HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-30 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Waterloo andMoinas red poppies D o you know wh at time 11 is? It's the unofficial start of summer, that's what. And much more imporlanUy. i1's rime to honor aJJ those who lost 1heir lives defending ours. We seem to have a hard rime remembering 1ha1 a1 ttmes, even on Memorial Day. ll's much easier lo remember a t a time like this, though. with America's young m en PETER BUFFA and women putting everything on the line once again. Anyone know how MemoriaJ Day started? Anyone want 10 know? Anyone think I'm nor going to teU you? l didn't think so. Memorial Day s1ar1 ed jusl after the Civil War. Now, there was a time when people had no !rouble at all remembering our war dead . An incredible 25% of Am erican males, many of them young boys. were killed or m aimed d uring the Civil War. There are about 217 towns. more or less, wh ose residents claim thal their town was lhe binhplace of MemoriaJ Day. One of the mos! credible claim s com es from the upstate New York town of Waterloo, which as you know. is where Nap oleon mer his downfall a1 !he hand of the Dulce of Wellington. OK. maybe n or. In 1865, a Waterloo pharmacist nam ed I Ienry C. Welles -no relation 10 Or'ion -suggested a memorial service at the local cemeterie~ to h onor the Civil War dead. Decorating lhe graves of war d ead was already an established custom in 1he Sou1h. even before the war''> end. where Southern women would decorate the grave~ of Confederate soldiers with bouquets and ribbons. A popular hym n at the time. "Kneel Where Our Loves Arc Sleeping." was dedicated "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" - which is a little long, but you get the point. 1 l~nry Welles' Idea was nor setting Waterloo on fire u ntil he mentioned it 10 1he Seneca Counry Qerk, a veteran Civil War generaJ named John B. Murray. Wilh Murray's backing, the idea took off, and the whole 1own pitched In. Besides See COMMENTS, Pa1e A7 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTitEWEB: www.dallypilotcom SPORTS Estancia High'• boys volleyball team captured the CIF Division Ill title with a four-game w1n over Orange Lutheran. See Pace Bl FORUM Reaction• from readers continue to pour In about the proposed expansion of St. Andrew's Church In Newport Beech. SeeP111A9 SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MAY 30! 2004 SUNDAY STORY PHOIOS BY DON Lf.l\t.H DAILY 1'1LOT A room of the MartirrStreiff home is transformed into a classroom as Naden Martin, far left, and Mrtch Streiff, far nght, work wtth son Tyler MartirrStrerff. Mak·e yourself at home Newport-Mesa families accept the challenges and reap the rewart!s of choosing to teach their children outside traditional education environments. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T heir reru.ons are varied, their teaching styles unique, but parents who chose to home-school their children have one common bond: Tiwy are passionate about having an mtimale role in the child ren's education. Meet four mothers who have 1aken the reins on their children's schooling. Each hru. a different story 10 teU. a personal reason for declin- ing a public ed ucation for her chil- dren. One mother's aversion for po liti- cal correctne~ motivated her to home-school. another chose 10 slay a1 home 10 carer to her son's special needs. Their personalities range from outspoken 10 shy, bu1 each said she wanted 10 shatter the myths of home-schooling and shed hght on a growing movement. THE CHILD PRODIGY When her son was 15 month~. Na- "I le JU't walked up and said 'gm gerbread rnan' oul of the blue:· Martin !>aid Befort' lyler was 2. he W.L'> reading 10 h1m~elf And in Apnl. he was reading computer boob -.uch m. "Q b for Quark" ru1d "(; i'> for Google." One textbook taught the inlricac1e<; or bmary numbers -the language of compu1er., . .. We mal.t• learnin~ fun.·· Martin said. "Therr 1., no se1 !>theduh.: If hr il> more inlt'rcs1ed 111 playmg. Wt' play. I don'1 hke to force 11 bC'cau.,t' then I feel he 1., not rec(•pt1ve " One would think lhat 1h1!> would evolve inlO an cnvironrnenl that al lows for little study tu11e. b111 lw cause the learrung 1:. .,o fun. Marlin said, her ... on 1c, excited to do edut,1 tional act1vitie!'>. Tyler Martin-Streiff, 5, works on mulbphcabon problems on his computer. "Wh3t would you likl• to do today that is educational?" '>hr a:.ked him "Well, 1 thmk I would like to read." I'yler said. and pulled up lu-. book on the planets. den Martin taught hlm the alphabet l)'ler read the word "gingerbread phonetically and would continuaJJy man" off one of his fa ther's T-shirts, review ii with him. At 19 months. she said. Tyler. 5, is doing mostly fourth See HOME, Pa1e A4 TOP STORY Setting sail on a healthy voyage Alaskan Eagle to sail almost 4,000-mile leg with OCC's student crew on board. By Lolita Harper Daily Pilot The sun was high in the Newport Beach slcy o n Satur- day morning, as were the splr- lts of the crew of the Alaskan Eagle, which was readying for the flnt leg of Its Pacific lsland tour. Dennis Mendenhall, of LaJceview Thrroce. was anx- ious to set sail Saturday on his third trip wtth the Orange Coast College School of Sall- In~ and Seamanship. It's great to be out here," Mendenhall said. ·11·~ great to be aJive.· Mendenhall was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lym- phoma a few years ago and was told by h is doctor his days were numbered. Lymphoma Is a cancer of the body's lymph system tissues. which are Important In the functio n or the Immune system. Sailing was one of those thJngs Mendenhall always wanted to try but had never gonen around to. That changed. The 58-year-oJd Los An· gc:les city firefighter took be· ginning sailing lessons and reached the akill level re- quired to sail on the A1a.skan F.agle. And he's back this sum· mer for the •third annu.J tbank-God·l·am-allve tour," he said. "It's a wonderful ad ven- tUJe." Mendenhall said. "lt really enhances my life. n Mendenhall said he doesn't want anyune to think his is a sob story. He's been through a lot - including combat In Vietnam -and ta.Ices his challenges as they come. Mendenhall saJd. But some he goes looking for -lilce this Ala.~kan Eagle voyage. Mendenhall said he chose the first leg because It's the longest no nstop trip the train- lng program has ever em- barlted on, from Newport Beach to Enster \stand in the South Pacific -about a 3,800-mUe leg. S..VOYAGE,P .. eA7 A2 Sun<!.iy M.ly JO. 2004 WEEK IN REVIE NEWPORT BEACH ('tty Council finally decide' on L(ll.'al Coastal Plun '' 11111.: l11\I lhl' I Ill JI Cci.t,tal Plan 1h" \\l'l L. 1 ll'<UL'd 11' hurilll''> at Lhe t It~ It•\ l'I J111l 1' lwadt•d to t11l' C ahforn1.1 I 11,1,1.11 < 11111111i"'°" for h111lwr rev1l'W I ht ( II\ ( OUllt ll \(llt'd IO Jpprml' 1lw pl.111111.11k1·1I1111\\ard 1110111111 on an l''lll' \\1'1).lhlllh llll lht• UIV 'lllC'I' 'l.1•'"P"rl lkat h 1111"1·0 1lw h111t' .10, 'IKl.I .1pph1 .1111111 dt'.tdhm• J ffil'>.,ll'fl 1h.11lc.1'11"11h1• 1 ti\ -.uw101wr 111011111 ,11111' llL·,1d1·111' ''"'"'' pwpt'll\ I.Lib 111'1d1• 1lw t11.1,1.1I h1111tlllJ11t'' lltll'I 1lt·..il \'\-llh 1111' ( .. 1Jilw 111.1 ( .l>.l'l•ll ( .Onllfll\'>lllll \\ lw11 d1 \1•11111111~ 1lw1r pro1wr1y. Wh.11 clw t 11\ h," 1J111w '' 11h llll' propo,cd I 111 ,11 ( o.i,1.111'1.111 "d1•firw lrir ll'>t'lf 1.1L.111J.: Ill to l 1111,1d1•r ;1t1011 \ll~C'I i1111' Imm thl' I 11.9'1.il ( llflllllh,IUll. \\h1d1 ,qfl 11h1m.111·h 1-(1\1' 1h1· pl.111 11w 1ltt1111h' up \\h11 h prn1wr111•., 'hould lip 'llhft'l I Ill 1d1,11 I\ JH' of d1•\l'l11p111t'lll ~ 111d1·l1111 111111 .11111.il I 111 .cl ( 11..l,tJI Pl.m" 1111111.111~ .1cl11ph'd tht' uty 1.111 h.1111111· 1h.11 prrn ''"· nlfo 1,tl, ,,1111 • I ti\ 11lh1 1.11, hl'ltl off 1111 h.111111n~ '"'"~111~ 1111 p11hl11 lw.1d1e,, 'avm~ 1lwv \\ 111 \\,Ill lo 11•1•\,lfllllll' the l"lll' .illc•r 111111111'1 I Ill' dt•t l'i!lll LJJlll' llll the• lit 1•f, 11f 1111 \l,1fch11 I II\ ( Cllllll'lf\ d1·11,11111 111 b.111 '11101..mi.: on th 111 11'fll', I 11111111l 1111·111b1 ".1grt•Ld durrni.: J ,11111\ '1 "1111110 p111 <he IMn un hold 111 \\,l(t h h11\o\ 11()1\'f I lllf'' thotl hclVl' 11l11p11·d ''" h I.I\\, h.1ndll' 1•nforre11w11t cl111111~ till' IHI'>\ '11111111('1 'l'•l'Oll / 11/lla lftlff/1 I CRIME AND COURTS Friend ... of allq.!l'c..l victim ll',lif] .t.., rape ca..,L' conLinUL'" 1lw11111w111111111 11•,11·tl 11-. 1.1,1· '·"' \\t't•l Ill 11>1 l11gh pr11fik lolfll' l .l't' ,1g.t111'I lfll1 I ll'l 11.1).;l'I' tllcl ()II dl'ft'll'I' tlfll !It'd \\llh 'lntll).; ll''tllllllll\ 111111111111111·1 1111·1111, 01 tlw .1ll1w·cJ \11 11111 1\\11 ol rill' g11J, li111111·1 flw111f.... \\ho 1t· ... 11he•tl fl11 1lw tide 11w. 111.uk \(,j(l'Clll'llh lh,11 \\I'll' Ill ,1,11L. 1 e11tlr,1'I 11111h.111he· g11I h1·1" It .... 1111 me·r tlw 1,,.,1 1 e , L. '' lwn .. Ill' tool.. the ... 1.inu 1.r1•.:1 latcll. ""1 ol c >m11w· < 1111111y '"'''·'"' ..,111 1111 I >nn 11.udl >..\le• '\,111111•1111·1 .11111 .... 111t ~p.11111 .... olt I ll\1°d Of I .IJlllll: .111d '1'\ll,111\ . 1"0lllflt11~: 1111' \II 11111 \\ ttfl I oll 1111" 11h11·1 I' .II rl11· f l,11dl' I 1111111.1 tl1·I \1,11 I 1111111' '""" /'t/111 ''"'' EDUCATION A nl'\\ l.1bor .1g1ee1m:nt for \IL'V. po11-~k'a tl'achcr.., '\e·\\111111 ~11•,,1 ll111f11·tl '.e hewl f l"l 111 I I 111,lt't'' \ 111t•d I ut•\tla\ ntj.:hl Ill .1pp111\ I' I I 1\111r .l~!fl'l'lllt'nl th,11 \\Ill )!1\1 ll'.11 he'I' ,1 Jl·I~ loll'l' 1111111111' lh,111 , • 11\<'I 11111 \1-.1r' .md 1nn1•.1"' Ill .11111111111.tl 111111 1111 ... tlllh'llh 1 lw ,,11.11\ 111111""''' \\tll ,1.111111 till' 1.cll .111t11.11..1• '1ar11ng ,,11.trn'' 1111111 '111 lllo.! (11.., 111,000 .111d ,ulcl .111 .1cltl1111111.tl '>IOI 1h1· l11ll111,111.: \1-.11 111~1 1111111111.111111111111· ... 1111 frr,1 1hrn11.:h 11l11d >:1 .11lt·1, \\Ill 1111 rt'.1'1 .111cl ,,·honf, 11111 h.111· the· op11111111I prm11lr11g 11111 ll.11 ~111t!Pr~.u It'll • 01.111g1• C 0.1,1 ( 11l11•ge· g1.1111e•tl tlt1• l.1r,.:1·,1 11111111!1•1 ol ,"'ou.ill' ol .1r1' dt g11•1•, 111 the·" hool' hl'tfll\ .11 II' •hlh .1111111ttl I Oltllllt'llft'llH'lll I t'fl'lllllll\ 111111,d.1\ .11 tht• 1'.111fi1 Ampl11lht'cllt'f 111 l "''·' \It-,,, I Ill' " hool ,t\\ .trdl'cl I. 1.! I ·'"1111.11t•, tlc·grl't'' .111d 4q I e 1•11tl11 .tie'' 111 .11 h1t•\ e'l11l'lll Ill \'arlOU\ ,111 '"of 'lllth i\houl hOll gr.1d11.11l'' l olllll' lo ,,,1ll lhl' ,1,1,.:t• .and rt•tt'l\t' tlw1r tlegn•t•., .cnll tt•rllftt .Ill'' 1111lw hl1111lc11.: latt• aftrmoon .. un hdort• .1 t:rcll\d of 1l11111,a1111, • ( mon.1 del \1.n I hgh '1 h1111I '1udt•11h n·t·11.111t·d .111.11t1111111 r<'la11·tl PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'A QUIET MOMENT' I or fJ,I \11•1•L.\ "u11cJ,1y '.tory on tht• t•que1>trra11 lill',tyle 111 '\;1·w1>cirt B1•c1d1. w1• L.nt>w we wanted a photo that 'howed n11m• 1han Jll'Ople ~rooming and tratnmg horw .... 11 111ok plw111graphl•r Kent lrcptow about five excur'IO!l'> hl'l11n• ht•''"" thi.. photo of Mar)' !:-iluuka spending a quiet mom<•nt with lloclcy. a five-wt>t.'k-old mil, 111 ht.., '>t..11l 1n \anta Ana I ll'rght'> J'he gentll', earing touch conveys that thet>e horses arc the1>e people\ live'>; not .1 mere pa!>time. COSTA MESA A daughter give1.i her moLhrr the gi ff of I 1 fr P.111!.1 l!Jgw·tt. \'\ho 1' tl1111atr11i.: .1 L.1tlm•\ 111 lwr mothl·r. P.111h11t• lodd "'" 111g to r•ll'l' lundi. lor 'onw of the .tmrll;srv l'Xfll'lhl", for the l)pl'r.1111111, 1'\-h11 h \\tll 1aL.1• plJCl' 111 l111w .ti l11h11'. I lupL.111, I lo,pllal 111 ll,1l1111111rt• ro tl1111;1lc>, 't•nd .1 checL. le>< )11 "1 I 11tht•r,111 ~lr111,trl(.''>, 760 \ 11 11111,1 \1 ., C 0 ... 1.1 \ lt•'a and wr11t• L.11lr1t·\' 1 r.111'pl.1111 · on the memo C f ,1'h, I rl11I ,111d 11ll'l1101 lolf 'l'I Vlt'l' cl' p.11 t 111 II' I wry I 'i \llflllle'' prngrcllll '\,111wd !or,, .. 1.111 ... 111 1ha1 'l•lll'' '111111'0111' I' ktlfl'd CH 'l'fllJ\l,fy 111)\trl'd hv .1 drunlwn dri\f'r t'Vl'r\ 15 m111ute'>. r lw pm~ra111 ,c•rb 1111•1h1ralt' .md w.1rn t<•1•1111g1·r' of till' danJ.:l'" 111volwd. Thi• prt''l'nt.11111111.1111e. come rdently, a \Wt'k .1lte•r 1w11 fornwr 'tude11t' wen· L.1ll1·tl .end um· wrrnu'l\ 1111urt•d rn an ;tlr11h11l n·l.111•d en"h rw.ir 1:,1.1nc1a line. • rhe Pacific Arnphilheatrc• \\ill 'oon be hosting more than roLL. conl'l'rtS. On Thun.d.iy. Lhe farr board approved a nearly Sl2-m1ll1011 fact!·llft for the amphitheater at tlw fairwound~. It .. howd bl' ready 10 ho'I concert.,, pla~ .... ymphonu•., and operas m•xt i.umm('r. rhe fair board aho detidl'd Thur.day to dewlop J Tl'qUl''I 1111 propo!>als for tllC' lt>a\C' of 1he Orange County Market l'lalt: 111 hnu"l' It had looked .it li.s\1ng .111 oul\1UL' ton">llltJnt do 11 to 111.tli.l· 11 mun• I hgh St houl • I larhor V1e1\ I lenw11t.1f) 'irhool c dehra1t•d ''' :Jlth a111mrr ... 1rv nn I hur-.clay. Alumni. tt'clChl'r' a1id I or mer Pnnnpal John Dean rt•mrn"n·d and -;hared '>tone., .ihout tht• -.chool l11e 'chool al'>o unveiled a m•w mo~art , callt•d "Forl'ver Young." with tile' pamtl'd hy 200 ... 1utle1\I'> •Students anti admini'>lrator' ~alhl'red on UC. lrvim•\ rampu~ on -.'i11•t•e Md m11k Pauline Todd, right, IS excited about the prospects of living with a new kidney donated by a special donor. her daughter Paula Baggett . llhll'l 11\ l'. ll11l llO!ll' o( till' t 1111,11lt;111h who \t1hmit1ed lmh IJ.td lht• rt•qu1,i11• l'Xpl'nl'lll l' I\ llh ll•,1,t• .1grt'l'llll'llh • I .xpC'rt 111 \l'!:' n111a· pnlu 1· Jlld f11t•1111•11 on the lo11L.0111 for 11le~.1I hrt'\\11rk' thl' I ourth of luh l'olrce l l11rf luhn I len,le) .111d hr1• Ci1d hm I Iii., crl·au·u a plan to 11·.i111 up p11lcce ollin•r., .md hrl'fightl'r' and h.1w them 't'arl'h lor 1h1"<' 11\lng 1llq::•u firl'\\ork.., or '"ing ft .. i.:.11 I tre'\\ or!..' \\ hNe t lll'v 'houldn't lw. 'lll'h ,,, m puhlrc p.irL. ... I >e1rrlfl \'1•u•1111m I hur,d.1v 10 de11011nn: .111' of h.stt• .md th<' de.,truLtion of a 'Ynthnh1 wall b111h h) Arab .. 111dent' rill' rally ramr J wel'L. afc1·r <.Oll1l'lllll' torthed .1 Larubu.mJ wall hu1ll by memb('f'> of the 'thoo1'1> Soc 1e1y of i\r.1b S1udent'>. nte burning or tlw wall, t1 replirn of b rael'i. cnntrovrr".11 '>t'curicy harrier. " herng 111\'l''>tigah•d a., a hate rnme. -Mnrisa O'Nl'il NOTABLE QUO TABLES "We 111(1111 w show wl1~i-er did tliis crime - 1/1is liate crime -tlwt 11 won't silence 11s. Arabs, swdents. tl1e comm11111ry. u.oe all siand w1iwtl tlgt1ins1 hnce." -Vanessa Zuabl, vice pre ... ident of UC lrvme·~ Society of Arab Student1>, during a raJJy to denounce acts of hatl' and the de'.'>trucuon or a symholic wall built by Arab student'>. "/ cnm1' tlo11•11 lien• mu• 111gl11 wlw11 I forgo1 something. J11en? ll'<LI a /Jriglu. /111/ moon. I looked ob w my lf'fl, nnd tluw ll'OS a skunk Uf1011 II.\ l1i11d legs. dancing i11 1/w moonlight." -John Dean, former principal of• tarbur View l·lementary, which tdebrated it& 50th anniversary last "eek "/1'.1 /ikt.• rm nr111p11 owr tlll're ... -Bob Caustln, pre~ident and founder of Defend the Ray, about the mouth of the Santa Ana River, whrch earned an "!-'" during tht' wet .,ea ... 011 in an annual beach rt•pnrt rl'lea..ed la'I week MTI1is i.~ also n11 mll'mp1 Ill ~ave tlw liW.\ nf llll• yo1111g me11 111/lf) may 1111 1 arrying (these gum/ · -Tod Ridgeway. mayor of Newport Rcarh. ,,., the City Council agreed lo ban Atr'>oft 10) l{Ull\ "/11esi> ""' 11ot 1l1e k111d oj IOJ'·' llwt yo11 play tmm11d will1. 11111 I ll1111k yo11 need 10 .wppm I tlw 2nd Ame11dme111. rt1r fl'fl.~CJI/ UI(> Cllll'I lflkr Ol'('r Iraq is l>ecau.1e 1l1t'! hm'I' g1111~ in their lwme.,." -Dick Nichols. Newpon IW:irh City <.ounctlman. durini.: till' '-<'lme debate. N1cholN wa., thl' lone vote again-.1 the b.in Mn . .Vewmn11 1s a ll'ftrl1er re11m1g in /111/ smdl'. Slie is spmtllflK. 1w1 ltmf1111g. ncm'( the ji1ml1 l111e She'd tU'tlf'r wlk IO m1• ngnin if I 10/d you her llf{P, llut herl'·~ a }11111 fake a look nt her. make }'Ollf lwst gues.~ and tlwn add 15 years. 11u11 111i/I f:l!I you close." -William Lobdell. writing 111 the Daily Pilot about Mariner'\ I lementary'<s Marge Newman, who is retrnng from tcachin~ after 46 year.. Lui•~· Nows ass11tant. l949) 574-4298 lu•s ,,.,..,, a l11t1mes com Bo~ 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright' No news stones. 1llustra1tons odnorial matter or advPn11ements herein can be reproduced Without wrrtten perm11Sion of copyright owner SURF AND SUN VOL. 98, NO. 151 THOMAS H JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor MARKEY DANIELS Ad11on1111111 Mcmagor LANA JOHNSON Promottont Director ------EDmNG STAFf SJ Cahn Maneg1ng Editor, (9491 57,.4233 1 / c;1hn l1t11me11 com Denette Goulet City Editor, 19491764'432' mt1H'fte.goui.t · llltm~ cvm RicN«I Dunn Sport• EdlfOI, t949) 57• •223 rtdlarrl ctunn • l1t11Na Cc>m Ryen C.rtef ANi5tMt City Editor, (9491574-41286 IV•IO ~ffOt lallflW eon1 S1ltW McCrri Photo Editor. (949)7&«358 1r.w.mccr•nl i.11mrs oom JoMJ Santos Art D1rocto1 NflWs O&sk Chlol, 1949\ 574 4224 l(ls1• 'Cllflfos lar1mes com Newt Edetoni Gina Aluwender. Thomas Griggs. Paul Sa11ow112. Mike Swanson NEWSSTAff O...,.l!Nnth Cnme and count !'e(X>rter, 1949) 5744226 deepll bhantth ~ /ar1mes com LoltaH41rper Enterpr11e and 1pec1al proJecu reporter (949) 5744276 loll/a hal"f)#Jr1° lat/mes.com ORdl'9 Newmen Cos111MONreporter,19'9157•~21 dolrdfa.newman /arim#torn MINtu O'Nell Edlic8tl0n t11POl'IM. llM91674 4268 m1n.t Olwll lat1mes.com .... RobNon PolitlCI, bu9'neA end 1nvironmnn1 ~er. (9'91 7G4"'330 11tl<H 1obln.on ,.,,,.,,.. com PHOTOGRAPHERS Mark C Dustin. Don Leach. Kuni Treptow. Douglas Zimmerman READERS HOTLINE 1949) 642 6086 Record your comments 111>ou1 th11 Daily Pilot or ~ tops Address Our addren '' 330 W Bev St .. Cosca Mesa, CA 92627 Off1co hours aro Monday fnd11y, 8·30 a m 5 p m Conec:tlon• 11 It lhe P1lol'1 pohcy to promritly correct all errora of 1ubs11noe Please cell (9491 764-432• FYI The Newport Beach/Coate Meaa Delly Pilot lUSPS-144 ao<l) is publ11lled d4111y In Newport Beach and Costa Mffa. 1ubecnpUon1 are available only by subacriblng to Tho Tlme1 Orengo County (8001 252 91'1 tn areas 00111de ot Nowport Beactl and Costa Mesa. subscriptions 10 the Dally Pilot are available only by first clan mall for I.JO per month (Pricee Include all a1)911cable mtt end k>QI taxes I POSTMASTER: Send 1ddre11 chenget to The Ntw00rt 8tedVCocta MeN Deity Piiot, itO HOW TO REACH US Clrculetlon The Times Orengo County 18001 252·9141 Adv..-tlslng Claulfled (949) 642·5678 Dlspley (949) 642 4321 Edlton•I News (949) 642-5680 Sports 1949) 57•""223 News Fax (9491648-'170 69orts Fu (949) 660-0170 E-m.it: dallypllOt latlrTHM oom Mel" Offtce eu--. omc. 1949) M2..aJ21 ~,.. (9"49) 631-5902 Publlahed by Tlmn Community Newt, 1 division ol the Los Anoel•• Times mimes COIHIUflTY NEWS 200. 'fimn CN All rlghll rtMtl'l/9d WEATHER FORECAST Today, look for early-morning clouds to clear by the aftemoon. High temperatures will be from 69 to 75 degrees, with light winds gaining some speed by the afternoon. · Tonight, expect clouds and petctiy fog to return. Lows will be from 56 to 64. lnfonn11lon: www nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST On the Inner waters, expect weaterly winds from 10 to 16 knota. Wavea will be at 2 feet or las• with 1well1 from the west at 2 feet and from the aouth at 3 feet. Tonight, wind• wlll be 111 atrong ei 16 knot• with wavet up to 2 feet. bptet I mixed 1Well from th@ WMt et 2 feet and from the south at 3 feet. Out farther, northweat wind• wlll be from 16 to 25 knots with combined seas from 5 to 7 feet. Tonight, expec1 winds from the northwest from 10 to 20 knots with waves from up to 3 feet on a mixed swell from the west at 2 feet end from the south at 3 feet. SURF A southwes1 swell will increase today, and will pick up some surf for the Memorial Day weekend. Expect waist-high seta on aouth·facing beacties Wa1er qu1fl1y: www.surfridor.org TIDES Time 1:24a.m. 7:121.m. 12:47 p.m. 7:18p.m. Height 0.80 feet low 3.80 feet high 1.06 feet low 6.71 feet high WATER TEMPERATURE 67degreH Oatly Pilot Sunday. May 30, 2004 Al NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are som11 of the dedswm made at tlie Newport Beacll City CouMil mttting Tue.sday. NEWPORT TECHNOLOGY CENTER City Council members reluctantly agreed to allow owners of the Newport Tuchnology Center to convert some of its usage lo office, saying the change was permitted in existing city rules that should be reexamined 10 fit more modem situations. The Newport Technology Center. the Oashy bright building on the east side of Superior Avenue, asked to leasr 47% of its building -currently designated for research and development -for offices. m the hopes it could att18ct more lenants. Members of the Gl'ffnlight organization. as weU as some on the council, questioned whether the change would create more traffic. more employeei. and result in a parking problem. Carol Hoffman, who represented the owners, said traffic studies were done on the projected changes and there were no addltlonal problems compared to the previous deslgnation of research and development Mayor Tod Ridgeway said he was concerned more about the city's current codes and how parking. traffic and the number of employees are determined in proposed projects. Standards for the square footage and number of parldng spaces are based on 1966 formulas, and Ridgeway argued that times have changed dramatically since then. The vote was 5-l. with Councilman Gary Adams absent and Councilman Dick Nichols di~nting. WttATWAS SAID "The rules are the rules." Councilman John Heffernan said. "They have been bitten by the !research and development) market that has turned a,galnst them, and I don't th1nJc It is fair -although I would llice to -to change the rules on them." WHAT IT MEANS The Newport Teclmology Center will be able to lease nearly half of its building for general office use. The Daily Pilot has been in negotiations to lease space in t.he comple>.. UDO MARINA SPECIFIC PL.AN The City Council agreed to move forward on developing a detailed and comprehensive plan that would outhne I.ht> possible future for tht• Udo Marina Village, the City I I.ill area and a common ~quare. Officials from JC P·dftnen.. the development company interested in replacing the village with a luxury resort, offored to pay for a preliminary >nidiei. 10 conceptualize the area around Ci~ Hall. including a "town square,· which mail} city leaders have expressed an inte!'e\t tn, and of course. the re.ort Council member> ballced ut seemingly approving ~ plan for a special interest. especially Oil<.' that does not own any of the Udo Village property -yet -but understood that specific phw can be very useful for planning. The vote was 6--0. with Adams absent WHAT WAS SAID "Let's not lose the opponunlty to master plan that entire area," Councilman Steve Rosansky said. "Why piecemeal it?" WHAT IT MEANS JC Partners will pay for various studies and renderings of what could possibly be done with the Udo Marina Village and adjoining areas near City Hall. The plans are nonbinding and the City Council can abandon them at any time during the process. HIGH Pt-:Rt'ORMAN(.'~ R EAi. E STATE 8ROKF.R FOR 30 Y EARS IMPf:<'<'ARLJ.. Fou .m\. UP L ARGE R t;n ·:RR AI. B ASF. MARKETN; E\1PO\\t RED 8\ S HADY CA .... YO' 949-300-8600 monica@monicaruggieri.com Toll road's bond ratings drop to junk s49~ Square tt Ratings service cites San Joaquin Hills toll road 's unme t revenue and traffic projections. Alie la Robinson Dally Pilot The San Joaquin Hills toll road '" making money, but its profits didn't deter a bond-rating agen- cy from lowering the toll road's bonds to iunk status this week. Moody's Investors Service on 1\Jesday announced it down- graded the $ L.9 billion in bond" i~ucd by the San Joaquin I fill'> lramportation Corridor Agency and placed the bonds on a watch 1"1 for pos-;1ble future down GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pil01 on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this hst, call (949) 5744298. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes. (7 14) 979-7900. GIRLS IN C. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educauonal and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a di fference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite for the pnmary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly soetal visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and children. It is loojcing for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext 24. ~rade-.. The bond ratings were lowered mmnly because the toU road's traffic and revenue have not met projections on which Lhc bondi.' Initial ratings were based, Moody analy'>t Aaron Freedman said. loll roc1<h spokeswoman Clare rnmaccJ ~aid road-usage prorec- lions were 100 high for variou!> reasorn.. including changes 10 the county's transponat.ion plans and the 1990s recesi.ion that !>lowed tr.tffic-producing devel opmen1. Junk :.ldtus mean~ tht· \cU1 Joa- quin Hilb bonds carry ..in in· creased rbk tl1at their deb1 won't be paid on time or in full, but the downgrade doesn't maJce the bond'> a lei.s attractive invesr- mcnt, Freedman said. · If the agency should wan1 to JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers adopt a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting background check. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and therr families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the work and leadership of tramed volunteers, is seeking new members.1949) 261-0823. KAJSER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wi lderness Par1c SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan In sec nds! 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Va.tue borrow money in the future. it will be more difficult for them to do so as a result of the down- grade." he said. "Iraffic on the toU road contin- ue~ 10 increase but revenues are only 78.5% of projections, Oima- co <;aid. Moody's also cited the "pro- tracted lack of clear political consensus" by the governing boards of the San Joaquin. Foot- hill and Eastern toll roads, which delayed and ultimately shelved a plan 10 merge operations of the two toll road systems. f<oothill and Eastern toll road board members voted on May 13 to in- stead pwsue a plan created by Orange County Superv1sor Bill Campbell that has lhc financially healthier Foothill and E&tern toll roads lending money 10 the staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker . registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking carrng volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivenng meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LUV·A·PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMan in Costa Mesa. (949) 451-3272 cash·i.trappt'd \.In lo.1411in l li11' toll road. "Ille bottom hill'" llht• llown grade ~I very b.uJ rww-.." !>aid Foothill and ht'>ll'rn roll roads board chairman Pt.'ler I IN1ug. "It confirm!> that then•\ " i.evere problem with rhe ~n loaquin Hills toll road 11 '>huwi. that the action taken l~l<iy 111 was not weU received b) rlw financial community." Her1.og "1td ht'' t1mcemed that Moody\ :.ruJ ir \\/ill monitor the potential 1mpau of whatever plan ii. chosen on the credit-wor- thiness of the Foothill and East- ern toll roads. Operation' and finance com - mjttees of both toll rnac..1~· boards are set to meet next week with meetings of the lull hoards i.cheduled June 10 MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber orchestra needs volunteers for trd<eting. ushering, phones. ma1hng and help with receptions. Nominees are also berng sough! for rhe board of directors 19491 830-2950. NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORS The City of Costa Mess will hos1 its annual community clean up event on Saturday, April 24 Those interested in volunteering or making donations of cash or rn·kind donations of supplies for the event can call the Neighbors for Neighbors hotline at (714) 754-4892. (714) 754 4870 NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE INC. COUNTY The recovery center for women The performing arts organization with alcohol or other chemical needs volunteers fo r computer dependencies seeks volunteers. input, ticketing, filing and (949) 548-9927 or (949) 548 8754. handling phones. (714) 556-6262 MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Gommunity Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school performance and self-esteem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 549-9622, ext 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritious meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. (949) 645-8050. NEWPORTBEACHl/lADOPT A MARINE BAITALION FUND The 1/1 Adopt A Manne Battalion Fund was created to accept donations and to provide financial suppor1 for ongomg programs and events planned to show apprec1at1on to 1he 1st Battalion 1st Mannes, based at Camp Pendleton. (949) 644 3124 NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve ls looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led lours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interprelive center is al 2301 University Drive, Newpon Beach (714) 973-6829 & Granite Countertop.... .. Installed (80 colors) 18X18 Travertine .... *211 Square ft Tile lnstallat1on • Free Estimates • Kitchen Design Two L OCATIONS 1363 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, 92806 (714) 999-5522 1536 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 92627 (714) 681-4757 cont L1c. #81212t ·References Orama at UCI Presents Willy Russell's Smash Hit Mualcall Blood Brothers An All Undergraduate Production Willy Russell's smash hit musical 1s the saga of Liverpudlian twins s epara ted at birth by a mother who cannot afford to keep them both They grow up at opposite ends of the dass spectrum until fate bnngs them back together, with tragic consequences 1• ••• • ......... ·J" '.L ··· uc1.1\rts tit•' f, I • 1, ,; I • 1 ',,,(!•I ... '! I 1 lnttrn111ion11I l'rt"lidenn C"irde Top l'l of idl \llf"lh lntmiutiomtll.~ Carole Sturim Broker Associate 949.954.4700 888-204-6767 www.carolesturim carolesturim@earthllnk.net If you think it's expet1Sfre to hire a profes.,ional - Try hirin~ an amatutr! Don't .. •aste your time or money. Call me today! COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Buying;-selling & Property Management R >s taurant ----------established In 1962---------- Presen ts Now and through the Summer Monday & Tuesday Nights 6-9pm David Kinwald's Live Tribute to Frank Sinatra 2nd Year Running Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails **Quality Service** **Nightly Entertainment** ~ ~~~~~~--~~..-..~=------~~ -~~------------------------------------------------~------------ • M Sunday. May 30, 2004 HOME Conbnued from Al grade work. but often times, hls mother enco~ him to try more dillicult course work. 5uch as an eighth-grade grammar test . he found for him onllne. "He go1 a.bout half or them nght and that was great; Martin said. ·At le<bt he ~ being chal- lenged· THEROOKJE Laune Ludes knew that her son Jonathan's education would be lhallenging because of his au- tii.m. What she didn't expect was the cruelty from other children, who teased him incessantJy. When he w.is younger, and in .i .,ma1Jer school the klds all knew him. she said. They recog- mud his differences but em- braced him as a friend, Ludes saJd. But at 0Jvis Elemenwy, ii was different There were too many children 10 develop those kind of lntimale relationships. and some children made fun of him. "Jonathan hated it.· Ludes &aid. "It was very overwhelming and confusing for him. When I i.dW that situauon, I was very quick to react I was like. 'No one ~ going 10 1rea1 my kid that way.'" It has been nearly a year since .,he began home-schooling. THE SCIENCE TEACHER Shirley Ford is a science teach- er who opens her Anaheim home to children (Tom all over Orange County, mcluding many from Newport-Mesa, for a high school course that includes a lec- ture and lab portion Ford ha., home-i.chooled her children for 12 years. after work· ing as a "tradJlional teacher" l1l pubUc and private schools, she said Ford partners with other parents who have chosen the same path to provide a full and balanced educauon for theu children. Just as she provides added expertise in terms of sci- ence curriculum for children other than her own, she also looks 10 other parents to do the same for hers in other subjects. "I have a master's of education in teaching sdencei., bur I take my children to music lessons be· cause I am not a musician," Ford said. THE EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY EOUCATOR Wendy Leece. a former trustee for the Newport Mesa Unified School Distnct. home-schooled her first fow children because she was dbsatlsfied with both public and parochial education She sent her younge t to publk school. ~ time pa~ed, and more of her children transitioned be· 1wccn home. private and public 11choolinl(. l.eece has been able to take an all-encompassing look at her children's education, de· dding that each avenue pro- vided its own benefits and hard- i.hlps. she said. "I work full time and am in· volved in !Emily'~! education." said Leece. who now is a Costa Mea Park..s and Recreation Com- mi'lsloner. "The mom's got to do everythlng she can to get her kids the best education and cre- ate a love for learning. Part of our Jobs Is 10 be a teacher to our chll· dren and home-schooling is one way to have the hand -on." THE PASSION OF THE HOME-SCHOOLER "There are a lot of things that are missing from public educa- tion, and that ls basically why I decided to home-school." Mar- tin said. The central problem she en- counters, she said. Is that the public school system teUs young black children that they should not have to try as hard -that they deserve extra credit because they are at disadvantage. "The education ls not there because everyone ls so focused on belng poUdcal.ly correct,· Manin said about public educa· don. As a black woman, Martin sald she saw other blaclc children be- ing passed when they had not met the academic standards be- cause "nobody wanted to hurt thelr feelings.~ "These children are being pushed through the system be· ca\ae of color or some perceived Injustice.· Martin said Martin's mother was a school- teacher in PhlladelphJa and wu constantly ~Ing admonished by adm.lnl.straton becauae the re- fused to pus any child who had not earned IL Martin said they called her mother radat PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES NIWPORT lfACH • lnh lbWt An ebendoned PHOTOS BY DON LEACH DAILY PILOI Dally P1101 roll through c1 pubhc: '>Chool pro gram that provid~ ~uadebnc:. 101 parenti. tu foUO\\. The L.om111uiuty Ho111t Ldul .. uon Program. offered through the Orange County Department of Eduction, offers a curriculum for home-schooling parent~ that falls in line with requlremenb . Pat Novak. the principal of Ult! county home-schooling pro gram. ~d tl1t· program as de ~igned specifa..illy to ass1-.1 par ents who elect to take 1he ledd role in their children's educauon Ludes said she cho~e tht• county's program -mo:-.t com lllonly referred to as Cl IEP -bt• cause sh e needed guidance. "I was new at this, so th.11 " the way I went," Ludes said. TI1e Newport Mesa Unafit><.I ~chool District also offer~ ,, home-schooling program under its Special Education depan ment, district spolceswoma11 Jane Garland said. The basic'> art· the same as the county program I lome-c.chooling parents foUm, .i basic ouiline for their children\ education and work with the d1~ tract in achieving V"driou~ bcrllh mark.. Tyler Martin-Streiff hangs out in the •supershop gardens," a self-made area he designed to look like a market and krtchen. Horne-i.chuoling pd!Clll~ can dl~o choose to work through J privdte :.chool Sdtellitt: a.nd enroll an '"independent srudie:.." at rnrding 10 a summary of Cahlor 111a laws from the Home Slhool Li::gaJ Defense Fuud. In th•~ :.c:1: nario, the privatt: ~chool ol choice :.uppliei. the gu1dehm•, fur pc.1tents 10 foUow. "We're not doing !minority children! any favors." Manin said. "We are hobbling them, set- ting them up for a life of hand- outs like welfare. People are equal and can learn equally. It ls an insult to me that someone would look at my skin color and think that I can't learn as well as the next kld." Manin believes true equality means ex.actJy that -equal standards and expectations for everyone. If all children are ex- posed to the same expectations, then they will learn the value of hasd work and accomplishment. Martin said. Given the same op- portunities. all children can achieve greatness, regardless of color. "A!> Jong as I can get to that door. I can get through 11 just like everyone else." Martin saJd. TEACHING VALUES Ludes, who started a home· based business to be able to home-school, said she takes joy in being able to provide her son with the tailored education that he needs. One-on-one instruc- tion is ideal for any child, but for one who is autistic, it Is all the more crucial. she said. "I love belng with my child." she said. "I love being the one to lift has spirits -to watch him Ught up. I love spending my day with him." Ford's religiou11 beliefs were important, and she wanted them to play a part in her children's education. ·1 definltely want my kids 10 get a full world view," Ford said. ·Another point of view, instead of a selfish, egocentric point of view. One In which they learn not only knowledge but what to do with that knowiedge and why it is important in the grand scheme of things." The fords are a Ouistian fam- ily and want those values to be represented in all lessons -aca- demic and otherwise. "Yes. I am a Ouistian, • Ford said "I would call myself a strong Ouistian -I hope that is not bragging." Often. the scientific world and the religious worlds are at odds, but Ford says It ls her vast knowl- edge of sdence that bolsters her Ouisdan beliefs. The more she delves into science, the more Ford sald she realizes that the world cannot be just the unin- tended consequence of random occurrences. "The world Is not just some Ic- ing on the cake, It Is much, much deeper." she said, adding that God had a master plan when he created the Earth. Lttce was not enamored with her neighborhood elementary school, she said. When faced with the decision to enroll her oldest son, who ls now 31. at WU- son Elementary -the only el- ementary school open in late 1970 on Costa Mesa's Westside - she decided against it. l..eece, who had taught high school in Arizona's public school system and worked as a subati· tute in Newport-Mesa. said she also wanted to custom.i.r.e her children'• cuniculum to include academic basics as weU as the family's social beliefs. •rt Is the last way to sort or in· sulate your kida from the world and society and a culture that ls pretty toxic 10med.mes,· ~ v.hldt WH NpOl'ted In the 4000 bk><* et 3:62 p.m. Seturdey . • ...._ louMerd hit: A hlt4 nd-Nn ecddent With I perked c.r WM reported In the 1200blodtIt1:62 p.m. S.turdey. • WMd ~A.deed enlmel waa Npe>rted n"r ttlt bead'I et A third op11011 h to hire a pn \Jlt' 1utur. The Matt' require' pcuof of at lea~t thrct: hour., ul \ludiei. for 175 day~ per }ear, dl l"urding tu the ddcni.t' assocaa tiun. The tutor mu...t .tho be ne denualed. The IJ'>l, and probably mo'>l complicated option. is to quJhf) a'> a priv-.ite school. The :.late re quires that those who choose w teach their children at humt· must be "capable of teachrng"' .llld file an annual affidav11 with the superintendent or pubhl t.'ducation berween Oct. I .md Oct. I 5, according to the defcn'><: association. Leece said the pape~ork can be tricky and parents must e~ tablish themselve:. as a "qualified priV'dte .. choul" within that nar row ·wmdow of time. II 1101. their .. choolinK is not recogna.!ed a' official. i.he said. Naden Martin reads one of Tyler's favorite books about space in their home-school living room. • A lot of parents cHt! aJnud that '>Omeone will teU them they dre not qualified," Ford '>llid. said. After a mix of home· .i.nd pn· vate·schoolmg the four elde't through various grades, Leece eventually put them aU m pubhc i.chools. When Victoria Elemen· ta.ry opened again, it wru. 1ust 111 time for her youngest daughter, Emily. to stan school. Although Leece was a proponent of home· schooling, she enrolled her daughter in pubhc school. Leece also went from being a slay-at -home mother to a single parent when her hu-;band passed c1way about five year"> ago. i.he said, and so the option to home-school disappeared. THE COSTS OF BEING AT HOME When one parent as dedicated to teaching. that leaves only one income for the family. Parent~ who have chosen to home- school said the financtal con stralnts are the biggest challenge. "Home-schooling requlrei; a huge commitment." Ford said. "Most home-schooling families do not have as much money be- cause only one parent can work.. The upside is you get really close to your lcids, not only in helping them learn but learning what makes them tick.ff Martin's job is to stay home and prepare 'TYier for life. Her husband "works hls bun off," in order to make th1s happen, she sald. They have made sacrifices, but It is worth it. The Martins Uve in a one-bed· room apartment ln Newport Beach, and the Uving room and dining area are dedicated to lY· ler's schooling. In the far comer of the living room Is the "Super Shop.~ a market that Tyter owns and manages, selling Items like cake mix and cat food to his par· ents for a profit. Instead of a dining room table, there ls a computer where 'fyl.er researches various subjects such as grammar, math, science - whatever, Martin said. The Inter- net ls a valuable tool in home- schooling. or ju.st in supplement· lng a traditional education. be· cause thue are a variety of teac:h1Jl8 and testing methods from all over the world Ju.st to the rtght of the com- puter table Is the kitchen and be- yond the kitchen. the bathroom 12:58 p.m. S.turdey. • Kinle ""-:A retldentlel bu~i.ry waa reported In th• eoo blodt at 7:64 t .m. S.turd•Y· • ~c.... DtM Eatt: Pwtty thtft was reported In the 100 blodt •t 12:16 p.m. S.turdey. • ~ ltrMt: lli.otl S*ktllng waa reported In the 200 blodt at and bedroom. Four small rooms LOmprise the Martin household. A fancy houi.e, expensive toyi. a11d luxury items won't help Tyler succeed. Martin said. "A.<, you can see, we are nut nch by asiy means, but we do 11 becauc;e we wanr Tyler to get the very be:.t educ:Jtion." said Mar- tin. A.\ide from monetary co:.ts. l t'ece wd there are ..orne risks a.'>.sociated with home-.,chooling that stem from society's general ffil'>Ur>deNandang or it. Some parents who home-~chool tJ1eir children do not want at widely publici.7..ed because they don't want other\ to pass judgment or wonder why their children are not "in school." "There are just ornery people. you know?'" Leece said. "All it takes is one call to Social Serv· aces to have them arrive on that one day that you have a cold. or thal the television is on, or something to have them take your chJJdren." While it may sound a littJe ex- treme, Leece said It is a very real fear among those who have gone against the grain · in choosing home-schooUng. WHAT YOU CAN'T LEARN IN SCHOOL "People have a lot of precon- ceived notions about home- schooling.· II was a statement heard across the board from those who educate their own children. They are not all reli- gious zealots, or overbearing mothers who can't let go. They are not social outcasts or politi- cal extremists. They are mothers who care deeply and who chose to express that love In the form of teaching. "Who loves your kids more than you do?" Ford asked. "Who? Nobody except for maybe God, so you are going to make sure your lclds get what is needed." The one question the four mothers said they faced the most Is: How do thelr children learn to socialiu? Because of the increasing popularlty of home-schooling. there are various networb that allow parents to connect with others for fteld tript or play time. A.aide from academJcs, their chil- 11:691.m. Saturday. • 411t StrNt: V.hlde theft w11 reported In the 100 blodt at 3:32 p.m. S.turday. • 4lth 8trMt end lelboa loutewird: A tratrlc colllelon Into city proptrty w11 reported nHr th• lnteraectloo at 4:09 p.m. S.turday. dren are.involved in 5.ome of the ..amc extra cumc:ular al uv1ue11 as other children, i.uch as Boy Scouts. summer c..:ampi. dJ1d sports. Match ~1n~1t1. f'yler\ father, \aid tht· 1111cr,1t1ion dllUlll· plashed through tradilionaJ ... choohng i'> m•errntcd "rhat sm:ial1zation " all kids are learning lin pubhc <,chool'>I. and 11 i<t alJ \lfl'Ong," Streiff .. aad. 'This way we get to i11'till the valul'" in fTylerl thar we want him tn have." ha., wife '>did. ··11e still has interaction, but he has our value~· Ludes agreed. adding that the way other children were altang toward her son was extremely negauve. "Everybody talk.<. about the '>0- cial, the social," Ludes said. "But is that social good? No. not in our situation." The picture of public schools con1ures up images of chaos an Leece's head -teachers strug· gling with too many students, rowdy children disrupting class. talldng, shouting, note-passing and the like. "Home-c;chooling is a whole other picture of quietness," Leece said. "There's not a whole lot of 'huny up.' We study Ameri· can history, and then we take a trip to Massachusetts.· THE HOW· TO OF HOME ·SCHOOLING One option for parents who choose to home-school ls to en- THE FIRST TEACHERS ford 4weL., thei.e apprehen s1on11 in other parcnl.l> by re 111indmg them thdt they are JJ ready teachers. Who 1~ache11 children to lie their .,hoe:., c:owll to 10 a11d ~y the .tlphc1be1? Ford .t!'tked. Paren111. Motheri. and fa. thers .are abo acutely aware ol how their child learns and an: able to provide that special, ind1 v1dual11ed imlruc:11on. Martm said she i" constantly on the computer. look.mg lor fresh ways to teach young Tyler. ~he aho must make i.ure that sht· ,., up to speed on his variou' i.ubjects. "'I constantly ~pend time on hne re-educating myself,'' Mart111 said. "Sure I have a certain lewl of understanding. but I want Ill make i.ure I am always on top of things. You have to be on your toes." Their love for their children. combined with a dnve to offer the best schooling, creates an unparalleled synergy that ts not too often found in traditional schooling. Ford said. "Some of the best teachers I've ever met were home-schooling moms." Ford saJd ·Being a ere dentialed teacher, which I actu· ally happen to be. does not make you a great teacher." • LOLITA HARPER 11 the enterprise and invat1igativa raponer for the Dally Pilot Sha may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail 11 lo/Its. hsrper@l11tlme1.com. O'CONNOR, Norma Elizabeth Norma Elizabeth O'Connor, realdent of Balboa laland for 17 years pa11ed away May 14, 2004. Orlglnally of Boaton, Muaachuaett1, she rtalded In New England untll moving to ~adla, Callfo mla In 1961 whe re 1he lived for 26 years. Nonna waa a member of St. John Vlanney Chapel and held omcff In the Chapel Gulld, the Ebtll Club of Newport Beach and tht OUI• Club Of Corona del Mat. She WU aJao active In ~ A.Mlatanc. l.Aague and Travel Club of Arcadia, CaJlfomla. Sh• 11 1urvlved by her aon Gary Paul O'Connor of Balboa laland and WU mamed for 38 YMrl to tht latt H.P. "J ack" O'Connor. A Ronty wlll bt held 7:00 p.m., Thul'lday, June 3, 2004 at Pactftc ~ MtmorlaJ Chapel, 3600 Pactftc ~ Dr .• Corona d.i Mar, CA 92825. A funeral MaH will be celebrated by Magr. Lawrence J . Baird at 10:00 L m., Friday, June 4, 2004 at St. John vtanney Chapel, 314 Ma rine Ave ., balboa llland, CA 92662. II , t j t r Sunday M.,7 jLJ 2004 AS CALENDAR If you have any events that you believe should be added to our calendar, please e·ma1l 1he date, time and nature of the event to our new calendar e·ma1I address, which 1s: dpcslendtu !' liJllmes com Unfonunately, it will be Impossible to include every event in the calendar, so submissrons will be sub1ect to editing. JUNE SUNDAY M ONDAY T UESDAY W ED N ES DA Y THUR SD A Y F R I DAY SATURDA Y ~ C'f.1 f_.,,, 5pot1s C<rrf> , 6 !>J':I• H II H gh S,hool (JretJudh,"ln C11'r{'"1()1') AIDS w .. 11. OC UCt All·An•e•ic~~ Bor• 1_/i(.lfu) OC Fd rg Ou• <h 13 Father's D•y 20 8.t""!ut> M,.>e f'esr·•I'. St M.,l••o iJ, All Arigl.' ' C~urcn Tl tu 6117 Sunddy M<)rn.ng Suri Se!r·es t.•do T11,.,t1,•r C11yolNB Coricert 2 7 "' ti.,. Park TBO Commun,t} P1cr"l l.M Humdfl t?t!l~H1on• Commin~e ~ dlrv1l'W P8tl· S.md.ty Mor,,,ng ::iurl St>nl'l l•do Tl11•Jf"' WIN! A•1ne.n e• • Cu·an Got 7 C dU c Slrd,.,bt>")' fdrms Fl•9 D•y 14 Summer 8egrns 21 28 J Ptbl~J.wm~~ ... 1 tylt> G1llowdy Sunmwr Sd1ling Ser•1ts NH Ndul•«•I Museum. T/11" 8 JI The Hom• (\Ctflf A1J11•r1,.1n Sa<•efy of lntt!flO• o,., gnto•s SC Pl.i1.i n,,, !. 30 o.: r ...... a-1. r~·~" ~." 8 F61n-ll!WP.trl.. {.)lf~/iUl'lJ OCPAC rlu., " 70 15 22 29 , Gre~• GdrT·t'S lJ "cln f (>fl't-r't.t')' ' • */1,'11/<'t }uut <:/11/tf', /'!tu/ti /~JI " ( !tu111 ,. lu H i11 <I $5f)OfMt f #r'f9t/~ /'~Irr./ IJ<'tHllfflt' fur 111//T/1 \ l\ 1/111r"/" 1 • ./1111<' .! /. Ill 11l1uf11, 11·1 • /1 r ,/ 11 d/ /u 1111/1/1,fi1•rl llm1r/11, ./1111" :.!8 111 tlw DailyAPilot ll /· I 01 / I: If(//-" \1w1 wl Sntturt. /un 11111111•n ui// lw "'/1•1/l'rl 111 u111r/11m d1rtl(lllJ..: 11/ .i 1u11 1111 Tl111f ,rf111. July 1 and published Frida): Jul_> 2 in the Daily.A Pilot ------------------------------------------------ENTRY FORM: Hain\ \ 01111•: /Ja in\ R1rthdalP: } tllU \ fl Ill f': l111i/111µ '""((',\,\; I •a i 111t•11/ lfrthorl: <:1cdi1 Cord n11mlu•1: Entt·) Dt·acll i1w : .ll \E :!L :!OOI --------- 011 .... 1. 0''"''11 } rrr /,,.,.,J I ,,,,/ f.:\f' t!u11•: ______ ·\111011111 f,'n"I"'"" · (. ':.! . .-~· p1·1 1•11t n 1 9 23 30 8f'er C.n R«gartll, 3 PllorC..,,F.atmSp:vu~ 4 NC'wp<.m Hdrl>Or • Tl>e W111d •n rht> W illows Pk.4 C~ ~Mm Spol1:I Cu,, Ji., <;CR Thru t-10 OCC M1<.Jd1<• Collf'C1tt H~ (1ri.1dudr on L •rtmOr'~ l°'l"t <..: '' Rt-<J.tf~ •• f\it'lirpOr!H.t'N' ArH ~ Cr tlf$ Ff'>f vii 10 a ..... ,. c(,,, 1i1 .. ,4.tno 1 7 Nt''llPOf HJIOClf. Nr·w1.1ort Mcl'\.d I t1i.1h \, > 1., Ur,adt."''' 1fl lt•ft"mvn/f'\ 1,,,1 OJ; of S.. ""''' I I. qr, '"\ 8t •·• C.in Rt'<j.1tra NP...,pa11 ffdrt-C:'' 24 S.,..." m..-r Fi Od 8 W•',... Fen ••' SC Pt11• Cc"~,.,, en 11it-f',.,, "', t 8.1 t>D.t p .. , a. c.'tt F°rJn-.rurt OCPAC T•·1u 6 f,' A~.1rd\ H .t.d.,iy h,, 1 1 18 I <1st r:i.,, " ~. '"'''' ; 6 grad,.~ II >?<!l'uU• ·~ \ 25 De! ••• , '.l )' \ .. O{ ' o1 1 ,~ " ]\ JI 6 • ' Piiot c..,_ F """ ~ "'P ' 5 loon• Club f,,f, F ~ lion, Pdr~ Thr .. a~ UOA!t14.'0<"S$q..;r.,,, [,.,,,UC CdM Sit C1M Ce0.tr.t•.u Oil~ '"'"I Ut" ,. Alt & °"1t.• ~ h """" ~ v, Ql' (A..Jr Ccmpt1rt•r(.,, OC Fri rqro 1 J ,.. ' I f U<..1 ur aclu,lf ,_..,"'LJ\}I Rt.'lf)i'lrt.t "I. $t-"dplft r .. -s, v •• l\/H N.tutt.J I\• ,.,, ,, 19 26 COSTA MESA COUNTRY CLUB M onday July 19. 2004 Cost;i M esa Country Cluh Los L<tqos Course 9 ;un Cllf'ck-rn & Rcq1str;it1on OrtVllHJ R ;llHJf' Putl111q GrPf'n Puttinq Contp•,t Ch1ppmq Conl<">I 10:30 d Ill Stiotqun St.tt I ~:JO ~' p 111 HP;ivy Hor·. d cH'llVff''> N n H n'.I Codd.ttl" l 1v1· ,'1.. Sil1·111 At11 11011" Aw;111h, Pn11", Monday, July 19, 2004 ENTRY FORM Name CoOl)afly Address Qty _________ State ___ Zip Tetephone: Home: Work __ FOll'IOm88 are best value ... gigtes are wek:ome 4. ___________ _ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----Goff, Lurril, Reception $250 Single ----Goff. l.undl, Reception $900 Foursome Tee ?Jx>nsO' $ i 25 (Jj.ls promotional gift to golfers) ___ Awards Reception & Auc1ion Oft./, $30 per person ___ SponsorsHp (~for availabiity) ____ T<*I For lntonnatlon on Sponeorahlp Opportunlttes can Ed Fawc.tt at (714) 885-9095. Please make d'8d<s payable t> Co&la Mesa Chemt>« cJ Commeroe. 1700 MwT'8 Ave. 1101, Costa Mesa. CA 9'2626 SiJ!nat 11rt•: _________________ ~--- Nlme. ______________ MIC. \ll,1'X l(lldtone1•----------•XI>- ------.-~-----------·--------- Al Sunday May 30. 2004 CHECK IT OUT D-Day memories just a branch away R ~rnembe11ng those who have gorw before 1s a <tt>b<·ring exercaM' on ~krnoraal Day dunnl( .i timt' ol war Now. a nt'W gener.lllon of young people n ks aJI. and som~ make the ult1m\llt' suc:rifice in a conflict wuged on foreign soil. SOme1hmg worth\vhUe can emerge froRl tlm \trife. however. tn the form of Uitlstic expression. and thh ., u fCOOd time 10 fol'"U' on one of World War ll's mo't Oll'll\Orable battlt'b. () !>II)'• the ~1orming of the heaches of Normandy and the massive Allied movement to retake I urope from the N.va.,, , .. ,11 be commemorawd un thr 601h JntUversary ol tht' l'Vl'lll Junl' 6. Lll04. New books of hii>to ry and nwmoirs have been arpeanng 111 incre~ing numhcr'> on thr Chuck Iverson Key iss ues of real estate investment What amoun t of down payment will I need to provide po sitive ca h flow '? What amount of down payment wi ll ecurc the best loan? Ha ve I done the Financial homework on the property co be acquired? Contact nie for more information on real estate investrnerzt. Chuck Iverson 949.574.3589 ~ht'lvei. of the Nl"wport Beach r•ublic lJbrary as the date .11>proalhl''-"Volcet ofVaJor: D·Oay, June 6, 1944" by IJouglas Brinkley and Ronald J Dre1 ''one example The authors prei.ent tes1imonials from a broad range of regummti. in twelve chapters that cover e"ery movement on Ulah. Omaha. Gold. Juno and Sword beaches. and point!> beyond and Lil between '1'he Allantk: Wall, r 94l·1944: HJtler'I Defenses for D·Day" i~ Alan WiJl's prc~entation of Rommel's plan 10 prorctt F.urope against Allied Jit'>.iult. from another pcrspectave. "The Bedford Boys: One American Town's UJtJmate D-Day Sacri.Oce," ''a poignant account of the tragedy which occurred when 1ha1 .. mall town in Virginia lost 21 young men on 0 -Day. It AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e·matl to /uis penB a latimes com, by fax to 19491640-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4298. Include the time, dale a'nd location of the event, as well as a contact phone number TODAY The Unlt9d Scottish Society will host the Scottish Festival from 9 a m. to 5 p m. at the Orange County Fair and Expos1t1on· Center Tickets cost $2 to $20. Information-http:l/'www.un1ted scon1shsoc1e1y.com. MONDAY Pacific View Memorial Part< wlll host ns 46th annual Memorial Day service with presentations by members of the American Legion Newpor1 Harbor Post 291. Music will be provided by Celebration USA. The event will begin at 11 a.m at 3500 Pacific View Memorial Park 3500 Pacific View, Corona del Mar Information: (9491644·2700 Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Memorial Park will host its SOth annual Memorial Day services with a floral wreath presentation and music by the All American Boys Chorus The event will begin at 11 a.m. at 1625 Gisler Ave , Costa Mesa. Information· (714) 540-5554 TUESDAY Orting• County'• Unit.cf Way will host its 2004 Campaign Celebration, which will honor the top individual and corporate donors to health and humaA servioas. The event will at 7 p. m at the Balboa Bay Club and Resort, 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newpor1 Beacn Ticl(ets cost $75 lnformin1on. (949) 263._{}176 WEDNESDAY Th• Friends of The Newport Beach Library will host its annual meeting along with a complimentary lunch. Linda Ka1souleas. library services director will speak at the event. The event will be at 11 a.m. In the Friends Meeting Room at the Newport Beacn Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach Information and reservations 19491646-4131 l I\ 1:Nm(a coldwdlhan~er com The Mariners Joint u .. Ubr•ry I COU>WeU. BANt(eRO Committee will host a new Mariners Branch Library community open house. which will feature architectural EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON YOUR FAVORITE LEXUS <!J.~ 50% OFF Tree • Ivy • Orchids Siik Floral Arrangements Mon-Fn 10·6 •Sat 10 !I • Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street I IJ, osta Mesa tA~'T'OU from Ralpbsl (949) 646-67 45 shows how their llves and deaths continue to affect thJll community. David Stafford's ''Ten Days to D·l>ay. CJdz.ea. and Soldlen on the eve or the ln\'UJon" recounts the Normandy landing n.s experienced by some everyday men and women, lncludlng an American paratrooper. a member of the French re lstance, and even a Gennan soldier stationed in France writing home to reassure his family. Drawing from diaries, offidaJ records and contemporary accounts, the autl1or has compiled a compelling story of courage and sacrifice. The author of "D-Day: The Greatest lnvulon: A People's Hhtory" grew up in Nazi-occupied I lolland. Dan Van der Val has assembled a highly per!>onal and lavishly illustrated volumt' including maps and war puin1ingll a' well as photograph!>. I Ii., worl. i~ an Jdmlrably balant:ed overvtew W1th a full act·ourll of Canad1,1n contribuuons to the landing. sometimes overlooked in the popular histories of the t:vent. TI1ere are old favorites Lhat are worth revisiting as well. Cornelius Ryan began hi!> World War ll 1rilogy with the publtcation in 1959 of"The Long"est Day." He !>tarted working on the book tn the mld-1950s, while the memories of the D·Day participants were sull fresh. And he spent three years interviewing l>·Oay survivors in the United Stale.!> and cu.rope. fhJ~ I\ COn.!>idered the classic account. and ii'. video version 1s aho available In lhe library. on VI 1c; and DVD. Darryl Zanuck\ film. starring John Wayne'. I lenry Fonda and Richard Bur1on was an u\toundang success in Its tune. "O·Day, the Sixth ofJune· '" 111\olher cla~ic older ftJm now 011 DVD. released originally an 1956, '-lJrring Robert Taylor. Another video masterpiece is the more recent "Saving Prtvate Ryan," Stephen Spielberg's film starring Tom Hanks. fhis award-winning film t!. alo;o available at the library Lil VHS and DVD formats. However you plan to spend rhis Memorial Day hoUday, keep In mind the meaning behind the commemoration. and consider checking out some of the resources avaiJable at the Newport Beach Public Library. DID YOU KNOW? There will be a Community Open Hou!.e from 7 to 9 p.m. BEST BET Wednesday in the lorgenson Room at the Mariners Branch Library. 2005 Dover Drive, to showcase plans for the new Donna & John Crean Mariner.. Branch Library scheduled for compleuon in Sep1ember 2005. Come check out the architectural renderings and talk to architects. school and library staff about 1his exciting new community rel>ource. • CHECK rr OUT IS written by the> staff of the Newpor1 Beacn Public Library. This week's column is by June Pils1tz. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog a1 www newporrbe<Jchltbrary org For more informatton on the Central Library or any of the brancn locations, please contact the Newport Beach Public Library at 19491 717-3800, option 2. Pac1f1c View Memorial Park will host its 46th annual Memorial Day service with presentations by members of the American legion Newport Harbor Post 291 . Music will be provided by Celebration USA. The event will begin at 11 a.m. Monday at Pac1f1c View Memorial Park, 3500 Pac1f1c View. Corona del Mar. For mtormat1on. call (949) 644-2700. renderings, elevetlons and site Newport Beach. Information. registration: (9491673-2261. activities such as a banana·split plans for lhe new Donna end (9491640-0200. building and eating contests, and John Crean Mariners Branch JUNE 10 musical entertainment from the L.ibrary. Starbuck's coffee will be The Environmental Nature Center The Sugar Plum Atts and Crafts 1950s end '60s Non-yellow provided. The event will be from will host a birding walk with Festival will be from 9 a.m. to 8 vehicles may enter the contest. 7 to 9 p.m. at 2005 Dover Drive, e>epert birder Maya Decker 'The p.m . in B4ild1ng No. 10 at the The event will be from 9 a.m . to 3 Newport Beach. Information: event will be from 7:30 to 9:30 Orange County Fair and p.m. at the Orange County Fair 1949) 702-6600,(949) 644-3078. a.m. at the Environmental Center. Exposition Center, 88 Fair Drive, and Exposition Center, 88 Fair 16th St. Newport Boach The CC!SI Costa Mesa. lnforma1ion: (5621 Drive, Costa Mesa. Registration The Banning Ranch Partt and 11 $5 for nonmembers 598-0857, fee for non-yellow vehicles cost is Preserve Task Force, which is Information: (9491645·8489 hrtpllwww.sugBrplumcraft~.com. $15 to $20. Information (949) dedicated to preserving Banning 723-6663, Ranch wlll host a meetang to The Camp will host •Made an Macy's and In Styte Megazin. will http://www automot1veroad present its vision for turning Costa Mesa." a pottery bazaar host won Impulse· a fashion of dreams.com Banning Ranch into a public park. featuring ceramic art by local presentallon from designers such The event will be at 7 p.m. in the student artists. The even! will be as BCBG Max Azria, Laundry by JUNE 21 Victoria Room at the Coste Mpsa from 2 to 5 p.m. at 2937 Bristol Shell! Segal and Marc Jacobs. Swimming lesaona for all skill Community Neighborhood St .. Costa Mesa. Information: The event will also feature, levels, ranging from parent and Center, 1845 Park Ave .. Costa (714) 966-6661, music, cocktails, makeovers and me classes to those more Mesa. Information: hnp://'www.1hecamps1te com skm treatments. Participants must advanced, will be offered at http:lllaslcforce. S1erraclub. orpl be 21 years and older. The event Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrooke bannmgranch The Health Emporium will host a benefits the Newport Beactl Film Lane. Costa Mesa. Information: free osteoporosis screening by · ·Festival and will be from 7 to 9 (7141557-7234. THURSDAY Lane Labs Bone Mineral p m. at Macy's Impulse Hoeg HotJ>hal wlll oftw a Assessment System The event department, South Coast Plaza. JUNE 23 community education class on will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m at 3333 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. The 8minuteDatlng will host a •Arthritis of the Knee.· The class 3347 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del cost 11 $10. Information: (714) gathering for Orange County will be presented by Dr. Alan Mar Information: (9491673-2244. 556-0611, ext. 4231. singles at 7:08 p.m. at !he Hard Beyer at 6 p.m. at the Hoag Rode Csfll, 451 Newport Center Hospital Conference Center in SUNDAY The Newport Buch Publlc Drive. Information: (949) Newport Bead\. Information and The Cost• Mesa-Newport Harbor Library will host a 307·2451, reservations: (800) 514--4624, Lions Club will host its annual groundbreaking celebration for http://WwwBmmutttdBting.com. http:l..WWW.hoagho1pitBl.org. Flah Fry and carnival, which wlll the new Donna and John Creen include the club's •tamousH fried Mariners Brandl Library at 1 p.m . JULY 10 FRIDAY cod, coleslaw, fries. musical . next to Mariners Elementary The 4th annual Orange Crush Chlldhelp USA'1 Coata Mna entertainment and a baby School, 2100 Mariners Drive, Demolition Derby will be from 2 dlapter will host Ferragasto at contest. The event will be from 11 Newport Bead\. Information; and 8 p.m. at the Citizens 5:30 p.m. at the Bloomingdale's to 9 p.m. at Lions Par1t, 570W. (949) 717-3078. Business Bank Arena, Orange counyard In Fashion Island, 701 18th St .. Costa Mesa Information: County Fair and Exposition Newport Center Drive, Newport ' (949) 645-1600, (949) 574-0337. Someone Carn Soup Kitchen Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Beach. The event will Include an http://www geoc1t1os com1 will honor Anton Segerstrom at Information: (619) 424-3348. Italian buffet, dancing, llve mueic, fionsfishfry its annual Flag Day Dinner and opportunity drawings and live Silent Auction from trto 9 p.m.. et ONGOING auction. Tlcbt1 cost $65 to $76. The 11th annuel Balboa Island 720 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. The The Newpc)rt Cenmr Information: (949) 548-4228. Parade wlll feature the 3rd Marine event wlll feature Chef Leon Toastmaster's Club can help you Aircraft Wing Band. antique cars, Matthews. The 0011 Is $45. improve your public speaking TM eo.t. ~Harbor floats. fl re trucks. and notable Information end reservations: skills or polish your business Lions Club will hott lta annual guests This year'• theme Is (9491648-8861. presentations. Members come Fish Fry end e.arnlvel, whldl will ·Remember Whan.~ Tho parade from a variety of professional Include the club'• •t11mous" fried Is dedicated to lhe 1st. Battalion, JUNE 16 discipllnH and backgrounds. The cod, colealaw, fries, musical 1st Marines stationed at Camp Sh.,,,,an Llbnlry and Gardena group meeta every Monday entertainment and the Miss Coste Pendleton, whldl wa1 adopted by will host a ahort history of Corona morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at Mesa Beauty Contest. The event the city of Newport Beach. The def Mar'• "China House· with Or. 610 Newport Center Drive. wlll be from n a.m. to 9 p.m . .r event will begin at 11 a.m. Willlam 0 . Hondricb, the director Newport Beach. Volldated parking Uons Plrt.. 570 W. 18th St .. Coste lnform1tlon: (949) 723-4177 of the librery. The event will be at 11 available in the perking Mesa. Information: (949) 7:30 p.m. at 2847 E. Coast Hwy .• ttNcture next to 24 Hour Fitness. 645-1600, (IM9) 5?4-0337, JUNE9 Corona del Mar. Information and Guesta era welcome. http:l/WWW.(J«JCit•coml Shennen Library elld Gantens reservations: (949) 8'73-2281. Information: (9491 721·6732. llOMfiahfry, will host "Pa1io Gardening" with ltt dirac1or of gardening Wade JUNE20 The Newport S..ch Walklna Club Sur u '1ible wm host ltt annual Roberta. Roberti wtll provide The 5th Annual Top Banana mfftt et tht comer of Superior Bridal Fair that will Include Information on contelner ClaHlc Car. Ttudt end Motorcycle end Hospltel Roed In Newport Informal modetlng. bridal gardening, 1011 mixH, Wltering Show will feature a yellow car Ba~ at 9:15 e.m . Monday coordlnetore, photographara, alld lld\edules, fertilizing and pea1 theme with contest categories through $a1urdey end 7 p.m . dl'1t'Mngs for prltea. The event control. The event will be et 2847. sud\ u beat Import, belt everyday. Information: (949) will be from 1 to 5 p.m. at Sur lA E. Coast Hwy •• Corona del Mar. graphica, bat woody and but i•blo, 832 Avocedo Ave., The CO$\ i• S30 Information end motorcycle. There will elso be SM TOWN, Pap A.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------"--'---- TOWN Continued from A6 650-1332. The Newport·M•H cribbage club meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p m. at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguente Ave. In Corona del Mar. The cost Is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. The ACLU of 0,.nge County meets at 7 p.m the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian UnlversaliS1 Church, 1269 Victona St. In Costa Mesa. Each·month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the 8111 of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Voge CIHMI will be ottered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class eac:tl week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beac:tl residents. Others pay an additional $5. Information: (949) 644-3151. Coste Meaa's Recreetlon Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up 10 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m.; Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m or 4 to 7 p.m.; and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for c:tlildren 5 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner, games. crafts, prizes. cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost from $250 to $JOO. Information: (714) 754-5158. A variety of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a M onday-through-Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates. times and costs. call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beac:tl Recreation and Senior Services, at 3300 Newport Blvd. Prot.11ion1I and licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training Information· (949) 395~ 103. Jewish Family Service la sponsoring a teen support g roup for high school students that meets Mondays from 3·JO to 5 p.m. et Tarbut V'Torah Upper School In Costa Mesa. For information or to register. call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration Is required. The First Pllge -Fine Childf9n's Books, al 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.; and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p m. Information: (949) 645-5437 Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beac:tl offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m for $15 per person, featuring five new wines eac:tl week. Information: (949) 721·1222 Green Systems International shows you everything that you wanted to know about orc:tlids and repotting during a free seminar at 2 p.m every Saturday An orchid and tropical plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Information: (949) 756-1211 DI.cover the secret.I of C.rt>on VOYAGE Continued from A 1 The voyage 'ierve'> J" trainin~ ror those who wish to hone rhcir boating skills. school official .. -.aid. Each leg of the trip will have hetween nine and 12 ~tu· den rs. who fly m and out of de,. 1inauons accordmR 111 1he 111ner· ary. Mendenhall will :.ail with about eight Other people 10 1:.is- ter l l\land. whert' another group will raJce the leg from there ro 1'11caim l'iland. And the pa11ern of island stopc; coniinues. <is various groups take the respon- sibility of navigating IJ1c Alaskan Eagle ro Marquesa~. Tuamotu~. Tahiti, Moorea. Bora Rora. Fan· nrng Island. I law11i1 and bark 10 Newport. Mike llodson. 21. wn!> a1 the docks making sure the flnal ta<ok.s were taJcen can· of heforc lhcy took off. H e fkw in from l ong 1!.land. N Y fo1 this trip. 11 precious space o( tlmc for him between tJ1e l'nd of coUcgt• lift> end the beginn ing of full-blown adulthood. ·1 just graduaml from !Mid· dleburyCollege In Vermont! and Wdl looking for som ething 10 do bcforl' going off into the real world." Hodson said. • LOLITA HARPER Is the enterpr11e and lrwe'11gatlv• reporter for the D•llY pjJot. She may be rwac:tled 11 (949) 574 4275 or by e meil e1 lolit11.h1trperi.JillatimH com. BEST BET COMMENTS Continued from A 1 maling wreaths. cros~es and houqut>1~ for every Civil War K1avc. they draped the town with nags and evergreen boughs with black streamer'). the common symbol at the t1rnt• for a farmly that had lo-.t o,omcone. Sunday, Mc1y 30. 2004 A7 noi.ses. rnw on row." Moved 10 tears by Mr< rac\ wordi., Moina had an idea. The m·xl liay, i.he made a !>lllJJI poppy out of red uepe paper. Wllh a Mem of wire wrapped LO green paper. 8 y the next Memorial Day. Moina and her co-workers had mat.le thousands of red poppies ant.I were selling lhem 10 raise money for veterans' group!> Moina Michael's red poppieto 'lprcad across the country like. well, wildflowers. In 1922, the Vererani. of Foreign Wars adopted the red poppies as 1he1r primary fundraising tool. and the little red flowers became the most recognized -;ymbol of veterans' assistance. !>o that's 11 then -Memorial Day and Moina\ red poppiei.. Hemember what it's aJI about. It'~ 1mportdnt. I gotta go. The Manners Jornt Use Library Committee will host a Manners Branch Library community open house, which will feature architectural rendermgs, elevations and site plans for the new Donna and John Crean Mariners Branch Library. Starbuck's coffee will be provided The event will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. For mformation, call (949) 702-6600 or (949) 644-3078. I he official association of Union Army veterans, the Grand Army of the Republu:, or "GAR," was a powerful poht11:al lorce until well into the 20th lt?ntury. ln 1868, 1he orgunlzatlon's commander, Gen. John A. Logan, declared May 30th "Memorial Day" and ordered that every grave at Arlington Cemetery -Union and Confederate -be decorated with flowers on that date. By the way. aJJ rhose flower'> and wreath~ are why the holiday was called "Decoration Day" for year<. and vear'>. · By 1890. almost every state had o fficially recogni1.ed Memorial Day. Every nonhcrn Sldte. that is. The outhern !>lale\ refused 10 give the nod 10 l\lemorial Day un11I after World War I, when the inient of the holiday was changed to honor the American casuahies of every war. To this day. howewr 'ome cities and stares m lht' South !>el aside separate day~ lo <.prc:ifically honor Lonfederatl' w;11 dead. ln May 1966. Waterloo was officially named rhe birthplace ol Memorial Day by PreMdent Lyndon Johnson. whn.h really made the other .!16townsmad.ln 1971, Congress passed the Nation.ti •PETER BUFFA 1s a former Costa Mesa mayor His column runs Sundays He may be reached by e mail at ptrb4 •• aolcom Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is S4. lnformat1on: (714) 996-5252. Team Survivor,• nonprofit o rganization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts Walk and Talk at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgoddess store m Fashion Island Members meet for lunc:tl after at Atrium court. It 1s free, and all fitness levels are welcome. Information: (949) 275-3888 NewPort Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAFE. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness, failh and empowerment The group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays. Free. Information: (949) 721-8079. The Newport Beach Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 lo 9 p.m. Thursdays at Supertor and Hospital Road in Newpor1 Beac:tl Information. (949) 650-1332. The Spartlsh Speaking Club meets 10 learn Spanish qu1dc and easy Information· (949) 650·1332 The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m . on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol SI, Costa Mesa lnforma1ion (949) 805-0011 ~Divorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. 1s held from 10 a.m. 10 12:30 p.m al 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every mcnth Cost is $50. Information: (949) 644 6435. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge, badcstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arTangement lnformation.17141 556-ARTS. ext. 833. The NewPort Beech Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization 1s open 10 all women residents in Newport Beach who have ltved 1n the area fewer than five years lnformatton· (949) 645·9922. or visit http:l!Www.newcomers-newport besch.org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7·30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange 1u1ce for $3, $1 for c:tlildren. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. Information: 1949) 644-3244 Yoga and rtlythm, "Yogarhythm1cs" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 10 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite m , Costa Mesa. Information· (7141754· 7399 Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office Call to sc:tledule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St • Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445 4950 Women SO and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Famtly Services lo address issues suc:tl as anxiety. depression, relauonships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E Baker St .• Suite G, Costa Mesa Prereg1stra11on requ1red (714) 445-4950 Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodc. Boo~ may be left at any of the three branch libraries Balboa, Mariners, or Corona dal Mar -or in the book closet no.>.t to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach All hardcover and paperbadl donations. with the e>Ccepuon of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759-9667 The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for 714-289-0222 tZ I l www.organicartp ants.com W Y 269 N. Glassel!, Oran c CA 92866 •OPEN 9AM ·6PM DAll Y classes (714) 821 -5000 A splrit\Jal care clan meets at 7:15 pm. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club The cost is $14 The club is et 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third ·Thursdays of eac:tl month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cencer Center at Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free Registration not required. The group 1s designed to help patients and their fam1hes understand and cope w11h the illness (949) 574-6232 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a menial illness support group from 6:30 lo 8 p.m. Sundays in Oierenfield Hall C at 600 St Andrew's Road. Newport Beac:tl. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and lhe1r parents from 6 10 7 p m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker SI., Su11e G. Costa Mesa. Cost 1s $10 per person per session Prereg1stralton required 1714) 445 4950 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a wet>kly parentmg support group Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing w11h the feelings and behavior ol 1he1r children The group meets from 10 to 11 ·30 a.m . Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa The group will cover managing anger. anxiety and peer pressure c:tl1ldren experience. Prereg1strat1on required (714) 445-4950 The Cost• Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing w11h live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7·JO to 10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa S4 (949) 548-3884 1 loliday Ac1. creating a numbl•r of three-day holiday-.. 1nduding Memorial Day. whil h bclamc the la!>t Monday in May m!>tead of May ·m. It wao, ,tll done as a ge1'1Urt· IO federal worker!>. although I would -.ay tllt' re ... 1 of u-. are to rally OK With II 'i11H.e the late I 9110 .,, soldier' lrnrn the 3rd U.S lnlanlry. till' "Old Guard." place American llagi. at every one of the more than quarter million KfdVl'Slone<, JI Arlington National Cemetery on thl' l hursday before Ml•murial D.1y 111 Virginia. on the ~aturd.iv before Memorial Day. Hoy~ "\\'OUt'> and Girl scout' from 1hroughou1 the '>late place ;1 l .indle at each ol rhe 15.000 grt1\.e' of Union and < .onfederare 'iOld1er'> buried In tlw Naltonal Military Park 1111 11lc battlefield~ of I redericksburK and -.pot 'ylvania. 1\nd that lll'>t lt'J\t'' \lo1n.1 \l1l hael. a tec.1t lwr al 1lw l /rllVl.'r\llY ol C1l'OTf.:i<I dllfllll-( World War I. Mo111a wa .. a pa1no1ic woman wh11 w.11111«1 to clo '>ome1h1ng important tor lhr war effort ~he took d k,\\l' ol .1h,ence and \H'lll 10 N1•1\ Yori... City 10 1ra111 with till' YMCA, whirh wu!. helping Alllerican -;oldie.r' and '>ail or .. 1111 their way rnfrom l·urop1· At thl' end of a Ion~ day. M oin..i Jiil kl'd up ;J copy of l..ad1e .. I lnme Journal and ra11 JCTll" a now famou!> pol•m called "In Hander:. Field," wrillr11 hv ;1 < ;rnadian Army dollor na111t•tl John McCrae fht• poem 1' 1H1llen in 1h1· voKt' of rhe 1hou .. and'> of Alllf'd '>Old1er-. who dic<l 111 Belgit1m a11d were buried wht•re till'~ it•ll "In Flander<, fif•ld ... tht• popp1e., blow, between tlw WHEN A TREE FALLS By Davt WOng If\ our nc111hbor'' tree tell on \llUI p1op.:n) <Ind 1hd \Omt 'CflllU\ damJ~C )OU.d prnhahh ,1\:)Um<' thJI ) our neighbor 'houhJ pd) .in~ .md .111 "'flt"'e' ol repair You m1llh1 J~.,ume mherw1'>t" 1f 11 "'a' )Clllf 1n·1· 1h.11 h.1d t.illcn on h1,/11'!1 dcd. Ami \llU 1111l!hl t>;: llllTCCI Hui """ rcJll). '' ltJhk .ind "h) ' Rl'.tl c\tJlc .inurm·) fi<'nn\ K.h, nv1c' 1h,11 the: m.111er 1um' 1111 the '"u-.: 11t ncgtigcncl." II 1he Cl\\ ncr of the II Cl'" J' pfO\ ,1hl\ J,I\ in m.11nt.11111n~· lhl.' ht•Jlth Jrld \1U1J1111·, .. ut lhl' 1rc1.", rh<n '1hc "·" nl'gltgcnl .md proh,1hl) ~.ir., '"llW rc,1x111\lh1hl) 11\ p.i~ lllg ICJr n:f)alr\, t''IX'11.11l) 111hr nc1ghhor ,1111w' up 1111•lUf1 "11h kllc:r' he or 'ht• "rok 111 Ille pt1.'I lllntpJ.unin!? th,11 lhC' lrce "J' l"!\!llltlllng .i potc1111.1l <1.m~cr 1<1 lilt• and ltmh 11. nn th.: 111Jw1 lwu.l. !hc11• I' 1111 p11watik• lll'jlltgcnce, then the 11\'l' proh.1hh lllJlk J Jr.un,111< IJJl 1mo tht', .11ci:11r. "Ail\ ol c .. tJ .. '"" I' ,111 old ll'g.11/111,111 .trill' 11·rm 1h,ir h,1, nu th1·nln~1l.1l .1~ tu g11111t It JUM 111c.111' th.II 1111 m.m rJn he t>l.i.m<'d I• r \\h.il hJppcnc1l In 1h1' la..c. rh·· n•r.iir' "111 "''"' hi...~)\ he 111\1·11'<1 min1hdcd11ll1hk I\\ 11M11Jllll'111mp,1n) 1 overing lhc d.un.11~1'11 propcn) I 11,, "· .I\ ~011 l ~II WI.'. J lflli-" '"uc II .1r1?U<'' tor unct>J,111g 1 .irt• "uh 11ur lrcc,, J.nd p~xl 1cl.11111n' "llh our lk!l~hl><>r-JOd .11ll 1u· tr um \ nur .111omc) f or r. .. 11 .-,1,1k n1.11tcr .. \ ,11l 1Tw ~11).tll ~ 11 I ~no CH\"'' Ill\ \\!:h"IC\ ,11 1l.1vc" 1111g-' 1cim111 t11ll lnril111Jd ~·•111 I J,nr U';m.~ /,,,. l>u11 1t'l!t11f. lo1111rr1 111 ,\'r11'Pmt Hr,111• 11111 r / •JX9 111ul 11 w11I• < fl1m N""'f'"' /'wrn 11r.I( 11/dwell /1,111kr1 • STYLE FITS NOWIN PROGRESS! Hunyln for best selection! Sizes 4 to 12 in a great selectio" of widths. • Van Eli • Sesto Meucci • Rango ni of Florence SEMl·ANNUAL 3 503 to off Terrific savings on spring & summer shoes, handbags, & acoessories. Corona Del Mar Plaza 949-721 -1325 N ext to Chico's ------~---- FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letter$. Mail to Ryan Carter at lhe Daily Pilot. 330 W Ba y St Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNden Hotlln•: Call 1949) 642-0086 fix: Send to 1949) 646-4170 E·mail.5flm1 to da1/ypilot u /at1mes com• All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for 11er1f1cat1on purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submis11ons for clantv and length EDITORIALS Pause for a moment on Memorial Day A \1·;1r e1go .111lu' llllH'. llW t Ollllllltrlll'Y \\ .11tec.l .tlPdOll,JV .l' II' 111 '1 "'" iu·1111•11 ,1.1 r11•d 11·1111111 ng 1111111 l1.1q \l.111111· '\1.1ft "igl ( hJrl1·' < ,,. '\p1•1u 1· of C .0 .. 1.1 .\ll•,,1 \,,,, 1lw 111.,t to111111g ho11w tfl1 I ,I 11>111 11\0llth to\11 lit• "·•' >:r1·1·11'd hv h1' t.11n11\. who .il11 I II.Iii d llt'l\\l'l'll 'lllllt•, ,111d ,, ..... ,,, lhl'\ \\t'l11Jllh'd 111111 \1.111111' II'"''\ j,1 I i.llH't• (.pl I ,111 \ "'"' f ;\!(•\\ f HJl I flt-,1(11 l11ll11\\1'd 1•1111 I 111 11 lJ \ \t.111111· ( pl. l~l\.1n lk1gn 11•11111wd hut 11111 '' lt11l1• I I.I\'.., I wt on· h1' ..,, flf'dult•tl d1•p.1111111" H1·1g1·v \\,\'I ,111gl11 Ill .Ill illllhll-.h '\h1.1p111·l l111 1111111111lw11._:lll 1'\ '" 1 lir11.11 .111d lorl'ht·.id lf1• lo\! tftill l'\I' 01111 '' drd rtol t UllH' h.H I... \l,11 llll' ( pl '""' c .. uiha~ of l II I,\ \11',,1 j.\olH' ft1, hh• "'l\111g \11wr1t<1111 llll' 11 p1•nmg \\ L't'"' Ill tilt'" ar I le \'"" po,1hu111ou'I~ g" 1•11 ht'> 111111•11,hip and h;,, -.inL 1' hl't'n h1111011·d ll\ C u-.1.1 \lt•,<t\ \"1·111hh 111.111 l\L'll \laddo\ ,111d \1°\\jllHl \ft''J '°lllpl'l\l,01 11111:-itl\.11n ,1 wall or hon111 ." wh11 h "111 d1,pla} ph11111' of 1n1!11.11 \ 'l'I VI( l' fH'Ojlh'. I l\1' yt•ar. tlw n1111m1m11\ ln<.t .rnotlwr ol "' 11\\ n .!.! yt•ar -old 111•\111 \\m'I . I Ill' lo11g1inw Cc,. .. 1;1 7'11·.,a rc•,1d1•111 .uni lJ !:> Arnl\ "'JH'< 1afr ,t dtt·d 111,1<111111 in I 1l..r1t. l1.1q 1111 ~1 .l} I .1ftt•r th1· tr11t I.. lw "·" driving 1111<1111111p1m l'>!1d hornh tlu· p11·' wu ... ti.iv 111., d1•ath w.1-. .1 painful n•m1111h-1 ol "·" ·' 11lt1111i1l\' 10'1 \,\\I -,,fie! ,f \ l'.11 ,1g11. tilt' war 111 ltaq h ,1, prm1d1•d .ill ol lh, tlw"· who ... uppor tt•cl 1h1• li~h1111g ;.111d 1hmc• who 11pp1i-.t'd II. \\ith ,1 Ill'\\ g1·1a·ral11111 111 h1·ro1·-. I\\ II I' ,1 \(',II on \ll'tl\(111:d Day .rnd \l'lt·r<u1' llay. 11u ... 1 u111H r\ ... wp-. to J>.I\ lwinag1• 10 tho-.(' who ha\l' "'' \t'll .1111\ ,,I( 11lru·d l lw pH 1 llrt'' .111d .. wr1t•' 1h.1t 1on1111111· 10 to1111· lrom lr.iq ill«' .1 h.11111ti11g. ''''d H'fllllHl1•1 that l\\O dJV'> I'> fll'I tlw up of .ill tlH' 111 • .1111.., 1111·\ th·wnc• On \londa). ,di 1n 1h1' t ommuntt} -.lrnuld t.1!r..t• t111w to rt•menibcr tho.,t• who hav1• fo11gh1111l..et·p 1\11H'rrn1 ,Jft• and 1how \dlO g,1\'t.• tht•u IJH'' 'en rng th"< ounlr). \\t• .111 'houltl a"o rernt·mbt•r 111.11. t.'Vt'll now, tht'rc arc men :tnd wo1m·11 mire ugain ~t war Time to raise the bar, lose the Styrofoam T ht•\ 'l'l'lll 'Ill h httl1· 1111111:' • ...,,, rntoam n ip,, to go 111111.i11w1' or It c• 1 h1·'1' But tht•\ t .ill p.11 I.. .111 .mh1tl\' Ing \\<tllop 1111 lht• 1'11\ fl(lllflll'lll Jn 1111' II('\( It'\\ \\t•t•lo.,, tilt' '''" 111111 ll1•;1t 11 Cirv C 0111ll ii j, 1'\.l'L't lt•d tu 1111"id1·r .1 h.111 011 1111 11'1' 111 \I\ rnlo.un tlw 1r;1dt· 11.tlllt' 1111 po\\ 'I\ rl'IH' ll\ tilt' l II\ It tilt' l Olllll" dOI'' ,(),II \\ill 1m1111dwr 11tw-. "Ill h "' '\,t11 I 11 1111·1111· I .1g1111a lk.11 h .111d I h111111 1g11111 lh·<1d1 1h.11 li.r\t' 111.id1 1111' 11l11q11111111 ... t 111111 11\ wl11t1• 'lll>"l,tlH I',\ lrlllt• It• ...... \ lf(l\flll\llpl,\I (I 1111• rt'.i...1111' trn 1'11.11 t lllg 1 lw li.111 .111· plt•n11f11I "ionw ... tmhe" II.I\ 1 'ho\\ 11 tlw poly,tvn·n1· 1.il..1·' 11lO \t'<1r., lo hn•nk down. I 11\ 11011111t•111al an1vi'" -.ay lhh .111d otht·r animab l'<ll the 111.111•11,d wh1d1 ohv1uu.,fy h;1 ... 1\11 11111111111nal V<llm• -and rlwn :m• tno full to t'oll toocJ tlltlt .1t11i.tlh 1' good Im thl'm \nd till' ma11•11al 111ak1.·' 11p" "'1g111 l11 ;ml portton" ol 11.1-.h in 1h1· l1;1t lo. Ha\ .ind .ilong tlw 111•,11 h1•,, \t•\\ fHHI fk,H h \.,.,1..,t,11\1 ( II\ \J,111,1g1•1 J>.I\ l ' ""' h,1, '"'cl I Ill' h.111 ,it,o \\<Hild l>l• n·l.111\l'l\ t'•''' 111 put 11110 pl,1< 1· C 1·r .rnm mug' 01 lt'l Vt lahk 111.11Pri.1I would fl•pl,1t t' ~I\ ro loa111. It would 1nvolw ju't < II\ I lall. c11v l11n1 11nn-. :rnd l'\t'llh lh,11 Ol't•d ll -.p11< i.11 pt'rr1111Jilli1lw11'1011· would 1101 lw <1 11· ... 11 i1 tion <m .111y prihllt' hu ... 1111.•" But 11111uld ,tcr a' a 1notl\ol lor otlwr' Ill follow. I ht•n• <,(•pm <, no guml rra,011 nm to take th1.., env1ront11t"'nlalh '1'n,11h <' ''''P A., Councrlrnan ~lt'llt' Rosan,\..y .,aid. "It sC'ts tht> hnr a li11 l1· higher. and thnt'<, a good thing." And i'\n't that whal Ncwpor r Heal h I'> ,111 about 1 THE LAST WORD The life of the lifeguard L .11 ry C .1p11ne, Nc.•wport'' "1 ift•guard Larry." d1•<,NV<'S many last WOid!.. B1,1w. CarinR. Wah:hful. \dn·nt11ro11,. HttHhNly I athctly I 11lt•rta1nin~. runny. I It• wu ... 11 rnun who caught the na1ion·, att<'ntion through thf'('e tit•tadt•,, from the 1960' to the '80<,, hy p.sddle hoarding down hoth of A1nerica's coast\ I ll' dt•\t:rve<, many last words. Stronp,. I Jnforgettuhle. l·o1gMng. 0l'VOtcd. 'fonder. Bright. lt>acher Leo 11w r. Rf''\t known ht•rr "" th<' longtlmt! lifeguard ~nd unofficial counselor at DovN ~hon·~ beach, he died la'lt week aftPr months of battling rnncer. I It• was 61. Ue deserves mony Inst wor<h. but most of oil, thi'\ on<>: Mi ed. BOLTON LETTER TO THE EDITOR Looking beyond the headlines I 1 hJ' bL'l'll 't·r) t.f1,11tu ... 1on111g 1.11t'I} lO n'o1d 1lr1· 1>;111\ Prlot .itlll ll''> about pour and t'Xltl'rlll'ly t n111:al 1ho1u•' 111.Jdr by young ptopll' 1nvolv111g rybl'r crime. rapt• .ult.I w.t.uJI il~'>aulr and alu1lwl·rela1ed tln\lllR It v.ould be e.1'\ ru tondude that youni.: people of loda} lad• the mural touragc and ethical 'tand.trd~ 10 make good chore('' I wa'> rrrv1leged recen1ly 10 he part of <,nnu•thrng 1hat re1m1a1ed m~· l nnlrdt•nce that young people do. m fut i ha\ c \\ h..11 11 1.1kt'' 10 be hone'>t, 1·.ir1ni.: .111d law ub1thng member'> of llllr 1 nmrnuni1 ~. t ln May Ill and Ill ne.irly all of the '11ph111no1 e d'"' ,11 < orona dcl ~l.\I ll1gh 'id11>11l 1ool.. p.irr 1n ChallcnJ.:l' l>.iy .• 111 ,1ll·cla\ program airned .it Accepting the ·good ' and the 'bad' In re..,pon.,e 10 Wendy l.ette. I nough alrc,1tly from sordid tnal," 111 luesday\ Dally Pilot. I hope thto ('dltor~ of the Daily Pilot continue lhl'II excellcnl coverage of not only 1he feel -good newl> in our community bur also their m ·depth rnH•rage of lht' nol-'IO-good news. I think rhe Dally Pilot does an t•xrellenl job of presenting storie'> on lod., and teen~ tJ1nl are doing the nl(lll thing through academic. Jlhlcuc and volunteer Jth1evement' But the Dally Pilot provide!> a t·rvlce tn our comm11n1ty in presentln~ r,torie~ such as thi!f rape trial. which 1i. a cautionary tct{c tor all parent!>. I do not wi<>h the detenninat1un of what is new<> to be made by Leete. ~he ha.s a voice in our community. but I do not w\<>h her votce to determine what l read In my newc;paper. Kt'ep up the good work at the Daily Pilot beca11'1e this reader ls •.trong enouWi to embrace the good news and <,mart enough to learn frnm rhe bad ncWl!. JULIE WAHLSTEDT Costn Mesa New church facilitie s could case traffic We have been resident$ of Qlfl I l<•vtn for 52 year11, and art' members of SI. A11dtew·~ (}lurch. We do not feel a Qilf Haven Comrnunhy A"""· member that f rhe :issociacionl spew for all of ll"- l11r so·«aJled cx11anslon phtn 1Hoposes the additional Ooor pace to bt• added mnlnly a <iound-proorcd bucment and would nut lncreo t> the footprint of the existing buildings sl.gnlfi~ncly. Al,o, no addltlonaJ 1eallns l11 proposed for the sanctuary. The need for o youth facility Is ra1~1ng 1nd1v1dual re!>pon-.1b1h1y for reduung and eventuillly t'l1mina11ng 'ocial. culturaJ and emotronal opprcl.<,10n 011 the campu' and in 1hc community. I ~aw bright, articulatto and compassionate young pt.-ople o;haring their hope'> and dreams for 1he future I c;aw 1hem laugh. cry. admi1 and forgive with more hone'>l}' and ~1nceri1y than I thought po'>sible lhey shared the dlfficullit''> and pre!>~ures they experience in their atadem1c. athletic, ">Ocial and family live-.. and their rc~1hence 1<, remarkable. fhey abo celebrated 1heir ~UL ce ... ~rs. joy!. and pa.,,ion'> -.aw wondt.-rful potential for leader-.h1p, cornm11mcn1 and ... uct:c~' bctlanced by depth. lOffiP·"'llll\ ,tnd tn\1gh1 I hcv \\,Ull MAILBAG urgent. We are told that the enrollment at Ensign Intermediate School ls ac a record high. The location of St. Andrew's, wt thin walking distance of both Ensign and Newport Harbor lligh. mues it an ideal location w\th reaJ potential for keeping the klds off the street'> during the crucial after c;i.hool hours. Tht planned underground parking structure would add 150 space~ for a 60% increase of on-site parking for a total or 400 ~paces. We think that thi mcreao;ed parking availability would help ease the current parking ~ituation on thto neighborhood streets. However. we agree with the 1>lannin~ commi!.sion <;uggestion that lht' be t solution would be for the parties to uy to reach a compromise that would address the concerns of both the church and the neighbors. MARGARET ANO RAYMONO PALMER Newport Bench Expansion should be a ·no.' 'no.' ·no' /\s 34 year properry owners ln tllfT t laven and Newport I !eights, my fnmUy hM endured more nncl more rrnflk caused by the expunslort·drlvt!n St. Andrew's Olurcll. Unllke the city of Lagun:i Beach, ror Newport Beach, the oni;w •r Is seldom no. A varlonce request to permit o cn:inslon In Olff H:wen or the HelS}ttsf No problem. St. Andrew's deslre to expand ll few year. a.go? No problem. Now. an additional St. Andrew'• expan&lon rtque t to lnclude aubterranean parking and a zonlns changtl Why not? Recause the nelgbbort aay no. And Nc:wpon Beach should also aayno. When a bu.sin outpows tts a to care and to be rared about Al 1he end ol rhe day. rhey were all given 1he thallcnge to be the change needed 111 1he world. and they ilCcepled it fime Will tell wha1 they 10 du with that challenge. A' an adulr mcmhl'r or their community, I tan hone~tlv 'a}' that I feel t'ncouraged b) what I saw and heard I am no longt'r d1.,illus1oned. and I haveconfidenLeth~outyoung ptople do ha\le what it take'> 10 make the nght chOILt'S I challenge tht<. commumty lo · tillch them hl'mg good. to believe 111 and l'nrnur<ige our young people I hey need .ind tle.,ervc our '>lip port. Anything It·" woul<l he a poor ('hOICl' Oil Olli Jhlrl MARIANNE SCOTT \1t•w1wr1 Heath facrhty. tl reloca1es. If thechurch's private plans were communicated to the city 20 years ago, Newport Beach's reprebenlatrves surely would have said no because of the negative effects on a residentialJy t.o ned community. Oearly, rhe misswn of St. Andrew's cannot be achieved witl1out a continuation of the degradation of our local community. Ju&i !lay no to a 1.omng change request; no to expansion; and no to any compromises. Enough is enough LANA AND HOWARD LARSEN Newport Reach Expansion for reducing, not adding St. Andrew'o; C:hurch leader~ have li)tened to their neighbors concerns for many years. The t>xpansion plan addrtsses rhe reduction of 11t1l!>e. ll does not add to It It reduce parking on the 'treet~ around the church. not add to II and the concern for potential Increase in traffic. Under the current p lan submitted to the city, and the draft environmental Impact report It's based on, the church is asking for an increase of approximately :'\6,000 feet. or thl amount mort' than 20,000 11quQJe feet are underground and more than 16.000 square fee:t are for storage hallwn~ amd re trooms. 'J'hc only new above-ground facility Is a multlpurpo e room, a gy.m which Is aoundproorcd to the neighbors. Thl11 room is the youth and Camlly f4dlhy, which tvetyone In lhe community h agreed IJ good for the kf d and adults, especially lhc alngJe adult TI)cref or , w aak the planning commission to approve tht 10nlng exemption and the expansion prog.ram. JAk£EASTOH Newport Be.a.ch 2 .. . FO R UM Sunday May 30. 2004 A9 READERS RESPOND Expansion .debate continues to grow AT ISSUE : A proposed expansion .H St. Andrew's Church in New port Re ach. Approved youth center means les'i congestion h wnult.1 be wonderful ii 1·v1•1vone had hi11d,ight and 1 ouhl know what we are l111d111g out tod,1y because all of our rnidential areas are ht'rnming burdened. l here isn't 1·1111ugh parkin~ for the <\Chonl,. 1 lwrt•' not enough park mg for ,I II\ tl11ng Ji ,11tic in tht• Ne\\port I k1ghh area h.1 .. ,1lway!> been \l\1•11• ,111tl Wiii l'tllllll\Ul' to grtt\\ \\ 11h or \\llhout "it \mln.•1\ \ In t.11 1 \1 ,\111..lrl''' ·.,.I thin!... will 111.11.1· th<' ''111.1111m d l11tlt' lrn It·" 1 1111gt·,\t•d '" lar <l'• 'lrl'l'I 1i.11\..111g Bu1 v11t1 ha\t· tlw lugh ,11111111 growing and propl1· h111ld111g l:1rgt•r l111mr' O\L'r th1·n· 1\hKh rlll'<lll' mon• 1 l11ld1n1, wh11 h llll'<.11v .. 1111rn· 11.il I 11 I '11 llf'\ .111d I 1·dl \ lnu·~,. I 111 'UH'. are lt"I m.1\.1ng dd111·1 u''· C.Jty lrurl... an· p111hahly jthl do111g their J<>h HUI II\ 1·rall. I thin\. thal to II y ,111d '·'' 1h.tt thC' dwrrh h.i' not 1111111 11' be'>t. antl that 11\ going 111, 11·.i1t• morl' 1r.11fic 1'> the l1111h1·\t from the truth. I 1 h111k 1ha1 tht:' church h.i' d11111· "'·ervthing 111an 10 1111p11111· tht' 111111mu1111y and ,1io11ld llt' .cpptO\l'U \\llh 1h1• 11111111'1 "1ppor1 t''perially lr11111 llH' hPIAhl' drt'<t. Pastor John Huffman 1s the senior mm1ster at St. Andrew's Church in Newport Beach and has presided over its expansion. Morl' -.;pticc PAUL DAVIDSON \1•11 port lil'tll h f1 >r moral growth \\1 fl' l Jfhng to '>UjlpOrl thl' "t \ndrt•\\ 'bu1ld111g prnJl'Ct. \\1· fc·d that till' youth of the 1 0111111un1t\ .inti ol our 1 1111~n·~.1tion lll't•<l .. ome .1dtl11111n,1I 'Pill l' lo Jl'COlllplhh 1hn1 1111'>'1tlll of rt'lat1ng Ml \\t·ll Ill ~Id' Ill 1111 .. 1ry111g tlnlC' of 111111.11.HlcJ Pth1ral rwrd. \ml 11' 111ter~<,tmg to note 1 h.11 111cm· th.111 hJlf of the h111ld111H propU\l'd 1., below 1111t• ,101\' down. wh1rh wllf ho•lp \\llh !ht• 1101.,(' \11. \I \11d11·h '" .111h 111 h1· ,1 ~nod 111 lf.'lth11l I h1• I llllfl h ha'> ,11ld \\I'\\ di 1 lllllllllh Ill he• 111 I IJll\1•1 ,,1t11111 \\llll lht' 11d~;lil>11rhn11d ,111tl ll~ l1•,11h·1,l11p \h 1..,,111· ,111d I \\h11l1·h1·.1r11·dh "'PP"" 1h1· ..,, \11d11•11 ' flrtlJt'I I JOHN ANO ANN LEHMAN \1•11 port !lt•;id1 \ d1lkrcn1 \\a) tm t:hun.:h ·Q&A \, .1 'h ~l·.1r r1·,1dt>nl of tht• « lill I l.111·n rw1ghhorhood. I wa .. dl'<tppoinlt'd in the large que,tion-ant.l·anw.er forum on ~la\ .u \\11th Rev John 1 luflman. Di'tappointed nni from th(' per.;pec11vc of prov1tl1n~ Huffman an upportumty for hi'> position on the propo'>ed !>t Andrew'!> expamion. but on the apparent lack of balance, given the contentiousne!.'> of this issue. Unfortunately. from reading I luff man\ respon'>e'>. several point:. become dear: First. the church is i.eelang to characteri1e the proposed expamion to adtl the youth and family ministry building as !>Omcthmg they had long been con~idcring bu1 did not pursue u111il now becau!>e thev weren't n •rt,un a .. to what exactly to do A'> one who '"•I'> present t.lurtn~ tht' prt'VIOU'> rnntrover'\y rq~ard111g the 198.! t•xpan~mn, n ,., unbelievable to n·ad I lutfman\ quotl' that "wt• ,1111uld hJve done• th1'> 111 the l'.lfl\ HO'.. hut Wl' didn't know how lo Jo it ngh1.~ I tlon'I believt' thJt anyonl' 'l'flOU'>ly think!> there was .111 opportunll\ IO t.111 lh" Ill 1ht· l.1rlv I <JHo,. The pro wet, Jli initially propo'>ed by St Andrew\ in 1982. wa' dr.1mat1ralh .,t.ilcd t.lown due 10 comerni. of the ne1ghhorhood ai. 10 1lw -.1zt' and denmy or the pm1ect fhe real rea<,1111 ano1hcr hu1h.l111g wa!>n·1 done in the early I !:IH<h 1\> that ii wouldn't have been permi11l•d w11hou1 a rl'durtion in olhl·r f.tr1h1iei. 1ha1 were roni.tructed. Secondly. the church apparently wishes to charac1er11e lhis expan'i1on a" .,1m1lctr tu re<,1den1' of thl' Newport Heights and Qtff Haven area remodl'hng, or rebuilding. their hm"l''>. The church 1nd1rnted 11 JU'>l wanti. to do what lhe ne1ghhor<; are doing. nw .. ignores a dramatic distinction: the neighbors do not need a general plan amendment or tone change 10 remodel their home'> because they are not exceeding lhe denl>i ty currently permitted by local 1onlng ordinance<;. S1. Andre\\\ 1-. <tlrt';1dy huill out tn the maximum 11 .., allowed unde1 n1rrent zon111g. unlikl' the re,identi. who .ir<• 1•xpa11di11~ and. or. remmkhn~ Thirdly. the church ,11,0 'eem' 111 .1rb't1e th.it e11hl'r 11 wa!> 111 tht• neighborhood fir.,1 or that ~orneone moved into the nei~hhorhood whrn tht· church l'XNed. and pl'npll' COMMU NITY COMMENTARY Criticisni shows man behind the curtain By Geoff West I fo1111d \1 11 ~1111.mf, 11•111.·1 111thl'1•tl1111r I hur\11,c\ (' C 1n1111 111.1mlid.11t''1 a111 11e,..,1hly repn•.,1•111 <'\ n"1111t•· 1 111 ht• 11fum1na1i11g I ho; 1rillt1'111 of l'fan111ng < 01111111\-.1011 ( h.11 rm,111 llru< 1• < •• 1rl1l·h\ plan 111 n·1Hewn1 .111 lllll'>lttm•ncil', .. 1r elet·trd tn 1lw C:ity C:n11111II1dl' 1" .1101 .1h1111t ~lillar<.1 and the 1 .111t11tla1es he will support lor t 1tv C oundl th1~ fall. In this city. 1he vo1rro; eke I 1·111111! ii memher1, "a t-larg1"" ~1111 h mean' thal we can. intl<'ed. expect l'<H h of the11110 rcprC'<,enl <'Vl'ry ..ingle rl'\1dent of tlrn. cit)' equally and fairly Hnd to con~idt>r t\'>Ut''> hefore 1lw111 hJ.,ed on ho" they \\ill 1mp<1rt the cicy a'> a whole. ~l1llard's letter clearly o;how., h1,, vl1·wpoln1. ;md is a perfect t'xample of why a n<1rrowly-focustd majority on th<' rnuncil -wfth allegiance 10 nnr small egment of this rommunlty-I"> a dan~erom p.11 h 111 follow. 111 a .. mall ~roup 11( W<.,t,1dt• 1 er,1dt'11l .,, a lre.1d)1 111H 0111for1.1blc· \\1th t hnn>(l'' tlwy <,c•<• 1n tht•1r llC'J~hhorhood,, ht• hu' found a f1•11ilt• field. l '"'IW( 1 Mill.trd\ letter i<, only the• fir~t uf what may ht' a crlc or crltlcl\rn of <'lltH.lldatc~ hr rears t.hl'I ron. The nr11t candldo1c he helped ltf't elect •cl throu~h rlcvcr mnnlpulatlon nf th<' voting prtll l''' four year'> ago, am .. "''l'l'I. has proven lo be an Jhy.,.nal failure Not only has ht• nol hl'en succe.,.,ful 111 1mplt•nwnting M1llard'c; agt•ntln. but he\ been completely incompetent as .1 rnun1 ilman througho ut his nearl} lour·year tenure. It\ hard to 11nagine the voter\ of th" uty returning him co the dai' in Novemhcr. but stranger thing., have happt·ned. With Westside activlst and hud~t'I watchdog Mike Berry appart>ntly havin~ !iecond tl1Cn1~h1i. about running. that lea Vt'' Millard with only Planning Commls<1ioner Eric Bever and Steel to carry his banner this time around. If 1ho<1e twu rn en were borh elected they would constitute. along wllh Councilman Allan Mansoor. tne "Westside· majority Millard wants In place to Implement his grand plan for lhe expulsion of Latino immigrants in our mJdst. He apparently thinks this can be accomplished by closing the Job Center and the Orange Coa~t College Swap Mett, evicrlng the Westside charities and re-1oning the Westside bluffs from Industrial uses to re<;ldcntlal and thereby ellrninatlng many jobs presently held by Latino immlgranta. Steel, Bever and Mansoor may deny a relatlnnahlp with MJJJard, but they heve echoed his agenda In the past Their llt lion, ptnk much louder than 1hetr wonh 11( denial. I can undrrstant.l why Millard fea rs Garhch as a councilman. I've watched Garlich t.luring hl'i tenure on rhe Pl anning Commission. I It• has proven 10 be an in1elligen1, reasonahle and <;olid leader. I hs background as a manager in the aero~pace indu'itry for more than three decades hali prepared him fo r the leadership challenges this city faces. His volunteer activities show me that he care11 about our city as a whole and Is willing to put In the hours to malce positive changes. Ills entry lnto the race for a council seat certainly raise the bar for others. In a commentary earlier this year, I mentioned behind·the·acenes manipulation and hidden agendas and speculated that there might be an opportunity to draw back the curtain to expose the wizard behind It. Well, I'd like to thnnlc M.lt. Mi llard for performing thnt task for me. With the publtcation of hi te ller to rhe editor he has stepped from behind that curtain and exposed himself. 'io to speak, for au to see. I hope the reader<i of lhls newspaper now have a clear V'icw of M.11. Millard. I, for one, am not Wllllng to turn over my city to tt group orchestrated by .him without a fi(tht. .,hould h.wc a"uml·d the thurch would want 10 l'\pant.I (,1ve11 1h.11 there are ,1 large numher of 1 hurche' that have rl'ma111c<l 1h1: .. ame "'l' 1n the '>ame loc<11wn for a nu111he1 of year'>. that .1rgumt'1H 111 antl ol ll'>elf i!i 4ue ... t 1onablc II i!> lurtlwr '>U'>pt'll gwen that there are a number of neighhor'>, 'uch a' my wlft> and I. who moH·d 11110 rhc neighborhood \\hen till' churt h front wa ... only on ,1 portion or St. Andrt•w-. Road and I t;1h Street, and the entire portion of Oay Street, between ~l. Andre"'" and 15th . WJ'> occupied by home~. Whl'n we moved into thl' neighhorhood. wet ertainly did 111H anti cipate the ma1or thurrh l'Xp.111,ion that occurred 111 1982. which we were al-.o led to bt'ltl'\ l' would be the final exp.tn'>ton. Anyone moving in af11•r I lf8:! I tlunk wa'> jlhtified 111 believing tht· local 1orung ord111anre'> th,11 res1nn ;111y lurther growth 1n tll•vrlnpmcnt would nm llPl"l'''>arily ll(' drnnged 10 .itrummud.11l' further growth I don 1 helil•\'t' .inyone mOVt'' 111!0 clrl .irt•a J"ummg 1ha1 rhc zon111g 111 thl'H re'>1dt·nt1.1l nt>ighhurhuod will ne<t''>".tril~ <:han~t· Ul1ima 1dy, the qul·,11011 ol !-.L Andrt•\1 ·, c•x11.111'>1011 .., .1 l.u1d·U'>C 411t•,11011 I ht' lhllrth , .. 1,ht·~ to a\1llll thc real '"'lll'' hy only dl't..U\\illR their v1 ... t011 ,111tl perrcivl'd need for a you I h 1111111\lry. Ohvm11,1y, no om· ran argue w11h thl' benefit ol trymg to ht>lp our rnmmunny·~ youth. I hey can rightfully, however, quc,11on wht're (he appropriate location for .,uch a proiect " If \1 AJ1drt•\ .. ' r'i Jble to Jt"lCJrnmodall' a youlh m1111•.trv w11hin It' t'Xl'llng facilllte'\, or hy remodeling and stayinK w1th111 the '"e hmir-. of 11 .. ex1\t111g ent11lemen1, thar ,., d viablt· allernJt1ve Howevc•r. thl• m•i1othborhnod rightfully ha' l om·ern' a.hou r traffic. purk111g. dl'n'>lly, no ... 1• Jnd otlwr '"Ill''> th,11 are alll'lldJnt to a 140.000·squan··foot fac1ht} nn a J.9·acre *>lie 111 a low de11~11y n•,idential rwighborhood ·1 h.11 1' why the 1lf'1ghhor<; 111 < tiff I laVt'n. 111rlud111g my w1IC' ,1mf I . .irt• oppo.,t•cl to thr propm1•d BRUCE C. STUART Newport Ht .. 1ch Let·~ try not to repeat the past ly romment b no, 1h1• t h11rch <.hould 1101 he .tllowt'd 111 t•xpand. We let them l'Xp.111d to tapaclly almo't .!ti Vt'.u' dgo when tlwy o\l'rh111h 1ht•11 'anc1uary It wa' lht•11 prn111iw tlwn that tha1 would Ill"'" 111ut h growth J' 1lwy \\1H1ld t·ndeJ\(H 1n our nl'1~hborhood I ht•y have now pre.,~ed 111 ag.11n expand for a yourh program. and we are OH'rwhelmed w1 1h 1raf11t .ind other concern,, especially tlw comern that they are not monitoring 1lwir parking to1 1ht•ir l'Ve11111g rvents Chdt.ln·n art· un'lupen io;ed late at 111gh1 altt.'r these events. It i~ l reating a huge problem 111 our rll'ighborhood. TOM CULLIS \lewpon llc.irh Youth ccmcr, noise. traffi c don't add up I 111c .ilhng111 oppo'>e !ht• l'\PJll,llHI pl,111' lor ~I Antln•w\ l .hurch 111 Ncwpo1 l llt•.tt h Wl' Ml' rt·'>idt'nt' of '\1·\'\port He;ll h ,111d \H' 1h111I. II II ill 1 rt-.11t· .1 1111 of trafl1t prohlt 111' ,1, \H•ll ,1, n111-.1• ARLENE WEINER Newport lk.11 h HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Bodcmiller, Vice President Paul 18552 MacArthur Blvd .. Suite Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair E. Shoenberger, Jim Atkinson, 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (9491 Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, Mike Heafey and Trudy 833 0180; fax (949) 833·0696. (714) 754-5223 Ohlig-Hatl Press Secretary Pat Joyce, 19161 Mayor: Gary Monahan 323-1200 Councll: Libby Cowan. Allan COSTA MESA SANITARY Mansoor, Mike $cheater and DISTRICT STATE ASSEMBLY Chris Steel PO. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA • John Campbell IRl. 70th 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 District. State Capttol. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board: President Arlene Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) Newport Beach City Haff, 3300 Schafer, Jim Ferryman, A11 319·2070 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Email CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Worthington dislnct70 ° assembly ca gov Mayor: Tod Ridgeway • Ken Maddox (RI. 68th District Council: Gary Adams. Steve ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF State Capitol. Sacramento, CA Bromberg, John Heffernan. EDUCATION 95814, (9161319-2068; Did< Nichols, Steven Rosansky 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box Or local office at 1503 South and Don Webb 9050, Costa Mesa, CA Coast Drive, Suite 205, Costa 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100 COAST COMMUNITY Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Fax: (714) 668·2104 COLLEGE DISTRICT Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, E-mail: District Office: 1370 Adams Newport Beach Ken Maddox aissm.ca.gov Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (7141432-6898 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF STATE COASTAL Chan~lor: William M. Vega SUPERVISORS COMMISSION Board: President Paul Berger, Hall of Administration, 10 Civic 45 Fremont St., Suite 2000. San Vioe President Armando Ruiz, Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA Francisco, CA 94105, (415) George Brown, Jerry Patterson 92701 904-5200; and Walter G. Howald; student •Jim Sliva, 2nd District (Costa regional office In Long Beach trustee Madeline Levy Meu, Newport Beach), (714) (310) 590-5071 834-3220 NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED •Thomas Wilson, 5th Dlatrict GOVERNOR SCHOOL DISTRICT (Newport Coast). (7141 Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), District Office: 2985-A Bear St., 834-3550 State Capitol, Sacramento, CA Coste Meaa, CA 92626, (714) 95814, (916) 445-2841 ; fax: (916) 424-5000 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 445-4633 Supelim.odent: Robert Barbot 88 Fair Drive, Costa Meae, CA E-mail: Board: President Dana Blade, 92626, (7141708-FAIR govemor@governorca.gov Vice President Serene Stolces. Board: President Ruben A Clerk David Brooks, Tom Egan. Smith. Vice President Patncia PRESIDENT Martha Fluor, Judy Franco and Velasquez, Emily Sanford, George W. Bush (A), White Linda Sneen Peggy Heidi, Jame& Barich, House, 1600 Pennsylvanla Ave , Deborah Carone, Leslie A Rev Washington, 0 C. 20500 MESA CONSOLIDATED and Frank Barbaro Hotline. (6 a m to 2 p.m.) (202) WATER DISTRICT '56 1111 1965 Placentia Avo., Costa STATE SENATE E·moll: Meaa, CA92627, (949) 631·1200 Ro" Johnton (R), 36th Diatrlct, pru/dent@whltehouae.gov. Board: Pruldent Fred Fix: (2021456-2461 -- .. • -------~~-~~-Ao~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~----.-. ................................................................................... i111 AlO Sunday, May 30, 2004 IW.aOA NNtMIU~ 14.•000 2172 E. Oceoll~ • Opett House l-4pm Beach loYef"S drum with panoramic bay, jetty and oceanfront views. 8erft Hltchefl 949.717.·4717 H~T au.CH M-110.000 Fine woriunanshlp. top quality rmterials. Spa. BBQ, static swim pool, 3rd level exercise room. 9-49.'44.9060 HIW190ll'T C:~ $1,ttt,000 Custom designer residence. Private Inner cou~ with fil'9place. Separate iuest quarters. 949.64<t.9060 ~.-. .,... SpacJous J bd. 2.S ba. In p:.d community. ~..r and side yard. 2 car aUached ,.,.... NIWPOtn' IUACM St.HI, ... 15 Chatham CocJrt • Open House l-4pm A large beautiful end unit townhome in 1'4 hr pted 8ekoun. lobClartce 949.717.4713 IM.aOA ISLAND Sl,•tt,000 Bayfront, with shared dodc and 2 boats for sale. Warm and charming traditional home. 949.'44.9060 NawPOtn' COAST •$1,6JO.OOO Prime view location. Beautiful views. Peaceful and serene. LJ&ht and bri&ht. Gourm41t kitchen. 949.'44.9060 NIWPOlrT !MACH $1.2't,tt0 2 units. ~r and lower J bd. 2 ba. ..ch. Walk to ~ beach. shop1, theatre and restaurants. 949.644.9060 Ht.717.4711 OMI POAD ~ s1.n1,0M 17 Spanish 8oy • Open House 2..Spm 3 bd. 3.5 ba. home In ~ presdlJoUs famlly community of OM Font Road. 949.717.4710 NIWPOtn' MACH Sl,ltl,000 180 ~ bay, ocean and city ll&hts views from most rooms and decb. Former model. 949.'44.9060 alLCOUtn' HILL $1,Sts,000 Spacious 3 bd. 3 ba. condo with Catalina. sunset and ocean views. Esther Fine 949.717.47'4 949.717.4750 , ............ 110 CAN~ vtUAI $12t,OOO 603 &oytia • Open Hoene l-4pm Upvaded Bi& Canyon VIUa. 2 bd. 2.S ba. Maner Vtith ofllke. Sue Youns 9-49.759.1708 NIW'°'"" lttDGI $1.Ut,000 Aubef'llne Plan 3 home. Huge lot, city lfshts views. Upgrades. 949.759.3721 &ALAOA PIHIHSULA $1 ,JlS,000 Channing vintage craftsman cottage, '4 bd. Beach close. Carol Push 949.759.J7IO ISCONDIOO $771,000 Sintl• story family home offering panoramic views. 949.159.1760 • .......... 9060 .. , -. . . - .... .. .. -------·--------. "'"= --.... --... QUOTE OF TifE DAY "I think we came in a little cocky and, after the first game, we got even more cocky." Josh Kome11y, Estancia semOf volleyball standout Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (9491650-0170 BOYS VOLLEYBALL EYEOPENER ID l)ajly~Pilol In Sports l lall ol Panlt' Cold .. 1U.•1~llo. 111lllt will I MAY 31 honoret BILLY ARD LEY Sunday, May 30. 2004 Bl CIF champiOn Eagles flying high r . Top-seeded Estancia eatns program's first Southern Section crown with four-game triumph. STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY PtLOl Estanc1a's Brad Larsen (12), who had six kills and a team-high 11 digs, rips a kill over Orange Lutheran's David Rudder (8) en route to the Eagles' CIF Div1s1on Ill champ1onsh1p on Saturday at Cypress College Title dreams emerged from ashes of defeat S TEV[ Mc:CRANK I DAILY P1L 01 The Estancia boys volleyball team celebrates the point that gave the Eagles the CIF Division Ill title over Orange Lutheran on Saturday at Cypress College. Seeds of Estancia's CI F crown Saturday were planted during dismal campaign two years ago. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CYPRES.5 -There was. in the end. as much relief as joy for the Estancia 1 ligh ~ voUeybaJJ team. which claimc<l the program's first Cir Southern Section title wilh a 25· 15, 25· 20. 20-25. 26-24 victory over Orange Lutheran in the Division Ill final C)atur- day at Cypress College. e This M>a'>on. they steamroUed 10 the pro· gram'!> fil"it outright league crown since 1984, winning every game in 12 Golden We:.l League matches. Then, as the top seed. Coach Tracey lngraham's Eagles swept their first four playoff opponenlS to reach the final. Saturday's triumph, however. came w11h no shonage of drama. as the un- seeded Lancers (16-3) put up an admi· rable fight. espeoally after a '>haky opening game. The Eagles (28-6) opened the 1-eason ranked atop Division IJJ after reaching the Division JU semifinals last spring with virtually the same lineup. YOUTH BASEBALL D-backs capture championship Solid pitching, defense help Newport Beach Little League squad to AAA victory over Padres, 5-4. The Diamondbacks received solid pitching and limited the Padres to four hits, led by starting pitcher JCevtn Ba- ran-Maguire for rwo innings, Otrlt· tJan Ball for three innings and Bret Thompeon closing out the sixth as the D-backs edged the Padres. 5-4, ln the Newpon Beach Uttle League MA championship game Wednesday at L.lncoln School. The Padres, under Man-se'r Hup Oary, won the American League title while the D·backs, under George Gar- ren, captured the National League peMant. Greg Allen and Grant Garnn pro- vided good defense behind the plate. Allen threw out a would-be baae steal- er at second base and Garrett applied the garne-endJng tag at the plate on a throw from center fielder Baran-Ma- gulre . The 0 -back:s received solid hitting from William Lyle, who went 2 for 3 and scortd the first run of the game. Dan Steele and Jama Conger each had hits In the game and teamed up to provide good targets at first base. Mi- chael Robln1, Cuey Mix, and Scott PinelU all contTtbuted on defense and produced two timely hits between them. Ea.stbluff School was well represent- ed by the six players on the team (Ball. Conger, Ganett, Mix. Robins, and Thompson). Thompson, who batted .530 during the seaaon, pitched and played shortstop, and Garrett, who batted .550 and played catcher, are best friends from ·their pre-school days. The Padres, who finished with the best win/Joss record In the combined regular seuon and playoffs at 16·3, were led by 1hortstop Michael Doer- ing. Both teams, ln addition to the CardJ- naJs and Red Sox. will partJclpate in the Tuurnameot of Champions June 5·6, hosted by Mlsslon Vlejo Uttle League. "We played really well and we bat· tied," said Orange Lutherdn Coach Marie Laulhcre. whose ~uad was eliminated. 15 10. 15-2. 15· I I. by the Eagles in la.'it year's second round. "But f the Eagles! were jusr a Mep above us !Oday." The P.agh.>s, who sprung a surpri!te alignment on the Lancers, never trailed in the opening game. They then milled from a 15-13 deficit 10 win lhe second game and talte finn command. The Empire League champion Lan- cers, however, opened a 19· I 2 third- game lead and held on to hand F.stan- cia iLc; fiN lac;te of adversity ~ince It dropped the third game of a best-of· three tournament match again-.1 We<>t · lake May I The founh game was lied rune times. including deadlocks at 17, 19. 20, 21 and 24, before the Eagles were allowed 10 celebrate. A stuff block. by junior setter ltevor Holmes put the Eagles up, 23·21. but 6· foot -6 Orange Lutheran senlor Scott Nickerson'<; kill pulled the Lancers within one. See EAGLES , Paee 82 Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CYPlll \~ Saturday\ Cll· So11tht>rn ~l't 11011 Di vi!, ion 111 boys volleyball final la.,ted 81 n1111ulec;, but top-.,eedcd Estancia I hgh\ 25 LS, 25-20. 20-25. 26-24 vicrory over Orange Lutheran was at lear,t lhrl'e years in the making. The l~gle'>, whose program had struggled r,mce it lost CJI mlc See TmE, Pa&e 82 THE BIG EASY Ogden did not take no for answer I f you were to take a good look: at longtime Corona del Mar High supporter Brent Ogden's persona these days It would not be a stretch at all to believe he was an expectant father. How else could you justify the glint ln his ROGER ~c~:ti~: CARLSON that oozes from every step he taka? Sort of like a man awaiting one of the great vacations of his Uf e. Or sitting pretty with a long task: 8n1shed with a Oourtsh. Another explanation for the DON LEACH I OAll.Y Pit.OT Diamondbacks starting pitcher Kevin Bararl-Maauire delivers in Newport Beach utUe League W. championship game against the Padres at Linc°'" School. SM EAS'v, Paa• 82 .................................................................................. 0,1~ 1.1 h JO .?004 TITLE Continued lrom Bl 111.1tdll'' II\ 1979. 't«I, ti i ,111J II t. hl').1•11\ to exe1tl' then '-CC 1111d \l'<H 111,1d1 I r.1tey htl(r.t h,1111 111 .!00.!, \'\ hl'I\ .t u1rp' of \ u1111i.:. 1.1kn teu. but 1.1w pl.t\ t•r-. 1·1HJ11wd ,, I I i 't'•l"HI (() I 0 10 1111 l',111111 ( OJ'>t I 1'c1gl1t•! I Olli.'c.l 111111 lht• hH\11) '>pOI 111-:ht .1lt111"I h) llt.'U'"ll)' t lh'll' \\ t'fl' 11111 1•111H1gh playt·r-. 111 lldd .1111111ur \cH'>ll\' '411<1d - illl'11 "'ph11111or1'' Jn,h 1-.omt• g.1\. l\r1' I IMl\H•ll ,ind llr.ul 1..tr "'"• '" \\I'll "' lrC'shman frevor I lol11H'' 'howcll Ingraham ,1gm of 1 olw~lon amid the '11111~ nl th·k.11• .. \\lw11 I ,,1w ho" wl'll lht') pl.1\c•d 111g1·1lwr '" .1 11·am. ev1•n though thn w~n·111 qu11e .i re I 111t·d '" 111111·) ball player' } ct. I \.11t•\\ Ilk rt' \\ ,,, \Onll'thing "Pl' 1 1.11 llll'rt' , .. ,t.1 lngrah.im .• 111 .111 11•.i.:lll' 1(111' 1olltyball pc·r· l11111ll'r .11 I ,t.1111 1.t tn tlw 1 'l~ll<,. I km•1, till' ~11'' had l'h1•mhtf)' Ill I Ill' I U\11 t K111111•g,1\, "h11 pl.I\ 1•d -..ir..11y .1, .1 lr1·,)1111.1n ,,I\\ ll IOO ..ind l11•g.i11 l11t'h11g h1., P•"'11111 for 1h1 '>!)111 I \\llh 1111 '''·1\1111 Jhlf 1u 1pa111111 111 ,, t luh pro~r.1111 111 I h1111111g1011 li1'<t1 h I lul111l'' Jl11•,11l) ,, Vl'll'r1lll 111 11"1 'l'J"ll" \\1th Lill' H.ilho.1 1\,1\ ( luh p111Kl•llll 11p1111 .ir111 111g .11 htUlll 1.1. 1111111'<1 Kornqt.n 111 l'llllllH,1g111g olhl'" Ill h011l' tht'1r lall•111 Ii\ pl.1~111J( fl!I 1 lt1h 1•'<1111\ I .lf'l'll lollm\t·d ''"'· .111d 1.111•1 ... I IHI .... 111~1·1 ,, It 111111 h "'""" ''ho \\ "' ll'l lllll<'d lrnm the ba .. i..ctball program bt•lorl' h1., JUotor yeru, enhanll'd IH' ab1htie> m dub volleyball ·1 really belle\e Jo .. h and hevor !>ldrteu it .ill." lngraham i.rud of the dub bug that O\er· tool the roMer "Getung guy' tu play dub propelled 11u1 team." Kornq~.t\ \.lid A h1glwr ... lull It:\ rt, lhl• l'\ penenu.• ol hJvm~ pl.iycd to .:ether 111 :W02. J'> well ,,., u .. 11111 out uf 1h1· volleyball-nth Paulk ( oaM Lt'Jb'Ut' (whrrl' Corona t.lel Mur. Northwood ant.I l.<1 Rlll\J Beath havt.• .ll h1net.I con ... b1e11t suret.''>'i) accdt>rt1tt'tJ fu 1anc1a'!> m.e. fhe 1.agles were L9· I I last '>l'ason. earned a !>hare of the '>thool' f1N leagur tttle ,;nee 191H Jnd readwd the CIF OM ''on Ill ~m1fina), 1.ast 'eru.ons surce'!. pro 11ded a \'aluJble ,tt.•ppm.:,tol\t' ant.I till' Lagle.<. '"ere ready 10 lh aher another off-'>eru.on wllh 1he1r respecthe club program ... "It would have been nire to ~o all the way la!>t year. but wr didn't expert 1t." '><llll I lart\·wll "ho behe\.e!. Holme-. Jrrl\ .il al 't'llrr \\'1.<. the l e\ Jllt'l"l' ltl the p1111lt' I thmk lw11111111i; ( 11 1 \\J' Ill 1h1· hall of our 111111cf,, e\en t1\o \l'Jr' .igo. lfolml'' ,aHJ '\\1• k11l'I\ II Wit\ 'llnll'lhlll~ \Vl' u1ultJ gl't Ill and Wl' l!ll'\\ II w.1' '>l11nc·th111g \\'l' m•1•d1·d lo g1·t tu .. Altl'r !'l;i1urd.1v\ 1-..111 . ..,,1111..t•\ \aid hl' l'(t'lllllg tht•rt• \\<l\ I'll tir<•ly \\orlh 1lit' ha1d 1\1111.. 1h.11 p.1wd 1h1· 1,,1, "l\t• llt'Vl'f pf,1yl'd Ill olll\ lhlllg 111..e tli.11 bt•lorc'. h1· ,,1111 COLLEGE BASEBALL Huskies edge Anteaters I ht• I J< Ir 1111t h.1 .. d>.111 (l •,1111, ll"'''"' "' .111 ,, \ \ 11·~11111.11 pl.1\11!1 l11d '11llt-1nl .111011\1•1 '>l'th.11 I.. ..... 1111r1l.i1 ·" \\,1,h111.'.lPll 1'.11111·cl .1 ·, I llllfll llf1ft•lt Ill I 11111111' \ 1• ICll\ 11\'1·1 1111' \1111·,l\1'1' 111 ,, ... 111t• ( .11·g 1 ... 1.11 \1111 -.111~11•\I 111 llrl'lll I tlhhrtd•:1" \\ 1\11 h.1d 1\,111..nl .111d 'tcill•f1 '•'tnnd. 111 1111'.11.. .1 I I 111· 111 tlw '>I'\ 1·11111 11111111g .11111 lll'lp I Ill' ~IC'' pile 111'1 I 1111 I Ill! I'( 11111 \l'I .1 "1111111 l11•,h111,111 II' , •lld 1\llh Ju, 1011111111 111 L' d1·1 '''""' \IJrl.. \\,1g111•r dm1l' ill 11\CI IUll' ,111tl ( 1111\ ( IJlrloJ 1H1 \\,I, .! tor \ ''llh ,111 HHI 1111 IJ( I, \\l11d1 It'll 111 \.1 111 I \\ .1 .. l1111g111n '' ll111\ 111 IH I Nonconlerence Wastilngton 5. UCI 4 Score by Innings U(.1 .t., U1 Ul' .J ' W1t::i.h SI' ~'l~ 5won~1111 Nicoll c 71 ~h't>'" 17 t\n d W \U.JfU'f l•ntf '''" Oo..-..1tn11 ll F1 "'"" 9• v1d H.Jlh ,_._;,Jv W L nLe• urn 10 "} L Niro!I 7 5 5v Fun1nr1191 .B W114•11 1 UC' L u~t·11 lWl Th e Maiden Voyage of the ... • Jun e 5, 2004 ARC (Anteater Recreation Center) ' ~CRYSTAL Daily.A PiJot T \ SPORl'S PHOTOS BV STEVE McCRANK I DAILY Pllnl Estanc1a's Kris Hartwell (4). who had l 0 kills, two aces and l 0 digs, unleashes a kilt past Orange Lutheran's Scott Nickerson (25) and Brandon Bollweg (33) in Saturday's CIF Southern Section D1vis1on Ill champ1onsh1p match at Cypress College. Estancia won in four. EAGLES Continued from B 1 Alt<'r .i n•rla) rall 011 J would· ht> kJU by L<,1,1m·1<1 wrnor orposlle ~m 11.inwdl. I lolme-.. who fin. ,.,hed w1lh .Jl d'-'L''"· found <1 hole \\1lh a dump 1fl1pp111g the ball one handed o-.t•r the net, rather than ..enmg up an opponent for a kill anemptl for a .!·l·.!2 edge. But JJl bt.anua 1ump '"rve "'"llll·ll Ion~ .mt.I the l4iWl"' fol· hl\wil \~1th J h111111g error to Jlluw 1111' I .inn•r. tn pull 1'\l'll I i.im,t•ll pu111l<J1~l ,, l..111 to put lhl· I .. tglt•'> 11.111.. 011 top and '><iphomorc m1udk hlotl..cr l>aUas II.opp tunwu Jwa~ a I ~1m·er a1- t.1ll..t•r \\llh ii '>tutT hlm.:k for match prnnt I :.1,1m 1J'' rl'll'bra11011 wa' 1oy· ""'· hilt h..irJI) wild .• md wnwr h"h ll.01 J11'g.1y ,,_ll(J unmediately Ir 1llm..,111g thl' 11\<lllll that rt'llC'f \\,!' h10, 11\l'ffldlllg "l'll'<JllOn I Ill )U\I hJpp\ \\<l' ~OI II O\.'l'r "11h ,111d Wl' fi11<1Jlv g<ll !the cham p1on!>lupl.'' -..ud Kornegay, the tl'J.Jll·~ lone fouqi.•ar vanil)' per· former wh,, had t•1ght kills. rwo '1111T bltx·b. om• <,en1u~ ace ,ind "4.'\t'll t.111....._ f...11mc~J\ ""d 1 .... 1 H'ar's easy plJ\on 1' 111 tl\t'r Or.Ulgt• t.uther.rn "'"' h.111• 1 ll'<llt'tl ..emit• t. ompla- u•n1'\ I 1h111\. \\t' l·lllll' m a l111le 1111 ~' Jnd .1ll1•r the lir;1 game, ,.,e ~OI l'\ 1'1\ 11\f>Tl' COL kV. K.on1t.'Wl) -..1111 "\\1• l..111d ul lt'l our ~.ird d<"'n .11111 'tartt.'d malunl( o,ome dumb 11\IO,tO\ll'., nw, .... defin11ely .i rdll'I." \coll ">.mk1·y, .1 b·ti ..eruor mid dll• hlo<. l..e1. h,1d .i ll'am ·high I.!. loll°' ,111d al'tl d11pp1:d Ill lWO <ll'l"- rutd 1\\11 'tulf hint I....'> for lhe wm- 11('1'\ f l,1mwU. ltl.1• 1-.omcgay a re 1un11nK l\U C II pc·rfomtl'r. had 10 EASY Continued from B 1 longtime ')(•a Kmw-a.'>.'>l!>tant coach could be a coach's dream. TI1e (~en Bunch, also lcnown as t.he aass of 'OS at Corona del Mar. is poised and ready for what appears 10 be a banner year for the Sea Kings. boys and girls. from football ( 19 returning starters), voll~ (three returning with All-OF credenl1al'l). and much. much more. ln every direction coaches al Corona del Mar nre presently rubbing their hands In anticipation. Including Ogden, who will be enterlog his l9th year as a priceles.<; full-time. unpaid, olf·cam.pu'l ~btant with a time oonurutment lo CdM that pushes the lma~nallon. Business panner Cody Small, a Newport Hart>or High product, would probably agJtt wtth the description or llmt consumption. And what better way to begln the 2004 football season then nght now with prlng footbaJI pracdces under way and a year's project completed with the realization of the Sean Fenton <icoreboa.rd on the Sea Kings' prnctlce fit>ld. Sean Fenton. one of the ~hool' finest products. had his life troglcalJy cut hon on a Connecdcut hlghway In an auto acdden1 in Jruiuary 2003. A junior. he was a 4.0 student and majoring In computer science at Yale, n member of football 1eam In his 6nt 1wo years and on his way when a jackknifed semi tnJCk and t.rnller slit.I aetoM the highway, dim:tJy In front of ~nton and his dgh1 p; ngel"I. Estanc1a's Scott Sankey, a 6-foot-6 senior. towers over Orange Lutheran's Chris Fey (451 as he aims to spike the ball in CIF D1v1s1on Ill champ1onsh1p match. Estancia won in four games. kill.;, two ace-. and 10 dig,, while <.c•111ur Bmd 1.ar..en chipped m ''>. kill!>, and a team-high 11 di~.,_ l..aulhere ~id ln~ham al'>o made a vital contnhuuon "TI1ey 01p Ooppcd tlw1r l11wup \can and thrt•e ol ""' fm•mh died ui one of lho'e lernhlc thing'> that "JU\l fMppt'll' Ea.S). perhap,, to rJlmn..1'11t'. but l'ery difficult to hw "1th In the dreary and heavy-hearted week.' Jml month.' after fate np1wt.1 ,1p,1rt the hopes and dream-. 111 " talented hean . Ogdc•n, on)\ a/\S\<Yer was to try 10 e,1,e LIH' pain any way he coulcl. ant.I he em.1~ioned a M:oreb11<1rt.l 011 tltt.• CdM campu.s dedicalt-'<l 10 ~.m to help keep the Dame aJ1w lor one of Corona del Mar I llgh\ purest of blue chipi.. An endeavor wturh lwgan with high-fives and virtual blanket approval. however. ran into !.Onw roadblocks that only wmeonc with the know-how and detennination of Brent Ogdl•n Jr., a real estate developer. could overcome . The scoreboard'. now m place, is probably the most magnificent scoreboard to grace any pracuce field in the nation. And that' not an overstatemenL lake a look. Its pon::ela.in .•• rust free ... huge ... and pristine. It was supposed to be finished eight mof'\lhs ago. ready for the 2003 football season. But, after being approved by school officials. designed. and ordered, the Newpon-Mesa Unified School District decided it.s policies would be violated and issued Ogden a thumbs-down letter. Ille district. however, with Jamie Castellanos a key factor. finally gave way to Its objectloru.. primarily that Scan Fenton's name was o'n the scoreboard. In a nut.shell. some were "skeptical of the mo~· I'd like to tell you verbatim of the ·cease and desist· on u-. 1lhe1 \\l' thou~ht we really hat.I thl'm 'lOUted well." l.aulhere ..aJd 'lie mg a greal coach. she made <.<um• changes and we really d1d11'1 .1dju'l wcU 1hat first ganll' 1·omm11111qut.• h111 I Lh111l you get th1• 1dl'il t\n obJt.'C"llClll 10 SeJn f-enton·., 1i.imt• on tht• \C'oreboard? \onw11me., pohcie-;" don 1 11w.1'tm' up lo reahll~ dlld n11m111m '>t'n'1' preV"..uled \\ Jw? lJnhkt· < .o .. ta f\k..a. ll\l'rt'' po\\l'I 111 'l.:ewpon Beach. f-m•nd' 111 high place.. can make lh1ng' hap1wn m 1ht> :'l:t•wpon Mt><wt Unified ~hoot l>1<,1nct "~an ant.I I <>hared .1 lot of goal<. and dream'> together,· said the 48 year old Ogt.len. ·But our grcate'>t bond wru. our love for the -.chool nnd the kid~. Sean will .1twa)I' br 111 my bean." f\nrril'r!. '>lill remained and in the end Ogden would be forced lo tmvel 10 Sacramento three time'> to deal with the Department of Stale Architects before they would be !>t\tisfied W\th the plan'!. "That school could be leveled hy an earthquake and lhat ign will till be '>landing." said Ogden. The sign's cost was a.bout $35,000. lnstallation costs were more than $40.000. No less than three concret~filled. 16-foot deep holes anchor It "In the end ii was all worth it." said Ogden. "The family (Bob and Janise, and Sean' brother. Avery) l.s very happy.~ Nevertheless, of course. a hoUaw victory for the Bob Fenton family. which clJngs to faith and the passing of Ume as the only realistic soun:es of aJoe. The Sean Fenton Scoreboard Is the second of three major tmdeavors ror Ogden, an aD·league outside linebacker for Dave J foUand and hi! '73 Sea Klll&'J Alreadyl place for a long time Ingraham 'Ktid 'he .. .,pun tht• dial" on her typical \tarung 1111.i tion, moving 1•vcryonc alw.111 three spots on the Ooor m ord1·r to match HarrweU up wit.h l..mu·r junior Brandon BolJwt.'g_ who h.1d a 1eam-h1gh 16 kilh in ll1l'\dJ)''> i.emifinal win. "We gu~sed nght, -.<I.Id Ingra ham. who !><IW Bollweg rt-rnrll 1ml seven kiJls. tied for !>l'Ct>m.I he,1 1111 his team behind 1u01or I mv1' I'm ick. who came off the bt•111.h 10 collect l I. The Eagle"> also put pre~o,ure 011 the Lancers with relentlco,o,I\ ,,~ ~ive 1ump scrvmg 1.,ta1111.1. blasting a jumper on nearly l'\l'ry serve, had six ace'> .md two 0,1.•r\ ice winners. '>prcad between lin• players. including sophomort• d1• fensive speciali!>t Scou Markky. Ingraham said 1he viuory wa .. the fruition of four ~a .. 011~ of hard work for the ..enior nudc•11<. that, in their firsl l>Ca.'>on IOgl'llwr on the varsity in 2002. 'itrugglctJ 111 a 4·13 record, including an 0-10 mark in the Pacific Co<bl l.eai.,•u1• "To see that core group of ..en iors come together and \\orl.. through thal los111g .,ca.0,011 ;,i_o, sophomores and be able 10 fin"h it out like this c. rema.rla.ble. In graham said. "We reallr wanted 11 Lim H'Jr We've been countmg un th" d,1) for the last couple year<. .mt.I. dt•cp down, ~ believed Lim wao, our year to shine. It w.1' 1101 l'Vl'll Jn option no1 to win llJ.>'>mg. \\<l-'- not even a thought." Larsen. who Ml'-clutching lht championship pl.1quc Jll'>l ou1 side the gym aftt-r mo'>I of "" teammates had alrt•ady filtert'd to their cars, !.ummcd up what the title meant to him. "We worked w html for 11." ht• said. "That instant when yu11 1\111 and it just all cornl"> to~ethl'I 1' the grcat~l feeling in the world " now. the fm.1 ·d<N field huuo,c• and weight room named lor HoUand. which came ahoul when Ogden 101ned fort·e . ., with John Walz. Gordie <Jemom and Del DeRevere. Presently. de<>1w1 ant.I mm t'P'' are in progre-;s for a "Llmd !-') 111 to replace an unused "heJch \-'OUeybaU" area wtuch wa\ originally m the area of thl• school''> first swimming pool l11ere'<; a real pinch here because or the lack of focilillt'\ for the middJe school gradec; of 7 ·ti. The scoreboard'!> COSIS Wl'rt.' covered by more Ll1an 100 donors. as well a!t some favor<. from variou!t contractor!>. "TI1erl' were maybe a do1.en who didn't know Sean and had no contact with Corona del Mar I ligh al all, .. said Ogden. Ogden has a list which rem ht•' the floor, including Mi.kc Perell.i. but at the lop are CdM Pnnc1pal Sharon Fry. and Lee Gaetc1. a stalwart in the CdM administ.ration Oh, as for the father-to t~ suggestion. seruors-to-be Brent lll and Breanne. as well as Karlyn. an eighth-grader thir, fall. can rest easy, as weU as his wife. Kade. It was just a test lo see lf you're paying auentJon. But the dream vacation ... that's another thing. I le and his son leave on Tuesday for a lune 6 date In France for the 60-year celebration of D·Day at Nonnandy. What better excuse 10 sllp a few days from spring prncllce7 Heyl See you next Sunday! ROGER CARLSON Is the former ports editor for the Daily Pilot His column appears on Sundays. He can be reached by e-mail at rogtranddorotheattnun.rom, ~------------------------------------~-------------~~~-~ Sunday, May JU, LUU4 tU ADVERTISEMENT Taking a new approach to the Subaru experience S outh Coast Subaru in Costa Mesa, is the newest Subaru dealership in Orange County. A two-year-old organization, ft is ready to grow and become protagonist, not only with the local market, but within the national and International arena. To achieve such a goal, South Coast Subaru has added to its staff, Horatio 0. Antonielli as general manager. A Subaru veteran with more than 15 years experience, Antonielli fought countless battles for Subaru since the early 1990s. Because he was convinced of Subaru's quality products, Antonielli's consistent, tireless and passionate marketing effort has become crucial for today's Subaru success in the Southland, a non-traditional market for this manufacturer. Creativity and anticipation made Antonielli a pioneer for Subaru High Performance in the American market. I Ii!> enthusiastic and friendly Horatio Antonielli, General Manager, South Coast Subaru accessories for fans of the outdoors, and options for every budget -from the first time buyer to the loyal Subaru clients. And don't forget the great h igh approach to the business made him a relationship builder with customers, community leaders. organi1,ations and, of course, the manufacturer leaders and representatives, at the national and international levels. ''I am convinced that buying,· leasing or servicing a Subaru must be an easy, enjoyable transaction." performance service department in partnership with the p ioneer and leader of Subaru High Performance in the United States: SPJ Motorspons. Visit the website at www.southcostsubaru.com, a modern and dynamic udoor" .. J promise a new approach to the Subaru experience -a relaxing one, .. Antonielli said. "I am convinced that buying, leasing or servicing a Subaru must be an easy, enjoyable transaction. My whole team shares this idea and they are ready everyday to go the extra mile to make it happen." A truly hands-on manager, Antonielll has always practiced an open door business policy. and he is always available. South Coast Subaru customers even have access to his cell phone number. in case of emergesicies or special needs. South Coast Subaru. and the All -Wheel Drive li ne of Subaru automobiles. have something for everyone: safety and comfort for (amilies. the best combination of vehicles and to the dealership. Practical . entertaining and informative, it includes credit applications, service appointment bookings, interactive opinion areas and a colorful chain of information about the Subaru world and more ... all at your fingertips. South Coast Subaru is located at 2925-A Harbor Bllld .. Costa Mesa. For additional information. coll (888) 766-1 I I I. You can e-mail General Manager Horacio A11tonielli at horacio@soutllcoastsubaru.com. Q Why rotate tires as part of your car's regular maintenance? J't. Increase tire life by reducing the poasibillty of an uneven wear pattern. This is especially important with front wheel drive vehicles; the front dtes support the weight of the entire driveline. When tires are rotated by a Ford, Uncoln/Mercury technician, the tire pressures, brakes, suspension and attached steering components are lnapected as part of the process. The only th1ng betweeo you and the road is your tires, therefore, proper maintenance ls essential. Cordon Cook, Service MaNger, Costa Mesa Uncoln Mettury Gordon Cook Is th.~ manarer al O>lta MiSd Un&Oln M1rcury. H1 can be r.chftl at (114) 540-5630. Onta Mlfa Uncoln Mercury u lot:at«l at 2626 Harl/Or Blwt. In Outa M114 lfyou hive a questloo for our local auto aperu, aend lt to; Dally PUot, Auto Ptlot/ Ask the BJpert. 330 W. Bay. St., Cotta Mesa. CA 92627 or e-mail to: nect.bondJe4Plattmet.com. Peggy Kolk, Fleet Manager and Single Unit Sales, Tustin Mitsubishi, pictured .with the Endeavor W hy would I buy a Mitsubishi Endeavor? Because I feel "GREAT" when I drive it. rhcrt' an:-plenty of SUVs on the road today, but the new Endeavor has what It takes to c;tand away from the crowd. l·ndeavor 1s de.,1gned with comfort, '>tyle and driving appeal or in other word'.> .. Charbm.a.·· becau'>e you feel good and look great at the same time. .However. when 'it comes to quality, performance and safety there arc no apologies necessctry. Edmunds.com and Auto Pacific voted the Endeavor their choice us the No. I Hanked Premium Mid-si1ed 2004 SUV of the Year. Why? Because they know vehicles. Endeavor rides and handles like a car, not a truck and it hosts a roomy mterior for even a big man's comfon. It's Spon-tronic Transmission allows for a smooth and effortless i;hift, while its torque rich 3.8L V6 engine delivers power to its IS, XLS or Limited AWD or 2WD models. When it come., to control. Endeavor implements Active Skid and Tracuon Control, coupled with an Independent Suspension and fire Pressure Monitoring Sy-;tem. Endeavor is covered with Roadside Assistance for seven years and has a seven year/ I 00.000 mile Powertrain Warranty, and if you purchase one before June I you will get Mitsubishi's "Triple Diamond Coverage."' proVJding Free Scheduled Maintenance for three years or 36,000 miles. For me. that's cash in my pocket and addiuonal l.avings over other SUV'> on the market. Test drive one and experience the feel and control for yourself. -Peggy Kolk, Flet't Manager and Single Unit Sales. Tustin Mitsubishi 39 month clo11ed-end lease; $9495 at stan of lease(S4995 out of pocket after application of $4500 factory rebate): $0 security deposit required. 20~ per mile charge over 12.000 miles per year. On approved credit. LEVEL 0. I & 2 TIERS. 1 At This Payment (J32697) I I 4 14 ~.May 30, 2004 ~ J AGUA R Born to perform BAUER JAGUAR ; ~ -1455 South Auto Mall Drive Santa Ana • 55 Freeway at Edinger In The Santa Ana Auto Mall Daily Pdot I 866 • 499 • 4111 • www.bauerjaguar.com .,__._~~ London to John Wayne Airport: flight N-CAM3 -~ -~---~--~ " In.com ---. . .. -· ,,. -· ·' I IS If 110 NW? The lanair &olution VIII hos optimized .weight reduction by holb.;n.g the camshafts and conslrudin.g i~ volve COW!J( oot of magnesium. The inloke manifold pipes, cronlutlott ~lley and steering-~mp l)rocbb hove been converted lo olominum, the exhouu hOs been straightened orld the exhaust valves hove been hollowed and filled with sodium. Is it technical~ Pleo$e. PIOPll SPINO OVll Ttml WllKS Of MIR YIM COMMUTING. After ex?,efieocing the interior of the '04 Golont, ~'re going to wish that number was hig~. This upscale cabin bathes you in amenities like on avoiloble · 8·w0)'. power odjustoble drivers seat, lecrther seating surfaces, a colOr LCD di~, seamless doshboord and o Ion of corweo1eot storage compartment\ lor ~ns, mops, coins sunglasses ond, yes, even foues Now wrap it all up in soothing leldvres and o soft touch fin ish, ond )'9U1~ start to $et why the '04 Golant will make your commute feel more like getting a hug than driving to work. YR/M odel 2004 LANCER ES AWESOME VALUE 2004 LANCER SPORTBACK SPORTY & VERSATILE 2003 OUTI.ANOER LS SUV AT A COMPACT PRICE 2004 OUTLANDER LS FULL POWER 2004 LANCER RALLY SPOILER ALLOYS MORE 2004 OUTLANDER XLS FULLY LOADED 2004 ECLIPSE GS STYLISH & SPORTY 2002 MONTERO SP LS BRANON SUVs 2002 MONTERO SP LS AT PRE-OWNED 2002 MONTERO SP LS RI ES '02 FOID POCUS ZX3 (1605Jn '02 DOOOI NION IS spr, ~ Wl..k & ~Mor. (Wl 2.Cl '00 Ml1'SUllSHI MON1llO Sport XlS 18176151 '02 VOLKSWAOIN 111'R1 GlS, bbo, F1Ay loocled (.C27869l '03 CHIYIUI SllllNO LXt F1Ay 14d, loMi (17832.C) VIN #MSRP Tustin Disc. Rebate Final Price 019774 $14,947 -$1,596 -$1,500 $11,851 012871 $17,587 -$1,804 -$1,500 $14,283 115648 $18,547 -$4,044 $0 ) 1 •• 503 001846 $18,297 -$1,998 -$1,000 $15,299 019597 $19,397 -$1 ,956 -$1,500 $15,941 033711 $19,897 -$2,129 -$1,000 $16,768 042747 $21,367 -$2,209 -$1,000 $18, 158 046046 $25,637 -$6,200 $0 $19,437 046183 $25,637 -$6,200 $0 $19,437 047344 $25,637 -$6,200 $0 $19,437 FROM THE RADICAUY DISIGNfD FRONT END, to ii\ urban assault vehide stonce, the Endeavor creoles o new mold for the modern SUV It's a mold that gives yoo logic-~~ ground clearance while shll being easy to s~ into. ti's o mold that mixer doss and aggression with 17 alloy wheels and a two·port cargo door. It's o mold !hot tokes o RISE unibodv chassis ond g,ives it muscular lines, roof roils, and rear P.nvacy gloss. Come to think of it, it's a mold that's way too good-looking to ever be called a -mold" in the ~rst place ONE LOOK AT THE '04 ECUPSI AND YQU .GET THE IDEA it doesn't go ar:ound offering many oooloaies. The available 17" wheels integrated. body strokes and the assertive hood Acres don't do much to make '!his cor look remorseful either. However, the aggressive design that governs the exfenor meets its match in the coclcpit, where comfort and convenience conduct !heir business And Judjjing by the ovoilable front leather seating surfaces, drivers side pqwer seat and 21 OW Mitsub1sh1/lnhn1ty<!!l 6·D1sc audio system they've got a pretty impressive office to get !heir work done. YR/Model 2003 MONTERO SPORT ES AWO PW PL AND MUCH MORE 2004 ENDEAVOR LS BEST IN CLASS VALUE & PRICE 2003 DIAMANTE SIZE ANO LUXURY 2003 DIAMANTE TOP OF THE LINE 2003 MONTERO SPORT LTD LEATHER AND MUCH MORE 2003 MONTERO SPORT L TO LEATHER AND MUCH MORE 2003 MONTERO SPORT LTD LEATHER ND MUCH MORE 2002 MONTERO XLS GREAT SUV/AWESOME SAVINGS 2003 MONTERO LTD 20TH ANV FULLY LOADED lfATiiE ROOF & MIJQi VIN #MSRP Tustin Disc. Rebate Final Pnce 04 1640 $26,487 -$2, 7 40 -$4.000 059967 $25,597 -$2,862 -$2,000 007225 $28,448 -$7 ,330 $0 004198 $29,157 -$7,330 $0 S2 82 .. 002328 $31,317 -$3,075 -$4,000 ~ ~4.242 000222 $31 ,317 -$3,075 -$4,000 4 242 014827 $31 ,317 -$3,075 -$4,000 4 242 002783 $29,747 -$3,021 -$2,000 ,. 4, 726 061950 $34,607 -$10,(XX) $0 .4,607 047071 $38,397 -$3,648 -$4,000 $30,749 '04 MITSUllSHI lNDIAVOR P9oli Wht, loaded (0099'21) $19,988 $21,988 $21,988 $23,988 $24,688 '00 ACUIA RL 3.J Llhr, Ld'd, loMi (015540! '04 TOYOTA TACOMA x CA8 Off Rood l\g (3179901 '00 OMC YUKON looded I I 30236) '02 NEW MnSUllSHI MONTERO XLS, 180~106J9SO) -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! 0 ne of the grcatc!>I : au1omo11vc tcons 1 Of the 20th CCOIUI) : return~ nc't r.ui in : a fonn cha,1 "ill make nc11. fncods : anJ appeal 10 old one\ 11. 11h 11!. no'>· ! ia1~~~&15. ~ro~ \1u,lang : gallops 001 of its Aa1 Rod., M1d1 : bam looking better and running : f~ter lhan it has in , years To whip i1 into : shape, Ford has turned : to the original 40-ycar- : ol~ Mustang for 1nspi- ' ration . : Flt'Sl shown al the North American Inter- national Au10 Shov. 1n Detroit. Mich .• 1bou1 a year ago. lhe ne11. Mustang actuJll) cxhibi1~ \lyling CUC1. from various 1965-"69 modeb. the mo\t definitive being ''' sloping 'fas1bad. · rooflinc and signarure \1Jl11on motif auachtd 10 an egg<rdte mesh gnlle The hc.idla1gh1' art: even round. J~I a.' you 11.ould ha'e seen on lht onginah If you 're emhrallcd "11h \fu, tan~s of )CSICl)CM. )OU ·11 he dehghled "llh lhe 2005 IOh:tpn:IJ uon h \ a car inspired pure I~ h> ! North Amcncan de\lgn II\ 'Im : pie. uncluttered and boml11.' noth· : mg from Europe or A~1a I Aside from IL'\ drool-1ndl.l(ing : \hct'unclal. the nc11. \.1u,1ang. : 11.luch will be built in both rnupe : and cooven1bk fonnal,. come\ on 1 a nc11. platform. the fir.t 'iuch : upgra<IC since "ay bad. in 1979 : Its coru.1derably stiffer \lructure " : ~harcq with the Lincoln LS and : Ford Thunderh1rd The ma1or d1f· 1 ference is in the rear \U~pem1on. to : keep costs (and the i.ticker pnce) down. a solid rear axle replace\ tJie mdependent sui.lJCn~1on employed on the LS and the 'Bird. The cabm has been made con siderably roomier with a six-inch increase in wheelbase. Franc-row passengers will gain the mo<;t in terms of leg and ~hoolder room. while the two in back will ~till have to scrunch inco their respcc tive positions. There's al!><> plenty of standard and optional aluminum and chrome trim on the da.<h and surroonding a gauge pad.age that appem remarbbl) s1m1lar 10 the : first-and <ittond·generallon du~- ' I \. Advert1serner!t tm. One of the neatest (opliooal) lricb is the ability to choose, at the touch of a bunon, Ol'lc of 125 different colors used to lighc the gauges. It's a feature that al 1 cars should come with. Mustang fans. regardless of age or era. should be thrilled with whal will amve under the hood Base car. receive a spry 202- hor.epowcr 4.0.hler SOHC V6 tha1\ actually borro"'cd from the R.inger pickup Step up to the mu.<;eular Mw.- tdllg GT and the sole powerplanc becomes a 4 6-lner SOHC \18 that de h \.er. '\(X) hor..es. an increase of 40 Credu for the e1ttra power goes to tJie engine's unique new lhree- valve·per-9hnder design. vanable carn\haft urning and more cylmder pre~~ure (compression rauo) Even better" that 11 all runs on regular unleaded ga.\. , Both engine~ can be ordered ~ 1tJ1 a five-\pccd manual transmis- \IOO or optional five-speed au10- ma11c Dady Pilot f--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Slalldard equipment includes air : conditioning. power wmdo11. s with : one-touch up/do~n feacure. remote : lceyless enll). power m1rron. and • locks and a CD player. For anyone : so inclined. the base audio system : can be upgraded to a 11.hopp1ng : 1.000-watt unit 1 The GT differ<> from tJie hasc : Mustang by v111ue of its unique : fron1 fascia. big 17-inch alloy : wheels and a ma.\sivc set of driving : lamps affixed 10 the gnlle. • Mechanically, lb1de from 1he ,tour : V8. you'll also get traction control : (with a defeat switch for IJlo\C : times when lire-shredding bumouh ' arc in order) and anti-lod. brake~ : The new Mustani m1gh1 offer a : retro silhouette, bu111\ actually a : modem ( wi~ the excepuon of the : rear suspension), muscular road car • that should be as much fun to dnvc : as the original and still deliver the · : all of the bygone ma~c If th1rn : what owning a 'retro car rea.lly : means, then please, by all means. 1 keep the hits coming. : I I I For details on the new 2005 Mustang, see Theodore Robins Ford, yourlVewpor~Mesa communlty Ford dealer. Call (888) 798-9696. Oarly Pilot DRIVEN BY WHAT'S INSIDE UNDE AGEMENT · The Completely New 2005 ·Legacy And Outback $edans & Wa·gons Now In Stack! POWER AND PERFORMANCE 4 Cyl. Boxer ... 168 HP Av11i1'1ble in 11 5 spd. mart111tl or 4 spd. 1wto u1/sport rhift 6 Cyl. Boxer ... 250 HP A11t11l1ble ma 5 ~pd. m111111ttl 6 Cyl. Boxer Turbo ... 250 HP or 5 spd muo u1/Jpor11hift SAFETY PLUS Standard -!nulligmt D1111/ From Air B11gJ -Side curt11i11 Air Bt1g> Protetting Fmnt & Re11r Occ11p11111.1 Standard AWD EUROPEAN DESIGN INNOVATION AND . . FUNCTIONALITY MADE AFFORDABLE COME TEST ORNE ONE TODAY! For in ormation and orderin email us at horacio@southcoastsubaru.com 2004 OUTBACK 3Sth ANNIVERSARY liijjjl~·ir-fl~~ All \\, "''"' 1•,~,~r,!'.~~,~~~~~,~~~,~~:~, Cog I '"""· _-¥ A.\1/1 ~1 'irt:rrn \1ngll ( D Pl.1n·1 l\nln, I rm\', l'owl·r I 11l~\ #..,......_ f>owC'r \X'rndo\\S, RC'.tr \X'1pcrf,, .l\h,·r Pm\C'r I >rrn·r \c,11 I ro111 Arr BJg,, ( .1rgo Arl-.1 12' Power ( >tul,·1, I c.>.uhu \\ rJppt·cl '-lrn·1111g 'IX'hC'd, PmHT \tl'crmg. Allor \X'ht·l'k ~t'CUrH\' '-IY\lt'lll & i\lort· -..-SO. COAST SUBARU DISCOUNT FROM MSRP ......... $4495 • FACTORY REBATE .................... $1000 Modd t4sx TOTAL $5 4"5 #6t920~:~2~;~t~~~~~~6134<><1 SAVINGS # 17 2004 OUTBACK SPORT WAGON Model 14LE & #4LF Only 2 at this discount #819993,#805692 AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL TRANS AWD t\11 ( ond111on111g, AM /FM ~tcrc:o. C D Player. Puwu WinJow\ & I ock.\, Remote: Krylcss Entry. AB\, hont Air Bag~. Rc.ir Wrpcr/W.tSher, Tilt, Alloys. 1 lv Power Outlet. \plash< 1u.1rds. so~c:c<5~>tsu~Afiu & More DISCOUNT FROM MSRP ......... $2245 FACTORY REBATE ...................... $750 TOTAL SAVINGS 995 AWD 'l \pcnl. Arr ( on<lumnrn).: \ \l/1·~1 \1p,·11, ( D Pl.l\•t:r, Power ~ \X 111Jnw~ + I ock\, 1-ront Air BJ!:' \pl.1,h ( .u.ir<l,, ·111t WHcd. ~~~ • l(C'morc Kcyk\$ !-ntr\', AB\. ( nrr" Rl-.H W1per/\X.",uhC'r & MorC'1 MSRP .......................................... $18,956 SO. COAST SUBARU DISCOUNT FROM MSRP .. $4495 FACTORY REBATE ........................ $1000 2004 FORESTER X "SAFEST SUV ON THE MARKET!" .. SALE PRICE $19,495 Moddl4CA Only I at this pritt 176SS33 VIEW MORE SPECIALS AT SOUTHCOASTSUBARU.COM ' • ' ' ,.. _'Ip ... .. -......... Polky llo\v to Place A ,...---Deadline l<.1tl'' .uid lk.u.ll111c' JIC \UhJCCI lo , h.111\!, '' 11hnu1 nu111.:c The pubh~hc1 ll'Wlh'' thl' 11~111 111 1:e1rn11 . rcdJi.,lly. ll'\ "'' 111 1qcd .m~ du, .. rltcd. d.1-.,ilicJ lll\pl.1~ 111 Jt,plJ)' aJ\crt1s1:ment l'k.l'l l l'PW I Jll) err m tlMI m~1y ~· Ill \11111 d.""11,·J .uJ 1mmcJ1Jtdy The P.111\ 1'11111 ollll'P'' IHI hJh1h1~ lor an) 1·11t11 111 111 .1d\l'lll\l'llll'lll lllr "hr<:h 11 111.1\ hl tl''r"11'1hk ,.,~l·pt 1111 the cno,t 111 lhl ,p,11,:l' ,ltlUJll\ •11.:l°Upll'J h~ lhl' ,·rr1•1 < ll'lht 1..'Jtl 0111~ hi.· allmH~J f111 the 111'1 ll"Clllllll CLASSIFIE AD -td Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Munt.lay 5:00pm By Fax 1 •1-11i1 0 '1 ·h .. '14 .,,. l I I I \It fl.II~ 11") f~"'•K. th,"'''''"" ;t111l 1111-.: U \AU t ~ •tth 'lll "',_.U\h By Phone 11i.t111 ~~ ~ti7K I lour~ By Mu iJ /ln Per son: 3.10 Wc:\t Bay Stn:ct C:o,IJ Mc\a, CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvtl & Bay St Wcdnc~day .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wc!t.lnesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thur~day 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fm.lay J:OOpm lckph11nr II '<IJ111'111~1111 :\ l1111JJ\ f nJ.11 \\Jl~·ln K ,1t,11n 'i OOpm :\lt•nJ.1) -rnJJ) Sunday ....................... f-nt.lay 5:00pm Ctmrterv Lots.t1Y11ts Poollr View (emelCN"f ~ t I\ tAli ·' .,,,, :. •r • f •II ' >UX n.• ".'*l• •I t_..'f11 l 9t j(" .. '"•hi J l,\u111UI f'1\ M '~ 1010.1770 1•J 1489 BUILDING/ GARDEN SUPPLY /TOOLS T ools/Equfpmenf/ Garden Supplies 3135 ',.~ .. •• '""";I"\..... Wot4 workln9 !His, lft •• ss• •27 ISIS Crofts.. 10" ..... - CollectlbleS/ Memorabilia SGW, tr l..J WW & 6 1160 l/r plentr/jtillttr. Al 11w .. tw S1CO or offer. hf TOP SS 4 RlCOROS nc .u. ... '"""'· <• lt4 ft L • I t. 'II It. f(J r""" -r ... , ,, 11 ,, ... "'' "'~" J 1'-9'3-7234 Yort.o Ii* M1;.t •1 • h1' l'O'J ENTERTAINMENT HOME FURNISHINGS I I -- I ~ --3010.3940 Me•a Verde ••mod, lll'I N .Al 'iUN I 4 Jl6b \1.,1v 11>1 I ~b• •••w w1od c: f uwn n1vldin& u~d•INI -•le llA 1}111,.I loo W I• yr! SM'! 000 ~·fltlf'I\. RI .t,.phii'fll" H~~· 1 'Wl b4•, •'>n 1 ll'ICOMl PROPlRTV J ., 1,., M -tV• .1,. Int t• r "'tthlo-11 Utt 11.. ~ .! I lb• I 'ill I II 3 t.RM f m R.ihn "1 $'1'.'l,li\)ll 11"1 Uo1n l<"lK I 11 \I I tam r ,,.,. q4•11 41, (11,10 Open Sot Sun I I l HJJ.lh"111f11k .• i H~' ,,,,. ""'"' M .. ~ v .. nJ~ c. ul ~\flt \,\1 lw ' ... hllftf ft',U ..,,.,ft t .-1 ftotltfy l•'Nh''HJtl,.11 L;1,. ti foi Specli1l Events 1310 Furniture 3435 Real Estate -----Misc. Offers r> '""'' ''''"~ tutn11•1 4245 Sli'J'>,OOU IJWll•·• l\~1·fll 714 SOI ·170'l U 2 U1H Place lQUAl HOUWIG OPPORTUMITY f\t , ,tr Ith· "t'"'"' • ftu "'"""'·l"'I''"' t\ I tr•• t I H1r: , ,.,1 .... .-1 I ,., f I\ ,,, A t ' f J'Pbft 1111m• t1•I ' ii ~lt11 h I II• ~~I lu 1h•11m l.ihl• wt, •h•11~ S2 Unit lu•no Porl. l 1151 Sllll ''"'I~ lu NI H.11b<ot H1~h \Ill~ f4111 hn1 41,, lb •• _.~,,,, ,.,'O>-*r / Ip\ ''" t.i t.unH11 IA11d~· I •• ,, SH4'1 ~J 1 hnu r: In'\,., t>urt"I lo1l•l1 ~yn1 ').t9 b•~ 'Jj4') 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS <•a•I Col" Heed• UMI. '" 'f, Id 11..,tt ,.,.,k)' 1'tl•~ .trtlN~ I 110f"t HJh "\, '-Mf+ i,4 ")' 'M.4$$ Cats 3610 '~ ... '"'Mil• ''" l\Joploun ~I ll 4 00 nf'M K.nnJt\ lhorv I .0111 St1ona Rennlal ~,.. S4 9'>0 ()Of I www.edthaporre.(on't Agt. 1481·4S9 2200 0~1•f't \huwn Ly •Wt""'''"'''' 'l4'1 647 I ~.•1 Oftlces b Lease 4540 Chor min?. 31r, 21o P'rlme Ofllc• S11ft• Hume I II()-I lul JIJ /\ppto• 6Rhl l~l•I & ~r•<l'd ,,,. I "'W lu(ll In,,, •I SI 111 l I 981 r. ~.... .. ... ,, .. .,,!!noel ti• nr.u N@wpmt LPnf,., j n-,111nrr SJl.Y.lM ll/0 Hm •I Avd<ldbl< ?IJ 746 61()() Pl bOO II"' IUM , '><JO RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY I SlS,000 Hr Trlangle S., Sf>n.,, f'••~ M ·h· .. """"' ?tw ltr• ~•tlw' 'l)I ,,.n1 1 ub 4600 I~ pooj flit /14 /41 rt.a! .. • . ' I ., .... I j.,.. Newport Beach I I & 7402·7466 aoos:Ss10 (¢! 9000.9750 SERVICE DIRECTORY For All Your Home and Business Needs - lllJllMlllf4i§QtiitllR§iiJfj&jiii!N1111f., Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ~~ For Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Donna at (949) 642-4321 ~----. --------- ~0 0 _are _ huu\~ , ... w lldlOI 111>1dl' I R tar T Sh 6030 I Meto V•rde lb1 lll• -------~ !~ Vtttl<-Ma-.ler bl b.1 l•Ul Ii v••d l' ~·'"~· I ''"•~It ••l\.,o>tt uhl< lflll ·~I S.'SOCl 9~'1 /'Ii 4bll NEWPORT HARBOR Community Large 2BR, 2BA (orp•nt•rt Wuud & Meld I l •1m' Muc-.t hllvt"' own '''"'\ 714·5S0-9'197 NEED TO SEU YOUR PROPERTY OUR HOMES OF THE WEEK PAGE ON SATURDAYS CAN HELP CALL lOWIH( OOOtcNlll. 949-S74-424S AICN GlNOlOUS 949·S74 ... 249 SPECTACULAR TINHIS COUlll lSTAH flOt.llN '>tu 6f1-1 ttnmti l l'J tLf .. ,,f 4U\h ftfOllfhh PrtYl'ft 11.chf,.cf lt'llnl\ court um 1l1 n & , Atdlma vu•~' S!'l'l' OOCt l'.111"~ l'"'"1t <i14 11!>1> 'HO'> ltore <otner lot 8Albut4 Pt An 1 m pt f'~t•i•'\u-,. OnP f 1d Ro•d 1 "'" "'""''Y tHr I '>th Aui-•11 • ('f,llfJ\t Gvurmd ~' "'" 't •'' uuj ~th. lwH SI 1>4', IJ(JO I •II f'11on•d• f ., llfrl' 014'1 /Uh <ll()(J Ol'lH SA1 SUl'I I S 4 1 I Snug Hor~or lld r: h llhdv•n Sbr A 5ba 'lun111ne 111ler1or ulen I••• ol mdtbl• r. hdwd th Ai;I PotlH• ralla1 • m bf14tld r1t">N ttOIJ\t' Avtl "'"' ll[lJ 714-SS7-S417 Cute Eathlde /1>1 ?11.1 h.udwtcut 111 ,,, wet ..,f"-t',,. Pl:,t '"4.,....... i•HJHl lft4 I ''"' "~ I 4 ,., 7400 id< ll'illll!WJ 12'/ lt.'>O I ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Island Ye.lrly Jbr Jb• dupl~ • uppt1 un1I ~rut lot I .:~r "'•Lhh-C l~u.ff1d f.t1. S?t;Oll mu Ll'rd l/,1n<e H~•ll'"' 949 I J5 /Ob4 Balboa Peninsula llr, 28a, tie,. to tondl I !XI B lk du•P lu •II S3300 ml.'I avdll 6 I <9491400 04/l Bru~" Yrly ..._, 4.~10 RM! ¢1• lb :tiJ du.ti ,;.;y "" r.M\11 '"" •.nl ,..,. £.al $3.fj) Cal l..l&Toe 1l446!0ll Corona del Mar lorg• 400<hf Hou•• Ut "'"'" VfPW f;th'lf" '(Md w i•out '''" M»'t ntfll'f" r .. m,fy '"' & t c Jf li?·l' ..:r,..tt .Jt"' l yl lt"d~r qo.1 ta-1200 21llu lo Big Corona 'tltfy ~.m 4u1<"\ JMhu 2br lb.1 <"'""'' Sl'>C.IOm avail 6 l 949 6/ l II!'>) Huntington Beach W•t-tu P1tr 'Mo.on 2b ~ < oodo fJ• Irie. pool'bbQ ' ·''* p.11 IJdj Ot ..... ·-s 19';() Y' ..... 9$6~ l'f6!> Laguna Beach YlARl Y UASlS flNI NEWl'Oltl HOMfS BIU GRUNDY REALTORS 949-'1S·6161 lg •Ingle 1tudfo, 11vl f'nltAn<, \ttJJ\ In fJfl>dt..h L 1v~ on lldo wd $61'> mo 9A9 !..1 ~ 62 39 21r, llo, I SOft to loy f'11w11.-~ '( h c of1MtJnity l•nn1\ tll SI!>)!> mo lu,t'14'l 11H l40IJ NP Hr .. ~lud"' dJll nwn \t"pdf-'l~ .. nff.tnt~ ind ""' $800 Ill"' 7111 ?bi i""I hv uhl 1n1.< Sl800 949 64'/ 1146 722 1132 with Harbor View Quiet Location, Garage lnduded Laree ~ Patios • llled Entries • Garages Wood ~t'lltla f1rtplaces • Plhate Btada & M1rtu • Spmlq Swlmllla1 Pool • LHb Jro,kll Landscapl111 • Seconds to a.lboa Island, Ba)'$1cft Shopplac Ctftter, raalol lti.d & Corou del Mar NeWJlln Meltaa Apt. Homes 919 8ayild9 .,.._, N"1Mlft Buch {949, 760-091-9 ..wport1Urln•""1itwt11-eocn Newport Coas1 Son<•rr• Gated Comm ib112 '>ba hw f~ \, h!VhlY 1111a1allt'd garrnone1 PoOV 'oil• $..'4(X)~4 .......... 497 Te«her of Piano Msy4tPll<tlltU Ovu .J) 'f"I e•P"llfte l <~\O,,, 1n 1ou1 home Rt.ol•I' on cummumlt 949-47J.2174 CAllPlHHll HHPlll mo\t hi1"t Ythft •I ti.um~ tuol\ htlplul SI ~he C lll Rub 114 743 2W8 Ory Cleonert "~~ peO'on Pl """"'"'"~ r. Sa• morn•nt 2'> "" wtth S9 !>Cl '" <94'l> '>48 4 l81 SHERMAN GARDENS, <>••d•nrn1t AH• 1~111 1'1 Mun F11 8 II dulw' 11111 1110~'"" planltnll ~.udt-n 111Mnl~n,1n1 e $I ..,0 II• 949-6 13-2261 HOST /lSS f 11d~y Sllf @YH t 1111 '" 'hlfl\ I VHI\ IHlaurAnf "" rtq Ai>ply 1n µt1 '"" bolor ~ b11m V1ll.o N11v.1 '"'tdu1,1111 11 II w Co~\t llwy Nl'i! '" f.l < 1e\un1t 949 b47 06/4 ln,trur to~ riflfldrct lo7 ..,,.,,,..._,,:y d•·• ~· led! har&.9'11 ..,,,. ~ ... f'W(y 96WWl> 'Jil'l .AJ)W• NlWPORT HACH ISLAND lXPERlfHClD lANDSCAPIHG MGR, 23 HOU\, ;\l1n<I ~·ek• l •nd'<~PP MMnl•n.ln• • I ManAatr Sp•n1\h 'I'~ Cood \dldr y & h•IU\lllV, PO\\lble r .1' I l'Wllll I De•11•• 94'1 67 i M'>I '" rall 949 bll J111 w1ll1 QuAhfl\•hOll' I •IS"'·"' In tA Meu I/Ito I!. ~UV~flur (Nt'I In M1o.l~J 9>194~1 'Il'Tl TRIPLEX COSTA MlSA Hl, JIATH, 3-GH. AiRo ~} l\t1• .., woiO'-.. I 11•.1 lum l • l,1ln CHAAMING lbc \I.-11> 'Ill p•tnf \.cut •Ulh .1pp~1I 949 295 9624 de..i. new ~111 ·~•I\ .. ~ .. 21drm, lloth, w~I~ In Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! S749,000 949-221-1480 lll y;.d ~ 114 /19(f!J) ·"Pl 1iam1 G.• l\v.1~ b I buch tiM d&t S?OOOmn l•n,1 f11llt1 tr•11 H•.1ltni WA1lllAIOKT '110f'Um1S 11">00 9'19 ~IL 84J!> ~I? j~lh Sheri C•ll lllSCUl 911 l1I•• t Hlff f'.,lllll\ul,t 714 72'l·1111 •223 11111 Hldltlllt'' H.1.111 .. n• I' t ~1wnt1-.. Nt·,.tS ...... ,., Wl'll M.1n111 tl'd Aclull ( 1t•. ' •lltfttf (10.!\ ftf •'d ,.,,w hmnr•. fl(lupl Act1df lln11lM1' Iii 1My l•lmn H ..... 1r<,r, II'~ ,tdf 11111• <I S/f14 ~on Jcnmln• Cteel<. &'"'" Showco1• home '> • i l•.1.-hold I""' f .1r111•r V '"''' S2275111u l•t SI')()() '"'I II t 111\ t •lllH tit 11 tU fflll1 f•1ll 1 •• 11 1 H•MI v~ "'"' ORANGE COUNTY 5400 1itrnn1tl" "-1t1 m1Hhl" t.1.1lh' Mu•.I S.0•' S/9'lK / 14 /411 "61.lfl Jr.in I 1111•1 Ion Hh Auctions 1483 l',.h• V I--------www ,,.,,,.,,,.,, 1wurh "'• Balboa Island for Sole by Own•• lllr IU. ) • ,., ~·HtiiCP h1HIU\ rw11"•· '"-'V P"Hff'I t..trn ·•i•lll 114 ihll 4'1'14 ;:=============~! '~~~~~~~ f'f<IM[ llV/ J('.l/f II HAY WANTED ANTIQUES Old•• S1y•t ~urllolu•• P 4"'0~ & Cnll•C11bfec SS CASH PAID S$ WE BUY ESTATES CONSIGNMENTS c. ... -........ ,, 6 1111 IC •••• tv•ry w ....... , ... ,. ................. 11141 UI ll!I .;649-4922~ SOUTH COl\ST 1\l'C:TION 1202So Mli<ISt S..•t. Arw, CA 12101 .. ' Found 1510 found S/'l! I 1hhv 111 I 11 ~ Ii 1r .u, 1 l ,11 J(. dt t1ftt 'M'~ '11111 U)/'l Genel'11 SPRING KITTENS & CATS 1WtlNI11111•11 ! 111 ,. ' " n I I ". ' MA1;('111 lc'llfl( I VII w• W'W\i¥.'WW1\•~•lt.1tR Hi'lr"11<fl • ••nt &. l 'W'" f Pn~ ,..,, " 1"'1 htor. l\oy !ti.., li>yfronl ""·'~ ln<r...y• Ilk! "" tt. .. J .....,., ""''"I r·•• ck"'" ""'' ~l 1'.lJ('(fl Dana Point J•~· ••wmtd •v ~.o An~"t' M[1Rl!R•1ll• _,. '1 ,, .. , ~ Y.t...n. 1·•• .,4., 4bl, 44· I OP(N SUN 12·4 2S1U~Dr hnmar turnhry ""'' .Jdf it • I•• 1 >4in• •.rµ;a,?n Miscellaneous Pets 3655 u\f Olfll htJ It ttl I wtl11~W4if f Ylf''ifi 't.11 l '..1l1A uuld1 -lJ• & I~ Corona del Mar 1nt1ft r f,., k ptttt> 1v .. t Opert Sat..-Svn t I l upon ,,.,,11,.,, 1.,,. & f u,.n ~?()~ .. " I 110 .... 'M'I '>H tf'JI/ Ill Pooclle_M_r..;-·a1vr-~-...... -'Ro .,,, I h(lnt ''"""' '4'1 f1 II Y~>ll 11 l ... n .. ,..., 4 ,lWWl\h• hL;.-). r , .ti h ht h ,, ·~ l '''lhf ''" R .. tit ti' IJ \oct SiU1l "" t ._""'11 b·•lc, 1t11v t11..:h , , 1t1tl(\ &. J\. trvfll .,t~lf 1i1'1tl ,,.. '-' •W1t 10 ltftr1-.:; llU t.•th '"4'J ,,, j lhlf, ''4<.J b46 b4 J,1 out t1m,hfl1t ~ u '•,. • trv1ne 111101 I \I /> .. 0 01111 I. All 11 4 '>01 10. TUllTU llOCK Pet AdnnilO,.. 3660 -OPEN SUN 1 S "l'' ,,. f.w """ by -· CDM I 2 Mlrond• 2 0091 Choc•lot• lap & \\)t 1nil'r ~p .. 111Pt lt,11)fri.tn, '-• ~NI. tl:Jtle Ht•· ... ~ 1.• ~514 lfb. """"" I••·•• '\!Mt Ill• 4 1 Thurn"' 1.111llr •R!llll. '11 ''" 11!"•'-"f nr.tufn "ll~h.'11 lhrnb·.tHI• tfllrt ll\O dtl"" lr•11o h docw\ ll. ""'d""' 1 •IV l1~hl 111~w 4h1 ''"''""''f M•llY UVl:foUlr-. JIMtl'hl 11 M K•ll 8411()<1 H<,._.. HJl•ly:Wtt w frn.H,t.'l"l fut Nrw i.htHry .irM1tlf' f 1...,. """ w wM"'i.'" l, '' t'I 1\ 1 h• n wt\ ti 1\Lthc1 onlv oo ~lb $l 100 Ult ti • ~. h I y u 1J K 1 • d " d I ~n I 1 ""-" c'Wll '{11 'l(()/ llirun~hvUI 'i11rt 1lr. h Buslnen Opportunities Busf neues and Franchises 3905 Costa M~ _ Op•n Hou•• Sot & Svn I S, 33•7 Nevada A.,. c.11111pl•l•lv 11mudeled viow JI R?S,IKlO Al•n l11d11. l11M1 HI 949 IQ(, 7!>?6 1.aoo. VINOING •K.I M•c h111f\ $9 1 lll 1hr ~f'\I I ut .,t,mn I l«Jll II ii, '\4b4 }A HI\ '"' ?h" ""'"~ At•11lll11I ltnd" 111•11 y.11 fl .,,., 1Y t1fft\ '""' AU n .. w ;\flnlt Laguna Beach OPlH SAT-SUN I S 420CyprHt Dr Announcements 1610 AISOlUlt GOlOlllllMll Aflltt' w1nf" • nnlt'r ~ltwm, tp t rnh 11 "'" lo.,~ h~h1111~ c •lh•d1<il t ~·Ima lPP'•'• "OOCkl S/49 '>00 Ry 11 .. MI I 11r nkfy b1 and OPW ''""'!It. Nul un Ml S RAI• fmol ~hu1 I w~lfl. '" b•A•h" Htt\I,., P11k Jib• ?ba SS1!i 000 RMh•r C '' np Owner Act lohn I •rrnw 9•9 1n 0912 80!> JQ 68S!> Baby Boomcrs Approaching Pre or Post Menopause (surgical or natural) Jr,, 1 nm 11111 \I, '"''' \lcnorml(' \lcn••l'n" ti ' noottJI. nJturAI llAntllk'" nm '1li'<'A1t AnJ 1>11mcn hJ1r the ngllf 10 kn•"" 1hc 1ru1h A"°111 1;1lc Jhcrn.im~ '" 11 nthctK hotn'llll\C\ I~ kun mo<t wnu1.t V1\ktc II 71~ 'l63-•WJ3 Of 1t111i an tmA1l 111 Vllkitfm<noq11ttn com .... • MJ vt•nttm; m•c hint' t • lf•lf,.ut Jot •t«ifl\ •II 1,,, J IO 9'I'> 80Ci l 14 b9tll (714) 7S 1 ·6024 I furniture 3435 f11mftllre NEWPORT CONSIG NMENT GALLERY NmOUES ll COU£CTlBUS • tr.iCM.£ FlJRNmJRE PW«>S&AAT • R ..,1 r ... M 11~.1,,.,1 • \I. \1.lr I luuw C .th • I \\II 11\'Y Ol I\ • <\n, I''"''"' ~1111rr hut< • I '"'"t1nmu1h hctpcrJ l la1lv • I •Im \ak> l~I ._l'l'"'"'"j, • l\\lnJrJ & l tctnlt'd •Kt-. \Q 11 I R~EWAY fRON'TACf \liO\lt'ROOM • In I ,,.,, M,...., hod nf ~~ F....,. lOU.fllEl 888-434-0722 tO H O 070 71• O•·~>?U I 941 NIWP It L. COSTA M SA I '· uoFotat OPEN SAT l·S 25272 O•r.., Dr., Abt lb• ~ \bt 2214 sf II np " n.-pl.Jn 111 I*~ ll!I<• fQlftl Sun & s..11 Club "'Mil low ~ 10' WI Ill) et oulld decJi 2 fp·1 wll< to ~ vhnl* 16'!0 tn).$11!> <ro """ .,.,, C1tnw E~et9"'1 Rhlty 94'1280 1370 SELL your stuff through classified! .............. ~111,1~r S"I• • I •II 'l~'I d"µo\11 Jll•1I luly I I ' I '18 IO I l!IU! %'! '*""I ll'HO•I 909·94 / 9'>90 WOI k Newport Coast Beoulllutly appolnt•d h•11ne, ~pp10 • 1600•1 lll'R' ~d~d l~dlU"' i 4h1 & .1ddl11<1n•I bu11u 1 m pf11 ollu I* j ~h1 i < ~"'' lu ·'" d µuo' ., \fl.\ ll • ow11o·r s I 79'1 non 714 272 8189 San Clemente OPEN SUH 12 4 470 '-*"' Floro Vkto 4tu U • fu1nu 'P• '"~" ht I u torn wntk , ,,.,, •~~II v••W\' S)\".i<) '}(I.I (,we.• I! '1111', ~·.ti //<IJ l ... ruk rt~•··· 3br 2.Sbo Townhm fl1>I fv. t311l!'I 1wt palll) l ll~• •.itai.t n" '"' $7'!00 419 6/'i sm a1s Y8!1.i:'W l8r. 38o, o.-v1- w i \t.'t) '"''"P. ~' ttd\ .;1iJd10 llOJm" Su nf l'CH ~"' l't'WV ~7 MarM Ii. 114 17) 1811 1??3 Costa Mesa Mopl• Ap11 11>1 "' 111 •1 I"•• '"'d bal~ l>C'1bf1 11pl uinl1\ S97!1 --------• 11\l~on M111111 949 ~? 1800 Tus1in "'w.!".i.1~,.!.:.~ VlfW CHAUAU 1 OSO I lrter lane • •t~11111 N lu,ttrt U1U .. I 'i J r c h1lll1111 ,., l.ih hbo 7bo A~I luhn Lua•" I 14 /II llj-08 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 CdM ]hr 7ba r•nr.y,1l•d I nlldfl ft1 \holf~ W 'H11f'1 nu sm~ fP111,1lr P.11 11111 01.. t'4'n vtrw Ow net nnly 011 \)IUPCI tv 1 day\ wll Pia• t1~~11r yllu1 nwnl $1350 949-6 29-1210 fob 2Br. 280, &r .1n1t•• , Ir Ip w J l <d• pkne llvv.in moldm~ Opf n h\~ S •I Son 10 l 110'> San la lln .. Sl?'lr, HO 4~4 21!>0 I"'"' M"d ?br lb• t1(1nl J11.m\t1 ueiw c arpt1 ~·••lt1 11•>•'1< laund, I t ~·· aw•1I now d1111t by ltr\I •90 W IBlh SI S 149!> 949·J/IHl99'1 to~I <'M nr bMk bay 71>< l Sba •OOdo "•w tPIJ 1J•lnl le dtcll, Ip. 2 c 11a1 ail $1500 919 293 4630 82 Sh•atwol•• Ploc•. \Pftt ?bl ?h,1 hnU~f' R~l•d 'omm 1111111 \Jla batklMV l tdl dll•t h i"'. Ip µwl Vllrd Av•1I "''" $23')0'tr1•1 C.tll r.1t11d• lenrrt ~,qfCb b... Houoln9, lbl lb~ <nndv vu •ii Bia Cdnyt>n fll<ll '""'"' luWy lcnn ,,.,m ,,.., ~ 949 29J "l>ll IAYSIDf COVE 2111 W YltW 2 t~I l'll~f Rt••n1le kll l\vl!A nlfTlrli Atffy S27!bn 9't'} , 18 4Q'() ...,.,,... c-°" Udo ,......, .lbr s~v1r .... ~ '""~ s.mtm w ,,., 6 nln t..m rncll ~ IY"' ~ pv111on !WH;nmtJ "•drly • ''""~ 180 dee•., bay vrttw. I \lury lb1 2 Sb• 2200 , I "'""~ w hua~ p11I var II RV .CL"'' 11101 l•nd« only Sl~9!> P•l• Ok ?l?l ltYIM Ave call f'alllt~ leno11 949 8!>6 97~ ----------------- TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 Employment 8500 Admln Ault! f'or 1-. Nnvelh l1von• Pl 7'> hi\ wk JJhOllt!S Ldlet1ddf torr•'.p Wo1<l & I Ht:I e•v ror F 310 444 7004 l•~b>@poclenoveU1 wn1 ASSISTANT nudtd, NeW)JUrt Beach r~.im.oLt Re;1I fatale Olhce n Ml"1 f11 S.!J No RI ... II@< ~Y ()()( f~• 1""°""' lo "'1odltill" Vrba<, 9'19 67.l 3451 P /l Office Mtr /lt.t.p. Sp.t Gr"W'""\ Nted' lfeiP' IJu• hbcl<•I" d~I~ enlr~ b~ltMV ""'"' 1J<iy11oll & ~!'fl ,•c.Jfn """'"'tv ·t.un1tv MW .IOo WI\ f 4' .,., ~QJZ..I ........ Al"""" 64411.>72 N";_;-,;;;;;;;t In COM, Now lurinR Sovt Ch•f, rn•1 7 J VT\ t~r> 111 lllltf1tf 1Jne...coo6<1, 111•1 7 1 VT' "'I> Pmitry, ....... Oki.-._.,_ ..... ~ 949 7/.3 '.lill> /I. Id 1 I~\ ~49 72 l 9687 Cos _:\ngclcs <I:inlcs . ' With lS Putrtn1 l'lu~ and tilt \.u9"Jt am1wllnn of •ny met1opobt.m dally 1-sp.ape1 '" tht n.Jt1on. thf' Los AnlJl!lrs Tun!!) u .m rmplo~1 you l "11 Ii.-Jll <1U1I ol Thi' 1\n~ ahai~s J comnutment to t~hnol~1,.l mnuv.iboo d1ld c111~r d-lop-nt with 1U JMrl'flt corpor.illon 1\'ibullt' Compat1y, a Fornu. !i(J() company ~ Ml! C'Ufl~ntly ~ldn9 quabbf'd candtd.il~1 for Human Resources Representatives Costa Mesa, CA Job Code: 4088BR Los Angeles, CA Job Code: 3970BR WI! h.i~ thrM operun~ for tlw Hum<1n ~ources ~p1esenullvf' pu.ubon 1llt! HumA11 ResoW•"eJ Rep position Je""'s u I~ ll'•d HR contKl for HR Jervicea sll<'h iu compen.Mllon trA1run9 <111d riPll'lllopm.nt, rKruit~nl .and st•ffin9 1™-y will ~I.!" Ill' rf',poru1blr tor consulting with and 40ducallng m•1iaqf'11 .tnd supervi.sou on tffKtiw tmployt"e tl'Y.tions and on gumg perfo1ru~ INNgenitnt Ca.ndJdAes mi.ut h•w • h .ack 1t•cord of .tdre"11lg t>mpiayel' Will's including conductm9 mwstig•bons. Jelpondmg to reguLiltory .net ll'g•I ~9l'•· and commurucoat.&ng VMIOUS HR progr&mJ. L.lbor relatlons/polibW! 'mploYff relations t'KPf'Omc'f' ~l'f,.nrd for the HR Rep pcnltion loc•trd tn (Mt.a Ml!M Automotive ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS, & rlERCtWOSE PRU:S REDlnD Dl£ TO WESS 300 U CAMINO RfAl, TUSTIN 714-731 -4165 UIW '9S 840 Cl, •\i\thH UE4'1 P•rft1.t.t u ... fotn '"'-tufy <h~rnp.~ 1 ""'t ' ~··tlltl '"' 76" .... "yw1t.1intJ £ <dftful/y G t'"" ,..,..,.. bt 2 UNI"',, r11llf upt1un•.l cldUh m< ,1.,1 S74PI 949 6/ I 114 t nr .no 318 9300 yM unwant-4 lltms the tOl'f woyl PlcKt 0 OolllflM ad today! 9'9 642-5678 \f'll 11111r ( ttr "' ( i"".!i"''' • Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOAEN wltb OMAR SHARIF and TANN.AH HIRSCH N01lTU •Al 7 l HJ AJ • ,_ J IOS WllTH +K~6 .' A 6 4 54 2 •AQ6 The b1<kllni: l\OIHH •:.A'' •• rw.., l • .... ... p'""' F.ASf •OJ 10 Rau 8 2 QJh • 11 l \uu c.in·1 alv..i)' tru'l )otll C)t.'' JI the-bmlr,· tuhlt' On 1111, llc.11 fmrn J nJ11u11u 1.·h1rr11p1u11\l11p, I' •hi I' .1, lwlet.I b~ " hnlltant <k.ep11•t plJ) b) "-t>uth, <k. IJrl'r .11 luur 'fl'Jdc' lk'Pllt' the-11:11 hH111t, ~•uth\ Ollt' •p;llle "''l'l<lll'!C " 1.t1m:'1.'I Tiien.• I\ .i]v.i;~, llrtl(' tn hid 1i.11rump. hu1 llN Je1<:nnine "hclhcr thcrl' '' J .l.J Automotive &padr Ill. When NOl\h rai~ •poi<k • !i..'A.lth jumfled io chrcc nn ll\lmp with his babmc~ hand IO ll\111\1 tli»itll>I the ~1bit1t) of N1"1Jl h.ov1n1 nu>nl with thtt.!<al\i \Ul>f'M Hl>kl.ina four ~p;>Lb and. rum"' ~uhAC, North n.&t· uralt> ~ted ''' tour \p..de\, end 1ng the •UC11on W~L lcd tho! queen nl hcan.~ \\'1th 11 nonn.sl 3-2. U"Wnp \Phl. dcd.uer 1>1. a.' fllCCd with three •~111 1n Liie red ~um Md a llllmp. A hewi lo""' rould be parled on the d ub. but that depended no a .' J ~pl11 111 the auit. Af1e1 'l<1tne 'ludy. ~laR'r found .1 way to itive himi.elf llJ1 exu11 chance based oo leg11imatt: 1 hll'ouicry l~clarcr ;illowcJ 1ht queen of lll·an~ to 1Hn ~lint tm;l .mJ 1·u11 turcd the hcil/t .:uotinuullun v. uh the at'C After both JcfcntJc:f\ follmH'<l to the ace aJlll lun_& ut 1tump) !><mth , .l\hed th< .tee ul du~ and e1 Nlt111ucd ...-1th lhc: 'I~ or' lub:. to the llll~ tlwn l<'<l the ja.. l ol duh!. rmm 111<: 1.itik With p.inncr "nwrl cJ" v. 1th 1h.- 411«n of du~ E.i~t ""' "'' r"'""'" tu ruff lhe duti v. uh thc """le• 1ru111p A delighted Jc\:lattr v.oo \lollh tht l\llt.'Cll. 1.'(\)\>('tl I•• llie :ic.r 111 dm- mnnih and d1wurJcJ Jn, llC.'un lo)Cr 011 th<' m.i•tcr duti Alie• .:0111.'t·.J1nt1 u drnmunJ, d«·larc:r v. u' Jblr tu rull "" l't'm111111ng diamond ''" 1lw mblt dn<l hdd hi> lo'-e' tu unc: lm·k 1n 4•uch w11 eA1.-ep1 club' 9004 Automotive C.odllac '91 Alm.te C.-. lutd ~!toke. '!Oii top luw mi SQa<ko,l•n11. red 1111 mM~~ ~l.kk lthi r{) ~lloy whk fantai1.. 11111 new cood !"6 uw will dllll'Kldle •• ,.,..., Stl.995 v7!>427l Bk• 949 586 1888 Cervelt• '92 Cenv Wlule ot1e1n•I owner, low n11 •mmacul•te cond Sll /00 !>62712·4111 HONDA ACCORD '92 90k m1 all PWI Wlrld •<. Cd pl1yt1 llfW 1111 \ SS!>OO 080 pvl P•• Iv www.oqodll.com 89 C.0.-... Sedar! o.vm., low •ntle¥. ""' 0- """ •ondi!Jron "WK ~~ ~-S3axl ~646-J/.il .... .,. bf6or-'-· clc.-n 951<, 4wd, auto tow pki . l'1 M<\/tMI. N:.. tttw. Sl;JXl) 944-67l-2223 fOJtD U'lORlR '97 I dd1~ IJ,,u., ( d1l1on V6 •ulo 11hr ,eats td l llWOftf Q~K ITll. i•I conJ Sl'lOO nbo 949 689 ~2 949 S74 4744 HONDA CltV '00 Oroe1nal own~r 604' 1111 •Int • n11d. all pw1 $13 ~00 p11v.1let P"1Y 949-574-4244 Wedding Experifs SHOWCASE TOYOTA '91 llllR2 ' \fa1eo 'l>Xl\ ''' Well ma111l~d ~ I ""'" SJ500 obo 949 642 216!> 7?eoch ..J:?,000 Kead~•r, 111 \ .-r1 purl lJeoch, Jlo/600 J1/011d, ( 'osto .llresa. Coro11a def J!(ar. ~ ,..eaport C :oa.st. !Jr1n 'I miss oul on /his chanc:e lo 1u·omfll<' your ~p<trlise in lhil·j;efd/ 1-ull , '.1~e Halt Page .... Quarter Pagc- E1ghth P.1~<' \ • ,,,~ tht u ' .ad\''"°' 1.tl -.p.11 • \.1d,1lul1I\ Dai I .4} Pilot 7f16heal1•m /Jal" ro .. dn<!fflay. '/.,,,. • .! J, .!';f>I ''>t"" •. /J,.,u//111.• /r1</oy. y,,,,., / I '&t'H ~,;. .-r/tioal IJ.:arlftM 1.1.,d11,, irlu'I, 1 lt111•• / 1;, .lOIJ.I f'"""ll (JI J) 1)7.:.1--lJ irJ,, 1-m.111 ""'·' ~n J" .li ,@I 1li1111 ,.c1,m 2000 30' .... i..... hr rMI, Class C, sleeps 8, TV, VCJ, sl4t-out Mt- m.4356 94._SlS-D>S Mo1tercroft '9 S Sid i. .. 1 with tow~r \lrltl) custom 'ovr1 low hr'· profe~s1onallj noainhrned St/.900 ~? 71? 41 t I \ 9U Uh Taylor 1111111 Boal $600 or bt•I ,,tfer must ao by _,,k. l•t Selfs Ar1Ultb ~ lM 0'>4~ Sunday, May 30. 2004 89 TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE A~OSS 1 Jeopardy! CfMlOf 5 Run1 around a IOI 9 Hobbles along 14 Apple drink 19 Faint 20AC supply 21 Kayall user 22 Mult.ftude 23Pent 24 Aaky m•ne<al 25 Bushed 26 Etching fluids 27 Anguished wail 28 Old PC system 30 Revival shout 32 Cheerleader's feat 34 Tallor's concern 35 Plane\ warme1 36 Term ol respect 37 Rock-concen need 38 Veme ot SCl·h 39 Hwys 40Stacks 42 Overview (2 wds ) 45 Pipe io1nt 47Co 49 Distress signal 50 Matt Dtllon portrayer 52 Sing8f -Robbins 56 Long ago 59Gef or Fr 61 Operates a lerry 62Gourmet 64 Ancient Tokyo 65Season 66 Ca$pla0 Sea feeder 67 Makes 1ump 68 SPfeads Nl1\0fS 70 H1·Llh -' (hyph ) 71 Bands togettief 73 Day before 74 Welcome 75 CookboOk page 77 Fitzgerald ol 1azz 78 Nile goddess 79 Arctic t>ov1nes (2wds) tJll 140 148 1S2 820mens 85 Annan of tile U N 88 Rln!Jeott 89Cooll 91 Usual practiOe 95 Tnumphant cry 96 Most 1mtated 98 Post·worl<ou1 f..t1ng 99 Orchid and VIOiet 101 Reared 103 AuthOrs Henry and Philip 105 Cupboard part 106 Break·danoe muskl I 07 Assumption 108 Family members 109None 110 Atlas abbr 111 Early mo<ahst 112 Well above ground 114 Feminine pronoun 11 S Toga-party dehvery 117 CSA defender 119 Equal 122 Deco<ales a girt t 26 Cau!IOus 1 29 Not suitable 131 Greenhouse supply 132 Minuscule 134 Trail behind 135T1nt 136 Clown's prop 137 Fast Jets I 38 Chicago Whtie - 139 Stray dog I 40 Sports laetltty 142 "Oki MacDonald refrain 144 Outbacil mineral 146 London's nver 148 Fiiied wrth cargo 149 Funny -Burnell 150 Chenille item 151 Wreclls I 52 Hwrp1n curves 153 Come afterward 154 Ragout 155 Fteud s dauqhter DOWN 1 Tomorrow, to Juan 2 Omelet base 3 Weep ovei 4 Opera compoSflf 5 Ruby and gamet 6 Sp1nlts defeater 7 Leaves hastily 8 Shrimp entree 9 Turf 10 Notre Dame sight 11 Gauges 12 Strong colors 13 Pizazz 14 Talk casually 15 Gold Medal org 16 Snowbank 17 Murphy or Rabbitt 18 Takes a breather 19Prize 23 100-meter - 29 Eye poencally 31 Bake 1n sauce 33 Hobby ender 36 9·d191t 10 37 Exerted 38 Alaska's caprtal 39 Give telldbaci.. 4 1 Deep-dish dessert 43 Say 11 -so1• 44 Math course 46 Arab princes 48 Show appreciation 51 Get located 53Governs 54 Three rons lou111a n 550u. ano dci 56 Burg1ar 57 Scent 58 Thorny shrul• bO Unser .1110 Gt.J e 61Steeringa1,:i•t 63 Outburst or ov 65 In -(wlie•r> ft'l"'d 6b Kind of s4uJd 67 L1~e J riv.:r delta 69 lntmstate haulr>r 70 Oew1tchcs 72 Mox1e 75Wandered 7b Mem0<able times 78 Whal "vldi" means (2wds) BO Vegas machines 81 Abdul·Jabbar 83-and um 84 Thunder god BS SOfo•1ty lener 86 Chicago O"Po"I 87 Ta~1 riders 90Hovels ':J2 Lahr or Parl(s 93 011 OKporter 94 Sugar am1s 96 at (malign) '17 Principals problem 99 Part ot FYI 100Gaze 10~ Atlan19 ampus 104Doot bet --t 105 Bruc8 01 Laut a 108 ACIOC \JilOg"'S 109 Heras hubby I 10 E~a<: t 13 L1~e spaghell1 1 1 1 Nightclub t 16 Pcisturo grazer 1 t 6 Took the bait 1;>0Eng1nes 1.!1 Couple 1 :1 Certa 1n gr ad t ;!4 Lrver pastes 1l!1Nonc0rt"'S 1 ;>1, LarqeS1 mammal t ';?7 Myst•Qves 178 C.1na•IS I )I) S1~1pr s J rl 1 Jl Su•nu.; });';' i\I "'"lJ 1 17 9, "lt JJcirt 118 Oirl 111 lhH dragon I ICJ l 1.,11l1•1q I It B11r11 ii~ i.tJ l-11->h ~ullstitule 11., Arwr -V1cpoa 1 i 7 6a•tM11dn ·nv~de• 1 • 111 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS Service Directory I Carpentry ...;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A ZHAHDYMAH Accounting 1., •• 1.11 .. 1.c·· •• 1 ..... " rrnr1 10 RLAOLRS I .tlifo, 1H~ l;tw f~ '""''' 111,,1 t:Onhac t,..,, l1tkm~ tob•. tt1,1t IN ti J"-CKJ 1H ntt1tt' d.th1·I 11f 111.~lt·11.1l•.1 I 1 lh •·11•.1•d lly lht: n11t1 t1 l .,, ,, tlf' lt11f1 ' ""·''ct ·,t .• tf' l\W ~'\(\ l\''lUHt·• tt'\.\t Lfllf ltl1H•, llU fu+Jt' Uuu 11 ''" • nwufur 1h ,11 .u1vr-t r1-..1nr Ynu 1:10 ttuc, .. lhf' '1.\IU\ n t your lu .. n\td 1 'n t t:, t I" r "I www 1 \lh r" w,.i" ur HOil Ill t;SUi Unl1 'f'll\I d t flUlf.H lof~ I ftk 1111• t •I•• th.it lnt~I I~· .... 111•" ~'JOO mu,, 6 t.~•· lfl thflft tllVNf1 t•ntt•Ht .. th.ti Uo·v 1Ht.• 11 it fu •·u,rcJ t-v l)u t ·1nlt.1tlor\ S1•tr l or1·11•,1 BuAtd AJo Services . IAllOA ·~11~ • (ompetiTfvt !totes ~onvenienlfy lomed , on she ,tftlnsulo .. 1JlttSl.~e.dl 4 . •lkl•'ll 1'111• 1h.. ...., - ffll'•Jo..: lh~· 114 '""' h'Yo Carpet Cleaning 8ro"'"• Carpet S....,k• »Ol '·"i'I /IRI ·••~ fl• 1 •1 •N •,I"'" 1 "' th f,• h• .,.1 ~"'ti tf •Hff"t'(f /4) y1•,u• ,.lC) I Carpet Repair/Sales CAR'lT CARPET R· I HI' t ti h1r.. ' '•" t•W tt 111f toy '\Ill ,nb'\ 11111 .. t•• 11•' 'lot<} 4q1 O!O'> Computer Services 1n it... con•tn•MCe of your ~nrofl1u P.10>.J•"" A ,,,~,~ ~ \41 r;,,,o.roql.,.A"~' ""'f'V" ~,., ...... ,\ Llpq~ IS y .. 1 tip Po• t<>I '" Joel,~ '4•-S4&-t"7 Carpentry TRIM EXPERTS • Crown Molding •Baseboard • Door & Window Casing •Wainscoting • Wood floonng & more jl'( '6034881 949.916.8746 SEU ynm u11w1nttd 1ltms th1 ou&f• tl,.\lf1ed ERVICE Computer Services COMPUTER HELP! ' "1Vltt or l'.IWP 'llltOl1llt • At JGW llOft or olllcl • l'Cor Illa< ·~Ot*'Q •l~~,.~-­ ·-OSLt: .... -•Oii(> t~C-*'9 •OiM""' "' .. -•'1>1A5t,..,,..~ ... UC !Wt<.,. Orodum 10 ,.,.. Conoipul .. £.<p 714..() 12-1786 Conetete & Masonry lrfdt ltoclt Stone Tll• C1•X1Ptt. Pi\tO Cl<M!WdV r ll•P" BBQ Reh i'!>VI\ I •11 lwy /14 'j'j/ I~~ 'rof"Jlonal :JO Y..-. I • r>r""in; NI Ou""1P Wtrt Pio" C<•1oent Spel.i.llo\I Atl••d.lblll 714-61 S-90tt1. Tl I 0 GIN YOURHOMI tM,JtOVIMINT 'ROJICJ? C•ll a plumber 1rnint•1 hannyman 01 •ny ol th• e•ul \er vice' fisted heie 111 our service direcloryt lttl Sl t OCl\l SVC Pl OPtl r AN Hll P VOU IOOAV' Electrical Semca SllllAll JOI lll,IRT l ot.11 Qui<~ RnponH Hom, Vard & Oolk fl~ct ~Yr\ t •p Otn:311 Oecltl l -Z?'Jlf/O 949 650 1042 8.(.C. llecfrlc Low tJ<a.. loc ~I I (lflfr;>ell)r ntl Job 100 v11aM. tk• ,.ii loo hie. Rer, upllrl ·~t l#Cl0810700 (714)142-1410 Ve11lura Concrete & UCINSID CONTRACTOR Masonry 8111 ~ RICH k Nn pl> lr>O !Jn Al '8Vll>!S.' SIMI' Conctrlf' R"° Cnr1vi1 l•147U8 714 %':> 282( f!~palr remodel f~ns Cleaning Touch of Klass Fumf'Call F\pcrl 10 House Cleanlna 10 H"ll" in 011\ltlC\~ I tlcn-.ctl <\ 8,mdcd Prnlc•"nnJI tcum' ol\\li,lOl'<I 111 Your Hume (949) 548-0097 I rt"I" E'11mmte Rclrrtll{e" '>rnn~ CleMini 'i)'.1«1111• ~ ,_ l"'-949-64~3666 Decks -Stairs Walkways Waterproofing + Repairs Crank am. Dea Co. free Estunates 949-648-9356 floorinw'Tlle Conc1ete Staining Or1veway,/Wall1ways & Sidewalks 7f4·1J2""6J t••...i~e,mw CUSTOM Cltl.ATM lU ln<;i..tafltln \llrrP ceramt. mMbit '\1~ ( .... 1975 lal6120U Jpft /14 612 9'361 l1NCY ~ Rll>W9d R•crou1rn11 & ln">lllllllOn lll l OH.N 94'1 613 ~ 114 ~ /14 8ll:J.2031 Garden Ina/ Landscaplng -----DutyWorkl,md~C.IP• "' DIRTY aaoun SIOlll lloll1 Mil COll!lfft loll llW!t? ~ t:lllC*I ltMdlqt ..... 7 C.11 • ... ""'""'· ,..,.. ........ .. •-438·MD Eddi.Co Inc. REACH 80,000 HOMES ii GanlenlnG/ landscaplng House Cleaning ._,..,, c-td °'"'""' Tr .. Service, VArcl Svc Servlfll OC for 25yrs Cleanup Maintenanu. •~tut~ bos Free est So11nkl•1 Repa11. Haulln& 949 S48 (X1.)4 949 637 4113 (949)UD-1781 Tom'o Eur....-....... 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