HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-22 - Orange Coast Pilotr \ . • SERVlNG ll-iE NEWPORT-MESA COMJv\UNmES SINCE 1907 . Coµncil moves cautiously into. City Hall-Plaza property switch •Before spending $60,000 to study exchange, city officials want a couple of questions answered. Et ISE GEF. ~Pb COSTA MESA -City Council is taking a cautious approach to a proposal for a three-way deal that would result in moving City Hall to Pacific Savings Plaza. One possible plan has South- ern California College purchas- ing the Plaza and exchanging it for the Civic Center in order for A string of bad luck · has not kept one Balboa Island resident from making a much- delayed trip -thanks to her friends and neighbors. the college to expand into that adjoining property. The City Council wants at least two questions answered before it considers spending any money on a study to move City Hall to the Plaza, however: Does Southern California College have the ability to make the purchase, and will the property owner sell at appraised value. Mayor Gary Monahan asked the council to consider spending $60,000 on feasibility studies, space evaluations and appraisals regarding the potential move of City Hall to the Mediterranean style landmark at 1901 Newport Boulevard. Earlier this year brokex:s and a representative from sec expressed an interest to Council- man Joe Erickson in the City Hall property if it ever became avail- able .. sec. which will become -SEE COUNCIL PAGE 4 IIAPPYDEP ~Pb E stelle Freedland has been waiting two years to travel on a luxurious Alaskan cruise. It's been excruciating because each time the trip approaches, the frail 76- year-old seamstress falls vic- tim to bad luck. Freedland broke her hip two years ago in a freak accident, one that had more to do with her age than her health. After finishing rehabilitation, she rescheduled the cruise for this summer -until someone swiped her purse two weeks ago from the Balboa Island fire station. She had been inter- viewing firefighters for ao article she was writing for a neighbor- hood newsletter. The purse con- tained more than $900 -all of her spending money for the tnp. Heartbroken over her misfor- tune, Freedland thought she might never get to visit scenic Glacier Bay or the state's capital, Juneau. "My plans have been waylald a couple of times, so I started to believe the trip wasn't going to happen,• she said. •Knowing me, SEE TRIP PAGE 4 School board to discuss goals, accountability • Strategic plan will cleatly define how the distrid should educate its students, members stress. INSIDE TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1999 HELLO, MR. IRRELEVANT J im Finn received a classic Mr. Irrelevant reception Monday as the senior from the University of Pennsylvania began a week of festivities honor- ing the last player picked in this year's NFL draft. JOSEF AGUllARIDMY PILOT See Sports, Page 6. ABOVE: Estelle Freedland is finally getting her chance to go to Alaska. Freedland Jost her wallet with $900 that was set aside for the trip. The community was able to raise enough money lo send her on her way. LEFT: Freedland bugs Deedee Crawn after receiving $1,000 that will pay for her trip to Ala.Ska. SEAN HUER I OAl.Y Ill.OT Estancia High to get its new principal • The school b oard is expected to appoint a Huntington Beach assistant principal to replace Pe ggy Anatole. J~'"'ICA GARR.ISO!\' DattPb NEWPORT-MESA -School board members torught are expected to appoint Tom Antal, dil sistant pnnapal in Hunt- ington Beach, as pnncipal of Estanaa High School, the Da.Lly Pilot has learned School board members and distnct oftiaals said they could not conftnn that their choice was Antal until the board takes formal actlon at its meeting. But parents at Estancia High School and offi- cials at Edison High School said Antal tS the top choice SEE PRINCIPAL PAGE 5 Eleinentary school teacher remembered for her dedication • Eddy Dattler, who taught kindergarten for 24 years, defied doctor's predicbons for weeks before succumbing to a tumor. lki;Pb COSTA MESA -Many parents at Wilson Elementary School say it is no coincidence that EdWllla Oattler, beloved kindergarten teacher at the school for 24 years, succumbed to a brain tumor just hours after her students graduated. •it's amawlg, • saJd PTA president Leticia Herman, whose fifth-grade SEE TEACHER MM I INDEX cam H11rr.-~--.... PUlf115_, -------.. --~--...,,.., ------...... 41W• - 2 Tuesday, June 22, J999 community forum ' I Doily Pilot - -GAINS CELEBRATING OUR FUT\JRE We celebrated the next gen- e ration of doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders with the graduation of 1,100 young adults from Newport-Mesa high schools. THE NEIGHBORLY WAY Corona del Mar residents and officials from Albertson's • supermarket were able to nego- bdte an expansion plan that is dgreeable to everyone. It was a hne example of neighbors working together and shoring up a nft by sunply talking things oul. MAKING THE GRADE They may not have hit their l O·pomt improvement goal in readlng, but Newport-Mesa stu- dents saw higher scores across thP bodrd on the Stanford-9 test thls year -except for the dis- tnct's seventh-graders, whose scores in reading dropped. LOSSES LOST: 'SPUDS MCKENZIE' GAINS & LOSSES •• 10 CO I Cl YOUI llPllll llTIVIS PRESIDINT BW Ointoo, (0), The White HeUie, ID,...f'lvarua Ave., Wubingtlln, D.C., 20500. Hotline (6 aim. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail:. preaJdentftwhitehouse.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Al Gore, {D), 1be Capitol Building, Suite 212, Wash- mgton, D.C., 20500 E-mail: vlce.prellident@ whltehouae.gov Fax: (202) 4'56-2461 GOVERNOR Gray Davis, (D), State Capi- tol, Sacramento 95814, (916) -445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 U.S. SENATORS •Barbara Boxer, (D), 112 Ha.rt Senate Building, Swte 112, Washington, D.C., 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 2250 E. Im~ Highway, Suite 545, El Seg\lndo 90245, (310) 414-5700 I le WdS a regular fixture at Woody's Whdrf for years, and now the restaurant's crew and customers are wondering tf they'll ever see him again. They've even offered a $250 rewdrd for the safe return of Spuds McKenzie • The statue of the beer-selling icon was lift- ed I rom d shell behind the restdUrdnt's bar several weeks ago MEOIHA FEtlAGIC DIMARTINO I OAll.V Pl.OT Corona del Mar High School graduates toss their hats up in the air during commencement ceremonies. E-mail: senatol@boxer.senate.gov •Dianne Feinstein, (D), 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C .• 20510, (202) 224-3841, or 1tt11 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles 90025. (310) 914'-7300 E-mail: senator@felnstelii.senate.gov A JAM OVER TRAFFIC It began as a discussion dbout whether to approve a new Newport Beach traffic phdsmg ordinance, but it turned into a debate that left Mayor Denms O'Neil so frustrated that he threatened to repeal the ordinance altogethe r. "I believe we've spent enough time, and both sides have been heard,• O'Nell said last week. "It's 1ust a dlfhcult issue and a very tech- rucdl one • The pine trees are really nice, too In response to Saturday's Mailbag letters in favor of palm trees, I would like to stick in my two cents worth ("Royal palms will add beau- ty, • June 19). California is not a tropical climate state. The royal palms belong in Florida and Hawaii, where they are very nke. But being a native Californian, haVing grown up in Corona deJ Mar and living for many years in Costa Mesa, I have cherished our many :varieties of trees. California sycamores grow wildly in our canyons as well as pine11 and oats. 1hie, eucalyptus were brought here yea.rs ago from Australia but have become a part of our natural landscape. California artists have been painting beautiful pictures of our gtaceful trees tor years. As we seem to be buil4iru.J more and more huge bouset on tiny lots, the more we need a variety of Calitomie trees. I hate see healthy trees yanked out because someone thinks they bave a better idea. I would like to bear 10me VOL 9J, NO. 145 FASHION ISLAND JEWELRY HEIST Police say the armed rob- bers who stole $1.5 million m jewelry from two Fashion Island vendors last week fllclY be part of a South American band of thieves responsible for a string of jewelry heists m other areas of Orange dnd Los Angeles counties. "lt looks like the jewelry vendors were fol- lowed, and when there WdS dn opportunity, the suspects stole their valuables,• said Newport &ach pohce Sgt Mike McDermott MAILBAG comments ,from Re-Leaf Cost.a nclrrhbors on samoa Place. J Mesa on this subject. They invite the people.of Samoa are to be commended for U1cir Place to come to Presidio Ori- ftne work. ve and teast their eyes on the PATTY HEALEY s~cond-story house addition Costa Meslt that after seven years ls still not ('Otnpleted. Down the way from that Please, Mesa Verde home- owners, come to Mesa del Mar and tell us bow we can get recognition from ow elected officials. Maybe we can become something other than Costa Mesa's forgotten neighborhood. ._ Bartender Danny Cullinane looks at the space on his shelf where his rare "Spuds McKenzie" statue was taken from Woody's Wharf in Newport Beach. .. Spuds" ls valued at over $1,000. DON UACH I OAll.V Pl.OT cessful approach now1 STEPHEN S HEATH Largo, Aa. What about teach- ing the constitution? HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Chris Cox, (R), 47th Dis- trict, l Newport Place, Suite 420, Newport Beach 92660, (949) 756-2244; or 2402 Ray- burn Building, Washington. D.C .. 20515, (202) 225-5611; fax (949) 251-9309 (Repre- . sents most of Newport Beach) E-mail: christopher.cox@ mail.house.gov • Dana Rohrabacher, (R), 45th District, 101 Main Sl, Swte JC, Huntington Beach 92646, (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Rayburn Building, Washington. D.C. (202) 225· 2415; fax (714) 960-7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newport) E-mail· dana@mail.house.gov STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 35th Dis- tnct, 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 220, lrvine 92715, (949) 833-0180; tax: (949) 833-0696 _ Mesa del Mar neigh-I read with interest about house is where someone MARYLEE the Costa Mesa pol.ice bwst-borhood is in need parks a 3-ton work truck in Mesa del Mar ing into the Back Bay High his frontyard. Farther down Mesa del Mar. the forgot-the road (but still on Presidio ten neighborhood of Cost Drive) is where (until recently Mesa. Little did I know that is purchased) a house that was what I was moving into when unoccupied for many years I bought my house more than had a front yard full of 4-foot 20 years ago. FIJ'St the beau-weeds. Then there's the eye-ti.ful. lush and cooling trees on sore Presidio Drive were removed. El Canuno Plaza, with its What once was a wonderful, stained walls of overpamted quiet, tree-lined neighbor-graffiti squares, broken busi-hood street became a hot ncss igns, and an alley asphalt path. Next the access where loitering 1s a daily (and to Bear Street was opened, nigh Uy) event. The plaza. is making a noisy speed-limit-right next to the street that breaking shortcut, which has mounds of curbside trash inaeased the traffic down every week. Presidio Drive to such an Mesa del Mar also bas bad extent that, at times, it is lt's share of people livmg in impossible to back out of a driveway. Tell kids truth about more than drugs The author suggests that we not lie to our children with regaftll to the reuom behind our cunent war-oa.:clnlgl policies and stra~ ••Teacher com- plaim of wrongful search,• May 26; 'lbe Bell Curve, •There's ao use lying when cblldren can see through to the trUlh. • June 10). The fed- eral government hu been steadily lying to all of us on tb8ll8 illues for over 60 yean now, and they have sua:aed- School classroom of teacher Marc Katz. Will the students ever be able to believe the Bill of Rights when it is taught? How about the Constitution? Who is going to restore their faith that they live in a free coun- try? It seems to me that the police and the authorities who ordered them to violate our Constitution should be held accountable. Perhaps a mandatory minimum of 20 years showd discourage this kind of treason. The J>fllice who were • onJy following orders" should be given half that sentence. But H 0 W 10 COlllCI US The Daily Pilot welcomes le tters on issues concermng Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. There are four ways to send in your comments: • LE1TE1tS -Mail to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa 92627 • READERS HOTI.INE - Call(949)642-6086 • FAX -Send to (949) 646-4170 garages, home additio~ done without permits, plus .treet I read that Mesd Verde 1s that has three, maybe ur suffering from a property ed in cornering the market on . none should get of scot-free • E-MAIL -Send to dai· lypllot@earthlink.net owner adding on a thud floor halfway houses. These are the plauure industry UµOugh to a home c•commiss1on puts 1ust d few of the things that their •._,proved• dnag deal· an end lo Stevenson's story,• have, in relationship to other en, ~·1 alcohol and pbanMCeUticill 'industrlel. June 15). This bas upset tho areas. kept property values Whf glve up IUCh a &UC• low. news stofles, 1lluUr•t•om. ~1to­ rlal matter 0< advertMments herein an be rtproduced with· ovt written perm1ftlon of copy- right OWMr HOW TO REACH US Circulation The llmes Orange County (800) 252 9141 AdvertJtlng ClaS$lfied (949) 642·5678 Display (949) 642-4321 Edltorlal News (949) 642·5680 Sports(949)574-422l News, SpofU F1x (WI) 646-4170 E•mttl «Ni~ net Mlln Office IU11n.. Offb (Ml) 142-4121 IUlineS F• (Mlt IJMUt Nllbll lllf 1'lnlli Cmsu::::llllr ..._ • ""-... CUii .... WEITlll TEMPIRAT\MES Balboa 72162 Corona del Mar 72163 Costa Mesa 7316() Newport Buch 72162 Newport Coast 73163 WFOMCAIT LOCATION SIZI Wlldge 4-6 SSW Newport 4-6 tlW lt.ddef 4-6 SSW ltMr J9tty 4-6 -CdM4-ltlW tms n>DAY First low 12:25 a.m ..•.... 1.5 flnthtgh 5:57•.m .••..... 3.• Semndlow 11:40 •.m ....... 1.3 Second high t:Mp.m ....•••. s.o alter flaunting fascist powers All correspondence must include your full name, hometown and phone own- ber (for verification purposes only). over any American, let alone one of O\ll' children. ltlCHMD MMCMESE SURF A new swell moves in today out of the south- southwest for head-high sets. Sets should hold in this rtnge through w.dfMI.. -.w..conc1- Pairfiekl, N.J. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • AlrW9J ----A 1-.r printer worth Sl,000 w.s stolen from • business In the 3100 block during the evening of June 13. • Gillw *'• ... :About UOO WM stolen from a~ In the 1400 block at 3:JO a.m. June 13. •...._ .......... A CM stereo worth $2 ......... In the 2800 blodc during the ewnlng Of June s. • ... t• .._A mountlln bb Worttf the &OO block• 10:JO p.m. June 1s. NIWPORJ llAOt •A .... A CIDlll ... dllc....,., Waf1h law .... ,,_• a11n .. too'*'*• 1 .... June 11. •R 111..._..Allplaparp•w_.. 11.m ............ ._._am . .......... . Doily Pilot My Non-Millennium Moment !11· When pros just couldn 't compete So far on my list of Non- Millenniwn Moments, I have selected a rum run- ner and a bootlegger as two individuals who will never make a Millennium Moment but who deserve some recog- nition in any honest history of our town. Today I present a third, Ruth. l never knew Ruth's last name, but she comes to my list because of her profession. Ruth was the madam of a local brothel/house of ill fame/bor- dello/whorehouse. She becomes important in a rather tarnished way because while we had -as Orange County's sin city -dabbled in illegal liquor and illegal gambling, we had never had any illegal sex, a necessary third element for any city steeped in sin. 1bis was-- before illegal drugs reared their ugly heads. Ruth and her girls sur- faced in Balboa during the early '30s. Oh, Dollar Dolly had been in operation in old Newport for a long time, but I really can't credit her as having much of an impact on the town's history. Dolly was an ancient prostitute who operated out of Stark's Bar and looked as though she had been there since Henry Stark opened the bar in 1902. I never saw her gel a customer, which, ~nsidering her age and looks, was not surprising. Just how she existed, I do not know. Dolly disappeared when Sid Soffer bought Stark's from Henry Stark's heirs and changed it to Sid's Blue Beet. I guess an ancient hooker didn't quite fit into Sid's plans. But enough of Dolly and on to Ruth. Sometimes during the ear- ly '30s, Ruth and her girls arrived in Balboa. I use the word • guls • in a rather loose sense since they had all been around quite a while, not as long as Dolly but they were far from spring chickens. Ruth and her girls operat- ed out of the old 1Win Palm1 lpn located on the bay front at B Street. The building, a large white frame structure, had been there as far back as I can remembef. It was an "inn" in the loosest sense of the word, really more of a rooming house. The building is still there but without the girls. The twin palms are still there, too. I guess they were hardy enough to survive their brief contact with Ullcit sex. Ruth (who was almost as old as Dolly) and her girls began to eat their breakfasts at the Green Dragon Cafe where I was working. They were friendly and good- natured, and after I told them of my experience with a I H E V .E R D I C I robert gordner whorehouse when I was 6 years old, we became good friends. You see, when I was 6, l lived in Green River, Wyo., where the local whorehouse, the Green House, was quite a fixture. I joined a group of urchins my age and we prac- ticed a kind of juvenile extor- tion on the Green House. We would sit on the fence surrounding the house and throw rocks against the side of the house until the madam came out, cursed us and gave ea ch of us a dime to quit disturbing her girls and their customers. When I told Ruth and her girls that story, I became their favorite waiter and began to get dime tips which I never got from the regular customers in those Depression-ridden, nontip- ping days. Well, the town's foray into commercial sex didn't last long, two weeks to be exact. The day they folded their tents and crept away, they came to the Green Dragon for a farewell cup of coffee a s they waited for the Big Red Car to take them back to Los Angeles and, hopefully, a more productive environ- ment. I asked Ruth why they were leaving. Her answer was short, succinct and heartfelt: •ean•t compete with the local talent." I hasten to add that she was not referring to local women of the same occupa- tion or to local women who, while not of the same occu- pation, were giVing away what Ruth and her girls were charging for. No, the Ren- dezvous Ballroom was in full swing, and every night the toWn was crowded with good-looking girls, and it was obvious that the men would rather dance with a good-looking girl in the Ren- dezvous than spend time and money on what Ruth had to offer. • JUDGE ROllEJtT GAJlDNElt is a Corona del Mar resident and for- mer judge. His column runs T~ days. ~· EL:MNCHITO. • • FIESTAS .... \ II , ... -. ••• • Gradu~ons •Showers • Rehearsal Dinners •Birthdays Ptlrtr liap Te e. C.11 your nHNSt loadlon for. pick up . . BRIAN POBUDA I DAILY PILOT Wilson Kindergarten graduate Salvador Mares receives his diploma -and a handshake -at graduation Monday morning. Cahn robber ge~ away with a grand An unarmed man robbed a Bank of America branch in Cos- ta Mesa Monday morning using only a handwritten note that demanded cash. The robber got away with more than $1,000. The man walked into the back entrance of the bank, located in the 500 block of West 19th Street, about 11 :20 a.m. and stood in line for a short time. The man walked up to a teller and passed a note that •After 'a handshake and a diploma, a wide world awaits Wilson Elementary kindergarten students. It's called first grade. AMY SPURGtO~. lklly Pb COSTA MESA -Like any graduation, Monday morrung's ceremonies for Wilson Ele- mentary School's kindergarten classes were a mixture of joy and sadness. •1t's sad to think they are not going to be rrune any- more," teacher Kathleen Callahan said. With morta rboards made from blue construction paper, four graduation classes of 5- and 6-yeat-olds marched the perimeter of their playground to •Pomp and Circwnstance · before rece1vmg their diplo- mas. 1Wo graduation ceremonies accommodated the 101 gradu- ates and their families. "Because of your hard work at home and our hard work at school. our kindergartners are ready for first grade,• Wilson Principal Pam Coughlin said to parents as they crowded around the asphalt to take pic- tures. ·1 am very hap py for my son," Costa Mesa res1d~nt Sandra Soto said. "He really liked kindergarten. He always came home and said how nice demanded money. The cash was taken from the top drawer and given to the man Who ca1inly walked out the front door end fled on foot. 1be robber is described as black, in bis mid 20s or 30s, about 6 foot one. with a heavy build , . Tuesday, June 22, 1999 S -I I I his teacher was.• : The children were dressed, for the occasion -boys wore-. . dark pants. white dress shirts, vests and ties and the girls were in party dresses and' patent leather shoes Coughlin, who handed out the diplomas and shook the, hand of each graduate, said• the ceremony made the cbil-: dren feel important. : "This 1s usually the ii.rs~ time mosl of these kids have, shaken someone's hand,,. she; said . Families donated donut- \ holes, fresh fnut, double- stuffed Oreos, pizza and soda, for the postgraduation party.; I There was even a soccer ball' pmata for the new graduates, to try to break. Along with their diplomas and report cards, the children were handed a checklist for, first-grade supplies. : ·A kindergarten day lasts: for three-hours and 20-min-• utes," Callahan said "First· grade will be a big change for the students. First grade is from 8:22 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.,. "That makes a big differ- ence when they have to stay for lunch,· she said, seriously. · But most graduates weren't worrying about the next school year. They bad bigger things on their nund -hke where to hang their diploma "I am going to put it m my backpack," said Carlos Najera, 6, ·of Costa Mesa and short cropped hair. He was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, dark pants with a blue baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses. Anyone with information can ' call the Costa Mesa Police • Department at (71'} 754-5281. -Gt'9g Risffng- A , •• TIVAI. 0' , • ._.. '000 • W t NE Thursday, June 24. 1999 S-.30 . 9:00 p.tL fe.atwtfat: •U.. .......... ., ..... , .•. ,.,.,..., ,.,,, ..... + W-.'*f•IO•~ Tdm AM.llM•lcm•-- ............... . ....... ... . ................ _ ,... ...... ~ .. *-I..,_,.., .. .,...,~, ...... CMir"-o .. ..,._._ ... a_ s..ic.-n... ..... .,.. ... .. ...,.._-c... ... m•xc· ---------------------.--• :--------.===·' ------------www :f Tuesday, June 22, 1999 OlllUAIY Charle1rn M. Stege ChaJlene M . Stege of New- f)<!rt Ueoch died saturday alter a long Uln . She was 71 . Mrs. Stege was born 10 McHenry, ill. on Sept. 9, 1927. She came to Newport Beach in 1948 to marry John Stege Sr. of Balboa Island. She worked 20 years at Newport Stationers in the purchasing department. The Stege!; would have been married 50 years Nov. 17. Mrs. Stege was the ni~ of Ebie Cribben of Corona del Mar and first cousin to Rose Mane West of Costa Mesa and Andrea Jones of Balboa. A memorial Mass will be held at Our Lady Queen of Angels in Balboa at noon Wednesday. Mrs. Stege is surviveq by her busband; five children: Sally Stege ol Chico, Roseann Wherry of Costa Mesa, Lonie Stege of Turtle Rock, Mary- lynn Askin of Suisun and John Stege Jr. of Newport Beach; and seven grandchildren. Not the end, adult graduation is only the beginning • For the 36 recipients who hung in there, Monday's ceremony hon- ored their achievement. STACY BROWN !kif Pb COSTA MESA -At the New- port-Mesa Adult School Gradua· tion Monday, several myths were ended as success and tales of encouragement embodied the commencement exercises held at Costa Mesa High School. Former police captain and School District Board 'nustee David Brooks told a graduating class numbering 36 that they have put an end to the mystery of how chfficult public school is. ·As adults, being able to com- plete the degree program here and sharing it with others, this helps to demystify the public school system,• Brooks sald. "There is no longer a reason for anyone to be afraid that it's too hard." Lucia ·Hendricks, who received HIGH IOtOOL GltMMJAlU • Jose Alonso • Obedullah Amitl • Vincent Baca • Kenneth Bowen • Milagro Butres • Oscar bleaur • Jonathan Changsek • Jeffrey Davis • Anh Tu Duong • Faezeh Fathl • Jason George •Trang Le • Marlbella Lucero •Jose Meza •Mireya Mondragon •Leah Paar • JoshUll Pattin • Krisln Popov •Pat Riley • Sogel Rodriguez • Gloria Rwaleaba • Stefan Scholz • Vlvek Thakur • Stew Wedclieb GED RECIPIENTS • Nafeesa All • Debra <:ravans • 1ennlfer Dennis • Pedro Gallardo • Lucia Hendricks • Gabriela Martin • llm Matthies • Mirna Messick •Jam~ Ocon • Gutll«mo Pascual • Alberto Uribe MllUTAWAlfD MC9'tlNT5 •Amal Ayoub • Viince Baca • Jorge Cortez • Enldina Garcilazo • Marla Lopez Guzman , • Aurea Hernandez • Mireya Narahgo • Gloria Revaleaba • Leyda Verona • Socorro Zarate • Arek Zlotnlcki a GED Monday. was one ot the graduates who helped to make Brooks' argument four-year grant to attend college. As the graduates marched into the multipurpose room at the school, family and friends applauded loudly as flash bulbs lighted the partly darkened audi- torium during the procession. "I used to ask myself what can a GED do for me,• Hendricks, 30, said. "It was only after I passed the exam that I realized my future was open to me. I learned that I could use my GEO to apply for a college grant and I did just so,• she said, adding that she received a full Brooks assured the graduates, many working mothers and fathers, that their diplomas and certificates stood for something they all could be proud of. "There is a certain amount of tenaqty that is required to complete an adult education program.• Brooks ~· ·vour degree counts. It gives you an ability to continue to teai:n and the thmgs you've learned will be helpful to you and to others for the rest of your life.• David Kitchens watched proudly from his seat in the capac- ity crowd while his fiance Leyda Varona received a merit award for advanced English. Varona, a Panama native, said the instruc- tors were deserving of the credit. •I Learned a lot in this program including grammar and speech and I've only been in this county for one year," Varona said. One of the more emotional speeches ca.me last as graduate Kristin Popov recalled her strug· gles as a teen mother who didn't have time to attend school. ·u it hadn't been for this pro- gram, I'd still be struggling," she said. "Like many teenagers, I became pregnant, ~ut I found out about this program and not only did r receive my diploma, I got a lot of satisfaction.• Daily Pilot llllfLY Monroe memorabilia at South Coast Plaza COSTA MESA -Diamonds nugbt have been a girl's -or at least one particular girl's -best fnend, but pearls seem to have come in a close second. A Marilyn Monroe exhi bit including the pearJs given to her by Joe DiMaggio on their honey- moon will be on display begin. ning Thursday in South Coast Plaza's Jewel Court. The Mik.uno- to Co. reacquired at auction tJus year the pearls that Dimaggio originally bought 45 years ago from the company. The exhibit, which runs from Thursday through Sunday, Will also include dresses worn by the Hollywood icon in various films as well as letters, mementos and black-and-white photographs never before seen by the public. An invitation-only preVJew Wednesday night will feature a talk by Monroe expert Gene Lon- don and several Monroe unper- sonators and look-ali.kes. The exhibit is a celebration or Mikimoto's release of 100 lututed edition pearl necklaces that are AROUND TOWN 1 exact replicas of the • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St ., Costa Mesa 92627, or fax them to (949) 646-4170; or call (949) 642 5680, ext 228. A complete h«1ng of Around Town may be found at da1fyp1/ot com Pre~choolers through preteens dll C'ruull now through July in the NPwport Bf'ach Public Llbrdnes' ~um11wr rPc1dmg proqrum, "Long 1\q11 t111d Pai Awc1y ... /\s Readers < h1l> dnd Redd-lo-Mt• Club mem· lit>ro; .in umulale point!>, they'll q11c1ltfy for severrtl pnLes To 1·111011. v1o,;1t lhl' ch1lclren\ secllon nf tlw hhrury di 1000 Avorddo •\VP in Newport Bc•t1ch. the Bell· the Corona del Mar branch at 420 Marigold Ave. or the Mariners Branch at 2005 Dover Drive. For more infonnab.on, call (949) 717. 3807. 1000 Avocado Ave., the Balboa branch at 100 E. Balboa Blvd., the Corona del Mar branch at 420 Marigold Ave. or the Mariners branch at 2005 Dover Drive. For more information, call Judy Kelley at (949) 717-3607. A free seminar ttUed "Break- through Anti-aging Skin Care" will be presented by S~ Ram- sey at the Patio Cafe at Mother's Market and Kitchen, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations are requested. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. • hod Brcmc hat 100 E Bdlhod Blvd , Teens entering seventh through 12th grades can now enroll in the Newport Beach Public Library's ·Brain Food for the Mmd" pro- gram. As they meet md.ividually established reading goals, pro- gram participants will qualify for paperbacks and prize tickets. The program will Conclude in August with a drawing for dining coupons and other rewards. Teens can reg- tster at the customer service desk of any Newport Beach Public Library: the Central Library at A Center 500 Sodal will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to provide Orange County professionals with . Solid 7~ 'Pati6 ?~ COUNCIL CONTINUED FROM 1 Teak.is now Affordable! We Bµy Direct, Eliminate the Middleman! Compare our Prices! Teoli~.W Costa Mesa Showroom by appointment 1240 Logan Ave. Unit H (comer of McCliotock & Lopn) (714) 544-7288 Vanguard Uruversity July 1, ts expanding and City Hall proper- ty abuts the college. "l think the college has as many questions as tbe city does," said Dave Alford, vice- president of business and PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY Law Offices of John Rapillo (949) 675-5060 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce presents the 36th ANNUAL PUBLIC SAFETY AWARDS LUNCHEON Friday, July 9, 1999 11:45 a.m. WESTIN SOUTH COAST PLAZA 686 Anton Boulevard • Costa Mesa A community event to honor the 1999 Officers and Employees of the Year for Costa Mesa Police Department OFFICER OF THE YEAR Sr. Officer Keith Davis Vot UNTEER OF THE YEAR Irv Barger ClVJLIAN OP THB YEAR Doneen Westenhaver, Chief's Secretary RESERVE OFFJCER OF THE YEAR Reserve Officer Dan Guth Communications Department COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER OPntE YEAR Luette Turner . Fire Department Fl.R£AOHTER OP THE YEAR Fire Captain Eric A. Johnson . ----------------------------------.Re.fervations by Tuesday, July 6, 1999 Plca\C racrvc _ ~t <ii $211 each . . Nimc (s)-----..:.-------------------------- the opportunity to network and socialize with other professionals who wish to assist the Orange County Perfo.i'hling Arts Center through service and support. The social hour is complimentary for members, and a $5 donation is requested for all others at the door. Hors d'oeuvres and a no- host bar will be provided at Five Crowns, 3801 W. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. For more infor- mation, call (949) 760-0331. WEDNESDAY The Republican Party of Orange County is basting an Orange County forwn luncheon featuring finance at sec. One possibility that would make the purchase more viable is il sec took advantage of its status as a coUege and was able to use tax breaks to purchase Pacific Savings Plaza and then exchange the property for City Hall, said Robert Ingham, a bro- ker with Lee & Associated repre· sentlng the college. Ingham said city condemna- tion of the property would also be an optlon. Erickson made a three- pronged motion stating that the city not consider condemnation, asking the city attorney to research whether discussions with sec and its finances could occur in closed sessions and requesting that a letter be sent to property owner Nickolas Sham· guest speaker Arianna Huffington at noon at the Hyatt Regency Irvine. For mor:e infonnation, call (949) 588-9884, British-American Chamber of I Commerce of Orange County hosts •Encouraging UK/US nade and Investment," a discussion presented by Sir Martin Liang, 1 vice chw.rman of British nade International under Prime Minis· I ter Tony Blair, at 11 :30 a.m. at the Sutton Place Hotel. Tickets are $30 for members and $35 for non- members. The Sutton Place Hotel 1 is at 4500 MacArthur Blvd., New-I port Beach. For tickets or more information, call (714) 545-2222 . mas asking him to acknowledge that the city, by law, can't pay brokerage fees and can only pay appraised value for the property. 1f any kind of purchase were to work, it could not happen I without SCC, Erickson sald. Pacific Savings Plaza bas , remained empty for eight years and the reported asking price is $19 million. The idea of moving City hall to Pacific Savings Plaza has I been discussed numerous times over the years. However, sec I had never made such a proposal and the city is also facing addi- tional space needs for the police department. The Council plans to revisit j tbe item July 19. #It's kind of fish or cut bait time," Monahan said VOLATILE STOCK MARKET! • Your Own Private Porfollo Manager • Fee Based-No Transaction Cost • Quarterly Performance Review Monroe/DiMaggio set. The nt'Ck- laces are priced at $20,000 edch Smaller versions will sell for $4,500. -Elise Gee Unknown gas spilJ pollutes harbor A gas spill from an unknown source polluted Newport Harbor on Monday afternoon, leavmg a silver-colored sheen for about an hour. No one was endangered by the spill, authorities said. •1t ne~r posed a threat to anyone or lnarine life,• said U S Coast Guard Chief Randy Miller. "It wasn't serious at all.• . Representatives from the Coast Guard and the Gtate's Fish and Wildlife Departnwnt responded to the call at 1:30 pm. They found small patches or fuel lingering throughout the hurbor, but none was heavy enough to cause great alarm. The patches dissipated within 30 minute!> and the harbor was declared safe Authorities doubt they will ftnd where the spill began. The}' suspect someone may have unwittingly leaked fuel from lherr boat, contaminating the harbor briefly. •The chances of finding out who dld this is slim to basically none, ·.Miller said. -Greg Risling Hosts for exchange students sought in Newport-Mesa E.P. Educational Homestay Program, a nonprofit organ12a· tion that brings exchange stu· dents to the United States dunng their summer vacations, is look· ing for host families in the New· port-Mesa area for this summer. More than 70 students from Switzerland and Sweden will be ta.king courses this swnmer at Southern California CollegeNanguard University and will need f a.milles to stay with from June 28 until July 27. Host families are asked to pro· vide room, board and transporta· tion to the college. In return, they will receive a stipend of $85 a week. Those interested in open· ing their homes should call (800) 239-3579. Doily Pilot .. TRIP CONTINUED FROM 1 the ship would probably go down il I went." Tile remains of her l~t purse were mailed to her from a return address jn Arizona. On the back of the package, which contained Freedland's credit cards and coupons, was wntten "found out- side ice cream stand on Balboa.· Figwing the trip just wasn't meant to be, Freedland Just kept working in her quaint alterations Shop on Manne Avenue. Uttle did she know Jim Grahl, who runs a design company next door to Freedland's store, was pnnting out fliers about his neigh- bor's plight. Within a few days, the community raised more than $1,000 to replace the stolen vaca- tion money. •we told her not to purush her- seU because she lost the money,· said friend Dee Dee Crall. "lf we TEACHER CONTINUED FROM 1 daughter, Mitzi, hdd DatUer for kindergarten. Amazing, but certainly not a coincidence. DatUer loved her children too much and was too connected lo them not to live through their graduation, Her- man said The very idea of a kindergarten graduation had been hers. "I don't have words to say how hard she worked for this commu- nity,"' Herman said . DatUer's decticallon defined her teachmg, said Principal Pam Coughlin. "She wasn't just someone who came ·to school and worked hard,• Coughlin said. "We have a whole school full of those can find ways to thank her we will. She's a tough old t?road. • Freedland has spent more than 30 years on the island and has become a reputable source of information. Grahl said the feisty tailor always lends a helping hand and has a joke to interject. When Freedland twisted awk- wardly and broke her hip outside her shop, she looked up and saw a group of handsome firefighters. Needless to say, she thought she went to heaven, Grahl said. "She bas been the character of the island/ he said. "She is always helping people, one of those great spuits. I think raising the money was a way of saying, "Thank you,' for dll she has done for us." Freedland received the money last Friday in an informal presenta- tion. Surprised by the outpouring of support, Freedland plans to car- ry travelers checks instead of cash when she sets sail July 3 from Van- couver, British Columbia. "I can't believe this is true,• she said. "It feels like a dream, but it's I not. It means so much to me.• teachers. She went beyond that.• Fluent in Spanish, Dattler got to know her children and their families. She talked to them about their troubles and reached out to help in whatever way she could -putting together food baskets, teaching adult English classes, dispensing advice and offering a shoulder for support. "It's a major, major loss,• said Coughlin, especially coming on the heels of the death of the school's preschool teacher, Jesse Valenzuela, 37, who died June 1 of a heart attack. Dattler had stopped teaching m December. 1\vo days before Christmas break, she was in an auto accident. The next morning, hall her body was numb. Doctors initially attributed the numbness to the accident but later discov- ered she had a brain tumor. At first they thought she ' ... Sabatino Tommy Peter Phil Vince Flavorful & Delicious Lunches & Dinner llnlqu~ wine room & dlnlnK IVOIRJ •••lmble ror CJ'OUI busllM'SS mtttlap and pri"ue f'Udlom 723-0621 Pie~ Cati For Reservations and Directions 251 Shipyard Way • Newport Beach CHILDREN·s SHOES SEMI-ANNUAL SALE. UP TO 50°k Off GREAT SELECTION Of MAJOR BRANDS AND STYLES INCLUDING: •Stride mte •Airwalk • ]umping]acks • Skechers •Rachel •Nike Sale starts on FridaY. June 25th Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-2464 Nnrport ~ ~~ 32411 Golden Lantern (Oceua Ruda V'dlage) LagunaN. d . 248-5611 SERVING ORANGE CO. SINCE 1967 PLAN CONTINUED FROM 1 for tudents m grades seven through mn.e who are not doing well in regular school. The school would be paid for with special state funds available to start such Board President Serene Stokes schools. stressed that the plan would out-Board members all.o will dis~ line distinct goals for the di.stnct cuss a special Curriculum on to meet. virtues, which was developed at The plan, which was devel-Killybrooke Elementary School oped over the last year by a and will be presented at a state diverse group of parents, school conference next fall. 1 officials and community mem-Mike Fine, assistant superin- bers, including Daily Pilot Pub-tendent for business services, also Usher Tom Johnson, sets out will give board members an broad goals and then lays out concrete, step-by-step methods ·update on next year's budget and for achieving tbese goals. the Orange County bankruptcy For example, the J?lan calls for settlement. the district to "provide an excit-Board members had originally ing, challenging curriculum planned to begin the formal responsive to individual interests, process for adopting next year's needs and learning styles· by buctaet torught but have post- "malang art and drama an inte-poned that dlscussion to a special gral part of school life." meeting June 29. At their meeting, board mem-The board meets at 7 p.m. at bers also will vote on a proposal the district office, 2985-A Bear St., to create a community day school Costa Mesa. \. ---· ··---- would survive. Then they warned she could .die in May. For the past six weeks, she defied her doctors' predictions and held on. Her daughter, Shel- lie Dattler, came to graduation in her mother's place Monday. "She probably held on because she knew graduation was coming," said her daughter, hours before Dattler died. "It broke her heart that she could not come back to school.• But her memory will liv~ on at the school forever, heartbroken parents, students and teachers said. Mitzi Herman and her mother visited Daltler JUSt last week. Mitzi held her teacher's hand and prayed with her. "She was a beautiful kinder- garten teacher," Mitzi said to her mother as the two were leaving the hospital. This spring, students planted a garden at their school. It will be dedicated in DatUer's honor in the fall. One of her students, Bryan Wetzel, 5, said he would always remember his kindergarten teacher. "If she was here today, I would tell her that I worked very hard in kindergarten and that I love her,• Bryan said. Dattler is sul'Vlved by her daughter, Shellie; son, David, and brother, Tony Saenz. Family members are planning a memorial service June 29 at St. · Joachim Cathohc Church in Cos- ta Mesa. Save 40% To 50% When Purchasing Fair Admission & Carnival Ride Tickets In Advance! PRINCIPAL CONTINUED FROM 1 •J'm not at liberty to ay who 1l is, but it sounds like he 1s the top choice,• said Brian Garland, pnn· cipal of Edison High School, I "He's a wonderful guy,• Oar· land added. "He's been a :.up· portive and loyal assistant pnnd- pal, and he's ready for pnnc1pal- ship." Antal has been the assislcmt principal in charge of cumculum at the 2,300-student i.chool tor the past four years. Before thdl, he was assistant pnncipal at Fountain Valley High School. And before he became an admm-• 1 istrator, he was a music teacher. "He's had a lot of expenence -m guidance, in disopline and in instruction,· Garland sd1d. I "But beyond that. he·s a bright I man who really carec; about kids.· Garland said Antal lS married and has three children. Antal could not be redched Jor , comment. District officials have been searching for a principal tor Estancia since January, when Peggy Anatole left to take ovt>r the district's departmenl of test- ing and assessment. Bob Fran<:\·, who also filled in as supenntt.>n· dent in between Mac Bernd and Robert Barbot, has been filling m as principal. Parents say they loved huving I Francy but are excited about having a new principal who can The Orange County Fair is celebrating the state of California's sesquicentennial with a tribute to gold & grain. See spectacular exhibits of the Gold Rush days, enjoy fantastic concerts, exciting arena events ... and get your "rush" from those thrilling rides! Join The Rush to the Orange County Fair and receive big savings by purchasing your Fair admission and carnival ride tickets now! Save Over 40% On General Admission Tickets! Purchase tick'ets at participating l ongs Drugs and AT&T stores IM $21 (RegulW price $8) Sii ,_,..,price SS) Save Up 1b SOX On Carnival Ride Tldc8tsl Choose horn two offers of food disooUnts & savings on carnival rides (Each ride ~ 2 or more tici<ets. Single ticMt price-«)C. Food coupons .,. for midway) I TIDl*I ......... the following loclltlol ~ ~-Ccola_O..._F __ _ ...... .... 'Blech, !MM. Ll8'N ...... ~ ........... ....... ....... -... A ti,_ T"9lln RI-. Lhla. OI Cll , .... 'f'O.UJNQI tum all .his energi~ to improviog Estancia. •Bob' going to be a tough att to follow, but hopefully [Antldt will have c;ome vision," Mw. Marylu F1s el, PTA member Estanna. "' Fissel, who 1s an acbve mem-: bee of Estancia's new foun&bon.• 1 Eagle Pride, said her •No. 1 _ .. cern H is lmprovmg the schOOl'• imago. The 1,100-student scbooI has a Latino enrollment of: approximately 50%, a m~'.! lt1rger mmority population dii& other distnct schools. And in • pd t few yea.rs, Estancia has~ plagued by a perception th.at not as good as other distritt ·{'hoob, Fissel said. "J want the negative image our -.chool turned around,• me aid, adding that something must be done to stem the "white flight" of students out or EstaDciA and mto other distnct schools. Fissel ctlso said she hoped 1lie new prmc1pal could develop nuru-acddenues, similar to the Da Vmo and Franklin academies at Newport Harbor High School, to enhance the school's cunicu1WJ1.. Like many parents, she said she was delighted by Antal's per- fornung arts background bE>cause Estancia has long been a powerhouse m that area. Board members are also expected to appoint a new assis- tant supenntendent for sec- ondary educabon and a new director of human resources the meeting, which will begUt tOrught at 7 in the district otnce., . 2985-A Beai SL, Costa Mesa. . . ..,,. • 6 Doily Pilot -----..... -.. - 1111 SCHOOL SPRING FORWARD Seven days in May enclosed, perhaps, the two biggest · happenings of the 1998-99 boys athletic year at Costa Mesa High. First, senior Bruce Hancock won the ClF Southern Section Division m title at 1,600 meters. Then an overflow home crowd saluted the baseball team's best postseason run in 37 yea.rs at a CIF Division IV quarterfinal loss. SllllS Hancock, the valectlctorian headed for Princeton, was third in CIF in the 800, second in the 1,600 at the Masters Meet, then ninth in the 1,600 at state finals. He was fourth at the CIF Division m cross country finals, where the team finished sixth, then was eigh th at State. · Ruben Mandlla's brilliant baseball season (.557, 10 homers, 41 RBis and 8-0 pitching record) made him Newport-Mesa District Co-Player of the Year. He was also first-team All-CIF and drafted by the Yankees. Greg Stewart and Robert Hulliger (track and field}, as well as Gus Sandoval (wrestling), won league titles, while David nan (12 career varsity letters}, Shaun Fenyman and Dave Weir were multisport notables. DON LEACH tDAllY PILOT Water polo standout Hunter Taylor and volleyball stalwart BJ. Ugbtvoet were A.ll-CIF and led their Rob Gloster fires to flrsl teams to the playoffs. Football also made it to the CIF Playoffs. -by Barry Faulkner ,, QUOTE Of lHE DAY icc..,.. •• .,...c11•••• Inly ... wblg wlh sudi , .. people ... • Biii Reynolds. Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Famer Tuesday, June 22, 1999 • Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 949..57 4-4223 DIANA MUlVIHU I DAILY PILOT Cbr1s Biron looks for opening. •He put Vanguards on the map, for two decades. TONY ALTOBEW Rnner Southern Irr California Colleqe basketball coach Bill Reynolds bas had one year to reflect on a brilliant 31-year coaching career, 17 at sec. With all he's done, he's going to need another year or two to finish looking back. "It was definitely better than anytlung I could have envisioned," Reynolds recalls. ·sec offered me a unique challenge. I truly enjoyed work.mg with such great people." His record anJy showed one side of Reynolds. In his 17 years With the Vanguards, Reynolds posted a 354-184 record. His quiet demeanor on the court gave his players a sense of calm and control and is something that is still remembered and respected by others. "I patterned my coaching style around UCLA Coach John Wooden,• Reynolds said. "I always thought I could learn frbm everybody and I thought if I wanted to be a role model for the kids, that was · the style to do it· Since the inception of the Golden State Athletic Conference in 1986, Reynolds led his team tq three titles and was named GSAC Coach of the Year five times. His 1990 squad won the Disbict 3 title and earned a trip to the NAlA National Tournament, losing in the sweet 16 to eventual runner-up W15consm Eau Claire. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT · Quarterback Dave Weir takes off on a long touchdown run against Sl Anthony during the preseason. r . DIANA MULVIHILL/ DAILY PILOT David Tran tours the cross country course. "That group was very solid from top to bottom,• Reynolds recalled. "They were a very unselllsh, balanced team that played very well together. They ~ loved to compete and had the : DON LEACH I OM.Y Pl.OT Memben of the bwball team mourn tbe pWng of popular COldl Pml nmel. David Tran (rtgbQ, wlao lntflhed bis hlgll ICbool caner wltll12.~. lenen,ballles It oat with • Newport Huttor loe In IOU'ef, Al left. tile Mall•• C1111111'dl ahbm SEAN le..LER I DAl.Y l'l.OT CIF cba•pton Bruce Hancock ramb?es. confidence to win.• In Reynolds' 17 years as the men's coach, the Vanguards were postseason entries every time, averaging 21 wins per season. Reynolds came to SCC in 1981 alter 14 years of coaching at La Quinta and Bolsa Grande high schools. Wlule at La Quinta, Reynolds won two league titles and finished his lugb school career with a record of 167-139. I II • ; "My first game was rather humbling going up against (current Uruversity of Arizona head coach) Lute Olson at • Marina,• Reynolds said. "I was 24 • and thought I was hot stuff. He i clobbered us by 40 and that ; showed me I had a ton to still • learn.• ' The legacy of Bill Reynolds ) lives on, as 10 of bis former ' players are now high school : coaches throughout the area. ~ "It's really a neat experience J to follow those guys in their own ~ coaching careers,~ Reynolds said. • "We got 'em all over the place. I J still keep in touch with them and , try to get to as many games as • poiSible." : One of those coaches is , Newport Harbor's I.any Hirst. • Hirst credits Reynolds for his being i a coach ln the first place. • •Not only ctld I learn about • • basketball from him, I learned ~ about We." Hirst said. "He taught z me a Jot about the game as well as t beinig a model citizen and having ! pride in the profession that you do." ; smce retiring in t998, ReynoJdl I nmalnl a ooumelar at Bolla Omnde. • "Tbls ii my real Job," Raylialdl • sakl wtth a laugh. "I reelized that j the effort needed to contbiue a strong program at SCC WU jUlt 1 too demanding on my ICbechile, ; both profeuk>nally and s penanally." 1 = .. depmture from I ~ dcm't COUlll ltayDalda • al• l'llbllD .. to .. blilwtall.•• 1wlwe. ....... ,, 1•1••1?••••&1 . .... ,.... •• rile 1• = ........ ._.... .... ,. ., ........ . •=r.-- JOSEF AGUllAR I DAILY Pl.OT Mr. Irrelevant. Jim Finn of ~e Chicago Bears, enjoys the moment as he's lavished with gifts galore. ::. SHO • Finn makes splash at Arrival Party. l{ICIW\D DVNN !Qlf Pb NEWPORT BEACH -Amid the pomp and circumstance, Mr. Irrele- vant XXN, Jim Finn, told Monday's spirited crowd dunng the Arrival Party ceremonies that he intends to come back and visit one day. But only after a career in profes- sional football. •1 still plan on playing this game,• said the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania running back, selected 253rd and dead last m the NFL Draft by the Chica- go Bears, who had a strong presence at the 1Win Palms Restaurant, the host for Irrelevant Week's Arrival Party. Showered with gifts, including a cheese bead from the Green Bay Packers and a United Parcel Service delivery uniform (brown shorts and all), Finn got bis first taste of Irrelevant Week, which cele- brates the last playei: picked in the NFL Draft. Donned with mostly caps and T-shirts, Finn's "shower" was highlighted with a Rolex watch, donated by Mary Barr of Charles H. Barr Jewelers. Pinn was also given a week-long life insurance poli- cy (by Jeny Tardie) while he's in Newport Beach and a full-course, candlelight dinner for two at the Costa Mesa Jail (donated by Police Chief Dave Snowden). In the middle of the parade of gifts, Mr. Irrelevant was taken off the stage and interviewed by Orange <;ounty Newschannel's Brent Weber for a live tele- VlSlOD spot. Following the segment, Irrelevant Week founder Paul Salata quipped: •Thank you, Paine Webber." Finn. the Ivy League Player of the Year in 1998 after bis record-setting season at Penn, which included 1 ,450 rushing yards and 323 carries (both school records), arrived here with his mother, father, sister, girlfriend and his sister's friend and daughter. Jim Finn receiveds some rapid-fire presentations. Unlike most or his Irrelevant brethren before him, Finn took the microphone and introduced his entourage. MHey, he's an Ivy Leaguer," Salata said. Finn, who will attend Disneyland today and the All-Star Sports Banquet on Wednesday at the New- port Beach Marriott, will report to the Bears' training camp in PlattvUle. Wis., on July 19. Following two minicamps with Chicago, Finn is third on the full- back depth chart. Finn, the first Mr. Irrelevant from the Ivy League, led the Quakers to the league title last season in only his second year carrying the ball. In 1997, Finn, whose family is from Frur Lawn, N.J., switched from strong safety to running back Ill the middle of the season. In six games, t)e rushed for 100 or more yards and 11 touchdowns. After an outstanding senior year, Finn entered the top five in Penn history in several offensive cat- egories, including 102 points in a season, 2,251 career rushing yards, 17 rushing touchdowns and 180 career points. J:?~ Corporate WHAT: Red, White and Blues is a wine tasting (the reds and ~n whites) and musical festival (the blues). ArnltoeotrM WHEN: Saturday, July 3rd and Sunday July 4th tro'm 3 to 9 c.....,.~ p.m. ....... CJIA. ~= WHERE: Location will be the upper parking lot next to the li9A Riverboat Restaurant & Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. ...... EVENTS: Wine & Spirits tasting from approximately 20 wine & beverage vendors. Live music by great blues bands . Saturday, July 3 Sunday, July 4 3 p.m. Blue Moon 3 p.m. Don Haney Band 4:15 p.m. On the Edge 4:15 p.m. King Brothers 5:30 p.m. ~Emel 5:30 p.m. Rhythm Lords 6:45 p.m. junlOI' Watson 6:45 p.m. ladies Night 8 p.m. J""'5 Hinnln Bind 8 p.m. Bily 'Im and the Beaters 9 p.m. Mot Ends but... 9 p.m. E'mlt Ends & F~ 9:30 p.m. RMfbolt VIP Jim begins 9:30 p.m. Riverboat VIP Jim• ~ Food and full bars will be provided and staffed by the Riverboat Restaurant. }'r live Auction & Raffle of donated prizes between live music acts. .> Admission & Tours of Newport Harbor Nautical Museum . Harbor Cruises from the new dock at the Museum and Restaurant. Jt Gaming Tables Cigar Area Paths of Orange Cmtsl College's Die k Tucker and Newpm t I lc1rbor's Hal Sheflin c rossed just once, and tlwn only from d disldnce. O rangf! C.:otllil Coll1'!le dJdn't evPn c.'<1st 10 the tall of 1942 when the • championship Nt•wport I lurbor High grid lt•um, paced by All-CIF fullhc1c;k Hr1rokl (Hal) • Sheflin, Lrctvf!h•d to Long Beach Jordan for 1t toughest Sunset Ledgue conh.' t. · But onl' Jordan student, who was handhng the down marker, · would ht1ve clll incredible future dt Or<lnqc• Coc1st in the distant luture, but hP \\dsn't ready to help Jordcrn chaw a desired victory c1gamst the '42 Sctilors that <la}'". It wds un intcrestmg alhleuc c.rossroads for a numbf->r of people, inclu<lin~ the Jordan student, d Bee footballer nc1med Dick Tucker. who still reCdlls the intense gridiron battle dt Long Bed ch "I remember a long run, and he (Sheflln) cut and came down the sideline one of our players had a good shot at him dnd nussed hun." Tucker said. An old newspaper cllppIDg said the 215-pound Sheflin ran 32 yards, but was tackled at the one-foot hne, then scored on the next play Harbor won, 7-0. The Sailors also blanked Santa Ana Hlgh, 7-0, earlier m the yedr. ln recent recollections, Tucker recalled, "In those days we'd come down to Newport I !arbor in our own cars ... three m d Model A, with our unifonns tn the back. There were orange groves between every town. That might astonish later generdtions, but beccrnse of lhe gasoline shortdge m World War JI (1941-45), many high-schools banned athletic bus transporldtlon and encouraged students to drive their own cars. Roger Neth, d member of the '42 Harbor champ t<'dm, recalls SIDELINES don . cantrell his vebJcle -a black 1932 three-windowed.Ford. And he remembers drivmg it to the Jordan game m '42 with two other occupants. Neth said it was essentially true that the Southland was f<urly spread out with orange groves in those days, but it didn't include Huntington Beach with all of its oil wells and Costa Mesa with wide spreads of lima bean farm~ Also, it was stressful for players in that time relallve to night driving. The pressure was on constantly to drive only Wlth parking hghts since the government feared thredts ol Japanese air attacks near the coast at night. In fact, Joe Muruz, a Harbor High gridder m 1943-44, remembers hitting a horse on the road with his Model A one night. MuniZ, who loved horsei, was very upset since the impact killed the horse The horse hdd wandered out of a field and was trying to cross the darkened highway. ·1 didn't even see him,· Muniz said. Anyway, Hartw.r was famous for its Sheflin brothers m football, for a nwnber of years, but Tucker was blessed with a similar picture later when he took charge of Brea-Olinda High football. Brea's outstanding cast of brothers were named Ledbetter. ln time, Coach Tucker joined OCC and led the Sues to two ndbonal championships, a far cry from Jordan High days Bill Van Horn, a '44 Sailor "' ., .. gndder, would remember a change of pace on trcrnsportabon one year d 1t credted qUJte a stir amon those playing under the ldte Lc5 Miller. . ~ The bnstlmg first dtose when• tackle Dick Harper's. parents : a.rrtved wilh a nice, roomy statitm wagon. All the players sensed • thE> vcilued change over thelI' olo Model ~s. No one seems to recall how th~y dead~ who would go with the Harpers, .... Flipping coUlS would have tak.:m a long ti.JT\e. . - A touch of the WdI once ciUll.: to the Harbor High campus - when two All-Amencan footballers named Elroy (Crazy Legs) Hrr:.ch and Bob Dove, wUD played for the El Toro Manne base, accepted an mvitation by Miller to show up and give the- Tar gridders an afternoon of : valued tips on football. : The Harbor team was fascinated. Miller met Dove ana: HIJ"Sch one night at the Lions : Club dnd chose lo welcome them to V1s1t Harbor High. • Another bnght light was flashing on many World War II : guys alter the war. They were : returning home and chose to tum out at many Junior colleges .. They led some lo chdropionship • seasons. . ,e One champ school was Chaffey College, coached by Ray Rosso Rosso later chose to : become the head coach at = Orange Coast College : Numerous veterans turned out- for the Pirates lll'1948 and •49 Rosso had served as a Navy pilot Three coaches connected to Harbor High dlso made an appearance with the Navy dunng the war. ' .. Dick Spaulding. the 1938-39 gnd coach, and Al Irwin, a '36 ' Tar graduate who returned to coach m 1948-55, ser\red in the , South Pacilic SpduldUlg WdS an officer on a Destroyer whtlc Irwin was a flight deck officer on an a.ucraft:: earner · • Wendell Pickens, grid c~ in 1940-42 and 1946-47, was : allowed to lake charge of naval! phySlcal development progra.m:r. I wouldn't trust my draperie to anyone but COIT. • • "It took a lot of hard work to get our house the way we . like it. And it's very gratifying the walk-in and see how beautifa/ our draperies look. I'm very proud of it, and I Mn't mind admitting that COIT he!ps me to feel that way by keeping the draperies looking new. ,, For over.45 years, CO/T's advanced equipment and folly trained, certified technicians have provided the most effective ckaning avai/abk to assure you the finest results possibk; and UJt guarantee it! SJ,.,,,,.,, & R]d11 0,,,11k11.WJ BtUinas Co""""6ru 6 Ho1W0t1.'1fn • Carpet •Atta Rug 0 •Upholstery FF. Air Dua acaning AU. OJwmilG SDvlals c.JI for• FREE ati""*1 .. M .:s T...doy,June22, 1999 Sports ~Junior volleyball club set for Junior Olympiai •Three locd.ls on squad -headed for New Orleans. • Tow A11om IJJ Dott Plot 11 UNTINGTON BEACH -The • Cnhlorrud Beach Volleyball AssOOd· hon's Gtrls lndoor 13 and under Cali· fomia Beach Club has qualifled for lhl' Juruor Olympics in New Orleans, July 2-5 Three local youngsters, Brynn Mdurer ol Newport Beach, Alyson Jennings of Costd Mesa and Taylor Beauchamp of Corona del tvfar, cife on the 01Vls1on A squad headed for New Orleans, accordl.ng to the Presi- clL•n l of the CBVA, Ric Jennings. The drnazing thing is Jennings had to bring Maurer dnd Beauchamp lrom the DIV1s1on "C" learn when two quls qull the ·A• team a1ter the R£•g1ondls to make it to the Jwuor Olympics . · •Losing the two girls left us with only six on the roster," Jennings said. ·New Orleans was 18 days away and we could not recruit from outside our club." Maurer Is a 13-year-old seventh grader, who attends St. Jocumbs. Jennings ls lDlpressed with her work e thic and improvements after only one season. "Sbe was almost a total beginner when starting the season," Jennings said. •erynn is~ great natural athlete and her hard work paid off for her." Alyson Jennings, daughter of rue J ennings, is a seventh grader attend- ing Carden Hall. "I have a lot of respect for Alyson for having the matunty to not let the coach-daugh- ter thing upset the team apple cart," Ric said. Alyson was awarded the league's Most Valuable Player award and is the starting setter and server for every match. Beauchamp, an 11 ·y ar·old, liv on the beach at China CovP. and often works out with profe. 1ond..l beach player Brian Lewi . Though only a fifth.grader, Jc•nnlngs bell ves her skills as a volleybdll player Cllld her experience are a. much, if not more, than the rest or thP. players. ·1 chose Taylor and Brynn for the great attitude as much as tor their ability," Jennings said. "Despite com- ing on late, the team has had great practices S\Dce the Regionals and I'm proud of the way the girls have accepted their new teammat~s. • Others.on the team include Lawa English of FountaJ.n Valley, Kimberly King and Whitney Gaeta of Hunting· ton Beach, Kristin Jackson from Her- mosa• Beach, and Carly Roberts of Manhattan Beach. ln only the second tournament of the California Beach Club, the •A• Team placed 21st out of 170 teams in the division to make it to the JOs. YOITI llllllLL Newport hammers La Mirada roe. 11-1 • Courvoisier, Keenan combine on one-hitter. LOS ALAMITOS -The New- port Harbor Baseball Ass<>cUltion Bronco •A" All-Stars defeated La Mirada, 11-1, during Saturday's Los Alanutos Jn\litational Tourna- ment. Pitchers Kevin Cowvohler and P~ck Keenan combmed to toss a one-hitter for the winners. Brian Gribble went 2 tor 3 with a home run and three RBis, Morgan Govaars was 2 for 3 with two RBis and Dennis Heehan was 1 for2 with two RBis for New- port. The Newport •A" All-Stars will meet the Los Alamitos •A" All-Stars Wednesday at 6 p .m. before playing Garden Grove •A• Saturday at 9 a.m . Doily Pifot Cub baltlDf mmp for 20tb year. Tbe Nnpalt .... ,...... Club. UDder tbe ~ tilJQ "'..,....., n.ve SbMt>a. .. bOIUug itt first ol 11 ... '1Millt .,__. aamp1 dUI ~ wtifcb II~ 1oau,....t.tw1•tbe_mfl!il_alt8nd 11. BK11 ·r•lnn wSl meet~ UuOuGb Priday trom 9:45 a.m. ao l~ p.m. tot am Week. .A mklmomlng mack end 1uDc:h WW be provided ddy, lbeo super· viled .W.rwt"G (optiOnal for campen) wUI be olfeNd 1ra;n '1p..-.to3 p.m. T-lbirts and prizes wUl be award· ed wfl HlllOIL ea group lil the caJllpi: Will be limited to S1X stu- dents and arranged accordin?u:t~ and ablijty level. 1-losD wW Include bUic entals, drllls.., and court etiquette. It is the 20th year Newport Beach Ten· Dis Club has off erect 5\AIUIM!I' junior camps. Danielle Brandlin, who played NQ. t singles this • seote>n for CaJ Poly San .Luis Obiipo's women's tenn11 team, is among Sherbeck.'s a,s.gjtants thiS summer ot the camps. Por !t-ummer camp details: (9'9) 644-0050, ext. 29 01' 5. "" . ~ I PUBLIC NOTICES I PUBLIC NOTICES I I PUBLIC NOTICES 11 PUBLIC NOTICES I .. Fic!itious Business Name Statement "'Pr•t.: •·""' ·~11' g po·~ .1•1'1 J ong bu'>•Oe5S as THE PAl!ICEEDING AGAINST Fl ltl B I wH H lzed puniuant to YOU, YOU SHOUlD CQH. ct ous us nest Heelth end Safety Code TACT A UINY19l en July Name St•tament S.ctlon 114 71 J 11488 by 12, 1-• 2 00 P.M. .,,.._,. The lollOwlng persons the NEWPORT BEACH Nf::WPORT VINEYARDS & WINERY 203t:i2 611c;h SI NfoWP Jrt Boden CA Sl.lt>t>O : ' _, are dotng buSlness as POLICf DEPARTMENT. Natkw\AI 11Ue comp.ny, u El Campeon Soocer. The propelty w.. Hlied Trust ... or Succ•Hor in. 1916 HarbOr Blvd., Costa with rHpect to •lleged ::_or~~ Mesa CA 92627 violetionl•I of Sectlot1l•I R c • ;tra Anion Moflanv ?O ,,,::! o,1CI SI • NewpOrt BP.!c;r, CA 'Ji.'bt.O ~ by OAIUdla DlrMI H1lano Ver9as Gonzalez 1 1 352 of the Health end 'Mood," minted 'M>INln. u 2507 Bowdoin Pl • Hfety Code. You •re here-'* IOle and eepl(lltt pro,> Costa Mesa. CA 92626 by t10tifled th•t the Dinrict ..tu u Ttu.stor and recorded This business ts con· Attorney of Or•no• County ji'~ry t, 1•. u lnattu-ducted by: an Individual hu lnltl•t•d procHdino• to ment No. 1ll8001330:l. Have you started doing forfeit the •bove·dHcribed TI •1~ bus1ntt'" 1s con <hi• ll'd tJy ur1 1ntJ1111dua1 H h• VIJU · 11ned domg t• IS n."" Y"' . N ,...._ r~......, StMe cl business yet? No prop•~ put1uent to Health c;.;,:;... ";'~ to Hilario Vargas Gonzalez end Sefety Cod• Section n •Hrtt M 111any 1111> ~·1111m•111 w.J~ l11ed w1•r1 "'e Cr ll11\I Cler~ of C>r.111 1•· Cnunty on o 4 '.19 • 19996795254 !hit certain Notice°' DlfMJlt This statement was filed 1 ~!~~~-lnetrvc:l•d thet 11 ttweundlf NCorded JMrd\ W•lh the County Clerk 01 you dHire to contHt the 12. 1119, u lnltNment No. Orange Count)' on 6·l8·99 forfeiture of thl• propelty. lf.183380, d on'ldll ~-11)91167116716 pur1uant to Health end onb cl said County, wtll Dally Piiot June 22. 29, Safety Code Section oodtf lllld purlUlnl to Mid Jul~ 6. 13, 1999 T582 11488.6, you mull file • Deed d TNtt Ml It pubic F ctltlous Business verified cle1m 111ttng your (1 I ~ p I J 11 P 8 15 2l lf lrt• 1544 F1ctillous Business auction for cut\, a.wful Name St•tement lnterelt In the property. Name Statement money °' Iha Unlled sue.. The following persons You muat file tN• clelm In ot Amef1ca. « M iMtlumtnt d , b 1 the Superior Coult of th• 111~ 1n111iw1n<J po1so11~ u pn>Ylded f« In Clvtl Codi are o.ng us ness as. County of Or•no• within 1•1 11 1n1J Lu~1r11h~ .is Stction 2l2Ah. .. ..__...._lit WASH PLUS MOBILE DE thl1ty 1301 del' ol the flfll (,OAT HllL MARINE lhttlmtot ,_,_ TAILING, 2775 Mesa publicatlot1 0 thle Notice, SlRVICES 1519 Ro~ Ult.llthtNolth Verde Or E•B·201,Costa unfH• vou receive ectu•I •rs•t" Pi• Co~1 .. Me:.i tronttnlrWlcetothtCounty Mesa. CA92626 noti ce. IPI•••• u1e CA ~.t 27 Coufthoute, 700 CMc c-Jose Lu12 Duane. 2n5 llllF04640 I You muat A11thonv !: Ill~ 1!J7':l Riv ter Dnvt Well. s.nta Al1.t. Mesa Verde Dr E •B-201, ••rv• an endorHd copy of 1·1~1r!t• Plar:o C•·~tll Mesa CA all thlll rtght. tlUe 8r1d Costa Mesa. CA 92626 th• clelm Oil the Ol1t1lct CA 12r,27 lnttfHI ~ to 8r1d This business ls con Attorney of Orange County Tn1<; 1111s1Pf'!>!i is con ~ ~ n!r In~ ducted by an 1nd1vidua1 tAttn: JOSEPH C. NEDZA, ou~11 ·Jn,-,111 ' t,11,uua1 .-...... In ....... r-::.::--...3 Have you staned domg Deputy0l1trle1Attomey)at •1·· ~ 1 11uo dong -_, -~, .... business yel? No 700 Civic Ott1ter Orivw lKJ~~n";~.,,V v~1 ~ ~' s 0 19s0 Stile duatbed u : APN Jose Lulz Duane Wut, S1nta Ana. Ca An1hQnv Ell" "'2·181~· The ltreM This slatement was liled !12701 wl1hlt1 thlny 1301 • Tt11s s1atemm11 was hied llddfus or ottw common with lhe County Clerk of d1y1 of the fillng of the deUgnlllon d Mid ~ o 8 ,,... Cou t 6 1" "" claim In the Superior with lhe Coun1v Clerk 01 Is purpofted to be: ~ r n,,~ n Y on • .,...,., CounJCivll Olvie1e>n. Or;inge Courolv on 6·4-99 P'ontalnetl6Mu. •-.-• 19996796736 The fellure to timely file 191196795242 BMc:h, CA ....,. and • Dally P1lol June 22. 29 M>d Hcure a v.nfled ctelm oa.1y P•"'" Juni> 8. 15 22 July 6. 13, 1999 T576 _ ... 29 1999 T545 =:. °',..::.~ : Flctitlou1 Bualness :~:~~~./in1n~h~ .. ~J~.:~ Fictitious Business being conducted ts: Frenk Name Statement Coult will rHult In th• Name Statement 0. lecono, ~Trultee Shir· The lolloWing persons propelty being d.ctered or TM 1~11''''""'1 ~msoM ley It Iacono, ~Trustee are doino busiriess as. ordered forfeit to th• Stet• .Ill ootnq Lu 1 as 5$7~ Cen19 Dr., VICTORIA ACU·HERB of California~ d•ll"!>uted WALLACE COURT SUlte 214 Newport BMch CLINIC, 2'48 Vtctorta pureui t1t to t ... pro11taion1 A p A'R TM F. NT s 1 9 5 !J CA. t29a) Dlrwc:tiDn9 may be Street, Suite 112, Costa of HHlth •nd Safety Code Wallacu Av.,nu.. Cos1J obtllned by requesting Mesa. CA 92627 Section 11489 without Mt>s,, C>1lll 926?7 ume In 1Mtllna from the Jin Sook Cho, 5234 funher notice or hHrino. Rudy A M '1•1mt111 beneftc:Yrv wltin 10 d8ys Metro.se Avenuel111.Los OfJl22•0 6129·07/06 Tr.,,.,.., Av tv Marn• <1n from the ftnt put#cltian ot Ange•es. CA 90038 T1u,1 Jl\1 o.iv~· ,.., o •3 thll notice. Se6d ult w11 be This busmess ts con· Fictitious Bu11ne•• ri1•w11on Buact CA 'l21>tiO IMde wtlhout cown.nt or ducted by an lndtvtdual Name St•tement t 111s busin.,ss is con -.rtty, upNU or Implied, Have you s1aned doing The following persons ou1.IH<J tJy Tru<I <Family) u to tJae. potMHion °' business yet? No are doing business as Hav~ y(w ~t.ir!PO domq enc:l.Wnbl•ICU to llltllty the Jin Sook Cho NEW CHINESE DELI, lius•nP.ss Y' I' 'r'e~ 1991 Uf1Pll6d blllnc:e dut on the This sta1emen1 was hied 488 E 17th St . #8102. R uo~ A Marom a11 note or noees MCI.Ad ~ w11h the County Cleric of Costa M8$8. CA 92627 Tru~lec Q said Deed ot TNlt. to wt: Orange Count)' on 6-18·99 Henry Wet, 3630 Maxon RurJv M.i• ni.1 Tri1s1 1331.a:M.7• wNdl lndudu 19996796735 Rd. El Monte. CA 9173 Tn" s1;it•m11111 was hied uUmlted COlll&. ~ Dally Pilot June 22 . .19 Rot>en Y Tsang, 13581 w1111 lhe Cnun1v Clerk ot lllld edV~ It the time ot July 6. 13. 1999 T577 Newland SI • Westminster, O•Mnqe Co11n1v on 6·4-99 the """81 putllk'llion d thl• Fictitious Buslneas CA 92683 111996795238 ~ d 5a1e. l It poulbM N St t t Pet Jun Wu, 1673 S p, ~ P 1 n1· e 1 s 22 tNt at the time d .... the am• • emen R1mpau Blvd • Los Angel· 1 •I!; Ts.lb opening * ma be lul The lollow1ng persons es, CA 90019 . . . nay De ..., are doing business as Tn1s bus ness Is con Fic1rt1ous Business than !ht total lndef:Jtedneu a) The Last Reson, ' • Name Statement ~ ~ :""~ b) Deckcralters. 440 w ~~~,:',:~Pa general Ti<c> I •II 1W1nc1 r•ers11"' Au'tplll'lvl:e YPJllktertt. ~ 19th Street CoS1a Mese, Have you started doing A•• 1 "9 tius• es~ ls East Yandeftllt Wry, SUit• CA 92627 busifless yel? No MESA PERFORMANCE 400 Sllrl ~ Call-La Bouff, Inc. (CA), Robert v Tsang PEDS 1008 f'h1ccn11a f°""-l2AOll, FOf trU.t..•a 3871 S Mam Street, San1a This statement was hied C .. , a M " ~ a c A ule lnfonNltton call: (t11) Anha CA 92707 wtlti the County Clerlc ol ''· h27 4312 31f7·TT28 Dated· June 11 This business is con· Orange Counry on 6-4-99 M1~P. S1mor11an 1999 Ai'AP3i11aa 1121 ~ ducted by a co1porahon ~1)996795227 I Hun11ng1on Court New 715 ' Have you started doing Daily PllOI June 8, 15 22 port Oeact1 CA r12f!oO business yet? No 29. 1999 T550 Tony P.iht•1eri 1220 Pa•• La Boufl Inc . Debra N•·w1 on Aftl 1106 New Fict1tlou1 Business Hulls_ President p0r1 01>ac.r1 CA llf>bO Name Statement This statement was 111&0 Tt11' bu~m••'' ·~ con The following persons w11h Ille County Clerk ol 011~1 .. d by r.o·panner:. are doing business as Orange Count)' on 6·18·99 HAve vou startl!d Clc»ng ACNE CLINIC OF NEW-19996796132 UUS•neo;s yet? N~ PORT BEACH. 360 San Dallv P110t June 22. 29. Mo1<e S1mor11an Miguel Dnve •708, New July 6. 13. 1999 T578 Tnis statement was 1, eo pon Beacn. CA 92660 Flctltiou1 Business Wllh the Couniv CIP.rk of Terry Joel Dubrow. MD N•me Statement bmnqo County on B 4 99 A Med 1 c 199116795255 ica o1poratlon The f0Uow1ng persons O:i11y P1101 Juna 8 15 22 (CA ) 360 San Miguel Drive are domg business as. 29 1 ~99 TS4] ;~~go Newpon Beaeh CA Bula Eyewear. 240 New· Fictitious Bualness Tll1S business IS con· ~ ~~J;_r ea·~~~New· Name St•tement ductod by a co1pon111on Sign Language Eyewear, The lollowing persons Have you &ta nod doing Inc.. (CA), 240 Newpon arf doing bus1nes-; as business yet? Y81l. 1996 Cantor Drive, Sta 210, SMTM Promotions 13636 Terry J Dubrow MD Ne'."'J>Ort Beacn, CA 92660 Onkayha Circie Irvine CA Medical Corporatt0n ThlS buSlnass Is con· 92620 Terry Joe Dubrow MD ducted by a corporallOO Annelle Fiala I 3636 On Prestdenl Have you started doing ~ayha C11cie Irvine. CA This statement was fifed buslnass yet? Yes, 1·99 92620 with lhe County Clerk of Sign LanguBQ• Eyewear, This bus111ess 1<; con Orange County on 6·18-99 Inc, Kathy N 1.••· Beere· dueled by an tndMdual 19996796741 1ery Have you s1an8d doong DaHy Ptlol June 22 29 Thts statement was hied .business yet? No JUiy 6. 13. 1999 T573 with the County Clertc of AnMtte F1al11 Orenoe County on 6·18·99 This statement wos hied Fictitious 8UslneH 1"96798730 with lhe Coun1v Clerk of Name Statement Dally PllOI June 22. 29. Orange Counly on 6-4-99 The following persons J1 6, 13, 11)99 T571l 19996795231 are doing 1>u11nass IS F ctltloue Bu1lnes• Fictitious Business Name Statement The lollowlng persons are doing business as· ADVANCED PROCESS- ING CENTER, 1121 Debra Dr , Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Filtt Hefner 1121 Debra Or , Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Ths busmen Is con dl.ldad by an Individual Have you staned doing business yet? No Allz Hefner This sta11men1 was hied Wllh lhe Couniy Clerk or Orange Counl)' on 6·18·99 199967116728 Daily Piiot June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 1999 T581 F1ct1tious Buslnese Name Statement Daily PllOI June 8 15 22. G Gs CARPET CLEAN· Nam• Statement ' 2~ 1999 T548 ING SERVICES, 1780 The followlng persons Fictitious Buslneu Placentia Ave , •8, Costa are doing buslneu as The I011ow1ng persons are doing buatnass as Corporate Finance A1· soclates • Newport Beach. 1400 Quail Street Ste 155, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Rick May, Inc., (Hawa11), e Solana, lrvfne, CA 92612 This buslnaas Is con-ducted by a corporation Have you •tarted doing buwless yet? Yes, 111199 RICk May, Inc , Rtchard P May, PreSldenl N•m• Statement Mosa. CA 92627 a) FlnanOlal lnvHtments The ronowing persons Juan Pedro Gonzalez, Secvrlllos & Holdings are oong bu11ness as 1780 Ptacont1a Ave . i8 bl F I s H , 12 Canyon Cosra Mesa Auto Serv1oe Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Ff1m, Newi>on Coast, CA C.n1er, 1747 Anaheim Av· Thia buSll\HI Is con· 92657 et1ue, CO&ta Mesa. Cal1lor· ducted by en lndiVtdual Ga~ A t<lrwan. 12 Ce· • n111 02627 Have you started doing nyon Rim, Newport Coast, • Anlhony Goodwin Beus. business yet? YH, CA 92657 2872 V•lalco Lane, Costa May 1999 Th41 buslneu Is con· Mesa Cahlomia ll2626 Juan Pedro Gonzalez ducted by an unln· Ju11anne Mane Bells, Tt111 si.tement waa filed corporatad aaa~latlon 2872 Velasco Lane, Costa w•lh nie County Cler\ of other than• partnership Mosa. CaOIOfn•a 92626 Of&nge County on 6·18·91l Have you 11aned doing This business 11 con· 19096796'738 buafneas yet? No ~ed Dy husband nnd Dally PllOI June 22, 29, 01~ A K1rwar1 ••<*ti• JulX 6 .• ~3. 19!1l T514 This 11atement was tiled • Have you started OOlng Wltll tht County Qerk of : busmen yet? No f-lctmoue tfUllMH Or811ge CounlY on 8·18-99 1 JulleMe M Bells f .... 7"721 , Th11 1111emen1 was hied N•m• S1ate,,,.nt Dally Pilot June 22 29, 1 w1tn the County Clol'k of The IOl!ewtng persona JUiy 6, 13, 1991) T580 Orangt Coullly on O·l 99 are dolt1g business H 199"1t4858 l ot I Interactive, • , Dally PtlOI June I, 1!1. 22 411 Fremont Av• , Newport • 29, I~~ T549 Beach, CA 9266J : .-rlCll Oii ,,.,..,.. Thomas I( LamC>en, 1 _ • ft ..._, It-..... 48 FralTIOflt Ave , ~ --,.,_ ,._ Be1Ch,CAt2te3 'I ~ ..,..... Thia bullnell it ClOtl· 10 cu au • cllcted by .,, lndl\ltdual ., Tl.I,... Haw )QI ••r'llld dOing Wlltl !tie COYfllV Clatk of Thi• statement was flied wllh Ille Coun1y Cieri! Of Orange Coootv on 6· 18·1l9 1 .... 71tn1 Da•ly Pllol June 22. 29, July 8, 13. 1909 T583 I PUBLIC NOTICES Fictitious Business Nam• Statement The lollowmg persons are domg business as, Luxury Towncar Service, 3031 S. Sycarnore St Unit, c, Sama Ana. Califor· nla 92707 Richard W Johnson 3031 S Sycamore SL. Unil C, Santa Ana. Cahfom1a 92707 TI11s business Is con· ducted by an Individual Have you started oomg business yet? Yes, 61111999 Rich w. Johnson Thls statement was hied with the County Clerk of Orange County on 6· to-99 19996795843 Daily P110t June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 1999 T569 Fictitious Business Name St•tement The fOllowing persons ere domg b1Js1ness as OJ21tma Markehng Group. 18PO E Garry Ave. •202. Santa Ana. Cal1lorn1e 92705 Chns Duncan. 272 Villa Point Or Newpon Beach. Cahlorma 92660 This business is con- ducted t>y an 1nd1V1dua1 Have you staned doing business yel? Yes. 3110/98 Chris W Duncan This statemenl was filed with the County Clerk ol Orange Counlylono5·24·99 19996794133 Dally Pilot June 22, 29, July 6. 13, 1999 T584 Actit lous Business Name Statement The lotloW1ng persons are dotng business as al Three Flags Center b Three Flags Manage· men1. 27601 Forbes Road 142. Laguna Niguel Ca 026n George N Glass Trus1ee of Iha George N Glass Family Trust dateo 5/29196 3112 Camino Crest Or . Oceanside. Call lorn1a 9205'4 Shane B Gia$$ 'rrustco ol the S&L Glass Family Trust dalod 9124198. 24171 Paseo Del Campo. Laguna Nlguel CA 926n This business 1s con· ducted by a general pen· nersh•P Have you s1anec1 dotOg business yet? Yes 11118197 Shane B Glass • Gen· eral Panner This statement was hied with lhe County CleOt. ol Orange Countv on 5-24·99 19996794164 Daily Pilot June 22. 29, July 6. 13. 1999 T570 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTmous BUSINESS NAME The tollow1ng person(s) has (have) abandoned ltle use of the ltChhOUS buSI· ness name a) Three Flags Center. b) Three Flllgs Manage· ment. 27601 Forbes Road. Suite 1142, Laguna Niguel. Cahlomta 92677 The FICllllOUS Business name referred lo abovo was filed In Orange County on 216198. FllE NO 19986748170 George N Glass Fem11y Trust Dated May 29. 1996, 3112 C.mmo Crest Or , Ocoanstde, CA 92054 George N Gian Trustee 01 George N Glass F11m11y Trust. 31 12 C.m1no Crest Dr Oceanside, CA 92054 Shane B Glass TM>tee Of lhe George NB Glass Family Trust, 25171 Paseo del Campo. Laguna Niguel, C.l1fomla 02877 This business Is con· dueled by. Fam~y Trust George N Glass This &tatement was hleo wuh lhe County Cler11 of Orange County on 5·24-99 19996794165 Deity Pilot June 22. 29. J1 '· 13. 1999 T571 F ctftlou1 BusineH Name Statement The follOwlng pe1son• lr9 d0ong ~alness es Club Lileracy, 359 San Miguel So•te 105 Newpon 9eldl, CA ll2660 Tracey Kim Fran~ 245 Del P onlonte Sen Clemente, CA 92672 Thlt bus1neu Is con· duded by an lndivtduat Have you stanec dOlr\g bullnalay•t?No Tr.c.y I< F-rlAA Thia 1talamen1 was filed wtltl Iha County Clerk OI 011nge Couniy on 8·1<>·90 '""71H07 Dally~ June 22. 29 Julye. 13 1909 TW ClletJltltt I PUBLIC NOTICES 11 PUBUC NOTICES I wlM be lncet"ted In shown on a map rec0tded the will OI eetate. OI In Boolt 128, Pages 22, 23 both, of: MARGARET al)d 24 ol M1scella"90us I PUBLIC NOTICES 11715 BANK OF CALIFORNIA oanuARllS I f_1_e_s_o_e_1TU_A_R_1e_s_J KAVASCH ROBINSON LOUGHERY Maps, records ol Orange A PETITION hae County, Callfomla. been filed by ELEEN s. M0te commonly 'known HALE ANO JUNE E. as-2940 Randolph Street. GARClA In the s""*'°' c~~~a~Aare cash tn Cou'1 of Call(omla, lawful money of the United Cou~of~N ,.. s1a1es on connrmatlon ol queeta tt.t EJLEEH s. ale, or pan cash and bat· HALE ANO JUNE !. ance upon such terms and GARCIA be ...,oinled con<lltiona as are aocep-• -::.=:=... table 10 the personal repre· ...---sentative Ten percent of ave to .... amount bid to be depostled "tat• of the decedent. with bid. Bids or oilers 10 THE PETITION r• be in wttbng and will be re· que1ta the dNedent•a celved al the aroresald ol- WIU. end oodicila, If lice a1 any time alter the eny, be edmitted to hrsl publtcallon hereol and probete. The WIU. end before date of sale. eny oodicll1 are ev_,. Date<I: June 15, 1999 ebl• for e>tllminetion In Roben Tripp a(ld the ftle kept by the Merilyn Tripp Personal oourt. Representative of the Es· THE PETITlON r• tate questa euthority to Attomey(a) 11 Lew: edmiN9ter the "tate Edgar C. Johnson, Jr., under the Independent Eaq-John1on & Flyer, Adminlatr•tion of Ea-3080 Bristol Street, Suite tat .. Act. ,.,..,.,.1 euthon-630, Co•t• MeH, ' ' •• CA 92626 ty will eMow the penon-Pubhshed Newpon Beach· • repreeentative to take Costa Mesa Daily Pilot ::'Jn1.;~rt ~~ June21. 22, 28, 1~TS38 81• Before teklng oerteln Fictitious Business very Important eotions! Name Statement however, the personai .... ill .... The following persona repreien .. uve w .,. are dot01 business as required to ~ node• FRIEND OF lo lnteteeted ..... ,.ONI THE CHIL ..--OREN, 537 Newport Cen· uni••• they h •v• ter Drive PMB 157, New· welved notioe or con-pon Beach CA 92660 Mnted to the propoeed Gary Gene Harder, 907 aodon.) The lndes>en-Peseo Grande. Duarte dent 9dmlniatr•tlon Calilomia 9t010 euthority will be gr.med 1'hls business 1s con· uni... .,. lntet .. ted ducted by an Individual pereon fMee.,. objeodon Have you a1aned doing to the peddon end business yet? No lhow. good ceuH why Gary Gene Harder the ooun et'°"8ld not Ttits statement was hied Qfent the euthority. with ttle County Clerk or A HEARING on the Orange Counly on 6-18·99 petition wW ba held on 1"96796717 July 1 &b 1111 at 1 :45 Dally Pilot June 22, 29, P.M. In ept. L73 locet· July 6. 13, 1999 T565 ed et 341 The Qty Fictitious Business Drive P.O. Box 14170 Name Statement Orenoa CA 12888. The lot1oW1ng petsons IF YOU OBJECT TO are doing business as· the gtendng of the Franklin J'leally, 3250 East pedtiOn, you ehould Coast H1gllwav. Corona -.-... the Meri,... del Mar, CA 92625 -.. -•• ... Chnstopher E Hobson ::'flit 8 ':, 19 l.:" wO:J::n 24231 Mesa Dnve, New· ob'--'do Ith the pon Beaeh. CA 92660 P" ne w This business Is con· court lMlfore the hNr-dueled by· an Individual Ing. Y04.lf eppewance Have you started doing "'-Y be In penon ot by business yet? Yes, 3111/94 YoVf ettomey. Cttristopher E Hobson IF YOU ARE A This statement was hied CREDITOR or • oontln-with the County Clerk of r.nt oredltor of the Orange Couniv on 6·9·99 o ... ed you mu1t flla 19996795738 your ~ w ith the Dally Pilot June 22. 29, courund maih copy to Ju!y 6. 13, 1999 T567 the penONI repr .. ent• Fl ctitlous BuslneH tiwi eppointed by the Name Statement court within four The lollO'f'lnQ persona monthe from the dane are doing t>us1ness as; of firat 1Huanoe of Hair Etc, 10585 Slater lettete • prowaed In Ave .• Founlaln Veltey. cau. aeodon t 100 of the lornia 92708 C.ilfornle PJGbate Code. Sue Tseng, 10532 F!vinp, The time for filing Asn Circle, Fountain Va • clllima wilt not exPira lay, Callfomla 92708 before four monttw This business Is con· from the hMring dMe duded by an lndlvldual nodoed abo,,e Have you staned dOtng YOU MAY EXAM-business yet? Yes, IN! .,_ th kept by the 4·J~1.9~eng oowt. If you .,. • pet-Thls statemenl was llled 80ft iftteNeted !ft the with the County Clerk of ~t you mev..,: Orange County on 5·27·99 ....,.. aw oourt • fc 19996794557 ....,.. few lpecM8' Daily P11<>1 JUllO 22, 29, Notioe of the fling of an Julye. 13, 1999 T568 N A 1n the Sopenor Coun ol Cahfornla, Couniy ot ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests lhal NORTHERN TRUST BANK OF CALIFORNIA N A be eppomted as per sonel reprasentaltve 10 ad minister the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's Will end codie11s. 11 any, be adm111ed to probate The W~I ano any codte'ils are avallable for examination in the file kept by the coun. THE PETITION requests auth(>nty to administer the estate under the lndepencl enl Adm1nistra11on ol Es· tales Act (Thls Authoflty wtll allow tho personal rep resentat.ve to 1ake many aC1ions without obt.a1ni0g courl approval Before taktng cena1t1 very Imp<>!'· tant actions. however, the personal representative will be required 10 give no· lice lo Interested person$ unless thev have wal\/ed nocice or consented to lhe proposed ac;tton ) The m· dependent adm1mstratt0n au1honty Wiii be granted unless an interested par· son !ties on objecllon 10 the petition and shows good cause wtty the coon shOuld not grant the aulhonly A HEARING on the peu- 11on will be held on JULY15, 1999al 1·45pm In Dept L73 located at 341 The City Onve South. Orange, CA 92868 IF YOU OBJECT lo the granting ol the petition, you should cippeer at the hear· 1ng and state your Objec· nons or l1le wnuen objer.· lions with Iha coun befoia Iha hearing Your ap pearance may be In person or by your auorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or conttngent cred•lor or the deceased you musl hie your claim witn the court and mail a copy 10 the personal reprosentalive appolnled by lhe coun w1th1n tour months from the date of the first Issuance of letters as provided m Pro bate Code seC1t0n 9100 The 11me lor lttlng claims will Ml expire before lour months lrom the hearing dale nottced above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kept by the c:oun II you are a person Interested in lhe estate. you may hie w1lh the court a Reque&t for Special Notice (form DE· 1S4) of the llllng of an In- ventory and appraisal of esiate assets or of any pe1111on or account as provided 1n Probate Code sechon 1250 A Request tor Spectal Notice lorm ts available lrom the coun clerk Attorney for lhe Petltlooer: LORI WINDER LIVINGSTON, ESO. (CSBI 933961 840 NEWPORT CENTER DR., STE. 700, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Publlshed Nawpon Beactt· Cos1a Mesa Dally Pilot June 15, 21. 22, 1999 TM554 "'"'"°'Y end eppr8INI BSC8465 of eetate -..ta °' of NOTICE OF PACIFIC VIEW .,.,,, ~ cw ~nt PETITION MEMORIAL PARK •12_pntofo4d!l_ ":.~ TO ADMINISTER IO ..... --·-Cemetwy • Mortuary ,, ...... Code, A ,.._ ESTATE OF: Chapel • Crematory C1UMt f0t ~ Nocioe SONYA KINGSLEY 3500 p-.. flc vi~ """ve fonn le awllabte from aka SONYA M. N~ ~· the oourt deftt. KINGSt.EY ·-....,. • ~ure.Pa7W •· CASE NO. A197514 M4·2700 Vllll9 M. a.-To an heirs, ben1ll A--.•'-c1aries, creditors, cont Pllll:I ~ a.21 ,_ 0. lngent creditor•. and per 1111. -AIWAY Y ...... ft1• sons who may otherwtff M rt .,.., * Ch•......i "--... CA ..a be Interested In the will 01 ° U-' • _.... Ol1U. OllU, Oll2.I estate. "' both. o1 Cremation ----:C~N~S'"'1""72~1""'t""'2-1--I SONYA KtNGSlEY al<a 110 Broedway SONYA M KINGSlEY "_.· MMa Nottoe of A PETITION FOR PAO __ .. Sale of R••I Property BATE he• been hied b~ ... _ ... _•.·•-1.eo __ _ ., Privet• Sale -NORTHERN TRUST ,. CeMNo.A1146M In lhe Supenor Coul1 of lhe State of Calllomla, fot ll'le Counly ol Orange In the t.llner ot Iha E•· Illa of G•reld Lff Tripp, dace a MO Notice •~hereby !hat the .. Mii at Private Se . to Iha and bell blddar to cooll11oat10n OI Supenor Cout1, Of\ Of 8fter the 18fl_dey of """l 1 t9I a1 tne Olif>l L 73 °' luperiof Court of ~ County. '41 The OltYe, Otange, CA .. the •• -8rld In• "'"' °' Mid *•••d .. ..,. ot dedl and .. ..... -and"*'-.. .... r.a 80QIJ'9CI In adlllorl IO trlet of lllld d9C 1111 IJ In and IO .. :::r;. ":: ~~ "Affordable Alternative" Discount Casket, Cremation& BurJal Service Wiiiiam "Bill" Knaach, ag~ 81, born Jt.me 12, 1918· In Philadelphia, PA, died June 18, 1999 at Providence Medford MedlCal Cenlor, Medford. Oregon Biii was a Maror lor the Army Alr1orco in WWII He was a Mechanical EnQ1· neer for McDonald Douglas Co1porat1on. where he reltred aher 30 years or service. During his career he was Involved with the Apollo, Gemini. Salum. and Thor Space Pro1ocls 1n Huntington Beach. Cahlom1a. He was a big supporter ol the American Logion 'Mustangs" basebal1 team 1n Medford. Oregon. where he was alfeclionately known as grandpa Wolcott. He was a degreed master gardener and after his rot1remen1 he returned to school and recerved a degree 1n petroleum eng· neenng. He enjoyed trav· eling and he and his wife traveled all over the world both by sea and air To ·celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary he toot< his wh<ile lam1ly on a cruise to Alaska. Survivors. wile of 56 years. the lormer Helen 'Lu~ Storey of Medford Oregon. son. James Kavasch of Medford, Ore· goo. daughter, Jiii Wolcol of Medford. Oregon; brother Ralph Kavasdl ol Fremont California; sister. Irene Adams of Torrance. Callfom1a; three grand children. and one great· grandson Memonal service wdl be 3 30 p.m. Saturday. June 26, 1999 at the Honon Plaza's 'Elsie Buller Hair located at 1122 Spong S1ree1 In Medford. Oregon Olt1c1allng Reverend Bunny Oliver ol First United Melhod1sl Church of Medford. Memorial contributions may be made lo Amencan Legion Post 15. Baseban Team, 2330 North Paahc Highway, Medford, Of9900 97501 David T. Robinson Octobet 14, 1936 - June 17, 1999 David T Rob111son, a 25 ~ear residenl of Newport 3each. died Wednesday. June 17. at hrs residence liter a long illness. He was 52. In celobratt0n ol his Me, service will be held al 11 00 a.m Thursday, June 24, at Paaf1c Vtew Chapel n Newport Beach. Mr Robinson was bom to Paul and Edna Robinson n Los Angeles He gradu· ated from So Pasadena. San Manno High School and USC where he was a member of lhe Beta Theta Pl fraternity David toved l•la. his family and his lnends He 1s survived by his wile, Joyce (Barnes) Robinson. son. David T Robinson Jr of Newpon Beach, and brolher Paul Robinson, of Portland Ore goo In heu of flowers. please make donations to Hoag Memooal Hospital Cancer Center. HADLEY Wllli•m Pr•tt Hadley, 66, of Corona del Mar, died June 2.0. 1999 Mr. Hadley was an alumni ol use and a mem· ber of the Paclfte Anglers and the Balboa Bay Club 1n Southern Ca~loma and an honorary member of the Board of Governors of the Balboa Bay Club. He was also the president of Hadley Auto Transport a highly successful auto transport company head· quartered in Santa Ana. CA He loved to play mus1e and spend time on his boal 1n Ba1a He Is survrved by his wile, Joan Hadley; daugh· ler, Pam Bergey: sons, Rtck Hadley, (Renee) and Steve Hadley, grand dl!ldren, Bryan. Mochael and Sara Bergey Dominique and Jack Hadley tegc, of Newpon Ucach, p assed away o n aturday, June 19"' after a long illness. She wa born in McHenry, tulnois o n "icptember 9"', 1927. Mrs. Stegc came to Newpon In 1948 where she married John Stegc Sr of 127 Coral Avenue, BaJboa lsland. She worked for twenty years at Newpon Stationers Jn the purchasing dcpartrnent. Mr. & Mrs. Stcgc would have been married for fifty years on November 17"' . She is urvlved by her husband John Sr. and Ovc children: Sally Stcgc or Chico, RO$Cann Wherry of Costa Mesa, Lorne Stcgc of Turtle Rock, Marylynn Askin of ulsun, and John Jr. of Newport Beach he has seven gnndchildren. She ~ also the niece of lilille Cribbcn of Corona del Mar, and first cousin to Rose Marie of Costa Mcs;.i , 1tnd Andrea Jones of Balboa. A Memorial MaM wtu be held at Our Lady Queen of Aneiels o n Wcdnctd.ty, June 2j• at twelve noon . Hie '1111~1; ~« /lk1'te A-GOOD ADI Call -·g°'~~n.d =.a °"tlOI ~ Cl' t>tlV PllOl \lune 22. .... d VI c::.ilDr• S'!!!!t. ... -_..., .-. ..... .;::. • ... •t .• ~ t , 131 t"9 "'Tl1S tt~ U. L WI &ICY • ' ' ' 1 ' Flcdtlout Bu•lnet• Heme St.t.,,-,.nt TM foltowlng pel'IOl\i are doinQ bU41t'IM& .. PUlL~AN ENGINEER· ING. 282'1 Crown Valley Parllwey, Suite F LaglM'WI Ni guel, Cal/forn1a 92677-1-400 SJL. Inc., (Cahtorn1a). 282-41 Crown Valley Parkway, Suite F, Laguna N lguel. California 9~677-1•00 This t>ualneH Is con· ducted by a corporation The reg111rant com· menced to transact busl· ness under tho flcttllous name or names listed at>ove on 5·15·99 SJL. Inc , Stephen J Lutz. President lhls statement was hted with me Counry Clerk of Qfange County on 5·28·99 1999671M781 Loyd E. Wright 111, Esq Law Offices of Loyd E Wnght Ill A Protesslonal Corporation, 19200 Von Karman A'.lenue, Suite 870. Irvine. CA 92612 , Dally Plloe June 15. 22 • . 29, Julye. 1999 T559 Gt EQUAL HOUSING OPPORT\JNITY Alll ttal esllte mtltlsltt ht 1Mt ......... A'ftd ..... fff· tr1t felt Ht•lllt Act .. 1 .. .. 1111•"4 wllld Nles II lll•t•I t• .... ,,,.. • .. , '"'""" ll•tt•llt1 er fl1Crl111l11llt1 mt• U llCI, Ctllf. 1tlltlt1, .... 11.-k••· l11111lal ...... " 11111 .. tl Ofll ht, ti H lllHllH ,, lllllt .. , •tell "''" llct. ltm11JllM ti dJscnmlUllH " n11 ... ,,,,,, wlll •II t .. •llltlt '""' '"' •fmlll•· 1111111 tor r111 m•I• ••tu 11 ht •ltltllM tf lllt law. 0wr rsa•ers art hrtlly 111111111• tfttl tll ••• 111111 .... ,11... '" ,., .. .. ..,.,., 9f1 10111111• .... 9'111 .,,Wiiiy hall. ft Ctlll• , .. , ... •r1t11llallH, call HUD Tlll·ll'tt It 1 .... 4?H 5to ftf 1'1 WIUltltlH. DC 11t1 ,11111 call KUO II 4?1-3541 SOLOll ShowcHe Homes for Sale In ou1 Saturday Real Est.ie Supplement! Homes of the Week 01so1aY Ads Sta/1 al -'r..t $75' Oeacirll is T U8lday at SPM Operi House l..isllllgt S 151 o..c.r. ThurJdlY 5PM It P1ys to Advtr11se In th• Best Local Real Estate Section CALL TOOAYll LISA K. RIVERA 949-57~252 ANNE WILLEY 949-574-4249 • V.A. SO DOWN ·SO MOVE·IN FREE COUNSELING FREE List of HOMES HUIWA REPOS 1400-723-6857 VETERAN REAL ESTATE 'A • 1 W P1nortmlc vW of ocn CNllna bey end city ...... ., 2.Sba. flrnrm, fofmil din, pool $1 ,250,000 09EH SUH 1"'4 JUNE 20Tli 2t01 Setting Sun Oar1ene e AemaJc MMR-0909 SOUTR OF 'TitE HiGHWAY HEW TOWNHOMES 809 Begonia, $659,000 809.S Btgonla. SS34,900 Ocean Vlt#w Decll·Plans Avl~ .. ~ .. ~ VACANT VILLA·OCEAN Vl£W 48dlm 38alh, l>fW•tt pool ' tpt 3 pilvtle beachtl ollertd • 1 l .295,000 Juett' Kolar .A9'1'* 949-3711-55 78 lDORUaiDOPCO S4iih Of PCM 1795,000 Ctl lor PrlvMI ~Judy Kolat, lr'OlllrMN1Ml7t OCDcDU NEW LISTING OPEN SUN 12-4 332 Hall Or. Oceln VllWll On canyon, 1 blodt lo bMcf'I lmfTllCUlaate Co111ge 2br I 5ba, lrple. mocM In or bulld ,,... 1798000 i ... 15M070 19 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SALE HUNTINGTON BEACH Sffchtf E11a1 .. Go" Course Home 58r 4 58a l"'"'Y room is on 1 ~an1 gourmet krt Many custom upg11des S883 900 Wlflklemam Really 714-879-9610 22 HOUSESICONDOS FOR SALE IRVINE 3Bdrm 1.314Bath Cal L4tioo Aoenl. Lon 61 949·509·89~3 \Jrwerstty Parle IMne 26 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SAlE LAGUNA NtGUEL GORGEOUS CUSTO!o! Eltltt With panot&INC \118W, oH golf course. 3400 SF. VACANT $729.000 Aoent 949-212·0607 28 HOUSES/CONDOS FOR SALE UKE FOREST WATERFAONT W1Tii PVT DOCK SBr 3 SBa Ovef 3000 st. Hps ~~~--<M\ly $639.900 Doma IAlllnO, Agl Prudeobal 949-587 ·5336 1 3·=-1 PROBATE SALE WATERFRONT 2-STORY $450,000. AGENT ~llt'72H120 Bitboa Pl,illn HOmt Wltil View. 38r Oen, 4Ba lomlll dirt rm. new kll, nardWood tis Motiva18d Stllersll $625,000 ~ Ownm ~lMl75-7574 LEGANT HARBOR COVE 48r 38a, view ol Back Bay. loll flblary, hardWoo<l lloorS, guard gated community $899,000. Jack Slum, AO! 11'4·32-4-2.383 or 949•975-0488 Newport Harbor M1in Cll1nnel w/Boat [)oci( 3500 + gt IOI 2 Corwectlon Ovens G11g99nau Range, Sub Zero, lnlenor qualrty UOOrade Ltny E~. B~r 7t4-669·l 136 LIDO ISLE HOME 4Br 381. sp&c10US living nn. Master w/ loll. ~ hes gas cook10p, eiectl1C dOllble O'ttnl, budl-ils Orly $875.000 !Ml Gl\Jnd'f Realt011 9491675-6161 • •TliE SHOftES APTS• 1 & 28R TOWHHOMES Stafllng 1t $1095/mo. Curnnt vacants 1valL Month to Month leaM. We are • pet community. 6 blocks from btecft. IM~2611 1110 APTS I COSTAIESA *COSTA MESA'S BEST* Junior 1 bedroom and 1 bedroom. also 2 bedtoom 1 l>ath Quiet gated c:ommurity. pool, 1enrrs, easy acce$S lo lreeway. beach & malls. 71•·557-0075 NEWPORT ACROSS THE STREET 26r I 58a, gar, FP, no pets. $995/mo 1665 IM!le Ave , 15 949-720-9422 Ext 200 Ask tor Danell Motel ·coSTA MESA " MOTOR INN 1 ST Wk Speclal On All Rm• $134:00 Tax features 24-hrs lronl <Ink. 0 0 phOfm tree HBOIESPN/Dlsc+ toe cham. poothleattd iac Guest lal.fld Niily Fwys, 405 & SS l1lll1 away from OC F11rgrds College, shop ma~s. bchs. res1 A member ot Cald HOlevMotel 22n Harbor Blvd IM9·64s-4840 1'40--=1 CLOSING OUR STORE All custom nxturu, ca ... , P-standa, lhelvH. mannequins, elc. Must go by J/UM 27th. Fashion Island. ' MN4+5953 POOL CL.EANER «REEPY KR AUL Y STILL IN BOX NEVER USED $200 PAGER 1-118-588-7665 Prmljiou1 Balbol Bay trea. Yacht Club Membership . Asking price S1500. (negotlable) 626-793-5385 WOLf'F'TANNING BEDS TAN AT HOME BUY DIRECT ANO SAVEi COMMERCIAUHOME Ulllls from $199 00 Low MontNy Paymenl I I FREE ColOI Catalog 204 T=~ H:d 1-800-711-0158 -1 :._ ~J!~1 HW1tl"91on Htrbof, lg 3br, 2 r~11,,.,._.1 1t«y condo to ahart, cloM to bch. Pool, lnclry, 2br avtll -"!"I B!!"!U~Y!"'A~U~PtANO~!"!S!'!"I - S35(M50. 114-:ln-12f1 Antiques-Quality tunllure e •EAST SIOU • NPB 2br 2ba hou .. on the one piece or Whole houseMll 2br 1ba, dwnstairs. Witlf. Mlturt male haa room Casi\ paid 800-649-4922 =ng~~ ~2~ 1vlll, "M~/:.T~:700lrno. CAROUSEL HORSE W/ 259 16th place t8 BRASS STANO. ORIGINAL 2br 2tla. lrple pel I l WOOD PAST£L., APPROX. c;&,~00~:.~IO, 208_,...!,ARENTCA~~ 5"-Mt-760-0376. '""' .,.,,,,_ 1~1 -World WtrllRlckstlaW,plllll· 20432 Sll'lla Ana Ave ings. bronzes. tables. 611 l<in!O $975/MO ~ Remer * WEEKL y RENT AL OCEAN & Queen cllalr. matble. lvCKY Cenler 714-841-4203 VIEW 2nd lloor, 5IMps 8 i#IOQl8'1f8 bv Chagall. Mifo, people S 1 SOO'Pef week • 8IC fM9-SS 1·1105 deposit. 909-789·2904 or World ww • Rlcbtla1w, pan 1 132 APt81 .~909-68::;;;;;:=7=·!186=='======~ ings. tKonzes. !ables, 6ft l(ing • NEWPORT ll!ACff -I I & OUetrl chair, maible, lvCKY Unique 1br 2111., llvlng N>Om. ~ AINl'°=I ~1~1~· Miro kllCheneft. pool, cable & Ulla • • lnCI, pennt parttiQ, leue/nOW Co.ta Men unall otflc:• WANTED $120Mno ~15 ~ lo rtnt. s11111ln9 .. $150-$300 Incl all utlL ,..., ANTinUEs 1154 ~I OCC, nic. quiet loc. Lott of 3 BAUOA""'iSLlfG pwtdnp. m..s40-3Me Older St'• Furniture ~ 1110•1!1 p~~ .. .. •SW..·~·OflcafUP'fllilWN * Yeltly rental, ground floOf ' .. CASH PAID•• Lrg 2br 2ba Vp, wtd, front pallO frOR . """" Sf950mo 626-445-1978 week • • _,,._ __ ..._ 94H7S-.595 wk-ends Avl 7/1 INDUSTRIAL But HG OH R 8UY ESTATES SUPERIOR 2200 al. W/400 al •~friendly MMc:e ona. truck door $1450hno. .. PAY llOM FAS1111" ,. AQerll IMH42·9666 460 MUSICAL ' 476 EMPLOYMENT' INSTRUMENTS OPPTYS BABY GRANO PIANO 8etutltul Slack Fhsll. Ill lune $2650 714-527-0900 ( .. 0111) Driver 476 EMPLOYMENT OPPTYS 466 MERCHANDISE WANTED * HIRING YAN D'llVERS * TOP SSS/RECORDS! Jau R & B soU. Roclr. 11e so·s & 60's MIKE 949~5-7505 WANTED! OLD COINS! Silt Gold Sliver Franklin llW\l ster· kng Old watches & iewelry WESTCOAST COIH642-944t 470 SCHOOLS Immediate full tiplc opening for vanous accounts throughout OC and surroundtng areas Drive your own Cargo Van for ttu~ company delivering auto pan:s. $440.00 min. WeekJyl Dental Medical. Vision lns!Aw.Jlablc1 CaUToday!Ask for Rhonda 714-379-5206 nNSTRUCTION Phlebotomy Course Bo$ton Reed Co Cabf Reg #3901291 1·800-201-1141 PATIENT luTOR ·M1ttt•(Artthmetlc·C1lcutus)· Slatlst1cs<:hemlstry•Phystcs• ·ReadlnO-Test Prep (CBEST/ GRE/SA'Tl•SIU<ti Slulls JIM MAOIA 714-5•7-MATH UCI Extemlon University of California Irvine Enrich Your Child's Summer with Laughter, learning, Language & Leadership! . - 470 &CHOOLS /INSTRUCTION JAPANESE & AMERICAN YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAM July 12 -August 2, 1999 Give your middle and high school student (grades 7.11; ages 11·16) a summer adventure al OCI Extension this July. The Japanese and American Youth E.xch<lnge Program gives participants opportunities to make new fnends, learn a foreign language and participate In fun-filled social and recreational activities. Enroll in the full program, which includes lan9uage crasses and social activities, or lust the activities. Previous knowledge of 476 EMPLOYMENT OPPTYS •cust Svc Rep' Junior loll' proceuor 8llln9u1I apanl&h. Mac llttrt11. f'T • btnefllt. Downtown Lagun1 Betd't. Send RHUlllH lo Ar Rudy, PO Box 95, Laguni Beach,92652 8 DOG TRAINERS Pit 1 year ••P'IWll'Ce INChng g•oup.'pm~e obedlefa in Soulh 011n91 Country S10.S5Ctt'per hr I00-374-334' *DRIVER* Person.ii drive< .Jear ~ recw1. n. • •~. So COOllll) bll <Id fax elp & OMV 1epor to 714-648-0981 DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT $1.000 S9Hll' bonus fOf Etp Company 011v1m I 800·441 4394 Owner Ooerators • Ca" toll he< 1 888-66'7·3729 Sud Meyet T rvci\ Lines Relr1Q8rated Hauhng cal toil ltte 1.an-283-6393 Solo Dovers & ContraGIOIS (CAL'SCAH) f!n' polltlon Ol)e(I at Lt<iY GOii & T.,,,. al Fashion lsland IOI 1ew sales Excelenl nourtr plus comm1sst0n Co1111e1 Karan 888·215-5855 Full·tlme tor collectJOMn vesbgatlOll agency Mu5t llrtt P'lOf & ~er txpenance Fu resume to: 71~ Full-111'119 MCretary. Need c:ompu!.81 exp ITl$ won! Ouick· bOOkS Pio & good ptione skill FU rtSUIN: 71~. Child-cart PT am lpm, 1091VOllC petSOn liq tor wom-en·' f tne6S cenler 8ene6ts Apply In person 18030 476 EMPLOYMENT OPPTYS TALENT SCOUT l.Oclll e\ecu\l•e leaving ICl'Ml lookAng f()f r~ Sible motrvated individual' 10 run local otuc:e• 714·94o--06Q4 WATERFRONT BUSI ES~ In NPB ~ FT •ei:t11.1>- tionsl Mutltple lasl<s delai ~ 8 Ille pt10ne SySldlll MIC. exp ptel Please I' lb resume 10 949-645-8108 478 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Pie-. bt ·--thll the fiatlngt In ltli• categoty may 19qulre ye.a to cao • 900 ll\lmber tn w;i!dl It.. Is I chatge per mlnuta. 480 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ~oun&arl Vlll!y I r.lltlon open 11 Lady C & annis 111 fashlorl ========: Isl' Salaty • bonu$ & ~ Contact Kattri 888-2l~58SS PIH.M be wwy of out ot .,.. cornpanlle. Chlcll ~ scanner. Leaclng with the local 8clt.r trade publ1ca11on seeks BualnMt Bul'N\I bttOlt lndNiWal to sc:an dally mornog you Mfld any money or newspaptf Musi Ila'.!• lax ,.., f0t •rvic.s. Reid mactllne Call Sharon 11 end understand any 900-395-1400 En 138 contrlC1• btfott you * Oitict A salttan1 • sign. FT S7hv vanaty of duties tor smal constl\Jciion C°""*1V In LOCAL CANOY ROUTE Costa Mesa IM9·54H001 , 30 wnc1inQ machinl$ Eatn OWN I COiliPUffii? llPPfOll saoo a 11ay All tor Piii 11 lo worlt! Eam up to S30I< $9.995 cal 1-800-99&-VEt;D ' Japanese is not required. ma pet year PIT log on IO (CAL.SCAN) • For more lnf~ ..... ation www.lhbn.com AUse·§ Pre·eslat:v•snea ,,..,. Aeetu Code f1213 routes avallelle Ill 1115 a:ea • Full Program Fee: $450.00 • Activities Program Only Fee: S225.00 please call Kae S~r •l Pi11 1liM Eam S9ek 1n 1 V' ~~ ri- (949) &24-7664 Driver Wanted ~~:~~-~~'6.9::' !z.~~ L--------:-..... lllOlllllllOlllllllOlllllllOlllllllOlllllllOllll'."':"":=======~ S9.22 per hour plua noyrou11 com (CAL'SCANl mileage. 141l~11•7'E~1 I '14 wml Needed Mon ttlru Sun 2:451m to 5:45pm. Addt· tlooal wor\ may be avail· tble. 412 CREDIT SERVICES 2lklml 28iih condO. Vety r.c., 3 block 10 beach, tval lor S1700fmo .... Cal SW.. Coon. Agllnl. 71~ LOW.0 SWEDISH NURSES AID good local llf s, good ~ .... ir1 cook, drMnQ. plant care Call CMsn 94H4&-3735 Orin.rs ... LOADS OF OPPORTUNITY! Mutt have tr\ldt or Van, Uablllty lnsurenc:e with proof or paymenta. driv· en lic.iiH, toclal security cant, 1nd clean O.M.V. print out. GEIO OF DEBT! We can heleJ I AebUlll VtcUUIM S2999 & U9 Huge Selec:tlont Fowltaln Valley VICUUlll 6 lewlnQ 161-41 BroolCOOtsl S't f ounll ln Vtltey 114.ns-6822 ,,....,,. W81hlng Rool1. dtcU. 1>•tlo1, dodll, dlMwl'jil 9'C FIM "*"'* Aqua T ec:h ~ blClll .. ~In your ftOfftl" K..-ny ....,,..., --·-"".·-.. ..,~ ·• '··'.' ... ~--.~ '. • t . . -T4 ' lm.-00:1 Act now ORANGE COUNTY ••FAIR•• Http needed HHlng l' roplcal Plante FROM July 9ttl ·25th dally. SEE Tropical Treaauru et Bldg. 110, booth• 601-603 on July 7"' a Ith from 10.m • 2pm WE PAY WELL Exp'd &r lncxp'd Drivers, Teams. 6T O wnt r Optrators SWIFT TRANSPORTATION ·········~··········· Hiring Evnit Hosted By RAMIRO PEREZ: WEDNESDAY.J UNE 23 lPM or 5PM Ramada Inn 9125 Recreation Citdt Fountain Valley, CA ••••••••••••••••••••• We Ofiu: Great Wtckly Pay, j ob S1ab1hty, As.slgntd Equ1pmtnt. Home More Often, Rldtr Programs, Top of tht Linc Equipment COL Tniining Avallabltl Lust Purchast Avatlablcl Swift Pays Up To S Yan Few~ Orlwnl 148a;S95_.3S-+ ASk Fw la.WO°" Skp .... (t<lt mlr min 2l yn f'\catt bnna H 6 OMV pr\nlOUI) Accepting 1pplleatlon1 Mon to U\ru Fri from 8:00am to 4:00pm. PIM" bring 111 required lnfonnatlon. TIM" Of'lnge Cot.Inly Attn. Pal'/\ Beck1ft9Mm 2901 Gerry Ave. s.nta Ant, e. t27°' 714-54..a541 IOCM3MOIO ,., .. Stuffer/Inserter Wanted To tneen ~into the Loe A ..... TlmM ..... Ill IF Meded Set ....... to l:'°P'ft. and ""' l:ODlm to t :OOein. , ..... ,,.. "" ,., be .,, ...•... .... ,.t.ourOf ~ worll •"lo"tvtr la ~ ............... .. .__ or ClllltolM a.o. ......... ....., ..... C.-Hllp11 d ..... • SP' 11 • llon lwu Fri ..... to ...... ONLY. • OrCil c.uJs ONolidattd • PaymmtS l.NtTtd • lnltml RtductJ • ff""'1WtftJ' WPE#S '' rou IOl'1 urorun • TU49iday, June 22, 1999 • . . . TODAY'S CRoSSwoRD PUZZLE Uk 'II' lie/; t/oa. /!kt'te ' . A GOOD AD! 642-5678 40 Stringed in.trumenb 51 Pr.Mg maien.I 52 Custom 53 Plainl ctw.lllng 54 ::::.:m·· 56 AdOt Cooper 57 Moklng 58 Playing mami. 59 Turinoil 61 Colorado lnclen 62 Uttle kid 63Co. I 484 MONEY TO LEND/WANTED llGET OUT OF debt tl'lell Credit Coonstlllg Centers ol Amenca Slop collector calls Lower payments & Interest. Free debl consolkiatlon Non- pr oli t (Member NFCC) 1-877·936·2222 1011 "" (CAL•SCAN) FINnclal halp evall 111 type• of loan• no feet good Of bid credit 1 .. n.251·M41 To place an ad In Cla .. lft.cl CallM2-8878. ..... GOREN BRIDGE WITH OMAA SHARIF 6 TANNAH HIRSCH •'"' l>Wle ~ ...-.. w EVERY CARD TE~ A STORY Neither vulnerable. North dents. both pairs reached a contract of four spades on identical aucuons. Once North raised spades, South wasted no ume m gemna to game. NORTH • Q l09 7 • <::> AK6 o A8l • J 104 'WEST •2 Cl q 10 8 0 963 •K97532 EAST •653 <::>9432 o KJ 105 •A8 At the table where West led the nine of diamonds , South cqncludcd that the king Wl5 with East Declanr won the operuna lead with dummy's ace and drew trumps in three rounds before lead ing the queen• of clubs. Declarer was a tempo ahead, and the 1lurd club was set up for 1 heart dis- card before the top heans could be removed. When the kina of diamonds turned up in the East hand as expect· ed, declarer lost only two clubs and 1 diamond. SOUTH •AKJ84 <::> J7 5 0 Q74 •Q6. The bidding: NORTH EAST l• Pass SOlfTII WEST l• Pass Al lhe other table the lead WU a low diamond. Since it was quite plau- sible that the k.ina was with West, declarer could not afford to rise with the table's ace since that risked losina two incks in each minor. South played a low diamond. and East made; the most of lhe opponun.ity. 2• ~ Pass PIW Pass 4• Pus Opening lead: Nine of o Wh111 is 1he bes1 lead from lhree low cards in lhe sui1? Some years ago, 1op of no1hing was lhe accepted practice. However, leading the high cnrd could prove expensive later m the play, or might give away too much infonnation. West's choice on this hand was crucial. The deal is from a team m;nch, and ~defender shot up with the kin& of diamonds and shifted to 1ee and another club. West won with the king and returned a club for East to ruff away dummy's winner in the suit Although declarer overruffed, there was no way to avoid losing a hean trick for down one. 1690 POWER I • BOATS BOSTON WHALER 21 ft OUTRAGE '93 w/9-4 Yamaha lfl!Jlll 225HP. le$a lhln 200 his. t top S'MITI Slep & ladder, stem seat. blrt lank. lul cover. compess, VHF raclo l.or.W Flltl llfldef. 95 PaQfca 4·whl lr11ler, $28,500(obo Located 111 Nwprt Harbol 949-673-1 5 ti 1112 ~11us~1 TWIN HT 1.354 PERKINS MARINE ENGINES complete wfvelvel dl1ves trans Ind v dtives $1650 909~78-9340 21 FT DUFFY WANTED 94M33·14N .,DA MOOfUNG• Off 18th Stl'MC. NP8 Wl'CAJ. 2$, SISOOfOBO 94M7WIH. 35FT MOOfUNG moonng w/ 2611 Pielson salboal. wlltWI 1 block ol Ferry, Bii is $10.500( obo Cal Jtlf 949-473-5682 40FTSUP 621 Udo Pent Or. s 13 .per loot. wat«/electrici1Y. dodt t>ox. nit location 94!Hj1s-& 12a 50ft Newport Beech A Block MooMg With CAl.·25 sallboal wlsaUs Ind outboard. $12,500 Call Jan 94M75.otlt 1693 AVSffAAILERS I Mlfc.del HO SL ·17 wt11eltln IMINf .,. only 11 k ml. Ab1ol0tely ne1~. Muat ... to beltwl Orlglnal ~ $35,000 Shown bv awl Sat & SW! 949-759-8441 BMW '111 Convtnlble '11 73k ml, CUSIOm ~ $500 cloWn. usome $8950 pnvatt pilty MM734411 BMW 323'Conw1 'ii Blklblk, 5 Id, AC. moonrool. pwr Ilka (A 1M3t) S3S 995 LEXUl OF WESTMINSTER ~14)et2"6tol MW 5211111 Slkfbll(, IUIO, llhr, moonroof (WOS583) $34,995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)et2..Q06 ti ........ II"·~···~ t ,: .... ' ... ~~l CAOUAC•VLU • FORD 1111 CONVIMION La ................ YAN ... VI ~II dllnll21«112llt5• -..... _ ---....... OUl111~11 C.-.C r-'"'"• ~ .... ,. ,._ • "......,. elc. ~ Mldowl 2 MnlO 1ft'lm1-n:..,_.ammr1nllytteml TV, NlnllndO. ~ cADILLAC PUllWWW 'A roo1. 11cy ~ ""10. pkg, llouglllm. low ml, rear wN 2a low mlls, l2S~ dltYe (71~~-949-t73 1511 (114)14M100 fORO F 150 XLT 'M -.C ... ADILLAC-.......,...,IMU__,.....,_'i""t-• I' bM, **• ~. tJlt. CC, lttf Low ml !M. lllw, a1oys & mo.el =.,t•~':'.:.;:::.r.m ,in:: (814794) $28.1181 Avelt. IA27IOI MM42'22t2 cni:=:~oo FiSlffS VAN 1150 iliJ clOIWC IMLt sft ... ~~: ~o~~~-~ Low ml. 290 H.P No111\slar, S 1500 00 Ct11 714-632·0338 co. alloys (aoo.51) $24.988 NABER& GEO PRIZM 'te (714)640-1100 (005704) $9,995 CXOILllC llVilE 'ii COHN£LL CH£VROlET Low ml, VII Nor1hatar, bal. of 71._546-1200 Wll'f,llloyl (828445) $23,988 NABERS HONDA ACCORD EX 't8 {114)540-t100 4 ct, IUlO, NC, rnoonrool, 11- CADIUlC sft 19i5. toys, cd loee35001 $13,995 4-Qf Pull wt111, 41.31c ml, LEXUS Of WfSt'MMTER sunroof, mint condition ytt)IW-4CIOI $22,000. 949-768-8026 HC5N6X '""' r93 CARS FROM $5001 s.,.c1a1 Edition Ol1gton11 Pollet lrnpoundt 1t1d tu ownet, like ,,_, 22k ~ r.poe. For titelnot call now. • 949-673-5099 * I00-31WS2t 12726 ctllWOiC 8taur f8hOe frk Jegllflf XJS Con¥1111bll 't2 (123357) $12.995 47k ml, ~ Ill. chrome CONNELL CHEVY wtleela. $2000 doWn, usumt (714)546-1200 Sll ,000 Pe 94H73-0411 c;;ev;Ollt aim LS •iS 414 Jegu• XJS vu CONVT 'i4 '3f,91$ ~71 4dr, bllck. toeded, NC, lK BAUER JAGUAR clown asstrne $13,000 pt!\'11e 71 .. tu...00 Plll1Y 94H73.o411. ChtWOlliC11111roconm ·9' Jig"" XJSV12 Coupe ... ( t 9830el $ l 2,995 Wtit~an leather ir.erior, xtnt CONNELL OHEVY condition. luly IOa<led. $5500 (714)5•1200 obo. Moving out ol country must sell 849-584·6472 CHEVROLET' s1o PICikup '96 Jegllflf XJS 2 + 2 coRVf ·11 (2029~ s10.69S sst,ttS eMm (7~~)5El.'f_~~00VY BAUER JAGUAR 714-953-4800 CRE9AolET's1o PICkup '94 J1guer XJS •os (23m O) $8,495 _,.,_...,, ..,... CONNELL CHEVY 6 "''""'"" converti ..... rare. (11•15•1200 t~ black, ~k• new, $34,500 * CHRYSLER LE BARON Jegu• iCJU sedli'l IM , .... 4-dr, power, air, real sz•.ees 14-4394 94H5o.511S ctMn, new smog ctltillcate BAUER JAGUAR s1100.ot>o 949-n:J.1504 71._953..c800 CHRYSLER NEON 't7 JAGUAR XJi L SEDAN ·97 (204931) $9.795 S39,995 t7-43S2 CONNELL CHEVY BAUER JAGUAR (7U)S'6-1200 71 .. 153-4800 Chrylilf Town •Country 'M Jaguar XJ6 SEDAN 'i7 • cyt, Mini Ven lolld.cl sms. m,915 97-4441 Hllt>ot Auto ' ~ A~L BAUER JAGUAR '2'2036 MM42-2262 71H53-4IOO bOOGE GRANO CARAVAN Jeguw iOi s.d1r1 •t7 ES 'II U lltw, red, pmn CO, MO,tt5 t7-4312 lntergreted chlld°1 Miii. BAUER JAGUAR • Alatm, 20K ml, S23,000. Leoo 71 .. 953..clOO Boy LlcenM. MMOM026 bOCi9t Q(.w can.van LI ,91 Jeguw XJI Sed1r1 'te ... It co It $35,915 tM4M .... eng. • wl1 •Ind 9,.Y BAUER JAGUAR COl'llbo, $11,900. 71._tsMIOO ~IS~~o ~:=:r"· JAGUAR XJii SEDAN '97 ooa .... 1500 Ram •97 S39,tt5 97-4397 ,,... BAUER JAGUAR Ext cab, 4wd, lolded, 18k ni. 71 .. ~ 10 else CID changer, abs bfelM, S25.5K 949-5~9608 Jagu.r XJi SEDAN 197 Ford X'i)h r15 '37,995 t7-4460 Auto, NC, Um"", 5511 mil.. BAUER JAGUAR .... 714-953-4800 ssoo down aHume s..eso JAGUAR 1m xJ• Sabot 11MC11 work, w/Nll, elde botrd, rudder, Jotin1on outboard Slip with gH tank $500lobo 849 .. 75-6213 CheVy Trena-Van '13 Mini MolOthome.~sleeps lour, relrig, lumace. stove. V8, $2000 949-646-5777 private pll1y MM73.o411. SEDAN •o CAO DEVILLE 'It FORD ESCORT LX '94 $21,895 M-4391 4 OR, lthf, power, 1 ownw, 2 cir. tic, cass, 5 spd, low BAUER JAGUAR 12+1 AVON lnflltable boat with tlOOf board1,94~~wi $900. 1-~I 1892 ILl'llDOCKS I Mlf'cede• •20 YL '" 1 lllOOAIMGS worvllan leather Int. ~ml, "" <••dllloo, SO FT SUP IN BEST AREA OF poeltlvely 1Mtlculou1 both THE BA y c.. lor details lnllde l out! original ownlf, CANNERY RENTALS $14,000 shown l7f appt Sal & MM75-4606 Sun 94!H59'-8447 auper er.an, $5250. nVles.(1231Mn) $5,494 71._953-4800 94'"'7WOM Coata Mna Uncoln Mercury CAbilUC ClftRl 'ii 714-540-5130 JEEP CHEROKEE Limited to Lo 1~ ml, wt»W, tan llhr, co, FORD EXPLORER '96 Whttall.n, llhr, • x •. aJIQVS. ((000849) 124 988 4WD, Edclle Beuer, Moonroof, 4.0 II eng, loldedl $1895. ,..;._ ~ c.dlllec: Loadedl (tA17201) $19,996 H11t>or Auto• finance Avail 71"'404100 Coata Mela Uncoln Metcllfy '203737 94M42·2262 ... c ... l..,bl ... LUC ...... ..,CONCrrr ...... OOR""""'s ... •rr15""' 71 .. 540-6630 JEEP &ind CtllfollM '95 V·8 NollhsW, lo mllea, IVW. 11-Comroni.nt V·8. 4WO, LOw ~. latedo. loys & more'(2&4117) $18,988 OIHltned Rad (161te77l $15,995 Nabef1 OlftmoblJe c.dlllec Ma ... Ta Cotta Meta Uncoln MlfCUfY 71w.eN100 71"'5404830 .. I HoitE, HEALTH AMJ ~ ....... CEILING DESIGN ACOUSTIC REMOVAL KNOCKDOWN TEXTURE APPLIED. 714.ClG-3315 F~THIHG INTERIORS Klldlen'Ba1tVAemodel l\oom AdOlborlS Vlst/MC l~5 949-645-9325 REBUilb OR REMODEL Hornes oi Offrces • OUahty Cons11ueuon • Reasonably Pnoed • Local Company •636318 • Sleph&nson & Assoolatte C111 94M-«·5415 I• BATHROOMI ,. f1()MEFLAIR BatM<lt r1- lln slllnglr1glazlng Slnkt, ceuntars, show111. 1111, r.aer,asa repa11 949·645-7723 286 CLEANING /MAINTENANCE VICKY'S CLEANING We offer THE BEST House end WW'dow CleMrnQ 10 yars expenence, mt refsl VICKY'S 71~95 IR1SH CLEANING LADY. AVAILABLE CALL ANNETTE • 714-434·1905 • 1210 ~1 BRICK BLOCK STONE TILE COflC(ete, Patro, Driveway. Fln1place, BBO's. Ref's 25yrs exp .• Tarry 557-759-1 ANDERSON Conetructlon Large Of Small Jotls, lns'd U S440725. Local CdM Est 1928 714-273-4n3 JOHN DORAN MASONRY Br1ck•Slne•Concre1e•Lg/Sm Jbe41epeu okofree 151 & l<Mce Ll687191 631-3632 Venture Concrtte 6 MalOllly Btfck '81oc:k'Slona'WalcwlY$ Concrlle DrMtways & Rllater;I U 747441 714-96H492 BRICKWORK Small lobs and repair wotk Call 94M45-4762 Shopping f~ a now apartment'? daNlfled l•t• you compare co.ts • wl1bout h ... ,. ~ worryl 1274 ~I HIJSER FRff.NOLY11' Womait to wom1r1 compultf Instruction fl\ yovr home. locll ref1. 94Mso.3012 284 WITTHOEFT OR ALL All phasu/small/lg 10bS CLEAN! 20rs. flit. lrH est 1.140003() 714-839-144 7 1-9 •ML= DUNCAN ELECTRtC Loc.tlt'Oui:k l'aaponM ~ I SALE •SSMC •INITU. 20 yetrs .~ , Hltdwood. vtnyt, Clfwnlc U275870 94MS0-7042 PEROO, calpll MC, VIII UCENSto CONfRActOA L11oem 114-373-1589 No IOb IOo am.-Al MNiCel AePai.1, ~.1. -'~· new IYCI, tplS 941Hl4s.3&Se ----r-~··A·~~ tfr I . •' ,;. SHOPPING FOR A NEW APARTMENT? Cla11tned leta you compare COit• without haMlt-or worryl ............ ... ,.. ... ............. ·, .. : .. ··:"'~' I •• 5 ' : ' "i. . .:1 J 1'"l Good fObi ,..... ..... ............. .. ...., ......... ..,. In Cl ..... • ••••• -... ~,, .. -"•~·~-. ,,,,,. ..~ . . ~ . ' • t, -........ :·'.·'.: 1J., J ,..,~. . . \ ~ . . ' .. -·~ . . ..... 6-;,.; ·;t· .• ·.;..._..1. ·'-'-~ •• PUBLIC .NOTICE The Calif. PubllC· UIJlllles Gommlsslon REQUIRES that all ulfd hbusehold goods movers prfnt their P.U.C. Cal T number; Nmot Incl chauffers print their T.CR. number In .. advertis· merQ, " yoo havt II questtOn about the legllty of 11 mover, limo~r, cell; • P.ueuc es ~ .. 151 ~· 7·•-;;•,. ""' ·-:-°.I ~~ ... : ' .. crxotHIOO'ff LfV, moonrool. CO. ctvomt wt1ls (11131I01501 2) $25,495 TUSTIN LEXUS 71•~ wusHIOO 'ii LIIV, CO. d1rm wNa. mM, loW m. (1eoeS11600831 12.09~ TUSTIN LE)(US 71 .. 544...00 Ltltus ES aoo 'ii CllShrnett, lltlr, CO, mnll, 35k mi, (1802316755581) 124.495 TUSTIN 1.EXUS 714-544-4800 lfiOs ES 300 196 co. chfoma wheels, tthr (1n04/1347951 S23.995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 LExUS ES 300 1te cawi.e. l*Ot. ct11m whls, mnll, (176641142267) $23,495 TUSTIN LEXUS 71 .. 544-4800 Ltxus es 300 ... RWy, lthr, chrm ""* mnlf. (17682/136169) $23,495 TUSTIN LEXUS 71 .. 54-4-4800 LEXUS ES300 'te (158051) $21.995 LEXUS OF WESTMtNSTEfl (71•)192.-0C LEXUS ESiOO 'te (157119) $22,995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)1t2.Cto6 LEXUS ES soo 111 Sage, tthr. CO, ct11ome ~ (18080/030999) $30.495 TUSTIN LEXUS 714-544-4800 Lexus ES 300 ·97 Llhr, moonrool, CD, chrome whit (18132/002592) $28,995 TUSTIN LEXUS 714·544 ... 800 LEXUS GS 300 '96 Llh1, CO. trac11on. chrm wnls, mnrt, (17707/109230) $24,995 TUSTIN LEXUS 71 .. 544-4800 LEicus GS 300 'M Lthr. CO. chrome whls. moon-rool (17~120241) $28.295 TUSTIN LEXUS 7U-S«-4IOO LEXUS LSOiOO '93 (178040) $19995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (71 4)19Hto6 • LEXUS SC400 't5 (045902) $28.995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (71•)192-'906 LiNCOlH CONTINENTAL '117 =orv Lellhef Low mdes !•665718) $22 997 Cotta Mn• Lincoln Mercury 7 t 4-54().5830 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 'ti 8lac:k/Balga 11tv, 6,250 ml moonroof (73702) 12.7 998 Co1t1 Mell Lincoln Mercury 714-540.5630 LINCOLN Ml{k VIII '97 L1 Gold/Tan l1hr. Dhonel CO, chmMI ""* (687111) $23,997 Cotti Meu Uncoln Mercury 71 .. 540-5130 MAZOA PliOftGE 'to MINT, Ilk• new always ~· 78k 1111. 4dr. NC. • 35mpa, SSSOO COM prlvtt• petty l4M32.fCM1. Meicec11..aeni 420 SEL 'ff CLEAN Chlome whls Sllvt11 belgt sunrool $10 950 Pf> (949) 675-5965 Buy It. s.11 It. Flnd It. Cleeelft.cl. MERCOfiY MOUntaiMei 1ii Bladl/Grey flhr ,.iclenl ooncition (J03345) 12.098 Com *ti Uncoln Mercwy 71•54().5UO MERCURY iYITIQOE GS'ii 1 to choose trom Well-tqdp • Lo ml. ('64187ii~ $9,998 Co1t1 Mtta U~oln Mlfcuiy 71t-540-5130 UERCORV SABLE lS 'ff (602836) $8,995 CONNELL CHEVY (714)54&-1200 MERCURY VILUOER Ls 'ff 6 cyl, lttv, captalN chWt, g,.y, lo8dedl $9"5. Hwt>or Auto • ti~ Avall. • fJl545'5 94M42·2212 MERCURY YIU.AGER GS 'if l~ mies Excellent condllioll (IJ10464) $15.997 Cotti MHI Uncoln Mercury 71 .. 540.5'30 MITSUBlSii 3000 Gf SC ... Auto, aw ctvomes. alloys, moonrool (001385) 127,995 LEXUS OF Wf'STVIN$TER (71 •)192.ffOI NISSAN MAXiiliA GlE ·ii Lthr, btlgt met pmn IOI.Ind, co,..,io, IOed.dt s1s,HS. Hatbof Auto• nnance Av.IL 11~ MH42-2262 NISSAN SENTRA '18 M11S1 seAl In good cond. new engine, new lrll!S, sound sys, studenl trans $1900. 949-645--0735 NISSAN'240 SX 189 (043092) $6,995 CONNELL CHEVY (71•)756-1200 NISSAN 300ZJC COUPE '17 Auto, NC. T-bar, doys. SOK miles (207307) $7,999 LEXUS OF WESTMINS11TER 714-192.Cto6 OLDSMOBILE' CUTLASS '.96 Auto. air. cass. pwr pkg & more' 13615561 $10,995 LEXUS OF WESTMINSTER (714)192"908 olbSU081LE SllN>wne 1ii lo~. dull dool1 t#lr, CO ( 170677) $22.988 Naber$ Oldemoblll Cedllllc 71 .. 540-9100 RANGE ROVER 192 VI, All Power, CC, 1111, eterto cauettt, CO, 1unrf, moontf, • LOAOEOll Mint Cond, mull Su . $17,500/obo. IMM45"'°3S TOYOTA CAMRY LE '95 Beige moonroot. ch1oma wheels, CD (106977) $15.988 Nabers Oldemoblle Cldtllac 71 .. 540.-9100 TOYOTA CAMRY 'K (374752) $12.495 CONNELL CHEVY (714)546-1200 TOYOTA COROLLA WGN '82 (501537) $7,995 CONNELL CHEVY (7H )5•&-1200 Volktwagen Beetle '61 llMCl1~S950 94t.543075 vw Camper 77 • Yellow, tuns good. looks pooc!, am-Im cass 5tereo, linled, grea& tor summer ll'AlS1 Mii $3100 IMM75-2t14 . CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS Semi-retired cutter offers 25% OFF MateriaVLabor! 25 different oolora of denim1 & 10011 of other fabria! 35 yea.rs of qu.aliry work and rr.11l'r•rn•1n1hjp! Stripping, drywall repair Tutur1, p11nt touch·up Sma ll Jo t>1 ok . M(714)MM* TAlilZ•EW1 -~-tfJf j. ·~ iff .:. 2. : J .t 0 ·O ._t~~ 2r ---·.·~ f •-..=t-0 i "' -_· :. .,_c:--- ' ~ .. -D .1 I . t 1 -~o:a !'O! l ~ 1-r-_~5 ;iS • .__:r 4 •. 1 iJ . t"~ i;:-J. ....... ? if v ~r r! r '"':z:· l ~ tti , f i : ~ . . H: I · ~ 1 . ri: rf· r 1 = '[. •. 1 · S' 1 . t t-. ~ l1W ~t L . rt 'r=:s Jh rt!! J f .f . iF t . • .._ ... - [fr it l L _..-i._ & ,. .. . ... ·. rt If" &'· . r ~ A n .1,., [·fl Ji·f" ~.llt s~ .. . .' _ t~s ~I r .. :[_ ~.rjy:L. .~. _rr_ lf. ·.· .tl-tl-f ·J• ·-tr~· .. · ::I"" . .. a e:.r t · . . " ~ . i • ·. . f r~ ;1. l · -·t ; ·. ··.t'l t1lf r-L ·~~ ~ rtt f.1· ~ ---[·t 1 l-f ~ -r · riitrr~!:f i ~ l' 1 t1 1 r·_r_. &.· • ~i.t_•f ._ .. i "f: ~ · : · · :::::s ... • ~ 1 'T~ Jl~lts~! li_-r·[iii_~~[~i fJ 11 '"'.@ .1-,,.-~ t l . .. . _ . . i r 1 ~rr-,Q .l -c:,·· ·~·I :,/~ i~ -j.f ~_t_-,1· _ f.t L . , /,-.. _, • --~· • . -J ··:_ ... _ • ·L _-. • -----"" ....... t.:. .,.._. ""'"' 1---. .. l,._ . 8 . fr r .... i . " . ... -_, __ --· ·-·· -~.-~---~-~------~-=-....-.,-~"'---·---. -•.• -·. !19 ' :' .. ~ ~ !' ': -. ~· -·· < • -; :-• "I = = !t . r .~_ r ~ t! ft~:. Ltt i =rr 1:·1·f· ·.r l·t@~ ·-f ! Lfi:. i a. r ~. ~ 1-~-pa ..... L• 1£• 5 [I-· . t• ~ ~ --t ... t. I .5~ I"'!· l°' ! f I': IP! 't • ·; ii-fr~ .. ~I' ~ .. "' l;.~! J i l:_~ · : , ...... ,. i:::e~~L I OT I -rir-... , "II"W .. ··r r :--~ _·' {~ -. . S l• ..,. t .. I ... :; • :: . F •"e n :_J_~i~_--~~:· r· --~ . -[ . a::-ft~! .. ~_ f ~ f ·-L.; f ! !e t, .. n '~ rs ... ....... a f l • .. t f e • ' ... J{..·f /i~ '. ,~11 '/i \ .. • , -· . _ ' i ~ • t • t -. -4· " ' -. • . .. • I • -' ·-..~": cl!. ·'J,ii·}: "-'.~*<-' ' ~ L.E-._; .;_-. __ ··-'-~t_s., 1 r e Lf f. .. : I -' -Ir.. ~ ... ,_l ·r,..1'11 . <r, _-"-• • ~ --t .., ' • ! ,r ~ ;-\ 1. -' ~ •. -..... ..__ r -• • ..-, a . W"ll! ~IY4 • ,. j' .. ,'."<·~~ -' . '""'": -# 't ,., I ... ;-', , ,!;'\,• ' _, • • ' ,..., J, ~ .r..,_' J ·.'-,. --~-J/ .,_ • -~ ~ • - •• 4 .:-;:-;,' ,,c}t;,_, fi\~· ; ~r· ~1! \ . ~[ r ; .. ~ ~ l~~ r t~ ~· [ : "J r ~ ·" l !B&'i} 'J:::,tapLt.iL1 5 t!atfad. £Irie. ~ N!~Rl~~A(~ '~I COIOllil (OA\1 BAlB~t BEACON I.amt ....... _.. •1an-.n ""It. 14 Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Map of Newport Harbor, courtesy of Newport Harbor Area C hamber of Conuner~c