HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-29 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Oscar ·picks • are zn the bag T here's no bu:.iness like show business like no business 1 lwow so let:S get busy. Are you excited? I knew you would be. l(s I lollywood's night of nights. the 7fith Annual Academy Awards and. as insignificant as ever, the 8th a nnual Buffa Pie~ Oscar Pick!>. Do you know how many people will be watching tonight's show? PETER BUFFA One and a half billion. around the globe. That\ a lot. But as you'll read. you'll know what the oth N 1.49996 billion can only f.'lless at ... who's going home with a little nude gold guy. who won't. and why. Eben & Roeper my patoot. "F..T." ... go home. F.verything you need to know is right here. Don't thank me. II':. my job. Shall we7 The envelopes. please .... Let's do something different this year. Let's 'tart with Best Picture. That way you won't have to stay up late. The norrnnees for Bt!!>t Picture arc: 'The Lord of the Hings: n1e He1urr1 ofthc King": "Lost in l'ranslation ": "Master tind Commander: l'hc i:ar Side of the World"; "My<.tic 1!1vcr" and "Seabiscuit." Let ll' dispense with the uspt'nse. The winner ii.: "The I.on.I of the Hings: The Ile turn of the King" -even though I think there should be penalty point' for overly long titles. When is a film not a film? When it becomes a social phenomenon. that\ when. 111ink "Psycho." "Jaws ... "1 larry Potter ... It's happcnmg even a!> we speak with Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the 01fist" It opened last Wcdnei.day hu1 people on at least five continents have heew talking and arb'lling about it fo r momh ... Sa me thing with "flings." J.R. 1olkien's fantasy worlu of elves. dwarf~. troll~ and hobbit.. has kepi a few billion people turning page!'. ror years. aJld that translates to a lot of the at the nix See COMMENTS, Pase A4 INSIDE THE PILOT LMNG MEMORIES 53-year-old George Healey of Costa Mesa. who died earlier this month, used his hands to build a life full of family love. S..P99eA4 FORUM Executive Director of the Corona del Mar centennial committee, Peggy Fort, says the community is giving valuable feedback that will make the neighborhood's upcoming celebration spectacular. S..PegeA7 SUNDAY EDI T ION Serving th e Newport-Mesa con1n111niry since 1907 FEBRUARY 29, 2004 SUNDAY STORY The irque Life Not always easy, the drearn to becon1e part of traveling troupe is worth pursuing, say "Varekai" performers Performer s Olen a Durnyeva. top. and Olena Khomenko, both from Ukraine. practice before a show under the Cirque du Sole1I tent. rH( If!<., [iv Kl NT rm l'ftf,', I •• ' Coach Alexandre P1kh1enko. right, directs as three performers practice their routine before a show at Cirque du Sole1l's "Varekai" at the fairgrounds At left, from top to bottom, are Olena Durnyeva, Olena Khomenko and Mary1a Kanatnykova. Fellow performer Andrei Yakovlev. background, waits for ht<, turn Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot R urming away with the drcu~ i\n't what it u ... ed 111 bl'. 11»1111 LI'> trom a fa1111ly ol mv111~ pcrfom lt'r,. Bui the IUl'il or ll'LIVlflg bcl11111I .111 ordinary ltfc for th.it ul an ar11,111 <ind North ,\mcnl'a. 1lw 1•11 np,1111 t·mphl)'!> :10 'il'llUI'> to find rll'\\ 1.ll1·111 Imm other Cifl 11 ... c ... uann· lffHIJll'' .111d world l'ha111p11111..,h1p ro111pt•111111n' 111 tilt· right llt'll)ll1 -." 1.111•111 ... ,0111 ( Ollllll'll Jllll''I ..,,mJ. "I )ll'\' h,l\t' 111 fll' ,1\,1iJ.1hll' .mu h..i,·t· ,, -.i1u.1tm11 111hit·1h.11 1w111111' thl'lll 10 go 1111tlw111,1d \\'1• rlt'l'd proplt· 11ho .111· gornl ''"" lo11g ll'llll 111111111111111•111.., I a1 h n1·1' p1mh1111011 net·tl' ,11w11 Yl'.11 r11111r;w1 hut "11111' pl'ople haw ~,·,,rl..l·d for ll'> 't'vt'll or I() Vl'ar .. 111111..,top " 11r1matl, of pt•r lo1 ming 10 ,howo; a wet•k 111 a different d ty l'vt'ry couple m11n1h~. 'till h,1, an exotic ar 1wal for"' ')lllrl., likr h') m11.1,111·,, '>\1111 hronin·d 'w1111111111i.: and 1Hvi11g. Bla11r hanl '>aid. Cione are the day ... nl train car., packrd wtth elephants, hor'\e'> and bearded lat.lie,. of performer'-living in rickety I railer,, huddJing over a glowing campf'irt' al night. 'Ollll' "It\ ro11i.1n11t." 'It's romantic. You live a different lifestyle.' < lthl'r hop1·l11I' '1·1111 m v1dl'11t..ipC'd a11d1111111 .... Chantal Blanchard, hoping tn ratrh ,1 <;pokeswoman for "Varekai" 1·a..,1111g t1rrcrt111\ 1·~1· 1'hrc1· of I hl'lf tlt'\\lt''t .trt ""· < llt•11a t.:h11nwnk11. Oh·11.1 I >um) t'\ .1 .tntl Perfomicr!'. lor Cirl!Ut' du Soll'il. whose production "Va rekai" is in town until March 7. liw in corporate apartml'nl i-.. 111ey don't have to wa-;h down any livc!>tock and are JU~t :t!> likely to come l'rorn a national athl!'lil' C l1anlill B1.1m hard. 'pul..1·,woman tor "Vart'k.ai" 'ar<I of I raveling with ,, crrt ""· "Vou liw a different life:.tyle," Cirllm' du SoleiJ's performer' comt· from all over thl' globe -nu ..... ia, nut a gom.I ... 1ng111g \ 1111'1' nr nimhlc hotly are only two fa1 wr ... that enter into a dirertor'o; mind wh1·11 casting 11 part and hiring :.Oll1l'OIH' 111 go on the mud. l..ir)•U K.ui.11111 l..m .1, l\l'l1· 111111p1·t111g 11n till' lll..rai111.11111.1111111,111 ... 11111111 ,1rru~p11rt~ hd1111· h1•111g t ,1,1 111 "Vurekai·~ .. limlv "iko.11111g .1l'I. 1\nmp11rt'> r11111hillt'' de11w111' 1111111 gy11111;r,ti1·,, SPORTS Parades, pageantry, first pitches and near-perfect w eather highlighted Little League and NHBA baseball on opening day. S..PegeB1 < l1i11a. Wl',ll'nl l:uropc. South /\ml'rtl'.t "Pcr.,onah1ywi,e. 1111' i' a hie• th.11 ht ' See CIRQUE. Pa&e A4 TOP STORY Their experience was super Mark Mo rrissey a nd Ken Slosser got to see the Super Bow l like few could, thanks to a not-so-irreleva nt Newport Bea ch fami ly. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot Ken Slo~.,cr and Mark Morrissey had hccn to till' party of their lives. It was. after all. the . uper now I. But the imponan1 thin!{ was Slosser and Morrissey pnnied in Houston with the people who hnd all the right connectio ns: Paul SaJota, a former NFI. player and creator of Irrelevant Weck; his daughter Melanie Fitch; and her husband Ed Fitch. Slosser. a 40-year-old investment banker from Orange. bought rhe ticket from the F11che~ uuring a silent auction at a fundraiser for Pegac;us. a private school in l lunting10n Bench. Morrissey. who lives in I lun1ington Reach. hall egged him on to go to the fundrniser because hic; daughter attends thal school. Slosser initially bought the tickets for llimself and his business partner. who couldn't go because of a prior commitment. ~So he call" me three weeks before the Super Bo\vl and ask.s me If I want to go." said Morrb .... ey. wi rh 'a hig ~mill'. "/\nd I wa!. likc. 'Yeah!(('., the Super Howl!"' n1c pair spent the whole weekend with Salata and the Filches. who knew almost everyone at the event. from Ni:'I. Commissioner Paul Tagllahue down to the evt'nt organl1.crs. SloSl>er and Morrisst'y, who arc friends because 1heir daughters are pan of the same ..,wim team. !>aid they ended up gelling more than what thPy expected. "We were sitting at the 50-yard line with this fantastir view of the game," Slosser said. IL was their Orst-ever uper Bowl. ·111cy got their share of fun. excitement and a giant piece of scandaJ as well. "):.aw )Wht'nl Ja,011 l'imlll'rlakt• wen1 rip .and I ... aw it and I thought it w;" .ill,, lal..t• ;rr1," ~Jo....,cr ..aid "11 \,,1,11'1 1111til the nt'Xt d,1y th.11 I n·.1h1t•d it wa~ prt•tt re,11 .ind \t•r11111' .. S.1lat.1 h.ul plannC'cl ,1rll\ lllt'' 1hm11gho111 thr Wl'l'f-l'IHI. ,,,id Mom~"l'Y· "Wl· didn't get a nwnw111\ rl'''·" lw .,aid "We got aho111 1wo hou~ of ... lt•l'p a 111gh1 " Downtown I lt111'1on "'·'" hke fllll'. >,'1,lflt hloC'k p.1nh !'.Jo-, l'r c;aid. "We Wl'nt there cwry tll>(ht w11ho111 tail," he ~aid "l\nd tht' crowd got hiAAer and hi)U;ll't hy the d ay. Ilic last night Ihm• were ahout 170.000 1wopk par kc•d into those 10 hind .. , It S.• SUPER, Past A4 I ................................... --------------------~~·~-,-~~~~~~~-~~~--~-- 1. A2 Sunday, f ebludly :>9, 2004 Dally P1lol WEEK IN REVIEW NEWPORT BEACH Lawsuit to reverse El Toro initiative n!achcs settlement ·nlC Airport Wurkin~ (;roup anti other organization' t'i111ll' 111 a M:ttll'1111~111 i11 a legal hattlc• owr 1lw l'.ka1o.11rt' W vutc that pn.•ve111' thl· lc1r111('r El foro Marim• Nr llas<' from ht'l 11111i11g u c11111111c•rrl.t1 airport. 'l\~o 1111111· l.1w,ui1~ hy the· work.ing i::mup 0Vl'1 1•11vlru11111c111.1I <,t\Jdics or llll' \ill' l'llUld Ul' rt'\OIVl'd oL\ 4'oon al. 111•xt wn·k. • City 11ffina1, 1111gh1 want 10 drnngt' .. omt' of the t.tt111ll'lim" thJ t lll·ll•nninc when <1 (;n·enl1gh1 vo11· t mill'\ 111to play fur a nrw prt1ft'1 I ( ou11nl 111c111ber' will con1o.h.kr l l1.111gmg 1 lw gU1tld111l"o, l'Spedally 111 tc•11110., of how llll' n1y measure' ho1t·h' l'rft·c·t, 1111 traffic Hut change<> 10 ti w g111Jdi1w11o don't allect the word111J.t 111 tht• \'11lt'r approved mitiatiVl' •·nu· Nart11111111 Jrug J11tl akohul·rl'l'OVl'r)' grnup home 1111 thl' Halhoa Pt•11i110.,ul.1 J.tlll a verbal l..c.hmg fmm cot1111·1l ,1ml 10111mu11i1 y memhcr~. 11ll' t 11y coundl wiJI com.ider chru1>{ing lornl 1011i11g nill'l> to lPVl' them more r11111rnl 11v1•r gruup h<1111t°!'o. • Propu11t·111 .. of .1 c 0111111111111y n·111er for Ncwpon Coa .. 1 >:ot 1lwir wbh 1111 1\JcM:lay whc11 n11111u l 111t•111hi•ro., approved tht• 'itc• a11d rnncept for lht• center planned tor Nt'Wpun < '.(uc....,t Drive iUld S.1n J11.1q11111 I lilb Hm1d At the same tillll'. l1e1wc·vN. t m111rll rncmbt>r' 'iUll that tht· '11rn·11t $HI million pmj1·r1 w1ll l1.1\t' ICI h1: ,r,1ll'<l had. 111 1111•1•1 thl· i.:ro11p\ $7 11111111111 hu<lgct /11111 (''"'>I"""''' COSTA MESA County fair board reopen:-. swap meet hi<lding procc:-.:-. Gentll'ml'll, "11.trl yuur l11Jdi11g I Ill' Ora111::e Loun1y Fair Hoartl tlt·t·ukd IO rr open tht• hidd111)o( prr>t t'" lur 1111• lt':U•e Of lhl' hi~h l'llJ. Wt't'kl'llll 'tW;tp IOl'CI al I ht• fairg11111111k llll' pn·v11111 .. IOOlllJ>l'lilUlll ht•tw1•1•11 1'1•1 l'hil E11tl'rprN''· wh1d1 lfl'<llt•d thl' < >ra11~l' County Marlr.t•I l'l.1u• .11111 ha.., ht•1•11 running 11 1111 tlll' p;"t '.l!i y1·.1r,, .11111 Dclawart' Nonie. "'''' 11ixt•d lwt";111\1' 111 vari1111' d lMl{t'' .1nJ allt'HJl11111' • '1 lw Wl'\\\itlt• lllodt·vt'l11p111t•111 0Vl'"IJ.{hl ( Olllllll fll'(' I\ l'Xplorlll): 1111' r311Ke of l'Cllllllll\ll ,1lly ft'lL,ihlt• po~1hih111" 1w11''"'1)' lo 'l1otrlr. tht• l't111vc·r"o11 fr1111111uJuo.,1ri.1l 111 rN1drn1ial 11"' "11h11111 11·dt•\'t'l11pnw111 i11 th<• ,m-.1 '11111h of l'lth \tn•r•t .11111 Wt''I of M111111w1.11\\1• I :H'irrln· N 1•11•n11111 ENVIRONMENT Crystal Covl: c.:ollag.c~ closer 1.0 re modeling lll•,1111;111111111l c·1111.1g1•0., .1ml 11llll'1 1111prnv1•1111·11r.. IO< .ry,1,11 < .OVI' ~l,itc· l"ark will ll\·~111 111 ,, ll·w W\'t•lr. .... f111l11wm~ 1hc· ,1w.inh111~ 111 .111 ~II 11111111111 l"Ull'\tn11111111I111111,11 t to Nt•\v jlOrl lk ach lir111 M,•1111 lll11hlt·1' .111d E11gi111°t'f\ ( .rrn1p I 1cl 11w 'lall' lk par11111·111111 l'.trJ.., .11111111·1 r1·,11i1111 ~ra11tnl 1lw 1111\11,111, wl111h"1111· fir,I µha..,1· 111 .1 II\ o p.111 ll''l ur.1111111 pmJt'l I that will 111.11..t• lh' 011.1g<·, and otlll'r park allll'llllll'' ol\olllahh· for puhln 11\t'. • Or;111~t· ( rn 1111y h,I\ rpc t'IVl'd 1111• llt't t'\'41fY pt'l lllll' 111 fHOt t'\'tl With drc·dKillJ.t .11111 t li•.ir111~ Vl'Hl'lall1111 from ~11 I >11-w 1 ( 11•1•!.. 1>111 wnrl..t•r, Wl'H' 1101 l'x1w1·tt·1l 111 rt·,111111· 1lw dt·anng until aflt'r \lllrlll\ l'\Jll'l lt•tf lf110., Wt'l'k. lllt' rnunty 111 1>t·,1•111h1·r 11111knoo k ;m l'lll<'rg<'lll)' l'fll)t't I hit lt'olf Ill\' CrC't'k :irll'r Oood n111tml offinal' ..,.mJ ii wa .. OVC'l{rtlWTI ,11111 full or 'l'd iment, pullllll( a 11carhy <.l'w;11;1• 1n:.11mc111 plant at ri!.k or Ooodinl( in lwavy nun~. Enviro111m•111ah\t' h<1v1• protested 1he creek rlcnring. whil'h they said dl'l>tmyi. valuahle hahitnt for crulangered animals. Alicia Uo/1i11suT1 PUBLIC SAFETY Father. son duo savc!'- man in burning car <.u~lil Mt•\<J l'lrt• ( l11l'f 11111 I 111' and hi~ ~1m, Kl'llh, wt·111 lll'y11ml tlw call of duty 1:1'1 Wt't'k .ind ,,,w cl .111 unron!.ciow. man Imm .1 lt11111111g car in Albn Vil•jo. "11H' l'ar wa.., hurnlng d11w11 p11•11y ~oon and Wl' had 111 mak1· <111 "''t"•·"llll'lll with111 a 111atl1•1 111 ,t:u1111l>.," hill l:lh' \olld "Wt• cl1•1 11lc•tl In pull lhe man 0 111 of tht• 1 .11 itL<.ll'<tll of trying lo put uut t hl· 1111·." ·nw v1c1 im had o.,ufftowd ,t•wr1• facial i11j11rics. l11ey tlra~t·tl 111111 about 2'l ft'CI aw;1y from t..11 1h.11. hy tlw, ll rnl', wa., fully 1·n~11ll1•d 111 OJ ml'' Firl' trul i.., and 11<1ra11wtl11 ' arrivt'd '111111 ;md tool. cwt•r Imm tht• f.lllll'r \1111 tluu •I 110.,t.i Me~ ha' \!'I'll .m 11p\,,11tl Ir l'ntl 111 r11hht•r 1t•' wlm h h,1, 111111111111•d 111111 11&1, 'il'•ll ch1t· 111 p.111 IC\ .1 '''"l'' ol h111t•l 111hlit·11t',, 1111111' .. 1<111,tll' 'how. Or.lllKl' <.011111y \l1t·r1fl, 1h·p1tll•'' cau~ll tlw nwn wh11 tht•\' hl'l1l'Vt' w1•re n•o.,pon ... ihlt· 1111 1 h1 '"' ruhh1•111•' thal mTurrl'd 111 !alt' I l1·n•1nl11·r, lanuary a11d thl' fi1 'I p.111 of February. ai. wl·ll ·" 111l1Pr 111111•1' EDUCATION Groups kick off drivl' to build nlhlcth.: fa cililll.'"' Co~ta M1.._;1 too~ .1 li"1 'h'JI111 g1·1 1111i.: Its own athll'llt' o.,l,11h11111 .11111111'\\ 'iwimmlnK p1k1I Wllh .1 ~II Ir. ulf r~cption hy fu11d1.11w" l l111ro.,d.1} night. Costa !\h"a l11111t·d .111d (.11,1.1 Ml''<r Commun.Hy Athll'lit l 111111dJtmn. 1wo org-JJ1i:r.atio111o. that ar<' '-l'l'lini.: dona11011-; for the fanlilit·~. raisl'd lll'<trly $2,000 in their lir1o.t official l'Vt'nl. OrganlJRr.. hope it ~t·m·rated enough bun in lht' ci ty 10m.1kl'1woplt wnnl 10 help raist• money to build a Ill'\\/ PHOTO OF THE .WEEK 'VICTORY RUN' 111" one irna~e by ph11lol(r Jplll'r Mark L Du~un perfr•ctly tdl1o. the '>tory and how important chi' Cir Divi~ion II quarterfin;il 111a1ch wa' to lhl' Sea King-;. C:oron<i tld Mar\ Jeritt ·1 hayer, left, ni'hc" in to cd chrale with Dan ~lann h nn. riKlll , who ral~ci. hi' righl arm·" he cclchratl'!. afll'r ).Coring till' fir,l goal of Thur,day afll'rnoon\ gaml' again~I St. Frann.., al Corona Jl'I Mar I ligh School. < .dM wn11 I h1· H1t1ne. :1-2, and will play l'ho11,a11d Oah in a !.l'rn ili nal m;11ch that will detcrmirw who play' r111 1111' Cit· d 1arnpionship till<" -S1e11e Md :mnS.. 11lwt11 t•tl1111r MAl(l\I, IJUSllN/IJllllVl'll {ll MAkK r 1111~ llN UAll Y I'll I I Costa Mesa fire Chie f Jim Elhs. nght. and his 21-year-Old son Kevin, an emergency medical technician 1n Fullerton. 101ned forces to rescue a man from a burning car that was involved ma head-on colhs1on Monday. 1•lo.,1•"h1·11· 11111 1h1· 1111111111·" rdl'.l\t'd by 1111' ( 11 .. 1.1 i\lt''' 1'11lil 1' I ><•p.irt111t'nl 'how 1h.11 1h1•11• w1•11· 111111· rohht·nt>.., in l.1111i.1ry .111cl I/'" l.1r 111 h•l1111ai y I >w1.1ll. I •I I 111hl>1·11e., w1·r1· rl'pt>r!l'd 111 ,1001 . •1.1111 :100,1 .111d 1o 1111 :wo:1. '\\1111111111~ p1111l .1t ( 1)"11,1 i\11'"1 1 lii.:h !->rhool .111cl .111 .11hh•111 .. 1.1d11101 .11 1.,c.11111,1 I h~h :-.t h1111I • C )m,11.cn hro.11h .t,lt'I I )J y,t.1r ll'lt·v"11111 1•tw111 k Jil1•tl .c IJ"'u11 W1.·J111·,d,1y .1g.1111'1 th1· LOJ\I ( 11111111111111y ( ullt·gi· 1>1,1rit I rl.lim111g lh\• di"llfll I d11l 1111l l Otnply Wi th !.late l,1w whl'n tlll'y ,1~rt·c·d tn 'di KOCE-TV to 11\ l11ndrJ1"'11~ ""'K In J Wl'd11t•,t1,1y pit'" 11)11h'rl'llt:l'. DJy,tar\ .111ornn 'illtl 1hu1 th1· di,trirt .. 111111IJ haVl' n;111wd 111, dicnl. nul 1he KOCI· l·oundatu111. a., thl' h1gl11:st rl·,rm11s1hll' h1ddt•r 11w M1i1 ;i.,k.., a 111dgl' to nile 1h.1t tlll' l'UITClll !.ale 'houhJ ''"P .inti t h.11 n ar.-mr can gn .1llt'ad wilh its $L!i. I million otTcr. J\ltl111ugh ll(CKl:l \<.IW .111 Ult rl'<l\l', rt· .. 1dt'nt1> haw notl1111~ lo parnc <thout, uffiu.i.11-'i11d. I hl· numhl'f!. .m· wdl with i11 llll' ran~l' nl whal would ht· l'1111..,idcrt·d 1111r111al 111 ( .m la Ml•o.,;1, p11l11·t· -..1111. I J1•11w1 /11111m//1 • J\ team fro m tlw Nt•wpor1 I farhor I hgh School C:ul111ary J\rmJcmy have hecu traintn~ o:.1ml prt·parinH rvcry day (or a ">tatcwidc ... 1ud<•11l l'llrnpctitio11. 'pon.,.1red by tlle C,;1hforniJ He\tauranl t\.,<;odation. n1ey will havt' hO 111i11111e, to make' .i ....-ilacJ. main rour.e anJ dr,'l{'rl - without \L'llllg Jn llVl'll or any ek't.lricity 11'.ing only 1wo hut.1nr firl·d hurner., .1 hlowtorch a nd rood a11d t0ljll1Jlll1Clll tt\t'Y hrin~ to 1hc rompl'l1t io11. lhl' team wi ll make a warm ratatouille ..alad with h alsamic gla;tc, poached mus....cl~ and prawn., with liml' -.ufTro n ricl' anti cri.,py ha/~lnut tower. with d 1ornla1e malt Mmcc and creme frairhl'. Mr1r1st1 ()'Nr1i/ NOTABLE QUO TABLES ·"nw mr was b11mi11g t/11w11 'pn'lfY soon mu/ 11w Juul tu 11u1ke m1 (lSSl'SSllll'tlr u1i1/1i11 (l 111111 tl!r ofsn:o11rls. We tleddrd to fl"// //w 1111111 11111 of tllt' mr i11s1eali of rry111g IU put Ulll file jiff'." -Jlm FJlls. Costa Mei.;1 l'irl' chil'f. about he and hh. .. on Kevin pulling a man from fiery car dl(ldl'lll. "//'( lwn1 fl wry diffirnlt ,,,\Ill' / r/il/11't wlk w c111yo11t'. I nuull' <Ill! i1.,(.;s;,,,, '"' "'Y uw11 .... 111 thb m.w. I rrm't ge1 owr lite fact tlm< I don't uwn tl1is 11ro1ierry. tlte ho11rd tlrw~11·1 011111 this property 1<'.\ [!.1JWmm1•111 ln11rl." -Luis Pulido. Orangl' ( :1111n1y Fair llna1d dir1·rtur. 1111 the hoard\ dt·ci~ion tu '>l'l'k hi<h 011 tlw lrru.c for thl' fairground'>' swap 11\Cl'l. "/Jc>hris is alrl'<lrly < oming do11m tl1e Santa Ana lli ti(' r; we am .s. 'I' i r. It 111il/ lw d1•1)()siMI on rllt' IK·m Ii .. -Mike Pisani, actinH tlirec111r of< .cneral ServKes Dcpanmen1 , on the w1·ck\ lwavy rain!.. "Wit// oil 1/w 111ork flfr•I ( 11'1.-<111 /1111 into this mwie 11111/ 11// till' ridic11IP, I "'""'''" tn s11ppor1 the direclor for making ti// <111c•111111 10 diow ~1!11/el/1i1I}{ SU ta/HJU, .\'1 n.•<tricll'tl. W1uu lwuer d11y Iii< llllW Set> it t/1<1111\s/1 I Vl'tl 11esd11y?" -Tania Andrlene, a Nl'wporl HC'ach rt"'lident who wa-; amo11g tho't' "lhu 'ilW 1hc co111rover..,1.t l 11111\'it• ··n 1c ra ... ,ion o f lhl· (]m,t'' 1111 11' 11pcni11i.: day · 11w t/1>dsio11 was IHL<<•rl 1111 tlw helh'{ 1lu11 Iii<' m os< fl'S/JIJIL\i[1/p hiddpr /ll(lS Jfw 111w 1lim 1111111/d relflin 1/w licn1se for 1111'1/fc lm1mla1..Hi11x and edtut llifllUll /111'/}()SP.' for tlw clli:i'n.' 11[ < Jmngr < i111111y and 1m•s1•nl(> tlie tli(trict'.( ahilitv 10 llSP K< x:1: w t>tl11ci11P i<s 1t1u/111//s \Vp lu111(' nl all 111111•s so11gl11 10 m m11ly 11111/i t/1e law mul pre.1Pn'P K< X .,.. m m1 rt.<set for tire 111mrnr111ity ot lnrge." -George Brown. l.oao.,t Community College I Ji..,tricl Roa rd of ·1rustces president, on the decision 10 stick with a bid f11r lhc lV station from a local foundation. Daily A Pilot AJlc:ja Robinson Poh11cs, busu'OSs nnd onv1ronrnon1 roportor, (949) 764 4330 alicta robmsomu'llftuncs com Lule~ POSTMASTER Send addruss llhnnyos 10 fhe Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot, PO Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright No news stories, tllus1r1mons, od1lorial manor or advertisements heroin can be roproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL. 98, NO. &O THOMAS H. JOHNSON se.w McCt9nll Photo Editor, (949) 7644358 Pubh1her TONYOOOEAO Editor MARl(EY DAMELS Advertlting Man&ger LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director EOfTINO STAFF S.J.CaM Man&glng Editor, (9491 574 4233 s / Cllhn t11time•.com Dlftette Goulet City Editor, (949) 764-4324 danmte.goulot@latime..oom Rldwdl>uM SJ)Oftt Editor. (9'91 574-4223 rlch11rd.dunnf/Jtat/me..com MlleS...*M' Attlltant City Editor, (94915~286 mite.IWfJrlllOfl~latlmell.oom Lolt8Hlr1* FonJm Pf108 editor, eolumnl-. (9it9157U275 lolfra.hiHpfK IMl,,,_oom --·. $f8\1'8 mccr11nk1a 1.!tlmos com Joee J. Samoa Art Diredor t News Oeslc Chlrt (949) 57 ..... 224 JOM.NntosC<tlatfmos.oom News Edi9of'I Gina Ale•andor. Lon A.ndon1on, Daniel Hunt. Pttul Sa1towiu. Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAff o...,.~ Crime and courtt reporter, (949) 574-4226 deef».bharttth@l«lme&com June~ Newport 8eec::ti reporter. 1949) 574-4232 june.~@latimet.com o.lfMN9wfn.n Cotta Mela reporter, 19491574-4221 dtllrdrtl.~nPlalirTH111.com Mmm<>'Mel Education reporter, 1949) 57-M268 mllriu.onelt~laliffl# com Nows 8551Stant. (949) 574 4298 /u1s l)Ona wfal1ln0$ oom PHOTOGRAPHERS Mar1t C Dustin, Don Lnod'I, Kent Tmplow READERS HOTUNE (9491642 6086 Rocord you1 common1s about thu Oa1ly Pilot or news 11ps Addtess Our address '" 330 W Bay S1 . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Office hours ore Monday Frodoy. 8 30 o m Sp m c-tJons 11 ls rhe Ptlol's pohcy 10 promptly corroct all errors of 1ubs1anco Ploaso call 1949) 764 4324 FYI Tho Newport Beach/Costa Moso Dally Piiot (USPS· 144-800) tt publl1hed dolly. In Newport Beoch and Cotta Meta. tubacrlptlons a'e available only by 11ub1crlblng to Tho Times Orange County (800) 2S2·9141. In 8MIDI OUllldo of Newport Boach and Costa Mose. 1ubl!crlptlon1 to tho Dally Pilot 1ro 111111llable only by flrat class Mail for S30 per month. (Prfce1 Include all applicable state and looal ta11es I HOW TO REACH US Circulation fho Times Orange Coun1v 19001252·914\ ~ C1neifled (949) 642·!>678 Otep6ey (9491642-4371 Editorial tWwt 1949) 642-5680 St>ofUl (949)574-4223 tWwt F.11 19491 64&-4170 5t>ofUI F.11 (949) 650-0170 E-mel: dailyp/lo/<@latimes.com MelnOl&e ...... Office (949) 642-4321 Buttneu F.11 1949163 \·5902 Published by Times Community Nows, a division of the Los Angeles Ti mot. Gt\tneG co-.n .. «'!2004 Tlmes CN. All righlt re1ervod. WEATHER FORECAST Gray sides have cleared up. for now. and today should be bright and sunny. Expect clear skies with high temperatures in the low 60s to as high as 70 degrees. Tonight, clouds should roll 1n and lows will be in the 40-degree range. Light winds will be present throughout the day. A 40% chance of precipitation it forecasted for Monday. lnfonnation: www.nws.noas.gov BOATING FORECAST On the Inner watera, winds will be from the west from 10 to 20 knot•. Waves should be at 2 feet or lett and the swells will be 3 to 6 feet high from the weat. Wind's will die doWf1 to about 10 knots In the evening, but the weatem swell will rise to between 4 and 8 feet. Out farther, north'Mst winds t will be from 15 to 25 knots with combined seas of 7 to 9 feet during the day. At night, winds will be from 10 lo 20 knots end the waves will be from 2 to 4 feet on a 7-to 9-foot northwest swell. SURF The northwest swell will bac:k off a bit further today. Expect sizes on west·facing breaks to be in chest· to shoulder-high zone. South-facing spots will be less: Wllt9r queltty: : , www.surfrider.org TIDES Time 4:04a.m. 12:26p.m. 8p.m. 11:17 p.m. Heigflt 4.25 feet high 0.38 feet low 3.26 feet high 2.98 feet low WATER TEMPERATURE 58degreea ) Dally Ptlor WALKING WITH THE WAVES DOUGLAS /IMMI RMAN OAll V I'll 0 I A man walks along the beach near the Balboa Pier on the Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach 1ust before sunset. District on the right track teaching English Newport-Mesa's voluntary review by the state give high marks and gives educators ideas on improving their programs. assessment. monitoring and education of students who are learning to speak F.nglish. uwe knew that we were lel- ting kids fall through the cr..icks M•rlu O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -The school district is doing the right things to teach elementary stu- dents how to speal: English. ac- cording to a review team from the state. Following a week.long visit to school sites. the reviewers from the state board of education found that the districts pro- grams are where they should he for elementary English learn· ers. Secondary schools, the re- pon found. need more wort YOUR SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Adams K-5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa M esa Principal: Candy Cloud Main phone: (714) 424-7935 Attendance: (714) 424-4702 Andersen K-6 1900 Port Seabourne, Newport Beach Principal: M ary Manos M ain phone: (949) 515-6935 Califomia K·5 3232 California St .. Costa M esa Principal: Jane Holm M ain phone: (714) 424-7940 College Partl K-3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Principal: Pat Insley Mam phone: (714) 424-7960 Devis4-6 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa Principal: Cheryl Galloway Main phone: (714) 424-7930 Attendance: (714) 424-4762 Eastblutf K-6 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Principal: Charlene Metoyer Main phone: (949151!>-5920 Harbor View K·6 900 Goldenrod Ave .• Corona del Mar Principal: M ellissia Christensen Main phone: (949) 515-6940 KaiMf3-6 2130 Santa Ana Ave .• Costa Mesa Principal: Stacy Holmes Main phone: (949) 515-6950 Attendance: (949) 515-6852 t<illyt>roob K·5 bul are close to state goals. but dldn'r know where the "(Newport-Mesa Unified cracks were or who the kids School Distri.ct has) completed were," Black said. a lot of work at the elementary Vohmteering for the inspec- levet, •bilingual education con-· lions helped the district find suJtant Leroy Hamm. told ells-the children who need help trict leaders. "You just have a and figure out how to help small piece left, and we feel them learn, Supt. Rob Barbot your district will be a model for said. the state. u UThis is about; How do we do The district vol unteered four lhings better'?" he said. "Nor: years ago to be reviewed by tJ1e How do we get around it?" Comlle des Padres unir of lhe Through lhe review process. state board of education, said inspectors identify weaknesses Newport-Mesa board President in lhe school's language educa- Dana Black. The review focuses tion plans. Once lh.is team finds on lhe district's data-collection. that a di.strict is in full compU - 3155 Killybrooke lane. Costa Mesa Principal: Kathy $j'lnchez Main phone: (714) 424-7945 Lincoln K-6 3101 Pacific View Drive. Corona del Mar Principal: Barbara Rothman M ain phone: (949) 515-6955 Attendance: (949) 515-6808 Mariners K-6 2100 Mariners Dnve, Newport Beach Principal: Pam Coughlin M am phone: (949) 515-6960 Newport Coast K-6 6655 Ridge Park Road, Newport Coast Principal: Monique VanZeeBroeck Main phone: (949) 515-6975 Newport Elementary K-6 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach Principal: Denise Knutsen Mam phone: (949) 51 5-6965 tffwport Heights K-6 300 E. 15th St., Newport Beach Principal: Judith Chambers Main phone: (949) 515-6970 Attendance: (949) 515-6872 Paularino K-3 1060 Paularino Ave., Costa M esa Principal: John Sanders Main phone: (714) 424-7950 Attendance: (714) 424-4742 Pomona K-3 2061 Pomona Ave .. Costa Mesa Principal: Julie McCormid< Main phone: (949) 515-6980 R .. 4-6 601 Hamilton St.. Costa Mesa Principal: Ken Killian Main phone: (949) 51S.6905 THE DREAM BUSIN ESS By Dav~ Wo"g ( )11.-of 1he grl';tl plc.t.,Ufl'\ 1ha1 .1 rl'.il l'\lall' pmfo,\11m.il 1' pnvilq!l'd to l'.\~rt<:nlc "till' momt'nl v.ti.:n d1cnt' v.,111. 1n10 th-: homl' .::1.rdull} d1m.:n h) lhl'lr n-al l'\tJll' adv1,11r .111d lh•·~ 'd} ... Ahh' .. lllc) "'Jll. Jn1ur11I iur J tut. 'm1lmg . .inti ,,,~., .. Y.111 mean we ran affortl lh"T 1hcy lool. lhc •·ntm: homl· nv,·r and 'ay ... thl\ •~ lhc onl·~ TI1unk you:· In orckr 10 reach lhl\ mmrn:nl. -.cvcrnl rational ,,.-p, mu,1 l1N he lakcn. We nc,·d 10 k11C1w ho"' much the d1cnf\ 1.:111 < otnlor1 Jhl) afford 10 pay for 1hcir home W1.· r1<.·cd lo kno"' ho" mm h kmkr' di\'. willing 10 loan them J\1111 mm1 1mpor1an1. we 1w.:d 111 ,11 w11h lhl' cl1e11I-" a11d ll\lcn. Ion~ and carl'fully-findmg ou1 """' they like (righl down to 1hc 1r favorit<' l·olor~ and s1ylci.1. finding out how I hey live in rhcir home. finding our v.h:tl lhcy want their ocw home 10 prov1dl' Armed with 1h1;o. mfomiauon and a profound awan'nc" of~' hat " then available for ~tll'. a g<XJd real c.,1a1e profcs.~1onal c-an find rhe right hou.'le· Ulld ''°'a prcx:c-"' 1ha1 combines lhe careful 'C>r1tng of all the data s,lhc"~ 1aken 111 hy hslcnmg deepl y to hi~ or ti.:r cl ic11L~. 11 rational aprraisal of th<: si1ua1ion. and a heahhy da ... h of compassionate intuition. Nor an ea.~y ta.~k. bul il'i. what we ·gel paid for -and the happilll':o.' 1n our client'_.. rcaclion 10 the n ghr home 1s a large part of the payment 1 Fe1tturing A Live Tribute To For help with fu lfilling your dream~. call me al 949-SJ1-1200 or vis11 my websites 11 davcwong4.com or onefordroad.com. Daw Wong" has brm stiling homes in Nrwport Brath sinrr 1989 and iJ with Coast Nrwport PropmiNICo/JwtU Bnnlm. Frank Sinatra Every MorulAy tf T1111"4y 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cock1aill u~ty SerTice"u --·~dy EatataintM8t0 " J,, J,', • 11 •I I 1/ I <) t 1)) (I Iii -,, I I I ' ' • I , , , \ t , , ~ ~ , \ l , ~ am:e wirh '>late expl"CWl11111~. the dii.trict will undergo 1hc nonnal re\'icw prorc'' hy lhl' stall'. 'lhe part of the e4ua1in11 that needs work in Nt•wpon-Ml•sa. Hamm saitl, is the process of lransitioning nonna1ive s1lt:ak· crs into classes witJ' 1hc re~ular student population. lcachers in !hose clas.'>es need to do a llttll· extra work to help rhose :.111- dent.s go from being m mpl'lcnl in English to being pmfidenl enough to fully comprelwnd course material, he said. A review team will relum in May to see what chani<l"> lhe districr ha" made. 1 lamm said he cKpects the distrlcl will he in full compliance when lhc learn comes back in the fall. St1rtddy, f ebruory 29 2004 AJ SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! ~ ~-------~-50% OFF I st Session $15 VaJue Expires 03/05/04 ... ___________ ,,, Cail today to schedule your appoi11tment (949) 719-2896 2744 F.ast Coast Highway, #7 "second floor,. Corona dcl Mar, CA 92625 Dally Pilot PUB UC SAFETY LIVING MEMORIES POLICE FILES Willing to work with his hands COSTA MESA • Ntw., Awnu9: Forgery was reported In the 3100 blQdc tt 1:50 p.m. Wednesday. • Ar1'0n Boulewtd: An auto theft was reported In the 500 blodt at 2:40 p.m. Wednesday. DHpa Bhar•th Daily Pilot G eorl(C I lcaley wa\ tht• qul1He~cn11al mdn·.., 111a11. ... I h' loved to work wi1h his har11k I le t'njoycd racinl( car1o .irttl drivln)( around in 1rur ks. GEORGE PA TRICK HEALEY Age: 53 Hometown: Costa Mesa Born on: May 26, 1950 D~ on: Feb. 12, 2004 C•u .. of deeth: Lung cancer Survived by: Wife Susan; sons Michael and Patrick Healey; parents Doreen and Patrick Healey and granddaughter Mica Jane Healey • INtol Street Perry theft we• reported in the 2900 blodt at 5:4 l p.m. Wednesday. l k ncated, built and flxt'd 1lil11~' wtth l11s hare hand'i. It w.1, with little surpnse to .myum: 1n hi\ family that ht• d1o't' 111 work m the butld1ng Ill d II\ I ry S•ntlces: Were held Feb. 15, at SI. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church • NftM>r loul~ An auto theft was reported In 1he 2100 blodt et 5:21 p.m. Wedneaday. • N9wport 8oulewrd: A hit-and-run felony w.1 reported In the 2400 blodt at 5:46 p.m. Wednesday. • PlnectMll Drive: Party theft was reportod 111 the 2800 blodt st 7•44 p m. Wednesday C •t·or~t' was a 1h11tH:r1wration CoMa Mc.,a11. 1 lis grandfather wa' ont· of till' pioneer' to sl:'t1h· 111 1111~ ;ut>a . l'Vt'n hcfort' 11 ht·rnrne a city. Ct•orgl· wenl 10 :-it. l1,;1rhlru's Catholic School .111d lah·r graduated f111111 J...1a111'i.1 lligh School I It' allcndt><l Orange Loa't <.ullegl' l>rieOy. but deuJl'd 1h.11 Cl)lll')~t· and arndl'll\ld \\>\'fl' 11111 h1' l lip or tt'.I workt'tl his way up lht• rank\. Ill· learned ewry1h111~ Ill' knew from hi' dad Al S:i. he wa:. tlirt•etor of purdrnsing for a bU1hl111g n 11npany in lrvirll'. \;(•orgl' wui. loved am! n•sp1·1·11•tl hy hill collt·agul''· ( ieorgl' had .1 "'It 1 Oflll'r for rhildrcn. I Iii. fr wnd' rnllt'd him 1lw Pil•d P1pl'r lw1 a11'l' kut, followl'tl h11n 1•vt•rywh1•r1•. I k h1111g llU I Wllh lht• George Patnck Healey r haumg wtth them an lw .. garage. (;eorgc Wil' a true hlue Boy ~t·ou 1. I le wa!> i11 the Cub :-iroub. Hoy Seoul' and 1h1• • West 19\tl Stl'Mt: An individual was reportedly drunk rn public rn the 600 block at3:26p,m. Wednesday. ( 11•11rg1· dt'l uh-ti to follow ill h" f.11 lwr·, foohlt'P'· flt• ,1.111t·d lrurn ,l.rJl<:h amJ 1 h1fdn·11 111 till' m·1i;hh11rhood. l1rn11-: tlu•ir bikl'., or fll '>t I xplnrcr Seoul\. I le raced qu.1rtt•r 1111dg1•1,, ll[H'll·Wh1•1•I lrd ,., •. r.wc 1 ar ... 'rnn· ht• w:" 4 y1·ar' old. I It• had pl Pill y ol .utmrn·r' C'Vl'll .11 FOR THE RECORD /\ ll\1'111111 l;il '\'I VII I' 1111 )11.111111· I lihl" h ,rhl•ll11l1•d 111 lw lwld .11 :l 1>.111 1111 M111ul.1v .11 \t A111lrl'l'V\ l'1t·,hvt1·r1.111 ( l1u11 h .11 C.<KI \t Andn·\>\-\ 1111.111 N1•"" purl lk.11 It ~t" I r.1."'· .1 ll''1tl1·11t ol I 1111111.1 111'1 M.11 who livl·ll 111 OrJ11~1· <.011111v f111 Ill )'1'111,, d11·tl r111 I h11r,tJ.1y 11l 11.1tur.t1 l 'illl\I''· ... Ill' Wil' l!ll 1'.11' 1 ra."' '' 'Ill \'IVl'll h\ h1•1 h1"h.111d , lk1wd11 I.. A l·r·••"'; 'u'" l>r Uc:rwll1l ~ 1\ I r.1.1" Ir ~n111 I' l-ra.1•" .1ml 11'11 l"raa~' l't'ra. hru1 lw1 lame·' \\lum·l. .111<1 '1x gr.1111lt hlld11·n. 1'111' plat 1• ol t 111' '1·rv111• amt l'1•rtt\ 11a11lt' Wl'rl' tllt'lll l{'l't Ill '\at11nl.1y\ 1•tl1111111 CIRQUE Continued from A I 1l.11l11· .111tl tll roh.111r,, mal.m~ II 1w1 h-1 1 p11•11.1r<111011 for thl· h,111d,IJlll" ,111d l111111arl p\ 1.1111111, 1Jwy p1:dnr1111111 .1 ,1ip111•1y 'urfan· lor th1· ar1 11 11• w1111wu, all 1111111:11 LO'>. wa111·d !111 tilt' 1·all for thn•e V'""' .1111·1 fi r .. 1 audi1io11ing for L 11q111· d11 '>1111•11. At thl' 1i111l' .• 1 'I llUI t11lfl thl'l11 thC'y llC't'tlt•d lo work 111g1·th1·1 .mJ rna111rl' ,1 hlll\· 11111r1• lwh111• th1')' wuuld lw ll'olll} 1111 1h1· l'lllllflilll)' "I 1hu11ghl 11 \V,J, .1h1HJ'l Hlll ""'1hl1·, .. t...111at 11yk11v.1 -..11J ol w.1111ng tn >(!'I hm'll "II w." 1111ly .1 drt·.1111 ht·1.1l1,(' tt\ '" 1 h,1rd 111 11:1·1.1101> with C .irq11t· I" W111~11 1~ for tilt' n 1111pa11y 1111'.1111 l1·.1v111g h11t111'. 1111w111g to .111l'w1 1111111ry .1111111nprov111g 111\'lf hr11111·d I ngll'>h sk.tll' All \\I'll' 111,lljl' l'ol,ll'r, th1•y 'wllcf, \ .. 11h tlw ltdp ur otlll't p1·rr11mu•r, 011 th(' 111111, llll"I or Whllll I olfl' Ill lh1· '4lllll' ho,11 "If, wry ~11111.l to he un 1<1111." ~.111.1111ylmvt1 -..mJ. "Yoo ~1·1 111 "''' .1 1111 of ri11t''· II\ 1101 hnrm)(. l\\1,.rt• 111111111 11111· pl.111• Ht'fori· !1111111111.: ( ,IHllll') Wt' h.11lll0I ht•t•11 111 tl11• lh111t·d Statt•," llut 'onw tll'nph' haw .1 llJ11glwr 1i11w filling intn 1lw gl11h.1I v1llagl' that h 1111· drr11' "Yo11 111ll1t' 111111 thr' 11111!1:'11 w11h .tll tlww d1lll'rt'11I 11.1111111.1h111•,," lllandt.trd "1111 "I 1llwr pt'Oplt• 1 all .ul11p1 11·.1lly wl'll or h.1v1• ,1 111u.:h 11111t• \\llh 11 " llw I rio\ n•gi'rrwn ind11d1·, COMMENTS Continued from Al .111J .i httll-gold 011 thl' rnallllt• 11w 1111m1111'"' for Bt:<,t At tor 111 .1 "t•pp11rt111g Holt• ;111" lk111uo I k l loro. "21 {,rJm, ... /\lt•1 l\ahlw111, " 11le Co11kr". I 1111 ll11tib11h , "M)"llir ll1v~·r "; 1>111111111 ltoun11011, "In Amcrirn" .md Kl'11 Wa1a11ahl'. "111c l;11o1 SU111111.11 ' And 1h1• winner h;: Tim l111hl 1111~. "Myl'.llic lliwr." fhis wa~ a l1111gh one. Alec llaldwln made a chargl' a1 it with hi' performance in '"rbc ( :oolt·r ... but bcmg in 1hc uniformly d~pbetl "1 lw l .<tt in thl• I !al·· draAAt-'<I him down. 111e no minees for lies1 At In'"' In a Supponing llole are: neufr i'.cllwegger, "Cold Mounrain": Shohreh Aghda-;hl110. "11011,t• uf Send a11d Fog"; Marcia Cay llnrdcn, "Mystic Hiver"; l'a1ricia Oark...,on. "Pieces of April"; I fully 1 luntcr. "Thirteen." And the winner Is: the cute l'tirl with 1hc ';Dc,~dc.'n 9 Ucc?~4?? s (.' (' 71 ._I '? ( '1 ._t t , . . HERITAGE MEMORIAL SERVICES HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 714 842-2400 FD 1734 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MARTIN BROTHf:RS SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 949 44.>0905 UC. #CEB92 I LICENSED CEMETERY BROKER OSWALD MEMORIALS &: CASKETS WESTMINSTER, CA 7 14 898-0991 WHOLf.SALE FUNERAL MeRCHANDISE (ht t't' itHklH ttd< II( 111111'1.il fllt'llll''-"l'' II ' II 1, 111 q I "q I . ( I ll . , I 11 II 1.11, t 111111 . I . l h .1 II 111 ( l.1 h I t .. If) ,JHl\V' ;1 Wl't•k, '>ix hour ... 111 111.11 lllt'. 'lrt'll'hing .trld l'il;1le\ t'Xl'ffl\t'' Ill rclllrn. tlll'Y 1-!1'1 a p.iy1 h<'rl... frt'l' m11m 1n 111q111rall' J part11w111,, luml 111 tilt' 1 11111\\ "P'' alt· 1.lllll't'll t .1111-tl tilt' 1·111mw -arul .1 t h.1111 1· 111 'l'l' tht· world I h1• .1111"1' t'Jll 1·wr 1 W'I Wl'dl y 111\1\t'lt•., 11101",1~1·11 by ,1 phy,1111l1t·t•1pi't 0 11 \Ill' "Y1111'11• 1ak1•111·;ir1· 111, h111 al 1111' .,;11111• 111111' rt\ diflit 1th," lll,1lll h.1rt.I ,,11d "II\ """ .1111J .1 h.11f h11111 ,. p.:r 'how, 1(1 titlll'' ,1 Wt'l'k. ~Wiit' J)l'OpJ('. • 1f1t·r tJ1rt·1· 11101llh'i or "'1 111111111!,, n•,1lt11· 'II\ not lhl' hit• for 11w · I h,11 dm·"1'1 nw.1111h1·y w1111't l llllll' l>J1·I.. )11'1 th.11 llll'Y0ll' 11111 lt'.1dy." ( 111 .1 n 1hJ. r.11m 11111m111~ la .. 1 wt'd1.. I 'i e1rru' 1·111hw .. ia'1' tl1•1 uh•d tlwy wen· n•111.Jy 111 lry lhe 1111·11~ lilt• 11wy .,h11w1·tl 1111 1111·11 ,1,.111, .1l .1 ( .irquc 1111 ~11h•1I 1.1h•111 ,1111w .11 1-. ... 111011 1 .. 1.11111. tlll' fif'< 11111' k1111l I >anu·r ... at roh,1t,, 1111111ir111111"1' .1111l 111m1•1h,111' tonlo. lhl' <otage a111I 11111 1111 .1 'ho~ for J panel ol I 1rq1w tlu 'ioll•ll 111tlgt''· 1m l11cl111i; lh1e .. 1. h11p111g for llwir h1g hrt•Jlc.., 'Wi111wr' look ltonw "VJrt•ka1" •irkrt,. and C .I h .11111 ttw hope that tlwy 1nad1·" l;i,1111K hnpn•,"011. "I wa111t•tl 111 ..,,.,. wha1 I rnulJ dn en m1prt'" tht• n11w1I ancl 1111· 111dg1·' and wt what h,1ppt'll\: ~Id 1h11 d pl1lll' fit11,h1·r I .1111111111' I 11111d1• 111 hrll1·rto11. who did ..t hrt•,11. d,1111 rn~ roultnt'. A Vllklllillll' 111 th\' l'v1•111 will f1111ny nu1111" .1 l .1 ~h /l'llw1·gg1·r. Y11111 .111'1 he a gt·n11111l'. rl'r1tli1•tl I lollyw11111.l '111r without "11 " th.it d11\1Ve, 1•111wn,1uc ·,rnr qu.1l11y" lh.11 ltghh up tht'" 11•1·11 Y11111·11Jwr )>Ill 11 or you d1m'1, ,11111 i',(.'llw1·~1·r ha' •r bo.11load or 11 1'111 n111 'urt' h(•r lh1hy 1l1CWl'' 1 h.11.1c1er m "( old Mountain"" r1•,1lly worthy, hut 1111 111a11er Wlll'll !>Ill' i'> Oil lhl' \('rt'ell, "h1•\ a I m1·1· !l 111rn:1d11, IO'>:-..ing otlll·r e1rtor-. '"ide ll kl' so many prop:.. lly rhe w..iy. in .111other year, Shohrt'h Aghd.1,hloo, 1he will' and 11101hcr 111 "I luu'e of Sa11J and Fog" m1i;11 huvt· won. A~hdai.hluo t'> ,1 hlg Mar in Iran and is tunnmg. along with lkn Kingsley. 111 "Sand anti FOK." which il> an c:xcellenl but rc..1lly. rt>ally dcp~o;s111g mm. ·n1e nominee., for !lest Actor in a I .eadlng H11le ;ire: ludc I .aw. "Cold Mountain"; Ben Kingsky. "I louse of Sand and Fog"; Bill MumJ. "Los1 in Tmnslatiun"; Sean l'en.n. "M)"itiC Hivcr": lohnny Depp, "Plratr'l of the C.ari bbean." S..·sl Actor is 1hi,. year's toughest code 10 cmck. There is a laIJ::e, noisy 1enm WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AR.OAT Is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the informetion to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)~170;or by&-mailto dailypllot@latime•.com. SPECIAL EVENT Tt'9 ......... ......,, Neudcel MuMum wfH have an eJlChlbft for •Hoc*ed: The lure end lore of Sport Ashing; et the Gt'11nd S.lon from 10 1.m. to 5 p.m. toct.y. The muwum Is at 151 E. Coa-1 Hlghwey. Newport BMc::h. ' ~o b.1rk with 1<111·'1 111 <.irqtu.:\ l111111t• ha,1· in ~11>111n•al. Fr11111 1lwrt'. pnfumll'r' who r.11rh h1•1 t'Vl' >:ll 111111 .1 111.l''>l\ll' tl;1t.1h.1'l' uf po11·1111,1l .irll\I' lo rt•plJll' lllll'' \\hll II.I\(' lllfl\1•d 01111r tri ,.,.rr Ill'\\ ''"''" l\\11 llt'W ,)111\.,., ,in• p);111111•tl a rwrm.nll'lll 'how .11 thl' M< .~I< ,r.1ml 111 I.a' Vq~;" tlll'> "II llllH'r ,111d ,t loll II Ilg prudUl'lllJll lo 'lol(I Ill :wo:.. Blanrh;in.I said. C11rrt•111ly C:irqur ha., fiw i.how .. 1u11nn..: thrt•1· conline11t!'o a11d lour f>t'flllUllC'lll .,1J11w' Ill I .<L' Vt•l(d'i .11111 Orlando . II ht• gel., till' 1.tll to l(ll 1111 1 lw road with < .irqt1l' 111 om· ol tht1'>l' 'how..,,< ;oodl' \:mt. he'll hl' 11•;11ly with .. 01111· rl''>t'rv.1111111 "JI proh;ihly would ht• 11111glt," he .1lln111tt'<l "11111a1111 ol l"'"IJlt• 'acrilke for lhl'ir pa"i1111!'o. Somctlnw' II ha., 111 lw tlonl'." I 1av" 11111. J 1 'i Y'"" 11lu ln1111 ll1•tl1Jnd' who...i• .trro,111111 dt•lll1111'1rn1ion w11h Ill vc·ar uld I >1·vy11 A~mlar wml 1he 101111wt11io11, hkl•, 1h1• 1<.l1·,r 11f n11111111g .1way w11h llw 111t·11, 11" 111111lwr, B1•k1 I hit. h .1 l11tlt• lllllft' h1•,11.in1. "I"' mntlwr wo11ld11't W\llll h1111 to," '"l' ),;Jld, wv1ng hr.. 'h11uldl'r ii l11vi11g "l"t't')'I' "I would low 111 d11 II. I'd do ti 111 .1 111'.11 th1•a1 ," ht· '·"d th1•11 ).!l.111n·d ill hi' m111l11•r "11111 Id li.1v1• 111 fint,.h 'I hoot fi1 'I .. • MARISA O'NEIL t.01101 i. PC1111 <1llon She may he 1catl11>tJ t1t 19491 '>74 4268 or by e mail JI m1111s..i 0111!1/" lat1mes c;om 111111111g htt Bill M11rr.1v 111 "I"'' 111 liall,l.1111111 " a11d .1 q1111•11•r 1>111 l.11i,:1•1 tt'a11111111t111~1111 •w.111 1'1·1111 In .. 1~1,111. 111\it'r " lol11111y I h·pp Ill 'l'iratt•," who rl:mn' lw 11.1,t·d hi' l11l.1no1" .• 1lway' 11111./t·d 1 h.ir.11 ll'r 111 IJl ~ C..p.11rm\. 1111 l'lw ~111m·,· t..1•1th H11 h.1111, '' 111ak111g ,1 l,111• 1 h.11 g1•, h.1v1ng won llll' "' rt·1·11 J\1 t11r' ( .111ld award la't ~1111day 11111 11\ ltlll hllk tno l.111• ~Ollll' 111lt<' .1r1• l11hbyi11~ for M111 ray 111 ~1·1 till' nod hcrau'l' lw 111ay 11111 ~1·1 a11111hcr dianrc· ",11 hi' .1gt'." whil'h i'> 'iOllWthing I ll'.ltl)' \\ .1111 111 hear. coi1.,ilkri11~ lw\ l Y'""' younger than I am A11d till' wimwr i'>, Scan l'c·nn. ··Mr t1t: !liver." Penn '"ffn, miK)11ily in "My-;11r Rtv<>r." ,111d I lnllywood lnw~ to ... ee ac1M, ,trffc·r. My wife. inriclentally. '' hoyt.:0Hi11g this ratcgory hcrn11'e Hu~!<.l'll Crowe was n't n11111ina1ed. nwn again . ii ii wert' up to her. they'd carwrl 1hc whole show and just ru11 picl ures of Russell Crowt' to music for four hours .. The nominees for Jlc,1 D1rcc1or are: Pemando Mcirell<'s. "City of <;c1tl"; Pe1c·r Information; 1949) 673· 7863, http://www.nhnm.org. SAil.iNG CLASSES Seillnt Faednation offiln c1 ..... In boating safety and sailing yee,..round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640· 1678. Onnve County~ can bring their employees out to Newport Bead\ on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orenge Coast College. The sdlool of aalling and seamanship now offere a chance for groups to work with the on-board in11ructor on different sailing tec::hniq\Jits whlle they get advice on how to perform weU In business. No sailing experience necesury. One-day eta .... COit from s 100 to $125. (9491846-9412. that 1entl1·r .1~c I lis 8-yt•ar old granddaughter. Mu:a !J ilt'. was the love ufht'> lifl'. Georgl' wai. thl' f)l'rftoct granddad. I le took her IO tht' movie11. They rudc. lht>ir hike~ together. I le attend(•d all her school t'vents. I le even hat.I her siant'd on golf. Georgl' alway' l'n1oycd H game of goll. I le W•" ll rl'g11lar at the Co~1a Me'a l ounlry <Jub. Ml le taught Im hoy' manner'> on the ~utr l'our~l' that he learnt'd fro1no 111' clad. Pat." \aid h L' mother. Dort.>cn Healey. "lle'd !'oay. ·11\ like life -it's nol how for yuu hll it. it's how S1raight."' But Georgt• liVl'tl l11r hi~ family. "'wry1hi11g t•bl' wn1o l>o.!nmdary. I It' wa!> ext rt·mely a1tachl'tl 10 his part'nl'i. I le callt'd lhem twice a day -1111u· in tht' morning .ind mw1• .11 111gh1 I It'd simply call tu <"" 1hern how lhl'Y wen' tl11111g l.1·1>rgl' t11ol 1·;11 l· 11I h1' paren1:. through their bad <lays and sidmes~es. I le aJway~ had a i.rnile for them. A quirk joke or an anecdote. I le would tease them and give 1hcm a hartl time if1ha1'11 what it rook to rnake them laugh. 1;1·orgc grew up in a difforent Costa Mesa, in a tirn.: when it had more of a -;mall-town fl·el IO 11. And he truly enjoyed 1ha1. It wa~ purf'. unaduhera1ed fun. I It' wa~ outgoing. I le ~miled and 1.ilkcd Ill t.'Veryorw irresper1ivt' of rare. gender or Ma tu•;, rl1cy all l>howcd up at hi!> funt:rnl -in their fine clolhc:., their work cltJlhes, their ca:-..ual clorh e<;, Tht•y shed their icar~ ror l icorge and filled up 1he church with their prc:-cncc·. And that bore te:-..11mony w the kind of pero;on George wa.; -a man who wa'> loved and l'OlllllHle\ Ill be rheri.,ht'd hy 1h1><.,1' who Wl'rl' lud.y t'nough lo k.nuw hun. By winning the stlent auction rtem. Ken Slosser and Mark Momssey got an al~access Super Bowl expenence thanks to Newport's Melanie and Ed f rtch and Irrelevant Week creator Paul Salata. SUPER Continued from A I wa' .111lru'lllg. • '\alala aho g.1v1• tlw two fl"''' ll.l"l''• which g<11 ttwm 11110 pl.1y1•ro.,' lin111t hl''· parln•,. and pn·.,, u111f1·n·m l''• Morn,wy '·""· I hey rnt·1 player-.. fonnt'r pl;1y1•r-. a111.l hall 111 l.111\l'r' "I wouldn't 'a)' I wa' 'tar '1nu-k," ht· ..,,111J. "But ii w.111 1t•;ill y weal (II 1111'1'1 tl1t•111 Ill 'lll'h .1 l11111fon.1 hk t·11vir1111111t111 •· It\ h.11d 111 p111 .1 v.11!11· u111hc11. :-.l<"'l'f -...1111 "\\1· got ,1 vtlw of all th1· hd1111tl·ll11' \I I'll\'' ,11 lllJll .111d at t l'" to l'Vl'llh 1111ly ,1 ,l'f1·1:t gr1111p of pcoplt· g1•1." lw .. nul Salata ,;ml h1• h.111 rlt'w r hall la1 k.-.1111. "I hl' Lord ol 1111' lling!..: 1 lw lti-111rn 11l 1ltt· l-:1111-(", ~uli<1 < '11pp11ta, "IA1'it in lr<1ni'>latio11", 111•11•1 Weir. "/\1.i,tc1 .111d <.11111111.mih·r I h1· h1r '11111-of th1· \V11rld", <foll I .a..,1w11od. "My,111 ll1wr" 111 lollywood VOil''> 11 '> h1·.ir1. tlwy w11l 111Jkl' 01111\ day. I It• love .. thl·m, lhl')' lttVl' h1111 .111<1 ht· love., 1lw111 for l11v111g 111111. 1'111·11· "al'" a rowdy l h1•1•ring '<·c·1mn for ~olia ( .opp11ln. 1l.111gh1t·r 111 h anl'il'>, who did a fint• j11h pullin~ lite lt-ver-; and l'Jlling the <.hoi' for "J 1J,I in l'rJn!'ol,11i1111." 111 unly ll'.I Cnppolu only lhl' lhircl w11111t111 111 he r111111i11alt•cl for lk\t I >iri•nor, hu1 'he i'i 1hc fir.t Anwriurll woman ever 111 <11101her )'f'ilr, either of lhl'Ol 1·011ltl haw o;inick gultl. 11111 rhi~ year, the wimwr i': l't'h'I Jack.son. "l1lC l.ord ol llW ning.'l: rlw Return of the KinK." (~cc Bt'~t Piclurc: !..Cll•clion above, "11111vie11 a11 '>ocial phcnomf'n1111, 11m111ppahlc, fugcdaboudil.") We've !>lived lhe ea .... ic'I for laM. l11e nominees fo r Be'lt Aclrt'Sl> in a Lt'adin~ llole arc: Naomi Wall'\, *ll Grams": S.11m1n1ha Morton. "In Orenve Coast Coffege's school of sailing and seamanship will offer a noncredit beginning sailing class from 9:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. today and Maren 7, 14 and 21 at OCC's Salling Center in Newport Beach. The cost Is $109. Information: (9491845-9412. Of'9n9e Cont College'• school of selling and seamanship will offer a beginning sailors clau from 9:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. today and March 6 at OCC's Sailing Center in Newport Beach. The cost Is $325. Information: (949) 645-9412. Or-. Coast Colege'a school of selling and seamanahlp wlll offer a besk: c:Niting ct.as from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. todey and M•rch 7. 14, 21 end 28 at OCC's anyorw othl'r than family or Ir il'nd' arc11nipa11y him 10 tJw :-iuper Howl. urllll now. "B111 1he~ guy., were a lo& uf fun 111 hang oul with,'. he said. .. nw~ w1•re ganw for anything. llwy Wl'll' happy to he led and didu't haw HllY agl'llUa of lht!ir llWll." Ho1h :,Jo"er .11111 Mnrri'-'><'Y 'aitl 1lwy h·lt l11t ~y 111 get 'urh guida11n•. "W1· got .1 lot llHlrl' 1h;.111 WI:' paid for," Sl1111M·r ... aid. "You can'& p111 a dollar ;1111m1111 on thal l"Xf)l'l ll'llll'" • DEEPA BHARATH covers pul>hr s:ifety anil couns She may be reo:1dletl at 1949) !174 4226 or by deepo;J.bhdfdlll n l1t11mei..com Arm·nra'', llmrli:t.t· f'ht·ron. .. M1111,11•1 ", IJi;uw K1·al011, "~111111•thi11~\ ( .otlit ( ;ivl.'": Kt'i,h.i I ,1.,tle· I h1ghe\, "Whale H11kr." 1111., unt• 1o; fini.,hc·d. kaput. 11v1•r and our. 'iltt.:k a fork 111 11. 11\ tlonc. Arni 1lw win11N " <llarlilA-rtwmn, "Mon,lt•r .. 01 only d1J f h1·run hluw till' tluor11 off w11h h1•1 portrayal ol '''rial murderer /\1lcc·11 Wuorno't. ... 111· Jul ii i11 a way that I lollywuotl really. rl'ally likl·o;. Sill' allowt•d 1h1· rnakl'·Up people 111 111111 lwr frorn om· of the world\ lllll'>I lwau1cous bt'autie' 1n10 an u~ly, .. rary, grirny low-life. with really had teeth l'hl'mn\ tran,formation talc.es Niculc Kidman·~ 110\e in "Tht' I lour"· and douhll'' ii. There you have ii. Now you know all Ult're ii. 10 know. You're tlw he.,t. t.lon'1 ever change. let's (.f(I lunch. hav(' y1>ur people call my pcopll', and n•memhcr, never work with kid!. or ;u1imals. I ){Olla gu. •PETER BUFfA 1s a former Costa Mesa mayor Has column runs Sundays. He may oo reached by e·ma1I al prrb4 n sol.com. Sailing Center in Newport Beach. The cost is $415. Information: (949) 645-9412. Orenge Coaet Cohge's school of .. mng and seamanship will offer a Intermediate coastal navlga1ion cteu from 7 to 10 p.m. Maret\ 2,9, 16, 23 and 30 at OCC't Sailing Center In Newport Beach. The cost is $105. lnfonnetlon: · 1949)845-9412. . The 1812 Amettcan PnwtMr • Schooner Lyruc Is offefing • • educational programs for fifth arJ. eighth grade students based on : state ltendards. The lynx oper .. from the Scout Seebae. at 1931 w. Coast Highway, Newport Beech. : Information: (949) 723-7814, • h«p;/fwww.detefwof • frwedom.org. --Daily Pilot !:llinday, I ebruary 29, 41004 AS CHECK IT OUT Armchair history for political junkies I n 1961. Lhe publicaLion of "The Making of the President" by Theodore White, Lhen a poHlical reporter for ·nme maKa.7.ine, h1..-came an instanl classic and hug(' commercial ltUCcess. reaching tJ1e top of lhc New York Timt:i.' bes1scllers list in only six week..,. White's book broke new ground because of its lively mix of analysis and personal obi.l'rvations of Lhe back.stage maneuverings in Lhe Kennedy and Nixon presidential campaigns. lls popularity dc111ons1ra1ed Lhe large Mllh:rship available for book:~ on p111i1ics, and many ltirnilar hooks have followt'd in iii. wake. At the Nt•w port lkach Public Library, intereslcd rcatll'rs can find a varil•ty of hooh o n prc~itkntial elt't'tions, both past a111.I AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay SI., Coste Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to Juis.pena@latimes.com; by tax tttj 949) 646-4170; or by calling 1949) 5744298. Include the time, da1e and loca11on of the event, as weu as a contact phone number. TODAY The Malibu Cat Show, pntsented by the Malibu Cat Club and the Cat Fanciers Assn., will be from 9 a.m. to <tp.m. m building No. 10 et the Orange County F9irgrounds. Tidcets cost $4 10 $5. Information: (909) 372-9079. Author Marie Keys will be signing h1s new book •M y Best Day: Spons; from 11 a.m. lo 1 p.m. al Martha's Bookstore, 308'12 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. The book covers such sports figures as Terry Donahue, Paul Salata. George Yardley and Dan Rogers within its pages. Information: (949) 673-7185. Torelli R .. tty will sponsor •An Evening With Oscar:· a charity event to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Guild, at 4:30 p.m . in the Troquet restaurant at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Tickets cost $85. Information: (562) 491-1000, (714) 540-7355, http:l/www.torellirealty.com MONDAY A Great Decisions discussion on ·u.s ·Latm American Relations Post 9111 " will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.rn. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. The discussion will be led by Diana Llghl. Information: (949) 760-1691. f11tp:llwww.fpa.org. TUESDAY Dr. William Seers will explain why a healthful diet and whole food supplementation are the besl tools in preventing disease from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Turnip Rose, 1901 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is $25. Information and t1dcets: (949) 609-6947. WEDNESDAY The Waldorf School of Or11nge County will present a •walk Through the Grades,# at which parents can visit four classrooms from grades one through eight and ask a class teacher questios. The event is from 8:45 to 10·45 a.m. at 235<1Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa. The event is for adults only. Information: (949) 574-7732. Hoeg Hospihl wilt pt'9Mftt a community education class on ·considering a Colonoscopy• at 6 p.m. in the Hoag Conference Center at Hoag Hospital, l Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Information and reservation: (800) 514-4624, http://www.hoaghospital.org. ntURSOAY The Not1h Costa Mesa chaptM of Moms Offering Moms Support, a nationwide o rganization for stay-at-home mothers and their children. will have its monthly social et 10 a.m . at 1620 S. Sunflower Ave .• Coste Mesa. Information: (949) 548-8847. httt>:llwww.momsclub.org. t present, including White's. Another popular book is "One-Car Caravan," by Wah er Shapiro. Shapiro. who's a politic:al columnls1 for USi\ 'foday, wrote an early outlook a1 1he 2004 Democratic nominees for president long before the first ~cheduled primary. Traveling with 1ht' candidates acro..s New I lampl>hire, 1he author ii. ~ivcn many opportu11i1ies to quie1ly assc~ lhe charac1eristici. ur Lhese presidential hopefuls. Veteran Assoda1ed Press corre~pondenl Wuhcr M ears looks back al a c.ircer or reporting on thust• who haw aspired tu be presidcn1 i n "OeadUnes Past: Forty Years of PresldentJaJ Campaigning." Mcnrs's 11am1tiw includes numerous ancctlulei. ahout hb work"' a wire !>l'rvil'c reporler during 1he fa,I 11 cam1n1ign ... and i' further t·nliVl'ned with Th• Exchange Club of Newpon Harbor will present its annual •Search for Talent• contest. The contest is for children ages 8 lo 18, and trophies will be awarded to w inners m three d1fferen1 age groups. The contest will tako place at 6 30 p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center audllorium, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. lnforma11on: (949) 673·8701. The Environmental Nature Center will present a walk under the lull moon at 6:30 p.m. at the center, 1601 16th St .. Newport Beach The cost 1s $2 for adults and $1 for children. Information· (949) 645-8489. FRIDAY Nordstrom's South Coast Plaza will host Gordon Thompson. execullve vice president and creative director for Cole Haan from 1 to 4 p.m. al Nordstrom's South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Gordon will meet and great customers while promo1ing the Spring 2004 G·Series line from Cole Haan. Information: (714) 549-8300 ext. 1690 MARCH 7 ·Taste for the Cure· ii • w ine tasting and auction featuring select wines from 20 California wineries with an array of gourmet food provided by the Four Seasons Hotel. The event will take plaoe from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Clubhouse at Pelican Hill, 22651 Pelican Hill Road South, Newport Coast. Tickets cost: $60 per person. All proceeds benefit the North American Foundalion for the Cure of Diabetes. Information: (866)287-3669. http://www.cured1abetes foundation.com. MARCH8 A Grut Decisions discuuion on "Middle Ea stem Political Reform· will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at St. M artt Presbyterian Church. 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach, The discussion will be led by Bob Berry. Information: (949) 760-1691, http://www.fpa.org. The Americ:•n C.nc« Society is sponsoring a #Look Good, Feel .. personal al>ides 011the 1na1\y 1•andidates ht' has known. I lis observations of the perva,ivc influence of the m ed ia aml lhl· ways in which the electoral proc·elt' hn-. 1·hanKL'tJ arc trenchalll Jull'' Wilr ow1. who ha~ roverc•tl many campaigns. takes a long \rit'w of the hi ... wry of pani,an p11h11c,, albe11 1111111 the pcrspct·tivc of one of thl' major parties. "Party of lhe People: A History of the Oemocruts" !ran·~ lhl' h1i.t11ry of the Dcmonatk l'ariy 1111111 i" 11rig111' nmrl' than 1w11 1 l•n1une'> Jgo. Alo11g 1111' w;1\. till' party has evolwd grt·.itly from iii. Jl'ffori.1111i;111 ro11"111 Jgr.iria11 prinripl1•, .11111 llll' r 1Khts of intliv1d11af, h> th 1111111• n:rc111 emphai.i' 011 pmKrc"1v1• 'oc1al .1111J l't'Clll011111 I Olll'l'fll'. \V11t 11\'l'I 1111<.lc·r,11111·' lht' n1111·111 dd1a11• a1111111g I l1·n11w1 at' over BEST BET Better" class, which leaches cancer patren1s makeup, wig .md 1urhan tips 10 help hide the ravages of rad1allc,n and chemotherdpy treatmonl. Thi' class 1s from 10 a m to noon ill Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drrve, Newport Beach l11format1on: (949) 261 9446 MARCH9 Hoeg Hospital w ill present • community education class on der.1diny to have a l>aby at 6 p.m. •n lite Hoag Conference Center at Hoag Hosµ11al. 1 Hoag Dr1vr:, Newport Beach Information amt reservation (800) 514-4624, fltt11:/lwww hoaghosp1tal org MARCHIO The Fairview Developmental Center will hold its annual Sµring Boutique from 8 a.in to 1.30 p.m. in the Fa1rv1cw auc1i1onum, 2501 H,Hbor Blvd., Costa MPsa There will be more than 35 craftnrs 10 shop from lnform<1t1on· (7 14) 957~5188 The Celifom ia Retired Teachers Assoc1a11on, Harbor Divis1011 No. 77 will have a meeting at noon at tho Costa Mesa Neighborhood Commun11y Center. 1845 P<Hk Ave .. Costa Mesa. Docents from the Bowers Museum will present an extensive doll collection of prom111en1 figures A free lunch will be servec1. lr,fo rmalion (949) 551 5082 MARCH 11 HIV Update 2004 will be held wlwther 111 relUrn lo 1h1• 111ort· hlw1 al 1111lit:i1·, ol the pu"t ur r1111ti1111t· 011 tlw n·111ri,1 p.1th hla;o1·d hy llill l l11111)11 I .1111al 11111(' -.l11111ltl lw giw11 Ill l.t•wi' l1m1ld\ "Grand Old Party: A lllstory of the Republicans." c;1111hl, a p11li1iral hi,111ria11 I rom tlw I h11wr;11y of lb .. 1' .11 A11s1i11, ... urw~ 1lw h111)( .11111 'h1f1in~ m.1d trawll·tl hy tlw (,(>I' fro111 it' n-.1• tu n.1111111,11 promilll'IKL' w11h thl' Pl1•u1111111f '\l11aha111 l.1111"11111 111 ltlliO 111 tlw p,1r1y\ 11111rt· t'o11i.i•rva1iv1· pol111ral -.tJlll t• llltl<IY 1111· .1111h111 1'"'"'11 I' l Olllp l•lf 111~ l'Vll fl'lll'I' 111 llw purty\ 1•111hr;w1· ol widd)' v.iry111g platlurm' t1Vl'r 1lw yl'a". < 1011111 Im t1i.t'!. p.1rt1c ul111 a11t•11t11111 on l uui )lft·,1tl1·111" 1hut. in h1' v1c·w, n111 .. 1 1•111hcillv 1·011· lkp11hlii:a11 \".11\ll'' IA1,1ly. 1111"l' tJ1,.in.1y1·d hv 1111· 1111111111l ,11rro11nd111g 1111' "Antigone· by Sophocles. the story of Oedipus' d;iughter who satr1f1ces ever ythmg by detymg hr r king to bury lier brother. will be performed at 2:30 and 7·30 p.m. today on the South Coast Repertory Segers tram Stage. 655 Town Center Dr 1ve. Costa Mesa Ticket~ rost S 19 to $55 r or more mform<tt1on, rnll (714) /08 ':i5 'J4 frorn 6 10 8 30 p m .11 the Wcstm South Coast Pla1a Ho11•I, 686 Anton Blvd . Costa Mo'ia Information in lht> ul)datc will be drawn fr o1111he lllh Conll'rl'nr.f' on Rctrovrruscs ;met Opportunistic lnfect1uns The update will be prcltcnled by Dr Paul J C1moch, d1r1?r.tor of ttw Corner for Spt.1c1al l1111nu1111louy. and Charlt.1s M Wttlworth, sµec1alts1 m 111fec11011s diseases and HIV Rcservat1t111s 1714 1 75 1 5800, UICI 38 MARCH1 3 The UC Irvine Arboretum wlll present ii:. r111n1111I wmtf'r bullJ fos11val ·Prelude tu Spring" from 10 a.m to 4 11 rn al she UCI Arboretum, south of Ille c;orncr of Campus Drive .inc.J Jamhoree Road on lhc UCI North Campus. Tho cost 1!> $2 lnform alron· (949) 824 5833 The Surfrider Foundation's Newport Beach d1ap1m w1tl host a casmo night fundra1sor from 8 fl m 10 mrdrnghl at M11r~1m1av1lle. 2332 Coasl H1ghw<1y, N ewport BeAch lnformr1l1on-(9491631-6273 :woo t'lcrtion m.1y find l'11111rort i11 1h1· 1.1c1 1 hat the rt'public ha' Wl'ath~l l'U 'itnil:u ?>lorm~ 111 tlw pa.;1. In uPraud of the Century," Hoy Morrii. takt'\ a fre!>h loul al the &.,pull'd clt•rlion of lll7ti 111 which Hutlll'rford B. I layl's rci:l'iwd flown popular vutes than 111-. 11pp111wnt. SJ111ud 11hlcn, hut '1111 w1111 till' dl'l'IHHI by U 1>111gll' Vlllt• in till' Ekrtor.11 C11ll1°gl' •CHECK IT OUT rs w11t1Pn by lht~ stall of the Now1>01t 81.1,1d1 Publu: library This week\ l'Olum111s by Stevon Short Alt Illies may be reserved hon1 hu111e or ,,fl1co computurs hy ilr.ces:.111\.1 tlw catalou ar httµ www 11Pw11•Ht btJm:J1h/Jrary u1g For moril 111form!lt1un ori lhl' Comral Lrbrnrv of ,my ot llw br.1111i1 locC1t11111s, pledse r.on1tu t thl• Nt:w11m1 Bear:li P11hl1c L 1IH11ry M (949) 111 :1800, op1111n 'l cost rs $2 lor adults and $1 fl)r children l11forma11on find rnsorvat1ons: (949) 64!> 8489. Carole's Calico Comer is seeking volunteers 10 sew falmcs to make into blankets for humeless und d1sadv:inta11cd ch1lclrr11 I he t1ve111w1ll1t1ke nla1.c fm111 10 " m. 10 1 p m at 2529 F Alulf Ur • Newport Bcarh l11lor111<1tro11 (949) 644 49~0 MARCH14 The 21st annual Blue Cross of Cahforrna Sp1r11 Run cvr:nl · hegms w11h rey1 s1rn11011 at 6.10 a.m . at Edwarrls H1~1 Newport Cinema, 300 Newpurl Cenwr Drive, Newport Beach l he cost 1s $4 to $25 lnfor111.it1011 (949) 222 1533, hNp·lfwww kmanecvenis com Muldoon's Dublin pub w ill host 11s second 1Sox1es1 Kill Compe111ion' al 2·30 p m al 202 Nt:wrort Center Dr., Newport Bet1Ch Information· (9491 640 4110 MARCH15 A Greet Decisions discussion on "Public D1plomar.y anct US Foreign Polrcy" will be held from I to 8:30 p 111 at St M<irk Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista Newport Be.ich lnformatton (949) 760 1691 , /1tt11 iwww fpa.Olu The Thursday M orning Senior Wnm1!11's Ch1h will host its anmial tea 1·ve11t al 1 1J rn at the So111I' Bayside Club House, JOO E Coast Hwy , Newport Beach. lnform;111on .md rt!Servat1ons (714)842 5863 Chuck Iverson C 01111t1ercial and reside11tial re al e.\·tate inve.\'t"1ents Key issues when buying commercial and residential real estate: c_ 'u111pare prnpa ty val ue~ to rents. Reasonable rents mean long-tc nn tenant~. Those w ho can afford high rents Giil afford to huy. I k prcpa rctl . Know the cnsts. c_ 'ht:ck Ii na11c 1a I s tatcmc nts. loan payn11:nt:-.. \ <H.':SllC)' L'~l-.IS. l'<t~h fhl\\, l<l\C,, /\l\\ilY' lllSpL'l'l 1hom ughly. /\n: then: th.: fl:rn:tl 111a111tcnunn: costs" Contact 111e for 11u>re information . . on 111cr ea.\·111g your 1vet1/th through real estate in t1est11u.111 t C huck Iverson 949.574.3589 A d vt•1t1,1•rtH1111 PRINTING Open M11nday-'h1lurday '1 :~:. N ( "'"' I liql 1\\MV l .. 1•11111.1 B1·.11 h l.1y1111a11nn1 .u ..... ....., • 11111 • \\1• Pr1111onrtw1'11~111 ....... • IM1.k•llwrg p,..,.,w, • I :11.11lur' n1 morto • I oll • 1.inboo.•lrl!J • 1 ull ( 11k11 BLUEPRINTING • LM!J'' VPllUlll' • C.>il 1'1111tl11<J • I •t llw•I ( """'' I mull vuur "'"' flt•« lo '" al loqu1101Jfl1t1"'1'111tltl111k ""' COPYING • 11,1,,., 1h .. L1h"I ( OP\iOQ lvt li1111logv • bll01llJI Xvro\ l);.111,11 Oultlul • llK-~ (''I"'" """'II •ll1<l l..i1q.• VoluJll(' • I .1111111 .. 111,;1 • f 11ltlii•1 • ( 1111i11•1 • "'·•t>lh~I • lllndlng • ( .~ ... ( upll.., .39~ WP Also lfot't' The Environment al Nature Center will host a star party from 6:30 to 8 µ in. at tlru Erwironmrntal Nature Center. 1601 16th St , Newport Beach. Participants will hnvc an opportun11y 10 v111w the nighs sky through a telescope learn about the Mars rovers and CllfOY space themed crahs and ac11vit1es. The Pkk uv & Ot11iwry Fa~I Quality St!f'\lkt- WEDOIH<l IMllTATIONS and accessorl~s. pn~o11ali1f'd llOUDAV CARDS oad PARTY IN\ITTATlONSI select your Hollrlay Cunh a n/lne at ... rflww. hot Ida yc:-a rd wehsl I". l'Om//n gu 110 prl n t • t.fl1p, cp~aP.m 2.9 CR1cacpf et ™ moecl• and lolnts fn 'f04K body, Aravoo footwear wcxt<t Wllh the fool, °"8t'IOnlng fNefY helplng to keep your etTlde on the ldMI neotrat plane n. ~ .... atreM °" tht ~ ' lower enefQY outpUt tnCI grtater1 longer la&tlng corrtton. Handcra~-ed with Sterling Silver and Swarovskr Crystals Or.11:11111 fol"·,,,'"" If Int"''"' """ "''''" 1h1• '"''"'/:' ,,, """ ,, ""'"" '" \11111 1llllh• /1(1· \\'r h1111( 1h111 1'111 h 11n11 "'" '""" II, 10111 II tr(lo •I"" C ,,.,,., \\lrnl 11n1I fht lto(H' If fHO\ '4_/,i\ I Ith fn\f'hflllll'1"' l1r111 f f1 f t \ f ftltlflrtl\t f/ ,,, f t~•uftnllflnj{ '"'"''" ,., '' \ ''""-'°''' ,,. drnx "" •' '"' hul1n>:" • ,,.,, • h~u m '"'"''I''"", h.1\ d1a1111 At'I'""'"'"'' h I" In 11rri;rlt11ml /1rrl\h11I """ 11 h•J:>:l1 1 lt1•f1 V11ur hrnt 1'11·1 will "n l\'I' 'Jlfl'l•ll) •k'l)tnfJ tw.11111111 ):•It ll\I\ ~1111 tlH hulr' tl \tUUfl1U I •h•c leu111n111: .1 lllf''Ujlt 111 1111'~111111( ~111.1 hotp\ dr.A\lln frnm 1h1· ! lrll r,alm I hi' m1''""K" prr ,rntJtl1•n h1 ''-'''"', ,,., .. , \'fntrr, 111 ( 111 ~ 111 11 II )(•I l h I I' I 1 .I 11 I r ll11..,,l11p '4' tVfJ •I• I h1 hhplr.1111111 lor I he l'•.11111 l I tlt.u rlrl ""' hr1111I 1111 1111' < 11111p.11 I 11"' " lhr llllllhlllj1 Jlt'l'lllllll l\0•llllltlO\ 111 thl' hra. r l1•1' •It 'lfllWI, I .lllllol ll.1.1111r1 $79.95 . ,._,",., .. ,.. ' \ .... ,,.. .. , To order and vn·w color photoi ph'll~f vi"I www.Psalm23Bracelet.com l • I I FORUM . HOW lO GET PUBUSHED -um.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Ed1101 Lolita Harper at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa. CA 92627 •Readers HotJine: Call 1~9) 642-~6 Fax: Sen? to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:Scwd to daifyf)llot a latimes.com • All correspondence must mclude full name, hometown and phone number (101 venfica11on purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to echt all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL If the foundation acts responsibly, everyone will win W 1.'Vl' 'llld II bt'lon·. ;u~cl wc,.11 '<IY 11 awe111 II.(>< I I will ht''' !'t'f'Vl' lilt• l Ollllllllllily 1111cf1•1 tht' OWtH'r,f11p 111 "' 1<11111<(.1!1<111 ( hn,tia11 hmadt«~1s1t·r I >ay .. 1.1r lt·h·\ 1,io11 Ne1w111'~ h:.s' • 1111101111t'l'd i1 will tilt• 'uit it tlll' < A1.1,1 t .111111111111ity Colh·gl' I 11 ... 1111 1 lw:11d ol tna:...1e1·' <11\·1·pt:-. llw lu1111da1 IOll bid I >;1y,1;11 1.11\\I'" '•IV 1"1'1 tlll' "11111'1 11·,po11,1hl1•" \\1· 1111'1 1lw t1111n' worry aho111 1h.1t 111•11• 1111111·r1u'(l tha1 tlw f\( I( I I\ I 11u11d.1111111 "lc•111111~ tlll' .... 111· 1:1·1 .m:I\ h1·lun• 11 w;H lw' 1lw 111111trn11111 1 lw l111111d.111111 1 lt;1:...111"~·d 111111h -.ull111n 111 .. 111>11111 ptttl ol 1lw "-II 111illt11111 a:--11 portion of ir:- .111 q111•d t II t11IH·1 hid. ;in ordi11~ to tlw d1,1111 (, .111orrl<'y. ~lill11rtl f l11hl. .111d If II 1111''1'' 1111' ~l,lll h 10 d1•,1dhlll'. lhl'll lhal\ II ( 111111ll1\l0 l11111ldi1llflll ;11111Ill\'11111 .. t.11" ol Im .11. p11hl11 1c•h·v1,11111 111.11 w1111ltl "''''''· lwllo I J.1r,1a1 .111d 1111' .' 1" .. 011111 .11. p11hlu 1>111g1.i111111111i: 11 will hmadl'it'I I ht• d "1ti1 1 wa111)\ lo,,.,, 1111l1t• l111111d.1111111, ,,, dm•, tlw p11hli1 . "' whv i' 1111, ... 1111 v .. 1111 'rn II a ... 1111 \' .. I h1· h11111dat 11111\ 1 h.111111.111. l~oh Bruw11. sujd m a Fch. l 4 :ir1kl1· that it has the $100,000 <h11 · 0 11 March Io anti i:-. n 111fitle111 that all $8 million will h1· r;u:-1·d hy the lune :m dt•adl11w I )i,trict lnJ ... trc C ;eorgt• Urown, 111m•k11Pd to Boh, said lw'i. 1·quaHy 1•onfid1•111 lhl' foundation ha' tlw 11101wy. hut that it 1·u11tinm"" to haggll· the ll'rlll'i . l'lw foundation 11c1·<b to 4uit haggli11 g. meet lhl' tl1·utllin1·' lu which ii agrct'<I. and allow 1hi:-. is:-.11c to 1)(•1·01111· strictly om• rw tlw rn11r1 .... 'J'hl' districr and till' p111Jli1· l.>uth Jle(-d to know tlw luumlatiun':... good for it' hid. It \ 111on· crn11f11rting to -.ct• that tht· -.tllry j, only ont• of I lay!'>la r wr,u:-. the Coast Con111Hm11y < ~1lh·g1· I >istrit't -wirhour till' 1111n·rtainty of wli1·1h1·r tht• l11umJation's capahlc· of sticking 111 lr:-. long-awaited Ot·toht•r hid . With all 1lw ralk of who has 1h1· "mci...t n..,ponsihlc hill." it M'Ctm 10 '" that llw mu ... 1 rl•,pcm~ihl<· hidtl1·r i:-. tlw one tlc·dicatt-d to ~1·1·1nng K{X:1::1v in it' lt)l'al . puhlil' form and improving upon 11. ( >11ly th1· foundation Mn111ds l·ap;.ibl1• of rt-:-pon:-.ihly tll'livcring. W1• hope the foundation puts il,df in a position to do '>O. h•:ivin~ th<' i'i4'lll' to the l'Olll ,., i111t·rpn·1atio11 of tlw word "11· ... p1ms1hlt-." Larry's Beach forever symbolizes his legacy L 1lq~11.11d l.11ry Wilt h \t' 1111, \dh'H' lw j, h1•,1 amt 1111 ''' lontlly ri·11w111I H'n·d. l.1rrv l .1p11111· 1·arrwtl 11;111011al fHOlllllll'lll 1' Ill tilt' 11){11), fa 11d .1ga111 i11 1111· '70,, a 11d 1111'11 .1gai11 111 llw 1111'' lc11 p;uldh· h11ardi11g 111, \\'d\ ;il1111g 111 ... 1 rlw \\(''I ( 11 .... 1 .111111111'11 tlw '""' ( 11 ..... 1 lhll 1t '' .t I .o 10111 l1·11Kth of p1 I\ .111· lll'.11 h II\ I lrn1•r ...,111111·' \\h1•11• h" 11111• h·g.11 V he•\ I uf 111'.tll\ Ill 'lllllllll'I', th.II .. 111p 111 ,,111d w." 11111l1·r th1· 1v.111 111111 "YI' of l :a p11111" who l1111111:h 1 f.11 111111 1· 1ha11 j11 .. 1 111·1.,111 .... 111'1y lo the· th-1111'.1'11:-111 lh.11 li ght l..11it ( 11111111111\lt y. I h1·n· w1·11· tlw 1·q11111l1·" hi1rh1•n1 ...... t lw I 111·,day night lllll\lt' l'\'l'll1,, 'I lw r nthtclllt h1•:11 h par1it·'· '·"' month. till' pt•oplc· ( :.111111w l111tl pmtc•clrd and 1·n11·11airwd for so long rl't11nwcl llw .1111 ·1 11011. holdi 11g a p;.in y in hi' honor ;.inti christt•necJ the ... a11<1 "Larry·~ Hcach." It wa~ a 1ov111h , fun-fillt.'C.I event . hut one not lacking wistfulnesi-: <:..punt.' 1' battling melanoma. in an advanced '>!age. and Iha! rnak{'s 1111' 11ghl a:-tough"·" paddle l>o;11tli11g across 1he Padfi('. Hui th<' pan ygm•rs w1•n· nut ahout to linger on wh~11 loorn1'. 1 lwy n·rnlle<l the gt.•111•ration,, li1e1ally. that haw grown up t111cl1•r < :apune\ watchtul gazl'. I hl'y n•1111•111heretl hb ... win1111i11g and paddling lt•,sims. I h1·y talked aho111 his frit•11d ,hip. ·r tw parry -a11cl (:a pun<· h i111scll -reprt'o;t•nt whal is h1•,1 about N1·wpor1 ISt'ill'h: the M'nsc of rn111111w1ity. tht• feeling uf n unaraderie and the quick '>llpporl fo r neighbors. Now. Larry·, Jkach will s1and as a laMinK 11· ... tamcnt lo those 4k1liti1•,, And to hi:- THE LAST WORD That was a long 'fore' J u:.t what m akes fnr :l Ion~ round of golf? Mayh<' the lc•ngth of lht• cnu ~e? Cos la Mcsn < ;olf amJ Cou111ry Club's M1•sr1 I.Inda course is n rather tidy 5.500 yards. Newport Beach Co1111ty ()uh. -.ight o f this month's loi.hiha Senior aassic. is a more typknl fi,fiOO yard . AnyonC' who's plnyc>tl botJ1 can tell ynu thrn•'s n si:whlc diffcr<'nrc in Iha I extra I, I 00 yards. Or nrnyhc it's all in 1he crowds. lt'c. r ossiblt• to hrt:Ci'..C through 18 holes in l('S.'> tl1Rrt four ho urs, provldro you're willing 10 gel up w<·ll bcfort• dawn and o legion of others isn'r. A five -or even s ix-hour round lsn'I unheard of. though. wlwn everyone's stolen " f rw hours from work. Th~n there's the rounds played la:-.t monlh hy l.arry Olmsted. Hounding ofT. 1hey were about 7.49f3-miles. That's a Guinness Hook of World Records length round. Olmsted's rounds. detailed a week ago in the Pilot, started in Sydney. Australia. and ended on Pelican Hill (' .olf Oub'8 North Course. They were the two fanhest apart rounds of golf ever played in one day. They maybe were not the best ever, however. Over the 36 holes. Olmsted birdied onty one: the North Course's par~4 18th. Still. a pretty One finish. • -- IE~ ~DM.~T; \W ~ ;'.) L{X>I(~ b009, Blll i N~~[/ TO ~VN l'\ PA'T ~A~ f1~. BOLTON -,J I • COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Feeling a little alienated By Jose J. Santos A re yu11 rcudy lor '0111e nL•W\ 1hnl'll giw you till' heclm• j\'l'h1t<~' (OK. lmll''I m. l'lll' 1 lw llw1111• tu "llw X-Fih·'·" I Apparently. al 111HJ1n>; 10 "'onw 1·andidatc' ru1111111g lnr p11ht11 ;el office. thert· .trl' .1lil'n' running t1ll over C.alifomia 111 fal·t -and I don't mean to cau'~ p.u\ll' lll'rc thl'rl' may even tw .,ur111· i11 Nt•wport· Mc.,a. 'llmt\ right, ~rnlly. l\hl'lh . You know. <•lil'llS. a' 111 11111"' Si~1111mey W1·aVl'f 1111w1e,; ;" 111 thal 1i11 man fr11111 "1111' D.1y tlw J-..1nlt Stood Sti ll": a1> in '>lra11g1· t n·~·py hllle hl\JYs like larvin th(' M;irl1t1n If that wa.,11'1 hornly111g 1•111111gh. 11 lums OUI th c<;t.• aliCll'> iHl' hl'H' ilJegaJJy-at-in w11ho111 thl' government \ 1·onM•111. It'~ like Or~ml Welleo;' "Wai ol llw Worlds: cxrcpl 111,lt>atl cil t.rnv1•1<. Mill, I'm in t;oat I lill wuili11g f111 those three-lc>ggcJ j1~am;ihohhrr' 10 level 190 I Nl'wp111 t AcconJing to one J\s51:111hly n 111didu1e. "Too 11111111 monl'y •' spen1on111aking lhl· ''""' hospitahle 111 illegal alif'llS a1 .t llOll' when the 'latt· dm•._,1·1 have·1noni:y It> spend" and th.11 former (;ov. (.ray Davi1>' odmi1m1rutlc111 wall workin~ 1t1 "provitk 111 "italc t11i11on and tuition fer w11lvcr' to ilkgal alirns." Another A'-'t•mbly i:andidatc has said, "Wllilt• the fcderaJ governmcnl is in IJ1c clrlvl'f°' 'il'al on immigration policy. we uught lo do what we nn to reduce 1he im:cnlivcs for illl<gal cdlens lo come 10 California." Still another said 1axpnyers a re spending billions of dollars every year on all sons of things. •from providing sodal services to housing Illegal alien felons in our prison1>. • Suddenly, the president's renewt d interest In space makes sense. It l. not about exploration. It's about exportation. We gotta get all these WegaJ aliens back 10 their honw planets and fost. ln ey're coming 10 CaJifomia and CaHforniu i" footmg the hill. They're in our l>t:hool .... 111l'y'rl' taking uur services and they're C'VCll tak.ing up space -they like ~pace Jose J. Santos -in our prisons. I'm Marting to It'd h~·· I h<IVI' 1hu~e ~pedal glasses 1h,1t "Howdy" Hoddy Piper wore in J11h11 C .1qwntcr·.., ··111ey Live.'' I ran 'l'I' ;_ill 1 ho.,!' l'rccpy aJiens in 1 he ... trt·t·h. Ill lht· ~upcnnarkcl a11d - 1111~ " rt•ally 'rnry -cvt•n in our ~llt:htn'> If there\ om· place I don't wa111 alien~. it\ in the kuchen. I saw thal t•f>1)\odc of "TI1l' lw1lig.h1 7.onc" ntJlt>tl "To :-:.Crvc Man": Thcrc'.o; no 1l'lli11g what (or who) ali1·n<; will pul 1111 your plate. Su, I'm J..'UC'>..'l>ng these: alien!> 111ui.1 huw had "iOlllC plon(•cr.. make their way 111 California over the last I 00 y1·.1r.., 01 ~11. I'm l,'lJCS-.,ing Arca 51 rnu .. 1 ht• where they land and arc pron•.,.,1·tl -sorra like in "Men in B1,1rL." -1hen they make the d rive 11Htl Br1kcr. 'top 10 make som e of th al fa1111111s alien frc'lh jerky. and filter rJ ul into our cities and schooli. . l'lut 1hu1 h<:g~ the questwn: what's ttw d1lfcrcm:c between an illegal alien ond ::1 legal alien? I mean. llll'rc\ gott a be a difference. righfl Take E.T. Now that guy had to be illew1I: hl' wa~ hidden by a middle-class family; he got sick while he wao; here, exposing a whole bunch of pcoplt< to his alien germs: and lw wa.'lted precious resources like telecommunication services and air traffic controlling. Bui then. there's Alf, from that '80 lV show. I le was adopted, so I think he ceased being illegaJ. I feel much sufer knowing that fact since he's working In our country now. hawking discount long-distance servl<·c. How about those guy in "Independence Day"? They were definitely ilk>gal: they wandered around from place to place drainjng resources until they left a world without anything for its own d ti.zcns. Now Worf -that Klingon from "Star Itek: The Next Generation" - he's definitely legal. I mean he's in the milityr. right? I le proudly serves our planet along with other humans. so I think he's allowed to be legal. How about the Terminalor? There's no way he's lci.:al , riRht? Oh yeah, that's right, h(' is. I lumans built the Terminator i11to what he is loday in order to defend rhernselve from imminent threats like Gray Davh and Cruz Bustamante. Now if there was only a way 10 control him. Mork from Ork. he's legal by marriage. so hes cool. Whi ch brings me back to Orson - at. in Welles. That whole radio thing must have not been a hoax. Why else would politicians hring up this nlien ~ .. ue every two years or so? I mean. let's really rake a loo - Hold on, somebody':. whispering something in rny ear- Oh. Well folks, um, there's no need tu worry. It turns out the candidates were talking about illegal immigrants. not illegal nliens. In the words of Gilda Radner. "Never mind." h's campaign season. and while it may n ot be "War of the Worlds." ii definitely is a war of words. And whether you're for or against the issues surrounding Illegal Immigration, I hope people will take the time to consider the words they choose to describe their reuow human beings, beca~ words matter and voters care aboul what tMir elecled officials say. And that's no joke. •JOSE J . SANTOS Is lhe art director and news desk chief. He can be reectted at /ose.ssntos@latimes.com. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall. 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (7141754·5223 Mayor: Garv Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sdleafer and Chris Steel CfTY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beech. CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 Mllyot: Tod Ridgeway Council: Garv Adams, Steve 8fomberg, John Hef'feman. Oidt Nidlols. Steven Rosanaky and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE DISTRICT District OfRee: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92826, (714) 432-6898 Dtef'lcllDrf': Wllllam M. Vega loerd: Prnident Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz. George Brown, Jerry Panerson and Walter G Howald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985·A Bear St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Boerd: President Martha Fluor. Vice President Dana Black, Clertt Serene Stokes, David Brooks. Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER otSTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (949) 631-1200 Boerd: President Fred Bodcmiller. Vioe President Peul E. Shoenberger, Jim Atkinson, Mike Healey and Trudy Ohllg·Hall COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Bo>c 1200. Costa Mesa. CA 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 Boerd: President Arlene Schafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive. P.O. Bo>c 9050, C06ta Mesa, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth 0 . Parter, member, Trustee Area 5, Co11a Mesa, Newport Beech ORANGE COUNTY 80ARO Of SUPERVISORS Hall of Admlnlatretlon. 10 Civic Center Plaza. Senta Ana. CA 92701 • J im Sltva, 2nd District (Costa Mna, Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 •Thomas WlllOf'I, 6th Olttrict (Newport Coast), (714) ~3660 r ,·- BIO Name: Peggy Fort Occupation: President, Cal1forn1a Mc1rketing Concepts, I· 0 R \I M Sunday, feb1uary 29. 2004 A7 Holding the Fort A bump in the road the size of a 12-foot dolphin statue hasn't been e no ugh to dampen the pirits o f Peggy Port. who's in charge of planning Corona dcl M ar's centennial c1•lebrntio n this year. She conrinucs to vigorously p rom ote the event and all of the planning that goes alo ng with it. consta ntly u rging commun ity m embers to participatt• in the process. As bui.y as she's been. Fort has still found the time to keep track of 1he p ropositions she s upports and the movies she thinks are mos t deserving for hesl p icture a t tonight's Acad emy Awards. ~he •tl~o revealed in an inlcrvit•w with the Pilot's Mike Swanson 1ha1 her <ktob1•r won't only consist of t l'lcbrating tJw centennial -t-lw'll ah.o he running in tJ1e 01icago Man1thon. One thing's certain: Fort lovps a challenge. llow's the centennJal celebration planning coming along? Any pre-celebratory jitters? l>ld communiry backJ a.i.h agai11.;1 the statue surprise you, and how did It affect aU 1he other aspects of planning for the cek bratlo11? No. w1· werl' n11t r<'ally '111p11'1°d. :;n Vf Md f~ANI<: [)AllV I'll 0 1 rapi.uh• e11ha11tTl1lt.'11I JlrtlJl'rt 111111 tltt• "Vi,i1111 Plau· fur < .1111111.1 <Id l'\l.ir. '''a l(''lllt hf 1•.10t•n,iv1• r11111111t1n11y 1111lrl'adl, thl' "k lm·a111111 Wl' art curre11t ly rt'\'ll'\\lllg j, .ti tlw rorm·r of Marg11f'ritt· /\v1•11t1t• ;111<1 1'.11'ific <:oa>.I 1 lighway. 'l'hl' ri11w l"lfl'"'l' will mo'it likely he in thl· g11111nt.l wit h an aU'.1 lor hron;-c nanu·pl;1tl'' w11h t.11111111 recognition npp11111111t1 ll'' from gra11I>.. gaining tl1111a Lions. Ou r p ru pused hudgel and i;oaJ i., tu raio;e at least $250,000 by (ktohcr to support all of the wonderful special event cclebrntlons and proposed lime capsule enhancement pruje<:t a., part or the centennial celebration. for mo re information rl'garding o n how anyone can donaw to Lhe Corona tlcl Mar Centennial Foundation, please conlact (949) 675·0!i0 I . We arc also working hard right now on the cen tennial event marketing and rommun11y outreach. B.J. Johnson, who chai ri-. uur outreach committee. will head up various presentations and a weekly booth at the Cd M Farmer's Market to promote community spirit and the centennial rl'lclmttio n. Stop hy a nd say hello. What do you miss most because of work.Ing so many hours heading the centennial celebrallon commlrteel Have you caught any of the movies up fo r best picture at Sunday's Acudemy Awards? Any favorhesl Executive Director, Corona <lei Mar Ccnrennial Foundation & Comm1nee Clrntrpcrson I hl' n•nten111al plan111ng I'> n1m111g t11gethl'1 nil:ely. Wl· arl' no.illy orwmvcd and un track with r11ort.li11atin11 of a '>l'I it•s of lir'>H;i;i.,, l'Ollllllllllily wiUl' l'Vl'llt l'l•lt•hration' 111 honor of 1 lw Nl'wpurt Bt•ach 1i-. a v1·1yt1111"'1 v:11ivt' community ;u1d thl· Wyland ,, ufpum· wa'> ;1 big it.lea. I will ,1lw,1\' Ill' t:Xlrcmcly prnutl of tlll' u11111111lll'I' Im their work and all 1lt1• t•flur1 rh:it wa' pul into d1•vt'lopi11K 'Ut h ,1 Willlllt•rful l·onc1·p1, aml th,111~111 ro \\'y lamt, roo Evl•n Lh1111gh w1• w1•1t• h·t down, till' wholt• idea ah11111 1 t•lt•l11at1t1111•vt·111'" to bring rlw t 11111111111111~ t11~1·t l11•1 111 cdl'hra1H111. W(• 1.litl 11111 111tl'1ul 10 create o;uch a 1'11111111v1·r-.y a11d hy rm mcarb wanted it to Ill' di\l"\t' 11111111 cl'lchrat11111. Thill\ 11111 \\h,111111 ,1' about. Oo community members seem to be having fun coming Ull with n(.,>w Ideas now that the controversial one's out of the way? Yt• . .,, M111wti11w~ the long hours can lw d1allen~inK. Luckily, I reaJly e njoy what I do .mu try IO surround m ysl'lf with good 1wopl<' 111 wurk with. That make:. all the difference in the world. I do t'njoy going to the movies. Thi~ yl.'a r, I actually ~aw all of the films 1111111inatt·d for hc~t picture. I think it's rl·ally hard tc1 rnmpare which film ,Jiuuld win bemuse they were all !>O amazing in '>Uch difTercnr way!>. My g111 rclls n il' "Thl' Lord of the· Hin g;." will \vin and I think rt i-h11ul d. Tlw Age· 37 City of residence: Ncwµort Beach Education: Bachelor of Arts en organizational communicahons and public relallons Family: Single NOT A SETBACK I 00 ye..ir hir1hd.1y 111 Corona t.lt'I M.tr. 111 July wt· will la1111rh thl' 1 t•11rc11111al w11h a 100 t.lay n1un11l11w11 to 1 he ollil'i.il cdchra1i1111 wc1•kt•nd. which 1~ Or t. 14 111 17, LlJCH . In adtlll11111 lo lhe lu11drai,111g am! 111a1 ~l·t ing, w1• haw a "ifWt 1al I V('llt'> l om1111llet'. Bldt k I 1t· llas it been difficult manat;i11i; !>t1Ch a large commillee thus far, or ha~' that done more to help fit•ld tlw deluge of community Input"! Yt·'>. 11\ lwe11 .1 1111 ol 11111 Wt• .1r1 ually l1.1v1· '11 11tany good idt ..... rt•gard111g rhr 11111e Gtp'>UI(' enh11mt!1111'11I pn11l·11 trlloh'Y " 11111t>le~~. If I eVl'r haw the t1n11'. I want 111 watch aJI three of thl'tn over aKain on a rainy day Tiil' 'tury wa., "'creatively done and thl.' vi'>ual l'ITen' Wl'fl=' 11h'>olutcly .11nuzi11g. My pl'ri-.onal favorite m ovit'. though. hy far w;.i.. "\cabi ... rnir ·· I ju.,t loVl'd t h.11 1111w1<' "' much! II will alw<iy' ht· one 111 my aJJ 1i11w lavorht•'>. I re;elly l'llfoyetl '>l'l'1t1g "Le"t 111 I ran ... tatron" a' well. · t will always he extren1ely proud of the con1nzi11ee f or their work and all the e.ff v rt that was put into developing s uch a wonderful concept, and thankful to Wyland, too. E ven th o ugh we were let do wn , the who le idea ahout celehration events is tu hrinK the con1111 unity r o ;.:<'th e r < .al.1 C1J111111it1n'. I fl ,rorh <.11n1111it1el'. l'i11w < ~IP'>llh-( .111111111lll'l'. School lmolVl'11wnr. (,al.11\n Sh11w, lrrdia111 l'ninw111111' and <Ill< >u1rt:ad1 ( :111111111lll'l'. The '"hcumnulll'c' art• all h1l'llM~t.l aml wry wdl rnanagl'tl I hl'Y arl' wor~mg hard to organr,1,t• theu Val IOU'> l1111lp11nl'llh ur till' tdl·hnit i1111 Wt• are continuing to n·cru11 ,11f11111t•er., and cm c111raKl' llw I llflllllUIHIY Ill gel llWOlved in thl' planning. It''> a grl•at way 111 n1cl't your neighbor., and giw hack to tlw wondt>rlul com1111111H) thdl wt· Jll hw 111. Our 11111111hly pla11111ng 1t1(•1•1ings an· llw third Wcdnt.').tlay), of t'V('ry month :.11 'ihern1an I ihr.iry <1mJ c;.mkn-, at 7 p.m. Fm mort• mlormarhJn or to voluntl't'r fur lhl• ( :t1M Ccnt<:11nea l < .elt>brat ion. vi'i' /1fl/l.'ll111w11•1d11120114.1'rm1111 1'.111 (~W'IJ Cl?!i-OSO I I las 1aJk of the dolphJn ''atue faded since announcing It won't he crt.'Cted and used a.'i thl• city's time capsule? y,.,, fllt'llY 111111 h rill' Wyl.111d '>t'lllp111n· Wil' l"'' unt· of 1111' many gn.•at pn11t·r1., rlt.11 till' ron111111tel' ,., working on a~ part of tilt' y1·arlo11g l'OlllfllllllllY Wldl' I t·nll·nnial u·ldm1111111. 11wn·\ 1111 lflll'''"lll 1h.11 tlll' l111:h h•v1·l 11I c111111111111 i1y lll\'l1l \'t'111t•111 t.lefi111tcly ha ... lwlpl'd 1111h1· pl.111111111t and '>l1cce" 11f rh1· 1 d1·hr;1111111 ''"" far. II has ht•t•n .1 grt'.tl '''1w111•1wt• managing tlw 1111111111111·1· ht·1 ·"'"'I wa.s fonu11a11· 1•111111gh 111 n·1 n111 ~trong leadn~h1p 111 1h1· suhrom mi11t·11 p11,ir ion' ,111<1 I h.1VI' a lot of weal ~urporl l·wr y1111t• on the· l·11111m11tel' ha' h1°l'll "' 11in· a nd excited 10 he .1 part 111 lll'lring tt1 plan the lClebratirm rill' ,\UIVI' participation ft •llll rht• c11111111u11i1y '' cxal'tly what i' making 1111, l'\'1•111 ... 11 '>lll'l'ial -and I woultl lilt• Ill"''' II Krnw e\.Cll more Any dues on where the time capsule wlll end up, a11d what ii will look like? Wt'fl. w1· at 111.111\' l1.1v1· .1 1t11w l <lfl'lll1· 'llht'lllllllllllt 'i' \\Ill~ Ill): \t I\' t 111 ... ·ly w11'1 11wmh1·" 111 !ht• n11n11n11111y :tlld 1111' I 11y I"''\ .111· m.1k11 1g rl•1 ·11111111l·11tl.1111111' 11•1:.11ti111•: 1111' '>ill· 101 .1111111. n11111•pt .mil d1 ·,1g11 l'fl'llll'llli. of llll' fll llfl't I ( hH· I 1111t t'fll wt· an· 1·111 n•ntly rt'\ 11·wi11g " mn1rpur.1t1111-: rlw 11•1111•111l1.1l 111111· tl1a1 it h. almo!.I owrwlwl111111g. We• an· .1f,o f111 t1111all' to h;.ive Im .11 <.1111111,1 lid l'\l.ir .1rd11tt•rt 11011 Y1·u l1•11d111g tu .. 1ah•11b 111 our1·fT111 t, wl11ch fl·ally lll'lp~ llll·a'> rq~.1rt.l11tg lhl· li1111· 1-.1p'>t1l1• 1•11li.111l l'111e111 p1ojn t 11t1 l11d111g '"ggt·,111111' 111 whar thl' t omn1t11111 y w1111ld li~1· 111 plal't• 111~1tlt· 111 11 1 an ht· wnl 111111j11C1•11/nt:!(XN111111 What area of the plan Is the committee working on most aggn.-sslvely now? I Ill' hiAgl''>t fcil'll~ llllW IS on 1·11111111u11i1y fu11llr;11si11g ,111d l'11rp111a1t• 'p1111,11r<ihit"· We• ,1r t11ally ... tar11·t.l .1 111111 profit. d1.11 it ahl1• f 1111111.la t 1011 t·1111111u1ted 111 i11Vl',t i11g l1.1ck in thl· < .uro11a dl'I Mar comm11111ty through n•ll'lm1t10n of tilt' lib rnry, cdun itmn. .irt a11tl phy:.w.1l c111111111111i1y 1•11ha11cl'ment., for lHl''t•111 and futur(• g1°111'ratio11' 1111·11111y, "lull' pre~c·~ng I Ill' h1,1111 u: "gnilirnnn· of the villagl'. • 1 lw t·o111111u11i1y f11ndra ... ing aimpmg11 and 1111· n1rpora11· 'P"n'or'hip'> will "'Pf11111 .ill ot tlw t 0111111111111y t'Vl'nl 1 d 1•hr.11i1111' .11111 1111' p111111 ,...1•d 1i11w 1·ap'>t1lt• t•11h.111t t'llll'lll I ,1111p,11g11 Ill f Ill' nll.1g1• I h1• I 1•1111·11111.11 I 111111d.1111111. 1 h.11n·d hy B1•11111· ~v;if,l.ad, 1~ ... 1ar1111g 111 gl't 1111· w111d 11111 Ill llll· t llllllllllllily and II I'> 1.1td1i11g Oil ( 11n11111111•t• Jlld f1111111l,111on 1111·111ht·1 B1ll l>l'a11 1). 11111 h1ndm1 ... 111g When the celebration's over, do you anticipate hreathlng a sigh or relief, or wishing you could do It all ove r again? Wt·ll. ir "cerramly i.:uin~ w hl' a run .inti 11w11111rabf(' yt·a r fu r llll'. I am al'>o 1r.11ni11g for tht· <l1icago Mararh1111. wl11d1 I will run thh October ai. wl'll. I know thl' t•ntire r11mmi1tel' 1i-. excirt•d 111 hi' a part of celehration -so, rhut will really make it !>pt.•ciaJ. WP will all be looking forward to cclebratinJ.t <lw rcntennial together with our frrcnlls, family and tlw rc·st of lhe rnmrnunity . I'm hoping tha< my family will be ablt· to Oy out that weekend from C:hkago to l l'll'l,rare 11111. Sinn• Corona def Mar\ c1•n1 1•11nial i-; the prdut.ll' to till' t·1•11ten111,ll for the l'ntirl' dty o f N1·wpo11 lie-at h, I dnn'r think a ny111tl' wi ll haVI' lo Wl'>h vt·ry hard tu do it all 11v\'r again, ht·e-.11M' Wl' will all have an 11pp111t1111it y tn 111 :lOOh I hopr to "'t' lht• r11111n11111i1y 'pint r11111inuc 111 grow and another hig rl'll'11ra1 io11 in tllt' work'>. It \ 1mpurtan1 111 kt•t•p llung~ in pcr'>pl'Cl1Vl' ;111d n•mcmlwr that 111 uddrt ion to all rhl' haeJ work, planning celehratiun evC'nt ... like thi<> '>hould truly he a fu11 expNll'lln' 111 ce/ehration. · FROM THE NEWSRO OM t h.111111.111 and Wt' .tit' 111•.11111g a h1111tr.11,111g t tllllllllllt'\' 111 help 111 Judy Oetting was truly 'one of a kind' I k1ww rlw 111-w' wu ... 11'1 going to he good. Our puhlishl'r, Tum Johnson, called a -.p<'l'ial ml'cting Thursday morning frir rlw new!>papcr -;tall. "Judy Oetting pa~'ed away," he rold the "'"cmhl1•d TONY DODE RO I' Ill pl oyel',, many lm·akinK into tt•ar.. /\.'>Tom tried hb best to tl'll the !>lory of her final hour, he 1011 began 10 rhoke up. It was a somher moment for Ult all. My though ti; Wl'nt hac.:k to minutes carhcr when I passed by her darkened office tu attend the meeting and how hard 11 was to fathom thut she won't he there. loughing and holding sway over her advertising minion'I, any lo11ger. Ye~. there will he a real emplines.'l at 1he Dnily Pilot for month.<; and maybe years to rome. Normally, I devote this s1wcr• to maucrs of th<' nt;>wsroom. flut Judy mean1 so murh IO thl' cmplqyces of the IJally Piiot and the nt!W!lplJler Itself thut h would be Impossible for me to not mention her 1hlt week. · Newspaper editorial end advc,lslng departments hnvc Judy Oetting long had a big wall between them. And the Daily Pilot has been no different. Judy respected the reason for that waJI , yet still found a way 111 111lk over it in a neighborly son uf way. During that meeting, Tom told aU of us Judy's story at the nally Pilot. He told how she climbed the ranks from a legal clerk to ntn the retail and classified advertising department of thl' tlally newspaper. II really Is a great story. II was through the comhi1wd efforts of Judy. the news department and the adven.lslng department that we created some awet0me speclal sections: the 103 Most Influential list: the Tushlba golf lit'<'tlon; most recently the Summer Al~nf( lht: FYI A celebration of the hie of Judy Oellmg, longtime Daily Pllol advertising director, will be at 2 p.m Friday at the Spaghe111 Bender restaurant in West Newport. The restaurant 1s at 6204 W. Coast Hig hway 1n Newport Beach. In lieu of flowers. donation~ nre requested for the American Cancer Society. The donations will go 10 the society's Newport Beach Relay for Life, which is sot for May 14 and 15. Checks can be made payable to the American Cancer Society's Relay for life and can be mailed to: Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. For more information about these events, call the Pilot at (949) 642-4321 or go to h11p:l/www.dsllypilot.com. Coast; the Coastal Football Preview; and the Daily Pilot'!> firi.1 Community t:Nents <:Ulcndar. /\nd that doesn't include all cir her advertising-driven special features about business. txclusive homes wirh view!> und weddings. Most notahly, though. Judy and her staff ratcheted up the -:i1.c and sco pe of our Saturday Real &tale section. malting It the largest such section of any newspaper In the county. Penonally, I've known Judy for 14 years. In that tJmc. I witn~ her command of the LIUVl'rti,1ng tl{•11.11 l1111•111 lr>gl'llWr. \\t' 'harl'd 111;111y lt•n>.t• anti 1•xnli11i: 11111111('111!-. a~ par! or tilt' 'il'lli•>I 111.111.1g1•1111•11t lt'Hlll ,11 till' Ill'\\ 'flap1·1 We ;ebn .. 11.11 nl .1 lnVI' lor I hl' 'anw 'Jlllrh 11·a11"· 1111' llani.... who nuiv1•d 111 "ii I 11111\, 1lt'ar lll'r Mi.,,01111 l11111lt't11w11, a111I 1h1· I ;1ker-.. OI rntll~l'. 'hl' al'>o loVl'd 1111' !'>I. l~llll' ( .1rdi11.11, .111tl r111 a l>11dg1·r fa11, "' tw111111t of tl11t·e 1,11'1 I 011 had l\11rl, hoy. tl1d \IH' lnVI' 111 11•11.;l' l>l'Oflll-Wirh """ ir h;1d lo do with my growing f.1mrly. l\f11•r my third d11hl. Nr11han, who "'"'"'~ 1 lw ,,11111• birthday U!> Judy 1111 Ort. 14. 'he ini-.iMt•tl I wuuldn't ht· 'loppin.: until I hnd five kids. I hope yo u arc wrong aboul thal orw. Jutly, Sure, we had our difTerenn·' over the your,, hut through ii nll. I think she anti I Wl'rc only looking oul for whnt was best for the newspaper. And I never stopped lcami11g from her. Rut enough about me. I asked some of hpr 1·11 workl•rs to give 111c some mtmoriP<i to jol down. One who rmswerl'd back was Donette Gou~t. the l'llot\ d ty c'!Jit nr who spl'nt a npw.;papcr-rclutcd conrercncc \Vt.:tkcnd wit h Judy '>Olflh 111 thl• lllWll or fallbmok. "When I think of Judy, 1wu scenes On..-;h through my mind, ft Goulet s.ild. ·i:irst is her sluing In front of the vldro 1:>0kcr game ln the flnln Me..'88 <..'.8slno whcni sht, 1111 this occaidof\, seemed to • he holding 111u11. JWd found hl·r. and ~.11 1wxr 111 lwr despite hrr pmlt•sh thut w1• wo uld niin lwr lurk. I\ 1 u,11111 '>l'l'Urity g11.irtl, whmn '"''was on a fi rst 11a111t• h;1~1 ...... toocl 1war hy lt•u,ing h1·r 11tTu~11111ally. She la11J{het.l a11d g<IVt.' ll'> all advice ahout how 111pl.1y11ur hands as Wl' fll'Slt•rt•tl ht•r I now always play vit.11•0 pokt•r when I'm in a GL'>ino. ··The uthl•r is omcthing I l.'a11'1 quit\• believe I won't sec again. Iler silting al one end of the conferenrc table every Monday morning (at the paper's we('kly manager meeting). smiling tea.o;ing, laughing and complaininl(." /\nuther admirer was Pllt l'Ool, who works in our advertising operations department, which literally put him in the middle of any fights 1hat could break out hctween advertising and editorial. "I worked with Judy In various capacities during her time here at the Pilot," Tool said. "She was ulways a good person to work with hoth professionally and personally. Always up front, 11scd expletives property and always with the best interests of the l'ilot and the people Involved in mind. I will miss her." And from Managing Editor S.J. Cahn: "Judy was one oh kind: he said. "She also wu kind. ln somt: ways I think of that M one TEll IT TO TliE EDITOR lONY DOOERO is the editor. He welcomes your comments on news coverage, photography or other newspaper-related issues. If you have a message or a letter to the editor, call his di rect line at (949) 574-4258 or the RMders Hotline at 642~. send it by e-mail to tony.doderot">/atimes.com or dai/yp1lot<~lstimes.com, or send it by mail to 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA. 92621 of her secrets -unlil you got to know her, you wouldn~ reali.7.e just how caring and giving she was. I only got to know her well within the past year. I reel wonderfully lucky I got to know her as well as I did and very sad our friendship only lasted as long as it did." Although funeral services will Hlkt! place for Judy In her native St. Omrles. Mo .. home, the Daily Pilol Is planning a celebration of her life thb coming Friday at one of her fa vorite spots. the Spaghetti Render in Newpon Beach. We'U also have a team in her honor at this year's An1crican C.Sncer Society Relay for ure on May 14 and IS in Newport Beach. Al. I Aki, Judy's ttory la a nice one to teU. I tere'a to leeinc her In the ~ chapter. ) ' ' f u Al Sunday. February 29. 2004 f 949.717.4717 CORONA DlL HAR u.m ... Crown jewel of spy&lass. 9 bd. 9.S ba. Custom home spectacular views. Unique opportunity. 94'.644.9060 SUNSET llACH $1,6'1,tOI Build your dream home at the ocean and hor the waves brea.k. Yoric • FWd t4t.7St.l7SJ ~cova Sl,6U,IM Plfftades Pl.n I . '4 bd. l ba. Pool and spa plus 3 carprap. lrianThomu t4t.717.4741 ..... M-ttl .... II l Vffl Udo Noni • Open Howe I ..fpm Southern end al Udo Isle wldl 40 fit. al ~I .. bd. '4.5 ba. wkh dock. t4t.711.27U PDAZUL $1,1"·- bquiske Plan I ~ hl&NY UP&rlded Interior. SWMf>ina views and private pool. t4t.7S9.J7St CORONA DIL MAR $1,600,000 Corona del Har villap R2 lot ~ ocean and harbor views. . t4t.644.9060 ' '49.644.9060 Nt.717.4764 D0¥'11t IMOltll 12.tll,tOI IHADr CANl"OW si.ne. ... New Custom home. '4 bd. 3.5 ba. Views from all Shady ~·VMta. '4 bd. '4.S ba. Golf course ~or rooms. . ¥few. Great yard. 94t.7st.J70S NIWPOWT llACH $1,9", .. Unique Newport 8-dl lmesonent opportunity. double lot In desirable CanneryVillace. t4t.'44.9060 IAl.W Ill.AND Sl,4'1- ~ lsllnd charm. Great loadon. Two rental units. Ctvt.Valll , '4t.7H.l7ll COllONA DIL MAR $1,IH,IOO R,a,.., nearly half ac,.. i.w1 lot with panoramic views. Home plans Included. Ht.644.9060 OM Po. MMD Sl.nt.- Spedoul Ind open. l bd. l.S ba. lrd bedroom hu ..,.,... encranc:e. t4t.111.1m • o..w.., '49.717.4714 Dally Pilot I ,, ""'" ~ "' ... . •. . . , - ... . -~ .. •! .. . .. -. .. . " ,. . -· .... ' . ... :..c . . _ ... f~ . . l . •'• i ' ' •t! ,. • ' I .. ·\#f. _ .. ., '-"' ~')! ............ '"'''"' ....__.., ... ililll ............. liiiililiiii ........... ---------~~-- • ,; l S1 SC ir. dt 81 Da t wh Cet Ion of ! higl hilt Wee and s. tea from .a e thlt ~ .. ·- 'QUOTE OF THE DAY ''People were talking fast so the kids could get out there and play. They can '1 sit still all day." Amt ..,......, Costa Mesa American littte League Commlssloner EYEOPENER • Daily~Pikx • Sporu lld ol Fame 40 ... f•)1li -tlJ.., •i-'<lf 44 •a•I March I honoree MIKE THORNTON Spom Editor Richard Dunn: (94915744223 • Sports fax: (9491650-0170 Sunday, February 29. 2004 Bl In front of hundreds of players and parents, Angels pitcher Blake Thomsen, above, delivers the ceremonial first pitch to open the season for Newport Beach Little League at Lincoln Elementary. Right, players from the Costa Mesa American Little League tip their hats to cheering parents during ceremonies. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILYP1LOT MEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters' last-second upset bid just misses Sophomore Sc hraeder scores 18 of his 20 points in second half, but three doesn't fall for UC Irvine. B1rry Faulkner Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CENTER -On a night when 4,210 spectators at the Bren Events Center said goodbye to the Anteater sen- iors. it was. perhaps. fttdng they also saw the rise of a sophomore star in Rosa Schraeder. Near the end or a dJs. appointing season. eome have already be-- gun looking to the UO propm'a future. But ewn the heroics or Schraeder, who roDowed his can!er· hlgtl 27 points Thursday with a game· high 20 points, the hosts fell victim to Big West Conference men's baaketbaD leader and No. 23-ranked Utah State. 59-56. ScbrMder. who bounced back with 18 leCXJOd.hllf poAnta after ... 0 for 6 from the Geld In the flnt 20 minutes - ID from beyond the arc -took the shot -~g;..;; tie for sixth place with just rwo regular- season games remaining. The last-second shot denied the Ant- eaters an upset of the Aggies. who have now won 21 of their last 22 conference games. The game that featured six des. I 0 lead changes and some n.qi:ged defense from both teams, came down to free throws. Utah State (24-2, 16-1) drained 15 of 20 after intermission and 18 of 25 fo r the game, while the 'Eaters made just eight trips to the foul line, converting five. It was two uncharacteristic misses by Agie senior point guard Mark Brown with 15 seconds left that gave UCI its fi. nal chance. UCI, under heavy defensive pressure in the frontcourt, called timeou1with4.7 seconds left. then inbounded and got the ball to Schraeder on the rlgtlt wing. Oosety guarded, he launched the shot from about 22 feet. but was unrewarded. Schraeder was 7 of 9 from the field in the second half, before his final attempt and he scored the Anteaters' final eight points, induding a pair of three balls. His second thn!e-pointer of the game gave ua 111 6na1 lead. 3S-37, with 12:38 left In the half. A Spencer Nelson three ball with 5:53 left upped the visitoB' lead to 53·45, but ua battled to malntain the drama. S..uet,P .. e82 YOUTH BASEBALL I • Parades, pageantry and first pitches, along with the game's familiar sights, sounds and smells, are all part of opening day festivities . Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot C lt·ar .. k1c•, made for a :.unny Saturday in Newport-Mesa. providing the perfect had.drop for Uulc League opening day. Playl'r,, coaches. fami lies and friendi; cekhrated In Newport Beach and Costa M esn. each in tlwir own way. More th<lll 2.400 hamburger" were sold as major leab'ltc I !all of Fanwr Hod Carew ,1nd former lmucldeball great Cl1arlll' 1 lough spoke to the crowd gath ered at ljnrnln Elemen tary School, hnmc of Newport llcach Little League. Newport lkad1 rnundl ml'mbers Steve Bromberg. John I il'ffernan anti Gary Adams were on hand Lo watrh the tean" paradt' around the mterior of the p,11\. The Angel' dt•il-Jtcd the Manner~ (Majors Division) -a final .. rore wa' 110 1 ;ivailable -in the only gamt'. Co'ita t-.fr:.a Arnt>ricJn Ullll· l.c,1gue kicked off its :.<~a!ion with 111ne g.m1e-. al Ct>''·' Mesa High follow111g a paradl' of tl'ant' Jnd ceremonial first pilch by clly dignililfic~. "The gameb arc a 101 of fun. We couldn't have aJI that exci1cment and 1101 hl' able Lo play." ( :MAl.l. Commisi;iuner Amy Stephens said in rercrence 10 doubt earlier in Lhe week about the weekend weather. "People were talkin~ fa'>I ~o the kid-. c:ould ~ct 0111 thl'rt> and play. They can't '>ii sllll all day." Ahou1 2.000 ~upportcrs ;,uTivcd a1 Mariners P:.uk to celebrate NI IBAs opening fcstivitit'S Saturday mornin~. Forrm•r Ne"' York Yankees pitchl'r Dan Nauhy. along with Newport Beach r..layor 'lucJ Ridgeway. welcomed the nowd -lreatcd IO a pancake hreakra'it -before player~ could take part in varinus jns1n11:1iunal clinics. A highliF,ht was an appearance by the Marine Corps color guard. ~1a1io111::d out of Camp Pendlc1011, which adopted the city of Newport Beach in 2003. HBA opening day Oiarrl'IH~Ul r..tark Mebenheimcr said. Fifteen NI IAA game<. at luur '>ites wcrt• played. including the flrsl basd iall gumc played at the Bonita C'.anyc>n Sports Park. The Giant<. deft•;ne<l the Cub,, 14 -5, in thr Bronco Divi,ion ( 11 · and 12-year-olthl Breaking in Bonita Clear skies, mild te n1peratures provide perfect backdrop for NHBA team to ina ugurate new fi e lds pt the sports park. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Ahn ne.irl} lour }l'•"" of wthatk!. and failed prorni't'~. the d.11\ 11 ol ;1 new l'rn lor the Nt•wpurt I larhnr Bascbnll Aw1rration heramc reality at its O)ll'lling day S.1111rd,1y. ltlc.il condi111111' made for J \H:llar day with Bronrn ( 11 · .111d 12 year-olds) and Mustang (9· and l<J·ycar 01<1,1 1c.11m, christening the new licldi; at the BlJnita C..111}1011 Sport' l'ark m Newport Hcarh. Years of pluy1n~ on often lt'''·than-respcctahll' Mtrface' gaw "·'\ to a rtnewctl enthusiasm, Alex Maddox of the NHBA Bronco Giants is congratulated by teammates after a grand slam See BASEBALL. Pa1e 83 in the first game ever at Bomta Canyon Park THE BIG EASY flt.£ PHOTO I DAILY Pit.OT Anika Gerken, left, celebrates with Mark Craig and his daughter, Sarah, as their team, Andersen No. 1, captured the third-and fourth-grade girls championship in 2003 Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex, where this year's event will also be played. Pilot Cup w ill produce e ight socce r champs S omething new, 5omething old a~ the most popular sports endeavor in the combined area orCosla Mesa and Newporl Beach looms in early June. The first day of lune seems a long ways from now, but for Kirk Mclnro h. the guru or the Daily Pilot Cup, which fean1res third-and fourth-grade boys and girls and fifth· and sixth-grade boys and girls in a massive soccer tournament. the beads of sweat are already forming. ·r need a represenrative from each school. a liaison. to coruact me." said Mcintosh the other day as he begins to sort out the complexities of a tournament which encompasses some l ,800 yo\Ulgsters. Last year the field featured 96 teams. ll'ying to maintain a sense or order when faced wtth these numbers. even though he has a welcomed support from 1he Youth Services AMocia tion in ROGER CARLSON Costa Mesa. continues to be one of the big hang-ups. "The goal is 10 get 100% participation.· said Mcintosh. "even lfthat means a school would have just one team ente~d in one or the classifications.· The mainstream Is as soUd as a rock. lf you're talking Marlners Elementary or Mariners Olrlsllan. Rea or SM EASY, P• 12 • ' P O K T Daily Pilot EASY Continued from Bl Al 1111'1-.t•n, Kal)>(.'f or llarl 1w Vtl'\v or Our I .uly <)l1{·cn of Altb>t'L'· lltl'IC i.t.'l'lll' ltlllt' 11rt-d for 111111111 lty kadmK 1111 111 tlir l'Vt'llL llwy'l\0 wd..111' '-C.'hooll< 111111 ~-c·m to l'IOIVl' i1 111 ... 111nl" ~do lllllJ 1y 111her' Hiii '>OllW, :.t>1nd111w, 111111'1 alway~ ~·111 Ill gt·c lilt• wrntl. u flJi, lllllnt.lllll'lll htL' ~Olll'll "41 mud1 pubh1·11y. • "1111 Mll1110,h. ·.111d Yl'I I ~1·1 1·;_t)f\ Imm M:lwol" t•vt•11 .11tw tht' t11urmmw111 ht" '>l.1rt1'tl .1rnl llwy'ri• a.-.km~ why tlll'y h.1dn'1 hl'ard .11>11111 11 • 11w 1\1>: l·oUJ Mdntu~h hupt." 111 hll'ak up ,., 1lw :1h'>t·11n• ol K1llyt1ruokt', S1111111.1, P:mlJr11111 Jlld LOllt"gl' l•Jo_, l'fl'll lt'lllUf}' •,d 111111., which h.tvt' ycl lo 11.cVI' .1 i.ill~lt' l'll\ry ill till' fiNt f11t11 y1•.1r.. ol 1lw touma11w111. All th.11 i~ n't1111rro is 1111 111w 1w1"411\ lo act a.' ,1 h.u..."4.m Im 10,1rh o;d11111l 10 l'onllKI Md nto'h .11 ('W ll h'i41 l1127 .11111 you'n· hrnm• lft'\' A ,,,~ ( hallKt' Ill llll' 101111.11 lhL' yl.'.1r will h1• thl' t'l lll'~em 1· 111 .1 ).:Old .lltll .. itwr d1vi,11111 l111 t·.11 h group. whid1 will 111ca11 t•1gh1 l h.111111111mh1p lt'.1111'> will ht• 1 row111·ll. a!> !lflf""t'tl lo 111111. I lw 111um;u1w11t. wl11d1 1" .1 d.1y l1111~1'r tu .11 u111111111d,1fl• flit' '( h1'll1tlt'. will ht• ln1111 Jurw I 11• J111w h .11 till' "urn: 'Ill''· ( M ... 1.1 r-.k-..1 I h~h aml thl• •11Jjan•11t 1·:11111 I 11111plt·~ 'ipht1111g lht• fit·ltl will J o .i lut 1111 111.·tkr thwJ, 111tlw1·Hfly ,.;11111g. . 111cl 1111 "it1111J.1y ll w11· w1ll lw r11111 UCI Con1111ued fr om 81 '>1•111111 \1o1' U."k.u"L" 11t'lll'd f11, h"I 1h11·1• p11111t1.·1 of 1111' -.t.•,1 'w\ .11ul '>I l11,ll'd1•1 l11u11d 1lw '"'' 111111 ol 1111' 111·1 Imm tll\t,11111· wtth ,' I. ll'tt 11> pull I J( I'' 11h11t '\I 'i I \llt'I 11111• A~w 111.·1· llHll\\, '.i l11.11'dt•1 tlrup1H'fl 111 .1 11111· h.111 rlt.1111111111 ·1 1111 1111· h.1wl1111•, wl11lt· lt1·111i.: loi1l1'fl I It• llll,'l'd lht• '"" "'ll11t·111 lll·t· 1hr111' .11111 B111\\11 I 1111\l'I It'd .ti ti 1t• olht.01 l'll(f Wl(fi ,I hllll h1111 11111111•1 lo llfl llll' ll0ild tu 111111 1\111°1 H."l.111,~1' 1111,.,.•11 lr1111l lllll't' 11111111 lolll.:1•, flrtl\Vll ,,llll two lnul ,fioh w11h ltt Ill k_, ld1. h111 o111111lit·r ~ hr.t<'d1•r 1h11•1• 1111 th1· tll'f111I In 'i'J ri1 w11h ,I I o,('t' .:humpimt' 111 the gol\J l'idd nm.l four mort• in the ,uver diW.io11. It ~ mdl'l'<l th~ group of yt>Ul\g':>IC!"., ha&11.-aUy ilgl" H tu 11 111 wad~ 3. 4. 5 and 6, wtwrc guld ,uuJ i.llvcr 1 hvi,ions are very much 1u,t1lit-d ;u11I \Wli.omed. l11c ol,._1,1dt•, for Mcintosh 011mir 1.L,1 year\ St'ellanu. "Wt• haw to he better u1~anilt-d. cspt.'Cially In 1cm1' ol 1111lt•nn.: the wunuunenc r-~luru. .111d ~cttit1.: tht•111 llclivcrt'd, a11d in KC1ti11g n.f1•1ws.'' snld Mdnto~h. who heli('V('\ 11w field 111.1y come do."· 111 :!,lXXI yt JllltJ.i"Wn>. l11e entin· 1ouma11wn1 b done 1111 a vuluntt"Cr ba:.i.<. and wt1en it 1 rnlll'S to volunteer.. well, 11 can II\· a mtating thlng. Wl1<•11 the ?>On or lluu¢111·r m11ve:. on to the w~nth grnck 1111110 .md dad an• ),'lt111g wHli them ~1 t•ad1 yt•J1 thC'll' i.' <m utwiou~ 111't•d Ill fill the holei.. 111 lurt. tht• l111JJ11:u11c111 dirl'Ctor h.11> .i ~uhll l'llfll'< of vuluntec:.-n. tllld ~uppt1ntr ..... but u1 lt'mlS of numlx.o~ tlwy ~imply rwed m ort' lwlp. DealinK with 9fi team.~ got" f<1r lwy11ntl .1 llui"111 fmm em h '>\ '"'"' l'Vl' wutrlwd a pallt'l'll dL"wlop 11w1 lht• p.N lour yt·ar.. i11 1111~ 111um<1111t•1t1, wh1d1 '' opc111C1 all p11hht .iml pm~11t· ... d 1out ... 111 I ll'>lil Mt"'>.I .llld Nl•wport l\t!a1 h l 11)' limil'>. I 1r.t. 1(, :\le hllmh '4 flllllbh11g 1111 lwlp fnr .1 11111~111111·. \t.'t 0111Jly. 11 "'·''"\ll' fil'ld "' ytJt11 1~''''r' wllh rnuny ·'flflll'\ l<lll\l' Jldll'lll'- lht•ll 1111' h1g ti111,h \Vllh I h.11111111111' t rll\Vllc1I. f\11d li11ally. Mdnll1'h oil to tilt' oml' ldt 11( .I lt•t I '1 °"'t.11mf, d,tp"-' lH' lt111· f1111h11g 1\111\.\ll, \\hll 11'<1 lht• Wlllllt'I'> \<\llh 11 flllllll' :-.t•111111 ,1,1111,f.iv /t11.1k hall I:.! fHJlnh. i111h11J111g1w11 thrl't"pomt t'I'. J nd 'e11111r i\J,1111 Parada 1 l11pp1.•d 111 11im· pt11111' .1111J IO rt• hou111.t' in'"' fi11.tl htH •ll' l-(•11111•. l H 'I 011lrl'hou111.ktf t hi' i\~it·'· .!II .!O. 1m lud111~ a 11 -h t't.l~l' <111 11lll•11,1w IH1.111k 1 lw ·1.11rr<. al\11 t 111111111ttl'tl jll\I 11 1111 lltJVt·r... c•q11.1li11~ I h.111 'l<llt'' 1111al, uml '""' ti0.4''i, 111 1111· w< n11d h.tll (I J 111 .' 11 111 fi111,h '1 11.J''C, h11 lhl' ~.mw (.U 111 •I'll ZOTS '.111111t.1v• 11~'"'"' ull ~SPNJ "' .,.,,'C, 10,. ,., ., ,,,, ... .,, )C, V•'·"~ f SPN VIS.I NI '"" 6t1•11 I Vl'flh l ••l>I"' fh1• last ESPN 1~·1.KJ.. .. ~· 110111 l)fl "''"' J 19119 ~Ill(' ••II·"'"'' lJ1,11\ "1""' Wl)n hv 11111 A\mies. 95 '+.1 '" '"""1"'"' lJC:I Cur1u1 Pwt ~. !ti honu1 ,,, 4\of•UHJI fHHftl .,,,,f1ttt sen.or• :.idc in pmm· or fetal po!>itaon. MJn of Ukc in u t'oma. It llot.~m.s co be u tril'd and lnie formula. and 1'111 11ot worried at all Rut If you have a soc:cer star 111 yow family. or ju!>I foe! like lending a hand for no reason al alt gi\IC• Ml'ln1t>~1 u caJt a.11d Sl't" if you can ht'lp. ••• Not mud1 to report on the ongoi1~ community 1..'0llegc sporu. funding dilemma, wt\ld 1 has cut dc.>eply into the schedul1'!> and has the po1cn1WJ to do u great deal of funher damage. Perhap:. i.omethlng will sur1:1cc in April, but it appears a great deal will depend on the pos.'>ihlt• suet.:~ of proposition 57. wt1il'h would horMv e11ou.:ti 111 keep things alluat. We'U o,tt. ••• fom1er Newport I !arbor I ligh baske tball player Mark KeY' (Cla."8 of '76) will be -.ignin~ copi~ of his book "My~· I Jay ... Spon.s" at Martha's ljc>0~1on• on Balboa Island to<lay, a two-hour l'Jldcavur i.tanin~ .it 11 it.Ill. 11'.o; a miner unique t.:t>IKl'PI and .1 llllt'·Of·J·kind itl'm. I have m ore un 1hi1>, am.I 011 Mark Kc)'!.. hut then•i. nut cnou).(h room 1o<lay. I'll try to tackle· Key:, 1111 .1 lal}jl'r "·ale soon. I ll'Y' ~·t· you 11ex1 Sunday! • ROGER CARlSON 1s the former sports editor for the Daily Pllol, His column appears on Sundays He can be reacnoo by e-mail at rugeranddororhea "msn.coni. Ad•m ~. M.tt Olton>, Ares Basl.JluS. w Hlw:l St..WSUV l uall II was lhU lllll• dol 1ruin1 hr><'UI• ol the st>""°" 101 1h~ A111 ~ th't• Bia W... Cont~• -----UtMI State 59, UC Irvine 56 Utah State Hams 12, Willi11ms 4. Nelson 14, Brown 17. Brown 8, Ahmatl 2. McVcv 1. Huber 1 3 pl. goals Nelson 2, Brown i. Bullor 1 UC lfvlne Zwak 12, Okoro 2, Pardda 9. Gloger 4, Basltauska~ J. Sctiraooer 20. E1h1ng1on 4, Htll ? 3 pl. goal Schrat.'Cltlr 4, Zuzak 2 Baskauskas 1 Halftime Utah S1arc. ?5 22 SCHEDULE TOOAY 8eMbMI CollD(le Gor11a91J <11 UC lrvme, 1 pm ,\HI-. \S <>I; C:IHC:t 'l.A'l'IO'\i l'\!CLllOE: II DAILY PILOT Publishing· Wednesday. March 24. 2004 '\c \\ pori lk :tdl • ( :uron:i J c l ~far '\ c '' pon ( :oas t • ( :o)>t a I\ lcsa HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT Publishing: Thursday, March 25, 2004 I l11n rinKt11n lkadl • If unc ingwn J larbour Sunset Bcal:h COASTLINE PILOT Puhltsh1ng: Friday. March 26, 2004 I .:.1gun:1 Bcal·h TOTAL CIRCULATION 78,000 For advertising informatio n, call : INDEPENDENT Daily A Pilot COASTLINE PILOT 949-642-4321 9~9-642-432 J 949-642-432 1 ( • BRIEFLY Lions on cloud nine Va nguard 's highly rega rded wome n 's basketba ll team sinks Azusa Pacifi c, 8 l -65. VUilb'Uanl University fre!>htnan Kelly Schmidt ~cored a game· hi)th 24 points, as the third· ranked Uons' women's basket- ball team closed out the regular sca.-.<m with an 81 ·65 Golden Stute Athlelk Conferl'nrc victory over visiting i\z.usa Pacific Satur· day. l .isa faullmer added 19 points .uid Lacey Uums chipped in with 17 points for the I.ions (26·2. 111·2 in conference), who have won nine in a row and clinched lheir i.econd ~traight GSAC championship ·l\1esday. nu~ Lions w1U host a first · 111unll gaml' of the GSAC toum a- nwnt 1llUn.day a1 7::m p.m. Goldell Sblce AltMdc: Confwence V.09u•rd 81, Azu.-Pacific: 66 APU · Regan 3, WC1lt 20, 0.,.k 0, Hudson 7. Dresboclt 12, Somers 17. Von Essen 4, Rice 2 3 pt. goals -Somers I, Orosback 1, Rogan 1 Fouled ou1 -Somurs, West Tochnicals -Somers. V•nguwd -M ills 6, Burns 17, faulkner 19. Besse 4. Sctim1d1 24. McClellan 9, 01nonb1r 2. 3 pl \jOdlS Miii~ 2, Fa11lk11or 2 . Hothuno VU, 3!l 30 UC I rallies past Zags • BASEDAU.: ·1 hl' U<. Irvine 11.r~l'hafl tca111 l'Xlcmkcl 111> 11n· lrl'atcn ~trenk to seven games • ind won it1> 1hird ~eriei. of thl' 'l'ac;on hy r.11fying for an 11 ·4 1111n1.:onfert'ncc victory uvN Cio11:1.aga Saturday at i\ntl•ater Jlallparl.. f'h e i\11tt•a1t•I'\ "cored rwo run' in llll' fif1h to takl' a 4-J l1•ad. then explodt'd for six run!. in thl' eighth to improw to R-2-1. UCI ~lartN Glenn !-iwani.011 improved to 2·0 with 1he win. throwi ng 61/i innings and Mrtking ou1 four Michael Kuehler and Hlair l:rtckson l'ombincd for I/, :.corc•lc~s re· l1cf in11ingi.. Matt Ander,11n we111 2 for 5 with two run' and two llBI<; while Mau Fi ... her had doubles i11 consecutive a1-bat1> anJ fi n · i!'<hcd :~ for 5 with an BBi and a run scored / NooCOllference UC Irvine 11. Gonuga 4 Score by Innings Gon1aga ~1 000 ()(fl ~ 9 1 UC lrvme 100 120 16• 11 13 3 Clelland. W1lhams (7), M cEwun (81. Lo111ll (81 and Th1haut1; Swanson, Koehler (71. Ertckson (8), Cassel (9) a11d Wilgner W Swanson. 2 O L Clolland, 0 1 2B -Fisher IUCI) 2. Wagnor (UCI) 2. Rundle IG) 2, Johnson IUCll · UC I stuns SDSU • 'f ENNIS: I hl· IJC Irvine women\ tenni' team UfHCI No. ,14-ranked San 01ego State a1> the visiting Anteaters won, 5·2. In single:.. UCI {4·4) took lour 11( the -.1x mutchc'i. Anna lk1111er delca1ed Dita llauer landova ant.I 'I iff.111y Chang defl'alt•d Ka1.ll111a Ho mc ro for the i\nll"<l(t'" IJCI\ Chri~tie flo...,wr and Kl•lly ~avi11 .dso won. lJCI wu11 two of the tlm.•e duublei. m alchl'!o to lake a I ·O lcud heat.ling i111u ~in~Jcs at" tlon. 01a11g and B1•11t1er Ulhl'I No. 1:1 Indra Erichse11 and K.cltl· li11u nomcro. 8-4. l'oi.n<'r ,111d Veronica Ft!rmin ab11 wo11. 11·4. Four Pirates advance •TENNIS: Omn~c C:oa1>1 Col lege teammates lia-Wei Yuh and Mika Okamura will lat·e each other al 11 <1 m. 111d<1y in u sixth·Oighl nnal 111 thl' Soulh· western wornen':. le1111b lour· nament after each po'\ting two victories Saturday. Sabrina Tanamtil and Kai Mo· riy-cUna al!>o reachell the finals of their rei.pectivc Orghli. wnh two victories Saturday. Tanam al faces lhwnmJc'~ Trisha Robles in om· final w hik· Moriyama will ba ttle SaJJf1· bar k'!> Ca ri Padwrn. Huth matches begin at 11 a .111. 'J\vo Coast douhh·~ 11•:11m (Leah Becker-Tanun1<1I. Yuh Darlena ·1 ran) each advu11n•d 111 today'i. final!> in 1he11 r e~fll't'llVl' Oights. Play hegin~ .11 ~I .1.111. Lions )}weep Biota • T£NNIS: Amy Hr11w11 .111J Silina Vohncr did11'1 ft>,l' <1 g.11m• in ~WC'C'flt Ilg 1 hl·ir '"'git·' malchc~ ,,., the Vanguard tint versity w11mc11'i. 1e1111i.., 1e,1111 k11ocked oll ho~r lliola, ~HI. ~.1t urJay tu rt•main 1111heJlt•11 111 thc Colden S1a 1t· 1\1hkl11 ( on ll'renct>. l\mantla t•oynll'r 'Wl'J>I 1hruugh t.:a11 l.c·1t ht. It l. h fl, while< >lga I ll11,hd1.111ka, 1\ll0ll.1 Vo1avova and !:,,1r:i llr.1Jl1·y .tit co11tribu ll'd vil l llrH'' 101 llw I 1 om. (7·0, 3-0 111 thl· (,\/\{I Golden Si.tt Athletic Conlerence V•nguard 9, Blola O Singles -Hlushchanlla IVUI dul Kelsev, 6 I. 6 4, Brnwn (VUI ctC'I Scott, 6 0, 6 0 Vota11011" lVUI 111•1 Bradshaw, 6 I 6 2, Yohrinr IVUI cll'I Sorgenl. 6 O. 6 0; Bractl11y IVUI clof M eisler, 6 4, 6 O. Poynwr IVUJ dor Le•chr, 6 1, 6 O Doubles HlushchankJ B1ow11 (VUI def Scott Kul~ey. 8-3. Bradley Yohnor IVUI dPf Lo1ch1 Me1srn1. 8 2, Vo1a11011e Povnier (VUI 1111t Nauons Scotdshaw. BJ UC I downed hy Aggi e~ • B.\SKETBALL: I lw U<. Ir vme women's ba,kl•t hall 11·.1111 sustai ned a damaging hlow 111 iti. hopei; uf malw1g till' Big We!il Co11fe rt•11rc t1111m;11nl'11I $aturdt1y, u' hui.I llliih ~1\111' claimed a fl I lo t·o11rf'rt•1w1· w111 in l.ogan. Should lJCI tl'i 111, S-11 111 conference) .md I llah Stale (!i 20, 5·12) w111d up tit'U lor llw eighth and finaJ '""' 111lht·'1111 ferencc 111tirm1111t•111. th1· 1«;1111 with a vil'lory 11Vl'r lht• hight''' 'landing n111lt"rc111·1· 11p111111l·111 would adVllncc. Kristt·n t;reen ll'J lht· 1\111 caters with 14 poi111i. a11d <l11" I ina Callaway adclt'd 11. Bil West Conference Ut•h Stare 61, UC Irvine 46 UCI Green 14, Callaway 11. 81911111~ 6, Stanley 0, Ferguson 6, Vadu11 S Nort 2, Urban 2 3 pt goals Greon 2, f uruuscm? Ut•h State Torp 8, Tres~lcr 6. Ami 14, Johnston 11. Zt11•11ok 21 Grnni I J Pl goals Johnston 2 Zdene~ I Halftime UrJh Stare. 32 23 UCI women finish 11th • TltACK AND FIELDi The UC lrvml' women'i. indoor track. anti field team finished I~ th in thl' Mountain Pacific Sporls Ft·deratiun championshi~ that t 11nd11detl Saturday al Dem p- sey Indoor Stadium in Seattle. tJCl's 1.600 meter relay team of Amber Nefas. Una Pimentel. Suzanne Purmorl and Ka.maria I leru placed sevenLh in 3:52.34 Saturday. Frc!thrnan Orlisha Henion rmishcd sixth and senior: Ann· marie '£\irpin eighth in t.J1e high jump competition Friday: Both cleared 5 feet. 5 y, bul ~CenJon had fewer mi 'Ses. Stanford won the title wi lh 11n points, IJCl.A was second wi(h IO~J and Washington third \vi th RJ. UCI edged by UCSB •TENNIS: The UC l rvine 111en's 1e11nb team hegan its 111atclt again st visiting UC Santa Barbara wi th u I ·0 lead, sweep- 111g in double!-., hut the Gauchos had the advanlaKe in singles and wun, 4-:.1. Saturday. Zoran Kura\:, UCl's No. :1 sin-git·~ pl<1ycr. and Renouk · Wijc- 111;11111t". al No 5. recorded vic- torit'>. In Nu. I tloublei.. Aritcater 111ni1ir-. Brian Morton and Ryu. 'llkt• Ka~hiwahara won. 8-6. Sen· 1ur' Ion Endrik<lt and Wk:we-;i William~ won. !Hi (7·4), whtlc Korar and Pt:lt'r Surapol won. ~I 7, lor the An1t•a1ers (5-4). Kornc tldl'.11t·d Mikt• l'lat.:ck 7-n (7·4) . I h, 7 Ii (R n) Ill 'i11gle:.. VU beaten at bu zze'r • BASKETBA.Lt: Azusa Pa- t if11 \J11ivcr~ity\ Hrett Michel hit a 1hrt!c-poi111er from near 1nidrn11r1 to heat the bui'.zcr "iaturday night as lift the visit· in~ Cougars to a 75-72 Golden ~1a1r f\thlctic Conference ml'n\ ha:.kctball victory over Va11i.:u;1rd ( 13· 16. 6: 1.2 in ( 1!'.A< ) l\l'IJ (.W 4, 17· I). ranked No. ·1 in 1tw 11a1i11n. won dci.pite n1111n1wr'y al the end, when VlJ pmle'>lt'tl that the garnt' t Im k ra11 out hefore Michel's hail rnary. Lion~ swept at Biol<.t •DA EMU.: Ftr1>I ba.'>l'rnan Sl'oll Martin went 3 for !) with Olll' HIU. hut the Vanguard ha~e­ hall 1eam w.1s \wept in a (,olden Stall' Alhlctil ConfNcnn: tlouhlt•header. lu~ing. 12·5, and. 7 ·I, at Biola Saturday. Cougars beut ·Eaters • VOU.f:YOAU.: The vhiting Brigham Youn~ llnivni.ily 1nc11\ vollcvhalf team had lht• pl.tyt·r' witi1 IO ur more kill-. <llld dl'll'<llt•d I.JC: Irvine, 2!i .Ill. :io 24, :10 l 1. :I0-:.!6. for tilt· ~t·r ond lime in 1lue1· days a1 l r<tW· ford Court ~11urd<1y. The Anlcal l'r~ (7-11 , .l·H 111 the MPSFI closed I.he Orsi Katm· with a tHI run. hut the fourth ran~l'd Cougar' ( 11 3. ~I I) witlhtood 211 '>l'rv1n· error' to rl'gain lht• m orrwnllllll. li111111y l'elzcl kt! lJCI wi1h Ill kill' whill· l!n•tt Heid had .1<1 '" ,i,ti.. YOUTH SOCCER Newport surging in playoffs Girls unde r-IO a ll -stars reach semifinals afte r two vic to ri es. Callea Eisenberg scored both goal-. and the Newport Reach girts under-12 aJf·slar soccer team shut out SoutJ1 Irvine. 2·0, for one of its two victories Feb. 14 in lhe AYSO ltegion 97 playoffs. Aw Nel9on assisted on Ei...enberg's fi rst goal early in the game. Newpon relic:>d on a strong defen8e to thwart any South Irvine attack. Ov19de Ohhvet-. ICeOy Rorden. )8ckle Graham anti P.mDy Boone all conln>lled their areas. s.nh Buddnlham. Nelson and MegMn Nance. In tum . prcl>.5ured 1ht:> lrv11w ddt•n.'>l'. Newport llwn dcfL•alt•d No1 111 Irvine, 1-0. Kathryn 1Jmme nna11n's comer kick 0<'W aero" thc ~ix-yard hox ai. Lauren D'lppollto charged 111w11rd 1lw far post lo redirecl thl' h;,111 i11111 the goal with rwo mim11c-.111 .:i1. Nicole Baker drew llll' rumc1 kkk. Newport pullllllt·tl thl' lrvi11l' ~ua.J with 'hoti. in tlw '<l't.:1111d half. Jlldck Graham and Elsenbe~ fed balb 111 Nd~on and Kiley Joh!IOn. Nonh Irvine managl"'CJ jU!il fou r shols on l(Oalkt'C'p<'r' N;mn· and n.bltha Goff. Emily Boone , Ohlhavn, Horden and Brianna Truxton all contributro Mrong dt•fcnse. In Lhc girli. under· I 0 < .11ld 1>1vi ion playoffs: Newport's alf·'llar team ,1dva11ccd 10 the 'icmifinals of the Arca I) playoffi. with two victorit·~ Feb. 14. •Newport :I, Co~ta Mesa·2: Meghan Kay, Nicole Dinatale Jnd losle logwe all scored goal~ fur Nrwport. which l'rased ;1 2· I deficit. A <,tron~ defense IN.I by Allison ScheUn1 Delaney BeU a11d Sophia Evans paved the wny. Savanna GutJneau. Kay nnd Dinatale were all strong in l(t1al while Madbon Wooten and Madl!lOn Grant each tallk'<l assists. • Newport 4. Yorba Unda 2: Jogwe scored lwice while trnnt and K;1y 1.•ach found the ba4c of the net once for N<..'WpOrt, which ki1ockcd oil the No. 3 seed. Wooters assisted on one goal. Bell, Schelin, Evans and Gastincuu led the defense. · Ga:.tineau, Kay and Oinat~ all pJnyctl well in goal. ; . CdM All-Stars advance to setriis llle Corona del Mar Italian Gold under· IO All·Star team mOV"eS on to the semifinals with a vlrtory and a tie In AYSO Region 57 play Peb. 21. CJM defeateJ South Irvine, 2 ·I. O.rtatopher Yon 0... Me nud Dev'9 Cue eacl1 M"tJrt'd goals while J.11. Dawn pmvided l'IOlid defense. 1Adl Murtaup and David M0o~ rounded out lhc: oflt'11.'t" CdM responded from n :~-o deficit r~ tie Ncwpon tit·nrh 111 the second game. • Case scored rwo goals wt\ile Con HMtlnp added a slnfe score. • Goalkeeper 'hylor ~ ~lrong drop kick led to Cast'~ !(Olli. ' I 01 l lC :k in 1S at p- m ~I. ia 34 >n n- ~h th >n th 1d d e ts a s l- ·- i e Catty Piiot S PORT S PHO ros BY s Tl V[ Mc CRANK I DAJl y PILOT The Yankee s sing the national anthem as part of opening day ceremonies Saturday morning for the Newport Beach Little league. BASEBALL Continued from Bl described by the raw review' rnarhl''> amt ur~a111n•r' gave the fieldc;. • "Fabulous," Rro11w Giunt,' 1\li111.1gt•r Steve I !arm said about the new lil'ltl<.. "\Vl' an· 11111 .it nN0111cd to such amenilies. 11 \ nil'<' to M'i.' pt'opll' rnme 0111 lll're and have a good 11111l'." The Giants defeated the Cub .... 14 'l. 111 the fir-.t game on the m·w ~round ... ·n1e Giants c;l·orf'cl 10 nm' 111 thl' ho11u1111111hc fourth inning Ill ln~t· a 10·] k·ad, rapped hy Akx Maddoxs grand '>lnm. the park's 1i1.,t lwrnt· nm. Jason Harris !.truck ou1 thret' i11 fiw inn in~· .. allowing one unearned nm for the• (,rant'>. The Cubs' nyan Albert aJlowetJ Ollt' run 1hrouw1 lht.' first three inning" and pitched wl'll. I larri' said. Fifteen NI I BA ~ame:. were played Sa tun.lay, stretching from field' at Bonita and En ... ign Intermediate School to Marinl'r" !'ark uml Kaiser School. Mark Meisenlw1111t•r, NI 11\i\ upen111g day chairman, praised volun1eer<o who '>rnoothl'd 111fit·ld llin. paintl·d lines and made uther lll'Cl''>'-arv prl'paralion:-. 10 rt'ady facilities for play. "Stunning, g1>rgeo11 ... " Mc·i,elw1111t•r. a !\lu.;t;rng Division coach, ... aid of the nPw lil'ld' NHBA player; haw bcl'11 l....C·d IO pl.1y111g on field' that have all-din infil•ld.., anti ptldll'r,· mounch 1ha1 can resemble deep p1h near thl' ruhher from uvt'rll~l'. Needless to say. thl' fil'ld' at Bo111tn prov1dl' a substanlial upgrade. The fi rst day of ha,l•b..sll at B(lt11ta ha' bct•n cagt•1 ly antidpated since llw idl·a lur Lill' p.1rk '>urfau·d in 1998. The park W<l.'> ... upp1N:d IU open in April 2001, h111 II wasn't until last Augmt that gr.111d opl'ning ceremonies were ht•ltl <111d 1\YSO '"c't'er 1ea111' ..,0011 staned playing on lh(• grnss. A \t•rit'' of mi"-IC'fl' included the park\ fif'..t rn11lral tor lll't unting financially uno;iahlc t1ml l'\Cntually dedaring bankruptcy, along with a '>prinkll•r 'Y'll'm malfunctioning in Fchruary .Wo:I. But now four ha:-.Phnll lield~ dut 1h1· l~l.S-.1rn· p.1rk. which also feature' 1hree <o11< cer fi<·ld'i. 1wo playgrounds. 1wo I l'nni' cuuri.... onl' h."kethall l 011r1 and three reMm<1111 huilthn~' Bonita's baseball f1eltb \\ 111 he u'l'd hy hoth '11111\, Pony ba!>cball and the Newport Bl'•'\ h IJltle I t•agm'. Double-A tet111h from Niii .i. w1ll lN' tlw lkl1h. wlnlt· the organization\ pri111ary fut ili1u· ... n·m;iin al l.inroln Elementary Scho11I NBLL f1rst·ycar u11n111i.....,iom·1 I .1111.1 lltlkof( ""d Bonila Park serve' <1 1wed 1101 t'a"IY fllll'd .11111hcr parks. "There is a ~e11~t· ut con11n111111y," 'ht• 'aid. "l'copk· can walk tu tht> park and ii 111 ovul1·' n 1\l'1ghborly feeling. 11 is pherwnn•nal." Above . NHBA Cubs pitcher Ryan Albert delivers against the Giants in the first game at Bonita Canyon Park. left, Hall of Farner Rod Carew hoists his 1969 Most Improved Player trophy while speaking to the audience. Below left. Enk Heimstaedt of the NHBA Giants throws to first. Each team in the Costa Mesa American Little League, including the Red Sox, below, paraded their team flags at Costa Mesa High. ~~L".:T::t~&: s34es s 1595&0"1''"• • ~ Motorcran· agnos • ~ ~ 04L ANO "'1&. Ta .. CHANGE • flOTATa i!!!!!ll C"9CK Tlred of that pesky check engine light? See !if ~~:-;-.:;:~' ;ai !if :: ~,', ~.~""' us today for an electronic engine analysis to @ liJ' ...., •CT ~ ""' c...ac find the cause! A must to be able to pass 0 W OCL rf\ ANO nn'V(r "'"II.... •IO'W't the CA smog check! • (if ~.. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ Offer valid with coupon . . '-'° ... cp*IS"MolaPOlll"°' o.i""°"-.,_..,__,OllllOl9 Taxes eKtra a.~1or<INiL0111r""°""'~ 11:n1twt1 E<PlW2/lWOf Ex res 2/29/2004 Sunday, February 29, 2004 83 BOYS GOLF Eagles' outlook looking bright Six lettermen return to lead defe nding Golden Wes t League champions. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot 'l11c Estancia 1 ligh boys golf team might be going to Hawaii during spring break, but Coach Art Perry belie\IC!> the entire sea· son could be spcru in paradi..e. Perry. the only head coach in lhc programs 19·year history. is anxious about the prospects for thi., 'etc>on with a team of six re· turning lettem1en eager to de· fend 1heir Golden Wesl League II· tie. Among Perry'i. arsenal include11 .. uphomore Marcus So!>tak, who aver<1ged 38 for nine holes a year ago and. along with Jason Cassi- dy. advanced 10 tJ1e CIF Southern Re¢onal individual champion- i.hip. Ca..\.S1dy daimed the Golden West League individual title and now plays for Omnge Coast Col· f(•gt'. "Marcus could ht-a .... good O:L., Jason ML\ ... Perry .... utl. Sl'nior Jal>Ofl Le!>, a1011g wilh i.ophomorci. Grt:~ I .t.·~ and Austin err, a1'o return. Senior' Nick I.et· 1ieri and Danny K;Jo each playl'd mostly on the junior v-.irsity team l<L'it year. but l'erry moved both up to varsity Lhi!> year, citing off· season improvement. Sophomores G:trrell McMas· ters and John Rausch, along with freshman Drew Benoni, give Perry even more choices as the 'cason progressei.. "We have more depth 1hi~ year," Perry said. The Eagles' homl' course " Mt...a Verde Counlry Oub and four memben. of this year's team play 1herc regularly. The I.es brothers and Hau di arc all rnc111hcr!t while Lettieri works in tht• cart room. THE EAGLES Drew Beftonl Fr. Denny Kao Sr. Nie* Leider! Sr. Gattett Mc:Master• So. Jaeon LM Sr. Greg lea So. John Raul<:h So. Austin Serr So. Marcus Sostak So. eo.dl: Art Peny (19th year) "Mesa Verde is 1he toughes1 wurse arow1d," Perry said. w A 40 al Costa Mesa (Golf & Country Cl ub! and a 40 at Mesa Verde are two different scores." 1Wenty-one golfers comprise F,stancia's freshmen. junior varsi1y and varsity squads. Bui the junior varsity team is basically ano1her freshmen team since most of d1e sophomores 11re on v-.i.rsity. Perry said. w Normally. we have more 'ophomores and we have no jun· ion. in the program." he said. Perry plans to bring up junior vari.ity playeri. on a regular basis 10 introduce lhern to v-cl1'Sity com- pe1itio11 and prepare them for the future. l'he 1:.agles wiU visit Oahu April 2 7 10 compete in cwo louma· mcnt' <md will host the third an- nual F..<.1ancia Mci..a Verde toumd· 111en1 March 8 at Mesa Verde Country Oub, a 15·1eam event with no individual winner... a change from previous year~. Coachei. will be able 10 instruct players during the round. adding another dimension. Tearm scheduled to appear in- d ude Arcadia. Peninsula. Heverl)' I fills, Woodbrid~e. Brea and Foot hill. "It will be a real fun tourna ment." ~d Perry. who is antrci- patmg the Eagle!>' opener Tue-.- day agaim.1 vbiting I .ong Beach Millikan. "lam happy wi1h the quality of guys I have." MEN'S GOLF OCC on a unifying ship Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot t ;olf i' often lahl'lcd an imli· V1t1uah1.cd sport. hut the Orange LO<l!>I College men\ golf team wam., to dispel 1ha1 stereo1ype while forging ahead tlti~ sprin~ .. l'lic strength of lhe Pirale!., 3· I "' ofl\Jesday, lies in "unity," said Coach Rarry Wallace, who is in hi-. 'evenlh year guiding the :.quad. "They arc all :-.olid guys who arl' rnncemcd about the team and what each is lloing," Wallace said. "We realize that whatever tlw '!core, we gave the best we rould th<1t day. l'hat ii. all we can ask for." ~ophomore Shaun Vickers, rhosl'n team captain, is Coast's lone reiurner from a team 1ha1 fini..,lwd fourth at the year-e nd Orange Empire Confe rence tournament and qualified for 1lw Southern California re· gionals. "Wl' cho~e him because of his gootJ leader-.hip," Wallace said. "Kids can talk to him freely and he i~ a hard-working player.~ Wallace is very optimistic with lhc incoming corps that includes former fatancia I ligh golfers Ja- son Ca.\Sidy and Peter Baker. Cassidy won the Golden West 1.eaKUe individual crown as a senior last spring while leading the Eagles to the league title. "I le is a student of the game and brings a really good team al- titude," Wallace said. "He is a THE PIRATES Peter Baker So. Jason Cauidy Fr. Joah Dean So. Alex Dugger fr. Joo Namkoong Fr. Chad St. John So. Shaun Vi<*era So. eo.dl: Bany Wallace (seventh veer) guy who is l'011cerned about his teammatci. and how tht'y are do- ing." Casi.idy. who lives in Co'ita Mesa, 1ransferred from ~ddle· back between the fall and sprinK semester .... "He wasn'1 happy making the long drive when he could get the same edura1ion across the street," WallacP said Baker. a c;ophomore. cap- 1ained F.stancia\ 2002 1eam and qualified for tht• \.Ir Southern Section divisiunah. Wallace all.o expecti. solid play out of -;ophomorcs Josh Dean (fahson) and <J-iad St. John (Santa Margarita). along with frei,hmen Alex Ougger (Ocean View) and loo Nrunk.oong (Uni· versity). "I think we :-.hould finish in the upper half of the conference this year," Wallace <oaid. The Bucs ~o on the road for two matchei, (Monday against El Camino and 1-riday against Mt. Sat1 Jacinto) before returning to conference ftlay March 8 at Cuyamaca. Polic~· How to Place A ....-----Deadlines ---. Rates and deadlines are subject 10 change without noLicc. 1llc pubh)hcr reserves the right to cemor, rccht~)1ty, revise or re1ec1 uny classified advcniscmcnt. Please rcpon any error that may be in your clib 1ficd ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error 111 an advcnisemcm for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of tile space actually occupied by the erwr. Crcd11 can only be allowed fo r the firsl insertion. • • CLASSIFIEAD -ii Monday ...................... 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OFFICE fURNITURf/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Ofrlcl Fvmlturt 3580 Welce"'• Sh-,pertl Clol1l•1fnc • l•blr SJOO &. up S1dt t "'"' Sl~ & 1111 94'.I 8 IO ltl fl8 N•wt'ttl leach ''"" • •ppntt 1}()()\t M•ttt1 ,JI Uf HflH ,. .. 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NU C'.RPl 11 WT .. ~·h $16&~ mo le<l'4' 949 613 7881 Bllboa Ptnlnsula CAU CANNfllY IUNTAU II• yurly !fnl•I\ \l•ll•nv 41 $/9~ mo S1Ud1n' I Ri 'Jllr JBr & 41!1 .,11 •••If ""'" 800 74/ 870'J nr 949 bh460I> ---- la tto lor1• 2ltr, I hA lbl~ In floe h ~M. lnll1 y p111oo1I~ llOlt<l, S.i'<X.Oin 0k1 949 400 0471 21r 21• l owec boOt llont Apl nedl BalbYt P1~0 1ncludt\ I>•• '1n2 v ... 1y szzn,, '*' 1$007!> HACH i'll< I b• I~ ~v Otn UDO ISU STUDIO I di if CIO\'I & b41h \unny t1poiure SIOOOm A~I 949 61!> 6161 "' U.llG( STUDIO Completely ''"'od•l"I k•l<htn & bath p11vat• pattu Sl2~ mu yt4tly Aa1 949 67) 366J Ground Fleer ti.r Wdl~ 10 bu<h New c ••P•I '~· Am\l. hit Ut\ ne.w «Pill'•"'"\ w, wntaer & do v•• ""'de @ .0111 l1 1a ind SI 14S 2br'll49S t0-646-2224 ., OClAN YllW ., llir c omplettly remod eltd. bt•nd new kilt hen &. b1lh Vudv Sl5SO/mo A91. 94t-•1l·3tU 1ttl I.SIA T_._ ....., vu n• e ya1d. wd llllllP ~M 1 b•""'1Y\ $1100 "··~ oow C)t9 439 7Jl2 Irie dW wd b•kuny i •lf 2W. a.., -NI "'""· inc;I ul~ l'i50 Mor"'™' aw.J flu Pfll/~ t10<ot ~ Mi!ltcll Sl85<l 949 874 4/28 "''° 11->t Ip, lit p , w d ~ $1 f'J.l C)t9.29J..46ll IASTILUJf :>33) 111\IA Hue11a $7000 12'00 Vl\IA Huerla S2300 4!>!> Vt'llA Roma $2!>90 2634 llt\ta dtl Oro $2595 432 ()d\Mlb ()nDt mD 123 ~ ,........ nm S •llY Shipley Pructenhal CAlrl Re.ally 9'19·?19·2414 •. a.. ...... .,., Home I Potl Sit eel), ...... llMk '-4 dose lu $1.N & ~~ A•M/ .,,.., ~ 949-ffl.8'.J)4 JOBS OFFERED Automobiles 9000 t IJO G••nv1lle 381 2Ba •111111• )f(>ry delat toed home Ii back y11d pet c.l' i4'1td tomm 2 c 1•• S3!>001mo 949·646 J60'J Domntlc hcl111lve loyeloere Employment 8400 Aulomotlvl 9004 H-281 2Sa, 2 c i•• l\lrope D•M•ttltt, P•I bUtht\, '-JC. fplc HH,PI~. Nann1b Elder SJSOO/rno 714 998 1758 Cao e ltorn around the world e\I 19/9 hll bnded 3 10 S86·97?3 l11ld1 '17 Cot1twry I elderly uwner buuhlut hke new cond, ~uporb mech•nttal & body. eotd lullv loaded. mu\I lee 1pp1e.i•le w859/41 Bkr 949·586·1888 w-.N,.itl.c- J .... et 'tf XKI c-v. 24J. actuel m1tu , while oatmeal llhr. t~n top. CO. beaul1lul like new cond. $321( •987242 Bk1 949-SH·1HI www.o~ot.1.,_ rn.·.1.,,.,.._ ........... '97 IMW 7«11 load<!d,lealllet.low Mile\, Nace C.r (L49459) Sl9.900 '01 IMW X·S ,,0 Silver , Nav1iallon, Prem Sound, Phone (M632J0} Sl!>.900 ''9 f.,tl f·J:IO S.- "-Whtie/Grey. Auto. low Miles NICI c., (138495) $22, 900 ll __ lS_C_U_l __ f _l_l_l_o_I•-, OPIN \AT-SUN l ·S Ullt-,rttt1,1t11, t•,11iiprn' ft'UIH\ C..ourt [\tt•tr- f>•t Uw11r•\ Ntrd Ii, It> t, t)(J(l\I 5Dr bb• h11n1• W•lt M•nnro -.1 f.<!ltll I U •• lllO ul 1tor11 R••llm lflJ 346 /')40 949 697 8417 ttll Corona del Mar Hart. vi... ....... :b 2b<i .. PNll COflY'l'I pool, ;1111 cond. ~ yatd Av,.; 3 2W, a.. 2 .., ,_...., 10 SJ!JOO,mo 9$ /fi:) !ia;4 8500 www.ec,ei.1.ee ... •ts IKtl Sl·SOO •..Jo,., Whlle/Ciey, Auto, l ow M1lt1s Nice Car ---- ,,..., The S.o To "" O•tertl Aller 14 t"•" 111 llr1I h l•I• rn •w r •h ' (llcl•• CJu~-11.td I ""' bOll it \llM\01 ....... \ n•w IWffif\ Aduvl .Adult S l 9'1'1 000 V1ll11•f lncu I' Animal~ fh1\ ~nu~• ~ "'~ ~,,.,~,n~ •u t Br•ch now "t01ne "'''"' o"'~' t 11 Uoml• & tnd1•11 W•tl\1 I r• "* l••a• 2111 Iba "•w k1tc11 ' b<! h~hl & IH 111.hl bflbtr •••pet ""' .. o s 18'i0 949 n~ 8'> •'• S. ef '<h " nOo ch.i• moo~ Jll• 71>1 •u df-1 k ~ Wtl)l~. ~ tnl lo< ,,.~,I 4 I S MO 949 /f/J 'lC"'4 d•v 'elu111 Pt1l1c y ~~~•r•n'K ,..... llfllNS ~CAT\ e.~ fa1 & ~ r-i n IA'l~ tun_, J) niv r-..11111 ..... !kW "'5lll1 fliAlnd .,.~ -"""'1 ht ~ •11T1f.W-01 II. ~ !WI o 1 Vert 11-\:m 96614-2'D:I www •n•m•lnet .. urk rira MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE -Cy...a.1o11-• Orchlol• 2 10 6 •p1kts 10 bloom Sun I 4pm 1321 Mir"'" l i ne. Ntwpot I Beach 3905 1.100.YINOING 90 M1th1n-. S9 Ii'() The Be>l l nfA1l1111> 1 800 836 3464 14 Ht\ lO<Al YINOING llOUTI 60 vending "'"hone• woth ta<tlle111 IOulton• ,. lat SlO,!l'Jfi ~2J«QP u .. ow ,_. to llur ,,., .. 1.11. '"''" ' lnvnton nil 1to11 @ .... ., .... ,. ................... ..... ._ ..... "•"' u.u .. 1 st-.. 1 .. 1 !llWllhf!U\e "Ollt ,._.j ' "'''' \UllO\ \O of h wy B I ltthn1on Pr udent111I SI 09'> 000 949 '21 Oil/ no, ,AYING IUNl. O•n vuur o wn lbt doulbew •d• mub<I• home W•" 1., 111• ocu n ftmilt 1111k S6!1 000 C1ll IO• del11h H .. i.erVlewHe.,. .. CJ<l9.647 Ill? 714 393 84J'J levely 1 ... 11. Cet1y.., H-• S8r '> ,SA Mth room .ibovt &•• •te "'''h """''" occn• 1 l•ndootl SI 975 000 Chu.k R•1nr.,n 949 J70 4250 '" O•n lhui m•n 949 185 <Vl88 Sle<hnii Re•I (~I.ii• Group O"NSAf t2-2 112 HAllYAllO 2bo ? rb• 1 wnhmr Upl(rd w1l11 c~1lon1f\ & 01 ll fl1~~/0 $480 000 ~9 64f> 0 II I P11n.ip•I• 011ly No ••Iii\ ?bi ?tu rlub IHlll\t Plllll IJ•y rn111n• & Ill IY•h bt4l h l~ $87 000 M-y w-o1A9f Ut-SU·Sll 1 Newp11•I hl•11d baylrn111 w/pwl buol do•~ new '"""& JIH 7 '>ba Open S•l ·Sun I 4, 408 l81h St S2 400.000 o .. ,d Prone~ 714 811 S668 THI ILU"S l •upllnn•l18r 1' Ba Pnpul~r ( P1•n S94!>,000 Maien Sulton ft1>11umC•l•ln tct-212-lt!t con CA'I coo Buna•low lb• 2b1 '" closed porch. ltotd land S2!>0,000 714-•24· ,,., lOt fOI lllf Nt"'Po<t Buch 648 VI• lido Soud Sl,68!1000 CoHI Prop· trti.i of Celi! Ll\1'11 l...., 9t9-5()9.1192J 1uw .. oa1 MllOMU w/ocu n Vle'ln '"""P'" only Sl.l!i0,000 lkm f'1ut/A1t 949 219·2445 *" I.JI• Buell clote townhome B11~d new rtbulld, Ptrltcl 10 17'9.CO> l!llv •&1111. WMMOMI 0.. THI WAH• ........ AeT.f4t-llf-lllt MAllCMI V11W1 CAllll Ge.. v~wa $l>t S Cit ta1111tn ,.,, 24 ht~"'.,' l•t•d comm. '2oll9.000 Sttf1n4e Mluter f'll1lt1ut'I f1o04<tlff Nf·71S·ll&4 ................. ltrdWd flta. nu pnt, comm ,ool, 1111 6 fit cntr •It 117'0 98.673 7800 y•JOI RC """~ Alli (;~'· 8111m.-•~t rr Culdwcll Bri"' 700 ;01 ~ ll ,,..,. gocmaniu~l~@d< 11 1on1 Costa Mm Mountain I Ir Sl90... I n11I• 111 Propefty 5965 b,.dc.h vaul t~1I\ sl olft' -----'------1,,~ •~ct Ian & mu•• 133 lltl•M l11yert Gulde l ltlh St t49-SU-201 Cabcn' l •ke ''""" ''°""' 11.111 ...... lll·IS4-ltsl MISCRLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 l.it.ee ltleftol Mid JO'• malo ~tf~\ \lm1l~1 h o •h•1e 4b1 h'• I M h 1onm .. t• ~·" 71>1 I b• $~ 'WJ 67~ 6-436 Rooms tor Rent 6040 Nl/Oce-View 11-.., Qu,1nll onl ??n~ l'11vale • uom unturn '"'"" ti~ 1111h ,,.,Cl n\1 'mk ~olth•""ll• l11d1v. lb" lo New110• I '"'' S115n1 C•ll S•m 9ot9 :>78 790'! lb•l,.••n 9•m ~I NI loom let r ent Oc. .. "o """w uool tf"mt ,., ~ ... It '"" ' .. d, $1~0 ""' 949 854 I 065 •••,,. for ••flt CM, h•PllY \p~c ttma all ll'•~"""·b.1111,Sl 114 &13 2!JJ9 714 .122 Ui8 "" l 41t< \lo,.ee. 400 600sl un1I\ Pl'!IOCI '"' veho. lt!s low r1le\ call CMolyn 949 863 1390 l'.W. c--, Wdt Q111tl JM lto lvl \lu<ly '"'" !pie ~ylole mtCro deck n o•I 19:> [ 2hl 949 ~5 1711> Maple A,.11 G8 le0 Cnmm nr l11 SQ, lbr Iba '>lu• ~a• $119'> $960 Kit.., M;i1111 877 TC>\ ll'.49 •92ro lAST SIDI TOWNHOMl 4 b1 7 ~IM l•mrm hvrm Ip •nd unit Av.11 3 I J ?JOO mn t49-SIS-2000 IASl Sl91 Ct1arman11 )br 2b* d~tllh l'lume 2 < •ll•lh i" Cr•"I honl & IU! y~,d~ Ip 011Y< hy nntv :> J4 Vu a•na Pt S7J% eood C"d1I A•~ll J 'JI 949 110·0?67 ( f wnhm Sl)lle, lrplt, back bay •"'w d~\Ol.taloon pool i 111001n>0 ~ 4\4 14/0 :ZS. I le "°"' 11101 Oil lhf! ""°'"'"" Ntwly r<mod tlt!d. •Int cood. $1950 mo ~.,,1now949 ·376-6086 NIW,ORT HACH lb• 7b• yurly lease lul•lly rtlu1b1\hed I 111 \PC S2000. 1110 , •••• \Ond lll·SOl-00t7 Jb1 I 75b• lr~\11 P•tnl newt• c ••Pel Ip I ' gar. ?4? f.•d~• cion •I 62n<I & PClt Au1I 3 10 l l2SO Bkr 949 645 9913 •• .,.,,.,., u,.,., 2bt • den 3b•. a., pi kne y•a1ly Sl5!>0m no pell •mk lier Oav10 Pflnte 9t9 71815l0 714 812 56E8 T ............. ...... 1(8te. Ip, pool, pAIJo. near r ·~ bl B•rrldit. att pr-ce S2700 714-~9[)41 4i.r • ol1u ... incl 2 ni,lt )UllO 2 L &.. wd fflW S~ mo peh ot\ A•111 4 I!> 3il 949 439 111' 1...... •·r )b, 2 s~A houu . wd h up• 2 ' id• •lep• lo beach 0•11 4 I 54300/mo 949 673 0181 VACATION RENTALS 7915 YACATIOHllflAlS SAW&IOOAlS IPalm Sp~alm Desert Cootacl Michael Antei l(J).J33.7J)l aolfdeseflmatlons.com '/TSeffStetottr•llef lutclo '73 loSoi.re P~•\Oll 2 days P<!• ,.eek 4~!>MK I03ded. well ffi;.k (ti> t49-6SO· I 21 2 ma1nta1n1d w •e<ord\ [,plielpluf will lraon S9!>0 obo 714 130-~33 DlllVUS ,Alll-ll ... I CAD h colade '2000 .., Whitt 4X4 I owne1 Altern.,on Mon I 11 O<ove 68.500 mo, DVD \y,lem r11co ca1) & 2t1 P••d lo• pp S2?.900 11 4 /47-7787 11 Call 01n 949 862 /474 CAllS flOM $SOOI Polltt lmpounos r 01 l 1st in11s I 800 Jl9 3323 "I A025 Mortl'"I• loon Otflcert ~ti fl10l1Vdled •e•I C•l•le locense<f H~I comm" v<JO p .. 1.r Conlottl u' [~It: Mot IS!~~ 949 6!i0-6998 Chevrolet '64 IMpel. SS 327 2dr tuupe •Cl~ '1 A•.., SIO to s1a11 011a1nt l &. clean. ps, t<lt u11l1n11let1 income no dooi Sl!>.!>00 714 7SI 2464 to door. \larl up bonu\ Start llld~y 949 l!>5 799/ a.-h..,.....,...1mmed .,~ b ttp'd '!ilb pn:rlL • 'fW tred d \DI/ ~ coCOCt uil l~lf Real £ sl•le 949 650 6998 lllCf .. TIONIST C•p'd PT lnr Re•I f ti air oll1ce 1n N•w111111 Such pleast la • lt\Clme 949 no 7301 Seuth Cff•I '1010 " look1na 101 Secunly Oll1ctl\ to 1010 our luct1! S11on1 customer shills and clean bk&rnd/ dt1v1n1 retord 1 must ( JCelltnl benefits & 1nr enl1vuf Apply 1n penon •I SCP Stcurlly Dept 3333 Broslol SI . Costa Meu lllt,aa In Ille wort• tolMrtlle! F.....t '7S ON DI GT/4 VrJy s1Ja'1tl & ClfjpW. US model. yellow/bli '"' l!il. m1 Sl8!> 714·7!>1·2464 f"ol '01 M111to"I Conv. sport P'i· 36k mo mellll1c &run/ &rty ilhr CO pwr sis hke new Sl2,99~ 11~1412 Bkr 94'-SH-IUI www.ec,altl.c.,., ,.,.. ,..,,.,, '02 u metalllr aold mftlchlnll cloth inl. fully load•d beau11lul llkt 11ew con <11t1on, $899!> v96'24 I Bk r 949-!>86 ·1888 --... ,... .. ,_ H.,..._ '94 Ca.le OX 4 do, auto. ac p\, •m·fm. CCO. loob & run' 1rut recent H•••ct recoids, S4150 obo 714·311·11 54 714 271 1904 ctll ,......, '00 XJa l)u• • aunOy/oatmul lthc . CO. n1v1a1hon. full factory wan. buullfut hke new cond S28.995 v48 /2 I 0 Skr 949 586-1888 can tec11y to"*,.. 111 CllsslflM 142·1171 --·"'""'··-,.., ... CJ7 EXCELLENT CONOlllON $6500 949-422·66!>7 (738495) SU .900 f.,rJ St·SOO •...t· ,,., Bo"' 601sk, low Miles. II Real Out! (107291) $24 888 'O I ,..,",,_ ,,,,,.,. ,...,.. S11ve1 601sk. ·1s Whls. Only 2511 M1. Perlecl (620426) '~2.900 'O I ,.enc/re le1<1fw ,..,.,.,., S1tver Low Ml, S.sp. tech Pkr Quick and run (620138/ SJ0.888 'OOMeuetlo1 C-'llO S.tlen Blk/Sand, Super Low Mift\, Sale P11cedf (~784&> Sl9 900 '03 ,,, ••••• ,,. , __ Slue/Btk, Only IOK miles, Mull! CO, Why Buy New? ( 3000205} S20,900 .,, 1#11 7.fOlt s.-... S<l•er/Ctey. N1111t1 tlon. Sh•des, Loeded. (!>766) S32.888 '"SlSOO Silver /Grey. Black 1 op, Blowout Pr k:tl (1 /2563) $29,888 t4t-U0·2222 Ttk'••-...-........ tilocars com (~' ~!'!t~~-~~5 c..,.., Dllcrlptlo1: We are a full-line electronics distributor. We have served Callfo.rnla's electronics needs for over 30 years. Jell QulHICltlon: Retail experience desired, but not necessary. Must be customer-service oriented. Candidate must possess people skllls and be detail oriented . M Dllcrl,il11: Responsible for ringing up cash and credit card sales. Will greet all customers and direct as requested. Candidate will handle Incoming calls and direct them to the appropriate personnel. Call or send resume or apply In person to: Vlckl1 llllll11 .. Mir Vac Electronlca 2001 Harbor Boulevard • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Ml 141 14411211Fu141 ll0-71M4 or wll: 11•1.oer J11.1• Thl1 l11t1 Equal Employment Oi>90rtunlty J lAN .._ '99 .,.._., mclalhc dark blue/o•I 111•al lthr, 11~. CO, chrom., wheel\. heduhtul 011g1nal < 1111d, SIJ .995 v5631J3 tllu 949 586 1888 www.ecpol>l.c- -........... 7~ S£7 IOw nil, metalllc NI~ lllue/\•n lthr, mnri, rur 1lr. CD, chrome whb, Wj)efb C:0t1d lhlOtijlhoUI, SI0,9'Y.> ~812&21 Bkr., ... _,.._, ... .c- Merce4e1 '00 C2JO Comp1n~0t Spo<t '\P<'C Id. s... bMIAy 0 llt, .., $Ul~ /14-1!>1 tl464 Merce4e1 'tS U20 Bl1ell/bla.. beaut, all op1, ~ n~«-•. new rrutl(k SVC, SI0.750 /14 /!il-7464 Bridge COUNT YOUR TRICKS Jlk1nh·Suulh vuhtcrJble. South deah NORTII W~I •J8l A2 K 167 • Q74 KJ 7 116541 • AJ 1-!Al>,. • 10,6 • 109 ti 6 s . 10 96 5. Q •QH2 SOlf l'lf •AK SJ 08J AJ 9 ·' •K 7 OfJCrung and Nonh hno enough 1u ruii.e to g111111: UJ'l't"1t.: u mi1111mun. We'll& leuili Ille L..-11 l•f dub..'. 14 hicll you 14tn on Ille 1uhk l41lh lht' ~­ With "" fa_,, 1nck,, )1lU have to dcu•lop thfCt' nKlfl.' Ill 3 ltwry. \lllCC )'Ull l'llll IHll) .dTtlfll t11 ~\\\' up the lcatJ Ulll' lll\>n' IJllll: llk· loll\ lllU~ \Ull IU lll~I. 1' ilian"'"°' O\Jl Will JllU· du..Y m<n thllll clli>tJ~h tnd., c11hl'r 11 Wc,t hohh a ""l(IChlfl h'111or Ocdllfl'r 14,lUld ca\h 1he .... ,., then Cl\l\\ IU \!Ulllffi) v.1tlt I~ (j\Jl.~11 Ill ~podc~ nnd lead a dlUITMIOO !014 an.I 1frc J ''-1''11, al"• ''IC•'N'tl' 1f f..a_,, 111.>l<h u doubl<'llttt honiw 1\f 11' \hi.-'ml 'Plit' 2·~ llow J" )llO t.:•lflllnuo:'' 11tc hi1klm11 Merce4e1 'tt U20 S()ln'll WF,:,'T Oln'll EAST nhh !ht-IM.'C 111 Jrulll(lrtd\, An honor tk.IC.\ Uptll.'U<. h111 II ,, Cll'I \\ 11<. drops lite queen l 'nk " l:a.'t "tryrni: W1con, fwy moles, 'fiver INT r-.\NT r- Ill fool you Ur ,,Mi'J 14 ll)l ""'t!-"'IU•"''" Jooblc1on. ilk' Jiruno1111, .II\' lk•a.I 1- th<'rt' .mucher •·hanc.'t' 1 11ey lllu , mntl, co . .._ r._ holed ~••I ~uperb con d I hr ou1hou t , Ofll!nrn.: k.wl frn ul • $18 19'.> v81!>769 Bl.r .... s .. -1 .. 1 Mercedeo '61 JOOSI Cabnnl~t rare ctas\IC, 'uper ttean 1uns &rut $?8~ (114)86!> 2464 ,.__... '" sto sa blv'Oty lc»dtd '""'i!"d & w.w.IKI in ~wporl $r.:,oo obo ~?40-0>...i cd Mercurr 'O I Gro1ul M• .. I• GS 381. n11. Ol'lt"'•I -<.hanip,111rw pt/nW1IChtng doth W11 ltlly l.l.i<J._.d be.loll! ut hlu: new wnd, roost 'II:<! Ill ap11rec1,11 e S l L.'195 v4'•/9?8 llkr 949 '>!If, 18811 -~w.ocpolil.<•m '97 llTSlllSll UAGI lilar ~. gM•eed well ni.ml,untd, ~m01t11•d ldn !i 'P· CD. 391. mil~' '400() rtllM D•v 949 !>74 4249._,,949 SI!> 0111 i\t J r.·c..·nt rwlKWkll d1.unp1on,h1p. thn-..-111• 1ru111p 14;1, tho: poipulo11 ,·on· tr...:t. Rut"'~ ""'r) t1t ... h1rcr 14J' '"'' .:c"ful Y<">. ~ '·' 'f'-ilk d" "'"" Y•'IU ... m lc--1 that .111<1 l t."CJl )l>Uf Jll <IJlllllll open h) <'a,hmi: the .k'\', l1n~ anJ qoccn of ~P.ldc' It th<-'u11 JI\,.,.., cvc:nl), ~our lvunh 'p.id.: L' UK'. ful- (ilfirw t11•l lly l11n·111i: 1>U1 11w ........ r ht-Ji'-' :rnd you w111c four ,p.111..- ln~~'· '"'" hcan,, tl4\I dull\ ;ind lllll'. thanr11nd U 'Jl:ttk-' !11111 '1 hn'aJ.., lo:a.1 a drum1ind hlWanl your h.111J an<l prny Co,c.-1 the l.aM·w,.,, hwMh. 11·i.·n ckx'1clc: How wnu Id you rl11y 1hn.'l' no \rump .illcr till' 1..-ad n the 1e11 nt duh'" Tlw auc111•11 1lllcr1•d 1111 problem,_ South hm.J J 111a"1111unr um:·rn.Hnunp Persthe '16 t 21S -••. 831. m1, book•/record,, \ll~er /burgundy Ith• m11r f. chrome whl' fant;astic cond. SIO m v l79/42 8-1 949 !1116 11188 www.ecpe~I.<- SUI 't9 9,SSI Se4- 461. m1. dar~ a• ay/tan lhlr mnr t, ro. fAb1lluu' cnndrhoo, $17,99!> 1.1fl9:1!.7 llkr '149 !>86 11\811 ~w.ocpobf.<om Toyoto Sle""o '02 Cl 70!. m1 lady owntd. <llv~r CO, I tar ~II lull ldCI WAI I tluut 111.e IWW <and Sl'>.m v014'96 Bkr 949 !>86 18&1 ~w.o<pobl.<- TOYOTA ...... S 2002 S.V... •Int cond, l9 !ik "'" "5nW. ~IC !». pw, pl, till \(. 'Wik ... ~ "'" fni ~It. db\ ...... ~ co '~· new io"5 """" blue Sil IJO .....,ie SJ6,500 Iv m'g 949 61'> 8401 Voln 't9 SIO 1 .9 te1q1110'• bln•/grey lthr, CD. 1111111. d11 0111c whl~. tow 1m. hke oew cond S IJ.9'1'> v 792'>48 Bkr 949-516-1118 www.ecpolil.<- --..-. 11nwt1n mt lru*" v111.,,,. l'd)'Cd\ froo 11-\: ~come tu.,._, w/i..r,U P..y s100~,0.s1<mnro 94'-2 9 S·37 IO BOATS 9515 /\ntiqurs~ QlnllectTuies Volvo '00 SIO T6 J n m1 mt'falflt \llYf!• bluP/ 1-.tttnt•at Uh1 mm t CO ,,t"1•Ut1tul Ilk~ Ot"W I ond Sii! 'l'J5 v4 '>7l81 Bkr 949-58~·1888 w-.ocpobl.com Volvo '00 V70 Glf w•l(•lll Ch3"1t)3kR•/n•t 111~•1 llhr. CD. mnrl. wpctb L011d lhruuelluul $14,\195 v2%741 B~r 2 I ft Dully 2000, pu~llllt"I lJW'f \y·.tf"ln dh d•'."'4 11•-• "1~• Ilk· 1•1 u tlMt $;."WI /14!410 "-J/j 2000 l 11\111111 r.'IJ~~ut t•lt•t I w ft·,1k Unity c1''-"-V1..lrr\t-.hr1t wund Hlft'I nr-w c.u'h 11111\. 'iurr ry 1111> & lnll l tl\lrl S I~ 'Jl\9 '\O) J2!'J\ ---7 111 200' Uully fll't 111~ 70 h1 \. 1«,.Y blue t'4rn~J '"'"' lully lo.id••d $14,000 /14 /4/ I/RI A special advertising supplement featuring anllques & collect.lbles - perfec1 for shops. dealers, auc1lons, booksellers, decorators. rennishers and an galleries. Reach 42,000 readers in Newport Beach, Newport Coast. Corona del Mar, Balboa Island. Costa Mesa. full Page $700 Half Page $375 Quarter Page $250 Eighlh Page $135 2 col x 3.5 locb $85 Publication Date Wednesday, March 17, 200'1 Space & C.Opy Deadline: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 Advenorial Deadline: WedntSday. March 10. 2004 Dai lyAPilot call today! Ann Gendrolis at 949-574-4249 or Fax your ad to 949-63 1-6594 e-mail to ann.geodroUs@latimes.com 949·Sl6·1811 www.oc,...t.l.com 0 PLUG IN Pluy 11110 tlll' l'1ln t C. la'>SI f red ">t-'( t rnn to fond servKt''> lrn n1 elec tronic: s <Jrltl plumber<;. to la ndscc'lpt'r'> .md Ocllnll'I'> , ........... Daily Pilot ( l.t·.,tf ••·<f < r>rt1t Yllltt1ly M .1rk••tt>f.1c<" -----~ -~----··-~----- Sondcly, f e1>ruar1 /9, 2004 85 TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACAOSS 1 Trade 7 Engine 12 Truck lroots 16 Sarf'suppons 2 1 Pertonner's acoolade 22 Solitary 23 The Chills 24 Sweater letter 25 Powwow drum (hyph l 26 Salamanders 27 Hobbs\ crea104 (4 wds) :?9 An show 31 More aCCYra1e 33 Smooth8<J wocx1 34 Hert>al soo1ha1a 35 Dned fruit 36Genurne 37 Jungle knives 42 Young horses 43 Medieval knights 47 SIJCks 48 Prove false 49 Entree go-with 50 Early 1aiz 51 Prowled 5? ASSOCl!lllOOS ilS buddies 54 lcesheei 55 Treasury depl gp 56 Sha1pen, as a knrle 57 Bl;ick1()Ck 58 Sticky mvc.J 59 Frnanc1111 aid CrrterlOfl 6t Trlt 62 S1dt1stap 64 Put on 65 Oes1gna11ng 67 Actor Kevin 68 Plunderers 69 Wearing clothes 70 Beyond ban;il ., ~I ., .. Al II'• "'' 100 ',, t?? 1?6 71 Don't bet --I 72 Mailing 0011 75 Repair a wrong 76 Unde<ground passages 8 t Rose-petal oils 82 Regatta teams 83 Be an omon of 64 Ship's destloatklft 85 Tump.ke 86Sonnet 87 Land measu1es 88 Fish·IO-be 89 Secret w11t1ng 90 Rapt 93 Compensation ror a loss 96 Yale grad 97 Made !>OZen1ths 99 Geis more m1ense (2 wds) tOO Exerc1sa appaiel 102 F1shta11ed 103 Sugar cane product 104 Helm position 105 Blandish 106 High desert ot Asia 107 Gewgaw 110 Blue Grouo site 111 B1rcJwa1cher's aid 11 I Bizarre 119 Nasty smile 121 Kuwai1 s kica\lon 122 Made an ~flort 123 Crazy aboul 124 Author 5 COr)Cf'ln 125 Doclloty 126Ceases 127 Detected t 26 Given lo back 1alk 129 F-.lfs with f!xtrcmc pv ., IU 11 DOWN 1 -no11e 2 Strong as -- 3 Sgt Preston's group 4 Dorothy s dog S Winged goct 6 Sent a payment 7 Obsessrons 8 Low·lal si><eads 9Smallcoty 1 O Mich ne19hbor 1 1 Put on a 1eaSh 12 Bayou dweHers t 3 Be 1n un11y t 4 Aaron or Raymo11d l !>Pu1 16 Wild duck 17 Caustic solutlOn 18 Turn 19 •Of -I Sing 20 Beach cover 28 Worlls by Pucc1n1 30 Jeans partners :12 Decided as a 1ury 35 Plied a gondola 36 Designer -Lauren 37 Boaier's haven 38 Loves madly 39 Pursues 40 Garment edge 4 t Berore, to Byron 42 Deoepuve move 43 Cummerbund site 44 Noblesse 45 Looger 4oGoes 1as1 48Fetcn 49 R1verban~ ">20lh11'::.pdl S3 Ptayo1t1 word r,.i Aircrart carrier 5li Coosi .:ilong 58 Unll1nchrng 60 Lay down the taw (, t D1saovan1oqes 62 Gr111:111spa11 1:11 o.11 631vy 64 Sub del..clCir 66 Fierce look 67 Feel certain 68Wa1er111y 70 Anrcies 72 Bundle 13 "Becker actor 74 Anos\ s wor~roo111 75 Don t eiusl 76 Smokes ham 77 Mellow rt::. wh15ktJy 788og 79 Arcenl 80Monnales 82 Embers 83Pcr1ormel1 86 Vanity 87 Crurvong a weapon OOSoupbOwl 91 More washed out 92 Eye doctois 93 F1ag1te 94 Trip-rou11nq org 95 Gaol forrm111011.., 97 Rornantir son<Js 99Dnfter 10 1 Legal pad \02 Gas lh1cl s gadqct t03 Jungle swrnqer tOS Squandt:r tOb ljarrene uS6rS 107 Not 1usl the nne t08 Po;yclut':1:. 111<1y c;Ptt r\ 109 r .. 1 or .. 1..,. t 10 Film 111 Fra9me•ll<; I 12 CilSP•i1n Se.:i t11bu1a1y t t J Lhasa monl. 114 Help 1n a n1m•• I IS Mort t l 6f-l11mdrk:. t I 8 l;le 1u1Je '>la1141ly I XI Ar.111•-.<., -I rlll•WI 1 t ti' IV '0 HOME, HEALTH AND SUSINESS Service Diredofy Accounting NO !WI Ill Rl l\IJf RS f"1tltft11ftlol tJtW ,,. ''"""'· HMI ( ontuu to11 ~ l.l~my 1nh' th At lut.11 S'JOU ur 111u11· (l111Jm or 11111l1·111ll,) t) .. IHf"W,f'Cl hy thf" ( fltlll M ""' ,,,,,,,, 1 u '""", n,.,.,d s1.,, .. t,tw ,,t~u 1 t.•oun ··~ lh,,, t.<lft If ~u I •.If\ mf,.fudt" ltl••u hct>n'i>e 1111tuhM m1 .111 •t1VP1 lr..111r. Yuu ( ,lft ( het.k fht• \.fdlU" o l vour lit"'"'•• cl L 0 rl ff d I t tt f •' t WWW l \.lb l d ~-•V 11f 800 Ill CSL B 11111! ltfl,Cd c.ontrAt lnt\ t 11~1t1R 10 '1' 111•1 lnl.11 I~" lhMI S'lOO fTill'\I 'l<tlff 1U lhe tr 11d~ .. rt1vm~nl\ th.it thfl'y .1rf' not lu PO'-Prt by th~ Conl1 41 lfJI\ St•le l1HnW Bua1d · Mdlllons& Remodeling --- Boollteeping P'rofnu...I .......... CO Y,.t.,,,. cprr1;-11c" OuH k8hoti.' Sptt•dh'•' tall h111 'M'I 2/ll 9119 C1rJentry A • l HANDYMAN lll\l,111 p•IALt' I dbrn1•h ~~' ln~1lh/tluVW!ldlW'> """'"'•' 1AJ<11171~Yt&1'l':Jj Catpet Cleaning """'' s...... a-. c-p.t S.•1" & l!tlw' 14'.'b 1rn. JI . '"' ... lJIJllNI y '149 Cl? 444/ /14 ll4H <Xb4 fAlmeltG OIVllOPMOO • CAaP'l T • • CAa,n t'I ldtbr~~+<al\'tl..., Repa•rs. !'Ah hrng, lnslatl fi\<lh1n11~ftlojlment <om Cnur tPnu\ any "'e fOb• lf-«Bi':J VSM: 9'l6'>~J Whnl~••I~' 949 49? 070S FIND .:.;-~ REACH BO, Computer Services ----- COMPUTER HEl.11! • """'. Cr\1111 "*"" • M '°"._or 0111c1 •Pf•llt ·~~q ·V<m~Stn-q11 IOO .~ .... -·Olb~mllrq • P.ltill \U'o:I "" ... Mlrt • )l)MSCmpilf'f """'"'~Cl UC Berotley~\Ao, 10 Yrs C--E•p 714-li I 2·2786 Conctete&Mnorry -----lrlcll llocll Sten• fll• Ccinu•lt: P.11•• O.ivr•w.1y f 1<eµk , BBQ R~h 7'>V1., I •P l~rry /14 ~~/ 1'>'14 ~~wort Cemi'111. B111k, Sh11w. Irle, 0rM'W•'"'· "" IM0.1blt', N11 ,.., '"""I""'"' 61'> <lY-.? YOUlHOMl IM,aOVfMlNT "OJICT? Cati a plumb•r painter, handyman, or eny of the creat HfVICU llsled h•r• '" ou• !Att•lce d1rnc:I01yl THESC LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN llElP rou IOOAY! Dtynll Services WIUHOln OIYWAll CUSTOM otlATM TU All ph•'e' ~m/I•~ t"h' k"1..a.1t .. •1 ..i.111 ,,..,..._ CUANt ZOy" la11. tr~~ m.wlll<' \ll•ir· l .. ab 197S e\I l 4<XXl:I> 714 6J9 144 / l Alb I il()\lt ~II /I H ll 9'Jl l 0. y Wdtt P•lt~. A<.nu-.t• R•nlOVAI. Wale< o.trr\rll(\:, 25 Y" bp. MC/\l"a11\11u I• 161070 94•-510-51173 Eledrlcal Services SMAll JOI lX,Hf I '""al Qu11-k Rr.,tJllll"' lluni<'. Y 31 d & Dodi flt•• I ~ Vr '> [ <II Ouican [ loTlr or ' 117 NIJO 949 fI:/j Jl)t;> I .(.(. lleclrh I ow pnr..., ~ ..... 1 tllfll'Ji•ch•. oo fl!• lfltl '""' no '"' 100 hip. ftpr, l~~llr r"'IU"'i I #CIO 1110/0! (714)842-1410 UCINSIO CONTIACTOa No ~~l lr>o \It> AJ 5e!VU ... 1 R1i1,a1r, ,.model, larl\. 'IM. new wt 9"9-64!>-36!ib woo.i ,_.,. s.p.w.i, "' """' .~...... c-. iq.., new ~ Ptol f 11endly Service lie I CIJ&8315001 94941321h ~a.a.... St•O•/l .. r.t..1t1•1V. l'114rJ1t111(. ,,,.,14o,,, ll V1~ l.tl I"'' 1X1m f d11".1 " k • <Wt ff> ?<fjJ l.INCY ~ lle1~1h'<I H,.g, outm & l11.,,t11ll1tli•11t Ill t UI AN "149 6/ l HUI>'> 7 lo\ IW> ~ /f4 Ilk.I Al II Garage Doon COAnM &AUii DOOIS SaleVS«vk• 1Mtalt4 fr• S4" 949.645.5704 l/311011 --~- ~··,11-·-~ ,.., ... ,~, ·~ 714-715-2828 ~nrrw~ """'~ ...... , .. ~~ Ur:rq ()ngi s.:Un °""'IQ "'"1 ,,,._ llllQosl ~ °"' L.twrw Tr•• Service, YArd · Clo•nup, M•lnlrnance, Spr tohlt1 Re11al1, Haullna (t4tl 6$0-171' Rf'> TO Rf • RE PAIR Ii. Rl MODH I Nf, Handyma!V Home Repair Christian HaedyrNn r.-,.., c;a.p.n.er '""'"" drywal st.qr, o;oJb llocn. W.IOOll!lilOOot\ t1a\'etl IOM• 00.'Yds & pootng S.-.•.,1d~I ffl)e l!SlllTl.11P CaW Jonn 714·636-8235 ALL JO[l HANDYMAN SERVICE D•we B811lUtoa 949-322-8292 AlAN THI HANDYMAN All work 11uaranteed l'lliml1'11&. (~l11c;ill, Doon. r wllSh carp IE !If) 2M IB6 JUHIC TO THI IHIM,111 714·968·1882 AVAILABLE f00AY1 949 673 5566 '-'ie'• CooN o.-lng Sw Set v•w IJ r· I•• 7'>v" , ..... t1c11l°"1;'>1ll '"" r r1.-,...., 949 S48 flbl\ 9'19 6 !/ 4111 0pjinfD11Y9 l..owRltt• Storage~ Since ttet 948-&45-4645 Moving & Storage HSJ MOVllS SSS/Hr. S,.rvmv, All r att .. •. l11·.111~d llli!M~ l/J ''" 11•11 JI I f, •l 1Y.J/ t , .. 11 PUBLIC NOTICE Puhl11 IJl•f1t11•\ f.01111111',\11111 11·(1111!1", th,•' tH U'it•d ftfllt,I' f111l tl •'Ullll '\ 11101i11•r\. 1u111t flu•u I' H I 4 .1t I 011mh .. r lurw· .111'1 1 h.u1r ,, •• .,, 1111111 th••tt It P numh•1r m 1111 .u1111 r '''"''°""'' 11 Y••lf h.tvr 1'llY trltr ... fff11t' ·•h•'Uf 111~ l•j,_lll~ Ill A mnYf"t limo ut 1 h1111lf•ur. (,•II PUILK UlllllllS COMMISSION 100 177 ... , Chunt'• ....... llY" e"'' Grt"At Pru e1 C11(um1l,•ed wo•~ r,. . ., e'\ l • iJ<,602 /14 !)I.II l!i.M I J'JO ;-<l°'S •I'S CUSTOM P'AINTING P1ort. clun Qll•hty woill lnlf!ll()l/t•I •nd doch l 1703468 949 400 I (Y.)4 PetSeMces WALKING THE DOG LOffng, Otpendlble Pet Care, 0090~ D1y C11e. Pet Siiier/Howse Sitler, Penonal Aulst1nt Superior R1f1rencu C.ll Mt-131-1977 Plumb Ing Tel .. • I'""' er tteflvh1un111 MRt J H.itn•tf't I SCWCR If t llN(. t llC!HONI!. 'it l\ll I l Al\ 01 II r llUN f rtf'ndly S.-r vu,. 949·6 7S 9304 wwwlhr'b-..._.•1h<t t«n l f 7!t2491 lr\,iHl"Ct SfWll AND DUIN WAMIG (9'4t) 64S-23S2 Roofi~utt~rs All ''l"' ol llo"'h h llrp•u• • M"tdnw•I •I 1•mn1e·n1•I (949) 548#0769 "~"' "'"'"""' .. ''. "'" Tutoring Services WORD SOUP !'homes Fun & looming of our AtrnA SCHOOi. MACMNG .... OGRAM ~1 7 Mondoy fr1du~ '11·e.241:c>oaa Wall Coverings THl SlRll'PIRt \pt1t1.1htlllL!tfl w,,11µ ... 1_,. RPm•1¥,11 l •'181!"/4 l ~14Q 360 1111 Trl•"''"f· Rf'lll•r•I 6 Y•~ Clnnr- 714. 435. I 766 Stell' 1.k <>2•701 .. SlnSay. fetwuary 29. 2004 LAGUNA alACH $9,710,000 LAGUNA IEACH SS,250,000 CORONA DEL MAR $2,799,000 BELCOURT CUSTOM $2,795,000 DOVIR SHORES $1,195,000 NIWPOln' UACH $1,600,000 l COSTAMISA $161,000 • LIDO ISLE 949.723.8800 NEWPORT BEACH 949.644,.1600 NEWPORT BEACH 949.644.9060 NEWPORT COAST 949.718 .1700 BALBOA ISLAND 949.673.8700 l . .. . ..