same debate, only the oppo- site side has prevailed. The cwrent majority of the Bayshores Community ~tion Board has cut back on maintenance services, reportedly saving the homeowners about $20,000 a year. aoaro opponents have screamed bloody mUrder, saying they don't mind paying more to get more. The result is the Bayshores MEXICAN RESTAURANT OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO The lndltlon Continues Since 1972 " . ;, . ' . i • ..., •• ~ ... '...~1f /~[_) Sabatino Tommy Peter Phil Vince SABATINO'S im Join Us For Lunch • Dinner • Sunday Brunch Catering Available For Reservations and Directions Call 723-0621 251 Shlpyard Way • Newpclf1 Beach board is embroiled in a nasty recall movement that wound up 1n court last week. But who knows, if the Bayshores board members get recalled, maybe John Hedges can talk them into running fQr dty council. • TONY DOOUlO Is th@ Daily Pilot's news editor. Send your political news to him at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, ca. 92627, or fax It to 646-4170. Or. you ~n contact him at 540-1224 ext. 323. TI1e 1nS\\t'r 1, it-<;' llo\\1.'\-rr the tre.11· mcm or oOe~lll Ill .Ill 1111.:rwe1,1!hl lOO<.li· 11on Jlso rtqum' .1pp1op1Llll' hfc:.11 k ch,1nges anti .111 11:d111tlu:ilizl."d. phvs1c1Jn· supervised. cun: p1 d1cn,1rt· .tpproach mcluding dl<:'I Ix ll.111nr n1l"lific.111on a11d 1.'xt·ru~ For t"u'1•!l1 11 I' no1 JI.bl :.cm pl\' :i m;i11er of pu,h1ni:: lhemsel\'es JV.':1\' from the t.tble' TI11.· nc\\ th:.>t pills. "hen properl1 .1dm111"1t·rt·cl h1 .1 phr~1nan "ho 1$ knnwledge:Jblt' 111 1hc1r 1L-.C. can he :i helpfi.JI ad1unn for l\l.'1t;th1 rcduc:1on anJ \\eight O\JlnlC'll,lllU' Call rn1 offin· lor Ill .1ppo1:i1mcnr and w1..· on dc1crn11rll' 1! 1 lll .111. 11r .ire nrn .1 g(l()(I CJncltd.11t for drug lhl'r.1p1 for flbesm 01 .111 (11 em l'1gh1 rontl1111)11 \'\'c :ilsn off('t .tht·111.1111t• prngr.tn" Avocado Medical Group 1441 Avocado Ave. -Suite 702 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 720-9266 Aslr For. Do#"" :\ "'~her of tM A1'fnicart Socit'(l• of Baria Irle PO,·sldnru John Hawcock Rlgloal laak Fanti The John llancock Rqtional Bank Fund Sttlc5 to ~l7.c chc lnvnunc:nt opponunltk's thac ciu..c In 1hc regional banking industf). and co spcclallic: jn unrovcring chem. By lnVt"SIJ~ In• dh~rsltlcd portfolio of regional bank stocks, as wcll as ochtt fuundAI lnsthullons. chc Fund 8CCb superior mum pocmtlal fnim .an indwoy title conclnucs 10 hc polscd for growth. Its dmdy advancagn arc· ./ Growth opponumtic'<i In an.ractJvcJy valuc:d benlc stocks ./A chaocc to bc:nd'ic fmm thc lncrl'ucd mnger accMty that has IC'd to thc appr«lation of many rqlonaJ bank 510d(S Sector Invest~ entails ccrwn ri.'lfc. as outlined tn the prospectus and " suitable only as pan of a ..,oil dlvcrslllcd tnvcsum:nc ponfollo. + 597 .13% * C1111111Uwt llltw'l ll11ee 111ce,t•t ....... ------. ' 41.13% 42.51% A .... ... "-*Tlllll ' 21.Jn a-.al-·-31.11% '~~ ,.,...,. -.. IA 21.11% ·-. .... 0 ftl, I'd lib 1 fttt p~tu• conca1ni111 compktt mfonnanon on Jehn H dlatp .NJ capt'IU& I •Ill n:.J 11 ~ ~ l ltMM o• .rnd l'lwOM)'. .,., _____ "'-___ !lf:att_ z pCod. __ _ T~ Oily( Emuna< >----~----------..-..-......,. .......... ._ &11 .... orDi,-.1a.....,......._CA_ ..... ,.,. ..... lie ,.. ................... _ ....... ....... .....,c......,Jrv" . ._.., ... . . .. (7Ht 4'Wl» ~· ... .... • ,.,..a..a..llt. ,.,.,.. ..... CA .... Q ' MONDAY, APRJL 15, 1996 FIGHT CONTINUED FROM 1 Defend the Bay activist Susan Skinner bas been overshadowed by the fight. Caustin, real estate broker- tumed-environmental advocate. knows the fight to protect New- port Bay won't end when a state agency determines whether Irvine Ranch Water District will get a permit to discharge reclaimed water into the bay. Even beyond the appeals, there will be new projects and new threats, Caustin said. ·1 have to admit that I've never written a letter to the editor or to a pol\.tician in opposition to any- thing,• Caustin said. ·1 always thought somebody else was tak- ing care of it. •This fight isn't just against the Irvine Ranch Water District pro- ject,• Caustin said. "It's for New- port Bay and all the public areas. "My friends look at me and laugh. They say, 'Bob Caustin, tree-hugger."' Despite the long hours and lost income, Caustin is never without a joke or a self-deprecating remark. He knows that his approach differs from fellow envi- ronmentalists -and future in- laws -Jack and Nancy Skinner. What Caustin calls an "aggres- sive search for honestf," others la.bet extremism. All three Skinners praise Caustin's work and dedication ... and admit they have talked to Caustin about bis approach. · "There was the well-known incident when he brought the water up to the c;i.ty council. I winced a bit at thalt" said Susan Skinner. "In the beginning, he was trying to stir things up. His style was different, but he was right and be was very effective." Mayor Hedges is less impressed by Caustin's show- manship, particularly when the activist has squared off against the city. "I find Mr. Caustin to be an abrasive personality, but maybe he's learned a few things in the last couple of months," Hedges Carpet Your Entire Home with Plush or Berber A&Anonzed 0ea1er FOi f .or only -s499°0 Upto3mos Same As Casn OAC (~1\llPl~'f Dl~POT VINYL * WOOD * MARBLE * TILE Commnrill/-. 'RuU/entW Saks ~ Smue Full Une of W~. Woven AAmlnster & Sisal Carpeting Available 1904 Harbor Boulevard • Costa ••M N.•. Comer of H..ttor & 19th Street 722·9642 --Mon -Sat 10-6 •Sun 11-5 CLEAN • CARING • UNCROWDED Personal Training Specials 6Week & 3 Month NO ENROUMENT FEE • NO DUES Includes full use of all club facilities • Airobic & Yogo Classes • Stati Of the Art Equipment •Certified Trainers & Teachers NATALIA LARSON MEMBER FOR 12 YEARS TWO AEROBIC CLASSES & TWOWE16HT TRAINING SESSIONS A WEEK S~4pe-Up NEWPORT Corner of E. 17th & Irvine Ave. in Westcliff Plaza -631-3623 Your Neighborhood Heoftfr Club Since 1982 LOSE FAT FAST!! O ur physicians get results! Latest diets and me dications including_the Phentermine I Fen.fluramine (Pondimin) treatment. FREE Bod.JI FatAnalJ15is and Consultation We also screen fo r diabetes, cardiac risk, high blood pressure, thyroid disease & food allergie.s. •0n1y Board Certified Bariattjdans (Weight Management Specialists) in Southern California •Members of American Society of Bariatric Physicians "Even with No willpower, I was able to lose weight/" Keyvotr Colian . " "In 4 months, I lost over 50 lbs!'' Tammy Howell "I lost 30 lbs in just 2 montlis and n'Ow I have much more tntrgy. " Jenny Collins. Newport Bariatric Center (714) 673-8586 or (800) 321-LEAN 2345 E. Pacific Coast Hwy., Suite A, Corona Del Mar ., born. •Jack Skinner bad been ftgttt--· ing this in his elegant gentleman- ly style tor the put year,• Caustin said. •1t really bothered me. There wu a lot of good. science and good effort being put forward in an elegant way and it wasn't being hee.rd .• Nancy Skinner returned from a trip to New~ York tQ learn Caustin had joined the fight. It had all happened wblle she was out of town. she said. said. •1 think he's more effective the quieter he is." Caustin first learned about the water district's plan to dump 5 million gallons a day of treated sewage water into the bay from Jack Skinner. Uke so many peo- ple.. Caustin said, at first, he didn't believe it After a bit of research, however; he learned the proposal was no joke . •He and Susie have both real- ly worked hard on getting educat- ed,• Nancy Skinner said. "I admire that and I'm vecy impressed with his knowledge.• The following Monday, be was at City Hall and an activiSt was A reaeationall>oater who used to take his dateS sailing,' Olustin spent part of bis youth in Newport Beach. He stUdi~ business at San Diego Stote, worked for a while in Los Angeles-and moved back to Newport Beach for good in 1982. He hopes futwe generations of Professional Weight-Loss & Shaping Programs! lean Todayrl 979· FITT Fttness Ins titute o f Testing & T ra ining 3 151 Airway #F2 0 3 Cost a Mesa Beautify Your Yard! FARNSWORTH LANDSCAPE COMPANY 548-5132 l..ic. 1421070 We have over 40 years combined sn1>Lce Ln this area. OurqualUy, creativity and seroice are unmatched. Togethu ~ wUl take care of all your landscape and masonry needs. • Landscape Oestgn • Stonework, PaihJ8, &BBQJ • \Va.lcr Falls, Pools & Spu • Sprinkler Systems • Landscape LighUog • Drainage Speclallsta GLASS ELL MASONRY COMPANY 434-7744 Uc."89WJ GRAND OPENING! lM,•AZht! • Furniture • Steift' Animals • Oounnet Treats • Oar<len Signs • Books • Bears • Birdhouses • Muffy & Hoppy UNIQUE HOLDIAY ITEMS & ONE OF A KIND PR1MITIVE FOLK ART! Complimentary Gift Wrap With Purchastl M-TH, 1M • FRI & SAT, 10-7 • IUN, 1M 389 E. 17th STREET COSTA MES • 842-0218· Newport Be&ch residents and vis· itors will be able to enjoy a sewage-free bay. •1 don't want my Jdda playing in a sewage outfall," Caustin said. Both Caustin and Susan Skin- ner acknowledge the fight against the water district bas tak- en a toll on their relationship. They have less time to devote to personal matters and Skinner Jok· ingly calls herself a •sewage wid- ow." Caustin bas even proposed honeymooning in Sacramento rather than Hawall to coincide - with a state Assembly hearing on Marilyn Brewer's no discharge bill. Once Defend the Bay has raised enough money to continue the fight, Caustin )lopes to reduce his activist hours to four a day and get back to business and personal commitments. •Sometimes I think of the income I've lost and the six months I've devoted to this,• he said. "Is it worth it? I think it is." CIANCIO & BOTTOM LAWYERS 881 Dover Drive, Suite 300, Newport Beach 99 with coupon below ~Costa Mesa 2160 Harbor Blvd. at Victoria• OPEN 24 HOURS -•COUPON• - SERVED FROM 2PM1010PM NowTttRU APRlL. 30, I 1996 SIRLOIN STEAK I &SHRIMP FOR T~~~:7sg~ I I • SOUP OR SALAD •VEGETABLE • BAKED POTA10 • DINNER ROLL I ~C°oSia Mesa . L 21IO Hlilbor Blvd. 8t Ylctort9 •OPEN 24 HOURI _, .~ ·1 ___ ... EYE-OPENER Newport Beach youth track meet produces winners galore QUOTE OF THE DAY 'This year llt1UJ llOfM greal radng ... ~ jleec W<U pn!tty tighl. whida madtJ tM radng thal much more erdting ... • -BIUOUSPIN ·consistency pays off for San Diego YC • Houston, St. Petersbutg and Seattle sparkle on final day, but three-day event belongs to the Border Crew. final day of competition at the 1996 U.S. Yacht Club Challenge Cup. But it was the consistency of ·three days of standout performances by the San Diego Yacht Club which proved decisive in claim- ing the yachting championship. The Border Gang finished with a third in the Catalina 37 class, a third in the CFJs and a fourth in the Lasers, giving them their first-ever title in this biennlal event. Tb.eir problems stemmed from a heavier crew than the rest of the field (150-200 pounds heavier}, causing them to sail fine upwind, but much slower than the pack downwind. The final' day of the U.S. Yacht Club Challenge saw·a return of Thursday's con- ditions, with bright, sunny skies and breeze that clocked .consistently right throughout the day. · Bergeb finished with five commanding firsts ii( the Laser class. He attempted to better his team's overall score by putting points on some of the other competitors in his class. Using his throwout in the last race, Bergen was able to push San Diego YC's 1Y R~ back into seventh place, but his efforts were only able to bring his team a (ourth pla~ finish overall. By Stephanie Keefe, Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Houston's Catali- na 37 class sailors swept both races on in dominating fashion; Christina B~y and crew of St. Petersburg Yacht Club posted two bullets in the CFJs; and Laser sailor Dalton Bergen of Seattle reigned supreme, coasting home with a 2, 5, to combine with five previous bullets to highlight Saturday's As for the home team, the Newport Har- bor Yacht Club juniors had great perfor- mances as well in the last two tace, with -Pafrick Hogan in the Laser class posting a 1, 6, and Brian Bissell with Cryssa Byers in the CFJ class getting a 3, 2. Hogan finished third overall in his class, while Bissell and Byers finished fourth. Unfortunately, the NHYC Catalina team did not fare as well, with a 9, 5, for the day. Houston's efforts on Saturday in the Catalina 37 class were such that the Texans led around each mark of each race, and extended the lead by sailing extremely smart both upwind and downwind. Binkley and crew finished with four bul- lets in eight races in the CFJs. "She sailed incredibly fast," said Princi- ple Race Officer Jeff Littell. "It was great to watch." Newport Harbor Yacht Club's show was in clockwork style, from the fine execution of the race committee and its votunteers to the dinners and events planned for the competitors. "This year saw some great racing on the Catalina 37 course," said Principle Race Officer Bill Crispin. "The fleet was pretty tight, which made the racing that much more exciting." DON LEAqt I OAA.Y Pl.OT Annapolis crew goes through its paces at the Challenge Cup. 1 __ ..._ ·-1. ~ FondKlro. 9.69; 2. l.aUfl ~ 9.9; 3. Nicole T1llsw. no tlrM. 111. 1. Fond«.wo, 11.t; 2. l(e!My Dyslt\ 19.l: 3. a.yton. 19.6. 1GI. 1. Dyslt\ 46.65; 2. ~Schow, 41.A; no third. U • 1. ~ 6-5; 2. OIMI Schow, 4--6; 1. Eve McCullogh. ~2. 8' · 1. Tali... 42-9; 2. T. Schow, 37·11; 1. MtOllogtl. 16-3. 1-•• 1. LMtl Aobenlon, t.59: 2. Amy ~ t.t; ). JMnln ~. 10.0. ~iii .;. Qmllle Hewtto, 11.25; 2. ........ 11.0; 3. NHrJ "°91'\ 20.7. ~ • 1. ~ •.J; no llCOnd «third. .... 1. ~. 1:2t.O; 2. ICeltle Arnmermlf\ 1:15.1; l . Ovilti9 ~ ,,.,, .. ... ...., • 1. (Robeitlol~ Dey.~ 1'llllle), 1 !2 U1; 2. (Pywt. Cluct. MdC.ey. Kllppeltt). 1 :lt.2. . u -1. Hewko, .. 10; 2. Oywt. M; l: Kllppert, 7..J. ... 1. ~ 45; 2. ~ leect\ 41-14>; J. o.ir; 44-0. ,.., .. • 1. U.. Marte~ US; 2. K .. ly Ml. t• L ~ Rtnlon, UO. ,.. • 1. Lele ---11.o; 2. """°"' tl.1; I. IC-'1 ~ JO.S: 4. 9*'Y !hootc. 21 0 -• 1. Krfll9n Miier, •.OJ; no~~ ........ -• 1. c....11'9 s.u.r. 1:J7 ~ 2. Shoot. ,.,,.-...... ......... ~~ ......... ~1:a.o. t U .·t ....... Ml.~M;J._ 1 ... ·100 • 1. Eli~ et.ytOI\ 15.34; 2. Ashley twnk>n. 165; 3. Melissa Swigef\ 16.6. JOO -1. Clilyton. 34.6; 2. Swlge'1, :M.9; 3. Tllmiltl lUmer, 35.0. 400. 1. Kristin Igo, 1:23.3; 2. Klmb9rly McKay. 1:24.2;3. Klmberty Miiier. 1:31 J . IOO • 1. Igo, 3:02.3; no acond «third. ......... 1. (Qayton, Sw'9ert Meo..-l Dias, Woo), 1 :Ol.3S; 2. (MdCay. U.0, Mlller, Coshow), 1:10.5. HI • 1 • ....._ Hendrfts. 2· 11: no second « third. U • 1. 0avton. 11-1: 2. ~. UM; 3. Sw'9ert t-11 . In· 1. Miiier, 11-4; 2. Dies, 70-S; l. April Simon. 62.0. 1ta' 1W • 1. Geby ~ 15.9; 2. Kete ~ 17,o; 3. AnwMSI Smith, 17.31. --1. OWlstlnl Hewtto, 32.34; 2. Ylfonlque "obtrt. 32.5; 3. "AMyeg. 31.6. 400· 1. Hewko, 1:13.7; 2. Altlton Howtlrd. 1:J6.5; 3. O.lre 5Nff9f. 1:1U. -• 1. Howerd. J:01.0; 2. Sheffer, J:Ol.I; J.~~1.•1. -..... 1. ~ Hendrta. 8tooke ArnmenMn. c. ~ c.-y MdCMN). 1:10.S; 21 (Aor9I. Smith. "tc.. Anne). 1;t4 .•. Ml · 1. ~ M; 2. ~ ).J; l. La Hendrlls, ).1 • U · 1.~ 11•2;2.0wllttne~ 10.1; l. ~ 10.J. llf · 1. M1m1nn1n. 7'-7; 2, LM Hendrllcl, 10-11, J. ~ Prict. .. J. ... -• 1. Mn1U CM1w1.Cli.,.,1Ut 2. KadeJlwell, ~ J ...... Mr.Mit'a1, 11.1. ..... ~)1.11;2.~ ~ 11.SI: J.CMtit ~ D.1 • -· ,, .......... 1:tt.I; 2.Clltllo. 1.1U;I.~°""' t:tU. .......... ~2.bhrtfte .... 2:IM: .. ~ ... lii&.1. \ 400 r..a.y • 1. (Hunuker, c~ McMahon, Olcwudlbonye), 1:03.5; 2. ~. HM\tOn, c.rm.dc. Younglow), 1:05.9. Hl -1. Jew911. 3-7; no iecond «third. u . 1. c.tlllo, 13-6; Olcwudlbonye. 1~ 3. Mc:M.hon, 12-4. In · 1. JtnnW. Miiier, 11&-0 Jewell. 105-5; 3. Johnson. 12-1. 1~ 100. 1. Alhley l..uaNs. 1434; 2. Klndilce ~ 14.7; 3. Heethet Simon, 14.87. JOO · 1. Launa, 21.9; 2. Kelly~ lO O; 3. Simon. J0.5. ... 1. m.m.n, 1:05.9; 2. Amber Steen. 1 :ou; J. Meghan lelott~ 1 :1 u . 1,ll0· 1. ~Gorton. 6:21.0: no ~«third. 4111 ,.._ • 1. (5lmon. lel1ottl, F'"""81\ ~. 5).5; 2. ('M1lte. Steen, l(Mhef\ ~.st.2. HI· t Laur• !Cauthen. .. ,: no second or third. u . 1. l.Mn Job9f; 1~1; 2. Molfy Weedl, 12-t; J ..... Edw9rdl. 11·•· .. • 1. !dwerdt, 107-7; 2. Lauri Jotm. tt-7; no third. 1 ....... !IO · 1. Tommy Foltcs. 10. 1; 2. BMri Wong. 10.2; 3. Mikey Mlt.ngl, 11. 1. 100. 1. 8ryen Hdaon. 11.S; 2. John Swift. : 20.4; 3. Wong. 20.1. : u · 1. Hdaon. 9-1; 2. MlllnOlo W; : 3. Swift. 6-5. : S8T • 1. Swift, 57· 1; 2. M4llln9I. 48-0: • no third. : 1111 : 50. 1. ~ ~ t.lt; 2. lllcl'lle llobert. : 10.0; 1. Christi.n Bright. 10.l. : 100 • 1. IWMl LAe. 17.1; 2. l\>ecy. 19.5; : 3. ltlndon sehull. 21.1. • 2tl • 1. l•. 3U; 2. lfyan McbOn. J9.76; : 1. llobeft, 41.S. : 400. 1. *°" ~ 1:27.16; 2. lright. : 1:3'.0 . ! U ·1.~H;2.1Ae,l-11:2.Jldt : l\>~ 1-11. • l8T • 1. ~Kent, 76-7; 2. Sc:hul~ 7W; · : l. ~ 7).0. : ,.., : IO · 1. Btandon IOrtofnlr., U; 2. ~ ! PMllnga. U; 3. Gordon \'ould, t.A. : 111· 1. ~Heenln. 17.A; 2. 'WQuld, : 11.0; 3. Chlrfle Goodwin. lOA. 1111 • 111 • 1. OMld Owltll, )4.t; HeeNI\ JU; ,.. • 1. ~Mofle, 14.0; 2. c...i. : 1. Donald~ JU. ~15.t;nothlrd. . : •·1.~1:1SM;2 ~ .. • 1. Mone, 2U; 2. ._.,.,,DA; no ! 1:l60: l . lrlld Mii·~ 1•M.1. thlfd. • : -...... ,, ~ GooMln,; jc)ek~ --1.0WtlaneHGMrd, 1:0t.t;no • ~ 1 :14.~2 (Heenen.~HIA ll(ondOttNrd. ! ~ 1 :1H;J.~ ¥etJotnon. ,... • 1. Howwd. l-0.. no llCIOnd °' Wnl : .--. 1;17 o. •· 1. ~ &1: no tloclM cw third : u • 1. 'fblM, .. ,,; 2 ............ 10: ! J, MendontWI, N ,., : "'. 1. o..n.. 10M; 2. HeeNI\ 12~ ...1.S.. .... IU;2.Millrii : ,,~ ........ ?W.. • ~-..1;...... . ,.. --1.~.1--2. ..... 1:12.JI. : •• ,.~~11.l;2.ClrelotY Ill • 1. _..., .artll\. .. , Ya:,.~ cw : OIMI ......... ,.,. I <>wit Slftll\ -11l4.: tNrd : -• 1. Dlltrtctt. IU; 2 c:.rw. ,_......, U • 1,Gttff\ 12-Ctno........... : 17_.I. ~._ ... ~ Newport Beach-Balboa Rotary Club City Il'ack and Field Championships bring forth a bevy of winners. NEWPORT BEACH -FolloW· Chad Owens ('87 division 200, ing in the footsteps of her 4'00 and softball throw), Chase renowned older sisters Mandy Dietrich ('86 division 100, ,200 (Newport Harbor High and Stan-and relay) and Liam McDougald ford) and M.E. (Newport Harbor), ('81 division 400, 1,600 and k>ng , Eliza.beth Clayton was among jump) each won three boys several multip)e winners Satur· events. day at the Newport Beach-Bal-Girls triple winners induded boa Rotary Club Qty 'I\'ack and Christina Hewko ('85 division Field Champion.ship meet at 200, 400 and relay), Ashley Newport Harbor High. Lazarus ('83 diVision 100, 200 and Clayton, competing among relay), Caroline Sauler ('87 divi- gids born in 1986, won the 100 sion 400, long jump and relay). and 200 meters, the long jump, Laura Jober, competing in the and contributed to a winning girls '83 division, soared 14-7 in relay. Her time ot 15.35 seconds the long jump to post the best in the 100 would have won the mark of the day in that event, '85 and '8" divisions as well, boys or girls. while her long jUmp mark of 11 ·8 Other marks impressive in wu also noteworthy. comparison to other divisions Leila Hendriks was also a were posted by Chasen Ander- quadruple wtnner, topping the son (14.1 in the '83 division 100), field in tbe 'ff1 division 100, the KeviJi Artz (1 :10.25 in the '86 softball throw and the 400 relay, division 400) and Gregory as well as winning the '86 high Okwudibonye (134-8 in the '86 jump, ~up ooe age divi-div:isioo softball throw). sion beCame the high jump wu .Martin O'Hara topped a list o1 not ccmtested tn the 'ff1 diviliOti. double winners, besting the com- Camj)le Hewko ('88) won the petition in tbe '85 division 4'00 50, 100, -'00 and Jong jump to and 800, while also earning sec- round out the qua,dniple winners. ond-place showings in the high Mnek4 Okwudibo~ won Jmnp and relay. three events and eamed a l8COnd Other boys winning two indi- in tbe girls '84 ~ wbil events and also collecting Greg Porter ('82), Jobn R~OQllllT'f-"'M:Oll<J·place booon were: Israel ('8") and David WorthtngtQJi ('85 Lee, tint in the '88 division 100 end '84) also bad three lints and and 200 and second in the Jong a second in their reSpedive boys jump; Bryan Jackson. first in the divisions. '89 divisiOn 100 and long jump More than 200 athletes com-and second in the '88 division peted in the annual event. with 200; and Chris Edwards, first in the top three in each indtvidUal tbe '82 CliViSion softball throw, tbe event and tbe first-plaice Nlay '81divtsioo100 and secOnd in the teams in each age division '81 dlvtsion long jwnp. advancmg to 1epntent Newport Breanna Fondacaro ('89 divi· Beach in the Orange County lion 50 and 100), Elizabeth l'vtorse Cbampkmsbip' Meet in ,Million ('82 divmon 10 and 200) and VMljo. Chdstina Howard ('82 divisiOn OkwUdiboaye "'PIJeCl tbe fleJd fOO and 1,600) were additicirial in tbe 100 aDd 200, w• aa a wlil-gidi double wmners. . Ding rellly ~was w:ond tn the Dennis Heenan collected four loog Jump. ~two finished in the '87 divi- 90rt9r and Rog.a matched lion, winning the 100 and adding Okwudiboay.'s perfQl'WWY'e, nanner-up ibowings in the 200, eWat~ wbOe Wciltbtng-ldtball throw and relay. ton wm the 'M clMllall 400 end GnigQry Oltwudibonye, Mark i*y, the '85 clvllduo 1aaa .Jump. SpNn aDd ams Fondac.aio a1so and W8I 98CCIDd in the 'ii dhl-8aded a pelr Of leCODd-place fin. lion 200. isbet to lblgle vidories. 400 • 1. KeYin AtU. 1'10.25; 2 Monohln, 1 :22.3; 3. Tlylor Sulllven, 139. 1. IOO • 1. AtU. 2;46.4; 2. Sullivan, 3:34.3, 3. Alexlndel' HclisrNn. 3:39.0. 400 ..... 1. (M:z, Smith, ~. Oletrlcl'I). 1 :07 .2. u . 1. AtU. 12·3; 2. C>lcwudibonge. 1~ 11; 3. Oletrid\ 1~3.. AT· 1. Olcwudibonoe, 134-1; 2 ICM\ ~ 112·9; 3. M"ltd'I Folcs, 109-11 1ta 100. 1. Thomes TUmer, 15.9; 2. M"1t ~ 1a.1; ). Mitt Tr.<y. 17.06. HI • 1. Turne{, J.U; 2. Speil'I. llA; ). l\>.cy, 35.0. ... 1. MertJn O'Hlta, 1:15.Q: 2. Dlnwn BtOtM\ 1:15.02; 1. Lub Swift SWlft. 1:2t.3. --1. O'Hllra, 2:47 2: 2. BtOtM\ 2:54 .. 3. Mltthew SWlft. 3:03.9. ... ~. 1. ~ Oetolf. 1"lcy. 'Wright), 1:07.I; 2. (O'Hlta, L Swift,~. SWif't, Ho.-nan), 1:01.7; 3. (tndnl.ts. Thlfd, ·~ li.ckridge). 1:09.7. Ml -1. Mitt Endnill\ J-7; 2. O'Hw' J.5; 3. MkhMf lura. 3-4. U • 1. D9'We W!llwllll'l1f111>*.,,.~-'\ 12-4> 2. lrown, t1~ J. Fted 'Might. 10-10. tn · t . Endnlll, 132·1; 2. M Swtft. 120-11; l. hc:y. 115-3. ,... , •• '· JoM ~ 1SJ1; 2. ~ Weh4. 16-10: I. Mld'Mt Jecbar\ 1"20. --1.~IU~2.o..t 'WIDnt'lil9Glt, D.~ 9 Ndwd ~ 11 S -·f.09wkl~.tU;2.<Ma ~ 1;1JA; 1. ~ 1.111 •·1.~~.~2. ?;SU; l-~ 0...,, 1:1U. -..... -'·~Solorio. ....... ..... ...... ~,.., ... •· 1.19 ... Odllel. .. 1. ~ M. U · 1,WIN, tMI.~ H•*a. ~ ~,, ... -· '·""""" 11S-1;2 ...... ,.,.., 1 13~ 3. ~ 109-6 1taJ 100 • 1 °"*' Andenoo, 14 1; 2. Chris FondlcMo, 14.7, 3 Louis e>.y, 15 5 JOO . 1. Anderllotl, 29.21; ~. Fondluro, l0.9; 3 o.y, 31.2. 400. 1. tr.w ~ 1:05.S. 2. omd """' 1'()6.4; 3.. 1-ffrwy MontagN, ,., 3.5. 1,100. 1 ~ 5'12.9; 2. l'eel. 5:3'7.6; 3. MontlgN, 5•47,0. 400 ,..._ • 1 (c.t:illo, J Ercttslec*. C. Erdt:liedl, I&«), 1 '1J7 7. "'. 1 Day. ~t: 2 . ._.... J-11; J. ~ a.it«, no mertt. u . 1. Fond9cMo. 11-10; 2. Montlgn1I, 1t-6: 3 lou Castillo, 10.10. ... 1 <Astlllo, 21 ... 2. Cwnron Shull. 1•1. 8' -1 Jon £rdtsleck. 1~ 2. on (rdtMtdi, 122· 1; l llloo <*da. 101-10. . 1tu 111 1. Greg~ 14.5; 2.-"*' l.Aaro, 1 S.2; 3. loOdln Uielen, 15 l2. JOO . 1 iiomr; 2u: 2.11...,, on~ )1.t .... 1, ll.KM'O. l-o8.0. 2. Jimmy ..... 1:12.1: no tnlrd. ... ...... 1. ('orW, ~Anderton ~Sito 2. <Mil.~ H'-1\ ~ 1:001 N •1 llM. .. 7':2.llWM\~no'**'4&. U • 1 •• 1•1:2,,.._, 12-l:l Uotot 10.0 •· 1.fllldl. J4.10; no~or"*'l .. • 1. °" f .... 15J.O. "° .... 1Hrd. ,.., ,.. . on...., 16.~ "° ..,... ttllrd ... • Ulim Md)or Jl'I, t i&;Q M -~· Of .... 1.111· 1 Md'>Ol J ... ._ ....... ..... u · 1 Mcl>9Jg1'1l tM J. IM-,..., . ' - . . I • : • . . ..... ... -~ ----.. •r-----------------...::....:..---------------------------------... briefly --. . . . II! ,-,. ·-----------~, •. f • I . • ' ' ' • ---.. ~ .. --- --~ ---f anguards' Carlson soars 7-21/2 - . • • . • Coronation of JQng GeOrge I Balboa Bay Clllb, 6 p.m. May 1, 1996 AZUSA -TRACK. AND flBLD em Cal· College's Kevin Carlson soared to a ump clearance of 7.2112 Saturday to top eld at the BPI 'nack and Field Meet of Champions and earn Male Athlete of the Meet honors at Azusa Pad.fie University. Carlson's winning leap was two inches above that of Leo Williams (competing unat· tached) and overshadowed a stadium·record performance of 3:44.02 by Brazil's Joaquim Cruz in the men's 1,500 to earn the meet's top individual honor. • Brian Carlson, Kevin's brother, finished eighth in the higli jump with a leap of 6-63/4, while SCC's Iris Orejel set mdividual school records in the 100 and 200 meters and con· tributed to a school record in the 1,60{) relay. as well. Orejel went 12.94 to win the third race of the women's 100, a time good enough for eighth overall, and later went 25.82 in the 200. Orejel was jo~ed by Aimee Bux.man, Caren Anderson and Nikee Pool on the record-setting relay. SCC's Angie LaMance also set a school record in the women's triple jump (JJ-63/4), while teammate Jennifer Booth was sixth in the women's javelin with a toss of 76-71/4. SCC's Larry Holland was second in race two of the men's 1,500 (4:12.60), good enough for 13th overall, while teammate Tun Hardin was filth in the same race (4:15.79), 16th over- all. -Amy Lewis was 14th in the women's shot put (27-61/2), while Vanguards Erin Culver (5:01.5), Anderson (5:11.1), and Skyler John- son (5:21.36) were 19th, 23rd and 27th overall, respectively, in the women's 1,500. Hurlbut second at hoops finals PH[LADELPHIA - Costa Mesa resident BASKETBALL Hurlbut represented the Los Angeles region. alter besting the field in her age divi- sion in March at Long Beach State's Pyramid. Mustangs fall victim, 10-1 WESTMINSTER -The Costa Mesa High softball SOFl'BALL team managed just two hits and aided West- minster by five errors as the Llons defeated the Mustangs, 10-1, in the third-place game of the Westminster Tournament Saturday at Bol· sa Grande High. Mesa's Kim Daniels broke up Brenda Quinn's no-hitter with a bunt single in the sixth, which allowed Amy Ria to score from third when the ball was throw away at first for the Mustangs• only tally. Veronica Quintero added.. a single in the seventh for the Mustangs (6-1 O}, who return to Pacific Coast League action Tuesday by visit- ing cross·town rival Estancia at 3:15 p.m. Quinn fanned 12 to pace the Uons, ranked eighth in Orange County, who took advantage of a couple Mustang errors to break open a scoreless tie in the fourth inning, scoring six runs, all unearned. WUTWMirtJt .,.,.,....,..,."' Westmlnstw tO, CostA Mesi! t Costa Mesa 000 001 0 · 1 2 5 Westminster 000 610 3 -10 10 1 Montgomery and Chisholm; Quinn and Hauxhurst. W · Quinn. L -Montgomery. 6-5. Vanguards lose pair in GSAC RIVERSIDE -South-ern California College BASBBALL yielded three runs in the seventh inning to Cal Baptist as the host Lancers earned a sweep of a Golden State Athletic Conference double- header Saturday. ao&09t AUi MtU'nC CI07N I . Cl Cal ..,...1,, SoCal ~' SoC.11 College 003 000 o2o -5 10 2 Cal 8Apt.lst 213 030 011 • 1t 16 1 Hofman, Harber (6) end Pegg, Krng fn; Jacobson and Brwtsc:h. W -Jacobson. l -Holman, 1•2. 28 ·Doyle 2 (SC.Q. River• (SCO, Bretsc:h (C8), Gonzalez (CB). f.111 (C8). 38 • Bobryk (CB). Cal 8llptlst J. SoC.a Colleoe 2 SoCal College 010 100 0 -2 7 1 Cal Baptist • 000 000 3 -3 8 t Mc.Reynolds, Lowery (7), Primm m and King; Wozniak. Hamilton (5), Attwaijl (6) and Mad>onnel, Bretsch (5). W -Alwafjl. L -Lowety, 1-6. 28 -Oollas (SCQ, Levitt (SCQ, Vltamanti (CB). sec salvages a split of two COSTA MESA -South· SOFTBALL em Callf omia College pitcher Jen Houston hurled a four-hit shutout in the second game to help the Vanguards earn a softball doubleheader split Saturday with Golden State Athletic Conference visitor Azusa Pacific Saturday. The split kept the Vanguards (19·17-2, 7.3 in conference} one game behind conference- leading Azusa Pacific (31-9, 8-2) in the GSAC : standings. : Heather Rogers went 2 for 3 in both games, while Chrissy Vega had three bits and four runs, on the day, including the lone second· game tally on a throwing error. GOlOEN STAlll AntLEnC ClONfDENa Azusa PKtflc 7, Soeal College 4 Azusa Paclflc 200 120 2 -7 9 1 SoCal College 011 011 O • 4 8 O : Cano and Kiritbridge; Houston and Murie. W • Cano. • L -Houston, 10-1 O. 28 -Kirk bridge (AP). 38 • Murie (SCO. SoCal College t, Azusa PKlflc 0 Azusa Pacific 000 000 O -o 4 3 SoCal CoUege 001 000 O -1 7 2 Shaon and Kirkbridge; Houston and Murie. W -Houston. 11-10. L -Shaon. I I I I I I I I bNQuET ~TIOH; 442-0755 -------------------------------------~ I\ I < c 1 I\ I > I i I { I \ 1, I I\ " MADI 'IO•_.. ~ ~Yardley knew ilf •bout~ enc(~~ ~ can e.tepee_t them to &mt from hiS College cteys whit\ In a spen of some two mlnutas. he Mt a conNtence tec:ord for KOring as a StMford lndlel\ only to _. his moment of glory bea>me just that. a moment. • uses Bllf Sharman owrtook him to finish one point ahead of hrm. 238-237. In 1958 Yardley set another record. be<orNng the flrst ptayer to f!llef go owr the 2.000-point platelu for an NBA SHSOn wtltt. with the Detroit Pistons. The YflfY next season Bob P9ttJt of the St. * Louis Hawks left Ya==rd In the dust with I 2.105-point A ~r later a new face In the crowd appeered for the Philadelphia fnmctilse fn the form of Witt "The St11t• chamberlain. ~In shattered the numbers wtth Z 707 In 19'0. raised it to 3,033 in 1961, then mnged 50.4 points a game en route to 4,029 points In 1962. Chamberlain also ~n to hold other rec:.ords ~rding super-human feats as a ladl•' man. according to statements attributed to him. None of Witt's scoring records have been seriously threatened, accordfng to the National Basketball Assodation rec.ord bOoks. Lori Hurlbut finished second in the 15-17 age division Sdturday in the national finals of the inaugural Nike/Lady Foot Locker 3 for All skills competition at the University of Pennsyl- vania's Hutchinson Gymnasium. The three-run rally, off three sec hurlers, erased a 2-0 Vanguard lead and followed an 11-5 first-game victory by Cal Baptist to drop sec to 10-28, 5-13 in conference. Mesa-University showdowns . I I L-------------------------------------------------~ COSTA MESA -Pacif- ic Coast League prep BASEBALL KAYAKING Hurlbut, a junior guard for Mater Dei High, who averaged 14 points per game in the post- season to help lead the Monarchs to the 1996 ClF Division J state championship, was bested lly only Teressa Shotwell, 15, of Atlanta. Steve Dolias and Sean Levitt had two hits apiece for the Vanguards in the second game. while each added a hit in the first game, in which teammate Joe Rivera went 2 for 4 with two RBI. Donovan McReynolds yielded just 2 runs in six-plus'innings in the second game and left with a lead. But relievers Kevin Lowery, who absorbed his sixth loss in seven decisions, and Bryce Primm couldn't hold off the Lancer ral· ly. as winning pitcher Ramsey Altwaiji singled home the game-winner. baseball races resume Tuesday with Costa Mesa (5-2) at 5-2 University in the first of a home-and-home setup~ week with obvious title and CIF playoff implications as the two chase PCL·leader Laguna Hills (7-0}. ~ McKibben, partner ousted in do~le sculls Also with plenty at stake is Estancia, which is winless in league and on a 16-game losing streak. It doesn't get any easier for the Eagles this week -they're at Laguna Hills on Tues- day, and host the same league-leading Hawks on Friday. . . : GAINESVIl..LE, Ga. -After finishing first first in a preliminary beat• : on Wednesday, Balboa Island.s's Chip McKibben and his partner, Br~<:r ! Layton of Indiana, fell out of contention in their quest for a berth at the : Olympic Games Sunday, finishing fifth in a six-boat double sculls field, : at the U.S. Trials at Lake Lanier. which sends one boat to Switzerland : for the Olympic Qualifier. : The event, consisting of a speed dribble, 10 free throws, and a timed super shot (points awarded for shots from various spots) round, was contested in three age divisions by cham- i:iions from eight regions. .... PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES .., ' PUBLIC NOTICE eacn parucular craft. clas· UNIFIED SCHOOL DIS· PUBLIC JOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE m;iner or '"'hi s;iid s;ii. Wllf .... '* ..... _........... ................... t . • s11tcat1on or type ol work TRICT c 1 8 n ... "" ...,_,.,.,e _..._._,,, o-EscrowNa.00011351RC center Oii.,. SlrU Ma. CA to dO ousiness 111 fllS SWI * . 1 d th , a r o Y n • ma<1e out WltllOUt coveoant or gteh« wlltl IN$ N1TICE TO CREDITORS Of IUll 92705 and tJie last ~ 10< litnO Cll4 THE MAIN , NOTICE TO ~~~1~~e of onach:d ro1e~j Stocker, Executive DI· cna1387839 NOTICE OF warranty express or imphed t1ght al drtlllno. , U · SALE daims shall be Aid 30 19116 OITll&,I £~£ TO ' CONTIIACTORS rates 50 determine£ :~e on rector BuslnHs S•r· Fictitious BuslneH APPLICATION TO regarding Utle possession O( ploflng end Of*lltlna • (SECS. 1104, 1105 U.C.C.) wr.ch 15 tile ~SHIC$$ ~before ~ COURTHOUSE ~ 'CALLING FOR BIDS hlo al me Oistilcl ottico and vices and Auxlllary Op· Nam• Stat•ment SELL ALCOHOLIC encumbrances lo sabsly 1118 fOf, tnd lltomg i\ end NOTICE IS HER"BY tile Siie date speof1e<1 abOve CIVIC CEHTUI DRIVE wfli • SCHOOL DISTRICT· are available 10 any inror-erattons The following persons are BEVERAGES Ml<leDtedness secured by said removlna the ume from " given to Dmd Al>nl 1 1996 ~iWPORT·MESA UNIFIED osted party upon requHt Publfshed Newport doing business as: Brldg-April t, 1998 deedotuust.aovancestnereun· ulda..ndOfenyOChera.nd, tltOIO" of ttre within na NELSON NOLI JUOY NOU SANTAANA.CA allnght~tJea~ ,CHOOL Ol~TRICT In accordance w1tn Section Beach·Costa Mesa Oail ford. Knottnerus, Gleason To Wnom II May Con-Cler Wlltl marest as provided Including the rtgtit lo~ seller INt a tuk sale is abOut ~s llllertSt conveyeo to a "6i TOJECTS 1773.2 ol the Cahfornla Pilot A rll 1 8 \ Y & Associates, 620 Newport cem: INGHAM, Janet Is(· 1t1ere1n and the unpaid PflllClpa stodl « dlfedk>nalty drtll Ile maot ot the assets destll ·BURI.ow fSC*IW COMPANY helel by II under ~Kl Oeeo of. < l BID #07-96, CON· U!bor Code. the Con1rac1or P ' ' 5• 1996• Center Orlvt, Suite <150, are) applying to tile Depart-balance ot tnt note se<;Ured and mine from lands Olhef belOw • 5<11 Pailaflllf0rr'lf Trust 1" Int oroe>rrty S111alfCI 111 rRACT ;;.10-96. ROOFING shall posl 8 copy of lhe de· m f 48 N~wport Beach. CA 92660 ment of Alcoholic Beverage said deed 01 ttust wlltl interes tNn thc>M herelNbove «»-The '*1'ltS and ws1ness Sii/ta Anl. CA gzl()5 Uid Counry, Cabfom1a. OfscnD-~li,~~~U~C~~T~JCT .tZ· tormmallon ol prevailfng PUBLIC NOTICE PR•crar~ Ki ~rld~ord. a Control to sell alcoholic tnereon as provided in sal<I note :._fibed:!, «~a.~ ~ 0~A'C'~etl~~:AA~· NfwPol'l Beacn.Cost.a Mesa 1"0 ll1f land ll!ertin: AS ~E SER. LINCOLN. 'MARI: ~~I~. ~n:a~~~~~r!a~~ ~oe~ Nouce Is hereby given u:.e(~~l~~mla)~62gr~C:!: ~l:raieasy at#~~53N!°1:~~~i ~es Charges and expenses o through r:. a«oss the W:: anci TAMNEH JAVAOI. 8 Ham CN36291381351RC~t5. 1996 ~~~iiy JEf~~~EDTneDN~~ ~ERS) diem wages Is based upon 1na1 the undersigned Wfll port Cenl8' o,,ve, Suite Beach, CA 92660 w11n a e trustee and Ult trusts er awf-of the land ~ mood Ollve 'I 1• IMne C PUBLIC NOTICE nerctolort dtSCtlbtd 1$ lltll1Q sold ~) BIO lfOB-96. CON-a working day ot elghl be sotd 01 Pubhc Auction <150. Newport Beach, CA 00-47" On-Sate General allld by s.11<1 deed 01 trust dalld bove 6e.ICl1bed end to 9'2718 ·as is• The wret aodrtss ind ~T'ilJ'T1b:S· A~E¢X~~ hours. Tile rale for holiday on MONDAY. MAY 8, 1998 9T2h660I b 1 1 (Pub. Ear. Pl.) llcense(s). Os•llOf1Co996,.,, Malllllo '°1 fol9CIO bott°' .. ~~ ... Whlpst~9!' Tiit locaoon 111 Cahtomia ot 111usm IALE NO. 701-012111 ocner common oe~n111on. if U and overtime work snall be AT 10:00 A.M. KELLY & ' us ness s con· Publlahed Newport 119 .... ,. n. 11 u __ ,....,_, dttlltd ..._the cn.e1 txee4lDve ofhce ot I'* Of rn al d . ? ~ ~ I ST RI c T LO· ar time and one-hall. The KARL JACKSON, K.E. AUC-ducted by: a corporetlon Beach·Cosra Mesa Dally TrntH A Calllornla Corpo1a· tunnel• and shaft& lnier seller es <" .. same is aoove ... APN NO. u.a., 111 ·40. NOTICE :bed ~ ~ =~to ~ vATI N Contractor and any sub· TtON SERVICE Po SOX The regiarrent commenced Pilot April 8 15 22 1998 bOn 516 Wesr Shaw Avenue end benuth «beyond the sost;ife) Same OF TIIUml IALE YOU Al\E a s pu BIO DEADLINE: May 3, con1rac1or(s) shall pay nol 825, RIALTO, C~ g23n. to transact boslneu und&r • • • M1S1 Suite 200 Fresno CA 9370'· utec1of lmlts thefeof, llld AskStedltf the senec all Otlle llr OEFAULT UNOUl A OW> Of 111 Gardenia Way, Corona Oil 1996 AT 2 00 P.M. loss than the specihed pre-909·873-0744 AUCTION the fictitious namt or 0000 12091 221·2661 AOMll to rtdftl, r«unnei, tqUlp, llusiness names and addrtnes Tl\UIT DATtD OM\.tl. UM-Mii, ca 12125 The unde!S19Md 3~'ti~~S~F g~~~~~~·~ va1ling rares of wages ro all BOND '723-4i·19. names lisled above on 3-PUBLIC NOTICE M Matteson Plesioent P 7695 malrMln. rl$Mllf, dMpen and useo ltf tilt sder Within WI YOU TAU ACTION TO T11.1stee dscl;i!llls any kabdlly '°' O.U)(I IARY workers employed by them ALLSPACE • COSTA 1\_-98 4115 4122.4129196 Of*•• any llJdt Miii Of ars DefM the elate sucn lls l'UTfCT YOUR PROHJn'Y. n llT1 lnCOITICU\eSS Of tnc strttt 2965.~ Bear oi~~:T~o~~a in the execu1lon ol lhe con· MESA, 1535 NEWPORT PAic,nard1 K1. LaBrldgford, a Loan 440936·3 Other 623278 mlne::C-s,' ~~~·the was sent or del1vered to the buye MAY If IOLD AT A PUILIC ~rtu 1~ OCller common \1esa CA 92626 ' tract. BLVD .• COSTA MESA, CA ro ass onn w ~rpora· Fiie f 0096 AP Numoer 419· PUBLIC NOTICE '" 0 "'"'• ........ lltOfe, e11· al! C" none so st;ire) HoM SALE. If YOU NEED A)! lXPLA· ..-Sl!)n&tton. K any. sl\Own '"""' PLA.CE PLANS/OOCU· A Payment Bond and a 92627 lion •. Rlchaid K. BndgfOfd, 172-49 Nola 01 Trustee's Slit t end opwllte ttwough The names and DuSlnes NATION Of THE NAl\lllf OF THE 5'IO sate will be m;iclt. bill \1ENTS TOBEPICKEDUP Performance Bond shall be A136. RICH TOBEY. President unoerOeedOITrustyouarain NOTlC! OF TRUSTEE'S lhtsurfec.r:.lhtuppwlOO a<!OfeSses of Ille wyer 111 P110CEfDlllCS AGAINIT YOU,Wlltlout CM!llnt °' wan-anty. Some as above Of at walk· required prior lo execullon HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ~t l~tatb'nt w~ :'4 default unoer Deed OI Trusl SAL.£ ~ DEED OI' feet d the aubs&.wfke of NELSON NOi.i anc1 JUDY NOLI YOU IHOUlD COMTACT A txl>fUSfd 0t 1mpl1td, r?QanlllllJ tllrough ot tne contract and snall be A339. GAi V. FARBEN· • ounly 81 0 dareo Otlober 22 1993 unless TRUST fie: 25283 Loen: u6d land. ~ ~ tht 2n92 Glent'Ofes Ollve Mss1on LAWYER. On 04-2MI et 1:45 lllle, Po$StsSIOll. or t~ .i WALKTHROUGH: Manda· In the lorm H I forth In tile BLOOM, HOUSEHOLD Orange County on 4·5-96 you take acbon IO protect your *9Ql.2£L ~ rtghttogrwttandtrar11feull 1Aeio CAll2692 A.M. fLM UNOfRl IERVICEI, bmlees. lo p;iy tile rtmJlmlJG- lory watkthrought are con1rac1 documents. ITEMS t9983879288 properiy it may be 5 IO at ublk: 42381~ A.P. Number: « • potUon tA lald rtgtJtl, Tile assets 10 oe sold art INC as the duty appomttd prlnapal sum al Int note,.._ scheduled follows: Each biddor shall be a II· A348. JOHN WOLFE, Dally Pllot April 15, 22, 29, sale 11 you need an°0 ,,,,!anoo 0464IMI YOU AM. IN~ ~_!!..ved ~LMld-deSCnbed in general as rumiturt Tru~et under ano PlllSlllllt to StCUrtd by said Deed ol Truij.'-11,hrtl 23 1996 8.00 am censed con11act0f pursuant HOUSEHOLD ITEMS May 6. f996 m164 ,,_, 'AULT UNDER A DEED Of' .. -... Inc.. a In 11wres eQuipmenc lriOenamt "'--"' ... T·--d on Wiit! inlertSI tnerton as~ r . . . • lo lhe Business and Pro-A381 ALLEN SMITH or me narure or me proc:eeo1ng TRUST, DATED 2101 UN-Deed r9COfdld Dec ~ "' ,.._ ·---. . ~fing at Various Dls1tle1 fess1ons Code and b• 11-VIDE0° SECURITY svs. PUBLIC NOTICE against you you shoukl coniact LESS YOU TN<e ACTION 11, 1114 ~ lnltrument No. lease leiSthofd impuvernents OHH3 as Olellllltlll Nt. 13· 111 Nld note(s). aovances. 11 any. Locallont censed tn lhe loltowlng T EMS HOUSEHOLD ;i lawyer NolJCe Is hereby given TO PROTECT YOUR PftOP.. &Mt20ll al omdll ..... Sl0Cktnl7idt ~H 05t•H7 of DnlNI Rtc:onls.., unott the terms 1lf tilt Deto OI ~rn 23• 1996• 12:3o ~.m. class1llcatlon: Roolln ITEMS' cnst38SS18 thtt Maneson Foreclosure ERTYITMAYIM!IOt...DATA CGfdl. The property lld-and"' located at 8 Ham· the oftice of Ille Rtconltr of IUSI. •Sll!Nitd lees. c:Nrgea ,i:~,!~~ta=:J!n!t arl-(C39) Hea1e1s 1c20) g A478, JUSTIN BAR-Flctltlou• llu•lnH• C0<pora1Jon a Cal1lomta Corpo-PUllUC IALE. F YOU dreu end ~ common :r~ Ollve 1114· IMne. C 0t111oe County, ca111om1~. en· :'cn!-::es °'a:~~·o::. Prosptellve blddtfS are to GOVER NINO BOARD, THOLOMEW, HOUSEHOLD Nam• Statem•nt raDOn as Trusllt or Successor NEED M EXPl.ANATION OF ~· I *'1.:.= The buSlntSS Nme used ~ Cuttcl by: lerialll Sampson tnd d Trust. :'Wit: S7t IQ U neat al Bu1Jntss SeMCft Carotyn a. Stoc:ker, Dt-ITEMS The following petlOOI are Trusi.e °' Sub5111Uted Trustee THE NAT\ME OF THI PRO-r property tilt allet It lhlt loelllOn Col\slance Mn Samoson. as • . !. Au.xlllary Operations, rector Bu•lnHa S•r· M'!_~38t.ote:r~e G~E~-doing bUslntu u : 1nn.ne pursuant to 171• Oeto Of Trusr ~StiOULD~~~ ~C:.,~..!:,:: ~ AUT()l.()1M SE~-TNSIOI, Mussa Kay Sampson!:=,=:~=-2'85·A Bear Stree1 Costa vlcts & Auxlllary Op-• OLD f EM SporU Center, 1500 Quall executed by vmoo Sanathata lAWYa IMctl, CA ..,_ The ICE and NltlOnal F!CWIClal Sttv f • Mesa. CA. Call (714) 556-•ration• H~1u68sE' HJOOHLDNITFEE!!GsUSON, BStreet. SUI!• 510, Newport and .Aruna Sanamara and re---1Nt ~ .. ':~~ ~TNlt.ee .~ Tiie lllllClpated oall! ol the COIJ>., u Btfltliaart WI# stll .. ~~ .... N ~~~ ~ 3240 for details. Bids will m each, Clhlornla 92660 COfcled on 10129/1993 as In· ., .. .,. ....,. ~ -· af 9ll6 public IUCIJOl'I to the h10fltSI ,,,. .... ,,.,IClllY U•-r ._ ..._ 'IOI be eccepted for con-Published Newpor1 B381, MICHELLE FOR· lnllne Sporta C.ntw Co-scrumant No 93·0741579 in vas, • Callomla Coq>oJa-any fOf any lnc:or• s wans1er18s MIY 1, 1 at the bldder IOI cash, (payable ii lime of Trust herttofore mcuted •'11 l/llci.ors not etteodlng lhls Beach-Costa Mesa Daily TAYON, HOUSEHOLD rooa, LLC, a California Um· boolt II/a pag n/a I lllC!al lb\ .. trultM, OI rec:tnna the property ad-ffice of URAOW ESC of salt 111 lawful rnonty of tne Of!Nertd to the UlldelllQned 1a NSlklhrough P1IOI April 15 22 1996 ITEMS lied ba.blllly company 1500 • f 0 0 •ICXltUOf lNIMI. M.,.,.... .... and ..., common 'NIY 50l Pal1!centtr Onw Ul\Clld 51111 by CUii • C&Sl1-wnaen Oedaradon of OtflUllt ... NOTICE 0 1S HEREBY ' ' ~165 HC140, MYRA GALLA. Quail Strett, Suite 510, C=~s ~era I~ ~~: luledtnnhepnuanttothe de~t. r any, lftOWl'I Th Ana.fAQ2705 ilfs Cl'ttctt :nwn by a Jlltt 0t Oetnind IClf Slit, ll1d a W11Q1a1 ~:~ ~~~th~la1~~v~ PUBLIC NOTICE gu8~~H~~i.~E~CAVA. ~:;':' Beach, Calllornla County Callt0<n11. and pursuanr ~ T;: =-::.. ~ = :=nc. ""°::",: 1or!11lu ~~ 11 c!',:Sraal nlbONl r*' ~ ::cnwn by• :ice:_ OtfW:~ a.c:_: Orjlnge county, CA acting HOUSEHOLD l'TEMS Thia buslneu Is con-to ltle 11011Ce of detaull and Calltom&t Conlorlllion it. 11eured by the Code Setooo 6106 2 sQle °' •0t11 ulllOll, Of• uiO Notlcl of Del lftd £lie> by and through tta Govetn-NOTICE OF c 2 o 9. M 1 KE /K r M ducted by: a llmlled liablliry elechon ro seu thereunder re· corded on 218111 u tnatN-PfOf*tY to be sold end,.... II so sublect. 1111 ~me a clleclt drawn by• ''*Of fedelll tiOn to 5 a lo ... ~ in the nQ Board, hereinafter ,. SURPLUS PROPERTY COULTER, HOUSEHOLD company oocdeo 01/0511996 in l>OOk n/a ment No. •1~ 9ook -sona06iteadlnatedcoebl,U• of the PllSO/lwtlll wnom SIWIQS and loan U$0Clal!On, e "",....,..,_ 'effed to aa "'Dl$m1CT," Tne Board of Educarion ITEMS The regl1trant commenced ~ nta as 111s1rumen1 no 96-P11ge -al omdll 1'9CORts lh PINH and advanc.et It the aims may be flied IS RENE SIWIOI as~. 04' U'M9J county wtltlt 11111111propetty 11 Mn receive up to, but not ol Ille Newpor1-Mesa Uni-C267. JESSICA BALCH, to 11ansact business under 789\ ot said ollbal records wlll the otnu al the County "9-timt al the lnltlal PUblktaon TERfMJV BISHOP, bani Sj)Klflfd in section 5102 of loCaled .. ~ mM 111111 IMt 1a1er rnan th• above-staled hed Scnool Dl11tlct has d•· HOUSEHOLD ITEMS the flctllloua nan• or sea on 0510611996 at The fronl cordef al ClfMge Calltomla, of the Nolle• al .,. Is: ~ COWFNtf. 501 Palll. the flnwill COdt and IUChon1'ld l'llOl'llh$"'"" etapMd lllCt lllCtl llme, teared bide for the clared ttte northerly •P· C 2 8 7 , H 0 MAYOU N names listed abOV• on: Of Tiit flaQpolH Al Tiie Main and pur__.. to the No*.e h4t.llUS. In addlUon to llCOl1llCIOn. Oaet: MIMI PUt a_,o of a contr9C1 IOf the proxlmare tlghleen (18) OAFTARY, HOUSEHOLD Feb. 15, 1996 Entry NN To The Placenlla CMG al Olfd and Section to cath. the Tnaatt.W1111«tpt l.Olllft IUMUI, lllC. AS above Pfofecl. Bid• ahall acres of lht Cosla Mesa ITEMS lnline Sports Center co-Ctnlai 401.'11 E Cllaomao Sell Chertundet recorded on • calhler'1 chtdl chwn on TRUSTEE. 1410 ~ LANE. be received In the place High School ailt. locattd at C315, VERN SCHAFER, rooa, LLC., Kenneth W. Ave Placlnua CA al 10 OO 1 m 1V12/ll In lcdC ~'-~ • •• or l\lllk)IW t.nk, • SUtTE 340 WALMJT CREEX. Q4. ldtntlfled abovt. and lhall 2650 Falrvl-Road, Cos1a HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Guetieftau manager u~No.~ cl** drewn by•..,..°' CWSIFIED "596(SIOJfl06.l2ff//i::Jlr. ~~d 0= M~hfl ~~Z ~~:a.pr~~;~~1~1:' pf1ou; B:~c~'.h~~~ d M~s~"' ~~~; ~1~1 1~:1~~1V w~,:'':i ~~or-:,0 <~:,e .. ":i":~ :..-= := .:=,~ ": = ,,,U:: bV"'!°" ~; ~42~ .-~ m ~- •tiled time and place. erty, which was prevlou11y Piiot Aprll 15, 24, 1998. orange county on :J.28·96 time ol •6 kl lawtlll money ot u,. Nof1h front Wlt1lnCe to r.detll &IYlngs and loan•• Esch blddef must submit used for a9rlcultural PY'· m166 18883878339 Ille Umlld laltS) all right true the County eourthou:i IOdMloft. NYlng9 •NOCl- wtlh Heh bid 1 c.rtlfted or pose•. 11 being madt avall· Dail PU and lnllrlS\ conveyed lo 81'1<1 OMc c.-Dmle Itkin Of aavtnga bani( caahter'• c:Mcit peyable to ablt for salt ar fair matktl PUBLIC NOTICE 29 1~ ot Ap«il 8• 15• 22• now llekl by It undtf Wd Detd a... Ana, c:.ltomla It t lpeClled In lectJon ft02 al lhe DIS"mlCT Of 1 bid valu. to aft public districts, • · m1s7 Of Trust In lllt PfOQlfty Sltuattd ~It MICttOI\ to th. the flnandll, Code and auo bo(ld In the fOfm Ht for1h public autnorflles, public cnat381324 PUBLIC NOTICE '" said county and slate htrt-WdlMt for thofti.d to do buslntu In tn th• contract documents agencies and other pol1tlcal Flctltlou• BuslnHs lnalltt cltSCrlbtd. As more fully • e. .,,.. of C: ctWI --. In IN tWftt ttn- ln •n amount not r ... lhan subdivisions or publlc COf· Name lt•t•m•nt ons138t322 described Ill said detO of trust ~ money al lM dW °"* tfwt callh Is ee-l~ of the malllmum porallont In rhl1 Statt and The lolfowlng persons 111 Fk:UUoue au.1MM TIM praptny lddtass end 0111tr ~ ...._,. 11 ctgtC. -. cepted the Tri.lll11 mlY lntOUnf of bid aa a guaran-lo other profit °' ~n-prolil doing busJnelS u : Prado Name lt•t......nt common Oetlgnallon. 11 111y ol end ......,._. CClnW')'ed to ~the~ tA the IN that lhl bidder wtn cnarltablt organ1zatlon1. Pe11o1eutn Company, m2 The followf 1 are Ill real PfoPtflY cletcrlbed and now Mid bV 1 under T""'-el Deed urM ~ enter Into the propoted Add1tlonally, rhe ptoj)My 11 S.E. Brl1tol, Suitt 202, doing bUllne'1• r:7afkat-ll>OVI IS purp0r•cl to bt 391 u6d Deed d .,..,,.. "" ._ becofftit llV....,.. to h oontract If thfl aamt II btlng offtred for Hit to Newport Beach, CA 92GOO Ing COnotctlona ... $\tat RalCam P\a Coll* MIU CA ~ ....... 6rl Mid PllY'I' « •ldOnee .. a 19\M. awarded to IUCh blddtr. In varlout public agenclH for Br1vton Petroleum, Inc,, • ~ Pa11Mrlnn 2185 v1a: 92627 Thi dtrl~,.... ,. · IH and ,..., fllt'llNf• Wal ctgtC. lakt .. wll be ""'event of l1llur• to enter playground, playtng fleld OaU(omla corporation, 2082 !nl d N •• un ''"" wUt ,., dHcrlled· l>Ct9T "A" INlde, but wtlhcMA cO\ltNnt lntf Mid ccnttect. such ... or other outdoor recr.: S.E. Bristol, Sult• 202, CA11;::eo •wPot1 &ea~. dlsclalms lllYf II ... ~ tor tlrY Late and the.~~ ot warranty, •llP'"' r:. im. c~ty will be totfelted. allonal and open•pace NtwPot1 Beach, CA 92660 Zoe R SlmanHn 1t1eorrlCflleSS OI u,. OfGPtflV to r..c d lot f 1n llock 4 of pied, ... .,. illte, f'OS• .. it• DISTRICT ''""'" uM1 f)Uf1uan4 10 the ptovi-Geo-Energy, Inc •• a CatlfOI'· VIiia Entrid• N' w2':ft lddtm and olllef common Trect No. m In.,. aey vi .ion Of tne\lft'llWanc.s, to 1 flgtrt to r•~ tl'ff r:. Ill alons of the Na'/I« Act n11 COfl)Ofatlon 2082 s.e. e..ch CA --A • P 6esianall0n 11 ,,,., eltown Newpoft hech. 1n Mid ~ Cl)I lndttlttdMaa ... or to wlllva tl'ff Ir· commencing will\ Educa· Brlatol, Suite 202, NewPon Thi• • buai;U. 11 00 lllrtin Thi 101111 amovnl ot lht County and ...., " et10MI cwed tty Mid Oted,. ld- rogutsrltlet or lnformalltlff lion Code soctloo 39390. If Beac;h, CA 92840 d~t<I b , In lndlvld al ,,. unl)M WlanOt Of th• ot>llgation on a ,_. reCordiMI In loot! YWQS ltweundtf with In 1lllY blda or In the bid-OM of theM organlzllk>N This bu11n111 Is con-Ty~ of YMnesa· ~k•t· aecurad by lllt ptopeny to oe :a ,...,.. 1and1 Of Mlle• Irle• ... • fl'O¥lded \r*ttn, dff'IQ. No bldd~ mey wM-dfflrH to ec:qul(I such ducttd by: • generll pat1· Ing and BlnlMM ·Oevelot>o •OIO ano rMSOnablt t1bm11td llrleOW Mape, In h Ofllct and b unp.lld pmc,.,_, ~ drtlM tl'ff bid rot• l*!Od property, plelM no\lfy Iha Mrtl\lp fNnt COlll IXPtn•tndad~MlCIUI of lhe C0Wity ~Of lfteeo1°'8 ..... MC\ndby of 75 days l.ftlf tN dttl N1wporl·M11a Unlfl1d The rtg.fslrant ~ The rtglattlll4 commenced Chi ame ol IN tn1IUI publleallOll Mid County ..._. "' .., Dllld wllh lnMNtt "''°' the oP9"fng of bid•. Scl\Ool Dl•lrlct, •tt•ntlon· to lflnsac:1 bu.ineaa ~ to ~t bullntsa under of flt nOllCI ol se• IS ....._ ... ,.:, t r.-al lot ._.,.. • ~ In "* TOe D'stnct hu Obtained Carolyn B. Stocker, 2985-A lht llclllloua name or rhe flct1tlou1 name or S257 IOI 79 111lddtl!On10 catll f . lbc.,eii..-owt ..., .......... <Nlftt and ta• from lhf Direct« of the 0.. Beer Strffl, Co111 Mesa, namea llalld •bov• on Au-namH Hattd .. ttbOvt on lllt frutlH Wiil ICCIPI 1 calhllf'S pottlon ...... Ml'I ...eow '*""' d the '1ustH ~Ml r,:mtnt of lndutttlal ~ Calltotnla, 028281 ltl• ~ 1992 Febnlary 1s, 1M dltCll drtwn on 1 "'" Of •,..,,.....,.. fOO feet .. h ._. ~ by .... Oftl IN gentf., SQYelllrlll pf'lone (714) 6s..3~40, Of rayton Petroleum. Inc., Zoe""~ NlllOnll ..,,_ • Cfld ,,.., llY low .. alfha ............. Deed " Tf\IM. eo-.. ,.., nitt of I* dr.nt w~ MCI ii• lntenl to WfWH 1Ucil Ot0rgt '· l11Y1on. .Jt.. Thl9 ttat~ wu ~led 1 Stitt ltdtflll Cl'ICflt U • ~~,.. ~a CaW°'"'9 Corpoo 1114 g«lerel Pf.Val~ J>'Opert)'. Prttldenl .&.:. ..ith the County a.IC I Of nron lflH -., ~ 0...S ........ • Mid TNIMI for, holldl)' and OY9fU In !hi event ll\a1 an tgr... 0.0-£ntfgy, Inc., utorg• OtMge on ~ °' 1 dltCl! """' ~ a lute or COfd9d 11 ttn ,.. 1MOO .....,.,. 11., eMI.: wOfl! 1n ttt• 1oca111y 1 ment ''. not reec:hfld to Mii '· 8f1yt0n, Jr., PrltkHnt C:~ntne flWll IMIOI 1nd lo.ti Alto· ......... No '-': ~'1J1' fl111 wl'dch the work If to be auch ptoperty, the Olattlct Thi• 111tttntnf w11 fil9CI QltlOft SIWIOt AllO(llltlO(I °' · -• ,,.ffofrMd fOt ..ch craft, Intend• to d•IPOI• ot wch wtlt'I the Couhty Cl«lc ot O"'Y Pilot Marett 25, Aprll ~ lank IPIClfled rn H¢ 1too11 um,.... u• d Cf· Moflll9 -1· ~ CilNllllc9tlon 0t rype property In .,,., Other man-~ano-County on 3·12-Sllt t , e, 15. 1t11 mt43 ~ Jt02 ot 1111 frllndll C :"' ~=, ~.--. a.it:· _,.. 02.. ~ ::'kccw'::r.'HC:esey' ""~~~9:~':·,,A oa11y P~~!'~':11 On the move? =:::':Oo'::0 ::,,'"':" fi,..";: ~= '644 •m-.4'1&,"22 In~ be S*d .. tPeclfl 1, I , 115, 1... mt44 • ITllV Ill llC:OPllllll IO It .. -.. end .... -• .... coRec1IYt FIND lrUI .. lrlllttvfQllllnetrOllltf ·--• ..,_..... TRAD " ,..mem a , ca .. affled Sell your extra "'-'*" 11 ecotPtacl. IM rrtil· ~ "' .... .,,. E Th• mcm compref\.,,. h h Id 111 lllllllllOld 11ta lllUlllQI ...... lltMMR, A" Klnd• of Jobi '°' tn ~at1ment aw• en4 c:urr.,,. c*"9 OUN 0 fie ":f..'i _. ..... w II ......,.,.... c• .. sslf1..,. "fJf Kinda of fl~Jt. IOty °' eooo• and Mt• ltema llPlft _...."°"'MW .. -. ... _.,., .. l9V .cia .. rtled. throug classified vie" around! • In ClaiitfJ ... ~ ~· IUllft ~ _... .-.. .... ...,.__.. • M2·H71 ~Qudtty staff with excelent resutts ~ 'Whyl actvertt;e \'Mh1he Ddly Pllotl " -vv .... """' Of .... OttM • .... .. Of t ____ -.;;;:i,_,.._...._ ........ ___ • '--___________ ....__.....;... __ ...1 . 1 ' l 1 ~t~ 1~~y ..... ,. When Words Ive Not~ "SpeCl.Uilng In ~II FloiNn" 2983 H-'* Blvd CouMHI 540-3135 ~ ' 1"ewpon 8dchlC:O..a Mesa Daily Piloc ' . . ' ,, . ·- .... , • . - " I," . : q,., .. . ' ' " ·,r···r' , I , ti : r I i. . ··~~. I ,• I l . : •.....--....... . '~ --I'' I , . . . • '"!" · ~ , 1 I 7011-9090 a ASSIFllD HOURS Telephone 8am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday DAILY PILOT DIADUNIS Monday ............ Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ............. Monday 5:00pm Wednesday ....... Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday ... _ ........... Thursday 5:00pm BYPllO .. (7 14) 642-567~ BY FAX (714) 63 1-6594 (Please include your name and phone nwnber and we'll call you back with a price quote.) BYMAILORIN PERSON: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Oxner of Ncwpoo Blvd & Bay St. MONDAY. APRIL 15, 1996 GENERAL POLICY Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves Uie right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot & The Independent accept no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA 2106 PENINSUIA ROOMS 2706 LOST & 2601 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOUND 1------EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FURNITURE 601 4 FURNITURE 6014 2925 EMPLOYMENT . 5530 SERVICES 5533 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NB Close to Boachl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *HOUSEFUL* W•ll Unit pecan. w/gls 4Br 28• dphc. Yrly. •Lg 2Br 2B• $1150 In cloan. quiet home. FOUND: Boxer Dog •---------RESTARAUNT •••••••• Lthr sofas, sleigh bed, doors & lights. 92" ~c:',.~,.~ Gar, fp, frig, w/d hkup, New pnt/crpt, garage. Community pool/tennis Brindle, male, W'slde EMPLOYMENT Hoat/Hoate sa Exp'd. Please be aware that entertnlnmont armolre, wide, 55oo. 549•2646 storage, bay view. 119 Brightl Yrly. No pets. S450/mo. 5 4 8 ·19 0 3 CM. 631-6114 Emerald Forest the listings In.this cat· Victorian furniture silk W•t erbed , x·lg terra ~llrt1Jlsaalellhtrtl&1nglnlllis Ruby $1950. 675-8877 760·1713 or 857-1776 •---------LOST DOQ Fem red/ 5530 Apply: 309 Palm St. egory may re~u1ro you trees, coffee & ond ta· coua pots, antique Uwt.lllPCf l1111bject to 1111 Fed· white Spaniel w/freck-Balboa 714_723•5000 to call a 900 number bles, Ile. Grandfather rocker. 642·2642 aralfalrHeusl119Act el1Mln ---------1---------RENTALS TO les, "Brandy." 414, •Attn: Coat • Mea•• m which there is a clock 714·894-9880 White le•ther aof• & -•nwlkllmainllillllal CORONA CORONA SHARE 2724 Npt Bch/Lldo Isle. Postal Positions. Per-R ea t •ur•n t exp charge per minute. Antique & Contem p c h •lr, like new, IO Mwft1u ''Illy ptlllrtnce. DEL MAR 2122 DEL MAR 2622'1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 714-830.2242 manent fulltlme for b r oller p erson, furn Grand piano, orl· $1500. 714/640-6041 llmltalloa or tllu tlmlaallon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ''cDM share 2Br+den, .,..L""o,..,s""'T=--=p""u""R"'""'s-=E=-.,...1v-o-ry clerks/sorters. Full nights. Call for ap· DOMESTICS 5540 ent rug 13x18, moving med 11 IK&. color. ""'''"· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Benefits. For exam, polntmonl. 646-7944 must sell. 786-60lO sea, hlldlcap. lanlillal sutus or Pr lv•t• Cot tage 2 Br, Sp•clou• 1 BR w/ 288 3 bl ks to beach. P a 10 ma P 1ca5 s 0 application and salary•=-...,..,...-=--:----,--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil tll!Ollllqlll,or•lllllllllollll 1 Ba, gar, patio/gar-deck, walk to beach/ SGOO/mo +'hutll. Avail purse, Easter Sunday Info call: 708-264-1839 Re t•ll S•lea In Fash· NANNY WANTED Burgendv Cou ch In dener. w/d hkup, frpl, stores $925 Inc. ulll., _5_1_1_. s_1_5_.2_9_2_1___ 4n. Spyglass Hiii Ext 4086 8 t 8 Ion Island. Eves & Mature/spk Eng, pos· great condlllon s100. mau •Y ACll pnluu'I. ltml· •· area. REWARD. Call · am 0 pm. wknds req'd. Help Us Call 4'4·2729. llll010ttllsmnualliell." d/w, $1050 723·7250 No pets 673-0071 N .B . Gr••t Loc•tlon 673_5012 EARN MONEY Read· Growl 714-044•7877 sible live in, Bal Isl.--------- Tiiis etws,aper will not ---------i---------Kit-Lndry. Phn·cable. Ing Booksl S30,000/yr Auto/refs. 675-1793 Coun t rv Frnch liv rm uowilltly acu,!lllf~SI· C T Clean, quiet. No pets'•llll!lll•••••• Income potential. De-Sales sofa, chrs & coif tbl, mtnllor,.ll u llllldldllsl• OS A MESA 2 124 COSTA MESA 2624 $400-+-ull 845-9 5 151' tails. t-aoo.513-4343 DRIVE A MERCEDES! din rm table, 5-pc sec· '1olaliNol t111i.w.Ollr1H dcri NB Oceen View PE~SONALS Ext. Y-9637 It's not too late to MERCHANDISE tlonal, misc. 645-6564 are l11t1lllr laAemlld taal all •E'alde Lg 3Br 2Ba. All Utll Paid In lrg Modern, near sand, lg Flower Shop/Outdoor accomplish your dream! Gre•t M oving Sele fwtlli•I• ltlvertlu tl in tllls w/d, 4-car gar, court-1Br. $585. Avl 4/15. E. sundk lndry p t enlr I FT Multl-Milllon SSSSS French dosk, chair, d f I d 193 _ · • v · ---------2 postltlons ava 1• I Environmental Company entor centor, cotfoe --.. .....11111111 011 111 Y • o c, n ry rm. • o1 Harbor, 383 W. Bay $595/mo 646-4400 3002 PT Design apptlt de "·-......... -..... C M II $1 00 A I · PERSONALS · u Will Show You Howl ANTIQUES tablo, etc. 644·2469 ••1111 ~1111111. Tl cem-agno a. 4 v $300 dep. 970-6261 NB ocoantrnt on board· nee. Apply In peraon. W II T 733 190" 6010 ... oUbcrtmlullM.callHUD now. No pet. 845-1020 ,_E_'_S_td_e_2_B_r_D_u_p _le_x_ wlk, postcard vu. Lg Every Bloomln' Thing. i rain . • • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil MOVING 5·Pc Bdrm llll·hell 1·I00·42'·151G. f1ll E 'alde Lg 4 Br, 21h Ba, Yard, w/d hkups, gar. cstm hm, lndry. $595 HOT CONNECTIONS 250 E. 17th .. CM. SALES •BUYING ITEMS• Set, contemp cham· tllt--"-etell,DC .. a,11ue lr/dr. laundry, 2 fp, Quiet. No pets. $885/ Gar avail. 675-5742 *1•SOO·SgA ASSS IMMEDIATE WORK REPRESENTATIVE From 1800-l 960. 1 pc pagno beige. Armolre, e111 HUD1t4Zl·3SOG. yard, 2 car att. gar. mo. 619·934-3710 •---------,..... 19 PT/FT customer Growing community to entire estate. Painl-9·drawer dresser, plat· $1600 650·2927 =--~,....,....--=-....,.,.--NB Rm w/pvt bth In 2Br NEW FREE PARMINE ser.1ice posit. No exp newspaper group seeks lngs, china, glsware, form bod, nlte stands. E•at Side· Studio condo. Pool/spa/tenn. req'd. S tert $10.15 display advertising repre-furn, etc. lmmed cash, Pd $4500, xlnt cond. •••••••••I He11l~htB•a.Dugpalr•. xp3a1B10r1, All utls pd. Fenced Fom n/s pref. S550/ 1·520-718-5454 Openings In OC. 714_ sent~ti've with 1 year mini· top$. 613_62231v msg $900. Call 640-4444 ,, yard Pet ok Laundry mo Incl utll. 640·9510 18 + long dist. toll .10/min + " HOUSES/ · · · 261·0320 noon-4pm mum experience. "'-cellenl Sol • 90'' brown yard. $1225 Mo. $500/mo 545-0442 ---J a. "" Avl 5/1 622·8535 NB Share boach home. AuaM;uVe a L•dl•• Loc k er Room benolil package Including tones. tapestry, pecan CONDOS N e•r Nwpt Hta 2 BR. quiet neighborhood. w nu-.. To Talk! Attn dt. Private coun· base salary for Iha an&r· AlmQOllTO'IOlllODIU wood onds. $95. FOR SALE 1 BA, n ew carpet/ Pool, tennis, garage. au.&&A6 try club SHks person gallc sales professional. matching 68" loveseat •••••••••I NEWPORT paint, quiet, no pets $625 + VJutll 722·7114 1·~78-2600 w/good communlca· Physical/drug screening re-·~~~ llftr. $85. Call 756-8998 BEACH 2169 s75o 269 A. lGth Slngle Dad & sml child Ext. 4801a 4802 lion skills for FT & PT quired. EOE. Please send .... ...-...... S O FA ·BRAND NEW· ---------1 Place 644-0452 to share exoc condo, 2.9'Jlft'.i..-11c 11 positions. 549-0377 resume 10 Judy Oetting, dlm.oldpsy.p:aaf.ln..clc.. Thomasville Ivory NEWPORT Upper B•ck B •v H ts CdM Spyglass a1oa. TOlldtlVM~l.aplftd Need freel•n ce line %Calllornla Communi1y •Olltllaa«dtl:ltalt damask. Paid $1500 BEACH 1069 3Br 28• 1 hse to bch. 2 Br, w/d h kups, $650/mo + Vwhl, 1st. Scn-U 619--645-84~ •rtlat w/own comp .. News. 330 West Bay Street, •Ccllidrml. ll!irma Sac 5775 obo 650.92.29 Redec, gar. Avail 4115. patio, $845, no pets last & rofs. 800-600-to worlc on spec/book Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or Stude nt Deak w/ Min 1 yr Isa. $1 350/ 846-1164/645-9543 6120 or 714-689-9088 l~~~~UP;~9]~JQ Call Harry 540-7731 fax your resume to (71 4) bookshelf $120, trun· * 5% down P •V· mo. 818-501·0097 1• POSTAL & GOV'T JOBS 631-6594 Buy II. Sell It. Find It. die bed 590, lamps ment Avl 2 Br town· _B_•_y_r_l _d_g_e_2_B_r--2-B-a. •----------RE-NT--AlS------$21/HOUR+BENEFITS Clasalfled. $20 each. 548-5226 home, S219K, * 2 Br new pnt/crpVbllnds. NEWPORT NO EXP WILL TRAIN SALES/PHONE -townhome $229k. pvt gated comm. 2·car BEACH 2669 WANTED 2726 1-900-388-9898 A 1 1 1 714-647 1991 OVE R QUALIFIED? ~~I~ . Gr~~bh n &• o E~lll gar. $1250. 497-9408 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ext. 3247 • 3248 p :; ;~;T OFF~CE ~~~kl~~esf~; ~::c~~j EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT P44-8373 ext. 147 BLUFFS 4BA. 3BA *18R $025• M •ture prof'I couple ~·~:,.::O.::,::..r--P{T counter help. Boating/Marina Env. 5530 5530 HRBR VIEW HOMES end unit, vaulted cell-2BR 2BA $725/Up want quiet 3 or 4Br -.-i•t....._,. Friendly, rosponslble. $400+ WK, Ben. avail. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Monaco. Mrbl & hdwd Ing. 2 car gar, pool Refrlg & d ishwasher homo/condo/twnhm. Npt Beach. 642-6262 Start lmmed 723-7375 $1995/mo. 458·5232 Incl. 60x30 pool. No Furn o r unfurn on firs, lrg pvt lot. Bkr ts No fees No water (bay or ocean). 729·7236 or 640-5664 E •atbluff 2Br+ofc/Br, pe • · 2Ba, lrg deck over lease. 545-4855 Annual rant{lse Ideally MUS T BE SOLDI w/opllon to buy. NB/ canyon, ocean view. Newport Height• Harbor View Hiiie 3Br Nr echoole. Avail now. 3 Br, 2 Ba, pool, gar. CdM. Please call 714- home w/klller vlewl 51750/mo. Lve msg $995 No pets. 738 675-9349 or 714-704· Radue d I $550 0001 6415, ask for Jackie. 0 o • 310/493·1731. TusUn Ave. 642-7658 Agt. 723-06531285-6478 Noed June 1. Furn Seafalre ltudlo w/ -C-~M-~-r-E_R_Y-LO_T_/ _, 1 Br layout, pkg, pooV .c ~· tenn/sec. Walk to bch. •NEWPORT VILLA• ,._ ____ _ A PAR T M E N T S 1• CRYPT 1225 sa5o. Amo• 842-3258 Beach Area•Avl Nowl BUSINESS & Studio • 2BR iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Lido l ale 3Br 2:V•8a, l'rom $405 • $875 FINANCE Pacific V iew Ba}'Vlew frplc, 2-car gar, patio•, Clo .. t.o Bch/ShOps/Fwy --------· Terrace, 2 adjoining 111 Via Eboll. $2300/ For more Into call: lots B & c, Lot 64. mo. 310-277-1583 Cindy 8 42·235 7 1--------- $10,000. 873-5658 Npt North 2Br 2Ba NPT BEACH loft apt/ BUSINESS HOTTEST .M.1.&.l1!w 1.69 UVE ~18+ 1OD1 900-505-5050 800.739-4420 818-758-9100 condo, 2-car gar. AC, office. 1200 •q ft, adJ OPPORTUNITY , "TS w/d , pool. Avt lmmed. to Via Udo Matina. 29041L...:.::im..UwM.iAM:.:_ .. 11 ~ $1395/mo. 640-1529 New pnt/crpt. $1400/ iFG~RiiiSiiALiiiEiiiiiiii1ii4iiOiiOi1 P enthouae Spacious. mo. Call Bruce Kahl, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --------- walk/bch, 1 Br. H e'd 1_7_1_ .. _2_5_1_"2_4_2_4_Ext_._1_1_5 L :::.~, V2~" :s1t::_ MEMBERSHIPS EASTSIDE CM com plex. 950/mo. Nr Ho•g H osp. fished accts. Buy •IV 3018 C·2 Lot 50x200 with 650-3143 or 875-4781 2 Br, 2 Ba, gar. new part. 800-77S.2219 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ Bedroom, 1 Bath---------crpt/palnt/appl .. yrly, ________ _ $850 675--0558 MCI PhoneCard ATES FOR SALE -house with hardwood SANTA ANA LOCATIONS GOING CENTER CLUB ttoors. Needs TLC. '$'245,000 with ownef HEIGHTS 2184 •••••••• FASTI Inv. Req. MEMBERSHIP o pro uction roofreode Getto thebasle ABC'~ Attic, basement, a nd closet then get some cash. 'lnanclng. contaot MlSCe', 11~0US 800-700-7177, 24 Hrs. Enjoy all the extenslve P 0 B 2404 ~'M p ACHAS<='LEASE executive amenities of owner, · · ox • 3 Br, t B• gar, Water/ U ..., Newport Beach, CA gardener paid. New RENtALS Kitchen In Orange th• pr .. tlgloua Center 92663. paint/carpet 1542 Or-I••••••••• County Sport• Bar. ~4~~52~~~act 714- ohard, $950 650-7737 Immediate Income ---------with only $10k ln9eat-Sell your home ROOMS 2706 ment. (714) 580-8688 through classified. Michele Grojc:zyk Coltfomlo Community News 330 W. Doy StrMt Costa Mesa, CA 9262& EOE/ MFHD HOUSES/ CONDOS POR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii VENDING-FANTASTIC NEW ___ 8_4_2_·_5_8_7_8 __ PRODUCT. 400% PROFIT. -------------~--~-----------., B•ok Balf Rm w/new crpl, pvt entr, like new $3715. Lrg rm, 2 walk· In clat $400. 544·9538 8 1200/wk potential. · Ii BlLBOA ISIAND ~-~~it~i }i~~u fiwn'SON1~ificd.1 Advertiaing'Pilo .. t CDll sunny. spacloua1 .. •••••••• rrn w/attch ba, kitchen•• Have A Garage Sale~ I ,.... ' I .. BALBOA 2106 PENINSULA "E"Y>.f.or.ee." "Empkado." "A rbeitMhmer." ,, Emplpyi. ,, 2607 prMga-1 blk bch S42s ANNOUNCEMENTS f"•m only. 723-1968 "As a new advertiser with the Daily Pilot, I am highly pleased with the results my advertising has brought - in only the first month! I wiJl continue to advertise wich che Pilot, and appreciate the helpful, knowlcdgcabl~ and motivated customer . " service. Thank you again Mark Porcclla .> Call The Pilot Classifieds ct 642-5678 to place your Goroge Sole Ad ~ t ( t,.'r ...... ,, I! \ I 'I , MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1996 ACROSS 1 Exploits 5 Play i guitar 10 Blfd's !)fey 14 Giii in •oracuia· IS R~·s cousin UI~ 11 State oe 9fea1 comrort I 'I L01191ngs "'0 NIQht before a holiday ?1 Thin slnp of wood 22 Hen ?4 Ransoms (16 Gymnasr Korbul n -relier 28 African rongue JI Ac1s snooty 3A Styhsh 35 Bornig 37 Cereal grain l8 Sea water l9 Allas W Baby buggy Bnl 12 Ladder &lep ~3 ·car in •he Har au1hor 15 Prelense 17 Jigger ol wfuskey 18 "Superman· reponer Lois -19 Removed.from lhe game 53 Nmoced 58 Jal-57 Yvette's boyfriend 58 Gather o ......... gJ 59 Hahfu's Pf0Vlnc8 62 Roman poel 63 CaU forth SA Saved by lhe -65 COOi<' s needs 66 Eb«>ecl 67 -of March DOWN 1 Earth 1one 2 Strainer 3 F1n1shed 4 -Paulo Brazil s Vamooses 6 Whistles 7 Poison ivy symptom 8 Rocky Moun1a1n lnbe 9 Lose 10 Ambushed 11 P11chef Hersh1ser 12 Director -Clair 13 "Two Years Belcre lhe -• 18 Hopping insects 23 Expression ol disgust 25 Recede 26 In debl PMVIOU8 PuZZU IO&.VIO • 15·96 c 1916 lMoMd "-~ 28 Gleam 29 Hawaiian least 30 Types 3 t 01p 1n gravy 32 Undercover cop 33 Great Sall lal<e locale 34 Rough 36 -Vegas 38 Never used 41 Ice cream beverages 43 Kind ol boom 44 Afld so on· abbr. • 46 "Norma -· 47 Macie tun ot 49 "Gunsmoke" GOstar 50 Loalhed SI Wmer Zola S2 Phone parts 53 Stage item 54 Volcanic rock SS Similar 56 Shakespeare's ri11er 60 Roe 61 Kimono sash Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for you. .. -· ---·~ ---··--MBCHANJ)JSI! .... • MISC. 8015 By CHAltt.ES GOREN '• APREI with OMAR SHARIF PEPPER IPRAY and TANNAH HIRSCH Life 11 preclou1, pro-. le<:J Ill Sul 1, =t 2 ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ treel CAL NO 1· 800·57CS·2743 Ext. 2,0. Q. J • A. South, vulnerable, you What. do you bid now? Broth•r• W(Jrd ptO-hold: ceuor S125. OE 19" •AQJU ~ • You have a balanced, mln.i-color TV $95. Hoover u. QA.8 TS OA.Q.J mum open.i~ bid with etoppel"I in vacuum $65. Sony What U! your opening bid? all suit.I, an the way to show that phone an1werlng svc is to rebid one no trump. Don't let $75. Call 722·5607 A • With only e four-loser hand it your powerful three-card heart aup-SEARS rolary gas ia tempting to open with a demand port away you into raising with only lawnmower, used bid but1 since your long suit ia three carda in partner's suit. twice, S90. 673·8111 clubs, t.he bidding will develop awk-Stair Ch•lr EJct. elec wardly, especially if you UBe an arti· Q. 15 • Neither vulnerable, as stair llft, xlnt cond, licial, atrong l.wo-<:lub openinf,. Our South you hold: $20.00 ($3300 now) Bat. tal 646-1164 choice would be to open one c ub. •8.C3 OAKQ OQ6 ..,76 32 TELESCOPE Q. 2 • As South, vulnerable, you Meade Premier w/ac- hold: The bidding has proceeded: cessorles. Must see. NORTH EA.ST SOtrl'H WEST $2000, 714-586--7777 M <::>A873 OAQ'.J •AQJ62 10 P ... ? What do }IOU bid now? The bidding has proceeded: COMPUTERS 6018 SOU'l1i WEST NORTH EAST A • There are those who would •• 2•" P&N Pu1 respond one heart, and otheni who Deak top computer, ? would jump t.o two no trump We Incl monnor & printer, •preemptive would not conaider the latter with· all $550. Aleo micro-What do you bad now? out a spade soopper, and t.o respond wave Quasar, Ilk• new one.heart on a three-card suit is too $50. Call 675-7239 A • Obviously. it is simply a choice esoteric for us. A plebian two clubs of whether you should double or is no.t perfect, but it is preferable t.o cue-bid, You have such a powerful the alternatives. WANTED hand and need so little to make TO BUY 6019 game that we would opt for the Q. 6 · AB South, vulnerable, you stronger act.ion. Cue-bid three bold: Top Dollars Paid spades. For Records. Juz, •AKQ 'VA 9 87 OKQJ6.C ... Sountrack1, etc. Q. 3 · As South, vulnerable, you Call Mike 645-7505. hold: The bidding has proceeded: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST •AKQJ 10 'VA 108 ¢AK 75 ...S 10 p ... l V' Pua FREE TO YOU 6022 Your right-hand opponent opens ? the bidtling with one spade. What Whal do you bid now? FREE Cat Beautiful action do you take? tong hair golden or· A · If you play splint.er bids, a ango female cat, 9 mo old, fixed, needs A • Only two COUISP..S should come j ump t.o four clubs describes this shots. Needs Adult for w·mind. One is to pass and take hand tD a tee -enough to force t.o adoption. 843·0705 whatever plus score comes your game in hearts with a singlet.on way. The second is to bid three no club. If you don't, a jump to four trump. Since the right queen in hearts does not express the value of PETS & partner's hand could be enough, we your hand adequately. Start with a would opt for the latter. jump shift t.o two spades, then sup· ANIMALS 6049 port hearts at the four-level at your Q. 4 • Neither vulnerable, as next lum. ADOPT·A·PET .South you hold: Every Sat & Sun ot Learn to be a better bridfe PETS MART, Fountain •K7 c;;iAQ6 OQ93 •K 10932 playe r! S ubacribe now to t e Valley. Puppies, kit· Coren Bridge Letter by calling tens ans:t more, all The biddin(,has proceeded: (800)783-1225 for information. or looking for loving, car· SOUTH EST NORTH EAST write to Gore n Bridge Letter, Ing homes. CALL 597· •• Pa11 10 p.., P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, ll. 60680-9037 for more Info. ? 4410. Moving, Can't K••P Mature Female Cat She's very aHec1lon· When you're tuned ate. Perfocl compan-into Ion for older (Jerson. Gray striped, short hair, spayed, Indoor/ outdoor. Please call classified 714·964·3048. ¥Poodles AKC• Tea Cup Toy & Mini $250-$950 714-751-3465 you're tuned into Save abused and your abandoned pets. Bo a volun1eer/fo1tor. Cati 714·597·9037. community. Whit• Oerman Shepard 3 year old female, 1pade. Looking for good home I ¥•• 714-974-7823. • .. PIANOS• ·i· HONDA 9085 OIGANS 6059 1'AutOMOBILES -1988 Clvfo CX S 1pd, -whl\•, 125k rnll, \n1. ••br Grand 1tteno! need minor work, Beaut flnlth, ln lun•. ALFA llOM!O 9015 S2,995 Ot>o 434-8500 Must aae thl11wkond. $1500. 714·527·1854 .. , 184 LS. Rea W/ HYUNDAI 9090 taddl• tlhr, 1>-1pd, all SPORTING I opt, '°''· Momo whl1, •eo Hrundal e•c•I GOODS 6065 lo 50k ml, mint cond. White, AC. Only IOK 117,500. 548--5428 orig ml. 1 Lady owner. 8 MI M ultl·Statlon V•ry pampered beau- 9035 lllut car. Only $2595. Home Gym, Must seUI BtJICK Ttrnbl• credit Ok. We Clll $350. Call 964-3048 finance fnyont w1tow '90 Buick Reatta clown/low mo. payment• Clasalc, orig. owner, Coast Auto Finace TRANSPORTATION black converllble, 31 k 714·448·5959 mll, $25,000 543-8738 9100 CADJLIAC 9040 ISVZU BOATS 7011 '87 Isuzu Troope r II 28' Unlfllgt\t Sally 1989 SEVILLE 75k miles, orlglnol Cog, twin chryster, Origin at, real good owner. rod, $7,500 condltlof\, new tires. 650-1769 44'1. New bait 1ank, $8995. 675·6128 blld?ie pump1, VHF, M~RCEDES am/ m stereo, com-9130 pas a, Loran & fish CHEVROLET 9045 finder. Priced to sell. '81 380SL white w/ 6 7 3 ·8 6 9 5 days blue pinstripe, 2 1op1, 971·2002 eves. 83 Camero Bertlnetta dual timing chain, T·1op, full pwr, air, 1· $13,000 obo, 1 owner, POWERBOATS onr. Sharp. All records 642-4945 $3370 obo. 723·1504 '84 5500 Coup• Blk/ 7012 tan, 4900 ml. $78,000. FORD 9075 1 owner, mint cone!. SEARAY 21 It Cuddy & 875·9460 pp trlr, 1983. Orig owner. Serviced rog'rty, many '84 Mustang Con· MITSUBISHI 9145 X1ras. $6900. 646-5974 vertlble New top/ tires/Hans. Asking $3900. Cati 722·5607 '90 ECLIPSE SAIL BOATS 7014 '88 ESCORT GT OOHC Turbo. White. Red, AC . Brand new Runs great! Perfect Cal 25 rebullVloadod, pain I & stereo . cond1llon lnslcle/outt cruising/racing, $5000 Absolutely wonderful $6500/obo. 248·0385 firm. Must seel car only $2295. Call. 723·6048 Terrible credit ok. We can PORSCHE 9175 finance anyone w/low WE PAY-CASH dowl\/IOw mo. payments. For good used Sabots Coast Auto Finace '87 T arga Rebll ong, & boat equipment. 714-448·5959 grt cond. not running Minnoy's Yacht Sur-SSOOO or lrade tor VW plus, 1500 Old New-'90 Probe LX, vs, 3L, camper. 545·2030 port Blvd. 548-4192 1 owner, mint cond, new tires, $5, 700 TOYOTA 9210 644·1957 SPEED & SKI BOATS 7016 '94 Ford Bronco 1890 Cell ca GTS XL T loaded, tow pkg, 93k miles, red, aulo. 12,800 mil, Black, Intel loaded, $6,995 ObO *1988 22'1 Ski Boat• window, custom rims, 434-6500 5.7 titre V-8, King $24,900 552-6565 Cobra 0 /0, low profile 1923 Ford Model·T VANS 9225 hull, ju SI serviced. new controller/uphol· *ROADSTER• stery. Groot ski boat· 100% Orlglnol. Very '74 Ford 1-ton bubble fast-looks great. .... re-clean and runs great. top, run1. Neocls reg-ady to go. $10,500 $6800.00 OBO. Coll lstrauon. $750. Soo al 646·9449/574-4247 (714) 963-2633. 259 S1erks, Costa Mesa 1983 Ford MARINE SUPS Bronco 4x4 AUTOS DOCRS 7022 In perfect condition, WANTED 9270 all power, lealher, phone, 1ow pkg. rims/ DOCK t Ires, only 60k . Tran1 portatlon car +/· 2SFt +/· S225 $17,000. 574-4247 or wanted Mo/mo/yrly. Steps to 646-9449 Call 841·22SS shopa/bch. 675-0046 36' Mooring w/11 ' GMC 9081 No room left BW, off ANarado Pt., In the garage E. ol Bay ts. Call (909) 397.9797 or '95 Yukon SLE 2-dr, for the car? (909) 626-7190 4x4, white/beige, fully loaded w/hvy duty ex· A call to 42 FT MOORING tr as, hvy duly tow. claaslfled can Primo Balboa location Alarm. 6-yr fnct warr, ott Fernando. $15K. mint cond. reg thur help (415) 965-3190 '97. $28,500. 546-4806 ------1 CERAMIC COMPUTERS 3556 DOORS 3580 FLOOR INSTALL INTERIOR LANDSCAPE & MUSIC PAINTING 3858 PLUMBING 3890 SERVICE TILES 3 5 2 8 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REP AIRS 3 62 0 0 ESI GNERS 3782 IAWN CARE 3808 LESSONS 3 8 3 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DIRECTORY e NEED PC HELP? An experienced S ON'S PAJNTING P recise Plumbing •••••••••I Nowport T ile & Marble Consullatlon•Upgrades dependable door BRASS p 11 d & lnVEx1. 22 yrs In O.C. Repairs & Remodels + MARBLE E!XJ.ERT o she Tellez Land1caplng CLARINET Instruction F E 11 Fino Crallsmanshlp... 1n 1 er net S • 1 UP hanger. Guar work, Pollshlng/Protecllng. Coated. Lamps, Locks Garden Ma Int Now State Cort Teacher BA Quality. Sml/Big Jobs roe s mores ACOUSTIC CEILINGS 3408 At Affordable Prlcea. & Advice 559·'1367 reas. Don 521·89t0 Uc460S59 714-537-9496 LICS87398 969·1090 Scratch/Stain Removal etc. Free Est. Pick up Lawns, Sprlnklr Sys. Tree MA Oeg's. 40 +Yr Exp. Showers/Counlers/Ftrs 1·1-N_T_E_R_N_E_T_A_d_v_e_rt_ls-e L620654 648·1005 & Deliv. Tom 675·6226 Trim. Cln·ups 454·3112 Ali Ages 892-8539 Pgr 1·800•616"9722 POOL Natural Stone & Marble Your Product, Servlce'_D_R_YW_AL __ L____ DESIGN VISIONS SPRINOWOOD PAINT SERVICE 4 Fplcs L645486 842·2214 or Information on the •QUALITY WORK• Tree S tump Terminator ---------1 • Nol Ch•apl L686273 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3iii8iii9ii SERVICE 3584 H d dN' VC 1 • Prof'I Oaslgner1 Tree removel,llump grinding PAINTING CEILING MASTER Internet. !574·0126 ar w iny eram c •Savo You Time/Money 3858 •But Reasonable! •Acoustic Removal• CHILD CARE 3536 Mrble/Carpet-Bnd/lns • Usten To Your Ntecls r~·~12~i~ew::~~~~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil All Pa.or Work Giwantffdl PooVSpa Svc & Repair Custom Tex1uro•Pt11nt •---------..,SMALL JOB EXPERT L708279 722·7 332 e & Your BUDGET! 714·552-3027 Pg 479-5206 Fllter1•Pumps•He1ters M 838 7300 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim CONCRETE & o I •W.P. YOUNGQUIST --------l•land Blue Pools l.Jc'd ark . CHILD HOME CARE 3557 OHrywall/Plaster Repair 1 ·B 0 ·8 21 ·771 2 Yard C ean·up. Trim Palnllnn Contractor TOP QUALITY INT/EXT Wkly Svc. 64S·G728 Uc#304201056 MASONRY • •11glng,T1plng/TUIUrt HANDY MAN 3710 FREE Con•Ultatlon Trees/Hedge/Remove/ a al a1·u b ,., --------- Roberta Thornton Comm/Re• 551-5573 Weed, Nu Lawn/Malnt. u . p n no y pro s Vtry Reasonable Ralesl ROOFING 9 CARPENTRY 3510 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 964-Yard Pg-748-5375 Ucl602098. Ins. L648228 Joy 650-5066 3 10 720·3969 Npl Beach Brick, Block, Stone. Tiie B&K Llctll 585160 JEWELRY 3784 Free ost. 645-3305 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Handyman/Remodel Cone:, Patio, Or~veway Ali phases. No Job too •Paint/Carpentry• BALBOA ROOFINO CO A d . B h K t h Fptc. BBOs. Rot. 25 Yr smt. Acouatlc removal, Drywall and morel MASSAGE 3830 24Yrs Quallt~ Palntlflg PIANO & VOCAL /Comm /Res /Reroof d •hons. at · 1 c CLEANING Exp. Terry "'5-.7594 etc. 714-240·1159 Small Jobs Oki Wiiiiam Harold Jewelera TOUCHUPS, TOO Fire-Water Damage SERVICES 35491 _____ ... _,_·__ Gary 045-5277 Walch & jewelry ropGlr 24 Hrs. Richard Sinor LESSONS 3868 ;Repair /FrN Esl ;Refs Elec. Plumb, & Paint B p I lQ I' 1 F Uc:#280644 645-3209 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Llc'd/ln1 831·5081 Nowport area. lmmed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii * est r ce, ua ity _E_L_E_C_TRI __ CAl. ___ 3_6_1_0 Stml Rttlrtd Conllactor ::;;::. ~;3'~3e~rx L a 8 Therap~ ROOF EXPERTS Page 714-227-8122 A TOUCH OF CUSS Landscapa, brick, 110~ Rtp1lr1 , lmpro11em1nt1, & Nutrlllon lnatw • QUALITY CARIE • PIAHO B•g.-Advanc:ed Biii Ouallty & Price Cleaning. Res/Comm Concrele.800.78S.t007 1m jobs. Ouality/lnt1grity 1---------~~:,1assag;;;~~~ Y20~ ~!F W/AOI Alt ages-Teacher Cert. Fr•• Esl. Lie/In• DOORS Remodel•Hardware T rim•C ablnols• Slucco Orywll L562731 35Yrs exp Jerry 642·0567 A to Z HANDYMAN INSTALLREFACE CABINETS Kitchens. balhs, d0011 windows Doug 546-7258 ~~::so;c1ec12:~~;1E.:i •Block Walls·Concrete smr,i~:c~~ :~:~~T I CSrt, Ktn 842·1770 LANDSCAPE a ~at~ 1P·e4g.~~f":'J; J~~~ln'e~~~v:~·a 968-8454 850·4166 $20-$25 lln I S2·S3 sq Quick Response Remodel• carp'try, LAWN CARE 3808 MOVI G ' 6 & B ROOFING **BRIGHT** Brick•L621352•999·5901 Local Uc. 950.7042 plmbng, palntg, elec, N 3834 CHUNG'S PAINTING ---------Now Roofs • Rerool1 Housecleanlng. Prol'I Patterned Concrete tllo, alucc:o, roofing. Baelo Yard Malntliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 20 Yra Exp. Gd Prlcel PET Repairs.• L#612555 from Europe. Boat In ,_________ Uc:41581388 Lawns, Cln-upa, Tt" Guar work. FrH Est. SERVICES 3870 lnll/Bond 970.1410 ~;:~~ Ref•2:r~;4e;g ~;~~=~::;~lr/r.i~~~!i ELDERLY Morgan 850-3281 Trim, SPf1nklrs, Alfate, PUBLIC NOTICE Uc#375802 538-1534 SPIUNKLERS 3921 Uc. Froe est 222·6666 CARE 3611 CARPENTRY•Wlndowa Thalch 631~ Pg.413-t141 The Calli. Public Utlll· RAINBOW Clrcle Malnt. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •BOSS HOUSECLI:ANING tlo1 Commission RE· •P•r•on•llz•d• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ---------Licensed-Bonded iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Door• • Wood Fence• • Ell • QUIRES that all used Palnllng.fnl/Ex1 Houll/Apt In-Hom• Pet Care SPRINKLER REPAIR CARPET $10.00 por hour. CONTRAC'fORS CDM ASSllTllD LIVINO ClostVOaregt Organillfl TR houaehotd goods Quality job. Fr .. est. Walklng·Ftedlng·TLC V1lv1 .. Hud .. Tlm• CLEANING 3515 714-548·0388 •Full S11c/OcHn Views L#261581 • Call Bob ToPfled/IW'love. L••n•, mov•r• print their Ll5e9e97 93e-aaaa Ve. Mall 224-2250 clocks. 26Yrs Local flip. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii A NEED TO CLEAN! GENERAL 3558 ¥Famlly Styla/Uc'd 249"8323 Pg·312-002e ~ 71144'" P.u.c . Cal T number; CARL MANIRE CO John 282·2831 • * M c p H E I! * • •Nutritional meals Home RHtoratloiVRtmodtl Green lcene Landacpng llmos and chauffeur• • ---------CARPET CLEANIHO h$o3m5 ~-o7s1t4•~ng21•.2s2to!Y0 CPI BUILDERS INC. ¥Superv'd medication Tll•/dJ;;all/woodwork /Masonry /Irrigation print their T.C.P. num-Painting Conlracior PLUMBING 3890 TELEPHONE Local Fast Service .... ~e .. •24Hr Per1onal TLC Fane:• deckl/room add /Trimming /Removals ber In all ad11artlse-26Yra Prof'! Painting iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SYSTEMS 3926 .. 5 .. 1 .. 2 -------..... -Residential Const. 760-1943/800-307..C:AAE · ClellH.IPt •Maintenance ments. It you have a Ll35CS091 73:S.9048 714-v4 •• • • Det•ll•d Cleanlng Uc.#618424•1n1ured Roofl/generat repair•. L ... 5""""25 ••"-•109 q"•stlon about the te THB LOCAL PLUMBER 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~.,,,..,,,,~~-=p~=o':'"L=s=T=•v House/Apl/SIO/hr (714) ..... """"""3 Comm/Rt•. Refs Frff e.1 • '""' .............. ..... • Dunrlt• Palntl"""' 1• u CARPET & U H • .,....,., , h ..... 7 •120 , _ gallty of e mover, llmo • •a J-"'9t E. Bangert Co.· •FRIEi! CELL LARS By Dolphln Cleaning • Exp'd • Ref'~• PENCES .. o n -• .,. -ncthape ft•mod•llng or chauffeur, oall: Don't )ult he~ II don.-Since 1847 Motorola lrevo PAOeRI Orlintal Rugs. ouehly Call JtMY 894-9852 LEWIS Conetruotlon Yfrd tune up/malntenace, Pubflc Ulll\llH H • ve 11 Dun r It e I flltndly Servlc8*tnlured ONLY ti8 •99 +Tax Quarantlld. 989-5087 Lorie'• Cl•anlng Srv Remod•t•l'iandyman & DECRS 3615 u1tnDWOOD tandecape/artlallc d11ign. Commits on lav• 20"MI Wllhl• ad. Ll532981 675--9304 1·mo Air TirneNolc• Mall Oependable•Oetallad L#704773 Local RH.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii °"" ConlractorlC27-4504<>0e. 71 4-!SSB-4151 L548221 114·238·55"8 '7f4-3?5-41tO _C_E_RAM--IC-----1 Supplies Furn'd. Xlnt •714-SS"l·S828• •F•NC•I OATES• FLOORS 3712 Prof'l 6 Elhlcat. 645-7605 D QeneAbrame Jlalnllng A~~~~~..!t!i~Bl=NO 17412 leach Bl. HD R•f'a. 714-780.5044 S.J. &colt ConatruotJon MW/repair/poll replaced •MOW/edge/trM trim/ lbernardo'a Moving lnt/EAt 0 1 Pal VA u$ .. ....,. . .., TILES 3528 WINDOW CLllANINQ Custom Horne Bulldtta Redwood• L#576805 aprlnkl•ra/Yd cl••Map Local/Office/Storage LI 'd/t ~ 1 n ~78 24Hr llmer1•ncY vc WALL iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~I •Average t atory-*30 Llcl48 '· 954. Ref'•· Jim Whyte 642·7200 ****CU IT 0 M Fr•• •tt reaaonabte Long Oltt. Fr .. Eat. o n1 •nee , Low• e4 .. 3298 ... 71"'··•1a.111e rellab'-. ' ...... ., ... 1· r#1e1G32 978·3114 N .. 7ou Po~~7 COVERINGS 3932 CERAMIC•MARBLE • 2 atory-$45. ..... oacK COATINGS HARDWOOD FLOORS ... -..... .,.,... __ ...,....,.,.__.,~,...,P' ______ ...,. lnslall'n • Fabrication Hou•• Cleenlng STEVEN'I Ql!NERAL W•t•rproof Systems. ln1tallatlon•Rtflnl1h Phil'• Ciefdenlfti lvo lpllt leoond Movlnt HcHIH Palntfh9 lvo'• •DAN DAWSON• liiiiTiHiiii&iSiiiTiiiiiiRiilPiiiPiil!iiRiiii 20Yra Exp • LlcenHd a prlng Cleanlng CONSTRUCTION Balconi .. • Patloa M1lrHen1nct "111ll1bl1 Wkly Svc.Nard Ctn.up Prof Mov9ftl 24Hr Srv lnlJExt 1 Low R~oa PLUM•INO 1·800-348·0321 & Reg Svc. Mlnl-bllnda, El.#opean Ctaltemanahlp S\ont/11"11/filt '403-1522 Ouallly Work. Llc'd • SHtOl'ISI flowers • 7Day/Sr DlaclTl111412 Outlrt)' Work Guaral'I ted Wattr Hellet• • OralM ~=~~,,_,~. w:~~J: a..aky Show•ra Rep' carpet & nOOf VINJMC/M •Stucco/Drywall •Wood Peno••• Glenn 848·9817 "I 1 4 -a 4 e .a• 7 1 432•8123/P•341W1850 Clll Manin 99:S.S409 Remodel • R•palr • '11'"9•3·8037 • Roiroullng a ln•lall'n AJ'• oeo-2100 •Textur• Coating lk I c p I F Fl *F d ti n/u bl r:rm:;r~r. ,, .. "'•UllM 1 "LANT MTlaT •Two 8rothera jvlnt • • uetom • nllng auc:•t• • 11tu1•• luperLr Wallooverlnt • L• 10130 O•tn ot Tiie •WINDOW Claanlnt oun • 0 ,..ar • -..-... ~·;~·~. a t MA ,...... • O• Prof ClHn Quamy L1•s•naee .. e.e120 - /VI • e•2• •R I llt"A~ip I ti .. male&. LO'#~ ... Uc d HAUUNG 3720 ptcl•ll•• 11'1 .. 11tn11 ·-me v111CO • Y• • I .. 81nce .... Th• Flntet 873·0uv!5 0' 84., . ., u • Carpel CIHnlng • ro """' • n ng A.dlllllllgt Conn. 17"'6301 landaoape/lrrlgatlon lnaurtd tine• 1181. Wont. Int/Ext I Doct<a. P•r• 717 .. Tn In Quahl~ Cratim.n1hlp. C.11 • Hatdwd Fir• Malnl LH15H•Bond•11Yra I••••••••• upgrad ... 790-97ea CALTI~ .. 1·1900 Lt'7034G8 831 .... 10 ._ _______ IO•llll/Rtf'l\OV8 557•6228 P'rH Ettl • 729-7019 11 '4 -a '18 •9 •a 0 •---------Classified fLOOll UfSTAU. JUNK T• TM DUMP ~ef'I LM••ll-.e ....... ALt..AM•fUCAN ltAJNTINQ •n·•H1 b"'1 D,. CIHftlntt W• gall thOUld hang T ...... auJ 1---------(71 ...... 1Ua) 10Yt'I bp e Xlnt Reta Mov•a•U ... Car•hllly Contc:lemiout Cfal\atr\atl & fttumblna A•pak• t~lhOI'. Strip, lnelGll, vu • 3580 UP&llS 3820 Wiii haut what Tra•h • SMtof'\81 'iow.ra • ~ & CMtlcitY Qtd.'••hloned Pt1de tn 20Yrt ..,. Iii ~ p. advice to the crazy. 842·5878 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• Man won'tl'He-1862 VICTOR 487•'7M M..Oaaa T1•122t WOf11manahlp 171·6MT ,._. 14.atl e31·111' anvt1m• ......................................